Exhibit 10.13

                           CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 29TH, day of JUNE 2000, by
and between CHINOOK TECHNOLOGIES  CORPORATION (herein referred to as "CHINOOK"),
a  Washington  corporation  with  its  principal  place of  business  at 3808 N.
Sullivan  Road,  Building  10,  Spokane,  WA 99216,  and  Kronos / High  Voltage
Integrated (HVI), (herein referred to as "CUSTOMER") with its principal place of
business at 13910 SE 23rd  Street,  Bellevue,  WA 98005,  with  reference to the
following facts:


         A.   CUSTOMER   conducts  high  voltage  air  movement  business  which
requires specialty design services on a continuing basis.

         B.  CHINOOK is engaged in the  business of custom  product  design and
specialty manufacturing.

         C.   CHINOOK  agrees to  provide  the  required  services  to  CUSTOMER
according to the terms and conditions of this agreement.  Such services shall be
performed at CHINOOK's above-designated place of business.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  covenants  contained
herein,  the legal  sufficiency of which is  acknowledged by the parties to this
Agreement, CUSTOMER and CHINOOK hereby agree as follows:

         CHINOOK shall provide  contract labor services as may be requested from
time to time in project description orders which, as issued and accepted by both
parties, shall be incorporated into this agreement.

a.  CUSTOMER  shall pay for the  services  provided by CHINOOK  according to the
attached Quote  HVI0500.  CUSTOMER  shall  reimburse  CHINOOK for all reasonably
necessary  material  and  supplies,  as well as other  expenses  such as  travel
expenses,  telephone  calls,  supplies  and  transportation  where  CUSTOMER has
provided prior  authorization or where reasonably  incurred by CHINOOK in making
changes  requested  by CUSTOMER in the  services to be  performed in any project
description order.
b. Invoices covering services  performed and charges incurred by CHINOOK will be
issued per the  attached  payment  schedule  and are payable  according to Quote
HVI0500, or if not stated, within thirty (30) days of the invoice date.

a. The  personnel  assigned by CHINOOK to perform the services  described in any
project  description  order  hereunder will be qualified to perform the assigned
duties.  CHINOOK reserves the right to determine which of its personnel shall be
assigned to any  particular  project and to replace or reassign  such  personnel
during a project.

b. CHINOOK assumes  responsibility for its personnel providing
services hereunder and will make all deductions  required of employers by state,
federal,   and  local  laws,   including  deductions  for  social  security  and
withholding  taxes, and contributions for unemployment  compensation  funds, and
shall maintain worker's compensation and liability insurance for each of them.

         The parties intend that an independent contractor-employer relationship
be  created by this  contract.  Nothing  contained  in this  Agreement  shall be
construed as creating a joint venture,  partnership  or employment  relationship
between the parties hereto. Except as specified herein, neither party shall have
the right,  power or implied authority to create any obligation or duty, express
or implied, on behalf of the other party hereto.

         All written information, submitted by CUSTOMER to CHINOOK in connection
with services performed by CHINOOK under this agreement,  which is identified as
proprietary  information,  will be  safeguarded  by CHINOOK to at least the same
extent as CHINOOK safeguards like information  relating to its own business.  If
such data is publicly available,  is already in CHINOOK's possession or known to
it, or is rightfully obtained by CHINOOK from third parties,  CHINOOK shall bear
no responsibility for its disclosure, inadvertent or otherwise.

a. The initial term of this contract shall commence on the 29TH day of JUNE, and
shall  continue in full force and effect  until  COMPLETED,  for a term of _____
(months/years),  unless  terminated  by mutual  agreement or by either party for
cause by the giving of written notice.
b. In the event of  termination,  CUSTOMER shall pay for all services  performed
and disbursements made by CHINOOK to the effective date of termination.

a. CHINOOK  shall not be liable  for any  damages  caused by delay in  rendering
performance  hereunder  arising from any cause beyond the reasonable  control of
b. CHINOOK  shall  in  no  event  be  liable  for  any  incidental,  special  or
consequential damages, unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing.
c. In no event shall CHINOOK's  liability for any services  performed  hereunder
exceed  the  amount of money  paid by  CUSTOMER  to  CHINOOK  under the  project
description order covering such services.


