Filed by the Registrant                              [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant           [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary  Proxy  Statement
[ ]  Confidential,  for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
     Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee  required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid:
     (2) Form,  Schedule or Registration  Statement No.:
     (3) Filing Party:
     (4) Date Filed:

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
Neuberger Berman Century Fund          Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund            Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund         Neuberger Berman International Fund
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund        Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund         Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund          Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves         Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond      Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity      Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund
 Bond Fund
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities  Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund

                                                                 August __, 2003

Dear Shareholder:

     The enclosed  Proxy  Statement  discusses two Proposals to be voted upon by
the shareholders of each of the above-named  series (each a "Fund") of Neuberger
Berman  Equity Funds and Neuberger  Berman  Income Funds (each a "Trust").  As a
shareholder  of the Funds,  you are asked to review the Proxy  Statement  and to
cast your vote on the Proposals.  THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF EACH TRUST RECOMMENDS

     As  discussed  in more detail in the enclosed  Proxy  Statement,  Neuberger
Berman  Inc.   ("Neuberger  Inc."),  the  parent  company  of  Neuberger  Berman
Management  Inc.  ("NB  Management")  and  Neuberger  Berman,   LLC  ("Neuberger
Berman"),  recently entered into an agreement with Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
("Lehman Brothers") whereby Lehman Brothers has agreed to acquire Neuberger Inc.
and, as a result,  indirectly  assume  control of NB  Management  and  Neuberger
Berman (the  "Transaction"),  subject to certain conditions (as discussed in the
enclosed  Proxy  Statement).  Upon  completion  of the  Transaction,  the Funds'
management and sub-advisory  agreements with NB Management and Neuberger Berman,
respectively,  will  automatically  terminate.  To  provide  for  continuity  of
management,  the  shareholders  of each Fund are being  asked to vote  "FOR" the
following two Proposals:

     1.   To approve a new Management Agreement between each Trust, on behalf of
each applicable Fund, and NB Management,  to become effective upon completion of
the Transaction; and

     2.   To approve a new Sub-Advisory Agreement with respect to each Trust and
Fund,  between NB Management  and Neuberger  Berman,  to become  effective  upon
completion of the Transaction.

reviewing the enclosed materials, please complete, sign and date your proxy card


and mail it  promptly in the  enclosed  return  envelope,  or help save time and
postage costs by voting by telephone,  through the Internet or in person.  If we
do not hear from you by __________,  2003, our proxy  solicitor may contact you.
If you have any questions about the proposals or the voting instructions, please
call us at 1-800-877-9700 or call Georgeson Shareholder Communications Inc., our
proxy solicitor, at 1-866-235-2033.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                           Peter E. Sundman
                                           Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                           Neuberger Berman Equity Funds, and
                                           Neuberger Berman Income Funds

The "Neuberger  Berman" name and logo are registered  service marks of Neuberger
Berman, LLC. "Neuberger Berman Management Inc." and the individual Fund names in
this proxy  statement are either  service  marks or registered  service marks of
Neuberger Berman  Management  Inc.(C) 2003 Neuberger Berman  Management Inc. All
rights reserved.


                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
Neuberger Berman Century Fund          Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund            Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund         Neuberger Berman International Fund
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund        Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund         Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund          Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves         Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond      Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity      Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund
 Bond Fund
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities  Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund


                        TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2003

     A special  meeting  ("Meeting") of  shareholders of each of the above-named
series (each a "Fund"),  of Neuberger  Berman Equity Funds and Neuberger  Berman
Income Funds (each a "Trust")  will be held at the offices of Neuberger  Berman,
LLC, 605 Third Avenue,  41st Floor, New York, New York 10158-3698,  on September
23, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time.

     As  discussed  in more detail in the enclosed  Proxy  Statement,  Neuberger
Berman  Inc.   ("Neuberger  Inc."),  the  parent  company  of  Neuberger  Berman
Management  Inc.  ("NB  Management")  and  Neuberger  Berman,   LLC  ("Neuberger
Berman"),  recently entered into an agreement with Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
("Lehman Brothers") whereby Lehman Brothers has agreed to acquire Neuberger Inc.
and, as a result,  indirectly  assume  control of NB  Management  and  Neuberger
Berman (the  "Transaction"),  subject to certain conditions (as discussed in the
enclosed  Proxy  Statement).  Upon  completion  of the  Transaction,  the Funds'
management and sub-advisory  agreements with NB Management and Neuberger Berman,
respectively,  will  automatically  terminate.  To  provide  for  continuity  of
management,  the  shareholders  of each Fund are being  asked to vote  "FOR" the
following proposals:

     1.   To approve a new Management Agreement between each Trust, on behalf of
          each  applicable  Fund,  and NB Management,  to become  effective upon
          completion of the Transaction;

     2.   To approve a new Sub-Advisory Agreement with respect to each Trust and
          Fund,  between NB Management and Neuberger Berman, to become effective
          upon completion of the Transaction; and

     3.   To  transact  any other  business  as may  properly  come  before  the

     As described in the Proxy  Statement,  each Management  Agreement  provides
that,  following  the  Transaction,  NB  Management  will  continue  to  provide
investment  advisory  services  to each Fund on the same terms and with the same
compensation  structure as is currently in effect.  Likewise,  each Sub-Advisory
Agreement  provides  that,  following  the  Transaction,  Neuberger  Berman will
continue  to provide  sub-advisory  services  to each Fund on the same terms and
with the same compensation structure as is currently in effect.  Proposals 1 and
2 are  discussed in greater  detail in the  enclosed  Proxy  Statement.  You are
entitled to vote at the Meeting if you owned  shares of one or more of the Funds
at the close of business on August 15, 2003 ("Record  Date").  If you attend the
Meeting,  you may vote your shares in person. If you do not expect to attend the
Meeting,  please complete,  date, sign and return the enclosed proxy card in the
enclosed postage-paid envelope or vote by telephone or through the Internet.

     We will admit to the Meeting (1) all  shareholders  of record on the Record
Date, (2) persons holding proof of beneficial ownership at the Record Date, such
as a letter or account statement from the person's broker,  (3) persons who have
been  granted  proxies,  and  (4)  such  other  persons  that  we,  in our  sole
discretion,  may elect to admit.  ALL  PERSONS  WISHING  TO BE  ADMITTED  TO THE
MEETING MUST PRESENT  PHOTO  IDENTIFICATION.  If you plan to attend the Meeting,
please contact us at 1-800-877-9700.

                               By order of the Boards of Trustees,

                               Claudia A. Brandon
                               Neuberger Berman Equity Funds, and
                               Neuberger Berman Income Funds

August __, 2003
New York, New York


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                        NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN

          It is important that you vote even if your account was closed
                     after the August 15, 2003 Record Date.

     Please  indicate your voting  instructions  on the enclosed  proxy card(s),
sign and date the card(s),  and return the card(s) in the envelope provided.  If
you sign,  date and return the proxy  card(s)  but give no voting  instructions,
your shares will be voted "FOR" the proposals described above.

     To avoid  the  additional  expense  of  further  solicitation,  we ask your
cooperation  in mailing your proxy card(s)  promptly.  If you own shares of more
than one Fund,  you must submit a separate proxy card for each Fund in which you
own shares.

         As an alternative to using the proxy card to vote, you may vote by
telephone, through the Internet or in person. To vote by telephone, please call
the toll free number listed on the enclosed proxy card(s). To vote via the
Internet, please access the website listed on your proxy card(s). Shares that
are registered in your name, as well as shares held in "street name" through a
broker, may be voted via the Internet or by telephone. To vote in this manner,
you will need the "control" number(s) that appear on your proxy card(s).
However, any proposal submitted to a vote at the Meeting by anyone other than
the officers or Trustees of a Trust may be voted only in person or by written
proxy. If we do not receive your completed proxy card(s) by __________, 2003,
you may be contacted by our proxy solicitor.

     If proxy cards submitted by corporations and partnerships are not signed by
the  appropriate  persons as set forth in the voting  instructions  on the proxy
cards, they will not be voted.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                            AND VOTE ON THE PROPOSALS

While we  strongly  encourage  you to read the full text of the  enclosed  Proxy
Statement, we are also providing you with a brief overview of the subject of the
shareholder vote. Your vote is important.



A.   Neuberger Berman Inc.  ("Neuberger  Inc."), the parent company of Neuberger
     Berman Management Inc. ("NB Management"),  your Fund's investment  advisor,
     and Neuberger Berman, LLC ("Neuberger  Berman"),  your Fund's  sub-advisor,
     recently  entered  into an agreement  with Lehman  Brothers  Holdings  Inc.
     ("Lehman Brothers") whereby Lehman Brothers has agreed to acquire Neuberger
     Inc.  (the  "Transaction").  Following the closing of the  Transaction,  NB
     Management and Neuberger  Berman will each become an indirect  wholly owned
     subsidiary of Lehman  Brothers.  Neuberger Inc. and Lehman  Brothers expect
     the Transaction to close in Lehman  Brothers'  fourth fiscal quarter (which
     ends November 30, 2003),  subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions
     outlined in the Proxy Statement.

     As a result of the sale of Neuberger Inc. to Lehman  Brothers,  your Fund's
     management  agreement  with NB Management  and the  sub-advisory  agreement
     between NB Management and Neuberger  Berman will  automatically  terminate.
     Accordingly,  we are  asking  shareholders  of  each  Fund to  approve  new
     agreements.  The Proxy  Statement  provides  additional  information  about
     Lehman Brothers and the agreements.  If shareholders approve the proposals,
     the   effectiveness   of  each  is  contingent  upon  the  closing  of  the
     Transaction,  and each proposal will become effective only upon the closing
     of the Transaction.  If the Transaction is not consummated,  neither of the
     proposals will become effective.

     NB  Management  and  Neuberger  Berman have advised  each Trust's  Board of
     Trustees that they do not  anticipate  any changes in the Funds'  portfolio
     managers  or  their  portfolio  management  teams  in  connection  with the
     Transaction.  However,  there  can  be no  assurance  that  any  particular
     employee  of NB  Management  or  Neuberger  Berman  will  choose  to remain
     employed  by  NB  Management  or  Neuberger  Berman  before  or  after  the
     completion of the  Transaction.



A.   You are receiving  these proxy  materials  because you own shares in one or
     more of the  affected  Funds  and  have the  right  to vote on  these  very
     important proposals concerning your investment.



A.   Completion  of the  Transaction  will  result in a change of  control of NB
     Management  and  Neuberger  Berman,  and as a  result,  will  automatically
     terminate  each Fund's  Management  Agreement  and  Sub-Advisory  Agreement
     pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.  To ensure that
     the management of your Fund can continue  without any  interruption  and so
     that NB Management  and Neuberger  Berman can continue to provide the Funds
     with  services  equal in scope to those  currently  being  provided  to the
     Funds, your approval of the new agreements is sought.

     For the  Transaction  to close,  certain  conditions  must be  satisfied or
     waived,  including,  among  others,  the approval of the new  agreements by
     shareholders  of funds that  represented at least 75% of the assets held as
     of May 31, 2003 in all of the Funds and in all other registered  investment
     companies  sponsored by NB  Management.  The Board of Trustees of your Fund
     has approved interim contracts in the event that the Transaction closes and
     shareholders  of a particular Fund have not yet approved new agreements for
     that Fund. If new agreements for a Fund are not approved within 150 days of
     the date on which the Transaction  closes,  the Board of Trustees will take
     such  action as it deems to be in the best  interests  of that Fund and its


A.   Your Fund and its investment  objectives will not change as a result of the
     completion  of the  Transaction,  and you will still own the same shares in
     the same Fund. The new agreements are identical in all material respects to
     the existing  agreements.  The  management fee rates that the Funds pay for
     investment  advisory  services  will be the  same  upon  completion  of the
     Transaction,  and NB  Management  and  Neuberger  Berman have  advised each
     Trust's Board of Trustees that they do not  anticipate any change in any of
     the  Funds'  portfolio  managers  or their  portfolio  management  teams in
     connection with the completion of the Transaction.


A.   No. The name of your Fund will not change.


A.   No. The proposals to approve the new agreements do not seek any increase in
     fee rates. In addition,  all contractual and voluntary arrangements whereby
     NB  Management  has  agreed to limit the  expenses  of  certain  Funds to a
     specified annual rate will continue upon completion of the Transaction.


A.   After careful  consideration,  the Trustees of your Fund recommend that you
     vote FOR the proposals.



A.   No. The Funds will not bear these costs. NB Management is bearing any costs
     that  would  otherwise  be borne by the  Funds.


