As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 3, 2002

                                                     Registration No. ----------

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM N-14

                          REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER
                           THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933

        Pre-Effective Amendment No. |_|      Post-Effective Amendment No. |_|

                        (Check appropriate box or boxes)

                          Neuberger Berman Equity Funds
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)
                                605 Third Avenue
                          NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10158-0180
               (Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's Telephone Number, including Area Code: (212) 476-8800

                          Michael M. Kassen, President
                          Neuberger Berman Equity Funds
                           605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor
                          New York, New York 10158-0180

                            Arthur C. Delibert, Esq.
                           Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP
                         1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
                           Washington, D.C. 20036-1221
             (Names and Addresses of Agents for Service of Process)

         For the new shares of Neuberger Berman Century Fund, the approximate
date of the proposed public offering is as soon as practicable after this
registration statement goes effective under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended. The public offering of shares of Registrant's series is on-going. The
title of securities being registered is shares of beneficial interest.

         It is proposed that this filing will go effective on June 2, 2002
pursuant to Rule 488.

         No filing fee is due because of Registrant's reliance on Section 24(f)
of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
                                    FORM N-14


         This  Registration  Statement  consists  of the  following  papers  and

Cover Sheet

Contents of Registration Statement on Form N-14

Cross Reference Sheet

Neuberger Berman Equity Funds
- -----------------------------

         Neuberger Berman Century Fund

         Part A - Prospectus and Information Statement

         Part B - Statement of Additional Information

         Part C - Other Information

Signature Pages


605 Third Avenue  2nd Floor
New York, NY  10158-0180

                                                                NEUBERGER BERMAN

June 6, 2002

Dear Shareholder:

As you are surely aware, the stock market has not been kind to the technology
sector in the past two years. Like other mutual funds in this sector, the
Neuberger Berman Technology Fund has experienced a sharp drop in net asset
value. Because the Fund was launched only two years ago, it has not accumulated
enough assets to make it economically viable for us to manage as a stand-alone
entity. For this reason, the Fund's Trustees have voted to merge the Technology
Fund into the Neuberger Berman Century Fund.

We believe the Century Fund will allow you to maintain your investment
objectives. Like the Technology Fund, the Century Fund seeks long-term growth of
capital. It invests primarily in large-cap companies where the manager sees the
potential for strong earnings growth. Your investment assets will be in very
seasoned hands: Century Fund's Portfolio Manager, Brooke Cobb, is a seasoned
investor with 30 years of experience. The attached N-14 document contains
further information about the merger and Century Fund, including performance

You do not need to take any action regarding your account--the Funds' merger is
scheduled to take place on August 5, and your shares will automatically be
converted into Century Fund shares. Should you decide to redeem or exchange your
Technology Fund shares before the merger, beginning June 14, we will waive the
Fund's redemption fee. The Technology Fund will be closed to new investors and
to any purchases starting June 14.

Our Retail Services Representatives are available to answer any questions
regarding this transaction or to advise about exchanging your shares into one of
our other mutual funds. To speak to a representative, please call 800.877.9700
or visit our website at Thank you for your continued confidence in
Neuberger Berman.


Peter Sundman
Neuberger Berman Management Inc.

                        NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS(R)

                           605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor
                          New York, New York 10158-0180

                               DATED JUNE 3, 2002

         This  Prospectus  and  Information  Statement  is  being  furnished  to
shareholders  of  Neuberger  Berman  Technology  Fund  ("Technology   Fund")  in
connection with a Plan of Reorganization and Termination  ("Plan").  Pursuant to
the Plan, if approved, shareholders of Technology Fund will receive, in exchange
for shares of that Fund,  shares of  Neuberger  Berman  Century  Fund  ("Century
Fund")  equal in total  value to their  holdings  in  Technology  Fund as of the
closing date of the reorganization  contemplated by the Plan ("Reorganization"),
which is expected to be August 2, 2002.  When the  Reorganization  is  complete,
Technology Fund will be dissolved.

         This  Prospectus  and   Information   Statement  sets  forth  concisely
information  about  Century Fund that  investors  should know before the closing
date. Additional information is contained in the following documents:

         o    The  Statement of  Additional  Information  ("SAI")  dated June 3,
              2002,  relating to the Plan and  including  financial  statements,
              which has been filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
              ("SEC") and is incorporated  herein by this reference (that is, it
              legally  forms  a  part  of  this   Prospectus   and   Information
              Statement).  The SAI is available  without  charge upon request by
              calling  Neuberger  Berman  Management  Inc. ("NB  Management") at

        o     The  current   Investor  Class  prospectus  of  the  Century  Fund
              ("Century Prospectus") accompanies this Prospectus and Information
              Statement,  has been filed with the SEC and is incorporated herein
              by this reference.

        o     Information  about  Technology  Fund is  contained  in the current
              Investor  Class  prospectus of the  Neuberger  Berman Equity Funds
              ("Trust") ("Trust  Prospectus") has been filed with the SEC and is
              incorporated herein by this reference.

        o     The Trust's current  Statement of Additional  Information  ("Trust
              SAI"),  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  dated  August  31,  2001
              ("Annual  Report"),  and Semi-Annual  Report to Shareholders dated
              February 28, 2002 ("Semi-Annual  Report") have been filed with the
              SEC and are incorporated herein by this reference.

        o     You can  obtain a free copy of the Trust  Prospectus,  Trust  SAI,
              Annual  Report or  Semi-Annual  Report by calling NB Management at
              the phone number shown above.

         Investors  are  advised  to  read  and  retain  this   Prospectus   and
Information Statement for future reference.

         Technology Fund and Century Fund (each a "Fund") are separate series of
the Trust,  a Delaware  business  trust  registered as an open-end,  diversified
management  investment  company  consisting  of  thirteen  separate  series in a
multiple-class fund structure.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         NB Management  serves as the investment  manager and Neuberger  Berman,
LLC ("Neuberger Berman") serves as sub-adviser to each Fund.

         The investment objective of Century Fund is to provide long-term growth
of  capital;  dividend  income is a  secondary  goal.  Technology  Fund seeks to
provide long-term growth of capital.

         The  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  Trust  has  determined  to  dissolve
Technology Fund because the Fund is not  economically  viable and is unlikely to
become viable in the foreseeable future, as a result of its small asset size and
inability to adequately attract new assets.  Shareholders of Technology Fund are
not being  asked to vote on the Plan or approve the  Reorganization.  Technology
Fund will cease selling its shares as of the close of regular trading on the New
York Stock Exchange on June 15, 2002.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

   The Reorganization..........................................................1
   Investment Objectives and Policies..........................................2
   Certain Differences Between Technology Fund and Century Fund................2
   Fees and Expenses...........................................................3
   Exchange Privileges.........................................................6
   Dividends and Other Distributions...........................................7
   Federal Income Tax Consequences.............................................7
COMPARISON OF PRINCIPAL RISK FACTORS...........................................8
THE REORGANIZATION.............................................................8
   Reorganization Plan.........................................................8
   Reasons for the Reorganization.............................................10
   Description of the Securities to be Issued.................................11
   Federal Income Tax Considerations..........................................11
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT CENTURY FUND.....................................13
   Financial Highlights.......................................................13
   Investment Objective and Policies..........................................13
   Investment Manager, Subadviser and Portfolio Manager.......................13
   Management's Discussion of Fund Performance................................14
   Century Fund Shares........................................................14
   Taxes, Dividends and Other Distributions...................................14
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT TECHNOLOGY FUND..................................14
   Financial Highlights.......................................................14
   Investment Objective and Policies..........................................14
   Investment Manager, Subadviser and Portfolio Management Team...............14
   Management's Discussion of Fund Performance................................15
   Technology Fund Shares.....................................................15
   Taxes, Dividends and Other Distributions...................................15
OF AFFILIATED PERSONS.........................................................15
   Five Percent Holders.......................................................15
   Shares Held by Officers and Directors......................................15
   Interests of Affiliated Persons............................................15
   Available Information......................................................16
   Legal Matters..............................................................16


                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
                          NEUBERGER BERMAN CENTURY FUND

                           605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor
                          New York, New York 10158-0180

                               DATED JUNE 3, 2002


         The following  synopsis is a summary of certain  information  contained
elsewhere  in  this  Prospectus  and  Information  Statement  and  the  Plan  of
Reorganization  and  Termination  ("Plan")  and is qualified by reference to the
more complete information  contained herein as well as the current prospectus of
Neuberger  Berman Century Fund ("Century  Prospectus"),  which  accompanies this
Prospectus  and  Information  Statement.  Shareholders  should  read this entire
Prospectus and Information Statement carefully.

         The form of the Plan is attached  to this  Prospectus  and  Information
Statement   as  Appendix   A.  The   transactions   contemplated   by  the  Plan
(collectively, the "Reorganization") are described herein.


         At a telephonic  meeting held on April 17, 2002,  the Board of Trustees
of  Neuberger  Berman  Equity  Funds  ("Trust")  (including  a majority of those
Trustees  who are not  "interested  persons," as that term is defined in Section
2(a)(19)  of the  Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  as  amended  ("1940  Act")
("Independent  Trustees"))  unanimously  approved  the Plan,  pursuant  to which
Neuberger Berman  Technology Fund  ("Technology  Fund") will transfer all of its
assets to Neuberger Berman Century Fund ("Century Fund"),  which will assume all
of the Technology  Fund's  liabilities and  shareholders in Technology Fund will
receive  Investor  Class shares of Century Fund, in exchange for their  Investor

         Pursuant to the Plan,  Technology  Fund will transfer all of its assets
to Century  Fund in exchange  solely for that Fund's  Investor  Class shares and
assumption of all  liabilities  of Technology  Fund.  Technology  Fund will then
distribute to its  shareholders  those  Investor Class shares of Century Fund in
exchange for their Investor Class shares of Technology Fund; and Technology Fund
will be dissolved.  When the  Reorganization is completed,  each person who held
Investor  Class shares of  Technology  Fund will hold  Investor  Class shares of
Century Fund with exactly the same total value.

         For the reasons set forth below under "Reasons for the Reorganization,"
the Trust's Board of Trustees,  including the Independent  Trustees,  determined
that the  Reorganization  is in the best  interests  of the  Funds  and that the
interests  of the  Funds'  shareholders  will not be  diluted as a result of the


         The  investment  objective of  Technology  Fund is long-term  growth of
capital.  The  investment  objective  of  Century  Fund is  long-term  growth of
capital; dividend income is a secondary goal.

         Technology  Fund and Century Fund each invests in a portfolio of growth
stocks.  Each Fund takes a growth approach to selecting  stocks,  seeking to buy
stock of companies  with strong  earnings  growth and the  potential  for higher

         Technology  Fund  invests at least 80% of its net  assets in  companies
whose processes,  products or services may be expected to significantly  benefit
from technological  developments and the application of technological  advances.
These  companies may be found in virtually any industry.  The Fund may invest in
companies of any  capitalization  size. Because the managers seek companies that
benefit from innovations,  there may be times when a significant  portion of the
portfolio consists of small- and mid-cap companies.

         Century Fund invests  mainly in common  stocks of large-cap  companies.
Large-cap companies are usually well-established.  They typically have a variety
of products and  business  lines,  an  experienced  management  team and a sound
financial  base that can help them  weather bad times.  The Fund seeks to reduce
risk by diversifying  among many  companies,  sectors and industries in order to
moderate variability in the Fund's performance.

         The other  investment  policies and  limitations of Technology Fund are
identical  to the  investment  policies  and  limitations  of Century  Fund with
respect  to  investing  in  illiquid,   restricted  and  Rule  144A  securities,
repurchase  agreements,   foreign  securities,  futures  contracts  and  options
thereon,  put and call options on securities  and  securities  indices,  foreign
currency  transactions,  options on foreign currencies,  fixed income securities
(including zero coupon  securities),  commercial  paper,  preferred stock,  swap
agreements  and  securities of other  investment  companies.  Each Fund may also
enter into reverse  repurchase  agreements,  securities  loans,  and when-issued
transactions.  As a  non-fundamental  policy,  neither of the Funds may purchase
portfolio securities if its outstanding borrowings, including reverse repurchase
agreements,  exceed 5% of its total assets.  For temporary  defensive  purposes,
each Fund may invest up to 100% of its total assets in cash or cash equivalents,
commercial paper, U.S.  Government and Agency Securities and certain other money
market  instruments,  as well as repurchase  agreements on U.S.  Government  and
Agency Securities.


         While  the  Funds  are  similar  in  several  respects,   a  number  of
differences between them exist as well.

         First,  although  the  investment  objectives  of  Technology  Fund and
Century Fund are substantially similar since both funds seek long-term growth of
capital, Century Fund has a secondary objective of seeking dividend income.

         Second,  while Technology Fund and Century Fund each invests  primarily
in  growth  securities,  there  are some  differences  in the  types  of  growth
securities  in which each Fund may invest.  For  example,  Century  Fund invests


mainly in common stocks of large-cap  companies while Technology Fund may invest
in companies of any  capitalization  size.  Century Fund also invests among many
companies,  sectors and  industries,  and while  Technology Fund invests in many
companies and industries,  it focuses on the technology sector. However, Century
Fund  currently  invests about 50% of its assets in the technology  sector.  SEE
"Principal  Risk  Factors"  below for a discussion  of the risks of investing in
such securities.

         Third,  while Technology Fund and Century Fund may both invest in fixed
income  securities,  including  investment grade corporate bonds and debentures,
Century  Fund  may  also  invest  up to 15%  of its  assets  in  corporate  debt
securities rated below investment grade.


         As shown by this table,  there are no transaction  charges when you buy
Century Fund or Technology Fund shares or sell or exchange  Century Fund shares.
There are,  however,  redemption fees when you sell or exchange  Technology Fund
shares held 180 days or less.  HOWEVER,  BEGINNING JUNE 15, 2002 TECHNOLOGY FUND

                                                       CENTURY        TECHNOLOGY      PRO FORMA
                                                         FUND             FUND         COMBINED
Sales Charge Imposed on Purchases                        NONE             NONE           NONE
Sales Charge Imposed on Reinvested Dividends             NONE             NONE           NONE
Deferred Sales Charges                                   NONE             NONE           NONE
Redemption Fees                                          NONE             2.00%          NONE
Exchange Fees                                            NONE             2.00%          NONE

         If you want to  redeem  shares  of either  Fund by wire  transfer,  the
Funds' transfer agent charges a fee (currently  $8.00) for each wire redemption.
Shareholders  who have one or more  accounts in the  Neuberger  Berman  Funds(R)
aggregating $200,000 or more in value are not charged for wire redemptions;  the
$8.00 fee is borne by Neuberger Berman Management Inc. ("NB Management").

         Set forth below is a comparison of each Fund's  operating  expenses for
the fiscal year ended August 31, 2001.  The ratios also are shown on a pro forma
(estimated) combined basis, giving effect to the Reorganization.


- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------
Neuberger Berman                         Century Fund          Technology Fund           Pro Forma Combined Fund
Equity Funds
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------

Management and Administration Fees       0.81%                 1.11%                     0.81%
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------
12b-1 Fees                               None                  None                      None
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------
Other Expenses                           0.69%                 0.89%                     0.69%
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------
Total Operating Expenses(1)              1.50%2                2.00%3                    1.50%
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------

         Total  Annual  Operating  Expenses for each Fund are based upon current
administration  and  management  fees  for  the  Fund  and any  current  expense
reimbursement  undertakings.  "Other Expenses" are based on each Fund's expenses
for the past fiscal year.

- -------------------
(1)The table reflects NB Management's undertaking to reimburse each Fund's Total
Operating Expenses as described below. Absent the reimbursement,  Other Expenses
would have been 1.49%,  0.99% and 1.25% and Total Operating  Expenses would have
been  2.60%,  1.80%,  and  2.06% per annum of the  average  daily net  assets of
Technology  Fund,  Century Fund, and the pro forma Combined Fund,  respectively,
based upon the  expenses of each Fund for the 2001 fiscal year.  Century  Fund's
contractual expense cap will continue after the Reorganization.

(2) NB Management  has  contractually  agreed to reimburse  certain  expenses of
Century Fund through 12/31/2011,  so that the Total Annual Operating Expenses of
the Fund are limited to 1.50% of average daily net assets. This arrangement does
not cover interest,  taxes, brokerage commissions,  and extraordinary  expenses.
Century Fund has agreed to repay NB  Management  for expenses  reimbursed to the
Fund provided that  repayment  does not cause the Fund's Total Annual  Operating
Expenses to exceed  1.50% of its average  daily net assets.  Any such  repayment
must be made with three years after the year in which NB Management incurred the

(3) NB Management  has  contractually  agreed to reimburse  certain  expenses of
Technology Fund through 12/31/2011,  so that the Total Annual Operating Expenses
of the Fund are limited to 2.00% of average daily net assets.  This  arrangement
does  not  cover  interest,  taxes,  brokerage  commissions,  and  extraordinary
expenses.  Technology  Fund  has  agreed  to repay NB  Management  for  expenses
reimbursed to the Fund provided that  repayment  does not cause the Fund's Total
Annual Operating  Expenses to exceed 2.00% of its average daily net assets.  Any
such  repayment  must be made  with  three  years  after  the  year in  which NB
Management incurred the expense.



