(File Nos. 2-91362 and 811-4040)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
       [X]     Preliminary Proxy Statement
       [ ]     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
               Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
       [ ]     Definitive Proxy Statement
       [ ]     Definitive Additional Materials
       [ ]     Soliciting Material Pursuant toss.240.14a-11(c) orss.240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

       [X]     No fee required
       [ ]     Fee  computed  on  table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)
               and 0-11

               1)     Title of  each  class of  securities to  which transaction

               2)     Aggregate  number  of   securities  to  which  transaction

               3)     Per   unit    price   or    other   underlying   value  of
                      transaction   computed  pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
                      (set  forth   the  amount  on  which  the  filing  fee  is
                      calculated and state how it was determined):
               4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

               5)     Total fee paid:


       [ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
       [ ]     Check  box  if   any  part of the fee is offset  as  provided  by
               Exchange Act  Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which
               the  offsetting fee  was paid  previously.  Identify the previous
               filing by registration  statement number, or the Form or Schedule
               and the date of its filing.

               1)     Amount Previously Paid:

               2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

               3)     Filing Party:

               4)     Date Filed:


                          PAINEWEBBER HIGH INCOME FUND

                                                               December 30, 2000

Dear Shareholder,

         The  enclosed  proxy  materials  relate  to a  special  meeting  of the
shareholders of PaineWebber  High Income Fund ("Fund"),  a series of PaineWebber
Managed  Investments Trust ("Trust"),  to be held on February 8, 2001. The Board
of  Trustees  of  the  Trust  ("Board")  has  called  this  meeting  to  request
shareholder  approval  of  several  proposals  relating  to the  management  and
operation  of the  Fund.  With  respect  to  the  Fund's  investment  management
arrangements,  the Board seeks  shareholder  approval  of: (a) a new  investment
management and  administration  contract between the Fund and Mitchell  Hutchins
Asset  Management  Inc.  ("Mitchell  Hutchins") and (b) a sub-advisory  contract
under which  Massachusetts  Financial  Services  Company  ("MFS") would serve as
sub-adviser for the Fund's investment  portfolio.  Your Board has approved these
new investment management arrangements,  including the appointment of MFS as the
Fund's sub-adviser.

         The Board also asks  shareholder  approval to  implement  an  exemptive
order  issued by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  that  would  permit
Mitchell  Hutchins  and the Board,  in the  future,  to replace  MFS with a new,
unaffiliated  sub-adviser and amend the Fund's  sub-advisory  contracts  without
seeking additional shareholder approval.


         YOUR  VOTE IS VERY  IMPORTANT.  Please  take  the  time to  review  the
enclosed proxy statement and vote your shares today by signing and returning the
enclosed  proxy or by voting via telephone or the Internet.  We have retained an
outside  firm  that  specializes  in proxy  solicitation  to  assist us with any
necessary  follow-up.  If we have not  received  your vote as the  meeting  date
approaches,  you may receive a telephone  call from  Shareholder  Communications
Corporation to ask for your vote.

         Thank you for your  attention  to this  matter and for your  continuing
investment in the Fund.

                                              Very truly yours,

                                              Brian M. Storms

                          PAINEWEBBER HIGH INCOME FUND
                               51 West 52nd Street
                          New York, New York 10019-6114



                                FEBRUARY 8, 2001


To the Shareholders:

         NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  a  Special   Meeting  of  Shareholders
("Meeting")  of PaineWebber  High Income Fund ("Fund"),  a series of PaineWebber
Managed  Investments Trust ("Trust"),  will be held on February 8, 2001, at 1285
Avenue of the Americas,  14th Floor,  New York, New York,  10019-6028,  at 10:00
a.m., Eastern time, for the following purposes:

         1.   To  approve  or  disapprove  a  new   Investment   Management  and
              Administration  Contract for the Fund with Mitchell Hutchins Asset
              Management Inc. ("Mitchell Hutchins");

         2.   To approve or disapprove a Sub-Advisory  Contract between Mitchell
              Hutchins and Massachusetts Financial Services Company; and

         3.   To approve or disapprove a policy to permit Mitchell  Hutchins and
              the Fund's Board of Trustees to appoint and replace  sub-advisers,
              enter into  sub-advisory  contracts,  and  approve  amendments  to
              sub-advisory  contracts  on  behalf  of the Fund  without  further
              shareholder approval.

         Shareholders  of record as of the close of  business  on  November  30,
2000, are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting or any  adjournment

         Please  execute  and  return  promptly  in the  enclosed  envelope  the
accompanying  proxy,  which is being solicited by the Trust's Board of Trustees,
or vote your shares by telephone or the Internet.  Returning your proxy promptly
is important to ensure a quorum at the Meeting. You may revoke your proxy at any
time before it is exercised by the  subsequent  execution  and  submission  of a
revised  proxy,  by giving  written notice of revocation to the Fund at any time
before the proxy is exercised or by voting in person at the Meeting.

                                              By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                              Dianne E. O'Donnell

December 30, 2000
51 West 52nd Street
New York, New York  10019-6114

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                       NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN.

         Please  indicate your voting  instructions  on the enclosed proxy card,
sign and date the card and return it in the envelope provided. IF YOU SIGN, DATE
DISCRETION. In order to avoid the additional expense of further solicitation, we
ask your  cooperation in mailing your proxy card promptly.  As an alternative to
using the paper proxy card to vote,  you may vote shares that are  registered in
your name,  as well as shares held in "street  name"  through a broker,  via the
Internet  or  telephone.  To vote in this  manner,  you will  need the  14-digit
"control" number(s) that appear on your proxy card(s).

         To vote via the Internet, please access HTTP://VOTE.PROXY-DIRECT.COM on
the World Wide Web and follow the on-screen instructions.

         You may also call 1-800-597-7836 and vote by telephone. If you have any
questions  regarding the Meeting  agenda or the execution of your proxy,  please
call toll-free 1-877-748-9131.

         If we do not receive your  completed  proxy cards after several  weeks,
our proxy solicitor,  Shareholder Communications  Corporation,  may contact you.
Our proxy solicitor will remind you to vote your shares or will record your vote
over the phone if you choose to vote in that manner.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



         The  following  general  rules  for  signing  proxy  cards  may  be  of
assistance  to you and  avoid  the time and  expense  to the  Fund  involved  in
validating your vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

                       1.   Individual  Accounts:  Sign your name  exactly as it
                 appears in the registration on the proxy card.

                       2.   Joint Accounts:  Either party may sign, but the name
                 of the party signing should conform exactly to the name shown
                 in the registration on the proxy card.

                       3.   All Other  Accounts:  The capacity of the individual
                 signing the proxy card should be indicated unless it is
                 reflected in the form of registration. For example:

                       REGISTRATION                          VALID SIGNATURE
                       ------------                          ---------------
Corporate Accounts

(1)   ABC Corp........................................    ABC Corp.
                                                          John Doe, Treasurer

(2)   ABC Corp........................................    John Doe, Treasurer

(3)   ABC Corp. c/o John Doe, Treasurer...............    John Doe

(4)   ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan...................    John Doe, Trustee

Partnership Accounts

(1)   The XYZ Partnership.............................    Jane B. Smith, Partner

(2)   Smith and Jones, Limited Partnership............    Jane B. Smith, General

Trust Accounts

(1)   ABC Trust Account...............................    Jane B. Doe, Trustee

(2)   Jane B. Doe, Trustee u/t/d 12/28/78............     Jane B. Doe

Custodial or Estate Accounts

(1)   John B. Smith, Cust. f/b/o

      John B. Smith, Jr.,

      UGMA/UTMA.......................................    John B. Smith

(2)   Estate of John B. Smith.........................    John B. Smith, Jr.,


                          PAINEWEBBER HIGH INCOME FUND
                               51 WEST 52ND STREET
                          NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019-6114


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                FEBRUARY 8, 2001

         This  Proxy  Statement  is  being  furnished  to  the  shareholders  of
PaineWebber  High  Income  Fund  ("Fund"),   a  series  of  PaineWebber  Managed
Investments Trust ("Trust"), in connection with the solicitation of proxies made
by, and on behalf of, the Trust's Board of Trustees  ("Board") to be used at the
Special  Meeting of  Shareholders to be held on February 8, 2001, at 1285 Avenue
of the Americas,  14th Floor,  New York,  New York,  10019-6028,  at 10:00 a.m.,
Eastern  time  (such  meeting  and any  adjournments  thereof  are  referred  to
collectively as the "Meeting").  This Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy
card are first being mailed to shareholders on or about December 30, 2000.

         The presence,  in person or by proxy, of Fund shareholders  entitled to
cast a majority of all votes entitled to be cast at the Meeting will  constitute
a quorum. In the absence of a quorum or in the event that a quorum is present at
the Meeting, but votes sufficient to approve the proposals are not received, the
persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to
permit further  solicitation of proxies.  Any such  adjournment will require the
affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares  represented  at the Meeting in
person or by proxy.  The persons  named as proxies will vote those  proxies that
they are entitled to vote "FOR" the  proposals  in favor of such an  adjournment
and will vote those proxies required to be voted "AGAINST" the proposals against
such  adjournment.  A  shareholder  vote  may be  taken  on one or  more  of the
proposals in this Proxy  Statement  prior to any such  adjournment if sufficient
votes have been received and it is otherwise appropriate.

         Broker  non-votes are shares held in "street name" for which the broker
indicates that instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or
other  persons  entitled  to  vote  and for  which  the  broker  does  not  have
discretionary voting authority. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted
as shares  present at the Meeting for quorum  purposes but will not be voted for
or against any  adjournment  or proposal.  Accordingly,  abstentions  and broker
non-votes  effectively will be votes against  Proposals 1, 2 and 3 because these
proposals  require the  affirmative  vote of a specified  majority of the Fund's
outstanding shares.

         All properly  executed and unrevoked  proxies  received in time for the
Meeting will be voted as instructed by  shareholders.  Approval of each proposal
requires the affirmative  vote of the lesser of (1) 67% or more of the shares of
the Fund present at the Meeting,  if more than 50% of the outstanding shares are
represented  at the  Meeting in person or by proxy,  or (2) more than 50% of the

outstanding  shares  entitled to vote at the Meeting.  If you execute your proxy
but give no voting  instructions,  your shares that are  represented  by proxies
will be voted "FOR" the Investment Management and Administration Contract, "FOR"
the Sub-Advisory Contract,  "FOR" the Sub-Advisory Policy and "FOR" or "AGAINST"
any other  business  which may properly  arise at the  Meeting,  in the proxies'
discretion.  Any  person  giving a proxy  has the power to revoke it at any time
prior to its  exercise  by  executing a  superseding  proxy or by  submitting  a
written notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Fund  ("Secretary").  To be
effective,  such  revocation  must be  received  by the  Secretary  prior to the
Meeting and must indicate your name and account  number.  In addition,  although
mere attendance at the Meeting will not revoke a proxy, a shareholder present at
the Meeting may withdraw his or her proxy by voting in person.

         Shareholders of record as of the close of business on November 30, 2000
("Record  Date"),  are entitled to vote at the Meeting.  On the Record Date, the
Fund  had   42,664,535.132   shares  issued  and   outstanding,   consisting  of
26,720,266.079 Class A shares, 7,900,370.342 Class B shares, 7,924,567.394 Class
C shares, and 119,331.317 Class Y shares.  Shareholders are entitled to one vote
for each full share held and a fractional vote for each  fractional  share held.
Except as set forth in  Appendix  A, as of the Record  Date,  Mitchell  Hutchins
Asset   Management  Inc.   ("Mitchell   Hutchins"),   the  investment   adviser,
administrator, and distributor of the Fund, does not know of any person who owns
beneficially  or of record 5% or more of any class of shares of the Fund.  As of
that same date,  the Trustees and officers of the Fund,  as a group,  owned less
than 1% of any class of the Fund's outstanding shares.

