HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                              HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                              HIGH YIELD BOND FUND
                              HERITAGE SERIES TRUST
                                CORE EQUITY FUND
                             DIVERSIFIED GROWTH FUND
                            INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND
                               MID CAP STOCK FUND
                              SMALL CAP STOCK FUND

                              880 Carillon Parkway
                          St. Petersburg, Florida 33716
________ __, 2006

Dear Shareholders:

You  are  being  asked  to  vote  on  a number of proposals related to the above
Heritage  Funds (each, a "Fund" and collectively,  the  "Funds")  at  a  Special
Meeting of  Shareholders  ("Meeting")  of  the Funds, to be held at 880 Carillon
Parkway, St. Petersburg, Florida 33716 on November 6, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern
Time.  The enclosed documents explain each proposal.

The Board of Trustees of each Fund ("Board")  is  unanimously  recommending that
you approve a slate of board members that have backgrounds and experiences  that
are  diverse  and relevant to the variety of tasks and issues that face a mutual
fund board.

In addition to  voting  for  a  board,  you  are  being asked to vote on several
proposals that would standardize and simplify fund  compliance and policies.  We
are seeking your approval to re-classify each Fund's  investment  objective  and
modernize  its  investment  restrictions.   Such  action  will  standardize  and
streamline each Fund's restrictions and facilitate the Funds' ability to respond
to  changed  market conditions or other circumstances in a timely manner without
the delay and expense of obtaining a shareholder vote.

We also are seeking your approval to update and modernize each Fund's investment
advisory agreement.   No  changes are being proposed to the level of services or
the advisory fee rates other than allocating between two agreements the advisory
and administrative services  provided to the Funds.  As a result of the proposal
for new investment advisory agreements,  certain  shareholders  also  are  being
asked to re-approve the existing subadvisers.

Finally,  certain  of you are being asked to approve a proposal that will permit
your Fund's adviser to hire new subadvisers or modify subadvisory agreements for
that Fund with the approval  of the Fund's Board, but without future shareholder


We encourage you to read the attached  Proxy  Statement in full.  Following this
letter  are  questions  and  answers  regarding this  proxy  solicitation.   The
information is designed to help you cast  your  vote as a shareholder of a Fund,
and is being provided as a supplement to, and not  a  substitute for, your proxy

The Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders, the accompanying Proxy Statement,
and the proxy card for your Fund are enclosed.  Please  read them carefully.  If
you are unable to attend the Meeting in person, we urge you  to  sign, date, and
return the proxy card (or vote by Internet or telephone) so that your shares may
be voted in accordance with your instructions.  Voting your shares  in  a timely
manner helps the Funds avoid additional costs.

Your  vote  is  important to us. Thank you for taking the time to consider these
important proposals.

                                       Sincerely yours,
                                       Stephen G. Hill

                        HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                              HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                              HIGH YIELD BOND FUND
                              HERITAGE SERIES TRUST
                                CORE EQUITY FUND
                             DIVERSIFIED GROWTH FUND
                            INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND
                               MID CAP STOCK FUND
                              SMALL CAP STOCK FUND

                            AND VOTE ON THE PROPOSALS

Please read the information in the proxy statement that follows the questions
and answers below. We appreciate you placing your trust in the Heritage Funds
and look forward to helping you achieve your financial goals.


This proxy statement seeks your approval as a shareholder in some or all of the
above Heritage Funds (the "Funds') regarding a number of proposals aimed at
making the Funds operate more efficiently.


You may be asked to vote on proposals that affect you and the Fund(s) in which
you own shares. The proposals in the proxy statement include proposals to:

  o  Elect Trustees to the Board of Trustees
  o  Re-classify the investment objective of each Fund as non-fundamental
  o  Modernize the investment restrictions of each Fund
  o  Approve a new investment advisory agreement and certain new
     subadvisory agreements
  o  Approve a manager of manager's structure

The proxy statement includes a table that quickly allows you to see which
proposals affect you. The proxy statement also describes each proposal in


The Trustees serve as your representatives. The Trustees are fiduciaries and
have an obligation to serve the best interests of shareholders. The Trustees
review fund performance, oversee Fund activities and review contractual
arrangements with companies that provide services to the Funds.


Each Trustee who has no affiliation with management (an "Independent Trustee")
receives a fee for his or her service on the Board. Seven of the nine Nominees
are Independent Trustees for election to the Board of Income, Growth and Income
and Series. The remaining two are affiliated Trustees.


Under current laws, shareholders must approve changes to fundamental investment
objectives. Your approval of this proposal will permit the Board to authorize
modifications in the Funds' investment objectives as necessary to respond to
changes in market conditions without the cost and time delay in seeking
shareholder approval.


Your Board and the investment adviser has reviewed each Fund's fundamental
investment restrictions with the goal of simplifying and conforming the
fundamental investment restrictions among the Funds. The proposal seeks
shareholder approval of changes that are intended to further these goals and to
provide each Fund, consistent with its investment objectives and strategies,
with the flexibility to respond to changing markets, new investment
opportunities and future changes in applicable law.


The proposed revisions are not expected to affect the manner in which your Fund
is managed or the investment strategies of your Fund.


There are some changes to the investment advisory agreements. The primary change
to the investment advisory agreements are the transfer of administrative
services provided by the investment adviser to a separate administration
agreement. There are no changes to the fees charged to the Funds.


There are no material changes to the subadvisory agreements. The fees are paid
by the investment adviser and not the Funds.


A manager of manager's structure permits the investment adviser to hire new
subadvisers or modify subadvisory agreements with existing subadvisers with the
approval of the Board.



Under current laws, shareholders normally must approve new subadvisory
agreements or changes to existing agreements. Your approval of this proposal
will permit the Board to authorize the Funds' investment adviser to hire new
subadvisers or change existing agreements. This will save the Funds money and
time since they will not need to seek shareholder approval in the future.


The Funds and their investment adviser will pay for the expenses related to this
proxy statement.


After careful consideration, the Board unanimously recommends that you vote FOR
the approval of each proposal that affects you and your Fund.


You can vote in any of the following ways:

         INTERNET:    Have your proxy card available.  Vote on the Internet by
                      accessing the website address on your proxy card. Enter
                      your control number from your proxy card. Follow the
                      instructions found on the website;

         TELEPHONE:   Have your proxy card available.  You may vote by telephone
                      by calling the number on your proxy card. Enter the
                      control number on the proxy card and follow the
                      instructions provided. (A confirmation of your telephone
                      vote will be mailed to you.); or

         MAIL:        Vote, sign, date and return the enclosed proxy card in
                      the enclosed postage-paid envelope.


      The following general rules for signing proxy cards may be of assistance
to you and avoid the time and expense involved in validating your vote if you
fail to sign your proxy card properly.

         INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS: Sign your name exactly as it appears in the
registration on the proxy card.

         JOINT ACCOUNTS: Both parties should sign, and the name(s) of the party
or parties signing should conform exactly to the name(s) shown in the
registration on the proxy card.


         ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS: The capacity of the individual signing the proxy
card should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration.
For example:



                        HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                              HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                              HIGH YIELD BOND FUND
                              HERITAGE SERIES TRUST
                                CORE EQUITY FUND
                             DIVERSIFIED GROWTH FUND
                            INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND
                               MID CAP STOCK FUND
                              SMALL CAP STOCK FUND

               880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, Florida 33716

                                 (800) 421-4184


                              ___________ __, 2006


To the Shareholders:

      A Special Meeting  of Shareholders ("Meeting") of the above Heritage Funds
(each, a "Fund" and collectively,  the  "Funds")  will be held at the offices of
Heritage  Asset  Management,  Inc.  ("Heritage"),  880  Carillon   Parkway,  St.
Petersburg, Florida 33716 on November 6, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern  Time.   The
Meeting is being held for the following purposes:

      (1)   To elect and re-elect Trustees to the Board of Trustees;

      (2)   To  re-classify  the  investment  objective  of  each  Fund  as non-

      (3)   To modernize the investment restrictions of each Fund;

      (4)   To  approve  an investment advisory agreement between the Funds  and

      (5)   To approve the  subadvisory  agreements between Heritage and Goldman
            Sachs  Investment  Management,  L.P.,   Heritage   and  Eagle  Asset
            Management, Inc. and Heritage and Awad Asset Management, Inc.

      (6)   To  approve  a  proposal  that  will  permit  Heritage  to hire  new
            subadvisers  or  modify  subadvisory  agreements  with  respect   to
            Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust, Heritage Series Trust - Mid Cap
            Stock Fund and Heritage Series Trust - Small Cap Stock Fund with the
            approval of the Board, but without future shareholder approval; and

      (7)   To  consider  and act upon any other business that may properly come
            before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

      Items (1) through (6)  are  discussed  in  greater  detail in the attached
Proxy Statement (the "Proposals").  You are entitled to vote  at the Meeting and
any adjournment thereof if you owned shares of one or more of the  Funds  at the
close of business on September 8, 2006.  If you attend the Meeting, you may vote
your  shares  in  person.   Whether  or  not you intend to attend the Meeting in
person, you may vote in any of the following ways:

      (1)   INTERNET: Have your proxy card available. Vote on the Internet
            by accessing the website address  on  your  proxy  card. Enter
            your   control   number  from  your  proxy  card.  Follow  the
            instructions found on the website;

      (2)   TELEPHONE: Have your  proxy  card  available.  You may vote by
            telephone by calling the toll-free number on your  proxy card.
            Enter  the  control  number  on the proxy card and follow  the
            instructions provided. (A confirmation  of your telephone vote
            will be mailed to you.); or

      (3)   MAIL: Vote, sign, date and return the enclosed  proxy  card in
            the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

                                     By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                     Andrea N. Mullins
                                       Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust
                                       Heritage Growth and Income Trust
                                       Heritage Income Trust
                                       Heritage Series Trust

Dated:  ________ __, 2006
St. Petersburg, Florida


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                        HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                              HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                              HIGH YIELD BOND FUND
                              HERITAGE SERIES TRUST
                                CORE EQUITY FUND
                             DIVERSIFIED GROWTH FUND
                            INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND
                               MID CAP STOCK FUND
                              SMALL CAP STOCK FUND

               880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, Florida 33716

                                 (800) 421-4184

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         Special Meeting of Shareholders
                                November 6, 2006


      This Proxy Statement is being furnished to the shareholders of each of the
above  Heritage  Funds  (each,  a  "Fund"  and  collectively,  the  "Funds")  in
connection  with  the  solicitation of shareholder votes by proxy to be voted at
the Special Meeting of Shareholders  or  any adjournments thereof ("Meeting") to
be  held  on November 6, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern  Time  at  the  offices  of
Heritage  Asset   Management,  Inc.  ("Heritage"),  880  Carillon  Parkway,  St.
Petersburg, Florida  33716.   It is expected that the Notice of Special Meeting,
Proxy Statement and proxy card  will be first mailed to shareholders on or about
________ __, 2006.

      As more fully described in  this  Proxy  Statement,  the  purpose  of  the
Meeting is to consider the following matters:

      (1)   To  elect  and  re-elect  Trustees  to  the  Board  of Trustees (the

      (2)   To  re-classify  the  investment  objective  of  each Fund  as  non-

      (3)   To modernize the investment restrictions of each Fund;

      (4)   To approve an investment advisory agreement between  the  Funds  and

      (5)   To  approve  three  subadvisory  agreements between (a) Heritage and
            Goldman Sachs Investment Management, L.P. ("GSAM"), (b) Heritage and
            Eagle Asset Management, Inc. ("Eagle")  and  (c)  Heritage  and Awad
            Asset Management, Inc. ("Awad")


      (6)   To  approve  a  proposal  that  will  permit  Heritage  to  hire new
            subadvisers   or  modify  subadvisory  agreements  with  respect  to
            Heritage  Capital   Appreciation   Trust  ("Capital  Appreciation"),
            Heritage Series Trust - Mid Cap Fund ("Mid Cap") and Heritage Series
            Trust - Small Cap Fund ("Small Cap") with the approval of the Board,
            but without future shareholder approval; and

      (7)   To consider and act upon any other business  that  may properly come
            before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

      Summarized  below are items (1) through (6) (the "Proposals"),  which  the
shareholders of certain Funds are being asked to consider:


                                           CAPITAL        GROWTH      HIGH     CORE     DIVERSIFIED    INTERNATIONAL   MID    SMALL
      PROPOSAL 1:  To elect and re-elect
Trustees to the Board of Trustees             X(1)          X          X        X            X               X          X       X

      PROPOSAL 2: To re-classify the
investment objective as non-fundamental       X             X          X        X            X               X          X       X

      PROPOSAL 3:  To modernize the
fundamental investment policies of the
Funds                                         X             X          X        X            X               X          X       X

      PROPOSAL  4: To approve an
Investment Advisory Agreement between
Heritage and the Funds                        X             X          X        X            X               X          X       X

      PROPOSAL 5-A:  To approve a
Subadvisory Agreement between Heritage
and GSAM                                      X

      PROPOSAL 5-B: To approve a
Subadvisory Agreement between Heritage
and Eagle                                     X             X                   X            X                          X       X

      PROPOSAL  5-C: To approve a
Subadvisory Agreement between Heritage
and Awad                                                                                                                        X

      PROPOSAL 6: To approve a Manager
of Manager's  structure, which would
allow Heritage and the Board to enter
into, terminate or materially amend
Subadvisory Agreements without obtaining
future shareholder approval                   X                                                                         X       X

(1) Mr. Kinnicutt is not a nominee to the Board of Capital Appreciation.

                               VOTING INFORMATION

      If  the  enclosed  proxy  card  is  executed properly and returned, shares
represented  by  it  will  be  voted  at  the Meeting  in  accordance  with  the
instructions on the proxy.  A proxy may nevertheless  be  revoked  at  any  time


prior to its use by written notification received by the Funds, by the execution
of  a subsequently dated proxy or by attending the Meeting and voting in person.
However, if no instructions are specified on a proxy, shares will be voted "FOR"
Proposals (1) through (6) listed above, and "FOR" or "AGAINST" any other matters
acted upon at the Meeting in the discretion of the persons named as proxies.

      The  close  of  business  on September 8, 2006 has been established as the
record date for the determination  of  shareholders entitled to notice of and to
vote at the Meeting ("Record Date").  Each share will be entitled to one vote at
the Meeting and fractional shares will be  entitled  to proportionate fractional

      QUORUM  AND ADJOURNMENT:  The presence at the Meeting,  in  person  or  by
proxy, of shareholders  entitled  to  cast a majority of Capital Appreciation's,
Heritage  Growth  and  Income Trust's ("Growth  and  Income"),  Heritage  Income
Trust's ("Income") and Heritage  Series  Trust's  ("Series")  (each,  a "Trust")
outstanding shares is required for a quorum for Proposal 1.  The presence at the
Meeting,  in person or by proxy, of shareholders entitled to cast a majority  of
each Fund's  outstanding shares is required for a quorum for Proposals 2 through
6.  In the event that a quorum is present at the Meeting but sufficient votes to
approve the new  item are not received, the persons named as proxies may propose
one or more adjournments  of  such  Meeting  to  permit  further solicitation of
proxies.  The affirmative vote of less than a majority of  the votes entitled to
be  cast represented in person or by proxy is sufficient for  adjournments.   In
such  case, the persons named as proxies will vote those proxies, which they are
entitled  to vote in favor of such item "FOR" such an adjournment, and will vote
those proxies  required  to  be  voted  against  such  item  "AGAINST"  such  an
adjournment.   A  shareholder  vote  may be taken on the proposals in this Proxy
Statement prior to any such adjournment  if  sufficient votes have been received
and it is otherwise appropriate.

      REQUIRED VOTE:  For Proposal 1, the affirmative vote of a plurality of the
votes of each Trust cast at the Meeting on the  election of Trustees is required
to elect a Trustee.  Each Trust will vote separately on Proposal 1.

      Proposals 2 through 6 each require the approval  by  the lesser of (a) the
vote of 67% or more of the voting securities of each applicable  Fund present at
a meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting  securities
are  present,  or  (b) the  vote  of  more  than  50%  of the outstanding voting
securities  of  each  applicable  Fund  (referred  to  herein  as  a  "1940  Act
Majority").  Each applicable Fund will vote separately on Proposals 2 through 6.

      Broker  non-votes  are  shares  held in street name for which  the  broker
indicates that instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or
other persons entitled to vote and with  respect  to  which  the broker does not
have discretionary voting authority.  Abstentions and broker non-votes  will  be
counted  as  shares  present  for  purposes  of  determining whether a quorum is
present  but  will not be counted as votes cast.  Accordingly,  abstentions  and
broker non-votes  effectively  will  be  a  vote  against  Proposals 2 through 6
because the required vote is a percentage of the shares present  at the Meeting,
but  will  have  no impact on Proposal 1 to elect Trustees because the  required
vote is a plurality of the votes cast at the Meeting.



FLORIDA  33716  OR  CALL  TOLL-FREE AT 1-800-421-4184.   THE  REPORTS  ALSO  ARE


                        PROPOSAL 1: ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

                               FUNDS AFFECTED: ALL


      The Board of each Trust recommends  that  shareholders of each Trust elect
members for the Board.  Accordingly, the Board is submitting for election or re-
election  by shareholders of each Trust the slate  of  nine  individuals  listed
below (the "Nominees").

      All  Nominees  except Mr.  Kinnicutt  currently  serve as Trustees of each
Trust.  Mr.  Kinnicutt  is being  nominated  to serve on the Board of each Trust
listed except Capital  Appreciation.  If elected,  each Nominee would serve as a
Trustee for life or for a specified  term as  discussed  below  unless  removed,
resigns or retires.  The Trustees who are deemed not "interested"  ("Independent
Trustees")  as that term is defined in the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the
"1940  Act")  have  adopted  a Board  of  Governance  Policy  that  requires  an
Independent  Trustee to retire at age 72 for those  Trustees in office  prior to
August 2000 or age 70 for those Trustees in office after that date. In addition,
the  Independent  Trustees  have a mandatory  term limit of 15 years of service,
except those Independent Trustees who served as of August 28, 2000.

      If  elected,  it  is  expected  that  Mr.  Kinnicutt  would  serve  as  an
Independent  Trustee.  Currently,  Mr. Kinnicutt would be deemed an "interested"
person ("Interested Trustee") as that term is defined in the 1940 Act due to his
family's affiliation with Raymond James & Associates,  Inc. ("RJA"), a principal
underwriter to the Trusts.  It is  anticipated  that RJA will no longer serve as
the Trusts' principal underwriter at the time Mr. Kinnicutt stands for election.
At which time, Mr.  Kinnicutt would qualify to serve as an Independent  Trustee.
Two other Nominees are Interested Trustee and would serve as such on the Board.

      On  August  15,  2006,  the  Board,  including  the Independent  Trustees,
nominated each of the nine Nominees for election or re-election  to  the  Board.
The  Independent  Trustees have sought to sustain a Board with members that have
backgrounds and experiences  that  are  diverse  and  relevant to the variety of
tasks  and  issues that face a mutual fund board.  Pertinent  information  about
each Nominee as of August 31, 2006 is set forth below.

      The persons  named  as  proxies on the enclosed proxy card will vote "FOR"
the election of each Nominee unless  the  shareholder  specifically indicates on
his or her proxy card a desire to withhold authority to  vote  for  any Nominee.
Each Nominee has consented to be named in this Proxy Statement and has indicated
a  willingness  to serve if elected.  Neither the Board nor management  has  any
reason to believe  that  any Nominee will be unavailable for election.  However,
if any of the Nominees should  not  be available for election, the persons named
as  proxies  (or  their  substitutes)  may  vote  for  other  persons  in  their


      Information  is  provided below for  each  Nominee  for  election  at  the
Meeting.  The first two  sections of the table list information for each Nominee
who would serve as an Independent  Trustee.   Information  for  each Nominee who
would be deemed an Interested Trustee by virtue of their positions with Heritage
or  Raymond  James Financial, Inc. ("RJF") appears in the third section  of  the


table.  The address  of each Nominee is 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL

                                                                                                                           NUMBER OF
                                          PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION DURING PAST                           OTHER                  IN FUND
    NAME AND AGE                                     FIVE YEARS                                  DIRECTORSHIPS              COMPLEX
POSITION, TERM OF OFFICE                             ----------                                  -------------              -------
                                            INDEPENDENT TRUSTEE NOMINEES FOR EACH TRUST:

C. Andrew Graham (66)         First Financial Advisors, Ltd. & Graham Financial Partners,         None                         10
TRUSTEE SINCE 1985            LLC (financial planning, insurance and investment services)
                              since 1999.

Keith Jarrett (57)            President, KBJ, LLC (investment company) since 2001; Principal,     Penn Virginia                10
TRUSTEE SINCE 2005            Rockport Funding, LLC (specialty finance), and Ajax Partners        Resources, MLP
                              (investment partnership) since 2003; President and CEO,
                              TF Ventures (information technology), 1998-2001.

William J. Meurer (62)        Private financial consultant since September 2000.                  Sykes                        10
TRUSTEE SINCE 2003                                                                                Enterprises, Inc.

James L. Pappas (63)          Lykes Professor of Banking and Finance University of South          None                         10
TRUSTEE SINCE 1989,           Florida College of Business Administration 1986 - 2006;
LEAD INDEPENDENT              President, Graduate School of Banking at the University of
TRUSTEE SINCE 2003            Wisconsin 1995 - 2005.

David M. Phillips (67)        Chief Executive Officer, Evare LLC (information services) since     Intersections                10
TRUSTEE SINCE 1985            2003.                                                               Corp. Information

Deborah L. Talbot, PhD (55)   Independent Consultant and Researcher; Founder and chairman of the  None                         10
TRUSTEE SINCE 2002            board, Creative Tampa Bay since 2003; Dean's Advisory Board,
                              College of Arts and Sciences, University of Memphis since 2002.

                                          INTERESTED TRUSTEE NOMINEES FOR GROUP AND INCOME,
                                                     INCOME AND SERIES TRUSTS:

Lincoln Kinnicutt (61)        Managing Director of Goldman Sachs 1997 - 2002.                     None                        N/A


                                          INTERESTED TRUSTEE NOMINEES FOR GROUP AND INCOME,
                                                     INCOME AND SERIES TRUSTS:


Thomas A. James(b) (64)       Chairman of the Board since 1985; Chief Executive Officer of RJF    OSI Restaurant               10
TRUSTEE SINCE 1985            since 1969; Chairman of the Board of Raymond James Associates       Partners, Inc.
                              ("RJA") since 1986; Chairman of the Board of Eagle since 1984.

Richard K. Riess(b) (57)      Executive Vice President and Managing Director for Asset            None                         10
TRUSTEE SINCE 1985            Management of RJF since 1998; Chief Executive Officer of Eagle
                              since 1996; Chief Executive Officer of Heritage since 2000.

(a)  The date reflected in the table above is for Capital Appreciation, which was established in 1985. Each Trustee who was a member
     of the Board in 1985 subsequently became a member of the Board of Growth and Income,  Income and Series, which were established
     in 1986, 1989 and 1992,  respectively.  Each Trustee became a member of each Trust  established at the time it was established,
     unless otherwise indicated. Each Trustee serves for life unless the Trustee is removed, resigns or retires.

(b)  Messrs.  James and Riess are  "interested"  persons of the Trusts,  as that term is defined by the 1940 Act, by virtue of their
     affiliations with Heritage, Eagle, RJA, and RJF. Further, Mr. James is also affiliated with Awad.

(c)  Mr. Kinnicutt is not a nominee to the Board of Capital Appreciation.

      As reported to  the  Trusts, the Nominees own shares of each Trust and the
Funds thereof as set forth in  Exhibit __ to this Proxy Statement.  In addition,
[no  Independent Trustee owned shares of Heritage,  RJA  or  their  affiliates].
Exhibit __ sets forth the compensation paid to each Nominee by each Fund for the
calendar year  2005;  and  Exhibit __  sets  forth  information  on  the Trusts'


      The Board is responsible  for  supervising the operation of each Trust. It
establishes the major policies, reviews investments,  and provides guidelines to
Heritage and others who provide services to the Trusts. The Board met five times
during  Capital  Appreciation's  last fiscal year,  four times during Growth and
Income's last fiscal year,  four times during Income's last fiscal year and four
times during Series' last fiscal year. The Board has a Nominating Committee,  an
Audit  Committee,  a  Compliance  Committee  and a  Qualified  Legal  Compliance


      Each  Trust has a Nominating Committee,  consisting  of  Messrs.  Jarrett,
Meurer, Graham,  Pappas,  and  Phillips,  and  Ms.  Talbot,  each  of whom is an
Independent  Trustee.  The primary responsibilities of the Nominating  Committee
are to make recommendations  to  the  Board on issues related to the composition
and operation of the Board, and communicate  with  management  on  those issues.
The  Nominating  Committee also evaluates and nominates Board member candidates.
The Nominating Committee  met  once  during  each Trust's respective last fiscal

      In  proposing  the  Nominees,  the Nominating  Committee  also  considered
certain other factors, including but not  limited  to,  the  general  knowledge,
background  and  experience  of  each  Nominee.   Specifically,  the  Nominating
Committee  considered  whether  Nominees possess a very high level of integrity,


appropriate experience and a commitment to fulfill the fiduciary duties inherent
in Board membership.  The Nominating  Committee  also  considered  the extent to
which  a  candidate  possesses  sufficiently  diverse  skill  sets and diversity
characteristics that would contribute to the Board's overall effectiveness.

      The  Nominating  Committee  may  consider  recommendations  for  potential
candidates  from  any source, including Board members, Fund shareholders,  legal
counsel to the Independent Trustees or other such sources as the Committee deems
appropriate.  In determining  potential  candidates'  qualifications  for  Board
membership,  the  Committee  may  consider  all  factors  it may determine to be
relevant to fulfilling the role of being a member of the Board.

      The Nominating Committee may consider potential candidates  for nomination
 identified  by  one  or  more shareholders of a Fund.  Shareholders can  submit
 recommendations in writing to the attention of the Chairperson of the Committee
 at an address to be maintained  by  Fund management for this purpose.  In order
 to be considered by the Committee, any  shareholder recommendation must include
 certain information, such as the candidate's  name,  date  of birth, education,
 business,  professional  or other relevant experience and areas  of  expertise,
 current business, professional  or  other  relevant  experience  and  areas  of
 expertise,  current  business and home addresses and contact information, other
 board positions or prior  experience  and any knowledge and experience relating
 to  investment  companies  and  investment   company   governance.   Successful
 candidates  must  meet several other criteria as set forth  in  the  Nominating
 Committee charter, which is attached as Exhibit __ to this proxy statement.


