(File Nos. 2-91362 and 811-4040)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
      [ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
      [ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
      [X] Definitive Proxy Statement
      [ ] Definitive Additional Materials
      [ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

      [X] No fee required
      [ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
          and 0-11

           1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
           2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
           3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
              pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
              the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
           4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
           5) Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1) Amount Previously Paid:
      2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
      3) Filing Party:
      4) Date Filed:



                                   NOTICE OF

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                 March 16, 2000

To the Shareholders:

      Notice  is  hereby  given  that  a  special  meeting  of  shareholders  of
PaineWebber  Low Duration U. S.  Government  Income Fund  ("Fund"),  a series of
PaineWebber  Managed  Investments  Trust,  will be held  at 1285  Avenue  of the
Americas,  14th floor, New York, New York 10019 on March 16, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.,
Eastern time, or as adjourned from time to time  ("Meeting"),  for the following

      I.    To approve or disapprove a new sub-advisory contract with
            Pacific Investment Management Company;

      II.   To approve or  disapprove  a policy to permit the Board of  Trustees
            ("Board")  to  appoint  and  terminate   sub-advisers,   enter  into
            sub-advisory  contracts,  and  approve  amendments  to  sub-advisory
            contracts  on  behalf  of  the  Fund  without  further   shareholder
            approval; and

      III.  To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the

      After careful consideration,  the Board approved each of the proposals and
recommends that shareholders vote "FOR" each proposal.

      The  matters  referred  to above  are  discussed  in  detail  in the proxy
statement  attached to this notice. The Board has fixed the close of business on
January  21, 2000 as the record date for  determining  shareholders  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the  Meeting.  Each share of the Fund is  entitled to
one vote with respect to proposals on which the Fund's shareholders are entitled
to vote, with fractional votes for fractional shares.

      Regardless  of  whether  you plan to  attend  the  Meeting,  which you are
you have  returned a proxy card or voted via  telephone  or the Internet and are
present at the  Meeting,  you may change the vote  previously  specified at that
time. However, attendance in person at the Meeting, by itself, will not revoke a
previously tendered proxy.

                                          By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                          Dianne E. O'Donnell

51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY  10019-6114
February 15, 2000

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                       NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN

      Please indicate your voting  instructions on the enclosed proxy card, sign
and date the card and return it in the envelope provided.  IF YOU SIGN, DATE AND
"FOR" THE PROPOSALS DESCRIBED ABOVE. In order to avoid the additional expense of
further  solicitation,  we ask your  cooperation  in  mailing  your  proxy  card
promptly.  As an alternative to using the paper proxy card to vote, you may vote
shares that are registered in your name, as well as shares held in "street name"
through a broker,  via the Internet or  telephone.  To vote in this manner,  you
will need the 14-digit "control" number(s) that appear on your proxy card(s).

      To vote via the Internet, please access  https://vote.proxy-direct.com  on
the World  Wide Web and  follow the  on-screen  instructions.

      You may also call 1-888-634-9904 and vote by telephone.

      If we do not receive your completed  proxy cards after several weeks,  you
may be contacted by our proxy solicitor, Shareholder Communications Corporation.
Our proxy solicitor will remind you to vote your shares or will record your vote
over the phone if you choose to vote in that manner.


      The  following  general rules for signing proxy cards may be of assistance
to you and avoid the time and expense to the Fund  involved in  validating  your
vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

      1.  INDIVIDUAL  ACCOUNTS:  Sign your name  exactly  as it  appears  in the
registration on the proxy card.

      2.  JOINT  ACCOUNTS:  Either  party  may  sign,  but the name of the party
signing  should  conform  exactly to the name shown in the  registration  on the
proxy card.

      3.  ALL OTHER  ACCOUNTS:  The capacity of the individual signing the proxy
card should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For

                                  Registration                             Valid Signature
                                  ------------                             ---------------

     Corporate Accounts
     (1)   ABC Corp...........................................       ABC Corp.
                                                                     John Doe, Treasurer
     (2)   ABC Corp...........................................       John Doe, Treasurer
     (3)   ABC Corp. c/o John Doe, Treasurer..................       John Doe
     (4)   ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan......................       John Doe, Trustee

     Partnership Accounts
     (1)   The XYZ Partnership................................       Jane B. Smith, Partner
     (2)   Smith and Jones, Limited Partnership...............       Jane B. Smith, General Partner

     Trust Accounts
     (1)   ABC Trust Account..................................       Jane B. Doe, Trustee
     (2)   Jane B. Doe, Trustee u/t/d 12/28/78                       Jane B. Doe

     Custodial or Estate Accounts
     (1)   John B. Smith, Cust. f/b/o
           John B. Smith, Jr., UGMA/UTMA......................       John B. Smith
     (2)   Estate of John B. Smith............................       John B. Smith, Jr., Executor



                                 PROXY STATEMENT


      This proxy  statement  and enclosed  form of proxy are being  furnished in
OF PAINEWEBBER  MANAGED INVESTMENTS TRUST ("Trust") for use at a special meeting
("Fund"), a series of the Trust, to be held at 1285 Avenue of the Americas, 14th
floor,  New York, NY 10019 on March 16, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern time, or as
adjourned from time to time ("Meeting"), for the purposes set forth below. It is
anticipated   that  the  first  mailing  of  proxies  and  proxy  statements  to
shareholders will be on or about February 16, 2000.

      The Board is soliciting proxies from shareholders of the Fund with respect
to the following proposals:

      I.    To approve or disapprove a new sub-advisory contract with
            Pacific Investment Management Company;

      II.   To approve or disapprove a policy to permit the Board to appoint and
            terminate  sub-advisers,  enter  into  sub-advisory  contracts,  and
            approve  amendments to sub-advisory  contracts on behalf of the Fund
            without further shareholder approval; and

      III.  To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the

      Shareholders  of record at the  close of  business  on  January  21,  2000
("Record  Date") are  entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the  Meeting.  Each
shareholder is entitled to one vote for each full share,  and a fractional  vote
for each fractional share held. If you give no voting instructions,  your shares
will be voted "FOR" the proposals described in this proxy statement. Information
about the vote  necessary  with respect to each  proposal is discussed  below in
connection with the proposal.

      Timely,   properly  executed  proxies  will  be  voted  as  instructed  by
shareholders. A shareholder may revoke his or her proxy at any time prior to its
exercise by written  notice  received by the  Secretary of the Fund prior to the
Meeting or by voting in person at the  Meeting.  To be  effective,  the  written
notice  must  include  the  shareholder's  name and  account  number and must be

addressed to the Fund at the principal  executive offices of the Fund at 51 West
52nd Street, New York, New York 10019-6114.  Attendance in person at the Meeting
by itself will not revoke a previously tendered proxy.

      The  presence  in person or by proxy of the  holders of a majority  of the
outstanding  shares  of the Fund is  required  to  constitute  a  quorum  at the
Meeting.  Shares held by shareholders  present in person or represented by proxy
at the Meeting will be counted both for the purposes of determining the presence
of a quorum and for calculating the votes cast on the issues before the Meeting.

      Broker  "non-votes"  are proxies  from brokers or nominees as to which (a)
instructions  have not been received from the beneficial  owner or other persons
entitled to vote shares on a  particular  matter and (b) the brokers or nominees
do not have discretionary  voting power on a particular matter.  Abstentions and
broker  non-votes  will be counted as shares present for purposes of determining
whether a quorum is present but will not be voted for or against any adjournment
or proposal.  Thus,  abstentions  and  non-votes  will have the same effect as a
negative vote on adjournment and on the proposals, which require the affirmative
vote of a specified portion of the Fund's  outstanding  shares.  Pursuant to the
rules and policies of the New York Stock  Exchange,  members of the Exchange may
vote on  certain  of the  proposals  to be  considered  at the  Meeting  without
instructions from the beneficial owners of the Fund's shares.

      In the absence of a quorum or in the event that a quorum is present at the
Meeting but  sufficient  votes to approve any  proposal  are not  received,  the
persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to
permit  further  solicitation  of  proxies or to obtain  the vote  required  for
approval  of one or more  proposals.  Any  such  adjournment  will  require  the
affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares  represented  at the Meeting in
person or by proxy.  The persons  named as proxies will vote those proxies which
they are entitled to vote "FOR" the proposal in favor of such an adjournment and
will vote those proxies  required to be voted "AGAINST" the proposal against any
such  adjournment.  A shareholder  vote may be taken prior to any adjournment of
the Meeting on any  proposal for which there are  sufficient  votes for approval
and it is  otherwise  appropriate,  even though the Meeting is  adjourned  as to
other proposals.

      As of the  Record  Date,  the Fund had  69,537,745  shares  issued and
outstanding,  consisting of 41,279,000 Class A shares, 2,247,951 Class B
shares, 25,200,038 Class C shares and 810,757 Class Y shares.

YORK 10019-6114, OR BY CALLING 1-800-647-1568.



