(File Nos. 333-60306 and 811-6475)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [   ]

Check the appropriate box:
      [X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
      [ ]  Confidential,  for Use of the  Commission  Only (as permitted by Rule
      [ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
      [ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
      [ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                       STRATEGIC GLOBAL INCOME FUND, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

      [X]  No fee required
      [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules  14a-6(i)(4)  and

            1)    Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which  transaction


            2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


            3)    Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):


            4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


            5)    Total fee paid:


      [  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
      [  ] Check box if any part of the  fee is  offset as  provided by Exchange
           Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and  identify the filing for which the offsetting
           fee   was  paid   previously.   Identify  the   previous   filing  by
           registration  statement  number, or the Form or Schedule and the date
           of its filing.

            1)    Amount Previously Paid:


            2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


            3)    Filing Party:


            4)    Date Filed:


                       STRATEGIC GLOBAL INCOME FUND, INC.


                                    NOTICE OF

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                  May 25, 2000



         The annual  meeting of  shareholders  of Strategic  Global Income Fund,
Inc. ("Fund") will be held on May 25, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern time, at 1285
Avenue of the Americas,  14th Floor,  New York, New York 10019 for the following

                  (1)  To elect ten (10)  Directors  to serve  until the  annual
         meeting of shareholders in 2001, or until their  successors are elected
         and qualified;

                  (2)  To  ratify  the  selection  of  Ernst & Young  LLP as the
         Fund's  independent  auditors  for the fiscal year ending  November 30,

                  (3)  To approve or  disapprove,  if  presented,  a shareholder
         proposal; and

                  (4)  To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come
         before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         You are entitled to vote at the meeting and any adjournments thereof if
you owned Fund shares at the close of  business on April 3, 2000.  If you attend
the meeting,  you may vote your shares in person. IF YOU DO NOT EXPECT TO ATTEND

                                            By order of the Board of Directors,

                                            DIANNE E. O'DONNELL

April __, 2000
51 West 52nd Street
New York, New York  10019-6114

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

                       NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN.

sign,  date and  return  the proxy  card but give no voting  instructions,  your
shares will be voted "FOR" the nominees for Director named in the attached proxy
statement,  "FOR" the ratification of the named independent auditors,  "AGAINST"
the  shareholder  proposal and "FOR" or "AGAINST" any other  business  which may
properly arise at the meeting, in the proxies' discretion. IN ORDER TO AVOID THE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         The  following  general  guidelines  for signing  proxy cards may be of
assistance to you and avoid the time and expense to the Fund of validating  your
vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

         1.   INDIVIDUAL  ACCOUNTS:  Sign your name exactly as it appears in the
registration on the proxy card.

         2.   JOINT  ACCOUNTS:  Either party may sign, but the name of the party
signing  should  conform  exactly to the name shown in the  registration  on the
proxy card.

         3.   ALL OTHER  ACCOUNTS:  The capacity of the  individual  signing the
proxy  card  should  be  indicated  unless  it  is  reflected  in  the  form  of
registration. For example:

          Registration                                                Valid Signature
          ------------                                                ---------------

          Corporate Accounts

            (1) ABC Corp........................................      ABC Corp.
                                                                      John Doe, Treasurer
            (2) ABC Corp........................................      John Doe, Treasurer
            (3) ABC Corp. c/o John Doe, Treasurer...............      John Doe
            (4) ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan...................      John Doe, Trustee

          Partnership Accounts

            (1) The XYZ Partnership.............................      Jane B. Smith, Partner
            (2) Smith and Jones, Limited Partnership............      Jane B. Smith, General Partner

          Trust Accounts

            (1) ABC Trust Account...............................      Jane B. Doe, Trustee
            (2) Jane B. Doe, Trustee u/t/d 12/18/78.............      Jane B. Doe

          Custodial or Estate Accounts
            (1) John B. Smith, Cust. f/b/o John B.
                Smith, Jr. UGMA/UTMA............................      John B. Smith
            (2) Estate of John B. Smith.........................      John B. Smith, Jr.,

                       STRATEGIC GLOBAL INCOME FUND, INC.

                               51 WEST 52ND STREET

                          NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019-6114


                                 PROXY STATEMENT



         This  statement is furnished to the  shareholders  of Strategic  Global
Income  Fund,  Inc.   ("Fund")  in  connection  with  the  Board  of  Directors'
solicitation of proxies to be used at the annual meeting of the  shareholders of
the Fund to be held on May 25, 2000 at 10:00 a.m.,  Eastern time, at 1285 Avenue
of the Americas,  14th Floor,  New York, New York 10019,  or any  adjournment or
adjournments  thereof  ("Meeting").  This proxy  statement and the related proxy
card will first be mailed to shareholders on or about April __, 2000.

         The close of  business  on April 3, 2000 has been  fixed as the  record
date for the  determination  of shareholders  entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the Meeting. On that date, the Fund had 19,419,227.54 shares of common stock
outstanding  and entitled to vote. Each share of common stock is entitled to one
vote at the Meeting,  and fractional shares are entitled to proportionate shares
of one vote.  Management does not know of any person who owns beneficially 5% or
more of the outstanding shares of the Fund.

