made as of ________,  2000,  between  Neuberger  Berman  Equity  Funds  ("Equity
Funds"),  on behalf of each segregated  portfolio of assets  ("series")  thereof
listed on  Schedule A to this  Agreement  ("Schedule  A") (each,  an  "Acquiring
Fund"),  and Neuberger Berman Equity Trust ("Equity  Trust"),  on behalf of each
series thereof listed on Schedule A (each, a "Target"). (Each Acquiring Fund and
Target is sometimes referred to herein individually as a "Fund" and collectively
as the  "Funds";  and Equity Funds and Equity  Trust are  sometimes  referred to
herein  individually  as  an  "Investment   Company"  and  collectively  as  the
"Investment   Companies.")  All  agreements,   representations,   actions,   and
obligations  described  herein made or to be taken or  undertaken  by a Fund are
made and  shall be  taken  or  undertaken  by  Equity  Funds on  behalf  of each
Acquiring Fund and by Equity Trust on behalf of each Target.

      The Investment Companies, each of which is a Delaware business trust, wish
to  effect  eleven   separate   reorganizations,   each   described  in  section
368(a)(1)(C)  of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended  ("Code"),  and
intend this Agreement to be, and adopt it as, a "plan of reorganization"  within
the meaning of the  regulations  under section 368 of the Code  ("Regulations").
Each  reorganization  will  involve  the  transfer  of a Target's  assets to the
Acquiring  Fund listed on Schedule A opposite its name (each,  a  "corresponding
Acquiring Fund") in exchange solely for voting shares of beneficial  interest in
that  Acquiring  Fund and that  Acquiring  Fund's  assumption  of that  Target's
liabilities,  followed by the constructive distribution of those shares PRO RATA
to the  holders of shares of  beneficial  interest  in that  Target in  exchange
therefor,  all  on  the  terms  and  conditions  set  forth  herein.  (All  such
transactions  involving  each Target and its  corresponding  Acquiring  Fund are
referred to herein as a "Reorganization.") For convenience,  the balance of this
Agreement  will  refer  only to a single  Reorganization,  one  Target,  and one
Acquiring  Fund, but the terms and conditions  hereof shall apply  separately to
each  Reorganization.  The  consummation  of  one  Reorganization  shall  not be
contingent on the consummation of any other Reorganization.

      Each  Target has a single  class of shares  ("Target  Shares").  Acquiring
Fund's shares are divided into multiple  classes,  including Trust Class shares.
Only Acquiring Fund's Trust Class shares  ("Acquiring  Fund Shares"),  which are
substantially similar to the Target Shares, are involved in the Reorganization.

      In  consideration  of the mutual promises  contained  herein,  the parties
agree as follows:


        1.1. Target agrees to assign, sell, convey, transfer, and deliver all of
its assets  described in paragraph 1.2 ("Assets") to Acquiring  Fund.  Acquiring
Fund agrees in exchange therefor --

             (a)  to issue and deliver to Target the number of full and
                  fractional (rounded to the third decimal place) Acquiring Fund
                  Shares determined by dividing the net value of Target
                  (computed as set forth in paragraph 2.1) by the net asset
                  value ("NAV") of an Acquiring Fund Share (computed as set
                  forth in paragraph 2.2), and

             (b)  to assume all of Target's liabilities described in paragraph
                  1.3 ("Liabilities"). These transactions shall take place at
                  the Closing (as defined in paragraph 3.1).

        1.2. The Assets shall include all cash,  cash  equivalents,  securities,
receivables (including interest and dividends receivable),  claims and rights of
action,  rights to register shares under  applicable  securities laws, books and
records,  deferred and prepaid  expenses shown as assets on Target's books,  and
other  property  owned by Target at the Effective  Time (as defined in paragraph

        1.3. The Liabilities shall include all of Target's  liabilities,  debts,
obligations,  and duties of whatever kind or nature, whether absolute,  accrued,
contingent,  or  otherwise,  whether or not  arising in the  ordinary  course of
business,  whether or not determinable at the Effective Time, and whether or not
specifically  referred  to in this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
Target  agrees to use its best  efforts to discharge  all its known  Liabilities
before the Effective Time.

        1.4. At or immediately  before the Effective Time,  Target shall declare
and pay to its  shareholders a dividend  and/or other  distribution in an amount
large  enough so that it will  have  distributed  substantially  all (and in any
event not less than 90%) of its  investment  company  taxable  income  (computed
without regard to any deduction for dividends paid) and substantially all of its
realized  net capital  gain,  if any,  for the current  taxable year through the
Effective Time.

        1.5.  At the  Effective  Time (or as soon  thereafter  as is  reasonably
practicable),  Target shall  distribute the Acquiring Fund Shares received by it
pursuant to paragraph 1.1 to Target's  shareholders of record,  determined as of
the Effective Time (each a "Shareholder"  and collectively  "Shareholders"),  in
constructive  exchange  for their  Target  Shares.  That  distribution  shall be
accomplished by Equity Funds's  transfer  agent's opening  accounts on Acquiring
Fund's share transfer books in the  Shareholders'  names and transferring  those
Acquiring Fund Shares thereto. Each Shareholder's account shall be credited with
the  respective  PRO RATA  number of full and  fractional  (rounded to the third
decimal  place)  Acquiring  Fund Shares due that  Shareholder.  All  outstanding
Target Shares , including any represented by certificates,  shall simultaneously
be canceled on Target's  share  transfer  books.  Acquiring Fund shall not issue
certificates  representing  the Acquiring Fund Shares issued in connection  with
the Reorganization.