      INTRODUCTION.  Since October 1994, Pacific  Investment  Management Company
("PIMCO")  has  served  as  investment  sub-adviser  to the Fund  pursuant  to a
sub-advisory contract ("Current  Sub-Advisory  Contract").  PIMCO will undergo a
change of control as a result of the  consummation of the transaction  described
below, resulting in the assignment, and therefore automatic termination,  of the
Current  Sub-Advisory  Contract.  Upon  completion  of  the  transaction,  PIMCO
Advisors, L.P. ("PIMCO Advisors") and its subsidiaries, including PIMCO, will be
controlled by Allianz of America,  Inc.  ("Allianz of America").  It is proposed
that PIMCO  continue to serve as investment  sub-adviser  of the Fund  following
completion of the transaction. Therefore, in connection with the transaction and
as required by the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  ("1940  Act"),
shareholders  of the Fund  are  being  asked  in  Proposal  I to  approve  a new
sub-advisory contract which is substantially similar to the Current Sub-Advisory
Contract ("New Sub-Advisory  Contract") except as described herein. The Board of
the Trust recommends that shareholders approve the New Sub-Advisory  Contract, a
form of which is attached as Appendix A.

      PIMCO is a subsidiary  partnership of PIMCO Advisors. The general partners
of PIMCO Advisors are PIMCO Partners,  G.P. ("Partners G.P.") and PIMCO Advisors
Holdings  L.P.  ("PAH").  Partners G.P. is a general  partnership  between PIMCO
Holding LLC, a Delaware limited  liability  company and an indirect wholly owned
subsidiary  of  Pacific  Life  Insurance  Company  ("Pacific  Life"),  and PIMCO
Partners LLC ("Partners LLC"), a California limited liability company controlled
by the current  managing  directors and two former  managing  directors of PIMCO
("Managing  Directors").  PAH is a publicly traded Delaware limited  partnership
and its primary source of income is its proportionate share of the net income of
PIMCO Advisors. Partners G.P. is the sole general partner of PAH. The address of
all the above  entities,  with the  exception  of Pacific  Life,  is 800 Newport
Center Drive,  Newport Beach,  California 92660.  Pacific Life is located at 700
Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660.

      DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSACTION.  On October 31, 1999, PIMCO Advisors, PAH,
Partners G.P., certain of their affiliates, Allianz of America and certain other
parties  named  therein  entered  into an  Implementation  and Merger  Agreement
("Merger  Agreement") pursuant to which Allianz of America will acquire majority
ownership of PIMCO Advisors ("Transaction").

      The Merger  Agreement  provides for the  acquisition  of PAH by Allianz of
America  through a merger of a  subsidiary  of Allianz of America  with and into
PAH. In the merger,  each of the  outstanding  limited  partnership  and general
partner  units in PAH will be  converted  into the right to  receive  in cash an
amount  per unit  equal to  $38.75,  subject  to a  downward  adjustment  if the
aggregate annualized  investment advisory and sub-advisory fees for all accounts
managed  by  PIMCO  Advisors  and  its  subsidiaries,  expressed  as a  "revenue
run-rate,"  declines  (excluding  market-based  changes) below a specified level
("Unit  Transaction  Price").  In no event  will the Unit  Transaction  Price be
reduced  below  $31.00 per unit.  As a result of the merger,  PAH will become an
indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Allianz of America.


      Following the merger, subsidiaries of Allianz of America will, in a series
of  transactions,  acquire for cash  additional  partnership  interests in PIMCO
Advisors,  bringing its ownership  interest in PIMCO  Advisors to  approximately
70%,  including the  approximately 44% interest held through PAH. As part of the
Transaction,  a  subsidiary  of Allianz of America will  acquire  Partners  G.P.
through an acquisition of the managing general partner interest in Partners G.P.
from  Partners  LLC  (the  managing   general  partner  of  Partners  G.P.)  for
approximately $5.5 million and of the member interests in Partners G.P. that are
indirectly owned by Pacific Life. Pacific Life, which through  subsidiaries owns
approximately a 30% interest in PIMCO Advisors, will retain an indirect interest
in PIMCO Advisors following the closing. As a result of the Transaction, Allianz
of America will control PIMCO Advisors, having acquired approximately 70% of the
outstanding partnership interests in PIMCO Advisors for a total consideration of
approximately  $3.3 billion,  while the  remainder  will continue to be owned by
Pacific Life.

      In  connection  with the  closing,  Allianz of  America  will enter into a
put/call  arrangement  for the possible  disposition of Pacific Life's  indirect
interest in PIMCO Advisors. The put option held by Pacific Life will allow it to
require  Allianz of America,  on the last business day of each calendar  quarter
following the closing of the Transaction,  to purchase at a formula-based  price
all of the PIMCO  Advisors  units owned  directly or indirectly by Pacific Life.
The call option held by Allianz of America will allow it, beginning  January 31,
2003 or upon a change in control of Pacific  Life,  to require  Pacific  Life to
sell or cause to be sold to Allianz of America,  at the same  price,  all of the
PIMCO Advisors units owned directly or indirectly by Pacific Life.

      The  Transaction  is  expected  to be  completed  by the end of the  first
quarter of 2000,  although  there is no assurance that the  Transaction  will be
completed.  Completion of the  Transaction is subject to a number of conditions,
including, among others, (i) the approval of the public unitholders of PAH, (ii)
the receipt of certain regulatory  approvals,  and (iii) PIMCO Advisors' revenue
run-rate  (excluding  market-based  changes) for all  accounts  managed by PIMCO
Advisors  and its  subsidiaries  being at least 75% of the  September  30,  1999
revenue  run-rate  amount.  Approval  of the New  Sub-Advisory  Contract  by the
shareholders  of the Fund will help  satisfy  condition  (iii)  described in the
preceding  sentence by maintaining  PIMCO's  sub-advisory  relationship with the
Fund.  If  the  Transaction  is  not  completed  for  any  reason,  the  Current
Sub-Advisory  Contract will remain in effect.  In the event the New Sub-Advisory
Contract  is not  approved by the Fund's  shareholders  and the  Transaction  is
completed, the Board will consider appropriate action.

      Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, PIMCO Advisors and PIMCO will enter into
employment,  retention  and incentive  arrangements  with key employees of PIMCO
Advisors and PIMCO. These benefits include new employment agreements,  retention
and incentive  awards vesting over a term of years and restricted  stock grants.
In  addition,  certain key  employees  of PIMCO  Advisors'  investment  advisory
subsidiaries   will  receive   payments  in  respect  of   previously   existing
non-competition  arrangements  in connection  with the acquisition by Allianz of
America of the PIMCO Advisors units on which such arrangements were based.

      Allianz of America and each of the other  parties to the Merger  Agreement
have agreed to use  reasonable  best efforts to ensure  compliance  with Section
15(f) of the 1940 Act as it applies to the Transaction. Section 15(f) provides a
non-exclusive  safe  harbor for PIMCO or any  affiliated  persons to receive any


amount or benefit in connection  with the "change of control" if two  conditions
are met.  First,  the  Transaction  must not  impose  any  unfair  burden on any
investment company client of the adviser, including the Fund. Second, during the
three-year  period  after  the  Transaction,  at least  75% of the board of each
investment  company client,  including the Trust, must not be interested persons
of PIMCO (or any predecessor or successor adviser). Currently, no trustee of the
Trust is an interested  person of PIMCO, and PIMCO has advised the Board that it
is not aware of any circumstances arising from the Transaction that would impose
an unfair burden on the Fund.

      POST-TRANSACTION   STRUCTURE  AND  OPERATIONS.   Upon  completion  of  the
Transaction,  PIMCO  Advisors and its  subsidiaries,  including  PIMCO,  will be
controlled by Allianz of America.  Allianz of America is a holding  company that
owns several  insurance and financial  service  companies and is a subsidiary of
Allianz AG. Allianz of America will control PIMCO Advisors  through its managing
member interest in Pacific-Allianz  Partners LLC ("PacPartners LLC"), which will
be the sole general partner of PIMCO Advisors  following the Transaction.  While
Allianz  of America  will  control  PacPartners  LLC,  Pacific  Life will hold a
portion of its  continuing  interest  in PIMCO  Advisors  through an interest in
PacPartners LLC. Allianz of America, through subsidiaries,  will be the managing
member of PacPartners  LLC and will have the full authority and control over all
actions  taken by  PacPartners  LLC as the  general  partner of PIMCO  Advisors,
provided  that  Pacific  Life's  consent is required  for certain  extraordinary

      Operationally,  PIMCO is  expected to remain  independent  and to lead the
global fixed income investment efforts of Allianz AG. In this regard, PIMCO will
coordinate its activities with Allianz Asset Management ("AAM"), a subsidiary of
Allianz AG that  coordinates  global  Allianz asset  management  activities.  To
permit the  provision  of advisory  services to non-U.S.  clients of Allianz AG,
PIMCO personnel,  including personnel with portfolio  management  responsibility
for the  Fund,  may  become  affiliated  with  AAM or  other  Allianz-controlled
advisory firms. PIMCO also may call upon the research capabilities and resources
of  Allianz  AG  and  its  advisory  affiliates  in  connection  with  providing
investment  advice to its clients.  PIMCO is  currently  expected to continue to
operate in the United States under its existing name.