         To illustrate the effect of Total Operating Expenses,  assume that each
Fund's annual return is 5% and that it had Total Operating Expenses described in
the table above. For every $10,000 invested in each Fund, the following  amounts
of total expenses would have been paid if an investor  closed his or her account
at the end of each of the following time periods:

NEUBERGER BERMAN          1 YEAR       3 YEARS       5 YEARS       10 YEARS

TECHNOLOGY FUND            $203          $627         $1078          $1791

CENTURY FUND               $153          $474         $  818         $2327

PRO FORMA COMBINED         $153          $474          $818          $1791

         The purpose of these  tables is to assist an investor in  understanding
the various  types of costs and expenses  that an investor in the combined  Fund
will bear,  whether directly or indirectly.  The assumption in this example of a
5% annual  return is required by  regulations  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  ("SEC")  applicable  to all mutual  funds.  THE  INFORMATION  IN THE


         Procedures  to  purchase   shares  in  the  two  Funds  are  identical.
Shareholders  of each Fund can buy shares directly by mail, wire or telephone or
through an exchange of shares with another  Neuberger  Berman  Fund.  Shares are
purchased  at the next price  calculated  on a day the New York  Stock  Exchange
("NYSE") is open,  after a purchase  order is received and accepted.  Prices for
shares  of each Fund are  usually  calculated  as of 4 p.m.  Eastern  time.  For
shareholders  purchasing  shares  of a  Fund  for  the  first  time,  a  minimum
investment of $1,000 is required.  Each additional purchase of a Fund must be at
least $100, unless the purchase is made by telephone or by exchange.  If made by
telephone or by exchanging shares of another Neuberger Berman Fund for shares of
a Fund,  an  additional  purchase  must be at least  $1,000.  An  order  made by
telephone  may be canceled if payment is not received by the third  business day
after the order is  placed.  NB  Management,  in its  discretion,  may waive the
minimum investment requirements.

         Shares of each Fund may also be purchased  indirectly  through  certain
stockbrokers, banks, and other financial institutions having an arrangement with
the Fund, some of which may charge a fee.

         See  "Maintaining  Your  Account"  and  "Buying  Shares" in the Century
Prospectus  enclosed  herewith  and  the  Trust  Prospectus  each  of  which  is
incorporated  by reference  herein for  additional  information on how shares of
each Fund may be purchased.



         Rights  and  procedures  to redeem  shares in the two Funds are  almost
identical. Shareholders of each Fund may sell all or some of their shares at any
time by mail, fax or telephone.  If the shareholder  holds a certificate for the
shares,  shares can be redeemed only by sending the certificate by mail.  Shares
may also be sold by exchanging them for shares of another Neuberger Berman Fund.
Technology  Fund charges a 2.00%  redemption fee on shares redeemed or exchanged
for shares of another  fund in 180 days or less of  purchase.  Century Fund does
not charge a redemption fee.

         Usually,  redemption  proceeds  will be mailed on the next business day
following  the receipt of a proper  redemption  request,  but in any case within
three business days of such receipt (under unusual circumstances,  the Funds may
take longer,  as permitted by law). If shares were purchased with a check,  each
Fund may delay paying for any redemption  until it is reasonably  satisfied that
the check used to buy shares has cleared, which may take up to 15 days after the
purchase  date.  Redemption  requests  sent by fax are  limited to not more than
$50,000. To redeem by telephone, the shares must be worth at least $1,000 unless
closing out the account.  If a shareholder's  account balance falls below $1,000
because  he or she sold  shares,  each Fund has the  right to close the  account
after giving the shareholder at least 60 days' written notice to reestablish the
minimum balance.

         Shareholders  wishing to sell shares held in a retirement account or by
a trust, estate, guardian, or business organization should call 800-877-9700 for
instructions.   Shareholders   purchasing  shares  indirectly   through  certain
stockbrokers, banks, or other financial institutions, may sell those shares only
through those organizations, some of which may charge a fee.

         Shares are sold at the next price calculated on a day the NYSE is open,
after the sales order is received and  accepted.  Prices for shares of each Fund
are usually calculated as of 4 p.m. Eastern time.

         See  "Maintaining  Your  Account" and  "Selling  Shares" in the Century
Prospectus  enclosed  herewith  and  the  Trust  Prospectus  each  of  which  is
incorporated  by reference  herein for  additional  information on how to redeem
shares held in each Fund.


         Shares of each Fund may be  exchanged  for shares in another  Neuberger
Berman Fund that is eligible  for  exchange as  specified in the Trust SAI under
"Additional Exchange  Information."  Exchanges may be effected by telephone,  by
sending  a letter  or by fax.  See "When You  Exchange  Shares"  in the  Century
Prospectus  enclosed  herewith  and  the  Trust  Prospectus  each  of  which  is
incorporated by reference herein for  restrictions on making such transfers.  An
exchange  must be for at least $1,000 worth of shares,  and if the exchange is a
shareholder's first purchase in another Neuberger Berman Fund, it must be for at
least the minimum initial  investment amount for that fund. Shares are exchanged
at the next price calculated on a day the NYSE is open, after the exchange order
is received and accepted.


         See  "Maintaining  Your Account" and "When You Exchange  Shares" in the
Century  Prospectus  enclosed herewith and the Trust Prospectus each of which is
incorporated by reference  herein for additional  information on how to exchange
Fund shares.


         Each Fund distributes  substantially  all of its net investment  income
(net of the Fund's expenses) and any net realized capital gains it earns. Income
dividends  and net realized  capital  gains,  if any,  are normally  distributed
annually in December.  Investors who are considering the purchase of Fund shares
in December  should take this into account  because of the tax  consequences  of
such distributions.  Income dividends for each Fund will accrue beginning on the
day after an investor's purchase order is converted to "federal funds."

All  dividends  and  other  distributions  paid  on  shares  of  each  Fund  are
automatically reinvested in additional shares of that Fund, unless a shareholder
elects to receive them in cash.  Dividends if any are  reinvested  at Fund's per
share net asset  value  once a year in  December.  Each  other  distribution  is
reinvested  at Fund's  per share net  asset  value,  usually  as of the date the
distribution  is  payable.  For  retirement  accounts,   all  distributions  are
automatically  reinvested  in shares;  when an investor is at least 59-1/2 years
old, he or she can receive  distributions in cash without  incurring a premature
distribution penalty tax.

         Shareholders  may  elect  to  receive  dividends  in cash,  with  other
distributions  being reinvested in additional Fund shares,  or they may elect to
receive  all  dividends  and  other  distributions  in  cash,  by  checking  the
appropriate election box on the Fund application.

         Checks  for cash  dividends  and other  distributions  usually  will be
mailed no later than seven days after the payable date.  However, if shares were
purchased  with a check,  distributions  on those shares may not be paid in cash
until the Fund is  reasonably  satisfied  that the check has cleared,  which may
take  up  to  15  days  after  the  purchase  date.  Cash  dividends  and  other
distributions  may be paid  through an  electronic  transfer  to a bank  account
designated in the Fund application.

         Following the  Reorganization,  Century Fund will continue to honor the
current  distribution  election  of  each  shareholder  of  Technology  Fund.  A
shareholder can change any distribution election by writing to State Street Bank
& Trust Company ("State Street"), the Funds' shareholder servicing agent.


         The Trust will receive an opinion of  Kirkpatrick  & Lockhart  LLP, its
counsel,  to the effect that Technology Fund's transfer of its assets to Century
Fund  in  exchange  solely  for  the  latter's  Investor  Class  shares  and its
assumption  of  Technology  Fund's   liabilities  will  qualify  as  a  tax-free
"reorganization" as defined in section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended ("Code").  Accordingly,  neither Fund nor their shareholders
will recognize any gain or loss as a direct result of the


Reorganization.  See "The Reorganization --  Federal Income Tax Considerations,"
for more  information  regarding  the  federal  income tax  consequences  of the


         Most of the  performance  of both  Technology  Fund  and  Century  Fund
depends  on  what  happens  in  the  stock  market.  The  market's  behavior  is
unpredictable,  particularly  in the short  term and the value of an  investment
will rise and fall,  sometimes sharply.  Also, because the prices of most growth
stocks are based on future expectations,  these stocks tend to be more sensitive
than value stocks to bad economic news and negative earnings  surprises.  Growth
stocks in  particular  may  underperform  during  periods when the market favors
value stocks.  The Funds'  performance  may also suffer if certain stocks do not
perform as the portfolio managers expected.

         By focusing on technology  stocks,  Technology  Fund is more subject to
their risks, including the risk its holdings may:

- -        fluctuate more widely and rapidly in price than the market as a whole;
- -        underperform  other  types of stocks or be  difficult  to sell when the
         economy is not robust, during market downturns or when these stocks are
         out of favor;
- -        be  subject  to the risk that  stocks  of  companies  in  inter-related
         industries will decline in price due to sector-specific developments;
- -        be affected by obsolete  technology,  expired  patents,  short  product
         cycles, price competition, market saturation and new market entrants.

         Century Fund is subject to risks associated with investing in large-cap
companies  which, at times, may lag behind other types of stocks in performance;
this could cause the Fund to perform worse than certain other funds over a given
time period.  Technology  Fund, on the other hand, takes on the risks associated
with a type of stock to the  extent  it  invests  in that  type.  For  instance,
mid-cap  and  small-cap  stocks tend to be less  liquid and more  volatile  than
large-cap  stocks.  Smaller  companies  tend to be  unseasoned  issuers with new
products  and  less  experienced  management  and may  have  greater  difficulty
weathering economic downturns.

                               THE REORGANIZATION


         The  terms  and  conditions  under  which  the  Reorganization  will be
consummated  are set forth in the Plan.  Significant  provisions of the Plan are
summarized  below;  however,  this  summary  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by
reference  to the Plan,  the form of which is  attached  as  Appendix  A to this
Prospectus and Information Statement.

         The Plan contemplates (1) Century Fund's acquiring substantially all of
the assets of Technology  Fund in exchange  solely for Investor  Class shares of
Century  Fund and the  assumption  by Century Fund of all of  Technology  Fund's
liabilities,   if  any,  as  of  the  Closing  Date  and  (2)  the  constructive
distribution  on  the  Closing  Date  of  such  shares  to the  shareholders  of
Technology Fund.


         The assets of  Technology  Fund to be  acquired  by  Century  Fund will
include all cash, cash equivalents,  securities, receivables (including interest
and dividends  receivable),  deferred or prepaid expenses shown as assets on the
books of Technology Fund and other property of any kind owned by Technology Fund
as of the  close  of  business  on the  Closing  Date  ("Effective  Time")  [The
investment  policies and limitations of the two Funds are  sufficiently  similar
that it will not be necessary  for  Technology  Fund to dispose of any assets or
for  Century  Fund to dispose of any of the assets it receives  from  Technology
Fund in order for  Century  Fund to  continue  operating  within its  investment
policies and limitations.]  However,  sales of certain assets held by Technology
Fund may be necessary or desirable based upon Century Fund's investment strategy
and the market as it exists following the Reorganization. Those sales may result
in the  recognition  of gains for tax purposes that will have to be  distributed
to, and thus taxed to Fund shareholders.

         Century Fund will assume all  liabilities  of Technology  Fund, if any.
However,  Technology  Fund will utilize its best efforts to discharge all of its
known liabilities prior to the Closing Date.

         The value of Technology  Fund's assets to be acquired and the amount of
its liabilities to be assumed by Century Fund and the net asset value of a share
of Century  Fund will be  determined  as of the close of regular  trading on the
NYSE on the Closing Date and will be determined in accordance with the valuation
procedures  described in the Funds'  then-current  Prospectus  and  Statement of
Additional Information.  Securities and other assets for which market quotations
are not readily  available  will be valued by a method that the Trust's Board of
Trustees believe accurately  reflects fair value. All computations  described in
this paragraph will be performed by State Street,  which serves as custodian and
transfer agent for each Fund,  using to the extent  possible  prices provided by
outside pricing services approved by the Board of Trustees.

         As soon as  practicable  after the Closing Date,  Technology  Fund will
distribute PRO RATA to its  shareholders  of record as of the Effective Time the
Investor Class shares of Century Fund it receives in the Reorganization, so that
each shareholder of Technology Fund will receive a number of full and fractional
Investor  Class  shares  of  Century  Fund  equal in value to the  shareholder's
Technology Fund shares. Technology Fund will be dissolved as soon as practicable
thereafter.  Such  distribution  will be accomplished by opening accounts on the
books of  Century  Fund in the  names of  Technology  Fund  shareholders  and by
transferring  to these  accounts  the  Investor  Class  shares of  Century  Fund
previously  credited  to the account of  Technology  Fund on those  books.  Each
shareholder account shall be credited with the PRO RATA number of Century Fund's
Investor Class shares due to that shareholder. Fractional shares of Century Fund
will be rounded to the third decimal place.

         Accordingly,   immediately  after  the   Reorganization,   each  former
shareholder  of Technology  Fund Investor  Class shares will own Investor  Class
shares of Century Fund equal to the value of that shareholder's  Technology Fund
shares immediately prior to the Reorganization. Moreover, because Investor Class
shares of Century Fund will be issued at net asset value in exchange for the net
assets of Technology  Fund that will equal the aggregate  value of those shares,
the net asset  value per share of  Century  Fund will be  unchanged.  Thus,  the
Reorganization  will not  result in a dilution  of the value of any  shareholder
account  in  either  Fund.   However,   in  general,   the  Reorganization  will
substantially   reduce  the  percentage   ownership  of  each   Technology  Fund
shareholder below such shareholder's  current percentage ownership in Technology
Fund because, while the


shareholder will have the same dollar amount invested  initially in Century Fund
that he or she had  invested in  Technology  Fund,  his or her  investment  will
represent a smaller percentage of the combined net assets of the Funds.

         Any  transfer  taxes  payable on issuance of Investor  Class  shares of
Century Fund in a name other than that of the registered holder of the shares on
the  books of  Technology  Fund as of the time of  transfer  will be paid by the
person to whom those shares are to be issued as a condition of the transfer. Any
reporting   responsibility   of   Technology   Fund  will  continue  to  be  its
responsibility  up to and including the Closing Date and thereafter  until it is

         The  consummation  of the  Reorganization  is  subject  to a number  of
conditions  set  forth  in  the  Plan.  The  Plan  may  be  terminated  and  the
Reorganization  abandoned  at any time prior to the Closing Date by the Board of
Trustees if it  determines  that the  Reorganization  would be  inadvisable  for
either  Fund.  The Board of Trustees  also may amend the Plan in any manner that
does not have a  material  adverse  effect on  Technology  Fund's  shareholders'
interests. The Trust's officers may change the Closing Date.


         At a telephonic  meeting held on April 17, 2002, the Board of Trustees,
including  a  majority  of  the  Independent   Trustees,   determined  that  the
Reorganization  is in the best  interests of  Technology  Fund and Century Fund,
respectively,  and that the interests of  shareholders  in  Technology  Fund and
Century   Fund,   respectively,   will  not  be  diluted  as  a  result  of  the
Reorganization. In recommending the Reorganization, NB Management indicated that
the Reorganization would eliminate the expense of maintaining Technology Fund as
a separate series of the Trust (I.E., fund accounting, legal, audit, shareholder
reporting,  custodial expenses,  etc.),  producing economies of scale in Century
Fund and making it more marketable, and eliminating the need for further expense
reimbursements with respect to Technology Fund.

         In considering the Reorganization, the Board of Trustees considered the
following factors, among others:

              (1) the small  asset base of  Technology  Fund and its  failure to
         attract new assets;

              (2) the effect of the  Reorganization  will be to place Technology
         Fund  shareholders'  assets in another Neuberger Berman Fund having the
         most   nearly   similar   investment   strategy   with  a  minimum   of
         administrative burden to shareholders;

              (3) the Reorganization will be tax-neutral to investors;

              (4) the compatibility of the different  investment  objectives and
         strategies  of  Technology  Fund and Century Fund, as a result of which
         the portfolio resulting from the proposed  transactions is not expected
         to require any significant restructuring;

              (5) the Funds'  historical  performance  records  and  risk/reward
         ratios,  expense  ratios,  past  growth in  assets,  and  their  future

              (6)  alternatives to the proposed  transactions,  including simple
         liquidation of the Technology Fund or maintaining the status quo;


              (7) the  effect  of the  Reorganization  on the  expense  ratio of
         Century Fund,  namely,  that the  Reorganization  will permit the fixed
         costs  of  Century  Fund  to  be  spread  over  a  larger  asset  base,
         effectively  bringing the assets of that Fund closer to the point where
         expenses  borne by each  shareholder  will be  reduced,  based upon the
         Fund's current fee structure;

              (8) NB Management,  as  administrator of the Funds, has capped the
         expenses of each  participating  Fund,  and would thus bear much of the
         cost of the Reorganization;

              (9) the benefit to NB  Management  due to the  elimination  of the
         need to reimburse Technology Fund for expenses exceeding 2.00%;

              (10) the potential  benefit to NB Management due to the possible
         decrease in the expenses of Century Fund, and

              (11) the benefit to Technology Fund shareholders of investing in a
         Fund that does not impose a redemption fee.


         The  Trust  is  registered  with  the  SEC  as an  open-end  management
investment company, and its Trustees are authorized to issue an unlimited number
of shares of beneficial  interest in each separate  series (par value $0.001 per
share).  Shares of each Fund  represent  equal  proportionate  interests  in the
assets  of that  Fund  only and have  identical  voting,  dividend,  redemption,
liquidation   and  other   rights.   All  shares   issued  are  fully  paid  and
non-assessable, and shareholders have no preemptive or other rights to subscribe
to any additional shares.