         A majority of the shares  outstanding on April 3, 2000,  represented in
person or by proxy,  must be present  for the  transaction  of  business  at the
Meeting.  In the event  that a quorum is not  present  at the  Meeting,  or if a
quorum is present at the  Meeting  but  sufficient  votes to approve  any of the
proposals are not received, the persons named as proxies may propose one or more
adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies. Any such
adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares
represented  at the Meeting in person or by proxy.  The persons named as proxies
will vote those  proxies which they are entitled to vote "FOR" any such proposal
in favor of such an  adjournment,  and will vote those  proxies  required  to be
voted "AGAINST" any such proposal against such  adjournment.  A shareholder vote
may be taken on one or more of the  proposals in this proxy  statement  prior to
any such  adjournment if sufficient votes have been received and it is otherwise

         Broker  non-votes  are shares  held in street name for which the broker
indicates that instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or
other  persons  entitled  to  vote  and for  which  the  broker  does  not  have
discretionary voting authority. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted
as shares  present for purposes of  determining  whether a quorum is present but
will not be voted for or against  any  proposal.  Accordingly,  abstentions  and
broker  non-votes  effectively  will have no impact on Proposals 1, 2 and 3, for
which the required vote is a specified amount of the votes cast at the Meeting.

         The  individuals  named as proxies on the enclosed proxy card will vote
in  accordance  with your  direction as indicated  thereon if your proxy card is
received   properly  executed  by  you  or  by  your  duly  appointed  agent  or
attorney-in-fact.  If you give no voting instructions, your shares will be voted
"FOR" the ten nominees for Director named herein,  "FOR" the ratification of the
selection of the  independent  auditors named herein,  "AGAINST" the shareholder
proposal and "FOR" or "AGAINST" any other  business  which may properly arise at
the meeting, in the proxies' discretion. You may revoke any proxy card by giving
another  proxy or by  letter or  telegram  revoking  the  initial  proxy.  To be
effective, your revocation must be received by the Fund prior to the Meeting and
must  indicate  your name and account  number.  In  addition,  if you attend the
Meeting in person you may, if you wish,  vote by ballot at the Meeting,  thereby
cancelling any proxy previously given.

         The  solicitation  of  proxies,  the cost of which will be borne by the
Fund,  will be made  primarily  by mail but also may include  telephone  or oral
communications  by regular  employees of Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management Inc.
("Mitchell Hutchins") or PaineWebber Incorporated ("PaineWebber"),  who will not
receive any compensation therefor from the Fund.

         Copies of the  Fund's  most  recent  annual  and  semi-annual  reports,
including financial statements,  have previously been delivered to shareholders.
Shareholders  may  request  free  copies of these  reports by  writing  Mitchell
Hutchins  Asset  Management  Inc.,  51 West  52nd  Street,  New  York,  New York
10019-6114 or by calling toll-free (800) 852-4750.

         Mitchell  Hutchins  serves  as  the  Fund's   investment   adviser  and
administrator.  Mitchell Hutchins is a wholly owned asset management  subsidiary
of  PaineWebber,  which is a wholly owned  subsidiary of Paine Webber Group Inc.
("PW Group"), a publicly held financial services holding company.  The principal
business address of Mitchell Hutchins is 51 West 52nd Street, New York, New York
10019-6114.  The principal  business address of PaineWebber and PW Group is 1285
Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019.

                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Proposal 1 relates to the election of Directors of the Fund. Management
proposes  the  election  of the ten  nominees  named in the  table  below.  Each
nominee,  including those who are not  "interested  persons" of the Fund as that
term is defined by the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended ("1940 Act")
("Independent  Directors"),  has  indicated his or her  willingness  to serve if
elected.  If elected,  each  nominee  will hold office until the next meeting of
shareholders or until his or her successor is elected and qualified.  Unless you
give contrary instructions on the enclosed proxy card, your shares will be voted
"FOR" the election of each of the ten  nominees.  If any of the nominees  should
withdraw or otherwise become unavailable for election, your shares will be voted
"FOR" such other nominee or nominees as management may recommend.

         Messrs. Feldberg, Gowen and Malek have each served as a Director of the
Fund since its  inception in 1992.  Mr. Bewkes has served as a Director from the
Fund's inception except for a brief period in 1993. Mr. Storms has served on the
Board since May 13, 1999. Each of the other Directors has served since he or she
was first elected to the Board on April 11, 1996.  Directors  will be elected by
the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a plurality  of the shares of the Fund,


present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote thereon, provided a quorum is
present. If each of the ten nominees is elected, they will constitute the entire
Board of  Directors  of the Fund.  To the Fund's  knowledge,  none of the Fund's
current  Directors and executive  officers (21 persons)  beneficially  owned any
shares of the Fund as of March 31, 2000.

