FORM OF ENROLLMENT/CHANGE FORM


                                              COMPS.COM, INC.
                                 1999 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN ("ESPP")
                                           ENROLLMENT/CHANGE FORM

SECTION 1:    Action                                            Complete Sections:
              ------                                            -----------------
ACTIONS       [_]  New Enrollment                               2, 3, 7 and sign attached Stock Purchase Agreement
              [_]  Payroll Deduction Change                     2, 4, 7
              [_]  Terminate Payroll Deductions                 2, 5, 7
              [_]  Leave of Absence                             2, 6, 7
SECTION 2:    Name              
PERSONNEL                            Last                      First             MI                 Dept.
              Home Address      

                                     City                      State                                Zip Code
              Social Security #
                                  ----------------    --------    ---------------
SECTION 3:    Effective with the Purchase                      Payroll Deduction Amount: ___________% of cash earnings*
              Interval Beginning:                                                                              
NEW           [_]  First Business Day of February, ______      * Must be a multiple of 1% up to a maximum of 10% of cash
ENROLLMENT    [_]  First Business Day of August, ______          earnings
              [_]  Initial Offering Period   
SECTION 4:    Effective with the                               I authorize the following new level of payroll deduction:
PAYROLL       Pay Period Beginning:                             ___________% of cash earnings*
DEDUCTION                          --------------------------- * Must be a multiple of 1% up to a maximum of 10% of 
CHANGE                             Month,   Day   and   Year     cash earnings     
              NOTE:  You may reduce your rate of payroll deductions once per 6-month purchase interval to become 
                     effective as soon as possible following the filing of the change form.  You may also increase your
                     rate of payroll deductions to become effective as of the start date of the next 6-month interval 
                     (first business day of February or August).
SECTION 5:    Effective with the                               Your election to terminate your payroll deductions for 
TERMINATE     Pay Period Beginning:                            the balance of the offering period cannot be changed, 
PAYROLL                            --------------------------- and you may not rejoin the offering period at a later 
DEDUCTIONS                         Month,   Day   and   Year   date.  You will not be able to resume participation in
                                                               the ESPP until the start of the next offering period.

              In connection with my voluntary termination of payroll deductions, I elect the following action 
              regarding my ESPP payroll deductions to date in the current purchase interval:
              [_]  Purchase shares of COMPS.COM, INC. at the end of the purchase interval
              [_]  Refund ESPP payroll deductions collected
              NOTE:  If your employment terminates for any reason or your eligibility status changes (greater than 
                     20 hrs/week or greater than 5 months/year), you will immediately cease to participate in the ESPP, 
                     and your ESPP payroll deductions collected in that purchase interval will automatically be refunded
                     to you.
SECTION 6:    In connection with my leave of absence, I elect the following action with respect to my ESPP payroll
              deductions to date in the current purchase interval:
LEAVE OF      
ABSENCE       [_]  Purchase shares of COMPS.COM, INC. at the end of the purchase interval
              [_]  Refund ESPP payroll deductions collected
              NOTE:  If you take an unpaid leave of absence, your payroll deductions will immediately cease.  If you
                     return to active status within 90 days after the start of your leave, your payroll deductions 
                     will at that time automatically resume at the rate in effect for you when your leave began.
AUTHORIZATION        I hereby authorize the specific action or actions indicated above.

- --------------------------                                      --------------------------------------------------------
        Date                                                                    Signature of Employee