        1.6.  As  soon  as  reasonably  practicable  after  distribution  of the
Acquiring  Fund Shares  pursuant to paragraph  1.5, but in all events within six
months  after the  Effective  Time,  Target shall be  terminated  as a series of
Equity Trust and any further  actions shall be taken in connection  therewith as
required by applicable law.

        1.7. Any reporting responsibility of Target to a public authority is and
shall  remain its  responsibility  up to and  including  the date on which it is

        1.8. Any transfer  taxes payable on issuance of Acquiring Fund Shares in
a name other than that of the registered  holder on Target's books of the Target
Shares  constructively  exchanged  therefor  shall be paid by the person to whom
those Acquiring Fund Shares are to be issued, as a condition of that transfer.


        2.1. For purposes of paragraph  1.1(a),  Target's net value shall be (a)
the value of the Assets  computed as of the close of regular  trading on the New
York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE")  on the date of the Closing  ("Valuation  Time"),
using the valuation  procedures  set forth in its  then-current  prospectus  and
statement  of  additional  information  ("SAI"),  less  (b)  the  amount  of the
Liabilities as of the Valuation Time.

        2.2.  For  purposes of paragraph  1.1(a),  the NAV of an Acquiring  Fund
Share shall be computed as of the Valuation Time, using the valuation procedures
set forth in Acquiring Fund's then-current prospectus and SAI.


        2.3. All  computations  pursuant to paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall be made
by or under the direction of Neuberger Berman Management Inc.


        3.1.  The  Reorganization,  together  with  related  acts  necessary  to
consummate  the  same  ("Closing"),  shall  occur at the  Investment  Companies'
principal  office on or about [____ _],  2000,  or at such other place and/or on
such other date as to which the Investment  Companies may agree. All acts taking
place at the  Closing  shall be deemed to take  place  simultaneously  as of the
close of  business  on the date  thereof  or at such  other time as to which the
Investment  Companies may agree ("Effective  Time").  If, immediately before the
Valuation  Time,  (a) the NYSE is  closed  to  trading  or  trading  thereon  is
restricted  or (b) trading or the  reporting of trading on the NYSE or elsewhere
is disrupted, so that accurate appraisal of Target's net value and/or the NAV of
an Acquiring Fund Share is impracticable,  the Effective Time shall be postponed
until the first  business  day after the day when that  trading  shall have been
fully resumed and that reporting shall have been restored.

        3.2.  Equity Trust's fund  accounting and pricing agent shall deliver at
the  Closing  a  certificate  of  an  authorized   officer  verifying  that  the
information (including adjusted basis and holding period, by lot) concerning the
Assets,  including all portfolio securities,  transferred by Target to Acquiring
Fund, as reflected on Acquiring Fund's books immediately after the Closing, does
or will conform to that  information  on Target's books  immediately  before the
Closing.  Equity Trust's custodian shall deliver at the Closing a certificate of
an authorized  officer  stating that (a) the Assets it holds will be transferred
to  Acquiring  Fund  at the  Effective  Time  and  (b) all  necessary  taxes  in
conjunction  with the delivery of the Assets,  including all applicable  federal
and state stock transfer stamps, if any, have been paid or provision for payment
has been made.  3.3. Equity Trust shall deliver to Equity Funds at the Closing a
list  of the  names  and  addresses  of  the  Shareholders  and  the  number  of
outstanding  Target  Shares owned by each  Shareholder,  all as of the Effective
Time,  certified by Equity Trust's Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary thereof.
Equity  Funds's  transfer agent shall deliver at the Closing a certificate as to
the  opening  on  Acquiring  Fund's  share  transfer  books of  accounts  in the
Shareholders'  names.  Equity  Funds shall issue and deliver a  confirmation  to
Equity Trust  evidencing  the Acquiring  Fund Shares to be credited to Target at
the Effective Time or provide  evidence  satisfactory to Equity Trust that those
Acquiring Fund Shares have been credited to Target's account on Acquiring Fund's

        3.4. Each  Investment  Company shall deliver to the other at the Closing
(a) a certificate  executed in its name by its President or a Vice  President in
form and substance  satisfactory  to the recipient and dated the Effective Time,
to the effect that the  representations and warranties it made in this Agreement
are true and correct at the Effective Time except as they may be affected by the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and (b)  bills of sale,  checks,
assignments,  stock  certificates,  receipts,  and  other  documents  the  other
Investment Company or its counsel reasonably requests.


        4.1. Equity Trust represents and warrants as follows:

             4.1.1. Equity Trust is a business trust duly organized and validly
        existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and its Certificate of
        Trust has been duly filed in the office of the Secretary of State

             4.1.2.Equity Trust is duly registered as an open-end management
        investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
        ("1940 Act"), and that registration will be in full force and effect at
        the Effective Time;

             4.1.3. Target is a duly established and designated series of Equity


             4.1.4. At the Closing, Target will have good and marketable title
        to the Assets and full right, power, and authority to sell, assign,
        transfer, and deliver the Assets free of any liens or other
        encumbrances; and on delivery and payment for the Assets, Acquiring Fund
        will acquire good and marketable title thereto;

             4.1.5.Target's current prospectus and SAI conform in all material
        respects to the applicable requirements of the Securities Act of 1933,
        as amended ("1933 Act"), and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations
        thereunder and do not include any untrue statement of a material fact or
        omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or
        necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
        under which they were made, not misleading;

