Filed by the Registrant                         /x/

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant      / /

Check the appropriate box:

/x/      Preliminary Proxy Statement
/ /      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/ /      Definitive Proxy Statement
/ /      Definitive Additional Materials
/ /      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section

                                    ARK FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/x/      No fee required.

/ /      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

         (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of transaction  computed
             pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
             the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

         (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5) Total fee paid:

/ /      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ /      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange
         Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting
         fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        (1)   Amount Previously Paid:
        (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
        (3)   Filing Party:
        (4)   Date Filed:

                                    ARK FUNDS
                               TWO PORTLAND SQUARE
                               PORTLAND, ME 04101

                                                               December 23, 2002

Dear Shareholders:

      The enclosed proxy  materials  relate to a Special Meeting of Shareholders
of ARK Funds (the "Fund") to be held on January __,  2003.  As discussed in more
detail in the Proxy  Statement,  on  September  26, 2002,  M&T Bank  Corporation
entered into an agreement with Allied Irish Banks,  p.l.c.  to acquire  Allfirst
Financial  Inc.,  the parent  corporation  of Allfirst Bank and indirect  parent
corporation of Allied Investment  Advisors,  Inc. ("AIA"), the Fund's investment
adviser (the "Proposed  Acquisition").  The Proposed Acquisition would result in
changes to AIA's ownership structure.

      In connection therewith, you are being asked to vote on one or more of the
following proposals: (i) approval of a new investment advisory agreement between
AIA and the Fund (the "New Advisory  Agreement")  with respect to each series of
the Fund (each a  "Portfolio");  (ii) approval of a new investment  sub-advisory
agreement  among AIA, AIB  Investment  Managers  Limited and the Fund to provide
certain sub-advisory services to the Fund's International Equity Portfolio;  and
(iii)  approval of a new investment  sub-advisory  agreement  among AIA,  Govett
Investment  Management  Limited  and the Fund to  provide  certain  sub-advisory
services to the Fund's Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio (collectively,  the two
new   sub-advisory   agreements  are  referred  to  as  the  "New   Sub-Advisory

      The  terms  of  the  New  Advisory  Agreement  and  the  New  Sub-Advisory
Agreements  are unchanged in all material  respects.  The agreements do not call
for any  increase in either the fees any  Portfolio  of the Fund is obligated to
pay or the expenses it is  obligated to bear.  The Board of Trustees of the Fund
unanimously  recommends  that you vote  "FOR" all  proposals  that apply to your

      Your vote is  important.  Please  take a moment  now to  review  the proxy
materials and complete,  sign, date and return the enclosed Form of Proxy in the
enclosed postage-paid envelope.

      Thank  you for  your  attention  to this  matter  and for  your  continued
investment in the Fund.


                                          /s/ William H. Cowie, Jr.

                                          William H. Cowie, Jr.
                                          Chairman of the Board

                                    ARK FUNDS
                               TWO PORTLAND SQUARE
                               PORTLAND, ME 04101


Dear Shareholders:

      Notice is  hereby  given  that a  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (the
"Special  Meeting") of ARK Funds (the "Fund") will be held at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
Time on January __, 2003,  at Allfirst  Trust  Company,  N.A.,  25 South Charles
Street,  16th Floor,  Baltimore,  Maryland 21201. As discussed in more detail in
the enclosed  Proxy  Statement,  on September  26,  2002,  M&T Bank  Corporation
entered into an agreement with Allied Irish Banks,  p.l.c.  to acquire  Allfirst
Financial  Inc.,  the parent  corporation  of Allfirst Bank and indirect  parent
corporation of Allied Investment  Advisors,  Inc. ("AIA"), the Fund's investment
adviser (the "Proposed  Acquisition").  The Proposed Acquisition would result in
changes to AIA's ownership structure. In connection therewith,  shareholders are
being  asked to consider  and act upon the  following  proposals  at the Special

      (i)   To approve a new investment  advisory  agreement between AIA and the
            Fund (the "New  Advisory  Agreement").  The New  Advisory  Agreement
            provides that AIA will provide investment  advisory services to each
            series of the Fund (each a "Portfolio") on the  same  terms  and for
            the  same compensation under which it currently operates;

      (ii)  To approve a new investment  sub-advisory  agreement  among AIA, AIB
            Investment  Managers Limited  ("AIBIM") and the Fund (the "New AIBIM
            Sub-Advisory  Agreement").  The  New  AIBIM  Sub-Advisory  Agreement
            provides that AIBIM will provide sub-advisory services to the Fund's
            International  Equity  Portfolio  on the same terms and for the same
            compensation under which it currently operates;

      (iii) To approve a new investment sub-advisory agreement among AIA, Govett
            Investment  Management  Limited  ("Govett")  and the Fund  (the "New
            Govett  Sub-Advisory   Agreement").   The  New  Govett  Sub-Advisory
            Agreement provides that Govett will provide sub-advisory services to
            the Fund's Emerging  Markets Equity  Portfolio on the same terms and
            for the same compensation under which it currently operates; and

      (iv)   To transact any other business that may properly come before the
             Board of Trustees, or any adjournment thereof, in the discretion of
             the proxies or their substitutes.

      Only holders of shares of beneficial interest of the Fund of record at the
close of business on December 13,  2002,  are entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the Special Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

                                    By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                    /s/ Thomas R. Rus

                                    Thomas R. Rus

December 23, 2002






                            QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT
                               THE SPECIAL MEETING


A:      As you may  know,  M&T Bank  Corporation  ("M&T")  has  entered  into an
        agreement with Allied Irish Banks,  p.l.c. to acquire Allfirst Financial
        Inc., the direct parent corporation of Allfirst Bank and indirect parent
        corporation of Allied Investment  Advisors,  Inc. ("AIA"),  which is the
        Fund's investment adviser (the "Proposed  Acquisition").  As a result of
        the Proposed  Acquisition,  a change in control of the Fund's investment
        adviser  will  occur that will  automatically  terminate  the  agreement
        between  the Fund and its  investment  adviser and  sub-advisers.  A new
        investment advisory agreement and new investment sub-advisory agreements
        are being proposed to enable the adviser and sub-advisers to continue to
        provide services to the Fund.


A:      The proposals you are being asked to vote on are:

        o  approval of  a  new  investment  advisory  agreement  between AIA and
           the  Fund  with   respect  to  each   series  of  the  Fund  (each  a

        o  approval of a new investment  sub-advisory  agreement  among AIA, AIB
           Investment   Managers   Limited  and  the  Fund  to  provide  certain
           sub-advisory  services to the Fund's  International Equity Portfolio;

        o  approval of a new investment sub-advisory agreement among AIA, Govett
           Investment  Management  Limited  and  the  Fund  to  provide  certain
           sub-advisory   services  to  the  Fund's   Emerging   Markets  Equity

        The  agreements  contain terms  substantially  identical to those in the
        current agreements.


A:      The  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act"),  which  regulates
        investment  companies such as the Fund,  requires a shareholder  vote to
        approve a new  advisory  or  sub-advisory  agreement  following  certain
        types of business  transactions  such as the Proposed  Acquisition.  The
        new advisory and sub-advisory  agreements are substantially identical to
        the current advisory and sub-advisory  agreements,  except for the dates
        of  execution  and  termination.  The  Board  of  Trustees  has  already
        approved  the new  advisory and  sub-advisory  agreements  and now needs
        your approval of this matter.


A:      The Proposed Acquisition will have no immediate impact on the operations
        of the Fund.  The Fund and the  investment  objective of each  Portfolio
        will not change as a result of the  transaction.  You will still own the
        same shares in the Fund after the Proposed Acquisition.

        M&T has told the Board of  Trustees  that it does not intend to make any
        changes in the level or quality of the advisory services provided to the
        Fund and that no fees will be changed as a result of the transaction.


A:      The Board of  Trustees  unanimously  recommends  that you vote "FOR" the
        proposals on the enclosed Form of Proxy.


A:      Shareholders  of record of the Fund at the close of business on December
        13, 2002, are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Special Meeting
        or at any  adjournments of the Special  Meeting.  Shareholders of record
        will be  entitled  to one vote for each full  share and a  proportionate
        fractional vote for each fractional  share that they hold on each matter
        presented at the Special Meeting.


A:      You may vote  your  shares  (i) in  person,  by  attending  the  Special
        Meeting,  or (ii) by  mail.  To vote by  mail,  please  sign,  date  and
        return the Form of Proxy in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.


A:      If you are a shareholder of more than one Portfolio,  you have been sent
        a Form of Proxy for each  Portfolio  you own  because  each  requires  a
        separate  vote.  Please sign,  date and return each Form of Proxy in the
        enclosed postage-paid envelope.


A:      You may revoke  your proxy at any time before it is voted by (i) sending
        to the Secretary of the Fund a written revocation,  or (ii) forwarding a
        later-dated  proxy  that is  received  by the  Fund at or  prior  to the
        Special  Meeting,  or (iii)  attending the Special Meeting and voting in
        person.  Even if you plan to attend the Special Meeting, we ask that you
        return  the  enclosed  Form of Proxy.  This will help us ensure  that an
        adequate  number of shares are  present  for the  Special  Meeting to be

                                    ARK FUNDS
                               TWO PORTLAND SQUARE
                               PORTLAND, ME 04101

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

      This Proxy  Statement  is  furnished by the Board of Trustees of ARK Funds
(the  "Fund") in  connection  with its  solicitation  of proxies  for use at the
Special Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Special  Meeting") of the Fund to be held
at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on January __, 2003, at Allfirst Trust Company,  N.A.
("Allfirst  Trust"), 25 South Charles Street,  16th Floor,  Baltimore,  Maryland
21201.  The purpose of the Special  Meeting and the matters to be acted upon are
set forth in the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders.

      The close of business on December 13,  2002,  has been fixed as the record
date for the  determination  of shareholders  entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the  Special  Meeting.  As of the record  date,  the Fund had the  following
shares of beneficial interest outstanding and entitled to vote:

                          SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST
                        OUTSTANDING ON DECEMBER 13, 2002

                                                                               INSTITUTIONAL    INSTITUTIONAL
                                                                               -------------    -------------
            PORTFOLIO                      CLASS A      CLASS B      CLASS C       CLASS           CLASS II
            ---------                      -------      -------      -------       -----           --------
U.S. Treasury Money Market
U.S. Government Money Market
Money Market
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market
Tax-Free Money Market
Short-Term Treasury
Short-Term Bond
Maryland Tax-Free
Pennsylvania Tax-Free
Intermediate Fixed Income
U.S. Government Bond
Equity Income
Value Equity
Equity Index
Blue Chip Equity
Capital Growth
Mid-Cap Equity
Small-Cap Equity
International Equity
Emerging Markets Equity

                          SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST
                        OUTSTANDING ON DECEMBER 13, 2002

                                                     CLASS             CLASS
          ---------             ---------------   ------------     -------------
U.S. Government Cash Management
U.S. Treasury Cash Management
Prime Cash Management
Tax-Free Cash Management

                          SHARES OF BENEFICIAL INTEREST
                        OUTSTANDING ON DECEMBER 13, 2002

                      PORTFOLIO                  INSTITUTIONAL
                      ---------                  -------------
           Social Issues Intermediate
             Fixed Income
           Social Issues Blue Chip Equity
           Social Issues Capital Growth
           Social Issues Small-Cap Equity

      Each share will be entitled  to one vote for each  proposal at the Special
Meeting.  It is  expected  that the Notice of Special  Meeting of  Shareholders,
Proxy  Statement  and Form of Proxy will first be mailed to  shareholders  on or
about December 23, 2002.

      If the  accompanying  Form of Proxy is  properly  executed  and  returned,
shares  represented  by it  will  be  voted  at  the  Special  Meeting,  or  any
adjournments thereof, in accordance with the instructions on the proxy. However,
if no  instructions  are specified,  shares will be voted for the  proposals.  A
proxy may be revoked at any time prior to the time it is voted by written notice
to the  Secretary  of  the  Fund,  by  execution  of a  subsequent  proxy  or by
attendance  at the  Special  Meeting.  If a quorum is not present at the Special
Meeting, or if sufficient votes to approve one or more of the proposed items are
not received,  the persons named as proxies may propose one or more adjournments
of the Special  Meeting to permit  further  solicitation  of  proxies.  Any such
adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of those  shares
represented  at the  Special  Meeting in person or by proxy.  In such case,  the
persons named as proxies will vote those proxies which they are entitled to vote
for any such item in favor of such an  adjournment,  and will vote those proxies
required to be voted against any such item against any such adjournment.  In the
event that the Special Meeting is adjourned, the same procedures will apply at a
later meeting date.

      Broker  non-votes  are  shares  held in street  name for which the  broker
indicates that instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or
other  persons  entitled  to vote and with  respect to which the broker does not
have  discretionary  voting authority.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will be
counted  as shares  present  for  purposes  of  determining  whether a quorum is
present  but will  have the same  effect as votes  cast  against  any  proposal.
Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will have no effect on the outcome of a vote
for adjournment.


      Information  about  persons  who, to the  knowledge of  management,  owned
beneficially  more  than  5% of the  outstanding  shares  of a  Portfolio  as of
November 30, 2002 is set forth in Appendix A. To the knowledge of management, as
of November  30, 2002,  the  executive  officers and Trustees of the Fund,  as a
group,  except as indicated in Appendix A, owned less than 1% of the outstanding
shares of each Portfolio.

      All expenses  associated  with the  preparation  and mailing of this Proxy
Statement and the  solicitation  of proxies will be borne by Allied Irish Banks,
p.l.c. ("AIB") and will include  reimbursement of brokerage firms and others for
expenses in forwarding proxy  solicitation  materials to beneficial  owners. The
solicitation  of proxies will be largely by mail.  Certain  officers and regular
agents  of the Fund,  who will  receive  no  additional  compensation  for their
services,  may use their  efforts,  by  telephone or  otherwise,  to request the
return of proxies.



