Exhibit 10.1

                                AGREEMENT FOR THE
                         PROVISION OF MARKETING SERVICES

THIS AGREEMENT is made the 1st day of May 2002 ("Effective Date").


VANESSA LAND of 5206 Avenue La Crosse, Lutz, Florida, 33558, USA


IVP  TECHNOLOGY  CORPORATION  ("IVP") a Nevada  Corporation  which  maintains  a
business  office at 2275 Lakeshore  Blvd.  West,  Suite 401,  Toronto,  Ontario,
Canada M8V 3Y3.


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1.1    In consideration for the provision of Marketing  Services in Europe for a
       period of one year from the Effective  Date of this  Agreement,  IVP will
       award VANESSA LAND a total of five million  5,000,000  shares in IVP. The
       shares will be allocated as detailed below.

1.2    IVP will notify VANESSA LAND of any marketing  activities it requires and
       VANESSA LAND will suggest appropriate activities from time to time.

1.3    This  Agreement  supersedes  that certain  Agreement for the Provision of
       Marketing Services between the same abovementioned  parties dated January
       18, 2002, which agreement has been rescinded in its entirety.

1.4    Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed so as to place the
       parties in the  relationship  of partners or as providing for the sharing
       of profits or losses  arising from the efforts of either party,  or joint
       venturers in any form, and neither party shall have the power to bind the
       other outside the scope of this Agreement.

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2.1    The  shares  will be awarded to  VANESSA  LAND in their  entirety  on the
       effective  date of this  agreement.  A share  certificate  will be issued
       within 90 days of the effective date of this agreement.

2.2    The second and subsequent  years' payment for marketing  services will be
       mutually  agreed  30  days  prior  to the end of the  first  year of this

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2.3    Expenses relating to any activities undertaken by VANESSA LAND under this
       Agreement  will be  charges  at  cost  on a  monthly  basis.  Travel  and
       accommodation  terms will be mutually  agreed prior to the activity being
       undertaken.  Expenses will be invoiced and payment due within thirty (30)
       days of receipt of an invoice.

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3.1    This  Agreement  will  renew  automatically  at each  anniversary  of the
       Effective  Date unless  either  party  terminates  it by giving the other
       party 30 days written notice prior to any such anniversary.

3.2    Either party may terminate this Agreement in the event that:

       (i)        The other  party  becomes  or is  declared  insolvent,  is the
                  subject  of  any  proceedings  relating  to  its  liquidation,
                  insolvency or for the appointment of a receiver  administrator
                  or  similar  officer  over or in  respect  of its  assets,  or
                  compounds  or makes an  assignment  for all, or  substantially
                  all, of its  creditors,  or enters into an  agreement  for the
                  composition,    extension   or   readjustment   of   all,   or
                  substantially all, of its obligations.

       (ii)       The other party commits  breach of the terms of this Agreement
                  and does not  rectify  the  breach  within a period of 30 days
                  after receipt of written notice of the breach.

3.3    Upon  termination  or expiry of this  Agreement for whatever  reason each
       party  shall  return to the other any and all  documents  and any and all
       other information provided to it by that other party.

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4.1    In the event that either  party shall be liable to the other  pursuant to
       this  Agreement  for any  failure  to  perform  in  connection  with this
       Agreement, that party's liability shall be limited as follows:

       (i)        All  liabilities in contract and tort for direct loss shall be
                  limited to the actual  value of the shares paid in the year of
                  the claim; and

       (ii)       All  liabilities  in  contract  and in  tort  for  incidental,
                  indirect,  special or consequential damages including, but not
                  limited to, loss of revenues or profits shall be excluded.

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5.1    Neither  party shall be liable for any delays or failures in  performance
       in whole or in part if such delay or  non-performance is due to any cause
       beyond its  reasonable  control,  including  but not limited  to,  delays
       caused by the other party's failure to perform or delay in performing its
       obligations under this Agreement,  third party delay or  non-performance,
       Act of  God,  war,  insurrection,  riot,  civil  disturbance,  rebellion,
       government regulations,  embargoes,  explosions,  fires, floods, tempest,
       strikes, lockouts, labour disputes and failures in heating, lighting, air
       conditioning, hardware, software,  telecommunications equipment or public
       supply of electrical power.