         The Trust's Board of Trustees  does not intend to hold annual  meetings
of  shareholders  of the Funds.  The Trustees will call special  meetings of the
shareholders  of a Fund  only  if  required  under  the  1940  Act  or in  their
discretion  or  upon  the  written  request  of  holders  of 10% or  more of the
outstanding shares of that Fund entitled to vote.

         Under Delaware law, the  shareholders  of a Fund will not be personally
liable for the  obligations  of any Fund; a shareholder  is entitled to the same
limitation of personal liability  extended to shareholders of a corporation.  To
guard  against the risk that  Delaware law might not be applied in other states,
the Trust Instrument of the Trust requires that every written  obligation of the
Trust or a Fund contain a statement  that such  obligation  may be enforced only
against  the  assets  of  the  Trust  or  a  specific   Fund  and  provides  for
indemnification  out of Trust or Fund property of any  shareholder  nevertheless
held personally liable for Trust or Fund obligations, respectively.


         The exchange of Technology  Fund's assets for Century  Fund's  Investor
Class shares and the latter's  assumption of Technology  Fund's  liabilities  is
intended to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a tax-free reorganization
under  section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Code.  The Trust will receive an opinion of
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP, its counsel ("Opinion"), substantially to the effect


              (1) Century  Fund's  acquisition  of  Technology  Fund's assets in
         exchange solely for Century Fund Investor Class shares and the latter's
         assumption of  Technology  Fund's  liabilities,  followed by Technology
         Fund's distribution of those shares to its shareholders  constructively
         in  exchange  for their  Technology  Fund  shares,  will  qualify  as a
         "reorganization"  as defined in section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Code, and
         each Fund will be "a party to a  reorganization"  within the meaning of
         section 368(b) of the Code;

              (2) Technology Fund will recognize no gain or loss on the transfer
         to  Century  Fund  will  recognize  no gain or  loss of its  assets  in
         exchange  solely for  Investor  Class  shares of  Century  Fund and the
         latter's   assumption  of  Technology  Fund's  liabilities  or  on  the
         subsequent   distribution   of  those  shares  to   Technology   Fund's
         shareholders in  constructive  exchange for their Investor Class shares
         of the Technology Fund;

              (3) Century Fund will  recognize no gain or loss recognize no gain
         or loss on its receipt of the transferred assets in exchange solely for
         Investor  Class  shares  and  its   assumption  of  Technology   Fund's

              (4) Century  Fund's  basis in the  transferred  assets will be the
         same  as  Technology  Fund's  basis  therein   immediately  before  the
         Reorganization, and Century Fund's holding period for those assets will
         include Technology Fund's holding period therefor;

              (5) A Technology Fund  shareholder  will recognize no gain or loss
         on the  constructive  exchange  of all its  Investor  Class  shares  of
         Technology  Fund  solely for  Investor  Class  shares of  Century  Fund
         pursuant to the Plan; and

              (6) A Technology Fund shareholder's aggregate basis in the Century
         Fund shares it receives in the  Reorganization  will be the same as the
         aggregate  basis  in  its  Technology  Fund  shares  it  constructively
         surrenders in exchange for those  Century Fund shares,  and its holding
         period for those  Century Fund shares will  include its holding  period
         for those Technology Fund shares, provided the shareholder held them as
         capital assets at the Effective Time.


         The Opinion may state that no opinion is  expressed as to the effect of
the  Reorganization on the Funds or any shareholder with respect to any asset as
to which any  unrealized  gain or loss is required to be recognized  for federal
income  tax  purposes  at the end of a taxable  year (or on the  termination  or
transfer thereof) under a mark-to-market system of accounting.

         Utilization   by   Century   Fund   after   the    Reorganization    of
Pre-Reorganization  capital losses  Technology Fund realized could be subject to
limitation in future years under the Code.

         Shareholders  of  Technology  Fund should  consult  their tax  advisers
regarding the effect, if any, of the Reorganization in light of their individual
circumstances.  Because the  foregoing  discussion  only  relates to the federal
income tax consequences of the  Reorganization,  those  shareholders also should
consult  their tax advisers as to state and local tax  consequences,  if any, of
the Reorganization.


         The  following  table  shows the  capitalization  of  Century  Fund and
Technology   Fund  as  of  February   28,  2002  and  the  pro  forma   combined
capitalization of both Funds as if the Reorganization had occurred on that date.

                                        CENTURY     TECHNOLOGY   PRO FORMA
                                         FUND          FUND       COMBINED
            Net Assets (000)            $15,356       $7,172       $22,528
            Net Asset Value per share     $6.26        $3.05         $6.26
            Shares Outstanding (000)      2,454        2,353         3,600



         For a table of the financial highlights of Century Fund, see "Financial
Highlights" in the Century  Prospectus  enclosed  herewith and  incorporated  by
reference herein. The most recent financial  highlights of Century Fund included
in the Trust's  Semi-Annual Report to Shareholders for the period ended February
28,  2002,  are  attached as Appendix B. This  information  is derived  from and
should be read in conjunction with the financial  statements of Century Fund and
notes  thereto,  included in the Trust's Annual Report to  Shareholders  for the
period ended August 31, 2001 which are  incorporated  by reference  into the SAI
together with the report of the independent auditors, KPMG LLP, thereon.


         For a discussion of Century  Fund's  investment  objective and policies
and the risk factors  associated  with an  investment in the Fund in addition to
that  included  in  this  Prospectus  and  Information  Statement,  see  "Goal &
Strategy"  and "Main  Risks" in the Century  Prospectus  enclosed  herewith  and
incorporated by reference herein.



         For a discussion of Century Fund's investment  manager,  subadviser and
portfolio manager,  see "Management" in the Century Prospectus enclosed herewith
and incorporated by reference herein.


         See  Attachment C for  management's  discussion of the  performance  of
Century  Fund as included in the Trust's  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  dated
August 31, 2001 and Semi-Annual  Report to Shareholders  dated February 28, 2002
and the material factors affecting this performance.


         For a discussion of Century Fund's shares,  including voting rights and
exchange rights,  and how the shares may be purchased and redeemed,  in addition
to that included in this Prospectus and Information Statement,  see "Maintaining
Your Account,"  "Buying Shares" and "Selling  Shares" in the Century  Prospectus
enclosed herewith and incorporated by reference herein.


         For a discussion of Century Fund's policy with respect to dividends and
other  distributions  and the tax consequences of an investment in its shares in
addition to that included in this  Prospectus  and  Information  Statement,  see
"Distributions  and  Taxes" in the  Century  Prospectus  enclosed  herewith  and
incorporated by reference herein.



         For a  table  of the  financial  highlights  of  Technology  Fund,  see
"Financial Highlights" in the Trust Prospectus incorporated by reference herein.
The most recent financial  highlights of Technology Fund included in the Trust's
Semi-Annual  Report to Shareholders  for the period ended February 28, 2002, are
attached as Appendix B. This  information  is derived from and should be read in
conjunction with the financial  statements of Technology Fund and notes thereto,
included in the  Trust's  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  for the period  ended
August 31, 2001 which are  incorporated  by reference into the SAI together with
the report of the independent auditors, KPMG LLP, thereon.


         For a discussion of Technology Fund's investment objective and policies
and the risk factors  associated  with an  investment in the Fund in addition to
that  included  in  this  Prospectus  and  Information  Statement,  see  "Goal &
Strategy"  and "Main Risks" in the Trust  Prospectus  incorporated  by reference



         For a discussion of Technology  Fund's investment  manager,  subadviser
and  portfolio  management  team,  see  "Management"  in  the  Trust  Prospectus
incorporated by reference herein.


         See  Attachment C for  management's  discussion of the  performance  of
Technology Fund as included in the Trust's Annual Report to  Shareholders  dated
August 31, 2001 and Semi-Annual  Report to Shareholders  dated February 28, 2002
and the material factors affecting this performance.


         For a discussion of Technology  Fund's shares,  including voting rights
and  exchange  rights,  and how the shares may be  purchased  and  redeemed,  in
addition to that included in this  Prospectus  and  Information  Statement,  see
"Maintaining  Your Account,"  "Buying Shares" and "Selling  Shares" in the Trust
Prospectus incorporated by reference herein.


         For a discussion of Technology  Fund's policy with respect to dividends
and other distributions and the tax consequences of an investment in its shares,
in addition to that included in this Prospectus and Information  Statement,  see
"Distributions  and Taxes" in the Trust  Prospectus  incorporated  by  reference




         On April 15,  2002 there were no  beneficial  or record  owners of more
than 5% of Century Fund or Technology Fund.


         On April 15, 2002, the trustees and officers of the Trust,  as a group,
owned  beneficially or of record less than 1% of the outstanding  shares of each


         NB Management, the investment manager, administrator and distributor of
the  Funds  may be  deemed  to  benefit  from the  Reorganization,  because  the
combination  of the Funds  will  eliminate  expenses,  such as fund  accounting,
legal, and shareholder reporting,  and custodial expenses,  that are involved in
maintaining  Technology  Fund as a separate  series of the Trust.  NB Management
anticipates  that this will produce  economies of scale in Century Fund and make
Century Fund more marketable,  as well as eliminate the need for further expense
reimbursements with respect to Technology Fund. The SEC staff has concluded that
such benefits are fully  compatible with Rule 17a-8 under the 1940 Act, which is
the principal rule governing mutual fund combinations.



         The Trust and each  series  thereof  are  subject to the  informational
requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  and the 1940 Act and in
accordance  therewith files reports,  proxy material and other  information with
the SEC. Such reports, proxy material and other information can be inspected and
copied at the Public  Reference  Facilities  maintained  by the SEC at 450 Fifth
Street, N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549, and at the SEC's regional offices in New
York (233 Broadway,  New York, New York 10279). Copies of such material also can
be obtained at  prescribed  rates from the Public  Reference  Branch,  Office of
Consumer Affairs and Information  Services,  Securities and Exchange Commission,
450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549.


         Certain legal  matters in connection  with the issuance of Century Fund
shares  as part of the  Reorganization  will be  passed  upon by  Kirkpatrick  &
Lockhart LLP, counsel to the Trust.



         The audited  financial  statements of Century Fund and Technology Fund,
incorporated by reference in the Statement of Additional Information,  for dates
prior to fiscal year 2001 have been audited by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, the
Funds' previous  independent  accountants.  Financial statements for fiscal year
2001 have been  audited by KPMG LLP,  the Funds'  independent  auditors,  to the
extent  indicated  in their  reports  thereon  which are  included in the Annual
Report to  shareholders  of Century Fund and Technology Fund for the fiscal year
ended August 31, 2001.  The financial  statements of Century Fund and Technology
Fund audited by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP for dates prior to fiscal year 2001
and by KPMG LLP for fiscal year 2001 have been  incorporated by reference in the
Statement of Additional  Information in reliance on their reports given on their
authority as experts in auditing and accounting.


                                                                      APPENDIX A


      THIS PLAN OF  REORGANIZATION  AND  TERMINATION  ("Plan"),  effective as of
_____,  2002, is adopted by Neuberger  Berman Equity Funds, a Delaware  business
trust ("Trust"),  on behalf of Neuberger Berman Century Fund ("Acquiring  Fund")
and Neuberger Berman Technology Fund ("Target"),  each a segregated portfolio of
assets ("series") thereof (each a "Fund").

      Trust wishes to effect a reorganization  described in section 368(a)(1)(C)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), and intends this Plan
to be, and adopts it as, a "plan of  reorganization"  within the  meaning of the
regulations under the Code ("Regulations").  The reorganization will involve the
transfer  of Target's  assets to  Acquiring  Fund in exchange  solely for voting
shares of beneficial  interest in Acquiring Fund  ("Acquiring  Fund Shares") and
Acquiring   Fund's   assumption  of  Target's   liabilities,   followed  by  the
constructive  distribution  of those shares pro rata to the holders of shares of
beneficial interest in Target ("Target Shares") in exchange therefor, all on the
terms and conditions set forth herein.  The foregoing  transactions are referred
to herein collectively as the "Reorganization."

      Trust is a business trust that is duly organized, validly existing, and in
good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,  and a copy of its Trust
Instrument  ("Trust  Instrument")  is on file with the Secretary of the State of
Delaware.  Trust is duly registered as an open-end management investment company
under the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  ("1940  Act").  Before
January 1, 1997, Trust "claimed"  classification  for federal tax purposes as an
association taxable as a corporation, and it has never elected otherwise.

      Each Fund is a duly  established and designated  series of Trust and has a
single class of shares, which are substantially similar to each other.


      1.1. At the Closing (as defined in paragraph  3.1),  Target shall  assign,
sell, convey, transfer, and deliver all of its assets described in paragraph 1.2
("Assets") to Acquiring Fund. In exchange therefor, Acquiring Fund shall --

      (a)  issue  and  deliver  to  Target  the  number  of full and  fractional
           (rounded to the third decimal place) Acquiring Fund Shares determined
           by  dividing  the net  value  of  Target  (computed  as set  forth in
           paragraph  2.1) by the net asset value  ("NAV") of an Acquiring  Fund
           Share (computed as set forth in paragraph 2.2), and

      (b)  assume  all  of  Target's  liabilities  described  in  paragraph  1.3

      1.2.  The Assets shall  include all cash,  cash  equivalents,  securities,
receivables (including interest and dividends receivable),  claims and rights of
action,  rights to register shares under  applicable  securities laws, books and
records,  deferred and prepaid  expenses shown as assets on Target's books,  and
other  property  owned by Target at the Effective  Time (as defined in paragraph

      1.3. The  Liabilities  shall include all of Target's  liabilities,  debts,
obligations,  and duties of whatever kind or nature, whether absolute,  accrued,
contingent,  or  otherwise,  whether or not  arising in the  ordinary  course of
business,  whether or not determinable at the Effective Time, and whether or not
specifically  referred to in this Plan.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Target
agrees to use its best efforts to discharge all its known Liabilities before the
Effective Time.

      1.4. At or immediately before the Effective Time, Target shall declare and
pay to its shareholders a dividend and/or other  distribution in an amount large
enough so that it will have distributed  substantially all (and in any event not
less than 90%) of its investment company taxable income (computed without regard
to any deduction for dividends paid) and  substantially  all of its realized net
capital gain, if any, for the current taxable year through the Effective Time.

      1.5.  At the  Effective  Time  (or as  soon  thereafter  as is  reasonably
practicable),  Target shall  distribute  the  Acquiring  Fund Shares it receives
pursuant to paragraph 1.1 to its  shareholders  of record,  determined as of the
Effective  Time  (each a  "Shareholder"  and  collectively  "Shareholders"),  in
constructive  exchange  for their  Target  Shares.  That  distribution  shall be
accomplished by Trust's  transfer  agent's opening  accounts on Acquiring Fund's
share transfer books in the Shareholders' names and transferring those Acquiring
Fund Shares  thereto.  Each  Shareholder's  account  shall be credited  with the
respective pro rata number of full and fractional  (rounded to the third decimal
place)  Acquiring  Fund  Shares due that  Shareholder.  All  outstanding  Target
Shares,  including any  represented by  certificates,  shall  simultaneously  be
canceled  on  Target's  share  transfer  books.  Acquiring  Fund shall not issue
certificates  representing  the Acquiring Fund Shares issued in connection  with
the Reorganization.

      1.6. As soon as reasonably practicable after distribution of the Acquiring
Fund Shares pursuant to paragraph 1.5, but in all events within six months after
the  Effective  Time,  Target shall be  terminated  as a series of Trust and any
further actions shall be taken in connection therewith as required by applicable

      1.7. Any reporting  responsibility  of Target to a public authority is and
shall  remain its  responsibility  up to and  including  the date on which it is

      1.8. Any transfer  taxes payable on issuance of Acquiring Fund Shares in a
name other than that of the  registered  holder on Target's  books of the Target
Shares  constructively  exchanged  therefor  shall be paid by the person to whom
those Acquiring Fund Shares are to be issued, as a condition of that transfer.



      2.1. For purposes of paragraph 1.1(a), Target's net value shall be (a) the
value of the Assets  computed as of the close of regular trading on the New York
Stock Exchange ("NYSE") on the date of the Closing ("Valuation Time"), using the
valuation  procedures  set  forth  in the  Funds'  then-current  prospectus  and
statement  of  additional  information  ("P/SAI"),  less (b) the  amount  of the
Liabilities as of the Valuation Time.

      2.2. For purposes of paragraph 1.1(a),  the NAV of an Acquiring Fund Share
shall be computed as of the Valuation Time,  using the valuation  procedures set
forth in the P/SAI.

      2.3. All computations  pursuant to paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall be made by
or  under  the  direction  of  Neuberger  Berman  Management  Incorporated  ("NB


      3.1.  The   Reorganization,   together  with  related  acts  necessary  to
consummate the same  ("Closing"),  shall occur at Trust's principal office on or
about  August 5, 2002,  or at such other  place  and/or on such other date Trust
determines.  All acts taking place at the Closing  shall be deemed to take place
simultaneously  as of the close of business on the date thereof or at such other
time Trust determines  ("Effective  Time"). If, immediately before the Valuation
Time, (a) the NYSE is closed to trading or trading  thereon is restricted or (b)
trading or the  reporting of trading on the NYSE or elsewhere is  disrupted,  so
that  accurate  appraisal  of Target's  net value and/or the NAV of an Acquiring
Fund Share is  impracticable,  the Effective  Time shall be postponed  until the
first  business day after the day when that  trading has been fully  resumed and
that reporting has been restored.