         The  solicitation  of  proxies,  the  cost of  which  will be  borne by
Mitchell  Hutchins,  will be made by mail,  telephone and via the Internet.  The
Fund's  officers  and  employees  of Mitchell  Hutchins  who assist in the proxy
solicitation  will not receive any  additional or special  compensation  for any
such efforts.  The Fund has engaged the services of  Shareholder  Communications
Corporation ("SCC") to assist it in the solicitation of proxies for the Meeting.
SCC will be paid approximately $28,000 for proxy solicitation services. The Fund
will  request  broker/dealer  firms,  custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries  to
forward proxy materials to the beneficial owners of the shares held of record by
such  persons.   Mitchell  Hutchins  may  reimburse  such  broker/dealer  firms,
custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable  expenses incurred in
connection with such proxy solicitation.

CALLING 1-800-647-1568.



         The Board of Trustees  has approved  proposals by Mitchell  Hutchins to
restructure the manner in which the Fund's assets are managed.  To implement new
investment management arrangements for the Fund, the Board, effective October 6,
2000,  terminated the existing investment  advisory and administration  contract
between the Fund and Mitchell  Hutchins  and  approved a new interim  investment
management  and   administration   contract  with  Mitchell  Hutchins  ("Interim
Management   Contract")   and  an  interim   sub-advisory   contract   ("Interim
Sub-Advisory  Contract")  between Mitchell Hutchins and Massachusetts  Financial
Services  Company  ("MFS").  Under the  Interim  Management  Contract,  Mitchell
Hutchins  serves  as  investment  manager  for the Fund and  provides  portfolio
management  oversight of MFS as  sub-adviser,  instead of directly  managing the
Fund's portfolio.  The Fund pays Mitchell Hutchins the same annual fee, 0.50% of
the Fund's average daily net assets,  under the Interim Management Contract that
it paid under the preceding  investment  advisory and  administration  contract.
Under the Interim Sub-Advisory Contract, MFS provides the Fund with a continuous
investment  program  for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,  not the Fund,  pays MFS the
annual  fee of 0.45%  of the  Fund's  average  daily  net  assets.  The  Interim
Management   Contract  and  Interim   Sub-Advisory   Contract   will   terminate
automatically  on the earlier of 150 days from their  effective date or the date
Fund  shareholders  approve the new  Investment  Management  and  Administration
Contract and the Sub-Advisory Contract.

         Under the proposal, MFS, an entity unaffiliated with Mitchell Hutchins,
would  continue to manage the Fund's assets as its  investment  sub-adviser  and
Mitchell  Hutchins would continue to oversee MFS'  activities as sub-adviser and
evaluate  its   performance.   Mitchell   Hutchins  would  continue  to  provide
administrative services to the Fund. The Board is asking the Fund's shareholders
to approve a new Investment Management and Administration Contract with Mitchell
Hutchins to incorporate  updated  language about Mitchell  Hutchins'  ability to
appoint  sub-advisers,  as described  further below.  In addition,  the Board is
asking  the  Fund's  shareholders  to  approve a policy  that  permits  Mitchell
Hutchins  and  the  Board  to  appoint  and  replace  sub-advisers,  enter  into
sub-advisory  contracts,   and  amend  sub-advisory  contracts  without  further
shareholder approval.


         Mitchell  Hutchins proposed to the Board, and the Board approved at its
meeting on November 8, 2000, an amended Investment Management and Administration
Contract  ("Proposed   Management  Contract")  between  the  Fund  and  Mitchell
Hutchins.  The  Proposed  Management  Contract is  substantially  similar to the
Fund's current Interim  Management  Contract and the Fund's recently  terminated
Investment Advisory and Administration Contract ("Old Advisory Contract"). Under
the Proposed  Management  Contract,  Mitchell Hutchins will have the same duties
and responsibilities and will receive the same compensation as under the Interim
Management  Contract  and  the Old  Advisory  Contract.  A form of the  Proposed
Management Contract is attached as Appendix B.



         The main  difference  between the Interim  Management  Contract and the
Proposed  Management  Contract  (collectively,  the "New  Contracts") on the one
hand,  and the Old  Advisory  Contract,  on the  other  hand,  is the  change of
Mitchell  Hutchins'  role  under  the New  Contracts.  Under  the  Old  Advisory
Contract, Mitchell Hutchins' role was to provide a continuous investment program
for the Fund,  including  investment research and management with respect to all
securities,  investments and cash equivalents in the Fund, and to determine what
securities  and other  investments  would be purchased,  retained or sold by the
Fund. Under the New Contracts,  the role of Mitchell  Hutchins is to oversee the
management  of the  Fund's  portfolio  by one or more  investment  sub-advisers,
rather  than  managing  the  Fund  itself.  Such  oversight  includes  reviewing
prospective  sub-advisers,  selecting  such  sub-advisers,  and  monitoring  and
evaluating their performance. Mitchell Hutchins will report to the Trust's Board
the results of its evaluation,  supervision, and monitoring duties and will make
recommendations to the Board concerning the renewal, modification or termination
of sub-advisory agreements.

         The Old Advisory  Contract and the New  Contracts  all permit  Mitchell
Hutchins to delegate its duties under the Contracts to a  sub-adviser.  However,
the New  Contracts  now  specifically  anticipate  that  Mitchell  Hutchins will
delegate all of its investment management duties to a sub-adviser.  Furthermore,
the New Contracts  explicitly permit Mitchell Hutchins to delegate its duties to
more than one sub-adviser.  Under the New Contracts,  Mitchell Hutchins also has
the power to allocate and  reallocate  responsibility  for the  management  of a
specific portion of the Fund's assets among the sub-advisers.  In addition,  the
New Contracts have been amended to acknowledge that Mitchell Hutchins can engage
a sub-adviser subject only to approval of the sub-advisory contract by the Board
of Trustees and to any  requirements of the securities laws pertaining  thereto,
which would permit  Mitchell  Hutchins to  implement  Proposal 3, if approved by
shareholders.  As described in Proposal 3,  Mitchell  Hutchins and the Fund have
received an order from the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") permitting
the  engagement of  unaffiliated  sub-advisers  by the Board of Trustees  acting
alone and without the need for approval by the vote of the holders of a majority
of the outstanding shares of the Fund. See Proposal 3 for more information.

         As  administrator,  under both the Old  Advisory  Contract  and the New
Contracts, Mitchell Hutchins will manage the affairs of the Fund, subject to the
supervision  of the Board.  Mitchell  Hutchins  will  provide the Fund with such
corporate,  administrative  and clerical  personnel  (including  officers of the
Fund) and services as are deemed reasonably necessary or advisable by the Board,
including the  maintenance  of certain  books and records of the Fund.  Mitchell
Hutchins  will  arrange,  but not pay, for the periodic  preparation,  updating,
filing and dissemination  (as applicable) of reports to the Fund's  shareholders
and the SEC and  other  appropriate  federal  or state  regulatory  authorities.
Mitchell  Hutchins will provide the Fund with, or obtain for it, adequate office
space and all  necessary  office  equipment and  services,  including  telephone
service,  heat,  utilities,  stationery  supplies  and similar  items.  Mitchell
Hutchins will provide the Board on a regular basis with economic and  investment
analyses  and  reports  and make  available  to the  Board,  upon  request,  any
economic,   statistical   and   investment   services   normally   available  to
institutional or other customers of Mitchell Hutchins.


         Under  the New  Contracts,  for  both  the  services  provided  and the
expenses  assumed,  with  respect  to the Fund,  the Fund  will pay to  Mitchell
Hutchins a fee,  computed daily and paid monthly,  at an annual rate of 0.50% of
the  average  daily net  assets of the Fund.  This fee is  identical  to the fee
payable to Mitchell Hutchins in the Old Advisory Contract.

         Under both the Old Advisory  Contract and the New  Contracts,  Mitchell
Hutchins  will not be liable for any error in  judgment or mistake of law or for
any loss suffered by the Fund or its shareholders in connection with the matters
to which the Contract relates, except a loss resulting from willful misfeasance,
bad  faith  or  gross  negligence  on  the  part  of  Mitchell  Hutchins  in the
performance  of its duties or from reckless  disregard by it of its  obligations
and duties under the Contract.  The only  difference  between the Contracts with
respect  to  liability  is  that  the  New  Contracts  specifically  extend  the
limitation of liability to Mitchell Hutchins' officers, directors, employees and
delegates and to any sub-advisers to the Fund, whereas the Old Advisory Contract
does not explicitly include such persons in its corresponding  section. Both the
Old  Advisory  Contract and the New  Contracts  provide that the Trustees of the
Trust and Fund  shareholders  will not be liable for any obligations of the Fund
or the Trust under the Contracts,  and that Mitchell  Hutchins will look only to
the assets and property of the Trust in settlement of any rights or claims under
the Contracts.

         Both  the  Old  Advisory  Contract  and  the  New  Contracts  terminate
automatically  upon assignment and are terminable at any time without penalty by
the Board or by vote of the  holders  of a majority  of the  Fund's  outstanding
voting  securities on 60 days' written  notice to Mitchell  Hutchins or, without
penalty, by Mitchell Hutchins on 60 days' written notice to the Fund.

         If  approved  by  the  Fund's  shareholders,  the  Proposed  Management
Contract will become effective on the date of approval and will remain in effect
for an initial two-year term. Thereafter,  the Proposed Management Contract will
continue in effect if it is  approved at least  annually by a vote of the Fund's
shareholders  or by the Board,  provided  that, in either event,  continuance is
approved by the vote of a majority  of those  Trustees  who are not  "interested
persons," as defined by the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended  ("1940
Act"), of the Fund or Mitchell  Hutchins  ("Independent  Trustees"),  which vote
must be cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting on such

         The Old  Advisory  Contract  is  dated  April  21,  1988  and was  last
submitted to a vote of  shareholders of the Fund on April 21, 1988 in connection
with the  determination  that  Mitchell  Hutchins  should  provide  advisory and
administrative  services  directly to the Fund, rather than through a delegation
from PaineWebber Incorporated ("PaineWebber").  Under the Old Advisory Contract,
the Fund  paid (or  accrued)  investment  advisory  and  administrative  fees to
Mitchell  Hutchins  in the amount of  $2,408,964  during  the fiscal  year ended
November 30, 1999.

         Further information about Mitchell Hutchins is set forth in Appendix C.


         The Interim Management  Contract and the Proposed  Management  Contract
are  substantially  similar,  with the only real  differences  stemming from the


provisional  nature  of  the  Interim   Management   Contract  pursuant  to  the
requirements of Rule 15a-4 under the 1940 Act. The Interim  Management  Contract
is only  effective  for 150 days from the  termination  date of the Old Advisory
Contract,  not two  years  from  the date of  adoption  as  under  the  Proposed
Management  Contract,   and  only  10  days'  written  notice  is  required  for
termination of the Interim  Management  Contract by the Fund, rather than the 60
days' written notice required under the Proposed Management Contract.


         In considering the Proposed Management Contract, the Board reviewed and
analyzed the factors they deemed relevant,  including (1) the services now being
provided  by  Mitchell  Hutchins;  (2) the  nature,  quality,  and scope of such
services as well as the Fund's investment performance;  (3) the nature and scope
of the  services  to be  provided  to the Fund by  Mitchell  Hutchins  under the
Proposed  Management  Contract;  (4) the ability of Mitchell Hutchins to provide
such services;  and (5) the potential effect of the Proposed Management Contract
on  shareholders.  The Trustees  reviewed the proposed  fees payable to Mitchell
Hutchins under the Proposed Management  Contract.  The Board also considered the
management,  advisory  and/or  administration  fees  paid  by  other  investment
companies with similar objectives and characteristics.

         After  full  consideration  of these  and  other  factors,  the  Board,
including the Independent  Trustees,  approved the Proposed  Management Contract
and authorized the submission of the Proposed  Management Contract to the Fund's
shareholders for their approval at the Meeting.


         Approval of Proposal 1 requires the  affirmative  vote of the lesser of
(1) 67% or more of the shares of the Fund present at the  Meeting,  if more than
50% of the  outstanding  shares are  represented  at the Meeting in person or by
proxy,  or (2) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares entitled to vote at the

                             VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 1.



         Mitchell  Hutchins proposed to the Board, and the Board approved at its
meeting on November 8, 2000, a sub-advisory  contract between Mitchell  Hutchins
and MFS (" Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract").  The Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract
is  substantially  similar to the Interim  Sub-Advisory  Contract adopted by the
Board on  October 6,  2000.  A form of the  Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract  is
attached as Appendix D.

