Exhibit 10.43
Form 3200-21                    UNITED STATES                      Serial Number CA 11385
 (May 1974)               DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR               USGS - KGRA Determination:
                          BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT

                          GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES LEASE               Parcel 12
                          /X/ Competitive   / / Noncompetitive     Coso KGRA

In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, and the grant
made hereby, this lease is entered into by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
(hereinafter called the "Lessor"), acting through the Bureau of Land Management
(hereinafter called the "Bureau") of the Department of the Interior (hereinafter
called the "Department"), and The City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and
Power, Post Office Box 111, Los Angeles, California (hereinafter called the

This lease is made pursuant to the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1566;
30 U.S.C. 1001-1025) (hereinafter called "the Act") to be effective on February
1, 1982 (hereinafter called the "effective date").  It is subject to all the
provisions of the Act and to all the terms, conditions, and requirements of (a)
all regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter called
"the Secretary") in existence upon the effective date, specifically including,
but not limited to, 43 CFR Parts 3000 and 3200 and 30 CFR Parts 270 and 271, (b)
all geothermal resources operational orders (hereinafter called "GRO orders")
issued pursuant thereto, all of which are incorporated herein and by reference
made a part hereof, and (c) any regulations hereafter issued by the Secretary
(except those inconsistent with any specific provisions of this lease other than
regulations incorporated herein by reference) all of which shall be, upon their
effective date, incorporated herein and, by reference, made a part hereof.

Sec. 1.  GRANT -- The Lessor hereby grants and leases to the Lessee the
exclusive right and privilege to drill for, extract, produce, remove, utilize,
sell, and dispose of geothermal steam and associated geothermal resources,
(hereinafter called "geothermal resources"), in or under the following described
lands situated within the County of Inyo, State of California:
                                    ----           ----------

          National Resource Lands                       Acquired Lands
T.  21 S.; R. 38 E.; Mount Diablo        Meridian   T.  ; R.;         Meridian
     Sec. 36.

T. 22 S., R. 38 E.,
     Sec. 1, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, S1/2N1/2, S1/2

T. 21 S., R. 39 E.,
     Sec. 31, lots 1 to 4, inclusive, E1/2,

T. 22 S., R. 39 E.,
     Sec. 6, lots 1 to 7, inclusive, S1/2 NE1/4,
          SE1/4NW1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, N1/2SE1/4.

     Total Area 2,430.95                                Total Area

Containing 2,430.95 acres (hereinafter called the "leased area" or "leased
lands"), together with:
     (a)  The nonexclusive right to conduct within the leased area geological
and geophysical exploration in accordance with applicable regulations; and
     (b)  The right to construct or erect and to use, operate, and maintain
within the leased area, together with ingress and egress thereupon all wells,
pumps, pipes, pipelines, buildings, plants, sumps, brine pits, reservoirs,
tanks, waterworks, pumping stations, roads, electric power generating plants,
transmission lines, industrial facilities, electric, telegraph or telephone
lines, and such other works and structures and to use so much of the surface of
the land as may be necessary or reasonably convenient for the production,
utilization, and processing of geothermal resources or to the full enjoyment of
the rights granted by this lease, subject to compliance with applicable laws and
regulations; Provided that, although the use of the leased area for an electric
power generating plant or transmission facilities or a commercial or industrial
facility is authorized hereunder, the location of such facilities and the terms
of occupancy therefor shall be under separate instruments issued under any
applicable laws and regulations; and
     (c)  The nonexclusive right to drill potable water wells in accordance with
state water laws within the leased area and to use the water produced therefrom
for operations on the leased lands free of cost, provided that such drilling and
development are

