EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

        THIS AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement")  effective the 1st day of July,  2002,
entered into by and between Aubrey McAuley,  7811 Kincheon Ct.,  Austin,  Texas,
78749 ("Executive") and Vertical Computer Systems,  Inc. a Delaware  corporation
("the  Company") or any of its  affiliates  ("Affiliates"),  with its  principal
place of business at 6336 Wilshire Blvd.  Los Angeles,  California  90048.  This
Agreement  may be  unilaterally  transferred  to an  affiliate  of the  Company,
without economic detriment to the Employee.


A.    The Company has been  established for the purpose of software  development
      and related Internet business operations; and

B.    The  Company  desires  to  employ   Executive  as  Executive  VP,  Product
      Development and Sales Support and Executive desires to be so employed.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  the  parties  desire  to  memorialize  herein  the  terms  and
conditions of Executive's  employment.  In consideration of the mutual covenants
and promises  contained  herein and other good and valuable  consideration,  the
parties hereby  acknowledge  the receipt and  sufficiency  of which hereto,  the
parties agree as follows:

        1. POSITION.  Executive shall serve as Executive VP, Product Development
and Sales Support upon the terms set forth in this  Agreement.  Executive  shall
have  the  responsibilities  inherent  in  this  position,   including,  without
limitation,  (i)  operational  responsibility  and management for customer sales
support, customer implementation projects, and product research and development,
combining business and technical  perspectives to guide product development such
that Company and product are well positioned to capitalize on the markets of the
future.  Executive shall report to the President,  or as otherwise designated by
the Board of Directors,  and Executive shall perform any other duties reasonably
required by Company's President.

        2. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT.  Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the
term of Executive's  employment  under this Agreement  shall commence on July 1,
2002  and  shall  continue  up to  July  1,  2004  (the  "Term"  or  "Period  of


               3.1 SALARY. The Company shall pay Executive an annual base salary
           of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars  ($120,000.00) during the term
           of Executive's  employment,  payable in accordance with the Company's
           semi-monthly  payroll   disbursement  cycle  ("Base   Compensation").
           Executive's  Base  Compensation  shall be reviewed and increased each
           year during the term of  Executive's  employment,  provided  that the

           Company's performance criteria are achieved as set forth by the Board
           of Directors each year.

               3.2 BONUS.  Executive  shall  receive an annual bonus One Hundred
Twenty (120) days after the end of the  Company's  fiscal year from a pool equal
to five (5)  percent of the Company  taxable  income from the federal tax return
filed before  depreciation.  Executive's share of the bonus pool is equal to the
percentage of his annual base  compensation  to the total  combined  annual base
compensation of all executives of Company in bonus pool.

               3.3.  WARRANTS  AND  ISSUANCE  OF SERIES  "C"  SHARES.  Executive
confirms the receipt of warrants and employee  stock options in 2001 at a strike
price of $0.025 to  purchase  an  aggregate  total of 900,000  shares of Company
common stock.  Both parties  acknowledge and agree that there were 15,000 shares
of Company's  Series C 4%  Cumulative  Convertible  preferred  stock  ("Series C
stock") out of a pool of 15,000 shares of Series C stock that was designated for
former  Enfacet  employees  who are  employed  by Company one (1) year after the
closing  of the sale of  Enfacet  to  Company.  Each  share of Series C stock is
convertible into 400 shares of Company's  common stock. In consideration  and as
incentive for  Executive to execute this  Employment  Agreement  and  diligently
perform the  services  provided in  connection  with the  Employment  Agreement,
Executive shall receive 7,500 shares of Series "C" stock, which may be converted
into 3,000,000  shares of Company's common stock. The Company shall register the
underlying shares of common stock in its forthcoming SB-2. Executive agrees that
the underlying common stock shares shall be subject to a lock-up agreement which
shall run for a period that begins thirty (30) days after the filing date of the
Registration Statement and ends one (1) year later.

               3.4 SERVICE  WITH THE  COMPANY.  During the Period of  Employment
this  Agreement,  Executive  shall perform such  reasonable  employment  duties,
commensurate with Executive's  position,  as the President,  shall, from time to
time, assign to Executive;

               3.5  PERFORMANCE  OF DUTIES.  Executive  shall  serve the Company
faithfully  and to the  best of his  ability  and  devote  full  business  time,
attention,  skill  and  effort  exclusively  to the  performance  of the  duties
described  in  this  Agreement.   Executive  shall  comply  with  all  policies,
procedures,  budgets, and reporting  requirements  established by the Company in
the  performance  of his  duties  and  responsibilities.  During  the  Period of
Employment,  (i) Executive's entire working time, energy, skill and best efforts
shall be devoted to the performance of Executive's  duties hereunder in a manner
which will  faithfully  and  diligently  further the business  and  interests of
Company;  and (ii) Executive shall not accept any other  employment,  or engage,
directly or  indirectly,  in any other  business,  commercial,  or  professional
activity (whether or not providing  compensation)  that is or may be competitive
with  Company or any  Affiliate  that might  create a conflict of interest  with
Company or any Affiliate or that otherwise  might interfere with the business of
Company or any Affiliate.  Executive may engage in charitable, civic, fraternal,
professional and trade association  activities that do not interfere  materially
with Executive's obligations to Company;


               3.6  VACATION AND SICK LEAVE.  Executive  will be entitled to two
(2) weeks of vacation  and sick leave  equal to six (6) days per year.  Vacation
time  and  sick  leave  shall  not be  accumulated  after  the end of any  year.
Executive's  use of vacation time shall be subject to the prior  approval of the
President of the Company.  Sick leave shall  accumulate  at the rate of one half
day per month;

               3.7  EXPENSES.  The Company  shall  reimburse  Executive  for all
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  Executive's  duties  on  behalf of the
Company, provided that Executive shall keep, and present to the Company, records
and receipts relating to reimbursable expenses incurred by him. Such records and
receipts  shall  be  maintained  and  presented  in  a  format,  and  with  such
regularity,  as the Company  reasonably may require in order to substantiate the
Company's  right to claim  income  tax  deductions  for such  expenses.  Without
limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing,  Executive  shall be  entitled  to
reimbursement for any business-related travel,  business-related  entertainment,
whether at  Executive's  residence or  otherwise,  or other costs and  customary
business expenses  reasonably  incident to the performance of Executive's duties
on behalf of the Company.  Executive  will be entitled to  reimbursement  of all
reasonable,  customary  business  expenses incurred by him in the performance of
Executive's duties.

               3.8 BENEFITS.  Executive  will be entitled to  participate in the
employee  benefit plans or programs of the Company,  including  medical and life
insurance and profit  sharing,  to the fullest extent  possible,  subject to the
rules and regulations  applicable hereto and to standard eligibility and vesting
requirements  of any  coverage and shall be  furnished  with other  services and
perquisites appropriate to Executive's position. Without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, Executive shall be entitled to the following benefits, subject
to any policies of the benefits  provider:  (a) Comprehensive  medical insurance
for  Executive,  Executive's  spouse and dependent  children,  with  twenty-five
percent (25%) deductibles;

                    (b) Dental insurance for Executive,  Executive's  spouse and
dependent children;

                    (c) Group term life insurance with death benefits equal to a
minimum one hundred percent (100%) of Executive's annual base salary;

                    (d) Annual physical examinations;

                    (e) Vacation leave in the amount of two (2) weeks  annually.
Any unused vacation time shall not accumulate from year to year.