A.   Under the terms of the Funds'  distribution  agreements with NB Management,
     any use of the Funds'  shareholder  lists to offer other products  requires
     approval of a majority of the members of the Funds'  Board of Trustees  who
     are not affiliated with the investment advisor or distributor.


A.   For your convenience, there are several ways you can vote:

     BY MAIL:  Vote,  sign and return the  enclosed  proxy card in the  enclosed
     self-addressed, postage-paid envelope;

     BY TELEPHONE: Call the number printed on the enclosed proxy card;

     BY INTERNET: Access the website address printed on the enclosed proxy card;

     IN PERSON:  Attend the Meeting as described in the Proxy Statement.  If you
     wish to attend the Meeting, please notify us by calling 1-800-877-9700.


A.   If you own shares of more than one Fund,  you will receive a proxy card for
     each Fund that you own.


A.   If you need any assistance,  or have any questions  regarding the proposals
     or how to  vote  your  shares,  please  call us at  1-800-877-9700  or call
     Georgeson  Shareholder   Communications  Inc.,  our  proxy  solicitor,   at


                          NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
Neuberger Berman Century Fund          Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund            Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund         Neuberger Berman International Fund
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund        Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund         Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund          Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves         Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond      Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity      Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund
 Bond Fund
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities  Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund

                                605 THIRD AVENUE
                          NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10158-0180

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                        TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2003


     These  proxy  materials,  which  include a Notice  of  Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders,  a Proxy Statement, and one or more proxy cards, are being sent to
the shareholders of each of the above-named  series (each a "Fund") of Neuberger
Berman Equity Funds and Neuberger Berman Income Funds (each a "Trust") on behalf
of the Trusts'  Boards of Trustees  ("Trustees")  in  connection  with a special
meeting of  shareholders  of each Fund to be held at the  offices  of  Neuberger
Berman,  LLC, 605 Third Avenue,  41st Floor,  New York,  New York  10158-3698 on
September  23, 2003,  at 11:00 a.m.  Eastern time and any  adjournments  thereof
(each a "Meeting").


     The  Trustees  are  soliciting  votes from  shareholders  of each Fund with
respect to each  Proposal  described in this Proxy  Statement.  The  approximate
mailing date of this Proxy  Statement is August __,  2003.  If the  accompanying
proxy card is properly executed and returned in time to be voted at the Meeting,
the shares  represented by that proxy card will be voted in accordance  with the
instructions  provided on the proxy card. Executed proxy cards that are unmarked
will be voted to approve each  Proposal.  At the Meeting,  shareholders  of each
Fund will be asked to:


     1.   Approve a new Management  Agreement  between each Trust,  on behalf of
     each   applicable   Fund,  and  Neuberger   Berman   Management  Inc.  ("NB
     Management"),  to  become  effective  upon  completion  of the  Transaction
     described in this Proxy Statement; and

     2.   Approve  a  new  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  between  NB  Management  and
     Neuberger Berman,  LLC ("Neuberger  Berman") with respect to each Trust and
     Fund to become  effective upon completion of the  Transaction  described in
     this Proxy Statement.

     The  Trustees  have set the close of  business  on August  15,  2003 as the
record date ("Record Date"),  and only shareholders of record on the Record Date
will  be  entitled  to  vote  on  these  Proposals  at the  Meeting.  Additional
information  regarding  outstanding shares,  voting your proxy and attending the
Meeting are included at the end of this Proxy Statement in the section  entitled
"Voting Information."

                                GENERAL OVERVIEW


     On July 21, 2003,  Neuberger Berman Inc.  ("Neuberger Inc.") entered into a
definitive  agreement with Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. ("Lehman Brothers") and
a wholly-owned  subsidiary thereof ("Lehman Subsidiary") whereby Lehman Brothers
has agreed to acquire  Neuberger  Inc.  Pursuant to the terms and subject to the
conditions  set forth in the  acquisition  agreement,  Neuberger Inc. will merge
with and  into  Lehman  Subsidiary  with  Lehman  Subsidiary  continuing  as the
surviving  corporation and changing its name to, and continuing the business of,
Neuberger Inc. (the  "Transaction").  Neuberger Inc. is the parent company of NB
Management  and Neuberger  Berman,  which  respectively  serve as the investment
advisor  and  sub-advisor  to each  Fund.  As a result  of the  Transaction,  NB
Management  and  Neuberger  Berman  will each become an  indirect  wholly  owned
subsidiary of Lehman Brothers.

     The  estimated  total  value of the  Transaction  is  approximately  $2.625
billion (based on the closing price of Lehman  Brothers stock on July 21, 2003).
Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, each stockholder of Neuberger Inc.
would receive  (based on the closing price of Lehman  Brothers stock on July 21,
2003,  and including $42 million  in-the-money  options and less $255 million in
net  excess  cash as of June 30,  2003,  and  excluding  $1.6  million  unvested
restricted shares in five employee compensation plans) an implied price of about
$41.48  per  share,  consisting  of $9.49 in cash and  0.496  shares  of  Lehman
Brothers'  common stock. The number of shares to be received by each stockholder
of  Neuberger  Inc.  may,  however,  be adjusted  with such  adjustment  being a
function of the average trading price of Lehman  Brothers' common stock during a
period shortly prior to closing.

     Consummation of the Transaction is subject to certain terms and conditions,
including,  among others: (1) Neuberger Inc. obtaining the requisite approval of
its stockholders; (2) the Trusts obtaining approval to enter into new management
and  sub-advisory  agreements,  as set forth in this Proxy  Statement,  from the


shareholders of funds that represented 75% of the assets held as of May 31, 2003
in all of the Funds and in all other registered  investment  companies sponsored
by NB  Management;  (3)  agreement by other  specified  categories  of Neuberger
Berman clients  representing a certain percentage of the revenue attributable to
the  assets  under  management  for such  clients  to  continue  their  advisory
relationships with Neuberger Berman following completion of the Transaction; and
(4) Neuberger Inc.,  Lehman  Brothers and Lehman  Subsidiary  obtaining  certain
regulatory  approvals.  Although there is no assurance that the Transaction will
be completed,  if each of the terms and conditions are satisfied or waived,  the
parties to the  Transaction  anticipate  that the closing will take place during
Lehman Brothers' fourth fiscal quarter (which ends November 30, 2003).


     As described  above,  upon completion of the  Transaction,  Lehman Brothers
through its ownership of Lehman Subsidiary, the entity into which Neuberger Inc.
will  merge,  will  indirectly  control  NB  Management  and  Neuberger  Berman.
Operationally,  Neuberger  Inc.  will become a part of Lehman  Brothers'  Client
Services  Segment's  Wealth and Asset  Management  Division.  NB Management  and
Neuberger Berman will continue operate under their existing names.

     NB Management and Neuberger Berman have advised the Boards of Trustees that
they do not  anticipate  any changes in the Funds'  portfolio  managers or their
portfolio  management teams in connection with the Transaction.  Lehman Brothers
has  established  a  compensation  pool to be  used  for  the  retention  of key
employees in an effort to ensure there will be no  disruption  in the quality of
services  provided to  shareholders of the Funds and other clients in connection
with the  Transaction.  However,  there can be no assurance  that any particular
employee of NB Management or Neuberger  Berman will choose to remain employed by
NB  Management  or  Neuberger  Berman  before  or after  the  completion  of the


     Lehman  Brothers,  a publicly traded company,  is one of the leading global
investment  banks serving the financial needs of  corporations,  governments and
municipalities, institutional clients, and high-net-worth individuals worldwide.
Founded in 1850, Lehman Brothers  maintains  leadership  positions in equity and
fixed income sales,  trading and research,  investment banking,  private equity,
and private client services.  The Firm is headquartered in New York, London, and
Tokyo and operates in a network of offices around the world. Lehman Brothers and
its  affiliates  managed over $46.7 billion of client assets as of June 1, 2003.
Lehman Brothers' address is 745 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10019.

     Lehman  Subsidiary is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lehman Brothers and upon
consummation  of  the  Transaction,  will  own  all of  the  outstanding  voting
securities of NB Management and Neuberger Berman.


     Neuberger Inc. is a publicly  traded holding company that is owned ____% by
the employees of Neuberger  Berman and its affiliates  and former  principals of
Neuberger  Berman.  Neuberger  Inc.  is the  parent  and  100%  owner of both NB
Management  and  Neuberger  Berman.   Subsidiaries  of  Neuberger  Inc.  include


investment  advisory  companies that together have $63.7 billion in assets under
management,  as of  June  30,  2003.  For  64  years,  Neuberger  Inc.  and  its
subsidiaries  and  predecessors  have  provided  clients  with a broad  range of
investment  products,  services and strategies for  individuals,  families,  and
taxable  and  non-taxable   institutions.   Neuberger  Inc.  engages  in  wealth
management  services  including  private  asset  management,  tax and  financial
planning,   and  personal  and  institutional  trust  services;   mutual  funds,
institutional   management  and  alternative   investments;   and   professional
securities services.

     NB Management,  605 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, New York 10158-0180,
is a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  Neuberger  Inc.  As of the  closing  of the
Transaction,  NB Management will become an indirect  wholly owned  subsidiary of
Lehman  Brothers.  NB Management is an  SEC-registered  investment  advisor that
provides  investment  advisory  services  to the Trusts and to other  registered
investment  companies,  both  open-  and  closed-end.  It  also  provides  asset
allocation  advice  to  individuals.  NB  Management  is also an  SEC-registered
limited purpose broker-dealer that distributes shares of the Funds.

     Neuberger  Berman,  605 Third Avenue,  New York, New York 10158-3698,  is a
wholly owned  subsidiary of Neuberger Inc. As of the closing of the Transaction,
Neuberger  Berman will  become an indirect  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Lehman
Brothers. Neuberger Berman is an SEC-registered investment advisor that provides
advisory services to the Trusts and to other registered investment companies, as
well  as to high  net  worth  individuals,  unregistered  investment  companies,
corporations,   and  institutional  investors.   Neuberger  Berman  is  also  an
SEC-registered  broker-dealer that provides  professional  securities  services,
including trade execution, securities lending and prime brokerage services.

     Exhibit  A to this  Proxy  Statement  provides  information  regarding  the
principal  executive  officers and  directors  of NB  Management  and  Neuberger


     Neuberger Inc.  anticipates  that the Transaction and its combination  with
Lehman  Brothers will benefit  Neuberger Inc. and the Funds in a number of ways,

     o    providing  Neuberger Inc. with global  capabilities in an increasingly
          global industry;
     o    expanding Neuberger Inc.'s product offerings;
     o    providing greater access to information resources;
     o    enhancing  retention of key employees by increasing  opportunities for
          these employees of Neuberger Inc. and its affiliates including through
          the benefits of being part of a larger,  financially stronger company;
     o    affiliating  with  Lehman  Brothers,  which has made the growth of its
          asset  management  operations a key component of its business plans, a
          commitment  that is expected  to assist NB  Management  and  Neuberger
          Berman in continuing to expand their business,  attract more assets to
          the Funds and maintain the high level of services  they provide to the



     NB Management serves as advisor to each Fund and Neuberger Berman serves as
sub-advisor  to each Fund.  NB Management  and  Neuberger  Berman will undergo a
change of  control  as a result of the  Transaction.  This  change of control is
deemed to be an "assignment" of each Fund's  existing  Management  Agreement and
Sub-Advisory  Agreement (together,  "existing  Agreements") under the Investment
Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the "1940 Act").  As required by the 1940 Act,
each Fund's existing Management Agreement and Sub-Advisory Agreement provide for
their  automatic  termination  in the  event of an  assignment,  and  each  will
terminate upon the consummation of the Transaction. Accordingly, shareholders of
each Fund are being asked to approve a new Management Agreement ("New Management
Agreement") and a new Sub-Advisory  Agreement ("New Sub-Advisory  Agreement" and
together,  "New  Agreements") that are identical in all material respects to the
existing  Agreements to allow NB Management and Neuberger  Berman to continue to
manage each Fund.  For each Fund,  the  Proposal  to approve a new  Sub-Advisory
Agreement is subject to the approval of the Proposal to approve a new Management
Agreement.  If the  Transaction  is not completed  for any reason,  the existing
Agreements will remain in effect for each Fund.