      Both William S.  Thompson,  Jr., the current  Chief  Executive  Officer of
PIMCO, and William H. Gross, the current Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO, will
have roles on the Executive  Committee of AAM, with Mr. Thompson  serving as the
Executive  Committee's  Deputy Chairman.  Messrs.  Thompson and Gross will enter
into employment  contracts with a term of seven years following the Transaction.
Other  key  employees  of PIMCO  and  PIMCO  Advisors,  including  the  Managing
Directors,  have also contractually  agreed to remain with PIMCO for significant
periods following the Transaction.

Allianz of America,  is a German  AKTIENGESELLSCHQFT  (a German  publicly-traded
company)  which,  together with its  subsidiaries,  comprises the world's second
largest  insurance group as measured by premium income.  Allianz AG is a leading
provider of financial services, particularly in Europe, and is represented in 68
countries world-wide through  subsidiaries,  branch and representative  offices,
and other  affiliated  entities.  The Allianz  group  currently has assets under
management  of more  than  $390  billion,  and in its  last  fiscal  year  wrote
approximately $50 billion in gross insurance  premiums.  After completion of the


Transaction, PIMCO and the Allianz group combined will have over $650 billion in
assets under management.  Allianz AG's address is:  Koniginstrasse  28, D-80802,
Munich, Germany.

      Significant  institutional  shareholders of Allianz AG currently  include,
among  others,  Dresdner  Bank AG,  Deutsche  Bank AG,  Munich  Reinsurance  and
HypoVereinsbank.  Following completion of the Transaction,  Dresdner Bank AG and
Deutsche Bank AG, as well as certain  broker-dealers  that might be deemed to be
affiliated  with these entities,  such as Bankers Trust Company,  BT Alex Brown,
Inc., Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc. and Dresdner Kleinwort Benson North America
LLC (collectively, the "Affiliated Brokers"), may be considered to be affiliated
persons of PIMCO.  Once the  Transaction is completed,  absent an exemption from
the U.S.  Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") or other relief, the Fund
generally  would be precluded from  effecting  principal  transactions  with the
Affiliated Brokers,  and their ability to purchase securities being underwritten
by an  Affiliated  Broker  or to  utilize  the  Affiliated  Brokers  for  agency
transactions  would be subject to  restrictions.  PIMCO  does not  believe  that
applicable  restrictions on transactions  with the Affiliated  Brokers described
above will materially  adversely  affect its ability,  post-closing,  to provide
services  to  the  Fund,   the  Fund's  ability  to  take  advantage  of  market
opportunities,  or the Fund's overall performance. Other series of the Trust for
which PIMCO (or an affiliate) does not serve as an investment  sub-adviser would
not, in general, be subject to these same restrictions post-closing.

received structural and contractual protections as terms of the Transaction that
ensure  PIMCO's  operational  autonomy and  continuity of  management.  PIMCO is
confident  that  Allianz AG is committed to the people and process that have led
to  PIMCO's  success  over the  years.  Accordingly,  PIMCO has  represented  to
Mitchell  Hutchins Asset  Management Inc.  ("Mitchell  Hutchins") and the Fund's
Board  that the  Transaction  should  have no  immediate  impact,  other than as
already  noted  above,  on the  management  of the Fund or PIMCO's  capacity  to
provide the type,  quality,  or quantity of services that it currently provides,
and the Fund should  continue to receive the same high quality of service  after
the  Transaction.   As  discussed  below,  however,   PIMCO  believes  that  the
Transaction offers the potential to enhance  significantly its future ability to
deliver quality sub-advisory services.

      THE  BENEFITS  OF THE  TRANSACTION.  PIMCO  has  represented  to  Mitchell
Hutchins that it anticipates  that the Transaction  with Allianz AG will benefit
PIMCO and the Fund in a variety of ways, including the following:

      o     PIMCO's  investment  expertise  will  be  enhanced  because  of  the
            business  experience  and  relationships  that  Allianz AG has built
            around the globe, particularly in Europe. PIMCO's access to European
            markets  and  business  opportunities  will be greatly  enhanced  by
            Allianz AG's  experience  and  relationships.  The  combined  global
            resources of PIMCO and Allianz AG will allow PIMCO to take advantage
            of the growth in international  markets and the explosive  potential
            for premier money managers in the global marketplace.

      o     Allianz AG has a team of fixed  income  professionals  in place that
            currently  manages more than $100 billion in assets.  Integration of
            these  professionals  and assets with PIMCO  provides  an  excellent
            opportunity for furthering PIMCO's global fixed income expertise.


      o     The rotation of many of PIMCO's key investment professionals through
            international offices and overseas personnel through PIMCO's offices
            will result in more seasoned professionals with global experience.

      o     The combination will provide  additional  career  opportunities  for
            PIMCO  professionals,  furthering  PIMCO's  ability to  attract  and
            retain the best people.

      o     Allianz  AG has a stated  growth  strategy  to be among the top five
            providers of its services in the world's key markets, which is a key
            factor in PIMCO's  decision  to proceed  with the  Transaction.  The
            combined entity will be the sixth largest  investment manager in the
            world.  The  Transaction  will  significantly  increase assets under
            PIMCO's  management,  and will offer the  opportunity  for continued
            growth in the future. Strong relative investment results depend on a
            sound, disciplined investment process and effective execution;  size
            can be a benefit to both.

of  the  Current  Sub-Advisory   Contract  and  the  New  Sub-Advisory  Contract
(collectively, the "Sub-Advisory Contracts") are substantially similar.

      The Current  Sub-Advisory  Contract,  dated  November 14,  1994,  was last
approved by the Board,  including a majority of the Trustees who are not parties
to the Current  Sub-Advisory  Contract or interested  persons (as defined by the
1940 Act) of the Trust (other than as Trustees of the Trust),  Mitchell Hutchins
or PIMCO ("Independent  Trustees"),  at a meeting held on February 10, 2000. The
Current Sub-Advisory Contract was last submitted to shareholders for approval on
October  19,  1994,  for  the  purpose  of   implementing   the  Fund's  current
sub-advisory  arrangements.  If the Transaction is not  consummated,  PIMCO will
continue  to serve as  investment  sub-adviser  to the Fund  under  the  Current
Sub-Advisory Contract.

      PIMCO has advised  the Fund that it  currently  anticipates  that the same
persons  responsible  for management of the Fund under the Current  Sub-Advisory
Contract will continue to be  responsible  for  management of the Fund under the
New  Sub-Advisory  Contract.  PIMCO  has  advised  the  Trust  that it does  not
anticipate that the Transaction will cause any reduction in the quality or types
of  services  now  provided  to the Fund or have any  adverse  effect on PIMCO's
ability to fulfill its obligations to the Fund.

      Under both Sub-Advisory  Contracts,  PIMCO is responsible,  subject to the
supervision  of the Board  and  Mitchell  Hutchins,  for the  actual  investment
management of the Fund's assets,  including placing purchase and sell orders for
investments and for other related  transactions.  Under those  contracts,  PIMCO
agrees to  provide  a  continuous  investment  program  for the Fund,  including
investment research and management.  The New Sub-Advisory Contract provides that
PIMCO may seek  research  assistance  and rely upon  resources  available  to it
through  its  affiliated  companies  to the extent that such  actions  would not
constitute  an  "assignment"  for  purposes  of  the  1940  Act.  However,  such
assistance  and/or reliance will not relieve PIMCO of its obligations  under the
New Sub-Advisory  Contract. In addition,  the New Sub-Advisory Contract provides
that,  from  time to  time,  PIMCO  will  assist  in the fair  valuation  of all
portfolio securities.

      Both  Sub-Advisory  Contracts  recognize  that  PIMCO may,  under  certain
circumstances,   pay  higher  brokerage   commissions  by  executing   portfolio
transactions with brokers who provide PIMCO with research,  analysis,  advice or


similar services.  In addition,  both Sub-Advisory  Contracts provide that PIMCO
will vote proxies of issuers of  securities  held by the Fund and will  maintain
all books and records  required to be maintained  by PIMCO  pursuant to the 1940
Act and the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder  with  respect  to
transactions  on behalf of the Fund.  Both  Sub-Advisory  Contracts also provide
that PIMCO will furnish the Board and Mitchell  Hutchins  with such periodic and
special reports as the Board or Mitchell Hutchins  reasonably may request,  will
provide the Board and Mitchell  Hutchins,  on a regular basis, with economic and
investment  analyses  and  reports  and will  make  available  to the  Board and
Mitchell Hutchins upon request any economic, statistical and investment services
normally available to other customers of PIMCO.

      Both Sub-Advisory Contracts provide that PIMCO is entitled to receive from
Mitchell  Hutchins,  and not the Fund, a sub-advisory fee,  calculated daily and
paid monthly, at an annual rate of 0.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets.
PIMCO bears all expenses  incurred by it (and not the Fund) in  connection  with
its services under each  Sub-Advisory  Contract.  Neither the Trust nor the Fund
has any responsibility to pay sub-advisory fees to PIMCO. During the Fund's last
fiscal year ended November 30, 1999,  Mitchell Hutchins,  and not the Fund, paid
PIMCO $342,583 for sub-advisory services.

      Both Sub-Advisory  Contracts provide that PIMCO will not be liable for any
error of  judgment or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by the Fund,  the
Trust, its  shareholders or Mitchell  Hutchins in connection with the matters to
which the Sub-Advisory  Contract  relates,  except a loss resulting from willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the performance of its
duties or from reckless  disregard by it of its obligations and duties under the
Sub-Advisory Contract.