             4.1.6.Target is not in violation of, and the execution and delivery
        of this Agreement and consummation of the transactions contemplated
        hereby will not conflict with or violate, Delaware law or any provision
        of the Amended and Restated Trust Instrument ("Trust Instrument") or
        By-Laws of Equity Trust or of any agreement, instrument, lease, or other
        undertaking to which Target is a party or by which it is bound or result
        in the acceleration of any obligation, or the imposition of any penalty,
        under any agreement, judgment, or decree to which Target is a party or
        by which it is bound, except as previously disclosed in writing to and
        accepted by Equity Funds;

             4.1.7.Except as otherwise disclosed in writing to and accepted by
        Equity Funds, all material contracts and other commitments of or
        applicable to Target (other than this Agreement and investment
        contracts, including options, futures, and forward contracts) will be
        terminated, or provision for discharge of any liabilities of Target
        thereunder will be made, at or prior to the Effective Time, without
        either Fund's incurring any liability or penalty with respect thereto
        and without diminishing or releasing any rights Target may have had with
        respect to actions taken or omitted or to be taken by any other party
        thereto prior to the Closing;

             4.1.8.Except as otherwise disclosed in writing to and accepted by
        Equity Funds, no litigation, administrative proceeding, or investigation
        of or before any court or governmental body is presently pending or (to
        Equity Trust's knowledge) threatened against Equity Trust with respect
        to Target or any of its properties or assets that, if adversely
        determined, would materially and adversely affect Target's financial
        condition or the conduct of its business; and Equity Trust knows of no
        facts that might form the basis for the institution of any such
        litigation, proceeding, or investigation and is not a party to or
        subject to the provisions of any order, decree, or judgment of any court
        or governmental body that materially or adversely affects its business
        or its ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;

             4.1.9.The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement
        have been duly authorized as of the date hereof by all necessary action
        on the part of Equity Trust's board of trustees, which has made the
        determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the 1940 Act; and,
        subject to approval by Target's shareholders, this Agreement constitutes
        a valid and legally binding obligation of Target, enforceable in
        accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by
        bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium,
        and similar laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights and by
        general principles of equity;

             4.1.10. At the Effective Time, the performance of this Agreement
        shall have been duly authorized by all necessary action by Target's


             4.1.11. No governmental consents, approvals, authorizations, or
        filings are required under the 1933 Act, the Securities Exchange Act of
        1934, as amended ("1934 Act"), or the 1940 Act for the execution or
        performance of this Agreement by Equity Trust, except for (a) the filing
        with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") of a registration
        statement by Equity Funds on Form N-14 relating to the Acquiring Fund
        Shares issuable hereunder, and any supplement or amendment thereto
        ("Registration Statement"), including therein a prospectus/proxy
        statement ("Proxy Statement"), and (b) such consents, approvals,
        authorizations, and filings as have been made or received or as may be
        required subsequent to the Effective Time;

             4.1.12. On the effective date of the Registration Statement, at the
        time of the shareholders' meeting referred to in paragraph 5.2, and at
        the Effective Time, the Proxy Statement will (a) comply in all material
        respects with the applicable provisions of the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act,
        and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder and (b) not
        contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
        material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
        statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
        made, not misleading; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to
        statements in or omissions from the Proxy Statement made in reliance on
        and in conformity with information furnished by Equity Funds for use

             4.1.13. The Liabilities were incurred by Target in the ordinary
        course of its business and are associated with the Assets; and there are
        no Liabilities other than liabilities disclosed or provided for in
        Equity Trust's financial statements referred to in paragraph 4.1.18 and
        liabilities incurred by Target in the ordinary course of its business
        subsequent to [_______ __, 2000], or otherwise previously disclosed to
        Equity Funds, none of which has been materially adverse to the business,
        assets, or results of Target's operations;

             4.1.14. Target is a "fund" as defined in section 851(g)(2) of the
        Code; it qualified for treatment as a regulated investment company under
        Subchapter M of the Code ("RIC") for each past taxable year since it
        commenced operations and will continue to meet all the requirements for
        that qualification for its current taxable year; the Assets will be
        invested at all times through the Effective Time in a manner that
        ensures compliance with the foregoing; and Target has no earnings and
        profits accumulated in any taxable year in which the provisions of
        Subchapter M did not apply to it;

             4.1.15. Target is not under the jurisdiction of a court in a "title
        11 or similar case" (within the meaning of section 368(a)(3)(A) of the

             4.1.16. During the five-year period ending on the Closing Date,
        neither Target nor any person "related" (as defined in section
        1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations without regard to section
        1.368-1(e)(3)(i)(A) thereof) to Target will have directly or through any
        transaction, agreement, or arrangement with any other person, (a)
        acquired Target Shares with consideration other than Acquiring Fund
        Shares or Target Shares, except for shares redeemed in the ordinary
        course of Target's business as a series of an open-end investment
        company as required by the 1940 Act, or (b) made distributions with
        respect to Target Shares, except for (i) dividends qualifying for the
        deduction for dividends paid (as defined in section 561 of the Code)
        referred to in sections 852(a)(1) and 4982(c)(1)(A) of the Code and (ii)
        additional distributions, to the extent they do not exceed 50% of the
        value (without giving effect to those distributions) of the proprietary
        interest in Target on the Closing Date;


             4.1.17. Target's federal income tax returns, and all applicable
        state and local tax returns, for all taxable years through and including
        the taxable year ended [_____ __, ____], have been timely filed and all
        taxes payable pursuant to those returns have been timely paid; and

             4.1.18. Equity Trust's financial statements for the year ended
        [_____ __, ____], [AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED _____ __, 2000,] to be
        delivered to Equity Funds, fairly represent Target's financial position
        as of that [EACH SUCH] date and the results of its operations and
        changes in its net assets for the year [PERIOD] then ended.