     If the  shareholders of a Fund do not approve the New Management  Agreement
and/or new Sub-Advisory Agreement before the Transaction is completed, the Board
has approved  continuation  of NB Management's  advisory  services and Neuberger
Berman's   sub-advisory  services  under  interim  Management  and  Sub-Advisory
Agreements  (together,   "interim  Agreements")  pending  approval  of  the  New
Agreements by  shareholders of such Fund.  Compensation  earned by NB Management
and Neuberger  Berman under the interim  Agreements would be held in an interest
bearing escrow account pending  shareholder  approval of the New Agreements.  If
shareholders  approve the New Agreements within 150 days from the termination of
the  existing  Agreements,  the  amount  held in the escrow  account,  including
interest, will be paid to NB Management and Neuberger Berman. If shareholders do
not approve the New Agreements,  NB Management and Neuberger Berman will be paid
the lesser of the costs  incurred  performing  their  services under the interim
Agreements or the total amount in the escrow account, including interest earned.
If at the end of 150 days following  termination of a Fund's existing Agreements
the Fund's shareholders still have not approved the New Agreements, the Trustees
would  either  negotiate  a new  Management  Agreement  and/or new  Sub-Advisory
Agreement with an advisory  organization  selected by the Trustees or make other
arrangements. In the event the Transaction is not consummated, NB Management and
Neuberger   Berman  will   continue   to  serve  as  advisor  and   sub-advisor,
respectively, to each Fund pursuant to the terms of the existing Agreements.


     Shareholders  of each Fund are  being  asked to  approve  a New  Management
Agreement  between  the  Trust,  on  behalf  of  each  applicable  Fund,  and NB
Management.  As described above, each Trust's existing Management Agreement will
terminate upon consummation of the Transaction.  Therefore,  approval of the New
Management Agreements is sought so that the management of each Fund can continue
without interruption.



     The Trustees  who were  present at an  in-person  meeting held on August 5,
2003,  including a majority of the Trustees who are not "interested  persons" of
the  Trust  or of NB  Management  (as  defined  in the 1940  Act)  ("Independent
Trustees"),  unanimously approved the New Management Agreement for each Fund and
unanimously recommended that shareholders approve the New Management Agreements.
A summary of the  Trustees'  considerations  is  provided  below in the  section
entitled "Evaluation by the Trustees."


     The form of the New Management  Agreements is attached as Exhibit B to this
Proxy Statement and the description of terms in this section is qualified in its
entirety by reference to Exhibit B. Appendix B-1 shows the date of each existing
Management  Agreement,  the date when the existing Management Agreement was last
approved by the  Trustees of the Trust with  respect to each Fund,  and the date
when  the  existing  Management  Agreement  was  last  submitted  to a  vote  of
shareholders of each applicable Fund, including the purpose of such submission.

     The terms of each New  Management  Agreement  are identical to those of the
respective existing Management Agreement,  except for the dates of execution and
termination.  The fee rates under each New Management Agreement are identical to
the fee rates under the respective existing Management  Agreement.  In addition,
all voluntary and contractual  expense  reimbursement  arrangements  between any
Fund and NB Management  will be renewed and will continue upon completion of the
Transaction.  NB Management  has advised the Boards of Trustees that it does not
anticipate that the  Transaction  will result in any reduction in the quality of
services now provided to the Funds or have any adverse  effect on the ability of
NB Management to fulfill its obligations to the Funds.

     The following  discussion applies to both the existing Management Agreement
and the New Management  Agreement for each Fund (the  "Management  Agreements"):

     INVESTMENT  MANAGEMENT  SERVICES.  NB Management  serves as the  investment
advisor to each Fund pursuant to the  Management  Agreements  with each Trust on
behalf of each applicable Fund. In relation to providing investment advisory and
portfolio  management  services,  the  Management  Agreements  provide  that  NB
Management  will (1) obtain and  evaluate  information  relating to the economy,
industries,  businesses,  securities  markets and  securities,  (2)  formulate a
continuing  program for the investment of each Fund's assets consistent with its
investment objectives, policies and restrictions, and (3) determine from time to
time  securities  to be  purchased,  sold,  retained  or lent by the  Funds  and
implement  those  decisions,  including the selection of entities  through which
such  transactions  are to be  effected.  The  Management  Agreements  permit NB
Management  to effect  securities  transactions  on behalf of the Funds  through
associated  persons of NB Management,  which will include Lehman  Brothers after
completion of the  Transaction.  The  Management  Agreements  also  specifically
permit NB Management to  compensate,  through  higher  commissions,  brokers and
dealers who provide  investment  research and analysis to the Funds,  subject to
obtaining  best  execution.  Exhibit  C  to  this  Proxy  Statement  sets  forth
information regarding commissions paid by the Funds to affiliated brokers during
the most recent fiscal year.


     ADMINISTRATIVE  SERVICES.   Pursuant  to  the  Management  Agreements,   NB
Management provides to each Fund, without separate cost, office space, equipment
and facilities and the personnel necessary to perform executive, administrative,
and clerical  functions.  NB Management  also (i) assists each Fund in selecting
and coordinating the activities of other agents, including the Funds' custodian,
independent  auditors  and  legal  counsel;  (ii)  authorizes  and  permits  its
directors,  officers and  employees  who may be elected or appointed to serve as
such to the Funds or  Trusts;  (iii)  assures  that all books  and  records  are
maintained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;  and (iv) assists
in the preparation of periodic reports and filings required by federal and state
securities and tax laws.

     EXPENSES.  NB  Management  pays  all  salaries,  expenses,  and fees of the
officers, Trustees, and employees of the Trusts who are officers,  directors, or
employees of NB Management or Neuberger Berman.  Each Fund bears the expenses of
its  operation  including  the  costs  associated  with:  custody,   shareholder
servicing, shareholder reports, pricing and portfolio valuation, communications,
legal and accounting  fees,  Trustees fees and expenses,  shareholder  meetings,
bonding and insurance,  brokerage  commissions,  taxes,  trade association fees,
nonrecurring and extraordinary expenses, and organizational expenses.

     ADVISORY  FEE.  Each Fund pays NB  Management  an advisory fee based on the
Fund's  average daily net assets.  Exhibit D to this Proxy  Statement sets forth
the rate of compensation and aggregate amount of advisory fees paid by each Fund
during  the  last  fiscal  year as  well as the  amount  of  administration  and
distribution  fees  paid  to  NB  Management   pursuant  to  administration  and
distribution agreements with the Funds. The Trustees of each Trust have voted to
approve new administration and distribution agreements,  similar in all material
respects to the current agreements described below, to take effect following the
completion  of the  Transaction.  If the  Transaction  is not  completed for any
reason, the current  administration  and distribution  agreements will remain in
effect for each Fund.

     Pursuant  to an  administration  agreement  with each Fund,  NB  Management
provides  certain  shareholder-related  services  not  furnished  by the  Funds'
shareholder  servicing agent or third party investment  providers and assists in
the development and  implementation of specified programs and systems to enhance
overall shareholder servicing  capabilities.  NB Management solicits and gathers
shareholder proxies,  performs services connected with the qualification of Fund
shares for sale in various states, and furnishes other services necessary to the
operation of the Funds.

     Pursuant to a distribution  agreement with each Fund, NB Management  serves
as "principal underwriter" within the meaning of the 1940 Act and, as such, acts
as agent in  arranging  for the sale of Fund  shares.  For  certain  classes  of
shares,  NB Management bears all advertising and promotion  expenses incurred in
the sale of Fund shares.  Certain  other classes  compensate  NB Management  for
activities and expenses related to the sale and distribution of Fund shares, and
ongoing services to investors in the Funds.

     NB  Management  has also entered into  voluntary  and  contractual  expense
reimbursement  arrangements  with certain Funds to reimburse certain expenses of
each such Fund so that its total  annual  operating  expenses  are  limited to a
certain  percentage of its average  daily net assets.  The  arrangements  do not
cover interest, taxes, brokerage commissions,  and extraordinary expenses. Under


the contractual arrangements, the Fund in turn agrees to repay NB Management for
reimbursed  expenses  provided that  repayment  does not cause the Fund's annual
operating expenses to exceed a certain  predetermined  percentage of its average
daily net assets.  Any such  repayment must be made within three years after the
year in which NB Management incurred the expense.  All voluntary and contractual
expense  reimbursement  arrangements  between any Fund and NB Management will be
renewed  and will  continue  as  currently  in  effect  upon  completion  of the
Transaction.  The voluntary arrangements may be terminated by NB Management with
respect  to a Fund on 60 days'  notice  to the  Fund.  Exhibit  E to this  Proxy
Statement  sets  forth  the  current   voluntary  and   contractual  fee  waiver

     RETENTION OF  SUB-ADVISOR.  Subject to NB Management  obtaining the initial
and periodic  approvals required under Section 15 of the 1940 Act, NB Management
may retain a  sub-advisor,  at NB  Management's  own cost and  expense,  to make
investment  recommendations and research information available to NB Management.
However, retention of a sub-advisor in no way reduces the responsibilities of NB
Management  under the Management  Agreements and NB Management is responsible to
the Trust and each Fund for all acts and  omissions  of the  sub-advisor  to the
same extent that NB Management is  responsible  for its own acts and  omissions.
See "Limitation of Liability," below.

     SERVICES  TO OTHER  CLIENTS.  The  Management  Agreements  do not limit the
freedom  of NB  Management  or  any  of  its  affiliates  to  render  investment
management and administrative  services to other investment companies, to act as
investment  advisor  or  investment   counselor  to  other  persons,   firms  or
corporations,  or to engage in other business activities.  NB Management acts as
investment advisor or sub-advisor to other registered  investment companies with
similar investment objectives and policies as certain of the Funds. Exhibit F to
this Proxy  Statement sets forth the name,  asset size and advisory fees paid to
NB Management by these other funds.

     LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Neither NB Management nor any director, officer or
employee  of NB  Management  performing  services  pursuant  to  the  Management
Agreements  shall be liable for any error of  judgment  or mistake of law or any
loss unless due to willful misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence or reckless
disregard of their duties under the Management Agreements.

     TERM OF AGREEMENT. Each existing Management Agreement provides that it will
remain in effect until June 30, 2004. Each New Management Agreement will provide
that it will remain in effect for an initial term of two years.  Each Management
Agreement  will  remain  in  effect  from year to year  thereafter  if  approved
annually by (i) the vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting
securities  (as  defined  in the  1940  Act) of each  Fund,  or by the  Board of
Trustees, and also by (ii) the vote, cast in person at a meeting called for such
purpose, of a majority of the Independent Trustees.

     AMENDMENT OR  ASSIGNMENT.  Any amendment  must be in writing  signed by the
parties to the Agreement and is not effective  unless  authorized  for each Fund
(i) by resolution of the  Trustees,  including the vote or written  consent of a
majority of the  Independent  Trustees,  and (ii) by a vote of a majority of the
outstanding  voting  securities  (as  defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund.  The
Management  Agreements  provide  that  they  will  terminate  automatically  and
immediately in the event of an assignment.


     TERMINATION. The Management Agreements may be terminated,  without penalty,
at any time by either  party to the  Agreement  upon sixty days'  prior  written
notice to the other party;  provided that in the case of  termination by any one
Fund,  the  termination  has been  authorized (i) by resolution of the Trustees,
including the vote or written consent of a majority of the Independent Trustees,
or (ii) by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities (as defined
in the 1940 Act) of the Fund.


     The only terms of the New Management Agreements that will be different from
the terms of the existing  Management  Agreements are the dates of execution and



     Shareholders  of each Fund are being  asked to  approve a New  Sub-Advisory
Agreement with respect to their Fund between NB Management and Neuberger Berman.
As described  above,  each existing  Sub-Advisory  Agreement will  automatically
terminate upon consummation of the Transaction.  Therefore,  approval of the New
Sub-Advisory  Agreements  is  sought  so that the  management  of each  Fund can
continue  without  interruption.  If the  Transaction  is not  completed for any
reason, the existing Sub-Advisory Agreements will continue in effect.


     The Trustees  who were  present at an  in-person  meeting held on August 5,
2003, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, unanimously approved the
New  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  for each  Fund and  unanimously  recommended  that
shareholders  approve the New  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  relating to that Fund. A
summary  of the  Trustees'  considerations  is  provided  below  in the  section
entitled "Evaluation by the Trustees."


     The form of the New  Sub-Advisory  Agreements  is  attached as Exhibit G to
this Proxy  Statement and the  description of terms in this section is qualified
in its entirety by  reference to Exhibit G.  Appendix G-1 shows the date of each
existing  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  the  date  when  the  existing  Sub-Advisory
Agreement was last  approved by the Trustees with respect to each Fund,  and the
date when the existing  Sub-Advisory  Agreement was last  submitted to a vote of
shareholders of each Fund, including the purpose of such submission.