      Moreover,  both Sub-Advisory  Contracts  provide for termination,  without
payment of any  penalty,  by vote of the Board or by a vote of a majority of the
Fund's  outstanding  voting  securities  on 60 days'  written  notice  to PIMCO.
Mitchell Hutchins may also terminate the Sub-Advisory Contracts, without payment
of any penalty:  (1) on 120 days'  written  notice to PIMCO;  (2) upon  material
breach by PIMCO of representations and warranties  contained in the Sub-Advisory
Contracts, if such breach has not been cured within a 20 day period after notice
of such breach;  or (3)  immediately  if PIMCO  becomes  unable to discharge its
duties and obligations  under the Sub-Advisory  Contracts.  The New Sub-Advisory
Contract  provides the following  examples of PIMCO's inability to discharge its
duties and obligations:  PIMCO's  financial  insolvency and  circumstances  that
could  adversely  affect  the  Fund.  In  addition,   PIMCO  may  terminate  the
Sub-Advisory  Contracts,  without  payment of any penalty,  on 120 days' written
notice to Mitchell Hutchins. The Sub-Advisory Contracts terminate  automatically
in the event of "assignment" (as defined in the 1940 Act).

      The New Sub-Advisory  Contract  includes a few additional  provisions.  It
provides  that  neither  PIMCO nor any of its  affiliates  will in any way refer
directly or indirectly to its relationship  with the Trust,  the Fund,  Mitchell
Hutchins or any of their respective  affiliates in offering,  marketing or other
promotional  materials without the express written consent of Mitchell Hutchins.
It also stipulates that PIMCO will notify Mitchell Hutchins if there is a change


of control or a change in key personnel (e.g., Fund portfolio managers or senior
managers  of PIMCO)  and  specifies  notice  procedures  under the  Sub-Advisory

      The New  Sub-Advisory  Contract also  implements  Proposal II by providing
that the  Sub-Advisory  Contract could be amended without a shareholder  vote if
the Fund  obtains a SEC order or no-action  letter  allowing the Trust to modify
the Sub-Advisory Contract without a vote of a majority of the Fund's outstanding
voting  securities.  Mitchell  Hutchins and the Trust have  received an order of
exemption from the SEC that permits Mitchell  Hutchins not only to terminate the
New  Sub-Advisory  Contract  but also to appoint a new  sub-adviser,  subject to
approval  by the Board of the Trust but not by the  holders of a majority of the
outstanding  shares of the Trust or the Fund.  Shareholders  must  approve  this
policy before it may be implemented. See Proposal II for more information.

      At the November 11, 1999 Board meeting, the New Sub-Advisory  Contract was
approved  unanimously by the Board,  including all of the Independent  Trustees.
The New  Sub-Advisory  Contract,  as approved  by the Board,  is  submitted  for
approval by the shareholders of the Fund.

      If the New Sub-Advisory  Contract is approved by the Fund's  shareholders,
it will take effect  immediately  upon the closing of the  Transaction.  The New
Sub-Advisory Contract will remain in effect for two years from the date it takes
effect and,  unless  earlier  terminated,  will  continue from year to year with
respect to the Fund,  provided that each such continuance is approved  annually,
(i)  by the  Board  or by the  vote  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund,  and, in either case, (ii) by a majority of the Trustees
who are not parties to the New Sub-Advisory  Contract or "interested persons" of
any such party (other than as Trustees of the Trust).  In the event that, due to
adjournments of the Meeting,  the Transaction closes before shareholders approve
the  new  Sub-Advisory   Contract,  the  Board,  including  a  majority  of  the
Independent  Trustees,  has  authorized an interim  contract  which has the same
terms as the New  contract.  Pursuant  to Rule  15a-4  under the 1940 Act,  this
interim  contract may continue in effect for up to 150 days after the  automatic
termination of the Current Sub-Advisory  Contract and sub-advisory fees would be
held in an escrow account pending shareholder approval.

      EVALUATION BY THE BOARD.  The Board has determined  that, by approving the
New  Sub-Advisory  Contract  on behalf of the  Fund,  the Trust can best  assure
itself that services  currently  provided to the Fund by PIMCO, its officers and
employees,  will continue without interruption after the Transaction.  The Board
believes that,  like the Current  Sub-Advisory  Contract,  the New  Sub-Advisory
Contract will enable the Fund to obtain high quality  services at a cost that is
appropriate,  reasonable,  and  in  the  best  interests  of the  Fund  and  its

      In determining  whether it was appropriate to approve the New Sub-Advisory
Contract and to recommend  approval to  shareholders,  the Board,  including the
Independent Trustees,  considered various materials and representations provided
by  PIMCO,   including  information   concerning   compensation  and  employment
arrangements to be implemented in connection with the Transaction and considered
a report provided by Allianz AG.

      Information  considered by the Trustees included,  among other things, the
following:  (1) PIMCO's  representation  that the same persons  responsible  for
management of the Fund under the Current  Sub-Advisory  Contract are expected to
continue to manage the Fund under the New Sub-Advisory Contract, thus helping to
ensure  continuity of management;  (2) the  compensation to be received by PIMCO
under the New Sub-Advisory  Contract is the same as the compensation  paid under
the Current Sub-Advisory Contract,  which the Board previously has determined to
be fair and  reasonable;  (3)  PIMCO's  representation  that it will not seek to
increase the rate of sub-advisory fees paid by the Fund for a period of at least


two years  following the  Transaction;  (4) the  substantial  commonality of the
terms and  provisions  of the New  Sub-Advisory  Contract  with the terms of the
Current Sub-Advisory  Contract; (5) representations made by PIMCO concerning the
impact of affiliated brokerage  relationships on its ability to provide services
to the Fund, and on the Fund's ability to engage in portfolio transactions;  (6)
the representations by PIMCO and Allianz AG that the integration of Allianz AG's
and PIMCO's operations could produce benefits to shareholders  through economies
of scale,  expansion  of PIMCO's  investment  expertise  through the addition of
Allianz   AG's  fixed   income   investment   business   expertise   and  global
relationships,  the expansion of PIMCO's investment research  capabilities,  and
the ability to enhance the quality of services provided to shareholders; (7) the
nature  and  quality  of the  services  rendered  by  PIMCO  under  the  Current
Sub-Advisory  Contract;  (8) the results achieved by PIMCO for the Fund; and (9)
the  quality  of the  personnel,  operations,  financial  condition,  investment
management capabilities, methodologies, and performance of PIMCO.

      Based upon its review,  the Board  determined  that,  by approving the New
Sub-Advisory  Contract,  the Fund can best be assured that  services  from PIMCO
will be provided  without  interruption.  The Board also determined that the New
Sub-Advisory Contract is in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.
Accordingly,  after  consideration of the above factors,  and such other factors
and information it considered  relevant,  the Board unanimously approved the New
Sub-Advisory  Contract  and  voted  to  recommend  its  approval  by the  Fund's

      REQUIRED VOTE.  Approval of Proposal I requires the vote of a "majority of
the  outstanding  voting  securities"  of the Fund,  as defined in the 1940 Act,
which means the vote of 67% or more of the voting securities of the Fund present
at the Meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the
Fund are present or  represented  by proxy,  or the vote of more than 50% of the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund, whichever is less.

                                "FOR" PROPOSAL I.


      SUMMARY.  At the Board meeting on July 9, 1998,  the Board  approved,  and
recommended that  shareholders of the Fund approve,  a policy to permit Mitchell
Hutchins,  subject to the  approval  of the  Board,  to  appoint  and  terminate
sub-advisers,  to enter into  sub-advisory  contracts and to amend  sub-advisory
contracts  on  behalf  of  the  Fund  without   further   shareholder   approval
("Sub-Adviser Approval Policy").  At the Board meeting on November 11, 1999, the
Board approved  submission of the Sub-Adviser Approval Policy to Shareholders at
this meeting.

      THE SECTION 15 EXEMPTIVE ORDER. Implementation of the Sub-Adviser Approval
Policy requires an order from the SEC exempting the Trust from the provisions of
Section 15(a) of the 1940 Act and Rule 18f-2 thereunder.  This order was granted
by the SEC on January 19, 1999.  Absent this order,  the  provisions of the 1940
Act require that  shareholders of the Fund approve a new  sub-advisory  contract
with the sub-adviser as well as material amendments to an existing  sub-advisory
contract.  If  shareholders  approve this  proposal,  Mitchell  Hutchins will be


authorized, subject to approval by the Board, to evaluate, select and retain new
sub-advisers  for the Fund or modify the Fund's existing  Sub-Advisory  Contract
(including  termination)  without  obtaining  further  approval  of  the  Fund's
shareholders whenever Mitchell Hutchins and the Board believe these actions will
benefit the Fund and its shareholders.  As explained below,  shareholders  would
receive detailed  information  regarding any change in sub-adviser or a material
change to the sub-advisory contract.