      Each  Trust has  an  Audit  Committee,  currently  consisting  of  Messrs.
Jarrett, Meurer  and Pappas, each of whom is an Independent Trustee.  Mr. Meurer
serves as Chairman  of the Audit Committee.  The primary responsibilities of the
Audit Committee are,  as  set forth in its charter, to oversee and monitor:  the
accounting and financial reporting  and  practices of each Trust; internal audit
controls and procedures relating to financial reporting; the Trusts' independent
public accountants, including their qualifications, independence and performance
(including  the  fees  charged  by  accountants);  the  integrity,  quality  and
objectivity of the financial statements  of  each  Trust;  and  the  process for
reviewing the integrity and soundness of each Trust's internal controls relating
to  financial  reporting.    The  Audit  Committee met four times during Capital
Appreciation's and Series' respective last  fiscal  year,  and four times during
Growth and Income's and Income's last fiscal year.


      Each Trust also has a Compliance Committee, consisting  of  Ms. Talbot and
Messrs. Graham and Phillips, each of whom is an Independent Trustee.  Ms. Talbot
serves  as Chairwoman of the Compliance Committee.  The primary responsibilities
of the Compliance  Committee  are  to  oversee  each Trust's compliance with all
regulatory  obligations  arising under the applicable  federal  securities  law,
rules and regulations and oversee management's implementation and enforcement of
each Trust's compliance policies  and  procedures.  The Compliance Committee met
four times during each Trust's last fiscal year.



      Each  Trust  has  a Qualified Legal Compliance  Committee,  consisting  of
Messrs. Meurer and Pappas  and  Ms.  Talbot,  each  of  whom  is  an Independent
Trustee.  The primary responsibility of each Trust's Qualified Legal  Compliance
Committee is to receive, review and take appropriate action with respect  to any
report  made  or  referred  to  the  Committee  by  an attorney of evidence of a
material violation of applicable U.S. federal or state  securities law, material
breach of a fiduciary duty under U.S. federal or state law or a similar material
violation by any of the Trusts or by any officer, director,  employee,  or agent
of  any  of  the  Trusts.  The Qualified Legal Compliance Committee did not meet
during the Trusts' last fiscal year.


      Election of each  Nominee as a Trustee requires the vote of a plurality of
the votes cast at the Meeting in person or by proxy by all shares of such Trust,
provided that a quorum is  present.   Shareholders  who vote FOR Proposal 1 will

      The Board unanimously recommends that shareholders vote "FOR" the election
of each Nominee as set forth in Proposal 1.



                               FUNDS AFFECTED: ALL


      Each  Fund's  investment  objective  currently is a fundamental investment
objective.  This means that the Fund would need  to  obtain shareholder approval
each time it determined that a change in its investment  objective is necessary.
Under the 1940 Act, there is no requirement that a Fund's  investment  objective
be classified as fundamental.  Accordingly, at its August 15, 2006 meeting,  the
Board approved the re-classification of each Fund's investment objective as non-
fundamental, subject to shareholder approval.

                            WHAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER

        The  Proposal  to  reclassify  each  Fund's investment objective as non-
fundamental is consistent with the changes proposed below, which are intended to
make each Fund operate more effectively.  The  proposed  reclassifications would
give  the  Board  the  flexibility  to revise a Fund's investment  objective  to
respond to changed market conditions  or  other circumstances in a timely manner
without the delay and expense of obtaining  a shareholder vote.  If reclassified
as  a  non-fundamental  investment objective, the  Board  may  change  a  Fund's
investment objective in the  future  without shareholder approval.  The proposed
reclassification also will facilitate  Heritage's  ability  to select and engage
new subadvisers under circumstances when, for example, a subadviser change would
be  advantageous  for a Fund but the proposed new subadviser has  an  investment


approach that differs  sufficiently from that of the Fund's existing  subadviser
to make  appropriate a change in the Fund's stated  investment  objective.  If a
Fund  materially  changes  its  investment  objective,   the  Fund  will  inform


      Approval of Proposal 2 with respect  to  each Fund requires an affirmative
1940 Act Majority of all shares of such Fund.


                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 2.





      The Funds have adopted certain investment  restrictions  or  policies that
are  "fundamental,"  meaning  that  as  a  matter  of law they cannot be changed
without shareholder approval.  Restrictions and policies that the Funds have not
designated as being fundamental are considered to be  non-fundamental and may be
changed  by  the  Board  without  shareholder approval.  All  mutual  funds  are
required to adopt fundamental policies  with  respect  to  a  limited  number of


      The  Board,  together  with  Heritage,  has  reviewed  the  Funds' current
fundamental restrictions and has concluded that certain restrictions  should  be
modified  or eliminated based on the development of new practices and changes in
applicable  law  and  to facilitate administration of the Funds.  Over time, the
Funds  have adopted fundamental  restrictions  to  reflect  certain  regulatory,
business   or  industry  conditions.   Changes  in  applicable  law  now  permit
investment companies  like the Funds to eliminate certain of these restrictions.
Some of the Funds' current  restrictions may also limit a Fund from investing in
a security that is both consistent  with its investment objective and considered
by the portfolio manager to be a good investment for such Fund.

      The revised restrictions maintain  important  investor  protections  while
providing   flexibility   to   respond   to  changing  markets,  new  investment
opportunities  and  future  changes in applicable  law.   In  some  cases,  only
technical changes are being made  to simplify the language of the restriction or
standardize  the  language among the  Funds.   The  proposed  modifications  are
expected to facilitate  the  management  of  the  Funds' assets and simplify the
process  of  monitoring  compliance  with  investment restrictions.   With  this


proposal,  the  Board intends to provide the Funds  with  a  set  of  investment
restrictions that  reflect  the  current  legal and investment environments, and
will not unnecessarily restrict the Funds' investments.


      The revised restrictions do not affect  the  investment  objectives of the
Funds,  which  remain  unchanged,  except  with  the  proposed re-classification
discussed previously.  The revised restrictions may give  the Funds an increased
ability  to  engage in certain activities.  However, the proposed  modifications
are not expected to materially affect the manner in which the Funds are managed,
the investment  program of the Funds or the investment performance of the Funds.
The  Board  does not  anticipate  that  the  changes,  individually  or  in  the
aggregate, will  result  in  a  material  change in the level of investment risk
associated with an investment in the Funds, except where indicated below.

                            WHAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER

      You  are  being  asked to vote on the changes  recommended  by  the  Board
because  the  restrictions   are  fundamental  and  may  be  changed  only  with
shareholder approval, as required  by  the 1940 Act.  The Board expects that you
will benefit from the proposed changes to  your  Fund's  fundamental  investment
restrictions in several ways, including:

      o     The proposed  changes  expand the range of investment  opportunities
            and techniques available to manage the Fund's portfolio.

      o     The Board will have  additional  flexibility to respond more quickly
            to new  developments  and changing trends in the marketplace when it
            determines that a response is both appropriate and prudent.

      o     By  minimizing  the number of policies  that can be changed  only by
            shareholder vote, the Board will have greater  flexibility to modify
            policies  of the Fund,  as  appropriate,  in  response  to  changing
            markets   and  in  light  of  new   investment   opportunities   and
            instruments.  The Fund  will  then be able to avoid  the  costs  and
            delays  associated  with holding a  shareholder  meeting when making
            changes to investment  policies  that,  at a future time,  the Board
            considers to be in the best interests of the Fund.

      o     The  proposed  changes to the  Fund's  investment  restrictions  are
            designed to produce a clearer,  more concise and  streamlined set of
            restrictions,  which also will facilitate the compliance  efforts of
            the Fund.



      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal  3,  the  Funds'  current  fundamental
investment restriction on borrowing,  set  forth  in  Exhibit __  to  this Proxy
Statement, would be modified to read as follows:


      "The  Fund  may  not borrow money, except to the extent permitted by
      the  1940  Act,  the   rules  and  regulations  thereunder  and  any
      applicable exemptive relief."

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.   The 1940 Act requires every mutual
fund to set forth a fundamental investment restriction  indicating the extent to
which the fund may borrow money.  Under the 1940 Act, a fund  may  borrow  money
from  a  bank  for  any  purpose  up to 33 1/3% of its total assets.  Currently,
however,  the  Funds  have different restrictions  applicable  to  borrowing  as
described in the chart  in  Exhibit __.   For example, each Fund, except Capital
Appreciation,  Core  Equity and High Yield, limit  additional  investments  when
borrowing  to only 5% of  the  Fund's  total  assets.   Growth  and  Income  and
International  Equity  also  have  aggregate restrictions of 15% and 10% of each
Fund's respective total assets.  The  excepted Funds do not have any such stated
limitations.   The current restriction also  provides  that  certain  Funds  may
borrow only from  banks  and  invest  in  reverse  repurchase  agreements, which
involve  the sale of securities held by a fund pursuant to the fund's  agreement
to repurchase  the  securities at an agreed upon date and price, which typically
reflects the current  market rate of interest.  In addition, Core Equity exempts
certain derivative instruments from the borrowing limits.

      The proposed  modifications would permit borrowing to the extent permitted
under the 1940 Act,  including any exemptive  relief  uniformly among each Fund.
Under the 1940 Act, a fund may borrow from banks,  provided  that the net assets
of the fund plus the amount of all borrowings is no less than 300% of the amount
of such  borrowings.  The fund is required to be able to restore asset  coverage
within three days, if it should decline to less than 300%. In addition, the 1940
Act permits a fund to borrow,  on a temporary basis, up to 5% of its assets from

      Each of the  Funds is  already  permitted  to  borrow  under  its  current
restrictions,  and is thus currently subject to risks associated with borrowing.
Nonetheless,  if this  expanded  authority  were  exercised,  each Fund would be
subject to a greater degree of risk  associated  with  borrowing,  including the
risks of leveraging. Leverage exaggerates the effect of rises or falls in prices
of securities  bought with borrowed  money,  and entails costs  associated  with
borrowing, including fees and interest.



      If  shareholders approve  Proposal  3,  the  Funds'  current  fundamental
investment restriction on investments in commodities, set forth in Exhibit __ to
this Proxy Statement, would be modified to read as follows:

      "The  Fund  may  not  purchase  or  sell  commodities  or  commodity
      contracts  unless acquired as a result of ownership of securities or
      other  instruments   issued   by   persons  that  purchase  or  sell
      commodities or commodities contracts; but this shall not prevent the
      Fund from purchasing, selling and entering  into  financial  futures
      contracts  (including  futures  contracts  on indices of securities,
      interest  rates  and  currencies),  options  on  financial   futures
      contracts  (including  futures  contracts  on indices of securities,
      interest rates and currencies), warrants, swaps,  forward contracts,
      foreign  currency  spot  and  forward contracts or other  derivative
      instruments that are not related to physical commodities."


      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.   The Act requires every mutual fund
to set forth a fundamental investment restriction indicating the extent to which
the  fund  may  engage  in the purchase and sale of  commodities.   Each  Fund's
current restriction generally  prohibits  the purchase or sale of commodities as
noted in the chart in Exhibit __. Certain of the Fund's restrictions provide for
specific exceptions to this restriction.  In  addition,  the current restriction
also includes prohibitions on investments in oil, gas or other  mineral programs
for each Fund, except Diversified Growth.

      The  proposed  modifications  would  clarify  the types of  commodity  and
derivative  transactions that are permissible uniformly among each Fund. If this
authority  were  exercised,  however,  the  Funds  would  be  subject  to  risks
associated with financial futures contracts, which entail leverage risks and the
risk that a Fund  portfolio's  position in a futures contract may be illiquid at
certain times. In addition,  to the extent that each Fund would potentially make
equity investments in companies in the real estate,  precious metals and natural
resources industries,  it may be subject to risks relating to these commodities.
These  risks  include   international   political  and  economic   developments,
inflation,  and other  factors.  A Fund's  portfolio  securities  may experience
substantial price fluctuations as a result of these factors.



      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal  3,  the  Funds'  current  fundamental
investment restriction  on  concentration, set forth in Exhibit __ to this Proxy
Statement, would be modified to read as follows:

      "Except for any Fund that  is `concentrated' in an industry or group
      of industries within the meaning  of  the 1940 Act, the Fund may not
      purchase the securities of any issuer (other  than securities issued
      or  guaranteed  by  the U.S. Government or any of  its  agencies  or
      instrumentalities) if,  as  a  result,  more  than 25% of the Fund's
      total assets would be invested in the securities  of companies whose
      principal business activities are in the same industry."

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.  The Act requires  every mutual fund
to set forth a fundamental investment restriction indicating the extent to which
the  fund  may  concentrate  investments  in a particular industry or  group  of
industries.  As noted in the chart in Exhibit __, the Funds' current restriction
on concentration generally prohibits the purchase  of  any  security  if,  as  a
result,  25% or more of a Fund's assets would be invested in issuers in a single
industry.  The Funds' current restriction also makes an exception for securities
issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies, or instrumentalities.
There are no material differences among the current restriction and the proposed
new restriction.

      The  proposed  modifications  would clarify that the restriction would not
apply to any Fund that is "concentrated"  in  an industry or group of industries
within the meaning of the 1940 Act.  Currently,  there  are no such Funds in the



            FUNDS AFFECTED:  ALL

      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal  3,  the  Funds'  current  fundamental
investment restriction on diversification, set forth in Exhibit __ to this Proxy
Statement, would be modified to read as follows:

      "Except  to  the  extent  permitted  by  the 1940 Act, the rules and
      regulations thereunder and any applicable exemptive relief, the Fund
      may not with respect to 75% of the Fund's total assets, purchase the
      securities of any issuer (other than securities issued or guaranteed
      by the U.S. Government or any of its agencies  or instrumentalities,
      and securities of other investment companies) if,  as  a result, (a)
      more  than  5% of the Fund's total assets would be invested  in  the
      securities of  that issuer, or (b) the Fund would hold more than 10%
      of the outstanding voting securities of that issuer."

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED  MODIFICATIONS.  The Act requires every mutual fund
to state whether it is diversified or non-diversified.  Each Fund has elected to
be classified as a diversified  fund.  This means that its assets are subject to
stricter limits on the amount of  assets that can be invested in any one issuer.
The proposed modifications reflect  the  current diversification requirements of
the 1940 Act.  As noted in the chart in Exhibit __, the current restrictions for
Capital Appreciation and High Yield apply the 5% test  to  all the assets of the
Funds.   The  proposed  modifications are intended to apply the  diversification
test uniformly to 75% of  the Fund's total assets based on the current standards
of the 1940 Act.


            FUNDS AFFECTED:  ALL

      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal  3,  the  Funds'  current  fundamental
investment  restriction  on  loans,  set  forth  in  Exhibit  __ to  this  Proxy
Statement, would be modified to read as follows:

      "The  Fund  may make loans only as permitted under the 1940 Act, the
      rules  and  regulations  thereunder  and  any  applicable  exemptive

      DISCUSSION OF  PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.  The Act requires every mutual fund
to set forth a fundamental investment restriction indicating the extent to which
the fund may lend.  The  Funds'  current  restriction prohibits loans, except in
certain circumstances as noted in the chart  in  Exhibit __.   Each Fund, except
Growth  and Income and High Yield, currently may purchase an issue  of  publicly
distributed  notes,  bonds  or other debt.  Growth and Income and High Yield may
purchase both publicly issued  and  privately placed securities.  Each Fund also
specifically exempts repurchase agreements  and  certain  Funds place percentage
limitations on the amount of any portfolio loans.  A repurchase  agreement is an
agreement  to  purchase  a  security,  coupled  with  an agreement to sell  that
security back to the original seller at an agreed upon  date,  at  a  price that
generally depends on current interest rates.  The Act treats these agreements as

        The  proposed modifications would allow each Fund to lend to the  extent
permitted under  the  1940  Act.  Each of the Funds is already permitted to lend
its portfolio securities under  its  current restrictions, and is thus currently


subject to risks associated with securities  lending. The risks include the risk
of  loss  arising from the investment of collateral  and/or  the  failure  of  a
borrower to return the borrowed securities at the end of the loan.



      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal   3,  the  Funds'  current fundamental
investment restriction on investing in real estate, set forth  in  Exhibit __ to
this Proxy Statement, would be

      "The  Fund may not purchase or sell real estate, except that, to the
      extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  the  Fund may (a) invest in
      securities  or other instruments directly or indirectly  secured  by
      real estate,  and  (b)  invest  in  securities  or other instruments
      issued by issuers that invest in real estate."

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.  The Act requires  every mutual fund
to set forth a fundamental investment restriction indicating the extent to which
the fund may engage in the purchase and sale of real estate.  The Funds' current
restriction generally prohibits investments in real estate, except under certain
circumstances  as  noted  in  the chart in Exhibit __. These exceptions  include
investments in securities issued  by  companies  that  invest in or sponsor such
interests and securities secured by interests in real estate.   Further,  Growth
and  Income  and  International  Equity  Fund  may invest in real estate limited
partnerships.  The proposed modifications would  prohibit  investments  in  real
estate  uniformly  for  each  Fund,  unless  such  securities  are  directly  or
indirectly  secured  by  real  estate  or  issued by issuers that invest in real


            FUNDS AFFECTED:  ALL

      If shareholders  approve  Proposal 3, the current  fundamental  investment
restriction  on  senior  securities  set  forth  in  Exhibit  __ to  this  Proxy
Statement, would be modified to read as follows:

      "The  Fund may not issue senior securities,  except  to  the  extent
      permitted  by the 1940 Act, the rules and regulations thereunder and
      any applicable exemptive relief."

      DISCUSSION OF  PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.  The Act requires every mutual fund
to set forth a fundamental investment restriction indicating the extent to which
the fund may issue "senior  securities."  The term "senior securities" generally
refers to evidence of indebtedness of fund obligations that have a priority over
a fund's common stock with respect  to  the  distribution  of fund assets or the
payment of dividends. Section 18 (f) (1) of the 1940 Act prohibits  every mutual
fund  from issuing any senior securities except for bank borrowings (which  meet
the 300%  coverage  test discussed above in Proposal 3-A).  The rules adopted by
the SEC also permit a  fund  to  issue  multiple classes of shares to be used in
different  distribution  channels each of which  may  be  subject  to  different
expenses and, therefore, may pay different dividends.


      The staff of the SEC has  articulated  certain  guidelines  under which it
will not  treat  certain  leveraged  transactions  as senior  securities.  These
transactions include:  reverse repurchase  agreements,  purchasing "when issued"
securities,  selling  securities  short,  buying and selling  financial  futures
contracts and selling put and call options.  The SEC will not treat any of these
as  senior  securities  provided  the  transaction  is  "covered"  to limit  the
potential  leverage.  Funds  generally can cover its risk either by being "long"
with respect to the instrument  underlying the  transaction or by segregating or
earmarking  on its books and  records  liquid  securities  equal in value to the
fund's potential exposure.

      The   Funds'  current  restriction  prohibits  the  issuance   of   senior
securities, except  to  the extent permitted by the Fund's investment objective,
policies and investment limitations of the Fund.  In addition, Growth and Income
may purchase and sell call  options  and  forward  contracts,  while Diversified
Growth may engage in forward currency contracts or other financial instruments.

      The  proposed  modifications  would  permit  each  Fund  to  issue  senior
securities  to the extent  permitted by the 1940 Act, the rules and  regulations
thereunder and applicable  exemptive  relief.  Together with the  restriction on
borrowing,  the  restriction  proposed  here would make clear that the Funds can
take full advantage of the latitude allowed by the 1940 Act in this area. If the
authority  under the proposed  restriction  were  exercised,  each Fund would be
subject to a greater degree of risk associated  with issuing senior  securities,
such as risks associated with borrowing, as stated in Proposal 3.



      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal  3,  the  Funds'  current  fundamental
investment  restriction on  underwriting,  set forth in Exhibit __ to this Proxy
Statement, would be modified to read as follows:

      "The Fund may not underwrite securities  issued by others, except to
      the extent that the Fund may be considered an underwriter within the
      meaning of the 1933 Act in the disposition  of restricted securities
      or in connection with investments in other investment companies."

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED  MODIFICATIONS.  The Act requires every mutual fund
to set forth a fundamental investment restriction indicating the extent to which
the fund may engage in the business of underwriting  securities  issued by other
persons.  This  requirement  is in  recognition of the fact that the business of
purchasing  securities  for the  purpose of engaging  in a  distribution  of the
securities  to the  public  (i.e.,  the  business  of  underwriting  securities)
involves  significantly  different  risks than the  business of  purchasing  and
subsequently  selling  securities  as  part  of the  business  of  investing  in
securities.  Under the  Federal  securities  laws,  the term  "underwriting"  is
construed  broadly and could  include the purchase and resale of securities by a
fund in  circumstances  in which such securities  were not registered  under the
Federal  securities  laws when initially  purchased by the fund.  Similarly,  in
circumstances in which a fund invests a substantial portion of its assets in the
securities of one or more other investment  companies,  the fund might be deemed
to be an underwriter of the securities of the other investment companies.


      The Funds'  current  restriction  generally  states that the Funds may not
underwrite any issue of securities.  Growth and Income and International  Equity
provide an exception to the extent that the Fund may be deemed an underwriter in
connection  with the disposition of portfolio  securities.  The exception in the
restriction  refers to a technical  provision of the  Securities Act of 1933, as
amended,  which deems certain  persons to be  "underwriters"  if they purchase a
security  from the issuer and later sell it to the public.  Although none of the
Funds purchases  securities with a view towards distribution of such securities,
a Fund may from time to time  purchase  and resell  "restricted"  securities  or
invest in shares of other  investment  companies.  The proposed  changes to each
Fund's investment restriction on underwriting securities of others, as set forth
in Exhibit __, is intended to clarify that such activities  will not violate the
Fund's  fundamental  restriction  prohibiting  the  Fund  from  engaging  in the
business of underwriting the securities issued by another person.



      If  shareholders  approve  Proposal  3, the current fundamental investment
restriction  for  Capital Appreciation, Core Equity,  Growth  and  Income,  High
Yield, International  Equity  and  Small  Cap  on investing in oil, gas or other
mineral  programs,  set forth in Exhibit __ to this Proxy  Statement,  would  be

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED  MODIFICATIONS.   There  is  no federal requirement
that the Funds have an affirmative restriction on this subject.  Moreover, there
is  no  requirement  that  any  restriction  that  they do have regarding  these
investments be categorized as fundamental.  The fundamental  policy  was derived
from  state  laws  that  have been preempted by amendments of federal securities
laws.  In order to maximize each Fund's investment flexibility, this restriction
should be eliminated.



      If  shareholders  approve Proposal 3, the current  fundamental  investment
restriction for Growth and Income, High Yield and International Equity on margin
purchases, set forth in Exhibit __ to this Proxy Statement, would be eliminated.

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED  MODIFICATIONS.   There  is  no federal requirement
that the Funds have an affirmative restriction on this subject.  Moreover, there
is  no  requirement  that  any  restriction  that  they do have regarding  these
investments be categorized as fundamental.  The fundamental  policy  was derived
from  state  laws  that  have been preempted by amendments of federal securities
laws.  In order to maximize  the Fund's investment flexibility, this restriction
should be eliminated.




      If shareholders approve  Proposal  3,  the  current fundamental investment
restriction for High Yield and International Equity on short sales, set forth in
Exhibit __ to this Proxy Statement, would be eliminated.

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.  There  is  no  federal  requirement
that the Funds have an affirmative restriction on this subject.  Moreover, there
is  no  requirement  that  any  restriction  that  they  do have regarding these
investments be categorized as fundamental.  The fundamental  policy  was derived
from  state  laws  that  have been preempted by amendments of federal securities
laws.  In order to maximize each Fund's investment flexibility, this restriction
should be eliminated.



      If shareholders  approve  Proposal 3, the current  fundamental  investment
restriction for High Yield on affiliated  transactions,  set forth in Exhibit __
to this Proxy Statement, would be eliminated.

      DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS.   There  is  no  federal requirement
that the Funds have an affirmative restriction on this subject.  Moreover, there
is  no  requirement  that  any  restriction  that  they do have regarding  these
investments  be  categorized  as  fundamental.  The fundamental  policy  is  not
necessary since affiliated transactions  are  governed  under  Section 17 of the
1940  Act.   In  order to maximize the Fund's investment flexibility  consistent
with applicable regulations  on affiliated transactions, this restriction should
be eliminated.

      REQUIRED VOTE. Approval  of  Proposal 3  requires  an affirmative 1940 Act
Majority of all shares of High Yield.


                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 3




                               FUNDS AFFECTED: ALL


      Each Trust presently has agreements with Heritage that cover both advisory
and  administrative  services provided by Heritage (collectively,  the  "Current
Agreements").  Management  proposed to the Board at a meeting held on August 15,
2006  to  separate Heritage's  obligations  to  provide  advisory  services  and
administrative  services  to the Funds into two different agreements.  This move
will allow Heritage to allocate  its  management  fees  for  each  Fund  between
advisory  and  administrative  services.  Accordingly, at its meeting, the Board
approved a new advisory agreement  for all Funds (the "New Agreement"), which is
attached  as  Exhibit  __. The Board also  approved  a  separate  administrative
services agreement, which you are not required to approve.

      The New Agreement  consolidates  and  standardizes  the Current Agreements
into  a  single contractual arrangement among the Funds and Heritage.   The  New
Agreement  also  modernizes  and updates the provisions and terms of the Current
Agreements, which were adopted originally more than ten years ago.

                             THE CURRENT AGREEMENTS

      Heritage currently serves  as  the  investment  adviser  and administrator
under the Current Agreements.  Under the Current Agreements, Heritage provides a
continuous  investment  program  for each Fund, including performing  investment
research, determining what securities  to  purchase  or sell for a Fund, placing
orders  or  delegating  such  duties  to the Fund's investment  subadviser.   In
addition, Heritage provides administrative  services,  including supervising the
operations  of  each  Trust,  investigating  and  selecting  necessary   service
companies  to  the  Funds,  performing  clerical services, maintaining books and
records, providing office services and responding to shareholder inquiries.  The
services provided by Heritage are not exclusive  and Heritage is free to furnish
similar services to others.  The Current Agreements  initially  were approved by
the Board for a term of two years and have been approved annually  thereafter in
accordance  with  the 1940 Act.  The Board, including the Independent  Trustees,
last approved the Current Agreements on August 15, 2006.  Information concerning
the Current Agreements  and  compensation to Heritage are listed in the table in
Exhibit __.