     The terms of each New Sub-Advisory  Agreement are identical to those of the
respective existing  Sub-Advisory  Agreement,  except for the dates of execution
and  termination.  The  Funds  do not pay any  fees  under  either  Sub-Advisory
Agreement. All payments to Neuberger Berman pursuant to a Sub-Advisory Agreement
with respect to any Fund are made by NB Management.  However, the fee rates paid
by NB Management under each New Sub-Advisory


Agreement  are  identical  to  the  fee  rates  under  the  respective  existing
Sub-Advisory  Agreement.  NB Management  and  Neuberger  Berman have advised the
Boards  that they do not  anticipate  that the  Transaction  will  result in any
reduction  in the  quality of  services  now  provided  to the Funds or have any
adverse  effect on the ability of  Neuberger  Berman to fulfill its  obligations
under the Sub-Advisory Agreements.

     The  following  discussion  applies  to  both  the  existing   Sub-Advisory
Agreement and the New  Sub-Advisory  Agreement for each Fund (the  "Sub-Advisory

     SUB-ADVISORY  SERVICES.  On behalf of each  Trust and Fund,  NB  Management
retains  Neuberger  Berman  to  serve  as the  sub-advisor  to  each  Fund.  The
Sub-Advisory  Agreements  provide  that  Neuberger  Berman  will  furnish  to NB
Management, upon reasonable request, the same type of investment recommendations
and research that Neuberger Berman, from time to time, provides to its employees
for use in managing client accounts.  In this manner,  NB Management  expects to
have available to it, in addition to research from other  professional  sources,
the capability of the research staff of Neuberger Berman. This staff consists of
numerous investment  analysts,  each of whom specializes in studying one or more
industries,  under the supervision of the Chief Investment Officer,  who is also
available for consultation with NB Management.

     SUB-ADVISORY  FEE. The Sub-Advisory  Agreements  provide that NB Management
will pay for the services  rendered by Neuberger  Berman based on the direct and
indirect costs to Neuberger Berman in connection with those services.  Exhibit H
to this Proxy  Statement sets forth the aggregate  amount of  sub-advisory  fees
paid by NB  Management  with  respect to each Fund during its last fiscal  year.
Neuberger  Berman also  serves as  sub-advisor  for all of the other  registered
investment  companies  sponsored  by NB  Management.  Exhibit  I to  this  Proxy
Statement  sets  forth  the  name,  asset  size and  sub-advisory  fees  paid to
Neuberger Berman by these other funds.

     LIMITATION  OF  LIABILITY.  Neuberger  Berman is not  liable for any act or
omission or any loss suffered by any Fund or any Fund's  shareholders  under the
Agreements  unless due to willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or
reckless disregard of its duties under the Sub-Advisory Agreements.

     TERM OF AGREEMENT.  Each existing  Sub-Advisory  Agreement provides that it
will remain in effect until June 30, 2004. Each New Sub-Advisory  Agreement will
provide  that it will  remain in effect for an initial  term of two years.  Each
Sub-Advisory  Agreement  will remain in effect from year to year  thereafter  if
approved  annually  by  (i)  the  vote  of  the  holders  of a  majority  of the
outstanding  voting  securities (as defined in the 1940 Act) of each Fund, or by
the Trustees,  and also by (ii) the vote, cast in person at a meeting called for
such purpose, of a majority of the Independent Trustees.

     TERMINATION.  The  Sub-Advisory  Agreements  may  be  terminated,   without
penalty,  at any time by the Trust, NB Management or Neuberger Berman upon sixty
days' prior  written  notice to the other  party;  provided  that in the case of
termination by any Trust or Fund,  the  termination  has been  authorized (i) by
resolution of the Trustees,  including the vote or written consent of a majority
of the Independent  Trustees, or (ii) by a vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting  securities  (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund.  Furthermore,  the


Sub-Advisory  Agreements also terminate  automatically with respect to each Fund
if they are assigned or if the Management  Agreement  terminates with respect to
that Fund.


     The only terms of the New  Sub-Advisory  Agreements  that will be different
from  the  terms  of the  existing  Sub-Advisory  Agreements  are the  dates  of
execution and termination.


                           EVALUATION BY THE TRUSTEES


     The Trustees met  telephonically  on July 22, 2003, and in person on August
5, 2003.  At the meeting on July 22, 2003, a committee of  Independent  Trustees
was formed to lead the Boards' due diligence effort ("Due Diligence  Committee")
regarding  Lehman  Brothers,  the Transaction  and the New  Agreements.  The Due
Diligence  Committee,  with the assistance of counsel,  prepared a due diligence
request that was presented to Neuberger Inc. and Lehman Brothers. Along with the
other Trustees, the Due Diligence Committee reviewed the written response to the
due  diligence  request.  In  addition,  the Due  Diligence  Committee  reviewed
voluminous  supplemental  material and reported on their findings at the meeting
on August 5, 2003. In evaluating the New Agreements, the Trustees, including the
Independent  Trustees,  reviewed  materials  furnished  by  Neuberger  Inc.,  NB
Management,   Neuberger   Berman  and  Lehman   Brothers  and  met  with  senior
representatives  of Neuberger Inc., NB Management,  Neuberger  Berman and Lehman
Brothers  regarding their  personnel,  operations and financial  condition.  The
Trustees also reviewed the terms of the Transaction and its possible  effects on
the Funds and their  shareholders.  Representatives of Neuberger Inc. and Lehman
Brothers discussed with the Trustees the anticipated  effects of the Transaction
and  indicated  their belief that,  as a  consequence  of the  Transaction,  the
operations  of the Fund and the  capabilities  of NB  Management  and  Neuberger
Berman to provide advisory and other services to the Fund would not be adversely
affected and should be enhanced by the  resources of Lehman  Brothers,  although
there can be no assurance as to any  particular  benefits  that may result.  The
Independent  Trustees were advised by independent legal counsel  throughout this

     The Trustees  considered the following factors to be of primary  importance
to their recommendation:  (1) that the terms of the New Agreements are identical
in all material respects to those of the existing Agreements;  (2) assurances by
a representative of Lehman Brothers that NB Management and Neuberger Berman will
maintain substantial operational autonomy and continuity of management following
the  Transaction;  (3) the favorable  history,  reputation,  qualification,  and
background  of Neuberger  Inc.,  NB  Management,  Neuberger  Berman,  and Lehman
Brothers,  as well as the qualifications of their personnel and their respective
financial conditions; (4) the overall commitment of Lehman Brothers to retaining
personnel currently employed by NB Management and Neuberger Berman who currently
provide  services  to the  Funds;  (5) the fee and  expense  ratios of the Funds


relative to comparable  mutual funds; (6) that the fee and expense ratios of the
Funds  appear  to the  Board to be  reasonable  given the  quality  of  services
expected to be provided and the fees are identical to those paid by the Funds in
the past;  (7) the  commitment of NB  Management to maintain the Funds'  current
voluntary  and  contractual   expense  limitation   agreements  to  ensure  Fund
shareholders  do not face an  increase  in  expenses  upon  consummation  of the
Transaction;  (8) the  performance  of the Funds  relative to comparable  mutual
funds and  unmanaged  indices;  (9) the  commitment  of  Neuberger  Inc. and its
affiliates to pay the expenses of the Funds in connection  with the  Transaction
including all expenses in connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies so that
shareholders  of the  Funds  would  not  have to bear  such  expenses;  (10) the
possible  benefits  that  may  be  realized  by  the  Funds  as a  result  of NB
Management's and Neuberger Berman's combination with Lehman Brothers,  including
the resources of Lehman  Brothers that would be available to each Fund; and (11)
that the Transaction is expected to help ensure  continuity of management of the
Funds and may  reduce  the  potential  for  future  vulnerability  to changes in
control  of NB  Management  and  Neuberger  Berman  that could be adverse to the
Funds' interests.

     Peter E.  Sundman,  Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer and
Trustee of each Trust, and Jack L. Rivkin,  President and Trustee of each Trust,
are each  stockholders  of Neuberger  Inc. Mr. Sundman has entered into a voting
agreement  with Lehman  Brothers  requiring  him to vote his shares of Neuberger
Inc. in favor of the Transaction. It is expected that Mr. Sundman and Mr. Rivkin
will receive approximately $________ and $________,  respectively, for their pro
rata portions of the aggregate consideration paid in the Transaction in exchange
for their  interests in Neuberger  Inc. As a result of their direct and indirect
interests in the Transaction,  and in Neuberger Inc. and its affiliates, as well
as  in  future  employment   arrangements  with  Lehman  Brothers,  each  has  a
substantial  interest  in  shareholder  approval  of  the  New  Agreements.   In
considering the New Agreements, the Trustees were aware of these interests.

     On April 28, 2003,  Lehman  Brothers Inc.  ("LBI"),  an affiliate of Lehman
Brothers,  without admitting or denying the allegations against it, consented to
settle  charges  brought by the SEC that LBI had violated  certain  rules of the
NASD, Inc. and the New York Stock Exchange,  Inc. ("NYSE").  This settlement and
settlements  with nine other brokerage  firms are part of the global  settlement
the firms have reached with the Commission,  NASD,  Inc., the NYSE, the New York
Attorney  General,  and other state  regulators.  Once this  settlement  becomes
effective, Lehman Brothers and its affiliates (which would include NB Management
and  Neuberger  Berman  following  completion of the  Transaction)  would not be
eligible to act as investments advisors, sub-advisors, or principal underwriters
to registered investment companies, unless they obtain exemptive relief from the
SEC.  Lehman  Brothers  has applied for such  relief.  Although  there can be no
assurance  that the necessary  exemption will be obtained,  Lehman  Brothers has
advised the Boards that it does not  anticipate  any  difficulties  in obtaining
such relief, based on applicable precedents and the express  understanding,  set
forth in the  consent,  that the staff of the SEC does not  oppose  the grant of
such relief.


     Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act permits an investment advisor of a registered
investment  company (or any  affiliated  persons of the  investment  advisor) to
receive  any  amount or benefit  in  connection  with a change in control of the
investment advisor, provided that two conditions are satisfied.


     First, an "unfair burden" may not be imposed on the investment company as a
result of the change in control, or any express or implied terms,  conditions or
understandings applicable to the change in control. The term "unfair burden," as
defined in the 1940 Act,  includes any  arrangement  during the two-year  period
after  the  transaction  whereby  the  investment  advisor  (or  predecessor  or
successor advisor), or any "interested person" of the advisor (as defined in the
1940 Act),  receives or is entitled  to receive  any  compensation,  directly or
indirectly, from the investment company or its security holders (other than fees
for bona fide  investment  advisory  or other  services),  or from any person in
connection with the purchase or sale of securities or other property to, from or
on behalf of the  investment  company  (other than  ordinary  fees for bona fide
principal underwriting services).

     Second, during the three-year period after the transaction, at least 75% of
the members of the investment company's board of directors cannot be "interested
persons"  (as  defined  in the  1940  Act)  of  the  investment  advisor  or its

     The Trustees have not been advised by Neuberger Inc. or Lehman  Brothers of
any  circumstances  arising  from  the  Transaction  that  might  result  in the
imposition  of an "unfair  burden" on any Fund.  Moreover,  Lehman  Brothers has
agreed  that for two years after the  consummation  of the  Transaction,  Lehman
Brothers will use reasonable best efforts to refrain from imposing,  or agreeing
to impose,  any unfair burden on the Fund. At the present time,  over 80% of the
Trustees  are  classified  as  Independent  Trustees  and  expect  to  remain so
classified  following NB Management's  and Neuberger  Berman's  combination with
Lehman  Brothers.  Lehman Brothers has agreed to use its reasonable best efforts
to ensure  that at least  75% of the  Trustees  are  classified  as  Independent
Trustees during the three-year period after the completion of the Transaction.

     Based on their  evaluation  of the  materials  presented,  the Trustees who
attended  the August 5 board  meeting,  including a majority of the  Independent
Trustees,  unanimously  concluded  that  the  terms  of the New  Agreements  are
reasonable,  fair and in the best interests of the Funds and their shareholders.
The Trustees  believe that the New Agreements  will enable each Fund to continue
to enjoy the high quality investment management and sub-advisory services it has
received  in the past from NB  Management  and  Neuberger  Berman,  at fee rates
identical to the present rates, which the Independent Trustees deem appropriate,
reasonable  and in the best  interests  of the Fund  and its  shareholders.  The
Trustees  unanimously  voted to approve and to recommend to the  shareholders of
each Fund that they approve the New Agreements.

                               GENERAL INFORMATION


     Information  regarding the percent  ownership of each person who as of July
31, 2003, to the knowledge of each Trust, owned of record and/or beneficially 5%
or more of any class of the outstanding  shares of a Fund is included in Exhibit
J to this Proxy Statement.