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6.1    Each party may use the information received from the other party pursuant
       to this Agreement and may provide such  information  to their  respective
       employees  as  applicable  for  their  use  only in  connection  with the

6.2    Each party agrees that it shall use the same means it uses to protect its
       own  confidential  and proprietary  information to prevent the disclosure
       and to protect the confidentiality of both

       (i)        written  information  received  from the other  party which is
                  marked or identified as "confidential",

       (ii)       written  or  verbal   information   which  is  of  its  nature
                  confidential; and

       (ii)       oral or visual  information  identified as confidential at the
                  time of  disclosure  which  is  reduced  to  written  form and
                  provided to the other in such written form promptly after such
                  oral or visual disclosure,


       The foregoing shall not prevent either party from disclosing  Information
       that is:

       (iii)      already known by the recipient party  prior to the  disclosure
                  thereof  with  no  obligation  of confidentiality;

       (iv)       publicly  known  or  becomes  publicly  known  not  due to any
                  unauthorised act of the recipient party;

       (v)        rightfully received from a third party;

       (vi)       independently  developed by the recipient party without use of
                  the other party's Information;

       (vii)      disclosed without similar restrictions by the party owning the
                  Information to any third party;

       (viii)     approved by the other party for disclosure; or

       (ix)       required to be disclosed  pursuant to a governmental  or legal
                  requirement  provided that the  disclosing  party gives to the
                  other party written  notice of such  requirement  prior to any
                  such disclosure.

6.3    Upon  expiration or termination of the Agreement or upon written  request
       of the party providing the Information,  the other party shall return all
       copies of the  Information  to the providing  party or certify in writing
       that all copies of the Information have been destroyed.  Either party may
       return  the  Information,  or any part of it, to the  other  party at any

6.4    Each party makes no  warranty,  express or implied,  with  respect to the
       Information.  Neither  party shall be liable to the other or to any other
       person  hereunder  for  amounts  representing  loss of profits or loss of
       business or  indirect,  consequential  or  punitive  damages of the other
       party or of such other person in connection  with the provision or use of
       the Information hereunder.

6.5    Nothing  contained  in this  Agreement  shall be construed as granting or
       conferring any rights by licence or otherwise in the Information.

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6.6    Each  party   acknowledges   and  agrees  that  the  Information  is  the
       confidential  and/or  proprietary  and/or trade secret information of the
       other and the  unauthorised  use or disclosure of the  Information  could
       cause  irreparable  harm and  significant  injury to the other  party for
       which that other party would have no adequate remedy at law.

       Therefore  each  party  shall have the right,  in  addition  to any other
       rights  it may have at law or in  equity,  to seek and  obtain  immediate
       injunctive  relief in respect of any breach or  potential  breach of this
       Agreement by the other.

6.7    The  provisions of this Clause 6 shall survive the expiry or  termination
       for whatever reason of this Agreement.

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7.     GENERAL
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7.1    Waiver.

       The  delay or  failure  of either  party to  exercise  any of its  rights
       hereunder  shall not  constitute  or be deemed a waiver or  forfeiture of
       such rights.

7.2    Severability.

       If any provision of this Agreement  shall be held to be invalid,  illegal
       or  unenforceable,  then both parties shall be relieved of all rights and
       obligations arising under such provision but only to the extent that such
       provision is invalid,  illegal or unenforceable;  such provision shall be
       modified to the extent necessary to make it valid,  legal and enforceable
       whilst preserving the intent of the parties. All other provisions of this
       Agreement  shall  be  regarded  as fully  valid  and  enforceable  unless
       otherwise proved.

7.3    Notices.

       Any notices  required to be given under this Agreement shall be delivered
       by hand or posted  by  recorded  delivery  mail to the  relevant  address
       described on the front page of this Agreement.

7.4    Headings.
       The clause headings are for reference and convenience  only and shall not
       effect the interpretation of this Agreement.

7.5    Entire Agreement.

       This  Agreement  and any  attachments  (i) are the complete and exclusive
       statement  between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this
       Agreement  and  except  as  expressly   stated  in  this  Agreement,   no
       conditions,  warranties,  terms and  undertakings,  express or implied by
       operation of law, statute,  custom or otherwise are given by either party
       to the other and,  so far as lawful,  the same are hereby  excluded  (ii)
       supersede all related  discussions and other  communications  between the
       parties;  and  (iii)  may  only be  modified  in  writing  by  authorised
       representatives of the parties.

7.6    Binding Nature and Assignment.

       This Agreement shall be binding on the parties their parents,  affiliates
       and  subsidiaries and their  respective  successors and assigns.  Neither
       party may assign this Agreement  without the prior written consent of the

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7.7    Governing Law.

       This Agreement  shall be governed by and  interpreted in accordance  with
       the laws of Nevada and shall be subject to the exclusive  jurisdiction of
       the Nevada courts.

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IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  VANESSA LAND and IVP have each caused this Agreement to be
signed and  delivered  by its duly  authorised  representative  the day and year
first above written.

For and on behalf of                         For and on behalf of

Vanessa Land                                 IVP Technology Corporation

By:    _______________________               By:  _______________________

Name:  _______________________               Name:  _____________________

Title: _______________________               Title: _____________________

Date:  _______________________               Date:  _____________________