                               THE NEW AGREEMENT

      The terms of the New Agreement  are  similar  to  the terms of the Current
Agreements,  except  with  respect  to  the transfer of administrative  services
provided by Heritage into a separate agreement  and  as  noted  below.   The New
Agreement, in contrast to the Current Agreements, also:


      o     makes Heritage  responsible  for preserving the  confidentiality  of
            information  concerning  the  holdings,  transactions  and  business
            activities of the Funds in accordance with applicable laws;

      o     permits Heritage to exercise all rights of  shareholders,  including
            but not limited to proxy voting, converting,  tendering,  exchanging
            or  redeeming  securities,   acting  as  claimant  in  class  action
            litigation,  responding  to all legal and  regulatory  inquiries and
            carrying out rights in bankruptcy or reorganization matters;

      o     clarifies that Heritage is responsible  for effecting Fund portfolio
            transactions   and   selecting   broker-dealers   to  execute   such

      o     requires  Heritage  to  maintain  a  compliance  program,  including
            providing the Funds' Chief Compliance  Officer with periodic reports
            on compliance with applicable federal securities laws;

      o     explains that the  delegation of certain  services to  third-parties
            does not reduce Heritage's responsibilities and obligations;

      o     conforms  the  Trusts',  Funds' and  shareholders'  liability to the
            limitation  of liability as specified in the Trusts'  organizational
            documents,  including that Heritage may not seek to satisfy Trust or
            Fund obligations from shareholders or Trustees;

      o     clarifies that the New Agreement is effective for two years from the
            date noted in the agreement and for successive  twelve month periods
            thereafter,  if the  continuance  of the agreement is approved under
            applicable law;

      o     clarifies that the New Agreement may be terminated  without  penalty
            and with respect to a given Fund without  affecting  the validity of
            the agreement for any other Fund;

      o     provides  the Board  with the  ability  to amend  the New  Agreement
            without shareholder approval;

      o     requires Heritage to maintain all accounts,  books and records under
            applicable federal law; and

      o     adds a provision limiting Heritage's liability in case of emergency,
            disaster or circumstances beyond its control.

      Both the Current  Agreements  and  New  Advisory  Agreement  provide  that
Heritage is responsible for supervising and managing each Fund's investments and
effecting  each  Fund's  portfolio  transactions.   Other than noted above, both
agreements  maintain  the same standard of care and indemnification  provisions.
In  addition, the compensation  for  advisory  services  under  both  agreements
remains  the  same, in that once the administrative services fee rate portion of
the management  fee  has  been  deducted,  the  advisory  fee rate for each Fund
remains unchanged.

                             INFORMATION ON HERITAGE

      Heritage,  a wholly owned subsidiary of RJF, serves as investment  adviser
and administrator for each Fund.  Heritage manages,  supervises and conducts the
business and administrative affairs of the Funds and other Heritage mutual funds
with net  assets  totaling  approximately  more than $9 billion as of August 31,
2006.  Exhibit __ provides  information on the principal  executive officers and
directors of Heritage.


                         BOARD APPROVAL OF NEW AGREEMENT

      At a meeting held on August 15, 2006, the Board, including the Independent
Trustees,  approved the New Agreement with Heritage.  The Board  considered that
the nature of the investment  advisory services to be provided by Heritage under
the New Agreement is similar to what has been  provided  previously to each Fund
under the Current Agreements by Heritage. In addition,  the Board noted that the
extent and quality of the investment  advisory  services to be provided for each
Fund would not diminish under the New Agreement.  The Board  recognized that the
only material  difference  from the New Agreement and the Current  Agreements is
the  separation of the  administrative  services  into a stand-alone  agreement.
Heritage  represented  to the Board that it will  continue  to provide  the same
level of administrative services pursuant to a separate administration agreement
with the Funds. In this regard,  the Board evaluated the potential benefits from
including the administrative  services in a separate  agreement.  These benefits
include the  flexibility to offer a range of Fund classes  targeted to different
investors,  which may result in attracting  additional  assets to the Funds. The
Board considered that the other changes included in the New Agreement, which are
discussed above, are reasonable  modifications or otherwise  formalize  existing
practices  of  Heritage,  such as  requiring  Heritage to maintain a  compliance

      The Board also considered that the investment  advisory fees under the New
Agreement  would not change and that  Heritage  would  continue to maintain  its
contractual  expense  limitations  for each Fund's 2007 fiscal year  (except Mid

      Based on the similarities between the New Agreement and Current Agreements
and considering  Heritage has been the investment adviser to each Fund since its
inception, the Board relied on information related to its consideration with the
annual renewals of the Current Agreements. These considerations are discussed in
Exhibit __.


      Approval of Proposal 4  requires  an  affirmative 1940 Act Majority of all
shares of each Fund.

                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 4



                              MID CAP AND SMALL CAP


      At its Meeting on August 15,  2006,  the Board  approved  new  subadvisory
agreements between:  (1) Heritage and GSAM with respect to Capital  Appreciation
("New  GSAM  Agreement");  (2)  Heritage  and  Eagle  with  respect  to  Capital
Appreciation,  Growth and Income, Core Equity,  Diversified Growth, Mid Cap, and
Small Cap ("New Eagle  Agreements");  and (3)  Heritage and Awad with respect to
Small Cap ("New Awad Agreement").  The New GSAM Agreement,  New Eagle Agreements
and New Awad  Agreement  are  collectively  referred to as the "New  Subadvisory
Agreements." Forms of the New Subadvisory  Agreements are included in Exhibit __
to Exhibit __.

      GSAM, Eagle and Awad currently subadvises  the  Funds noted above pursuant
to  existing  subadvisory  agreements with Heritage ("Current  GSAM  Agreement,"
"Current  Eagle  Agreements" and  "Current  Awad  Agreement,"  respectively  and
collectively, the "Current Subadvisory  Agreements").   The  Current Subadvisory
Agreements  are substantially similar to the New Subadvisory Agreements,  except
with respect  to  the  date  of  execution  and  the  elimination of a technical
provision as discussed below.

      Shareholders are being asked to approve the New Subadvisory Agreements due
to  a  technical  provision  in  the each Current Subadvisory  Agreement,  which
results in the automatic termination  of  the Current Subadvisory Agreement upon
the termination of the current investment advisory  agreement with Heritage.  As
discussed   previously,  Heritage's  Current  Agreement  will   terminate   upon
shareholder approval  of  the  New Agreement (Proposal 4).  If Proposal 4 is not


approved, then shareholders will  not  be  asked  to approve the New Subadvisory
Agreements.  The approval of any one New Subadvisory Agreement is not contingent
on the approval of any other New Subadvisory Agreement.


      The terms of the Current and New Subadvisory  Agreements are substantially
similar.   A  description  of  the  material  terms  follows  and  the  material
differences are noted below.

      FEES.  Under each New Subadvisory Agreement, Heritage  is  responsible for
paying the subadviser a subadvisory fee.  The rates of compensation,  which  are
listed  in  each applicable proposal below, are identical under both the Current
and New Subadvisory Agreements.

      SERVICES.   Under  each New Subadvisory Agreement, the subadviser, subject
to  the  supervision of Heritage  and  the  Board,  is  responsible  for  making
investment  decisions  and  placing  orders  for  the  purchase and sale of Fund
portfolio securities.  Each subadviser also provides the  portfolio managers for
its Fund(s) and compliance reports to Heritage and, as necessary,  to  the Board
as  required  under  the  New  Subadvisory Agreements.  Each Current Subadvisory
Agreement has the same provisions.

      LIABILITY.  Under each New  Subadvisory  Agreement,  the subadviser is not
subject  to  any  liability  to Heritage, the applicable Fund or  the  Trustees,
officers or shareholders for its  acts or omissions unless that subadviser acted
with willful misfeasance, gross negligence  or  reckless  disregard  or  in  bad
faith.  Each Current Subadvisory Agreement has the same provisions.

      AMENDMENTS.   Each Current Subadvisory Agreement includes a provision that
requires shareholder  approval  for  amendments  to  the  agreements.   Each New
Subadvisory   Agreement   will   include  a  modified  provision  that  requires
shareholder approval of material amendments  to the extent compelled by the 1940

      TERMINATION.  Each New Subadvisory Agreement, if approved by shareholders,
will  terminate  after  two  years  from its initial  effectiveness  unless  its
continuance is specifically approved  by  a majority of the Independent Trustees
of the Board.  Each New Subadvisory Agreement  also will terminate automatically
in  the  event  of  its assignment as defined in the  1940  Act.   Each  Current
Subadvisory Agreement has the same provisions.

      However, each Current  Subadvisory  Agreement  includes  a  provision that
states  it  automatically  terminates if the investment advisory agreement  with
Heritage terminates for any  reason.   Each  New  Subadvisory Agreement will not
include  this provisions as they are not required under  the  1940  Act  and  to
reduce costs in case of future shareholder solicitations on this matter.


      The  Board considered that the terms of each New Subadvisory Agreement are
identical to  each Current Subadvisory Agreement except as discussed above.  The
Board also noted  that  there  is no change in the nature, extent and quality of
services  to be provided by GSAM,  Eagle  or  Awad  under  the  New  Subadvisory
Agreements.   In  addition,  the  Board relied on relevant information regarding
GSAM, Eagle and Awad in its consideration  of each Current Subadvisory Agreement
with Heritage.  These considerations are discussed in Exhibit __.




      If shareholders approve Proposal 5-A,  the  New GSAM Agreement will become
effective.  Under the New GSAM Agreement, Heritage will pay GSAM .25% of average
daily  net assets, which is identical to the fee paid  under  the  Current  GSAM

                             INFORMATION ABOUT GSAM

      GSAM,  2502  Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, Florida serves as the subadviser to
Capital Appreciation  pursuant  to  the  Current  GSAM Agreement, which last was
approved by the Board on August 15, 2006.  As of June 30, 2006, GSAM, a business
unit  of  the  Investment  Management Division and wholly-owned  subsidiary  of,
Goldman,  Sachs  &  Co.,  had  approximately  $549.4  billion  of  assets  under
management.  Exhibit __ provides information on the principal executive officers
and directors of GSAM.


      Approval of Proposal 5-A requires  an affirmative 1940 Act Majority of all
shares of Capital Appreciation.

                               "FOR" PROPOSAL 5-A



      Under  the  Current  Eagle Agreements  for Core Equity, Diversified
Growth, Mid Cap and Small Cap, Heritage pays Eagle a  subadvisory  fee  based on
the  level of assets in the Fund as noted in the table below.  Under the Current
Eagle Agreements for Capital Appreciation and Growth and Income, Heritage
pays Eagle a subadvisory fee equal to 1/2 of Heritage's management fee, which is
set forth in the table below.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
             FUND                      CURRENT SUBADVISORY AGREEMENTS
             ----                      ------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital Appreciation                $0 to $1 billion -              0.375%
                                    Over $ 1 billion -              0.35%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Growth and Income                   $0 to $100 million -            0.75%
                                    $100 million to $500 million -  0.60%
                                    Over $500 million -             0.55%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Core Equity                        All Assets                      0.375%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diversified Growth, Mid Cap, Small  $0 to $500 million -            0.375%
Cap                                 $500 million to $1 billion -    0.35%
                                    Over $1 billion -               0.325%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Heritage's  management fee includes a combined fee for both administrative
and advisory services  as  discussed in Proposal 4.  The administrative services
provided under the Current Agreements  with  Heritage,  however, are being moved
into a new separate agreement.  Thus, the advisory fee paid  to  Heritage  under
the New Agreement will be less than the advisory portion of the current combined
fee paid to Heritage under the Current Agreement.

      Under the New Eagle  Agreement  for  Capital  Appreciation  and Growth and
Income,  Eagle  will  receive  the same  amounts  as  under  the  Current  Eagle
Agreements  for these Funds  regardless  of the  advisory  fees paid to Heritage
under the New  Agreement.  Eagle's fee will be paid directly by Heritage and not
the Funds.  Shareholders  will not pay higher advisory fees. With respect to the
other  Funds  subadvised  by Eagle,  Heritage  will pay Eagle the same amount as
under the Current Eagle  Agreements  for these Funds.  If  shareholders  approve
Proposal 5-B, the New Eagle Agreements will become effective.

                             INFORMATION ABOUT EAGLE

      Eagle, 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,  Florida 33716, serves as the
subadviser to Capital Appreciation, Core Equity, Diversified Growth, Mid Cap and
Small Cap pursuant to the Current  Eagle  Agreement,  which last was approved by
the Board on August 15, 2006.  Heritage has not  allocated any assets of Capital
Appreciation  or Growth and Income to Eagle.  As of August 31,  2006,  Eagle had
approximately $12.5 billion of assets under management.  Eagle is a wholly owned
subsidiary of RJF.  Exhibit __ provides information  on the principal  executive
officers and  directors  of Eagle.  Exhibit __ provides  information  on similar
mutual funds managed by Eagle.


      Approval of Proposal 5-B requires  an affirmative 1940 Act Majority of all
shares of each applicable Fund.

                               "FOR" PROPOSAL 5-B



      If shareholders approve Proposal 5-C,  the  New Awad Agreement will become
effective.   Under  the New Awad Agreement, Heritage  will  pay  Awad  .375%  of
average daily net assets  on  the  first  $500  million,  .35%  on the next $500
million and .325% on assets above $1 billion, which is identical to the fee paid
under the Current Awad Agreement.


                             INFORMATION ABOUT AWAD

      Awad,  250 Park  Avenue,  New  York,  New York  10177,  is a wholly  owned
subsidiary of RJF. As of August 31, 2006, Awad had  approximately  $1 billion of
assets under management. Awad is owned 75% by RJF and 25% by James Awad. Exhibit
__ provides  information  on the principal  executive  officers and directors of


      Approval of Proposal 5-C  requires an affirmative 1940 Act Majority of all
shares of Small Cap.

                               "FOR" PROPOSAL 5-C





      Currently,  Heritage  serves   as   the   investment  adviser  to  Capital
Appreciation,  Mid  Cap and Small Cap.  Heritage has  delegated  the  day-to-day
management of each of  these  Funds to a subadviser as noted in the table below.
As such, Heritage does not make  the  day-to-day  investment decisions for those
Funds.  Instead, Heritage oversees the investment process and subadviser of each
Fund, establishes an investment program for each Fund  and  selects, compensates
and evaluates each Fund's subadvisers.  The subadvisers, in turn,  make the day-
to-day  investment  decisions  for their relevant Fund.  The current subadvisers
for these Funds are:

                      FUND            INVESTMENT SUBADVISER(S)
                Capital Appreciation       Eagle*, GSAM
                     Mid Cap                   Eagle
                    Small Cap               Awad, Eagle
             * Heritage currently has not allocated any assets to Eagle.

      Federal securities law generally  requires that the shareholders of a Fund
approve its subadvisory agreement(s) and  any  amendments thereto.  Thus, when a
new  subadviser is retained on behalf of the Fund,  shareholders  typically  are
required  to  approve  the  subadvisory  agreement.   Similarly,  if an existing
subadvisory agreement is amended in any material respect (such as an increase in
the  fee  paid  by  Heritage - not by the Fund - to the subadviser), shareholder
approval is required.   In  addition, shareholder approval typically is required
in order to re-appoint a subadviser  when  there  is  a change in control of the
Fund's  subadviser.   In  all  of  these cases, in order to  obtain  shareholder


approval, a Fund must call and conduct  a  shareholders'  meeting,  prepare  and
distribute  proxy  materials,  and  solicit  votes  from Fund shareholders.  The
process can be costly and time-consuming.

      Each Fund received an order from the SEC on November  21,  2001, exempting
each  Fund  from  the  requirement  described  in  the previous paragraph  ("SEC
Order").   The  SEC  Order  permits  each Fund, without the  prior  approval  of
shareholders, to hire new subadvisers,  to rehire existing subadvisers that have
experienced a change in control and to modify subadvisory agreements except with
respect to affiliates.  By eliminating shareholder  approval in these matters, a
Fund  would have greater flexibility in selecting and  re-appointing  investment
subadvisers  and  would  save  the  considerable expenses involved in soliciting
shareholder proxies and conducting shareholder meetings.  Changes in subadvisory
arrangements would still require Board  approval  and  may be subject to certain
other conditions, as discussed below.

      The Board and Heritage hereby seek shareholder approval  of  this proposed
arrangement  for  approval  of  subadvisory  agreements.   If Proposal 4 is  not
approved  by  shareholders, shareholder approval of subadvisory  agreements  and
amendments thereto  will  continue to be required.  If Proposal 6 is approved by
Fund shareholders, the Proposal will be effective immediately.


      Under both the current  process for approval of subadvisory agreements and
under the proposed process, any  change  in  a  subadvisory  agreement  requires
approval  by  the  Board.   In  considering whether to appoint a subadviser, the
Board will analyze the factors it  considers  relevant,  including  the  nature,
quality  and  scope of services provided by a subadviser to investment companies
comparable to a  Fund.   The  Board will review the ability of the subadviser to
provide its services to a Fund,  as well as its personnel, operations, financial
condition or any other factor that would affect the provision of those services.
The  Board  will examine the performance  of  the  subadviser  with  respect  to
compliance and regulatory matters over the past fiscal year.  It will review the
subadviser's   investment   performance   with  respect  to  accounts  that  are
comparable.  Finally, the Board will consider  other  factors  that it considers
relevant  to the subadviser's performance as an investment adviser.   The  Board
believes that this review process provides appropriate shareholder protection in
the selection of subadvisers.

      Under  the  current  process  for  approval  of subadvisory agreements, in
addition to Board approval, shareholders must approve  any change in subadvisory
agreements.   More  particularly,  a  subadvisory  agreement   must  receive  an
affirmative  1940  Act  Majority  of  all  shares  of  a Fund.  Such shareholder
approval would be eliminated for Capital Appreciation, Mid  Cap  and  Small  Cap
under the proposed process for approval of subadvisory agreements.

      The SEC Order authorizing the proposed process for approval of subadvisory
agreements is subject to various conditions, including the following:

      1.    The  operation  of  a  Fund  as  described above must be approved by
holders of a 1940 Act Majority of all shares of that Fund.

      2.    A Fund must disclose in its prospectus  the existence, substance and
effect of the SEC Order.  In addition, a Fund must hold itself out to the public
as employing the management structure described above.   The  Fund's  prospectus
must prominently disclose that Heritage has the ultimate responsibility (subject


to  oversight  by  the Board) to oversee subadvisers and recommend their hiring,
termination and replacement.

      3.    Heritage  must  provide  general  management  services  to  a  Fund,
including  overall  supervisory  responsibility  for  the general management and
investment of the Fund's assets and, subject to the review  and  approval of the
Board,  must:   (a) set the Fund's overall investment strategies; (b)  evaluate,
select and recommend subadvisers; (c) allocate and, when appropriate, reallocate
the Fund's assets  among subadvisers in those cases where the Fund has more than
one subadviser; (d) monitor  and  evaluate  the  investment  performance  of the
subadvisers; and (e) implement procedures reasonably designed to ensure that the
subadvisers   comply   with   a   Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies  and

      4.    At all times, each Trust's  Board must be comprised of a majority of
Independent  Trustees,  and the nomination  of  new  or  additional  Independent
Trustees must be placed within  the  discretion of the then existing Independent

      5.    Heritage  must  not enter into  a  subadvisory  agreement  with  any
affiliated subadviser without  the  approval  of  the  Fund shareholders of such
agreement, including the compensation to be paid thereunder.

      6.    When  an affiliated subadviser is being proposed  for  a  Fund,  the
Board, including a  majority  of  the  Independent  Trustees,  must find, and be
reflected  in the Board minutes of the Trust, that such change is  in  the  best
interest of  the  Fund  and  its shareholders and does not involve a conflict of
interest from which Heritage or  affiliated  subadviser derives an inappropriate

      7.    No Trustee or officer of a Fund or  director  or officer of Heritage
must own directly or indirectly (other than through a pooled  investment vehicle
that is not controlled by any such person) any interest in a subadviser,  except
for  ownership of: (a) an interest in Heritage, or any entity that controls,  is
controlled  by  or is under common control with Heritage, or (b) less than 1% of
the outstanding securities  of  any class of equity or debt of a publicly traded
company that is either a subadviser or an entity that controls, is controlled by
or is under common control with a subadviser.

      8.    Within 90 days of the  retaining  a  new  subadviser,  Heritage must
furnish Fund shareholders all information about the new subadviser that would be
included in a proxy statement.  Such information must include any change in such
disclosure as a result of the new subadviser.  To meet this condition,  Heritage
must   provide  shareholders  with  an  information  statement  that  meets  the
requirements  of  Regulation 14C, Schedule 14C and Item 22 of Schedule 14A under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                                  REQUIRED VOTE

      Approval of Proposal 6  requires  an  affirmative 1940 Act Majority of all
shares of each applicable Fund.


                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 6


                                  OTHER MATTERS

      No business, other than as set forth above, is expected to come before the
Meeting. Should any other matters requiring a vote of shareholders properly come
before the Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy will vote thereon in
accordance with their best judgment in the interests of the Funds. Heritage Fund
Distributors, Inc. and RJA, P.O. Box 33022, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733  serve
as the Funds' principal underwriters.


      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ("PwC"), 101 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite  1500,
Tampa,  Florida  33602  serves  as  the  independent registered certified public
accounting firm for the Funds.  Representatives  of  PwC  are not expected to be
present at the Meeting but have been given the opportunity  to  make a statement
if they so desire and will be available should any matter arise requiring  their
presence.   Exhibit __  provides  additional information on audit and other fees
billed by PwC.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

      The solicitation of proxies will be made primarily by mail but may also be
made by telephone by Heritage  and  Automatic  Data  Processing,  Inc.  ("ADP"),
professional   proxy  solicitors,   who  will  be  paid  fees  and  expenses  of
approximately  $100,000 for soliciting services. All expenses in connection with
preparing this Proxy Statement and its enclosures and solicitation expenses that
relate to  Proposal 1 will be borne by the  Funds.  The Funds also will bear the
cost of  one-half  the  difference  between the costs  related to the  remaining
Proposals  and Proposal 1.  Heritage  will bear the  remaining  costs.  However,
Heritage  voluntarily  or  contractually  has agreed to  continue  to limit each
Fund's  current  expense cap  arrangement  through each Fund's 2007 fiscal year,
except Mid Cap. In the event proxy expenses  exceed the caps, then Heritage will
bear theses costs.

      If  votes  are  recorded  by  telephone,  Heritage  and/or  ADP  will  use
procedures  designed  to  authenticate  shareholders'   identities,   to   allow
shareholders  to  authorize  the voting of their shares in accordance with their
instructions and to confirm that  shareholders  instructions  have been properly
recorded.  Shareholders also may vote through a secure Internet site or by mail.
Proxies  by  Internet  or telephone may be revoked at any time before  they  are
voted in the same manner that proxies voted by mail may be revoked.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      As a general matter,  the  Funds  do  not  hold  regular  annual  or other
meetings of shareholders.  Any shareholder who wishes to submit proposals  to be
considered  at  a  special  meeting  of the Fund's shareholders should send such
proposals to the Fund at 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, Florida 33716, so
as  to be received a reasonable time before  the  proxy  solicitation  for  that
meeting  is  made.   Shareholder proposals that are submitted in a timely manner
will be provided to Board members for their consideration but not necessarily be
included in the Fund's  proxy materials.  Inclusion of such proposals is subject
to limitations under the federal securities laws.


                                    By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                    Andrea N. Mullins
                                      Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust
                                      Heritage Growth and Income Trust
                                      Heritage Income Trust
                                      Heritage Series Trust

Dated:  September 8, 2006
St. Petersburg, Florida


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                            TRUSTEE SHARE OWNERSHIP

      The  following  table  sets  forth  the  dollar range of equity securities
beneficially owned by each Nominee in the Trusts  and  Funds  as  of  ______ __,

OWNED:                               NOMINEES:            NOMINEES:
                                     Thomas A.   Richard  C. Andrew    Keith      Lincoln      William  David M. James L. Deborah L.
                                     James       K. Riess Graham       Jarrett(a) Kinnicutt(b) J.       Phillips Pappas   Talbot

Capital Appreciation                 Over        $0       $0           $0                      $1-      $50,001- $1-      $10,001-
                                     $100,000                                                  $10,000  $100,000 $10,000  $50,000

Core Equity

Diversified Growth                   Over        $0       $10,001-     $0                      $0       $10,001- $0       $0
                                     $100,000             $50,000                                       $50,000

International Equity                 Over        $0       $0           $0                      $0       $0       $1-      $0
                                     $100,000                                                                    $10,000

Growth and Income                    $0          $0       $0           $0                      $1-      $0       $1-      $0
                                                                                               $10,000           $10,000

High Yield                           $0          $0       $0           $0                      $0       $0       $0       $0

Mid Cap                              Over        $0       $0           $0                      $0       $0       $1-      $10,001-
                                     $100,000                                                                    $10,000  $50,000

Small Cap                            Over        $0       $0           $0                      $0       $0       $1-      $0
                                     $100,000                                                                    $10,000

Aggregate Dollar Range of            Over        $0       $10,001-     $0                      $10,001- Over     Over     $10,001-
Securities in Heritage               $100,000             $50,000                              $50,000  $100,000 $100,000 $50,000
Mutual Funds(c)

(a)  Mr. Jarrett was appointed to the Board on August 16, 2005.
(b)  Mr. Kinnicutt currently does not serve on the Board.


(c) The  Heritage Mutual Funds consist of 10 funds, including those listed above
and Heritage  Cash Trust - Money Market Fund and Heritage Cash Trust - Municipal
Money Market Fund.


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                              NOMINEE COMPENSATION

      The following table shows the compensation earned by each Trustee based on
each Trust's last fiscal  year.   No  Trustee  will  receive  any  benefits upon
retirement.  Thus, no pension or retirement benefits have accrued as part of any
of any Trust's expenses.  No officer, director or employee of Heritage  receives
any compensation from the Trusts for acting as a director or officer.