conducted in accordance with procedures approved by the Supervisor of the
Geological Survey (hereinafter called "Supervisor"); and
     (d)  The right to convert this lease to a mineral lease under the Mineral
Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, as amended, and supplemented (30 U.S.C. 181-
287) or under the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands (30 U.S.C. 351-359),
whichever is appropriate, if the leasehold is primarily valuable for the
production of one or more valuable by-products which are leasable under those
statutes, and the lease is incapable of commercial production or utilization of
geothermal steam; Provided that, an application is made therefor prior to the
expiration of the lease extension by reason of by-product production as
hereinafter provided and subject to all the terms and conditions of said
appropriate Acts.  The Lessee is also granted the right to locate mineral
deposits under the mining laws (30 U.S.C. 21-54), which would constitute by-
products if commercial production or utilization of geothermal steam continued,
but such a location to be valid must be completed within ninety (90) days after
the termination of this lease.   Any conversion of this lease to a mineral lease
or a mining claim is contingent on the availability of such lands for this
purpose at the time of the conversion.  If the lands are withdrawn or acquired
in aid of a function of any Federal Department or agency, the mineral lease or
mining claim shall be subject to such additional terms and conditions as may be
prescribed by such Department or agency for the purpose of making operations
thereon consistent with the purposes for which these lands are administered; and
     (e)  The right, without the payment of royalties hereunder, to reinject
into the leased lands geothermal resources and condensates to the extent that
such resources and condensates are not utilized, but their reinjection is
necessary for operations under this lease in the recovering or processing of
geothermal resources.  If the Lessee, pursuant to any approved plan, disposes of
the unusable brine and produced waste products into underlying formations, he
may do so without the payment of royalties.

Sec. 2.  TERM

     (a)  This lease shall be for a primary term of ten (10) years from the
effective date and so long thereafter as geothermal steam is produced or
utilized in commercial quantities but shall in no event continue for more than
forty (40) years after the end of the primary term.  However, if at the end of
that forty-year period geothermal steam is being produced or utilized in
commercial quantities, and the leased lands are not needed for other purposes,
the Lessee shall have a preferential right to a renewal of this lease for a
second forty-year term in accordance with such terms and conditions as the
Lessor deems appropriate.
     (b)  If actual drilling operations are commenced on the leased lands or
under an approved plan or agreement on behalf  of the leased lands prior to the
end of the primary term, and are being diligently prosecuted at the end of the
primary term, this lease shall be extended for five (5) years and so long
thereafter, but not more than thirty-five (35) years, as geothermal steam is
produced or utilized in commercial quantities.  If at the end of such extended
term geothermal steam is being produced or utilized in commercial quantities,
the Lessee shall have a preferential right to a renewal for a second term as in
(a) above.
     (c)  If the Lessor determines at any time after the primary term that this
lease is incapable of commercial production and utilization of geothermal steam,
but one or more valuable by-products are or can be produced in commercial
quantities, this lease shall be extended for so long as such by-products are
produced in commercial quantities but not for more than five (5) years from the
date of such determination.


     (a)  Annual Rental -- For each lease year prior to the commencement of
production of geothermal resources in commercial quantities on the leased lands,
the Lessee shall pay the Lessor on or before the anniversary date of the lease a
rental of $2.00 for each acre or fraction thereof.
     (b)  Escalating Rental -- Beginning with the sixth lease year and for each
year thereafter until the lease year beginning on or after the commencement of
production of geothermal resources in commercial quantities, the Lessee shall
pay on or before the anniversary date of the lease an escalated rental in an
amount per acre or fraction thereof equal to the rental per acre for the
preceding year and an additional sum of one (1) dollar per acre or fraction
thereof.  If the lease is extended beyond ten (10) years for reasons other than
the commencement of production of geothermal resources in commercial quantities,
the rental for the eleventh year and for such lease year thereafter until the
lease year beginning on or after the commencement of such production will be the
amount of rental for the tenth lease year.  If any expenditures are made in any
lease year for diligent exploration on the leased lands in excess of the minimum
required expenditures for that year, the excess may be credited against any
rentals in excess of $2.00 per acre or fraction thereof due the Lessor for that
or any future year.
     (c)  Royalty -- On or before the last day of the calendar month after the
month of commencement of production in commercial quantities of geothermal
resources and thereafter on a monthly basis, the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor:
          (1)  A royalty of 10 percent on the amount or value of steam, or any
other form of heat or other associated energy produced, processed, removed,
sold, or utilized from this lease or reasonably susceptible to sale or
utilization by the Lessee.
          (2)  A royalty of 5 percent of the value of any by-product derived
from production under this lease, produced, processed, removed, sold, or
utilized from this lease or reasonably susceptible of sale or utilization by the
Lessee, except that as to any by-product which is a mineral named in Sec. 1 of
the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, as amended, (30 U.S.C. 181), the
rate of royalty for such mineral shall be the same as that provided in that
statute and the maximum rate of royalty for such mineral shall not exceed the
maximum royalty applicable under that statute.
          (3)  A royalty of 5 percent of the value of commercially demineralized
water which has been produced from the leased lands, and has been sold or
utilized by the Lessee or is reasonably susceptible of sale or utilization by
the Lessee.  In no