     Since the beginning of each Fund's most recently  completed fiscal year, no
Trustee  has  purchased  or  sold  securities  exceeding  1% of the  outstanding
securities of any class of NB  Management,  Neuberger  Berman,  Neuberger  Inc.,
Lehman Brothers or their subsidiaries.


     NB  Management  will pay the  expenses  of the  preparation,  printing  and
mailing of this Proxy Statement and its enclosures and of all solicitations.  NB
Management has engaged Georgeson Shareholder  Communications Inc. and Management
Information Services, an ADP company, proxy solicitation firms, to assist in the
solicitation of proxies. The aggregate cost of retaining such proxy solicitation
firms is expected to be about  $_______  plus  expenses in  connection  with the
solicitation of proxies.


     The  Trustees  do not know of any  matters to be  presented  at the Meeting
other than those  described in this Proxy  Statement.  If other business  should
properly  come  before  the  Meeting,  the  proxy  holders  will  vote  on it in
accordance  with their best  judgment  for those shares they are  authorized  to
vote.  However,  any proposal submitted to a vote at the Meeting by anyone other
than the  officers  or  Trustees  of the Trust may be voted only in person or by
written proxy.


     The Funds are not required to hold annual meetings of  shareholders  and do
not currently  intend to hold a meeting of  shareholders  in 2004.  The Trustees
will call a special  meeting of shareholders of a Fund or class only if required
under the 1940 Act or in their discretion or upon the written request of holders
of 10% or more of the outstanding  shares of that Fund or class entitled to vote
at such meeting.


     NB  Management,  605  Third  Avenue,  New  York,  New  York  10158,  is the
investment advisor, principal underwriter and administrator to each Fund.


     Each Fund will furnish,  without  charge,  a copy of its most recent annual
report and any more recent  semi-annual  report to any shareholder upon request.
Shareholders  who want to obtain a copy of the Fund's  reports should direct all
written  requests to the attention of the Fund, at the offices of NB Management,
605 Third Avenue,  2nd Floor, New York, New York  10158-0180,  or call toll-free

                               VOTING INFORMATION


     Shareholders of record on the Record Date are entitled to be present and to
vote at the Meeting.  Each share or fractional  share is entitled to one vote or
fraction  thereof.  Exhibit K of this Proxy  Statement  sets forth the number of


shares of each class of each Fund issued and  outstanding as of the Record Date.
Shareholders  of each  Fund  will  vote  on  each  Proposal  as a  single  class
regardless of the class of shares they own. Each Fund's  shareholders  will vote
separately  on each Proposal with respect to that Fund. If you are a shareholder
of more than one  Fund,  you will be voting  on each  Proposal  separately  with
respect to each Fund in which you hold shares.

     If the enclosed proxy card is properly  executed and returned in time to be
voted at the Meeting,  the shares represented by the proxy card will be voted in
accordance  with the  instructions  marked on the proxy card. If no instructions
are marked on the proxy  card,  the proxy will be voted FOR each  Proposal.  Any
shareholder  who has given a proxy has the right to revoke it any time  prior to
its exercise by attending the Meeting and voting his or her shares in person, or
by submitting a letter of revocation or a later-dated  proxy to the Trust at the
address  indicated on the enclosed  envelope provided with this Proxy Statement.
Any letter of  revocation  or  later-dated  proxy must be  received by the Trust
prior to the  Meeting  and must  indicate  your  name and  account  number to be
effective.  Proxies  voted by  telephone  or Internet may be revoked at any time
before they are voted at the Meeting in the same  manner that  proxies  voted by
mail may be revoked.

     The Trusts expect that  broker-dealer  firms holding shares of the Funds in
"street  name" for the benefit of their  customers  and clients will request the
instructions  of such  customers and clients on how to vote their shares on each
proposal at the  Meeting.  The Trusts  understand  that,  under the rules of the
NYSE, such  broker-dealers  may grant authority to the proxies designated by the
Trusts  to vote  on the  approval  of the New  Agreements  for the  Funds  if no
instructions have been received prior to the date specified in the broker-dealer
firm's request for voting instructions. Certain broker-dealer firms may exercise
discretion over shares held in their name for which no instructions are received
by voting such shares in the same proportion as they have voted shares for which
they have received instructions.

     In tallying  shareholder  votes,  abstentions and "broker non-votes" (i.e.,
shares held by brokers or nominees  as to which (i)  instructions  have not been
received from the beneficial owners or the persons entitled to vote and (ii) the
broker or nominee returns the proxy but declines to vote on a particular matter)
will be counted as shares that are present and  entitled to vote for purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum. With respect to each Proposal, abstentions
and broker  non-votes  have the same effect as a vote cast against the Proposal.
For shares  held in  individual  retirement  accounts  (IRA,  Roth IRA or SIMPLE
Retirement  plans),  the IRA  custodian  will vote the shares in the  account in
accordance with instructions given by the depositor.  However,  if the depositor
fails to  provide  instructions  on how to vote the shares in the  account,  the
custodian will vote the undirected  shares in the same  proportion as shares are
voted considering all shares of the Fund for which instructions are received.


     A quorum with respect to a Fund is  constituted  by one-third of the Fund's
shares outstanding and entitled to vote at the Meeting,  present in person or by
proxy. If a quorum is not present at a Fund's Meeting or a quorum is present but
sufficient  votes to approve either Proposal are not received,  or for any other
reason, the persons named as proxies may propose one or more adjournments of the
Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies.  Any such  adjournment  will


require the affirmative  vote of a majority of the Fund's shares  represented at
the Meeting in person or by proxy and voting on the question of adjournment. The
persons  named as proxies will vote those proxies that they are entitled to vote
FOR a  proposal  in favor of such an  adjournment  and will vote  those  proxies
required to be voted AGAINST a proposal  against such  adjournment.  Abstentions
and  broker  non-votes  will  have  no  effect  on  the  outcome  of a  vote  on
adjournment.  A shareholder vote may be taken on either or both of the Proposals
in this Proxy  Statement  with respect to any Fund prior to such  adjournment if
sufficient   votes  have  been   received  for  approval  and  it  is  otherwise


     Shareholders  of each  Fund  must  separately  approve  the New  Management
Agreement and the New Sub-Advisory  Agreement for such Fund. Approval of each of
Proposal 1 and 2 by a Fund will require the  affirmative  vote of a "majority of
the outstanding  voting securities" of the Fund as defined in the 1940 Act. This
means the  lesser of (1) 67% or more of the  shares of the Fund  present  at the
Meeting if more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund are  present in
person or represented by proxy, or (2) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares
of the Fund.

     If the  shareholders of a Fund approve the New Management and  Sub-Advisory
Agreements for such Fund, their effectiveness is conditioned upon the completion
of the  Transaction,  which in turn is conditioned on the satisfaction or waiver
of certain  conditions  set forth in the  agreement  related to the  Transaction
including,  among other things,  that the stockholders of Neuberger Inc. approve
the  Transaction.  If the  stockholders  of  Neuberger  Inc.  do not approve the
Transaction,  the existing Management and Sub-Advisory Agreements will remain in
effect. If approved, these Proposals will not become effective until the closing
of the Transaction.

     To assure the presence of a quorum at the Meeting,  please promptly execute
and return the  enclosed  proxy.  A  self-addressed,  postage-paid  envelope  is
enclosed  for your  convenience.  Alternatively,  you may vote by  telephone  or
through the  Internet at the number or website  address  printed on the enclosed
proxy card.

                                    By order of the Boards of Trustees,

                                    Claudia A. Brandon
                                    Neuberger Berman Equity Funds, and
                                    Neuberger Berman Income Funds

August __, 2003


                                                                       EXHIBIT A


     The  address  of  each  principal  executive  officer  and  director  of NB
Management and Neuberger Berman, listed below is 605 Third Avenue, New York, New
York 10158.

NAME                      PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- ----                      --------------------

Claudia A. Brandon        Secretary of each Trust; Vice President - Mutual Funds
                          Board Relations, NB Management

Robert Conti              Vice President of each Trust;  Senior Vice  President,
                          Neuberger Berman and NB Management

Brian Gaffney             Vice  President  of  each  Trust;  Managing  Director,
                          Neuberger Berman; Senior Vice President, NB Management

Kevin Handwerker          Senior Vice President,  Secretary and General Counsel,
                          Neuberger Inc. and Neuberger Berman

Jeffrey B. Lane           President,   Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Director,
                          Neuberger Inc.;  President,  Chief Executive  Officer,
                          Neuberger Berman; Director, NB Management

Robert Matza              Executive Vice President,  Chief Operating Officer and
                          Director,  Neuberger  Inc.;  Executive Vice President,
                          Chief Operating Officer,  Neuberger Berman;  Director,
                          NB Management

Jack L. Rivkin            President and Director of each Trust;  Executive  Vice
                          President  and  Chief  Investment  Officer,  Neuberger
                          Inc.;  Executive  Vice  President,   Chief  Investment
                          Officer  and  Head  of  Research  and  Research  Sales
                          Departments,  Neuberger Berman; Chairman and Director,
                          NB Management

Marvin C. Schwartz        Vice Chairman of the Board of Neuberger Inc.; Managing
                          Director, Neuberger Berman; Director NB Management

Frederic B. Soule         Vice President of each Trust;  Senior Vice  President,
                          Neuberger Berman and NB Management

Matthew S. Stadler        Senior Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer,
                          Neuberger Inc., Neuberger Berman and NB Management

Heidi L. Steiger          Executive Vice President,  Neuberger  Inc.;  Executive
                          Vice  President and Head of Private  Asset  Management
                          business, Neuberger Berman; Director, NB Management


NAME                      PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- ----                      --------------------

Peter E. Sundman          Chairman  of the Board,  Chief  Executive  Officer and
                          Trustee  of  each  Trust;  Executive  Vice  President,
                          Neuberger  Inc.;  Executive Vice President and Head of
                          Mutual  Funds and  Institutional  business,  Neuberger
                          Berman; President and Director, NB Management


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                        FORM OF NEW MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT

     This Agreement is made as of  _________________,  between  ________________
_____________ ("Trust"),  a Delaware  business  trust  ("Trust"),  and Neuberger
Berman Management Inc., a New York corporation ("Manager").


     WHEREAS,  Trust is registered under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended ("1940 Act"), as an open-end,  diversified management investment company
and has  established  several  separate  series of shares  ("Series")  with each
Series having one or more classes and with each Series having its own assets and
investment policies; and

     WHEREAS,  Trust  desires to retain the  Manager  as  investment  adviser to
furnish  investment  advisory and portfolio  management  services to each Series
listed in Schedule A attached hereto,  to such other Series of Trust hereinafter
established  as  agreed  to from time to time by the  parties,  evidenced  by an
addendum to Schedule A (hereinafter "Series" shall refer to each Series which is
subject to this Agreement and all agreements and actions  described herein to be
made or taken by Trust on behalf of the  Series),  and the Manager is willing to
furnish such services;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises  and mutual  covenants
herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:


     1.1  INVESTMENT   MANAGEMENT  SERVICES.   The  Manager  shall  act  as  the
investment  adviser to the Series  and, as such,  shall (1) obtain and  evaluate
such information  relating to the economy,  industries,  businesses,  securities
markets and  securities as it may deem  necessary or useful in  discharging  its
responsibilities   hereunder,  (ii)  formulate  a  continuing  program  for  the
investment  of  the  assets  of the  Series  in a  manner  consistent  with  its
investment objectives,  policies and restrictions, and (iii) determine from time
to time securities to be purchased,  sold,  retained or lent by the Series,  and
implement those  decisions,  including the selection of entities with or through
which such  purchases,  sales or loans are to be  effected;  provided,  that the
Manager  will place  orders  pursuant to its  investment  determinations  either
directly  with the  issuer or with a broker or  dealer,  and if with a broker or
dealer,  (a) will  attempt  to  obtain  the best net  price  and most  favorable
execution of its orders, and (b) may nevertheless in its discretion purchase and
sell  portfolio  securities  from and to brokers  and  dealers  who  provide the
Manager  with  research,  analysis,  advice and  similar  services  and pay such
brokers and dealers in return a higher  commission or spread than may be charged
by other brokers or dealers.

     The  Series  hereby  authorizes  any entity or person  associated  with the
Manager which is a member of a national securities exchange to effect or execute
any transaction on the exchange for the account of the Series which is permitted
by  Section  11(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and Rule  11a2-2(T)


thereunder,  and the Series hereby consents to the retention of compensation for
such transactions in accordance with Rule 11a-2(T)(a)(iv).