      AIA serves as  investment  adviser to the Fund on behalf of each series of
the Fund (each a "Portfolio") pursuant to an investment advisory agreement dated
February  12,  1998,  as amended  ("Current  Advisory  Agreement").  The Current
Advisory  Agreement  was last  approved  by  shareholders  with  respect  to the
International  Equity  Portfolio on August 8, 2000 for the purpose of increasing
the  advisory  fee paid to AIA  with  respect  to that  Portfolio.  The  Current
Advisory Agreement was last approved by shareholders with respect to the Income,
Maryland Tax-Free,  Pennsylvania Tax-Free,  Balanced,  Blue Chip Equity, Mid-Cap
Equity,  Capital Growth and Small-Cap Equity  Portfolios on February 4, 1998 for
the purpose of  increasing  the  advisory  fee paid to AIA with respect to those
Portfolios.  With  respect to the  remaining  Portfolios,  the Current  Advisory
Agreement was approved by their initial  shareholders  prior to the commencement
of  operations  of  those  Portfolios.   As  explained  in  more  detail  below,
shareholders  of all  Portfolios  of the Fund are being  asked to  approve a new
investment  advisory  agreement  between  AIA and the Fund  (the  "New  Advisory

      The Current Advisory Agreement,  as required by the Investment Company Act
of 1940 (the "1940  Act"),  contains a provision  requiring  that the  agreement
terminate  in the event of an  "assignment."  Under  the 1940  Act,  a change in
control of an investment adviser results in an assignment and termination of the
adviser's investment advisory contracts.  As described below, AIA will undergo a
change in control upon consummation of a proposed acquisition.  Such a change in
control  may be deemed  to  result  in the  assignment  of,  and  therefore  the
termination of, the Current Advisory  Agreement.  To avoid any uncertainty about
the status of the Current  Advisory  Agreement,  the Board of Trustees  believes
that it is  prudent  and in the  best  interest  of  each  Portfolio  to  obtain
shareholder approval of the New Advisory Agreement.  As discussed below, neither
the level or quality of the advisory services provided to each Portfolio nor the
compensation  paid  for  those  services  will  change  under  the New  Advisory



      On September 26, 2002, M&T Bank  Corporation  ("M&T"),  located at One M&T
Plaza,  Buffalo,  New York 14203, entered into an agreement with AIB, located at
Bankcenter,  Ballsbridge,  Dublin  4  Ireland,  to  acquire  AIB's  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  Allfirst Financial Inc.  ("Allfirst"),  located at 25 South Charles
Street,   Baltimore,   Maryland   21201  (the  "Proposed   Acquisition").   Upon
consummation of the Proposed  Acquisition,  M&T will acquire control of Allfirst
and its subsidiaries. Allfirst's wholly-owned subsidiary, Allfirst Bank, located
at 25 South Charles  Street,  Baltimore,  Maryland  21201,  would be merged into
M&T's  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Manufacturers  and Traders Trust Company ("M&T
Bank"),  located at One M&T Plaza,  Buffalo, New York 14203. AIA, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Allfirst Bank, would become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of

      The Proposed Acquisition,  if consummated,  may be deemed to constitute an
"assignment,"  as  defined  in the 1940  Act,  of the  Fund's  Current  Advisory
Agreement with AIA. As required by the 1940 Act, the Current Advisory  Agreement
provides for automatic  termination in the event of an assignment.  Accordingly,
the Current  Advisory  Agreement  will terminate  upon the  consummation  of the
Proposed Acquisition. The New Advisory Agreement is being proposed to enable AIA
to continue to manage the Fund.  No change in the Fund's  portfolio  managers or
portfolio  management  teams is anticipated to occur as a result of the Proposed
Acquisition.  Appendix B lists the current  executive  officers and directors of

      M&T is the nation's 26th largest bank holding  company,  with total assets
of over $34 billion as of September 30, 2002. Its principal banking  subsidiary,
M&T Bank,  is one of the nation's  strongest and most highly  regarded  regional
banks with over 470 branches  throughout  New York,  Pennsylvania,  Maryland and
West Virginia. M&T Asset Management, a department of M&T Bank, is the investment
adviser to the VISION  Group of Funds.  As of September  30, 2002,  M&T Bank had
$8.3 billion in assets under management.

      It is anticipated that the Proposed  Acquisition would benefit AIA and the
Fund in a number of ways, including the following:  (a) the affiliation with M&T
would expand the Fund's opportunities for asset growth and related benefits; (b)
the combined  resources  of M&T and  Allfirst  would  improve  their  ability to
compete in the evolving and competitive  financial  services  industry;  and (c)
AIA's access to greater  resources  would provide for continued  innovation  and
improved services.

      In approving the New Advisory  Agreement,  the Board of Trustees took into
account that there are no material  differences  between the  provisions  of the
Current and the New Advisory  Agreements.  The Board of Trustees also noted that
neither  the  Portfolios  nor their  shareholders  will pay any of the costs and
expenses  incurred by the Portfolios  associated with the Proposed  Acquisition.
Further,  the Board of Trustees  considered that M&T does not intend to make any
material  changes to AIA's human or other  resources that would aversely  impact
AIA's  ability to provide the same quality of advisory  services it has provided
in the past. Following consummation of the Proposed Acquisition,  M&T intends to
carefully study the investment performance of each of the Portfolios, as well as
the combined resources of M&T and Allfirst, in order to determine what steps, if
any, may be taken to ensure strong investment performance of the Portfolios into
the future. It is anticipated that as a result of such study, M&T may recommend,
among other things, various actions such as reorganizations or mergers involving
certain  Portfolios,  as well as changes  in or  adjustments  to the  investment
personnel  assigned  to  manage  certain  Portfolios.  Any  proposals  involving


reorganizations  or mergers of  Portfolios  would be  presented  to the Board of
Trustees  for  its  approval.  Moreover,  implementation  of  certain  of  these
proposals also may require shareholder approval.

      At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held on December 13, 2002, the Board
of Trustees,  including all of the trustees who are not "interested  persons" of
the Fund as defined  in the 1940 Act (the  "Independent  Trustees")  unanimously
concluded  that the New Advisory  Agreement is in the best interests of the Fund
and its shareholders,  and approved,  and voted to recommend to the shareholders
of each Portfolio that they approve, the New Advisory Agreement.


      Except for differences in the effective and renewal dates, the Current and
New Advisory Agreements are the same in all material respects. A form of the New
Advisory Agreement is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

      Pursuant to both agreements,  AIA serves as investment adviser to the Fund
and is  responsible  for  providing  a  continuous  investment  program  for the
Portfolios,  including the provision of investment  research and management with
respect to all securities and investments and cash equivalents  purchased,  sold
or held in the  Portfolios,  and the  selection  of brokers and dealers  through
which securities  transactions for the Portfolios are executed. AIA performs its
responsibilities subject to the supervision of, and policies established by, the
Board of Trustees.

      Under both agreements, AIA bears all expenses incurred by it in performing
its duties as investment adviser. The Fund bears all expenses,  not specifically
assumed by AIA,  incurred in the conduct of its operations,  including,  without
limitation,  the following:  (a) the cost (including  brokerage  commissions) of
securities  purchased  or sold by the  Portfolios  and any  losses  incurred  in
connection  therewith;  (b) fees payable to, and expenses  incurred on behalf of
the Fund by, AIA;  (c)  expenses  of  organizing  the Fund;  (d) filing fees and
expenses relating to the registration and qualification of the Fund's shares and
the Fund  under  federal  and/or  state  securities  laws and  maintaining  such
registrations  and  qualifications;  (e) fees and salaries payable to the Fund's
trustees and officers;  (f) taxes  (including any income or franchise taxes) and
governmental  fees; (g) costs of any liability,  uncollectible  items of deposit
and other insurance or fidelity bonds; (h) any costs, expenses or losses arising
out of liability of or claim for damages or other  relief  asserted  against the
Fund for  violation of any law;  (i) legal,  accounting  and auditing  expenses,
including  legal fees of special  counsel at any time retained for those members
of the Board of Trustees who are not interested persons of the Fund and expenses
relating to the use of consulting  services by the Fund provided that the use of
such  services  is  approved  by the Fund's  Board of  Trustees;  (j) charges of
custodians,  transfer  agents and other  agents;  (k) costs of  preparing  share
certificates;  (l)  expenses of setting in type and  printing  prospectuses  and
supplements thereto for existing shareholders as well as shareholder reports and
proxy  material;  (m) costs of mailing  prospectuses,  statements  of additional
information  and  supplements  thereto  to  existing  shareholders  as  well  as
shareholder  reports  and  proxy  material;   (n)  any  extraordinary   expenses
(including fees and  disbursements  of counsel)  incurred by the Fund; (o) fees,
voluntary  assessments and other expenses incurred in connection with membership
in investment company organizations; (p) costs of mailing and tabulating proxies
and  costs  of  shareholders'  and  trustees'  meetings;  and  (q)  the  cost of
investment company literature and other publications provided by the Fund to its
trustees and  officers.  All  expenses are  allocated  among the  Portfolios  in


accordance with the Fund's Agreement and Declaration of Trust and the provisions
of the 1940 Act.

      Both  agreements  provide  that AIA is entitled to receive a fee,  payable
monthly,  at an  annual  rate  based on the  average  daily  net  assets of each
Portfolio.  The fee for each Portfolio  under the New Advisory  Agreement is the
same as under the Current  Advisory  Agreement  as set forth in the table below.
The table also sets forth the individual  fee paid (or  reimbursed) on behalf of
each Portfolio for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002. During that period, the
aggregate  fee paid by the Fund to AIA for services on behalf of the  Portfolios
was approximately $21,737,798.

                                  FEE UNDER CURRENT        FEE PAID
                                   AND NEW ADVISORY   (FISCAL YEAR ENDED
            PORTFOLIO                 AGREEMENTS        APRIL 30, 2002)
            ---------                 ----------        ---------------

U.S. Treasury Money Market               0.25%          $     849,123
U.S. Government Money Market             0.25%              2,476,521
Money Market                             0.25%              2,020,158
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market       0.25%                 40,251
Tax-Free Money Market                    0.25%                132,772
Short-Term Treasury                      0.35%                145,451
Short-Term Bond                          0.75%                511,637
Maryland Tax-Free                        0.65%                587,164
Pennsylvania Tax-Free                    0.65%              1,065,255
Intermediate Fixed Income                0.60%                663,713
U.S. Government Bond                     0.75%                787,851
Income                                   0.60%              1,790,724
Balanced                                 0.65%              1,866,103
Equity Income                            0.70%                488,291
Value Equity                             1.00%              2,474,537
Equity Index                             0.20%                 50,455
Blue Chip Equity                         0.70%              1,789,908
Capital Growth                           0.70%              1,376,454
Mid-Cap Equity                           0.80%                709,490
Small-Cap Equity                         0.80%              1,175,776
International Equity                     1.00%                234,290
Emerging Markets Equity                  1.00%               (34,090)
U.S. Government Cash Management          0.15%                570,811
U.S. Treasury Cash Management            0.15%                  (439)
Prime Cash Management                    0.15%               (22,127)
Tax-Free Cash Management                 0.15%                 12,341
Social Issues  Intermediate Fixed
  Income                                 0.60%                  1,397
Social Issues Blue Chip Equity           0.70%                (2,512)
Social Issues Capital Growth             0.70%               (11,959)
Social Issues Small-Cap Equity           0.80%               (11,543)

      Each  agreement  provides  that AIA shall  not be liable  for any error of
judgment  or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered  by the Fund or any of its
Portfolios  in  connection  with the  matters  to  which  the  contract  relates
including,  without limitation,  losses that may be sustained in connection with


the  purchase,  holding,  redemption  or sale of any  security  on behalf of any
Portfolio of the Fund, except a loss resulting from the willful misfeasance, bad
faith  or gross  negligence  of AIA in the  performance  of its  duties  or from
reckless disregard by it of its obligations and duties under the agreement.

      Both agreements are renewable  annually with respect to a Portfolio (a) by
the vote of a majority  of those  members of the Board of  Trustees  who are not
parties to the agreement or "interested persons" of any such party as defined in
the 1940 Act,  cast in person at a meeting  called for the  purpose of voting on
such approval; and (b) by all of the members of the Board of Trustees or by vote
of the  holders  of "a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  of a
Portfolio (as defined in the 1940 Act).

      Both  agreements  terminate  automatically  if assigned (as defined in the
1940 Act) and may be terminated with respect to a Portfolio at any time, without
penalty, on 60 days' written notice.


      The  Board  of  Trustees  determined  that the  terms of the New  Advisory
Agreement  are  fair  and  reasonable  and  that  approval  of the New  Advisory
Agreement on behalf of each  Portfolio is in the best interests of the Portfolio
and its  shareholders.  At a series  of  meetings  held from  September  through
December   2002,   the  Fund's  Board  of  Trustees  met  and   conferred   with
representatives  of  AIA,  Allfirst,  Allfirst  Trust,  M&T and  M&T  Bank.  The
representatives  discussed with the Board of Trustees the anticipated effects of
the Proposed Acquisition on the advisory, sub-advisory and related relationships
with the Portfolios.  These representatives provided information to the Board of
Trustees concerning: (a) the specific terms of the Proposed Acquisition; (b) the
anticipated advisory and sub-advisory relationships with the Portfolios; and (c)
the proposed  plans for ongoing  management,  distribution  and operation of the
Portfolios.  Throughout this period, the Independent  Trustees and their counsel
requested  and received  additional  information  from M&T,  and held  telephone
conferences  regarding the Proposed  Acquisition and its potential impact on the
Portfolios and their shareholders.

      In evaluating the New Advisory  Agreement,  the Board of Trustees obtained
substantial  information regarding:  (a) the management,  financial position and
business of M&T and its affiliates' business and operations; (b) the performance
of the  investment  companies  advised by M & T; (c) the impact of the  Proposed
Acquisition on the Portfolios and their shareholders;  and (d) the current plans
of M&T and its affiliates with respect to AIA and the  Portfolios.  The Board of
Trustees also received  information  regarding  M&T's plans for the retention of
personnel  currently  employed  by AIA who  currently  provide  services  to the

      The Board of  Trustees  evaluated  the  above-referenced  information  and
considered,  among other things,  the  following:  (a) that the terms of the New
Advisory Agreement are substantially  identical to those of the Current Advisory
Agreement, except for the dates of execution and termination;  (b) the financial
strength and resources of M&T and its commitment to asset management growth; (c)
the favorable history, reputation, qualifications and background of AIA and M&T,
as well as the qualifications of each company's  personnel;  (d) the expectation
that the  investment  objectives,  policies  and  management  strategies  of the
Portfolios after the Proposed  Acquisition will not materially  change;  (e) the
expectation  that   substantially  the  same  investment  teams  and  management
personnel will manage the Portfolios on a day-to-day  basis; (f) the expectation
that the investment  expertise  available to the Portfolios  will be enhanced by
the combined M&T and AIA management team; (g) the fact that shareholders of the


      Portfolios will have access to a more diversified mutual fund product line
through the anticipated exchange privilege with the investment companies managed
by M&T Bank; (h) the enhanced distribution  potential for the Portfolios through
M&T's sales network; (i) statements from M&T as to its intention and belief that
it does not intend to make any material  changes to AIA's  financial,  human and
other  resources that would  adversely  impact AIA's ability to provide the same
level and quality of advisory services that it has provided in the past; (j) the
statement of M&T as to its  intention  and belief that the Proposed  Acquisition
would have no material adverse effect on the advisory  services  provided to the
Fund by AIA;  and (k) the  commitment  of AIB to pay the expenses of the Fund in
connection  with the Proposed  Acquisition  so that  shareholders  of the Fund's
Portfolios would not have to bear such expenses.


      [M&T has  agreed to use its best  efforts  to assure  compliance  with the
conditions  of  Section  15(f)  of the  1940  Act.]  Section  15(f)  provides  a
non-exclusive  safe harbor for an investment  adviser or any affiliated  persons
thereof to receive any amount or benefit in connection  with a transaction  that
results in a change in control of or  identity of the  investment  adviser to an
investment  company as long as two conditions are met. First, no "unfair burden"
may be imposed on the investment company as a result of the transaction relating
to the  change of  control,  or any  express  or implied  terms,  conditions  or
understandings  applicable thereto. As defined in the 1940 Act, the term "unfair
burden" includes any arrangement  during the two-year period after the change in
control whereby the investment adviser (or predecessor or successor adviser), or
any  interested  person of any such adviser,  receives or is entitled to receive
any  compensation,  directly or indirectly,  from the investment  company or its
security  holders  (other than fees for bona fide  investment  advisory or other
services),  or from  any  person  in  connection  with the  purchase  or sale of
securities  or other  property to, from or on behalf of the  investment  company
(other than bona fide  ordinary  compensation  as principal  underwriter  of the
investment company).  Second, during the three-year period immediately following
the change of control, at least 75% of an investment company's board of trustees
must not be "interested  persons" of the investment  adviser or the  predecessor
investment  adviser  within the meaning of the 1940 Act. M&T and  Allfirst  have
advised  the  Board  that they are aware of no  circumstances  arising  from the
Proposed  Acquisition  that might result in an "unfair  burden" being imposed on
the Fund.