      3.2.  Trust's  fund  accounting  and pricing  agent  shall  deliver at the
Closing a certificate of an authorized  officer  verifying that the  information
(including  adjusted basis and holding  period,  by lot)  concerning the Assets,
including all portfolio securities,  transferred by Target to Acquiring Fund, as
reflected on Acquiring Fund's books immediately after the Closing,  does or will
conform to that  information on Target's books  immediately  before the Closing.
Trust's  custodian  shall deliver at the Closing a certificate  of an authorized
officer  stating that (a) the Assets it holds will be  transferred  to Acquiring
Fund at the Effective Time and (b) all necessary  taxes in conjunction  with the
delivery  of the  Assets,  including  all  applicable  federal  and state  stock
transfer stamps,  if any, have been paid or provision for payment has been made.
Trust's  transfer  agent shall  deliver at the Closing a  certificate  as to the
opening  of  accounts  in the  Shareholders'  names on  Acquiring  Fund's  share
transfer books and a confirmation, or other evidence satisfactory to Trust, that
the Acquiring  Fund Shares to be credited to Target at the  Effective  Time have
been credited to Target's account on Acquiring Fund's books.


      4.1. Trust's  obligation to implement this Plan on Acquiring Fund's behalf
shall be subject to  satisfaction  of the following  conditions at or before the
Effective Time:


           4.1.1. At the Closing,  Target will have good and marketable title to
      the Assets and full right, power, and authority to sell, assign, transfer,
      and  deliver the Assets  free of any liens or other  encumbrances  (except
      securities  that are  subject  to  "securities  loans" as  referred  to in
      section  851(b)(2)  of the Code);  and on  delivery  and  payment  for the
      Assets, Acquiring Fund will acquire good and marketable title thereto;

           4.1.2.  Target's  current  prospectus and SAI conform in all material
      respects to the applicable  requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as
      amended  ("1933  Act"),  and the 1940 Act and the  rules  and  regulations
      thereunder  and do not include any untrue  statement of a material fact or
      omit to state any material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
      to make the statements  therein, in light of the circumstances under which
      they were made, not misleading;

           4.1.3.  Target is not in violation  of, and the adoption of this Plan
      and consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not conflict
      with or violate,  Delaware law or any provision of the Trust Instrument or
      Trust's  By-Laws  or  of  any  agreement,   instrument,  lease,  or  other
      undertaking  to which  Target is a party or by which it is bound or result
      in the  acceleration of any obligation,  or the imposition of any penalty,
      under any agreement,  judgment, or decree to which Target is a party or by
      which it is bound;

           4.1.4. All material  contracts and other commitments of or applicable
      to  Target  (other  than  this Plan and  investment  contracts,  including
      options,  futures, and forward contracts) will be terminated, or provision
      for discharge of any liabilities of Target  thereunder will be made, at or
      prior to the Effective Time, without either Fund's incurring any liability
      or penalty with respect  thereto and without  diminishing or releasing any
      rights  Target may have had with respect to actions taken or omitted or to
      be taken by any other party thereto prior to the Closing;

           4.1.5. No litigation,  administrative proceeding, or investigation of
      or before  any court or  governmental  body is  presently  pending  or (to
      Trust's knowledge)  threatened against Trust with respect to Target or any
      of  its  properties  or  assets  that,  if  adversely  determined,   would
      materially  and  adversely  affect  Target's  financial  condition  or the
      conduct of its  business;  and Trust knows of no facts that might form the
      basis  for  the  institution  of  any  such  litigation,   proceeding,  or
      investigation  and is not a party to or subject to the  provisions  of any
      order,  decree,  or  judgment  of any  court  or  governmental  body  that
      materially or adversely  affects its business or its ability to consummate
      the transactions contemplated hereby;

           4.1.6.  Target incurred the Liabilities in the ordinary course of its

           4.1.7.  Target is a "fund" as  defined in  section  851(g)(2)  of the
      Code; it qualified for treatment as a regulated  investment  company under
      Subchapter  M of the Code  ("RIC")  for each past  taxable  year  since it
      commenced  operations and will continue to meet all the  requirements  for
      that  qualification  for its  current  taxable  year;  the Assets  will be
      invested at all times through the Effective  Time in a manner that ensures
      compliance  with the  foregoing;  and Target has no  earnings  and profits


      accumulated  in any taxable year in which the  provisions  of Subchapter M
      did not apply to it;

           4.1.8. Target is not under the jurisdiction of a court in a "title 11
      or similar case" (as defined in section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code);

           4.1.9.  During the five-year period ending at the Effective Time, (a)
      neither  Target nor any person  "related"  (within  the meaning of section
      1.368-1(e)(3)  of the Regulations) to it will have acquired Target Shares,
      either directly or through any transaction, agreement, or arrangement with
      any other person,  with consideration  other than Acquiring Fund Shares or
      Target  Shares,  except  for shares  redeemed  in the  ordinary  course of
      Target's  business  as a  series  of an  open-end  investment  company  as
      required by section 22(e) of the 1940 Act, and (b) no  distributions  will
      have been made with respect to Target Shares,  other than normal,  regular
      dividend distributions made pursuant to Target's historic  dividend-paying
      practice that qualify for the  deduction  for  dividends  paid (within the
      meaning of section 561 of the Code) referred to in sections  852(a)(1) and
      4982(c)(1)(A) of the Code;

           4.1.10.  Not more  than 25% of the  value of  Target's  total  assets
      (excluding cash, cash items, and U.S.  government  securities) is invested
      in the stock and  securities  of any one issuer,  and not more than 50% of
      the value of such assets is invested in the stock and  securities  of five
      or fewer issuers; and

           4.1.11. Target's federal income tax returns, and all applicable state
      and local tax returns,  for all taxable  years  through and  including the
      taxable year ended  August 31, 2001,  have been timely filed and all taxes
      payable pursuant to those returns have been timely paid.

      4.2. Trust's obligation to implement this Plan on Target's behalf shall be
subject to satisfaction  of the following  conditions at or before the Effective

           4.2.1.  No  consideration  other  than  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  (and
      Acquiring Fund's assumption of the Liabilities) will be issued in exchange
      for the Assets in the Reorganization;

           4.2.2. The Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued and delivered to Target
      hereunder will, at the Effective Time, have been duly authorized and, when
      issued and delivered as provided  herein,  will be duly and validly issued
      and outstanding shares of Acquiring Fund, fully paid and non-assessable;

           4.2.3.  Acquiring  Fund's  current  prospectus and SAI conform in all
      material  respects to the applicable  requirements of the 1933 Act and the
      1940 Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder and do not include any
      untrue  statement of a material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact
      required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein,
      in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading;


           4.2.4.  Acquiring  Fund is not in  violation  of, and the adoption of
      this Plan and  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will
      not conflict  with or violate,  Delaware law or any provision of the Trust
      Instrument or Trust's By-Laws or of any agreement,  instrument,  lease, or
      other  undertaking  to which  Acquiring  Fund is a party or by which it is
      bound or result in the  acceleration of any obligation,  or the imposition
      of any  penalty,  under  any  agreement,  judgment,  or  decree  to  which
      Acquiring Fund is a party or by which it is bound;

           4.2.5. No litigation,  administrative proceeding, or investigation of
      or before  any court or  governmental  body is  presently  pending  or (to
      Trust's knowledge) threatened against Trust with respect to Acquiring Fund
      or any of its  properties or assets that, if adversely  determined,  would
      materially and adversely affect  Acquiring  Fund's financial  condition or
      the conduct of its  business;  and Trust knows of no facts that might form
      the basis  for the  institution  of any such  litigation,  proceeding,  or
      investigation  and is not a party to or subject to the  provisions  of any
      order,  decree,  or  judgment  of any  court  or  governmental  body  that
      materially or adversely  affects its business or its ability to consummate
      the transactions contemplated hereby;

           4.2.6.  Acquiring Fund is a "fund" as defined in section 851(g)(2) of
      the Code;  it qualified  for treatment as a RIC for each past taxable year
      since  it  commenced   operations  and  will  continue  to  meet  all  the
      requirements  for such  qualification  for its current  taxable  year;  it
      intends to continue  to meet all such  requirements  for the next  taxable
      year;  and it has no earnings and profits  accumulated in any taxable year
      in which the provisions of Subchapter M of the Code did not apply to it;

           4.2.7.  Acquiring  Fund has no plan or intention to issue  additional
      Acquiring  Fund  Shares  following  the  Reorganization  except for shares
      issued in the  ordinary  course of its business as a series of an open-end
      investment  company;  nor does  Acquiring  Fund,  or any person  "related"
      (within the meaning of section  1.368-1(e)(3)  of the  Regulations) to it,
      have any plan or  intention  to  acquire -- during  the  five-year  period
      beginning  at  the  Effective   Time,   either  directly  or  through  any
      transaction,  agreement,  or  arrangement  with any  other  person -- with
      consideration  other than Acquiring Fund Shares, any Acquiring Fund Shares
      issued to the  Shareholders  pursuant  to the  Reorganization,  except for
      redemptions in the ordinary course of such business as required by section
      22(e) of the 1940 Act;

           4.2.8. Following the Reorganization, Acquiring Fund (a) will continue
      Target's "historic business" (within the meaning of section  1.368-1(d)(2)
      of the  Regulations)  and (b) will use a  significant  portion of Target's
      "historic business assets" (within the meaning of section 1.368-1(d)(3) of
      the Regulations) in a business;  moreover,  Acquiring Fund (c) has no plan
      or intention to sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Assets, except for
      dispositions made in the ordinary course of that business and dispositions
      necessary  to  maintain  its  status as a RIC,  and (d)  expects to retain
      substantially  all the Assets in the same form as it receives  them in the
      Reorganization,  unless  and  until  subsequent  investment  circumstances


      suggest  the  desirability  of  change  or it  becomes  necessary  to make
      dispositions thereof to maintain such status;

           4.2.9.  There  is no  plan  or  intention  for  Acquiring  Fund to be
      dissolved or merged into another  business  trust or a corporation  or any
      "fund" thereof (as defined in section 851(g)(2) of the Code) following the

           4.2.10.  Acquiring  Fund does not directly or indirectly  own, nor at
      the Effective Time will it directly or indirectly own, nor has it directly
      or indirectly  owned at any time during the past five years, any shares of

           4.2.11.  During the five-year  period  ending at the Effective  Time,
      neither  Acquiring  Fund nor any person  "related"  (within the meaning of
      section  1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations) to it will have acquired Target
      Shares with consideration other than Acquiring Fund Shares;

           4.2.12.  Immediately after the Reorganization,  (a) not more than 25%
      of the value of Acquiring Fund's total assets (excluding cash, cash items,
      and  U.S.  government  securities)  will  be  invested  in the  stock  and
      securities  of any one  issuer  and (b) not more  than 50% of the value of
      such assets will be invested in the stock and  securities of five or fewer

           4.2.13.   Acquiring  Fund's  federal  income  tax  returns,  and  all
      applicable state and local tax returns,  for all taxable years through and
      including  the taxable year ended August 31, 2001,  have been timely filed
      and all taxes payable pursuant to such returns have been timely paid; and

           4.2.14.  If the  Reorganization  is consummated,  Acquiring Fund will
      treat each Shareholder  that receives  Acquiring Fund Shares in connection
      with the  Reorganization as having made a minimum initial purchase of such
      shares  for  the  purpose  of  making  additional   investments   therein,
      regardless of the value of the shares so received.

      4.3. Trust's obligation to implement this Plan on each Fund's behalf shall
be  subject  to  satisfaction  of the  following  conditions  at or  before  the
Effective Time:

           4.3.1.  The fair  market  value of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  each
      Shareholder  receives will be approximately equal to the fair market value
      of its Target Shares it constructively surrenders in exchange therefor;

           4.3.2.  Its  management  (a) is unaware of any plan or  intention  of
      Shareholders to redeem,  sell, or otherwise  dispose of (i) any portion of
      their Target  Shares  before the  Reorganization  to any person  "related"
      (within the meaning of section 1.368-1(e)(3) of the Regulations) to either
      Fund or (ii) any portion of the Acquiring  Fund Shares they receive in the
      Reorganization  to any person "related" (within such meaning) to Acquiring
      Fund, (b) does not anticipate  dispositions of those Acquiring Fund Shares
      at the time of or soon after the  Reorganization  to exceed the usual rate
      and  frequency  of  dispositions  of  shares  of  Target as a series of an


      open-end   investment   company,   (c)  expects  that  the  percentage  of
      Shareholder interests,  if any, that will be disposed of as a result of or
      at the time of the  Reorganization  will be de  minimis,  and (d) does not
      anticipate that there will be extraordinary  redemptions of Acquiring Fund
      Shares immediately following the Reorganization;

           4.3.3. The Shareholders will pay their own expenses, if any, incurred
      in connection with the Reorganization;

           4.3.4.  The fair market value of the Assets on a going  concern basis
      will equal or exceed the  Liabilities  to be assumed by Acquiring Fund and
      those to which the Assets are subject;

           4.3.5. There is no intercompany  indebtedness  between the Funds that
      was issued or acquired, or will be settled, at a discount;

           4.3.6.  Pursuant  to the  Reorganization,  Target  will  transfer  to
      Acquiring Fund, and Acquiring Fund will acquire,  at least 90% of the fair
      market value of the net assets,  and at least 70% of the fair market value
      of the gross assets,  Target held immediately  before the  Reorganization.
      For the  purposes of the  foregoing,  any  amounts  Target uses to pay its
      Reorganization   expenses  and  to  make  redemptions  and   distributions
      immediately  before the  Reorganization  (except  (a)  redemptions  in the
      ordinary course of its business  required by section 22(e) of the 1940 Act
      and (b)  regular,  normal  dividend  distributions  made to conform to its
      policy of distributing all or substantially all of its income and gains to
      avoid the obligation to pay federal income tax and/or the excise tax under
      section  4982 of the  Code)  will  be  included  as  assets  held  thereby
      immediately before the Reorganization;

           4.3.7. None of the compensation received by any Shareholder who is an
      employee of or service  provider to Target will be separate  consideration
      for, or allocable to, any of the Target Shares that Shareholder held; none
      of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  any  such  Shareholder  receives  will be
      separate  consideration  for, or allocable to, any  employment  agreement,
      investment  advisory  agreement,  or  other  service  agreement;  and  the
      consideration  paid to any such Shareholder will be for services  actually
      rendered  and will be  commensurate  with  amounts  paid to third  parties
      bargaining at arm's-length for similar services;

           4.3.8.  Immediately after the  Reorganization,  the Shareholders will
      not own shares constituting "control" (as defined in section 304(c) of the
      Code) of Acquiring Fund;

           4.3.9.  Neither Fund will be reimbursed for any expenses  incurred by
      it or on its behalf in  connection  with the  Reorganization  unless those
      expenses are solely and directly related to the Reorganization (determined
      in accordance  with the  guidelines set forth in Rev. Rul.  73-54,  1973-1
      C.B. 187) ("Reorganization Expenses");


           4.3.10.  The aggregate value of the  acquisitions,  redemptions,  and
      distributions  limited by  paragraphs  4.1.9,  4.2.7,  and 4.2.11 will not
      exceed  50% of the value  (without  giving  effect  to such  acquisitions,
      redemptions,  and distributions) of the proprietary  interest in Target at
      the Effective Time;

           4.3.11. This Plan has been duly authorized by all necessary action on
      the part of Trust's board of trustees,  which has made the  determinations
      required by Rule 17a-8(a) under the 1940 Act; and this Plan  constitutes a
      valid  and  legally  binding  obligation  of  each  Fund,  enforceable  in
      accordance  with  its  terms,  except  as  the  same  may  be  limited  by
      bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent transfer,  reorganization,  moratorium,
      and similar laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights and by general
      principles of equity;

           4.3.12.  No  governmental  consents,  approvals,  authorizations,  or
      filings are required  under the 1933 Act, the  Securities  Exchange Act of
      1934,  as amended  ("1934 Act"),  or the 1940 Act for Trust's  adoption of
      this Plan,  except for (a) the filing  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
      Commission  ("SEC")  of a  registration  statement  by Trust on Form  N-14
      relating  to  the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  issuable  hereunder,  and  any
      supplement  or amendment  thereto  ("Registration  Statement"),  including
      therein a prospectus and information  statement  ("Prospectus/Statement"),
      and (b) such consents, approvals, authorizations, and filings as have been
      made or received or as may be required subsequent to the Effective Time;

           4.3.13.  On the effective date of the  Registration  Statement and at
      the  Effective  Time,  the  Prospectus/Statement  will (a)  comply  in all
      material respects with the applicable provisions of the 1933 Act, the 1934
      Act, and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder and (b) not
      contain  any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or  omit to  state a
      material  fact  required  to be stated  therein or  necessary  to make the
      statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were
      made, not misleading;

