WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]   Preliminary Proxy Statement


[ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-12

                         RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required.

[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3)   Per  unit  price  or  other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act  Rule  0-11  (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify  the  previous  filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)   Amount Previously Paid:

      (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3)   Filing Party:

      (4)   Date Filed:

                         RMK ADVANTAGE INCOME FUND, INC.
                           RMK HIGH INCOME FUND, INC.
                         RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.

                              50 NORTH FRONT STREET
                            MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38103

                                  May __, 2008

Dear Shareholders:

    The enclosed Notice and Proxy Statement relate to separate joint Special and
Annual Meetings of Shareholders (the "Meetings")  of  RMK Advantage Income Fund,
Inc., RMK High Income Fund, Inc., RMK Multi-Sector High  Income  Fund,  Inc. and
RMK Strategic Income Fund, Inc. (each a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds") to
be  held  on  July  11,  2008,  at  the offices of Regions Financial Corp., 7130
Goodlett Farms Parkway, Cordova, Tennessee 38016, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time.

    At the Special Meeting, the Funds' Boards of Directors are recommending that
shareholders approve new investment advisory  agreements  (each, a "New Advisory
Agreement"  and  collectively, the "New Advisory Agreements")  between  Hyperion
Brookfield Asset Management,  Inc.  ("HBAM") and each Fund.  In addition, if the
New  Advisory  Agreements  are  approved   by   shareholders,   the  Boards  are
recommending that shareholders elect a new Board of Directors of  each  Fund  at
the  Annual  Meeting.   The  holding  of  a  Fund's  Annual Meeting as currently
scheduled is contingent upon the approval of the New Advisory  Agreement  by the
shareholders  of  the  Fund.   The  New Advisory Agreements will not take effect
unless the shareholders of each Fund elect the new directors and the transaction
described in the accompanying Proxy Statement is consummated.

      Morgan  Asset Management, Inc. ("MAM"),  the  investment  adviser  to  the
Funds, has entered  into  an agreement with HBAM under which HBAM, an investment
adviser registered with the  U.S.  Securities  and Exchange Commission, is being
proposed  by  MAM  to  become  the new investment adviser  to  the  Funds.   The
agreement contemplates that HBAM  would  become  the  investment  adviser to the
Funds  and  MAM  would  no  longer serve as the Funds' investment adviser.   The
agreement also contemplates in  connection  with  the  approval  of  HBAM as the
Funds'  investment adviser, shareholders would elect new Boards of Directors  of
the Funds,  which would consist of individuals proposed by HBAM, and the current
members of the Boards would no longer serve as directors of the Funds.  Detailed
information with  respect  to  each  of  these  proposals  is  included  in  the
accompanying Proxy Statement for the Meetings.

      Each  Fund's  Board of Directors has unanimously approved the New Advisory
Agreement and has nominated  five  new  individuals for election as directors of
the Fund.  The appointment of HBAM as investment  adviser  to  each Fund must be
approved by the shareholders of that Fund, and the new Board of  Directors  of a
Fund must be elected by the shareholders of that Fund.



    YOUR  VOTE  IS  IMPORTANT.   The accompanying  Proxy  Statement  includes  a
detailed  description  of  the  proposals   and  the  reasons  for  the  Boards'
recommendations.  The formal Notice of Joint  Special  and  Annual  Meetings and
proxy cards also are enclosed.  Please read the enclosed materials carefully and
cast  your  vote.   Voting your shares early will help to avoid costly follow-up
mail and telephone solicitation.   After reviewing the attached proxy materials,
please complete, sign and date your  proxy  cards  and mail them in the enclosed
postage-paid envelope.  Please refer to the enclosed proxy cards for alternative
forms of voting or you may vote in person.

    Thank you for your continued support.


                                     Brian B. Sullivan

                         RMK ADVANTAGE INCOME FUND, INC.
                           RMK HIGH INCOME FUND, INC.
                         RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.

                              50 NORTH FRONT STREET
                            MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38103


                                  JULY 11, 2008


Dear Shareholders:

      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that separate joint Special  and Annual Meetings of
Shareholders  (the  "Meetings")  of RMK Advantage Income Fund,  Inc.,  RMK  High
Income Fund, Inc., RMK Multi-Sector  High  Income  Fund,  Inc. and RMK Strategic
Income Fund, Inc. (each, a "Fund" and collectively, the "Funds") will be held on
July 11, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time, at the offices of  Regions  Financial
Corp.,  7130 Goodlett Farms Parkway, Cordova, Tennessee 38016, for the following


    (1)  To  approve  a  new  investment  advisory  agreement  between  Hyperion
         Brookfield Asset Management, Inc. and each Fund; and

    (2)  To consider and act upon any other business as may properly come before
         the Special Meeting or any adjournment thereof.