                    AGGREGATE               AGGREGATE             AGGREGATE      AGGREGATE                COMPENSATION
 PERSON            FROM CAPITAL            FROM GROWTH          FROM INCOME(a)  FROM SERIES               THE HERITAGE
                   APPRECIATION            AND INCOME                                                       FUNDS(b)

                                       NOMINEES FOR INDEPENDENT TRUSTEE FOR EACH TRUST:

C. Andrew          $3,753.53                $3,040.06            $6,080.13      $18,634.62                $39,015.38

Keith              $3,775.97                $0                   $0             $269.23                   $11,597.16

William            $4,148.25                $3,327.72            $6,655.45      $20,427.88                $42,855.81
J. Meurer

James L.           $4,073.25                $3,327.72            $6,655.45      $20,427.88                $42,630.81

David M.           $3,470.83                $2,780.45            $5,560.90      $16,817.31                $35,571.15

Deborah            $4,030.61                $3,244.39            $6,488.78      $19,908.65                $41,733.65
L. Talbot


Lincoln            $0                       $0                   $0             $0                        $0

                                        NOMINEES FOR INTERESTED TRUSTEES FOR EACH TRUST:

Thomas A.             $0                       $0                   $0             $0                        $0

Richard               $0                       $0                   $0             $0                        $0
K. Riess

(a)During  the period, Income also offered shares of an additional portfolio  to
   which a portion of Trustee fees was allocated.  That portfolio was liquidated
   on October 31, 2005.


(b)The Heritage  Mutual  Funds  consist  of  five separate registered investment
   companies, which are Capital Appreciation,  Heritage  Cash  Trust, Growth and
   Income, Income and Series, and 10 portfolios of those companies.   During the
   fiscal periods, two other portfolios were a part of Heritage Funds;  however,
   on  December 23, 2005, those funds were reorganized into Capital Appreciation
   and Growth and Income, respectively.


                                                                    EXHIBIT __


Stephen G.     President since 2005               President of Heritage since 2005; President and Chief Operating Officer of Eagle,
Hill (46)                                         April 2000 to present.

K.C. Clark     Executive Vice President           Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Heritage since 2000.
(47)           and Principal Executive
               Officer since 2000

Andrea N.      Treasurer since 2003;              Treasurer and Vice President - Finance of Heritage since 2003; Vice President,
Mullins        Principal Financial Officer        Fund Accounting of Heritage 1996  to 2003.
(38)           and Secretary since 2004

Matthew        Senior Vice President              Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer of Heritage since 2005; Chief
Calabro        and Chief Compliance               Compliance Officer of Heritage Mutual Funds since 2005; Vice President of Heritage
(39)           Officer since 2005                 1996 - 2005

(a)  Each officer serves for one year terms.


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                          NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHARTER

                              HERITAGE CASH TRUST
                        HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                             HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                             HERITAGE SERIES TRUST


      The  Boards  of  Trustees of the investment companies listed above (each a
"Trust" and, collectively,  the  "Trusts")  have  created a Nominating Committee
("Committee").  The purpose of the Committee is threefold:

      1.    Identify and recommend for nomination candidates  to  serve as Board
            members who are not "interested persons" of the Trusts ("Independent
            Trustees") as that term is defined in the Investment Company  Act of
            1940 ("1940 Act");

      2.    Evaluate  and  make  recommendations  to  the  full  Board regarding
            potential  Board  candidates  who  are "interested persons"  of  the
            Trusts ("Interested Persons") as that  term  is  defined by the 1940
            Act; and

      3.    Review  periodically  the workload and capabilities  of  Independent
            Trustees   and,   as   the   Committee   deems   appropriate,   make
            recommendations to the Board if  such a review suggests that changes
            to the size or composition of the Board are warranted.


      1.    COMPOSITION.  The Committee shall  be composed solely of Independent

      2.    COMPENSATION.   The  Board  shall  determine   the  compensation  of
            Committee members, including the Committee Chairperson.

      3.    SELECTION  AND  REMOVAL.   The Board shall appoint  members  of  the
            Committee and a Chairperson  of  the  Committee  for one-year terms.
            There  is  no  limit  on  the  number  of consecutive terms  that  a
            Committee member or a Chairperson can serve.   By  a  majority vote,
            the  Board  may  remove  or  replace  members  of the Committee  and
            designate a different member as Chairperson for  any  reason  at any



      1.    MEETINGS.   The  Committee shall meet on an as-needed basis to carry
            out its duties under  this  Charter.   Meetings may be called by the
            Chairperson  of  the  Committee or by a majority  of  the  Committee
            members.  Meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson or, in his or
            her absence, by a member  chosen  by the Committee.  Meetings may be
            conducted with members present in person  or  by  telephone or other
            communications  facilities that permit all persons participating  in
            the meeting to hear  or  communicate with each other.  A majority of
            the members of the Committee  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the
            transaction  of  business.   The  act  of  a majority of the members
            present at a meeting at which a quorum is present  shall  be the act
            of the Committee.

      2.    MINUTES.   The  Committee  shall  keep  minutes of its meetings  and
            provide copies of such minutes to each full Board for its review.

      3.    ANNUAL REVIEW.  The Committee shall review  this  Charter  at  least
            annually and recommend any necessary changes to the Board.

      4.    INVITATIONS  TO  MEETINGS.   The  Committee  may request that a non-
            member  with  information  on a potential Board candidate  attend  a
            meeting of the Committee or meet with any members of, or consultants
            to, the Committee.

      5.    INDEPENDENT ADVISERS.  The Committee  shall  have  the authority, to
            the  extent  it  deems necessary or appropriate and without  seeking
            approval of each full  Board, to retain special legal, accounting or
            other advisers.  Each Trust  shall  provide  appropriate funding, as
            determined by the Committee, for payment of ordinary  administrative
            Committee  expenses,  as  well  as for compensation to any  advisers
            retained by the Committee.

      6.    SELF-EVALUATION.  The Committee shall periodically review the
            effectiveness of the Committee and its members.


            identify and recommend to the Board the selection and nomination  of
            candidates  for  Independent  Trustee.  The Committee shall consider
            recommendations for potential candidates  from  any  source it deems
            appropriate - Board members, Fund shareholders, legal counsel to the
            Independent  Trustees  or other such sources as the Committee  deems

      2.    CANDIDATE  EVALUATIONS.   The  Committee  shall  evaluate  potential
            candidates'   qualifications   for   Board   membership   and  their
            independence from each Fund's investment adviser and other principal
            service providers.  The Committee shall consider the effect  of  any
            relationships   delineated  in  the  1940  Act  or  other  types  of
            relationships, E.G.,  business,  financial  or  family relationships
            with the investment adviser(s) or other principal service providers,
            which   might   impair   independence.   In  determining   potential
            candidates' qualifications  for  Board membership, the Committee may


            consider all factors it may determine  to  be relevant to fulfilling
            the role of being a member of the Board.


                  The  Committee shall nominate candidates  for  new  or  vacant
                  Board positions based on its evaluation of which applicants or
                  potential  candidates  are most qualified to serve and protect
                  the interests of each Trust's  shareholders and to promote the
                  effective operation of the Board.   In order for the Committee
                  to consider an applicant or potential candidate, the Committee
                  initially  must  receive  at  least the following  information
                  regarding  such  person: (1) name;  (2)  date  of  birth;  (3)
                  education;  (4)  business,   professional  or  other  relevant
                  experience  and  areas  of expertise;  (5)  current  business,
                  professional  or  other  relevant   experience  and  areas  of
                  expertise; (6) current business and home addresses and contact
                  information; (7) other board positions  or  prior  experience;
                  and  (8)  any  knowledge and experience relating to investment
                  companies  and investment  company  governance  (collectively,
                  "Preliminary Information").

                  A successful  candidate must qualify as an Independent Trustee
                  under  the  1940   Act   and   should   have  certain  uniform
                  characteristics,  such  as  a  very high level  of  integrity,
                  appropriate  experience,  and  a  commitment  to  fulfill  the
                  fiduciary duties inherent in Board  membership.  The Committee
                  also shall consider the extent to which  potential  candidates
                  possess   sufficiently   diverse   skill  sets  and  diversity
                  characteristics that would contribute  to  the Board's overall


                  The   Committee   shall  consider  potential  candidates   for
                  nomination identified  by one or more shareholders of a Trust.
                  Shareholders can submit  recommendations  in  writing  to  the
                  attention of the Chairperson of the Committee at an address to
                  be  maintained by Trust management for this purpose.  In order
                  to  be   considered   by   the   Committee,   any  shareholder
                  recommendation  must  include the Preliminary Information  set
                  forth in subsection 2.a above.

                  Following an initial evaluation  by the Committee based on the
                  Preliminary Information, a successful  candidate proposed by a
                  shareholder must:

                  (1)    demonstrate the integrity, experience,  sound  business
                  judgment,  talents  and  commitment  necessary  to fulfill the
                  fiduciary duties inherent in Board membership and to add value
                  to the Board's performance of its duties;

                  (2)    be   prepared   to   submit   written   answers   to  a
                  questionnaire  seeking  professional  and personal information
                  that will assist the Committee to evaluate  the  candidate and


                  to determine, among other matters, whether the candidate would
                  be an Independent Trustee under the 1940 Act or otherwise have
                  material  relationships  with  key  service providers  to  the

                  (3)    submit character references and  agree  to  appropriate
                  background checks;

                  (4)    demonstrate  the disposition to act independently  from
                  management,  but  effectively   within  a  Board  composed  of
                  numerous members;

                  (5)    be willing to meet with one  or  more  members  of  the
                  Committee at a time and location convenient to those Committee
                  members  in  order  to discuss the candidate's qualifications;

                  (6)    if nominated and  elected,  be  able to prepare for and
                  attend  in  person  Board  and Committee meetings  at  various
                  locations in the United States.

            Committee shall evaluate those Interested  Persons  who are proposed
            by management of the Trusts to serve as Board members  and then make
            appropriate  recommendations  to  the Board regarding such  proposed
            nominees.  The Committee shall review  such  information as it deems
            appropriate in order to make this evaluation.   At  its  option, the
            Committee also can seek to interview any such potential nominee.

      4.    BOARD  COMPOSITION.   The  Committee  shall periodically review  the
            composition of the Board and the backgrounds of the Board members to
            determine  whether  it may be appropriate  to  recommend  adding  or
            removing Trustees, and  propose  to  the  Board  and the Independent
            Trustees  changes to the number of positions on the  Board  and  the
            addition or removal of Trustees.

August 31, 2004


                                                                    EXHIBIT __




     The table below  compares  the current  fundamental  investment  restriction  on  borrowing  for each Fund to the  proposed new
fundamental investment restriction. The main difference between the existing and new restrictions is the ability of a Fund to borrow
only as permitted under applicable law as opposed to borrowing only a certain amount.  One of the purposes of the new restriction is
to provide  greater  flexibility  for the portfolio  managers in managing the Funds.  Further,  the new  restriction  would simplify
compliance  monitoring  and make the  restriction  uniform  among all  Funds.  There is no current  intention  for the Funds to have
different investment strategies as a result of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                            PROPOSED NEW
                                                                                                              INVESTMENT RESTRICTION
                                                                                                                   FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROWTH AND INCOME           The Fund may not borrow money except as a temporary measure for extraordinary     The Fund may not
TRUST                       or emergency purposes. The Fund may not borrow money except from banks.           borrow money, except
                            Borrowing in the aggregate may not exceed 15%, and borrowing for purposes other   to the extent
                            than meeting redemptions may not exceed 5% of the value of the Fund's total       permitted by the 1940
                            assets at the time the borrowing is made. The Fund may not make additional        Act, the rules and
                            investments when borrowings exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets.                 regulations thereunder
                                                                                                              and any applicable
                                                                                                              exemptive relief.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPITAL APPRECIATION        The Fund may not borrow money except as a temporary measure for extraordinary
TRUST                       or emergency purposes. The Fund may not borrow money except from banks and only
                            if at the time of such borrowings the total loans to the Fund do not exceed 5%
                            of the Fund's total assets.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DIVERSIFIED GROWTH          The Fund may not borrow money except as a temporary measure for extraordinary
FUND, MID CAP STOCK         or emergency purposes. The Fund may enter into reverse repurchase agreements in
FUND AND SMALL CAP          an amount up to 33 1/3% of the value of its total assets in order to meet
STOCK FUND                  redemption requests without immediately selling portfolio securities. This
                            latter practice is not for investment leverage but solely to facilitate
                            management of the investment portfolio by enabling the Fund to meet redemption
                            requests when the liquidation of portfolio instruments would be inconvenient or
                            disadvantageous. However, the Fund may not purchase additional portfolio
                            investments once borrowed obligations exceed 5% of total assets. When effecting
                            reverse repurchase agreements, Fund assets in an amount sufficient to make
                            payment for the obligations to be purchased will be segregated by the Custodian
                            and on the Funds' records upon execution of the trade and maintained until the
                            transaction has been settled. During the period any reverse repurchase
                            agreements are outstanding, to the extent necessary to assure completion of the
                            reverse repurchase agreements, the Fund will restrict the purchase of portfolio
                            instruments to money market instruments maturing on or before the expiration
                            date of the reverse repurchase agreements. Interest paid on borrowed
                            obligations will not be available for investment. The Fund will liquidate any
                            such borrowings as soon as possible and may not purchase any portfolio
                            instruments while any borrowings are outstanding (except as described above).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                            PROPOSED NEW
                                                                                                              INVESTMENT RESTRICTION
                                                                                                                   FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY        The Fund may not borrow money except as a temporary measure for extraordinary
FUND                        or emergency purposes. The Fund may enter into reverse repurchase agreements in
                            an amount up to 33 1/3% of the value of its total assets in order to meet
                            redemption requests without immediately selling portfolio securities. This
                            latter practice is not for investment leverage but solely to facilitate
                            management of the investment portfolio by enabling the Fund to meet redemption
                            requests when the liquidation of portfolio instruments would be inconvenient or
                            disadvantageous. However, the Fund may not purchase additional portfolio
                            investments once borrowed obligations exceed 5% of total assets. When effecting
                            reverse repurchase agreements, Fund assets in an amount sufficient to make
                            payment for the obligations to be purchased will be segregated by the Custodian
                            and on the Funds' records upon execution of the trade and maintained until the
                            transaction has been settled. During the period any reverse repurchase
                            agreements are outstanding, to the extent necessary to assure completion of the
                            reverse repurchase agreements, the Fund will restrict the purchase of portfolio
                            instruments to money market instruments maturing on or before the expiration
                            date of the reverse repurchase agreements. Interest paid on borrowed
                            obligations will not be available for investment. The Fund will liquidate any
                            such borrowings as soon as possible and may not purchase any portfolio
                            instruments while any borrowings are outstanding (except as described above).

                            The Fund will not borrow money in excess of 10% of the value (taken at the
                            lower of cost or current value) of its total assets (not including the amount
                            borrowed) at the time the borrowing is made, and then only from banks as a
                            temporary measure, such as to facilitate the meeting of higher redemption
                            requests than anticipated (not for leverage) which might otherwise require the
                            untimely disposition of portfolio investments or for extraordinary or emergency
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORE EQUITY FUND            The Fund may not borrow money except as a temporary measure for extraordinary
                            or emergency purposes. The Fund may not borrow money, except as otherwise
                            permitted under the 1940 Act or pursuant to a rule, order or interpretation
                            issued by the SEC or its staff, including as a temporary measure, by entering
                            into reverse repurchase agreements, and by lending portfolio securities. For
                            purposes of this investment limitation, the purchase or sale of options,
                            futures contracts, options on futures contracts, forward contracts, swaps,
                            caps, floors, collars and other financial instruments shall not constitute
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD BOND             The Fund may not borrow money except as a temporary measure for extraordinary
FUND                        or emergency purposes. The Fund may borrow in certain limited circumstances as
                            indicated below in this section. Borrowing creates an opportunity for increased
                            return, but, at the same time, creates special risks. For example, borrowing
                            may exaggerate changes in the net asset value of a fund's shares and in the
                            return on the fund's investment portfolio. Although the principal of any
                            borrowing will be fixed, a fund's assets may change in value during the time
                            the borrowing is outstanding. A fund may be required to liquidate portfolio
                            securities at a time when it would be disadvantageous to do so in order to make
                            payments with respect to any borrowing, which could affect the investment
                            manager's strategy. Furthermore, if a fund were to engage in borrowing, an
                            increase in interest rates could reduce the value of the fund's shares by
                            increasing the fund's interest expense.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




     The table below compares the current fundamental investment restriction on real estate,  commodities and minerals for each Fund
to the proposed new fundamental investment  restrictions on real estate and commodities.  There are no significant differences among
the existing and new restrictions.  In each case, the restrictions do not permit any of the Funds to purchase or sell real estate or
commodities  except under certain  circumstances.  The new  restrictions  on real estate and  commodities  consolidate  and make the
restrictions uniform for each Fund. There is no current intention for the Funds to have different investment  strategies as a result
of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROWTH AND                     The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts   The Fund may not purchase or sell real
INCOME TRUST                   or real estate except that:                                   estate, except that, to the extent
                                                                                             permitted by applicable law, the Fund
                               The Fund may purchase securities issued by companies that     may (a) invest in securities or other
                               invest in or sponsor such interests;                          instruments directly or indirectly
                                                                                             secured by real estate, and (b) invest
                               The Fund may invest in real estate limited partnerships;      in securities or other instruments
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                             issued by issuers that invest in real
                               The Fund may purchase securities that are secured by          estate.
                               interests in real estate; and
                                                                                             The Fund may not purchase or sell
                               The Fund may write and purchase call options, purchase and    commodities or commodity contracts
                               sell forward contracts and engage in transactions in          unless acquired as a result of
                               forward commitments.                                          ownership of securities or other
                                                                                             instruments issued by persons that
                               The Fund may not invest in oil, gas, or other mineral         purchase or sell commodities or
                               programs except that they may purchase securities issued by   commodities contracts; but this shall
                               companies that invest in or sponsor such interests.           not prevent the Fund from purchasing,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------selling and entering into financial
MID CAP STOCK                  The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts   futures contracts (including futures
FUND                           or real estate (including real estate limited partnerships)   contracts on indices of securities,
                               except that:                                                  interest rates and currencies), options
                                                                                             on financial futures contracts
                               The Fund may purchase securities issued by companies that     (including futures contracts on indices
                               invest in or sponsor such interests.                          of securities, interest rates and
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------currencies), warrants, swaps, forward
INTERNATIONAL                  The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts   contracts, foreign currency spot and
EQUITY FUND                    or real estate except that:                                   forward contracts or other derivative
                                                                                             instruments that are not related to
                               The Fund may purchase securities issued by companies that     physical commodities.
                               invest in or sponsor such interests;

                               The Fund may invest in real estate limited partnerships;

                               The Fund may purchase securities that are secured by
                               interests in real estate; and

                               The Fund may purchase and sell forward contracts, futures
                               contracts, options and foreign currency.

                               The Fund may not invest in oil, gas, or other mineral
                               programs except that they may purchase securities issued by
                               companies that invest in or sponsor such interests.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DIVERSIFIED                    The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts
GROWTH FUND                    or real estate (including real estate limited partnerships)
                               except that:

                               The Fund may purchase securities issued by companies that
                               invest in or sponsor such interests; and

                               The Fund may purchase and sell forward currency contracts
                               and other financial instruments.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORE EQUITY                    The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts
FUND                           or real estate (including real estate limited partnerships)
                               except that:

                               The Fund may purchase securities issued by companies that
                               invest in or sponsor such interests;

                               The Fund may purchase and sell options, futures contracts,
                               forward currency contracts and other financial instruments;

                               The Fund may purchase securities that are secured by
                               interests in real estate; and

                               The Fund may write and purchase call options, purchase and
                               sell forward contracts and engage in transactions in
                               forward commitments.

                               The Fund may not invest in oil, gas, or other mineral
                               programs except that they may purchase securities issued by
                               companies that invest in or sponsor such interests.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD                     The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts
BOND FUND                      or real estate (including real estate limited partnerships)
                               except that:

                               The Fund may purchase securities issued by companies that
                               invest in or sponsor such interests;

                               The Fund may purchase securities that are secured by
                               interests in real estate; and

                               The Fund may purchase and sell futures contracts, options
                               and forward commitments and invest in oil, gas, and other
                               mineral programs.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPITAL                        The Fund may not invest in commodities, commodity contracts
APPRECIATION                   or real estate (including real estate limited partnerships)
TRUST AND SMALL                except that the Fund may purchase securities issued by
CAP STOCK FUND                 companies that invest in or sponsor such interests.

                               The Fund may not invest in oil, gas, or other mineral
                               programs except that they may purchase securities issued by
                               companies that invest in or sponsor such interests.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The table below compares the current  fundamental  investment  restriction on  concentration  for each Fund to the proposed new
fundamental investment  restriction.  There is no substantial difference between the current investment restriction and the proposed
new restriction.  The main purpose of the new restriction is to make it uniform among all the Funds, while still leaving flexibility
in the restriction for changes in the definition of  "concentrated"  under the 1940 Act. There is no current intention for the Funds
to have different investment strategies as a result of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No Fund may purchase securities if, as a result of such purchase, more than 25% of the       Except for any Fund that is
value of such Fund's total assets would be invested in any one industry; however, this       "concentrated" in an industry or group
restriction does not apply to U.S. Government securities that are issued or guaranteed by    of industries within the meaning of the
the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities.                                    1940 Act, the Fund may not purchase the
                                                                                             securities of any issuer (other than
                                                                                             securities issued or guaranteed by the
                                                                                             U.S. Government or any of its agencies
                                                                                             or instrumentalities) if, as a result,
                                                                                             more than 25% of the Fund's total
                                                                                             assets would be invested in the
                                                                                             securities of companies whose principal
                                                                                             business activities are in the same
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     The table below compares the current  fundamental  investment  restriction on diversification for each Fund to the proposed new
fundamental investment  restriction.  The main differences among the old restrictions and the proposed new restrictions are that (i)
the current investment  restriction applies to 100% of the assets of Capital  Appreciation Trust and High Yield Bond Fund as opposed
to 75% of the assets  proposed in the new  restriction,  and (ii) with respect to High Yield Bond Fund,  the 10%  limitation  on the
purchase of securities of any one issuer currently applies to all securities of an issuer as opposed to being restricted to "voting"
securities  proposed in the new  restriction.  The purpose of the new  restriction is to provide  uniformity in the  diversification
restriction among all the Funds. There is no current intention for the Funds to have different investment  strategies as a result of
a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPITAL APPRECIATION TRUST     With respect to 100% of the total assets of the Fund, the     Except to the extent permitted by the
                               Fund may not invest more than 5% of its assets (valued at     1940 Act, the rules and regulations
                               market value) in securities of any one issuer other than      thereunder and any applicable exemptive
                               the U.S. Government or its agencies and instrumentalities,    relief, the Fund may not with respect
                               or purchase more than 10% of the voting securities of any     to 75% of the Fund's total assets,
                               one issuer.                                                   purchase the securities of any issuer
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(other than securities issued or
HIGH YIELD BOND FUND           With respect to 100% of the total assets of the Fund, the     guaranteed by the U.S. Government or
                               Fund may not invest more than 5% of its assets (valued at     any of its agencies or
                               market value) in securities of any one issuer other than      instrumentalities, and securities of
                               the U.S. Government or its agencies and instrumentalities,    other investment companies) if, as a
                               or purchase more than 10% of the voting securities, or any    result, (a) more than 5% of the Fund's
                               other class of securities, of any one issuer.                 total assets would be invested in the
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------securities of that issuer, or (b) the
CORE EQUITY FUND, DIVERSIFIED  With respect to 75% of the total assets of the Fund, the      Fund would hold more than 10% of the
GROWTH FUND, GROWTH AND        Fund may not invest more than 5% of its assets (valued at     outstanding voting securities of that
INCOME TRUST, INTERNATIONAL    market value) in securities of any one issuer other than      issuer.
EQUITY FUND, MID CAP STOCK     the U.S. Government or its agencies and instrumentalities,
FUND AND SMALL CAP STOCK FUND  or purchase more than 10% of the voting securities of any
                               one issuer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     The table below compares the current fundamental investment restriction on loans,  repurchase agreements and loans of portfolio
securities for each Fund to the proposed new fundamental  investment  restriction.  The main  difference  among the existing and new
restrictions is that the new  restriction  permits a Fund to make loans to the extent  permitted under  applicable law as opposed to
limiting the Funds to certain transactions.  The primary purpose of the change in this restriction is to consolidate the differences
among the restrictions,  which would simplify compliance monitoring and portfolio management.  There is no current intention for the
Funds to have different investment strategies as a result of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                            PROPOSED NEW
                                                                                                              INVESTMENT RESTRICTION
                                                                                                                   FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST     The Fund may not make loans, except to the extent that the purchase of a          The Fund may make
                            portion of an issue of publicly distributed or privately placed notes, bonds,     loans only as
                            or other evidences of indebtedness or deposits with banks and other financial     permitted under the
                            institutions may be considered loans.                                             1940 Act, the rules
                                                                                                              and regulations
                            The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements as permitted under the Fund's       thereunder and any
                            investment policies.                                                              applicable exemptive
                            The Fund may not lend portfolio securities amounting to more than 25% of its
                            total assets.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MID CAP STOCK               The Fund may not make loans, except to the extent that the purchase of a
FUND                        portion of an issue of publicly distributed notes, bonds, or other evidences of
                            indebtedness or deposits with banks and other financial institutions may be
                            considered loans.

                            The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements as permitted under the Fund's
                            investment policies.

                            The Fund may make loans of portfolio securities as described in its statement
                            of additional information ("SAI").
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORE EQUITY FUND            The Fund may not make loans, except to the extent that the purchase of a
                            portion of an issue of publicly distributed notes, bonds, or other evidences of
                            indebtedness or deposits with banks and other financial institutions may be
                            considered loans.

                            The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements as permitted under the Fund's
                            investment policies.

                            The Fund may not lend any security or make any other loan except (a) as
                            otherwise permitted under the 1940 Act, (b) pursuant to a rule, order or
                            interpretation issued by the SEC or its staff, (c) through the purchase of a
                            portion of an issue of debt securities in accordance with the Fund's investment
                            objective, policies and limitations, or (d) by engaging in repurchase
                            agreements with respect to portfolio securities.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD BOND FUND        The Fund may not make loans, except to the extent that the purchase of a
                            portion of an issue of publicly distributed or privately placed notes, bonds,
                            or other evidences of indebtedness or deposits with banks and other financial
                            institutions may be considered loans.