           4.3.14.  All  necessary  filings will have been made with the SEC and
      state  securities  authorities,  and no order or directive  will have been
      received  that any other or  further  action  is  required  to permit  the
      parties  to  carry  out  the   transactions   contemplated   hereby.   The
      Registration  Statement will have become  effective under the 1933 Act, no
      stop orders  suspending the  effectiveness  thereof will have been issued,
      and the SEC will not have issued an unfavorable report with respect to the
      Reorganization  under  section  25(b) of the 1940 Act nor  instituted  any
      proceedings   seeking   to  enjoin   consummation   of  the   transactions
      contemplated  hereby under  section  25(c) of the 1940 Act. All  consents,
      orders,  and permits of federal,  state, and local regulatory  authorities
      (including the SEC and state securities authorities) Trust deems necessary
      to permit  consummation,  in all material  respects,  of the  transactions
      contemplated  hereby  will have been  obtained,  except  where  failure to
      obtain same would not involve a risk of a material  adverse  effect on the
      assets or properties of either Fund;

           4.3.15.  At the Effective Time, no action,  suit, or other proceeding
      will be  pending  before any court or  governmental  agency in which it is
      sought to restrain or  prohibit,  or to obtain  damages or other relief in


      connection with, the transactions contemplated hereby;

           4.3.16. Trust will have received an opinion of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart
      LLP ("Counsel") substantially to the effect that:

                (a) Each Fund is a duly established  series of Trust, a business
           trust that is duly organized,  validly existing, and in good standing
           under the laws of the State of  Delaware  with power  under the Trust
           Instrument  to own all its  properties  and assets and, to  Counsel's
           knowledge, to carry on its business as presently conducted;

                (b) This Plan (1) has been duly  authorized and adopted by Trust
           on  behalf  of  each  Fund  and (2) is a valid  and  legally  binding
           obligation  of  Trust  with  respect  to each  Fund,  enforceable  in
           accordance  with its  terms,  except  as the same may be  limited  by
           bankruptcy,    insolvency,   fraudulent   transfer,   reorganization,
           moratorium,  and similar  laws  relating to or  affecting  creditors'
           rights and by general principles of equity;

                (c) The Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued and  distributed  to
           the  Shareholders  under this Plan,  assuming  their due  delivery as
           contemplated  hereby,  will be duly authorized and validly issued and
           outstanding and fully paid and non-assessable;

                (d) The adoption of this Plan did not, and the  consummation  of
           the transactions contemplated hereby will not, materially violate any
           provision  of the  Trust  Instrument  or  Trust's  By-Laws  or of any
           agreement  (known to  Counsel,  without  any  independent  inquiry or
           investigation)  to which  Trust  (with  respect to either  Fund) is a
           party or by which it is bound or (to Counsel's knowledge, without any
           independent  inquiry or investigation)  result in the acceleration of
           any  obligation,   or  the  imposition  of  any  penalty,  under  any
           agreement, judgment, or decree to which Trust (with respect to either
           Fund) is a party or by which it is bound, except as set forth in such

                (e) To Counsel's  knowledge (without any independent  inquiry or
           investigation),  no consent, approval, authorization, or order of any
           court or governmental  authority is required for the  consummation by
           Trust on  behalf  of  either  Fund of the  transactions  contemplated
           herein,  except such as have been  obtained  under the 1933 Act,  the
           1934 Act,  and the 1940 Act and such as may be  required  under state
           securities laws;

                (f) Trust is registered  with the SEC as an investment  company,
           and to  Counsel's  knowledge  no order has been issued or  proceeding
           instituted to suspend such registration; and

                (g) To Counsel's  knowledge (without any independent  inquiry or
           investigation),  (1) no  litigation,  administrative  proceeding,  or
           investigation of or before any court or governmental  body is pending


           or threatened as to Trust (with respect to either Fund) or any of its
           properties or assets attributable or allocable to either Fund and (b)
           Trust (with respect to each Fund) is not a party to or subject to the
           provisions  of  any  order,  decree,  or  judgment  of any  court  or
           governmental body that materially and adversely affects either Fund's
           business, except as set forth in such opinion.

      In rendering such opinion, Counsel may (1) rely, as to matters governed by
      the laws of the State of  Delaware,  on an opinion of  competent  Delaware
      counsel,  (2) make assumptions  regarding the  authenticity,  genuineness,
      and/or  conformity of documents  and copies  thereof  without  independent
      verification  thereof,  (3) limit such opinion to  applicable  federal and
      state law, and (4) define the word  "knowledge"  and related terms to mean
      the knowledge of attorneys then with Counsel who have devoted  substantive
      attention to matters directly related to this Plan and the Reorganization;

           4.3.17. Trust will have received an opinion of Counsel,  addressed to
      and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to it, as to the federal
      income tax consequences mentioned below ("Tax Opinion").  In rendering the
      Tax Opinion,  Counsel may assume  satisfaction  of all the  conditions set
      forth  in  this  paragraph  4,  may  treat  them  as  representations  and
      warranties  Trust made to  Counsel,  and may rely as to  factual  matters,
      exclusively and without independent verification,  on such representations
      and warranties. The Tax Opinion shall be substantially to the effect that,
      based on the facts and  assumptions  stated  therein  and  conditioned  on
      consummation  of the  Reorganization  in  accordance  with this Plan,  for
      federal income tax purposes:

                (a)  Acquiring  Fund's  acquisition  of the  Assets in  exchange
           solely for Acquiring Fund Shares and Acquiring  Fund's  assumption of
           the  Liabilities,  followed by Target's  distribution of those shares
           pro rata to the  Shareholders  constructively  in exchange  for their
           Target  Shares,  will  qualify  as a  "reorganization"  as defined in
           section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Code, and each Fund will be "a party to a
           reorganization" within the meaning of section 368(b) of the Code;

                (b) Target will recognize no gain or loss on the transfer of the
           Assets to Acquiring Fund in exchange solely for Acquiring Fund Shares
           and  Acquiring  Fund's  assumption  of  the  Liabilities  or  on  the
           subsequent  distribution  of  those  shares  to the  Shareholders  in
           constructive exchange for their Target Shares;

                (c) Acquiring Fund will recognize no gain or loss on its receipt
           of the Assets in exchange  solely for  Acquiring  Fund Shares and its
           assumption of the Liabilities;

                (d)  Acquiring  Fund's  basis in the Assets  will be the same as
           Target's basis therein  immediately  before the  Reorganization,  and
           Acquiring  Fund's holding period for the Assets will include Target's
           holding period therefor;


                (e) A  Shareholder  will  recognize  no  gain  or  loss  on  the
           constructive  exchange of all its Target  Shares solely for Acquiring
           Fund Shares pursuant to the Reorganization; and

                (f) A Shareholder's aggregate basis in the Acquiring Fund Shares
           it receives in the  Reorganization  will be the same as the aggregate
           basis in its Target Shares it  constructively  surrenders in exchange
           for those  Acquiring  Fund Shares,  and its holding  period for those
           Acquiring  Fund  Shares will  include  its  holding  period for those
           Target Shares,  provided the Shareholder  held them as capital assets
           at the Effective Time.

      Notwithstanding  subparagraphs (b) and (d), the Tax Opinion may state that
      no opinion is  expressed  as to the  effect of the  Reorganization  on the
      Funds or any  Shareholder  with  respect  to any  Asset  as to  which  any
      unrealized  gain or loss is required to be recognized  for federal  income
      tax  purposes  at the end of a  taxable  year  (or on the  termination  or
      transfer thereof) under a mark-to-market system of accounting.

      4.4. At any time before the Closing, Trust may waive any of the conditions
set forth in this paragraph 4 if, in the judgment of its board of trustees, that
waiver will not have a material  adverse  effect on either Fund's  shareholders'


      5.1.   Trust's   trustees  may   terminate   this  Plan  and  abandon  the
Reorganization at any time prior to the Effective Time if circumstances  develop
that, in their judgment, make proceeding with the Reorganization inadvisable for
either Fund.

      5.2.  Trust's trustees may amend,  modify,  or supplement this Plan at any
time in any manner; provided that no such amendment, modification, or supplement
shall have a material adverse effect on the Shareholders' interests.


      6.1. This Plan shall be governed by and  construed in accordance  with the
internal  laws of the  State  of  Delaware;  provided  that,  in the case of any
conflict  between those laws and the federal  securities  laws, the latter shall

      6.2. Each Fund shall bear a proportionate part of the total Reorganization
Expenses (except to the extent that they are reimbursable by NB Management,  the
Funds' administrator and investment manager).

      6.3. Nothing expressed or implied herein is intended or shall be construed
to confer on or give any person,  firm,  trust,  or  corporation  other than the
Funds and their  respective  successors and assigns any rights or remedies under
or by reason of this Plan.

      6.4.  Notice is hereby given that this  instrument is adopted on behalf of
Trust's trustees solely in their capacities as trustees,  and not  individually,
and that  Trust's  obligations  under  this  instrument  are not  binding  on or


enforceable against any of its trustees, officers, or shareholders or any series
of Trust other than the Funds but are only  binding on and  enforceable  against
the  respective  Funds'  property.  Each Fund, in asserting any rights or claims
under this Plan,  shall look only to the other Fund's  property in settlement of
such rights or claims and not to such trustees, officers, or shareholders.


                                                                      APPENDIX B

                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                    TO SHAREHOLDERS DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2002)


         The following  table  includes  selected  data for a share  outstanding
throughout  each  period  and other  performance  information  derived  from the
Financial Statements.@


                                                                                                 PERIOD FROM
                                                  SIX MONTHS                    YEAR             DECEMBER 6,
                                                       ENDED                   ENDED                   1999^
                                                FEBRUARY 28,              AUGUST 31,            TO AUGUST 31
                                            -----------------------   ------------------    --------------------
                                                           2002                  2001                     2000
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                      $  6.50            $  13.44                 $  10.00
                                                          -------            --------                 --------
NET INVESTMENT INCOME (LOSS)                                 (.03)               (.08)                    (.05)
    REALIZED AND UNREALIZED)                                 (.21)              (6.86)                    3.49
                                                         ---------           ---------                --------
TOTAL FROM INVESTMENT OPERATIONS                             (.24)              (6.94)                    3.44
                                                         ---------           ---------                --------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                            $  6.26             $  6.50                   $13.44
                                                          -------             -------                   ------
TOTAL RETURN++                                              -3.85%**           -51.60%                   +34.40%**
NET ASSETS, END OF PERIOD (IN MILLIONS)                    $15.4               $17.5                    $43.6
    ASSETS#                                                  1.51%*              1.50%                    1.50%*
    ASSETS++                                                 1.51%*              1.50%                    1.50%*
    AVERAGE NET ASSETS                                       (.89%)*             (.86%)                   (.81%)*
PORTFOLIO TURNOVER RATE                                      62%               107%                        65%

- -------------------
 See Notes to Financial Highlights.

                                     -B-1 -

- ------------------------------------

         The following  table  includes  selected  data for a share  outstanding
throughout  each  period  and other  performance  information  derived  from the
Financial Statements.@


                                                                                                       PERIOD FROM
                                                SIX MONTHS ENDED                YEAR ENDED            MAY 1, 2000^
                                                    FEBRUARY 28,                AUGUST 31,            TO AUGUST 31
                                             ---------------------------     ------------------    -------------------
                                                            2002                      2001                    2000
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                  $  3.61                   $  12.16                $  10.00
                                                      -------                   --------                --------
NET INVESTMENT INCOME (LOSS)                             (.03)                      (.09)                   (.01)
    (BOTH REALIZED AND UNREALIZED)                       (.53)                     (8.44)                   2.17
                                                     ---------                  ---------               --------
TOTAL FROM INVESTMENT OPERATIONS                         (.56)                     (8.53)                   2.16
                                                     ---------                  ---------               --------
FROM NET CAPITAL GAINS                                    -                         (.02)                     -
                                                      --------                  ---------               --------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                        $  3.05                    $  3.61                  $12.16
                                                      -------                    -------                  ------
TOTAL RETURN++                                         -15.51%**                  -70.24%                 +21.60%**
NET ASSETS, END OF PERIOD (IN MILLIONS)                $ 7.2                      $ 9.0                   $22.0
    ASSETS#                                              2.02%*                     2.00%                   2.00%*
    ASSETS++                                             2.01%*                     2.00%                   2.00%*
    AVERAGE NET ASSETS                                  (1.84%)*                   (1.45%)                  (.12%)**
PORTFOLIO TURNOVER RATE                                  172%                        234%                     55%

- ------------------------------------------

+        The per share  amounts and ratios  which are shown  reflect  income and
         expenses, including the Fund's proportionate share of its corresponding
         Portfolio's  income and  expenses  through  December 15, 2000 under the
         prior master/feeder fund structure.

++       Total return based on per share net asset value reflects the effects of
         changes in net asset value on the  performance of each Fund during each
         fiscal period and assumes  dividends and other  distributions,  if any,
         were  reinvested.   Results  represent  past  performance  and  do  not
         guarantee  future  results.   Investment   returns  and  principal  may
         fluctuate  and  shares  when  redeemed  may be worth  more or less than
         original cost. Total return would have been lower if Management had not
         reimbursed certain expenses.


#        The Fund is required to calculate an expense ratio without  taking into
         consideration  any  expense   reductions   related  to  expense  offset

^        The date investment operations commenced.

@        The per share  amounts which are shown for the periods ended August 31,
         2001 and thereafter,  have been computed based on the average number of
         shares outstanding during each fiscal period.

*        Annualized.

**       Not annualized.

++       After  reimbursement  of expenses by  Management.  Had  Management  not
         undertaken such action the annualized ratios of net expenses to average
         daily net assets would have been:

                         SIX MONTHS
                       FEBRUARY 28,                           YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31,
                               2002        2001         2000          1999            1998         1997
Century Fund                  2.39%        1.80%       1.76%(1)       -                 -           -
Investor Class

Technology Fund               3.80%        2.60%       3.92%(2)       -                 -           -
Investor Class

(1)      Period from December 6, 1999 to August 31, 2000.
(2)      Period from May 1, 2000 to August 31, 2000.


                                                                    APPENDIX C-1


                     TO SHAREHOLDERS DATED AUGUST 31, 2001)

- ---------------------------------

         In fiscal 2001, growth materially underperformed value in the large-cap
sector. The Russell 1000 Growth Index fell sharply, while the Russell 1000 Value
Index  finished  with a very modest  decline.  Technology  stocks  suffered  the
highest  casualty rate in the growth stock massacre,  with the tech component of
the Russell 1000 Growth Index falling precipitously.

         Why did value  outperform  growth by such a wide margin?  Macroeconomic
trends (the rapidly  decelerating  economy an corporate earnings slowdown),  and
specific technology industry trends (the sharp decline in information technology
and communications  technology  spending)  undermined  short-term  fundamentals.
Slower  earnings  growth,  combined  with  lower  earnings  visibility  (or  the
predictability  of future results,  hampered by the current  uncertain  economic
environment),  caused  investors  to  abandon  growth  stocks  in  favor of more
defensive value sectors.  In the process,  price/earnings  multiples  contracted
substantially, compounding the pain for growth stock investors.

         Value  investing  often gains the upper hand during periods of economic
and market  uncertainty.  However,  we are a bit confounded  that investors have
become so enamored of the kind of slow growth companies that  underperformed for
so long.  We are also  somewhat  taken aback by the severity of the growth stock
bear market. Some of the great growth franchises in America - companies that are
industry  powerhouses and we believe present  exceptional  long-term  investment
opportunity  - have lost half of their  market  value or more in one short year.
Technology  - in our  opinion,  still the most  dynamic  growth  industry in the
economy - has been  beaten  senseless  and left for dead.  We believe the silver
lining  within  the  current  growth  stock  cloud is that  prices  relative  to
long-term  earnings  growth  prospects  are every bit as attractive as they were
prior to the great growth stock bull market of 1997-99.

         In fiscal 2001, we continued to do a relatively good job of identifying
stocks that met or exceeded  consensus  earnings  expectations;  over 90% of the
portfolio fit this  description,  as of the last  reported  quarter (2nd quarter
calendar 2001). However,  those that "missed their numbers" took a heavy toll on
performance.  The  portfolio  was also  hurt by  companies  that  met  consensus
estimates  but warned  that  future  quarters'  results  would not be as good as
expected. In addition, we had our share of "damned if you do" stocks:  companies

- -------------------
 Because of the  extraordinary  and tragic events of September 11, 2001,  short
term market  activity since August 31, 2001 has been highly  volatile,  and as a
result current  performance may be less than that shown.

Please see Endnotes for additional information.


that hit estimates and announced that they expected to sustain  earnings  growth
in the coming quarters,  but which were in industry groups that investors wanted
nothing to do with.  However,  by far the most  significant  impact on portfolio
performance  came from slowing  earnings.  Over the last year,  the  portfolio's
earnings  growth  rate  dropped  from  approximately  45% to  about  20% - still
impressive in this moribund economy, but not strong enough to support valuations
based on faster earnings growth.

         We did have some portfolio  winners.  Branded  consumer-goods  holdings
such as Pepsico and Anheuser  Busch posted  strong  returns.  Our  investment in
specialty pharmaceutical company Forest Labs rewarded us. In general, technology
was our albatross and our biotechnology investments also disappointed.  Although
cautious,  we are not  giving up on either  group.  We think tech  spending  and
earnings  will rebound with the economy and that the  biotechnology  pipeline is
filled with promising new drugs,  whose approval has been delayed by the current
void at the head of the Food and Drug Administration.

         Looking forward, investors will have to cope with two issues. First and
foremost  is the  economic  impact of the  terrorist  attacks on America and our
nation's possible response. As I write - just a week after this horrible tragedy
- - it is virtually  impossible to predict what the immediate future holds. By the
time you read this report,  the  economic and market  picture may be clearer and
we, as managers, will have responded to changing conditions.