      CURRENT SUB-ADVISER APPROVAL PROCESS. Currently,  Mitchell Hutchins enters
into  sub-advisory  contracts  pursuant to which the  selected  sub-adviser  has
authority to provide the Fund with advice  concerning the investment  management
of all (or a portion) of the Fund's  assets.  The  sub-adviser  determines  what
securities shall be purchased, what securities shall be sold and what portion of
the Fund's assets shall remain uninvested.  For these  sub-advisory  services to
the Fund,  Mitchell  Hutchins pays the sub-adviser a monthly fee as specified in
the sub-advisory  contract.  The sub-adviser bears its own expenses of providing
sub-advisory  services  to the  Fund.  Neither  the  Trust  nor the Fund has any
responsibility  to  pay  sub-advisory  fees  to  the  sub-adviser.   The  Fund's
sub-advisory  contracts  are  subject to approval  by the Board,  including  the
Independent  Trustees,  and in the  absence of  exemptive  relief  from the SEC,
approval by the Fund's shareholders.

      PROPOSED SUB-ADVISER APPROVAL POLICY. Approval of the Sub-Adviser Approval
Policy will not affect any of the requirements under the federal securities laws
that govern the Trust, the Fund,  Mitchell  Hutchins,  any  sub-adviser,  or any
sub-advisory contract,  other than the requirement to call and hold a meeting of
the Fund's  shareholders  for the purpose of approving a sub-advisory  contract.
The Board,  including the  Independent  Trustees,  will continue to evaluate and
approve  all  new  sub-advisory  contracts  between  Mitchell  Hutchins  and any
sub-adviser  as well as all  changes  to  existing  sub-advisory  contracts.  In
addition,  the Trust and Mitchell Hutchins will be subject to several conditions
imposed by the SEC to ensure that the interests of the Fund's  shareholders  are
adequately  protected  whenever  Mitchell  Hutchins  acts under the  Sub-Adviser
Approval Policy.  Furthermore,  within 90 days of any change in sub-adviser or a
material  change to a sub-advisory  contract,  the Trust will provide the Fund's
shareholders with an information statement that contains  substantially the same
relevant  information about the sub-adviser,  the sub-advisory  contract and the
sub-advisory fee that would be required to be sent to the Fund's shareholders in
a proxy statement. This statement will inform the Fund's shareholders of the new
sub-advisory  arrangements.  If not  satisfied,  shareholders  would  be able to
exchange or redeem their shares.

      Shareholder approval of this Proposal II will not result in an increase or
decrease in the total  amount of  investment  advisory  fees paid by the Fund to
Mitchell  Hutchins.  If the Trust  implements the Sub-Adviser  Approval  Policy,
Mitchell   Hutchins,   pursuant  to  the   Trust's   Investment   Advisory   and
Administration  Contract,  will continue to provide the same level of management
and administrative services to the Fund that it has always provided.

      The  Sub-Adviser  Approval  Policy  permits  Mitchell  Hutchins  to change
sub-advisers or sub-advisory  arrangements in the following types of situations:
(1) the sub-adviser has a record of substandard performance;  (2) the individual


employees  responsible  for  portfolio  management  of the  Fund  move  from the
sub-adviser  to  another  investment  advisory  firm;  (3)  there is a change of
control of the  sub-adviser;  (4) Mitchell  Hutchins  decides to  diversify  the
Fund's  management  by  adding  another  sub-adviser;  (5)  there is a change in
investment style of the Fund; and (6) Mitchell  Hutchins  negotiates a reduction
(or the  sub-adviser  negotiates an increase) in the portion of the advisory fee
that Mitchell  Hutchins pays to the sub-adviser.  Furthermore,  where there is a
decrease  in  a  sub-adviser's  compensation  paid  by  Mitchell  Hutchins,  the
concomitant  increase in the  compensation  available  for retention by Mitchell
Hutchins  would not be deemed to be an increase in  advisory  compensation  that
requires a shareholder meeting. The Sub-Adviser Approval Policy will not be used
to approve any  sub-adviser  that is affiliated  with Mitchell  Hutchins as that
term is used in the 1940 Act or materially amend any sub-advisory  contract with
an affiliated sub-adviser.

that  providing  Mitchell  Hutchins  with maximum  flexibility  to perform those
duties  that  shareholders  expect  Mitchell  Hutchins  to   perform--selecting,
supervising and evaluating sub-advisers--without incurring the unnecessary delay
or expense of obtaining further shareholder approval is in the best interests of
the  Fund's  shareholders  because  it  will  allow  the  Fund to  operate  more
efficiently.  Currently, in order for Mitchell Hutchins to appoint a sub-adviser
or materially  modify a  sub-advisory  contract,  the Trust must call and hold a
shareholder  meeting of the Fund,  create and  distribute  proxy  materials  and
solicit votes from the Fund's shareholders. This process is time-intensive, slow
and costly.  These costs are generally  borne entirely by the Fund.  Without the
delay inherent in holding shareholder  meetings,  the Board would be able to act
more quickly and with less expense to appoint a  sub-adviser  when the Board and
Mitchell  Hutchins  feel that the  appointment  would  benefit  the Fund and its

      Also,  the Board  believes that it is  appropriate  to vest the selection,
supervision and evaluation of the sub-advisers in Mitchell  Hutchins (subject to
review by the Board) in light of Mitchell Hutchins'  significant  experience and
expertise in selecting sub-advisers and shareholders'  expectation that Mitchell
Hutchins will utilize that expertise to select the most competent  sub-advisers.
Mitchell  Hutchins  has  demonstrated  that it has the  requisite  expertise  to
evaluate,  select  and  supervise  sub-advisers.  The Board  believes  that many
investors choose to invest in the Fund because of Mitchell Hutchins'  experience
in this respect.

      Finally,  the Board will provide  sufficient  oversight of the sub-adviser
selection process to ensure that shareholders'  interests are protected whenever
Mitchell Hutchins selects a sub-adviser or modifies a sub-advisory contract. The
Board,  including  a majority  of the  Independent  Trustees,  will  continue to
evaluate and approve all new sub-advisory  contracts as well as any modification
to existing sub-advisory  contracts.  In each review, the Board will analyze all
factors  that it considers to be relevant to the  determination,  including  the
nature,  quality and scope of services provided by the  sub-advisers.  The Board
will compare the investment performance of the assets managed by the sub-adviser
with other accounts with similar investment objectives managed by other advisers
and will review the  sub-adviser's  compliance with federal  securities laws and
regulations.  The Board  believes  that its review  will  ensure  that  Mitchell
Hutchins   continues  to  act  in  the  best  interests  of  the  Fund  and  its
shareholders.  The  Sub-Advisory  Contract  will  continue  to be subject to all
provisions of the 1940 Act for which relief was granted by the SEC.


      REQUIRED VOTE. Approval of Proposal II requires the vote of a "majority of
the  outstanding  voting  securities"  of the Fund,  as defined in the 1940 Act,
which means the vote of 67% or more of the voting securities of the Fund present
at the Meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the
Fund are present or  represented  by proxy,  or the vote of more than 50% of the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund, whichever is less.

                             VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL II.


      Management  does not know of any  matters to be  presented  at the Meeting
other than those set forth in this proxy  statement.  If other  business  should
properly come before the Meeting,  proxies will be voted in accordance  with the
judgment of the persons named in the accompanying proxy in the best interests of
the Fund.

                               PROXY SOLICITATION

      PROXY SOLICITATION.  The costs of the Meeting,  including the solicitation
of  proxies,  will be  borne by PIMCO  Advisors  and  Allianz  of  America.  The
principal  solicitation  will be by mail,  but proxies  also may be solicited by
telephone, telegraph, the Internet or personal interview by regular employees of
PaineWebber  Incorporated  ("PaineWebber")  and Mitchell Hutchins,  who will not
receive any compensation from the Fund for doing so. Shareholder  Communications
Corporation  ("SCC")  has  been  retained  to  assist  with  proxy  solicitation
activities  and  will be paid  fees of  approximately  $3,500,  plus  reasonable
expenses.  If votes are recorded by telephone,  SCC will use procedures designed
to authenticate  shareholders'  idenities,  to allow shareholders to authorize
the voting of their shares in accordance with their  instructions and to confirm
that a  shareholder's  instructions  have been properly recorded. The Trust will
forward to record  owners proxy  materials for any  beneficial  owners that such
record owners may represent.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


      Mitchell  Hutchins,  a  Delaware  corporation  and the  Fund's  investment
adviser and  administrator,  is a wholly owned asset  management  subsidiary  of
PaineWebber,  a wholly owned subsidiary of Paine Webber Group Inc. ("PW Group"),
a publicly held corporation. The principal business offices of Mitchell Hutchins
are located at 51 West 52nd Street, New York, New York 10019-6114. The principal
business  offices of PaineWebber  and PW Group are located at 1285 Avenue of the
Americas, New York, New York 10019. In addition, Mitchell Hutchins serves as the
distributor  of the Fund's shares under  separate  distribution  contracts  with
respect to each class of the Fund's shares that require Mitchell Hutchins to use
its best  efforts  to sell the  Fund's  shares.  During  its  fiscal  year ended
November  30,  1999,  the Fund did not pay  commissions  to any broker  that was
affiliated with the Fund, Mitchell Hutchins or PIMCO.

      As  of  December  31,  1999,   Mitchell  Hutchins  served  as  adviser  or
sub-adviser  to 33  investment  companies  with  an  aggregate  of  76  separate
portfolios and aggregate assets under management of approximately $50.8 billion.