                            The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements and securities loans as permitted
                            under the Fund's investment policies.

                            The Fund may not enter into repurchase agreements with respect to more than 20%
                            of its net assets or lend portfolio securities amounting to more than 25% of
                            its total assets.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND   The Fund may not make loans, except to the extent that the purchase of a
                            portion of an issue of publicly distributed notes, bonds, or other evidences of
                            indebtedness or deposits with banks and other financial institutions may be
                            considered loans.

                            The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements as permitted under the Fund's
                            investment policies.

                            The Fund may not make any loans, except that it may make loans by purchase of
                            debt obligations or by entering into repurchase agreements or through lending
                            of its portfolio securities.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                            PROPOSED NEW
                                                                                                              INVESTMENT RESTRICTION
                                                                                                                   FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPITAL                     The Fund may not make loans, except to the extent that the purchase of a
APPRECIATION TRUST,         portion of an issue of publicly distributed notes, bonds, or other evidences of
DIVERSIFIED GROWTH          indebtedness or deposits with banks and other financial institutions may be
FUND AND SMALL              considered loans.
                            The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements as permitted under the Fund's
                            investment policies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The table below compares the current fundamental  investment restriction on senior securities for each Fund to the proposed new
fundamental investment restriction.  The main difference among the existing and new restrictions is that the new restriction permits
the  issuance  of senior  securities  to the extent  permitted  under  applicable  law as opposed to  limiting  the Funds to certain
transactions. The primary purpose of the change in this restriction is to consolidate the differences among the restrictions,  which
would  simplify  compliance  monitoring  and portfolio  management.  There is no current  intention for the Funds to have  different
investment strategies as a result of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                            PROPOSED NEW
                                                                                                              INVESTMENT RESTRICTION
                                                                                                                   FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DIVERSIFIED GROWTH FUND     The Fund may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the investment   The Fund may not issue
                            objective, policies, and investment limitations of the Fund, except that the      senior securities,
                            Fund may engage in transactions involving forward currency contracts or other     except to the extent
                            financial instruments.                                                            permitted by the 1940
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act, the rules and
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY        The Fund may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the investment   regulations thereunder
FUND AND MID CAP            objective, policies, and investment limitations of the Fund, except that the      and any applicable
STOCK FUND                  Fund may engage in transactions involving options, futures, forward currency      exemptive relief.
                            contracts, or other financial instruments, as applicable.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROWTH AND INCOME           The Fund may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the investment
TRUST                       objective, policies, and investment limitations of the Fund, except that the
                            Fund may purchase and sell call options and forward contracts.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORE EQUITY FUND            The Fund may not issue any senior security except as otherwise permitted (1)
                            under the 1940 Act or (2) pursuant to a rule, order or in an interpretation
                            issued by the SEC or its staff.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAPITAL                     The Fund may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the investment
APPRECIATION TRUST,         objective, policies, and investment limitations of the Fund.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




     The table below  compares the current  fundamental  investment  restriction on  underwriting  for each Fund to the proposed new
fundamental investment  restriction.  The existing restrictions provide that certain Funds may underwrite securities issued by other
persons to the extent that it may be deemed an underwriter under applicable  federal securities laws with respect to the disposition
of its portfolio securities and sets limitations for the percentage of restricted securities.  The current restriction also provides
that certain Funds may not underwrite the securities of other issuers.  The new restriction  maintains this limitation as applicable
to the disposition of portfolio securities and eliminates the limitation on investments in restricted securities. The purpose of the
proposed  change is to clarify the  application of  underwriter  pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") and to make
uniform the restrictions among the Funds. There is no current intention for the Funds to have different  investment  strategies as a
result of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                            PROPOSED NEW
                                                                                                              INVESTMENT RESTRICTION
                                                                                                                   FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DIVERSIFIED                 The Fund may not underwrite the securities of other issuers, except P to the      The Fund may not
GROWTH FUND                 extent that, in connection with the disposition of portfolio securities, the      underwrite securities
AND SMALL CAP               Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter under federal securities laws.            issued by others,
STOCK FUND                                                                                                    except to the extent
                            The Fund may not invest more than 15% of its net assets (taken at cost            that the Fund may be
                            immediately after making such investment) in securities that are not readily      considered an
                            marketable without registration under the 1933 Act.                               underwriter within the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------meaning of the 1933
CAPITAL                     The Fund may not underwrite the securities of other issuers.                      Act in the disposition
APPRECIATION                                                                                                  of restricted
TRUST AND                   The Fund may not invest more than 5% of its net assets (taken at cost             securities or in
GROWTH AND                  immediately after making such investment) in securities that are not readily      connection with
INCOME TRUST                marketable without registration under the 1933 Act.                               investments in other
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------investment companies.
HIGH YIELD                  The Fund may not underwrite the securities of other issuers.
                            The Fund may invest in securities that are not readily marketable without
                            registration under the 1933 Act (restricted securities), as provided in its
                            Prospectus and SAI.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MID CAP STOCK               The Fund may not underwrite the securities of other issuers.
                            The Fund may not invest more than 15% of its net assets (taken at cost
                            immediately after making such investment) in securities that are not readily
                            marketable without registration under the 1933 Act.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTERNATIONAL               The Fund may not underwrite the securities of other issuers, except to the
EQUITY FUND                 extent that, in connection with the disposition of portfolio securities, the
                            Fund may be deemed to be an underwriter under federal securities laws.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORE EQUITY                 The Fund may not underwrite the securities of other issuers.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     The table below shows the current  fundamental  investment  restriction  on oil, gas and minerals for each Fund. It is proposed
that the  restrictions  on oil, gas and mineral  programs be eliminated  because these  restrictions  for the Funds  originally were
included to meet certain state law requirements that no longer apply.  There is no current intention for the Funds to have different
investment strategies as a result of a change to this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST,       The Fund may not invest in oil, gas, or other mineral         None.
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND,     programs except that it may purchase securities issued by
CORE EQUITY FUND, CAPITAL      companies that invest in or sponsor such interests.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD BOND FUND           The Fund may invest in oil, gas, and other mineral programs.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     The table below shows the current  fundamental  investment  restriction on margin  purchases for each Fund. It is proposed that
this  restriction  be  eliminated  because  these  restrictions  for the Funds  originally  were  included to meet certain state law
requirements that no longer apply. There is no current intention for the Funds to have different  investment  strategies as a result
of the elimination of this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND      The Fund will not purchase securities on margin, except       None.
                               such short-term credits as may be necessary for the
                               clearance of purchases and sales of securities. (For this
                               purpose, the deposit or payment by the Fund of initial or
                               variation margin in connection with futures contracts,
                               forward contracts or options are not considered the
                               purchase of a security on margin.)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD BOND FUND           The Fund may not sell any securities short, purchase any
                               securities on margin or maintain a short position in any
                               security, but may obtain such short-term credits as may be
                               necessary for clearance of purchase and sales of
                               securities; provided, however, the Fund may make margin
                               deposits and may maintain short positions in connection
                               with the use of options, futures contracts and options on
                               futures contracts as described previously.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST        The Fund may not purchase securities on margin except to
                               obtain such short-term credits as may be necessary for the
                               clearance of transactions.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     The table below shows the current  fundamental  investment  restriction  on short sales for each Fund. It is proposed that this
restriction be eliminated  because these  restrictions for the Funds originally were included to meet certain state law requirements
that no longer  apply.  There is no current  intention  for the Funds to have  different  investment  strategies  as a result of the
elimination of this restriction.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND      The Fund will not make short sales of securities or           None.
                               maintain a short position, except that the Fund may
                               maintain short positions in connection with its use of
                               options, futures contracts, forward contracts and options
                               on futures contracts, and the Fund may sell short "against
                               the box."
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD BOND FUND           The Fund may not sell any securities short, purchase any
                               securities on margin or maintain a short position in any
                               security, but may obtain such short-term credits as may be
                               necessary for clearance of purchase and sales of
                               securities; provided, however, the Fund may make margin
                               deposits and may maintain short positions in connection
                               with the use of options, futures contracts and options on
                               futures contracts as described previously.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The table below shows the fundamental  investment  restrictions on affiliated  transactions  for each Fund. It is proposed that
this  restriction  be eliminated  because the  restriction  merely restate a statutory  prohibition  under the 1940 Act. There is no
current intention for the Funds to have different investment strategies as a result of the elimination of this restriction.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   CURRENT FUNDAMENTAL INVESTMENT RESTRICTIONS                                         PROPOSED NEW FUNDAMENTAL
                                                                                                INVESTMENT RESTRICTION FOR ALL FUNDS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HIGH YIELD BOND FUND           The Fund may not purchase or retain the securities of any     None.
                               issuer if the officers and Trustees of the Trust or
                               Heritage or its Subadvisor, as applicable, own individually
                               more than 1/2 of 1% of the issuer's securities or together
                               own more than 5% of the issuer's securities.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                                    FORM OF
                                 HERITAGE FUNDS
                         INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

      This  Agreement  is  made as of  ________________,  2006,  by and  between
INCOME TRUST AND HERITAGE  SERIES TRUST,  each a  Massachusetts  business  trust
(each, the "Trust"),  on behalf of each Series of the Trust listed on Schedule A
hereto,  as may be amended  from time to time  ("Series"),  and  HERITAGE  ASSET
MANAGEMENT, INC., a Florida corporation ("Adviser").

      WHEREAS, the Trust is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940,
as amended ("1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company consisting
of one or more  separate series of shares ("Series"), each having its own assets
and investment objective(s), policies and restrictions; and

      WHEREAS, the  Adviser  is  registered  as  an investment adviser under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended ("Advisers Act"); and

      WHEREAS,  the Trust desires to retain the Adviser  to  provide  investment
advisory and portfolio  management services to each Series pursuant to the terms
and provisions of this Agreement,  and  the  Adviser  is willing to furnish such

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises  and  mutual  covenants
herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

      1.    APPOINTMENT.   The Trust hereby appoints the Adviser to serve as the
investment adviser of the Trust  and each Series for the period and on the terms
set forth in this Agreement.  The Adviser accepts such appointment and agrees to
render the services herein set forth  for  compensation as set forth on Schedule
A.  In the performance of its duties, the Adviser will act in the best interests
of  the Trust and each Series and will manage  the  Trust  and  each  Series  in
conformity  with (a) applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited
to, the 1940  Act and the Advisers Act, (b) the terms of this Agreement, (c) the
investment objective(s),  policies and restrictions of each applicable Series as
stated  in the Trust's currently  effective  registration  statement  under  the
Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended,  and  the  1940 Act, and (d) such other
guidelines as the Board of Trustees of the Trust (the  "Board")  reasonably  may
establish  or  approve  and  provide  to  the  Adviser.   The Adviser will be an
independent contractor and will have no authority to act for  or  represent  the
Trust  or  any  Series  in  any way or otherwise be deemed to be an agent unless
expressly authorized in this  Agreement or another writing between the Trust and
the Adviser.


            (a)   INVESTMENT PROGRAM.   Subject to supervision by the Board, the
Adviser will provide a continuous investment  program  for each Series and shall
determine  what  securities and other investments will be  purchased,  retained,
sold or loaned by  each  Series and what portion of such assets will be invested
or held uninvested as cash.   The  Adviser will exercise full discretion and act

for each Series in the same manner and  with  the  same force and effect as such
Series  itself  might  or could do with respect to purchases,  sales,  or  other
transactions,  as  well as  with  respect  to  all  other  things  necessary  or
incidental to the furtherance  or  conduct  of  such  purchases,  sales or other
transactions.    The   Adviser   will   be   responsible   for   preserving  the
confidentiality  of  information  concerning  the  holdings,  transactions,  and
business  activities  of  the  Trust  and  each  Series in conformity  with  the
requirements of the 1940 Act, other applicable laws  and  regulations,  and  any
policies that are approved by the Board.

            (b)   EXERCISE  OF  RIGHTS.  The Adviser, unless and until otherwise
directed by the Board, will exercise all rights of security holders with respect
to  securities  held by each Series,  including,  but  not  limited  to:  voting
proxies,   converting,    tendering,   exchanging   or   redeeming   securities;
participating as a claimant  in  class  action  litigation (including litigation
with  respect  to  securities  previously held) when  provided  notice  of  such
litigation, and exercising rights  in  the  context  of  a  bankruptcy  or other

The Adviser shall be responsible for effecting transactions  for each Series and
selecting brokers or dealers to execute such transactions for  each  Series.  In
the selection of brokers or dealers and the placement of orders for the purchase
and  sale  of  portfolio investments for each Series, the Adviser shall use  its
best efforts to  obtain  for each Series the best execution available, except to
the extent that it may be  permitted  to  pay  higher  brokerage commissions for
brokerage or research services as described below.  In using its best efforts to
obtain the best execution available, the Adviser, bearing  in  mind each Series'
best  interests  at  all  times,  shall consider all factors it deems  relevant,
including by way of illustration, price, the size of the transaction, the nature
of the market for the security, the  amount of the commission, the timing of the
transaction  taking  into account market  prices  and  trends,  the  reputation,
experience and financial  stability  of  the  broker  or dealer involved and the
quality of execution and research services provided by  the  broker  or  dealer.
Subject  to  such policies as the Board may determine, the Adviser shall not  be
deemed to have  acted  unlawfully  or  to have breached any duty created by this
Agreement or otherwise solely by reason  of  its having caused a Series to pay a
broker or dealer that provides brokerage or research  services to the Adviser an
amount of commission for effecting a portfolio investment  transaction in excess
of  the  amount  of commission another broker or dealer would have  charged  for
effecting that transaction  if  the  Adviser  determines in good faith that such
amount of commission is reasonable in relation  to the value of the brokerage or
research services provided by such broker or dealer,  viewed  in terms of either
that  particular  transaction  or  the  Adviser's overall responsibilities  with
respect to such Series and to other clients  of  the  Adviser  as  to  which the
Adviser  exercises  investment discretion.  The Trust agrees than any entity  or
person associated with  the  Adviser  that  is a member of a national securities
exchange  is  authorized to effect any transaction  on  such  exchange  for  the
account of the  Trust,  which  is  permitted  by Section 11(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Rule 11a2-2(T)  thereunder,  and the Trust
has  consented  to  the  retention  of  compensation  for  such transactions  in
accordance with Rule 11a2-2(T)(a)(2)(iv).

            (d)   REPORTS  TO THE BOARD.  Upon reasonable request,  the  Adviser
shall provide to the Board such  analyses  and reports as may be required by law
or  otherwise reasonably required to fulfill  its  responsibilities  under  this


            (e)   DELEGATION  OF AUTHORITY.  Any of the duties specified in this
Paragraph 2 with respect to one  or more Series may be delegated by the Adviser,
at the Adviser's expense, to an appropriate  party,  subject to such approval by
the Board and shareholders of the applicable Series to  the  extent  required by
the 1940 Act.  The Adviser shall oversee the performance of delegated  duties by
any  such  other  party  and  shall  furnish  the  Board  with  periodic reports
concerning  the  performance of delegated responsibilities by such  party.   The
retention of any party  by  the Adviser pursuant to this Paragraph 2(e) shall in
no way reduce the responsibilities  and  obligations  of  the Adviser under this
Agreement  and the Adviser shall be responsible to the Trust  for  all  acts  or
omissions of  any such party in connection with the performance of the Adviser's
duties under this Agreement.

      3.    SERVICES  NOT  EXCLUSIVE.   The  services  furnished  by the Adviser
hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive.  Nothing in this Agreement shall limit
or  restrict the right of any director, officer or employee of the Adviser,  who
may also be a Trustee, officer, or employee of the Trust, to engage in any other
business or to devote his or her time and attention in part to the management or
other aspects of any other business, whether of a similar or dissimilar nature.

      4.    COMPLIANCE WITH RULE 38A-1.  The Adviser shall maintain policies and
procedures relating to the services it provides to the Trust that are reasonably
designed  to prevent violations of the federal securities laws, and shall employ
personnel to administer the policies and procedures who have the requisite level
of skill and  competence required to effectively discharge its responsibilities.
The Adviser also  shall  provide  the  Trust's  chief  compliance  officer  with
periodic  reports regarding its compliance with the federal securities laws, and
shall promptly provide special reports in the event of any material violation of
the federal securities laws.

      5.    BOOKS  AND  RECORDS.   The Adviser will maintain all accounts, books
and records with respect to each Series as are required pursuant to the 1940 Act
and Advisers Act and the rules thereunder.   In compliance with the requirements
of Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, the Adviser  hereby  agrees  that  all records
which  it  maintains  for  the  Trust  are the property of the Trust and further
agrees to surrender promptly to the Trust  any  of such records upon the Trust's
request.  The Adviser further agrees to preserve  for  the periods prescribed by
Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act the records required to be maintained by Rule 31a-
1 under the 1940 Act.

      6.    EXPENSES  OF THE ADVISER AND THE TRUST.  During  the  term  of  this
Agreement, each Series  will bear all fees and expenses not specifically waived,
assumed or agreed to be paid  by  the Adviser and incurred in its operations and
the offering of its shares.  Expenses borne by each Series will include, but not
be  limited  to,  the following (or each  Series'  proportionate  share  of  the
following): brokerage  commissions  and  issue  and  transfer  taxes relating to
securities purchased or sold by the Series or any losses incurred  in connection
therewith; expenses of organizing the Series; filing fees and expenses  relating
to  the  registration  and qualification of the Series' shares under federal  or
state securities laws and  maintaining  such  registrations  and qualifications;
distribution and service fees; taxes (including any income or  franchise  taxes)
and  governmental  fees;  costs  of any liability, any costs, expenses or losses
arising out of any liability of or  claim  for  damage  or other relief asserted
against the Trust or Series for violation of any law; charges  of  proxy  voting
services;  any  expenses of the Adviser resulting from new services necessitated
by regulatory or  legal  changes affecting mutual funds occurring after the date


of this Agreement; any extraordinary  expenses (including fees and disbursements
of counsel) incurred by the Trust or Series.

      7.    COMPENSATION.  For the services  provided  and  the expenses assumed
pursuant to this Agreement with respect to each Series, the Trust  will  pay the
Adviser,  effective  from  the  date  of this Agreement, a fee which is computed
daily  and  paid  monthly  from each Series'  assets  at  the  annual  rates  as
percentages of that Series'  average  daily  net  assets  as  set  forth  in the
attached Schedule A, which Schedule can be modified from time to time to reflect
changes  in  annual rates or the addition or deletion of a Series from the terms
of this Agreement,  subject  to  appropriate approvals required by the 1940 Act.
If this Agreement becomes effective  or  terminates  with  respect to any Series
before the end of any month, the fee for the period from the  effective  date to
the  end  of  the  month  or  from  the  beginning  of such month to the date of
termination, as the case may be, shall be prorated according  to  the proportion
that  such  period  bears  to  the  full  month  in which such effectiveness  or
termination occurs.

      8.    LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF THE ADVISER.   The  Adviser  shall not be
liable  for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered  by
the Trust  or  any Series in connection with the matters to which this Agreement
relate except a  loss resulting from the willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross
negligence on its  part  in  the  performance  of  its  duties  or from reckless
disregard by it of its obligations and duties under this Agreement.  Any person,
even though also an officer, partner, employee, or agent of the Adviser, who may
be or become an officer, Board member, employee or agent of the Trust  shall  be
deemed,  when  rendering  services to the Trust or acting in any business of the
Trust, to be rendering such  services  to or acting solely for the Trust and not
as an officer, partner, employee, or agent or one under the control or direction
of the Adviser even though paid by it.


            (a)   EFFECTIVENESS.  This Agreement shall become effective upon the
date  hereinabove  written,  provided that,  with  respect  to  a  Series,  this
Agreement shall not take effect unless it has first been approved, to the extent
required by the 1940 Act (i) by  a  vote  of  a majority of those members of the
Board who are not parties to this Agreement or  interested  persons  of any such
party ("Independent Board Members") cast in person at a meeting called  for  the
purpose  of  voting  on  such  approval,  and  (ii)  by an affirmative vote of a
majority of the outstanding voting securities of such Series.

            (b)   RENEWAL.  Unless sooner terminated as  provided  herein,  this
Agreement  shall  continue  in effect for two years from the above written date,
except that with respect to any  new  Series,  this  Agreement  will continue in
effect  for  two  years  from  the  date  the Series is added to this Agreement.
Thereafter, if not terminated, this Agreement  shall  continue automatically for
successive periods of twelve months each from the date  of  this  Agreement, and
for new Series for successive periods of twelve months once the initial two year
term  has  passed,  provided  that such continuance is specifically approved  at
least annually in conformity with the requirements of the 1940 Act.


            (c)   TERMINATION.   Notwithstanding  the foregoing, with respect to
any Series, this Agreement may be terminated at any  time  by vote of the Board,
including a majority of the Independent Board Members, or by  vote of a majority
of the outstanding voting securities of such Series on 60 days'  written  notice
delivered  or  mailed  by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the Adviser.  The
Adviser may at any time  terminate  this  Agreement  on  60 days' written notice
delivered  or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid, to  the  Trust.   This
Agreement automatically  and  immediately  will  terminate  in  the event of its
assignment.  Termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Paragraph 9(c) shall
be  without  the  payment  of  any penalty.  Termination of this Agreement  with
respect to a given Series shall  not  affect  the  continued  validity  of  this
Agreement or the performance thereunder with respect to any other Series.

      10.   AMENDMENTS.   No provision of this Agreement may be changed, waived,
discharged or terminated orally,  but only by an instrument in writing signed by
the  party  against  which enforcement  of  the  change,  waiver,  discharge  or
termination is sought, and no material amendment of this Agreement as to a given
Series  shall  be  effective  until  approved  by  the  Board  and  such  Series
shareholders to the extent required by the 1940 Act.

      11.   NAME OF  TRUST.  The Trust or any Series may use the name "Heritage"
only for so long as this Agreement or any extension, renewal or amendment hereof
remains in effect, including  any  similar agreement with any organization which
shall have succeeded to the business  of  the  Adviser.  At such time as such an
agreement shall no longer be in effect, the Trust  and  each Series will (to the
extent that it lawfully can) cease to use any name derived  from  Heritage  Fund
Distributors,   Inc.,   Heritage   Asset   Management,  Inc.  or  any  successor

      12.   TRUST AND SHAREHOLDER LIABILITY.   The  Adviser  is hereby expressly
put  on notice of the limitation of shareholder liability as set  forth  in  the
Declaration  of  Trust and agrees that obligations assumed by the Trust pursuant
to this Agreement shall be limited in all cases to the Trust and its assets, and
if the liability relates  to one or more Series, the obligations hereunder shall
be limited to the respective  assets of that Series.  The Adviser further agrees
that  they  shall  not  seek  satisfaction  of  any  such  obligation  from  the
shareholders or any individual  shareholder of the Series, nor from the Trustees
or any individual Trustee of the Trust.

      13.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Florida, without giving effect to the conflicts of laws
principles thereof, and in accordance with the 1940 Act.  To the extent that the
applicable laws of the State of Florida  conflict with the applicable provisions
of the 1940 Act, the latter shall control.

      14.   DEFINITIONS.  As used in this  Agreement, the terms "majority of the
outstanding voting securities," "interested person," and "assignment" shall have
the same meanings as such terms have in the 1940 Act.

      15.   ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement  embodies the entire agreement and
understanding between the parties hereto, and supersedes  all  prior  amendments
and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof.


      16.   NOTICES.   All  notices  required  to  be  given  pursuant  to  this
Agreement shall be delivered or mailed to the last known business address of the
Trust  (attn:  [Secretary]) or the Adviser (attn: [President]) (or to such other
address or contact  as  shall  be  designated  by  the Trust or the Adviser in a
written notice to the other party) in person or by registered  or certified mail
or  a  private  mail  or  delivery service providing the sender with  notice  of
receipt. Notice shall be deemed  given  on  the  date  delivered  or  mailed  in
accordance with this Paragraph 16.

      17.   FORCE MAJEURE.  The Adviser shall not be liable for delays or errors
occurring  by  reason  of  circumstances  beyond  its control, including but not
limited  to  acts  of  civil or military authority, national  emergencies,  work
stoppages, fire, flood,  catastrophe,  acts  of God, insurrection, war, riot, or
failure of communication or power supply. In the  event  of equipment breakdowns
beyond its control, the Adviser shall take reasonable steps  to minimize service
interruptions but shall have no liability with respect thereto.

      18.   SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement  shall  be held or
made  invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder  of
this Agreement  shall  not  be affected thereby. This Agreement shall be binding
upon and shall inure to the benefit  of  the parties hereto and their respective

      19.   THE 1940 ACT.  Where the effect  of  a  requirement  of the 1940 Act
reflected in any provision of this Agreement is altered by a rule, regulation or
order  of  the  SEC,  whether of special or general application, such  provision
shall be deemed to incorporate the effect of such rule, regulation or order.

      20.   HEADINGS.    The   headings  in  this  Agreement  are  included  for
convenience of reference only and  in  no  way  define  or  delimit  any  of the
provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.


      IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to  be
executed by  their  officers designated below as of the day and year first above

                                     HERITAGE CAPITAL APPRECIATION TRUST
                                     HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                                     HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                                     HERITAGE SERIES TRUST


By:________________________          By:_______________________________

                                     HERITAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.


By:________________________          By:_______________________________


                                   SCHEDULE A


                         INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT

                        HERITAGE GROWTH AND INCOME TRUST
                             HERITAGE INCOME TRUST
                             HERITAGE SERIES TRUST

      Pursuant to Paragraph  7  of  the  Agreement,  each  Series  shall pay the
following fees to the Adviser for rendering investment advisory services.  These
fees shall be computed daily and paid monthly at the following annual  rates  as
percentages of the Series' average daily net assets:

- -----------------------------------

                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     First $1 billion...........................0.60%
     Over $1 billion............................0.55%

- --------------------------------

                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     First $100 million.........................0.60%
     Over $100 million to $500 million..........0.45%
     Over $500 million..........................0.40%

- --------------------------------------------

                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     First $100 million.........................0.45%
     Over $100 million to $500 million..........0.35%
     In excess of $500 million..................0.30%


- ---------------------


                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     Up to and including $500 million...........0.60%
     In excess of $500 million up to
         and including $1 billion...............0.55%
     In excess of $1 billion....................0.50%


                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     Up to and including $500 million...........0.60%
     In excess of $500 million up to
         and including $1 billion...............0.55%
     In excess of $1 billion....................0.50%


                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     Up to and including $500 million...........0.60%
     In excess of $500 million up to
         and including $1 billion...............0.55%
     In excess of $1 billion....................0.50%


                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     Up to and including $100 million...........0.85%
     In excess of $100 million up to
         and including $1 billion...............0.65%
     In excess of $1 billion....................0.55%


                                            Advisory Fee as % of
 Average Daily Net Assets                 Average Daily Net Assets
 ------------------------                 ------------------------
     All assets.................................0.60%

Dated:      ___________________, 2006


                                                                    EXHIBIT __


                          AND COMPENSATION TO HERITAGE

    Information concerning  the  Current Agreements and compensation to Heritage
are listed in the table below.