         Further information about MFS is set forth in Appendix E.



         Under the Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract,  MFS would be  responsible,
subject to the  supervision of the Board and Mitchell  Hutchins,  for the actual
investment  management of all or a designated portion of the assets of the Fund,
including placing purchase and sell orders for investments and for other related
transactions.  MFS agrees to provide a  continuous  investment  program  for the
Fund's  assets,  including  investment  research  and  management.  The Proposed
Sub-Advisory Contract recognizes that MFS may, under certain circumstances,  pay
higher brokerage  commissions by executing  portfolio  transactions with brokers
that  provide  the  sub-adviser  with  research,  analysis,  advice  or  similar
services.  The Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract  also provides that MFS will (1)
maintain all books and records  required to be  maintained by it pursuant to the
1940 Act and the rules and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder with respect to
transactions the sub-adviser effects on behalf of the Fund, and will furnish the
Board and Mitchell  Hutchins with such periodic and special reports as the Board
or Mitchell Hutchins may reasonably  request;  (2) provide the Board or Mitchell
Hutchins with economic and investment analyses and reports, as well as quarterly
reports,  setting forth the Fund's  performance  with respect to its investments
and make available to the Board and Mitchell Hutchins any economic,  statistical
and investment  services that MFS normally makes available to its  institutional
investors or other customers;  and (3) provide  assistance in the fair valuation
of, and use reasonable efforts to arrange for the provision of a price or prices
from one or more parties  independent  of MFS, for each  portfolio  security for
which the custodian  does not obtain  prices in the ordinary  course of business
from an automated pricing service.

         The Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract provides that MFS will not be liable
for any error of  judgment  or  mistake of law or for any loss  suffered  by the
Fund, its  shareholders,  the Trust or Mitchell  Hutchins in connection with the
matters to which the  Contract  relates,  except a loss  resulting  from willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the part of MFS in the performance
of its duties or from  reckless  disregard by it of its  obligations  and duties
under the Contract. In addition,  MFS will not have any responsibilities for any
other series of the Trust, for any portion of the Fund's assets that it does not
manage or for the acts or omissions of any other sub-adviser for the Fund or the
Trust.  In  particular,  if at any time MFS only manages a portion of the Fund's
assets,  MFS will have no responsibility  for the Fund being in violation of any
law or regulation or Fund policy or  restriction,  or for the Fund's  failure to
qualify as a "regulated  investment  company" for federal tax  purposes,  if the
portion of the Fund's portfolio managed by MFS would not be in such violation or
fail to so qualify if such portion were deemed a separate series of the Trust or
a separate "regulated investment company."

         Mitchell  Hutchins has agreed to  indemnify,  defend and hold  harmless
MFS,  its  affiliates,  and  each  of  their  officers,  directors,   employees,
shareholders,  agents, and representatives  from and against any and all losses,
claims,   damages,   liabilities,   costs  and  expenses  (including  reasonable
attorneys' fees) arising from or related to the services  contemplated under the
Proposed Sub-Advisory  Contract,  except to the extent that such losses, claims,
damages,  liabilities,  costs and expenses result from MFS' willful misfeasance,
bad faith, or gross negligence in the performance of its duties or from reckless
disregard by MFS of its obligations and duties under the Contract.


         The Proposed  Sub-Advisory Contract provides that the Fund, by the vote
of a majority of the Board of Trustees or a majority of its  outstanding  voting
securities,  may terminate the Contract,  without  penalty,  on 60 days' written
notice to MFS and MFS may terminate the Contract,  without penalty,  on 60 days'
written notice to Mitchell  Hutchins.  The Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract also
permits  Mitchell  Hutchins to terminate the  Contract,  without  penalty,  upon
material breach by MFS of any of certain specific representations and warranties
in the Contract.  These  representations  and warranties  concern  failure to be
registered as an investment adviser,  failure to adopt a code of ethics, failure
to notify Mitchell  Hutchins of changes in control and failure to obtain written
consent from Mitchell  Hutchins before referring to MFS'  relationship  with the
Fund,  the Trust,  Mitchell  Hutchins or any of their  affiliates in promotional
materials. MFS may cure such breach within a 20 day period after notice thereof.
Additionally, Mitchell Hutchins may terminate the Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract
without penalty if, in the reasonable judgment of Mitchell Hutchins, MFS becomes
unable to discharge its duties and  obligations  under the  Contract,  including
circumstances  such as financial  insolvency  of MFS or any other  circumstances
which could adversely  affect the Fund. In addition,  the Proposed  Sub-Advisory
Contract is automatically terminable upon assignment.

         Under the Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract,  for the services performed
and the expenses  assumed,  MFS would receive a  sub-advisory  fee from Mitchell
Hutchins (not the Fund),  computed daily and paid monthly,  at an annual rate of
0.45%  of the  portion  of the  Fund's  average  daily  net  assets  under  MFS'

         If  approved  by the Fund's  shareholders,  the  Proposed  Sub-Advisory
Contract will become effective on the date of approval and will remain in effect
for an initial two-year term.  Thereafter,  the Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract
will  continue in effect if it is  approved  at least  annually by a vote of the
Fund's shareholders or by the Board, provided that, in either event, continuance
is approved by the vote of a majority of the  Independent  Trustees,  which vote
must be cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose  of voting on such


         The  Interim  Sub-Advisory   Contract  and  the  Proposed  Sub-Advisory
Contract are  substantially  similar.  Some of the  differences  between the two
Contracts stem from the provisional nature of the Interim Sub-Advisory  Contract
and the  requirements  of Rule 15a-4 of the 1940 Act.  The Interim  Sub-Advisory
Contract is only  effective  for 150 days from the  termination  date of the Old
Advisory  Contract,  not for two years  from the date of  adoption  as under the
Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract, and only 10 days' written notice is required for
termination of the Interim Sub-Advisory Contract by the Fund, rather than the 60
days' written notice required under the Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract.  Another
difference is an additional provision in the Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract that
reflects the Board's ability to amend the Contract without shareholder  approval
in  accordance  with the SEC  exemptive  order  discussed in Proposal 3 (if such
Proposal is approved by shareholders).  In addition,  the Proposed  Sub-Advisory
Contract   specifically  states  that  the  Contract  will  terminate  upon  its
assignment or the termination of the Proposed Management Contract.



         In determining to approve the Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract, the Board
analyzed  the  factors  it  deemed  relevant,  particularly  Mitchell  Hutchins'
decision  to refocus  its  business  to the  exclusion  of  providing  portfolio
advisory  services to bond funds,  MFS' particular  experience in managing fixed
income assets and high yield assets,  its  reputation,  the past  performance of
other funds  managed by MFS that invest in high income  securities,  its overall
capabilities  to perform the services under the Proposed  Sub-Advisory  Contract
and its  willingness  to perform  those  services  for the Fund.  The Board also
considered  the  sub-advisory  fees  that  would be  payable  to MFS.  The Board
reviewed the services  provided by MFS to its other investment  company clients,
the  ability  of MFS to  provide  these  services  to the  Fund,  including  its
personnel,  operations  and  financial  condition,  and other factors that would
affect the provision of those services.  After full  consideration  of these and
other factors,  the Board of Trustees,  including a majority of the  Independent
Trustees, approved the Proposed Sub-Advisory Contract and recommended that it be
submitted to the shareholders for approval.


         Approval of Proposal 2 requires the  affirmative  vote of the lesser of
(1) 67% or more of the shares of the Fund present at the  Meeting,  if more than
50% of the  outstanding  shares are  represented  at the Meeting in person or by
proxy,  or (2) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares entitled to vote at the

                             VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 2.



         At its meeting on November 8, 2000, the Board approved, and recommended
that the  shareholders of the Fund also be asked to approve,  a policy to permit
Mitchell Hutchins,  subject to the approval of the Board, to appoint and replace
sub-advisers,  to enter into  sub-advisory  contracts and to amend  sub-advisory
contracts  on  behalf  of  the  Fund  without   further   shareholder   approval
("Sub-Adviser  Approval  Policy").  Shareholders are being asked to approve this
policy at the  meeting  to  permit  Mitchell  Hutchins  to make  changes  in the
sub-advisory arrangements for the Fund in the future without having to incur the
expense of another shareholder  meeting. If approved by the Fund's shareholders,
the  policy  would  apply  only to  sub-advisers  that are not  affiliated  with
Mitchell  Hutchins and thus would not permit Mitchell  Hutchins and the Board to
appoint any  Mitchell  Hutchins  affiliate to serve as  sub-adviser  to the Fund
without shareholder approval.



         On  January  19,  1999,  the Fund and  Mitchell  Hutchins  received  an
exemptive order from the SEC that permits Mitchell Hutchins and the Fund's Board
of Trustees to appoint and replace  sub-advisers  that are not  affiliated  with
Mitchell Hutchins and to amend  sub-advisory  contracts with these  sub-advisers
without obtaining shareholder approval. The Fund's shareholders must approve the
Sub-Adviser Approval Policy before Mitchell Hutchins and the Board may implement
it. Without the exemptive order, the provisions of the 1940 Act require that the
Fund's shareholders  approve all new sub-advisory  contracts as well as material
amendments to any existing  sub-advisory  contract. If shareholders approve this
proposal,  Mitchell  Hutchins  will be  authorized,  subject to  approval by the
Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, to evaluate, select and
retain  unaffiliated  sub-advisers  for the Fund and to modify the  sub-advisory
contracts without obtaining further approval of the Fund's shareholders whenever
Mitchell Hutchins and the Board believe these actions would benefit the Fund and
its  shareholders.  As explained  below,  shareholders  would  receive  detailed
information regarding any new sub-adviser.


         Currently,  the holders of a majority of the Fund's  outstanding shares
must approve any sub-advisory  contract  between  Mitchell  Hutchins and another
investment  adviser  pursuant to which the other adviser  provides the Fund with
investment management services.  Shareholder approval is required in addition to
approval by the Board and a majority of the Independent Trustees.


         The  proposed   Sub-Adviser   Approval  Policy  would  permit  Mitchell
Hutchins, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, including a majority
of the Independent  Trustees,  to appoint and replace  sub-advisers and to amend
sub-advisory  contracts without obtaining shareholder approval.  The Sub-Adviser
Approval  Policy thus would permit Mitchell  Hutchins to change  sub-advisers or
sub-advisory  arrangements  in  the  following  types  of  situations:  (1)  the
sub-adviser  has  a  record  of  substandard  performance;  (2)  the  individual
employees  responsible  for  portfolio  management  of the  Fund  move  from the
sub-adviser  to  another  investment  advisory  firm;  (3)  there is a change of
control of the  sub-adviser;  (4) Mitchell  Hutchins  decides to  diversify  the
Fund's  management by adding  another  sub-adviser;  or (5) there is a change in
investment  style of the Fund. The Sub-Adviser  Approval Policy will not be used
to approve any sub-adviser  that is affiliated with Mitchell  Hutchins,  as that
term is used in the 1940 Act, or materially amend any sub-advisory contract with
an affiliated sub-adviser.

         Approval of the Sub-Adviser  Approval Policy will not affect any of the
requirements  under the federal  securities laws that govern the Fund,  Mitchell
Hutchins,  any  sub-adviser,  or  any  sub-advisory  contract,  other  than  the
requirement  to call and  hold a  meeting  of the  Fund's  shareholders  for the
purpose  of  approving  a  sub-advisory   contract.  The  Board,  including  the
Independent Trustees, will continue to evaluate and approve all new sub-advisory
contracts  between Mitchell  Hutchins and any sub-adviser as well as all changes
to existing sub-advisory  contracts. In addition, the Fund and Mitchell Hutchins
will be  subject  to several  conditions  imposed by the SEC to ensure  that the


interests of the Fund's shareholders are adequately  protected whenever Mitchell
Hutchins acts under the Sub-Adviser Approval Policy.  Finally, within 90 days of
the  appointment of a new  sub-adviser,  the Fund will provide its  shareholders
with an  information  statement  that contains  substantially  the same relevant
information   about  the  sub-adviser,   the   sub-advisory   contract  and  the
sub-advisory  fee  that  the  Fund's  shareholders  would  receive  in  a  proxy
statement.  If the Fund's  shareholders  are not satisfied with the sub-advisory
arrangements   that  Mitchell   Hutchins  and  the  Board  implement  under  the
Sub-Adviser  Approval Policy, they would, of course, be able to exchange or sell
their shares.