    (1)  To elect a Board of five Directors consisting of two Class I Directors,
         one Class II Director and two Class III Directors of each Fund; and

    (2)  To consider and act upon any other business as may properly come before
         the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.


      Each Fund's Board of Directors has fixed the  close  of business on May 5,
2008,  as  the  record  date for the determination of shareholders  entitled  to
notice of, and to vote at, the Meetings and any adjournments thereof.

                                     By Order of the Boards of Directors,

                                     Charles D. Maxwell

May ___, 2008





                         RMK ADVANTAGE INCOME FUND, INC.
                           RMK HIGH INCOME FUND, INC.
                         RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.

                              50 NORTH FRONT STREET
                            MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38103

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                                  JULY 11, 2008

      This  Proxy  Statement is furnished to shareholders in connection with the
solicitation of proxies  on  behalf  of the Boards of Directors (each, a "Board"
and collectively, the "Boards") of RMK  Advantage  Income  Fund,  Inc., RMK High
Income  Fund,  Inc.,  RMK  Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc. and RMK Strategic
Income Fund, Inc. (each, a "Fund"  and collectively, the "Funds") to be voted at
separate joint Special and Annual Meetings  of  Shareholders  of the Funds to be
held  on  July  11, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time at the offices  of  Regions
Financial Corp. ("Regions"),  7130  Goodlett  Farms  Parkway, Cordova, Tennessee
38016, or any adjournments thereof (the "Meetings").   The  approximate  mailing
date of this Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy cards is May __, 2008.

      As  discussed  more fully below, shareholders of the Funds are being asked
to vote:


    (1)  To approve a new investment  advisory  agreement (each, a "New Advisory
         Agreement" and  collectively,  the "New Advisory  Agreements")  between
         Hyperion Brookfield Asset Management, Inc. ("HBAM") and each Fund; and

    (2)  To consider and act upon any other business as may properly come before
         the Special Meeting or any adjournment thereof.


    (1)  To elect a Board of five Directors consisting of two Class I Directors,
         one Class II Director and two Class III Directors of each Fund; and

    (2)  To consider and act upon any other business as may properly come before
         the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      The Boards know of no business other than the approval of the New Advisory
Agreements  and  the  election  of  the  new  Boards  of  Directors that will be
presented for consideration at the Meetings.  If any other  matter  is  properly
presented,  it is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed proxies  to
vote in accordance  with  their best judgment.  The New Advisory Agreements will
be considered and voted on at the joint Special Meeting and, if the New Advisory
Agreements are approved by  shareholders,  the  proposal  to elect new Boards of
five Directors will be considered and voted on at the joint Annual Meeting.  The
New Advisory Agreements will not take effect unless the shareholders  also elect
the  new  directors  and  the  Transaction (defined below) is consummated.   The

holding of the joint Annual Meeting  as  currently  scheduled is contingent upon
the approval of the New Advisory Agreements at the joint  Special  Meeting.   In
the  event  that  the  New  Advisory  Agreement between any Fund and HBAM is not
approved, the Funds' joint Annual Meeting will be postponed.

      The close of business on May 5, 2008,  has  been  fixed as the record date
(the "Record Date") for determining shareholders entitled  to  notice of, and to
vote  at, the Meetings.  Information as to the number of outstanding  shares  of
common stock of each Fund as of the Record Date is set forth below:

                                                Total Number of Shares
 RMK Advantage Income Fund, Inc.
 RMK High Income Fund, Inc.
 RMK Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.
 RMK Strategic Income Fund, Inc.

Except  as set forth in Appendix A, as of the Record Date, the Funds do not know
of any person  who  owned  beneficially  or of record 5% or more of any class of
shares of a Fund.  As of the Record Date, current directors and officers of each
Fund as a group own an aggregate of [less  than  one  percent]  of  each  Fund's
outstanding shares.  Additional information regarding voting your shares of  the
Funds  and attending the Meetings is included at the end of this Proxy Statement
in the section entitled "Voting Information."

      Each  Fund  is  a  Maryland  corporation  that is registered with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under  the Investment Company Act
of  1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as a diversified,  closed-end  management
investment  company  with its own investment objective.  Each Fund is authorized
to issue 1,000,000,000  shares  of capital stock with a par value of $0.0001 per
share (individually and collectively referred to as "shares," and the holders of
the shares are "shareholders").