        4. TERMINATION.

           4.1 DUE TO DISABILITY.

           (a) If  Executive  becomes  unable to perform  the  duties  specified
hereunder  due to partial or total  disability or  incapacity  resulting  from a
mental or physical illness, injury or any other cause, Company will continue the
payment of  Executive's  base  salary at its then  current  rate for a period of


ninety (90) days  following  the date  Executive is first unable to perform such
duties due to such disability or incapacity.  Thereafter,  Company shall have no
obligation for base salary,  bonus or other  compensation  payments to Executive
during the continuance of such  disability or incapacity.  Company will continue
to provide benefits to Executive so long as Executive remains employed;

           (b) If Executive is unable to perform the duties specified  hereunder
due to partial or total  disability  or  incapacity  resulting  from a mental or
physical illness, injury or any other cause for a period of ten (10) consecutive
weeks or for a cumulative  period of seventy (70)  business days during any five
(5) month period  ("Disability"),  then, to the extent permitted by law, Company
shall have the right to  terminate  this  Agreement  thereafter,  in which event
Company shall have no further  obligations  or liabilities  hereunder  after the
date of such  termination  except Executive will be deemed disabled and eligible
for the payments outlined in paragraph 4.1 (a). EXECUTIVE REPRESENTS THAT TO THE

               4.2  DUE TO  DEATH.  If  Executive  dies  during  the  period  of
           employment, Executive's employment with Company shall terminate as of
           the end of the  calendar  month in which  the death  occurs.  Company
           shall have no obligation to Executive or Executive's  estate for Base
           Compensation  or other form of  compensation  or  benefit  other than
           amounts  accrued  through the date of  Executive's  death,  except as
           otherwise  required  by law or by benefit  plans  provided at Company

        In the  event  of  the  termination  of  Executive's  employment  due to
Executive's death or Disability, Executive or Executive's legal representatives,
as the case may be, shall be entitled to:

           (a) In the case of death,  unpaid Base Compensation earned or accrued
through  Executive's date of death and continued Base  Compensation at a rate in
effect at the time of  death,  through  the end of six (6)  months  after  which
Executive's  death occurs or the end of the employment  term,  which ever is the
lesser amount.

           (b) Any  performance  or special  incentive  bonus earned but not yet

           (c) A pro rata  performance  bonus  for the year in which  employment
terminates  due to death or Disability  based on the  performance of Company for
the year during which such termination occurs or, if performance results are not
available,  based on the performance bonus paid to Executive for the prior year;

           (d) Any  other  compensation  and  benefits  to  which  Executive  or
Executive's  legal  representatives  may be  entitled  under  applicable  plans,
programs  and  agreements  of Company to the  extent  permitted  under the terms


               4.3 FOR  CAUSE.  Company  may  terminate  Executive's  employment
           relationship  with  Company  at any time and with ten (10) days prior
           notice for Cause.

           (a) For purposes of this  Agreement,  termination  of  employment  of
Executive by the Company for cause means termination for the following  reasons:
(i)  frequent  and  unjustifiable  absenteeism,  other than  solely by reason of
Executive's illness or physical or mental disability; (ii) failing to follow the
reasonable instructions of the President or the Board of Directors; (iii) proven
dishonesty  materially injurious to the Company or to its business,  operations,
assets or condition (an "Adverse Effect");  or gross violation of Company policy
or procedure after being warned, notified, or Executive's acknowledged, gross or
willful  misconduct,  or willful neglect to act, which  misconduct or neglect is
committed or omitted by Executive in bad faith and had an Adverse Effect; and

           (b)  Company   shall  have  no   obligation  to  Executive  for  Base
Compensation  or other form of  compensation  or  benefits,  except as otherwise
required by law, other than (a) amounts accrued through the date of termination,
and (b) reimbursement of appropriately documented expenses incurred by Executive
before the  termination of employment,  to the extent that Executive  would have
been entitled to such reimbursement but for the termination of employment.

               4.4 WITHOUT CAUSE. At any time,  Company may terminate  Executive
           for any reason,  without cause, by providing Executive ten (10) days'
           advance   written   notice  with  payment  of  the  balance  of  Base
           Compensation  for the remaining term of this  Agreement.  Thereafter,
           all obligations of Company under this Agreement shall cease.  Company
           may dismiss Executive without cause  notwithstanding  anything to the
           contrary  contained in or arising from any statements,  policies,  or
           practices of Company.


           (a) All  tangible  Company  Property  shall be  returned  promptly to
Company upon termination of the Period of Employment;

           (b) All benefits to which Executive is otherwise entitled shall cease
upon  Executive's  termination,  unless  explicitly  continued either under this
Agreement or under any specific written policy or benefit plan of Company;

           (c) Upon termination of the Period of Employment,  Executive shall be
deemed  to have  resigned  from all  offices  and  directorships  then held with
Company or any Affiliate;

           (d)  Executive's  obligations  under this Section 4.5 on  Termination
Obligations,  Section  5 on  Confidentiality  and  Non-Disclosure,  Section 7 on
Inventions,  Section 8 on Arbitration,  and Section 10 on Non-Competition  shall
survive  the  termination  of the Period of  Employment  and the  expiration  or
termination of this Agreement; and


           (e) Following any termination of the Period of Employment,  Executive
shall cooperate fully with Company in all matters relating to completing pending
work on behalf of Company and the orderly transfer of work to other employees of
Company.  Executive shall also cooperate in the defense of any action brought by
any third party against  Company that relates in any way to Executive's  acts or
omissions while employed by Company.


        Executive  agrees  to abide  by the  terms  of the  Confidentiality  and
Non-Disclosure  Agreement  appended  hereto as Exhibit A and to comply with such
confidentiality,  non-disclosure,  and proprietary  information  policies now in
effect by the Company or as may be established in the future.


        All  products,   records,   designs,   patents,  plans,  data,  manuals,
brochures,  memoranda,  devices, lists and other property delivered to Executive
by or on behalf of the Company, all confidential  information including, but not
limited to,  lists of  potential  customers,  prices,  and similar  confidential
materials or information respecting the business affairs of the Company, such as
hardware  manufacturers,  software  developers,  networks,  strategic  partners,
business  practices  regarding  technology  and  schedules,  legal  actions  and
personnel  information,  and all records  compiled by Executive which pertain to
the business of the Company,  and all rights, title and interest now existing or
that may exist in the future in and to any intellectual  property rights created
by Executive for the Company,  in performing  Executive's duties during the term
of this  Agreement  shall be and remain the property of the  Company.  Executive
agrees to execute and deliver at a future  date any further  documents  that the
Company,  in its sole  discretion,  determines  may be necessary or desirable to
perfect the Company's ownership in any intellectual or other property rights.

        7. INVENTIONS.

           7.1 Subject to the  limitations of California  Labor Code ss. 2870, a
copy of which is  attached  as  Exhibit B,  "Inventions"  shall mean any and all
writings, original works or authorship,  inventions, ideas, trademarks,  service
marks,  patents,  copyrights,   know-how,   improvements,   processes,  designs,
formulas,  discoveries,  technology,  computer hardware or software,  procedures
and/or  techniques  which  Executive  may make,  conceive,  discover,  reduce to
practice or develop,  either solely or jointly with any other person or persons,
at any time during the Period of Employment, whether or not during working hours
and  whether or not at the  request or upon the  suggestion  of  Company,  which
relate to or are useful in connection with any business now or hereafter carried
on or  contemplated  by Company,  including  developments  or  expansions of its
present fields of operations;


           7.2 Executive shall make full disclosure to Company of all Inventions
and shall do  everything  necessary  or  desirable  to vest the  absolute  title
thereto in Company.  Executive  shall write and prepare all  specifications  and
procedures regarding such inventions,  improvements,  processes,  procedures and
techniques  and otherwise aid and assist Company so that Company can prepare and
present  applications  for copyright or Letters  Patent  therefor and can secure
such  copyright  or  Letters  Patent  wherever  possible,  as well as  reissues,
renewals,  and  extensions  thereof,  and can obtain  the  record  title to such
copyright  or  patents  so that  Company  shall be the sole and  absolute  owner
thereof  in all  countries  in which it may desire to have  copyright  or patent
protection.  Executive  shall  not be  entitled  to any  additional  or  special
compensation or reimbursement regarding any Invention;

           7.3 All  Inventions  shall  be the  sole and  exclusive  property  of
Company.  Executive  agrees  to,  and  hereby  does,  assign to  Company  all of
Executive's right, title, and interest  (throughout the United States and in all
foreign countries), free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, in and to each

           7.4 CONTINUING  OBLIGATIONS.  The rights and obligations of Executive
and  Company  set  forth  in this  Section  shall  survive  the  termination  of
Executive's employment and the expiration of this Agreement.