        4.2.  Equity Funds represents and warrants as follows:

             4.2.1. Equity Funds is a business trust duly organized and validly
        existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and its Certificate of
        Trust has been duly filed in the office of the Secretary of State

             4.2.2. Equity Funds is duly registered as an open-end management
        investment company under the 1940 Act, and that registration will be in
        full force and effect at the Effective Time;

             4.2.3. Acquiring Fund is a duly established and designated series
        of Equity Funds;

             4.2.4. No consideration other than Acquiring Fund Shares (and
        Acquiring Fund's assumption of the Liabilities) will be issued in
        exchange for the Assets in the Reorganization;

             4.2.5.The Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued and delivered to
        Target hereunder will, at the Effective Time, have been duly authorized
        and, when issued and delivered as provided herein, will be duly and
        validly issued and outstanding shares of Acquiring Fund, fully paid and

             4.2.6.Acquiring Fund's current prospectus and SAI conform in all
        material respects to the applicable requirements of the 1933 Act and the
        1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder and do not include any
        untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact
        required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements
        therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not

             4.2.7.Acquiring Fund is not in violation of, and the execution and
        delivery of this Agreement and consummation of the transactions
        contemplated hereby will not conflict with or violate, Delaware law or
        any provision of the Trust Instrument or By-Laws of Equity Funds or of
        any provision of any agreement, instrument, lease, or other undertaking
        to which Acquiring Fund is a party or by which it is bound or result in
        the acceleration of any obligation, or the imposition of any penalty,
        under any agreement, judgment, or decree to which Acquiring Fund is a
        party or by which it is bound, except as previously disclosed in writing
        to and accepted by Equity Trust;

             4.2.8.Except as otherwise disclosed in writing to and accepted by
        Equity Trust, no litigation, administrative proceeding, or investigation
        of or before any court or governmental body is presently pending or (to
        Equity Funds's knowledge) threatened against Equity Funds with respect
        to Acquiring Fund or any of its properties or assets that, if adversely
        determined, would materially and adversely affect Acquiring Fund's
        financial condition or the conduct of its business; and Equity Funds
        knows of no facts that might form the basis for the institution of any
        such litigation, proceeding, or investigation and is not a party to or
        subject to the provisions of any order, decree, or judgment of any court
        or governmental body that materially or adversely affects its business
        or its ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;


             4.2.9.The execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement
        have been duly authorized as of the date hereof by all necessary action
        on the part of Equity Funds's board of trustees (together with Equity
        Trust's board of trustees, the "Boards"), which has made the
        determinations required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the 1940 Act; and this
        Agreement constitutes a valid and legally binding obligation of
        Acquiring Fund, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as the
        same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent transfer,
        reorganization, moratorium, and similar laws relating to or affecting
        creditors' rights and by general principles of equity;

             4.2.10. No governmental consents, approvals, authorizations, or
        filings are required under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, or the 1940 Act
        for the execution or performance of this Agreement by Equity Funds,
        except for (a) the filing with the SEC of the Registration Statement and
        (b) such consents, approvals, authorizations, and filings as have been
        made or received or as may be required subsequent to the Effective Time;

             4.2.11. On the effective date of the Registration Statement, at the
        time of the shareholders' meeting referred to in paragraph 5.2, and at
        the Effective Time, the Proxy Statement will (a) comply in all material
        respects with the applicable provisions of the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act,
        and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder and (b) not
        contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
        material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
        statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
        made, not misleading; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to
        statements in or omissions from the Proxy Statement made in reliance on
        and in conformity with information furnished by Equity Trust for use

             4.2.12. Acquiring Fund is a "fund" as defined in section 851(g)(2)
        of the Code; it qualified for treatment as a RIC for each past taxable
        year since it commenced operations and will continue to meet all the
        requirements for such qualification for its current taxable year; it
        intends to continue to meet all such requirements for the next taxable
        year; and it has no earnings and profits accumulated in any taxable year
        in which the provisions of Subchapter M of the Code did not apply to it;

             4.2.13. Acquiring Fund has no plan or intention to issue additional
        Acquiring Fund Shares following the Reorganization except for shares
        issued in the ordinary course of its business as a series of an open-end
        investment company; nor does Acquiring Fund, or any person "related"
        (within the meaning of section 1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations) to
        Acquiring Fund, have any plan or intention to redeem or otherwise
        reacquire any Acquiring Fund Shares issued to the Shareholders pursuant
        to the Reorganization, except to the extent it is required by the 1940
        Act to redeem any of its shares presented for redemption at NAV in the
        ordinary course of that business;

             4.2.14. Following the Reorganization, Acquiring Fund (a) will
        continue Target's "historic business" (within the meaning of section
        1.368-1(d)(2) of the Regulations), (b) will use a significant portion of
        Target's "historic business assets" (within the meaning of section
        1.368-1(d)(3) of the Regulations) in a business; in addition, Acquiring
        Fund has no plan or intention to sell or otherwise dispose of any of the
        Assets, except for dispositions made in the ordinary course of that
        business and dispositions necessary to maintain its status as a RIC;

