
Daniel R. Dwight
President and Chief Executive Officer
Kronos Advanced Technologies, Inc.
464 Common Street, Suite 301
Belmont, MA 02478

To Our Shareholders:

        I am pleased to write to you about the exciting  accomplishments we have
achieved  over the past  twelve  months  and to  personally  thank  you for your
continued  support of Kronos  Advanced  Technologies,  Inc.  We are proud of the
substantial   progress  we  made  transitioning   Kronos  from  a  research  and
development company to an operating  business.  During the year, we were awarded
our  first  patents  on the  KronosTM  technology,  obtained  viable  commercial
contracts,  and made further innovations on our proprietary  technology.  Kronos
successfully  raised  capital from both  financial  and  strategic  partners and
established a stronger,  more independent Board of Directors.  As a result,  the
Company  began to earn an  initial  return  on our  investment  in the  KronosTM
technology by signing our first commercial  contracts in the consumer,  military
and transportation markets and generating an initial $559,000 in revenue.

        These  accomplishments are the direct result of management's  commitment
and focus on building a long term, financially viable operating business capable
of generating  sustainable  revenue.  We believe this  commitment and focus will
continue to bring improved value to our stockholders in the future.

Patents and Intellectual Property

        We believe that the first ingredient in building a successful  operating
business  capable of  generating  sustainable  revenue is the ability to build a
protected  intellectual  property platform.  The Kronos research team's diligent
pursuit of patent protection resulted in the following accomplishments in 2003:

        o   In January  2003,  we received  formal  notification  from the U. S.
            Patent and Trademark Office indicating that our application entitled
            Electrostatic  Fluid  Accelerator  had been examined and allowed for
            issuance  as  a U.  S.  patent  (#6,504,308).  The  patent  provides
            protection for key aspects of Kronos' technology until late in 2019.

        o   In August  2003,  we received a Notice of  Allowance  from the U. S.
            Patent and Trademark Office  indicating that our patent  application
            entitled   Method  of  and   Apparatus   for   Electrostatic   Fluid
            Acceleration  Control of a Fluid Flow had been  examined and allowed
            for issuance as a U. S.  patent.  This latest  patent when  formally
            issued will provide intellectual property protection for key aspects
            of Kronos' technology until late in 2020.

        o   In addition to the Electrostatic Fluid Accelerator and Method of and
            Apparatus for Electrostatic  Fluid  Acceleration  Control of a Fluid
            Flow patents,  a number of additional patent  applications have been
            filed for,  among  other  things,  the  control  and  management  of
            electrostatic   fluid   acceleration.   There   are  a   number   of
            corresponding  patent  applications,  which  have been filed and are
            pending outside of the United States.

Commercial Contracts

        We believe that the second ingredient in building a successful operating
business capable of generating  sustainable  revenue is the ability to establish
relationships  with key strategic  partners;  partners who have the vision,  the
financial resources,  and the product development and distribution  capabilities
to integrate the KronosTM technology into viable commercial products in a timely
fashion.  We believe that establishing new customer  relationships and executing
commercial  contracts will result in bringing the KronosTM  technology to market
through our Standalone and Embedded Product Platforms:

                               Standalone Platform

        o   Consumer  Retail  Products.  In October  2002,  Kronos and  HoMedics
            executed a Licensing Agreement granting HoMedics certain rights with
            respect to the distribution of the KronosTM  proprietary  technology
            to the  consumer.  HoMedics  is a leading  provider  of  health  and
            wellness  products  through  major  domestic  retailers,   including
            Wal-Mart,  Home  Depot,  Sears,  Bed Bath &  Beyond,  and  Linens 'N
            Things.  The agreement  provides for exclusive  retail  distribution
            rights for next  generation  consumer air movement and  purification
            products based on the patented KronosTM technology.

            Kronos has been  working  side-by-side  with  HoMedics to complete a
            feature-rich   air   purification   product  line.  To   effectively
            capitalize  on our  competitive  advantage in this  market,  neither
            Kronos nor  HoMedics  are able to release  specific  product data or
            availability.  However,  we are  enthusiastic  about our partnership
            with  HoMedics  and are working  diligently  toward the day when the
            KronosTM-based  consumer product is on store shelves and each of our
            shareholders  has our devices  silently  purifying  the air in their

            In  comparison  to the 2 1/2 years that it took Sharper Image to get
            the Ionic Breeze(R) Air Purifier to market, we are extremely pleased
            at the rate of our  progress.  We  continue to work on a daily basis
            with  the  HoMedics  team,  from  their  engineers,  designers,  and
            manufacturers,  to their  marketing  and  sales  people  in order to
            ensure  the  KronosTM-based  air  purification  product  line  is as
            successful  as we can make  it.  We  believe  the  years  of  market
            research conducted by HoMedics,  their expertise in launching highly
            successful new products and the marketing resources they are putting
            behind this  product,  combined  with the air  purification  and air
            movement  capability  of the KronosTM  technology,  will result in a
            product line that will be well received by the marketplace.

