BORROWER PLEDGE AGREEMENT

          This BORROWER PLEDGE AGREEMENT (as it may be amended, supplemented or
otherwise modified from time to time, this "AGREEMENT") is dated as of October
24, 1997 and entered into by and between TOTAL RENAL CARE HOLDINGS, INC., a
Delaware corporation ("PLEDGOR"), and THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as collateral agent
for and representative of (in such capacity herein called "COLLATERAL AGENT")
the REVOLVING LENDERS (as hereinafter defined), the TERM LENDERS (as hereinafter
defined), the REVOLVING AGENT (as hereinafter defined), the TERM AGENT (as
hereinafter defined), the ACKNOWLEDGING INTEREST RATE EXCHANGERS (as hereinafter
defined) and the ACKNOWLEDGING CURRENCY EXCHANGERS (as hereinafter defined).

                             PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS

          A.  Pledgor is the legal and beneficial owner of the shares of Stock
described in Schedule I annexed hereto and issued by the corporations named

          B.  Pledgor has entered into that certain Revolving Credit Agreement
dated as of October 24, 1997, with the financial institutions parties thereto
(the "REVOLVING LENDERS"), DLJ Capital Funding Inc., as Syndication Agent, First
Union National Bank, as Documentation Agent, and The Bank of New York, as
administrative agent (the "REVOLVING AGENT") (said Revolving Credit Agreement,
as it may hereafter be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to
time, being the "REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT"), pursuant to which the Revolving
Lenders have made certain commitments, subject to the terms and conditions set
forth in the Revolving Credit Agreement, to extend certain credit facilities to

          C.  Pledgor has entered into that certain Term Loan Agreement dated as
of October 24, 1997, with the financial institutions parties thereto (the "TERM
LENDERS"), DLJ Capital Funding Inc., as Syndication Agent, and The Bank of New
York, as administrative agent (the "TERM AGENT") (said Term Loan Agreement, as
it may hereafter be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to
time, being the "TERM LOAN AGREEMENT"), pursuant to which Term Lenders have
extended or will extend credit, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
the Term Loan Agreement, to Pledgor.

          D.  It is contemplated that the Pledgor may from time to time enter
into one or more Interest Rate Agreements with one or more Revolving Lenders or
Term Lenders or their respective Affiliates (collectively, the "INTEREST RATE
EXCHANGERS") and it is desired that the obligations of the Pledgor under such
Interest Rate Agreements, including the obligation to make payments in the event
of early termination thereunder, be secured by the collateral described
herein; provided 

that any Interest Rate Exchanger desiring the benefit of such security shall
deliver to the Collateral Agent an acknowledgement to the Intercreditor
Agreement executed by such Interest Rate Exchanger and the Pledgor, pursuant to
which such Interest Rate Exchanger agrees to be bound by the terms thereof. Each
Interest Rate Exchanger that has executed and delivered to the Collateral Agent
an acknowledgement to the Intercreditor Agreement is referred to herein as an
"ACKNOWLEDGING INTEREST RATE EXCHANGER", and each Interest Rate Agreement with
an Acknowledging Interest Rate Exchanger is referred to herein as a "SECURED

          E.  It is contemplated that the Pledgor may from time to time enter
into one or more Currency Agreements with one or more Revolving Lenders or Term
Lenders or their respective Affiliates (collectively, the "CURRENCY EXCHANGERS")
and it is desired that the obligations of the Pledgor under such Currency
Agreements, including the obligation to make payments in the event of early
termination thereunder be secured by the collateral described herein; provided
that any Currency Exchanger desiring the benefit of such security shall deliver
to the Collateral Agent an acknowledgement to the Intercreditor Agreement
executed by such Currency Exchanger and the Pledgor, pursuant to which such
Currency Exchanger agrees to be bound by the terms thereof.  Each Currency
Exchanger that has executed and delivered to the Collateral Agent an
acknowledgement to the Intercreditor Agreement is referred to herein as an
"ACKNOWLEDGING CURRENCY EXCHANGER" and each Currency Agreement with an
Acknowledging Currency Exchanger is referred to herein as a "SECURED CURRENCY

          F.  Collateral Agent has been appointed as collateral agent hereunder
pursuant to the Intercreditor Agreement by the Revolving Agent on behalf of the
Revolving Lenders, the Term Agent on behalf of the Term Lenders, and each
Interest Rate Exchanger and Currency Exchanger signing an acknowledgement to the
Intercreditor Agreement.

          G.  It is a condition precedent to the initial extensions of credit by
the Revolving Lenders under the Revolving Credit Agreement and the Term Lenders
under the Term Loan Agreement that Pledgor shall have granted the security
interests and undertaken the obligations contemplated by this Agreement.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and in order to
induce the Revolving Lenders to enter into the Revolving Credit Agreement and
make their respective loans to, and issue Letters of Credit for the account of,
the Pledgor, and to induce the Term Lenders to enter into the Term Loan
Agreement and make their respective loans to the Pledgor, Pledgor hereby agrees
with Collateral Agent as follows:

          SECTION 1.  DEFINITIONS.  Capitalized terms used herein without
definition shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Revolving Credit
Agreement and, if not defined in the Revolving Credit Agreement, the Term Loan
Agreement, in each case as in effect on the date hereof.  In addition, as used
in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless
the context otherwise requires:

          "DEFAULT" means any "Default" as defined in the Term Loan Agreement or
the Revolving Credit Agreement.

          "EVENT OF DEFAULT" means (i) any of the events specified in Section
9.1 of the Term Loan Agreement or Section 9.1 of the Revolving Credit Agreement,
provided that any requirement for the giving of notice, the lapse of time, or
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any other condition has been satisfied and (ii) following the payment in full of
all obligations under the Revolving Loan Documents and the Term Loan Documents,
any breach or violation of any Secured Interest Rate Agreement or Secured
Currency Agreement.

          "FINANCING DOCUMENTS" means the Revolving Loan Documents, the Term
Loan Documents, the Secured Interest Rate Agreements, the Secured Currency
Agreements, and all other documents and agreements executed and issued in
connection with the foregoing.

          "INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT" means the Intercreditor and Collateral
Agency Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, among the Revolving Agent, the
Term Agent and The Bank of New York, acting in its capacity as Collateral Agent
thereunder, each Acknowledging Interest Rate Exchanger and each Acknowledging
Currency Exchanger and the Loan Parties (as defined therein), as amended,
supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

          "REQUISITE OBLIGEES" has the meaning assigned thereto in the
Intercreditor Agreement.

