Exhibit 10.3

                                LETTER OF INTENT

         The purpose of this Letter of Intent,  dated  effective  as of December
27,  1999,  is to set forth the main  terms  upon  which  TSET,  Inc.,  a Nevada
corporation  ("TSET"),  will acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding  capital
stock of Electron Wind  Technologies,  Inc., a corporation to be formed ("EWT").
The parties in interest  to the  transactions  outlined in this Letter of Intent
are TSET; EWT (to be formed); High Voltage Integrated, LLC, a Washington limited
liability  company ("HVI");  Ingrid Fuhriman,  an individual  owning 20% of HVI;
Robert L. Fuhriman II, an individual owning 20% of HVI; Dr. Igor Krichtafovitch,
an individual  owning 50% of HVI; and Alan Thomson,  an individual owning 10% of
HVI (Ingrid Fuhriman,  Robert L. Fuhriman II, Dr. Igor Krichtafovitch,  and Alan
Thomson are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Principals").

         TSET, EWT, HVI, and each of the Principals  intend to enter into formal
definitive legal agreements (collectively, the "Definitive Agreements") relating
to such acquisition as soon as practicable after the date hereof, based upon the
terms  described  herein,  which  Definitive  Agreements  shall  set  forth  the
definitive rights,  obligations,  undertakings,  and liabilities of the parties.
The parties'  stated interest in proceeding  expeditiously  to complete and sign
this  Letter  of  Intent  and  the  Definitive  Agreements  is to  their  mutual
satisfaction  and they look  forward to working  together  to  accomplish  these

         Based  upon  recent  meetings  and  discussions,  the main terms of the
proposed  transactions  among TSET,  HVI, and the Principals  (individually  and
collectively) may be summarized as follows:

that TSET effect the  incorporation of EWT under the laws of either the State of
Delaware  or the  State  of  Nevada  (to be  determined  by TSET) as part of the
above-mentioned  formal  legal  documentation.   The  parties  intend  that  EWT
constitute the operating  entity for purposes of their future  relationship,  as
described  herein;  provided,  however,  that the  Principals  intend  to retain
discretion  whether  to  continue  the  corporate  existence  of HVI  and  their
respective ownership interests therein.

         B. ISSUANCE OF SHARES.  The parties  intend that TSET own 100% of EWT's
issued and  outstanding  shares,  in exchange for  2,000,000  TSET  "investment"
shares (the "TSET  Shares").  The parties  intend that the TSET Shares be issued
and allocated as will be designated  in writing by the  Principals.  The parties
intend that any finder's or broker's fees or other  compensation  payable by HVI
or the Principals to any other person shall be paid out of the TSET Shares or in
such other  manner as HVI,  the  Principals,  and any such  finder or broker may
agree, any such compensation being for the account of HVI and the Principals.

         C. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS. The parties intend that, in consideration of the
issuance of the TSET Shares  described in item B above,  HVI and the Principals,
individually and collectively,  sell,  assign,  and transfer to EWT all existing
right,  title,  and  interest  in and to any and all  patents,  trademarks,  and
servicemarks,  and  including  all  improvements  and  derivatives  thereof  and
applications  relating  thereto,  and all other related  intellectual  property,
know-how, licenses, and contract rights of any kind, character, and description,

all pertaining to that certain  technology  commonly  referred to by HVI and the
Principals as the "electron wind generator" (collectively, the "Technology").

         D.  MANAGEMENT.  The  parties  intend  that  those  of  the  Principals
currently having executive management responsibility for HVI also have strategic
decision-making  and day-to-day  management  responsibility over EWT's business,
business  development,   operations,  marketing,  intellectual  property  rights
protection, and finances, with the Principals to at all times seek in good faith
to advance the best business  interests of EWT and the further  development  and
widespread  exploitation  and deployment of the  Technology.  The parties intend
that TSET be  entitled  to  designate  at least one  director  to EWT's board of
directors.  HVI and the  Principals  have  informed TSET that no oral or written
compensation  arrangements  or agreements  have been entered  into,  and that no
shares, units, or warrants or options to acquire the same have been orally or in
writing granted to or are owned by, HVI's four advisory board members.

         E. BUSINESS PURPOSE.  The parties intend that EWT shall concentrate its
efforts  on the  further  development  and  improvement  of the  Technology  for
licensing,  deployment, and exploitation in a full range of automotive,  medical
equipment,  hotel, home, and  hospital/clinic  applications  (collectively,  the
"Core Applications"). In the event applications of the Technology other than the
Core  Applications  (in any case, an "Alternative  Application")  appear viable,
TSET and EWT will give  consideration  to providing a "grant-back" to HVI or the
Principals (as the case may be) of patent or other intellectual  property rights
on a  case-by-case  basis  for the  specific  fields  of use  pertaining  to the
Alternative  Application in question,  so long as (1) TSET and EWT do not desire
to pursue such  Alternative  Application and (2) the pursuit of such Alternative
Application  does not materially  interfere  with, or divert  significant  time,
attention, and resources away from the development, improvement, deployment, and
licensing of the Core Applications.

         F.  SECURING  OF  SERVICES.  The  parties  intend  that EWT enter  into
long-term employment agreements with, and obtain "key-person" insurance upon, at
least Dr. Igor Krichtafovitch and Robert L. Fuhriman II. All expenses associated
with the matters described in this item F shall be borne by EWT.