     The  Manager  shall  carry  out its  duties  with  respect  to the  Series'
investments in accordance  with  applicable  law and the investment  objectives,
policies  and  restrictions  of the  Series  adopted  by the  trustees  of Trust
("Trustees"),  and subject to such  further  limitations  as the Series may from
time to time impose by written notice to the Manager.

     1.2  ADMINISTRATIVE  SERVICES.  The  Manager  shall  supervise  the Series'
business and affairs and shall  provide  such  services  required for  effective
administration  of the Series as are not  provided by  employees or other agents
engaged by the Series;  provided, that the Manager shall not have any obligation
to provide under this  Agreement any direct or indirect  services to the holders
of interests in the Series ("Interestholders"), any services related to the sale
of interests  in the Series,  or any other  services  which are the subject of a
separate agreement or arrangement between the Series and the Manager. Subject to
the  foregoing,  in providing  administrative  services  hereunder,  the Manager

          1.2.1  OFFICE SPACE, EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. Furnish without cost to
the Series,  or pay the cost of, such office space,  office equipment and office
facilities as are adequate for the Series' needs.

          1.2.2  PERSONNEL.  Provide, without remuneration from or other cost to
Trust or the Series, the services of individuals competent to perform all of the
Series' executive, administrative and clerical functions which are not performed
by employees or other agents  engaged by the Series or by the Manager  acting in
some other capacity  pursuant to a separate  agreement or  arrangement  with the

          1.2.3  AGENTS.  Assist the Series in selecting  and  coordinating  the
activities  of the other  agents  engaged by the Series,  including  the Series'
custodian, independent auditors and legal counsel.

          1.2.4  TRUSTEES  AND  OFFICERS.  Authorize  and permit  the  Manager's
directors, officers and employees who may be elected or appointed as trustees or
officers  of Trust to serve in such  capacities,  without  remuneration  from or
other cost to Trust or the Series.

          1.2.5  BOOKS AND RECORDS.  Assure that all  financial,  accounting and
other records required to be maintained and preserved by Trust and/or the Series
are  maintained  and  preserved  by it or  on  its  behalf  in  accordance  with
applicable laws and regulations.

          1.2.6  REPORTS AND FILINGS.  Assist in the preparation of (but not pay
for) all  periodic  reports  by Trust or the  Series to  Interestholders  of the
Series and all reports and filings  required to maintain  the  registration  and
qualification  of the Series,  or to meet other  regulatory or tax  requirements
applicable to the Series, under federal and state securities and tax laws.

     1.3  The Manager can use any of the  officers  and  employees  of Neuberger
Berman,  LLC to provide any of the  non-investment  advisory services  described
herein,  and can  subcontract to third parties,  provided the Manager remains as
fully responsible to the Trust or Series, as applicable,  under this contract as
if the Manager had provided services directly.



     2.1  EXPENSES  TO BE  PAID  BY THE  MANAGER.  The  Manager  shall  pay  all
salaries, expenses and fees of the officers, trustees and employees of the Trust
who are officers, directors or employees of the Manager.

     In the event that the Manager  pays or assumes  any  expenses of Trust or a
Series not required to be paid or assumed by the Manager  under this  Agreement,
the  Manager  shall not be  obligated  hereby  to pay or assume  the same or any
similar expense in the future;  provided, that nothing herein contained shall be
deemed to relieve the Manager of any  obligation  to Trust or to a Series  under
any separate agreement or arrangement between the parties.

     2.2  EXPENSES TO BE PAID BY THE SERIES. Each Series shall bear the expenses
of its operation,  except those specifically allocated to the Manager under this
Agreement  or under any  separate  agreement  between a Series and the  Manager.
Expenses  to  be  borne  by  a  Series  shall  include  both  expenses  directly
attributable  to the  operation  of the Series and the  placement  of  interests
therein,  as well as the  portion  of any  expenses  of Trust  that is  properly
allocable to the Series in a manner  approved by the trustees of Trust.  Subject
to any  separate  agreement  or  arrangement  between  Trust or a Series and the
Manager,  the expenses hereby allocated to each Series,  and not to the Manager,
include, but are not limited to:

          2.2.1  CUSTODY.  All charges of  depositories,  custodians,  and other
agents  for the  transfer,  receipt,  safekeeping,  and  servicing  of its cash,
securities, and other property.

          2.2.2  INTERESTHOLDER  SERVICING.  All  expenses  of  maintaining  and
servicing Interestholder  accounts,  including but not limited to the charges of
any  Interestholder  servicing agent,  dividend  disbursing agent or other agent
engaged by a Series to service Interestholder accounts.

          2.2.3  INTERESTHOLDER  REPORTS. All expenses of preparing,  setting in
type,   printing  and   distributing   reports  and  other   communications   to
Interestholders of a Series.

          2.2.4  PRICING AND  PORTFOLIO  VALUATION.  All expenses of computing a
Series' net asset value per share,  including any equipment or services obtained
for the purpose of pricing shares or valuing the Series' investment portfolio.

          2.2.5  COMMUNICATIONS.  All charges for equipment or services used for
communications   between   the   Manager  or  the  Series  and  any   custodian,
Interestholder  servicing agent,  portfolio  accounting services agent, or other
agent engaged by a Series.

          2.2.6  LEGAL  AND  ACCOUNTING  FEES.  All  charges  for  services  and
expenses of a Series' legal counsel and independent auditors.

          2.2.7  TRUSTEES' FEES AND EXPENSES.  With respect to each Series,  all
compensation  of Trustees  other than those  affiliated  with the  Manager,  all
expenses  incurred in connection with such  unaffiliated  Trustees'  services as
Trustees,  and all other  expenses  of meetings  of the  Trustees or  committees


          2.2.8  INTERESTHOLDER  MEETINGS.  All expenses  incidental  to holding
meetings  of  Interestholders,  including  the  printing  of  notices  and proxy
materials, and proxy solicitation therefor.

          2.2.9  BONDING AND  INSURANCE.  All expenses of bond,  liability,  and
other insurance  coverage  required by law or regulation or deemed  advisable by
the Trustees,  including,  without  limitation,  such bond,  liability and other
insurance  expense  that may from time to time be  allocated  to the Series in a
manner approved by the Trustees.

          2.2.10 BROKERAGE  COMMISSIONS.  All  brokers'  commissions  and  other
charges  incident  to the  purchase,  sale or  lending  of a  Series'  portfolio

          2.2.11 TAXES.  All  taxes  or  governmental  fees  payable  by or with
respect to a Series to federal, state or other governmental  agencies,  domestic
or foreign, including stamp or other transfer taxes.

          2.2.12 TRADE  ASSOCIATION  FEES.  All fees,  dues and  other  expenses
incurred in connection  with a Series'  membership in any trade  association  or
other investment organization.

          2.2.13 NONRECURRING AND EXTRAORDINARY  EXPENSES. Such nonrecurring and
extraordinary expenses as may arise,  including the costs of actions,  suits, or
proceedings  to which the Series is a party and the  expenses a Series may incur
as a result  of its legal  obligation  to  provide  indemnification  to  Trust's
officers, Trustees and agents.

          2.2.14 ORGANIZATIONAL EXPENSES. Any and all organizational expenses of
a Series paid by the Manager  shall be reimbursed by such Series at such time or
times agreed by such Series and the Manager.

     3.   ADVISORY FEE

     3.1  FEE. As compensation for all services  rendered,  facilities  provided
and expenses  paid or assumed by the Manager under this  Agreement,  each Series
shall pay the Manager an annual fee as set out in Schedule B to this Agreement.

     3.2  COMPUTATION  AND PAYMENT OF FEE. The advisory fee shall accrue on each
calendar day, and shall be payable monthly on the first business day of the next
succeeding  calendar  month.  The  daily  fee  accruals  shall  be  computed  by
multiplying  the  fraction of one divided by the number of days in the  calendar
year by the  applicable  annual  advisory  fee rate (as set forth in  Schedule B
hereto),  and  multiplying  this  product  by the  net  assets  of  the  Series,
determined  in the  manner  established  by the  Trustees,  as of the  close  of
business on the last preceding business day on which the Series' net asset value
was determined.

     3.3  STATE EXPENSE LIMITATION. If in any fiscal year the operating expenses
of any  Series  plus  such  Series'  operating  expenses  in  such  fiscal  year
("Aggregate   Operating   Expenses,"   which   includes   any  fees  or  expense
reimbursements  payable  to the  Manager  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  and any
compensation payable to the Manager pursuant to (1) the Administration Agreement
between such Series and the Manager or (ii) any other  Agreement or  arrangement
with Trust with respect to that Series, but excludes interest,  taxes, brokerage


commissions,  litigation and indemnification  expenses,  and other extraordinary
expenses  not incurred in the  ordinary  course of  business)  exceed the lowest
applicable  percentage  expense  limitation imposed under the securities law and
regulations  of any state in which such  Series's  shares are qualified for sale
(the "State  Expense  Limitation"),  then the Manager  shall pay such Series the
amount of such excess,  less the amount of any  reduction of the  administration
fee  referred  to below;  provided,  that the Manager  shall have no  obligation
hereunder  to pay such Series for any such  expenses  which  exceed the pro rata
portion of such advisory fee attributable to such Series.

     No payment shall be made to such Interestholder  hereunder unless and until
the  administration  fee payable by such  Interestholder  under a similar  State
Expense  Limitation of its  Administration  Agreement  with the Manager has been
reduced  to zero.  Any  payment  to an  interestholder  hereunder  shall be made
monthly,  by annualizing the Aggregate  Operating  Expenses for each month as of
the last day of such month.  An  adjustment  shall be made on or before the last
day of the first month of the next succeeding fiscal year if Aggregate Operating
Expenses for such fiscal year do not exceed the State  Expense  Limitation or if
for such fiscal year there is no applicable State Expense Limitation.


     All records  required to be maintained and preserved by the Series pursuant
to the  provisions  or rules  or  regulations  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission under Section 3 1 (a) of the 1940 Act and maintained and preserved by
the Manager on behalf of the Series are the  property of the Series and shall be
surrendered by the Manager promptly on request by the Series; provided, that the
Manager may at its own expense make and retain copies of any such records.


     The Series shall  furnish or otherwise  make  available to the Manager such
copies of that Series'  financial  statements,  proxy statements,  reports,  and
other  information  relating to its  business and affairs as the Manager may, at
any time or from time to time,  reasonably  require  in order to  discharge  its
obligations under this Agreement.


     The  Manager  shall  prepare  and  furnish  to  the  Series  such  reports,
statistical data and other information in such form and at such intervals as the
Series may reasonably request.


     Subject to a Series obtaining the initial and periodic  approvals  required
under Section 15 of the 1940 Act, the Manager may retain a  sub-adviser,  at the
Manager's  own  cost  and  expense,   for  the  purpose  of  making   investment
recommendations and research information available to the Manager.  Retention of
a sub-adviser shall in no way reduce the  responsibilities or obligations of the
Manager under this  Agreement and the Manager shall be  responsible to Trust and


the Series for all acts or omissions of the  sub-adviser in connection  with the
performance of the Manager's duties hereunder.


     Nothing  herein  contained  shall  limit the  freedom of the Manager or any
affiliated   person  of  the  Manager  to  render   investment   management  and
administrative  services to other  investment  companies,  to act as  investment
adviser or investment counselor to other persons,  firms or corporations,  or to
engage in other business activities.


     Neither the Manager  nor any  director,  officer or employee of the Manager
performing services for the Series at the direction or request of the Manager in
connection with the Manager's  discharge of its  obligations  hereunder shall be
liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by a
Series in connection with any matter to which this Agreement relates;  provided,
that nothing  herein  contained  shall be  construed  (i) to protect the Manager
against any liability to Trust or a Series or its  Interestholders  to which the
Manager would otherwise be subject by reason of the Manager's  misfeasance,  bad
faith,  or gross  negligence in the performance of the Manager's  duties,  or by
reason of the Manager's  reckless  disregard of its obligations and duties under
this  Agreement,  or (ii) to protect  any  director,  officer or employee of the
Manager  who is or was a Trustee or officer of Trust  against any  liability  to
Trust or a Series or its Interestholders to which such person would otherwise be
subject  by reason of  willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence  or
reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of such person's office
with Trust.


     This Agreement is made by each Series pursuant to authority  granted by the
Trustees,  and the  obligations  created  hereby  are not  binding on any of the
Trustees  or  Interestholders  of the  Series  individually,  but bind  only the
property of that Series and no other.