      The Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees,  considered the
proposal at meetings  held on November 1, 2002 and December 13, 2002.  The Board
of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees,  unanimously concluded that the
terms of the New Advisory Agreement for the Fund are reasonable, fair and in the
best interests of each Portfolio of the Fund and its shareholders,  and that the
fees  provided  therein  are fair and  reasonable  in  light  of the  usual  and
customary  charges  made by others for  services of the same nature and quality.
The Board of Trustees based this decision on its  evaluation of the  information
presented and other information made available to them, its experience with AIA,
and M&T's assurances that there were no planned changes in the advisory services
provided  to the Fund.  The  Board,  by a vote  cast at the  December  13,  2002
meeting, unanimously approved and voted to recommend to the shareholders of each
Portfolio that they approve, the New Advisory Agreement.



      As provided  under the 1940 Act,  approval of the New  Advisory  Agreement
with respect to a Portfolio will require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of
the outstanding voting securities of the Portfolio.  In accordance with the 1940
Act and as used  in this  Proposal  1, a  "majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities" of a Portfolio  means the lesser of (a) 67% or more of the shares of
the Portfolio  present at the Special  Meeting if the owners of more than 50% of
the  outstanding  shares of the Portfolio are present in person or by proxy,  or
(b) more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Portfolio.

      If the shareholders of a Portfolio approve the New Advisory Agreement,  it
will become  effective  upon  termination of the Current  Advisory  Agreement in
accordance with its terms,  which would occur upon  consummation of the Proposed
Acquisition.  If the  Proposed  Acquisition  is  not  consummated,  the  Current
Advisory  Agreement  will  remain  in  effect  until  otherwise   terminated  in
accordance with its terms.

      If shareholders of a Portfolio do not approve the New Advisory  Agreement,
the  Current  Advisory  Agreement  will  remain in effect  until  terminated  in
accordance  with its terms and the Board of Trustees  will consider what further
action to take consistent with its fiduciary duties to the Fund.

                              VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 1

                        CURRENTLY OPERATES.


      AIBIM  serves  as the  sub-adviser  to  the  Fund's  International  Equity
Portfolio  pursuant to a  sub-advisory  agreement  entered  into among AIA,  AIB
Govett,  Inc.  ("AIB  Govett")  and the Fund dated June 30,  2000 (the  "Current
Sub-Advisory  Agreement").  The Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement was approved by
shareholders on [August 8, 2000].

      AIBIM and AIB  Govett are direct  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  of AIB Asset
Management Holdings Limited ("AIBAMH") and indirect majority-owned  subsidiaries
of AIB. Due to an internal reorganization of AIBAMH effective September 1, 2002,
AIB  Govett  transferred  to AIBIM its  duties  and  responsibilities  under the
Current  Sub-Advisory   Agreement  with  respect  to  the  International  Equity
Portfolio.  The transfer did not cause an  "assignment,"  as defined in the 1940
Act,  of the  Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  because  there was no change in
actual  control or management of the  sub-adviser  to the  International  Equity
Portfolio.  Appendix B lists the current  executive  officers  and  directors of


      As  discussed  in  Proposal 1, AIA will  undergo a change in control  upon
consummation of the Proposed Acquisition by M&T. Under the 1940 Act, a change in
control of an investment adviser results in an assignment and termination of the
adviser's  investment advisory  contracts.  The Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement
contains  a  provision  requiring  its  automatic  termination  in the event the
Current Advisory  Agreement  between AIA and the Fund terminates for any reason.
As a result,  the Board of Trustees  believes that it is prudent and in the best
interest of the International Equity Portfolio to obtain shareholder approval of
a new  sub-advisory  agreement among AIA, AIBIM and the Fund with respect to the
International Equity Portfolio (the "New AIBIM Sub-Advisory Agreement"). THE NEW


      Except for  differences  in the effective and renewal  dates,  the Current
Sub-Advisory  Agreement and New AIBIM Sub-Advisory Agreement are the same in all
material respects. A form of the New AIBIM Sub-Advisory Agreement is attached to
this Proxy Statement as Exhibit B.

      Pursuant  to both  agreements,  AIBIM  manages  the  International  Equity
Portfolio and is responsible for placing all orders for the purchase and sale of
portfolio  securities,  subject to the  supervision of the Board of Trustees and
AIA.  As  compensation,   under  both  agreements,   AIBIM  is  paid  a  monthly
sub-advisory  fee by AIA (not by the Fund) at an annual rate equal to [0.50%] of
the International Equity Portfolio's average daily net assets.

      Both  agreements  provide  that  AIBIM will not be liable for any error of
judgment  or  mistake  of law or for any losses  suffered  by the  International
Equity  Portfolio or AIA in connection with the matters to which both agreements
relate including, without limitation, losses that may be sustained in connection
with the purchase,  holding,  redemption,  or sale of any security,  except that
AIBIM may be held liable to the extent that such losses  resulted  from  AIBIM's
willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence or by reason of the reckless
disregard by AIBIM of its duties.

      Both  agreements  are renewable  annually (a) by the vote of a majority of
those members of the Board of Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the
Fund,  AIA or AIBIM as  defined  in the 1940  Act,  cast in  person at a meeting
called  for the  purpose  of voting on such  approval;  and (b) by the vote of a
majority of the Fund's  Board of  Trustees  or, by the vote of the holders of "a
majority of the outstanding voting securities," (as defined in the 1940 Act), of
the International Equity Portfolio.

      Both  agreements  may be terminated at any time,  without  penalty,  on 60
days' written notice. Both agreements  terminate  automatically upon termination
of the investment advisory agreement between AIA and the Fund and also terminate
automatically  and  immediately in the event of their  assignment (as defined in
the 1940 Act).



      The  Board  of  Trustees  determined  that  the  terms  of the  New  AIBIM
Sub-Advisory  Agreement  are fair and  reasonable  and that  approval of the New
AIBIM Sub-Advisory  Agreement on behalf of the International Equity Portfolio is
in  the  best  interests  of  the   International   Equity   Portfolio  and  its
shareholders. At a series of meetings held from September through December 2002,
the Fund's  Board of Trustees met and  conferred  with  representatives  of AIA,
Allfirst,  Allfirst Trust, M&T and M&T Bank. The representatives  discussed with
the Board of Trustees the anticipated effects of the Proposed Acquisition on the
advisory,   sub-advisory   and  related   relationships   with  the  Fund.   The
representatives  provided information to the Board of Trustees  concerning:  (a)
the specific terms of the Proposed Acquisition; (b) the anticipated advisory and
sub-advisory relationships with the Fund; and (c) the proposed plans for ongoing
management,  distribution and operation of the Fund. Throughout this period, the
Board of Trustees and its counsel requested and received additional  information
from M&T, and held telephone  conferences regarding the Proposed Acquisition and
its potential impact on the Fund and its shareholders.

      In evaluating the New AIBIM Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the Board of Trustees
obtained  substantial  information  regarding:  (a)  the  management,  financial
position and business of M&T and the business and operations of its  affiliates;
(b) the performance of the investment companies advised by M & T; (c) the impact
of the  Proposed  Acquisition  on the  International  Equity  Portfolio  and its
shareholders;  and (d) the current plans of M&T and its affiliates  with respect
to AIA and the  International  Equity  Portfolio.  The  Board of  Trustees  also
received  information  regarding  M&T's  plans for the  retention  of  personnel
currently  employed by AIA who currently  provide services to the  International
Equity  Portfolio.  In  addition,  the Board of  Trustees  received  information
regarding AIBIM.

      In connection with their  deliberations,  the Board of Trustees  evaluated
the  above-referenced  information  and  considered,  among  other  things,  the
following:  (a)  that the  terms of the New  AIBIM  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  are
substantially identical to those of the Current Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  except
for the dates of execution and  termination;  (b) the investment  performance of
AIBIM; (c) the favorable history,  reputation,  qualifications and background of
AIBIM, as well as the qualifications of its personnel;  (d) the statement of M&T
as to its  intention  and belief  that the  Proposed  Acquisition  would have no
material   adverse  effect  on  the  sub-advisory   services   provided  to  the
International Equity Portfolio by AIBIM; (e) the expectation that the investment
objectives,  policies and  management  strategies  of the  International  Equity
Portfolio after the Proposed  Acquisition  will not materially  change;  (f) the
expectation that substantially the same investment team and management personnel
will manage the  International  Equity Portfolio on a day-to-day  basis; and (g)
the commitment of AIB to pay the expenses of the International  Equity Portfolio
in  connection  with  the  Proposed  Acquisition  so  that  shareholders  of the
International Equity Portfolio would not have to bear such expenses.



      The Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees,  considered the
proposal at meetings  held on November 1, 2002 and December 13, 2002.  The Board
of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees,  unanimously concluded that the
terms of the New AIBIM  Sub-Advisory  Agreement are reasonable,  fair and in the
best interests of the International  Equity Portfolio and its shareholders,  and
that the fees provided therein are fair and reasonable in light of the usual and
customary  charges  made by others for  services of the same nature and quality.
The Board of Trustees based this decision on its  evaluation of the  information
presented and other  information made available to them, its experience with AIA
and AIBIM,  and M&T's assurances that there were no planned changes in the level
or  quality  of  the  advisory  or   sub-advisory   services   provided  to  the
International  Equity  Portfolio.  The Board, by a vote cast at the December 13,
2002, meeting,  unanimously  approved and voted to recommend to the shareholders
of  the  International   Equity  Portfolio  that  they  approve  the  New  AIBIM
Sub-Advisory Agreement.


      As provided  under the 1940 Act,  approval  of the New AIBIM  Sub-Advisory
Agreement  will require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the  outstanding
voting securities of the International Equity Portfolio.  In accordance with the
1940 Act and as used in this Proposal 2, a "majority of the  outstanding  voting
securities" of the International Equity Portfolio means the lesser of (a) 67% or
more of the shares of the International  Equity Portfolio present at the Special
Meeting  if the  owners  of  more  than  50% of the  outstanding  shares  of the
International  Equity  Portfolio are present in person or by proxy,  or (b) more
than 50% of the outstanding shares of the International Equity Portfolio.

      If the shareholders of the International  Equity Portfolio approve the New
AIBIM Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  it will become effective upon termination of the
Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement in accordance with its terms, which would occur
upon consummation of the Proposed  Acquisition.  If the Proposed  Acquisition is
not consummated,  the Current Sub-Advisory Agreement will remain in effect until
otherwise terminated in accordance with its terms.

      If shareholders do not approve the New AIBIM Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  the
Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  will  remain in  effect  until  terminated  in
accordance  with its terms and the Board of Trustees  will consider what further
action to take consistent with its fiduciary duties to the International  Equity

                       SHAREHOLDERS VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 2



                        WHICH IT CURRENTLY OPERATES.


      Govett serves as the  sub-adviser  to the Fund's  Emerging  Markets Equity
Portfolio  pursuant to a  sub-advisory  agreement  entered  into among AIA,  AIB
Govett and the Fund dated June 30, 2000 (the "Current Sub-Advisory  Agreement").
The Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement was approved by the initial shareholders of
the Emerging  Markets Equity  Portfolio  prior to  commencement of operations of
that Portfolio.

      Govett and AIB Govett are direct  wholly-owned  subsidiaries of AIBAMH and
indirect  majority-owned  subsidiaries of AIB. Due to an internal reorganization
of AIBAMH  effective  September 1, 2002,  AIB Govett  transferred  to Govett its
duties  and  responsibilities  under the  Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  with
respect to the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio.  The transfer did not cause an
"assignment" as defined in the 1940 Act, of the Current Sub-Advisory  Agreement,
because there was no change in actual  control or management of the  sub-adviser
to the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio. Appendix B lists the current executive
officers and directors of Govett.

      As  discussed  in  Proposal 1, AIA will  undergo a change in control  upon
consummation of the Proposed Acquisition by M&T. Under the 1940 Act, a change in
control of an investment adviser results in an assignment and termination of the
adviser's  investment advisory  contracts.  The Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement
contains  a  provision  requiring  its  automatic  termination  in the event the
Current Advisory  Agreement  between AIA and the Fund terminates for any reason.
As a result,  the Board of Trustees  believes that it is prudent and in the best
interest of the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio to obtain shareholder approval
of a new  sub-advisory  agreement among AIA, Govett and the Fund with respect to
the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio (the "New Govett Sub-Advisory Agreement").


      Except for  differences  in the effective and renewal  dates,  the Current
Sub-Advisory Agreement and New Govett Sub-Advisory Agreement are the same in all
material respects.  A form of the New Govett Sub-Advisory  Agreement is attached
to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit C.

      Pursuant to both  agreements,  Govett manages the Emerging  Markets Equity
Portfolio and is responsible for placing all orders for the purchase and sale of
portfolio  securities,  subject to the  supervision of the Board of Trustees and
AIA.  As  compensation,   under  both  agreements,  Govett  is  paid  a  monthly


sub-advisory  fee by AIA (not by the Fund) at an annual rate equal to [0.50%] of
the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio's average daily net assets.

      Both  agreements  provide  that Govett will not be liable for any error of
judgment or mistake of law or for any losses  suffered by the  Emerging  Markets
Equity  Portfolio or AIA in connection with the matters to which both agreements
relate including, without limitation, losses that may be sustained in connection
with the purchase,  holding,  redemption,  or sale of any security,  except that
Govett may be held liable to the extent that such losses  resulted from Govett's
willful misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence or by reason of the reckless
disregard by Govett of its duties.

      Both  agreements  are renewable  annually (a) by the vote of a majority of
those members of the Board of Trustees who are not  "interested  persons" of the
Fund,  AIA,  or Govett as defined  in the 1940 Act,  cast in person at a meeting
called  for the  purpose  of voting on such  approval;  and (b) by the vote of a
majority of the Fund's  Board of  Trustees,  or by the vote of the holders of "a
majority of the outstanding  voting  securities," as defined in the 1940 Act, of
the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio.

      Both  agreements  may be terminated at any time,  without  penalty,  on 60
days' written notice. Both agreements  terminate  automatically upon termination
of the investment advisory agreement between AIA and the Fund and also terminate
automatically  and  immediately in the event of their  assignment (as defined in
the 1940 Act).


      The  Board  of  Trustees  determined  that  the  terms  of the New  Govett
Sub-Advisory  Agreement  are fair and  reasonable  and that  approval of the New
Govett Sub-Advisory Agreement on behalf of the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio
is in the best  interests  of the  Emerging  Markets  Equity  Portfolio  and its
shareholders. At a series of meetings held from September through December 2002,
the Fund's  Board of Trustees met and  conferred  with  representatives  of AIA,
Allfirst,  Allfirst Trust, M&T and M&T Bank. The representatives  discussed with
the Board of Trustees the anticipated effects of the Proposed Acquisition on the
advisory,   sub-advisory  and  related   relationships   with  the  Fund.  These
representatives  provided information to the Board of Trustees  concerning:  (a)
the specific terms of the Proposed Acquisition; (b) the anticipated advisory and
sub-advisory relationships with the Fund; and (c) the proposed plans for ongoing
management,  distribution and operation of the Fund. Throughout this period, the
Board of Trustees and its counsel requested and received additional  information
from M&T, and held telephone  conferences regarding the Proposed Acquisition and
its potential impact on the Fund and its shareholders.