                                          PRESENT POSITION WITH THE                          SHARES OWNED
                                       FUND; BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DURING                     BENEFICIALLY ON
    NOMINEE; AGE                     PAST FIVE YEARS; OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                  MARCH, 31, 2000++
    ------------                     ------------------------------------                 -----------------

Margo N. Alexander*+; 53       DIRECTOR   AND  PRESIDENT.  Mrs.   Alexander   is                    --
                               Chairman  (since  March  1999),  chief  executive
                               officer  and  a  director  of  Mitchell  Hutchins
                               (since   January  1995)  and  an  executive  vice
                               president  and  director  of  PaineWebber  (since
                               March 1984).  Mrs.  Alexander is president  and a
                               director  or trustee of 31  investment  companies
                               for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one
                               of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

Richard Q. Armstrong; 64       DIRECTOR. Mr. Armstrong is chairman and principal                    --
R.Q.A. Enterprises             of  R.Q.A.  Enterprises   (management  consulting
One Old Church Road            firm) (since April 1991 and principal  occupation
Unit #6                        since March 1995).  Mr. Armstrong was chairman of
Greenwich, CT  06830           the board, chief executive officer  and  co-owner
                               of Adirondack Beverages (producer and distributor
                               of  soft  drinks  and   sparkling/still   waters)
                               (October  1993-March  1995).  He was a partner of
                               The  New  England  Consulting  Group  (management
                               consulting firm) (December  1992-September 1993).
                               He was managing director of LVMH U.S. Corporation
                               (U.S.  subsidiary  of  the  French  luxury  goods
                               conglomerate,   Louis   Vuitton  Moet   Hennessey
                               Corporation) (1987-1991) and chairman of its wine
                               and spirits  subsidiary,  Schieffelin  & Somerset
                               Company (1987-1991).  Mr. Armstrong is a director
                               or trustee of 30  investment  companies for which
                               Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their
                               affiliates serves as investment adviser.

E. Garrett Bewkes, Jr.** +;    DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF  DIRECTORS.                    --
73                             Mr.  Bewkes   is   a   director   of   PW   Group
                               (holding  company  of  PaineWebber  and  Mitchell
                               Hutchins).  Prior  to  December  1995,  he  was a
                               consultant to PW


                                          PRESENT POSITION WITH THE                          SHARES OWNED
                                       FUND; BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DURING                     BENEFICIALLY ON
    NOMINEE; AGE                     PAST FIVE YEARS; OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                  MARCH, 31, 2000++
    ------------                     ------------------------------------                 -----------------

                               Group.  Prior to  1988,  he was  chairman  of the
                               board,  president and chief executive  officer of
                               American  Bakeries  Company.   Mr.  Bewkes  is  a
                               director of Interstate Bakeries  Corporation.  He
                               is  a  director  or  trustee  of  34   investment
                               companies    for   which    Mitchell    Hutchins,
                               PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as
                               investment adviser.

Richard R. Burt; 53            DIRECTOR.  Mr. Burt is chairman of IEP Advisors,                     --
1275 Pennsylvania Avenue,      LLP  (international  investments  and  consulting
N.W.                           firm) (since  March  1994),   and  a  partner  of
Washington, D.C.  20004        McKinsey & Company  (management  consulting firm)
                               (since   1991).   He  is  also  a   director   of
                               Archer-Daniels-Midland      Co.     (agricultural
                               commodities),    Hollinger    International   Co.
                               (publishing),   Homestake   Mining  Corp.   (gold
                               mining),  nine  investment  companies in the Flag
                               Investors  Family of Funds,  The Central European
                               Fund, Inc., The Germany Fund, Inc., vice chairman
                               of Anchor Gaming  (provides  technology to gaming
                               and  wagering  industry)  (since  July  1999) and
                               chairman   of  Weirton   Steel  Corp  (makes  and
                               finishes steel  products)  (since April 1996). He
                               was the chief  negotiator in the  Strategic  Arms
                               Reduction  Talks  with the  former  Soviet  Union
                               (1989-1991)  and  the  U.S.   Ambassador  to  the
                               Federal Republic of Germany (1985-1989). Mr. Burt
                               is  a  director  or  trustee  of  30   investment
                               companies    for   which    Mitchell    Hutchins,
                               PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as
                               investment adviser.

Mary C. Farrell*+; 50          DIRECTOR.  Ms.  Farrell is a  managing  director,                    --
                               senior  investment  strategist  and member of the
                               Investment  Policy Committee of PaineWebber.  Ms.
                               Farrell  joined  PaineWebber  in  1982.  She is a
                               member of the Financial  Women's  Association and
                               Women's  Economic  Roundtable  and  appears  as a


                                          PRESENT POSITION WITH THE                          SHARES OWNED
                                       FUND; BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DURING                     BENEFICIALLY ON
    NOMINEE; AGE                     PAST FIVE YEARS; OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                  MARCH, 31, 2000++
    ------------                     ------------------------------------                 -----------------

                               panelist on Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser.
                               She also serves on the Board of  Overseers of New
                               York University's  Stern School of Business.  Ms.
                               Farrell is a director or trustee of 29 investment
                               companies    for   which    Mitchell    Hutchins,
                               PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as
                               investment adviser.