        8. ARBITRATION.

               8.1 ARBITRABLE  CLAIMS.  To the fullest extent  permitted by law,
           all disputes between Executive (and Executive's attorneys, successors
           and  assigns)  and  Company   (and  its   Affiliates,   shareholders,
           directors,  officers,  employees,  agents, successors,  attorneys and
           assigns) of any kind whatsoever,  including,  without limitation, all
           disputes arising under this Agreement ("Arbitrable Claims"), shall be
           resolved by  arbitration.  All persons and entities  specified in the
           preceding  sentence  (other  than  Company  and  Executive)  shall be
           considered  third-party  beneficiaries  of the rights and obligations
           created  by this  Section on  Arbitration.  Arbitrable  Claims  shall
           include,  but are not limited to,  contract  (express or implied) and
           tort claims of all kinds, as well as all claims based on any federal,
           state or local law,  statute or  regulation,  excepting  only  claims
           under applicable workers' compensation law and unemployment insurance
           claims.  By way of example and not in  limitation  of the  foregoing,
           Arbitrable Claims shall include any claims arising under Title VII of

               8.2  PROCEDURE.  Arbitration  of  Arbitrable  Claims  shall be in
           accordance  with the National  Rules for the Resolution of Employment
           Disputes of the American  Arbitration  Association,  as amended ("AAA
           Employment Rules"), as augmented in this Agreement. Arbitration shall
           be initiated as provided by the AAA  Employment  Rules,  although the
           written notice to the other party initiating  arbitration  shall also
           include a statement of the claim(s) asserted and the facts upon which
           the claim(s) are based.  Arbitration  shall be final and binding upon


           the  parties  and shall be the  exclusive  remedy for all  Arbitrable
           Claims.  Either  party  may  bring  an  action  in  court  to  compel
           arbitration under this Agreement and to enforce an arbitration award.
           Otherwise,  neither party shall  initiate or prosecute any lawsuit or
           administrative  action in any way  related to any  Arbitrable  Claim.
           Notwithstanding the foregoing,  either party may, at its option, seek
           injunctive  relief  pursuant to section 1281.8 of the California Code
           of Civil  Procedure.  All  arbitration  hearings under this Agreement
           shall be  conducted in Los Angeles,  California.  THE PARTIES  HEREBY

               8.3 ARBITRATOR  SELECTION AND AUTHORITY.  All disputes  involving
           Arbitrable  Claims  shall  be  decided  by a single  arbitrator.  The
           arbitrator  shall be  selected  by mutual  agreement  of the  parties
           within  thirty  (30)  days  of  the  effective  date  of  the  notice
           initiating  the  arbitration.  If  the  parties  cannot  agree  on an
           arbitrator,  then the  complaining  party  shall  notify  the AAA and
           request  selection  of an  arbitrator  in  accordance  with  the  AAA
           Employment  Rules.  The  arbitrator  shall  have  authority  to award
           equitable  relief,  damages,  costs and fees to the same extent that,
           but not greater than, a court would have.  The fees of the arbitrator
           shall be split between both parties equally, unless this would render
           this  Section  of  Arbitration  unenforceable,   in  which  case  the
           arbitrator   shall   apportion   said   fees   so  as   to   preserve
           enforceability.  The  arbitrator  shall have  exclusive  authority to
           resolve all Arbitrable Claims, including, but not limited to, whether
           any  particular  claim is  arbitrable  and whether all or any part of
           this Agreement is void or unenforceable;

               8.4  CONTINUING  OBLIGATIONS.   The  rights  and  obligations  of
           Executive and Company set forth in this Section on Arbitration  shall
           survive the termination of Executive's  employment and the expiration
           of this Agreement.

        9. PRIOR  AGREEMENTS;  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.  Executive  represents  to
Company: (a) that there are no restrictions,  agreements or understandings, oral
or written,  to which  Executive is a party or by which  Executive is bound that
prevent or make unlawful Executive's execution or performance of this Agreement;
(b)  none  of  the   information   supplied  by  Executive  to  Company  or  any
representative  of Company or placement  agency in connection  with  Executive's
employment by Company misstated a material fact or omitted information necessary
to make the information  supplied not materially  misleading;  and (c) Executive
does not have any business or other relationship that creates a conflict between
the interests of Executive and the Company.

        10.  NON-COMPETITION.  During the term of this Agreement Executive shall


               10.1 Start  employment  with,  offer  consulting  services to, or
           otherwise  become involved in, advise or participate on behalf of any
           other company, entity or individual, in the field of the Company; and

               10.2  Individually or through any agent, for himself or on behalf
           of any other  person or entity (i) solicit  employees of the Company,
           to entice them to leave the  Company;  or (ii)  solicit or induce and
           third party now or at any time during the term of this  Agreement who
           is providing  services to the  Company,  through  license,  contract,
           partnership,  or otherwise to terminate or reduce their relationships
           with the Company.


               11.1 AUTHORITY.Each  party hereto represents and warrants that it
           has full  power and  authority  to enter into this  Agreement  and to
           perform this Agreement in accordance with its terms.

               11.2   GOVERNING   LAW.  This   Agreement   shall  be  construed,
           interpreted  and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of

               11.3  SUCCESSORS  AND ASSIGNS.  This  Agreement  shall be binding
           upon,  and inure to the  benefit  of,  the  parties  hereto and their
           respective successors and assigns.

               11.4 CAPTIONS. The captions of the sections of this Agreement are
           for  convenience  of  reference  only and in no way define,  limit or
           affect the scope or substance of any section of this Agreement.

               11.5  SEVERABILITY.  In the  event  that  any  provision  of this
           Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or otherwise  unenforceable,  the
           validity,  legality and  enforceability  of the remaining  provisions
           shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby.

               11.6  AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement  may be amended only in writing
           executed by the parties hereto.

               11.7  ATTORNEY'S  FEES. In the event of a dispute the  prevailing
           party shall be entitled  to be  reimbursed  for its legal fees by the
           other party.

               11.8  FINALITY OF AGREEMENT.  The document,  when executed by the
           parties,  supersedes all other agreements of the parties with respect
           to the matters discussed.


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement  effective
as of the day and year first set forth above.


                                    Aubrey McAuley

                                    VERTICAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC.

                                             Richard Wade, President


                                   EXHIBIT "A"


made and  entered  into on July 1, 2002,  by and  between  Aubrey  McAuley  (the
"Receiving  Party") and Vertical  Computer  Systems,  Inc.,  and its  affiliates
(including,  but not  limited  to, NOW  Solutions,  LLC,  Globalfare.com,  Inc.,
Enfacet,  iNetPurchasing LLC, Vertical Zap J.V., et al) (the "Disclosing Party")
for the purpose of preventing the unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential
Information (as defined below) of the Disclosing Party.

        For purposes of this NDA Agreement,  Confidential Information shall mean
any and all  information  regarding the business of the  Disclosing  Party.  The
Disclosing  Party is in the web  services,  internet,  and software  businesses.
Confidential  Information  includes  all  information  that  has or  could  have
commercial  value or other utility in the business in which the Disclosing Party
is engaged or in which it contemplates engaging.  Confidential  Information also
includes all  information  of which the  unauthorized  disclosure is or could be
detrimental  to the  interests  of the  Disclosing  Party,  whether  or not such
information is identified as Confidential  Information by the Disclosing  Party.
By example and without  limitations,  Confidential  Information includes any and
all information  concerning  teaching  techniques,  processes,  formulas,  trade
secrets, inventions, discoveries, improvements, research or development and test
results,  specifications,  data, know-how,  formats,  marketing plans,  business
plans,  strategies,   forecasts,  unpublished  financial  information,  budgets,
projections,  and  customer  and  supplier  identities,   characteristics,   and

        In  consideration of the Disclosing  Party's  disclosure of Confidential
Information  to the  Receiving  Party,  the  Receiving  Party  hereby  agrees as

        1.  The  Receiving  Party  shall  hold  and  maintain  the  Confidential
Information  in  strictest  confidence  and in trust for the sole and  exclusive
benefit of the Disclosing  Party during the term of this NDA Agreement and for a
period of three (3) years thereafter.

        2. During the term of this NDA  Agreement  and for a period of three (3)
years  thereafter,  the  Receiving  Party shall not,  without the prior  written
approval of the Disclosing Party, use for its own benefit,  publish or otherwise
disclose  to others,  or permit  the use by others  for their  benefit or to the
detriment of the Disclosing Party any of the Confidential Information.

