Exhibit 10.10

                                   May 4, 2000

Cancer Detection International, LLC
C/o Victor Weisser, Esq.
799 Hummingbird Court
El Cajon, CA  92019-2768


         This letter will  constitute the  undertaking  of TSET,  Inc., a Nevada
corporation ("TSET"), to acquire all of the equity ownership interests (the "CDI
Interests") of Cancer Detection  International,  LLC, a Nevada limited liability
company ("CDI"). TSET shall acquire all of the CDI Interests,  free and clear of
any and all liens, claims,  encumbrances,  options, rights of any third parties,
and  restrictions  of any kind  whatsoever,  in exchange  for 180,000  shares of
TSET's  common  stock,  par value  $0.001 per share (the "TSET  Shares"),  to be
allocated among CDI's equity holders (the "Equity  Holders")  according to their
pro rata  interests  therein,  to be set forth in writing  provided to TSET. The
TSET Shares shall constitute the sole compensation to the Equity Holders for the
CDI  Interests.  The Equity  Holders  understand  that the TSET Shares  shall be
subject to all of the  restrictions,  conditions,  and limitations  noted on the
certificates  representing  the same,  and each Equity  Holder  agrees to comply
therewith at all times.  CDI's current  management will continue in place and be
responsible for CDI's day-to-day business operations,  subject to such strategic
direction  as may be  provided  by TSET  from  time to time.  TSET,  at its sole
option, shall be entitled to appoint representatives to CDI's board of directors
proportionate  to TSET's  ownership  interest in CDI,  and in no case shall have
less than one representative on CDI's board of directors.

         The parties agree that more detailed,  definitive  legal  documentation
(collectively,  the  "Definitive  Agreements")  will be completed  and signed by
them;  however,  the  parties  intend  that  this  letter  constitute  the basic
agreement  between them for the  acquisition of CDI  contemplated  hereby,  upon
which  the  Definitive  Agreements  shall  be  based,  until  such  time  as the
Definitive  Agreements are completed and signed.  In connection with preparation
and negotiation of specific provisions of the Definitive Agreements, the parties
agree to fully and  amicably  cooperate,  act in good  faith,  and  exert  their
respective  best  efforts  to  enable  the  execution  thereof  at the  earliest
practicable date. The parties agree that the Definitive Agreements shall contain
customary terms, conditions,  and undertakings,  including,  without limitation,
customary and appropriate  representations  and warranties to be made by CDI and
each Equity Holder, and indemnification provisions in favor of TSET.

         CDI has  represented  to TSET,  among other things,  and in addition to
those representations and warranties to be made by CDI and each Equity Holder in
the  Definitive  Agreements,  that (a) it engages in the business of  performing
state-of-the-art  blood  laboratory  analysis  for the very early  detection  of
cancer  (the  "Blood  Analysis"),   through  the  identification  and  level  of
anti-malignin  antibodies;  (b) the Blood  Analysis  can detect very early stage
cancers  with a high degree of  reliability;  (c) CDI has all  requisite  right,

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May 4, 2000
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title,  and interest in, and authority to perform,  the Blood Analysis,  without
infringement upon the intellectual  property or other proprietary  rights of any
other person;  (d) CDI has conducted  business  operations to date in compliance
with  all  applicable  legal  requirements;  (e) any and all  consents  of third
parties required for the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  herein
and in the Definitive Agreements have been obtained; (f) no broker's or finder's
fees are payable to any person in connection with the transactions  contemplated
herein and in the  Definitive  Agreements;  (g) CDI and each Equity  Holder have
full legal  authority  and  capacity to execute and deliver  this letter and the
Definitive  Agreements and perform all obligations contained herein and therein;
and  (h)  there  are  no  litigation  or  other  administrative,   arbitral,  or
alternative dispute resolution  proceedings pending or threatened against CDI or
any Equity Holder seeking to restrain or prohibit in any manner the transactions
contemplated  herein  and  in  the  Definitive  Agreements,  nor  is  there  any
outstanding  judgment  against CDI or any Equity Holder having such effect.  CDI
hereby  agrees that it shall  continue to conduct its business in  substantially
the same manner as heretofore  conducted and incur no financial  liabilities  or
commit for the  expenditure  of any of the Working  Capital  (as defined  below)
without TSET's prior written consent.