                                Embedded Platform

        o   Military Products. In November 2002, the U. S. Navy awarded Kronos a
            Small Business Innovation Research Phase II contract worth $580,000,
            plus an option of $145,000. The Phase II contract (commercialization
            phase) is an  extension  of the Phase I and the Phase I Option  work
            that began in 2001. It is intended  that the KronosTM  devices being
            developed  under this  contract  will be embedded  in existing  HVAC
            systems  in order to move air  more  efficiently  than  traditional,
            fan-based technology.

            For the past nine months,  Kronos has been working  closely with the
            Navy's Naval Surface Warfare Center and a major military shipbuilder
            to identify  specific and  immediate  applications  for the KronosTM
            technology.  In  conjunction  with  this  engineering  work,  we are
            utilizing the services of Dawnbreaker (www.dawnbreaker.com) in order
            to effectively  transition from Phase II  commercialization  work to
            Phase III  production  and  installation.  Dawnbreaker  offers their
            services,  at the government's expense, to select Phase II companies
            in  order  to  create  partnerships  that  will  lead to  Phase  III
            corporate funding, product sales and ship board installation.

            In August  2003,  the U. S. Army  awarded  Kronos  the option on its
            Small Business  Innovation  Research  Phase I contract  bringing the
            value of the  Phase I  contract  award to  $120,000.  In July  2003,


            Kronos  obtained a Pre-Award  notice from the U. S. Army for a Small
            Business  Innovation  Research  Phase II  contract  worth  $730,000.
            During the Pre-Award stage, the U. S. Army will need to complete the
            necessary documentation for Kronos to begin work on Phase II. The U.
            S. Army  expects  that  completion  of the  documentation  will take
            approximately  90 days. The Phase II contract is an extension of the
            Phase I work that began in 2002. We anticipate the KronosTM  devices
            manufactured  under  this  contract  will  further  demonstrate  the
            versatility  of the  KronosTM  technology  to meet  airflow,  system
            pressure and reduced humidity requirements for HVAC systems.

            We are pleased  that the U. S.  Military has  recognized  the unique
            advantages  of the  KronosTM  technology  which has  resulted in the
            awarding of over $1.5 million in contracts to Kronos. The Military's
            commitment has led to Kronos  initiating  discussions with a leading
            military  dehumidification  contractor.  We are  working  with  this
            contractor  to  assess  specific  product  needs  and to  accelerate
            product  commercialization.  Humidity is a major cause of  corrosion
            for  military  equipment  including  tanks and aircraft as well as a
            quality of life issue for many military  personnel.  We believe that
            the ability of KronosTM  technology to remove  humidity from the air
            with  less  energy   expended   and  minimal   increase  in  ambient
            temperature will provide product opportunities for both the military
            and commercial applications.

        o   Transportation  Products.  In January 2003, Kronos extended its work
            into the  transportation  industry  by  signing  a  Development  and
            Acquisition Agreement with a premier business jet manufacturer.  The
            Agreement  was the direct  result of initial  prototype  development
            work  performed  by the  Kronos  Research  Team with  input from the
            customer in 2002. The Company has initiated the next phase of design
            and development based on the customer's specific product application
            requirements. For competitive reasons, we have been requested not to
            discuss the identity or specifics of this particular project at this
            time. We believe that this potential  application will significantly
            aid  Kronos  in  product   positioning   for  other   transportation
            applications such as commercial  aircraft,  automobiles,  and cruise

            While the  potential  applications  of the KronosTM  technology  are
            many, we believe it is critical to our ultimate  success that we get
            the first set of products done right! The transition from a research
            and development company to an operating business supporting multiple
            products in multiple  markets does not happen  overnight.  There are
            numerous steps (from  performing  government and industry  standards
            testing,  to creating a manufacturing  process, to preparing product
            packaging)  which  need to be  completed  before  a  product  can be
            successfully  launched.  You  can  be  assured  that  we  are  doing
            everything to facilitate product development and production in order
            to accelerate Kronos' successful market debut.

Technology Development and Innovation

        We believe that the third  ingredient in building an operating  business
capable of generating  sustainable revenue is to create an environment conducive
to constant  innovation.  Over the past year, the Kronos research team's ability
to  innovate  led  to  further  development  and  enhancement  of  the  KronosTM
technology.  By  focusing on the  specific  needs of Kronos'  newly  established
customer base, our team was able to build KronosTM  devices that now combine the
key attributes of the KronosTM  technology into a single product.  These devices
prove that  KronosTM  can move large  volumes  of air  through a silent,  energy
efficient  product while removing  99.97% of 0.1 micron  particulates in the air
("ultra HEPA" level of filtration).

        Our team's  innovation was further  extended to the  optimization of the
Kronos  proprietary  power supply for mass  production.  The power supply is the
core element in efficiently  generating the ion movement essential to propelling
the air. Our team also made significant improvements in the design and materials
necessary to maximize the air  filtration  and  purification  capability  of the
KronosTM technology. We believe that this innovation,  combined with our ongoing
intellectual  property  management will allow Kronos to maintain its competitive
advantages through product differentiation and technology protection.