event shall the Lessee pay to the Lessor, for the lease year
beginning on or after the commencement of production in commercial quantities on
the leased lands or any subsequent lease year, a royalty of less than two (2)
dollars per acre or fraction thereof.  If royalty paid in production during the
lease year has not satisfied this requirement, the Lessee shall pay the
difference on or before the expiration date of the lease year for which it was
     (d)  Waiver and Suspension of Rental and Royalties -- Rentals or royalties
may be waived, suspended, or reduced pursuant to the applicable regulations on
the entire leasehold or any portion thereof in the interest of conservation or
for the purpose of encouraging the greatest ultimate recovery of geothermal
resources if the Lessor determines that it is necessary to do so to promote such
development, or because the lease cannot be successfully operated under the
terms fixed herein.
     (e)  Undivided Fractional Interests -- Where the interest of the Lessor in
the geothermal resources underlying any tract or tracts described in Sec. 1 is
an undivided fractional interest, the rentals and royalties payable on account
of each such tract shall be in the same proportion to the rentals and royalties
provided in this lease as the individual fractional interest of the Lessor in
the geothermal resources underlying such tract is to the full fee interest.
     (f)  Readjustments -- Rentals and royalties hereunder may be readjusted in
accordance with the Act and regulations to rates not in excess of the rates
provided therein, and at not less than twenty (20) year intervals beginning
thirty-five (35) years after the date geothermal steam is produced from the
lease as determined by the Supervisor.

Sec. 4.  PAYMENTS -- It is expressly understood that the Secretary may establish
the values and minimum values of geothermal resources to compute royalties in
accordance with the applicable regulations.  Unless otherwise directed by the
Secretary, all payments to the Lessor will be made as required by the
regulations.  If there is no well on the leased lands capable of producing
geothermal resources in commercial quantities, the failure to pay rental on or
before the anniversary date shall cause the lease to terminate by operation of
law except as provided by Sec. 3244.2 of the regulations.  If the time for
payment falls on the day on which the proper office to receive payment is
closed, payment shall be deemed to be made on time if made on the next official
working day.

Sec. 5.  BONDS -- The Lessee shall file with the Authorized Officer of the
Bureau (hereinafter called the "Authorized Officer") shall maintain at all times
the bonds required under the regulations to be furnished as a condition to the
issuance of this lease or prior to entry on the leased lands in the amounts
established by the Lessor and to furnish such additional bonds or security as
may be required by the Lessor upon entry on the lands or after operations or
production have begun.

Sec. 6.  WELLS

     (a)  The Lessee shall drill and produce all wells necessary to protect the
leased land from drainage by operations on lands not the property of the Lessor,
or other lands of the Lessor leased at a lower royalty rate, or on lands as to
which royalties and rentals are paid into different funds from those into which
royalties under this lease are paid.  However, in lieu of any part of such
drilling and production, with the consent of the supervisor, the Lessee may
compensate the Lessor in full each month for the estimated loss of royalty
through drainage in the amount determined by said supervisor.
     (b)  At the Lessee's election, and with the approval of the Supervisor, the
Lessee shall drill and produce other wells in conformity with any system of well
spacing or production allotments affecting the field or area in which the leased
lands are situated, which is authorized by applicable law.
     (c)  After due notice in writing, the Lessee shall diligently drill and
produce such wells as the supervisor shall require so that the leased lands may
be properly and timely developed and for the production of geothermal steam and
its by-products, including commercially demineralized water for beneficial uses
in accordance with applicable state laws.  However, the supervisor may waive or
modify the requirements of this subparagraph (c) in the interest of conservation
of natural resources or for economic feasibility or other reasons satisfactory
to him.  If the products or by-products of geothermal production from wells
drilled on this lease are susceptible of producing commercially demineralized
water for beneficial uses, and a program therefor is not initiated with due
diligence, the Lessor may at its option elect to take such products or by-
products and the Lessee shall deliver all or any portion thereof to the Lessor
at any point in the Lessee's geothermal gathering or disposal system without
cost to the Lessee, if the Lessee's activities, under the lease, would not be
impaired and such delivery would otherwise be consistent with field and
operational requirements.  The retention of this option by the Lessor shall in
no way relieve the Lessee from the duty of producing commercially demineralized
water where required to do so by the Lessor, except when the option is being
exercised and then only with respect to wells where it is being exercised, or
limit the Lessor's right to take any action under Sec. 25 to enforce that