             4.2.15. There is no plan or intention for Acquiring Fund to be
        dissolved or merged into another business trust or a corporation or any
        "fund" thereof (within the meaning of section 851(g)(2) of the Code)
        following the Reorganization;


             4.2.16. Acquiring Fund does not directly or indirectly own, nor at
        the Effective Time will it directly or indirectly own, nor has it
        directly or indirectly owned at any time during the past five years, any
        shares of Target;

             4.2.17. Acquiring Fund's federal income tax returns, and all
        applicable state and local tax returns, for all taxable years through
        and including the taxable year ended [_____ __, ____], have been timely
        filed and all taxes payable pursuant to such returns have been timely
        paid; and

             4.2.18. Equity Funds's financial statements for the year ended
        [_____ __, ____], [AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED _____ __, 2000,] to be
        delivered to Equity Trust, fairly represent Acquiring Fund's financial
        position as of that [EACH SUCH] date and the results of its operations
        and changes in its net assets for the year [PERIOD] then ended.

        4.3.  Each Investment Company represents and warrants as follows:

             4.3.1. The fair market value of the Acquiring Fund Shares received
        by each Shareholder will be approximately equal to the fair market value
        of its Target Shares constructively surrendered in exchange therefor;

             4.3.2.Its management (a) is unaware of any plan or intention of
        Shareholders to redeem, sell, or otherwise dispose of (i) any portion of
        their Target Shares before the Reorganization to any person "related"
        (within the meaning of section 1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations) to
        either Fund or (ii) any portion of the Acquiring Fund Shares to be
        received by them in the Reorganization to any person "related" (within
        such meaning) to Acquiring Fund, (b) does not anticipate dispositions of
        those Acquiring Fund Shares at the time of or soon after the
        Reorganization to exceed the usual rate and frequency of dispositions of
        shares of Target as a series of an open-end investment company, (c)
        expects that the percentage of Shareholder interests, if any, that will
        be disposed of as a result of or at the time of the Reorganization will
        be DE MINIMIS, and (d) does not anticipate that there will be
        extraordinary redemptions of Acquiring Fund Shares immediately following
        the Reorganization;

             4.3.3. The Shareholders will pay their own expenses, if any,
        incurred in connection with the Reorganization;

             4.3.4. The fair market value of the Assets on a going concern basis
        will equal or exceed the Liabilities to be assumed by Acquiring Fund and
        those to which the Assets are subject;

             4.3.5. There is no intercompany indebtedness between the Funds that
        was issued or acquired, or will be settled, at a discount;

             4.3.6.Pursuant to the Reorganization, Target will transfer to
        Acquiring Fund, and Acquiring Fund will acquire, at least 90% of the
        fair market value of the net assets, and at least 70% of the fair market
        value of the gross assets, Target held immediately before the
        Reorganization. For the purposes of this representation, any amounts
        Target used to pay its Reorganization expenses and to make redemptions
        and distributions immediately before the Reorganization (except (a)
        redemptions in the ordinary course of its business required by section
        22(e) of the 1940 Act and (b) regular, normal dividend distributions
        made to conform to its policy of distributing all or substantially all
        of its income and gains to avoid the obligation to pay federal income
        tax and/or the excise tax under section 4982 of the Code) after the date
        of this Agreement will be included as assets held thereby immediately
        before the Reorganization;


             4.3.7.None of the compensation received by any Shareholder who is
        an employee of or service provider to Target will be separate
        consideration for, or allocable to, any of the Target Shares held by
        that Shareholder; none of the Acquiring Fund Shares received by any such
        Shareholder will be separate consideration for, or allocable to, any
        employment agreement, investment advisory agreement, or other service
        agreement; and the consideration paid to any such Shareholder will be
        for services actually rendered and will be commensurate with amounts
        paid to third parties bargaining at arm's-length for similar services;

             4.3.8. Immediately after the Reorganization, the Shareholders will
        not own shares constituting "control" (within the meaning of section
        304(c) of the Code) of Acquiring Fund; and

             4.3.9. Neither Fund will be reimbursed for any expenses incurred by
        it or on its behalf in connection with the Reorganization unless those
        expenses are solely and directly related to the Reorganization
        (determined in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Rev. Rul.
        73-54, 1973-1 C.B. 187).


        5.1.  Each  Fund  covenants  to  operate  its  respective  business   in
the  ordinary  course  between  the  date  hereof  and  the  Closing,  it  being
understood that --

        (a) such ordinary course will include declaring and paying customary
            dividends and other distributions and changes in operations
            contemplated by each Fund's normal business activities, and

        (b) each Fund will retain exclusive control of its investments until the
            Closing; provided that Target shall not dispose of more than an
            insignificant portion of its historic business assets (as defined
            above) during that period without Acquiring Fund's prior consent.

        5.2. Target  covenants to call a  shareholders'  meeting to consider and
act on this Agreement and to take all other action  necessary to obtain approval
of the transactions contemplated hereby.

        5.3.  Target  covenants  that the Acquiring  Fund Shares to be delivered
hereunder  are not being  acquired  for the  purpose of making any  distribution
thereof, other than in accordance with the terms hereof.

        5.4.  Target  covenants  that it will assist  Equity  Funds in obtaining
information Equity Funds reasonably requests concerning the beneficial ownership
of Target Shares.  5.5. Target  covenants that its books and records  (including
all books and records required to be maintained under the 1940 Act and the rules
and regulations thereunder) will be turned over to Equity Funds at the Closing.

        5.6. Each Fund  covenants to cooperate in preparing the Proxy  Statement
in compliance with applicable  federal and state securities laws.