      Morgan Asset Management, Inc.  ("MAM"),  1901 6th Avenue North, 4th Floor,
Birmingham, Alabama 35203, a registered investment  adviser under the Investment
Advisers  Act  of  1940,  as amended (the "Advisers Act"),  is  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary of MK Holding, Inc.  and serves as the each Fund's investment adviser
under  an investment advisory agreement  (collectively,  the  "Current  Advisory
Agreements").  MK Holding, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Regions.  Morgan
Keegan &  Company,  Inc.  ("Morgan Keegan") is also a wholly owned subsidiary of

      The date of this Proxy Statement is May __, 2008.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

OVERVIEW .....................................................................xx
The Transaction...............................................................xx
Post-Transaction Structure and Operations of the Funds........................xx
HBAM and its Affiliates.......................................................xx
Anticipated Benefits of the Transaction.......................................xx

EACH FUND AND HBAM............................................................xx
Reasons for Board Approval and Recommendation.................................xx
Terms of the New Advisory Agreement...........................................xx
Differences Between the Current Advisory Agreements and New Advisory
Other Agreements Relating to the Funds........................................xx
Section 15(f) of the 1940 Act.................................................xx
Required Vote.................................................................xx

Board Consideration of the Nominees...........................................xx
Information Concerning Nominees...............................................xx
Ownership of Fund Shares......................................................xx
Board and Committee Meetings..................................................xx
Information About the Funds' Current Officers.................................xx
Compensation of Directors.....................................................xx
Procedures for Communications to the Boards ..................................xx
Required Vote.................................................................xx

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION........................................................xx
Investment Adviser and Administrator..........................................xx
Information about the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm ..........xx
Legal Proceedings.............................................................xx

VOTING INFORMATION ...........................................................xx
Required Vote.................................................................xx

SOLICITATION OF PROXIES ......................................................xx



SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS ........................................................xx

SHAREHOLDER REPORTS ..........................................................xx

OTHER BUSINESS ...............................................................xx

APPENDIX A ...................................................................xx

APPENDIX B ...................................................................xx



      On  April 21, 2008, the Boards considered and approved items to effectuate
a proposal by MAM and HBAM, whereby HBAM would become the new investment adviser
to the Funds.   To  implement  the  new investment advisory arrangements for the
Funds, the Boards approved the New Advisory  Agreements  between  HBAM  and  the
Funds.   The  Boards  are submitting the New Advisory Agreements for approval by
the shareholders of the  Funds.   If the New Advisory Agreements are approved by
shareholders,  the Boards are also submitting  a  slate  of  five  nominees  for
election to serve as new Boards of Directors of the Funds following consummation
of the Transaction (defined below).


      MAM and its  affiliates  have entered into an Adoption Agreement with HBAM
dated as of April 18, 2008 (the "Adoption Agreement"), under which HBAM is being
proposed by MAM to become the new  investment  adviser  to  the  Funds and three
open-end   funds   (the   "Open-End   Funds")  currently  advised  by  MAM  (the
"Transaction").  The Adoption Agreement contemplates that, following approval of
the New Advisory Agreements by shareholders  of the Funds, HBAM would become the
investment adviser to the Funds and MAM would  no  longer  serve  as  the Funds'
investment  adviser.   The  Adoption Agreement also contemplates that MAM  would
support the election of new Boards  of  five  Directors  of  the Funds (the "New
Boards"), which would consist of individuals proposed by HBAM,  would be elected
and  qualified, and the current members of the Boards would no longer  serve  as
directors  following  consummation  of  the Transaction.  The Adoption Agreement
contemplates that HBAM would also become the new investment adviser to the Open-
End Funds and that the same slate of nominees  would be elected and qualified to
serve as a new board of directors of the Open-End Funds.

      After careful consideration of the history  of  each  Fund's  relationship
with MAM and HBAM, each Board, including a majority of the directors who are not
"interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Funds (the "Independent
Directors"),  who  were  present at a meeting held in-person on April 21,  2008,
unanimously determined that  it  would be in the best interests of each Fund and
its  shareholders  to  approve  the  proposals   contemplated  by  the  Adoption
Agreement.  At the April 21, 2008 meeting, the Boards,  including  a majority of
the Independent Directors, unanimously approved the New Advisory Agreements with
HBAM  and determined to submit them to shareholders for approval.  The  form  of
the New Advisory Agreement is attached hereto as Appendix B.

      The  Adoption  Agreement  contemplates  that,  contingent  upon  Board and
shareholder  approval  of  the New Advisory Agreements, the New Boards would  be
elected and qualified, and that  the  current  directors  of  the Funds would no
longer serve following consummation of the Transaction.  As described more fully
below, at its April 21, 2008 meeting, each Board, based on the recommendation of
its  Independent  Directors  Committee,  nominated  a slate of five  individuals
(each, a "Nominee" and collectively, the "Nominees")  for  election as directors
of  the  Funds.   At  that  meeting,  the  Boards  also approved, based  on  the
recommendation of the Independent Directors Committees, a decrease in the number
of directors of the Funds from six to five, with such  decrease  to  take effect
upon  consummation of the Transaction.  The Board of each Fund will continue  to
be divided  into three classes, designated Class I, Class II and Class III, with
the terms of office of Class I, Class II and Class III Directors expiring at the
annual meeting of shareholders held in 2009, 2010 and 2011, respectively, and at
each third annual meeting of shareholders thereafter.