        3. During the term of this NDA  Agreement  and for a period of three (3)
years thereafter, the Receiving Party shall take all necessary action to protect
the  confidentiality  of the  Confidential  Information  and  hereby  agrees  to
indemnify the Disclosing Party against any and all losses,  damages,  claims, or
expenses  incurred  or  suffered  by the  Disclosing  Party as a  result  of the
Receiving Party's breach of this NDA Agreement.

        4. In consideration of the Receiving  Party's access to the Confidential
Information,  the  Receiving  Party  will  not,  during  the  term of  this  NDA
Agreement,  or for a  period  of one (1)  year  after  termination  of this  NDA
Agreement,  directly or  indirectly,  solicit any  customers  of the  Disclosing
Party,  or  potential  customers  of the  Disclosing  Party,  for the purpose of
performing  services  for  such  customers  similar  to those  performed  by the
Disclosing Party.

        5. The term of this NDA  Agreement  shall  continue  in full  force  and
effect  until July 16,  2004,  except  that the  Receiving  Party's  obligations
hereunder  shall not  extend to any of the  Confidential  Information  which the
Receiving Party can demonstrate:

               (a)    was received by an unrelated third party;

               (b) was in the public domain on the date of this NDA Agreement or
at the time of the disclosure; or

               (c) was an established  industry standard on the date of this NDA
Agreement or at the time of the disclosure.

        6. The Receiving Party  understands and acknowledges that any disclosure
or misappropriation of any of the Confidential  Information in violation of this
NDA Agreement may cause the  Disclosing  Party  irreparable  harm, the amount of
which may be difficult to ascertain and,  therefore,  agrees that the Disclosing
Party shall have the right to apply to a court of competent  jurisdiction for an
order restraining any such further disclosure or  misappropriation  and for such
other relief as the Disclosing Party shall deem  appropriate.  Such right of the
Disclosing Party is to be in addition to the remedies otherwise available to the
Disclosing Party at law or in equity.

        7. The Receiving Party shall return to the Disclosing  Party any and all
records, notes, and other written,  printed, or tangible materials pertaining to
the  Confidential  Information  immediately  on the Disclosing  Party's  written

        8. This NDA Agreement and the Receiving  Party's  obligations  hereunder
shall be  binding  on the  representatives,  assignees,  and  successors  of the
Receiving  Party and shall inure to the benefit of the assigns and successors of
the Disclosing Party.

        9. This NDA  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with  the  laws  of the  State  of  California  and  subject  to the  venue  and
jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of Los Angeles, California.

        10. If any action at law or in equity is brought to enforce or interpret
the provisions of this NDA Agreement,  the prevailing party in such action shall
be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs.

        11. This NDA Agreement constitutes the sole understanding of the parties
about the subject  matter  hereof and may not be amended or  modified  except in
writing signed by each of the parties to the agreement.

                                           "Receiving Party"

                                           Aubrey McAuley, an individual

"Disclosing Party"
For the Company: VCSY

    Richard Wade, President



        This AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT  (this  "Amendment")  is entered
into as of  August 5,  2002 by and  between  Aubrey  McAuley  ("Executive")  and
Vertical Computer Systems, Inc. (the "Company").

        A. Executive and Company entered into that certain Employment  Agreement
dated July 1, 2002 (the "Agreement").  Capitalized terms in this Amendment shall
have  the same  meaning  ascribed  to them in the  Agreement,  unless  otherwise
provided herein.

        B.  Executive  and the  Company  desire by this  Amendment  to amend the
Agreement as herein provided.

        In consideration of the mutual agreements  herein  contained,  and other
good and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of which the
parties hereby acknowledge, the parties agree as follows:

        1. The  period at the end of  Section 2 is  deleted  and  replaced  by a
comma, and the following language inserted:  "unless earlier terminated pursuant
to Section 4, as amended."

        2. The  following  language is inserted at the beginning of Section 3.5:
"Except as otherwise provided in the last sentence of this Section 3.5"; a comma
is inserted thereafter and before the word "Executive."

        3. The last  sentence  of Section  3.5 is  replaced  with the  following
language:  "Notwithstanding  any of the  above,  the  Company  hereby  expressly
permits Executive to (a) engage in charitable,  civic,  fraternal,  professional
and  trade  association   activities  that  do  not  interfere  materially  with
Executive's obligations to Company, and (b) continue to provide software-related
services to the Austin-based  company where Executive is currently employed (the
"Other Entity") described in Appendix 1 attached hereto and incorporated  herein
by this reference,  pursuant to the agreement  attached to Appendix 1, as may be
amended from time (the "Other Employment and/or Consulting Agreement"), provided
however, that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to include, expressly, by
implication,  or  otherwise,  any right of  Executive  to use or disclose to any
third  parties,  including  without  limitation  the Other  Entity,  any Company
Intellectual Property (as defined below) or any Company Confidential Information
(as defined below) in the provision of services to the Other Entity  pursuant to
the Other  Employment or  Consulting  Agreement and the limited right granted to
Executive  herein.  Executive  represents  and warrants  that  Executive has not
knowingly  used  Company   Intellectual   Property  or  disclosed   Confidential
Information  in the course of  performing  services for any third party  without
Company's  or  Enfacet's  permission,  during  a  period  that  begins  with his
employment  with Enfacet and  continues to the execution of the  Amendment.  The
permission  granted  by Company  set forth  subsections  (a) and (b)  above,  is
subject to the  following  conditions:  (i)  Executive  shall  continue to fully
perform his duties under the terms of Employment  Agreement  and (ii)  Executive
shall work a minimum of 40 hours per week for  Company.  Executive  warrants and
represents that he has not, as of the date of this Agreement, executed any other
employment or consulting  agreements  with any third party,  including the Other
Entity,  and, in the event that the Other  Entity  presents  Executive  with any
employment or consulting agreement or a confidentiality agreement for execution,

Executive  shall  provide  the Company  with a copy of same,  and send the Other
Entity the terms of this  Section  3.5.  In the event that (a) the Other  Entity
requests or indicates,  whether expressly,  by implication,  or otherwise,  that
Executive is or should be  obligated,  permitted,  or expected,  under the Other
Employment or Consulting Agreement,  or in any manner associated thereof, to use
or  disclose  (in whole or in part) any such  Company  Intellectual  Property or
Company Confidential  Information,  or (b) Executive in good faith believes that
his  performance  of his services in  connection  with the Other  Employment  or
Consulting  Agreement  would  require  Executive to use or disclose such Company
Intellectual  Property or Company  Confidential  Information,  Executive  hereby
agrees and  acknowledges  that he will not make any such use or disclosure,  and
Executive  agrees that nothing  contained  herein shall permit Executive to make
such use or disclosure of Company Intellectual  Property or Company Confidential
Information,  and  Executive  shall send the Other  Entity a copy of this entire
Section and shall  immediately  provide Company with the name and address of the
Other  Entity as well as the nature of such  request.  Except as  expressly  set
forth herein, Company agrees that nothing within this Section 3.5 shall obligate
the  Executive  to disclose the Other's  Entity's  confidential  information  or
intellectual  property to the Company. In consideration of the rights granted in
this Section 3.5 with respect to the Other  Entity and the Other  Employment  or
Consulting  Agreement,  Executive  hereby  agrees  that as soon as  commercially
practicable after execution of this Amendment,  Executive shall inform the Other
Entity in writing of Executive's rights and obligations pursuant to Section 3.5,
and, if requested by the Company on a case by case basis, shall attach a copy of
this Amendment to such written  communication.  For purposes of this  Agreement,
including,  without limitation, this Section 3.5, the term "Company Intellectual
Property"  means  any  Intellectual   Property  (as  defined  below)  generated,
developed, invented, created, conceived, reduced to practice, acquired, licensed
by or on behalf of the Company. "Intellectual Property" means any one or more of
the following  materials or intellectual  property [(other than trademarks)] now
existing or  hereinafter  developed:  (a)  unpatentable  technical  information,
know-how, trade secrets, designs, techniques,  drawings,  diagrams,  structures,
prototypes, features, ideas, concepts,  specifications;  (b) inventions (whether
patentable  or  unpatentable,  and whether or not reduced to  practice),  patent
applications,  continuation  patent  application,   continuation-in-part  patent
applications,  divisional patent applications,  any corresponding foreign patent
applications that may claim a priority date of the patent applications  referred
to above, and patents that may be granted on any of the above, including reissue
patents,  reexamined patents and patent extensions based on those  applications;
(c)copyrightable works,  copyrights and applications  registrations and renewals
in connection  therewith;  (d) mask works and  applications,  registrations  and
renewals in connection  therewith;  (e) Confidential  Information;  (f) computer
software  (including  data and  related  documentation);  (g) other  proprietary
rights;  (h) licenses or other  transfers of proprietary  rights;  (i) copies or
tangible embodiments of any one or more of the foregoing;  and (j) improvements,
enhancements  or  modifications  of, or embodying,  or deriving from, any of the
above.  Company  Intellectual  Property shall include,  without limitation,  the
items  described  in  Sections 6 and 7 of the  Agreement.  For  purposes of this
Agreement,   including,   without   limitation,   this  Section  3.5,   "Company
Confidential  Information"  means any  Confidential  Information  (as defined in
Exhibit A to the Agreement) of the Company.