     Nothing herein  contained shall be deemed to require the Series to take any
action contrary to the Declaration of Trust or By-Laws of Trust,  any actions of
the Trustees binding upon the Series, or any applicable law, regulation or order
to which the Series is subject or by which it is bound, or to relieve or deprive
the  Trustees  of their  responsibility  for and  control of the  conduct of the
business and affairs of the Series or Trust.


     The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date first above written with
respect to each  Series  listed in  Schedule A on the date  hereof  and,  unless
sooner terminated as hereinafter provided, this Agreement shall remain in effect
through September 30, 2005. With respect to each Series added by execution of an
Addendum to Schedule  A, the term of this  Agreement  shall begin on the date of
such  execution and,  unless sooner  terminated as  hereinafter  provided,  this
Agreement  shall remain in effect to September 30 of the year following the year
of execution.  Thereafter, in each case, this Agreement shall continue in effect


with  respect  to each  Series  from year to year,  subject  to the  termination
provisions and all other terms and conditions hereof, provided, such continuance
with respect to a Series is approved at least annually by vote of the holders of
a  majority  of  the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the  Series  or by the
Trustees,  provided,  that in either  event such  continuance  is also  approved
annually  by the vote,  cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose of
voting on such  approval,  of a majority of the  Trustees who are not parties to
this  Agreement  or  interested  persons of either  party  hereto;  and provided
further  that the Manager  shall not have  notified a Series in writing at least
sixty (60) days prior to the first expiration date hereof or at least sixty (60)
days prior to any expiration date hereof of any year thereafter that it does not
desire such  continuation.  The Manager  shall  furnish to Trust and the Series,
promptly upon their request,  such information as may reasonably be necessary to
evaluate  the terms of this  Agreement  or any  extension,  renewal or amendment


     Any amendment to this  Agreement  shall be in writing signed by the parties
hereto; provided, that no such amendment shall be effective unless authorized on
behalf of any Series (i) by resolution  of the  Trustees,  including the vote or
written  consent  of a  majority  of the  Trustees  who are not  parties to this
Agreement or interested  persons of either party  hereto,  and (ii) by vote of a
majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities of the Series.  This  Agreement
shall terminate automatically and immediately in the event of its assignment.


     This  Agreement  may be  terminated  at any time by  either  party  hereto,
without the payment of any penalty,  upon sixty (60) days' prior written  notice
to the other party;  provided,  that in the case of  termination  by any Series,
such  action  shall have been  authorized  (i) by  resolution  of the  Trustees,
including  the vote or written  consent of a majority  of  Trustees  who are not
parties to this Agreement or interested persons' of either party hereto, or (ii)
by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Series.


     Each Series  hereby  agrees  that if the Manager  shall at any time for any
reason cease to serve as investment  adviser to a Series,  the Series shall,  if
and when  requested  by the  Manager,  eliminate  from the Series' name the name
"Neuberger Berman" and thereafter refrain from using the name "Neuberger Berman"
or the initials  "NB" in  connection  with its business or  activities,  and the
foregoing  agreement of a Series shall survive any termination of this Agreement
and any extension or renewal thereof.


     Any question of  interpretation  of any term or provision of this Agreement
having a  counterpart  in or  otherwise  derived from a term or provision of the
1940 Act shall be resolved by  reference  to such term or  provision of the 1940
Act and to  interpretation  thereof,  if any, by the United States courts or, in
the absence of any controlling decision of any such court, by rules, regulations
or orders of the Securities and Exchange  Commission  validly issued pursuant to
the  1940Act.  Specifically,  the terms "vote of a majority  of the  outstanding


voting securities,"  "interested person,"  "assignment" and "affiliated person,"
as used in this  Agreement  shall have the meanings  assigned to them by Section
2(a) of the 1940 Act. In addition,  when the effect of a requirement of the 1940
Act reflected in any  provision of this  Agreement is modified,  interpreted  or
relaxed  by  a  rule,  regulation  or  order  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  whether of special or of general application,  such provision shall
be deemed to incorporate the effect of such rule, regulation or order.

     17.  CHOICE OF LAW

     This Agreement is made and to be principally  performed in the State of New
York and except  insofar as the 1940 Act or other  federal laws and  regulations
may be  controlling,  this  Agreement  shall be governed by, and  construed  and
enforced in accordance with, the internal laws of the State of New York.

     18.  CAPTIONS

     The captions in this  Agreement are included for  convenience  of reference
only and in no way define or delineate any of the provisions hereof or otherwise
affect their construction or effect.


     This  Agreement may be executed  simultaneously  in  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which together  shall  constitute
one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
signed  by  their  respective  officers  thereunto  duly  authorized  and  their
respective  seals to be  hereunto  affixed,  as of the day and year first  above



                                         NEUBERGER BERMAN MANAGEMENT INC.



                                   SCHEDULE A

[List of Series of Trust]

- ---------------------


                                                                    APPENDIX B-1

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   DATE OF        TRUSTEE        SHAREHOLDER
                                                   AGREEMENT      APPROVAL       APPROVAL
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                                                    __/__/1999(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                                                   __/__/2001(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                                                      __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                                                    __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund                                                   __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund                12/16/2000     06/05/2003     10/24/1995(3)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund                                                  __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund                                                 __/__/1998(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                                                   __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund                                                __/__/2002(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                                                    __/__/1999(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund                                        __/__/1994(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                                                   __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund                                           __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund                                           __/__/2002(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund           02/09/2001     06/05/2003     __/__/2001(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund                                      __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund                                            __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust                                      __/__/1993(2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund                                           __/__/2003(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Shareholder approval was obtained prior to the commencement of operations for the Fund by NB
     Management, the sole shareholder.

(2)  Shareholder approval was obtained in connection with a restructuring of the Fund complex.

(3)  Shareholder  approval was obtained because the Fund's former investment  advisor  terminated
     its  advisory  agreement  with the Fund and  shareholders  approved  the current  investment
     advisory agreement with NB Management.


                                                                                                   EXHIBIT C

                                    COMMISSIONS PAID TO AFFILIATED BROKERS

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
                     (Brokerage Commissions paid for fiscal year ended August 31, 2002)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                 AFFILIATED BROKER      COMMISSIONS     % OF TOTAL
                                                                            PAID            COMMISSIONS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                        Neuberger Berman       $28,560         67.35%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $0              0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                       Neuberger Berman       $74,922         41.93%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $7,210          4.03%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                          Neuberger Berman       $773,575        42.89%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $13,600         0.75%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                        Neuberger Berman       $988,163        34.04%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $108,834        3.75%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund                       Neuberger Berman       $3,663,976      50.86%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $165,709        2.30%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund                  Neuberger Berman       $0              0%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $20,224         8.46%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund                      Neuberger Berman       $404,246        44.14%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $4,244          0.46%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund                     Neuberger Berman       $46,776         21.51%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $3,452          1.59%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                       Neuberger Berman       $1,845,866      48.92%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $151,061        4.00%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund*                   Neuberger Berman       $16,620         43.96%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $1,575          4.17%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                        Neuberger Berman       $94,929         70.89%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $530            0.40%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund            Neuberger Berman       $159,194        78.86%
                                                     Lehman Brothers        $0              0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*From May 1, 2002 (commencement of operations of Fund) to August 31, 2002

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS
                     (Brokerage Commissions paid for fiscal year ended October 31, 2002)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                 AFFILIATED BROKER      COMMISSIONS     % OF TOTAL
                                                                            PAID            COMMISSIONS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                       Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund               Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund               Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund             Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund          Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund                Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust          Neuberger Berman       0               0
                                                     Lehman Brothers        0               0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund*              Neuberger Berman       N/A             N/A
                                                     Lehman Brothers        N/A             N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

**This Fund did not commence operations until July __, 2003.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                    EXHIBIT D-1


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                   RATE OF COMPENSATION BASED ON EACH
                                                       FUND'S AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                          0.550% of first $250 million
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                            0.525% of next $250 million
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund                         0.500% of next $250 million
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund                        0.475% of next $250 million
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                         0.450% of next $500 million
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                          0.425% of next $2.5 billion
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund              0.400% in excess of $4 billion
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                         0.850% of first $500 million
                                                       0.825% of next $500 million
                                                       0.800% of next $500 million
                                                       0.775% of next $500 million
                                                       0.750% of next $500 million
                                                       0.725% in excess of $2.5 billion
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                          0.850% of first $250 million
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund                       0.800% of next $250 million
                                                       0.750% of next $250 million
                                                       0.700% of next $250 million
                                                       0.650% in excess of $1 billion
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund                    0.850% of first $250 million
                                                       0.825% of next $250 million
                                                       0.800% of next $250 million
                                                       0.775% of next $250 million
                                                       0.750% of next $500 million
                                                       0.725% of next $1 billion
                                                       0.700% in excess of $2.5 billion
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund                      0.850%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                   RATE OF COMPENSATION BASED ON EACH
                                                       FUND'S AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                         0.250% of first $500 million
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund                 0.225% of next $500 million
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund            0.200% of next $500 million
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund                  0.175% of next $500 million
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust            0.150% in excess of $2 billion
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund                 0.480%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund               0.100%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund                 0.600%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                          EXHIBIT D-2

                                       FEES PAID TO NB MANAGEMENT
         (Pursuant to Management, Administration and Distribution Agreements between the Trust
                               on behalf of each Fund and NB Management)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
               (fees paid under each agreement for fiscal year ended August 31, 2002)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                  MANAGEMENT       CLASS          ADMINISTRATION    DISTRIBUTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                          Investor                         N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                         Investor                         N/A
                                                       Advisor*                         $363
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                            Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            $356,036
                                                       Advisor                          $51,174
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                          Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            N/A
                                                       Advisor                          $626,862
                                                       Institutional                    N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund                         Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            $446,349
                                                       Advisor                          $52,971
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund                    Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund                        Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            N/A
                                                       Advisor                          $4,604
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund                       Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            $6,585
                                                       Advisor**                        $182
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                         Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            $412,082
                                                       Advisor                          $95,229
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund                      Trust***                         $3,065
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                          Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            $20,528
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund              Investor                         N/A
                                                       Trust                            $28,250
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*From May 24, 2002 (commencement of operations of Advisor Class) to August 31, 2002
**From May 3, 2002 (commencement of operations of Advisor Class) to August 31, 2002
***From May 1, 2002 (commencement of operations of Fund) to August 31, 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS
                (fees paid under each agreement for fiscal year ended October 31, 2002)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                MANAGEMENT        CLASS           ADMINISTRATION    DISTRIBUTION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                        Investor                          N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money                     Investor                          N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond                     Investor*                         N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional                        Trust                             N/A
Cash Fund
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity                     Investor                          N/A
Bond Fund
                                                      Trust                             N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money                      Investor                          N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal                            Investor                          N/A
Securities Trust
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income                     Institutional** N/A               N/A
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*From September 7, 2002 (commencement of operations of Fund) to October 31, 2002.
**This Fund did not commence operations until July __, 2003.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                                  EXHIBIT E


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                          CLASS         CAP      AGREEMENT                END DATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                 Investor      1.70%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                Advisor       1.90%    10 year contractual cap  12/31/2012
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                   Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Advisor       1.50%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                 Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Advisor       1.50%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Institutional 0.85%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund                Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Advisor       1.50%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund           Investor      1.70%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Trust         2.00%    10 year contractual cap  12/31/2012
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund               Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Advisor       1.50%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund              Investor      1.75%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Trust         1.75%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Advisor       1.90%    10 year contractual cap  12/31/2012
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Advisor       1.50%    12 year contractual cap  12/31/2014
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund             Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                          CLASS         CAP      AGREEMENT                END DATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                 Investor      1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                              Trust         1.50%    10 year contractual cap  12/31/2012
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund     Trust         1.50%    3 year contractual cap   12/31/2005
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                        NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                          CLASS         CAP      AGREEMENT                END DATE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                   Investor   0.65%    3 year contractual cap   10/31/2006
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund           Investor   1.00%    3 year contractual cap   10/31/2006
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund         Trust      0.41%    3 year contractual cap   10/31/2006
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund      Investor   0.70%    3 year contractual cap   10/31/2006
                                                                     3 year recoupment
                                                 Trust      0.80%    3 year contractual cap   10/31/2006
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust      Investor   0.65%    3 year contractual cap   10/31/2006
                                                                     3 year recoupment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                       EXHIBIT F



                                                                       EXHIBIT G


                        NEUBERGER BERMAN MANAGEMENT INC.
                                605 Third Avenue
                          New York, New York 10158-0006

Neuberger Berman, LLC
605 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10158-3698

Dear Sirs:

     We have entered into a Management  Agreement with  ________________________
("Trust")  with  respect to several  of its series  ("Series"),  as set forth in
Schedule A hereto, pursuant to which we are to act as investment adviser to such
Series. We hereby agree with you as follows:

     1.   You agree for the  duration of this  Agreement to furnish us with such
          investment recommendations and research information,  of the same type
          as that which you from time to time provide to your  employees for use
          in managing client accounts,  all as we shall reasonably  request.  In
          the absence of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence in
          the performance of your duties,  or of the reckless  disregard of your
          duties  and  obligations  hereunder,  you  shall  not  be  subject  to
          liability  for any act or omission or any loss  suffered by any Series
          or its security  holders in connection  with the matters to which this
          Agreement relates.