      The consummation  of  the  Transaction  is  subject  to  certain terms and
conditions, including, among others:  (1) each Fund obtaining approval  to enter
into  the  New  Advisory  Agreement,  as  set  forth in Proposal 1 of this Proxy
Statement, from the shareholders of that Fund; and  (2)  the election of the New
Board, as set forth in Proposal 2 of this Proxy Statement,  by  the shareholders
of  each  Fund.  In addition, the consummation of the Transaction is  contingent


upon approval  by  the  shareholders  of  the  Open-End  Funds of a new advisory
agreement with HBAM and the election of the Nominees as directors  of  the Open-
End  Funds.  The Adoption Agreement also includes representations and warranties
and indemnification  provisions.   Although  there  is  no  assurance  that  the
Transaction  will  be  consummated,  if  each  of  the  terms  and conditions is
satisfied or waived, the parties anticipate that the closing of  the Transaction
will take place on or about July 14, 2008.

      As stated above, the appointment of HBAM as the Funds' investment  adviser
and  the  election  of  the New Boards have been approved by each Fund's current
Board and must be approved  by  the  shareholders  of the Funds.  The Boards are
submitting the New Advisory Agreements for approval  by  the shareholders of the
Funds  at  the Special Meeting.  If shareholders of each Fund  approve  the  New
Advisory Agreement,  the Boards are also submitting the Nominees for election at
the Annual Meeting to  serve  as directors of the Funds upon consummation of the

      Section 15 of the 1940 Act  requires  that  agreements under which persons
serve as investment advisers to a registered investment company must be approved
by  a specified majority of the fund's shareholders.   Please  see  the  section
entitled "Voting Information" below.  Accordingly, shareholders of each Fund are
being  asked to approve the New Advisory Agreement with respect to their Fund to
allow HBAM  to  serve  as the Fund's investment adviser.  If the shareholders of
each Fund do not approve  the New Advisory Agreement at the Special Meeting, the
Funds' Annual Meeting will  be  postponed and the current Board will continue in


      Following  shareholder  approval of the proposals  described in this Proxy
Statement and the consummation of the  Transaction,  HBAM will become the Funds'
investment  adviser  and will have  primary  responsibility  for the  day-to-day
management of the Funds. It is expected that the Funds'  investment  objectives,
policies and  restrictions  (as set forth in the  registration  statement)  will
remain the same after the Transaction.  Furthermore, it is expected that because
of the  Expense  Limitation  Agreements  (defined  below) the maximum net annual
operating  expense  ratio of the each Fund will be no  higher  than the  maximum
current net annual operating expense ratio of that Fund for a period of at least
two years after the Transaction.

      If the joint Annual  Meeting is convened as scheduled and the Nominees are
elected by shareholders at the  joint  Annual  Meeting,  the  Nominees  will  be
qualified  and  serve  as  directors  of  the  Funds  upon  consummation  of the
Transaction.   Although  their  terms  of  office  do  not  expire at the Annual
Meeting, the current Class I and Class III Directors will resign as directors of
the  Funds  effective  upon consummation of the Transaction.  Accordingly,  upon
consummation of the Transaction,  all  the  current  members  of  the Boards, J.
Kenneth  Alderman,  Albert  C.  Johnson, James Stillman R. McFadden, W.  Randall
Pittman, Mary S. Stone and Archie  W.  Willis,  III,  will  no  longer  serve as
directors of the Funds.  In addition, the New Boards are expected to appoint new
officers of the Funds.

      Under  the  Adoption  Agreement,  Morgan  Keegan  has  agreed  to continue
providing certain administrative and fund accounting services to the Funds until
HBAM effects a transition to one or more other service providers.

      The  Funds  are permitted to borrow up to one-third of the value of  their
total  assets,  including   such  borrowings,  for  investment  purposes.   Such
borrowing  is  referred  to  as  leveraging   and   the   Funds   have  utilized
collateralized bank lines of credit for this purpose.  As of [April  29],  2008,
the  Funds'  borrowing  arrangements  were  as follows:  Advantage Income Fund's
collateralized  $160 million bank line of credit  matured  in  March  2008,  was
extended and is to  be fully repaid in May 2008, and will not be renewed.  As of
[April 29], 2008, the  outstanding  balance  on  the  line  of  credit  was $[1]
million.   High  Income  Fund's  collateralized $125 million bank line of credit


matured in December 2007, was extended  and  fully repaid in April 2008, and has
not been renewed.  As of [April 29], 2008, the  Fund  had no available bank line
of credit for leverage purposes.  Multi-Sector High Income's collateralized $180
million bank line of credit matured in March 2008, was  extended  and  is  to be
fully repaid in May 2008, and will not be renewed.  As of [April 29], 2008,  the
outstanding  balance  on  the line of credit was $[4] million.  Strategic Income
Fund has a collateralized $150 million bank line of credit which matures in July
2008.  As of [April 29], 2008, the outstanding balance on the line of credit was
$[20] million.  It is expected that the line of credit will be repaid in full at
or prior to maturity and will  not  be  renewed.   It is also expected that HBAM
will  evaluate  whether  to  establish  new bank lines of  credit  for  leverage
purposes consistent with applicable laws and regulations.