Meyer Feldberg; 58             DIRECTOR.   Mr. Feldberg is Dean and Professor of                    --
Columbia University            Management of the Graduate  School  of  Business,
101 Uris Hall                  Columbia University.   Prior  to  1989,   he  was
New York, NY  10027            president  of    the    Illinois    Institute  of
                               Technology.  Dean  Feldberg is also a director of
                               Primedia Inc. (publishing),  Federated Department
                               Stores,  Inc. (operator of department stores) and
                               Revlon,  Inc.  (cosmetics).  Dean  Feldberg  is a
                               director  or trustee of 33  investment  companies
                               for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one
                               of their affiliates serves an investment adviser.

George W. Gowen; 70            DIRECTOR.  Mr. Gowen is a partner in the law firm                    --
666 Third Avenue               of Dunnington,  Bartholow  &  Miller.   Prior  to
New York, NY  10017            May 1994, he was a  partner  in  the  law firm of
                               Fryer,  Ross & Gowen.  Mr. Gowen is a director or
                               trustee  of 33  investment  companies  for  which
                               Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their
                               affiliates serves as investment adviser.

Frederic V. Malek; 63          DIRECTOR.   Mr.  Malek  is  chairman   of  Thayer                    --
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue,      Capital Partners (merchant bank) and chairman  of
N.W.                           Thayer    Hotel   Investors   II   and    Lodging
Suite 350                      Opportunities     Fund     (hotel      investment
Washington, D.C.  20004        partnerships).  From  January  1992  to  November
                               1992, he was campaign manager of Bush-Quayle '92.
                               From 1990 to 1992, he was vice chairman and, from
                               1989  to  1990,  he was  president  of  Northwest
                               Airlines Inc. and  NWA Inc. (holding  company  of


                                          PRESENT POSITION WITH THE                          SHARES OWNED
                                       FUND; BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DURING                     BENEFICIALLY ON
    NOMINEE; AGE                     PAST FIVE YEARS; OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                  MARCH, 31, 2000++
    ------------                     ------------------------------------                 -----------------

                               Northwest  Airlines Inc.).  Prior to 1989, he was
                               employed  by the  Marriott  Corporation  (hotels,
                               restaurants,   airline   catering   and  contract
                               feeding), where he most recently was an executive
                               vice  president and president of Marriott  Hotels
                               and  Resorts.  Mr.  Malek is also a  director  of
                               Aegis   Communications,   Inc.   (tele-services),
                               American  Management  Systems,  Inc.  (management
                               consulting   and  computer   related   services),
                               Automatic  Data   Processing,   Inc.   (computing
                               services),  CB Richard  Ellis,  Inc. (real estate
                               services),  FPL Group, Inc. (electric  services),
                               Global  Vacation  Group   (packaged   vacations),
                               HCR/Manor Care, Inc. (health care), SAGA Systems,
                               Inc.  (software  company) and Northwest  Airlines
                               Inc.  Mr.  Malek is a  director  or trustee of 30
                               investment companies for which Mitchell Hutchins,
                               PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as
                               investment adviser.

Carl W. Schafer; 64            DIRECTOR.   Mr.  Schafer   is  president  of  the                    --
66 Witherspoon Street          Atlantic    Foundation   (charitable   foundation
#1100                          supporting mainly oceanographic  exploration  and
Princeton, NJ  08542           research).  He is a director of Labor Ready, Inc.
                               (temporary  employment),  Roadway  Express,  Inc.
                               (trucking),  The Guardian  Group of Mutual Funds,
                               the Harding,  Loevner Funds,  E.I.I. Realty Trust
                               (investment company),  Evans Systems, Inc. (motor
                               fuels,    convenience   store   and   diversified
                               company),   Electronic   Clearing   House,   Inc.
                               (financial transactions processing), Frontier Oil
                               Corporation and Nutraceutix,  Inc. (biotechnology
                               company).  Prior to January 1993, he was chairman
                               of  the  Investment  Advisory  Committee  of  the
                               Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Mr. Schafer is a
                               director  or trustee of 30  investment  companies
                               for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one
                               of  their  affiliates  serves  as  an  investment


                                          PRESENT POSITION WITH THE                          SHARES OWNED
                                       FUND; BUSINESS EXPERIENCE DURING                     BENEFICIALLY ON
    NOMINEE; AGE                     PAST FIVE YEARS; OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                  MARCH, 31, 2000++
    ------------                     ------------------------------------                 -----------------

Brian M. Storms*+; 45          DIRECTOR.  Mr. Storms  is  president   and  chief                    --
                               operating  officer of  Mitchell  Hutchins  (since
                               March  1999).   Mr.   Storms  was   president  of
                               Prudential  Investments  (1996-1999).   Prior  to
                               joining  Prudential he was a managing director at
                               Fidelity Investments. Mr. Storms is a director or
                               trustee  of 30  investment  companies  for  which
                               Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their
                               affiliates serves as investment adviser.

- ---------
*  The  business  address of this person is 51 West 52nd Street,  New York,  New
   York 10019-6114.