Sec. 7.  INSPECTION -- The Lessee shall keep open at all reasonable times for
the inspection of any duly authorized representative of the Lessor the leased
lands and all wells, improvements, machinery, and fixtures thereon and all
production reports, maps, records, books, and accounts relative to operations
under the lease, and well logs, surveys, or investigations of the leased lands.

Sec. 8.  CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS -- The Lessee shall conduct all operations under
this lease in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable
statutes, regulations, and GRO orders, and all other appropriate directives of
the Lessor to prevent


bodily injury, danger to life or health, or property
damage, and to avoid the waste of resources, and shall comply with all
requirements which are set forth in 43 CFR Group 3200, including, but not
limited to, Subpart 3204, or which may be prescribed by the Lessor pursuant to
the regulations, and with the special stipulations which are attached to the
lease, all of which are specifically incorporated into this lease.  A breach of
any term of this lease, including the stipulations attached hereto, will be
subject to all the provisions of this lease with respect to remedies in case of
default.  Where any stipulation is inconsistent with a regular provision of this
lease, the stipulation shall govern.


     (a)  The Lessee shall be liable to the Lessor for any damage suffered by
the Lessor in any way arising from or connected with the Lessee's activities and
operations conducted pursuant to this lease, except where damage is caused by
employees of the Lessor acting within the scope of their authority.
     (b)  The Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor from all
claims arising from or connected with the Lessee's activities and operations
under this lease.
     (c)  In any case where liability without fault is imposed on the Lessee
pursuant to this section, and the damages involved were caused by the action of
a third party, the rules of subrogation shall apply in accordance with the law
of the jurisdiction where the damage occurred.

with the supervisor not later than thirty (30) days after the effective date
thereof any contract, or evidence of other arrangement for the sale or disposal
of geothermal resources.

Sec. 11.  ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE OR INTEREST THEREIN -- Within ninety (90) days
from the date of execution thereof, the Lessee shall file for approval by the
Authorized Officer any instruments of transfer made of this lease or of any
interest therein, including assignments of record title and working or other

Sec. 12.  REPORTS AND OTHER INFORMATION -- At such times and in such form as the
Lessor may prescribe, the Lessee shall comply with all reporting requirements of
the geothermal resource leasing, operating, and unit regulations and shall
submit quarterly reports containing the data which it has collected through the
monitoring of air, land, and water quality and all other data pertaining to the
effect on the environment by operations under the lease.  The Lessee shall also
comply with such other reporting requirements as may be imposed by the
Authorized Officer or the Supervisor.  The Lessor may release to the general
public any reports, maps, or other information submitted by the Lessee except
geologic and geophysical interpretations, maps, or data subject to 30 CFR 270.79
or unless the Lessee shall designate that information as proprietary and the
Supervisor or the Authorized Officer shall approve that designation.

Sec. 13.  DILIGENT EXPLORATION -- In the manner required by the regulations, the
Lessee shall diligently explore the leased lands for geothermal resources until
there is production in commercial quantities applicable to this lease.  After
the fifth year of the primary term, the Lessee shall make at least the minimum
expenditures required to qualify the operations on the leased lands as diligent
exploration under the regulations.