        5.7. Each Fund  covenants  that it will,  from time to time, as and when
requested  by the other Fund,  execute  and deliver or cause to be executed  and
delivered all  assignments and other  instruments,  and will take or cause to be
taken further action, the other Fund may deem necessary or desirable to vest in,
and confirm to, (a) Acquiring  Fund,  title to and possession of all the Assets,
and (b)  Target,  title to and  possession  of the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to be
delivered hereunder, and otherwise to carry out the intent and purpose hereof.

        5.8.  Acquiring Fund  covenants to use all reasonable  efforts to obtain
the  approvals  and  authorizations  required by the 1933 Act, the 1940 Act, and
state securities laws it deems  appropriate to continue its operations after the
Effective Time.


        5.9. Subject to this Agreement,  each Fund covenants to take or cause to
be taken  all  actions,  and to do or cause  to be done all  things,  reasonably
necessary,  proper,  or advisable to consummate and effectuate the  transactions
contemplated hereby.


        Each  Fund's  obligations  hereunder  shall be  subject to (a) the other
Fund's performance of all its obligations to be performed hereunder at or before
the Effective  Time,  (b) all  representations  and warranties of the other Fund
contained herein being true and correct in all material  respects as of the date
hereof  and,  except as they may be affected  by the  transactions  contemplated
hereby,  as of the Effective  Time, with the same force and effect as if made at
and as of the Effective Time, and (c) the following further  conditions that, at
or before the Effective Time:

        6.1. This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby shall have
been duly  adopted and  approved  by each Board and shall have been  approved by
Target's  shareholders  in accordance  with Equity Trust's Trust  Instrument and
By-Laws and applicable law.

        6.2. All  necessary  filings shall have been made with the SEC and state
securities authorities,  and no order or directive shall have been received that
any other or further  action is  required to permit the parties to carry out the
transactions  contemplated hereby. The Registration  Statement shall have become
effective  under the 1933  Act,  no stop  orders  suspending  the  effectiveness
thereof shall have been issued, and the SEC shall not have issued an unfavorable
report with respect to the  Reorganization  under  section 25(b) of the 1940 Act
nor  instituted  any   proceedings   seeking  to  enjoin   consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  under  section  25(c) of the 1940  Act.  All
consents,   orders,  and  permits  of  federal,   state,  and  local  regulatory
authorities  (including  the  SEC  and  state  securities   authorities)  deemed
necessary by either Investment Company to permit  consummation,  in all material
respects,  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have been  obtained,
except  where  failure  to obtain  same  would not  involve a risk of a material
adverse  effect on either  Fund's  assets or  properties,  provided  that either
Investment Company may for itself waive any of such conditions.

        6.3. At the Effective Time, no action,  suit, or other  proceeding shall
be  pending  before  any court or  governmental  agency in which it is sought to
restrain or prohibit,  or to obtain damages or other relief in connection  with,
the transactions contemplated hereby.

        6.4.  Equity  Trust  shall have  received  an opinion of  Kirkpatrick  &
Lockhart LLP ("Counsel") substantially to the effect that:

             6.4.1.Acquiring Fund is a duly established series of Equity Funds,
        a business trust duly organized and validly existing under the laws of
        the State of Delaware with power under its Trust Instrument to own all
        its properties and assets and, to the knowledge of Counsel, to carry on
        its business as presently conducted;

             6.4.2.This Agreement (a) has been duly authorized, executed, and
        delivered by Equity Funds on behalf of Acquiring Fund and (b) assuming
        due authorization, execution, and delivery of this Agreement by Equity
        Trust on behalf of Target, is a valid and legally binding obligation of
        Equity Funds with respect to Acquiring Fund, enforceable in accordance
        with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy,
        insolvency, fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium, and similar
        laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights and by general
        principles of equity;

             6.4.3.The Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued and distributed to the
        Shareholders under this Agreement, assuming their due delivery as
        contemplated by this Agreement, will be duly authorized, validly issued
        and outstanding, and fully paid and non-assessable;


             6.4.4.The execution and delivery of this Agreement did not, and the
        consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not,
        materially violate Equity Funds's Trust Instrument or By-Laws or any
        provision of any agreement (known to Counsel, without any independent
        inquiry or investigation) to which Equity Funds (with respect to
        Acquiring Fund) is a party or by which it is bound or (to the knowledge
        of Counsel, without any independent inquiry or investigation) result in
        the acceleration of any obligation, or the imposition of any penalty,
        under any agreement, judgment, or decree to which Equity Funds (with
        respect to Acquiring Fund) is a party or by which it is bound, except as
        set forth in that opinion or as previously disclosed in writing to and
        accepted by Equity Trust;

             6.4.5.To the knowledge of Counsel (without any independent inquiry
        or investigation), no consent, approval, authorization, or order of any
        court or governmental authority is required for the consummation by
        Equity Funds (on behalf of Acquiring Fund) of the transactions
        contemplated herein, except those obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934
        Act, and the 1940 Act and those that may be required under state
        securities laws;

             6.4.6. Equity Funds is registered with the SEC as an investment
        company, and to the knowledge of Counsel no order has been issued or
        proceeding instituted to suspend that registration; and

             6.4.7.To the knowledge of Counsel (without any independent inquiry
        or investigation), (a) no litigation, administrative proceeding, or
        investigation of or before any court or governmental body is pending or
        threatened as to Equity Funds (with respect to Acquiring Fund) or any of
        its properties or assets attributable or allocable to Acquiring Fund and
        (b) Equity Funds (with respect to Acquiring Fund) is not a party to or
        subject to the provisions of any order, decree, or judgment of any court
        or governmental body that materially and adversely affects Acquiring
        Fund's business, except as set forth in that opinion or as otherwise
        disclosed in writing to and accepted by Equity Trust.