         TSET shall provide to CDI working  capital in the  aggregate  amount of
$350,000  (the  "Working  Capital")  to  enable  CDI  to,  among  other  things,
effectively  market  and pay the  costs  associated  with  performing  the Blood
Analysis.  The Working  Capital shall be provided in such increments as TSET and
CDI may agree,  pursuant to a budget and disbursement schedule to be established
by them, with the administration of the Working Capital to be performed by TSET.
The parties agree that some initial  number of the Blood  Analysis,  which costs
approximately $300 each, will be offered free of charge to prospective  patients
in the Palm Springs, California area.

         As the  sole  owner  of CDI,  any and all  profits  resulting  from the
conduct of CDI's  business  shall belong to TSET,  and TSET shall be entitled to
distribution  thereof from time to time;  however,  the parties  understand that
CDI's main value will  derive from using the Blood  Analysis  to identify  early
stage cancers and then refer  patients to such cancer  diagnostic  and treatment
centers as may be established by TSET through another entity.  Accordingly,  the
parties do not anticipate  significant,  if any, initial profits to be generated
by CDI.

         Any disputes  arising out of this letter or the  Definitive  Agreements
shall be resolved through arbitration rather than litigation, to the extent such
disputes cannot be resolved amicably through good faith efforts. All arbitration
proceedings shall take place in Clackamas  County,  Oregon and shall be governed
by the rules of the American Arbitration  Association applicable to contracts of
this type. The final decision of the arbitrator  shall be final and binding upon
the parties and shall be  enforceable  in any court of  competent  jurisdiction;
provided, however, that the arbitrator shall not award or require the payment of
incidental,  consequential,  or  punitive  damages  except in cases of bad faith
breach  of this  letter  or the  Definitive  Agreements  or  instances  of gross
negligence  or willful  misconduct.  No party shall seek to delay or prevent the
implementation of any arbitral decision. The prevailing party in any arbitration
proceeding shall be entitled to recover  reasonable  attorney's fees and related
costs and  expenses  of the  arbitration.  The  parties  acknowledge  that their

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May 4, 2000
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agreement to resolve disputes through arbitration  constitutes a waiver of their
right  to  resolve  disputes  in any  court  through  litigation,  and  that  in
arbitration  proceedings  the  parties  may not be entitled to all of the rights
that would otherwise be available to them in court proceedings.

         This letter and the  Definitive  Agreements may be executed in multiple
counterparts (and by facsimile signature, with manual signatures to be exchanged
as soon as practicable  thereafter),  each of which shall be deemed an original,
and all of which shall be deemed to constitute a single  agreement.  The parties
agree that the  Definitive  Agreements  shall  supersede  this letter upon their
execution and delivery;  however,  no other agreement,  whether oral or written,
shall be used to modify or contradict the written  agreements of the parties set
forth herein and in the  Definitive  Agreements.  No amendment of this letter or
the Definitive Agreements shall be valid and binding upon the parties unless the
same is in writing and signed by the parties.

         This letter shall be governed by and construed in  accordance  with the
laws of the State of Oregon, exclusive of its conflicts of laws rules.

         Your  signature,  in the space  provided  below,  shall  evidence  your
acceptance and agreement to this letter,  which shall continue in full force and
effect until superseded by the Definitive Agreements.  Please sign both enclosed
copies of this letter and return one fully signed copy to TSET by return express


                                            Jeffrey D. Wilson
                                            Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

AGREED AND ACCEPTED:                May 4, 2000

Cancer Detection International, LLC

     Victor Weisser, Esq.
     Authorized Signatory and Attorney-in-fact