                                                           FEE TO HERITAGE*        AGREEMENT             SHAREHOLDERS
Capital           $0 to $1 billion               0.75%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
Appreciation      Over $1 billion                0.70%                                                 submission]

Core Equity       All assets                     0.60%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of

Diversified       $0 to $500 million             0.60%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
Growth            $500 million to $1 billion     0.55%                                                 submission]
                  Over $1 billion                0.50%

Growth and        $0 to $100 million             0.75%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
Income            $100 million to $500 million   0.60%                                                 submission]
                  Over $500 million              0.55%

High Yield        $0 to $100 million             0.45%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
                  $100 million to $500 million   0.35%                                                 submission]
                  Over $500 million              0.30%

International     $0 to $100 million             0.85%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
Equity            $100 million to $1 billion     0.65%                                                 submission]
                  Over $1 billion                0.55%

Mid Cap           $0 to $500 million             0.60%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
                  $500 million to $1 billion     0.55%                                                 submission]
                  Over $1 billion                0.50%

Small Cap         $0 to $500 million             0.60%     $_______                [insert date]    [insert date and purpose of
                  $500 million to $1 billion     0.55%                                                 submission]
                  Over $1 billion                0.50%

* Represents amounts paid for the last fiscal year.


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                                 BOARD FACTORS

At  a  meeting  held  on  August  15, 2006, the Board, including the Independent
Trustees (together, the "Board"), approved the renewal of the Current Agreements
with Heritage.  The Board considered  information  specifically prepared for its
review in connection with the annual renewal process  of  the Current Agreements
(each, an "Agreement" and collectively, the "Agreements").   The  Board,  acting
directly  or  through  its committees, also considered information furnished for
the Board's review throughout the year at regular Board meetings relating to the
Funds.  Examples of the types of information the Board received include: reports
regarding the services and support provided to each Fund and its shareholders by
Heritage; reports on each  Fund's  performance and commentary on the reasons for
the  performance;  presentations  by  Fund  portfolio  managers  addressing,  as
applicable,  Heritage's  and  the  Fund's  subadviser's  investment  philosophy,
investment  strategy, personnel and operation;  compliance  and  audit  reports,
including Heritage's  responses  to  issues  raised  therein; and information on
relevant  developments  in the mutual fund industry and  how  the  Funds  and/or
Heritage are responding to them.

In connection with the meeting  to  consider the Agreements, the Board, with the
assistance  of  legal  counsel,  requested   and   received  additional  reports
containing substantial and detailed information about  each  Fund  and Heritage.
The  Board  also  received  information  from  GSAM,  Eagle  and  Awad (each,  a
"Subadviser" and collectively, the "Subadvisers") with respect to certain  Funds
that  the  Subadvisers  manage.   These reports included information on: (1) the
nature and extent of the advisory and  other  services  provided by Heritage and
the  Subadvisers;  (2)  the personnel of Heritage and the Subadvisers;  (3)  the
financial condition of Heritage and the Subadvisers; (4) the compliance programs
and records of Heritage and  the Subadvisers; (5) the performance of the Fund as
compared  to  its  peer group and  an  appropriate  benchmark;  (6)  the  Fund's
expenses, including  the  advisory  fee itself, the overall expense structure of
the Fund, both in absolute terms and  relative to peer funds, and any applicable
contractual expense limitations; (7) the  anticipated  effect of growth and size
on the Fund's performance and expenses, where applicable;  (8)  benefits  to  be
realized  by  Heritage, the Subadvisers and each of their respective affiliates;
and (9) the estimated  profitability of Heritage and the Subadvisers under their
respective agreements, when available.

With respect to the approval of the Agreements, the Board considered all factors
it believed relevant, including:  (1) the nature, extent and quality of services
provided to each Fund; (2) the investment  performance  of  each  Fund;  (3) the
costs  of  the services provided to each Fund and the profits realized or to  be
realized by  Heritage,  the  Subadvisers  (to  the  extent  such information was
provided  by  the  Subadvisers)  and  their  respective  affiliates  from  their
relationship with the Fund; (4) the extent to which economies of scale have been
realized  as  the  Fund  grows;  (5)  whether the level of fees  reflects  those
economies  of  scale  for  the benefit of Fund  investors;  (6)  comparisons  of
services and fees with contracts  entered  into  by  Heritage and the subadviser
with  other  clients (such as pension funds and other institutional  investors);
and (7) any other  benefits  derived or anticipated to be derived by Heritage or
the Subadviser from its relationship with the Fund.  Because Heritage's fee is a
combined fee covering investment advisory and administration fees, the Board did
not consider a comparison of Heritage's  advisory  fee relative to other similar

ALL FUNDS.  The following discussion sets forth key  factors  the  Board  should
consider with respect to the renewal of the Agreements for all Funds:

NATURE,  EXTENT AND QUALITY OF SERVICES. The Board considered that Heritage  and
the Subadvisers  are  experienced  in  serving  as  an  investment  adviser  and
subadviser for the Funds and for accounts comparable to the Funds they advise.

In  addition,  the  Board  noted  that  Heritage provides investment management,
administration,  transfer  agent  and fund accounting  services  to  each  Fund.
Heritage also is responsible for the selection and monitoring of subadvisers for
the Funds, oversight of compliance  with Fund policies and objectives, review of
brokerage  matters,  oversight  of Fund  compliance  with  applicable  law,  and
implementation of Board directives  as  they  relate  to  the  Funds.   Heritage
provides advisory services to one other non-investment company client.  Finally,
the  Board noted that shareholders in each Fund have a broad range of investment
choices available to them, including a wide choice among mutual funds offered by
competitors to Heritage, and that each Fund's shareholders, with the opportunity
to review  and  weigh  the disclosure provided by the Fund in its prospectus and
other public disclosures,  have  chosen  to  invest  in  that  Fund,  managed by

With  respect  to  the  Subadvisers,  each  Subadviser is responsible for making
investment  decisions  on behalf of its Fund and  placing  all  orders  for  the
purchase and sale of investments for the Fund with brokers or dealers.

INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE.   The  Board  considered  the  short-, intermediate- and
long-term  performance  of  each  Fund Class A shares relative  to  the  average
performance  of  its  peer  group  based   on   Morningstar's  average  category
("Morningstar Average") and its benchmark index for  the  period  ended June 30,
2006.  The Board also considered the performance of the Subadviser  relative  to
its other accounts to the extent such information was available.

COSTS,  PROFITABILITY  AND  ECONOMIES  OF  SCALE.  The Board considered the fees
payable  under  each  Agreement.   In  this  connection,   the  Board  evaluated
Heritage's and, to the extent information was available, each Subadviser's costs
and profitability in providing services to the applicable Funds.   Based  on the
fact  that  each  Subadviser  represented that its fee is competitive, the Board
determined that each Subadviser's  costs  and  profitability  generally are less
significant to the Board's evaluation of the fees and expenses paid by the Funds
than Heritage's management fee and profitability and the Fund's  overall expense

The  Board  also examined the advisory fees paid by each Fund in light  of  fees
paid by comparable  mutual  funds.  In this connection, the Board considered the
management fee and the expense  ratio  for  each  Fund  compared  to the average
management fee and expense ratio of its peer group for the period ended June 30,
2006, as discussed further below with respect to each Fund.

The Board also considered that each Fund's management fee structure provides for
breakpoints, that is, a reduction of the applicable advisory fee rate  as assets


increase.  The Board considered that Heritage had undertaken contractual expense
limitations with respect to each Fund (except Mid Cap?) 2007 fiscal year,  which
are subject to renewal by the Board and Heritage on an annual basis.

The  Board  considered  that  each Fund may benefit from economies of scale, and
shareholders may realize such economies  of  scale, through (1) reduced advisory
and administration fees achieved when a Fund's asset size reaches breakpoints in
the fee schedules instituted by Heritage; (2)  increased  services to the Funds,
(3)  the  waivers and/or reimbursements Heritage provides as  a  result  of  the
contractual  expense limitations on each Fund's total operating expenses, or (4)
fee or expense  reductions  that  may  result from the operation of the transfer
agent agreement.

BENEFITS.   In evaluating Heritage's and  each  Subadviser's  compensation,  the
Board  considered  other  benefits  that  may  be  realized  by  Heritage,  each
Subadviser  and  their  respective  affiliates  from their relationship with the
Funds.  In this connection, the Board noted, among  other  things, that Heritage
also serves as the transfer agent and fund accountant for the  Funds,  receiving
compensation for acting in these capacities, and is responsible for, among other
things, coordinating the Funds' audits, financial statements and tax returns and
managing expenses and budgeting for the Funds.

In  addition,  the Board recognized that Eagle and Awad, affiliates of Heritage,
serve as subadvisers  to  certain  Funds and, and as such, receive advisory fees
that are paid by Heritage out of the fees that it earns from the Funds.

The Board also recognized that RJA, another affiliate of Heritage, serves as the
principal underwriter and distributor  for the Funds, and as such, receives Rule
12b-1  payments from the Funds to compensate  them  for  providing  service  and
distribution activities, which could lead to growth in the Funds' assets and the
corresponding  benefits of that growth, including economies of scale and greater
diversification.   In  addition, another Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.,
another affiliate of Heritage,  has  entered  into an agreement with RJA to sell
fund shares and receives compensation from RJA.

FUND  SPECIFIC.   The  following discussion sets forth  key  factors  the  Board
considered with respect  to  the  renewal of the Agreement that is applicable to
the specific Fund noted below:

CAPITAL APPRECIATION.  In considering the renewal of the Agreement as it relates
to Capital Appreciation, the Board  considered the following additional factors:
(1) Heritage oversees and monitors the  performance and services provided by the
Fund's Subadviser; (2) the Fund's expense  ratio  was  less than the average for
its peer group; (3) the Fund's expense ratio has dropped  over  the last several
years  due to increased economies of scale; (4) Heritage added "breakpoints"  to
its advisory  fees  sufficient  to pass on any economies of scale it realizes to
shareholders; (5) Heritage's commitment  to continue the expense cap arrangement
through the Fund's 2007 fiscal year; and (6)  Heritage's profits on the services
it  provided  to the Fund are reasonable in light  of  the  fact  that  Heritage
provides quality  services to investors, manages the Fund's assets, and provides
a comprehensive compliance program for the Fund.


In considering the  renewal  of  the  Subadvisory Agreement with GSAM, the Board
considered  the following additional factors:  (1)  the  Fund  outperformed  its
Morningstar Average  for  the  1,  3, 5 and 10 year periods and outperformed its
benchmark index for the 1 and 10 year periods; (2) the Fund's 4-star Morningstar
rating; (3) GSAM has represented that  the  Fund's  fee  schedule  is lower than
those standard fees charged to other institutional clients but does not have any
clients  with  similar  investment objectives and asset levels; (4) the  average
industry experience of GSAM's  investment  advisory  team;  and  (5)  Heritage's
recommendation to continue to retain GSAM to manage the Fund.

GROWTH  AND  INCOME.   In  considering  the  renewal of the Agreement, the Board
considered the following additional factors: (1)  Heritage oversees and monitors
the performance and services provided by the Fund's  Subadviser;  (2)  the  Fund
outperformed its Morningstar Average and its benchmark index for the 1, 3 and  5
year  periods;  (3) the Fund's 3-star Morningstar rating; (4) the Fund's expense
ratio (including  the  cap) was competitive with the average for its peer group;
(5) Heritage added a "breakpoint" to its advisory fees sufficient to pass on any
economies of scale it realizes  to  shareholders;  (6)  Heritage's commitment to
continue the expense cap arrangement through the Fund's 2007  fiscal  year;  (7)
Heritage incurred losses on the operation of the Fund; and (8) Heritage provides
quality services to investors, manages the Fund's assets, monitors and evaluates
the  performance  of  the  subadviser,  and  provides a comprehensive compliance
program for the Fund.

DIVERSIFIED GROWTH.  In considering the renewal  of  the  Agreement,  the  Board
considered  the following additional factors: (1) Heritage oversees and monitors
the performance  and  services provided by the Fund's Subadviser; (2) the Fund's
expense ratio is less than  the  average  for its peer group; (3) Heritage added
two additional "breakpoints" to its advisory  fees  sufficient  to  pass  on any
economies  of  scale  it  realizes to shareholders; (4) the Fund's expense ratio
continues  to  decline  as the  size  of  the  Fund  increases;  (5)  Heritage's
commitment to continue the  expense  cap  arrangement  through  the  Fund's 2007
fiscal year; and (6) Heritage's profit on the services it provided to  the  Fund
is  reasonable  in  light of the fact that Heritage provides quality services to
investors, manages the  Fund's assets, monitors and evaluates the performance of
the subadviser, and provides a comprehensive compliance program for the Fund.

In considering the renewal  of  the  Subadvisory Agreement with Eagle, the Board
considered the following additional factors:  (1)  the  Fund  underperformed its
Morningstar  Average  and  benchmark  index  for  the  1 and 3 year periods  but
outperformed  both  for  the  5 year period; (2) the Fund's  3-star  Morningstar
rating; (3) the Fund's performance  was  lower  than  the  performance  of other
accounts  with  similar  objectives  managed  by Eagle for 2004, 2005 and the  6
months ended June 2006; (4) Eagle's representation  that  it  has no mutual fund
clients with comparable investment objectives, however the fees paid by the Fund
are less than the fee charged for a standard institutional equity  account;  (5)
the  average  industry  experience  of Eagle's investment advisory team; and (6)
Heritage's recommendation to continue to retain Eagle in managing the Fund.


INTERNATIONAL EQUITY.  In considering  the  renewal  of the Agreement, the Board
considered the following additional factors: (1) Heritage  oversees and monitors
the  performance and services provided by the Fund's Subadviser;  (2)  the  Fund
outperformed  its  Morningstar  Average for the 1, 3 and 5 year periods; (3) the
Fund outperformed its benchmark index  for  the 1 year period, matched for the 3
year period and underperformed for the 5 year  period;  (4)  the  Fund's  3-star
Morningstar  rating;  (5) the Fund's expense ratio (including the cap) is higher
than  the  average  of  its   peer   group,  although  when  compared  to  other
international funds of similar asset size,  the  Fund's  expense  ratio  appears
competitive; (6) Heritage added an additional "breakpoint" to its advisory  fees
sufficient  to  pass  on any economies of scale it realizes to shareholders; (7)
Heritage's commitment to continue the expense cap arrangement through the Fund's
2007 fiscal year; (8) until this year, Heritage incurred losses on the operation
of the Fund; and (9) Heritage  provides  quality  services to investors, manages
the Fund's assets, monitors and evaluates the performance of the subadviser, and
provides a comprehensive compliance program for the Fund.

MID CAP.  In considering the renewal of the Agreement,  the Board considered the
following additional factors: (1) Heritage oversees and monitors the performance
and services provided by the Fund's Subadviser; (2) the Fund's expense ratio was
less  than  the  average  of its peer group; (3) Heritage added  two  additional
"breakpoints" to its advisory  fees sufficient to pass on any economies of scale
it realizes to shareholders; (4)  the  Fund's expense ratio continues to decline
as the size of the Fund increases; and (5)  Heritage's profit on the services it
provided to the Fund is reasonable in light of  the  fact that Heritage provides
quality services to investors, manages the Fund's assets, monitors and evaluates
the  performance  of  the  subadviser,  and provides a comprehensive  compliance
program for the Fund.

In considering the renewal of the Subadvisory  Agreement  with  Eagle, the Board
considered  the  following  additional  factors:  (1) the Fund outperformed  its
Morningstar  Average  for  the  1,  3 and 5 year periods  and  outperformed  its
benchmark index for the 1 year period; (2) the Fund's 4-star Morningstar rating;
(3) the Fund's performance was similar to the performance of other accounts with
similar objectives managed by Eagle over  the  short-term  periods;  (4) Eagle's
representation  that  it  has  no mutual fund clients with comparable investment
objectives, however the fees paid  by the Fund are less than the fee charged for
a standard institutional equity account;  and  (5)  Heritage's recommendation to
continue to retain Eagle to manage the Fund.

SMALL  CAP.   In  considering  the renewal of the Agreement,  the  Board  should
consider the following additional  factors:   (1) Heritage oversees and monitors
the performance and services provided by the Fund's  subadvisers; (2) the Fund's
expense  ratio  was  less  than the average of its peer group;  (3)  the  Fund's
expense ratio continues to decline  as the asset size of the Fund increases; (4)
Heritage's commitment to continue the expense cap arrangement through the Fund's
2007 fiscal year; and (5) Heritage's  profit  on the services it provided to the
Fund is reasonable in light of the fact that Heritage  provides quality services
to investors, manages the Fund's assets, monitors and evaluates  the performance
of the subadviser, and provides a comprehensive compliance program for the Fund.


In considering the renewal of the Subadvisory Agreement with Awad and Eagle, the
Board considered the following additional factors: (1) the Fund outperformed its
Morningstar  Average  for  the  3, 5 and 10 year periods but underperformed  its
benchmark index for the 1, 3, 5 and  10  year  periods;  (2)  the  Fund's 4-star
Morningstar rating; (3) the Fund's performance was lower than the performance of
other  accounts  with  similar  objectives  managed  by Eagle over shorter  term
periods but slightly higher in longer periods; (4) the  Fund's  performance  was
better than the performance of other accounts with similar objectives managed by
Awad  over  a shorter period but trailed those accounts over the longer periods;
(5) Eagle's representation  that  the  Fund  pays a lower fee than Eagle's other
institutional  clients  with  comparable  investment  objective;  (6)  Awad  has
represented that the Fund pays less fees than  other  institutional clients with
the exception of one client which pays Awad a base fee  lower  than  the  Fund's
fee, but Awad is eligible to earn an incentive fee from this account which could
raise  the  fee  above  the  Fund's  fee; (7) the average industry experience of
Eagle's investment advisory team; and  (8) Heritage's recommendation to continue
to retain Awad and Eagle to manage the Fund.

HIGH YIELD.  In considering the renewal  of  the Agreement, the Board considered
the  following  additional  factors:  (1) Heritage  oversees  and  monitors  the
performance  and  services  provided by the  Fund's  subadviser;  (2)  the  Fund
underperformed its Morningstar  Average  for  the  1,  3  and 5 year periods but
outperformed for the 10 year period; (3) the Fund underperformed  its  benchmark
index  for  the 3, 5 and 10 year periods but outperformed for the 1 year period;
(4)  the  Fund's  3-star  Morningstar  rating;  (4)  the  Fund's  expense  ratio
(including  the  cap)  was less than the average of its peer group; (5) Heritage
added a "breakpoint" to its advisory fees sufficient to pass on any economies of
scale it realizes to shareholders;  (6)  Heritage's  commitment  to continue the
expense  cap  arrangement  through  the  Fund's  2007  fiscal year; (7) Heritage
incurred losses on the operation of the Fund; and (8) Heritage  provides quality
services  to  investors,  manages the Fund's assets, monitors and evaluates  the
performance of the subadviser,  and  provides a comprehensive compliance program
for the Fund.

CORE  EQUITY FUND.  In considering the  renewal  of  the  Agreement,  the  Board
considered  the following additional factors: (1) Heritage oversees and monitors
the performance and services provided by the Fund's subadviser; (2) Heritage has
agreed to a cap  on  the  expense  ratio  in an effort to bring it closer to the
ratios of its peer funds; (3) the relatively  new  status  of  this Fund and the
aggressive  marketing undertaken by Heritage; (4) the Fund's expense  ratio  has
shown a trend toward declining as the size of the Fund increases; (5) Heritage's
commitment to  continue  the  expense  cap  arrangement  through the Fund's 2007
fiscal year; (6) Heritage incurred losses on the operation  of the Fund; and (7)
Heritage  provides  quality  services to investors, manages the  Fund's  assets,
monitors  and  evaluates the performance  of  the  subadviser,  and  provides  a
comprehensive compliance program for the Fund.

In considering the  renewal  of  the Subadvisory Agreement with Eagle, the Board
considered the following additional  factors:  (1)  the  Fund underperformed its
Morningstar  Average  and  its benchmark index for the 1 year  period;  (2)  the


Fund's performance was lower than the performance of other accounts with similar
objectives managed by Eagle  for  the relatively short life of the Fund; (3) the
Fund's relatively short-track record;  (4) Eagle's representation that no mutual
fund clients with comparable investment  objectives  pay  a  lower  fee; (5) the
average  industry  experience  of  Eagle's  investment  advisory  team; and  (6)
Heritage's recommendation to continue to retain Eagle to manage the Fund.

CONCLUSIONS.  Based on these considerations, the Board concluded with respect to
each Fund that: (1) the Fund was reasonably likely to benefit from  the  nature,
quality  and  extent of Heritage's and each Subadviser's services, as applicable
to a Fund; (2)  the  Fund's  performance  was  satisfactory  in light of all the
factors  considered  by  the Board; (3) the profits and fees payable  under  the
Agreement  to Heritage were  reasonable  in  the  context  of  all  the  factors
considered by  the  Board;  (4) each Subadviser's fee rate was reasonable in the
context  of all the factors considered  by  the  Board;  (5)  the  advisory  fee
structure  provides  Fund  shareholders with reasonable benefits associated with
economies of scale; (6) the Fund is reasonably likely to benefit from Heritage's
and,  as  applicable,  the  Subadviser's   investment   process,  personnel  and
operations; (7) Heritage and each Subadviser each have the  resources to provide
the  services  and  to  carry out their responsibilities under their  respective
Agreements;  and (8) Heritage  and  each  Subadviser  have  adequate  compliance


                                                                    EXHIBIT __


     The table below lists the name,  address and  principal  occupation  of the
principal  executive  officers and each director or general partner of Heritage,
as well as the Fund officers and Trustees who have a position with Heritage.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name and Address                              Principal Occupation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephen G. Hill                               Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             President, April 1989-March 2000 and November 2005-
Florida 33716                                     present
                                                  Director, December 1994-present

                                              Heritage Mutual Funds
                                                  President, November 2005-present

                                              Eagle Asset Management, Inc.
                                                  President and Chief Operating Officer, April 2000-present
                                                  Director, January 1995-present

                                              Awad Asset Management, Inc.
                                                  President and Chief Executive Officer, December 1999-
                                                  April 2001 and August 2004-present
                                                  Director, October 1998-present

                                              Heritage Fund Distributors, Inc.
                                                  Director, November 2005-present

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenneth C. Clark                              Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer,
Florida 33716                                     October 2000-present
                                                  Director, November 2005-present
                                                  Chief Compliance Officer, October 2004-September 2005

                                              Heritage Mutual Funds
                                                  Executive Vice President and Principal Executive Officer,
                                                  October 2000-present
                                                  Chief Compliance Officer, October 2004-September 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard J. Rossi                              Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             Executive Vice President, November 2005-present
Florida 33716                                     Director, November 2005-present

                                              Heritage Fund Distributors, Inc.
                                                  President, November 2005-present
                                                  Director, November 2005-present

                                              Eagle Asset Management, Inc.
                                                  Executive Vice President, October 2000-present
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrea N. Mullins                             Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             Vice President, December 1996-present
Florida 33716                                     Treasurer, May 2003-present

                                              Heritage Mutual Funds
                                                  Treasurer, May 2003-present
                                                  Secretary, May 2004-present
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mathew J. Calabro                             Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             Senior Vice President, June 2005-present
Florida 33716                                     Chief Compliance Officer, October 2005-present
                                                  Vice President, December 1996-May 2005

                                              Heritage Mutual Funds
                                                  Chief Compliance Officer, October 2005-present
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard K. Riess                              Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             Chief Executive Officer, April 2000-present
Florida 33716                                     Director, June 1985-present

                                              Eagle Asset Management, Inc.
                                                  Chief Executive Officer, October 1996-present
                                                  Director, July 1988-present

                                              Raymond James Financial, Inc.
                                                  Executive Vice President, Managing Director Asset Management
                                                  Group, May 1998-present

                                              Heritage Mutual Funds
                                                  Trustee, June 1985-present
                                                  President, October 2000-November 2005
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jeffrey P. Julien                             Heritage Asset Management, Inc.
880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg,             Director, June 1985-present
Florida 33716
                                              Raymond James Financial, Inc.
                                                  Senior V.P./Finance and Chief Financial Officer,
                                                  August 1983-present
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                              SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT

         This  Subadvisory  Agreement is made as of ________  __, ____,  between
Heritage Asset  Management,  Inc., a Florida  corporation (the  "Manager"),  and
Goldman, Sachs & Co. ("Goldman"),  a New York limited partnership,  on behalf of
Goldman  Sachs  Asset  Management  L.P.,  a  business  unit  of  the  Investment
Management Division of Goldman (the "Subadviser").

         WHEREAS,  the Manager has by separate  contract  agreed to serve as the
investment  adviser and  administrator  to Heritage Capital  Appreciation  Trust
("Trust"),  a  Massachusetts  business  trust  registered  under the  Investment
Company  Act of 1940,  as  amended  ("1940  Act"),  as an  open-end  diversified
management  investment company consisting of one or more investment  portfolios,
each having its own assets and investment policies;

         WHEREAS,  the  Manager's  contract with the Trust allows it to delegate
certain investment advisory services for the Trust to other parties; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Manager  desires  to retain  the  Subadviser  to perform
certain investment  advisory services for the Trust with respect to its existing
portfolio and such other  portfolios  as the Trust and the Manager;  shall agree
upon and so specify from time to time in one or more Schedules  attached  hereto
(collectively,  the "Portfolios"), and the Subadviser is willing to perform such

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:


                  (a) INVESTMENT PROGRAM. Subject to the control and supervision
         of the Board of Trustees of the Trust and the Manager,  the  Subadviser
         shall,  at its  expense,  continuously  furnish  to the  Portfolios  an
         investment program for such portion,  if any, of Portfolio assets which
         is allocated  to it by the Manager  from time to time.  With respect to
         such assets,  the Subadviser  will make  investment  decisions and will
         place all orders for the purchase and sale of portfolio securities.  In
         the  performance  of its duties,  the  Subadviser  will act in the best
         interests of the Portfolios  and will comply with (i)  applicable  laws
         and regulations,  including, but not limited to, the 1940 Act, (ii) the
         terms  of  this  Agreement,  (iii)  the  stated  investment  objective,
         policies  and  restrictions  of  the  Portfolios,   as  stated  in  the
         then-current  Registration  Statement of the Trust, and (iv) such other
         guidelines as the Trustees or Manager may establish.  The Manager shall
         be responsible  for providing the Subadviser with current copies of the
         materials specified in Subsections (a)(iii) and (iv) of this Section 1.