         Shareholder  approval  of this  Proposal  3 will not  change  the total
amount of  management  fees paid by the Fund to  Mitchell  Hutchins  or Mitchell
Hutchins'  duties  and  responsibilities  toward  the Fund  under  the  Proposed
Management Contract.


         The  Board  believes  that it is in the best  interests  of the  Fund's
shareholders  to give  Mitchell  Hutchins  the  maximum  flexibility  to select,
supervise and evaluate  sub-advisers without incurring the expense and potential
delay of seeking specific shareholder approval.  While Rule 15a-4 under the 1940
Act provides a limited exception to the shareholder approval requirements for an
interim  advisory  contract  (pursuant  to which the Fund's  Interim  Management
Contract and Interim  Sub-Advisory  Contract  were  adopted),  a fund's  current
advisory  contract  must be  terminated  before  the Rule can apply and a fund's
shareholders  still  must  approve  both  the  resultant  interim  advisory  and
sub-advisory  contracts no later than 150 days after their effective date. Thus,
even when a change in investment management  arrangements  involving one or more
sub-advisers  can be put into place promptly on a temporary basis, the Fund must
still call and hold a meeting of the Fund's shareholders,  create and distribute
proxy materials,  and arrange for the solicitation of voting  instructions  from
shareholders.  This process is time-intensive,  slow and costly. These costs are
generally borne entirely by the Fund (although in the case of this solicitation,
they are being borne by Mitchell  Hutchins).  If Mitchell Hutchins and the Board
can rely on the Sub-Adviser Approval Policy, the Board would be able to act more
quickly and with less expense to appoint an  unaffiliated  sub-adviser  when the
Board and Mitchell  Hutchins believe that the appointment would benefit the Fund
and its shareholders.

         Also,  the Board believes that it is appropriate to vest the selection,
supervision and evaluation of the sub-advisers in Mitchell Hutchins,  subject to
review by the Board, in light of Mitchell Hutchins'  significant  experience and
expertise in this area.  The Board  believes that investors may choose to invest
in the Fund because of Mitchell Hutchins' experience in this respect.

         Finally,  the Board will oversee the sub-adviser  selection  process to
ensure that  shareholders'  interests are protected  whenever  Mitchell Hutchins
selects a sub-adviser or modifies a sub-advisory  contract. The Board, including
a majority of the  Independent  Trustees,  will continue to evaluate and approve
all  new  sub-advisory  contracts  as  well  as  any  modification  to  existing
sub-advisory  contracts. In each review, the Board will analyze all factors that
it considers to be relevant to the determination,  including the nature, quality
and scope of services provided by the  sub-advisers.  The Board will compare the
investment  performance  of the  assets  managed by the  sub-adviser  with other
accounts with similar  investment  objectives managed by other advisers and will


review  the   sub-adviser's   compliance   with  federal   securities  laws  and
regulations.  The Board  believes  that its review  will  ensure  that  Mitchell
Hutchins   continues  to  act  in  the  best  interests  of  the  Fund  and  its


         Approval of Proposal 3 requires the  affirmative  vote of the lesser of
(1) 67% or more of the shares of the Fund present at the  Meeting,  if more than
50% of the  outstanding  shares are  represented  at the Meeting in person or by
proxy,  or (2) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares entitled to vote at the

                             VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 3.



         Officers are appointed by the Trustees and serve at the pleasure of the
Board. Information regarding officers and Trustees of the Fund who are employees
or directors  of Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or UBS AG ("UBS") is provided

         MARGO N. ALEXANDER:  age 53, trustee. Mrs. Alexander is chairman (since
March 1999) and a director  (since  January 1995) of Mitchell  Hutchins,  and an
executive vice president and a director of PaineWebber  (since March 1984).  She
was chief  executive  officer of Mitchell  Hutchins from January 1995 to October
2000.  Mrs.  Alexander is a director or trustee of 30  investment  companies for
which  Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their  affiliates  serves  as
investment adviser.

         E.  GARRETT  BEWKES JR.:  age 74,  trustee and chairman of the Board of
Trustees.  Mr. Bewkes serves as a consultant  to  PaineWebber  (since May 1999).
Prior to  November  2000,  he was a director  of  Paine Webber Group  Inc.  ("PW
Group"),  formerly the holding company of PaineWebber and Mitchell Hutchins, and
prior to 1996, he was a consultant  to PW Group.  Prior to 1988, he was chairman
of the  board,  president  and chief  executive  officer  of  American  Bakeries
Company. Mr. Bewkes is a director of Interstate Bakeries Corporation. Mr. Bewkes
is a director or trustee of 40 investment companies for which Mitchell Hutchins,
PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

         BRIAN M. STORMS:  age 46,  president  and trustee.  Mr. Storms is chief
executive  officer  (since  October  2000) and  president  (since March 1999) of
Mitchell Hutchins. He was president of Prudential Investments (1996-1999). Prior
to joining Prudential,  he was a managing director at Fidelity Investments.  Mr.
Storms is president  and a director or trustee of 30  investment  companies  for
which  Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their  affiliates  serves  as
investment adviser.

         T. KIRKHAM BARNEBY:  age 54, vice president.  Mr. Barneby is a managing
director  and chief  investment  officer--quantitative  investments  of Mitchell
Hutchins.  Mr. Barneby is a vice president of 14 investment  companies for which


Mitchell Hutchins, PaineWebber or one of their affiliates services as investment

         AMY R. DOBERMAN:  age 38, vice  president.  Ms. Doberman is senior vice
president and general counsel of Mitchell  Hutchins.  From December 1996 through
July 2000, she was general counsel of Aeltus Investment  Management,  Inc. Prior
to working at Aeltus,  Ms.  Doberman  was a Division  of  Investment  Management
Assistant  Chief  Counsel at the SEC.  Ms.  Doberman is a vice  president  of 29
investment  companies  and a vice  president  and  secretary  of one  investment
company for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber  or one of their  affiliates
serves as investment adviser.

         ELBRIDGE T.  GERRY:  age 43, vice  president.  Mr.  Gerry is a managing
director and a portfolio manager of Mitchell Hutchins. Prior to January 1996, he
was with J.P.  Morgan  Private  Banking  where he was  responsible  for managing
municipal  assets,  including  several municipal bond funds. Mr. Gerry is a vice
president of 20 investment companies for which Mitchell Hutchins, PaineWebber or
one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

         JOHN J. LEE: age 32, vice president and assistant treasurer. Mr. Lee is
a vice president and a manager of the mutual fund finance department of Mitchell
Hutchins.  Prior to September  1997,  he was an audit  manager in the  financial
services  practice  of  Ernst &  Young  LLP.  Mr.  Lee is a vice  president  and
assistant  treasurer of 30  investment  companies for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,
PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

         KEVIN J. MAHONEY: age 35, vice president and assistant  treasurer.  Mr.
Mahoney  is a first vice  president  and a senior  manager  of the  mutual  fund
finance department of Mitchell Hutchins. From August 1996 through March 1999, he
was the  manager of the mutual  fund  internal  control  group of Salomon  Smith
Barney.  Prior to August 1996, he was an associate  and assistant  treasurer for
BlackRock  Financial  Management  L.P.  Mr.  Mahoney  is a  vice  president  and
assistant  treasurer of 30  investment  companies for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,
PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

         ANN E. MORAN: age 43, vice president and assistant treasurer. Ms. Moran
is a vice  president  and a manager of the mutual  fund  finance  department  of
Mitchell Hutchins.  Ms. Moran is a vice president and assistant  treasurer of 30
investment  companies for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their
affiliates serves as investment adviser.

         DIANNE  E.  O'DONNELL:  age  48,  vice  president  and  secretary.  Ms.
O'Donnell  is a senior vice  president  and deputy  general  counsel of Mitchell
Hutchins.  Ms.  O'Donnell is a vice  president  and  secretary of 29  investment
companies and vice president and assistant  secretary of one investment  company
for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their affiliates  serves as
investment adviser.

         PAUL H. SCHUBERT: age 37, vice president and treasurer. Mr. Schubert is
a senior vice  president and the director of the mutual fund finance  department
of Mitchell  Hutchins.  Mr.  Schubert is a vice  president  and  treasurer of 30
investment  companies for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their
affiliates serves as investment adviser.


         BARNEY A. TAGLIALATELA: age 39, vice president and assistant treasurer.
Mr.  Taglialatela  is a vice  president and a manager of the mutual fund finance
department  of Mitchell  Hutchins.  Mr.  Taglialatela  is a vice  president  and
assistant  treasurer of 30  investment  companies for which  Mitchell  Hutchins,
PaineWebber or one of their affiliates serves as investment adviser.

         KEITH A. WELLER:  age 39, vice president and assistant  secretary.  Mr.
Weller is a first  vice  president  and  senior  associate  general  counsel  of
Mitchell Hutchins.  Mr. Weller is a vice president and assistant secretary of 30
investment  companies for which Mitchell  Hutchins,  PaineWebber or one of their
affiliates serves as investment adviser.

                                OTHER INFORMATION

         SHAREHOLDER  PROPOSALS.  As a  general  matter,  the Fund does not hold
regular annual or other meetings of shareholders.  Any shareholder who wishes to
submit   proposals  to  be  considered  at  a  special  meeting  of  the  Fund's
shareholders  should send such proposals to the Fund at 51 West 52nd Street, New
York, New York  10019-6114.  Proposals  must be received a reasonable  period of
time  prior to any  meeting to be  included  in the proxy  materials.  Moreover,
inclusion  of such  proposals  is  subject  to  limitations  under  the  federal
securities  laws.  Persons  named as proxies  for any  subsequent  shareholders'
meeting will vote in their discretion with respect to proposals  submitted on an
untimely basis.

         OTHER BUSINESS.  The Fund's management knows of no other business to be
presented  to the  Meeting  other  than the  matters  set  forth  in this  Proxy
Statement,  but  should  any  other  matter  requiring  a  vote  of  the  Fund's
shareholders  arise,  the  proxies  will vote  thereon  according  to their best
judgment in the interests of the Fund.

                                              By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                              Dianne E. O'Donnell

December 30, 2000


                                   APPENDIX A

         As of October 31, 2000,  the  following  shareholders  are shown on the
Fund's records as owning more than 5% of a class of its shares:

- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
                                           NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SHARES
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
Jerry M. Zeigler (Class Y)                  14.5%              17,562.902
- ------------------------------------ ------------------- -----------------------

Gertrude A. Tormey (Class Y)               23.11%              27,996.542
- ------------------------------------ ------------------- -----------------------

Mary Estes (Class Y)                        9.73%               11,783.00
- ------------------------------------ ------------------- -----------------------

- ---------------
Each shareholder listed may be contacted c/o Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management
Inc., 51 West 52nd Street, New York, NY 10019-6114.

                                   APPENDIX B

                             ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT

         Contract made as of __________, ____, between PAINEWEBBER MANAGED
INVESTMENTS TRUST, a Massachusetts business trust ("Trust"), and MITCHELL
HUTCHINS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC. ("Mitchell Hutchins"), a Delaware corporation
registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940,
as amended ("Advisers Act"), and as a broker-dealer under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("1934 Act");

         WHEREAS the Trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended ("1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company, and
is authorized to offer for public sale distinct series of shares of beneficial
interest; and

         WHEREAS the Trust desires and intends to have one or more investment
advisers ("Sub-Advisers") provide investment advisory and portfolio management
services with respect to the series of shares of beneficial interest of the
Trust designated as PaineWebber High Income Fund and each such other series as
to which this Contract may apply (each a "Series"); and

         WHEREAS the Trust desires to retain Mitchell Hutchins as investment
manager and administrator to furnish certain administrative and portfolio
management services to the Trust with respect to the Series, and Mitchell
Hutchins is willing to furnish such services;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

         1.   APPOINTMENT. The Trust hereby appoints Mitchell Hutchins as
investment manager and administrator of the Trust and each Series for the period
and on the terms set forth in this Contract. Mitchell Hutchins accepts such
appointment and agrees to render the services herein set forth, for the
compensation herein provided.


