Exhibit 99.21

                          CHANGE IN CONTROL AGREEMENT

     THIS CHANGE IN CONTROL AGREEMENT is entered into as of June 7, 2001, by and
between STEPHEN M. ANNIS (the "Employee") and SAN JOAQUIN BANK, (the "Bank").


          (a)  DEFINITION.  For  all  purposes  under this Agreement, "Change in
Control" shall mean the occurrence of any of the following events after the date
of this Agreement:

               (i)   the dissolution or liquidation of the Bank;

               (ii)  a reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Bank with
          one or more  corporations  as a result  of  which  the Bank is not the
          surviving corporation;

               (iii) any sale,  lease,  exchange or other transfer (in one or a
          series of transactions)  of all or substantially  all of the assets of
          the Bank;

               (iv)  any  merger  or  consolidation  of the Bank in  which  the
          holders of voting stock of the Bank  immediately  before the merger or
          consolidation  will  not  own  fifty  percent  (50%)  or  more  of the
          outstanding  voting shares of the continuing or surviving  corporation
          immediately after such merger or consolidation; or

               (v)   a  change of 50% or more (rounded to the next whole person)
          in the  membership  of the  Board of  Directors  of the Bank  within a
          12-month period,  unless the election or nomination by stockholders of
          each new  director  within such period was  approved by the vote of at
          least 75%  (rounded to the next whole  person) of the  directors  then
          still in office who were in office at the  beginning  of the  12-month

          (b)  GOOD REASON. For all purposes under this Agreement, "Good Reason"
shall mean that the Employee:

               (i)    Has  incurred a material  reduction  in his  authority  or
          responsibility as the Bank's Chief Financial Officer;

               (ii)   Has incurred a reduction in his "base compensation," bonus
          opportunity or benefits and perquisites; or

               (iii)  Has been notified that his principal place of work will be
          relocated by a distance of 50 miles or more.


     For purposes  of  this Agreement, "base compensation" shall mean annualized
base salary as  reflected in the Bank's  payroll  records as of the date of this
Agreement and as may be subsequently adjusted upward for increases.

          (c)  SEVERANCE PAYMENT.  The  Employee  shall be entitled to receive a
severance  payment from the Bank (the  "Severance  Payment") if within the first
twenty-four  (24) month period after the  occurrence of a Change in Control [the
twenty-four  (24) month  period will be renewed if a separate  Change of Control
occurs within twenty-four (24) months of the preceding Change of Control]:

               (i)    The Employee  voluntarily  resigns his employment for Good

               (ii)   The Bank  terminates  the  Employee's  employment  for any
          reason other than Cause or Disability; or

The  Severance  Payment  shall  be made in a lump  sum not  more  than  five (5)
business days following the date of the employment  termination  and shall be in
an amount  determined under Subsection (d) below. The Severance Payment shall be
in lieu of any other  payments,  including  payments under the Bank's  severance
policy, or benefits for periods subsequent to the termination of employment.

     For all purposes under this Agreement, "Cause" shall mean:

               (i)   A willful act by the Employee which constitutes misconduct
          or fraud and which has a material adverse effect on the Bank; or

               (ii)  Conviction of, or a plea of "guilty" or "no contest" to, a

No act, or failure to act, by the Employee shall be considered  "willful" unless
committed  without  good faith and without a  reasonable  belief that the act or
omission was in the Bank's best interest.

     "Disability"  shall  have the  same  meaning  as under the Bank's Long-Term
Disability Plan.

          (d)  AMOUNT. The amount of the Severance Payment shall be equal to the
sum of the following:

               (i)   1  1/2   times   the   Employee's   annual  rate  of   base
          compensation,  as in effect on the date of the employment  termination
          (or if greater, the date of this Agreement); plus

               (ii)  1 1/2  times  the  highest  annual  bonus  awarded  to  the
          Employee  by the Bank during the last three years prior to the date of
          the employment termination (regardless of when paid).

          (e)  INCENTIVE PROGRAMS. No Change in Control with respect to the Bank
shall operate to accelerate  the employee's  rights to any awards  heretofore or
hereafter  granted to him under any stock  option,  stock  appreciation  rights,
restricted stock, phantom stock or similar plans, or under any annuity, pension,


profit-sharing,  401(K)  plan or other  agreements  of the  Bank,  except to the
extent such accelerated vesting may be provided for therein.

          (f)  NO MITIGATION. The Employee shall not be required to mitigate the
amount of any  payment  contemplated  by this  Section 1 (whether by seeking new
employment or in any other manner).  Except as expressly  provided in Subsection
(f) above,  no such payment  shall be reduced by earnings  that the Employee may
receive from any other source.

     2.   SUCCESSORS.

          (a)  BANK'S  SUCCESSORS. The Bank shall require any successor (whether
direct or  indirect  and  whether by  purchase,  lease,  merger,  consolidation,
liquidation  or otherwise) to all or  substantially  all of the Bank' s business
and/or  assets,  by an  agreement  in  substance  and form  satisfactory  to the
Employee,  to assume  this  Agreement  and to agree  expressly  to perform  this
Agreement  in the same  manner  and to the  same  extent  as the  Bank  would be
required to perform it in the  absence of a  succession.  The Bank's  failure to
obtain  such  agreement  prior to the  effectiveness  of a  succession  shall be
treated as grounds for the Employee to terminate employment for Good Reason. For
all purposes under this  Agreement,  the term "Bank" shall include any successor
to the Bank' s business and/or assets which executes and delivers the assumption
agreement  described  in this  Subsection  (a) or  which  becomes  bound by this
Agreement by operation of law.