         The second issue, but one that will have a greater impact on Americans'
financial  lives over the long term,  is confidence in the economy and financial
markets.  It is well worth pointing out that through our long history,  the U.S.
economy and  equities  markets have  survived  numerous  political  and economic
crises. The terrorist attacks may have changed our lives forever,  but they have
not  extinguished  the  spirit  of  democracy,  the will of our  people,  or the
entrepreneurial  capitalism  that has made America the greatest nation on earth.
We believe that  investors who refuse to be frightened out of the market will be
rewarded over the long term. We also remain  confident  that companies that have
above-market  average  earnings  growth  rates and  consistently  meet or exceed
consensus earnings estimates will produce the most generous long-term returns.


                                   /S/ BROOKE A. COBB
                                   Brooke A. Cobb
                                   Portfolio Manager

                                      INVESTOR CLASS(3)     RUSSELL 1000(R)GROWTH(2)     S&P 500(2)
1 YEAR                                    (51.60%)                (45.32%)               (24.38%)
LIFE OF FUND                              (21.93%)                (23.27%)               (11.55%)
INCEPTION DATE                          12/06/1999



                                Century Fund
                                Investor Class       Russell 1000 Growth              S&P 500
             12/6/1999             10,000                  10,000                     10,000
             2/29/2000             12,380                  10,586                      9,561
             5/31/2000             10,730                  10,260                      9.971
             8/31/2000             13,430                  11,535                     10,682
            11/30/2000              9,460                   8,483                      9,281
             2/28/2001              8,210                   7,291                      8,777
             5/31/2001              7,740                   7,212                      8,920
             8/31/2001              6,500                   6,307                      8,078

VALUE AS OF 8/31/01

Century Fund Investor Class                                  $6,500
Russell 1000 Growth                                          $6,307
S&P 500                                                      $8,078

         This charts show the value of a hypothetical  $10,000 investment in the
Fund over the past 10 fiscal years, or since the Fund's inception, if it has not
operated for 10 years.  The graphs are based on the Investor  Class shares only;
performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures (see
Average  Annual  Total  Return  chart  above).   The  result  is  compared  with
benchmarks,  which may  include a  broad-based  market  index and or a  narrower
index.  Please note that market  indexes do not  include  expenses.  All results
include the  reinvestment of dividends and capital gain  distributions.  Results
represent past performance and do not indicate future results.


- ------------------------------------

         Over the past year, everything that could go wrong did go wrong for the
technology  industry and tech investors.  The economy went from 5% GDP growth to
virtually  no  growth  within a  matter  of  months.  Consumers  stopped  buying
computers,  and capital spending on information  technology  declined faster and
further   than   anyone    anticipated.    Concurrently,    the   communications
capital-spending  boom  went  bust,  paralyzing  what had been the  single  most
dynamic sub-sector of the broad technology industry.

         Why didn't  anyone see any of this coming?  Because of the speed of the
economic  downturn  and  a  near-absolute  reversal  in  business  and  investor
psychology. After a long series of Federal Reserve rate hikes from 1999 to 2000,
the economy kept  barreling  along.  Then,  rather than slowing  gradually,  the
economy  abruptly  stalled in third quarter 2000 (near the beginning of our 2001
fiscal  year).   Corporate  managers  suddenly  quit  thinking  about  enhancing
productivity  and  improving   customer  service  by  investing  in  information
technology  (IT),  and they began  worrying about the collapse of demand and the
growth of inventories.  Their previous  interest in spending more on IT than the
competition  gave way to fear that if the  competition was cutting back, "We had
better cut back  further."  Demand for many  technology  products  and  services
didn't just soften, it virtually  evaporated.  Technology  industry leaders with
highly respected  management  teams were assuring the investment  community they
would hit revenue and earnings  targets and then,  just weeks later,  announcing
substantial shortfalls.  Investors,  who were enamored of almost anything with a
technology label in 1999, shunned anything remotely connected with tech.

         Communications  technology  companies  had  to  cope  not  only  with a
no-growth economy, but also a major shakeout in the telecommunications industry.
IN 1998 and 1999,  the financial  markets threw barrels of money at  Competitive
Local  Exchange  Carriers  (CLECs),  Data Local Exchange  Carriers  (DLECs - the
companies  building  high speed DSL networks for  connecting  to the  Internet),
independent wireless communications  providers, and web-hosting companies (firms
that provide Internet and other data network services for  corporations).  These
young  companies were drivers in the  construction of networks to accommodate an
anticipated  boom in data  traffic  created by the  Internet  and  private  data
networks.  When initial demand fell short of lofty  expectations,  the financial
markets  reversed course and pulled the plug. As cash-flow  casualties  mounted,
communications  technology  companies  lost  some of their  best  customers.  To
compound the problem,  with the  competition on the ropes,  established  telecom
companies  like the Regional Bell Operating  Companies also stopped  spending on
new networks.  The bluest of communications  technology blue chips - outstanding
companies in our portfolio such as Cisco,  Juniper  Networks,  and Redback - got

         Like  technology  company  managers,  tech  investors  were  caught  by
surprise.  In recent years,  many had profited from buying  technology stocks on
dips.  After tech stocks  retreated in third  quarter  1998's  Asian/hedge  fund
crisis,  because of the  extraordinary  and tragic events of September 11, 2001,
short term market activity since August 31, 2001 has been highly  volatile,  and
as a result current performance may be less than that shown.

Please see Endnotes for additional information.


they came roaring back, generating  spectacular returns for investors who bought
aggressively  on the way down.  This year, by the time investors  recognized the
extent of the problems facing the technology  industry,  short of going to cash,
it was virtually impossible to get out of harm's way.

         Over the course of the year, we reduced our exposure to  communications
technology,  but not in time to avoid  substantial  losses.  We scaled  back our
commitment  to the  specialty  software  sector,  which  we (and  many  industry
analysts)  had  mistakenly  believed  would be less  vulnerable  to an  economic
contraction - but again, not in time to escape  significant  damage. We added to
positions  in  "safe  technology,"  companies  such  as  Microsoft,  PeopleSoft,
Peregrine,  and Citrix,  which are upgrading  products for large  installed user
bases. The first three have declined,  but only modestly, and Citrix has shown a
slight gain.

         As we write,  we are  coming to grips  emotionally  with the  terrorist
attacks on America  and are  diligently  assessing  the impact on the economy in
general and the technology sector in particular.  We strongly believe technology
will  prove   essential,   not  only  in  enhancing  our  defense  and  security
capabilities,   but  also  in  providing  the  necessary  back-up  for  critical
information  systems  and  communications  networks.  Overall,  we believe  that
technology  spending would have recovered - along with the economy - without any
additional factors.  The crisis may in fact stimulate technology spending sooner
rather than later.  In addition,  we believe the Federal  Reserve's  and federal
government's  response to this tragedy may hasten a  broader-based  economic and
market recovery.


                                   /S/ JENNIFER K. SILVER
                                   Jennifer K. Silver
                                   Portfolio Management Team Leader

                                                  RUSSELL 1000(R)
                           INVESTOR CLASS(3)            GROWTH(2)     S&P 500(2)
1 YEAR                          (70.24%)             (45.32%)           (24.38%)
LIFE OF FUND                    (53.24%)             (33.14%)           (15.89%)
INCEPTION DATE                05/01/2000



                                Century Fund Investor Class       Russell 1000 Growth                S&P 500
              5/1/2000                      10,000                         10,000                     10,000
             5/31/2000                       8,700                          9,497                      9,795
             8/31/2000                      12,160                         10,677                     10,493
            11/30/2000                       7,010                          7,852                      9,117
             2/28/2001                       5,253                          6,749                      8,622
             5/31/2001                       4,542                          6,675                      8,762
             8/31/2001                       3,619                          5,838                      7,935

VALUE AS OF 8/31/01

Century Fund Investor Class                                  $3,619
Russell 1000 Growth                                          $5,838
S&P 500                                                      $7,935

         This charts show the value of a hypothetical  $10,000 investment in the
Fund over the past 10 fiscal years, or since the Fund's inception, if it has not
operated for 10 years.  The graphs are based on the Investor  Class shares only;
performance of other classes will vary due to differences in fee structures (see
Average  Annual  Total  Return  chart  above).   The  result  is  compared  with
benchmarks,  which may  include a  broad-based  market  index and or a  narrower
index.  Please note that market  indexes do not  include  expenses.  All results
include the  reinvestment of dividends and capital gain  distributions.  Results
represent past performance and do not indicate future results.

- -------------------

1.    "Total Return"  includes  reinvestment of all income dividends and capital
      gain distributions. Results represent past performance and do not indicate
      future  results.  The value of an investment in the Fund and the return on
      the investment both will fluctuate,  and redemption proceeds may be higher
      or lower than an investor's original cost.

2.    Please see "Glossary of Indices" for a description of indices. Please note
      that  indices do not take into  account any fees and expenses of investing
      in the individual  securities that they track, and that individuals cannot
      invest directly in any index.  Data about the performance of these indices
      are prepared or obtained by  Management  and include  reinvestment  of all
      dividends  and capital  gain  distributions.  The Funds may invest in many
      securities not included in the above-described indices.

3.    Expense Caps or Waivers;  Absent these arrangements,  which are subject to
      change,  the total returns for these periods would have been less.  Please


      see  the  notes  to the  financial  statements  for  specific  information
      regarding which funds and which classes  currently have a portion of their
      operating expenses absorbed by NB Management.

         a.       NBMI currently absorbs certain operating expenses.

- -------------------
            S&P 500 Index:     The S&P  500  Index  is  widely  regarded  as the
                               standard  for  measuring   large-cap  U.S.  stock
                               markets'     performance     and    includes    a
                               representative  sample of  leading  companies  in
                               leading industries.

Russell 1000(R) Growth Index:  Measures the  performance of the Russell  1000(R)
                               companies  with higher  price-to-book  ratios and
                               higher forecasted growth values.

Please note that  indices do not take into  account any fees and expenses of the
individual  securities  that  they  track  and that  individuals  cannot  invest
directly in any index.  Data about the performance of these indices are prepared
or obtained  by NB  Management  and include  reinvestment  of all  dividend  and
capital gain  distributions.  The Funds may invest in securities not included in
the above-described indices.


                                                                    APPENDIX C-2


                    TO SHAREHOLDERS DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2002)

                                  APPENDIX C-2

- ----------------------------------

         The first half of fiscal  2002 was a  difficult  period  for  large-cap
growth stocks.  Although leading market indices made substantial  progress after
bottoming in the weeks  following  the  September 11 terrorist  attacks,  growth
continued to lag value by a significant  margin.  However, we expect the economy
and growth-stock earnings to regain momentum in the year ahead.

         Technology continued to be the Achilles' heel of growth stock investors
and the Century portfolio. We were modestly overweighted in the tech sector and,
overall,  our  technology  holdings  underperformed  the tech  component  of the
Russell  1000 Growth Index  benchmark.  We believe this is largely a function of
our owning tech stocks with a history of faster growth, which were punished more
severely  for  earnings   shortfalls.   With  the  exception  of  communications
technology (where we have very limited exposure),  we think technology is on the
road to recovery.  Going forward, we expect the sector to benefit  substantially
from "easy" quarterly earnings  comparisons,  particularly in the second half of
calendar 2002.

         Our utilities holdings, primarily power generator/energy trader Dynegy,
also  disappointed.  Although we believe Dynegy will ultimately  profit from the
demise of its leading  competitor,  Enron,  the stock was tainted by uncertainty
created by Enron's  collapse.  The Enron debacle also took its toll on Tyco, our
worst-performing stock in the first half of fiscal 2002. We think Tyco is a good
company,  but its complex financials and lack of earnings  transparency  spooked
investors in the wake of the Enron accounting scandal. We were also disappointed
in the company's  decision to break itself into four pieces.  We eliminated both
positions from our portfolio.

         Healthcare was the brightest spot in the Century portfolio, with stable
earners  such as Pfizer and  Johnson & Johnson  making our  top-ten  performance
list.  Consumer stocks,  most notably  discount  retailer Target Corp. and Kraft
Foods, also contributed to performance.  We continue to favor select discounters
such as Target and Costco, which we expect to benefit from the troubles of their
competitor,  Kmart.  We have  also  invested  in Best Buy,  a  leading  consumer
electronics  discounter,  whose sales and earnings we expect to accelerate  with
the  growing  popularity  of new digital  products.  Slot  machine  manufacturer
International  Game  Technology  was  another  big  gainer,  on strong  earnings
augmented by its acquisition of Anchor Gaming.

                                     -C-1 -

         Strategically,   we  are   modestly   shifting   our   bias   from  the
"steady-Eddie"  earners  that  have  done so well  over  the  last  year to more
economically sensitive growth stocks that we believe will outperform in the year
ahead.  Economic data released  shortly after the end of this  reporting  period
indicate we have emerged from a mild recession and are in the early stages of an
economic recovery,  which we expect to gain momentum in the second half of 2002.
In his most recent testimony to Congress,  the normally reserved Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan was surprisingly upbeat regarding the economy.

         While this very  probably  signals an end to a long  series of Fed rate
cuts,  we believe  that  interest  rates will remain low and continue to sustain
consumer spending. In most industries, inventories have been depleted and we are
beginning to see "demand pull"  generate  increased  manufacturing  activity and
business  investment.  Extensive  cost  cutting and improved  productivity  have
substantially  lowered  corporate  break-even  points.   Consequently,   revenue
increases should magnify profits.

         Going  forward,  we  expect  to  benefit  from what we refer to as "The
Pendulum  Effect."  During periods in which the economy is slowing,  Wall Street
analysts  never  seem to be able to reduce  earnings  estimates  fast  enough to
reflect  the  changing  economic  reality.  During  periods  when the economy is
accelerating,  they can't seem to raise estimates fast enough. Last year, we saw
a record number of earnings disappointments. In the year ahead, we think we will
experience a greater number of pleasant  earnings  surprises.  Since we focus on
companies we believe are capable of beating Wall Street earnings estimates, this
could be a much more productive environment for our discipline.

         In closing, growth has been "out" and value has been "in" over the last
couple of years.  We are reminded  that just two years ago (after  approximately
five years of exceptional growth stock performance),  almost everyone was in the
growth camp and value  investing had been declared dead.  Today,  the reverse is
true.  Taking  nothing  away from our  value-investing  colleagues  at Neuberger
Berman,  we are  committed  to the growth style and believe that over the longer
term,  owning companies that  consistently  grow earnings faster than the market
average produces superior investment returns.


                                   /S/ BROOKE A. COBB
                                   Brooke A. Cobb
                                   Portfolio Manager

                                     -C-2 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                       PERIOD ENDED         RETURN ENDED 3/31/02
                                                          2/28/2002         1 YEAR  LIFE OF FUND
INVESTOR CLASS3B                      12/06/1999            (3.85%)       (5.76%)     (16.67%)
RUSSELL 1000 GROWTH INDEX2                                  (2.41%)       (2.00%)     (17.68%)
S&P 500 INDEX2                                              (1.67%)        0.24%      (8.00%)

The  composition,  industries  and  holdings  of the Fund are subject to change.
Century Fund is invested in a wide array of stocks and no single  holding  makes
up more than a small fraction of the Fund's total assets.

Please see Endnotes for additional information.

                                     -C-3 -

- -------------------------------------

         The first half of 2002 was an  up-and-down  period  for the  technology
sector  and the  Fund.  Technology  industry  fundamentals  had  been  improving
modestly  prior to the  tragic  events of  September  11, and tech  stocks  were
beginning to show signs of  recovery.  Then,  tech  spending was put on the back
burner for nearly a month as everyone  struggled to assess terrorism's damage to
the economy and  individual  businesses.  In November and  December,  demand for
technology  products firmed up again, and tech stocks rallied.  However,  at the
beginning of calendar 2002,  investors  became  increasingly  skeptical that the
nascent recovery was for real, and tech stocks swooned before  rebounding in the
last week of February.

         There  were  a few  bright  spots  in  the  portfolio.  Our  healthcare
investments,  primarily  biotech and most notably  Imclone,  posted  gains.  Our
commitments to  data-storage-related  stocks such as Emulex,  Network Appliance,
and Veritas also contributed,  as investors focused on the importance of backing
up data,  following  the  September  11 tragedy.  Although we have  trimmed some
positions in  storage-related  stocks,  we think the long-term  outlook is still
relatively favorable. Our post-9/11 investments in wireless stocks such as Nokia
and RF MicroDevices (a Nokia supplier) performed well immediately  following the
tragedy,  as  demand  for  handsets  surged  temporarily.  We  closed  out these
positions before demand flattened again, with consumers  postponing purchases to
wait for the next generation of cellular products with Internet  capabilities to
come to market.

         Our discouragingly long list of losing stocks reflects the poor tone of
the tech stock market in general;  it includes stocks we either bought too early
or which failed to live up to our fundamental expectations.  We remain committed
to the former and have liquidated the latter.