(a)      Subject to the oversight and direction of the Trust's Board of Trustees
("Board"), Mitchell Hutchins will provide to the Trust investment management
evaluation services principally by performing initial reviews of prospective
Sub-Advisers for each Series and overseeing and monitoring performance of the
Sub-Advisers thereafter. Mitchell Hutchins agrees to report to the Trust the
results of its evaluation, oversight and monitoring functions and to keep books
and records of the Trust in connection therewith. Upon the request of the Board,
Mitchell Hutchins will provide portfolio management services with respect to any
portion of Series' assets for which no Sub-Adviser is responsible. Mitchell
Hutchins further agrees to communicate performance expectations and evaluations
to the Sub-Advisers, and to recommend to the Trust whether agreements with
Sub-Advisers should be renewed, modified or terminated.

(b)      Mitchell Hutchins is responsible for informing the Sub-Advisers of the
investment objective(s), policies and restrictions of the Series for which the
Sub-Adviser is responsible, for informing or ascertaining that it is aware of

other legal and regulatory responsibilities applicable to the Sub-Adviser with
respect to the Series for which the Sub-Adviser is responsible, and for
monitoring the Sub-Advisers' discharge of their duties; but Mitchell Hutchins is
not responsible for the specific actions (or inactions) of a Sub-Adviser in the
performance of the duties assigned to it.

(c)      With respect to each Sub-Adviser for a Series, Mitchell Hutchins shall
enter into an agreement ("Sub-Advisory Agreement") with the Sub-Adviser in
substantially the form previously approved by the Board and shall seek approval
of the Board or a Series' shareholders in a manner consistent with the 1940 Act,
the rules thereunder or any applicable exemptive order.

(d)      Mitchell Hutchins shall be responsible for the fees payable to and
shall pay the Sub-Adviser of a Series the fee as specified in the Sub-Advisory
Agreement relating thereto.

(e)      In the event that the Board shall request that Mitchell Hutchins
provide any portfolio management services to one or more Series, Mitchell
Hutchins shall comply with this paragraph 2(e). Mitchell Hutchins agrees that in
placing orders with brokers, it will attempt to obtain the best net result in
terms of price and execution; provided that, on behalf of any Series, Mitchell
Hutchins may, in its discretion, use brokers who provide the Series with
research, analysis, advice and similar services to execute portfolio
transactions on behalf of the Series, and Mitchell Hutchins may pay to those
brokers in return for brokerage and research services a higher commission than
may be charged by other brokers, subject to Mitchell Hutchins' determining in
good faith that such commission is reasonable in terms either of the particular
transaction or of the overall responsibility of Mitchell Hutchins to such Series
and its other clients and that the total commissions paid by such Series will be
reasonable in relation to the benefits to the Series over the long term. In no
instance will portfolio securities be purchased from or sold to Mitchell
Hutchins, or any affiliated person thereof, except in accordance with the
federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder. Mitchell
Hutchins may aggregate sales and purchase orders with respect to the assets of
the Series with similar orders being made simultaneously for other accounts
advised by Mitchell Hutchins or its affiliates. Whenever Mitchell Hutchins
simultaneously places orders to purchase or sell the same security on behalf of
a Series and one or more other accounts advised by Mitchell Hutchins, such
orders will be allocated as to price and amount among all such accounts in a
manner believed to be equitable over time to each account; the Trust recognizes
that in some cases this procedure may adversely affect the results obtained for
the Series. In providing any portfolio management services, Mitchell Hutchins
will oversee the maintenance of all books and records with respect to the
securities transactions of each Series, and will furnish the Board with such
periodic and special reports as the Board reasonably may request. In compliance
with the requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, Mitchell Hutchins hereby
agrees that all records which it maintains for the Trust are the property of the
Trust, agrees to preserve for the periods prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under the
1940 Act any records which it maintains for the Trust and which are required to
be maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act and further agrees to surrender
promptly to the Trust any records which it maintains for the Trust upon request
by the Trust. In providing any portfolio management services, Mitchell Hutchins
will oversee the computation of the net asset value and the net income of each
Series as described in the currently effective registration statement of the
Trust under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the 1940 Act and any
supplements thereto ("Registration Statement") or as more frequently requested
by the Board. The Fund hereby authorizes Mitchell Hutchins and any entity or


persons associated with Mitchell Hutchins which is a member of a national
securities exchange to effect any transaction on such exchange for the account
of the Fund, which transaction is permitted by Section 11(a) of the 1934 Act and
Rule 11a2-2(T) thereunder, and the Fund hereby consents to the retention of
compensation by Mitchell Hutchins or any entity or persons associated with
Mitchell Hutchins for such transactions.

         3.   DUTIES AS ADMINISTRATOR.  Mitchell Hutchins will administer the
affairs of the Trust and Series subject to the oversight and direction of the
Board and the following understandings:

         (a)  Mitchell Hutchins will supervise all aspects of the operations
of the Trust and the Series, including oversight of transfer agency, custodial
and accounting services, except as hereinafter set forth; provided, however,
that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve or deprive the Board of
any of its responsibilities with respect to the conduct of the affairs of the
Trust and the Series.

         (b)  Mitchell Hutchins will provide the Trust and each Series with
such corporate, administrative and clerical personnel (including officers of the
Trust) and services as are reasonably deemed necessary or advisable by the
Board, including the maintenance of certain books and records of the Trust and
Series in connection with the administration of the Trust.

         (c)  Mitchell Hutchins will arrange, but not pay, for the periodic
preparation, updating, filing and dissemination (as applicable) of the Trust's
Registration Statement, proxy material, tax returns and required reports to
shareholders of each Series and the Securities and Exchange Commission and other
appropriate federal or state regulatory authorities.

         (d)  Mitchell Hutchins will provide the Trust and each Series with,
or obtain for it, adequate office space and all necessary office equipment and
services, including telephone service, heat, utilities, stationery supplies and
similar items.

         (e)  Mitchell Hutchins will provide the Board on a regular basis
with economic and investment analyses and reports and make available to the
Board upon request any economic, statistical and investment services normally
available to institutional or other customers of Mitchell Hutchins.

         4.   FURTHER DUTIES. In all matters relating to the performance of
this Contract, Mitchell Hutchins will act in conformity with the Declaration of
Trust, By-Laws and the currently effective Registration Statement and with the
instructions and directions of the Board and will comply with the requirements
of the 1940 Act, the Advisers Act, and the rules under each, and all other
applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

         5.   SERVICES NOT EXCLUSIVE. The services furnished by Mitchell
Hutchins hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive and Mitchell Hutchins shall be
free to furnish similar services to others so long as its services under this
Contract are not impaired thereby. Nothing in this Contract shall limit or
restrict the right of any director, officer or employee of Mitchell Hutchins,
who may also be a Trustee, officer or employee of the Trust, to engage in any
other business or to devote his or her time and attention in part to the
management or other aspects of any other business, whether of a similar nature
or a dissimilar nature.


         6.   EXPENSES.

         (a)  During the term of this Contract, each Series will bear all
expenses, not specifically assumed by Mitchell Hutchins, incurred in its
operations and the offering of its shares.

         (b)  Expenses borne by each Series will include but not be limited
to the following (or the Series' proportionate share of the following): (i) the
cost (including brokerage commissions) of securities purchased or sold by the
Series and any losses incurred in connection therewith; (ii) fees payable to and
expenses incurred on behalf of the Series by Mitchell Hutchins under this
Contract; (iii) expenses of organizing the Series; (iv) filing fees and expenses
relating to the registrations and qualification of the Series' shares and the
Trust under federal and/or state securities laws and maintaining such
registration and qualifications; (v) fees and salaries payable to the Trust's
Trustees and officers who are not interested persons of the Trust or Mitchell
Hutchins; (vi) all expenses incurred in connection with the Trustees' services,
including travel expenses; (vii) taxes (including any income or franchise taxes)
and governmental fees; (viii) costs of any liability, uncollectible items of
deposit and other insurance and fidelity bonds; (ix) any costs, expenses or
losses arising out of a liability of or claim for damages or other relief
asserted against the Trust or the Series for violation of any law; (x) legal,
accounting and auditing expenses, including legal fees of special counsel for
those Trustees of the Trust who are not interested persons of the Trust; (xi)
charges of custodians, transfer agents and other agents; (xii) costs of
preparing share certificates; (xiii) expenses of setting in type and printing
prospectuses and supplements thereto, statements of additional information and
supplements thereto, reports and proxy materials for existing shareholders;
(xiv) costs of mailing prospectuses and supplements thereto, statements of
additional information and supplements thereto, reports and proxy materials to
existing shareholders; (xv) any extraordinary expenses (including fees and
disbursements of counsel, costs of actions, suits or proceedings to which the
Trust is a party and the expenses the Trust may incur as a result of its legal
obligation to provide indemnification to its officers, Trustees, agents and
shareholders) incurred by the Trust or the Series; (xvi) fees, voluntary
assessments and other expenses incurred in connection with membership in
investment company organizations; (xvii) costs of mailing and tabulating proxies
and costs of meetings of shareholders, the Board and any committees thereof;
(xviii) the cost of investment company literature and other publications
provided by the Trust to its Trustees and officers; (xix) costs of mailing,
stationery and communications equipment; (xx) expenses incident to any dividend,
withdrawal or redemption options; (xxi) charges and expenses of any outside
pricing service used to value portfolio securities; (xxii) interest on
borrowings of the Trust; and (xxiii) any fees or expenses related to license
agreements with respect to securities indices.

         (c)  The Trust or a Series may pay directly any expenses incurred by
it in its normal operations and, if any such payment is consented to by Mitchell
Hutchins and acknowledged as otherwise payable by Mitchell Hutchins pursuant to
this Contract, a Series may reduce the fee payable to Mitchell Hutchins pursuant
to Paragraph 7 thereof by such amount. To the extent that such deductions exceed
the fee payable to Mitchell Hutchins on any monthly payment date, such excess
shall be carried forward and deducted in the same manner from the fee payable on
succeeding monthly payment dates.


         (d)  Mitchell Hutchins will assume the cost of any compensation for
services provided to the Trust received by the officers of the Trust and by
those Trustees who are interested persons of the Trust.

         (e)  The payment or assumption by Mitchell Hutchins of any expenses
of the Trust or a Series that Mitchell Hutchins is not required by this Contract
to pay or assume shall not obligate Mitchell Hutchins to pay or assume the same
or any similar expense of the Trust or a Series on any subsequent occasion.

         7.   COMPENSATION.

        (a)   For the services provided and the expenses assumed pursuant to
this Contract, the Trust will pay to Mitchell Hutchins a fee with respect to
PaineWebber High Income Fund, computed daily and paid monthly, at an annual rate
of 0.50% of average daily net assets.

        (b)   For the services provided and the expenses assumed pursuant to
his Contract with respect to any Series hereafter established, the Trust will
pay to Mitchell Hutchins from the assets of such Series a fee in an amount to be
agreed upon in a written fee agreement ("Fee Agreement") executed by the Trust
on behalf of such Series and by Mitchell Hutchins. All such Fee Agreements shall
provide that they are subject to all terms and conditions of this Contract.

        (c)   The fee shall be computed daily and paid monthly to Mitchell
Hutchins on or before the last business day of the next succeeding calendar

        (d)   If this Contract becomes effective or terminates before the end
of any month, the fee for the period from the effective day to the end of the
month or from the beginning of such month to the date of termination, as the
case may be, shall be prorated according to the proportion which such period
bears to the full month in which such effectiveness or termination occurs.

and its officers, directors, employees and delegates, including any Sub-Adviser
or Sub-Administrator to a Series, shall not be liable for any error of judgment
or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by any Series, the Trust or any of
its shareholders, in connection with the matters to which this Contract relates,
except to the extent that such a loss results from willful misfeasance, bad
faith or gross negligence on its part in the performance of its duties or from
reckless disregard by it of its obligations and duties under this Contract. Any
person, even though also an officer, director, employee, or agent of Mitchell
Hutchins, who may be or become an officer, Trustee, employee or agent of the
Trust shall be deemed, when rendering services to a Series or the Trust or
acting with respect to any business of such Series or the Trust, to be rendering
such service to or acting solely for the Series or the Trust and not as an
officer, director, employee, or agent or one under the control or direction of
Mitchell Hutchins even though paid by it.