          "REVOLVING LOAN DOCUMENTS" means the "Loan Documents" as defined in
the Revolving Credit Agreement.

          "SEC" means the Securities and Exchange Commission or any Governmental
Authority succeeding to the functions thereof.

          "SECURED PARTIES" means, collectively, the Collateral Agent, the
Revolving Agent, the Revolving Lenders, the Letter of Credit Issuer, the Term
Agent, the Term Lenders, the Acknowledging Interest Rate Exchangers and
Acknowledging Currency Exchangers.

          "TERM LOAN DOCUMENTS" means the "Loan Documents" as defined in the
Term Loan Agreement.

          SECTION 2.  PLEDGE OF SECURITY.  Pledgor hereby pledges and assigns to
Collateral Agent for its benefit and the benefit of the Secured Parties, and
hereby grants to Collateral Agent for its benefit and the benefit of the Secured
Parties, a security interest in, all of Pledgor's right, title and interest in
and to the following, in each case whether now owned or existing or hereafter
arising or acquired, whether tangible or intangible and wherever located (the

          (a) all shares of Stock of any Person that is on the date hereof or
hereafter becomes a First-Tier wholly-owned Subsidiary of Pledgor or a First-
Tier Domestic Subsidiary of Pledgor that is a 

Guarantor (whether or not wholly-owned by Pledgor) (such shares being the
"PLEDGED SHARES"), all securities convertible into and warrants, options and
other rights to purchase or otherwise acquire, any Pledged Shares, the
certificates or other instruments representing such Pledged Shares, securities,
warrants, options or other rights and any interest of Pledgor in the entries on
the books of any financial intermediary pertaining to such shares, and all
dividends, cash, warrants, rights, instruments and other property or proceeds
from time to time received, receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of or
in exchange for any or all of such Pledged Shares, securities, warrants, options
or other rights; provided that Pledgor shall not be required to pledge more than
the Maximum Percentage (as hereinafter defined) of the shares of Stock of any
Foreign Subsidiary;

          (b) all additional shares of, and all securities convertible into and
warrants, options and other rights to purchase or otherwise acquire, Stock of
any issuer of the Pledged Shares from time to time acquired by Pledgor in any
manner (which shares shall be deemed to be part of the Pledged Shares), the
certificates or other instruments representing such additional shares,
securities, warrants, options or other rights and any interest of Pledgor in the
entries on the books of any financial intermediary pertaining to such additional
shares, and all dividends, cash, warrants, rights, instruments and other
property or proceeds from time to time received, receivable or otherwise
distributed in respect of or in exchange for any or all of such additional
shares, securities, warrants, options or other rights;

          (c) to the extent not covered by clauses (a) through (b) above, all
proceeds of any or all of the foregoing Pledged Collateral.  For purposes of
this Agreement, the term "PROCEEDS" has the meaning assigned to it under Article
9 of the New York Uniform Commercial Code and to the extent not otherwise
included, shall include whatever is receivable or received when Pledged
Collateral or proceeds are sold, exchanged, collected or otherwise disposed of,
whether such disposition is voluntary or involuntary, and includes, without
limitation, proceeds of any indemnity or guaranty payable to Pledgor or
Collateral Agent from time to time with respect to any of the Pledged

          SECTION 3.  SECURITY FOR OBLIGATIONS.  This Agreement secures, and the
Pledged Collateral is collateral security for, the prompt payment or performance
in full when due, whether at stated maturity, by required prepayment,
declaration, acceleration, demand or otherwise (including the payment of amounts
that would become due but for the operation of the automatic stay under Section
362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. (S)362(a)), of all obligations and
liabilities of every nature of Pledgor now or hereafter existing under or
arising out of or in connection with the Financing Documents, whether for
principal, interest (including without limitation interest that, but for the
filing of a petition in bankruptcy with respect to Pledgor, would accrue on such
obligations), reimbursement of amounts drawn under Letters of Credit, fees,
expenses, indemnities or otherwise, whether voluntary or involuntary, direct or
indirect, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, whether or not
jointly owed with others, and whether or not from time to time decreased or
extinguished and later increased, created or incurred, and all or any portion of
such obligations or liabilities that are paid, to the extent all or any part of
such payment is avoided or recovered directly or indirectly from Collateral
Agent or any Secured

Party as a preference, fraudulent transfer or otherwise (all such obligations
and liabilities being the "UNDERLYING DEBT"), and all obligations of every
nature of Pledgor now or hereafter existing under this Agreement (all such
obligations of Pledgor, together with the Underlying Debt, being the "SECURED

          SECTION 4.  DELIVERY OF PLEDGED COLLATERAL.  All certificates or
instruments representing or evidencing the Pledged Collateral shall be delivered
to and held by or on behalf of Collateral Agent pursuant hereto and shall be in
suitable form for transfer by delivery or, as applicable, shall be accompanied
by Pledgor's endorsement, where necessary, or duly executed instruments of
transfer or assignment in blank, all in form and substance satisfactory to
Collateral Agent.  Collateral Agent shall have the right, at any time in its
discretion and without notice to Pledgor, to transfer to or to register in the
name of Collateral Agent or any of its nominees any or all of the Pledged
Collateral, subject only to the revocable rights specified in Section 8(a).  In
addition, Collateral Agent shall have the right at any time to exchange
certificates or instruments representing or evidencing Pledged Collateral for
certificates or instruments of smaller or larger denominations.

          Collateral Agent acknowledges that, notwithstanding Pledgor's
representation and warranty in Section 5(b) hereof, Pledgor may deliver to
Collateral Agent stock certificates, together with undated stock powers,
representing less than 100% (but no less than 66%) of the outstanding shares of
stock of the Foreign Subsidiaries; all outstanding shares of the Foreign
Subsidiaries being referred to herein as the "FOREIGN SHARES".  Because the
intent of Pledgor and Collateral Agent is to grant a security interest in a
percentage of the Foreign Shares equal to 66% or such other percentage as is the
maximum percentage of the Foreign Shares that can be pledged to the Collateral
Agent without constituting an investment of earnings in U.S. property under
Section 956 (or any successor provision) of the Code that would trigger an
increase in the gross income of Pledgor pursuant to Section 951 (or any
successor provision) of the Code (such percentage being the "MAXIMUM
PERCENTAGE"), Collateral Agent hereby confirms that the Pledged Shares of the
Foreign Subsidiaries shall refer only to, and the grants of security interests
created hereby shall extend only to, the Maximum Percentage of the Foreign

          If Collateral Agent shall take any action to foreclose on the Foreign
Shares, Collateral Agent hereby agrees to act only with regard to the Maximum
Percentage of the Foreign Shares; provided, however, that nothing herein shall
                                  --------  -------                           
preclude Collateral Agent from exercising the stock powers with respect to all
outstanding Foreign Shares to take such action as may be necessary to transfer
the Foreign Shares (the "REMAINING SHARES") to Pledgor or to such other person
or entity as Pledgor designates.  The parties hereto agree that Collateral Agent
has no fiduciary or other responsibilities or duties with regard to the
Remaining Shares and that Collateral Agent is serving only as custodian with
respect to the Remaining Shares.