         Understandably,  in view of the Fund's  82.2%  average  tech  weighting
during the six months versus the 28.8% information  technology  component of the
Russell 1000 Growth  Index,  we  underperformed  our benchmark by a wide margin.
However, we also underperformed most purer technology indices.  This was largely
a  result  of  our  decision  in  early  November  to  significantly  overweight
semiconductors   and  software,   the  two  most  economically   sensitive  tech
sub-sectors. We believe our investment rationale was correct, but our timing was
poor. It hurt us badly in the  January/early  February  period,  when  investors
began to question whether the economic  recovery was for real and began worrying
about the  potential for a "double dip"  recession.  Economic data released near
the end of February eased investors'  concerns,  and  semiconductor and software
stocks took off - unfortunately  too late to have much of a favorable  impact on
the first-half 2002 returns.  Interestingly,  if this six-month reporting period
were to be  stretched  out to include the first two weeks of March,  performance
would be considerably better.

         Why  did  we  overweight  semiconductors  and  software?  Historically,
semiconductor stocks outperform in the early stages of an economic recovery. The
semiconductor  industry has become very adept at lowering cost structures during
periods of weak demand.  So, when demand  improves,  these  companies  generally
enjoy a huge  expansion in profit  margins and a surge in  earnings.  We believe
qualify  semiconductor  stocks will post impressive earnings gains over the next

                                     -C-4 -

         Our  commitment  to  software  stocks  resulted  from  our  talks  with
corporate  information  technology (IT) officers regarding their top priorities.
The  overwhelming  majority  wanted to do more with less.  In other words,  they
wanted to  maximize  the  efficiency  of  existing  systems  through  relatively
inexpensive and cost-effective  software upgrades,  rather than buy new systems.
Now that the economic dust has settled somewhat, we expect IT officers to follow
through with these plans,  providing a nice boost to software company  earnings.
At the end of this  reporting  period,  semiconductor-related  stocks  comprised
37.6% of portfolio assets and software stocks,  36.2%.  This compares to a 31.6%
weighting  in  semiconductors   and  a  32.8%  weighting  in  software  for  the
technology-only  component of the Russell 1000 Growth  Index.  If these  stocks'
recent performance is any indication,  these  overweightings  should work to our
advantage on an absolute and relative basis going forward.


                                   /S/ JENNIFER K. SILVER
                                   Jennifer K. Silver
                                   Portfolio Management Team Leader

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              PERIOD ENDED          RETURN ENDED 3/31/02
                                                                 2/28/2002        1 YEAR    LIFE OF FUND
INVESTOR CLASS3B                         05/01/2000               (15.51%)       (14.79%)     (42.95%)
RUSSELL 1000 GROWTH INDEX2                                         (2.41%)       (2.00%)      (24.09%)
S&P 500 INDEX2                                                     (1.67%)        0.24%       (10.43%)


The composition, industries and holdings of the Portfolio are subject to change.
Technology  Fund is  invested  in a wide array of stocks  and no single  holding
makes up more than a small fraction of the fund's total assets.

Please see Endnotes for additional information.

                                     -C-5 -


1.       "Total  Return"  includes  reinvestment  of all  income  dividends  and
         capital gain  distributions.  Results represent past performance and do
         not indicate future results. The value of an investment in the Fund and
         the  return on the  investment  both  will  fluctuate,  and  redemption
         proceeds may be higher or lower than an investor's original cost.

2.       Please see "Glossary of Indices" for a description  of indices.  Please
         note that  indices do not take into  account  any fees and  expenses of
         investing  in the  individual  securities  that  they  track,  and that
         individuals  cannot  invest  directly  in any  index.  Data  about  the
         performance of these indices are prepared or obtained by Management and
         include  reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain  distributions.
         The  Funds  may  invest  in  many   securities   not  included  in  the
         above-described indices.

3.       Expense Caps or Waivers:  Absent these arrangements,  which are subject
         to change,  the total  returns for these  periods would have been less.
         Please  see  the  notes  to  the  financial   statements  for  specific
         information  regarding  which funds and which classes  currently have a
         portion of their operating expenses absorbed by NBMI.

         a.       NBMI currently absorbs certain operating expenses.

                                     -C-6 -

- -------------------
                   S&P 500 INDEX:  The S&P 500 Index is widely  regarded  as the
                                   standard for measuring  large-cap  U.S. stock
                                   markets'    performance    and   includes   a
                                   representative sample of leading companies in
                                   leading industries.

     RUSSELL 1000(R)GROWTH INDEX:  Measures  the   performance  of  the  Russell
                                   1000(R)companies  with  higher  price-to-book
                                   ratios and higher forecasted growth values.

Please note that  indices do not take into  account any fees and expenses of the
individual  securities  that  they  track  and that  individuals  cannot  invest
directly in any index.  Data about the performance of these indices are prepared
or obtained by Neuberger Berman Management, Inc. and include reinvestment of all
dividends and capital gain distributions. The Funds may invest in securities not
included in the above-described indices.

                                     -C-7 -

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
                          NEUBERGER BERMAN CENTURY FUND

                           605 THIRD AVENUE, 2ND FLOOR
                          NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10158-0180

                               DATED JUNE 3, 2002

         This Statement of Additional  Information ("SAI") relates  specifically
to the  reorganization of Neuberger Berman  Technology Fund ("Technology  Fund")
into Neuberger  Berman Century Fund ("Century  Fund"),  whereby  Technology Fund
will transfer  substantially all of its assets to Century Fund, and shareholders
in  Technology  Fund will  receive  Investor  Class shares of Century  Fund,  in
exchange for their Investor Class shares of Technology  Fund.  This Statement of
Additional  Information  consists of the  information  set forth  herein and the
following described documents, each of which is incorporated by reference herein
(legally forms a part of the SAI):

         (1)      The audited  financial  statements of Neuberger Berman Century
                  Fund and Neuberger Berman Technology Fund (series of Neuberger
                  Berman  Equity  Funds)   included  in  the  Annual  Report  to
                  Shareholders  of Neuberger  Berman Equity Funds for the fiscal
                  year  ended  August  31,  2001,  previously  filed  on  EDGAR,
                  Accession Number 0000898432-01-500389.

         (2)      The unaudited financial statements of Neuberger Berman Century
                  Fund and Neuberger Berman Technology Fund (series of Neuberger
                  Berman Equity  Funds)  included in the  Semi-Annual  Report to
                  Shareholders  of Neuberger  Berman Equity Funds for the fiscal
                  year  ended  February  28,  2002,  previously  filed on EDGAR,
                  Accession Number 0000898432-02-000301.

         (3)      The Statement of Additional  Information  of Neuberger  Berman
                  Equity Funds,  dated  December 17, 2001,  previously  filed on
                  EDGAR, Accession Number 0000898432-01-500518.

         This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus and should
be read only in conjunction with the Prospectus and Information  Statement dated
June 3, 2002 relating to the  above-referenced  matter. A copy of the Prospectus
and Information Statement may be obtained by calling Neuberger Berman Management
Inc. at 800-877-9700.


         The table below shows the average  annual total return for Century Fund
and Technology Fund for the fiscal period ended February 28.


                     Average Annual Total Returns(1)
Investor Class                                    Periods Ended 2/28/2002
                        One Year         Five Years          Ten Years        Period from Inception(2)

CENTURY                 (23.87%)             N/A                N/A                   (18.96%)
TECHNOLOGY              (41.79%)             N/A                N/A                   (47.61%)

(1)      Through  December 15, 2000, the Investor Class of each of the Funds was
         a feeder fund in a master/feeder  structure.  Performance results prior
         to 12/16/00  represent the  performance  of each Investor  Class Fund's
         predecessor feeder fund, which had an identical  investment program and
         the same overall fees as the corresponding Investor Class Fund.

(2)      The inception dates of the Investor Class of each Fund were as follows:
         Neuberger Berman CENTURY Fund,  12/6/99 and Neuberger Berman TECHNOLOGY
         Fund, 5/1/00.

                           NOTES TO PRO FORMA COMBINED
                        FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED)

         The accompanying  unaudited Pro Forma Combined  Schedule of Investments
and  Statements  of Assets and  Liabilities  as of February 28, 2002 and the Pro
Forma  Combined  unaudited  Statements  of  Operations  for the six months ended
February  28,  2002,  and the year ended August 31, 2002 are intended to present
the financial  condition and related  results of operations of Neuberger  Berman
Century Fund ("Century  Fund") as if the  reorganization  with Neuberger  Berman
Technology Fund ("Technology  Fund") had been consummated on that date.  Certain
expenses have been  adjusted to reflect the expected  operations of the combined

         Certain  expenses will be reduced due to the  elimination  of duplicate
services. Under the Plan of Reorganization and Termination,  each Fund will bear
its own costs  associated with the  Reorganization,  which are expected to total
approximately $10,000. It is expected that Neuberger Berman Management Inc. will
bear  these  costs  persuant  to  contractual  expense  reimbursemen  agreements
described in the section  entitled  "Fees and Expenses" in the  Prospectus/Proxy
Statement.  The pro forma  combined  financial  statements  reflect  the current
expense cap of Century Fund,  1.50% of the average daily net assets of the Fund,
which  will  continue  to be  the  expense  cap  for  that  Fund  following  the

         The pro forma  combined  financial  statements  are  presented  for the
information of the reader and may not necessarily be  representative of what the
actual  combined  financial  statements  would have been had the  Reorganization
occurred at February  28,  2002.  The pro forma  combined  financial  statements
should  be read in  conjunction  with  the  separate  annual  audited  financial
statements  of  the  constituent  Funds  incorporated  by  reference  into  this
Statement of Additional Information.

- ------------------------------------------


    CENTURY      TECHNOLOGY                                                    CENTURY           TECHNOLOGY            PRO FORMA
       FUND            FUND                                                       FUND                 FUND             COMBINED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       NUMBER OF SHARES                                                   MARKET VALUE         MARKET VALUE         MARKET VALUE
                                                                        (000'S OMITTED)      (000'S OMITTED)      (000'S OMITTED)

       3,500        2,500  IDEC Pharmaceuticals                                   $220                 $157                 $377

       2,200               FedEx Corp.                                             127                                       127
       4,000               Affiliated Computer Services                            196                                       196
       8,200               Concord EFS                                             246                                       246
      10,400               SunGard Data Systems                                    321                                       321
                                                                                   763                                       763


      15,600               General Electric                                        601                                       601

       7,300               Brocade Communications Systems                                               161                  161
      15,800       11,925  Cisco Systems                                           225                  170                  395
       5,200               Emulex Corp.                                                                 169                  169
       1,900               L-3 Communications Holdings                             209                                       209
      14,000               Viewpoint Corp.                                                               77                   77
                                                                                   434                  577                1,011
      15,900       10,000  Sun Microsystems                                        135                   85                  220

       1,300               CDW Computer Centers                                                          69                   69

       4,375               International Game Technology                           295                                       295

       5,600               Masco Corp.                                             157                                       157

       4,000               Artisan Components                                                            53                   53
       5,000               Broadcom Corp.                                                               153                  153
       8,125               Integrated Device Technology                                                 208                  208
       3,600               KLA-Tencor                                                                   208                  208
       3,900               LTX Corp.                                                                     84                   84
       3,400               Microtune, Inc.                                                               39                   39
       5,700               PMC-Sierra                                                                    83                   83
       4,800               Power-One                                                                     34                   34
       5,900               Teradyne, Inc.                                                               198                  198
                                                                                                      1,060                 1060

ENERGY (0.6%)
       3,200               El Paso Corp.                                           125                                       125

       3,200               American International Group                            237                                       237
       7,500               Citigroup Inc.                                          339                                       339
       4,500               Freddie Mac                                             287                                       287
       3,400               Household International                                 175                                       175
       3,100               Lehman Brothers Holdings                                175                                       175
       1,200               Prudential Financial                                     37                                        37
                                                                                 1,250                                      1250

       4,200               Anheuser-Busch                                          214                                       214
       7,200               Kraft Foods                                             281                                       281
       6,200               PepsiCo, Inc.                                           313                                       313
                                                                                   808                                       808

       5,000               IBM                                                     491                                       491
       8,900               Network Appliance                                                            142                  142
                                                                                   491                  142                  633

       4,500               Abbott Laboratories                                     254                                       254
       2,800               AmerisourceBergen Corp.                                 190                                       190
       5,200               Amgen Inc.                                              301                                       301
       1,300               Cephalon, Inc.                                                                76                   76
       2,500               Eli Lilly                                               189                                       189
       5,700               Express Scripts                                         295                                       295
       3,200               Forest Laboratories                                     254                                       254
       3,700               Genentech, Inc.                                         175                                       175
       2,400               Gilead Sciences                                                              169                  169
       2,700               Guidant Corp.                                           115                                       115
       8,354               Johnson & Johnson                                       509                                       509
       1,100               Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings                     90                                        90
      16,225               Pfizer Inc.                                             665                                       665
       5,700               Pharmacia Corp.                                         234                                       234
       2,000               Quest Diagnostics                                       142                                       142
       4,900               Wyeth                                                   311                                       311
                                                                                 3,724                  245                3,969

       1,700               XL Capital                                              162                                       162

       3,875        3,200  eBay Inc.                                               202                  167                  369
       6,300               Internet Security Systems                                                    149                  149
       4,250               Intuit Inc.                                                                  161                  161
       6,900               KPMG Consulting                                                              121                  121
       4,400               Network Associates                                                           104                  104
       3,000               Websense, Inc.                                                                67                   67
      10,000               Yahoo! Inc.                                                                  145                  145
                                                                                   202                  914                 1116

MEDIA (1.7%)
       1,800               Electronic Arts                                                               97                   97
       6,000               Viacom Inc. Class B                                     279                                       279
                                                                                   279                   97                  376
OIL & GAS (0.8%)
       4,600               Talisman Energy                                         174                                       174

RETAIL (6.0%)
       3,700               Best Buy                                                250                                       250
       6,600               Costco Wholesale                                        272                                       272
       5,900               Home Depot                                              295                                       295
       8,800               Target Corp.                                            369                                       369
       4,100               Walgreen Co.                                            165                                       165
                                                                                 1,351                                      1351

      18,000        4,950  Intel Corp.                                             514                  141                  655
       7,675               Intersil Corp.                                          210                                       210
       3,500               Linear Technology                                                            129                  129
       4,100               Maxim Integrated Products                                                    188                  188
       1,900               Microchip Technology                                                          65                   65
       6,500               Micron Technology                                                            209                  209
      20,500       15,900  Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing ADR                  333                  258                  591
      11,000        6,900  Texas Instruments                                       323                  202                  525
       6,100               Xilinx Inc.                                                                  219                  219
                                                                                 1,380                1,411                2,791

SOFTWARE (13.3%)
       4,700               Adobe Systems                                                                171                  171
      11,500               BMC Software                                                                 185                  185
      13,400               Borland Software                                                             184                  184
       7,200        9,600  Mercury Interactive                                     244                  325                  569
       9,800        4,500  Microsoft Corp.                                         572                  263                  835
       2,100               Precise Software Solutions                                                    44                   44
       5,000               Rational Software                                                             93                   93
      10,200        6,800  Siebel Systems                                          283                  189                  472
       5,700        7,000  VERITAS Software                                        202                  248                  450
                                                                                 1,301                1,702                3,003

       8,800        8,800  Dell Computer                                           217                  217                  434
       4,800               Flextronics International                                                     69                   69
                                                                                   217                  286                  503

       7,300               Cadence Design Systems                                  154                                       154
       2,150        3,150  NVIDIA Corp.                                            110                  161                  271
                                                                                   264                  161                  425

       5,400               Cox Communications                                      199                                       199

       7,800               Southwest Airlines                                      165                                       165

(COST $14,585, $7,255, AND $21,840 RESPECTIVELY)                                14,824                6,906               21,730


  $1,653,615     $517,960  N&B Securities Lending Quality Fund, LLC              1,654                  518                2,172
     460,081               Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash
                              Fund Trust Class                                     460                                       460

                           TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS
                           (COST $2,114, $518, AND                 -------------------------------------------------------------
                              $2,632 RESPECTIVELY)                               2,114                  518                2,632

                           TOTAL INVESTMENTS (108.1%)
                           (COST $16,699, $7,773, AND
                              $24,472 RESPECTIVELY)                             16,938                7,424               24,362
                           Liabilities, less cash, receivables
                              and other assets [(8.1%)]                         (1,582)                (252)              (1,834)
                           TOTAL NET ASSETS (100.0%)                           $15,356               $7,172              $22,528


         STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES             Adjustments
                        Technology's Net Assets      7,172
                            Century's NAV/share       6.26
Century shares Technology shareholders received      1,146
                Technology's Shares Outstanding      2,353
                              Adjustment Needed     (1,207)


                                                   Class 1
Average Net Assets for the period               16,951,986 Century
Average Net Assets for the period                8,689,558 Technology
             Combined Investment Management Fee    141,028
  Annualized Combined Investment Management Fee     69,935
                              Adjustment needed        (17)

NET ASSETS USING MARKET VALUE                   15,356,043 Century
NET ASSETS USING MARKET VALUE                    7,171,875 Technology
                        per Custodian Agreement     0.075% $0-$20m net assets
                        per Custodian Agreement     0.037% $20m-$100m net assets
                        Under $20m differential      1,741
                         Over $20m differential        468
                         Century Custodian Fees     20,087
                        Combined Custodian Fees     22,296
                              Adjustment needed        (16)


Investment Management Adjustment
                                                   Class 1    Class 2
Average Net Assets for the period               27,360,945  1,451,472 Century
Average Net Assets for the period               16,147,260  1,469,040 Technology
                                                43,508,205  2,920,512
                       Total Average Net Assets 46,428,717
             Combined Investment Management Fee    255,358
                              Adjustment needed        (52)