      In evaluating the New Govett Sub-Advisory Agreement, the Board of Trustees
obtained  substantial  information  regarding:  (a)  the  management,  financial
position and business of M&T and the business and operations of its  affiliates;
(b) the performance of the investment  companies  advised by M&T; (c) the impact
of the Proposed  Acquisition on the Emerging  Markets  Equity  Portfolio and its
shareholders;  and (d) the current plans of M&T and its affiliates  with respect
to AIA and the Emerging  Markets  Equity  Portfolio.  The Board of Trustees also
received  information  regarding the terms of the Proposed Acquisition and M&T's
plans for the  retention of personnel  currently  employed by AIA who  currently
provide  services to the Emerging  Markets Equity  Portfolio.  In addition,  the
Board of Trustees received information regarding Govett.


      In connection with their  deliberations,  the Board of Trustees  evaluated
the  above-referenced  information  and  considered,  among  other  things,  the
following:  (a) that the  terms of the New  Govett  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  are
substantially identical to those of the Current Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  except
for the dates of execution and  termination;  (b) the investment  performance of
Govett; (c) the favorable history, reputation,  qualifications and background of
Govett, as well as the qualifications of its personnel; (d) the statement of M&T
as to its  intention  and belief  that the  Proposed  Acquisition  would have no
material  adverse effect on the sub-advisory  services  provided to the Emerging
Markets  Equity  Portfolio by Govett;  (e) the  expectation  that the investment
objectives,  policies and management  strategies of the Emerging  Markets Equity
Portfolio after the Proposed  Acquisition  will not materially  change;  (f) the
expectation that substantially the same investment team and management personnel
will manage the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio on a day-to-day basis; and (g)
the  commitment  of AIB to pay  the  expenses  of the  Emerging  Markets  Equity
Portfolio in connection  with the Proposed  Acquisition so that  shareholders of
the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio would not have to bear such expenses.


      The Board of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees,  considered the
proposal at meetings  held on November 1, 2002 and December 13, 2002.  The Board
of Trustees, including the Independent Trustees,  unanimously concluded that the
terms of the New Govett Sub-Advisory  Agreement are reasonable,  fair and in the
best interests of the Emerging  Markets Equity  Portfolio and its  shareholders,
and that the fees provided therein are fair and reasonable in light of the usual
and  customary  charges  made by others  for  services  of the same  nature  and
quality.  The Board of Trustees  based this  decision on its  evaluation  of the
information  presented  and  other  information  made  available  to  them,  its
experience with AIA and Govett,  and M&T's assurances that there were no planned
changes in the  advisory  or  sub-advisory  services  provided  to the  Emerging
Markets  Equity  Portfolio.  The Board,  by a vote cast at the December 13, 2002
meeting,  unanimously approved and voted to recommend to the shareholders of the
Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio that they approve the New Govett  Sub-Advisory


      As provided  under the 1940 Act,  approval of the New Govett  Sub-Advisory
Agreement  will require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the  outstanding
voting securities of the Emerging Markets Equity  Portfolio.  In accordance with
the 1940 Act and as used in this  Proposal  3, a  "majority  of the  outstanding
voting  securities" of the Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio means the lesser of
(a) 67% or more of the shares of the Emerging Markets Equity  Portfolio  present
at the Special Meeting if the owners of more than 50% of the outstanding  shares
of the Emerging  Markets Equity  Portfolio are present in person or by proxy, or
(b) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares  of the  Emerging  Markets  Equity

      If the shareholders of the Emerging  Markets Equity Portfolio  approve the
New Govett Sub-Advisory  Agreement, it will become effective upon termination of
the Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement in accordance  with its terms,  which would
occur upon consummation of the Proposed Acquisition. If the Proposed Acquisition
is not  consummated,  the Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement will remain in effect
until otherwise terminated in accordance with its terms.


      If shareholders do not approve the New Govett Sub-Advisory Agreement,  the
Current  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  will  remain in  effect  until  terminated  in
accordance  with its terms and the Board of Trustees  will consider what further
action to take  consistent  with its  fiduciary  duties to the Emerging  Markets
Equity Portfolio.

                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 3



      The investment  adviser of the Fund is Allied  Investment  Advisors,  Inc.
("AIA"), located at 100 E. Pratt Street, 17th Floor, Baltimore,  Maryland 21202.
AIA provides (or supervises the  sub-advisers  who provide) the Portfolios  with
day-to-day  management services and makes investment  decisions on behalf of the
Portfolios in accordance with each Portfolio's investment policies.


      AIB Investment Managers Limited, located at Percy Place, Dublin 4 Ireland,
serves as the sub-adviser to the Fund's International  Equity Portfolio.  Govett
Investment  Management  Limited,  located at Shackleton  House,  4 Battle Bridge
Lane,  London,  SEI 2H, serves as the sub-adviser to the Fund's Emerging Markets
Equity Portfolio.  The sub-advisers furnish an investment program in respect of,
and make  investment  decisions  for,  all  assets of the  Portfolios  that they
sub-advise  and place all  orders for the  purchase  and sale of  securities  on
behalf of those Portfolios.


      ARK Funds  Distributors,  LLC, located at Two Portland  Square,  Portland,
Maine 04101, serves as the distributor of the Fund's shares.

      Allfirst Trust, N.A.  ("Allfirst  Trust"), an affiliate of AIA, located at
25 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, is currently responsible for
providing the  following  services to the  Portfolios.  It is  anticipated  that
Allfirst Trust will continue to be responsible  for providing the services after
approval of the New Advisory Agreement, the New AIBIM Sub-Advisory Agreement and
the New Govett Sub-Advisory Agreement.

      Allfirst Trust serves as the Fund's  administrator.  Forum  Administrative
Services,  LLC,  located at Two Portland  Square,  Portland,  Maine 04101,  also
provides  administrative  services to the Fund pursuant to a  sub-administration
agreement with Allfirst Trust.


      Allfirst Trust serves as the Fund's transfer agent and has  sub-contracted
transfer agency services to Boston Financial Data Services, Inc., located at Two
Heritage Drive, North Quincy, Massachusetts 02171.

      Allfirst Trust also serves as the Fund's custodian.

      Appendix C  provides  information  regarding  the fees paid by the Fund to
Allfirst Trust for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

      [The  Fund]  has   retained  ADP  Investor   Communications   ("ADP"),   a
professional  proxy solicitation firm, to assist in the solicitation of proxies.
You  may  receive  a  telephone  call  from  this  firm  concerning  this  proxy
solicitation.  [The Fund] estimates that ADP will be paid fees of  approximately
$___________.  [In  addition,  ADP will be paid for its expenses  incurred;  the
amount of these  expenses  will depend on the nature and extent of the  services
provided in connection with the solicitation.]

                                  OTHER MATTERS

      No business  other than as set forth herein is expected to come before the
Special  Meeting,  but should any other matter  requiring a vote of shareholders
arise,  including any question as to an adjournment of the Special Meeting,  the
persons  named as  proxies  in the  enclosed  Form of Proxy  will  vote  thereon
according to their best judgment in the interests of the Fund.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      A  shareholder's  proposal  intended  to be  presented  at any  subsequent
meeting of  shareholders  of the Fund must be received by the Fund a  reasonable
time  before  the Board of  Trustees  makes the  solicitation  relating  to such
meeting, in order to be included in the Fund's proxy statement and form of proxy
relating to such meeting.  Shareholder  proposals that are submitted in a timely
manner will not necessarily be included in the Fund's proxy materials. Inclusion
of such proposals is subject to limitations under the federal securities laws.

      The Fund is not required to hold annual  meetings of  shareholders  if the
election of Board of Trustees  members is not required under the 1940 Act. It is
the present  intention of the Board of Trustees  not to hold annual  meetings of
shareholders unless such shareholder action is required.

                               SHAREHOLDER REPORTS

       The Fund's most recent  Annual and  Semi-Annual  Reports have  previously
been  sent to  shareholders  and  may be  obtained  without  charge  by  calling
toll-free  1-800-ARK-FUND  (1-800-275-3863)  or by  writing  to the  Fund at ARK
Funds, P.O. Box 8525, Boston, MA 02266-8525.

      Dated:  December 23, 2002


                                                                     APPENDIX A

                             5% SHAREHOLDERS OF A PORTFOLIO
                                (As of December 9, 2002)

                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Allfirst Financial Pension Plan    8,0479,954.130      63.87%
                       Allfirst Bank
                       Attention: Linda Thomas 109-810
                       110 S. Paca Street
                       Baltimore, MD  21201

                       U of MD Med Pen                     2,960,449.290      23.49%
                       Michelle-Wiles, Dir
                       Compensation-U of MD
                       29 S Greene Street - Room
                       Baltimore, MD  21201

                       Smithco Profit Sharing                885,913.510       7.03%
                       L. B. Smith, Inc.
                       Attn: Robert Sherwood
                       2001 State Road
                       Camp Hill, PA  17011

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allfirst Financial Pension Plan     1,406,513.740      11.45%
                       Allfirst Bank
                       Attention: Linda Thomas 109-810
                       110 S. Paca Street
                       Baltimore, MD  21201

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allfirst Financial Pension Plan       950,765.430      17.78%
                       Allfirst Bank
                       Attention: Linda Thomas 109-810
                       110 S. Paca Street
                       Baltimore, MD  21201

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       S&G Pollack Trust                   1,050,640.110      14.27%
                       Mrs. S Wilson Pollack
                       333 N 26th Street
                       Camp Hill, PA  17011


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Md Med Comp Ins - Equity              889,038.940      12.08%
                       MD Medicine Comp Ins Program
                       Attn:  Jane C McConnell
                       11 South Paca St Suite 200
                       Baltimore, MD  21201

                       Pollack Foundation                    639,129.940       8.68%
                       Mrs. S Wilson Pollack
                       333 N 26th Street
                       Camp Hill, PA  17011

                       Lane Enterprises, Inc. 401K           498,375.760       6.77%
                       Lane Enterprises Inc.
                       Attn:  Daniel N Gallagher
                       3905 Hartzdale Dr - Suite 514
                       Camp Hill, PA  17011

                       Wolf Organization - Pen - York        471,698.110       6.41%
                       Wolf Supply Co
                       Attn: Thomas-Wolf, President
                       20 W Market St
                       York, PA  17401-1203

                       Pollock, Doug T/A                     440,376.800       5.98%
                       Douglas W Pollock
                       1358 Pieffers Lane
                       Oberlin, PA  17113

                       AMP Inc Supp Ben Tr                   421,781.470       5.73%
                       AMP Inc
                       Attn:  Lisa Durborow
                       PO Box 3608 MS 161-04
                       Harrisburg, PA  17105-3608

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Health Alliance of Pennsylvania       117,764.200       5.61%
                       Hospital Association of PA
                       Attn:  Michael A. Suchanick, CPA
                       P O Box 8600
                       Harrisburg, PA  17105-8600

                       Kline Foundation                      117,955.750       5.62%
                       J W & Bessie H. Kline Foundation
                       515 S 29th Street
                       Harrisburg, PA  17104

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Charles R Fulton Revocable            524,636.940        5.4%
                       Charles R. Fulton
                       P O Box 67
                       Snow Hill, MD  21863-0067

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allfirst Financial Pension Plan       984,560.680      14.52%
                       See above

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       S & G Pollack Trust                 1,450,317.880       9.35%
                       Grace M Pollock
                       333 N 26th Street
                       Camp Hill, PA  17011

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       York Container Profit Sharing         454,242.970       7.98%
                       William Ludwig
                       York Container Co
                       PO Box 3008
                       York, PA  17402-0008

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allfirst Financial Pension Plan       960,529.890      29.80%
                       See above

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Tyco Electronics Foundation           708,380.060       7.48%
                       The AMP Foundation
                       Attn:  Jacqueline Heisse
                       P O Box 3608 MS 140-41
                       Harrisburg, PA  17105-3608

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Pinnacle Health System              1,540,710.560       7.48%
                       Attn:  Fredrick G. Fetters, CFO
                       PO Box 8700
                       Harrisburg, PA  17105-8700

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Michael Odlum IRA                       6,646.980      42.27%
                       Michael G. Odlum
                       6 Fox Ridge Drive
                       Malvern, PA  19355-2876


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Marion Diehl Trust/St. Paul UM          2,173.170      13.82%
                       St. Paul United Methodist Church
                       c/o Jack Kane
                       750 Norland Avenue
                       Chambersburg, PA  17201

                       St Paul/Methodist Agency                2,056.450      13.08%
                       same as above - Marion Diehl

                       Neighborhood Center                       917.780       5.84%
                       Dale Laninga, President
                       Neighborhood Center Endowment
                       2435 North Third Street
                       Harrisburg, PA  17110

                       Shelby T. White - Lindsay T/A             812.350       5.17%
                       Lindsay Caldwell Bridges
                       17 Russell Street
                       Asheville, NC  28806

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Michael Odlum IRA                       8,568.140      32.50%
                       See above

                       Marion Diehl Trust                      6,237.190      23.66%
                       See above

                       St Paul/Methodist Agency                3,835.170      14.55%
                       same as above - Marion Diehl

                       Neighborhead Center                     6,718.970      25.49%
                       See above

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Marion Diehl Trust                     11,174.190      10.44%
                       See above

                       St Paul/Methodist Agency                9,176.450       8.58%
                       same as above - Marion Diehl

                       Neighborhood Center                     7,186.850       6.72%
                       See above


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Convent of the Sisters of Mercy        67,567.410      63.16%
                       Convent of the Sisters of Mercy
                       Attn: Sister Dorothy Flynn, RSM
                       273 Willoughby Ave
                       Brooklyn, NY  11205-1418

                       Shelby T. White - Lindsay T/A           6,576.880       6.15%
                       Lindsay Caldwell Bridges
                       17 Russell Street
                       Asheville, NC  28806

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Lindsay Caldwell Bridges Rev Tr        18,482.490       6.06%
                       Lindsay Caldwell Bridges
                       17 Russell Street
                       Asheville, NC  28806

                       Marion Diehl Trust                     26,048.300       8.55%
                       See above

                       Convent of the Sisters of Mercy        40,778.650      13.38%
                       See above

                       Missionary Sisters of Our Lady        131,656.230      43.20%
                       See above

                       Rockhurst High School                  72,322.890      23.73%
                       Rockhurst High School
                       Attn: Dana Brack, CFO
                       9301 Stateline Road
                       Kansas City, MO  64114

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Chesnut/Blakehurst Waitlist           876,060.000      25.08%
                       Phase I
                       Attn:  roland De Vasher
                       1055 West Joppa Rd.
                       Towson, MD  21204

                       Chesnut/Blakehurst Capital            941,339.220      26.95%
                       Attn:  Roland De Vasher
                       1055 West Joppa Rd.
                       Towson, MD  21204

                       Augsburg Luthern Village              942,387.200      26.98%
                       Augsburg Lutheran Village, Inc.