          SECTION 5.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.  Pledgor represents and
warrants as follows:

          (a) Due Authorization, etc. of Pledged Collateral.  All of the Pledged
Shares have been duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and non-

          (b) Description of Pledged Collateral.  The Pledged Shares (other than
the Foreign Shares) constitute 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of
Stock of each First-Tier wholly-owned Domestic Subsidiary of the Pledgor, and
there are no outstanding warrants, options or other rights to purchase, or other
agreements outstanding with respect to, or property that is now or hereafter
convertible into, or that requires the issuance or sale of, any Pledged Shares.
The Pledged Shares (other than the Foreign Shares) constitute 100% of the
outstanding shares of such Domestic Subsidiary that have been issued to Pledgor,
and there are no outstanding warrants, options, or other rights to purchase, or
other agreements outstanding with respect to, or property that is now or
hereafter convertible into, or that requires the issuance or sale of, any such
Pledged Shares.  The Pledged Shares of each Foreign Subsidiary represent the
Maximum Percentage of the issued and outstanding shares of Stock of such Foreign

          (c) Ownership of Pledged Collateral.  Pledgor is the legal, record and
beneficial owner of the Pledged Collateral free and clear of any Lien except for
the security interest created by this Agreement and as otherwise permitted under
the Revolving Credit Agreement or the Term Loan Agreement, as the case may be.

          (d) Governmental Authorizations.  Except as may be disclosed on
Schedule 5(d) with respect to Pledged Shares of a Foreign Subsidiary (which
Schedule 5(d) may be supplemented from time to time in connection with a pledge
hereunder of Pledged Shares of a new Foreign Subsidiary) and provided that with
respect to any matters disclosed on Schedule 5(d) Pledgor shall as soon as
reasonably practicable obtain all such authorizations and approvals, make all
such notifications or filings and take all such other actions as may be so
disclosed and required under the laws governing such Foreign Subsidiary in
connection with the actions described in the following clauses (i)-(iii), no
authorization, approval or other action by, and no notice to or filing with, any
governmental authority or regulatory body is required for either (i) the pledge
by Pledgor of the Pledged Collateral pursuant to this Agreement and the grant by
Pledgor of the security interest granted hereby, (ii) the execution, delivery or
performance of this Agreement by Pledgor, or (iii) the exercise by Collateral
Agent of the voting or other rights, or the remedies in respect of the Pledged
Collateral, provided for in this Agreement (except as may be required in
connection with a disposition of Pledged Collateral by laws affecting the
offering and sale of securities generally).

          (e) Perfection.  The pledge of the Pledged Collateral pursuant to this
Agreement creates a valid and perfected and, except as otherwise permitted under
the Revolving Credit Agreement or the Term Loan Agreement, as the case may be,
first priority security interest in the Pledged Collateral, securing the payment
of the Secured Obligations.

          (f) Margin Regulations.  The pledge of the Pledged Collateral pursuant
to this Agreement does not violate Regulation G, T, U or X of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

          (g) Other Information.  All information heretofore, herein or
hereafter supplied to Collateral Agent by or on behalf of Pledgor with respect
to the Pledged Collateral is accurate and complete in all material respects.

ETC.  Pledgor shall:
- ----                

          (a) not, except as expressly permitted by Section 8.7 of the Revolving
Credit Agreement and Section 8.7 of the Term Loan Agreement, (i) sell, assign
(by operation of law or otherwise) or otherwise dispose of, or grant any option
with respect to, any of the Pledged Collateral, (ii) create or suffer to exist
any Lien upon or with respect to any of the Pledged Collateral, except for the
security interest under this Agreement, or (iii) permit any issuer of Pledged
Shares to merge or consolidate unless all the outstanding capital stock of the
surviving or resulting corporation is, upon such merger or consolidation,
pledged hereunder and no cash, securities or other property is distributed in
respect of the outstanding shares of any other constituent corporation; provided
that in the event Pledgor makes a sale or disposition permitted by the Revolving
Credit Agreement and the Term Loan Agreement and the assets subject to such sale
or disposition are Pledged Shares, Collateral Agent shall release the Pledged
Shares that are the subject of such sale or disposition to Pledgor free and
clear of the lien and security interest under this Agreement concurrently with
the consummation of such sale or disposition; provided, further that, as a
                                              --------  -------           
condition precedent to such release, Collateral Agent shall have received
evidence satisfactory to it that arrangements satisfactory to it have been made
for delivery to the Revolving Agent and the Term Agent of the proceeds of such
sale or disposition to the extent required by the Revolving Credit Agreement and
the Term Loan Agreement;

          (b) (i) cause each issuer of Pledged Shares not to issue any Stock or
other securities in addition to or in substitution for the Pledged Shares issued
by such issuer, except to Pledgor, and (ii) pledge hereunder, immediately upon
its acquisition (directly or indirectly) thereof, any and all additional shares
of Stock or other securities of each issuer of Pledged Shares, (iii) pledge
hereunder, immediately upon its acquisition (directly or indirectly) thereof,
any and all shares of Stock of any Person that, after the date of this
Agreement, becomes, as a result of any occurrence, a First-Tier wholly-owned
Domestic Subsidiary of Pledgor, and (iv) pledge hereunder, immediately upon its
acquisition (directly or indirectly) thereof, the Maximum Percentage of shares
of Stock or any Person that, after the date of this Agreement, becomes, as a
result of any occurrence, a First-Tier Foreign Subsidiary of Pledgor;

          (c) promptly notify Collateral Agent of any event of which Pledgor
becomes aware causing loss of the Pledged Collateral;

          (d) promptly deliver to Collateral Agent all written notices received
by it with respect to the Pledged Collateral; and