- - The Lessee shall take all mitigating actions required by the Lessor to
prevent:  (a) soil erosion or damage to crops or other vegetative cover on
Federal or non-Federal lands in the vicinity; (b) the pollution of land, air or
water; (c) land subsidence, seismic activity, or noise emissions; (d) damage to
aesthetic and recreational values; (e) damage to fish or wildlife or their
habitats; (f) damage to or removal of improvements owned by the United States or
other parties; or (g) damage to or destruction or loss of fossils, historic or
prehistoric ruins, or artifacts.  Prior to the termination of bond liability or
at any other time when required and to the extent deemed necessary by the
Lessor, the Lessee shall reclaim all surface disturbances as required, remove or
cover all debris or solid waste, and, so far as possible, repair the offsite and
onsite damage caused by his activity or activities incidental thereto, and
return access roads or trails and the leased lands to an acceptable condition
including the removal of structures, if required.  The Supervisor or the
Authorized Officer shall prescribe the steps to be taken by Lessee to protect
the surface and the environment and for the restoration of the leased lands and
other lands affected by operations on the leased lands and improvements thereon,
whether or not the improvements are owned by the United States.  Timber or
mineral materials may be obtained only on terms and conditions imposed by the
Authorized Officer.

Sec. 15.  WASTE -- The Lessee shall use all reasonable precautions to prevent
waste of natural resources and energy, including geothermal resources, or of any
minerals, and to prevent the communication of water or brine zones with any oil,
gas, fresh water, or other gas or water bearing formations or zones which would
threaten destruction or damage to such deposits.  The Lessee shall monitor
noise, air, and water quality conditions in accordance with any orders of the


Sec. 16.  MEASUREMENT -- The Lessee shall gauge or otherwise measure all
production, sales, or utilization of geothermal resources and shall record the
same accurately in records as required by the Supervisor.  Reports on
production, sales, or utilization of geothermal resources shall be submitted in
accordance with the terms of this lease and the regulations.

Sec. 17.  RESERVATIONS TO LESSOR -- All rights in the leased area not granted to
the Lessee by this lease are hereby reserved to the Lessor. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing such reserved rights include:

     (a)  Disposal -- The right to sell or otherwise dispose of the surface of
the leased lands or any resource in the leased lands under existing laws, or
laws hereafter enacted, subject to the rights of the Lessee under this lease;
     (b)  Rights-of-way -- The right to authorize geological and geophysical
explorations on the leased lands which do not interfere with or endanger actual
operations under this lease, and the right to grant such easements or rights-of-
way for joint or several use upon, through or in the leased area for steam lines
and other public or private purposes which do not interfere with or endanger
actual operations or facilities constructed under this lease;
     (c)  Mineral Rights -- The ownership of and the right to extract oil,
hydrocarbon gas, and helium from all geothermal steam and associated geothermal
resources produced from the leased lands;
     (d)  Casing -- The right to acquire the well and casing at the fair market
value of the casing where the Lessee finds only potable water, and such water is
not required in lease operations; and
     (e)  Measurements -- The right to measure geothermal resources and to
sample any production thereof.

immediately bring to the attention of the Authorized Officer any antiquities or
other objects of historic or scientific interest, including but not limited to
historic or prehistoric ruins, fossils, or artifacts discovered as a result of
operations under this lease, and shall leave such discoveries intact. Failure to
comply with any of the terms and conditions imposed by the Authorized Officer
with regards to the preservation of antiquities may constitute a violation of
the Antiquities Act (16 U.S.C. 431-433).  Prior to operations, the Lessee shall
furnish to the Authorized Officer a certified statement that either no
archaeological values exist or that they may exist on the leased lands to the
best of the Lessee's knowledge and belief and that they might be impaired by
geothermal operations.  If the Lessee furnishes a statement that archaeological
values may  exist where the land is to be disturbed or occupied, the Lessee will
engage a qualified archaeologist, acceptable to the Authorized Officer, to
survey and salvage, in advance of any operations, such archaeological values on
the lands involved.  The responsibility for the cost for the certificate,
survey, and salvage will be borne by the Lessee, and such salvaged property
shall remain the property of the Lessor or the surface owner.

Sec. 19.  DIRECTIONAL DRILLING -- A directional well drilled under the leased
area from a surface location on nearby land not covered by the lease shall be
deemed to have the same effect for all purposes of this lease as a well drilled
from a surface location on the leased area.  In such circumstances, drilling
shall be considered to have been commenced on the nearby land for the purposes
of this lease, and production of geothermal resources from the leased area
through any directional well located on nearby land, or drilling or reworking of
any such directional well shall be considered production or drilling or
reworking operations (as the case may be) on the leased area for all purposes of
this lease.  Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as granting to
the Lessee any right in any land outside the leased area.