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Attn:  Pamela E. Spencer
                       6825 Campfield Road
                       Baltimore, MD  21207-4657

                       Chesnut/Blakehurst Adm Fee            360,503.900       6.43%
                       Phase 1
                       Attn:  Roland De Vasher
                       1055 West Joppa Rd.
                       Towson, MD  21204

                       MIDFA Genvec 1999                     224,411.190       6.43%
                       Mr. Jeffrey W. Church
                       Genvec, Inc.
                       65 W. Watkins Mill Road
                       Gaithersburg, MD  20878

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Cap Bond Proc Series 02 A&B DC    158,697,533.000      17.13%
                       Joseph Heyward, Jr.
                       Suite 360
                       441 4th Street, N.W.
                       Washington, DC  20001-2700

                       Emergency Reserve Fd DC Gov        69,172,073.100       7.47%
                       Joseph Heyward, Jr.
                       Suite 360
                       441 4th Street NW
                       Washington, DC  20001-2700

                       Montgomery Co Board of Ed          61,589,529.750       6.65%
                       Active Emp
                       G. Wesley-Girling, Director
                       Montgomery County Public
                       850 Hungerford Drive
                       Rockville, MD  20850-1747

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe      54,100,954.910      14.23%
                       c/o Karen R. Pasko
                       6225 Smith Ave
                       Baltimore, MD  21209-3600

                       NYC Deferred Comp GIC              44,888,489.780      11.81%
                       New York City Deferred Comp
                       Attn: Joan Barrow, Chief
                       40 Rector Street - 3rd Floor
                       New York, NY  10212-0331


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Anne Arundel Medical Center        25,549,661.660       6.72%
                       Anne Arundel Medical Center
                       Attn: Sandra L Huffer, CPA
                       64 Franklin Street
                       Annapolis, MD  21401-2777

                       World Wildlife Fund                21,309,642.940       5.61%
                       Jewish Commty Fdn of Metrowest
                       Attention: Howard Rabner
                       901 Route 10
                       Whippany, NJ  07981-1156

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allfirst Financial Pension Plan     3,316,153.290      87.38%
                       See above

                       Wellspan 2002 Project Fund            478,928.450      12.62%
                       Richard A. Harley
                       Gettysburg Hospital
                       147 Gettys St
                       Gettysburg, PA  17325

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       M L Clark                           5,798,894.070       7.11%
                       Jeffrey M. Clark
                       1 N Minster Drive
                       White Plains, NY  10604

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Merchants Investments LLC           7,881,154.660      19.50%
                       Merchants Terminal Corporation
                       Mr. Harry D. Halpert
                       501 North Kresson Street
                       Baltimore, MD  21224

                       Gaye G. Haynes Revocable Trust      4,887,169.470      12.09%
                       Gaye G. Haynes Revocable Trust
                       G Haynes W Haynes
                       J Beaty Co-ttees
                       327 Ponte Vedra Blvd
                       Ponte Vedra, FL 32082-1813

                       William S Abell Marital Trust       2,766,416.690       6.84%
                       William S. Abell Marital Trust
                       W S Abell & A F Abell
                       8401 Connecticut Ave Suite 1100
                       Chevy Chase, MD 20815-5803

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Allfirst Bank Film              1,129,680,000.000       9.39%
                       Gale Schaeffer
                       First Bank Center M/C
                       499 Mitchell Street
                       Millsboro, DE  19966

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       MWAA 2002 Series A                 46,922,741.300         16%
                       Attn: Nancy Edwards
                       1 Aviation Circle
                       Washington, DC  20001-6000

                       NLC Mutual InsCo - Neuberger       14,467,994.880       4.93%
                       NLC Mutual Insurance Company
                       Mr. Michael McCord, Controller
                       1301 Pennsylvania Ave NW
                       Suite 550
                       Washington, DC  20004-1701

                       Balt Life Ins Co Alliance          57,568,346.110      19.63%
                       The Baltimore Life Companies
                       Attn:  Ora Pindrik
                       10075 Red Run Blvd.
                       Owings Mills, MD 21117-4871

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       MHEFA PL 1985 Loan Repayment       47,976,797.890       5.50%
                       MD. H. & H. Ed. Fac. Auth.
                       Attn: Barbara Nichols
                       401 E Pratt Street, Suite 1224
                       Baltimore, MD  21202

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       AA Co NBP Project 2000 Project      3,427,199.670      39.79%
                       Anne Arundel County
                       Attn: Mr. Jim Lawrence
                       P O Box 2700 MS 1309
                       Annapolis, MD  21404

                       PH Glatfelter Escrow                2,009,959.320      23.34%
                       P.H. Glatfelter Company
                       Attention:  John R. Anke
                       96 South George St., Suite
                       York, PA  17401-1434


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       AA Co NBP Project 2000 Reserve      1,408,587.530      16.35%
                       Anne Arundel County
                       Attn:  Mr. Jim Lawrence
                       P O Box 2700 MIS 1309
                       Annapolis, MD  21404

                       HAPGCO SF 2000A General Fund          840,923.090       9.76%
                       Housing Authority of PG County
                       Attn: Valencia Scott, Suite 210B
                       9400 Peppercorn Place
                       Largo, MD  20774

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       York County Solid Waste            12,068,061.840      16.13%
                       York Co Solid Waste & Refuse
                       Attn:  William A. Ehrman
                       2700 Black Bridge Road
                       York, PA  17402-7901

                       MCC Balt Parking 97B Const Fund     6,184,799.700       8.26%
                       City of Baltimore
                       Bureau of Treasury Management
                       100 Guilford Ave
                       Baltimore, MD  21202-3421

                       Fred Co Urbana Monocacy             4,942,098.750       6.60%
                       Frederick County, MD
                       Attn:  Ms. Patricia Barney
                       12 E Church St, Winchester Hall
                       Frederick, MD  21701

                       York Co Solid Waste 97 Oper &       4,862,017.610       6.50%
                       same as above

                       BG&E Unit 2 Fixed Income Stw        4,022,241.260       5.37%
                       Baltimore Gas & Electric
                       PO Box 1475
                       Baltimore, MD  21203-1475

                       STW Fixed Income Management
                       Attn: Cherie Cooper, Suite 100
                       200 East Carrillo Street
                       Santa Barbara, CA  93101


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       St. Mary's County 02 Facility      10,319,071.740      27.94%
                       St. Mary's Hospital
                       Paul Barber, CFO
                       25500 Point Lookout Road
                       Leonardtown, MD  20650

                       HOC Housing Relacement Reserve      5,927,404.150      16.04%
                       HOC of Montgomery County,
                       Attn: Cash Manager-Claire Kim
                       10400 Detrick Avenue
                       Kensington, MD  20895-2484

                       IDB Oak Ridge 2002 Series Con       7,796,461.630      21.11%
                       Industrial Development Board
                       of City of Oak Ridge, Tennessee
                       200 S Tulane
                       Oak Ridge, TN  37830

                       Bethesda Place Tenant/Lease         2,250,000.000       6.09%
                       Bethesda Place Limited
                       Attn: Arnold Polinger
                       5530 Wisconsin Avenue Ste 1000
                       Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4330

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Cianbro - SHA Escrow                1,026,547.680      17.37%
                       Cianbro Corporation
                       Hunnewell Square
                       Pittsfield, Maine  04967

                       Medco Univ Vill 2001 Revenue          831,631.080      14.07%
                       Collegiate Housing Foundation
                       Attn:  Lee Covey
                       3613 Stein St
                       Mobile, AL  36608

                       Balto Co Maryvale 1998 Pledged        548,860.490        9.3%
                       Maryvale Preparatory School
                       Attn:  Sister Shawn Marie Maguire
                       11300 Falls Road
                       Brooklandville, Maryland 21022

                       Medco Univ Courtyard 1999             452,818.550       7.66%
                       Collegiate Housing Foundation
                       Attn:  Lee Covey
                       3613 Stein St
                       Mobile, AL  36608


                       NAME AND ADDRESS OF                    NUMBER OF       PERCENT OF
                       -------------------                    ---------       ----------
      PORTFOLIO            SHAREHOLDER                         SHARES          PORTFOLIO
      ---------            -----------                         ------          ---------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       Medco Univ Courtyard 1999             387,170.430       6.55%
                       Collegiate Housing Foundation
                       Attn:  Lee Covey
                       3613 Stein St
                       Mobile, AL  36608

                       Medco Univ Courtyard 1999             425,948,760       7.21%
                       Collegiate Housing Foundation
                       Attn:  Lee Covey
                       3613 Stein St
                       Mobile, AL  36608

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Calvert Co Govt General            24,614,526.900      13.98%
                       Operating a/c
                       Terry Shannon
                       Dept. of Admin & Finance
                       175 Main Street, Courthouse
                       Prince Frederick, MD 20678

                       Kaiser Foundation Hospital         11,274,477.380       6.40%
                       Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
                       zttn: William M. Hansen, DOF
                       One Kaiser Plaza 26th Floor
                       Oakland, CA  94612

                       Calvert Co Govt - 2002 Bond        11,712,695.990       6.65%
                       Terry Shannon
                       Dept. of Admin & Finance
                       175 Main Street, Courthouse
                       Prince Frederick, MD 20678

                       Kaiser Foundation Hospital         11,274,477.380       6.40%
                       Kaiser Foundation Hospitals
                       Attn: William M. Hansen, DOF
                       One Kaiser Plaza 26th Floor
                       Oakland, CA  94612


                                                                      APPENDIX B


   ------------------------------             -----------------------

Rick A. Gold**                       Executive Vice President - Asset Management
Chief Executive Officer and          Allfirst Financial, Inc.

Timothy J. Hynes III                 Senior Vice President - Asset Management
Assistant Secretary and Director     Allfirst Financial, Inc.

Kathy A. Jackson                     President - Asset Management
Director                             Allfirst Financial, Inc.

Michael G. Odlum                     President and Director
President and Director               Allied Investment Advisors, Inc.

Jerome A. Ratliffe                   Corporate Secretary
Secretary                            Allfirst Financial, Inc.

Mark A. Mullican                     President
Director                             Allfirst Brokerage Corporation

Robert T. Sweet                      Managing Director and Principal
Managing Director and Principal      Allied Investment Advisors, Inc.

John E. Leo                          Chief Investment Officer
Chief Investment Officer             Allied Investment Advisors, Inc.

Jessica Wait Jennings                Managing Director and Principal
Managing Director and Principal      Allied Investment Advisors, Inc.

Brett A. Hoffacker                   Managing Director and Principal
Managing Director and Principal      Allied Investment Advisors, Inc.

James M. Hannan                      Managing Director and Principal
Managing Director and Principal      Allied Investment Advisors, Inc.

* Rick A. Gold, AIA's principal  executive officer,  also is the President and a
Trustee of the Fund.

** The address of each  executive  officer  and  director of AIA is 100 E. Pratt
Street, 17th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.



 --------------------------------              --------------------

Martina Dolan                        Group Compliance Officer
Director                             AIB Asset Management Holdings Limited
Shackleton House
4 Battle Bridge Lane
London SEI 2HR, England

Patrick K. Cunneen                   General Manager
Director                             AIB Capital Markets
AIB International Centre
Dublin 1, Ireland

John J. Costello                     Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

James C. Doyle                       Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Kieran P. Corcoran                   Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Eileen M. Fitzpatrick                Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Noel Minogue                         Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland


Niall P. Markey                      Director and Secretary
Director and Secretary               AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Louis M. McGuigan                    Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Paul A. Brophy                       Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Lore Hayes                           Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Frank O'Riordan                      Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Barry Rogers                         Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland

Noel McEvoy                          Director
Director                             AIB Investment Managers Limited
AIB Investment House
Percy Place
Dublin 4, Ireland



 ---------------------------------            -----------------------

Peter Kysel                          Director
Director                             Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management                 Govett Investment Management Limited

John W. Murray                       Managing Director of Investments
Managing Director of Investments     Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio
Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio  Management
Management                           Govett Investment Management Limited

Noel McEvoy                          Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Strategic Director, Business Manager
Strategic Director, Business Manager Govett Investment Management Limited

Thomas C. Dangerfield                Director
Director                             Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management                 Govett Investment Management Limited

Colm E. Doherty                      Director
Director                             Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management                 Govett Investment Management Limited

John A. MacLean                      Director
Director                             Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management                 Govett Investment Management Limited

Martina Dolan                        Chief Compliance Officer
Chief Compliance Officer             Govett Investment Management Limited

Paul Downing                         Managing Director of Operations
Managing Director of Operations      Operations Management
Operations Management                Govett Investment Management Limited

Charles E. Lillis                    Managing Director Funds
Managing Director Funds              Marketing Sales
Marketing Sales                      Govett Investment Management Limited

* The  address of each  executive  officer  and  director  of Govett is 4 Battle
Bridge Lane, Shackleton House, London SEI 2HR, England.


                                                                      APPENDIX C

                         ADMINISTRATIVE, TRANSFER AGENCY
                          CUSTODY FEES PAID BY THE FUND

Allfirst Trust serves as the Fund's administrator, transfer agent and custodian.

Pursuant to an  administration  agreement  entered into with the Fund,  Allfirst
Trust is entitled to receive an  administration  fee from the Fund at the annual
rate of $24,000  per  Portfolio,  plus  0.085% of the annual  average  daily net
assets of the Portfolios and any  out-of-pocket  and related  expenses.  Under a
separate agreement, Allfirst Trust has sub-contracted administrative services to
Forum Administrative Services, LLC. Under this agreement, Allfirst Trust pays to
Forum  Administrative  Services,  LLC the fees it receives from the Fund, except
that it retains a fee of 0.0275% of the annual  average  daily net assets of the
Portfolios. Prior to January 1, 2002, Allfirst Trust served as sub-administrator
of the Fund for a fee of 0.0275% of the annual  average  daily net assets of the
Portfolios. The table below shows the administrative fees paid by each Portfolio
of the Fund and  retained by Allfirst  Trust  during the fiscal year ended April
30, 2002.

Pursuant to an agreement entered into with the Fund,  Allfirst Trust is entitled
to receive  from the Fund an annual fee of up to $16 per  Portfolio  account and
activity-based  fees ranging from $.50 to $12.50 per item and reimbursements for
out-of-pocket  expenses.   Under  a  separate  agreement,   Allfirst  Trust  has
sub-contracted  transfer agency services to Boston Financial Data Services, Inc.
Under this  agreement,  Allfirst  Trust pays to Boston  Financial Data Services,
Inc. all of the transfer agency fees and expense reimbursements that it receives
from the Fund.

Allfirst Trust receives a custody fee from the Fund at the annual rate of 0.015%
of the average daily net assets of the  Portfolios.  Allfirst Trust also charges
the Portfolios  transaction handling fees ranging from $5 to $75 per transaction
and receives reimbursement for out-of-pocket  expenses.  Foreign securities held
by  the  Portfolios  are  held  by  foreign  banks  participating  in a  network
coordinated   by  Deutsche  Bank  Trust  Company   Americas,   which  serves  as
sub-custodian  for  the  portfolio  holding  foreign  securities.  All  expenses
incurred  through  this  network  are  paid by the  Portfolios  holding  foreign
securities.  The table below shows the  custody  fees paid to Allfirst  Trust by
each Portfolio of the Fund during the fiscal year ended April 30, 2002.