Custodian Adjustment
NET ASSETS USING MARKET VALUE                   18,547,946 Century
NET ASSETS USING MARKET VALUE                    9,894,975 Technology
                        per Custodian Agreement     0.075% $0-$20m net assets
                        per Custodian Agreement     0.037% $20m-$100m net assets
                        Under $20m differential      1,089
                         Over $20m differential      3,124
                         Century Custodian Fees     47,682
                        Combined Custodian Fees     51,895
                              Adjustment needed        (42)

Trustees Adjustment
15 Trustees * meeting fees of
   7500 * 4 meetings                            450,000.00
15 Trustees * quarterly fees of 10000
* 4 meetings                                    600,000.00
Total Fees                                    1,050,000.00
                            divided by 27 funds  38,888.89
                              Adjustment needed        (19)

Trustees Adjustment
15 Trustees*meeting fees of 7500*4 meetings        450,000
15 Trustees*quarterly fees of 10000*4 meetings     600,000
Total Fees                                       1,050,000
                            divided by 27 funds     38,889
              Annualized Combined Trustees Fees     19,285
                              Adjustment needed        (23)

                                                   NEUBERGER BERMAN FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2002 (UNAUDITED)


                                                                             CENTURY   TECHNOLOGY                      PRO FORMA
(000's omitted)                                                                FUND          FUND    ADJUSTMENTS (1)    COMBINED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment Income


Dividend income                                                            $     44     $       1                      $      45
Interest income                                                                   9             7                             16
Total income                                                                     53             8              -              61


Investment management fee                                                        48            39            (17) (2+3)       70
Administration fee                                                               23            12                             35
Shareholder servicing agent fees                                                 25            23            (13)  (2)        35
Auditing fees                                                                     8             8             (8)  (2)         8
Custodian fees                                                                   20            18            (16) (2+3)       22
Legal fees                                                                       14            17            (17)  (2)        14
Registration and filing fees                                                     40            28            (28)  (2)        40
Shareholder reports                                                              13            13            (13)  (2)        13
Trustees' fees and expenses                                                      21            21            (23) (2+3)       19
Miscellaneous                                                                     -             2             (2)  (2)         -
Total expenses                                                                  212           181           (136)            257

Expenses reimbursed by administrator and/or reduced by custodian fee
       expense offset arrangement                                              (82)          (88)             88  (4)        (82)
Total net expenses                                                              130            93            (48)            175
Net investment income (loss)                                                    (77)          (85)            48            (114)

Net realized gain (loss) on investment securities sold                       (3,220)       (2,029)                        (5,249)
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in value of:
       Investment securities                                                  2,802           855                          3,657
Net gain (loss) on investments                                                 (418)       (1,174)             -          (1,592)
NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS            $   (495)    $  (1,259)            48       $  (1,706)

     1 The adjustments assume that Century Fund has obtained all the shareholder accounts and assets of Technology Fund.

     2 Certain  expenses  have been reduced due to the elimination of partially duplicative services.

     3 Certain expenses, which are  determined on a per trust basis or on a sliding scale based upon net assets, have been adjusted
       to reflect the combination of Century Fund and Technology Fund.

     4 Reflects expenses of Technology  Fund that were reimbursed by the administrator  and/or  reduced by the custodian fee
          expense offset arrangement.

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
                                    FORM N-14

                                     PART C

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Item 15.    Indemnification.
- -------     ---------------

         A Delaware business trust may provide in its governing instrument for
indemnification of its officers and trustees from and against any and all claims
and demands whatsoever. Article IX, Section 2 of the Trust Instrument provides
that the Registrant shall indemnify any present or former trustee, officer,
employee or agent of the Registrant ("Covered Person") to the fullest extent
permitted by law against liability and all expenses reasonably incurred or paid
by him or her in connection with any claim, action, suit or proceeding
("Action") in which he or she becomes involved as a party or otherwise by virtue
of his or her being or having been a Covered Person and against amounts paid or
incurred by him or her in settlement thereof. Indemnification will not be
provided to a person adjudged by a court or other body to be liable to the
Registrant or its shareholders by reason of "willful misfeasance, bad faith,
gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of
his office" ("Disabling Conduct"), or not to have acted in good faith in the
reasonable belief that his or her action was in the best interest of the
Registrant. In the event of a settlement, no indemnification may be provided
unless there has been a determination that the officer or trustee did not engage
in Disabling Conduct (i) by the court or other body approving the settlement;
(ii) by at least a majority of those trustees who are neither interested
persons, as that term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 ("1940
Act"), of the Registrant ("Independent Trustees"), nor parties to the matter
based upon a review of readily available facts; or (iii) by written opinion of
independent legal counsel based upon a review of readily available facts.

         Pursuant to Article IX, Section 3 of the Trust Instrument, if any
present or former shareholder of any series ("Series") of the Registrant shall
be held personally liable solely by reason of his or her being or having been a
shareholder and not because of his or her acts or omissions or for some other
reason, the present or former shareholder (or his or her heirs, executors,
administrators or other legal representatives or in the case of any entity, its
general successor) shall be entitled out of the assets belonging to the
applicable Series to be held harmless from and indemnified against all loss and
expense arising from such liability. The Registrant, on behalf of the affected
Series, shall, upon request by such shareholder, assume the defense of any claim
made against such shareholder for any act or obligation of the Series and
satisfy any judgment thereon from the assets of the Series.

         Section 9 of the Management Agreements between Neuberger Berman
Management Inc. ("NB Management") and Equity Managers Trust and Global Managers
Trust (Equity Managers Trust and Global Managers Trust are collectively referred
to as the "Managers Trusts") provide that neither NB Management nor any
director, officer or employee of NB Management performing services for the
series of the Managers Trusts at the direction or request of NB Management in
connection with NB Management's discharge of its obligations under the
Agreements shall be liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for
any loss suffered by a series in connection with any matter to which the
Agreements relates; provided, that nothing in the Agreements shall be construed
(i) to protect NB Management against any liability to the Managers Trusts or any
series thereof or their interest holders to which NB Management would otherwise
be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross negligence in
the performance of its duties, or by reason of NB Management's reckless
disregard of its obligations and duties under the Agreements, or (ii) to protect
any director, officer or employee of NB Management who is or was a trustee or
officer of the Managers Trusts against any liability to the Managers Trusts or
any series thereof or its interest holders to which such person would otherwise
be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or
reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of such person's office
with Managers Trusts.

         Section 1 of the Sub-Advisory Agreements between NB Management and
Neuberger Berman, LLC ("Neuberger Berman") with respect to the Managers Trusts
provides that, in the absence of willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross
negligence in the performance of its duties or of reckless disregard of its

duties and obligations under the Agreement, Neuberger Berman will not be subject
to any liability or any act or omission or any loss suffered by any series of
the Managers Trusts or their interest holders in connection with the matters to
which the Agreements relate.

         Section 12 of the Administration Agreement between the Registrant and
NB Management provides that NB Management will not be liable to the Registrant
for any action taken or omitted to be taken by NB Management or its employees,
agents or contractors in carrying out the provisions of the Agreement if such
action was taken or omitted in good faith and without negligence or misconduct
on the part of NB Management, or its employees, agents or contractors. Section
13 of the Administration Agreement provides that the Registrant shall indemnify
NB Management and hold it harmless from and against any and all losses, damages
and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, incurred by NB
Management that result from: (i) any claim, action, suit or proceeding in
connection with NB Management's entry into or performance of the Agreement; or
(ii) any action taken or omission to act committed by NB Management in the
performance of its obligations under the Agreement; or (iii) any action of NB
Management upon instructions believed in good faith by it to have been executed
by a duly authorized officer or representative of a Series; provided, that NB
Management will not be entitled to such indemnification in respect of actions or
omissions constituting negligence or misconduct on the part of NB Management, or
its employees, agents or contractors. Amounts payable by the Registrant under
this provision shall be payable solely out of assets belonging to that Series,
and not from assets belonging to any other Series of the Registrant. Section 14
of the Administration Agreement provides that NB Management will indemnify the
Registrant and hold it harmless from and against any and all losses, damages and
expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, incurred by the
Registrant that result from: (i) NB Management's failure to comply with the
terms of the Agreement; or (ii) NB Management's lack of good faith in performing
its obligations under the Agreement; or (iii) the negligence or misconduct of NB
Management, or its employees, agents or contractors in connection with the
Agreement. The Registrant shall not be entitled to such indemnification in
respect of actions or omissions constituting negligence or misconduct on the
part of the Registrant or its employees, agents or contractors other than NB
Management, unless such negligence or misconduct results from or is accompanied
by negligence or misconduct on the part of NB Management, any affiliated person
of NB Management, or any affiliated person of an affiliated person of NB

         Section 11 of the Distribution Agreement between the Registrant and NB
Management provides that NB Management shall look only to the assets of a Series
for the Registrant's performance of the Agreement by the Registrant on behalf of
such Series, and neither the Trustees nor any of the Registrant's officers,
employees or agents, whether past, present or future, shall be personally liable

         Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities
Act of 1933 ("1933 Act") may be permitted to trustees, officers and controlling
persons of the Registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise,
the Registrant has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed
in the 1933 Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for
indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the
Registrant of expenses incurred or paid by a trustee, officer or controlling
person of the Registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or
proceeding) is asserted by such trustee, officer or controlling person, the
Registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been
settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropriate jurisdiction
the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as
expressed in the 1933 Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such

Item 16.    Exhibits.
- -------     --------

                Exhibit                                                 Description
                Number                                                  -----------
                (1)        (a)         Certificate of Trust.  Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment
                                       No. 70 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                           (b)         Restated Certificate of Trust. Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective
                                       Amendment No. 82 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357
                                       and 811-582.


                Exhibit                                                 Description
                Number                                                  -----------

                           (c)         Trust Instrument of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds.  Incorporated by Reference
                                       to Post-Effective Amendment No. 70 to Registrant's Registration Statement,
                                       File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                           (d)         Schedule A - Current Series of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds. To Be Filed by

                (2)                    By-laws of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds.  Incorporated by Reference to
                                       Post-Effective Amendment No. 70 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File
                                       Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                (3)                    Voting Trust Agreement.  Not Applicable.

                (4)                    Plan of Reorganization.  Filed Herewith as Appendix A to Prospectus and
                                       Information Statement of NB Century Fund.

                (5)        (a)         Trust Instrument of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds, Articles IV, V, and VI.
                                       Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 70 to Registrant's
                                       Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                           (b)         By-Laws of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds, Articles V, VI, and VIII.
                                       Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 70 to Registrant's
                                       Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                (6)        (a)         (i)     Management Agreement Between Equity Funds and Neuberger Berman
                                               Management Inc. Incorporated by Reference to the Registrant's
                                               Registration Statement on Form N-14, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582
                                               (Filed August 2, 2001).

                                       (ii)    Schedule A - Series of Equity Funds Currently Subject to the
                                               Management Agreement. To Be Filed by Amendment.

                                       (iii)   Schedule B - Schedule of Compensation Under the Management Agreement.
                                               Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 101 to
                                               Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                           (b)         (i)     Sub-Advisory Agreement Between Neuberger Berman Management Inc. and
                                               Neuberger Berman, LLC with Respect to Equity Funds.  Incorporated by
                                               Reference to the Registrant's Registration Statement on Form N-14,
                                               File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                                       (ii)    Schedule A - Series of Equity Funds Currently Subject to the
                                               Sub-Advisory Agreement. To Be Filed by Amendment.

                (7)        (a)         Distribution Agreement Between Neuberger Berman Equity Funds and Neuberger
                                       Berman Management Inc. Incorporated by Reference to the Registrant's
                                       Registration Statement on Form N-14, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582 (Filed
                                       August 2, 2001).

                           (b)         Schedule A - Series of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds Currently Subject to the
                                       Distribution Agreement.  To Be Filed by Amendment.

                (8)                    Bonus, Profit Sharing Contracts.  None.


                Exhibit                                                 Description
                Number                                                  -----------

                (9)        (a)         Custodian Contract Between Neuberger Berman Equity Funds and State Street
                                       Bank and Trust Company.  Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective
                                       Amendment No. 74 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357
                                       and 811-582.

                           (b)         Schedule of Compensation under the Custodian Contract. Incorporated by
                                       Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 76 to Registrant's Registration
                                       Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                (10)                    Plan Pursuant to Rule 12b-1.  None.

                (11)                   Opinion and Consent of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP on Securities Matters with
                                       Respect to Neuberger Berman Equity Funds.  Filed Herewith.

                (12)                   Opinion of Counsel Supporting Tax Matters.  To Be Filed by Amendment.

                (13)       (a)         (i)     Transfer Agency and Service Agreement Between Neuberger Berman Equity
                                               Funds and State Street Bank and Trust Company.  Incorporated by
                                               Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 70 to Registrant's
                                               Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                                       (ii)    First Amendment to Transfer Agency and Service Agreement Between
                                               Neuberger Berman Equity Funds and State Street Bank and Trust
                                               Company.  Incorporated by  Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No.
                                               70 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and

                                       (iii)   Second Amendment to Transfer Agency and Service Agreement between
                                               Neuberger Berman Equity Funds and State Street Bank and Trust
                                               Company. Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 77
                                               to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and 811-582.

                                       (iv)    Schedule of Compensation under the Transfer Agency and Service
                                               Agreement. Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No.
                                               76 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and

                           (b)         (i)     Administration Agreement Between Neuberger Berman Equity Funds and
                                               Neuberger Berman Management Inc. Incorporated by Reference to the
                                               Registrant's Registration Statement on Form N-14, File Nos. 2-11357
                                               and 811-582 (Filed August 2, 2001).

                                       (ii)    Schedule A - Series of Neuberger Berman Equity Funds Currently
                                               Subject to the Administration Agreement. To Be Filed by Amendment.

                                       (iii)   Schedule B - Schedule of Compensation Under the Administration
                                               Agreement. Incorporated by Reference to Post-Effective Amendment No.
                                               101 to Registrant's Registration Statement, File Nos. 2-11357 and

                (14)                   Consent of Independent Auditors.  Filed Herewith.


                Exhibit                                                 Description
                Number                                                  -----------

                (15)                   Financial Statements Omitted from Prospectus.  None.

                (16)                   Power of Attorney.  None.

                (17)                   Additional Exhibits.  None.


Item 17. Undertakings.
- -------  ------------

         (1) The undersigned registrant agrees that prior to any public
reoffering of the securities registered through the use of a prospectus which is
a part of this registration statement by any person or party who is deemed to be
an underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act [17 CFR
230.145c], the reoffering prospectus will contain the information called for by
the applicable registration form for reofferings by persons who may be deemed
underwriters, in addition to the information called for by the other items of
the applicable form.

         (2) The undersigned registrant agrees that every prospectus that is
filed under paragraph (1) above will be filed as a part of an amendment to the
registration statement and will not be used until the amendment is effective,
and that, in determining any liability under the 1933 Act, each post-effective
amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement for the securities
offered therein, and the offering of the securities at that time shall be deemed
to be the initial bona fide offering of them.

         (3) The undersigned registrant agrees to file an amendment to the
registration statement, pursuant to Rule 485(b) of Regulation C of the 1933 Act,
for the purpose of including Exhibit 12, Opinion of Counsel Supporting Tax
Matters within a reasonable time after receipt of such Opinion.



      Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
the Registrant,  NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS has duly caused this Registration
Statement  on Form N-14 to be signed on its behalf by the  undersigned,  thereto
duly authorized, in the City and State of New York on the 2nd day of May, 2002.

                        NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS

                        By:   /s/ Michael M. Kassen
                             Michael M. Kassen

      Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
this Registration  Statement on Form N-14 has been signed below by the following
persons in the capacities and on the date indicated.

Signature                           Title                         Date
- ---------                           -----                         ----

/s/ Peter E. Sundman
- --------------------------    Chairman of the Board             May 2, 2002
Peter E. Sundman                and Trustee (Chief              --------------
                                Executive Officer)

 /s/ Michael M. Kassen        President and Trustee             May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Michael M. Kassen

 /s/ Richard Russell          Treasurer (Principal              May 2, 2002
- --------------------------    Financial and Accounting         ---------------
Richard Russell                  Officer)

                       (signatures continued on next page)

Signature                     Title                               Date
- ---------                     -----                               ----

- --------------------------    Trustee                          _______________
John Cannon

 /s/ Faith Colish             Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Faith Colish

 /s/ Walter G. Ehlers         Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Walter G. Ehlers

 /s/ C. Anne Harvey           Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
C. Anne Harvey

 /s/ Barry Hirsh              Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Barry Hirsch

 /s/ Robert A. Kavesh         Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Robert A. Kavesh

- --------------------------    Trustee                          _______________
Howard A. Mileaf

 /s/ Edward I. 'Brien        Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Edward I. O'Brien

Signature                     Title                               Date
- ---------                     -----                               ----

 /s/ John P. Rosenthal        Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
John P. Rosenthal

 /s/ William E. Rulon         Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
William E. Rulon

 /s/ Cornelius T. Ryan        Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Cornelius T. Ryan

 /s/ Tom Decker Seip          Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Tom Decker Seip

 /s/ Candace L. Straight      Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Candace L. Straight

 /s/ Peter P. Trapp           Trustee                           May 2, 2002
- --------------------------                                     ---------------
Peter P. Trapp