                  At such time as will be  reasonably  requested by the Board or
         the  Manager,  the  Subadviser  will  provide  them with  economic  and
         investment  analysis and reports,  and make  available to the Board any
         economical,  statistical of investment  services normally  available to
         similar investment company clients of the Subadviser.

                  (b) AVAILABILITY OF PERSONNEL. The Subadviser, at its expense,
         will make available to the Trustees and the Manager at reasonable times
         its  portfolio  managers  and other  appropriate  personnel in order to
         review  investment  policies of the  Portfolios and to consult with the
         Trustees  and the  Manager  regarding  the  investment  affairs  of the
         Portfolios,  including  economic,  statistical  and investment  matters
         relevant  to  the  Subadviser's  duties  hereunder,  and  will  provide
         periodic reports to the Manager relating to the portfolio strategies it

                  (c) SALARIES AND FACILITIES.  The Subadviser,  at its expense,
         will pay for all salaries of personnel and  facilities  required for it
         to execute its duties under this Agreement.

                  (d) COMPLIANCE REPORTS. The Subadviser,  at its expense,  will
         provide the Manager with such compliance reports relating to its duties
         under this Agreement as may be agreed upon by such parties from time to

                  (e) VALUATION.  The Subadviser,  at its expense,  will provide
         the Trust's  fund  accountant  or  custodian,  as the case may be, with
         market price  information  relating to the assets of the Portfolios for
         which the  Subadviser has  responsibility  at such times as the parties
         hereto may agree upon from time to time.

                  (f) EXECUTING  PORTFOLIO  TRANSACTIONS.  The  Subadviser  will
         place  orders  pursuant  to its  investment  determinations  for  each.
         Portfolio either directly with the issuer or through other brokers.  In
         the  selection of brokers and the  placement of orders for the purchase
         and sale of portfolio  investments for the  Portfolios,  the Subadviser
         shall  use its best  efforts  to  obtain  for the  Portfolios  the most
         favorable price and execution available, except to the extent it may be
         permitted  to  pay  higher  brokerage  commissions  for  brokerage  and
         research  services as  described  below.  In using its best  efforts to
         obtain  the  most  favorable   price  and  execution   available,   the
         Subadviser,  bearing in mind the Trust's  best  interests at all times,
         shall  consider  all  factors it deems  relevant,  including  by way of
         illustration,  price,  the size of the  transaction,  the nature of the
         market for the security,  the amount of the  commission,  the timing of
         the  transaction  taking into  account  market  prices and trends,  the
         reputation,  experience and financial  stability of the broker involved
         and  the   quality  of  service   rendered   by  the  broker  in  other
         transactions.  Subject to such  policies as the Board of  Trustees  may
         determine,  the Subadviser shall not be deemed to have acted unlawfully
         or to have  breached  any duty  created by this  Agreement or otherwise
         solely by reason of its having  caused a Portfolio to pay a broker that
         provides brokerage and research services to the Subadviser an amount of
         commission for effecting a portfolio  investment  transaction in excess
         of the amount of  commission  another  broker  would have  charged  for
         effecting that  transaction if the Subadviser  determines in good faith
         that such amount of commission  was reasonable in relation to the value
         of the brokerage and research services provided by such broker,  viewed
         in terms of either  that  particular  transaction  or the  Subadviser's
         overall responsibilities with respect to the Trust and to other clients
         of the  Subadviser  as to which  the  Subadviser  exercises  investment
         discretion.  In no instance will portfolio  securities of any Portfolio
         be purchased from or sold to the Subadviser or any affiliated person of
         the Subadviser.  The Trust agrees that any entity or person  associated


         with the  Manager  or the  Subadviser  that is a member  of a  national
         securities  exchange is  authorized to effect any  transaction  on such
         exchange  for the  account  of the Trust that is  permitted  by Section
         11(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Trust
         consents to the retention of compensation for such transactions.

                  (g) EXPENSES. The Subadviser shall not be obligated to pay any
         expenses of or for the Trust not  expressly  assumed by the  Subadviser
         pursuant to this Agreement.

         2.       BOOKS AND RECORDS.  Pursuant to Rule 3la-3 under the 1940 Act,
the Subadviser agrees  that:  (a) all records it maintains for the Trust are the
property  of the  Trust;  (b) it will  surrender  promptly  to the  Trust or the
Manager any such  records  upon the Trust's or  Manager's  request;  (c) it will
maintain  for the  Trust the  records  that the Trust is  required  to  maintain
pursuant to Rule 3la-1 insofar as such records relate to the investment  affairs
of the  Portfolios  for which  the  Subadviser  has  responsibility  under  this
Agreement;  and (d) it will  preserve for the periods  prescribed  by Rule 31a-2
under the 1940 Act the records it maintains for the Trust.

         3.       OTHER AGREEMENTS.  The Subadviser and persons controlled by or
under common control with the Subadviser have and may have advisory,  management
service or other agreements with other  organizations and persons,  and may have
other  interests  and  businesses.  Nothing in this  Agreement  is  intended  to
preclude such other business relationships.

         4.       COMPENSATION.  The  Manager  will  pay  to  the  Subadviser as
compensation for the Subadviser's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a
subadvisory  fee as set forth in Schedule A, which schedule can be modified from
time to time to reflect changes in annual rates or the addition or deletion of a
Portfolio from this Agreement,  subject to appropriate approvals required by the
1940 Act.  Such fees shall be paid by the Manager  (and not by the Trust).  Such
fees shall be payable for each month  within 15  business  days after the end of
such month.  If the  Subadviser  shall serve for less than the whole of a month,
the compensation as specified shall be prorated.

         5.       ASSIGNMENT  AND   AMENDMENT  OF  AGREEMENT.   This   Agreement
automatically shall terminate without the payment of any penalty in the event of
its assignment. No material amendment of this Agreement shall be effective until
approved  by the  majority  of the  members of the Board who are not  interested
persons of the Trust ("Independent  Trustee",  the Manager or the Subadviser and
the shareholders of the affected Portfolio(s) to the extent required by the 1940
Act. The Subadviser agrees to notify the Manager of any change in control of the
Subadviser before such change.

         6.       DURATION AND  TERMINATION OF  THE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement
shall  become  effective  upon  its  execution;  provided,  however,  that  this
Agreement shall not become  effective with respect to any Portfolio now existing
or  hereafter  created  unless it has first been  approved  (a) by a vote of the
Independent  Trustees,  cast in person at a meeting  called  for the  purpose of
voting on such  approval,  and (b) by an  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting shares of that Portfolio. This Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect  continuously  thereafter without the payment of any penalty as


                  (a) By vote of a majority of the (i) Independent  Trustees, or
         (ii) outstanding voting shares of the applicable Portfolios,  the Trust
         may at any time  terminate  this  Agreement  with respect to any or all
         Portfolios by providing not less than 60 days' written notice delivered
         or mailed by registered mail,  postage prepaid,  to the Manager and the

                  (b) This Agreement will terminate  automatically  with respect
         to a Portfolio unless,  within one year after its initial effectiveness
         with respect to such  Portfolio and at least annually  thereafter,  the
         continuance of the Agreement is specifically  approved by (i) the Board
         of Trustees or the  shareholders  of such Portfolio by the  affirmative
         vote of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of such  Portfolio,  and
         (ii) a majority of the Independent  Trustees, by vote cast in person at
         a meeting  called for the  purpose of voting on such  approval.  If the
         continuance of this Agreement is submitted to the  shareholders  of any
         Portfolio for their approval and such shareholders fail to approve such
         continuance  as provided  herein,  the Subadviser may continue to serve
         hereunder  in a manner  consistent  with the 1940 Act and the rules and
         regulations thereunder.

                  (c) The Manager may at any time  terminate this Agreement with
         respect  to any or all  Portfolios  by not less  than 60 days'  written
         notice delivered or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid,  to the
         Subadviser, and the Subadviser may at any time terminate this Agreement
         with respect to any or all Portfolios by not less than 90 days' written
         notice delivered or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid,  to the

                  (d)  This  Agreement   automatically   and  immediately   will
         terminate in the event of its assignment.

         Upon  termination of this Agreement with respect to any Portfolio,  the
duties of the Manager  delegated to the  Subadviser  under this  Agreement  with
respect to such Portfolio automatically shall revert to the Manager.

         7.       NOTIFICATION OF  THE  MANAGER.  The Subadviser  promptly shall
notify the Manager in writing of the occurrence of any of the following events:

                  (a)  the  Subadviser   shall  fail  to  be  registered  as  an
         investment  adviser  under  the  Investment  Advisers  Act of 1940,  as
         amended, and under the laws of any jurisdiction in which the Subadviser
         is  required  to be  registered  as an  investment  adviser in order to
         perform its obligations under this Agreement;

                  (b) the  Subadviser  shall have been served or otherwise  have
         notice of any action, suit,  proceeding,  inquiry or investigation,  at
         law or in  equity,  before  or by any  court,  public  board  or  body,
         involving the affairs of the Trust or any Portfolio; or

                  (c) any other  occurrence that might affect the ability of the
         Subadviser to provide the services provided for under this Agreement.

         8.       DEFINITIONS.  For  the purposes of  this Agreement, the  terms
"vote of a majority of the outstanding  shares," "affiliated person," "control,"
"interested  person" and "assignment"  shall have their  respective  meanings as
defined  in the 1940  Act and the  rules  and  regulations  thereunder  subject,


however,  to such  exemptions as may be granted by the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  under said Act; and  references to annual  approvals by the Board of
Trustees  shall be  construed in a manner  consistent  with the 1940 Act and the
rules and regulations thereunder.

         9.       LIABILITY OF THE SUBADVISER.  In the  absence of  its  willful
misfeasance,   bad  faith,   gross  negligence  or  reckless  disregard  of  its
obligations  and duties  hereunder,  the Subadviser  shall not be subject to any
liability to the Manager,  the Trust or their directors,  Trustees,  officers or
shareholders,  for any act or  omission  in the  course of, or  connected  with,
rendering services hereunder.  However,  the Subadviser shall indemnify and hold
harmless such parties from any and all claims, losses, expenses, obligations and
liabilities  (including  reasonable  attorneys  fees) which arise or result from
Subadviser's  willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence  or  reckless
disregard of its duties hereunder.

         10.      GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Florida, without giving effect to the conflicts of
laws principles thereof, and in accordance with the 1940 Act. To the extent that
the  applicable  laws of the  State of  Florida  conflict  with  the  applicable
provisions of the 1940 Act, the latter shall control.

         11.      MASSACHUSETTS BUSINESS TRUST.  Subadviser hereby  acknowledges
that,  although this  Agreement is executed by an officer  and/or trustee of the
Trust,  the  obligations  of this  Agreement  are not  binding  upon any of them
individually  or upon  the  Trust's  shareholders  individually;  rather,  these
obligations are binding only upon the assets and property of the Trust.

         12.      SEVERABILITY.  If  any  provision of  this Agreement  shall be
held or made  invalid  by a court  decision,  statute,  rule or  otherwise,  the
remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.  This Agreement shall
be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their
respective successors.

         13.      MISCELLANEOUS. The captions in this Agreement are included for
convenience  of  reference  only  and in no way  define  or  delimit  any of the
provisions  hereof or otherwise affect their  construction or effect.  Where the
effect of a  requirement  of the 1940 Act  reflected  in any  provision  of this
Agreement  is made  less  restrictive  by a rule,  regulation  or  order  of the
Securities and Exchange Commission, whether special or general application, such
provision  shall be deemed to incorporate  the effect of such rule regulation or

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Heritage Asset Management,  Inc. and Goldman, Sachs
& Co., on behalf of Goldman  Sachs Asset  Management  L.P. have each caused this
instrument  to be  signed in  duplicate  on its  behalf  by its duly  authorized
representative, all as of the day and year first above written.

Attest:                                   HERITAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.

By:_____________________________          By: _______________________________

Attest:                                   GOLDMAN, SACHS & Co., on behalf of
                                          GOLDMAN SACHS ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P.

By:_____________________________          By: _______________________________


                                   SCHEDULE A
                                     TO THE
                              SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT
                         HERITAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.
                              GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO.

         As  compensation  pursuant  to section 4 of the  Subadvisory  Agreement
between Heritage Asset Management, Inc. (the "Manager") and Goldman, Sachs & Co.
("Goldman"),  on behalf of Goldman Sachs Asset  Management L.P., a business unit
of the Investment  Management Division a division of Goldman (the "Subadviser"),
the Manager  shall pay the  Subadviser  a  subadvisory  fee,  computed  and paid
monthly,  at the  following  percentage  rates of the Trust's  average daily net
assets under management by the Subadviser:

(1) For the Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust: ___%

Dated: _________ __, _______

                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                              SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT
                            HERITAGE _________ TRUST

         Agreement made as of _________ __, ___ between Heritage Asset
Management, Inc., a Florida corporation (the "Manager"), and Eagle Asset
Management, Inc., a Florida corporation (the "Subadviser").

         WHEREAS, the Manager has by separate contract agreed to serve as the
investment adviser and administrator to the Heritage ___________ Trust
("Trust"), a Massachusetts business trust engaged in business as an open-end
diversified management investment company that is so registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940 ("1940 Act");

         WHEREAS, the Manager's contract with the Trust allows it to delegate
certain investment advisory services for the Trust to other parties; and

         WHEREAS, the Manager desires to retain the Subadviser to perform
certain investment advisory services for the Trust and the Subadviser is willing
to perform such services;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein
contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:


         (a) Subject always to the control of the Trustees and Manager of the
Trust, the Subadviser, at its expense, will furnish continuously an investment
program for the Trust. The Subadviser will make investment decisions on behalf
of the Trust and place all orders for the purchase and sale of portfolio
securities. In the performance of its duties, the Subadviser will comply with
the provisions of this Agreement and the Trust's Declaration of Trust, Bylaws
and Registration Statement as from time to time amended, any relevant
undertakings provided to State securities regulators, and the stated investment
objective, policies and restrictions of the Trust, and will use its best efforts

to safeguard and promote the welfare of the Trust, and to comply with other
policies which the Trustees or the Manager, as the case may be, may from time to
time determine, and shall exercise the same care and diligence as are expected
of the Trustees.

         (b) The Subadviser, at its expense, will make available its officers
and advisory and other personnel, particularly portfolio managers and research
analysts to the Trustees and Manager at reasonable times, to review investment
policies of the Trust and to consult with the Trustees and Manager regarding the
investment affairs of the Trust and economic, statistical and investment matters
relevant to the Subadviser's duties hereunder and will provide periodic reports
to the Manager relating to the portfolio strategies it employs.

         (c) The Subadviser, at its expense, will furnish all salaries of
personnel and facilities to provide for the efficient conduct of the investment
affairs of the Trust, such affairs to include the monitoring of the portfolio
accounting services provided by the Trust's custodian.

         (d) The Subadviser, at its expense, also will provide the Manager with
compliance reports relating to the Trust's investment operations, including
regular, periodic reports which monitor investment restrictions and other
guidelines of the Trust's prospectus and statement of additional information,
and such other compliance reports as may be agreed upon from time to time.

         (e) The Subadviser, at its expense, also will provide the Trust's
custodian bank with market price information relating to portfolio instruments
on a daily basis.

         (f) In the selection of brokers or dealers and the placement of orders
for the purchase and sale of portfolio investments for the Trust, the Subadviser
shall use its best efforts to obtain for the Trust the most favorable price and
execution available, except to the extent it may be permitted to pay higher
brokerage commissions for brokerage and research services as described below. In
using its best efforts to obtain the most favorable price and execution
available, the Subadviser, bearing in mind the Trust's best interests at all


times, shall consider all factors it deems relevant, including by way of
illustration, price, the size of the transaction, the nature of the market for
the security, the amount of the commission, the timing of the transaction taking
into account market prices and trends, the reputation, experience and financial
stability of the broker or dealer involved and the quality of service rendered
by the broker or dealer in other transactions. Subject to such policies as the
Trustees of the Trust may determine, the Subadviser shall not be deemed to have
acted unlawfully or to have breached any duty created by this Agreement or
otherwise solely by reason of its having caused the Trust to pay a broker or
dealer that provides brokerage and research services to the Subadviser an amount
of commission for effecting a portfolio investment transaction in excess of the
amount of commission another broker or dealer would have charged for effecting
that transaction if the Subadviser determines in good faith that such amount of
commission was reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research
services provided by such broker or dealer, viewed in terms of either that
particular transaction or the Subadviser's overall responsibilities with respect
to the Trust and to other clients of the Subadviser as to which the Subadviser
exercises investment discretion. As provided in the Investment Advisory and
Administration Agreement between the Manager and the Trust referred to in
Section 4 below, the Trust agrees that any entity or person associated with the
Manager which is a member of a national securities exchange is authorized to
effect any transaction on such exchange for the account of the Trust which is
permitted by Section 11(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
(the "1934 Act"), and Rule 11a2-2(T) thereunder, and the Trust has consented to
the retention of compensation for such transactions in accordance with Rule

         (g) The Subadviser shall not be obligated to pay any expenses of or for
the Trust not expressly assumed by the Subadviser pursuant to this Section 1 and
Section 2 hereafter.


         In compliance with the requirements of Rule 31a-3 under the Investment


Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act"), the Subadviser agrees that all records it
maintains for the Trust are the property of the Trust and further agrees to
surrender promptly to the Trust or Manager any such records upon the Trust's or
Manager's request. The Subadviser further agrees to maintain for the Trust the
records the Trust is required to maintain under Rule 31a-l(b) insofar as such
records relate to the investment affairs of the Trust. The Subadviser further
agrees to preserve for the periods prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act
the records it maintains for the Trust.


         It is understood that any of the shareholders, Trustees, officers and
employees of the Trust may be a shareholder, director, officer or employee of,
or be otherwise interested in the Subadviser and in any person controlled by or
under common control with the Subadviser, and that the Subadviser and any Person
controlled by or under common control with the Subadviser may have an interest
in the Trust. It is also understood that the Subadviser and persons controlled
by or under common control with the Subadviser have and may have advisory,
management service or other contracts with other organizations and persons, and
may have other interests and businesses; provided, however, that neither the
Subadviser nor any of its investment adviser affiliates shall undertake to act
as investment adviser or subadviser for any other registered investment company
offered to the general public that is not sponsored by the Subadviser or an
affiliate of the Subadviser except upon not less than 60 days' notice in writing
to the Manager and the Trust.


         The Manager will pay to the Subadviser as compensation for the
Subadviser's services rendered and for the expenses borne by the Subadviser
pursuant to Sections 1 and 2, a fee, computed and paid monthly at an annual rate
equal to 50% of fees payable by the Trust to the Manager under the Investment
Advisory and Administration Agreement between the Manager and the Trust. Such
fee shall be paid by the Manager and not by the Trust without regard to any
reduction in the fees paid to the Manager as a result of any statutory or
regulatory limitation on investment company expenses. Such fee shall be payable
for each month within 10 business days after the end of such month. If the
Subadviser shall serve for less than the whole of a month, the foregoing
compensation shall be prorated.


         This Agreement shall  automatically  terminate,  without the payment of
any  penalty,  in the event of its  assignment.  No material  amendment  of this
Agreement  shall be effective  until  approved by the majority of the members of
the Board who are not  interested  persons  of the  Trust,  the  Manager  or the
Subadviser  and the  shareholders  of the  affected  Portfolio(s)  to the extent
required  by the 1940 Act.  The  Subadviser  agrees to notify the Manager of any
change in control of the Subadviser within a reasonable time after such change.



         This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution, and shall
remain in full force and effect continuously thereafter (unless terminated
automatically as set forth in Section 5) until terminated as follows:

                  (a) The Trust may at any time terminate this Agreement by
         providing not more than 60 days' written notice delivered or mailed by
         registered mail, postage prepaid, to the Manager and the Subadviser; or

                  (b) If (i) the Trustees of the Trust or the shareholders by
         the affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the
         Trust, and (ii) a majority of the Trustees of the Trust who are not
         interested persons of the Trust or of the Manager or of the Subadviser,
         by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on
         such approval, do not specifically approve at least annually the
         continuance of this Agreement, then this Agreement shall automatically
         terminate at the close of business on the second anniversary of its
         execution, or upon the expiration of one year from the effective date
         of the last such continuance, whichever is later; provided, however,
         that if the continuance of this Agreement is submitted to the
         shareholders of the Trust for their approval and such shareholders fail
         to approve such continuance of this Agreement as provided herein, the
         Subadviser may continue to serve hereunder in a manner consistent with
         the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder; or

                  (c) The Manager may at any time terminate this Agreement by
         not less than 60 days' written notice delivered or mailed by registered
         mail, postage prepaid, to the Subadviser, and the Subadviser may at any
         time terminate this Agreement by not less than 90 days' written notice
         delivered or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the


         Action by the Trust under paragraph (a) above may be taken either (i)
by vote of a majority of its Trustees, or (ii) by the affirmative vote of a
majority of the outstanding Shares of the Trust.

         Termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 6 shall be
without the payment of any penalty. Upon termination of this Agreement, the
duties of the Manager delegated to the Subadviser under this Agreement
automatically revert to the Manager.


         The Subadviser shall promptly notify the Manager in writing of the
occurrence of any of the following events: (a) the Subadviser shall fail to be
registered as an investment adviser under the 1940 Act, as amended from time to
time, and under the laws of any jurisdiction in which the Subadviser is required
to be registered as an investment adviser in order to perform its obligations
under this Agreement; (b) the Subadviser shall have been served or otherwise
have notice of any action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation, at law or
in equity, before or by any court, public board or body, involving the affairs
of the Trust; or (c) any other occurrence that might affect the ability of the
Subadviser to provide the services provided for under this Agreement.


         For the purposes of this Agreement, the "affirmative vote of a majority
of the outstanding Shares" means the affirmative vote, at a duly called and held
meeting of shareholders, of the lesser of: (a) the holders of 67% or more of the
Shares present (in person or by proxy) and entitled to vote at such meeting if
the holders of more than 50% of the Shares entitled to vote at such meeting are
present in person or by proxy, or (b) the holders of more than 50% of Shares
entitled to vote at such meeting.

          For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms "affiliated person,"


"control," "interested person" and "assignment" shall have their respective
meanings defined in the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder
subject, however, to such exemptions as may be granted by the Securities and
Exchange Commission under said Act; the term "specifically approve at least
annually" shall be construed in a manner consistent with the 1940 Act and the
rules and regulations thereunder; and the term "brokerage and research services"
shall have the meaning given in the 1934 Act and the rules and regulations


         In the absence of willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on
the part of the Subadviser, or reckless disregard of its obligations and duties
hereunder, the Subadviser shall not be subject to any liability to the Trust, or
to any shareholder of the Trust, for any act or omission in the course of, or
connected with, rendering services hereunder.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Heritage Asset Management, Inc. and Eagle Asset
Management, Inc. have each caused this instrument to be signed in duplicate on
its behalf by its duly authorized representative, all as of the day and year
first above written.

Dated: _________ __

Attest:                                     Heritage Asset MANAGEMENT, INC.

By:                                        By:
   --------------------------------           --------------------------------

Attest:                                    EAGLE ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.

By:                                        By:
   --------------------------------           --------------------------------


                                                                    EXHIBIT __

                             HERITAGE SERIES TRUST
                             SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT

      This  Subadvisory  Agreement  is made as of _________  __,  ____,  between
Heritage Asset  Management,  Inc., a Florida  corporation (the  "Manager"),  and
____________________, a  division of Raymond James & Associates, Inc., a Florida
corporation (the "Subadviser").

      WHEREAS, the Manager has by separate  contract  agreed  to  serve  as  the
investment  adviser  and administrator to the Heritage Series Trust ("Trust"), a
Massachusetts business  trust  registered  under  the  Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended ("1940 Act"), as an open-end diversified  management investment
company consisting of one or more investment series of shares,  each  having its
own assets and investment policies;

      WHEREAS,  the  Manager's  contract  with  the  Trust allows it to delegate
certain investment advisory services for the Trust to other parties; and

      WHEREAS, the Manager desires to retain the Subadviser  to  perform certain
investment  advisory  services  for  the  Trust  with  respect  to  its existing
portfolio  and  such  other portfolios as the Trust and the Manager shall  agree
upon and so specify from  time  to time in one or more Schedules attached hereto
(collectively, the "Portfolios"),  and the Subadviser is willing to perform such

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration  of  the  premises  and  mutual covenants
herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:


            (a)   INVESTMENT PROGRAM.  Subject to the control and supervision of
      the Board of Trustees of the Trust and the Manager, the Subadviser  shall,
      at  its  expense,  continuously  furnish  to  the Portfolios an investment
      program for such portion, if any, of Portfolio  assets  which is allocated
      to it by the Manager from time to time.  With respect to  such assets, the
      Subadviser  will make investment decisions and will place all  orders  for
      the purchase  and sale of portfolio securities.  In the performance of its
      duties, the Subadviser  will  act  in the best interests of the Portfolios
      and will comply with (i) applicable  laws  and regulations, including, but
      not limited to, the 1940 Act, (ii) the terms  of this Agreement, (iii) the
      stated investment objective, policies and restrictions  of the Portfolios,
      and (iv) such other guidelines as the Trustees or Manager  may  establish.
      The Manager shall be responsible for providing the Subadviser with current
      copies of the materials specified in Subsections (a)(iii) and (iv) of this
      Section 1.