            ---------             --------------------   -----------------
                                   PAID* (FOR FISCAL     (FOR FISCAL YEAR
                                   -----------------     ----------------
                                      YEAR ENDED               ENDED
                                   -----------------           -----
                                    APRIL 30, 2002)       APRIL 30, 2002)
                                    ---------------       ---------------

U.S. Treasury Money Market               $ 428,922               $19,731
U.S. Government Money Market             1,655,307               261,407
Money Market                             1,677,356               254,515
Tax-Free Money Market                      159,618                31,398
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market          37,719                 6,678
Short-Term Treasury                         46,726                 9,123
Short-Term Bond                             77,643                17,898
Maryland Tax-Free                          125,128                15,722
Pennsylvania Tax-Free                      171,580                25,255
Intermediate Fixed Income                  137,851                24,664
U.S. Government Bond                       127,316                10,872
Income                                     302,902                63,991
Balanced                                   354,006                55,448
Equity Income                               82,294                15,030
Value Equity                               307,032                43,704
Equity Index                                80,230                29,135
Blue Chip Equity                           311,466                46,843
Capital Growth                             226,951                25,247
Mid-Cap Equity                             103,363                25,277
Small-Cap Equity                           158,381                55,596
International Equity                        37,301                94,901
Emerging Markets Equity                      6,778               106,570
U.S. Treasury Cash Management               14,314                 4,993
U.S. Government Cash Management            351,606                77,393
Prime Cash Management                       26,150                42,202
Tax-Free Cash Management                    14,066               (1,618)
Social Issues  Intermediate Fixed Income     2,606                    92
Social Issues Blue Chip Equity               1,537                   227
Social Issues Capital Growth                    73                    12
Social Issues Small-Cap Equity                  94                    17

* This column  reflects the  administrative  fees paid by each  Portfolio of the
Fund to, and retained by, Allfirst Trust.


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                          INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

      AGREEMENT made as of this __ day of  __________,  2003, by and between ARK
Funds,  a  Massachusetts  business  trust (the  "Fund'),  and Allied  Investment
Advisors, Inc., a Maryland corporation (the "Adviser").

      WHEREAS,  the  Fund  is  registered  as  an  open-end,  management  series
investment  company  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the
"Investment Company Act"); and

      WHEREAS,   the  Fund  currently  offers  __________  series  of  units  of
beneficial interest ("Shares"), each series representing interests in a separate
investment  portfolio,  and may offer  other  series of Shares from time to time
(all  such  series  of  Shares  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the
"Portfolios"); and

      WHEREAS,  the Fund  desires  to retain the  Adviser  to render  investment
advisory  services  to  the  Fund  and  to  the  Portfolios,  subject  to and in
accordance with the requirements of the Investment Company Act; and

      WHEREAS, the Adviser is willing to render such services under the terms of
this Agreement:

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the promises and mutual  covenants
herein contained, and intending to be legally bound hereby, it is agreed between
the parties hereto as follows:

      1. APPOINTMENT OF ADVISER.  The Fund hereby appoints the Adviser to act as
investment  adviser  to the Fund and its  Portfolios  for the period and on such
terms as are set  forth in this  Agreement.  The  Adviser  hereby  accepts  such
appointment  and  agrees  to  render  the  services  herein  set  forth  for the
compensation herein provided.

      2. DUTIES AS INVESTMENT ADVISER.  Subject to the supervision of the Fund's
Board of Trustees  ("Board"),  the Adviser will be  responsible  for providing a
continuous investment program for the Fund's Portfolios, including the provision
of  investment  research  and  management  with  respect to all  securities  and
investments and cash equivalents  purchased,  sold or held in the Portfolios and
the selection of brokers and dealers through which  securities  transactions for
the respective Portfolios will be executed. In carrying out its responsibilities
under this  Agreement,  the Adviser will at all times act in accordance with the
investment objectives,  policies and restrictions of each Portfolio as stated in
the  Fund's  registration  statement  as it may be  amended  from  time  to time
("Registration  Statement") as well as all applicable  rules and  regulations of
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      The Adviser further agrees that it will:

      (a) promptly advise the Fund's custodian and accounting  services agent of
each  purchase  and  sale,  as the case may be,  made on  behalf  of each of the
Portfolios of any security or other investment specifying in each case: the name
and  quantity  of the  investment  purchased  or sold,  the  unit and  aggregate
purchase or sale price, commission paid, the market on which the transaction was
effected,  the trade date,  the  settlement  date, the identity of the effecting
broker or dealer and/or such other information as may be reasonably requested by
the custodian and accounting services agent, all in such manner as may from time
to time be reasonably requested by them;

      (b) provide,  in a timely  manner,  such  information as may be reasonably
requested by the Fund or its authorized agent in connection with the computation
of the net asset value and the net income of each  Portfolio in accordance  with
the procedures  prescribed in the  Registration  Statement or as more frequently
requested  by the  Board;  provided,  however,  that the  Adviser  shall  not be
responsible  for any such  computation  or for the  calculation of the net asset
value per share of any of the Fund's Portfolios; and

      (c)  render  regular  reports  to  the  Board   concerning  the  Adviser's
performance of its responsibilities under this Agreement and such other periodic
and special reports as the Board may request; in particular,  the Adviser agrees
that it will  attend  meetings  of the Board or validly  constituted  committees


      3. BROKERAGE TRANSACTIONS. In placing orders with brokers and dealers, the
Adviser shall obtain the most favorable execution of such orders.  However,  the
Adviser may, in its  discretion,  purchase and sell portfolio  securities to and
from brokers and dealers who provide the Adviser with research, analysis, advice
and similar services, and the Adviser may cause the Fund to pay to those brokers
or dealers,  in return for research and analysis,  a higher commission or spread
than may be  charged by other  brokers or  dealers,  provided  that the  Adviser
determines  in good faith that such  commission or spread is reasonable in terms
either of the  particular  transaction or of the overall  responsibility  of the
Adviser to the Fund and any other  accounts  with  respect to which the  Adviser
exercises  investment  discretion.  In no instance will  securities be purchased
from or sold to the Adviser or any  affiliated  person of the Adviser  except in
accordance with the Investment Company Act.

      4. DELEGATION. The Adviser may delegate any of its duties as described in,
or derived from, the duties set forth in paragraph 2 of this Agreement, provided
that any such delegation may be made only pursuant to written  agreements  which
satisfy  the  requirements  of the  Investment  Company  Act and shall have been
approved by the Fund's Board, and by the shareholders of each Portfolio to which
such  agreement  applies,  in accordance  with the  provisions of the Investment
Company Act.

      5. SERVICES NOT EXCLUSIVE. The services furnished by the Adviser hereunder
are not to be deemed  exclusive and the Adviser shall be free to furnish similar
services to others so long as its services under this Agreement are not impaired

      6. BOOKS AND RECORDS.  In compliance  with the  requirements of Rule 31a-3
under the  Investment  Company Act, the Adviser  hereby  agrees that all records
which it maintains  for the Fund and/or the  Portfolios  are the property of the
Fund and further  agrees to  surrender  promptly to the Fund any of such records
upon request by the Fund. The Adviser further agrees to preserve for the periods
prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under the Investment  Company Act the records  required
to be maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the Investment Company Act.

      7.  EXPENSES  OF THE  FUND.  All  expenses  shall be  allocated  among the
Portfolios in accordance with the Fund's Declaration of Trust and the provisions
of the Investment Company Act. During the term of this Agreement,  the Fund will
bear all  expenses,  not  specifically  assumed by the Adviser,  incurred in the
conduct of its operations, including, without limitation, responsibility for the
following:   (a)  the  cost  (including  brokerage  commissions)  of  securities
purchased  or sold by the  Portfolios  and any  losses  incurred  in  connection
therewith;  (b) fees payable to, and expenses incurred on behalf of the Fund by,
the Adviser;  (c) expenses of organizing  the Fund; (d) filing fees and expenses
relating to the registration and qualification of the Fund's shares and the Fund
under federal and/or state  securities laws and maintaining  such  registrations
and  qualifications;  (e) fees and salaries  payable to the Fund's  trustees and
officers;  (f) taxes  (including any income or franchise taxes) and governmental
fees;  (g) costs of any  liability,  uncollectible  items of  deposit  and other
insurance or fidelity bonds; (h) any costs,  expenses or losses arising out of a
liability of or claim for damages or other relief asserted  against the Fund for
violation of any law; (i) legal,  accounting  and auditing  expenses,  including
legal fees of  special  counsel at any time  retained  for those  members of the
Board who are not  interested  persons of the Fund and expenses  relating to the
use of consulting services by the Fund provided that the use of such services is
approved by the Fund's trustees; (j) charges of custodians,  transfer agents and
other agents; (k) costs of preparing share certificates; (l) expenses of setting
in  type  and  printing   prospectuses  and  supplements  thereto  for  existing
shareholders,  reports,  shareholder reports, and proxy materials;  (m) costs of
mailing  prospectuses,  statements of  additional  information  and  supplements
thereto  to  existing  shareholders  as well as  shareholder  reports  and proxy
materials;  (n) any extraordinary  expenses (including fees and disbursements of
counsel)  incurred  by the  Fund;  (o)  fees,  voluntary  assessments  and other
expenses   incurred  in  connection  with   membership  in  investment   company
organizations;  (p)  costs  of  mailing  and  tabulating  proxies  and  costs of
shareholders  and  trustees  meetings;  and (q) the cost of  investment  company
literature  and other  publications  provided  by the Fund to its  trustees  and

      The  Fund  may pay  directly  any  expense  incurred  by it in its  normal
operations  and,  if  any  such  payment  is  consented  to by the  Adviser  and
acknowledged as otherwise payable by the Adviser pursuant to this Agreement, the
Fund may reduce the fee payable to the Adviser  pursuant  to this  Agreement  by
such amount.  To the extent that such  deductions  exceed the fee payable to the
Adviser for any monthly payment period, such excess shall be carried forward and
deducted in the same manner from the fee payable on succeeding  monthly  payment


      8. EXPENSES OF ADVISER.  The Adviser will bear all expenses incurred by it
in performing its duties as investment adviser under this Agreement. The Adviser
may,  but is not  required  to,  voluntarily  assume  any  portion or all of the
expenses that the Fund is required to pay under paragraph 7 hereof. In addition,
if the  expenses  borne by the Fund in any fiscal  year  exceed  the  applicable
expense limitations imposed by the securities  regulations of any state in which
shares are  registered  or  qualified  for sale to the public,  the Adviser will
reimburse  the Fund for any  excess up to the  amount of the fee  payable  to it
during that fiscal year pursuant to this Agreement.

      9.    COMPENSATION.  For the services  provided and the expenses assumed
pursuant to this Agreement, the Fund will pay to the Adviser a fee in accordance
with the compensation schedule appended to this Agreement.

      10.  LIMITATION  OF LIABILITY OF ADVISER.  The Adviser shall not be liable
for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Fund
or any of its Portfolios in connection  with the matters to which this Agreement
relates  including,  without  limitation,   losses  that  may  be  sustained  in
connection with the purchase,  holding,  redemption,  or sale of any security on
behalf of any Portfolio of the Fund,  except a loss  resulting  from the willful
misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence of the Adviser in the performance of
its duties or from reckless  disregard by it of its obligations and duties under
this Agreement.

      11. DURATION AND  TERMINATION.  This Agreement shall become effective upon
the date first above written and, unless sooner  terminated as provided  herein,
shall continue in effect  automatically for successive  periods of twelve months
each, so long as such continuance is specifically  approved with respect to each
Portfolio  at least  annually by (a) the vote of a majority of those  members of
the Board who are not parties to this  Agreement  or  interested  persons of any
such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such
approval; and (b) all of the members of the Board or by vote of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund.

      Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  this  Agreement may be  terminated  with
respect to any  Portfolio  or the Fund at any time,  without  the payment of any
penalty by the Fund, upon the vote of the Board or the vote of a majority of the
outstanding  voting securities of the Fund and on 60 days' written notice to the
Adviser or by the Adviser at any time, without the payment of any penalty, on 60
days'  written  notice  to the  Fund.  This  Agreement  will  automatically  and
immediately terminate in the event of its assignment. As used in this Agreement,
the terms "majority of the outstanding voting  securities,"  "interested person"
and  "assignment"  shall  have  the  same  meanings  as such  terms  have in the
Investment Company Act.

      In the event  that this  Agreement  shall not be  approved  in the  manner
provided herein or shall have been terminated with respect to any Portfolio, the
Adviser and the Fund shall  continue to be bound by the terms of this  Agreement
with respect to any other Portfolio provided that this Agreement shall have been
approved in the manner contemplated herein with respect to such Portfolio.

      12. AMENDMENT OF THIS AGREEMENT.  No material  provision of this Agreement
may be changed,  waived,  discharged  or  terminated  except by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party against which  enforcement  of the change,  waiver,
discharge or  termination  is sought,  and no amendment of any material  term of
this Agreement shall be effective until approved by the Board and by the holders
of a majority of the Fund's outstanding voting securities.

      13.  NAME OF THE FUND.  The Fund may use the name  "ARK  Fund" or any name
derived  from or using the word "ARK" only for so long as this  Agreement or any
extension,  renewal or amendment hereof remains in effect.  At such time as such
agreement  shall no longer be in effect,  the Fund will (to the  extent  that it
lawfully can) cease to use such a name or any other name similar thereto.

      14.   MISCELLANEOUS.   The  Adviser   acknowledges  that  the  Fund  is  a
Massachusetts  business trust,  and that the Fund is required by its Declaration
of Trust to limit its  liability  in all  agreements  to the assets of the Fund.
Consequently,  the Adviser  agrees that any claims by it against the Fund may be
satisfied  only from the assets of the Fund,  and no  shareholders,  trustees or
officers  of the Fund  may be held  personally  liable  or  responsible  for any
obligations arising out of this Agreement.


      The captions in this  Agreement are included for  convenience of reference
only and in no way define or delimit any of the  provisions  hereof or otherwise
affect their construction or effect. If any provision of this Agreement shall be
held or made  invalid  by a court  decision,  statute,  rule or  otherwise,  the
remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.  This Agreement shall
be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their
respective successors and shall be governed by Maryland law.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be
executed  by  their  officers  designated  as of the day and  year  first  above

Attest:                                    ARK FUNDS

- --------------------------                    -------------------------

Attest:                                    ALLIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC.

- --------------------------                    -------------------------


                                  FEE SCHEDULE

      For the services provided, and the expenses assumed, by the Adviser to the
Fund  under  the terms of the  Agreement,  the Fund  shall pay to the  Adviser a
monthly fee at the following annual rates:

                                                                PERCENTAGE OF
                                                              AVERAGE DAILY NET
                  ARK FUNDS PORTFOLIO                             ASSETS
                  -------------------                             ------

U.S. Treasury Money Market Portfolio                              0.25%
U.S. Government Money Market Portfolio                            0.25%
Money Market Portfolio                                            0.25%
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio                      0.25%
Tax-Free Money Market Portfolio                                   0.25%
Short-Term Treasury Portfolio                                     0.35%
Short-Term Bond Portfolio                                         0.75%
Maryland Tax-Free Portfolio                                       0.65%
Pennsylvania Tax-Free Portfolio                                   0.65%
Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio                               0.60%
U.S. Government Bond Portfolio                                    0.75%
Income Portfolio                                                  0.60%
Balanced Portfolio (formerly Growth and Income Portfolio)         0.65%
Equity Income Portfolio                                           0.70%
Value Equity Portfolio                                            1.00%
Equity Index Portfolio                                            0.20%
Blue Chip Equity Portfolio                                        0.70%
Capital Growth Portfolio                                          0.70%
Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio                                          0.80%
Small-Cap Equity Portfolio (formerly Special Equity Portfolio)    0.80%
International Equity Portfolio                                    1.00%
Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio                                 1.00%
Prime Cash Management Portfolio                                   0.15%
U.S. Government Cash Management Portfolio                         0.15%
U.S. Treasury Cash Management Portfolio                           0.15%
Tax-Free Cash Management Portfolio                                0.15%
Social Issues Intermediate Fixed Income Portfolio                 0.60%
Social Issues Blue Chip Portfolio                                 0.70%
Social Issues Capital Growth Portfolio                            0.70%
Social Issues Small-Cap Equity Portfolio                          0.80%


                                                                       EXHIBIT B


      AGREEMENT  executed as of  __________,  ___,  2003, by and between  Allied
Investment  Advisors,   Inc.,  a  Maryland  corporation  (the  "Adviser"),   AIB
Investment Managers Limited, [a corporation organized under the laws of Ireland]
(the  "Sub-Adviser"),  and  ARK  Funds,  a  Massachusetts  business  trust  (the

      WHEREAS, the Trust is an open-end management investment company registered
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940  Act"),  and
offers for public sale distinct series of shares of beneficial  interest (each a
"Portfolio"); and

      WHEREAS,  the  Adviser  is  the  investment  adviser  for  each  of  the
Portfolios of the Trust; and

      WHEREAS,  the Adviser  desires to retain the  Sub-Adviser  as its agent to
furnish  investment  advisory  services for each Portfolio  listed in Schedule A
(each a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds");

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1.    APPOINTMENT.      The Adviser hereby  appoints the  Sub-Adviser to
provide certain sub-investment advisory services to the Funds for the period and
on the  terms  set  forth  in  this  Agreement.  The  Sub-Adviser  accepts  such
appointment  and  agrees  to  furnish  the  services  herein  set  forth for the
compensation herein provided.