TRUST. The Trustees of the Trust and the shareholders of any Series shall not be
liable for any obligations of any Series or the Trust under this Agreement and
Mitchell Hutchins agrees that, in asserting any rights or claims under this
Agreement, it shall look only to the assets and property of the Trust in
settlement of such right or claim, and not to such Trustees or shareholders.



         (a)  This Contract shall become effective for each Series upon the
day and year first written above, provided that, with respect to any Series,
this Contract shall not take effect unless it has first been approved (i) by a
vote of a majority of those Trustees of the Trust who are not parties to this
Contract or interested persons of any such party cast in person at a meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such approval and (ii) by vote of a majority
of that Series' outstanding voting securities.

         (b)  Unless sooner terminated as provided herein, this Contract
shall continue in effect for two years from the above written date. Thereafter,
if not terminated, this Contract shall continue automatically for successive
periods of twelve months each, provided that such continuance is specifically
approved at least annually (i) by a vote of a majority of those Trustees of the
Trust who are not parties to this Contract or interested persons of any such
party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such
approval, and (ii) by the Board or, with respect to any given Series, by vote of
a majority of the outstanding voting securities of such Series.

         (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to a Series, this
Contract may be terminated at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by
vote of the Board or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting
securities of the Series on sixty days' written notice to Mitchell Hutchins and
may be terminated by Mitchell Hutchins at any time, without the payment of any
penalty, on sixty days' written notice to the Trust. Termination of this
Contract with respect to a Series shall in no way affect the continued validity
of this Contract or the performance thereunder with respect to any other Series.
This Contract will terminate automatically in the event of its assignment.

         11.  AMENDMENT OF THIS CONTRACT. No provision of this Contract may
be changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument
in writing signed by the party against which enforcement of the change, waiver,
discharge or termination is sought, and no amendment of this contract as to a
Series shall be effective until approved by vote of a majority of the Series'
outstanding voting securities.

         12.  GOVERNING LAW. This Contract shall be construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to the conflicts
of laws principles thereof, and in accordance with the 1940 Act, provided,
however, that section 9 above will be construed in accordance with the laws of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To the extent that the applicable laws of the
State of New York or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts conflict with the
applicable provisions of the 1940 Act, the latter shall control.

         13.  MISCELLANEOUS. The captions in this Contract are included for
convenience of reference only and in no way define or delimit any of the
provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect. If any
provision of this Contract shall be held or made invalid by a court decision,
statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected
thereby. This Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
the parties hereto and their respective successors. As used in this Contract,
the terms "majority of the outstanding voting securities," "affiliated person,"
"interested person," "assignment," "broker," "investment adviser," "national
securities exchange," "net assets," "prospectus," "sale," "sell" and "security"


shall have the same meaning as such terms have in the 1940 Act, subject to such
exemption as may be granted by the Securities and Exchange Commission by any
rule, regulation or order. Where the effect of a requirement of the 1940 Act
reflected in any provision of this contract is relaxed by a rule, regulation or
order of the Securities and Exchange Commission, whether of special or general
application, such provision shall be deemed to incorporate the effect of such
rule, regulation or order.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to
be executed by their officers designated as of the day and year first above

                                              PAINEWEBBER MANAGED INVESTMENTS

Attest:                                       By:

                                              MITCHELL HUTCHINS ASSET
                                              MANAGEMENT INC.

Attest:                                       By:


                                   APPENDIX C


         Mitchell Hutchins serves as the Fund's investment adviser and
administrator. Mitchell Hutchins, a Delaware corporation, is a wholly owned
asset management subsidiary of PaineWebber, which is a wholly owned indirect
subsidiary of UBS, an internationally diversified organization, with operations
in many areas of the financial services industry. Mitchell Hutchins is located
at 51 West 52nd Street, New York, New York 10019-6114. The principal business
offices of PaineWebber are located at 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New
York 10019-6028. The principal business address of UBS is Bahnhofstrasse 45,
Zurich, Switzerland. As of October 31, 2000, Mitchell Hutchins was the adviser
or sub-adviser of 31 investment companies with 75 separate portfolios and
aggregate assets of approximately $58.3 billion.

         Since November 30, 1999, purchases and sales of the securities of any
parent or subsidiary of Mitchell Hutchins or MFS by the Trustees of the Fund
did not exceed 1% of the outstanding securities of any class of securities of
such entities.

         Mitchell Hutchins also serves as the distributor for the Fund's shares
under distribution contracts that require Mitchell Hutchins to use its best
efforts to sell the Fund's shares. During its fiscal year ended November 30,
1999, the Fund paid no brokerage commissions to PaineWebber or any other
affiliated broker-dealer.

         The following is a list of the directors and principal executive
officer of Mitchell Hutchins:

- ----                        ----------------------------------       ----------

Margo N. Alexander          Chairman and Director                       Same
Brian M. Storms             President and Chief Executive Officer       Same
Julian Sluyters             Director                                    Same

- -------------------
The business address of each person listed above is 51 West 52nd Street, New
York, New York 10019-6114.


         Mitchell Hutchins also serves as investment adviser to the following
investment companies, which have investment objectives similar to the Fund's, at
the fee rates set forth below.

                                       APPROXIMATE NET
                                          ASSETS AS
                                       OCTOBER 31, 2000      ANNUAL INVESTMENT
            FUND                         (IN MILLIONS)         ADVISORY FEE
            ----                       ----------------      -----------------

Mitchell Hutchins Series Trust--             $6.2         0.75% of average daily
Global Income Portfolio                                   net assets

Mitchell Hutchins Series Trust--             $2.5         0.50% of average daily
High Grade Fixed Income Portfolio                         net assets

Mitchell Hutchins Series Trust--            $10.7         0.50% of average daily
High Income Portfolio                                     net assets

Mitchell Hutchins Series Trust--            $13.4         0.75% of average daily
Strategic Income Portfolio                                net assets

Mitchell Hutchins Series Trust--             $4.3         0.50% of average daily
Strategic Fixed Income Portfolio                          net assets

PACE Global Fixed Income Investments        $96.7         0.60% of average daily
                                                          net assets (subject to
                                                          a waiver of the
                                                          advisory fee and/or a
                                                          reimbursement to the
                                                          extent the Fund's "Net
                                                          Expenses" exceed

PACE Government Securities Fixed           $202.6         0.50% of average daily
Income Investments                                        net assets (subject to
                                                          a waiver of the
                                                          advisory fee and/or a
                                                          reimbursement to the
                                                          extent the Fund's "Net
                                                          Expenses" exceed

PACE Intermediate Fixed Income             $134.2         0.40% of average daily
Investments                                               net assets

PACE Municipal Fixed Income                 $53.1         0.40% of average daily
Investments                                               net assets (subject to
                                                          a waiver of the
                                                          advisory fee and/or a
                                                          reimbursement to the
                                                          extent the Fund's "Net
                                                          Expenses" exceed

PACE Strategic Fixed Income                $238.6         0.50% of average daily
Investments                                               net assets (subject to
                                                          a waiver of the
                                                          advisory fee and/or a
                                                          reimbursement to the
                                                          extent the Fund's "Net
                                                          Expenses" exceed


                                       APPROXIMATE NET
                                          ASSETS AS
                                       OCTOBER 31, 2000      ANNUAL INVESTMENT
            FUND                         (IN MILLIONS)         ADVISORY FEE
            ----                       ----------------      -----------------

PaineWebber California Tax-Free            $123.0         0.50% of average daily
Income Fund                                               net assets (subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.20%)

PaineWebber Global Income Fund             $253.3         0.75% of average daily
                                                          net assets

PaineWebber Investment Grade               $219.0         0.50% of average daily
Income Fund                                               net assets

PaineWebber Municipal High Income Fund      $83.5         0.60% of average daily
                                                          net assets

PaineWebber National Tax-Free              $239.5         0.50% of average daily
Income Fund                                               net assets

PaineWebber New York Tax-Free               $35.6         0.60% of average daily
Income Fund                                               net

PaineWebber Low Duration                   $164.1         0.50% of average daily
U.S. Government Income Fund                               net assets

PaineWebber Strategic Income Fund           $77.7         0.75% of average daily
                                                          net assets

PaineWebber U.S. Government                $231.2         0.50% of average daily
Income Fund                                               net assets

2002 Target Term Trust Inc.                $109.9         0.50% of average
(closed-end fund)                                         weekly net assets

All American Term Trust Inc.               $159.4         0.90% of average
(closed-end fund)                                         weekly net assets

Global High Income Dollar Fund Inc.        $282.0         1.25% of average
(closed-end fund)                                         weekly net assets

Insured Municipal Income Fund Inc.         $455.3         0.90% of average
(closed-end fund)                                         weekly net assets

Investment Grade Municipal Income          $244.9         0.90% of average
Fund Inc. (closed-end fund)                               weekly net assets


                                       APPROXIMATE NET
                                          ASSETS AS
                                       OCTOBER 31, 2000      ANNUAL INVESTMENT
            FUND                         (IN MILLIONS)         ADVISORY FEE
            ----                       ----------------      -----------------

Managed High Yield Plus Fund Inc.          $311.8         0.70% of average
(closed-end fund)                                         weekly net assets

Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.         $220.4         1.00% of average
(closed-end fund)                                         weekly net assets


                                   APPENDIX D

                          FORM OF SUB-ADVISORY CONTRACT

         Agreement made as of ___________, 2001 ("Contract") between MITCHELL
HUTCHINS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC., a Delaware corporation ("Mitchell Hutchins"),
and Massachusetts Financial Services Company, a Delaware corporation


         (1)   Mitchell Hutchins has entered into an Investment Management
               and Administration Agreement, dated _______________, 2001
               ("Management Agreement"), with PaineWebber Managed Investments
               Trust ("Trust"), an open-end management investment company
               registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
               ("1940 Act"), with respect to the series of the Trust designated
               as PaineWebber High Income Fund ("Series");

         (2)   Mitchell Hutchins wishes to retain the Sub-Adviser to furnish
               certain investment advisory services to Mitchell Hutchins and the
               Series; and

         (3)   The Sub-Adviser is willing to furnish such services.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
herein contained, Mitchell Hutchins and the Sub-Adviser agree as follows:

         1.    APPOINTMENT.  Mitchell Hutchins hereby appoints the Sub-Adviser
as an investment sub-adviser with respect to the Series for the period and on
the terms set forth in this Contract. The Sub-Adviser accepts that appointment
and agrees to render the services herein set forth, for the compensation herein

         2.    DUTIES AS SUB-ADVISER.

         (a)   Subject to the supervision and direction of the Trust's Board of
Trustees ("Board") and review by Mitchell Hutchins, and any written guidelines
adopted by the Board or Mitchell Hutchins and furnished to the Sub-Adviser, the
Sub-Adviser will provide a continuous investment program for all or a designated
portion of the assets ("Segment") of the Series, including investment research
and discretionary management with respect to all securities and investments and
cash equivalents in the Series or Segment. The Sub-Adviser will determine from
time to time what investments will be purchased, retained or sold by the Series
or Segment. The Sub-Adviser will be responsible for placing purchase and sell
orders for investments and for other related transactions for the Series or
Segment. The Sub-Adviser will be responsible for voting proxies of issuers of
securities held by the Series or Segment. The Sub-Adviser understands that the
Series' assets need to be managed so as to permit it to qualify or to continue
to qualify as a regulated investment company under Subchapter M of the Internal
Revenue Code, as amended ("Code"). The Sub-Adviser will provide services under
this Contract in accordance with the Series' investment objective, policies and
restrictions as stated in the Trust's currently effective registration statement

under the 1940 Act, and any amendments or supplements thereto ("Registration

         (b)   The Sub-Adviser agrees that, in placing orders with brokers, it
will seek to obtain the best net result in terms of price and execution;
provided that, on behalf of the Series, the Sub-Adviser may, in its discretion,
use brokers that provide the Sub-Adviser with research, analysis, advice and
similar services to execute portfolio transactions on behalf of the Series or
Segment, and the Sub-Adviser may pay to those brokers in return for brokerage
and research services a higher commission than may be charged by other brokers,
subject to the Sub-Adviser's determining in good faith that such commission is
reasonable in terms either of the particular transaction or of the overall
responsibility of the Sub-Adviser to the Series or its other clients and that
the total commissions paid by the Series or Segment will be reasonable in
relation to the benefits to the Series over the long term. In no instance will
portfolio securities be purchased from or sold to Mitchell Hutchins or the
Sub-Adviser, or any affiliated person thereof, except in accordance with the
federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder. The
Sub-Adviser may aggregate sales and purchase orders with respect to the assets
of the Series or Segment with similar orders being made simultaneously for other
accounts advised by the Sub-Adviser or its affiliates. Whenever the Sub-Adviser
simultaneously places orders to purchase or sell the same security on behalf of
the Series and one or more other accounts advised by the Sub-Adviser, the orders
will be allocated as to price and amount among all such accounts in a manner
believed to be equitable over time to each account. Mitchell Hutchins recognizes
that in some cases this procedure may adversely affect the results obtained for
the Series or Segment.