         G.  INITIAL  FUNDING.  The parties  intend that TSET assist and support
EWT's capital-raising efforts, to provide EWT with projected initial operational
funding needs of up to $500,000 over the 6-month next following execution of the
Definitive  Agreements  (the  "Initial  Funding"),  all to be  described in more
detail by the  Principals  in a written "use of proceeds" to be provided to TSET
no later than 21 days following execution of this Letter of Intent, and pursuant
to  operating  budgets to be approved by EWT's board of  directors.  The parties
intend that EWT's management be responsible for the establishment of appropriate
guidelines and accounting procedures and the prudent and appropriate  budgeting,
conservation,  and  expenditure of EWT's  financial  resources,  all with a view
toward  the  further  development,  improvement,  exploitation,  marketing,  and
licensing of the  Technology in the Core  Applications  and the  perfection  and
policing  in the U.S.  and  appropriate  global  markets  of  patent  and  other
intellectual  property  rights and  confidentiality  arrangements.  The  parties
intend that, as necessary,  TSET will use its own shares arrange for the Initial
Funding;  provided,  however,  that TSET does not assume or obligate itself with

Page 2

respect to the indebtedness,  operating expenses, or other financial liabilities
of HVI or any of the Principals.

         H. FUTURE EVENTS.  The parties intend that TSET and EWT will consider a
spin-off of EWT into its own  public-owned  entity  (through  reverse  merger or
other  appropriate  mechanism) at a mutually agreed time in the future (to occur
no  earlier  than  12-18  months  after  the  occurrence  of  a  mutually-agreed
"kick-off"  date). The parties intend that TSET and its designees will retain an
appropriate  ownership interest in EWT's publicly-owned  successor,  as the case
may be.

         I. PRESS  RELEASE.  The parties intend to collaborate on the content of
an appropriate press announcement  regarding the transactions outlined herein to
be released by TSET upon signing this Letter of Intent.

         J.  UNDERTAKING  OF GOOD  FAITH.  Realizing  that  they are  unable  to
anticipate and provide for every  contingency  which may arise during the course
of their  relationship,  the parties intend that  principles of commercial  good
faith  will  govern  and that they will at all times  seek to  advance  the best
interests of EWT and maximize the economic  value of the  Technology in the Core
Applications  (and  such  Alternative  Applications  as EWT and  TSET  agree  to

         K.  PURPOSE OF THE LETTER OF INTENT.  This Letter of Intent is intended
by the parties as a statement of their  interests  and mutual intent to complete
the  Definitive  Agreements  in a form  reflective of the business and financial
items for the  purposes  indicated  herein  and shall not be deemed of itself to
grant any binding,  enforceable, or exclusive rights in or to the TSET Shares or
the Technology, or constitute any right, obligation, offer, or commitment of any
of the parties to enter into the Definitive Agreements.  The parties intend that
all rights,  obligations,  or  commitments  to proceed with any  transaction  or
relationship shall be contained only in the Definitive  Agreements signed by all
the  parties.  The parties do not intend that any of them be bound to each other
by this Letter of Intent for damages,  expenses,  failure to finally  agree upon
the terms and conditions of the Transaction Documents,  or in any other way. The
parties  intend  that  the  Definitive  Agreements  regarding  the  transactions
outlined  in this Letter of Intent be prepared  and signed by the  parties,  all
acting in good faith, as soon as practicable after the date hereof.  The parties
intend that the  Definitive  Agreements  contain  appropriate  customary  terms,
conditions,  representations,  and warranties, including appropriate disclosures
by HVI and the  Principals  relating to such  matters as  intellectual  property
ownership,  material  contracts,  taxes,  litigation,  absence  of  breaches  or
defaults  in  legal  obligations,  authority  and  capacity  to  enter  into the
transactions  outlined herein,  outstanding  proxies,  ownership of warrants and
options,  and the like.  The  parties  intend  that each of them will bear their
respective costs and expenses associated herewith and the transactions  outlined

         L.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  The parties  acknowledge that TSET has previously
entered into the  standard  form  confidentiality  agreement  used by HVI.  TSET
further intends that it will be bound by the provisions of such  confidentiality
agreement  regardless  of  whether  this  Letter  of  Intent  or the  Definitive
Agreements are entered into by the parties, as herein proposed.

         M.  PRIORITY  OF THE LETTER OF INTENT.  Other than as  provided  in the
confidentiality  agreement  mentioned  in item L above,  this  Letter  of Intent

Page 3

supersedes all prior communications,  understandings,  statements of intent, and
agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.


         The parties' execution in the space provided below shall evidence their
respective acceptance of the terms of this Letter of Intent and that they intend
to proceed as outlined herein.

TSET, Inc.

By:      /s/ Jeffrey D. Wilson
         Jeffrey D. Wilson
         Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


By:      /s/ Ingrid T. Fuhriman

         Name: Ingrid T. Fuhriman
         Authorized Signatory

         /s/ Ingrid T. Fuhriman                   12-27-99
         Ingrid Fuhriman, individually, and as a member of
                High Voltage Integrated, LLC

         /s/ Robert L. Fuhriman II                12-27-99
         Robert L. Fuhriman II, individually, and as a
                member of High Voltage Integrated, LLC

         /s/ Igor Krichtafovitch                  12-27-99
         Dr. Igor Krichtafovitch, individually, and as a
                member of High Voltage Integrated, LLC

         /s/ Alan Thomson                         12-27-99
         Alan Thomson, individually, and as a member
                of High Voltage Integrated, LLC

     I. Definitive  agreements regarding the proposed acquisition to be prepared
and signed by the parties as soon as  practicable  after the date  hereof.  Such
agreements to contain appropriate customary terms, conditions,  representations,
and  warranties.  TSET  and  Atomic  Soccer  will  each  bear  their  respective
transaction costs.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed and  delivered  this Deal
Outline effective as of the date first written above.

TSET, Inc.

By      /s/ Jeffrey D. Wilson
        Jeffrey D. Wilson
        Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


By:     /s/ Todd Ragsdale
        Todd Ragsdale