          (e) pay promptly when due all taxes, assessments and governmental
charges or levies imposed upon, and all claims against, the Pledged Collateral,
except to the extent the validity thereof is being contested in good faith;
provided that Pledgor shall in any event pay such taxes, assessments, charges,
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levies or claims not later than five days prior to the date of any proposed sale
under any judgment, writ or warrant of attachment entered or filed against
Pledgor or any of the Pledged Collateral as a result of the failure to make such


          (a) Pledgor agrees that from time to time, at the expense of Pledgor,
Pledgor will promptly execute and deliver all further instruments and documents,
and take all further action, that may be necessary or desirable, or that
Collateral Agent may request, in order to perfect and protect any security
interest granted or purported to be granted hereby or to enable Collateral Agent
to exercise and enforce its rights and remedies hereunder with respect to any
Pledged Collateral.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Pledgor
will:  (i) execute and file such financing or continuation statements, or
amendments thereto, and such other instruments or notices, as may be necessary
or desirable, or as Collateral Agent may request, in order to perfect and
preserve the security interests granted or purported to be granted hereby and
(ii) at Collateral Agent's request, appear in and defend any action or
proceeding that may affect Pledgor's title to or Collateral Agent's security
interest in all or any part of the Pledged Collateral.

          (b) Pledgor further agrees that it will, upon obtaining any additional
shares of Stock or other securities required to be pledged hereunder as provided
in Section 6, promptly (and in any event within thirty Business Days) deliver to
Collateral Agent a Pledge Amendment, duly executed by Pledgor, in substantially
the form of Schedule II annexed hereto (a "PLEDGE AMENDMENT"), in respect of the
additional Pledged Shares to be pledged pursuant to this Agreement.  Pledgor
hereby authorizes Collateral Agent to attach each Pledge Amendment to this
Agreement and agrees that all Pledged Shares listed on any Pledge Amendment
delivered to Collateral Agent shall for all purposes hereunder be considered
Pledged Collateral; provided that the failure of Pledgor to execute a Pledge
Amendment with respect to any additional Pledged Shares pledged pursuant to this
Agreement shall not impair the security interest of Collateral Agent therein or
otherwise adversely affect the rights and remedies of Collateral Agent hereunder
with respect thereto.


          (a) So long as no Event of Default shall have occurred and be

           (i) Pledgor shall be entitled to exercise any and all voting and
         other consensual rights pertaining to the Pledged Collateral or any
         part thereof for any purpose not inconsistent with the terms of this
         Agreement, the Revolving Credit Agreement or the Term Loan Agreement;
         provided, however, that Pledgor shall not exercise or refrain from
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         exercising any such right if Collateral Agent shall have notified
         Pledgor that, in Collateral Agent's judgment, such action would have a
         material adverse effect on the value of the Pledged Collateral or any
         part thereof; and provided, further, that Pledgor shall give Collateral
                           --------  -------
         Agent at least five Business Days' prior written notice of the manner
         in which it intends to exercise, or the reasons for refraining from
         exercising, any such right. It is understood, however, that neither (A)
         the voting by Pledgor of any Pledged Shares for or Pledgor's consent to
         the election of directors at a regularly scheduled annual or other
         meeting of stockholders or with respect to incidental matters at any
         such meeting nor (B) Pledgor's consent to or approval of any action
         otherwise permitted under this Agreement, 

         the Revolving Credit Agreement and the Term Loan Agreement shall be
         deemed inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, the Revolving
         Credit Agreement or the Term Loan Agreement within the meaning of this
         Section 8(a)(i), and no notice of any such voting or consent need be
         given to Collateral Agent;

           (ii) Pledgor shall be entitled to receive and retain, and to utilize
         free and clear of the lien of this Agreement, any and all dividends and
         interest paid in respect of the Pledged Collateral; provided, however,
                                                             --------  ------- 
         that any and all

                    (A) dividends and interest paid or payable other than in
                  cash in respect of, and instruments and other property
                  received, receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of,
                  or in exchange for, any Pledged Collateral,

                    (B) dividends and other distributions paid or payable in
                  cash in respect of any Pledged Collateral in connection with a
                  partial or total liquidation or dissolution or in connection
                  with a reduction of capital, capital surplus or paid-in-
                  surplus, and

                    (C) cash paid, payable or otherwise distributed in respect
                  of principal or in redemption of or in exchange for any
                  Pledged Collateral,

         shall be, and shall forthwith be delivered to Collateral Agent to hold
         as, Pledged Collateral and shall, if received by Pledgor, be received
         in trust for the benefit of Collateral Agent, be segregated from the
         other property or funds of Pledgor and be forthwith delivered to
         Collateral Agent as Pledged Collateral in the same form as so received
         (with all necessary indorsements); and

           (iii) Collateral Agent shall promptly execute and deliver (or
         cause to be executed and delivered) to Pledgor all such proxies,
         dividend payment orders and other instruments as Pledgor may from time
         to time reasonably request for the purpose of enabling Pledgor to
         exercise the voting and other consensual rights which it is entitled to
         exercise pursuant to paragraph (i) above and to receive the dividends,
         principal or interest payments which it is authorized to receive and
         retain pursuant to paragraph (ii) above.

          (b) Upon the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of

           (i) upon written notice from Collateral Agent to Pledgor, all rights
         of Pledgor to exercise the voting and other consensual rights which it
         would otherwise be entitled to exercise pursuant to Section 8(a)(i)
         shall cease, and all such rights shall thereupon become vested in
         Collateral Agent which shall thereupon have the sole right to exercise
         such voting and other consensual rights;

           (ii) all rights of Pledgor to receive the dividends and interest
         payments which it would otherwise be authorized to receive and retain
         pursuant to Section 8(a)(ii) shall cease, and all such rights shall
         thereupon become vested in Collateral Agent which shall thereupon have
         the sole right to receive and hold as Pledged Collateral such dividends
         and interest payments; and

           (iii) all dividends, principal and interest payments which are
         received by Pledgor contrary to the provisions of paragraph (ii) of
         this Section 8(b) shall be received in trust for the benefit of
         Collateral Agent, shall be segregated from other funds of Pledgor and
         shall forthwith be paid over to Collateral Agent as Pledged Collateral
         in the same form as so received (with any necessary indorsements).