      2.    DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS.  The Adviser has furnished the  Sub-Adviser
with copies properly certified or authenticated of each of the following:

            (a) The Trust's  Agreement and  Declaration of Trust,  as filed with
      the Secretary of State of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts on March 19,
      1993, and all amendments and supplements  thereto or restatements  thereof
      (such  Declaration,  as  presently  in effect and as it shall from time to
      time be amended or restated, is herein called the "Declaration of Trust");

            (b)   The Trust's By-Laws and all amendments thereto;

            (c)   Resolutions   of  the   Trust's   Board  of   Trustees
      authorizing  the appointment of the Sub-Adviser and approving this

            (d) The  Trust's  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  under  the
      Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"),  (File No.  33-53690)
      and under the 1940 Act (File No.  811-7310),  as filed with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and all amendments thereto insofar as such
      Registration Statement and such amendments relate to the Funds; and

            (e) The Trust's most recent  prospectus  and statement of additional
      information  for the Funds (such  prospectus  and  statement of additional
      information,  as presently in effect,  and all amendments and  supplements
      thereto, are herein collectively called the "Prospectus").

            The  Adviser  will  furnish the  Sub-Adviser  from time to time with
copies of all amendments of or supplements to the foregoing.

      3. MANAGEMENT. Subject to the supervision of the Trust's Board of Trustees
and the Adviser,  the Sub-Adviser will furnish an investment  program in respect
of, and make  investment  decisions  for,  all assets of the Funds and place all
orders for the purchase and sale of securities,  all on behalf of the Funds.  In
the performance of its duties, the Sub-Adviser will satisfy its fiduciary duties


to the  Funds  (as set  forth  in  Section  8,  below),  and  will  monitor  the
investments  of each of the Funds,  and will comply with the  provisions  of the
Trust's  Declaration of Trust and By-Laws, as amended from time to time, and the
stated investment objectives, policies and restrictions of the respective Funds.
The  Sub-Adviser  and the  Adviser  will each make its  officers  and  employees
available  to the  other  from  time to  time  at  reasonable  times  to  review
investment  policies of the Funds and to consult with each other  regarding  the
investment  affairs  of the  Funds.  The  Sub-Adviser  shall  also  make  itself
available to the Board of Trustees at such times as the Board of Trustees  shall
reasonably request.

            The  Sub-Adviser  represents  and warrants  that it is in compliance
with  all  applicable  rules  and  regulations  of  the  SEC  pertaining  to its
investment advisory activities and agrees that it:

            (a) will use the same skill and care in providing  such  services as
      it uses in  providing  services  to  fiduciary  accounts  for which it has
      investment responsibilities;

            (b)   will   conform   with   all   applicable   rules   and
      regulations  of the  SEC  pertaining  to its  investment  advisory

            (c) will place orders pursuant to its investment  determinations for
      the Funds either directly with the issuer or with any broker or dealer. In
      placing orders with brokers or dealers,  the  Sub-Adviser  will attempt to
      obtain the best  combination of prompt execution of orders in an effective
      manner and at the most favorable  price.  Consistent with this obligation,
      when the execution and price offered by two or more brokers or dealers are
      comparable,  the  Sub-Adviser  may, in its  discretion,  purchase and sell
      portfolio  securities  to and from  brokers  and  dealers  who provide the
      Sub-Adviser  with research,  analysis,  advice and other  services.  In no
      instance  will  portfolio  securities  be  purchased  from  or sold to any
      affiliated  person of either the Trust,  the Adviser,  or the Sub-Adviser,
      except as may be permitted under the 1940 Act;

            (d) will report  regularly to the Adviser and will make  appropriate
      persons  available for the purpose of reviewing at  reasonable  times with
      representatives of the Adviser and the Board of Trustees the management of
      each of the Funds, including, without limitation, review of the respective
      investment  strategies  of the  Funds,  the  performance  of the  Funds in
      relation to standard industry indices,  interest rate  considerations  and
      general  conditions  affecting the  marketplace  and will provide  various
      other reports from time to time as reasonably requested by the Adviser;

            (e) will  maintain  books and  records  with  respect  to the Funds'
      securities transactions and will furnish the Adviser and the Trust's Board
      of Trustees such periodic and special  reports as the Board of Trustees or
      the Adviser may request; and

            (f) will act upon  instructions  from the Adviser  not  inconsistent
      with the fiduciary duties hereunder.

      The Sub-Adviser shall have the right to execute and deliver,  or cause its
nominee to execute and  deliver,  all proxies and notices of meetings  and other
notices affecting or relating to the securities of each of the Funds.

      4. BOOKS AND RECORDS.  In compliance  with the  requirements of Rule 31a-3
under the 1940 Act,  the  Sub-Adviser  hereby  agrees that all records  which it
maintains for the Funds,  on behalf of the Trust,  are the property of the Trust
and further  agrees to surrender  promptly to the Trust any of such records upon
the Trust's request.  The Sub-Adviser further agrees to preserve for the periods
prescribed  by Rule  31a-2  under  the  1940  Act  the  records  required  to be
maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act.

      5. EXPENSES.  During the term of this Agreement,  the Sub-Adviser will pay
all  expenses  incurred  by it in  connection  with its  activities  under  this

      6.  COMPENSATION.  For the  services  to be  provided  by the  Sub-Adviser
pursuant  to this  Agreement,  the  Adviser  will pay the  Sub-Adviser,  and the


Sub-Adviser agrees to accept as full compensation  therefor,  a sub-advisory fee
as set forth on Schedule A attached to this Agreement.

      7.  SERVICES  TO OTHERS.  The  Adviser  understands,  and has  advised the
Trust's Board of Trustees,  that the Sub-Adviser now acts, and may in the future
act, as an investment  adviser to fiduciary and other managed  accounts,  and as
investment adviser,  sub-investment  adviser,  and/or administrator to the other
investment  companies.  The Adviser has no objection to the Sub-Adviser's acting
in such  capacities,  provided  that  whenever  the Fund  and one or more  other
investment  companies  advised  by the  Sub-Adviser  have  available  funds  for
investment,  investments  suitable and appropriate for each will be allocated in
accordance  with a formula  believed by the  Sub-Adviser to be equitable to each
company. The Adviser recognizes,  and has advised the Trust's Board of Trustees,
that in some cases this procedure may adversely  affect the size of the position
that a Fund may  obtain in a  particular  security.  In  addition,  the  Adviser
understands,  and has advised the Trust's  Board of  Trustees,  that the persons
employed by the  Sub-Adviser  to assist in the  Sub-Adviser's  duties under this
Agreement will not devote their full time to such service and nothing  contained
in this  Agreement  will be  deemed  to  limit  or  restrict  the  right  of the
Sub-Adviser  or any of its affiliates to engage in and devote time and attention
to other  businesses or to render services of whatever kind or nature so long as
its services under this Agreement are not impaired thereby.

      8.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF SUB-ADVISER.  The Sub-Adviser  shall not be
liable for any error of judgment  or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by
the Funds or the Adviser in connection  with the matters to which this Agreement
relates  including,  without  limitation,   losses  that  may  be  sustained  in
connection with the purchase,  holding,  redemption,  or sale of any security on
behalf of the Funds, except a loss resulting from the willful  misfeasance,  bad
faith or gross negligence of the Sub-Adviser in the performance of its duties or
from  reckless  disregard  by  it of  its  obligations  and  duties  under  this

      9. DURATION AND  TERMINATION.  As to each Fund, this Agreement will become
effective  as of the date set  forth on  Schedule  A  provided  that it has been
approved  by vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the
respective  Fund in accordance  with the  requirements  under the 1940 Act, and,
unless  sooner  terminated  as  provided  herein,  will  continue  in effect for
successive  periods  of  12  months,  each  ending  on  the  day  preceding  the
anniversary  of the  Agreement's  effective  date  for such  Fund in each  year,
PROVIDED that such  continuation is specifically  approved at least annually (a)
by the vote of a majority of those  members of the Trust's Board of Trustees who
are not interested persons of the Trust, the Sub-Adviser,  or the Adviser,  cast
in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,  and
(b) by the vote of a majority  of the Trust's  Board of Trustees  or, as to each
Fund,  by the  vote of the  holders  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund.

      Notwithstanding the foregoing,  this Agreement may be terminated as to any
or all Funds at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by the Adviser, by
vote of the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust or by vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting  securities of a Fund on sixty (60) days' written  notice to
the Sub-Adviser and by the Sub-Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice to the
Adviser  and  the  Trust.  This  Agreement  will  terminate  automatically  upon
termination  of the  investment  advisory  agreement  between  the Trust and the
Adviser.  This Agreement will  automatically  and  immediately  terminate in the
event of its assignment.  (As used in this Agreement, the terms "majority of the
outstanding voting  securities,"  "interested  person" and "assignment" have the
same meanings of such terms in the 1940 Act). Termination of this Agreement with
respect  to any Fund  shall in no way  affect  the  continued  validity  of this
Agreement or the performance thereunder with respect to any other Fund.

      10. AMENDMENT OF THIS AGREEMENT.  No material  provision of this Agreement
may be changed,  waived,  discharged  or  terminated  except by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party against which  enforcement  of the change,  waiver,
discharge or termination is sought.

      11.  MISCELLANEOUS.  The  captions  in this  Agreement  are  included  for
convenience  of  reference  only  and in no way  define  or  delimit  any of the
provisions  hereof or otherwise  affect  their  construction  or effect.  If any
provision  of  this  Agreement  is held or  made  invalid  by a court  decision,
statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected

      The names "ARK Funds" and  "Trustees of ARK Funds" refer  respectively  to
the Trust  created by, and the  Trustees,  as trustees but not  individually  or


personally,  acting from time to time under,  the Declaration of Trust, to which
reference  is  hereby  made and a copy of which is on file at the  office of the
Secretary  of  State of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  and  elsewhere  as
required by law,  and to any and all  amendments  thereto so filed or  hereafter
filed.  The  obligations of "ARK Funds" entered in the name or on behalf thereof
by any of the Trustees,  representatives or agents are made not individually but
only  in  such  capacities  and  are  not  binding  upon  any of  the  Trustees,
shareholders  or  representatives  of the  Trust  personally,  but bind only the
assets of the Trust.  Persons dealing with a Fund must look solely to the assets
of the Trust belonging to the Fund for the enforcement of any claims against the

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be
executed by their officers  designated  below as of the day and year first above

                              ALLIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC.


                              AIB INVESTMENT MANAGERS LIMITED


                              ARK FUNDS



                                   SCHEDULE A

      For the  services  provided and the  expenses  assumed by the  Sub-Adviser
under the terms of the  Agreement,  the Adviser  shall pay to the  Sub-Adviser a
monthly fee at the following annual rate:

                                        PERCENT OF
                                        AVERAGE DAILY    EFFECTIVE
FUND                                    NET ASSETS       DATE
- ----                                    ----------       ----

ARK International Equity Portfolio      0.50%            _____________ ___, 2003


                                                                       EXHIBIT C


      AGREEMENT executed as of _______________ ____, 2003, by and between Allied
Investment  Advisors,  Inc.,  a Maryland  corporation  (the  "Adviser"),  Govett
Investment  Management  Limited,  [a  corporation  organized  under  the laws of
England] (the "Sub-Adviser"), and ARK Funds, a Massachusetts business trust (the

      WHEREAS, the Trust is an open-end management investment company registered
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940  Act"),  and
offers for public sale distinct series of shares of beneficial  interest (each a
"Portfolio"); and

      WHEREAS,  the  Adviser  is  the  investment  adviser  for  each  of  the
Portfolios of the Trust; and

      WHEREAS,  the Adviser  desires to retain the  Sub-Adviser  as its agent to
furnish  investment  advisory  services for each Portfolio  listed in Schedule A
(each a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds");

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1.  APPOINTMENT.  The Adviser hereby  appoints the  Sub-Adviser to provide
certain sub-investment  advisory services to the Funds for the period and on the
terms set forth in this Agreement.  The Sub-Adviser accepts such appointment and
agrees to furnish  the  services  herein set forth for the  compensation  herein

      2. DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS.  The Adviser has furnished the Sub-Adviser  with
copies properly certified or authenticated of each of the following:

            (a) The Trust's  Agreement and  Declaration of Trust,  as filed with
      the Secretary of State of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts on March 19,
      1993, and all amendments and supplements  thereto or restatements  thereof
      (such  Declaration,  as  presently  in effect and as it shall from time to
      time be amended or restated, is herein called the "Declaration of Trust");

            (b)   The Trust's By-Laws and all amendments thereto;

            (c)   Resolutions   of  the   Trust's   Board  of   Trustees
      authorizing  the appointment of the Sub-Adviser and approving this

            (d) The  Trust's  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  under  the
      Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"),  (File No.  33-53690)
      and under the 1940 Act (File No.  811-7310),  as filed with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and all amendments thereto insofar as such
      Registration Statement and such amendments relate to the Funds; and

            (e) The Trust's most recent  prospectus  and statement of additional
      information  for the Funds (such  prospectus  and  statement of additional
      information,  as presently in effect,  and all amendments and  supplements
      thereto, are herein collectively called the "Prospectus").

            The  Adviser  will  furnish the  Sub-Adviser  from time to time with
copies of all amendments of or supplements to the foregoing.

      3. MANAGEMENT. Subject to the supervision of the Trust's Board of Trustees
and the Adviser,  the Sub-Adviser will furnish an investment  program in respect
of, and make  investment  decisions  for,  all assets of the Funds and place all
orders for the purchase and sale of securities,  all on behalf of the Funds.  In
the performance of its duties, the Sub-Adviser will satisfy its fiduciary duties
to the  Funds  (as set  forth  in  Section  8,  below),  and  will  monitor  the


investments  of each of the Funds,  and will comply with the  provisions  of the
Trust's  Declaration of Trust and By-Laws, as amended from time to time, and the
stated investment objectives, policies and restrictions of the respective Funds.
The  Sub-Adviser  and the  Adviser  will each make its  officers  and  employees
available  to the  other  from  time to  time  at  reasonable  times  to  review
investment  policies of the Funds and to consult with each other  regarding  the
investment  affairs  of the  Funds.  The  Sub-Adviser  shall  also  make  itself
available to the Board of Trustees at such times as the Board of Trustees  shall
reasonably request.