Sec. 20.  OVERRIDING ROYALTIES -- The Lessee shall not create overriding
royalties of less than one-quarter (1/4) of one percent of the value of output
nor in excess of 50 percent of the rate of royalty due to the Lessor specified
in Sec. 3 of this lease except as otherwise authorized by the regulations.  The
Lessee expressly agrees that the creation of any overriding royalty which does
not provide for the prorated reduction of all overriding royalties so that the
aggregate rate of royalties does not exceed the maximum rate permissible under
this section, or the failure to suspend an overriding royalty during any period
when the royalties due to the Lessor have been suspended pursuant to the terms
of this lease, shall constitute a violation of the lease terms.

Sec. 21.  READJUSTMENT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS -- The terms and conditions of
this lease other than those related to rentals and royalties may be readjusted
in accordance with the Act at not less than ten-year intervals beginning ten
(10) years after the date geothermal steam is produced from the leased premises
as determined by the Supervisor.

Sec. 22.  COOPERATIVE OR UNIT PLAN -- The Lessee agrees that it will on its own,
or at the request of the Lessor where it is determined to be necessary for the
conservation of the resource or to prevent the waste of the resource, subscribe
to and operate under any reasonable cooperative or unit plan for the development
and operation of the area, field, or pool, or part thereof embracing the lands
subject to this lease as the Secretary may determine to be practicable and
necessary or advisable in the interest of conservation.  In the event the leased
lands are included within a unit, the terms of this lease shall be deemed to be
modified to conform to such unit agreement.  Where any provision of a
cooperative or unit plan of development which has been approved by the
Secretary, and which by its terms affects the leased area or any part thereof,
is inconsistent with a provision of this lease, the provisions of such
cooperative or unit plan shall govern.


Sec. 23.  RELINQUISHMENT OF LEASE -- The Lessee may relinquish this entire lease
or any officially designated subdivision of the leased area in accordance with
the regulations by filing in the proper BLM office a written relinquishment, in
triplicate, which shall be effective as of the date of filing.  No
relinquishment of this lease or any portion of the leased area shall relieve the
Lessee or its surety from any liability for breach of any obligation of this
lease, including the obligation to make payment of all accrued rentals and
royalties and to place all wells in the leased lands to be relinquished in
condition for suspension or abandonment, and to protect or restore substantially
the surface or subsurface resources in a manner satisfactory to the Lessor.


     (a)  Upon the termination or expiration of this lease in whole or in part,
or the relinquishment of the lease in whole or in part, as herein provided, the
Lessee shall within a period of ninety (90) days (or such longer period as the
supervisor may authorize because of adverse climatic conditions) thereafter
remove from the leased lands, no longer subject to the lease all structures,
machinery, equipment, tools, and materials in accordance with applicable
regulations and orders of the Supervisor. However, the Lessee shall, for a
period of not more than six (6) months, continue to maintain any such property
needed in the relinquished area, as determined by the Supervisor, for producing
wells or for drilling or producing geothermal resources on other leases.
     (b)  Any structures, machinery, equipment, tools, appliances, and
materials, subject to removal by the Lessee, as provided above, which are
allowed to remain on the leased lands shall become the property of the Lessor on
expiration of the 90-day period or any extension of that period which may be
granted by the Supervisor.  If the Supervisor directs the Lessee to remove such
property, the Lessee shall do so at its own expense, or if it fails to do so
within a reasonable period, the Lessor may do so at the Lessee's expense.