          (c) In order to permit Collateral Agent to exercise the voting and
other consensual rights which it may be entitled to exercise pursuant to Section
8(b)(i) and to receive all dividends and other distributions which it may be
entitled to receive under Section 8(a)(ii) or Section 8(b)(ii), (i) Pledgor
shall promptly execute and deliver (or cause to be executed and delivered) to
Collateral Agent all such proxies, dividend payment orders and other instruments
as Collateral Agent may from time to time reasonably request and (ii) without
limiting the effect of the immediately preceding clause (i), Pledgor hereby
grants to Collateral Agent an irrevocable proxy to vote the Pledged Shares and
to exercise all other rights, powers, privileges and remedies to which a holder
of the Pledged Shares would be entitled (including, without limitation, giving
or withholding written consents of shareholders, calling special meetings of
shareholders and voting at such meetings), which proxy shall be effective,
automatically and without the necessity of any action (including any transfer of
any Pledged Shares on the record books of the issuer thereof) by any other
Person (including the issuer of the Pledged Shares or any officer or agent
thereof), upon the occurrence of an Event of Default and which proxy shall only
terminate upon the payment in full of the Secured Obligations.

hereby irrevocably appoints Collateral Agent as Pledgor's attorney-in-fact, with
full authority in the place and stead of Pledgor and in the name of Pledgor,
Collateral Agent or otherwise, from time to time in Collateral Agent's
discretion to take any action and to execute any instrument that Collateral
Agent may deem necessary or advisable to accomplish the purposes of this
Agreement, including without limitation:

          (a) to file one or more financing or continuation statements, or
amendments thereto, relative to all or any part of the Pledged Collateral
without the signature of Pledgor;

          (b) after and during the continuance of an Event of Default, to ask,
demand, collect, sue for, recover, compound, receive and give acquittance and
receipts for moneys due and to become due under or in respect of any of the
Pledged Collateral;

          (c) after and during the continuance of an Event of Default, to
receive, endorse and collect any instruments made payable to Pledgor
representing any dividend, principal or interest payment or other distribution
in respect of the Pledged Collateral or any part thereof and to give full
discharge for the same; and

          (d) after and during the continuance of an Event of Default, to file
any claims or take any action or institute any proceedings that Collateral Agent
may deem necessary or desirable for the 

collection of any of the Pledged Collateral or otherwise to enforce the rights
of Collateral Agent with respect to any of the Pledged Collateral.

          SECTION 10.  COLLATERAL AGENT MAY PERFORM.  If Pledgor fails to
perform any agreement contained herein after the period in which such
performance is required, Collateral Agent may itself perform, or cause
performance of, such agreement, and the expenses of Collateral Agent incurred in
connection therewith shall be payable by Pledgor under Section 15(b).

          SECTION 11.  STANDARD OF CARE.  The powers conferred on Collateral
Agent hereunder are solely to protect its interest in the Pledged Collateral and
shall not impose any duty upon it to exercise any such powers.  Except for the
exercise of reasonable care in the custody of any Pledged Collateral in its
possession and the accounting for moneys actually received by it hereunder,
Collateral Agent shall have no duty as to any Pledged Collateral, it being
understood that Collateral Agent shall have no responsibility for (a)
ascertaining or taking action with respect to calls, conversions, exchanges,
maturities, tenders or other matters relating to any Pledged Collateral, whether
or not Collateral Agent has or is deemed to have knowledge of such matters, (b)
taking any necessary steps (other than steps taken in accordance with the
standard of care set forth above to maintain possession of the Pledged
Collateral) to preserve rights against any parties with respect to any Pledged
Collateral, (c) taking any necessary steps to collect or realize upon the
Secured Obligations or any guarantee therefor, or any part thereof, or any of
the Pledged Collateral, or (d) initiating any action to protect the Pledged
Collateral against the possibility of a decline in market value.  Collateral
Agent shall be deemed to have exercised reasonable care in the custody and
preservation of Pledged Collateral in its possession if such Pledged Collateral
is accorded treatment substantially equal to that which Collateral Agent accords
its own property consisting of negotiable securities.

          SECTION 12.  REMEDIES.

          (a) If any Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing,
Collateral Agent may exercise in respect of the Pledged Collateral, in addition
to all other rights and remedies provided for herein or otherwise available to
it, all the rights and remedies of a secured party on default under the Uniform
Commercial Code as in effect in any relevant jurisdiction (the "UCC") (whether
or not the UCC applies to the affected Pledged Collateral), and Collateral Agent
may also in its sole discretion, without notice except as specified below, sell
the Pledged Collateral or any part thereof in one or more parcels at public or
private sale, at any exchange or broker's board or at any of Collateral Agent's
offices or elsewhere, for cash, on credit or for future delivery, at such time
or times and at such price or prices and upon such other terms as Collateral
Agent may deem commercially reasonable, irrespective of the impact of any such
sales on the market price of the Pledged Collateral.  Collateral Agent may be
the purchaser of any or all of the Pledged Collateral at any such public sale
and, to the extent permitted by law, private sale, and Collateral Agent, as
agent for and representative of Secured Parties (but not any Secured Party or
Secured Parties in its or their respective individual capacities unless
Requisite Obligees shall otherwise agree in writing), shall be entitled, for the
purpose of bidding and making settlement or payment of the purchase price for
all or any portion of the Pledged 

Collateral sold at any such public sale, to use and apply any of the Secured
Obligations as a credit on account of the purchase price for any Pledged
Collateral payable by Collateral Agent at such sale. Each purchaser at any such
sale shall hold the property sold absolutely free from any claim or right on the
part of Pledgor, and Pledgor hereby waives (to the extent permitted by
applicable law) all rights of redemption, stay and/or appraisal which it now has
or may at any time in the future have under any rule of law or statute now
existing or hereafter enacted. Pledgor agrees that, to the extent notice of sale
shall be required by law, at least ten days' notice to Pledgor of the time and
place of any public sale or the time after which any private sale is to be made
shall constitute reasonable notification. Collateral Agent shall not be
obligated to make any sale of Pledged Collateral regardless of notice of sale
having been given. Collateral Agent may adjourn any public or private sale from
time to time by announcement at the time and place fixed therefor, and such sale
may, without further notice, be made at the time and place to which it was so
adjourned. Pledgor hereby waives any claims against Collateral Agent arising by
reason of the fact that the price at which any Pledged Collateral may have been
sold at such a private sale was less than the price which might have been
obtained at a public sale, even if Collateral Agent accepts the first offer
received and does not offer such Pledged Collateral to more than one offeree. If
the proceeds of any sale or other disposition of the Pledged Collateral are
insufficient to pay all the Secured Obligations, Pledgor shall be liable for the
deficiency and the fees of any attorneys employed by Collateral Agent to collect
such deficiency.