     2.   In consideration of your agreements set forth in paragraph 1 above, we
          agree to pay you on the basis of direct and  indirect  costs to you of
          performing  such  agreements.  Indirect  costs shall be allocated on a
          basis mutually satisfactory to you and to us.

     3.   As used in this  Agreement,  the  terms  "assignment"  and  "vote of a
          majority of the outstanding voting securities" shall have the meanings
          given to them by Section  2(a)(4) and 2(a)(42),  respectively,  of the
          Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     This  Agreement  shall  terminate   automatically   in  the  event  of  its
assignment,  or upon termination of the Management  Agreement  between the Trust
and the undersigned.

     This  Agreement may be  terminated at any time,  without the payment of any
penalty,  (a) with respect to any Series by the Trustees of the Trust or by vote
of a majority of the outstanding securities of such Series or by the undersigned
on not less than sixty days' written  notice  addressed to you at your principal


place of business;  and (b) by you,  without the payment of any penalty,  on not
less than thirty nor more than sixty days' written notice addressed to the Trust
and the undersigned at the Trust's principal place of business.

     This  Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect with respect to each
Series listed in Schedule A on the date hereof until  September 30, 2005 (unless
sooner  terminated as provided  above) and from year to year  thereafter only so
long as its  continuance  is approved in the manner  required by the  Investment
Company Act of 1940, as from time to time amended.

     Schedule A to this  Agreement  may be modified from time to time to reflect
the  addition or deletion  of a Series  from the terms of this  Agreement.  With
respect to each Series added by execution of an addendum to Schedule A, the term
of this Agreement  shall begin on the date of such execution and,  unless sooner
terminated as provided above, this Agreement shall remain in effect to September
30 of the year following the year of execution and from year to year  thereafter
only so long as its  continuance  is  approved  in the  manner  required  by the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as from time to time amended.

     If you are in  agreement  with  the  foregoing,  please  sign  the  form of
acceptance on the enclosed counterpart hereof and return the same to us.

                                Very truly yours,

                                NEUBERGER BERMAN MANAGEMENT INC.


                                The foregoing is hereby accepted as
                                of the date first above written.

                                NEUBERGER BERMAN, LLC



                                   SCHEDULE A

[List of Series of Trust]



                                                                                             APPENDIX G-1

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            DATE OF        TRUSTEE        SHAREHOLDER
FUND                                                        AGREEMENT      APPROVAL       APPROVAL
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                                                             __/__/1999(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                                                            __/__/2001(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                                                               __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                                                             __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund                                                            __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund                         12/16/2000     06/05/2003     10/24/1995(3)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund                                                           __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund                                                          __/__/1998(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                                                            __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund                                                         __/__/2002(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                                                             __/__/1999(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund                                                 __/__/1994(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                                                            __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund                                                    __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund                                                    __/__/2002(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund                                                  __/__/2001(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund                 02/09/2001     06/05/2003     __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund                                                     __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust                                               __/__/1993(2)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund                                                    __/__/2003(1)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  Shareholder  approval  was  obtained  prior  to the  commencement  of  operations  for the Fund by NB
     Management, the sole shareholder.
(2)  Shareholder approval was obtained in connection with a restructuring of the Fund complex.
(3)  Shareholder  approval  was obtained  because the Fund's  former  investment  advisor  terminated  its
     advisory agreement with the Fund and shareholders  approved the current investment advisory agreement
     with NB Management.


                                                                      EXHIBIT H

                          FEES PAID TO NEUBERGER BERMAN
 (Pursuant to Sub-Advisory Agreement with respect to each Trust and Fund between
                       NB Management and Neuberger Berman)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS
                       (fees paid for fiscal year ended August 31, 2002)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                 SUB-ADVISORY FEES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Neuberger Berman Century Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Guardian Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS
               (fees paid for fiscal year ended October 31, 2002)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                  SUB-ADVISORY FEES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                       EXHIBIT I



                                                                       EXHIBIT J


     As of July 31, 2003,  the  following are all of the  beneficial  and record
owners of more than five  percent  of each class of each Fund known to the Fund.
Except where  indicated  with an asterisk,  the owners listed are record owners.
These  entities hold these shares of record for the accounts of certain of their
clients  and  have   informed   the  Funds  of  their  policy  to  maintain  the
confidentiality  of holdings in their  client  accounts,  unless  disclosure  is
expressly required by law.

FUND AND CLASS             NAME AND ADDRESS                        PERCENTAGE OF
                                                                   CLASS OWNED


                                                                                        EXHIBIT K

                                   NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING
                                    FOR EACH CLASS OF EACH FUND
                                       AS OF THE RECORD DATE

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   NEUBERGER BERMAN EQUITY FUNDS

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                  CLASS           SHARES OUTSTANDING
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Century Fund                         Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Fasciano Fund                        Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund                           Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Genesis Fund                         Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman International Fund                   Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Manhattan Fund                       Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Millennium Fund                      Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Partners Fund                        Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Real Estate Fund                     Trust
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Regency Fund                         Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Socially Responsive Fund             Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   NEUBERGER BERMAN INCOME FUNDS

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FUND                                                 CLASS            SHARES OUTSTANDING
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Cash Reserves                       Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Government Money Fund               Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman High Income Bond Fund               Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Institutional Cash Fund             Trust
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Limited Maturity Bond Fund          Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Money Fund                Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Municipal Securities Trust          Investor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neuberger Berman Strategic Income Fund               Institutional
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------EZVOTE CONSOLIDATED PROXY CARD--------

                                     CONSOLIDATED PROXY. IT REFLECTS ALL OF YOUR
                                     ACCOUNTS  REGISTERED  TO  THE  SAME  SOCIAL
                                     SECURITY   OR  TAX  I.D.   NUMBER  AT  THIS
                                     ADDRESS.   BY  VOTING   AND   SIGNING   THE
                                     CONSOLIDATED PROXY CARD, YOU ARE VOTING ALL
                                     OF THESE  ACCOUNTS  IN THE SAME  MANNER  AS
                                     INDICATED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE FORM.

- -----------------------------------  -------------------------------------------
 XXX XXX XXX XXX XX                             SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.
- -----------------------------------  -------------------------------------------

The undersigned appoints as proxies Robert Conti,  Frederic Soule and Claudia A.
Brandon,  and  each  of them  (with  power  of  substitution),  to vote  all the
undersigned's shares in Neuberger Berman Funds ("Neuberger Fund") at the Special
Meeting of Shareholders  to be held on September 23, 2003 at 11:00 a.m.  Eastern
Time at the offices of Neuberger Berman,  LLC, 605 Third Avenue, 41st Floor, New
York, New York 10158-3698, and any ajournment thereof ("Meeting"),  with all the
power the undersigned would have if personally present.

The  shares  represented  by this  proxy  will be  voted as  instructed.  UNLESS


                                    Date ______________________

                                    Signature (owner, trustee, custodian, etc.)
                                    (PLEASE SIGN IN BOX)


                                    Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.
                                    If  shares  are  held in the  name of joint
                                    owners, each should sign. Attorneys-in-fact,
                                    executors,  administrators,  etc.  should so
                                    indicate. If shareholder is a corporation or
                                    partnership,  please sign in full  corporate
                                    or partnership name by authorized person.



o  VOTE  BY  TELEPHONE.   Call  our  On the  reverse  side of this  form (and on
   toll-free    dedicated    voting  accompanying  pages, if necessary) you will
   number    1-800-690-6903.    The  find  individual  ballots,  one for each of
   voting  site is open 24  hours a  your  accounts.  If you would  wish to vote
   day,  7 days a week.  Enter your  each of these accounts separately,  sign in
   MASTER   CONTROL   NUMBER  shown  the   signature   box   below,   mark  each
   above and  follow  the  recorded  individual  ballot to  indicate  your vote,
   instructions.  You may  vote all  detach  the form at the  perforation  above
   accounts at once or each account  and return the individual  ballots  portion
   separately.  Your  vote  will be  only.
   confirmed  at  the  end  of  the

   our  Internet  voting web site -           SEPARATELY, DO NOT RETURN THE  and enter your           CONSOLIDATED PROXY CARD ABOVE.
   the on-screen instructions.  You     SIGN AND DATE BELOW IF YOU ARE VOTING
   may vote all  accounts  at once            EACH ACCOUNT SEPARATELY.
   or each account separately.  You
   may     request     an    e-mail
   confirmation of your vote.

              CARD ABOVE.
                                                  Date ______________________

                                    Signature (owner, trustee, custodian, etc.)
                                    (PLEASE SIGN IN BOX)


                                    Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.
                                    If  shares  are  held in the  name of joint
                                    owners, each should sign. Attorneys-in-fact,
                                    executors,  administrators,  etc.  should so
                                    indicate. If shareholder is a corporation or
                                    partnership,  please sign in full  corporate
                                    or partnership name by authorized person.


- ----------------------------------------- EZVOTE CONSOLIDATED PROXY CARD -------



                                                         FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN

1.  To approxe a new Management  Agreement between       [ ]     [ ]       [ ]
    the  Trust,  on  behalf of each  Fund,  and NB

2.  To approve a new  Sub-Advisory  Agreement with       [ ]     [ ]       [ ]
    respect  to each  Trust and Fund,  between  NB
    Management and Neuberger Berman.




                                                         INDIVIDUAL BALLOTS
                                     NOTE: IF YOU HAVE USED THE CONSOLIDATED BALLOT, DO NOT VOTE
                                                    THE INDIVIDUAL BALLOTS BELOW.

- ----------------------------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------------------------
XXX XXXXXXXXXX XXX                                           XXX XXXXXXXXXX XXX

JOHN Q. SHAREHOLDER                                          JOHN Q. SHAREHOLDER
123 MAIN STREET                                              123 MAIN STREET
ANYTOWN USE 12345                      CONTROL NUMBER        ANYTOWN USE 12345                        CONTROL NUMBER
                                     XXX XXX XXX XXX XX                                             XXX XXX XXX XXX XX

FUND NAME PRINTS HERE                                        FUND NAME PRINTS HERE

1. To approve a new Management       FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN   1. To approve a new Management       FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
   Agreement between the Trust, on   [ ]    [ ]      [ ]        Agreement between the Trust, on   [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
   behalf of each Fund, and NB                                  behalf of each Fund, and NB
   Management                                                   Management

2. To approve a new Sub-Advisory     FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN   2. To approve a new Sub-Advisory     FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
   Agreement with respect to         [ ]    [ ]      [ ]        Agreement with respect to         [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
   each Trust and Fund, between                                 each Trust and Fund, between
   NB Management and Neuberger                                  NB Management and Neuberger
   Berman.                                                      Berman.
- ----------------------------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------------------------
XXX XXXXXXXXXX XXX                                           XXX XXXXXXXXXX XXX

JOHN Q. SHAREHOLDER                                          JOHN Q. SHAREHOLDER
123 MAIN STREET                                              123 MAIN STREET
ANYTOWN USE 12345                      CONTROL NUMBER        ANYTOWN USE 12345                      CONTROL NUMBER
                                     XXX XXX XXX XXX XX                                           XXX XXX XXX XXX XX

FUND NAME PRINTS HERE                                        FUND NAME PRINTS HERE

1. To approve a new Management       FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN   1. To approve a new Management       FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
   Agreement between the Trust, on   [ ]    [ ]      [ ]        Agreement between the Trust, on   [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
   behalf of each Fund, and NB                                  behalf of each Fund, and NB
   Management                                                   Management

2. To approve a new Sub-Advisory     FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN   2. To approve a new Sub-Advisory     FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
   Agreement with respect to         [ ]    [ ]      [ ]        Agreement with respect to         [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
   each Trust and Fund, between                                 each Trust and Fund, between
   NB Management and Neuberger                                  NB Management and Neuberger
   Berman.                                                      Berman.
- ----------------------------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------------------------