            The  Sub-Adviser  represents  and warrants  that it is in compliance
with  all  applicable  rules  and  regulations  of  the  SEC  pertaining  to its
investment advisory activities and agrees that it:

            (a) will use the same skill and care in providing  such  services as
      it uses in  providing  services  to  fiduciary  accounts  for which it has
      investment responsibilities;

            (b)   will   conform   with   all   applicable   rules   and
      regulations  of the  SEC  pertaining  to its  investment  advisory

            (c) will place orders pursuant to its investment  determinations for
      the Funds either directly with the issuer or with any broker or dealer. In
      placing orders with brokers or dealers,  the  Sub-Adviser  will attempt to
      obtain the best  combination of prompt execution of orders in an effective
      manner and at the most favorable  price.  Consistent with this obligation,
      when the execution and price offered by two or more brokers or dealers are
      comparable,  the  Sub-Adviser  may, in its  discretion,  purchase and sell
      portfolio  securities  to and from  brokers  and  dealers  who provide the
      Sub-Adviser  with research,  analysis,  advice and other  services.  In no
      instance  will  portfolio  securities  be  purchased  from  or sold to any
      affiliated  person of either the Trust,  the Adviser,  or the Sub-Adviser,
      except as may be permitted under the 1940 Act;

            (d) will report  regularly to the Adviser and will make  appropriate
      persons  available for the purpose of reviewing at  reasonable  times with
      representatives of the Adviser and the Board of Trustees the management of
      each of the Funds, including, without limitation, review of the respective
      investment  strategies  of the  Funds,  the  performance  of the  Funds in
      relation to standard industry indices,  interest rate  considerations  and
      general  conditions  affecting the  marketplace  and will provide  various
      other reports from time to time as reasonably requested by the Adviser;

            (e) will  maintain  books and  records  with  respect  to the Funds'
      securities transactions and will furnish the Adviser and the Trust's Board
      of Trustees such periodic and special  reports as the Board of Trustees or
      the Adviser may request; and

            (f) will act upon  instructions  from the Adviser  not  inconsistent
      with the fiduciary duties hereunder.

      The Sub-Adviser shall have the right to execute and deliver,  or cause its
nominee to execute and  deliver,  all proxies and notices of meetings  and other
notices affecting or relating to the securities of each of the Funds.

      4. BOOKS AND RECORDS.  In compliance  with the  requirements of Rule 31a-3
under the 1940 Act,  the  Sub-Adviser  hereby  agrees that all records  which it
maintains for the Funds,  on behalf of the Trust,  are the property of the Trust
and further  agrees to surrender  promptly to the Trust any of such records upon
the Trust's request.  The Sub-Adviser further agrees to preserve for the periods
prescribed  by Rule  31a-2  under  the  1940  Act  the  records  required  to be
maintained by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act.

      5. EXPENSES.  During the term of this Agreement,  the Sub-Adviser will pay
all  expenses  incurred  by it in  connection  with its  activities  under  this

      6.  COMPENSATION.  For the  services  to be  provided  by the  Sub-Adviser
pursuant  to this  Agreement,  the  Adviser  will pay the  Sub-Adviser,  and the


Sub-Adviser agrees to accept as full compensation  therefor,  a sub-advisory fee
as set forth on Schedule A attached to this Agreement.

      7.  SERVICES  TO OTHERS.  The  Adviser  understands,  and has  advised the
Trust's Board of Trustees,  that the Sub-Adviser now acts, and may in the future
act, as an investment  adviser to fiduciary and other managed  accounts,  and as
investment adviser,  sub-investment  adviser,  and/or administrator to the other
investment  companies.  The Adviser has no objection to the Sub-Adviser's acting
in such  capacities,  provided  that  whenever  the Fund  and one or more  other
investment  companies  advised  by the  Sub-Adviser  have  available  funds  for
investment,  investments  suitable and appropriate for each will be allocated in
accordance  with a formula  believed by the  Sub-Adviser to be equitable to each
company. The Adviser recognizes,  and has advised the Trust's Board of Trustees,
that in some cases this procedure may adversely  affect the size of the position
that a Fund may  obtain in a  particular  security.  In  addition,  the  Adviser
understands,  and has advised the Trust's  Board of  Trustees,  that the persons
employed by the  Sub-Adviser  to assist in the  Sub-Adviser's  duties under this
Agreement will not devote their full time to such service and nothing  contained
in this  Agreement  will be  deemed  to  limit  or  restrict  the  right  of the
Sub-Adviser  or any of its affiliates to engage in and devote time and attention
to other  businesses or to render services of whatever kind or nature so long as
its services under this Agreement are not impaired thereby.

      8.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF SUB-ADVISER.  The Sub-Adviser  shall not be
liable for any error of judgment  or mistake of law or for any loss  suffered by
the Funds or the Adviser in connection  with the matters to which this Agreement
relates  including,  without  limitation,   losses  that  may  be  sustained  in
connection with the purchase,  holding,  redemption,  or sale of any security on
behalf of the Funds, except a loss resulting from the willful  misfeasance,  bad
faith or gross negligence of the Sub-Adviser in the performance of its duties or
from  reckless  disregard  by  it of  its  obligations  and  duties  under  this

      9. DURATION AND  TERMINATION.  As to each Fund, this Agreement will become
effective  as of the date set  forth on  Schedule  A  provided  that it has been
approved  by vote of a majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the
respective  Fund in accordance  with the  requirements  under the 1940 Act, and,
unless  sooner  terminated  as  provided  herein,  will  continue  in effect for
successive  periods  of  12  months,  each  ending  on  the  day  preceding  the
anniversary  of the  Agreement's  effective  date  for such  Fund in each  year,
PROVIDED that such  continuation is specifically  approved at least annually (a)
by the vote of a majority of those  members of the Trust's Board of Trustees who
are not interested persons of the Trust, the Sub-Adviser,  or the Adviser,  cast
in person at a meeting  called for the purpose of voting on such  approval,  and
(b) by the vote of a majority  of the Trust's  Board of Trustees  or, as to each
Fund,  by the  vote of the  holders  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund.

      Notwithstanding the foregoing,  this Agreement may be terminated as to any
or all Funds at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by the Adviser, by
vote of the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust or by vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting  securities of a Fund on sixty (60) days' written  notice to
the Sub-Adviser and by the Sub-Adviser on sixty (60) days' written notice to the
Adviser  and  the  Trust.  This  Agreement  will  terminate  automatically  upon
termination  of the  investment  advisory  agreement  between  the Trust and the
Adviser.  This Agreement will  automatically  and  immediately  terminate in the
event of its assignment.  (As used in this Agreement, the terms "majority of the
outstanding voting  securities,"  "interested  person" and "assignment" have the
same meanings of such terms in the 1940 Act). Termination of this Agreement with
respect  to any Fund  shall in no way  affect  the  continued  validity  of this
Agreement or the performance thereunder with respect to any other Fund.

      10. AMENDMENT OF THIS AGREEMENT.  No material  provision of this Agreement
may be changed,  waived,  discharged  or  terminated  except by an instrument in
writing  signed by the party against which  enforcement  of the change,  waiver,
discharge or termination is sought.

      11.  MISCELLANEOUS.  The  captions  in this  Agreement  are  included  for
convenience  of  reference  only  and in no way  define  or  delimit  any of the
provisions  hereof or otherwise  affect  their  construction  or effect.  If any
provision  of  this  Agreement  is held or  made  invalid  by a court  decision,
statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected

      The names "ARK Funds" and  "Trustees of ARK Funds" refer  respectively  to
the Trust  created by, and the  Trustees,  as trustees but not  individually  or
personally,  acting from time to time under,  the Declaration of Trust, to which


reference  is  hereby  made and a copy of which is on file at the  office of the
Secretary  of  State of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  and  elsewhere  as
required by law,  and to any and all  amendments  thereto so filed or  hereafter
filed.  The  obligations of "ARK Funds" entered in the name or on behalf thereof
by any of the Trustees,  representatives or agents are made not individually but
only  in  such  capacities  and  are  not  binding  upon  any of  the  Trustees,
shareholders  or  representatives  of the  Trust  personally,  but bind only the
assets of the Trust.  Persons dealing with a Fund must look solely to the assets
of the Trust belonging to the Fund for the enforcement of any claims against the


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be
executed by their officers  designated  below as of the day and year first above

                                   ALLIED INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC.


                                    GOVETT INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED


                                    ARK FUNDS



                                   SCHEDULE A

      For the  services  provided and the  expenses  assumed by the  Sub-Adviser
under the terms of the  Agreement,  the Adviser  shall pay to the  Sub-Adviser a
monthly fee at the following annual rate:

                                         PERCENT OF
                                         AVERAGE DAILY    EFFECTIVE
FUND                                     NET ASSETS       DATE
- ----                                     ----------       ----

ARK Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio    0.50%            ____________ ___, 2003


                                    ARK FUNDS

                        [NAME OF PORTFOLIO] ("PORTFOLIO")

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                JANUARY __, 2003

      This proxy is being  solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Trustees of ARK
Funds (the  "Fund") and relates to the proposal  with respect to the  Portfolio.
The  undersigned  hereby  appoints as proxies  James  Foggo,  Laurie  Brooks and
Timothy  Barto,  each of them  (with  power  of  substitution)  to vote  for the
undersigned all shares of beneficial  interest of the undersigned in the Fund at
the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern Time on
January __, 2003, at Allfirst Trust Company N.A., 25 South Charles Street,  16th
Floor,  Baltimore,  Maryland 21201,  and any adjournment  thereof,  with all the
power the undersigned would have if personally  present.  The shares represented
by this proxy will be voted as  instructed.  Unless  indicated to the  contrary,
this  proxy  shall be  deemed to grant  authority  to vote  "FOR"  the  proposal
relating to the [Name of Portfolio], with the Fund having discretionary power to
vote upon such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.



VOTE ON PROPOSAL                                       FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN

1.  Approval   of  a   new   investment   advisory     / /     / /       / /
    agreement  between  AIA  and  the  Fund  ("New
    Advisory   Agreement").   The   New   Advisory
    Agreement   provides  that  AIA  will  provide
    investment  advisory  services  to the Fund on
    the same  terms and for the same  compensation
    under which it currently operates.

Please sign within the box. If shares are held jointly,  each shareholder  named
should sign.  If only one signs,  his or her signature  will be binding.  If the
shareholder is a corporation,  the President or a Vice President  should sign in
his or her own name  indicating  this. If the  Shareholder is a  partnership,  a
partner should sign, in his or her own name, that he or she is a "Partner."

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------
Signature                                           Date

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------
Signature (Joint Owners)                            Date

                                    ARK FUNDS


                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                JANUARY __, 2003

      This proxy is being  solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Trustees of ARK
Funds (the "Fund") and relates to the proposals  with respect to the  Portfolio.
The  undersigned  hereby  appoints as proxies  James  Foggo,  Laurie  Brooks and
Timothy  Barto,  each of them  (with  power  of  substitution)  to vote  for the
undersigned all shares of beneficial  interest of the undersigned in the Fund at
the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern Time on
January __, 2003, at Allfirst Trust Company N.A., 25 South Charles Street,  16th
Floor,  Baltimore,  Maryland 21201,  and any adjournment  thereof,  with all the
power the undersigned would have if personally  present.  The shares represented
by this proxy will be voted as  instructed.  Unless  indicated to the  contrary,
this  proxy  shall be  deemed to grant  authority  to vote  "FOR" all  proposals
relating to the Portfolio, with the Fund having discretionary power to vote upon
such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.



VOTE ON PROPOSALS                                      FOR    AGAINST   ABSTAIN

1.  Approval   of  a   new   investment   advisory     / /      / /       / /
    agreement  between  AIA  and  the  Fund  ("New
    Advisory   Agreement").   The   New   Advisory
    Agreement  provides  that  AIA  will   provide
    investment  advisory  services to the  Fund on
    the same terms and for the  same  compensation
    under   which   it   currently  operates.

2.  Approval  of  a  new  investment  sub-advisory
    agreement  among AIA, AIB Investment  Managers
    Limited   and  the  Fund   (the   "New   AIBIM
    Sub-Advisory   Agreement").   The  New   AIBIM
    Sub-Advisory   Agreement   provides  that  AIB
    Investment  Managers  Limited   will   provide
    sub-advisory services to the Portfolio on  the
    same  terms  and  for  the  same  compensation
    under   which   it   currently operates.

Please sign within the box. If shares are held jointly,  each shareholder  named
should sign.  If only one signs,  his or her signature  will be binding.  If the
shareholder is a corporation,  the President or a Vice President  should sign in
his or her own name  indicating  this. If the  Shareholder is a  partnership,  a
partner should sign, in his or her own name, that he or she is a "Partner."

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------
Signature                                           Date

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------
Signature (Joint Owners)                            Date

                                    ARK FUNDS


                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                JANUARY __, 2003

      This proxy is being  solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Trustees of ARK
Funds (the "Fund") and relates to the proposals  with respect to the  Portfolio.
The  undersigned  hereby  appoints as proxies  James  Foggo,  Laurie  Brooks and
Timothy  Barto,  each of them  (with  power  of  substitution)  to vote  for the
undersigned all shares of beneficial  interest of the undersigned in the Fund at
the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern Time on
January __, 2003, at Allfirst Trust Company N.A., 25 South Charles Street,  16th
Floor,  Baltimore,  Maryland 21201,  and any adjournment  thereof,  with all the
power the undersigned would have if personally  present.  The shares represented
by this proxy will be voted as  instructed.  Unless  indicated to the  contrary,
this  proxy  shall be  deemed to grant  authority  to vote  "FOR" all  proposals
relating to the Portfolio, with the Fund having discretionary power to vote upon
such other business as may properly come before the Meeting.



VOTE ON PROPOSALS                                        FOR  AGAINST   ABSTAIN

1.  Approval   of  a   new   investment   advisory      / /    / /       / /
    agreement  between  AIA  and  the  Fund  ("New
    Advisory   Agreement").   The   New   Advisory
    Agreement  provides  that AIA will     provide
    investment  advisory  services to the Fund  on
    the  same terms and for  the same compensation
    under   which   it   currently  operates.

2.  Approval  of  a  new  investment  sub-advisory
    agreement   among   AIA,   Govett   Investment
    Management  Limited  and the  Fund  (the  "New
    Govett  Sub-Advisory   Agreement").   The  New
    Govett  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  provides that
    Govett  Investment   Management  Limited  will
    provide sub-advisory services to the Portfolio
    on  the   same   terms   and  for   the   same
    compensation    under   which   it   currently

Please sign within the box. If shares are held jointly,  each shareholder  named
should sign.  If only one signs,  his or her signature  will be binding.  If the
shareholder is a corporation,  the President or a Vice President should sign, in
his or her own name  indicating  this. If the  Shareholder is a  partnership,  a
partner should sign in his or her own name, that he or she is a "Partner."

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Signature                                           Date

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- -----------------------------------------------     ---------------------------
Signature (Joint Owners)                            Date