      The entire  agreement  between the parties  with respect to the subject
matter hereunder is contained in this agreement.  In the event CUSTOMER issues a
purchase order,  memorandum,  specifications  or other  instrument  covering the
services  provided  for in this  agreement,  such  purchase  order,  memorandum,
specifications,  or instrument is for CUSTOMER's  internal purposes only and any
and all terms and conditions contained herein, whether printed or written, shall
be of no force or effect.

         No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this
agreement  shall be binding  unless in writing  and signed by a duly  authorized
representative of CHINOOK and by CUSTOMER.

         Any  assignment  of this  agreement by either party without the written
consent of the other shall be void.

a. All  communications  regarding this  agreement  should be sent to CHINOOK and
CUSTOMER at the  address  set forth above  unless the other party is notified in
writing to the contrary.  Any written notice hereunder shall become effective as
of the date of  mailing  by  registered  or  certified  mail and shall be deemed
sufficiently  given  if sent to the  addressee  at the  address  stated  in this
agreement  or such other  address as may  hereafter  be  specified  by notice in

         This Agreement  shall be construed and enforced in accordance  with the
laws of the State of Washington.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement  has been executed by the parties
hereto as of the date first above written.


                                                 KRONOS AIR TECHNOLOGIES
- ----------------------------------------         -------------------------------
By : Ronald G. Stokes, CEO and President
                                                 By :  /s/ ROBERT FUHRIMAN II

                                                 Its : -------------------------

                              CHINOOK TECHNOLOGIES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To:          Kronos Air Technologies
             Bothell, Wa
Attn:        Chip Wellington
             Igor Krichtafovitch

Here are some concepts  drawings for both the TUBE FAN and BERTH FAN. The jpeg's
I sent to Chip last night  printed out to dark and were  unsuitable  for faxing.
This caused us to produce  some quick line  drawings.  Take a look and  remember
these are CONCEPT DESIGNS that you requested and still can be changed.

Another  issue we need to have  closure on is the Design  Contract  and  payment
schedule.  We appreciate  the first  payment and look forward to finalizing  the
contract so we can move  forward on the  projects.  We will keep moving  towards
creating a drawing  package for shipment  Thursday but will need the to have all
the paperwork in order prior to shipping.

After your  return from D.C.  we will  schedule a design  review at Kronos to go
over things you want changed or explained. Sound acceptable?

Thank you,
/s/ Greg Somers
Greg Somers
CHINOOK Technologies, INC

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3808 N. SULLIVAN RD BLDG 10         SPOKANE, WA 99216               509.921.1443



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHINOOK  will  interface  and manage all  logistics  with tool  quoting,  vendor
selection,  and first  article of  inspection.  This will  include  managing all
prototyping  and tooling  logistics  through  CHINOOK's  established  network of
vendors, many of which have assisted with past HVI programs.

              DESIGN:  Modular housing with modular array systems
              TOOLING:  Quoting, Selection, FAI and Tool Acceptance
              MANUFACTURING:     Provide the needed facilities and manufacturing
                                 capabilities  (with a Manufacturing  Agreement)
                                 Provide support through U.L. approval

NRE  TOTAL:                                                           $45,500.00


              Order, invoices Net Due upon receipt by Kronos / HVI)

TOOLING:  ESTIMATED 6-10 WEEKS  (limiting  factors of shop load and complexity,
                                 quotes to be approved by Kronos / HVI, invoices
                                 to  be  paid  according  to  tooling  schedule)


1.  Quote is good for 30 days.
2.  Contract Service Agreement signed prior to any start
3.  Payment schedule:
           SCOPE I:   50% of total Scope I with P.O.
                      Remainder Net Due on delivery of Scope I prototype

           SCOPE II:  50% down of total NRE
           40% remainder Net Due on Design Completion
           10% remainder on tool completion
4.  P.O. to be approved prior to start of program.
5.  All travel and expenses to be approved and provided by customer.

6.  Customer to pay for all  tooling and vendor NRE  directly to tool vendor per
    their payment terms.
7.  Additional work to be paid at time plus material by customer.

8.  This quote is based from scope decided upon between  customer and CHINOOK at
    start of  program.  If scope  changes  CHINOOK  has the right to requote for
    additional changes.

9.  For terms and  conditions  please  reference  the  attached  sheets  titled,
    "Contract Service Agreement."

Thank you for the opportunity to quote this job.
Greg Somers / Principal

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3808 N. SULLIVAN RD BLDG 10         SPOKANE, WA 99216               509.921.1443