      As of December 31, 1999,  PIMCO has  approximately  $186 billion in assets
under management.  Information concerning PIMCO, its principal executive officer
and  directors is included in Appendix B.  Information  regarding  advisory fees
paid by other investment  companies advised by PIMCO with investment  objectives
similar to the Fund also is included in Appendix B.


      To the best knowledge of the Fund's management, the executive officers and
Trustees  of the Fund, as a group, own less  than 1% of the  Fund's  outstanding
shares. The following  shareholder is shown on the Fund's records as owning more
than 5% of its shares:

                                       NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SHARES

Chestnut III.......................... 29,331,598     42.38%

      The  shareholder may be contacted c/o Mitchell  Hutchins Asset  Management
Inc., 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019.


      As a general  matter,  the  Trust  does not hold  regular  annual or other
meetings of  shareholders.  Any shareholder who wishes to submit proposals to be
considered  at a special  meeting of the Fund's  shareholders  should  send such
proposals to the Fund at 51 West 52nd  Street,  New York,  New York  10019-6114.
Proposals  must be received a reasonable  period of time prior to any meeting to
be included in the proxy  materials.  Moreover,  inclusion of such  proposals is
subject to  limitations  under the federal  securities  laws.  Persons  named as
proxies for any subsequent  shareholders'  meeting will vote in their discretion
with respect to proposals submitted on an untimely basis.


                                    By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                    Dianne E. O'Donnell

February 15, 2000
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY  10019-6114


                                   APPENDIX A

                          FORM OF SUB-ADVISORY CONTRACT

      Contract  made as of  __________,  2000 between  MITCHELL  HUTCHINS  ASSET
MANAGEMENT  INC.  ("Mitchell  Hutchins"),  a Delaware  corporation,  and PACIFIC
INVESTMENT   MANAGEMENT   COMPANY   ("Sub-Adviser"),   a  Delaware   partnership
(hereinafter referred to as the "Contract").


      (1)  Mitchell  Hutchins  has  entered  into  an  Investment  Advisory  and
Administration  Contract dated April 21, 1988, as supplemented by a separate Fee
Agreement dated March 29, 1993,  ("Advisory  Contract") with PaineWebber Managed
Investments  Trust  ("Trust"),   an  open-end   management   investment  company
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended ("1940 Act");

      (2) The  Trust  offers  for  public  sale  distinct  series  of  shares of
beneficial  interest,  including  a  series  of  shares  of the  Trust  known as
PaineWebber Low Duration U.S. Government Income Fund ("Fund");

      (3) Under the Advisory  Contract,  Mitchell Hutchins has agreed to provide
certain investment advisory and administrative services to the Fund;

      (4) The Advisory Contract permits Mitchell Hutchins to delegate certain of
its duties as investment adviser thereunder to a sub-adviser;

      (5) Mitchell  Hutchins wishes to retain the Sub-Adviser to furnish certain
investment advisory services to Mitchell Hutchins and the Fund; and

      (6) The Sub-Adviser is willing to furnish such services;

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and mutual  covenants
herein contained, Mitchell Hutchins and the Sub-Adviser agree as follows:

      1.  APPOINTMENT.  Mitchell  Hutchins hereby appoints the Sub-Adviser as an
investment  sub-adviser with respect to the Fund for the period and on the terms
set forth in this Contract.  The Sub-Adviser accepts such appointment and agrees
to render the services herein set forth, for the compensation herein provided.


      (a) Subject to the  supervision  and  direction  of the  Trust's  Board of
Trustees ("Board") and review by Mitchell  Hutchins,  and any written guidelines
adopted  by the Board or  Mitchell  Hutchins,  the  Sub-Adviser  will  provide a
continuous  investment program for the Fund,  including  investment research and
management.  The Sub-Adviser may from time to time seek research  assistance and


may rely upon resources available to it through its affiliated  companies to the
extent such actions  would not  constitute an  "assignment"  for purposes of the
1940 Act but in no case  shall  such  assistance  and/or  reliance  relieve  the
Sub-Adviser of any of its obligations hereunder,  nor shall the Fund or Mitchell
Hutchins be  responsible  for any  additional  fees or expenses  hereunder  as a
result.  The Sub-Adviser  will determine from time to time what investments will
be purchased,  retained or sold by the Fund. The Sub-Adviser will be responsible
for placing  purchase  and sell  orders for  investments  and for other  related
transactions.  The Sub-Adviser will be responsible for voting proxies of issuers
of securities  held by the Fund.  The  Sub-Adviser  understands  that the Fund's
assets  need to be managed so as to permit the Fund to qualify or to continue to
qualify as a regulated  investment  company  under  Subchapter M of the Internal
Revenue Code, as amended  ("Code").  The Sub-Adviser will provide services under
this Contract in accordance with the Fund's investment  objective,  policies and
restrictions  as stated in the Fund's  Prospectus  and in the Trust's  currently
effective  registration  statement  under the 1940 Act,  and any  amendments  or
supplements thereto ("Registration Statement").

      (b) The Sub-Adviser  agrees that, in placing orders with brokers,  it will
obtain the best net result in terms of price and  execution;  provided  that, on
behalf of the Fund,  the  Sub-Adviser  may, in its  discretion,  use brokers who
provide the Sub-Adviser with research,  analysis, advice and similar services to
execute  portfolio  transactions  on behalf of the Fund, and the Sub-Adviser may
pay to those  brokers in return for  brokerage  and  research  services a higher
commission  than may be charged by other brokers,  subject to the  Sub-Adviser's
determination  in good faith that such  commission is reasonable in terms either
of  the  particular   transaction  or  of  the  overall  responsibility  of  the
Sub-Adviser  to the Fund and its other  clients  and that the total  commissions
paid by the Fund will be reasonable in relation to the benefits to the Fund over
the long term. In no instance  will  portfolio  securities be purchased  from or
sold to Mitchell Hutchins or the Sub-Adviser,  or any affiliated person thereof,
except  in  accordance  with  the  federal  securities  laws and the  rules  and
regulations thereunder.  The Sub-Adviser may aggregate sales and purchase orders
with  respect  to  the  assets  of the  Fund  with  similar  orders  being  made
simultaneously  for other accounts advised by the Sub-Adviser or its affiliates.
Whenever the  Sub-Adviser  simultaneously  places orders to purchase or sell the
same  security on behalf of the Fund and one or more other  accounts  advised by
the  Sub-Adviser,  the orders will be allocated as to price and amount among all
such  accounts in a manner  believed to be equitable  over time to each account.
Mitchell  Hutchins  recognizes  that in some cases this  procedure may adversely
affect the results obtained for the Fund.

      (c) The  Sub-Adviser  will  maintain all books and records  required to be
maintained  pursuant to the 1940 Act and the rules and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder with respect to actions by the Sub-Adviser on behalf of the Fund, and
will  furnish the Board and  Mitchell  Hutchins  with such  periodic and special
reports as the Board or Mitchell Hutchins  reasonably may request. In compliance
with the  requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, the Sub-Adviser  hereby
agrees that all records that it  maintains  for the Fund are the property of the
Trust,  agrees to preserve  for the periods  prescribed  by Rule 31a-2 under the
1940 Act any records that it maintains for the Trust and that are required to be
maintained  by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act,  and further  agrees to  surrender
promptly to the Trust any records  which it maintains  for the Fund upon request
by the Trust.

      (d) At such  times  as  shall  be  reasonably  requested  by the  Board or
Mitchell Hutchins,  the Sub-Adviser will provide the Board and Mitchell Hutchins
with  economic and  investment  analyses  and reports and make  available to the
Board and Mitchell  Hutchins any economic,  statistical and investment  services


that the  Sub-Adviser  normally makes  available to its  institutional  or other

      (e) In accordance  with  procedures  adopted by the Board, as amended from
time to time, the Sub-Adviser is responsible for assisting in the fair valuation
of all portfolio  securities and will use its reasonable  efforts to arrange for
the provision of a price(s) from a party(ies) independent of the Sub-Adviser for
each  portfolio  security for which the custodian  does not obtain prices in the
ordinary course of business from an automated pricing service.

      3. FURTHER  DUTIES.  In all matters  relating to the  performance  of this
Contract,  the  Sub-Adviser  will  seek to act in  conformity  with the  Trust's
Declaration of Trust,  By-Laws and  Registration  Statement and with the written
instructions and written directions of the Board and Mitchell Hutchins; and will
comply with the requirements of the 1940 Act, and the Investment Advisers Act of
1940,  as  amended  ("Advisers  Act") and the rules  under  each,  and all other
federal  and state laws and  regulations  applicable  to the Trust and the Fund.
Mitchell  Hutchins  agrees to provide to the  Sub-Adviser  copies of the Trust's
Declaration of Trust, By-Laws,  Registration Statement, written instructions and
directions of the Board and Mitchell Hutchins, and any amendments or supplements
to any of these  materials as soon as practicable  after such  materials  become
available;  and further  agrees to identify  to the  Sub-Adviser  in writing any
broker-dealers   that  are  affiliated   with  Mitchell   Hutchins  (other  than
PaineWebber Incorporated and Mitchell Hutchins itself).