      HBAM,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of  Brookfield  Asset  Management  Inc.
("BAM"), is a Delaware corporation  organized  in February 1989 and a registered
investment adviser under the Advisers Act.  The business address of HBAM and its
officers and directors is Three World Financial  Center,  200 Vesey Street, 10th
Floor,  New  York,  New  York 10281-1010.  As of March 31, 2008,  HBAM  and  its
affiliates had approximately  $21.4  billion in assets under management.  HBAM's
clients include pension plans, foundations  and endowments, insurance companies,
real estate investment trusts and closed-end  investment  companies.   HBAM also
provides  portfolio  evaluation  and  consultation  services.  In its investment
process,  HBAM  focuses  on relative value opportunities,  particularly  in  the
mortgage-backed  securities   and  asset-backed  securities  markets.   BAM,  an
Ontario, Canada corporation, is  located  at  Brookfield  Place,  181 Bay Street
Suite 300, P.O. Box 762, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T3.

      Mr.  Clifford  E.  Lai  serves  as  Director and Chairman of the Board  of
Directors  and  Mr.  John J. Feeney, Jr. serves  as  Director,  Chief  Executive
Officer and President of HBAM.

      Under an existing  consultant  agreement  with  the Funds (the "Consulting
Agreement"), HBAM is responsible for furnishing the Funds  with advice regarding
asset valuations.  In this regard, HBAM is responsible for,  among other things,
assisting the Funds, on a daily basis, in their determination  of  an  estimated
"fair  value"  for certain portfolio securities.  If the New Advisory Agreements
are approved by  shareholders and the Transaction is consummated, the Consulting
Agreement will terminate,  and  HBAM will provide substantially similar services
under the New Advisory Agreements.


      The Boards anticipate that  the  Transaction  will  benefit the Funds in a
number of ways, including:

      o  HBAM's  depth  of   investment   experience   with   asset-backed   and
         mortgage-backed  securities  should  enhance  the service to the Funds'
         shareholders.  HBAM  has  substantial  experience,  qualifications  and
         capabilities in managing investment  companies with fixed income assets
         that  are  comparable  to  the  Funds'  portfolio  holdings.  HBAM  has
         extensive  investment  management  experience with sectors of the fixed
         income  market   including   mortgage-backed   securities,   structured
         products,  core fixed income and corporate  high-yield bonds and loans.
         HBAM's corporate  high-yield team of five investment  professionals has
         managed portfolios  together for more than 12 years, and has experience
         managing  high yield funds for both retail and  institutional  clients.
         They have experience managing more than $5 billion at their prior firm,
         including more than $2 billion in leveraged  closed-end funds. HBAM has
         developed an in-depth  knowledge of the Funds' portfolio  holdings as a
         result of providing  asset valuation  consulting  services to the Funds
         since August 2007.


      o  It is expected that each of the Fund's investment objectives,  policies
         and  restrictions  (as set forth in the  registration  statement)  will
         remain  the same  after  the  Transaction.  Nevertheless,  HBAM is also
         expected to review the current  holdings and  composition of the Funds'
         portfolios and may, consistent with applicable  investment policies and
         restrictions, make certain changes in any Fund's portfolio investments.
         In selecting securities to purchase or sell, HBAM has indicated that it
         will seek to improve  the overall  risk  profile of the  portfolios  in
         light of current market  conditions,  generate current income,  enhance
         liquidity and improve the Funds' ability to obtain  favorable  leverage
         arrangements. There is no guarantee that HBAM will achieve these goals.
         Moreover,  restructuring of a Fund's portfolio will involve transaction
         costs,  which  will  be  borne  by the  Fund,  and  may  result  in the
         realization of taxable capital gains or losses.

      o  As a result of the Expense  Limitation  Agreements  (defined below) the
         maximum  net  annual  operating  expense  ratio of each Fund will be no
         higher than the maximum current net annual  operating  expense ratio of
         the Fund for a period of at least two years after the Transaction.