** The business address of this person is 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
   New York 10019.

+  Mrs.  Alexander,  Mr.  Bewkes,  Ms.  Farrell and Mr.  Storms are  "interested
   persons"  of the  Fund,  as  defined  in the 1940  Act,  by  virtue  of their
   positions with Mitchell Hutchins, PaineWebber and/or PW Group.

++ Unless  otherwise  stated,  as of the date indicated,  each director had sole
   voting and investment power of any shares owned.

         The Board of Directors of the Fund met six times during the fiscal year
ended November 30, 1999. All of the directors,  except Ms. Farrell, attended 75%
or more of the  board  meetings  during  the last  fiscal  year.  The  Audit and
Contract Review Committee ("ACR  Committee") of the board currently  consists of
Messrs.  Armstrong,  Burt, Feldberg, Gowen, Malek and Schafer. The ACR Committee
has established a sub-committee  that  periodically  reviews the contractual and
audit  arrangements  for the Fund and  reports  back to the full ACR  Committee.
Messrs.  Burt,  Feldberg  and Schafer are  members of this  sub-committee.  Each
member of the  Fund's  ACR  Committee  is also a member  of a similar  committee
established  by the  boards of other  investment  companies  for which  Mitchell
Hutchins or PaineWebber serves as investment adviser and also may be a member of
a  sub-committee  established  by  another  fund's  audit  and  contract  review
committee.  The duties of the ACR Committee are: (a) to review the financial and
accounting   policies  of  the  Fund,   including  internal  accounting  control
procedures,  and to review reports prepared by the Fund's independent  auditors,
including  reports  on  the  Fund's  financial  statements;  (b) to  review  and
recommend  approval or disapproval of audit and non-audit  services and the fees
charged for such services;  (c) to evaluate the  independence of the independent
auditors and to recommend  whether to retain such  independent  auditors for the


next fiscal year;  and (d) to report to the Board and make such  recommendations
as it deems necessary.  The ACR Committee and the related sub-committee each met
once  during the fiscal year ended  November  30,  1999.  Each member of the ACR
Committee and sub-committee attended those meetings.

         The  Board  does  not  have  a  standing   nominating  or  compensation
committee.  The Fund pays the  Independent  Directors  $1,000 annually and up to
$150 for each Board meeting and for each separate  meeting of a Board committee.
The chairmen of the audit and contract  review  committees of  individual  funds
within the PaineWebber fund complex receive additional compensation  aggregating
$15,000  annually  from  the  relevant  funds.  Directors  of the  Fund  who are
"interested persons" as defined in the 1940 Act receive no compensation from the
Fund.  Directors are reimbursed for any expenses incurred in attending meetings.
Each Director will be subject to mandatory  retirement at the end of the year in
which he or she becomes 72 years old. The Board has waived this requirement with
respect to Mr.  Bewkes  for the next  year.  The table  below  includes  certain
information relating to the compensation of the Fund's Directors.

                               COMPENSATION TABLE+
                                                                    AGGREGATE       COMPENSATION
                                                                  COMPENSATION        FROM THE
NAME OF                                                               FROM          FUND AND THE
PERSON, POSITION                                                    THE FUND*      FUND COMPLEX**
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Richard Q. Armstrong, Director............................           $1,780           $104,650
Richard R. Burt, Director.................................           $1,780           $102,850
Meyer Feldberg, Director..................................           $2,432           $119,650
George W. Gowen, Director.................................           $1,780           $119,650
Frederic V. Malek, Director...............................           $1,780           $104,650
Carl W. Schafer, Director.................................           $1,780           $104,650

- ----------------------
+  Only  independent  members  of the  board  are  compensated  by the  Fund and
   identified above;  directors who are "interested  persons," as defined by the
   1940 Act, do not receive compensation.

*  Represents  fees paid to each Director  during the fiscal year ended November
   30, 1999.

** Represents  total  compensation  paid  to  each  Director  by  31  investment
   companies (34 companies in the case of Messrs.  Feldberg and Gowen) for which
   Mitchell  Hutchins,   PaineWebber  or  one  of  their  affiliates  served  as
   investment  adviser during the calendar year ended December 31, 1999. No fund
   within the complex has a bonus, pension, profit sharing or retirement plan.



         The election of each Director  requires  approval by a plurality of the
votes cast at the Meeting on the matter.

                           NOMINEE IN PROPOSAL NO. 1.


         The Fund's financial  statements for the fiscal year ended November 30,
1999, were audited by Ernst & Young LLP ("Ernst & Young"), independent auditors.
In addition,  Ernst & Young  prepares the Fund's federal and state annual income
tax returns.

         The Board of Directors  of the Fund has  selected  Ernst & Young as the
independent  auditors for the Fund for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2000,
subject to  ratification  by  shareholders  of the Fund at the Meeting.  Ernst &
Young has been the Fund's  independent  auditors  since its inception in October
1992. The  ratification of Ernst & Young as independent  auditors is to be voted
upon  at  the  Meeting,  and  it is  intended  that  the  persons  named  in the
accompanying   proxy  will  vote  "FOR"  such   ratification   unless   contrary
instructions  are  given.  Ernst & Young  has  informed  the Fund that it has no
material direct or indirect financial interest in the Fund.