            (b)   AVAILABILITY  OF  PERSONNEL.   The Subadviser, at its expense,
      will make available to the Trustees and the  Manager  at  reasonable times
      its portfolio managers and other appropriate personnel in order  to review
      investment policies of the Portfolios and to consult with the Trustees and
      the  Manager regarding the investment affairs of the Portfolios, including

      economic,  statistical and investment matters relevant to the Subadviser's
      duties hereunder,  and  will  provide  periodic  reports  to  the  Manager
      relating to the portfolio strategies it employs.

            (c)   SALARIES AND FACILITIES.  The Subadviser, at its expense, will
      pay  for  all  salaries  of  personnel  and  facilities required for it to
      execute its duties under this Agreement.

            (d)   COMPLIANCE  REPORTS.  The Subadviser,  at  its  expense  will,
      provide the Manager with  such  compliance  reports relating to its duties
      under this Agreement as may be agreed upon by  such  parties  from time to

            (e)   VALUATION.   The Subadviser, at its expense, will provide  the
      Trust's custodian with market  price information relating to the assets of
      the Portfolios for which the Subadviser  has  responsibility at such times
      as the parties hereto may agree upon from time to time.

            (f)   EXECUTING PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS.   The  Subadviser will place
      orders pursuant to its investment determinations for each Portfolio either
      directly with the issuer or through other brokers.  In  the  selection  of
      brokers and the placement of orders for the purchase and sale of portfolio
      investments  for the Portfolios, the Subadviser shall use its best efforts
      to obtain for  the  Portfolios  the  most  favorable  price  and execution
      available,  except  to  the  extent  it  may  be  permitted  to pay higher
      brokerage  commissions  for  brokerage  and research services as described
      below.  In using its best efforts to obtain  the  most favorable price and
      execution  available,  the Subadviser, bearing in mind  the  Trust's  best
      interests at all times,  shall  consider  all  factors  it deems relevant,
      including by way of illustration, price, the size of the  transaction, the
      nature  of the market for the security, the amount of the commission,  the
      timing of  the  transaction  taking into account market prices and trends,
      the reputation, experience and  financial stability of the broker involved
      and the quality of service rendered  by  the broker in other transactions.
      Subject  to  such  policies as the Board of Trustees  may  determine,  the
      Subadviser shall not  be  deemed  to  have  acted  unlawfully  or  to have
      breached  any duty created by this Agreement or otherwise solely by reason
      of its having  caused  a Portfolio to pay a broker that provides brokerage
      and research services to  the  Subadviser  an  amount  of  commission  for
      effecting  a  portfolio  investment transaction in excess of the amount of
      commission  another  broker   would   have   charged  for  effecting  that
      transaction if the Subadviser determines in good faith that such amount of
      commission was reasonable in relation to the value  of  the  brokerage and
      research services provided by such broker, viewed in terms of  either that
      particular  transaction or the Subadviser's overall responsibilities  with
      respect to the  Trust  and  to other clients of the Subadviser as to which
      the  Subadviser exercises investment  discretion.   In  no  instance  will
      portfolio  securities  of  any  Portfolio be purchased from or sold to the
      Subadviser or any affiliated person  of  the Subadviser.  The Trust agrees
      that any entity or person associated with  the  Manager  or the Subadviser
      which  is  a  member  of  a national securities exchange is authorized  to
      effect any transaction on such exchange for the account of the Trust which
      is permitted by Section 11(a)  of  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as


      amended, and Rule lla2-2(T) thereunder, and the Trust has consented to the
      retention of compensation for such transactions  in  accordance  with Rule

            (g)   EXPENSES.   The  Subadviser shall not be obligated to pay  any
      expenses  of or for the Trust not  expressly  assumed  by  the  Subadviser
      pursuant to this Agreement.

      2.    BOOKS  AND  RECORDS.  Pursuant to Rule 31a-3 under the 1940 Act, the
Subadviser agrees that:   (a)  all  records  it  maintains for the Trust are the
property  of  the Trust; (b) it will surrender promptly  to  the  Trust  or  the
Manager any such  records  upon  the  Trust's  or Manager's request; (c) it will
maintain  for  the  Trust the records that the Trust  is  required  to  maintain
pursuant to Rule 31a-1  insofar as such records relate to the investment affairs
of  the  Portfolios for which  the  Subadviser  has  responsibility  under  this
Agreement;  and  (d)  it  will preserve for the periods prescribed by Rule 31a-2
under the 1940 Act the records it maintains for the Trust.

      3.    OTHER AGREEMENTS.  The Subadviser and persons controlled by or under
common  control with the Subadviser  have  and  may  have  advisory,  management
service or  other  agreements with other organizations and persons, and may have
other interests and  businesses.   Nothing  in  this  Agreement  is  intended to
preclude such other business relationships.

      4.    COMPENSATION.    The   Manager   will   pay  to  the  Subadviser  as
compensation for the Subadviser's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement a
subadvisory fee as set forth in Schedule A, which schedule  can be modified from
time to time to reflect changes in annual rates or the addition or deletion of a
Portfolio from this Agreement, subject to appropriate approvals  required by the
1940 Act.  Such fees shall be paid by the Manager (and not by the Trust) without
regard  to  any  reduction  in the fees paid to the Manager as a result  of  any
statutory or regulatory limitation  on  investment  company expenses.  Such fees
shall be payable for each month within 15 business days  after  the  end of such
month.   If  the Subadviser shall serve for less than the whole of a month,  the
compensation as specified shall be prorated.

      5.    ASSIGNMENT AND AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT.  This Agreement automatically
shall  terminate  without  the  payment  of  any  penalty  in the  event  of its
assignment.  No material  amendment of this Agreement  shall be effective  until
approved  by the  majority  of the  members of the Board who are not  interested
persons of the Trust,  the Manager or the Subadviser and the shareholders of the
affected  Portfolio(s)  to the extent  required by the 1940 Act. The  Subadviser
agrees to notify the Manager of any change in control of the Subadviser within a
reasonable time after such change.

      6.    DURATION  AND  TERMINATION  OF THE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement  shall
become  effective upon its execution; provided,  however,  that  this  Agreement
shall not  become  effective  with  respect  to  any  Portfolio  now existing or
hereafter  created  unless  it  has  first  been approved (a) by a vote  of  the
Independent Trustees, cast in person at a meeting  called  for  the  purpose  of
voting  on  such  approval,  and (b) by an affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting shares of that  Portfolio.   This  Agreement  shall remain in
full force and effect continuously thereafter without the payment of any penalty
as follows:


            (a)   By vote of a majority of the (i) Independent Trustees, or (ii)
      outstanding voting shares of the applicable Portfolios, the  Trust  may at
      any time terminate this Agreement with respect to any or all Portfolios by
      providing  not  more  than  60 days' written notice delivered or mailed by
      registered mail, postage prepaid, to the Manager and the Subadviser.

            (b)   This Agreement will  terminate automatically with respect to a
      Portfolio unless, within two years  after  its  initial effectiveness with
      respect   to  such  Portfolio  and  at  least  annually  thereafter,   the
      continuance  of the Agreement is specifically approved by (i) the Board of
      Trustees or the  shareholders of such Portfolio by the affirmative vote of
      a majority of the  outstanding  shares  of  such  Portfolio,  and  (ii)  a
      majority  of the Independent Trustees, by vote cast in person at a meeting
      called for  the purpose of voting on such approval.  If the continuance of
      this Agreement is submitted to the shareholders of any Portfolio for their
      approval and  such  shareholders  fail  to  approve  such  continuance  as
      provided  herein,  the  Subadviser  may  continue  to serve hereunder in a
      manner  consistent  with  the  1940  Act  and  the  rules and  regulations

            (c)   The  Manager  may  at any time terminate this  Agreement  with
      respect to any or all Portfolios  by not less than 60 days' written notice
      delivered  or  mailed  by  registered  mail,   postage   prepaid,  to  the
      Subadviser,  and  the Subadviser may at any time terminate this  Agreement
      with respect to any  or  all  Portfolios by not less than 90 days' written
      notice delivered or mailed by registered  mail,  postage  prepaid,  to the

            (d)   This Agreement automatically and immediately will terminate in
the event of its assignment.

      Upon  termination  of  this  Agreement  with respect to any Portfolio, the
duties  of the Manager delegated to the Subadviser  under  this  Agreement  with
respect to such Portfolio automatically shall revert to the Manager.

      7.    NOTIFICATION  OF  THE MANAGER.  The Subadviser promptly shall notify
the Manager in writing of the occurrence of any of the following events:

            (a)   the Subadviser  shall  fail  to be registered as an investment
      adviser under the Investment Advisers Act  of  1940, as amended, and under
      the laws of any jurisdiction in which the Subadviser  is  required  to  be
      registered  as  an  investment adviser in order to perform its obligations
      under this Agreement;

            (b)   the Subadviser shall have been served or otherwise have notice
      of any action, suit,  proceeding,  inquiry  or investigation, at law or in
      equity,  before  or  by any court, public board  or  body,  involving  the
      affairs of the Trust or any Portfolio; or

            (c)   any other  occurrence  that  might  affect  the ability of the
      Subadviser to provide the services provided for under this Agreement.


      8.    DEFINITIONS.  For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms "vote of
a   majority   of  the  outstanding  shares,"  "affiliated  person,"  "control,"
"interested person"  and  "assignment"  shall  have their respective meanings as
defined  in  the  1940  Act  and the rules and regulations  thereunder  subject,
however, to such exemptions as  may  be  granted  by the Securities and Exchange
Commission under said Act; and references to annual  approvals  by  the Board of
Trustees  shall  be construed in a manner consistent with the 1940 Act  and  the
rules and regulations thereunder.

      9.    LIABILITY  OF  THE  SUBADVISER.   In  the  absence  of  its  willful
misfeasance,   bad   faith,  gross  negligence  or  reckless  disregard  of  its
obligations and duties  hereunder,  the  Subadviser  shall not be subject to any
liability to the Manager, the Trust or their directors,  Trustees,  officers  or
shareholders,  for  any  act  or  omission  in the course of, or connected with,
rendering services hereunder.  However, the Subadviser  shall indemnify and hold
harmless such parties from any and all claims, losses, expenses, obligations and
liabilities  (including reasonable attorneys fees) which arise  or  result  from
Subadviser's willful  misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence  or  reckless
disregard of its duties hereunder.

      10.   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of Florida, without giving effect to the conflicts of laws
principles thereof, and in accordance with the 1940 Act.  To the extent that the
applicable  laws of the State of Florida conflict with the applicable provisions
of the 1940 Act, the latter shall control.

      11.   MASSACHUSETTS  BUSINESS TRUST.  Subadviser hereby acknowledges that,
although this Agreement is executed  by  an officer and/or trustee of the Trust,
the obligations of this Agreement are not  binding upon any of them individually
or upon the Trust's shareholders individually;  rather,  these  obligations  are
binding only upon the assets and property of the Trust.

      12.   SEVERABILITY.   If  any provision of this Agreement shall be held or
made invalid by a court decision,  statute,  rule or otherwise, the remainder of
this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.   This  Agreement shall be binding
upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto  and  their respective

      13.   MISCELLANEOUS.   The  captions  in  this Agreement are included  for
convenience  of  reference  only and in no way define  or  delimit  any  of  the
provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Heritage Asset Management,  Inc. and _________________
have each caused this  instrument to be signed in duplicate on its behalf by its
duly authorized representative, all as of the day and year first above written.


Attest:                        HERITAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.

By:__________________________        By______________________________


By:__________________________        By_____________________________

                                   SCHEDULE A
                                     TO THE
                             HERITAGE SERIES TRUST
                             SUBADVISORY AGREEMENT
                        HERITAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.


      As compensation pursuant to section 4 of the Subadvisory Agreement between
Heritage Asset Management,  Inc. (the "Manager") and ______________________ (the
"Subadviser"),  the Manager shall pay the Subadviser a subadvisory fee, computed
and paid monthly, at the following  percentage rates of each Portfolio's average
daily net assets under management by the Subadviser:

(1) For the ________________________________

      Advisory Fee as % of
      Average Daily Net Assets             Average Daily Net
      of the Entire Portfolio:             Assets Under Management
      ________________________                   _______________________

      Up to and including $__ million            .___%

      In excess of $__ million                   .___%

Dated:_________ __, _______

                                                                      EXHIBIT __


    Information concerning the Current Subadvisory  Agreements  and compensation
to GSAM, Eagle and Awad are listed in the table below.

                                      AGGREGATE       DATE OF            DATE LAST
                                      AMOUNT OF       AGREEMENT          SUBMITTED TO
                                      FEE TO THE                         SHAREHOLDERS
SUBADVISER         FUND               SUBADVISER*
Awad             Small Cap            $_______        [insert date]      [insert date and
                                                                           purpose of

Eagle             Capital             $_______        [insert date]      [insert date and
                Appreciation                                               purpose of

                  Mid Cap             $_______        [insert date]      [insert date and
                                                                           purpose of

                Small Cap             $_______        [insert date]      [insert date and
                                                                           purpose of

GSAM              Capital             $_______        [insert date]      [insert date and
                Appreciation                                               purpose of

    * Represents amounts paid for each Fund's last fiscal year.


                                                                      EXHIBIT __


      The  table below lists the name, address and principal occupation  of  the
principal executive officers and each director or general partner of GSAM, Eagle
and Awad as  well as the Fund officers and Trustees who have a position with the

      The general partner of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. is The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc.


                                                                      EXHIBIT __

                               OUTSTANDING SHARES

      As of the  Record  Date,  the following numbers of shares were outstanding
with respect to each class of each Fund:

    NAME OF FUND                                    NUMBER OF SHARES OUTSTANDING
                     CLASS A     CLASS B     CLASS C      INSTITUTIONAL - I      RETIREMENT - R
                     SHARES      SHARES      SHARES         SHARES                  SHARES










                                                                      EXHIBIT __

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

      The following shareholders  are  shown  on  the  Funds' records as owning,
beneficially or of record, more than 5% of the outstanding  shares  of any class
of a Fund:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    BENEFICIAL OWNER       SHARES OWNED        OF FUND OWNED
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To  the  best  knowledge  of  the Funds' management, as of the Record Date,  the
Trustees and officers of each Fund, as a group, beneficially or of record, owned
less than 1% of the outstanding shares of each class of each Fund.


                                                                      EXHIBIT __

                               AFFILIATED BROKERS

      The table below shows the  aggregate  commissions  and the percentage of a
Fund's  brokerage  commissions  paid  to  affiliated  brokers  for  each  Fund's
respective fiscal year ends.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Capital Appreciation                $                         %
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Core Equity                         $                         %
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Diversified Growth                  $                         %
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Growth and Income                   $                         %
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 High Yield                          $                         %
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 International Equity
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Mid Cap
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Small Cap
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                      EXIHBIT __


- ----------

      CAPITAL APPRECIATION:  The aggregate fees billed by PwC for  each  of  the
last  two fiscal years for professional services rendered in connection with the
audit of Capital Appreciation's annual financial statements or services that are
normally  provided by PwC in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or
engagements were $21,000 for the year ended August 31, 2004, and $24,000 for the
year ended August 31, 2005.

      GROWTH  AND INCOME:  The aggregate fees billed by PwC for each of the last
two fiscal years for professional services rendered in connection with the audit
of Growth and Income's annual financial statements or services that are normally
provided  by  PwC  in  connection  with  statutory  and  regulatory  filings  or
engagements were $23, 000 for the year ended September 30, 2004, and $22,000 for
the year ended September 30, 2005.

      INCOME:   The aggregate fees billed by PwC for each of the last two fiscal
years for professional  services  rendered  in  connection  with  the  audit  of
Income's  annual  financial statements or services that are normally provided by
PwC in connection with  statutory  and  regulatory  filings  or engagements were
$44,000 for the year ended September 30, 2004, and $52,000 for  the  year  ended
September 30, 2005.

      SERIES:   The aggregate fees billed by PwC for each of the last two fiscal
years for professional  services  rendered  in  connection with the audit of the
Series' annual financial statements or services that  are  normally  provided by
the   accountant   in  connection  with  statutory  and  regulatory  filings  or
engagements were $142,000  for the year ended October 31, 2004, and $164,000 for
the year ended October 31, 2005.

- ------------------

      CAPITAL  APPRECIATION:    The   aggregate   fees  PwC  billed  to  Capital
Appreciation  for  each of the last two fiscal years  for  assurance  and  other
services  which  are  reasonably   related   to   the   performance  of  Capital
Appreciation's audit and are not reported as audit fees were  $0  and $0 for the
years  ended  August 31, 2004 and August 31, 2005, respectively.  The  aggregate
fees PwC billed  to  the  Heritage and any entity controlling, controlled by, or
under common control with Heritage  for  assurance  and  other services directly
related to the operations and financial reporting of registrant were $34,000 for
the year ended August 31, 2004, and $33,000 for the year ended August 31, 2005.

      GROWTH AND INCOME:  The aggregate fees PwC billed to Growth and Income for
each  of the last two fiscal years for assurance and other  services  which  are
reasonably  related  to the performance of Growth and Income's audit and are not
reported as audit fees were $0 and $0 for the years ended September 30, 2004 and
September 30, 2005, respectively.  The aggregate fees PwC billed to Heritage and

any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with Heritage for
assurance and other services  directly  related  to the operations and financial
reporting  of Growth and Income were $31,000 for the  year  ended  September 30,
2004, and $33,000 for the year ended September 30, 2005.

      INCOME:   The aggregate fees PwC billed to Income for each of the last two
fiscal years for  assurance  and  other services which are reasonably related to
the performance of Income's audit and are not reported as audit fees were $0 and
$0 for the years ended September 30,  2004 and September 30, 2005, respectively.
The aggregate fees PwC billed to Heritage and any entity controlling, controlled
by,  or under common control with Heritage  for  assurance  and  other  services
directly  related  to  the  operations  and  financial  reporting of Income were
$31,000 for the year ended September 30, 2004, and $33,000  for  the  year ended
September 30, 2005.

      SERIES  TRUST:   The  aggregate fees PwC billed to Series for each of  the
last two fiscal years for assurance  and  other  services  which  are reasonably
related to the performance of Series' audit and are not reported as  audit  fees
were  $0  for  the  year  ended  October 31, 2004 and $18,000 for the year ended
October 31, 2005.  The aggregate fees  PwC  billed  to  Heritage  and any entity
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with Heritage for  assurance
and other services directly related to the operations and financial reporting of
Series  were  $31,000  for the year ended October 31, 2004, and $51,000 for  the
year ended October 31, 2005.

- --------

      CAPITAL  APPRECIATION:  The aggregate  tax  fees  PwC  billed  to  Capital
Appreciation for  each  of  the  last  two  fiscal years for tax compliance, tax
advice, and tax planning services were $3,000  for  the  year  ended  August 31,
2004, and $3,000 for the year ended August 31, 2005.  The aggregate tax fees PwC
billed  to  Heritage and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under  common
control with  Heritage  for  services  directly  related  to  the operations and
financial  reporting  of  Capital  Appreciation  were  $0  for  the  year  ended
August 31, 2004, and $0 for the year ended August 31, 2005.

      GROWTH AND INCOME:  The aggregate tax fees PwC billed to Growth and Income
for  each of the last two fiscal years for tax compliance, tax advice,  and  tax
planning  services were $3,000 for the year ended September 30, 2004, and $3,000
for the year  ended  September 30,  2005.   The aggregate tax fees PwC billed to
Heritage and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with
Heritage for services directly related to the operations and financial reporting
of Growth and Income were $0 for the year ended  September 30,  2004, and $0 for
the year ended September 30, 2005.

      INCOME:  The aggregate tax fees PwC billed to Income for each  of the last
two fiscal years for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning services  were
$6,000  for  the  year  ended  September 30, 2004, and $6,000 for the year ended
September 30, 2005.  The aggregate  tax  fees  PwC  billed  to  Heritage and any
entity  controlling,  controlled  by, or under common control with Heritage  for


services directly related to the operations  and  financial  reporting of Income
were  $0  for  the  year  ended  September 30, 2004, and $0 for the  year  ended
September 30, 2005.

      SERIES:  The aggregate tax fees  PwC billed to Series for each of the last
two fiscal years for tax compliance, tax  advice, and tax planning services were
$18,000 for the year ended October 31, 2004,  and  $21,000  for  the  year ended
October 31, 2005.  The aggregate tax fees PwC billed to Heritage and any  entity
controlling,  controlled  by, or under common control with Heritage for services
directly related to the operations and financial reporting of Series were $0 for
the year ended October 31, 2004, and $0 for the year ended October 31, 2005.

- --------------

      ALL TRUSTS:  For each Trust's last two respective fiscal years, the Trust
paid PwC no other fees.  The aggregate fees PwC billed to the Adviser and any
entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Adviser for
any other services directly related to the operations and financial reporting of
the Trust registrant were $0 for each Trust's last two respective fiscal years.


      ALL TRUSTS. The Audit  Committee  Charter  of the Trusts provides that the
Audit  Committee  (comprised  of  the  Independent Trustees  of  registrant)  is
responsible for pre-approval of all auditing  services performed for each Trust.
The  Audit  Committee  reports  to  the  Board regarding  its  approval  of  the
engagement of the auditor and the proposed  fees  for  the  engagement,  and the
majority  of  the  Board (including the members of the Board who are Independent
Trustees) must approve the auditor at an in-person meeting.  The Audit Committee
also is responsible  for  pre-approval  (subject to the DE MINIMUS exception for
non-audit services described in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
and applicable rule thereunder and not expecting  to  exceed $5,000) of all non-
auditing services performed for the registrant or for any  service  affiliate of
registrant.   The  Trusts'  Audit  Committee  Charter  also permits a designated
member of the audit committee to pre-approve, between meetings, one or more non-
audit service projects, subject to ratification by the Audit  Committee  at  the
next  meeting  of the Audit Committee.  The Trusts' Audit Committee pre-approved
all fees described above which PwC billed to registrant.

      Less than  50%  of  the  hours  billed  by  PwC  for  auditing services to
registrant  for each Trust's respective most recent fiscal year  end,  were  for
work performed by persons other than full-time, permanent employees of PwC.  The
aggregate non-audit  fees  billed  by  PwC to each Trust and the Adviser and any
entity controlling, controlled by, or under  common  control  with  registrant's
investment adviser for each Trust last two respective fiscal years, were  $0 and

      The Trusts' Audit Committee has considered the non-audit services provided
to  the  Trusts  and  their  investment  adviser  and  any  entity  controlling,
controlled  by,  or under common control with the Trusts' investment adviser  as
described above and  determined  that  these  services  do  not compromise PwC's


                                                  LABEL BELOW FOR MIS USE ONLY!
  [HERITAGE LOGO]                                 PO#
   P.O. BOX 9112                                  HERITAGE FUNDS
FARMINGDALE, NY 11735                             ORIGINAL 1UP 9-01-06 KD
                                                  PATTI (HERITAGE FUNDS 2006 PK)
                                                  REVISION #1 9-06-06 JM
                                                  REVISION #2 9-06-06 JM

                          MIS EDITS:  # OF CHANGES ___/___PRF 1___  PRF 2____ OK
                          TO PRINT AS IS* ____________ *By signing this form
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                         CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-221-0697

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The undersigned  hereby appoints  XXXXXXXXXXXX,  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,  and each of
them, the proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution to each of
them,  to vote all shares of the  above-referenced  fund (the "Fund")  which the
undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the
Fund to be held at the offices of Heritage  Funds,  880  Carillon  Parkway,  St.
Petersburg,  Florida 33716 on November 6, 2006, at 10:00 a.m., Eastern time, and
at any  adjournments  thereof.


                                       PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN PROMPTLY IN THE
                                     ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. NO POSTAGE IS REQUIRED.

                                         Dated __________________, 2006


                          SIGNATURE(S) OF SHAREHOLDER(S)       (SIGN IN THE BOX)

                          SIGNING  AS  AN  ATTORNEY,  EXECUTOR,   ADMINISTRATOR,
                                                                     Heritage pk

                         IS APPLICABLE TO YOUR FUND(S).



                                                                                                   FOR ALL     WITHHOLD
                                                                                                   NOMINEES   AUTHORITY
PROPOSAL 1:    To elect and re-elect Trustees to the Board of Trustees:                             LISTED     TO VOTE
- ----------                                                                                         (EXCEPT     FOR ALL
                                                                                                   AS NOTED    NOMINEES
                                                                                                   AT LEFT)     LISTED
NOMINEES:      (01) C. Andrew Graham     (04) James L. Pappas            (07) Lincoln Kinnicutt*
               (02) Keith Jarrett        (05) David M. Phillips          (08) Thomas A. James
               (03) William J. Meurer    (06) Deborah L. Talbot, PhD     (09) Richard K. Riess        0            0            1.

               * (all except Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust)


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                     FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
- ----------

PROPOSAL 2:    To re-classify the Investment objective as non-fundamental.                            0       0          0      2.
- ----------

PROPOSAL 3:    To approve the modernized fundamental investment restrictions.                         0       0          0      3.
- ----------

PROPOSAL 4:    To approve an Investment Advisory Agreement between Heritage Asset Management, Inc.    0       0          0      4.
- ----------     and the Funds.

PROPOSAL 5-A:  To approve a Subadvisory Agreement between Heritage Asset Management, Inc. and         0       0          0      5-A.
- ------------   Goldman Sachs Investment Management, L.P. (Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust

PROPOSAL 5-B:  To approve a Subadvisory Agreement between Heritage Asset Management, Inc.             0       0          0      5-B.
- ------------   and Eagle Asset Management, Inc.  (All Funds except Heritage High Yield Bond and
               Heritage International Equity)

PROPOSAL 5-C:  To approve a Subadvisory Agreement between Heritage Asset Management, Inc. and         0       0          0      5-C.
- ------------   Awad Asset Management, Inc. (Small Cap Stock Fund only)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PROPOSAL 6:    To approve a Manager of Manager's structure, which would allow  Heritage Asset         0       0          0      6.
- ----------     Management, Inc., the Funds' investment adviser, and the Board of  Trustees to
               enter into, terminate or materially amend Sub-Advisory Agreements without shareholder
               approval.  (Heritage Capital Appreciation Trust, Mid Cap Stock Fund and Small Cap
               Stock Fund only)


HERITAGE FUNDS                                                  PLEASE SIGN ON REVERSE SIDE.
ORIGINAL 1UP  9-01-06  KD
REVISION #1  9-06-06  JM                                                                                                Heritage pk