     (a)  Whenever the Lessee fails to comply with any of the provisions of the
Act, or the terms and stipulations of this lease, or of the regulations issued
under the Act, or of any order issued pursuant to those regulations, and that
default shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after service of notice
by the Lessor, the Lessor may (1) suspend operations until the requested action
is taken to correct the noncompliance, or (2) cancel the lease in accordance
with Sec. 12 of the Act (30 U.S.C. 1011).  However, the 30-day notice provision
applicable to this lease under Sec. 12 of the Act shall also apply as a
prerequisite to the institute of any legal proceedings by the Lessor to cancel
this lease while it is in a producing status.  Nothing in this subsection shall
be construed to apply to, or require any notice with respect to any legal action
instituted by the Lessor other than an action to cancel the lease pursuant to
Sec. 12 of the Act.
     (b)  Whenever the Lessee fails to comply with any of the provisions of the
Act, or of this lease, or the regulations, or of any GRO Orders, or other
orders, and immediate action is required, the Lessor without waiting for action
by the Lessee may enter on the leased lands and take such measures as it may
deem necessary to correct the failure, including a suspension of operations or
production, all at the expense of the Lessee.
     (c)  A waiver of any particular violation of the provisions of the Act, or
of this lease, or of any regulations promulgated by the Secretary under the Act,
shall not prevent the cancellation of this lease or the exercise of any other
remedy or remedies under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section by reason of any
other such violation, or for the same violation occuring at any other time.
     (d)  Nothing herein shall limit or affect the Lessee's right to a hearing
and appeal as provided in Sec. 12 of the Act and in the regulations promulgated
     (e)  Upon cancellation, the Lessee shall remove all property in accordance
with Sec. 24 hereof, and shall restore the leased lands in a manner acceptable
to the Lessor or as may be otherwise required by the Lessor.

Sec. 26.  HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST -- Each obligation hereunder shall
extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit hereof shall inure to, the
heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, of the respective
parties hereto.

Sec. 27.  UNLAWFUL INTEREST -- No Member of, or Delegate to Congress, or
Resident Commissioner, after his election or appointment, either before or after
he has qualified, and during his continuance in office, and no officer, agent,
or employee of the Department shall be admitted to any share or part in this
lease or derive any benefit that may arise therefrom; and the provisions of Sec.
3741 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. Sec. 22), as amended, and Sections 431,
432, and 433 of Title 18 of the United States Code, relating to contracts made
or entered into, or accepted by or on behalf of the United States, form a part
of this lease so far as the same may be applicable.

Sec. 28.  MONOPOLY AND FAIR PRICES -- The Lessor reserves full power and
authority to protect the public interest by promulgating and enforcing all
orders necessary to insure the sale of the production from the leased lands at
reasonable prices, to prevent monopoly, and to safeguard the public interest.

Sec. 29.  EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE -- The Lessee agrees that, during the
performance of this contract:
     (1)  The Lessee will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.  The
Lessee will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and
that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin.  Such action shall include, but not


be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer;
recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or
other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including
apprenticeship. The Lessee agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to
employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Lessor
setting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity clause.
     (2)  The Lessee will, in all solicitations or advertisements for the
employees placed by or on behalf of the Lessee, state that all qualified
applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin.
     (3)  The Lessee will send to each labor union or representative of workers
with which Lessee has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or
understanding, a notice, to be provided by the Lessor, advising the labor union
or workers' representative of the Lessee's commitments under this Equal
Opportunity clause, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places
available to employees and applicants for employment.
     (4)  The Lessee will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No.
11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended, and of the rules, regulations, and
relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor.
     (5)  The Lessee will furnish all information and reports required by
Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended, and by the rules,
regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will
permit access to its books, records, and accounts by the Secretary of the
Interior and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain
compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders.
     (6)  In the event of the Lessee's noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity
clause of this lease or with any of said rules, regulations, or orders, this
lease may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the
Lessee may be declared ineligible for further Federal Government contracts or
leases in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of
September 24, 1965, as amended, and such other sanctions as may be imposed and
remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965,
as amended, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as
otherwise provided by law.
     (7)  The Lessee will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7)
of this Section (29) in every contract, subcontract or purchase order unless
exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued
pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as
amended, so that such provisions will be binding upon each contractor,
subcontractor, or subcontract, or purchase order as the Secretary may direct as
a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance;
provided, however, that in the event the Lessee becomes involved in, or is
threatened with, litigation with a contractor, subcontractor, or vendor as a
result of such direction by the Secretary, the Lessee may request the Lessor to
enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the Lessor.