         Representatives  of Ernst & Young are not expected to be present at the
Meeting  but have been  given the  opportunity  to make a  statement  if they so
desire and will be available should any matter arise requiring their presence.


         The  ratification of Ernst & Young as the Fund's  independent  auditors
for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2000 requires the affirmative  vote of a
majority of the shares cast at the Meeting on the matter.

                                  PROPOSAL 2.


         A beneficial  owner of common stock of the Fund (the  "Proponent")  has
informed  the Fund that he  intends  to  present a  proposal  for  action at the
Meeting.  The Proponent  proposes that the following  resolution be presented to
shareholders of the Fund:

         "RESOLVED:  The  shareholders of The Strategic  Global Income Fund urge
the Board of  Directors  to promptly  conduct a tender offer for at least 20% of
the outstanding shares at net asset value ("NAV")."


         The Proponent has requested that the following statement be included in
the proxy statement in support of the proposal:

                              SUPPORTING STATEMENT

         "I have been a  shareholder  of The  Strategic  Global Income Fund (the
"Fund") for several  years.  As you probably  know,  the shares of the Fund have
traded at a  double-digit  discount to NAV for a long time.  As of September 24,
1999 the Fund's  discount  stood at 18.75%.  At that discount  level, I estimate
that  approximately  $50 million of the Fund's  assets would be  unavailable  to

         "Notwithstanding  a share repurchase plan that was announced last year,
the shares have generally  traded at a discount  between 12% and 19% since then.
We think it is only fair that  shareholders that may need to sell some shares of
the Fund for personal  reasons  should have an  opportunity  to do so at a price
close to NAV (rather than at a deep discount).  That is why we are  recommending
that the Board conduct a self-tender  offer for a significant  percentage of the
Fund's  outstanding  shares.  A  self-tender  offer will allow  shareholders  to
realize  NAV for a  portion  of  their  investment  and may  lead to a  narrower
discount in the future by reducing  the excess  supply of shares for sale in the

         "To conclude,  I believe that a self-tender  offer at NAV is clearly in
the best interest of all shareholders."

                                    * * * * *

         The Fund will promptly  furnish the Proponent's  name,  address and the
number of Fund shares he owns to any shareholder  who requests such  information
from the Fund,  either by calling  toll-free  (800)  852-4750  or by writing the
Secretary of the Fund.


         The  Fund's  Board  of  Directors  urges  you to  vote  "AGAINST"  this
shareholder's  proposal.  In the Board's view, the tender offer described in the
proposal  is  unlikely to achieve  any  long-term  benefits  for the Fund or its

         A  "tender  offer"  is a  repurchase  occurring  on one day and is only
available  to  shareholders  who wish to sell at that  day's  price.  While  the
discount  would likely  decrease  shortly prior to the tender offer,  the Fund's
Board of  Directors  believes  that after  completion  of the  tender  offer the
discount would likely return to its prior level. It should be noted that even if
a shareholder  were to tender shares,  there is no assurance that the Fund would
buy back all the shares tendered. If more than 20% of the outstanding shares are
tendered,  the Fund would need to "pro  rate" the amount  tendered  by any given
investor.  Moreover, if the Fund were to conduct a tender offer for at least 20%


of the Fund's outstanding shares, as recommended by the shareholder,  the assets
of the Fund would  decrease by at least 20%. This reduction in assets would mean
that the Fund's  expense  ratio would rise,  and its net income would  decrease,
because the Fund's expenses would be spread over a smaller number of shares.  In
addition,  all  shareholders  would bear the special  costs of the tender offer,
including  those  who do not  tender  any  shares  and who  view  the  Fund as a
long-term investment.

         The Board oversees all Fund activities, including the Fund's investment
performance  on both a market price and net asset value basis.  It has regularly
reviewed the discount at which Fund shares have traded. The Board has recognized
that the discount tends to be driven mainly by market forces. As a result, there
are limits as to what can be done to narrow the discount,  while maintaining the
benefits of operating as a closed-end fund.

         Given  the  Board's  interest  in  shareholder  returns,  it has  taken
numerous actions to benefit shareholders and to reduce the Fund's discount.

- --------------

         o  MAY 1998:  The Fund  adopted a managed  distribution  policy,  under
            which the Fund paid fixed monthly  distributions  equal to 8% of the
            Fund's net asset value annually.

         o  SEPTEMBER 1998: The Fund implemented a share  repurchase  program of
            up to 10% of the outstanding shares.

         o  DECEMBER  1999:  The Fund's  Board  authorized  the  purchase  of an
            additional  10% of  outstanding  shares  under the share  repurchase
            program.  (Approximately  8% of the  Fund's  outstanding  shares had
            already been purchased under the original program.)

         o  DECEMBER  1999: The Fund's Board approved an increase in the managed
            distribution policy from 8% to 10% annually.

         Although the above steps have not eliminated the Fund's  discount,  the
Board  believes  that they  benefit  the Fund's  shareholders  and should have a
positive long-term impact on the Fund's market price.