          (b)  EMPLOYEE'S  SUCCESSORS. This  Agreement  and  all  rights  of the
Employee  hereunder  shall inure to the benefit of, and be  enforceable  by, the
Employee's  personal  or  legal  representatives,   executors,   administrators,
successors, heirs, distributees, devisees and legatees.


          (a)  NOTICE. Notices and all other communications contemplated by this
Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly given when
personally delivered or when mailed by U.S. registered or certified mail, return
receipt  requested  and postage  prepaid.  In the case of the  Employee,  mailed
notices  shall be addressed to him at the home  address  which he most  recently
communicated  to the Bank in writing.  In the case of the Bank,  mailed  notices
shall be  addressed  to its  corporate  headquarters,  and all notices  shall be
directed to the attention of its Secretary.

          (b)  WAIVER.  No provision of this Agreement shall be modified, waived
or  discharged  unless the  modification,  waiver or  discharge  is agreed to in
writing  and signed by the  Employee  and by an  authorized  officer of the Bank
(other  than the  Employee).  No waiver by either  party of any breach of, or of
compliance with, any condition or provision of this Agreement by the other party
shall be considered a waiver of any other  condition or provision or of the same
condition or provision at another time.

          (c)  WHOLE AGREEMENT. No agreements, representations or understandings
(whether oral or written and whether express or implied) which are not expressly


set forth in this  Agreement have been made or entered into by either party with
respect to the subject matter hereof.

          (d)  NO SETOFF: WITHHOLDING TAXES.  There  shall be no right of setoff
or counterclaim, with respect to any claim, debt or obligation, against payments
to the Employee  under this  Agreement.  All payments made under this  Agreement
shall be subject to reduction to reflect taxes required to be withheld by law.

          (e)  CHOICE OF LAW.  The  validity,  interpretation,  construction and
performance  of this  Agreement  shall be  governed  by the laws of the State of

          (f)  SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision
or provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or  enforceability
of any other provision hereof, which shall remain in full force and effect.

          (g)  ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES.  All  claims, disputes and other matters
in  question  arising  out of or  relating  to this  Agreement  or the breach or
interpretation  thereof,  other than those matters which are to be determined by
the Bank in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  shall be  resolved  by  binding
arbitration before a representative member,  selected by the mutual agreement of
the parties, of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services,  Inc. ("JAMS"),
presently located at 111 Pine Street, Suite 710 in San Francisco, California. In
the event JAMS is unable or  unwilling to conduct the  arbitration  provided for
under the terms of this paragraph, or has discontinued its business, the parties
agree that a  representative  member,  selected by the mutual  agreement  of the
parties, of the American Arbitration  Association ("AAA"),  presently located at
417 Montgomery Street, in San Francisco,  California,  shall conduct the binding
arbitration referred to in this paragraph.  Notice of the demand for arbitration
shall be filed in writing with the other party to this  Agreement  and with JAMS
(or AAA, if  necessary).  In no event shall the demand for  arbitration  be made
after the date when institution of legal or equitable  proceedings based on such
claim,  dispute or other  matter in question  would be barred by the  applicable
statute  of  limitations.  The  arbitration  shall be  subject  to such rules of
procedure  used or  established  by JAMS,  or if there  are  none,  the rules of
procedure used or established by AAA. Any award rendered by JAMS or AAA shall be
final and binding upon the parties,  and as  applicable,  upon their  respective
heirs, beneficiaries, legal representatives, agents, successors and assigns, and
may be entered in any courts having jurisdiction  thereof. The obligation of the
parties to arbitrate  pursuant to this clause shall be specifically  enforceable
in accordance with, and shall be conducted  consistently with, the provisions of
Title 9 of Part 3 of the California  Code of Civil  Procedure.  Any  arbitration
hereunder shall be conducted in Bakersfield, California, unless otherwise agreed
to by the parties.

          (h)  ATTORNEYS' FEES.  In  the  event of any arbitration or litigation
concerning  any  controversy,  claim or dispute  between the parties  hereto,  a
rising  out of or  relating  to this  Agreement  or the  breach  hereof,  or the
interpretation  hereof,  the prevailing  party shall be entitled to recover from
the losing party  reasonable  expenses,  attorneys'  fees and costs  incurred in
connection  therewith or in the  enforcement  or  collection  of any judgment or
award rendered therein. The "prevailing party" means the party determined by the
arbitrator(s) or court, as the case may be, to have most nearly prevailed,  even


if such party did not prevail in all matters,  not  necessarily the one in whose
favor a judgment is rendered.

          (i)  NO ASSIGNMENT.  The rights  of any person to payments or benefits
under this Agreement  shall not be made subject to option or assignment,  either
by  voluntary  or  involuntary  assignment  or by  operation  of law,  including
(without  limitation)  bankruptcy,  garnishment,  attachment or other creditor's
process, and any action in violation of this Subsection (i) shall be void.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties has executed this Agreement, in the
case of the Bank by its duly  authorized  officer,  as of the day and year first
above written.

EXECUTIVE:                                  SAN JOAQUIN BANK,

/s/ Stephen M. Annis                      By /s/ Bruce Maclin
- ---------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
STEPHEN M. ANNIS, Senior Vice President     BRUCE MACLIN, Chairman of the Board

                                          By  /s/ Bart Hill
                                            BART HILL, President and CEO