      4.  SERVICES  NOT  EXCLUSIVE.  The services  furnished by the  Sub-Adviser
hereunder  are not to be deemed  exclusive,  and except as the  Sub-Adviser  may
otherwise  agree in writing,  the  Sub-Adviser  shall be free to furnish similar
services to others so long as its services  under this Contract are not impaired
thereby.  Nothing in this  Contract  shall  limit or  restrict  the right of any
director,  officer or  employee of the  Sub-Adviser,  who may also be a trustee,
officer or employee of the Trust,  to engage in any other  business or to devote
his or her time and attention in part to the  management or other aspects of any
other business, whether of a similar nature or a dissimilar nature.

      5. EXPENSES.  During the term of this Contract,  the Sub-Adviser will bear
all expenses incurred by it in connection with its services under this Contract.

      6.    COMPENSATION.

      (a) For the services  provided and the expenses assumed by the Sub-Adviser
pursuant to this Contract,  Mitchell Hutchins, and not the Fund, will pay to the
Sub-Adviser  a fee,  computed  daily and payable  monthly,  at an annual rate of
0.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets  (computed in the manner  specified
in the Advisory Contract),  together with a schedule showing the manner in which
the fee was computed.

      (b) The fee shall be accrued daily and payable  monthly to the Sub-Adviser
on or before the last business day of the next succeeding calendar month.

      (c) If this Contract becomes effective or terminates before the end of any
month, the fee for the period from the effective date to the end of the month or


from the beginning of such month to the date of termination, as the case may be,
shall be  pro-rated  according to the  proportion  that such period bears to the
full month in which such effectiveness or termination occurs.

      7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  The  Sub-Adviser  shall not be liable for any
error of  judgment or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by the Fund,  the
Trust or its shareholders or by Mitchell Hutchins in connection with the matters
to  which  this  Contract   relates,   except  a  loss  resulting  from  willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the performance of its
duties or from reckless disregard by it of its obligations and duties under this
Contract.  Nothing in this  paragraph  shall be deemed a limitation or waiver of
any obligation or duty that may not by law be limited or waived.

      8. REPRESENTATIONS OF SUB-ADVISER.  The Sub-Adviser  represents,  warrants
and agrees as follows:

      (a) The Sub-Adviser  (i) is registered as an investment  adviser under the
Advisers Act and will continue to be so registered  for so long as this Contract
remains in effect;  (ii) is not  prohibited  by the 1940 Act or the Advisers Act
from performing the services  contemplated by this Contract;  (iii) has met, and
will seek to  continue to meet for so long as this  Contract  remains in effect,
any  other  applicable  federal  or  state   requirements,   or  the  applicable
requirements of any regulatory or industry  self-regulatory agency, necessary to
be met in order to perform the services contemplated by this Contract;  (iv) has
the  authority  to enter into and  perform  the  services  contemplated  by this
Contract;  and (v) will promptly notify  Mitchell  Hutchins of the occurrence of
any event that would  disqualify the  Sub-Adviser  from serving as an investment
adviser of an  investment  company  pursuant to Section  9(a) of the 1940 Act or

      (b) The  Sub-Adviser  has adopted a written code of ethics  complying with
the  requirements  of Rule 17j-1  under the 1940 Act and will  provide  Mitchell
Hutchins  and the  Board  with a copy of such  code  of  ethics,  together  with
evidence of its  adoption.  Within  fifteen days of the end of the last calendar
quarter  of each  year that this  Contract  is in  effect,  the  president  or a
vice-president  of the Sub-Adviser  shall certify to Mitchell  Hutchins that the
Sub-Adviser has complied with the requirements of Rule 17j-1 during the previous
year and that there has been no  violation of the  Sub-Adviser's  code of ethics
or, if such a  violation  has  occurred,  that  appropriate  action was taken in
response to such violation.  Upon the written request of Mitchell Hutchins,  the
Sub-Adviser  shall  permit  Mitchell  Hutchins,  its  employees or its agents to
examine the reports required to be made to the Sub-Adviser by Rule 17j-1 and all
other records relevant to the Sub-Adviser's code of ethics.

      (c) The Sub-Adviser has provided Mitchell Hutchins with a copy of its Form
ADV, as most recently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"),
and promptly will furnish a copy of all amendments to Mitchell Hutchins at least

      (d) The  Sub-Adviser  shall provide notice to Mitchell  Hutchins  within a
reasonable  time after being  informed or learning of the death or withdrawal of
any of its  partners,  upon the  admission of any new partners or upon any other
change in its membership.


      (e) The Sub-Adviser will notify Mitchell Hutchins of any change of control
of the  Sub-Adviser,  including  any  change  of  its  general  partners  or 25%
shareholders, as applicable, and any changes in the key personnel who are either
the portfolio manager(s) of the Fund or senior management of the Sub-Adviser, in
each case prior to, or promptly after, such change.

      (f) The  Sub-Adviser  agrees that  neither it, nor any of its  affiliates,
will in any way refer directly or indirectly to its relationship with the Trust,
the Fund,  Mitchell Hutchins or any of their respective  affiliates in offering,
marketing or other promotional  materials without the express written consent of
Mitchell Hutchins.


      Mitchell  Hutchins  represents  that  (i) the  Trust  was  organized  as a
Massachusetts business trust under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
by  Declaration of Trust dated  November 21, 1986,  (ii) the  appointment of the
Sub-Adviser  has been  duly  authorized  and  (iii) the Trust has acted and will
continue to act in conformity with the 1940 Act and other applicable laws.


      (a)  This  Contract  shall-become  effective  upon the  date  first  above
written,  provided that this Contract  shall not take effect unless it has first
been approved (i) by a vote of a majority of those trustees of the Trust who are
not parties to this  Contract or interested  persons of any such party,  cast in
person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval,  and (ii)
by vote of a majority of the Fund's outstanding securities.

      (b) Unless sooner  terminated  as provided  herein,  this  Contract  shall
continue in effect for two years from its  effective  date.  Thereafter,  if not
terminated, this Contract shall continue automatically for successive periods of
twelve months each,  provided that such continuance is specifically  approved at
least  annually:  (i) by a vote of a majority of those trustees of the Trust who
are not parties to this Contract or interested  persons of any such party,  cast
in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,  and
(ii) by the Board or by vote of a majority of the outstanding  voting securities
of the Fund.

      (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  this Contract may be terminated at any
time, without the payment of any penalty, by vote of the Board or by a vote of a
majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the Fund on 60 days' written
notice to the  Sub-Adviser.  This  Contract may also be  terminated  by Mitchell
Hutchins:  (i) upon 120 days'  written  notice to the  Sub-Adviser;  without the
payment of any penalty,  (ii) upon material  breach by the Sub-Adviser of any of
the representations and warranties set forth in Paragraph 8 of this Contract, if
such breach  shall not have been cured  within a 20 day period  after  notice of
such breach;  or (iii)  immediately  if, in the reasonable  judgment of Mitchell
Hutchins, the Sub-Adviser becomes unable to discharge its duties and obligations
under this Contract, including circumstances such as financial insolvency of the
Sub-Adviser or other  circumstances  that could  adversely  affect the Fund. The
Sub-Adviser may terminate this Contract at any time,  without the payment of any
penalty,  on 120 days' written notice to Mitchell  Hutchins.  This Contract will
terminate automatically in the event of its assignment or upon termination of


the Advisory Contract as it relates to the Fund.

      11.  AMENDMENT OF THIS  CONTRACT.  No  provision  of this  Contract may be
changed,  waived,  discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party  against whom  enforcement  of the change,  waiver,
discharge or termination is sought. To the extent required by applicable law, no
amendment  of this  Contract  shall be  effective  until  approved  by vote of a
majority of the Fund's  outstanding voting securities (unless the Trust receives
an SEC order or no-action  letter  permitting it to modify the Contract  without
such vote).

      12. GOVERNING LAW. This Contract shall be construed in accordance with the
1940 Act and the laws of the State of  Delaware,  without  giving  effect to the
conflicts of laws principles  thereof. To the extent that the applicable laws of
the State of Delaware  conflict with the applicable  provisions of the 1940 Act,
the latter shall control.

      13.  MISCELLANEOUS.  The  captions  in  this  Contract  are  included  for
convenience  of  reference  only  and in no way  define  or  delimit  any of the
provisions  hereof or otherwise  affect  their  construction  or effect.  If any
provision of this  Contract  shall be held or made invalid by a court  decision,
statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected
thereby.  This Contract  shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
the parties hereto and their  respective  successors.  As used in this Contract,
the terms "majority of the outstanding voting securities,"  "affiliated person,"
"interested person," "assignment," "broker," "investment adviser," "net assets,"
"sale," "sell" and "security"  shall have the same meaning as such terms have in
the 1940 Act,  subject  to such  exemption  as may be  granted by the SEC by any
rule,  regulation or order.  Where   the effect of a requirement  of the federal
securities  laws  reflected  in any  provision  of this  Contract  is made  less
restrictive  by a rule,  regulation  or order of the SEC,  whether of special or
general application, such provision shall be deemed to incorporate the effect of
such rule, regulation or order. This Contract may be signed in counterpart.