Financial Results

        The focus on developing our intellectual  property,  securing commercial
contracts  and  innovating  further on our  proprietary  technology  resulted in
Kronos  producing an initial  $559,000 in revenue in fiscal  2003.  This revenue
represented  a 503%  increase  for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003  compared
with 2002.

        Kronos reduced its operating  expenses during the  twelve-months  ending
June 30, 2003 by $469,000 or 14% compared  with the prior year.  This  reduction
was  principally  the result of a  concerted  effort to reduce our  reliance  on
consultants and other  professional  service firms, as well as the transitioning
of key members of the Company's  management  team from  consulting  contracts to
employment agreements.

        The  reduction  in  professional  costs is  primarily  the result of the
Company's completion of a Corporate  restructuring in 2001 and 2002. During this
period,  we resolved  all  outstanding  legal  matters and  restructured  Kronos
Advanced Technologies allowing us to concentrate solely on the commercialization
of  the  KronosTM  technology.   In  addition,   we  have  changed  auditors  to
significantly  reduce our  auditing  expenses.  We are  committed to continue to
effectively manage our costs as we dedicate a larger percentage of our available
resources to product development and new revenue generating sales opportunities.

        Along  with  generating  cash  flow  from  the  consumer,  military  and
transportation  contracts  ($559,000)  and the  sale of new  equity  ($723,000),
Kronos secured $3.4 million in secured debt  financing  from HoMedics.  HoMedics
paid $2.4 million upon execution of the financing agreement;  $1.0 million is to
be paid upon the start of production of the HoMedics consumer product line.

Corporate Governance

        Leading a successful  public company extends beyond  patents,  contracts
and innovative technology to include effective corporate  governance.  Kronos is
committed to applying  the highest  standards  of  corporate  governance  in all
aspects of our  business.  Under the  guidelines of  Sarbanes-Oxley  and Kronos'
intention to meet the requirements necessary to move the Company onto a national
exchange,  we recently  added two new  independent  Board  members,  Mr. Spencer
Browne and Mr. Mike Segal.  Along with their  corporate  governance  experience,
Messrs.  Browne and Segal bring extensive  financial and business  experience to
the Company.  Kronos also  established  an Audit  Committee to go along with the
Compensation Committee established last year.

Fiscal 2004 Outlook

        Kronos intends to continue in fiscal 2004 to develop sustainable revenue
streams. More specifically our focus will be twofold:

        1. The Company intends to execute on our existing contracts.  This means
bringing  the  HoMedics  consumer  product  to  market;  delivering  the  Navy a
commercialized  air handling system ready for installation on select naval ships
and  preparing  for Phase III (mass  production);  getting the first part of our
Army contract underway; and delivering product to the business jet market.

        2. The Company will continue to seek out new markets for the  Kronos(TM)
technology that we will serve either through marketing and distributing  Kronos'
products on our own or through select strategic partners.

        We are actively  preparing to bring a standalone  commercial  product to
market using Company developed marketing and distribution channels. Based on the
technology and product development work for the KronosTM-based  consumer product
line,  we are seeking to launch a commercial  air  purification  product for the
assisted living, nursing home and hospitality market segments.

        We are seeking out  partners  and are in various  stages of  discussions
with  global  suppliers  and  service  companies  in  the  commercial   heating,
ventilation and air conditioning  ("HVAC"),  commercial aircraft, and automobile
market  segments at this time.  The process of selecting the right  partners for


Kronos is labor  intensive  and time  consuming  but  crucial to Kronos'  future
success.  Identifying the right partner involves gaining a full understanding of
the product development, marketing, distribution, and financial resources of the
potential partner.  Two other factors that need to be considered are the culture
of the potential  partner in relation to Kronos'  culture and the  commitment of
the  partner to  developing  high  quality  Kronos(TM)-based air handlers and/or
filters in a timely fashion.

        We recently filed our annual report on Form 10-KSB with the SEC which is
attached. I encourage you to read the annual report in its entirety.  You should
periodically check our web site for updates and other current information.

        Given our progress in fiscal 2003 and what we are  anticipating in 2004,
we are more  excited  than ever about the  Company's  prospects  for  generating
sustainable  revenue  growth  and our  ability  to  bring  further  value to our
stockholders.  Again,  thank you for your continued  support of Kronos  Advanced


                                        /s/ Daniel R. Dwight
                                        Daniel R. Dwight
                                        President and Chief Executive Officer

        With the exception of historical  information  contained in this letter,
this letter includes  forward-looking  statements and comments.  Such statements
are  necessarily  subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties,   some  of  which  are
significant  in scope and nature beyond the Company's  control.  Forward-looking
statements,  by their nature, involve substantial risks and uncertainties.  As a
result,  actual  results  may  differ  materially  depending  on  many  factors,
including those described above.  The Company  cautions that historical  results
are not necessarily indicative of the Company's future performance.  Other risks
are  summarized  under the  caption  "Factors  Affecting  Kronos'  Business  and
Prospects  " in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended
June 30, 2003 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