          (b) Pledgor recognizes that, by reason of certain prohibitions
contained in the Securities Act of 1933, as from time to time amended (the
"SECURITIES ACT"), and applicable state securities laws, Collateral Agent may be
compelled, with respect to any sale of all or any part of the Pledged Collateral
conducted without prior registration or qualification of such Pledged Collateral
under the Securities Act and/or such state securities laws, to limit purchasers
to those who will agree, among other things, to acquire the Pledged Collateral
for their own account, for investment and not with a view to the distribution or
resale thereof. Pledgor acknowledges that any such private sales may be at
prices and on terms less favorable than those obtainable through a public sale
without such restrictions (including, without limitation, a public offering made
pursuant to a registration statement under the Securities Act) and,
notwithstanding such circumstances and the registration rights granted to
Collateral Agent by Pledgor pursuant to Section 13, Pledgor agrees that the
effect of the foregoing in respect of any such private sale shall not be deemed
per se to cause such private sale to have not been made in a commercially
- --- --              
reasonable manner and that Collateral Agent shall have no obligation to engage
in public sales and no obligation to delay the sale of any Pledged Collateral
for the period of time necessary to permit the issuer thereof to register it for
a form of public sale requiring registration under the Securities Act or under
applicable state securities laws, even if such issuer would, or should, agree to
so register it.

          (c) If Collateral Agent determines to exercise its right to sell any
or all of the Pledged Collateral, upon written request, Pledgor shall and shall
cause each issuer of any Pledged Shares to be sold hereunder from time to time
to furnish to Collateral Agent all such information as Collateral Agent may
request in order to determine the number of shares and other instruments
included in the Pledged Collateral which may be sold by Collateral Agent in
exempt transactions under the 

Securities Act and the rules and regulations of the SEC thereunder, as the same
are from time to time in effect.

          SECTION 13.  REGISTRATION RIGHTS.  If Collateral Agent shall determine
to exercise its right to sell all or any of the Pledged Collateral pursuant to
Section 12, Pledgor agrees that, upon request of Collateral Agent (which request
may be made by Collateral Agent in its sole discretion), Pledgor will, at its
own expense:

          (a) execute and deliver, and use its best efforts to cause each issuer
of the Pledged Collateral contemplated to be sold and the directors and officers
thereof to execute and deliver, all such instruments and documents, and do or
cause to be done all such other acts and things, as may be necessary or, in the
opinion of Collateral Agent, advisable to file a registration statement covering
such Pledged Collateral under the provisions of the Securities Act and to use
its best efforts to cause the registration statement relating thereto to become
effective and to remain effective for such period as prospectuses are required
by law to be furnished, and to make all amendments and supplements thereto and
to the related prospectus which, in the opinion of Collateral Agent, are
necessary or advisable, all in conformity with the requirements of the
Securities Act and the rules and regulations of the SEC applicable thereto;

          (b) use its best efforts to qualify the Pledged Collateral under all
applicable state securities or "Blue Sky" laws and to obtain all necessary
governmental approvals for the sale of the Pledged Collateral, as requested by
Collateral Agent;

          (c) cause each such issuer to make available to its security holders,
as soon as practicable, an earnings statement which will satisfy the provisions
of Section 11(a) of the Securities Act;

          (d) use its best efforts to do or cause to be done all such other acts
and things as may be necessary to make such sale of the Pledged Collateral or
any part thereof valid and binding and in compliance with applicable law; and

          (e) bear all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
of carrying out its obligations under this Section 13.

          Pledgor further agrees that a breach of any of the covenants contained
in this Section 13 will cause irreparable injury to Collateral Agent, that
Collateral Agent has no adequate remedy at law in respect of such breach and, as
a consequence, that each and every covenant contained in this Section 13 shall
be specifically enforceable against Pledgor, and Pledgor hereby waives and
agrees not to assert any defenses against an action for specific performance of
such covenants except for a defense that no default has occurred giving rise to
the Secured Obligations becoming due and payable prior to their stated
maturities.  Nothing in this Section 13 shall in any way alter the rights of
Collateral Agent under Section 12.

          SECTION 14.  APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS.  Except as expressly provided
elsewhere in this Agreement, all proceeds received by Collateral Agent in
respect of any sale of, collection from, 

or other realization upon all or any part of the Pledged Collateral may, in the
discretion of Collateral Agent, be held by Collateral Agent as Pledged
Collateral for, and/or then, or at any time thereafter, applied in full or in
part by Collateral Agent against, the Secured Obligations in the following order
of priority:

           FIRST:  To the payment of all costs and expenses of such sale,
         collection or other realization, including reasonable compensation to
         Collateral Agent and its agents and counsel, and all other expenses,
         liabilities and advances made or incurred by Collateral Agent in
         connection therewith, and all amounts for which Collateral Agent is
         entitled to indemnification hereunder and all advances made by
         Collateral Agent hereunder for the account of Pledgor, and to the
         payment of all costs and expenses paid or incurred by Collateral Agent
         in connection with the exercise of any right or remedy hereunder, all
         in accordance with Section 15;

           SECOND:  To the payment of all other Secured Obligations in the order
         described in Section 3 of the Intercreditor Agreement; and

           THIRD:  To the payment to or upon the order of Pledgor, or to
         whosoever may be lawfully entitled to receive the same or as a court of
         competent jurisdiction may direct, of any surplus then remaining from
         such proceeds.


          (a) Pledgor agrees to indemnify Collateral Agent and each other
Secured Party from and against any and all claims, losses and liabilities in any
way relating to, growing out of or resulting from this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby (including, without limitation, enforcement of
this Agreement), except to the extent such claims, losses or liabilities result
solely from Collateral Agent's or such other Secured Party's gross negligence or
willful misconduct as finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

          (b) Pledgor shall pay to Collateral Agent upon demand the amount of
any and all costs and expenses, including the reasonable fees and expenses of
its counsel and of any experts and agents, that Collateral Agent may incur in
connection with (i) the administration of this Agreement, (ii) the custody or
preservation of, or the sale of, collection from, or other realization upon, any
of the Pledged Collateral, (iii) the exercise or enforcement of any of the
rights of Collateral Agent hereunder, or (iv) the failure by Pledgor to perform
or observe any of the provisions hereof.