      14. NOTICES.  Any notice herein required is to be in writing and is deemed
to have been given to the  Sub-Adviser or Mitchell  Hutchins upon receipt of the
same at their respective addresses set forth below. All written notices required
or  permitted  to be given under this  Contract  will be  delivered  by personal
service, by postage mail - return receipt requested or by facsimile machine or a
similar means of same day delivery  which  provides  evidence of receipt (with a
confirming copy by mail as set forth herein).  All notices  provided to Mitchell
Hutchins  will  be sent to the  attention  of  Victoria  E.  Schonfeld,  General
Counsel.  All notices  provided to the Sub-Adviser will be sent to the attention
of ______________, compliance officer.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be
executed  by their  duly  authorized  signatories  as of the date and year first
above written.


     Attest:                             MITCHELL HUTCHINS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.
                                         51 West 52nd Street
                                         New York, New York  10019-6114

     By:_____________________________    By:_________________________________
     Name:                               Name:
     Title:                              Title:

      Attest:                            PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY
                                         840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300
                                         Newport Beach, California  92660

     By:_____________________________    By:_________________________________
     Name:                               Name:
     Title:                              Title:


                                   APPENDIX B

                             INFORMATION ABOUT PIMCO

      The following information has been provided by PIMCO to the Fund.

      The  address of PIMCO is 840  Newport  Center  Drive,  Suite 300,  Newport
Beach,  California 92660. PIMCO is registered as an investment adviser under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and is registered as a commodity trading advisor
with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

      PIMCO's  directors  and  principal  executive  officer,   their  principal
occupations  and dates of service are shown below.  The address of each director
and officer is 840 Newport Center Drive,  Suite 300,  Newport Beach,  California

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LENGTH OF SERVICE            ---------------------------------
- -----------------

William S. Thompson, Jr.     Managing   Director,   Chief  Executive   Officer  and  Executive
April 1993 to Present        Committee  Member,  PIMCO;  Managing  Director,  Chief  Executive
                             Officer  and  Director,   PIMCO   Management,   Inc.;  Member  of
                             Management  Board and Executive  Committee,  PIMCO Advisors L.P.;
                             President,  Chief  Executive  officer and Member,  PIMCO Partners

William R. Benz, II          Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
June 1986 to Present         Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

Robert Wesley Burns          Managing  Director  and  Executive   Committee   Member,   PIMCO;
February 1987 to Present     Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO  Management,  Inc.; Member
                             of PIMCO Partners LLC.

Chris P. Dialynas            Managing  Director,  PIMCO;  Managing Director and Director PIMCO
July 1980 to Present         Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

Mohamed A. El-Erian          Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing director and Director,  PIMCO
May 1999 to Present          Management, Inc.

William H. Gross             Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
June 1971 to Present         Management,   Inc.;  Director  and  Vice  President,   StocksPLUS
                             Management,  Inc.;  Member of Management  Board,  PIMCO  Advisors
                             L.P.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

John L. Hague                Managing  Director  and  Executive   Committee   Member,   PIMCO.
September 1987 to Present    Managing  Director and Director,  PIMCO  Management,  Inc. Member
                             of PIMCO Partners LLC.

Pasi M. Hamalainen           Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
January 1994 to Present      Management, Inc.

Brent R. Harris              Managing  Director  and  Executive   Committee   Member,   PIMCO.
June 1985 to Present         Managing Director and Director, PIMCO Management,  Inc.; Director
                             and  Vice  President,  StocksPLUS  Management,  Inc.;  Member  of
                             Management  Board and Executive  Committee,  PIMCO Advisors L.P.;
                             Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LENGTH OF SERVICE            ---------------------------------
- -----------------

Brent L. Holden              Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
December 1989 to Present     Management, Inc.

Margaret E. Isberg           Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
August 1983 to Present       Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

John S. Loftus               Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
August 1986 to Present       Management, Inc.

Dean S. Meiling              Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
December 1976 to Present     Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

James F. Muzzy               Managing  Director  and  Executive   Committee   Member,   PIMCO;
September 1971 to Present    Managing Director and Director, PIMCO Management,  Inc.; Director
                             and Vice President,  StocksPLUS Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO
                             Partners LLC.

William F. Podlich, III      Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
August 1969 to Present       Management,  Inc.;  Member of Management  Board,  PIMCO  Advisors
                             L.P.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

William C. Powers            Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
January 1991 to Present      Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

Ernest L. Schmider           Managing  Director and Secretary,  PIMCO;  Managing  Director and
March 1994 to Present        Secretary,   PIMCO  Management,   Inc.;  Director  and  Assistant
                             Secretary,  StocksPLUS  Management,  Inc.; Senior Vice President,
                             PIMCO Advisors L.P.; Secretary, PIMCO Partners LLC.

Lee R. Thomas                Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
April 1995 to Present        Management, Inc.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.

Benjamin L. Trosky           Managing Director,  PIMCO; Managing Director and Director,  PIMCO
October 1990 to Present      Management,  Inc.;  Member of Management  Board,  PIMCO  Advisors
                             L.P.; Member of PIMCO Partners LLC.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      PIMCO also serves as investment  adviser or  sub-adviser  to the following
investment companies, which have similar investment objectives to the Fund's, at
the fee rates set forth below. These investment  companies had the indicated net
assets as of September 30, 1999.


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        NAME OF FUND                       ADVISORY FEE RATE                   APPROXIMATE ASSETS
        ------------                       -----------------                   ------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Low Duration Fund                     Annual  rate of 0.25% of  average           $4,612,199,034
                                      daily net assets
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Low Duration Fund II                  Annual  rate of 0.25% of  average              465,267,930
                                      daily net assets
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Low Duration Fund III                 Annual  rate of 0.25% of  average               25,361,958
                                      daily net assets
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Low Duration Bond Portfolio           Annual  rate of 0.40% of  average                5,098,362
                                      daily net assets

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Harbor Bond Fund                      Annual  rate of 0.50% of  average              622,475,175
                                      daily net assets on first $25 million;
                                      0.375% of average daily net assets
                                      on next $25 million; 0.25% of average
                                      daily net assets over $50 million
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio       Annual  rate of 0.30% of  average              421,807,622
                                      daily net assets on first $150 million;
                                      0.25% of average daily net assets
                                      on assets over $150 million paid monthly
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prudential Diversified Moderate       Annual rate of 0.25% of average daily net       23,259,990
Growth                                assets computed daily and paid monthly
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prudential Diversified Conservative   Annual rate of 0.25% of average daily net       28,956,072
Growth                                assets computed daily and paid monthly
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prudential Diversified Conservative   Annual rate of 0.25% of average daily net       29,627,910
Portfolio                             assets computed daily and paid monthly
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ---------------------------
                    TRUST -
               LOW DURATION
            U.S. GOVERNMENT
                INCOME FUND
- ---------------------------

                                               TRUST -
                                          LOW DURATION
                                       U.S. GOVERNMENT
                                           INCOME FUND

                                      Notice of
                                      Special Meeting
                                      to be held on
                                      March 16, 2000
                                      Proxy Statement



      This  proxy is being  solicited  on  behalf of the  Board of  Trustees  of
PAINEWEBBER  MANAGED  INVESTMENTS  TRUST  ("Trust") and relates to the proposals
indicated  below.  The  undersigned  hereby appoints as proxies Andrew Novak and
Victoria Drake and each of them (with the power of substitution) to vote for the
undersigned all shares of beneficial  interest of the undersigned in the Fund at
the Special Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern time, on
March 16, 2000, at the offices of the Fund,  1285 Avenue of the  Americas,  14th
Floor, New York, New York 10019, and any adjournment thereof  ("Meeting"),  with
all the power the  undersigned  would  have if  personally  present.  The shares
represented  by this card will be voted as instructed.  UNLESS  INDICATED TO THE

      YOUR VOTE IS  IMPORTANT.  Please date and sign this proxy below and return
it promptly in the enclosed envelope.  This proxy will not be voted unless it is
dated and  signed  exactly as  instructed.  If you vote by  telephone  or on the
Internet, there is no need to return your proxy card.

VOTE VIA THE INTERNET:  https://vote.proxy-direct.com

VOTE BY TELEPHONE: 1-888-634-9904


      If shares are held by an individual,  sign your name exactly as it appears
on this card. If shares are held jointly, either party may sign, but the name of
the party signing should  conform  exactly to the name shown on this proxy card.
If shares are held by a corporation,  partnership or similar  account,  the name
and the capacity of the  individual  signing the proxy card should be indicated,
unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For example: "ABC Corp. John
Doe, Treasurer."

                                          Sign exactly as name appears hereon.


                                          Signature (if held jointly)



      When properly signed,  the proxy will be voted as instructed  below. If no
instruction is given for a proposal, voting will be made "FOR" that proposal.

      The  Board of  Trustees  recommends  a vote  "FOR"  each of the  following
proposals: Please indicate your vote by filing in the box completely.
Example:  /  /

                                              FOR         AGAINST        ABSTAIN
1.    Approve a new sub-advisory
      contract between Mitchell Hutchins      / /           / /            / /
      Asset Management Inc. and Pacific
      Investment Management Company

2.    Approve a policy to permit the
      Board of Trustees to appoint and
      terminate sub-advisers, to enter
      into sub-advisory contracts and to      / /           / /            / /
      amend sub-advisory contracts, on
      behalf of the Fund without further
      shareholder approval.