- -------------------------------------------------

         o  Share  repurchase  programs are less  expensive to the Fund than the
            proposed tender offer.

         o  Share repurchase  programs provide  continuing support of the market
            for Fund shares for the duration of the program.

         o  Each time shares are  repurchased  at a discount to net asset value,
            the net asset value of the remaining shares is increased.


         Finally,  upon completion of the current share repurchase program,  the
Fund will have already  purchased  close to 20% of its outstanding  shares,  the
same amount being proposed by the shareholder.

         As discussed above,  the Board of Directors  believes that it is in the
best  interests  of the Fund and its  shareholders  not to  implement a one-time
tender offer. The Board believes, therefore, that you should vote "AGAINST" this


         The approval of the shareholder  proposal requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of the shares  cast at the Meeting on the matter.  Unless you give
contrary  instructions  on the  enclosed  proxy card,  your shares will be voted
"AGAINST" the shareholder proposal.

         Because  the  Proponent's  proposal is merely  advisory in nature,  its
approval would not automatically  require the Board to conduct a 20% self-tender
offer at net asset  value.  Instead,  if  approved,  the Board  will  reconsider
whether taking such an action would be in the best interests of the Fund and its


                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

         Officers of the Fund are  appointed by the  Directors  and serve at the
pleasure  of the  Board.  None of the Fund's  officers  currently  receives  any
compensation  from the Fund. The executive  officers of the Fund, in addition to
Mrs. Alexander (about whom information is given previously), are:

                  THOMAS DISBROW, age 34, vice president and assistant treasurer
         (appointed  February 2000). Mr. Disbrow is a first vice president and a
         senior  manager of the  mutual  fund  finance  department  of  Mitchell
         Hutchins.   Prior  to  November  1999,  he  was  a  vice  president  of
         Zweig/Glaser  Advisers.  Mr.  Disbrow is a vice president and assistant
         treasurer  of 31  investment  companies  for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,
         PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

                  JOHN J. LEE, age 31, vice president and assistant treasurer of
         the Fund  (appointed  May  1998).  Mr.  Lee is a vice  president  and a
         manager of the mutual fund  finance  department  of Mitchell  Hutchins.
         Prior to  September  1997,  he was an audit  manager  in the  financial
         services practice of Ernst & Young LLP. Mr. Lee is a vice president and
         assistant  treasurer  of 31  investment  companies  for which  Mitchell
         Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as investment

                  KEVIN  J.  MAHONEY,  age  34,  vice  president  and  assistant
         treasurer  (appointed May 1999).  Mr. Mahoney is a first vice president


         and senior  manager of the mutual fund finance  department  of Mitchell
         Hutchins.  From August 1996 through  March 1999,  he was the manager of
         the mutual fund internal  control group of Salomon Smith Barney.  Prior
         to  August  1996,  he was an  associate  and  assistant  treasurer  for
         BlackRock  Financial  Management L.P.   Mr. Mahoney is a vice president
         and assistant  treasurer of 31 investment  companies for which Mitchell
         Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as investment

                  DENNIS MCCAULEY, age 53, vice president of the Fund (appointed
         September  1995).  Mr.  McCauley  is  a  managing  director  and  chief
         investment officer-fixed income of Mitchell Hutchins. Prior to December
         1994, he was director of fixed income  investments of IBM  Corporation.
         Mr.  McCauley is a vice president of 22 investment  companies for which
         Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their  affiliates  serves as
         investment adviser.

                  ANN E. MORAN,  age 42, vice president and assistant  treasurer
          of the Fund (appointed June 1993). Ms. Moran is a vice president and a
          manager of the mutual fund finance  department  of Mitchell  Hutchins.
          Ms. Moran is a vice president and assistant treasurer of 31 investment
          companies for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their
          affiliates serves as investment adviser.

                  DIANNE E.  O'DONNELL,  age 47, vice president and secretary of
         the Fund  (appointed  February  1992).  Ms.  O'Donnell is a senior vice
         president  and  deputy  general  counsel  of  Mitchell  Hutchins.   Ms.
         O'Donnell is a vice president and secretary of 30 investment  companies
         and a vice president and assistant  secretary of one investment company
         for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their  affiliates
         serves as investment adviser.

                  EMIL POLITO,  age 39, vice  president  of the Fund  (appointed
          September 1996). Mr. Polito is a senior vice president and director of
          operations  and control for Mitchell  Hutchins.  Mr.  Polito is a vice
          president of 31  investment  companies  for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,
          PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

                  PAUL H. SCHUBERT,  age 37, vice president (appointed September
          1994) and treasurer  (appointed May 1997) of the Fund. Mr. Schubert is
          a senior vice  president  and the  director of the mutual fund finance
          department of Mitchell Hutchins.  Mr. Schubert is a vice president and
          treasurer of 31  investment  companies  for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,
          PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

                  BARNEY A.  TAGLIALATELA,  age 39, vice president and assistant
         treasurer of the Fund (appointed May 1997). Mr.  Taglialatela is a vice
         president  and a manager  of the  mutual  fund  finance  department  of
         Mitchell  Hutchins.  Prior to  February  1995,  he was a manager of the
         mutual fund finance division of Kidder Peabody Asset  Management,  Inc.
         Mr.  Taglialatela  is a vice  president and  assistant  treasurer of 31
         investment companies for which Mitchell Hutchins, PaineWebber or one of
         their affiliates serves as investment adviser.