In rendering the foregoing opinion, Counsel may (1) rely, as to matters governed
by the laws of the  State of  Delaware,  on an  opinion  of  competent  Delaware
counsel, (2) make assumptions  regarding the authenticity,  genuineness,  and/or
conformity  of documents and copies  thereof  without  independent  verification
thereof,  (3) limit that  opinion to  applicable  federal and state law, and (4)
define the word "knowledge" and related terms to mean the knowledge of attorneys
then with Counsel who have  devoted  substantive  attention to matters  directly
related to this Agreement and the  Reorganization.  6.5. Equity Funds shall have
received an opinion of Counsel substantially to the effect that:

             6.5.1.Target is a duly established series of Equity Trust, a
        business trust duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the
        State of Delaware with power under its Trust Instrument to own all its
        properties and assets and, to the knowledge of Counsel, to carry on its
        business as presently conducted;

             6.5.2.This Agreement (a) has been duly authorized, executed, and
        delivered by Equity Trust on behalf of Target and (b) assuming due
        authorization, execution, and delivery of this Agreement by Equity Funds
        on behalf of Acquiring Fund, is a valid and legally binding obligation
        of Equity Trust with respect to Target, enforceable in accordance with
        its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,
        fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium, and similar laws
        relating to or affecting creditors' rights and by general principles of

             6.5.3.The execution and delivery of this Agreement did not, and the
        consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not,
        materially violate Equity Trust's Trust Instrument or By-Laws or any


        provision of any agreement (known to Counsel, without any independent
        inquiry or investigation) to which Equity Trust (with respect to Target)
        is a party or by which it is bound or (to the knowledge of Counsel,
        without any independent inquiry or investigation) result in the
        acceleration of any obligation, or the imposition of any penalty, under
        any agreement, judgment, or decree to which Equity Trust (with respect
        to Target) is a party or by which it is bound, except as set forth in
        that opinion or as previously disclosed in writing to and accepted by
        Equity Funds;

             6.5.4.To the knowledge of Counsel (without any independent inquiry
        or investigation), no consent, approval, authorization, or order of any
        court or governmental authority is required for the consummation by
        Equity Trust (on behalf of Target) of the transactions contemplated
        herein, except those obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the
        1940 Act and those that may be required under state securities laws;

             6.5.5. Equity Trust is registered with the SEC as an investment
        company, and to the knowledge of Counsel no order has been issued or
        proceeding instituted to suspend that registration; and

             6.5.6.To the knowledge of Counsel (without any independent inquiry
        or investigation), (a) no litigation, administrative proceeding, or
        investigation of or before any court or governmental body is pending or
        threatened as to Equity Trust (with respect to Target) or any of its
        properties or assets attributable or allocable to Target and (b) Equity
        Trust (with respect to Target) is not a party to or subject to the
        provisions of any order, decree, or judgment of any court or
        governmental body that materially and adversely affects Target's
        business, except as set forth in that opinion or as otherwise disclosed
        in writing to and accepted by Equity Funds.

In rendering the foregoing opinion, Counsel may (1) rely, as to matters governed
by the laws of the  State of  Delaware,  on an  opinion  of  competent  Delaware
counsel, (2) make assumptions  regarding the authenticity,  genuineness,  and/or
conformity  of documents and copies  thereof  without  independent  verification
thereof,  (3) limit such  opinion to  applicable  federal and state law, and (4)
define the word "knowledge" and related terms to mean the knowledge of attorneys
then with Counsel who have  devoted  substantive  attention to matters  directly
related to this Agreement and the  Reorganization.

        6.6. Each Investment Company shall have received an opinion of Counsel,
addressed to and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to it, as to the
federal income tax consequences mentioned below ("Tax Opinion"). In rendering
the Tax Opinion, Counsel may rely as to factual matters, exclusively and without
independent verification, on the representations made in this Agreement, which
Counsel may treat as representations made to it, or in separate letters
addressed to Counsel and the certificates delivered pursuant to paragraph 3.4.
The Tax Opinion shall be substantially to the effect that, based on the facts
and assumptions stated therein and conditioned on consummation of the
Reorganization in accordance with this Agreement, for federal income tax

             6.6.1. Acquiring Fund's acquisition of the Assets in exchange
        solely for Acquiring Fund Shares and Acquiring Fund's assumption of the
        Liabilities, followed by Target's distribution of those shares PRO RATA
        to the Shareholders constructively in exchange for their Target Shares,
        will qualify as a reorganization within the meaning of section
        368(a)(1)(C) of the Code, and each Fund will be "a party to a
        reorganization" within the meaning of section 368(b) of the Code;


             6.6.2.Target will recognize no gain or loss on the transfer of the
        Assets to Acquiring Fund in exchange solely for Acquiring Fund Shares
        and Acquiring Fund's assumption of the Liabilities or on the subsequent
        distribution of those shares to the Shareholders in constructive
        exchange for their Target Shares;

             6.6.3. Acquiring Fund will recognize no gain or loss on its receipt
        of the Assets in exchange solely for Acquiring Fund Shares and its
        assumption of the Liabilities;

             6.6.4. Acquiring Fund's basis in the Assets will be the same as
        Target's basis therein immediately before the Reorganization, and
        Acquiring Fund's holding period for the Assets will include Target's
        holding period therefor;

             6.6.5. A Shareholder will recognize no gain or loss on the
        constructive exchange of all its Target Shares solely for Acquiring Fund
        Shares pursuant to the Reorganization; and

             6.6.6.A Shareholder's aggregate basis in the Acquiring Fund Shares
        to be received by it in the Reorganization will be the same as the
        aggregate basis in its Target Shares to be constructively surrendered in
        exchange for those Acquiring Fund Shares, and its holding period for
        those Acquiring Fund Shares will include its holding period for those
        Target Shares, provided the Shareholder held them as capital assets at
        the Effective Time.

