GENETIC VECTORS INC.

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

                                                    ________________, 2000

Dear Mr. McCabe:

         This will  confirm  the  arrangements,  terms and  conditions,  whereby
Mercer  Partners,  Inc.  (hereinafter  referred  to as  "Consultant")  has  been
retained by you to serve as financial  consultant and advisor to Genetic Vectors
Inc. (hereinafter  referred to as the "Company"),  on a nonexclusive basis for a
period of 24 months  commencing on the closing date of the public  offering (the
"Closing"). The undersigned hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

         1.   CONSULTING  SERVICES.  Consultant will render financial consulting
and advice pertaining to the Company's  business affairs as you may from time to
time request.

         2.   FINANCING.  Consultant  will assist and represent you in obtaining
both  short  and  long-term  financing  whether  from  banks  or the sale of the
Company's debt or equity.

         3.   WALL STREET  LIAISON.  Consultant  will when  appropriate  arrange
meetings with individuals and financial institutions in the investment community
such  as  security  analysts,   portfolio   managers,   and  market  makers  and
representatives of the Company.

         4.   COMPENSATION.  The  Company  agrees to pay the  Consultant  in the
aggregate , the sum of fifty-eight  thousand and eight hundred ($58,800) Dollars
at the rate of Two Thousand and Four Hundred  Fifty  ($2,450)  Dollars per month
payable at the closing of the Offering.

         5.   RELATIONSHIP.   Nothing  herein  shall  constitute  Consultant  as
employee or agent of the Company  except to such  extent as might  hereafter  be
agreed upon for a particular  purpose.  Except as expressly agreed,  Consultants
shall not have the  authority  to  obligate  or commit the Company in any manner

         6.   ASSIGNMENT AND TERMINATION. This Agreement shall not be assignable
by any party except to successors to all or substantially all of the business of
either the  Consultant  or the Company nor may this  Agreement be  terminated by
either party for any reason whatsoever  without the prior written consent of the
other party,  which consent may not be  arbitrarily  withheld by the party whose
consent is required.

Very truly yours

Mercer Partners, Inc.


Agreed and Accepted By:

Genetic Vectors Inc.