        4. Add the following to the beginning of the second  sentence of Section
3.8(e): "Except as otherwise prohibited under California law," and replace "Any"
with "any."


        5. Add after the heading of Section 4.3, the words "by the Company."

        6. Add after the heading of Section 4.4 the words "by the Company."

        7. Insert a new Section  after the current  Section  4.4. The heading of
the new  Section 4.5 will be "By  Executive  for  Cause."  Insert the  following
language after the heading:  "In the event the Company fails to pay Executive in
accordance  with  Section  3.1  above  within  five  (5)  business  days for the
applicable pay period,  Executive may terminate this Agreement upon two (2) days
prior notice to the Company and elect to convert his employment  relationship to
the Company into an  independent  contractor  consulting  relationship  upon the
terms and  conditions  set forth in the form  subcontractor  agreement  attached
hereto as Appendix 2 (the "Subcontractor  Agreement"). In the event that Company
pays Executive all of  Executive's  past net salary so that Executive is current
through the most  recently  accrued pay period and  Executive has not elected to
terminate by the date on which  Company has made such  payment,  then  Executive
shall be deemed to have waived his right to terminate with respect only to prior
pay periods. As a subcontractor of the Company,  Executive will provide services
(the  "Subcontractor  Services") to current Company  customers as of the date of
this  Agreement and such other  Company  customers as may later be designated by
the Company  (the  "Customer(s)")  solely in the name of, and solely as an agent
of, the Company.  All amounts  earned by Executive in connection  with providing
Subcontractor  Services  ("Subcontractor  Income")  during  each  month  of  the
remaining  term of  Executive's  employment  term  shall be used to  offset  any
amounts due to Executive for the balance of the portion of the Base Compensation
that has accrued  during  that month  ("Subcontractor  Offset").  If the Company
makes a "Reasonable  Request" (as  hereinafter  defined) to Executive to provide
Subcontracting  Services to a Customer and  Executive  is unable  (except in the
case of illness,  disability,  death, or family  emergency;  or in the case of a
vacation for which Executive has given thirty (30) days prior notice to Company)
or elects not to provide such  services,  then  Executive will be deemed to have
refused to provide service to Company's Customer ("Refuses Customer" or "Refused
Customer").  In the case that Executive Refuses Customer, the Company may offset
the consideration  that Company receives for the Company's  performance of those
services which  constitute  Subcontracting  Services  against the balance of the
portion of the Base  Compensation  that would have accrued for those pay periods
("Accrued Base Compensation") in which Company performs said services on its own
behalf ("Company Offset"). A "Reasonable  Request" means the following:  (a) the
Company  must  make  the  request  in  writing  thirty  (30)  days  prior to the
commencement   of  services   unless  waived  by  Executive;   (b)   Executive's
consideration for his performance of Subcontractor  Services must be reasonable;
(c) Executive has the  knowledge and skills  reasonably  required to perform the
Subcontractor  Services within the time frame that is contemplated;  and (d) the
performance  of Executive's  Subcontracting  Services are subject to Executive's
prior  reasonable  consulting  commitments,  provided  that  Executive  provides
written notice to the Company of any such commitments in reasonable detail prior
to accepting  such  engagements.  The Company Offset may not exceed in any given
month the amount of the  difference  between  the  Subcontractor  Offset and the
Accrued Base Compensation for that same month. Company has the right to continue
to make the Company Offset in subsequent months for  Subcontractor  Services for
any  particular  engagement  with a Customer  that  exceeds  one (1) month where
Executive Refused Customer,  and, in such a case the Company is not obligated to
give  Executive an opportunity  to provide said  Subcontracting  Services to the
Customer  in the next  month.  However,  if  Executive  was  unable  to  perform
Subcontracting  Services for the Customer for any other reason, the Company must


continue  to give  Executive  an  opportunity  to  provide  said  Subcontracting
Services  to the  Customer in the next month that  Executive  is able to perform
said Subcontracting Services.

        8. Change the number of Section 4.5 of the Agreement to Section 4.6. Add
the  following  after the heading of the new Section  4.6:  "Except as otherwise
provided in the Subcontractor Agreement and Section 4.5 above:"

        9. Delete  subsection (d) of the "Termination  Obligations"  Section and
rename the current subsection (e), subsection (d).

        10. Add new Section 4.7. Add new heading:  "Other  Consulting Work." Add
new language after the heading:  "Upon termination of this Agreement,  Executive
shall have no right or license (whether express,  implied,  or otherwise) to use
any of the Company Intellectual Property or Company Confidential Information, or
conduct any business in the name of the Company, or in any way represent himself
as associated with the Company,  except,  pursuant to an executed  Subcontractor
Agreement.  Subject to the first sentence of this Section 4.7, nothing contained
in this  Agreement  shall  otherwise be deemed to in any way prohibit,  limit or
restrict Executive's  freedom,  right and ability to provide consulting services
to or seek employment with any individual or entity,  whether that individual or
entity competes with the business of the Company or not."

        11. Add new Section 4.8. Add new heading:  "Survival."  Add new language
after heading: "The provisions of Sections 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and any other
provision which by its terms is meant to survive  termination of this Agreement,
shall survive termination of this Agreement."

        12.  Replace  the  first  sentence  of  Section  8.1 with the  following
language:  "All disputes  arising  pursuant to this  Agreement,  except disputes
related to  Executive's  breach of its  obligations  with respect to the Company
Intellectual Property or the Company Confidential Information, shall be resolved
pursuant to binding arbitration and be deemed `Arbitrable Claims.'"

        13. Add to the beginning of the first sentence of Section 10.1:  "Except
as otherwise  permitted in accordance with Section 3.5 above with respect to the
Other Entities and the Other  Employment or Consulting  Agreements," and replace
"Start" with "start."

        14. Add to the end of Section 11.2 before the period,  a comma,  and the
following language: "without reference to its conflict of laws provisions."

        15.  Except as amended by this  Amendment,  the  Agreement and the terms
thereof shall continue in full force and effect.

        16. This  Amendment  may be executed  in several  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original,  and all of which together  shall  constitute
one and the same Amendment.


        IN WITNESS  HEREOF,  the parties  have  executed  this  Amendment  to be
effective as of the date first written above.


        -----------------------          ---------------------------------


                                   APPENDIX 1

                                  OTHER ENTITY

                 An Austin-based software-related services firm




                                   APPENDIX 2

                         SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (FORM)

    THIS  SUBCONTRACTOR  AGREEMENT (the "AGREEMENT") is entered as of _________,
    ____, 200_ (the "EFFECTIVE DATE"), by and between VERTICAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS,
    INC., a Delaware corporation located at 6336 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
    90048 (the "COMPANY"),  and AUBREY McAULEY,  an individual  residing at 7811
    Kincheon Ct.,  Austin,  Texas,  78749  ("SUBCONTRACTOR")  (collectively  the
    "PARTIES" and each a "PARTY").