                  STUART WAUGH,  age 44, vice  president of the Fund  (appointed
         September  1992).  Mr.  Waugh is a managing  director  and a  portfolio
         manager  of  Mitchell  Hutchins  responsible  for global  fixed  income
         investments and currency trading. Mr. Waugh is a vice president of five
         investment companies for which Mitchell Hutchins, PaineWebber or one of
         their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

                  KEITH  A.  WELLER,   age  38,  vice  president  and  assistant
         secretary of the Fund (appointed September 1995). Mr. Weller is a first
         vice  president and  associate  general  counsel of Mitchell  Hutchins.
         Prior to May 1995,  he was an attorney  with Brown & Wood LLP (New York
         City).  Mr. Weller is a vice  president  and assistant  secretary of 30
         investment companies for which Mitchell Hutchins, PaineWebber or one of
         their affiliates serves as investment adviser.


         The Fund is not aware of any  outstanding  report  required to be filed
pursuant to Section 16(a).

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         This year's Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  was  unavoidably  delayed
until May for reasons beyond the Fund's control.  The Fund  anticipates  that it
will hold its 2001 annual meeting of shareholders  in March 2001.  Consequently,
in  order  to be  considered  at that  meeting,  shareholder  proposals  must be
received  by the Fund no later than  October 1, 2000 and must  satisfy the other
requirements  of the federal  securities  laws.  Any  shareholder  who wishes to
submit  proposals  to be  considered  at  the  Fund's  2001  annual  meeting  of
shareholders  should send such  proposals  to the  Secretary of the Fund at 1285
Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         Management  knows of no business to be presented  at the Meeting  other
than the matters set forth in this proxy statement,  but should any other matter
requiring a vote of shareholders  arise, the proxies will vote thereon according
to their best judgment in the interest of the Fund.

                                       By order of the Board of Directors,

                                       DIANNE E. O'DONNELL

  April __, 2000



        It is important that you execute and return your proxy promptly.



- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------



                                                      STRATEGIC GLOBAL
                                                     INCOME FUND, INC.

                                                            Notice of
                                                            Annual Meeting
                                                            to be held on
                                                            May 25, 2000
                                                            Proxy Statement

PROXY                                                                   PROXY

                       STRATEGIC GLOBAL INCOME FUND, INC.

                  Annual Meeting of Shareholders--May 25, 2000

GLOBAL INCOME FUND, INC.  ("FUND").  The undersigned  hereby appoints as proxies
Keith  A.  Weller  and  Evelyn   DeSimone  and  each  of  them  (with  power  of
substitution)  to vote for the  undersigned  all  shares of common  stock of the
undersigned  in the Fund at the above  referenced  meeting  and any  adjournment
thereof,  with all the power the undersigned  would have if personally  present.
The  shares  represented  by this  proxy  will be  voted as  instructed.  UNLESS

YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.  Please date and sign this proxy on the reverse side and
return it promptly in the enclosed envelope to:

PFPC Inc., P.O. Box 9426,  Wilmington,  DE 19808-9938.  PFPC has been engaged to
forward the enclosed proxy material and to tabulate proxies by mail.


      (INSTRUCTION:  To withhold  authority to vote for any individual  nominee,
                     strike a line through the nominee's  name in the list below
                     and mark center box to right.)

      Margo N. Alexander,  Richard Q. Armstrong, E. Garrett Bewkes, Jr., Richard
      R. Burt,  Mary C. Farrell,  Meyer Feldberg,  George W. Gowen,  Frederic V.
      Malek, Carl W. Schafer, Brian M. Storms.

      /  /  FOR ALL        OR   /  /  FOR ALL EXCEPT      OR    /  /  WITHHOLD

2.    To ratify the  selection  of Ernst & Young LLP as the  Fund's  independent
      auditors for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2000.

       /  /  FOR                /  /  AGAINST                   /  /  ABSTAIN

3.    To approve the shareholder proposal.

       /  /  FOR                /  /  AGAINST                   /  /  ABSTAIN


                                            This proxy will not be valid  unless
                                            it is dated and  signed  exactly  as
                                            instructed below.

                                            If shares are held by an individual,
                                            sign your name exactly as it appears
                                            on this  card.  If  shares  are held
                                            jointly,  either party may sign, but
                                            the name of the party signing should
                                            conform exactly to the name shown on
                                            this proxy card.  If shares are held
                                            by  a  corporation,  partnership  or
                                            similar  account,  the  name and the
                                            capacity of the  individual  signing
                                            the proxy card  should be  indicated
                                            unless it is  reflected  in the form
                                            of registration.  For example:  "ABC
                                            Corp., John Doe, Treasurer."


                                            Signature (if held jointly)

                                            ------------------------------, 2000