lease, the Lessee certifies that it does not and will not maintain or provide
for its employees any segregated facilities at any of its establishments, and
that it does not and will not permit its employees to perform their services at
any location, under its control, where segregated facilities are maintained.
The Lessee agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the
Equal Opportunity clause of this lease.  As used in this certificate, the term
"segregated facilities" means, but is not limited to, any waiting rooms, work
areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, or restaurants or other eating areas, time
clocks, or locker rooms, and other storage or dressing rooms, parking lots,
drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and
housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit
directive, or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or
national origin because of habit, local custom, or otherwise.   Lessee further
agrees that (except where it has obtained identical certifications from proposed
contractors and subcontractors for specific time periods) it will obtain
identical certifications from proposed contractors and subcontractors prior to
the award of contracts or subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt
from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause; that it will retain such
certifications in its files; and that it will forward the following
certification to such proposed contractors and subcontractors (except where the
proposed contractor or subcontractor has submitted identical certifications for
specific time periods); it will notify prospective contractors and
subcontractors of requirement for certification of nonsegregated facilities.  A
Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities, as required by the May 9, 1967 Order
(32 F.R. 7439, May 19, 1967) on Elimination of Segregated Facilities, by the
Secretary of Labor, must be submitted prior to the award of a contract or
subcontract exceeding $10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the
Equal Opportunity clause.  The certification may be submitted either for each
contract and subcontract or for all contracts and subcontracts during a period
(i.e., quarterly, semiannually, or annually).

Sec. 31.  SPECIAL STIPULATIONS -- (stipulations, if any, are attached hereto and
made a part hereof)

                          See Attachments "A" and "B".


In witness whereof the parties have executed this lease.
Lessee:                                  THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Lessor:

- ------------------------------------       -----------------------------------
        (Signature of Lessee)                     (Authorized Officer)

                                         Chief, Minerals Section
- ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
        (Signature of Lessee)                           (Title)
              12-31-81                               JAN 13, 1982
- ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
               (Date)                                   (Date)



Form 3000.3                         UNITED STATES                                                 FORM APPROVED
(March 1991)                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                                      OMB NO. 1004-0034
                              BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT                                 Expires:  July 31, 1992

                       ASSIGNMENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A                                Lease Serial No.
                LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES                                       CACA-11384

                  Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.)                      Lease Effective Date
                  Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351-359)                         (Anniversary Date)
                  Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025)                           February 1, 1982
     Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508)
                                                                                                 New Serial No.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              PART A:  ASSIGNMENT

1.   Assignee*                  Coso Land Company
     Street                     302 South 36th Street, Suite 400
     City, State, ZIP Code      Omaha, Nebraska  68131

     * If more than one assignee, check here / / and list the name(s) and
       address(es) of all additional assignees on the reverse of this form or on
       a separate attached sheet of paper.

     This record title assignment is for: (Check one) / / Oil and Gas Lease, or
     /X/ Geothermal Lease

     Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) /X/ Record Title,
     / / Overriding Royalty, payment out of
         production or other similar interests or

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.   This assignment conveys the following interest:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                            Percent of
                                                                                       Overriding Royalty
                Land Description                     Percent of Interest              or Similar Interests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------             ----------------------
Additional space on reverse, if needed.  Do not      Owned  Conveyed  Retained       Reserved    Previously
submit documents or agreements other than                                                        reserved
this form; such documents or agreements                                                          or conveyed
shall only be referenced herein.

                      a                          b              c           d            e              f
- ---------------------- -------------------------- -------------- ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------------
Township 22 South, Range 38 East, M.D.M.        100%           100%         0            0              0
- ----------------------------------------

Section 11:  E/2
Section 12:  All
Section 13:  All
Section 14:  E/2

Township 22 South, Range 39 East, M.D.M.
- ----------------------------------------
Section 7:  Lots 1-4, inclusive, E/2W/2
Section 18:  Lots 1-4, inclusive, E/2W/2
Inyo County, California
Total Acres:  2555.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         FOR BLM USE ONLY -- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE
                                                     UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

This assignment is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds
legal or equitable title to this lease.
/X/ Assignment approved for above described lands;                    / / Assignment approved for attached land description

Assignment approved effective  JAN 1 1988                             / / Assignment approved for land description indicated on
                                                                          reverse of this form

                                                                      CHIEF BRANCH OF ENERGY                        JAN 8 1988
By                                                                    AND MINERAL SCIENCE & ADJUDICATION
 ------------------------------------------------                     --------------------------------------------------------