        NOW,  THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

1.  SUBCONTRACTED SERVICES.  Company hereby retains Subcontractor to, subject to
    Company's  ("REASONABLE  REQUEST"),  provide software maintenance,  support,
    installation,    and/or   customization    services    (collectively,    the
    "SUBCONTRACTED SERVICES") to current Company customers as of the date of the
    Employment Agreement, dated July 1, 2002 and such other Company customers as
    may later be designated by the Company, as identified in Appendix 1 attached
    hereto,  as such may be amended from time to time by mutual agreement of the
    Parties (the "SERVICED COMPANIES"),  solely in the name of, and solely as an
    agent of, the Company,  pursuant and subject to, the terms and conditions of
    certain license  agreements and other written agreements entered into by and
    between the Company and the Serviced Companies  (collectively,  the "COMPANY
    AGREEMENTS").  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Serviced Companies shall also
    include any  customers  of Company  that  Subcontractor  has been  providing
    services to on behalf of Company as an  employee at the time of  termination
    of his employment  with Company and Company shall not be obligated to make a
    Reasonable  Request for any ongoing  services prior to the Effective Date of
    this Agreement.  A Reasonable  Request means the following:  (a) the Company
    must make the request in writing thirty (30) days prior to the  commencement
    of   services   unless   waived  by   Subcontractor;   (b)   Subcontractor's
    consideration  for  his  performance  of  Subcontractor   Services  must  be
    reasonable;  (c)  Subcontractor  has the  knowledge  and  skills  reasonably
    required to perform the Subcontractor Services within the time frame that is
    contemplated;  and (d) the  performance  of  Subcontractor's  Subcontracting
    Services  are  subject  to  Subcontractor's   prior  reasonable   consulting
    commitments,  provided that  Subcontractor  provides  written  notice to the
    Company of any such  commitments  in  reasonable  detail  within one (1) day
    after Subcontractor's  acceptance of such engagements.  Subcontractor agrees
    to provide the  Subcontracted  Services within the time frame, and using the
    knowledge and skill,  reasonably necessary to permit the Company to meet its
    obligations under the Company Agreements.  The Company and the Subcontractor
    recognize that: (a) Contractor's original cost and time estimates may be too
    low due to unforeseen  events,  or to factors unknown to Subcontractor  when
    this  Agreement  was made;  (b) Client may  desire a  mid-project  change in
    Subcontractor's  services  that would add time and cost to the  project  and
    possibly  inconvenience  Subcontractor,  or (c)  Other  provisions  of  this
    Agreement may be difficult to carry out due to unforeseen circumstances.

2.  TERM.  This  Agreement  shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until
    July 1, 2004,  unless  earlier  terminated as provided for in this Agreement
    (the "TERM").


3.  CONSIDERATION.  Except to the extent otherwise provided in the last sentence
    of this  Section  3, as full  and  complete  payment  for the  Subcontracted
    Services rendered  hereunder (the  "COMPENSATION"),  Subcontractor  shall be
    entitled to receive all amounts  collected by the Company from  Customers of
    the Company  pursuant to any  maintenance,  support,  software  development,
    customization,  consulting or other similar agreements,  entered into by the
    Company and any one of its customers for Subcontractor  Services provided by
    Subcontractor.   Any  amounts   collected  by  Company   shall  be  paid  to
    Subcontractor within twenty-four (24) hours after the amounts collected have
    been cleared by the Company's financial  institution where the payments were
    deposited.  Upon  Subcontractor's  written  request,  Company  will set up a
    separate account on  Subcontractor's  behalf for deposit of all payments for
    Subcontractor's  Subcontractor  Services  made by  Customers  and upon which
    Subcontractor   shall  have  the  right  to  receive  and   withdraw   funds
    ("Subcontractor  Services  Account").  Company  shall  deposit  any  amounts
    collected  by  Company  into  the  Subcontractor   Services  Account  within
    twenty-four  (24)  hours  after the  amounts  have been  actually  received.
    Company shall not have the right to withdraw funds from said account without
    Executive's  express written  permission,  not to be unreasonably  withheld.
    Upon   termination  of  this  Agreement,   all  amounts  earned  under  this
    Subcontractor  Agreement by Subcontractor  shall be promptly paid. Except as
    otherwise set forth in this  Agreement,  termination of this Agreement shall
    not affect  Subcontractor's  rights to receive monies under Paragraph 4.5 of
    the Employment Agreement, as Amended on August 5, 2002.

4.  AUDIT.  During the term of the Subcontractor  Agreement,  Executive shall be
    entitled to, upon  request,  (a) receive  copies of all invoices  sent,  and
    collections  made by the Company on account of the  Subcontractor  Services,
    and/or  (b)  audit  the  Company's   records  regarding  such  invoices  and
    collections,  once every month, at the Company's expense,  provided that the
    Company  shall have thirty (30) days notice and the audit shall not have any
    material impact on Company's ability to conduct its business operations. If,
    and to  the  extent  that,  the  Company  incurs  any  costs  and  expenses,
    including,  without limitation, the imposition of any taxes or other levies,
    but  excluding  overhead,  salaries  for  accounting  personnel,  and  other
    expenses  associated with the Company's  ordinary  business  activities,  in
    connection   with  the  transfer  of  all  payments   associated   with  the
    Subcontractor  Services,  as  demonstrated by written records of the Company
    (such  costs and  expenses,  collectively  referred  to  hereinafter  as the
    "Specific Expenses"), such Specific Expenses shall be deducted from payments
    transferred  to Executive or reimbursed to the Company from funds  deposited
    in the Subcontractor Services Account.

5.  LOCATION.  Subcontractor  will  perform  the  Subcontracted  Services at the
    location(s)  specified in the Company  Agreement(s),  or as otherwise agreed
    upon in writing by and  between  the  Company  and any  applicable  Serviced

6.  This Agreement  consists of this Cover Page, the attached Exhibits A, B, and
    C, and Appendix 1, all of which are  incorporated  herein by this  reference
    and made part of the Agreement as if fully set forth herein.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties  hereto have executed this Agreement as of the
Effective Date.



By:   _______________________         Social Security Number: _________________

Title:  ______________________        Signed:  ________________________________


                                    EXHIBIT A


1.  INDEPENDENT  CONTRACTOR STATUS.  Subcontractor is an independent  contractor
    and not a Company employee.  Nothing herein creates or is intended to create
    any employment relationship between Subcontractor and Company. Subcontractor
    shall not be eligible  to  participate  in or receive  any benefit  from any
    benefit plan or program  available to Company  employees.  Company shall not
    provide  workers'  compensation  coverage for  Subcontractor.  Subcontractor
    shall comply with all applicable  laws and  regulations  and shall have sole
    responsibility for the payment of all applicable taxes and withholdings with
    respect to Compensation paid to Subcontractor.  The Subcontractor  Agreement
    is personal to Subcontractor and Subcontractor may not assign this Agreement
    to any  third  party,  except  that  Subcontractor  has  the  right  to hire
    assistants to provide the services required by this Agreement, provided that
    Subcontractor  remain  primarily  liable for any services  performed by such
    assistants. Subcontractor retains sole and absolute discretion in the manner
    and means of carrying out the Subcontracted  Services,  subject to the terms
    and conditions of the Company Agreements,  which Subcontractor  agrees to be
    bound by, in the provision of the Subcontracted Services.

2.  REPORTS;  MEETINGS.  Subcontractor shall provide to Company written periodic
    reports of his  activities in a manner and format  reasonably  acceptable to
    Company, and shall provide related work records, meeting reports and similar
    documents as requested by Company.  Subcontractor agrees to be available for
    meetings with Company  employees  and  contractors,  and with  employees and
    contractors of the Serviced Companies.

3.  REPRESENTATION BY SUBCONTRACTOR. Subcontractor represents and warrants that,
    to the best of Subcontractor's knowledge, any and all information, practices
    or techniques to be described,  demonstrated,  divulged or made known to the
    Serviced  Companies  and/or to the  Company  during the  performance  of the
    Subcontracted  Services  may be  divulged  without  any  obligation  to,  or
    violation of, any right of others.

4.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  To  govern  the  exchange  of any  and  all  confidential,
    proprietary,  and other similarly  sensitive  information,  the Parties will
    execute and be bound by the terms of the  Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
    Agreement attached as Exhibit B to the Agreement.

5.  OTHER EMPLOYMENT. During the Term, Subcontractor will not, without the prior
    written  consent of the Company,  enter into any  engagement  or  consulting
    agreement  or  relationship  with  any  third  party if such  engagement  or
    employment   agreement  or   relationship   that  would  require  or  permit
    Subcontractor to make use of the intellectual  property set forth in Exhibit
    C (the "COMPANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"), or the Confidential Information (as
    defined in Exhibit B). This paragraph shall not apply to LIONMANE,  provided
    that these  ENTITIES/COMPANIES have a valid license from the Company for the
    foregoing use.