      At the joint Special Meeting, shareholders of each Fund are being asked to
approve  the  New  Advisory  Agreement  between  their  Fund  and  HBAM.  If the
shareholders approve the New Advisory Agreements, MAM is expected to  resign  as
investment  adviser to each Fund, effective upon closing of the Transaction, and
HBAM will serve  as the Fund's investment adviser upon termination of the Fund's
Current Advisory Agreement with MAM.  The approval of the New Advisory Agreement
by shareholders is  contingent upon the election by shareholders of the Nominees
identified in Proposal  2  as  directors of the Fund and the consummation of the


     BACKGROUND.  In late 2007, MAM and HBAM began discussions  regarding HBAM's
interest in taking over the management of the Funds.  MAM requested and received
a proposal from HBAM under which HBAM would serve as  investment  adviser to the
Funds.  The details of the proposal from HBAM (the  "Proposal")  were  discussed
with the Independent  Directors during a telephonic  meeting on January 16, 2008
and at an in-person  meeting held on January 23, 2008.  MAM  represented  to the
Boards that MAM believed  that the  Proposal  was in the best  interests of Fund
shareholders.  The  elements of the  Proposal  have been  incorporated  into the
Adoption Agreement.

      The Boards or Independent Directors met telephonically  several  times  to
discuss  the  Proposal.   During  these meetings, and at an in-person meeting on
April 21, 2008, the Boards evaluated the resources, capabilities and performance
of HBAM in order to make an informed  decision  as  to whether the engagement of
HBAM  would  be in the best interests of each Fund and  its  shareholders.   The
Boards requested  and  received  information and materials from HBAM and MAM and
familiarized  itself  with, among other  things,  HBAM's  structure,  personnel,
investment philosophy and  performance,  financial condition, and organizational
and compliance resources.  The Boards also met in person with representatives of
HBAM on two occasions, and individual Board  members  conducted further meetings
at HBAM's offices.

      The Boards considered the details of the Proposal.   Among  other  things,
the  Boards  considered  the  New  Advisory  Agreements,  the Expense Limitation
Agreements  (defined  below) and post-transaction services for  the  Funds.   In
addition, the Boards considered  that  the Proposal contemplates the election of
the New Boards, which would consist of individuals  proposed  by  HBAM,  and the
current  members  of  the Boards would no longer serve as directors.  The Boards
noted  that election of  the  New  Boards'  members  would  be  contingent  upon


shareholder approval of the New Advisory  Agreements.  Further, the Boards noted
that, under the Adoption Agreement, HBAM agreed to pay Morgan Keegan a fee of up
to $8 million based on the Funds' annualized  advisory fees in two payments over
a two-year  period and, with respect to the Open-End Funds, to pay Morgan Keegan
a fee for distribution  assistance in respect of the Open-End Funds for a period
of one  year  following  the  Transaction  closing  date  equal  to 0.15% of the
Open-End  Funds'  average  daily net asset value.  The Boards also noted that in
connection  with the  Transaction,  MAM and Regions will agree to indemnify each
Fund for amounts payable by the Fund to MAM's or Region's officers, directors or
employees,  or  any  corporate  affiliate  of MAM or  Regions,  pursuant  to any
agreement or indemnification  obligation of the Funds to such persons,  and that
MAM and  Regions  also  will  waive  all  rights  of  indemnification  under any
agreement or  indemnification  obligation of the Funds. As part of the Proposal,
MAM and Regions agreed to provide certain  indemnifications  to HBAM.  HBAM, the
Funds,  the  Closed-End  Funds,  MAM and its  affiliates  have  entered  into an
agreement to permit HBAM and the Funds to use the names and marks Morgan Keegan,
Morgan,  Regions,  Regions Morgan Keegan and RMK as a distinctive  part of their
names for a period 60 days after the closing of the Transaction.

     After careful  consideration  and review of, and discussion  about, all the
materials and information  received from all parties,  the Boards  determined it
was in the best  interests  of the Funds to approve  HBAM as the new  investment
adviser.  As stated  above,  the  directors  who were  present at the  in-person
meeting  held on April 21, 2008,  including  all of the  Independent  Directors,
unanimously  approved the New Advisory  Agreement between HBAM and each Fund and
unanimously  recommended that each Fund's shareholders  approve the New Advisory
Agreement.  A summary of the  Boards'  consideration  is  provided  below in the
section   below   entitled   "Independent   Directors   Committees   and   Board
Considerations of the New Advisory Agreements."

ADVISORY AGREEMENTS. In approving the New Advisory Agreements and determining to
submit them to  shareholders  for  approval,  the  directors  considered  a wide
variety of factors. The Independent Directors were assisted by independent legal
counsel during their  deliberations  and received a memorandum from such counsel
discussing  the legal  standards  for their  consideration  of the New  Advisory
Agreements  and  related  matters.  They  also met in person  with such  counsel
separately  from  representatives  of MAM and HBAM to discuss the  Proposal.  In
evaluating  the  New  Advisory  Agreements,   the  Boards  reviewed  information
furnished  by HBAM and MAM in response to  questions  submitted  by  independent
legal counsel on their behalf.