         (c)   The Sub-Adviser will maintain all books and records required to
be maintained pursuant to the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder with respect to transactions by the Sub-Adviser on behalf of the
Series or Segment, and will furnish the Board and Mitchell Hutchins with such
periodic and special reports as the Board or Mitchell Hutchins reasonably may
request. In compliance with the requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act,
the Sub-Adviser hereby agrees that all records that it maintains for the Series
are the property of the Trust, agrees to preserve for the periods prescribed by
Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act any records that it maintains for the Trust and
that are required to be maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act, and further
agrees to surrender promptly to the Trust any records or copies thereof that it
maintains for the Series upon request by the Trust.

         (d)   At such times as shall be reasonably requested by the Board or
Mitchell Hutchins, the Sub-Adviser will provide the Board and Mitchell Hutchins
with economic and investment analyses and reports as well as quarterly reports
setting forth the performance of the Series or Segment and make available to the
Board and Mitchell Hutchins any economic, statistical and investment services
that the Sub-Adviser normally makes available to its institutional or other

         (e)   In accordance with procedures adopted by the Board, as amended
from time to time, the Sub-Adviser is responsible for assisting in the fair
valuation of all portfolio securities in the Series or Segment, in accordance
with procedures adopted by the Board, as amended from time to time. The
Sub-Adviser will use its reasonable efforts to arrange for the provision of a
price from one or more parties independent of the Sub-Adviser for each portfolio
security for which the custodian does not obtain prices in the ordinary course
of business from an automated pricing service.


         3.    FURTHER DUTIES. In all matters relating to the performance of
this Contract, the Sub-Adviser and Mitchell Hutchins will act in conformity with
the Trust's Declaration of Trust, By-Laws and Registration Statement and with
the written instructions and written directions of the Board and will comply
with the requirements of the 1940 Act and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940,
as amended ("Advisers Act") and the rules under each, Subchapter M of the Code,
as applicable to regulated investment companies; and all other federal and state
laws and regulations applicable to the Trust and the Series. Mitchell Hutchins
agrees to provide to the Sub-Adviser copies of the Trust's Declaration of Trust,
By-Laws, Registration Statement, written instructions and directions of the
Board and Mitchell Hutchins, and any amendments or supplements to any of these
materials as soon as practicable after such materials become available; and
further agrees to identify to the Sub-Adviser in writing any broker-dealers that
are affiliated with Mitchell Hutchins (other than PaineWebber Incorporated and
Mitchell Hutchins itself).

         4.    EXPENSES.  During the term of this Contract, the Sub-Adviser will
bear all expenses incurred by it in connection with its services under this
Contract. The Sub-Adviser shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by
the Trust, the Series or Mitchell Hutchins.

         5.    COMPENSATION.

         (a)   For the services provided and the expenses assumed by the
Sub-Adviser pursuant to this Contract, Mitchell Hutchins, not the Series, will
pay to the Sub-Adviser a sub-advisory fee, computed daily and paid monthly, at
an annual rate of 0.45% of the average daily net assets of the Series or Segment
(computed in the manner specified in the Management Agreement) and will provide
the Sub-Adviser with a schedule showing the manner in which the fee was
computed. If the Sub-Adviser is managing a Segment, its fees will be based on
the value of assets of the Series within the Sub-Adviser's Segment.

         (b)   The fee shall be accrued daily and payable monthly to the
Sub-Adviser on or before the fifteenth day of the next succeeding calendar

         (c)   If this Contract becomes effective or terminates before the end
of any month, the fee for the period from the effective date to the end of the
month or from the beginning of such month to the date of termination, as the
case may be, shall be pro-rated according to the proportion that such period
bears to the full month in which such effectiveness or termination occurs.


         (a)   The Sub-Adviser shall not be liable for any error of judgment or
mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Series, the Trust, its
shareholders or by Mitchell Hutchins in connection with the matters to which
this Contract relates, except a loss resulting from willful misfeasance, bad
faith or gross negligence on its part in the performance of its duties or from
reckless disregard by it of its obligations and duties under this Contract.

         (b)   Mitchell Hutchins shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
Sub-Adviser, its affiliates, and each of their respective directors, officers,
employees, shareholders, agents and representatives (collectively, the
"Indemnities") from and against any and all losses, claims, damages,
liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising
from or related to the services contemplated under this Agreement, except to the
extent any such losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses result


from willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on the Sub-Adviser's
part in the performance of its duties or from reckless disregard by the
Sub-Adviser of its obligations and duties under this Agreement.

         (c)   In no event will the Sub-Adviser have any responsibilities for
any other series of the Trust, for any portion of the Series' investments not
managed by the Sub-Adviser or for the acts or omissions of any other sub-adviser
to the Trust or Series.

         In particular, in the event the Sub-Adviser shall manage only a portion
of the Series' investments, the Sub-Adviser shall have no responsibility for the
Series' being in violation of any applicable law or regulation or investment
policy or restriction applicable to the Series as a whole or for the Series'
failing to qualify as a regulated investment company under the Code, if the
securities and other holdings of the Segment managed by the Sub-Adviser are such
that such Segment would not be in such violation or fail to so qualify if such
segment were deemed a separate series of the Trust or a separate "regulated
investment company" under the Code.

         Nothing in this section shall be deemed a limitation or waiver of any
obligation or duty that may not by law be limited or waived.

         7.    REPRESENTATIONS.

         (a)   The Sub-Adviser (i) is registered as an investment adviser under
the Advisers Act and will continue to be so registered for so long as this
Contract remains in effect; (ii) is not prohibited by the 1940 Act or the
Advisers Act from performing the services contemplated by this Contract; (iii)
has met and will seek to continue to meet for so long as this Contract remains
in effect, any other applicable federal or state requirements, or the applicable
requirements of any regulatory or industry self-regulatory agency necessary to
be met in order to perform the services contemplated by this Contract; (iv) has
the authority to enter into and perform the services contemplated by this
Contract; and (v) will promptly notify Mitchell Hutchins of the occurrence of
any event that would disqualify the Sub-Adviser from serving as a sub-investment
adviser of an investment company pursuant to Section 9(a) of the 1940 Act or

         (b)   Mitchell Hutchins (i) is registered as an investment adviser
under the Advisers Act and will continue to be so registered for so long as this
Contract remains in effect; (ii) is not prohibited by the 1940 Act or the
Advisers Act from performing the services as investment adviser contemplated by
this Contract; (iii) has met and will seek to continue to meet for so long as
this Contract remains in effect, any other applicable federal or state
requirements, or the applicable requirements of any regulatory or industry
self-regulatory agency necessary to be met in order to perform the services as
investment adviser contemplated by this Contract; and (iv) will promptly notify
the Sub-Adviser of the occurrence of any event that would disqualify Mitchell
Hutchins from serving as an investment adviser of any investment company
pursuant to Section 9(a) of the 1940 Act or otherwise.

         (c) The Sub-Adviser has adopted a written code of ethics and
appropriate procedures complying with the requirements of Rule 17j-1 under the
1940 Act and has provided Mitchell Hutchins and the Board with a copy of such
code of ethics, together with evidence of its adoption. Within thirty days of
the end of the last calendar quarter of each year that this Contract is in


effect, the president or a vice president of the Sub-Adviser shall certify to
Mitchell Hutchins that the Sub-Adviser has complied with the requirements of
Rule 17j-1 during the previous year and that there has been no material
violation of the Sub-Adviser's code of ethics or, if such a violation has
occurred, that appropriate action was taken in response to such violation. Upon
the written request of Mitchell Hutchins, the Sub-Adviser shall permit Mitchell
Hutchins, its employees or its agents to examine the reports required to be made
by the Sub-Adviser pursuant to Rule 17j-1, which are relevant to the services
provided under this Contract.

         (d)   The Sub-Adviser has provided Mitchell Hutchins with a copy of its
Form ADV, as most recently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
("SEC") and promptly will furnish a copy of all amendments to Mitchell Hutchins
at least annually.

         (e)   The Sub-Adviser will notify Mitchell Hutchins of any change of
control of the Sub-Adviser, including any change of its general partners or 25%
shareholders or 25% limited partners, as applicable, and any changes in the key
personnel who are either the portfolio manager(s) of the Series or senior
management of the Sub-Adviser, in each case prior to, or promptly after, such

         (f)   The Sub-Adviser agrees that neither it, nor any of its
affiliates, will in any way refer directly or indirectly to its relationship
with the Series, the Trust, Mitchell Hutchins or any of their respective
affiliates in offering, marketing or other promotional materials without the
prior express written consent of Mitchell Hutchins.

         8.    SERVICES NOT EXCLUSIVE. The services furnished by the Sub-Adviser
hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive and the Sub-Adviser shall be free to
furnish similar services to others so long as its services under this Contract
are not impaired thereby or unless otherwise agreed to by the parties hereunder
in writing. Nothing in this Contract shall limit or restrict the right of any
trustee, director, officer or employee of the Sub-Adviser, who may also be a
Trustee, officer or employee of the Trust, to engage in any other business or to
devote his or her time and attention in part to the management or other aspects
of any other business, whether of a similar nature or a dissimilar nature.


         (a)   This Contract shall become effective upon the day and year first
written above, provided that this Contract has been approved for the Series by a
vote of: (i) a majority of those Trustees of the Trust who are not parties to
this Contract or interested persons of any such party ("Independent Trustees")
cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval
and (ii) a majority of the Series' outstanding voting securities unless in the
case of (ii), the Trust complies with the terms of any SEC exemptive order or
rule permitting it to modify to the Contract without such vote.

         (b)    Unless sooner terminated as provided herein, this Contract shall
continue in effect for two years from its effective date. Thereafter, if not
terminated, this Contract shall continue automatically for successive periods of
twelve months each, provided that such continuance is specifically approved at
least annually: (i) by a vote of a majority of Independent Trustees, cast in


person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval, and (ii)
by the Board or by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of
the Series.

         (c)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to the Series, this
Contract may be terminated at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by
vote of the Board or by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting
securities of the Series on sixty days' written notice to the Sub-Adviser and
may be terminated by the Sub-Adviser at any time, without the payment of any
penalty, on sixty days' written notice to Mitchell Hutchins. The Contract may
also be terminated, without payment of penalty, by Mitchell Hutchins (i) upon
material breach by the Sub-Adviser of any of the representations and warranties
set forth in Paragraph 7 of this Contract, if such breach shall not have been
cured within a 20 day period after notice of such breach or (ii) if, in the
reasonable judgment of Mitchell Hutchins, the Sub-Adviser becomes unable to
discharge its duties and obligations under this Contract, including
circumstances such as financial insolvency of the Sub-Adviser or other
circumstances that could adversely affect the Series. This Contract will
terminate automatically in the event of its assignment or upon termination of
the Advisory Contract as it relates to the Series.

         10.   AMENDMENT OF THIS CONTRACT. No provision of this Contract may be
changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in
writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change, waiver,
discharge or termination is sought. No amendment of this Contract as to the
Series shall be effective until approved by vote of (i) the Independent Trustees
and (ii) a majority of the Series' outstanding voting securities unless in the
case of (ii), the Trust complies with the terms of any SEC exemptive order or
rule permitting it to modify to the Contract without such vote.