6.  NO SOLICITATION.  During the Term and for a period of one (1) year following
    the expiration or earlier  termination of the Agreement,  Subcontractor will
    not directly or indirectly solicit or induce or attempt to solicit or induce
    any customer (including, without limitation, any of the Serviced Companies),

    vendor, employee,  sales representative,  agent, contractor or subcontractor
    of Company to terminate or adversely alter their employment,  representation
    or other business relationship or association with the Company.

7.  ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS.  Subcontractor  hereby assigns and agrees to assign to
    Company all of  Subcontractor's  rights in and to any work papers,  reports,
    documentation,   prototypes  and  other  materials  (hereinafter,   "Items")
    generated by Subcontractor  during the Term in any media, to the extent such
    Items derive from or embody any Company Intellectual Property. Subcontractor
    also hereby  assigns and agrees to assign to Company all of  Subcontractor's
    rights in and to any discoveries,  inventions and improvements  (hereinafter
    "Inventions"),  whether  patentable  or not,  made,  conceived or suggested,
    either alone or jointly with others by Subcontractor,  whether in the course
    of Subcontractor's  engagement,  with the use of Company's time, material or
    facilities,  provided that the Inventions are in any way within,  or related
    to, any Company  Intellectual  Property.  Except as otherwise  prohibited by
    law,  any Item or Invention  directly  derivative  of  Company's  planned or
    existing  products  or  services,  developed  or  under  development  during
    Subcontractor's   engagement   and   made,   conceived   or   suggested   by
    Subcontractor,  either  alone or jointly  with  others,  within one (1) year
    following  termination of Subcontractor's  engagement under the Agreement or
    any successor agreements,  shall be irrebuttably presumed to have been made,
    conceived or suggested in the course of Subcontractor's  engagement and with
    the use of Company's time, materials or facilities.

8.  USE OF COMPANY PROPERTY.  Upon execution by the parties of the Subcontractor
    Agreement,   Executive   shall  have  the  right  to  (a)  use  the  Company
    Intellectual  Property and the Company  Confidential  Information to provide
    the Subcontractor Services.

9.  REMEDIES.   Subcontractor   acknowledges   that  the  actual  or  threatened
    disclosure of  Confidential  Information  or any breach of the provisions of
    Sections  4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 of this  Exhibit  A may give  rise to  irreparable
    injury to  Company  that  cannot be  adequately  compensated  with  monetary
    damages,   and  Subcontractor  agrees  that  Company  may  seek  and  obtain
    injunctive  relief  against  the breach or  threatened  breach of any of the
    aforementioned  paragraphs  or specific  enforcement  of such  provisions in
    addition to any other legal or equitable remedies that may be available.

10. NO  ASSIGNMENT.  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided in the  Agreement,
    Subcontractor  shall not  assign  or  subcontract  any  right or  obligation
    arising under the Agreement without the Company's prior written consent. Any
    assignment  in  violation of this  Section 10 shall be void.  The  Agreement
    shall  be  binding  on and  inure  to the  benefit  of each  Party's  heirs,
    executors, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns.

11. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE.  Either Party may with prior written notice terminate
    this  Agreement  for cause in case of breach by the other  Party that is not
    cured within thirty (30) days of notice of such breach.  Notwithstanding the
    foregoing,  the Company may,  effective upon written notice,  terminate this
    Agreement for any of the following: a breach of Subcontractor's duties under
    the Confidentiality  and Non-Disclosure  Agreement (Exhibit B); frequent and
    unjustifiable refusal to provide Subcontractor  Services;  proven dishonesty
    materially injurious to the Company or its business,  operations,  assets or
    conditions (an "Adverse  Effect);  and gross  violation of Company policy or


    procedure after being warned,  notified,  or  Subcontractor's  acknowledged,
    gross or willful  misconduct,  or willful  neglect to act,  which conduct or
    neglect is committed or omitted by Executive in bad faith and had an Adverse
    Effect. In the event of termination for cause by Company,  Company shall not
    be  liable  to  Subcontractor  for  Compensation  or  damages  of  any  kind
    whatsoever,  including direct,  incidental or consequential damages, as well
    as any monies under Paragraph 4.5 of the Employment Agreement, as Amended on
    August  5 2002,  incurred  as a  result  of  such  termination,  other  than
    Compensation   payable  for  Subcontracted   Services   performed  prior  to
    termination.  Notwithstanding  the first  sentence  of this  Section 11, the
    Subcontractor may, upon prior written notice to the Company,  terminate this
    Agreement for cause,  if the Company fails to send payment to  Subcontractor
    within one (1) business day after the amounts collected have been cleared by
    the Company's  financial  institution where the payments were deposited,  or
    fails to deposit any amounts  collected  by Company  into the  Subcontractor
    Services  Account,  if  applicable,  within one (1)  business  day after the
    amounts have been actually  received,  and if the Company does not cure such
    breach  within  five  (5)  days of  notice  of such  breach.  In the case of
    termination  of this  Agreement for cause by  Subcontractor,  termination of
    this  Agreement  shall not affect  Subcontractor's  rights to receive monies
    under  Paragraph 4.5 of the  Employment  Agreement,  as Amended on August 5,

12. NOTICES.  Whenever notice is to be served  hereunder,  service shall be made
    personally, by facsimile transmission, by overnight courier or by registered
    or certified mail, return receipt requested.  Notice shall be effective only
    upon  receipt  by the Party  being  served,  except  notice  shall be deemed
    received  seventy-two  (72) hours  after  posting by the United  States Post
    Office, by method described above.

13. FURTHER  ASSURANCES.  From time to time, each Party hereto shall execute and
    deliver such  instrument(s) as may be reasonably  necessary to carry out the
    purposes  and intent of the  Agreement.  In  addition,  Subcontractor  shall
    promptly  disclose all Items and Inventions to Company and shall perform all
    acts necessary or desirable to assist Company,  at its expense, in obtaining
    and enforcing the full benefits,  enjoyment, rights and title throughout the
    world in the Items and Inventions, pursuant to Section 7 above.

14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The Agreement (including Exhibits A, B, and C and Appendix
    1 attached  thereto)  contains the entire agreement and understanding of the
    Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and merges and supersedes
    all prior agreements,  discussions and writings with respect thereto, except
    for the provisions of paragraphs 4.5 and 8 of the Employment  Agreement,  as
    amended on August 5, 2002.  No  modification  or alteration of the Agreement
    shall be effective  unless made in writing and signed by both  Subcontractor
    and Company.

15. SURVIVAL.  The  provisions of Sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
    15,  16,  18,  19,  and 20, as well as any other  terms of this  Exhibit  A,
    Exhibit B or  Exhibit C that  expressly  extend  or by their  nature  should
    extend beyond termination or expiration of the Agreement,  shall survive and
    continue in full force and effect after any termination or expiration of the


16. GOVERNING LAW. The Agreement  shall be governed by California  law,  without
    reference to its rules  regarding  conflicts of law. Any dispute arising out
    of the  Agreement  will be submitted to a state or federal  court sitting in
    Los  Angeles,   California,  which  will  have  the  exclusive  jurisdiction
    regarding  the  dispute  and to whose  jurisdiction  and venue  the  Parties
    irrevocably submit.

17. COUNTERPARTS.  The Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts,  each
    of which  shall  constitute  an  original  and all of which  together  shall
    constitute one instrument.

18. SEVERABILITY.  If any term of provision of the Agreement, or the application
    thereof  to any person or  circumstance,  shall to any extent be found to be
    invalid,  void, or unenforceable,  the remaining provisions of the Agreement
    and any application thereof shall, nevertheless,  continue in full force and
    effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way.

19. WAIVER.  No waiver of any term,  provision or  condition  of the  Agreement,
    whether by  conduct or  otherwise,  in any one or more  instances,  shall be
    deemed to be or be construed as a further or  continuing  waiver of any such
    term,  provision or condition or as a waiver of any other term, provision or
    condition of the Agreement.