      In approving the New Advisory Agreements, the Boards  determined  that the
terms  of  the New Advisory Agreements are fair and reasonable and that approval
of the New Advisory Agreement on behalf of each Fund is in the best interests of
that Fund.   In  their  deliberations,  the  Boards  did not identify any single
factor or information as all-important or controlling,  and  each  director  may
have  attributed  different weights to the various factors.  Among other things,
the directors considered:

THE  SERVICES TO BE  PROVIDED.  The Boards  first  considered  whether  HBAM was
qualified  to assume the  management  of the Funds.  The Boards  considered  the
reputation,  financial  strength,  key services and  operations,  resources  and
expertise of HBAM as a firm,  including the structure of its  organization,  its
relationships,  its historical expertise in the asset-backed  securities market,
coupled  with  expanding  capabilities  in the core fixed  income and high yield
sectors, and its ability to attract and maintain highly-qualified,  professional
talent. The Boards noted particularly HBAM's research team has designed advanced
proprietary  investment  technology  platforms for the monitoring,  analysis and
management  of  risk/reward  attributes  across all sectors of the fixed  income
market. Further, the Boards noted that HBAM manages in excess of $21 billion for
a client base including, but not limited to, insurance companies, pension funds,
financial  institutions,  registered  investment companies and foundations.  The
Boards  considered  the quality and nature of the proposed  investment  advisory
services to be  provided  to the Funds by HBAM as compared to those  provided by


      Next,  the  Boards  considered the qualifications and  experience  of  the
investment advisory personnel at HBAM.  In particular, the Boards considered the
background and expertise of  Mr.  Dana E. Erikson, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager
and the Head of the High Yield Team  (the  "High  Yield Team"), as the successor
lead portfolio manager of the Funds, with the day-to-day  responsibility for the
management of the Funds.  The Boards noted that Mr. Erikson  is  responsible for
HBAM's  corporate  high  yield  exposures  and  the  establishment  of portfolio
objectives  and  strategies.  The Boards also noted the experience of the  other
members of HBAM's  High  Yield  Team  and  considered  that HBAM applies a team-
oriented approach to the fundamental analysis that drives  its  relative  value-
oriented investment decision-making process.  The Boards concluded that the High
Yield Team's experience and credentials made them well qualified to manage  each
Fund's  portfolio  in  accordance with its investment objectives and strategies,
and that there was potential that shareholders would benefit from the High Yield
Team's management of the Funds.

     The Boards further  considered  HBAM's  methodology  for  compensating  the
Funds' portfolio manager and the rest of the portfolio  management,  trading and
research team. The Boards also considered HBAM's  investment  philosophy and its
investment  outlook for the Funds. The Boards noted that HBAM's  commitment to a
relative  value  investment  philosophy  has continued  throughout  its history.
Additionally,  the  Boards  considered  whether  HBAM  would be able to meet the
compliance  demands set forth under  various  regulations.  The Boards  reviewed
materials  regarding HBAM's compliance  program and code of ethics and discussed
the compliance program with HBAM's Chief Compliance Officer.

      The Boards  concluded  that  the  intended  scope  of  such  services  was
satisfactory  and  comparable  to those currently provided by MAM and that there
would be no diminution of the scope or quality of the advisory services provided
to the Funds under the New Advisory Agreements.

     (2)  THE  INVESTMENT   PERFORMANCE  OF  HBAM.  The  Boards  considered  the
investment  performance  of  HBAM's  registered  investment  companies  and  the
performance  record of the High Yield Team.  The Board  compared  the  long-term
performance  of the High Yield  Team's  composite  to its  benchmark  and to the
performance of the Funds.  Based on these factors the Boards  concluded that the
overall   performance  results  supported  the  approval  of  the  New  Advisory

     (3) THE REASONABLENESS OF THE ADVISORY FEES. In evaluating the costs of the
services  to be  provided  by HBAM  under the New  Advisory  Agreements  and the
profitability  of HBAM with respect to each Fund, the Boards  considered,  among
other things,  whether  advisory fees or other expenses would change as a result
of the new  arrangements.  The Boards noted that the fees payable  under the New
Advisory  Agreements  would be the  same as  those  payable  under  the  Current
Advisory  Agreements.  As part of their  analysis,  the Boards examined the fees
payable  under the New Advisory  Agreements  and the total expense ratio of each
Fund in comparison to the fees and total expense ratios for its peer group.  The
Boards noted that the advisory fees and the total  expense  ratios for each Fund
were near the mean of figures  provided by an independent data service for other
leveraged  high  current  yield funds while the  advisory  fees were at, and the
total expense  ratios were slightly  above,  the median of figures for the other
leveraged high current yield funds. The Board further noted that pursuant to the
Expense  Limitation  Agreements  (defined  below),  HBAM would  agree to waive a
portion of its fees and reimburse  certain expenses of the Funds for a period of
two years after each New  Advisory  Agreement  takes  effect so that the maximum
total annual  operating  expense  ratio of each Fund does not exceed the maximum
current contractual expense limitation arrangement between MAM and the Fund.