Notwithstanding subparagraphs 6.6.2 and 6.6.4, the Tax Opinion may state that no
opinion is expressed as to the effect of the  Reorganization on the Funds or any
Shareholder with respect to any asset as to which any unrealized gain or loss is
required  to be  recognized  for  federal  income tax  purposes  at the end of a
taxable year (or on the termination or transfer  thereof) under a mark-to-market
system of accounting.

      At any time before the Closing, either Investment Company may waive any of
the  foregoing  conditions  (except that set forth in paragraph  6.1) if, in the
judgment of its Board,  that waiver will not have a material  adverse  effect on
its Fund's shareholders' interests.


        7.1. Each Investment Company represents and warrants to the other that
there are no brokers or finders entitled to receive any payments in connection
with the transactions provided for herein.

        7.2. Each Fund will bear its own Reorganization expenses.


        Neither party has made any representation, warranty, or covenant not set
forth herein, and this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
parties. The representations, warranties, and covenants contained herein or in
any document delivered pursuant hereto or in connection herewith shall not
survive the Closing.


        This Agreement may be terminated at any time at or prior to the
Effective Time, whether before or after approval by Target's shareholders:

        9.1. By either Fund (a) in the event of the other Fund's material breach
of any representation, warranty, or covenant contained herein to be performed at
or prior to the Effective Time, (b) if a condition to its obligations has not
been met and it reasonably appears that such condition will not or cannot be
met, or (c) if the Closing has not occurred on or before December 31, 2000; or

        9.2. By the parties' mutual agreement.

In the event of termination  under  paragraphs  9.1(c) or 9.2, there shall be no
liability for damages on the part of either Fund, or the trustees or officers of
either Investment Company, to the other Fund.



      This  Agreement may be amended,  modified,  or  supplemented  at any time,
notwithstanding  approval  thereof  by  Target's  shareholders,  in  any  manner
mutually  agreed on in writing by the  parties;  provided  that  following  that
approval  no  such  amendment  shall  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the
Shareholders' interests.


        11.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the internal laws of the State of Delaware; provided that, in the case of
any conflict between those laws and the federal securities laws, the latter
shall govern.

        11.2. Nothing expressed or implied herein is intended or shall be
construed to confer on or give any person, firm, trust, or corporation other
than the parties and their respective successors and assigns any rights or
remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

        11.3. Each Investment Company acknowledges that the other is a business
trust organized in series form. This Agreement is executed by Equity Funds on
behalf of Acquiring Fund, and by Equity Trust on behalf of Target, and by their
respective trustees and/or officers in their capacities as such, and not
individually. Each Investment Company's obligations under this Agreement are not
binding on or enforceable against any of its trustees, officers, or shareholders
but are only binding on and enforceable against (a) in the case of Equity Funds,
the assets and property of Acquiring Fund and no other series thereof and (b) in
the case of Equity Trust, the assets and property of Target and no other series
thereof. A trustee of one Investment Company shall not be personally liable
hereunder to the other Investment Company or its trustees or shareholders for
any act, omission, or obligation of the former Investment Company or any other
trustee thereof. Each Investment Company agrees that, in asserting any rights or
claims under this Agreement on behalf of its Fund, it shall look only to the
other Fund's assets and property in settlement of those rights and claims and
not to those trustees, officers, or shareholders.

        11.4. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, all of
which shall be considered one and the same agreement, and shall become effective
when one or more counterparts have been executed by each Investment Company and
delivered to the other party. The headings contained in this Agreement are for
reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement.


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Agreement to be executed
and delivered by its duly authorized officers as of the day and year first
written above.

ATTEST:                             NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS, on
                                    behalf of each of its series listed
                                    on Schedule A

________________________            By:___________________________
        Secretary                         _______________
                                          Vice President

ATTEST:                             NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY TRUST, on behalf
                                    of each of its series listed on Schedule A

________________________            By:___________________________
        Secretary                         _______________
                                          Vice President


                                   SCHEDULE A

               TARGETS                               ACQUIRING FUNDS
    (All Series of Equity Trust)              (All Series of Equity Funds)
- - --------------------------------------     ------------------------------------

Neuberger Berman Century Trust             Neuberger Berman Century Fund
Neuberger Berman Focus Trust               Neuberger Berman Focus Fund
Neuberger Berman Genesis Trust             Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund
Neuberger Berman Guardian Trust            Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund
Neuberger Berman International Trust       Neuberger Berman International Fund
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Trust           Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund
Neuberger Berman Millennium Trust          Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund
Neuberger Berman Partners Trust            Neuberger Berman Partners Fund
Neuberger Berman Regency Trust             Neuberger Berman Regency Fund
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive       Neuberger Berman Socially
Trust                                      Responsive Fund
Neuberger Berman Technology Trust          Neuberger Berman Technology Fund