                                    EXHIBIT B


        This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (the "NDA") is entered
into on the Effective Date of the Agreement (as defined  below),  by and between
VERTICAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation located at 6336 Wilshire
Blvd.,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90048  (the  "DISCLOSER"),  and  AUBREY  McAULEY,  an
individual residing at  _____________________________  Austin,  Texas _____ (the
"RECIPIENT") (collectively the "PARTIES" and each a "PARTY").

        WHEREAS,  Discloser possesses  confidential  information relating to its
business (including, but not limited to, WebOS/SiteFlash OMF technology),  which
it desires to disclose to Recipient in connection with Recipient's engagement to
provide the  Subcontracted  Services to the Serviced  Companies  pursuant to the
Subcontractor   Agreement   entered  into  by  Discloser  and  Recipient  as  of
_______________, 2002 (the "Agreement"), or which the Discloser has disclosed to
the Recipient  pursuant to the Employment  Agreement entered into by the Parties
on July 1, 2002, as amended on August 5, 2002;

        WHEREAS, Recipient is willing to accept all such Discloser's information
confidentially subject to the terms of this NDA.

        NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

1.  "CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION" means any information furnished or disclosed, in
    whatever form or medium,  by the Discloser to the Recipient  relating to the
    business of the Discloser,  and includes,  without  limitation,  information
    regarding  materials,  the  identity  and any  information  related  to such
    Customers,   equipment,   tooling,   know-how,   contract  terms,  financial
    information,  business procedures,  processes,  techniques,  methods, ideas,
    discoveries,  inventions, processes, developments, records, product designs,
    source code,  product  planning,  and trade secrets,  all of which is deemed
    confidential and proprietary.

2.  The Recipient  will use the  Discloser's  Confidential  Information  only in
    connection with the Recipient's provision of Subcontracted Services pursuant
    to the  Agreement,  and  will  make no use of the  Discloser's  Confidential
    Information,  in whole or in part,  for any  other  purpose.  The  Recipient
    agrees to refrain from disclosing the Discloser's  Confidential  Information
    to  third  parties,  unless  the  Discloser  has  given  its  prior  written
    authorization  pursuant to the Company  Agreements  (as defined on the Cover
    Page),  the Agreement or otherwise.  The  Recipient  further  agrees to keep
    confidential  all of the Discloser's  Confidential  Information and take all
    reasonable steps to preserve the confidential and proprietary nature of such
    Confidential Information.

3.  Notwithstanding  any other  provisions of this NDA, each Party  acknowledges
    that  Confidential  Information  will not include any  information  that the
    Recipient  can  demonstrate:  (a)  was  publicly  available  at the  time of
    disclosure, or later became publicly available through no act or omission of

    the  Recipient;  or (b) was rightfully  received by the Recipient  after the
    Effective Date from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality.

4.  In the event that the  Recipient  is  requested  or  required by subpoena or
    other  court  order  to  disclose  any  of  the   Discloser's   Confidential
    Information,  the Recipient will provide immediate notice of such request to
    the Discloser and will use reasonable efforts to resist disclosure, until an
    appropriate  protective order may be sought,  or a waiver of compliance with
    the provisions of this NDA granted. If, in the absence of a protective order
    or the receipt of a waiver hereunder,  the Recipient is nonetheless,  in the
    written opinion of his counsel, legally required to disclose the Discloser's
    Confidential  Information,  then, in such event,  the Recipient may disclose
    such information  without liability  hereunder,  provided that the Discloser
    has  been  given  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  review  the  text  of such
    disclosure  before it is made and that the disclosure is limited to only the
    Confidential Information specifically required to be disclosed.

5.  The  Discloser  may elect to terminate  further  access to its  Confidential
    Information  upon Recipient's  breach of the NDA. Upon written request,  the
    Recipient will return to the Discloser all  Confidential  Information in any
    form and promptly  destroy any and all material or information  derived from
    the  Confidential  Information,  including  any copies or  tangible  objects
    embodying the Confidential Information.

6.  Nothing  contained in this NDA will be  construed as granting or  conferring
    any rights upon Recipient,  by license or otherwise,  express or implied, or
    otherwise  for  any  patents,  copyrights,  trademarks,  know-how  or  other
    proprietary rights of Discloser.

7.  Regardless  of the  termination  of any  business  relationship  between the
    Parties,   this  Agreement  and  the  obligations  of  confidentiality   and
    nondisclosure contained herein will remain in full force and effect for five
    (3) years after the expiration or earlier  termination of the Agreement,  or
    such longer time as the Parties may agree in writing.

8.  The  Confidential  Information  protected  by  this  NDA  is  of  a  special
    character,  such that  money  damages  would not be  sufficient  to award or
    compensate  for  any  unauthorized  use or  disclosure  of the  Confidential
    Information.  The Parties agree that injunctive and other  equitable  relief
    would be appropriate  to prevent any such actual or threatened  unauthorized
    use or disclosure. The remedy stated above may be pursued in addition to any
    other remedies  available at law or in equity,  and the Recipient  agrees to
    waive any  requirement for the securing or posting of any bond in connection
    with such  remedy.  In the event of  litigation  to  enforce  any  provision
    hereof,  the  prevailing  Party  will be  entitled  to  recover  all  costs,
    including  his or its  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and costs,  incurred  in
    connection with the litigation.

9.  This  NDA  is  to  evidence  the  Recipient's   agreement  to  maintain  the
    confidentiality of the Discloser's  Confidential  Information,  and will not
    constitute any commitment or obligation on the part of either Party to enter
    into  or  continue  any  specific  contractual  arrangement  of  any  nature


10. The  Discloser  does not make any  representations  or  warranties as to the
    accuracy, completeness or fitness of a particular purpose of any information
    disclosed  to  the  Recipient  hereunder.  Neither  the  Discloser  nor  its
    representatives  will have any liability or  responsibility to the Recipient
    (except as pursuant to this NDA or any  applicable  provision in the Company
    Agreements  (as defined in the Cover Page)) or to any other person or entity
    resulting  from  the  use of  any  information  so  furnished  or  otherwise

11. California law will govern the interpretation of this NDA, without reference
    to rules  regarding  conflicts of law.  Any dispute  arising out of this NDA
    will be  submitted  to a state or  federal  court  sitting  in Los  Angeles,
    California which will have the exclusive  jurisdiction regarding the dispute
    and to whose jurisdiction and venue the Parties irrevocably submit.

12. No  waiver of any term,  provision  or  condition  of this NDA,  whether  by
    conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances,  will be deemed to be or
    be construed as a further or continuing  waiver of any such term,  provision
    or  condition  or as a waiver of any other term,  provision  or condition of
    this NDA.

13. If any  provision  of this  NDA is  determined  by any  court  of  competent
    jurisdiction  to be  invalid  or  unenforceable,  such  provision  shall  be
    interpreted to the maximum extent to which it is valid and enforceable,  all
    as determined by such court in such action, and the remaining  provisions of
    this NDA will, nevertheless, continue in full force and effect without being
    impaired or invalidated in any way.

14. This NDA,  the  Agreement,  Exhibit A and C and  Appendix 1 attached  to the
    Agreement, together constitute the Parties' entire agreement with respect to
    the subject  matter  hereof and  supersede  any and all prior  statements or
    agreements,  both written and oral.  This NDA may not be amended except by a
    writing signed by the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have caused this NDA to be executed by their duly
authorized representatives.


By:  _______________________                    ____________________________



                                    EXHIBIT C

                          COMPANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY



     o  SiteFlash (incorporating WebOS, OMF), a general-purpose Web site content
        management and ecommerce software solution.

     o  NewsFlash  (incorporating  WebOS,  OMF),  a newspaper  Web site  content
        management software solution.

     o  ResponseFlash  (incorporating WebOS, OMF), a Web site content management
        and ecommerce software solution for emergency response applications.

     o  UniversityFlash   (incorporating   WebOS,   OMF),  a  Web  site  content
        management  and  ecommerce  software  solution  for  emergency  response

     o  BizFlash  (incorporating  WebOS, OMF), a Web ecommerce software solution
        for online storefronts.


     o  Emily, an XML scripting shell.

     o  XML Enabler Agent,  an application for extracting  database  information
        into an XML format


                                   APPENDIX 1

                               SERVICED COMPANIES