          (c) In the event of any public sale described in Section 13, Pledgor
agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Collateral Agent and each of Collateral
Agent's directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any loss,
fee, cost, expense, damage, liability or claim, joint or several, to which
Collateral Agent or such other persons may become subject or for which any of
them may be liable, under the Securities Act or otherwise, insofar as such
losses, fees, costs, expenses, damages, liabilities or claims (or any litigation
commenced or threatened in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon an
untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a 

material fact contained in any preliminary prospectus, registration statement,
prospectus or other such document published or filed in connection with such
public sale, or any amendment or supplement thereto, or arise out of or are
based upon the omission or alleged omission to state therein a material fact
required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
misleading, and will reimburse Collateral Agent and such other persons for any
legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by Collateral Agent and such other
persons in connection with any litigation, of any nature whatsoever, commenced
or threatened in respect thereof (including without limitation any and all fees,
costs and expenses whatsoever reasonably incurred by Collateral Agent and such
other persons and counsel for Collateral Agent and such other persons in
investigating, preparing for, defending against or providing evidence, producing
documents or taking any other action in respect of, any such commenced or
threatened litigation or any claims asserted). This indemnity shall be in
addition to any liability which Pledgor may otherwise have and shall extend upon
the same terms and conditions to each person, if any, that controls Collateral
Agent or such persons within the meaning of the Securities Act.

Agreement shall create a continuing security interest in the Pledged Collateral
and shall (a) remain in full force and effect until either (i) the payment in
full of all Secured Obligations, the cancellation or termination of the
Revolving Credit Commitments, the Swing Line Commitment, the Term Loan
Commitments and the cancellation or expiration of all outstanding Letters of
Credit or (ii) the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 17, (b) be
binding upon Pledgor, its successors and assigns, and (c) inure, together with
the rights and remedies of Collateral Agent hereunder, to the benefit of
Collateral Agent and its successors, transferees and assigns.  Without limiting
the generality of the foregoing clause (c), but subject to the provisions
of Section 11.7 of the Revolving Credit Agreement and Section 11.7 of the Term
Loan Agreement, any Secured Party may assign or otherwise transfer any Secured
Obligations held by it to any other Person, and such other Person shall
thereupon become vested with all the benefits in respect thereof granted to
Secured Parties herein or otherwise.  Upon either (i) the payment in full of all
Secured Obligations, the cancellation or termination of the Revolving Credit
Commitments, the Swing Line Commitment, the Term Loan Commitments and the
cancellation or expiration of all outstanding Letters of Credit or (ii) the
termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 17, the security interest
granted hereby shall terminate and all rights to the Pledged Collateral shall
revert to Pledgor.  Upon any such termination Collateral Agent will, at
Pledgor's expense, execute and deliver to Pledgor such documents as Pledgor
shall reasonably request to evidence such termination and Pledgor shall be
entitled to the return, upon its request and at its expense, against receipt and
without recourse to Collateral Agent, of such of the Pledged Collateral as shall
not have been sold or otherwise applied pursuant to the terms hereof.


          At any time after January 1, 1999, Pledgor may request the release of
the Pledged Collateral and the termination of the Collateral Agent's security
interest therein by delivering an officers' certificate from the Pledgor
certifying that (i) the Leverage Ratio (as such term is defined in the 

Revolving Credit Agreement) is less than 3.50:1.00 as calculated at the end of
each fiscal quarter for the immediately preceding four consecutive fiscal
quarters, (ii) no Default or Event of Default exists or would exist immediately
before or after giving effect to such release, and (iii) all representations and
warranties made by the Credit Parties in the Revolving Loan Documents and the
Term Loan Documents are true and correct on the date of such certificate
immediately before or after giving effect thereto as though made on that date,
except to the extent such representations and warranties specifically related to
an earlier date, in which case they were true and correct on such earlier date.
Upon receipt by the Collateral Agent of evidence satisfactory to it that the
foregoing certifications are true, the Collateral Agent will, at Pledgor's
expense, execute and deliver to Pledgor such documents as Pledgor shall
reasonably request to evidence the termination of the security interest granted
hereby and Pledgor shall be entitled to the return, upon its request and at its
expense, against receipt and without recourse to Collateral Agent, of such of
the Pledged Collateral as shall not have been sold or otherwise applied pursuant
to the terms hereof. Upon such receipt by Pledgor of such remaining Pledged
Collateral, the security interest granted hereby shall terminate and all rights
to the Pledged Collateral shall revert to Pledgor.


          (a) Collateral Agent has been appointed to act as Collateral Agent
hereunder pursuant to the Intercreditor Agreement by the Revolving Agent on
behalf of the Revolving Lenders, the Term Agent on behalf of the Term Lenders,
each Acknowledging Interest Rate Exchanger and each Acknowledging Currency
Exchanger, and shall be entitled to the benefits of the Intercreditor Agreement.
Collateral Agent shall be obligated, and shall have the right hereunder, to make
demands, to give notices, to exercise or refrain from exercising any rights,
and to take or refrain from taking any action (including, without limitation,
the release or substitution of Pledged Collateral), solely in accordance with
this Agreement, the Intercreditor Agreement and the Financing Documents.

          (b) The Collateral Agent may resign or be removed and a successor
Collateral Agent may be appointed in the manner provided in the Intercreditor
Agreement.  Resignation by the Collateral Agent pursuant to subsection 6(g) of
the Intercreditor Agreement shall also constitute notice of resignation as
Collateral Agent under this Agreement; removal of the Collateral Agent pursuant
to subsection 6(g) of the Intercreditor Agreement shall also constitute removal
as Collateral Agent under this Agreement; and appointment of a successor
Collateral Agent pursuant to subsection 6(g) of the Intercreditor Agreement
shall also constitute appointment of a successor Collateral Agent under this
Agreement.  Upon the acceptance of any appointment as Collateral Agent under
subsection 6(g) of the Intercreditor Agreement by a successor Collateral Agent,
that successor Collateral Agent shall thereupon succeed to and become vested
with all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the retiring or removed
Collateral Agent under this Agreement, and the retiring or removed Collateral
Agent under this Agreement shall promptly (i) transfer to such successor
Collateral Agent all sums, securities and other items of Collateral held
hereunder, together with all records and other documents necessary or
appropriate in connection with the performance of the duties of the successor
Collateral Agent under this Agreement, and 

(ii) execute and deliver to such successor Collateral Agent such amendments to
financing statements, and take such other actions, as may be necessary or
appropriate in connection with the assignment to such successor Collateral Agent
of the security interests created hereunder, whereupon such retiring or removed
Collateral Agent shall be discharged from its duties and obligations under this
Agreement. After any retiring or removed Collateral Agent's resignation or
removal hereunder as Collateral Agent, the provisions of this Agreement shall
inure to its benefit as to any actions taken or omitted to be taken by it under
this Agreement while it was Collateral Agent hereunder.