         11.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Contract shall be construed in accordance
with the 1940 Act and the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect
to the conflicts of laws principles thereof. to the extent that the applicable
laws of the State of New York conflict with the applicable provisions of the
1940 Act, the latter shall control.

         12.   MISCELLANEOUS. The captions in this Contract are included for
convenience of reference only and in no way define or delimit any of the
provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect. If any
provision of this Contract shall be held or made invalid by a court decision,
statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Contract shall not be affected
thereby. This Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
the parties hereto and their respective successors. As used in this Contract,
the terms "majority of the outstanding voting securities," "affiliated person,"
"interested person," "assignment," "broker," "investment adviser," "net assets,"
"sale," "sell" and "security" shall have the same meaning as such terms have in
the 1940 Act, subject to such exemption as may be granted by the SEC by any
rule, regulation or order. Where the effect of a requirement of the federal
securities laws reflected in any provision of this Contract is made less
restrictive by a rule, regulation or order of the SEC, whether of special or
general application, such provision shall be deemed to incorporate the effect of
such rule, regulation or order. This Contract may be signed in counterpart.

         13.   NOTICES. Any notice herein required is to be in writing and is
deemed to have been given to the Sub-Adviser or Mitchell Hutchins upon receipt
of the same at their respective addresses set forth below. All written notices
required or permitted to be given under this Contract will be delivered by


personal service, by postage mail - return receipt requested or by facsimile
machine or a similar means of same day delivery which provides evidence of
receipt (with a confirming copy by mail as set forth herein). All notices
provided to Mitchell Hutchins will be sent to the attention of Dianne E.
O'Donnell, Deputy General Counsel. All notices provided to the Sub-Adviser will
be sent to the attention of Robert T. Burns, Senior Vice President and Associate
General Counsel.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to
be executed by their duly authorized signatories as of the date and year first
above written.

                                        MITCHELL HUTCHINS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC.
                                        51 West 52nd Street
Attest:                                 New York, New York  10019-6114

By:                                     By:
       Name:  Keith A. Weller                    Name:  Dianne E. O'Donnell
       Title:  First Vice President              Title:  Senior Vice President

                                        MASSACHUSETTS FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANY
                                        500 Boylston Street
                                        Boston, Massachusetts 02116

By:                                     By:
       Name:  Robert T. Burns                 Name:  Joseph W. Dello Russo
       Title:  Assistant Secretary            Title:  Chief Administrative
                                              Officer and Chief Financial


                                   APPENDIX E


         MFS and its predecessor organizations have a history of money
management dating from 1924 and the founding of the first mutual fund,
Massachusetts Investors Trust. As of October 31, 2000, MFS had approximately
$157.71 billion of assets under management, including $3.05 billion in high
income fund assets. MFS is located at 500 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts
02116. MFS is the indirect majority owned subsidiary of Sun Life Financial
Services of Canada, Inc., which is located at 150 King Street West, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M5H1J9.

The following is a list of the directors and principal executive officer of MFS:

NAME                         POSITION(S) WITH MFS               OCCUPATION
- ----                         --------------------               ----------

Jeffrey L. Shames            Chairman and Chief                    Same
                             Executive Officer

John W. Ballen               Director, Chief                       Same
                             Investment Officer and

Arnold D. Scott              Director and Senior                   Same
                             Executive Vice President

Joseph W. Dello Russo        Director, Executive Vice              Same
                             President, Chief
                             Financial Officer and Chief
                             Administrative Officer

Kevin R. Parke               Director, Executive Vice              Same
                             President and Chief
                             Equity Officer

Thomas J. Cashman, Jr.       Director and Executive                Same
                             Vice President

William W. Scott, Jr.        Director and Executive                Same
                             Vice President

- -------------------
The business address of each person listed above is 500 Boylston Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02116.


         MFS also serves as investment adviser or sub-adviser to the following
investment companies, which have investment objectives similar to the Fund's, at
the fee rates set forth below.

                                       APPROXIMATE NET
                                          ASSETS AS
                                       OCTOBER 31, 2000      ANNUAL INVESTMENT
            FUND                         (IN MILLIONS)         ADVISORY FEE
            ----                       ----------------      -----------------

MFS Bond Fund                              $1,113.4       0.255% of average
                                                          daily net assets on
                                                          first $200 million;
                                                          0.191% of average
                                                          daily net assets over
                                                          $200 million; plus
                                                          2.75% of the first $20
                                                          million of gross
                                                          income; 2.34 % of
                                                          gross income in excess
                                                          of $20 million

MFS High Yield Opportunities                  $50.7       0.65% of average daily
Fund                                                      net assets

MFS Income Fund                                $1.0       0.60% of average daily
                                                          net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.60%

MFS High Yield Fund                            $1.1       0.60% of average daily
                                                          net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.60%

MFS High Quality Bond Fund                     $1.3       0.50% of average daily
                                                          net assets

MFS Intermediate Investment Grade            $112.2       0.50% of average daily
Bond Fund                                                 net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.50%

MFS Limited Maturity Fund                    $273.6       0.40% of average daily
                                                          net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.05%

MFS Municipal Bond Fund                    $1,299.6       0.22% of average daily
                                                          net assets of the
                                                          first $200 million;
                                                          0.187% of average
                                                          daily net assets from
                                                          over $200 million to
                                                          $2 billion; 0.168% of
                                                          average daily net
                                                          assets in excess of $2
                                                          billion; plus 4.12% of
                                                          the first $16 million
                                                          in gross income; 3.51%
                                                          of gross income from
                                                          over $16 million to
                                                          $160 million; 3.16% of
                                                          gross income in excess
                                                          of $160 million

MFS Municipal High Income Fund             $1,342.7       0.30% of average daily
                                                          net assets of the
                                                          first $1.3 billion;
                                                          0.25% of average daily


                                       APPROXIMATE NET
                                          ASSETS AS
                                       OCTOBER 31, 2000      ANNUAL INVESTMENT
            FUND                         (IN MILLIONS)         ADVISORY FEE
            ----                       ----------------      -----------------

                                                          net assets in excess
                                                          of $1.3 billion; plus
                                                          4.75% of gross income
                                                          subject to a waiver to
                                                          the extent the total
                                                          advisory fee exceeds
                                                          0.55% of average daily
                                                          net assets

MFS Municipal Limited Maturity Fund           $52.4       0.40% of average daily
                                                          net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.10%

MFS Multimarket Income Trust                 $567.5       0.34% of average daily
(closed-end fund)                                         net assets; plus 5.40%
                                                          of gross income

MFS Municipal Income Trust                   $305.9       0.40% of average daily
(closed-end fund)                                         net assets; plus 6.32%
                                                          of gross income

MFS Municipal Income Fund                    $328.1       0.30% of average daily
                                                          net assets; plus 6.43%
                                                          of gross income
                                                          subject to a waiver to
                                                          the extent the total
                                                          advisory fee exceeds

MFS Strategic Income Fund                    $294.0       0.50% of average daily
                                                          net assets; plus 7.14%
                                                          of gross income
                                                          subject to a waiver to
                                                          the extent the total
                                                          advisory fee exceeds

MFS Massachusetts High Income                  $4.8       0.40% of average daily
Tax Free Fund                                             net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.40%

MFS New York High Income                       $0.5       0.40% of average daily
Tax Free Fund                                             net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.40%

MFS Government Markets Income Trust          $416.4       0.32% of average daily
                                                          net assets; plus 5.33%
                                                          of gross income

MFS Intermediate Income Trust                $907.4       0.32% of average daily
(closed-end fund)                                         net assets; plus 5.65%
                                                          of gross income


                                       APPROXIMATE NET
                                          ASSETS AS
                                       OCTOBER 31, 2000      ANNUAL INVESTMENT
            FUND                         (IN MILLIONS)         ADVISORY FEE
            ----                       ----------------      -----------------

MFS Variable Insurance Trust--                $25.4       0.60% of average daily
Bond Series                                               net assets

MFS Variable Insurance Trust--                $58.7       0.75% of average daily
High Income Series                                        net assets

MFS Variable Insurance Trust--                 $0.3       0.55% of average daily
Limited Maturity Series                                   net assets

MFS Institutional High Yield Fund              $1.0       0.50% of average daily
                                                          net assets

Compass--High Yield Variable Account         $100.8       0.75% of average daily
                                                          net assets of the
                                                          first $300 million;
                                                          0.675% of average
                                                          daily net assets in
                                                          excess of $300 million

MFS/SunLife--Strategic Income Series          $28.3       0.75% of average daily
                                                          net assets

MFS/SunLife--High Yield Series               $324.3       0.75% of average daily
                                                          net assets subject to
                                                          a waiver of 0.05% of
                                                          the advisory fee on
                                                          assets in excess of $1


PROXY                                                                      PROXY

                          PAINEWEBBER HIGH INCOME FUND

RELATES TO THE PROPOSALS  INDICATED  BELOW.  The undersigned  hereby appoints as
proxies SCOTT H. GRIFF and VICTORIA  DRAKE,  and each of them (with the power of
substitution)  to vote for the  undersigned  all  shares of common  stock of the
undersigned  in the Fund at the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at
10:00 a.m.,  Eastern  time,  on February 8, 2001 at 1285 Avenue of the Americas,
14th Floor, New York, New York 10019, and any adjournment  thereof  ("Meeting"),
with all the power the undersigned would have if personally present.  The shares
represented  by this card will be voted as instructed.  Unless  indicated to the
contrary,  this  proxy  shall be deemed  to grant  authority  to vote  "FOR" all
proposals relating to the Fund with discretionary  power to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.

                            VOTE VIA THE INTERNET:  HTTP://VOTE.PROXY-DIRECT.COM
                            VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE:  1-800-597-7836
                            CONTROL NUMBER:
                    If shares are held by an individual,  sign your name exactly
                    as it  appears on this  card.  If shares  are held  jointly,
                    either  party  may sign,  but the name of the party  signing
                    should  conform  exactly to the name shown on this card.  If
                    shares  are held by a  corporation,  partnership  or similar
                    account, the name and the capacity of the individual signing
                    should be  indicated,  unless it is reflected in the form of
                    registration. For example: "ABC Corp., John Doe, Treasurer."


                    SIGNATURE (IF HELD JOINTLY)

                    _____________________________________________________, 200__
                    DATE                                                11272HIN


Please  date and sign the  reverse  side of this proxy and return it promptly in
the  enclosed  envelope.  This  proxy  will not be voted  unless it is dated and
signed exactly as instructed.

When  properly  signed,  the  proxy  will be voted as  instructed  below.  If no
instruction is given for a proposal, voting will be made "FOR" that proposal.


                                                FOR        AGAINST     ABSTAIN

1.    Approve a new investment advisory         [  ]        [  ]         [  ]
      and administration contract
      between Mitchell Hutchins Asset
      Management Inc. ("Mitchell
      Hutchins") and the Fund.

2.    Approve a new sub-advisory                [  ]        [  ]         [  ]
      contract between Mitchell Hutchins
      and Massachusetts Financial
      Services Company.

3.    Approve a policy to permit                [  ]        [  ]         [  ]
      Mitchell Hutchins and the Fund's
      Board of Trustees to appoint and
      replace sub-advisers and to enter
      into and amend sub-advisory
      contracts without further
      shareholder approval.


                                YOUR PROXY VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

                                AND NOW YOU CAN VOTE YOUR PROXY
                                ON THE PHONE OR ON
                                THE INTERNET.

[graphic]                       IT SAVES MONEY! Telephone and Internet voting
                                saves postage costs. Savings which can help to
                                minimize fund expenses.

                                IT SAVES TIME! Telephone and Internet voting is
                                instantaneous - 24 hours a day.

                                IT'S EASY!  Just follow these simple steps:

                                1.       Read your proxy statement and have it
                                         at hand.
                                2.       Call toll-free 1-800-597-7836 for
                                         automated instructions, OR GO TO
                                         WEBSITE: HTTP://VOTE.PROXY-DIRECT.COM.
                                3.       Enter your 14 digit CONTROL NUMBER from
                                         your Proxy Card.
                                4.       Follow the recorded or on-screen
                                5.       Do NOT mail your Proxy Card when you
                                         vote by phone or internet.
                                6.       If you have any questions regarding the
                                         meeting agenda or the execution of your
                                         proxy, please call. 1-877-748-9131.