          SECTION 19.  AMENDMENTS; ETC.  No amendment, modification, termination
or waiver of any provision of this Agreement, and no consent to any departure by
Pledgor therefrom, shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in
writing and signed by Collateral Agent and, in the case of any such amendment or
modification, by Pledgor.  Any such waiver or consent shall be effective only in
the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which it was given.

          SECTION 20.  NOTICES.  Any notice or other communication herein
required or permitted to be given shall be in writing and may be personally
served, telexed or sent by telefacsimile or United States mail or courier
service and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered in person or by
courier service, upon receipt of telefacsimile or telex, or three Business Days
after depositing it in the United States mail with postage prepaid and properly
addressed.  For the purposes hereof, the address of each party hereto shall be
as set forth under such party's name on the signature pages hereof or, as to
either party, such other address as shall be designated by such party in a
written notice delivered to the other party hereto.

No failure or delay on the part of Collateral Agent in the exercise of any
power, right or privilege hereunder shall impair such power, right or privilege
or be construed to be a waiver of any default or acquiescence therein, nor shall
any single or partial exercise of any such power, right or privilege preclude
any other or further exercise thereof or of any other power, right or privilege.
All rights and remedies existing under this Agreement are cumulative to, and not
exclusive of, any rights or remedies otherwise available.

          SECTION 22.  SEVERABILITY.  In case any provision in or obligation
under this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
provisions or obligations, or of such provision or obligation in any other
jurisdiction, shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

          SECTION 23.  HEADINGS.  Section and subsection headings in this
Agreement are included herein for convenience of reference only and shall not
constitute a part of this Agreement for any other purpose or be given any
substantive effect.


defined herein, terms used in Articles 8 and 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code in
the State of New York are used herein as therein defined.

agrees that service of all process in any such proceeding in any such court may
be made by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to Pledgor at
its address as provided in Section 20, such service being hereby acknowledged by
Pledgor to be sufficient for personal jurisdiction in any action against Pledgor
in any such court and to be otherwise effective and binding service in every
respect. Pledgor further designates and appoints CT Corporation System, and such
other Persons as may hereafter be selected by Pledgor irrevocably agreeing in
writing to so serve, as its agent to receive on its behalf service of all
process in any such proceedings in any such court, such service being hereby
acknowledged by Pledgor to be effective and binding service in every respect.
Nothing herein shall affect the right to serve process in any other manner
permitted by law or shall limit the right of Collateral Agent to bring
proceedings against Pledgor in the courts of any other jurisdiction.

intended to be all-encompassing of any and all disputes that may be filed in any
court and that relate to the subject matter of this transaction, including
without limitation contract claims, tort claims, breach of duty claims, and all
other common law and statutory claims.  Pledgor and Collateral Agent each
acknowledge that this waiver is a material inducement for Pledgor and Collateral
Agent to enter into a business relationship, that Pledgor and Collateral Agent
have already relied on this waiver in entering into this Agreement and that each
will continue to rely on this waiver in their related future dealings.  Pledgor
and Collateral Agent further warrant and represent that each has reviewed this
waiver with its legal counsel, 

and that each knowingly and voluntarily waives its jury trial rights following
consultation with legal counsel. THIS WAIVER IS IRREVOCABLE, MEANING THAT IT MAY
In the event of litigation, this Agreement may be filed as a written consent to
a trial by the court.

          SECTION 27.  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one or
more counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each
of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an original, but all
such counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument;
signature pages may be detached from multiple separate counterparts and attached
to a single counterpart so that all signature pages are physically attached to
the same document.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pledgor and Collateral Agent have caused this
Agreement to be duly executed and delivered by their respective officers
thereunto duly authorized as of the date first written above.

                           TOTAL RENAL CARE HOLDINGS, INC.

                           By: __________________________

                                    Notice Address:

                           Total Renal Care Holdings, Inc.
                           21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. 800
                           Torrance, CA 90503-5517
                           Attention: John E. King
                           Vice President, Finance
                           Telephone: (310) 792-2600
                           Fax: (310) 792-8928

                           THE BANK OF NEW YORK,
                           as Collateral Agent

                           By: __________________________

                                  Notice Address:

                           The Bank of New York, as Collateral Agent
                           One Wall Street
                           Agency Function Administration
                           18th Floor
                           New York, New York 10286
                           Attention: Kalyani Bose
                           Telephone: (212) 635-4693
                           Fax: (212) 635-6365 or 6366 or 6367

                           with a copy to:

                           The Bank of New York, as Collateral Agent
                           10990 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1125
                           Los Angeles, California 90024
                           Attention: Rebecca K. Levine
                           Vice President
                           Telephone: (310) 996-8659
                           Fax: (310) 996-8667

                                   SCHEDULE I

          Attached to and forming a part of the Borrower Pledge Agreement dated
as of October 24, 1997 between Total Renal Care Holdings, Inc., as Pledgor, and
The Bank of New York, as Collateral Agent.

                                 Class of     Stock Certificate         Par       Number of              
Stock Issuer                      Stock            Nos.                Value       Shares                
- ------------                     --------     -----------------        -----      ---------              
Total Renal Care, Inc.         Common Stock           1                 None          100                
Total Renal Care                                                                                         
Acquisition Corp.              Common Stock           1                 $0.01         100                 

                                  SCHEDULE II

                                PLEDGE AMENDMENT

          This Pledge Amendment, dated as of____________, __, is delivered
pursuant to Section 7(b) of the Pledge Agreement referred to below.  The
undersigned hereby agrees that this Pledge Amendment may be attached to the
Borrower Pledge Agreement dated as of October 24, 1997, between the undersigned
and The Bank of New York, as Collateral Agent (the "BORROWER PLEDGE AGREEMENT,"
capitalized terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined), and
that the Pledged Shares listed on this Pledge Amendment shall be deemed to be
part of the Pledged Shares and shall become part of the Pledged Collateral and
shall secure all Secured Obligations.

                              [NAME OF PLEDGOR]

                              By: ___________________________

                                 Class of     Stock Certificate         Par       Number of              
Stock Issuer                      Stock            Nos.                Value       Shares                
- ------------                     --------     -----------------        -----      ---------