      The   Boards  then  considered  HBAM's  management  of  other   registered
investment companies  and similarly managed accounts.  The Boards noted that the
advisory fees paid by the  other  registered  investment companies and similarly
managed accounts were comparable to the advisory  fees  proposed  to  be paid by


each Fund.  The Boards concluded that the level of advisory fee to be charged to
each Fund was reasonable in light of these factors.

FUND.  The Boards considered what benefits HBAM would derive from the management
of the Funds  and whether it would have a financial interest in the matters that
were being considered.   The Boards reviewed information regarding the estimated
profitability to HBAM of its  relationship with the Funds and considered whether
the  profits  would  be  reasonable.    The  profitability  analysis  took  into
consideration fall-out benefits from HBAM's  relationship  with  the Funds.  The
Boards  found  that  the  estimated  profits  to  be  realized by HBAM from  its
relationship with the Funds were likely to be reasonable.

GROWS. The Boards considered whether economies of scale would be realized by the
Funds at higher asset levels. The Boards also assessed whether certain of HBAM's
costs would  increase if asset levels rise.  The Boards  considered  each Fund's
current asset size and concluded that under  foreseeable  conditions,  they were
unable  to  assess at the  present  time  whether  economies  of scale  would be
realized if the Funds were to experience  significant  asset growth.  The Boards
noted that HBAM has represented that it expects to analyze whether  economies of
scale can be recognized in the future should the Funds' assets under  management
grow and,  should  economies of scale  emerge,  would  recommend an  appropriate
arrangement to share the benefits of such economies with Fund shareholders.

     (6)  POSSIBLE  CONFLICTS  OF  INTEREST.  The Boards also  discussed  HBAM's
methods of dealing with  conflicts  of interest.  The Boards noted that HBAM has
adopted  compliance  policies  and  procedures  that are designed to address the
various  conflicts of interest that may arise for HBAM and the individuals  that
it  employs.  For  example,  the Boards  noted that HBAM seeks to  minimize  the
effects of competing  interests for the time and attention of portfolio managers
by  assigning  portfolio  managers  to manage  funds and  accounts  that share a
similar  investment  style.  The Boards further noted that HBAM also has adopted
trade allocation  procedures that are designed to facilitate the fair allocation
of limited investment opportunities among multiple funds and accounts.

result of the  considerations  described above, the Boards, including a majority
of the Independent Directors, determined  to approve the New Advisory Agreements
with HBAM.  Based on these considerations,  the Boards were satisfied that:  (1)
the Funds were likely to benefit from the nature,  quality  and extent of HBAM's
services; and (2) HBAM has the resources to provide the services  and  to  carry
out  its  responsibilities  under  the  New  Advisory  Agreements.   The Boards,
including a majority of the Independent Directors, concluded that the  terms  of
the  New  Advisory  Agreements  are  fair  and  reasonable, that the fees stated
therein, including ancillary benefits, are reasonable  in  light of the services
to be provided to the Funds, and for these reasons the Boards  approved  the New
Advisory  Agreements  and  concluded  that  the New Advisory Agreement should be
recommended  to  each  Fund's shareholders for their  approval.   Based  on  the
foregoing, the Boards, including  a  majority  of the Independent Directors, who
were present at the meeting held in person on April  21, 2008, unanimously voted
to approve and to recommend to the shareholders of each  Fund  that they approve
the New Advisory Agreement.

      Under the 1940 Act, a registered investment company cannot  enter  into  a
new  investment  advisory agreement unless the shareholders of such fund vote to
approve the new agreement.   Accordingly,  the  Special Meeting is being held to
seek shareholder approval of the New Advisory Agreements.   If  the shareholders
of  the  Funds approve the New Advisory Agreements, the New Advisory  Agreements
will take effect on the closing date of the Transaction.



      The  form  of the New Advisory Agreement is attached as Appendix B to this
Proxy Statement and the description of its terms in this section is qualified in
its entirety by reference  to  Appendix  B.   The  terms  of  the  New  Advisory
Agreement are substantially similar to those of the Current Advisory Agreements.
However,  there  are  certain  differences  of  which  you should be aware.  The
following is a description of the New Advisory Agreement.   A  comparison of the
New Advisory Agreements and the Current Advisory Agreements is set  forth  below
in the section entitled "Differences Between the Current Advisory Agreements and
the New Advisory Agreements."

      INVESTMENT  ADVISORY  SERVICES.  HBAM will serve as the investment adviser
to the Funds pursuant to the  New Advisory Agreements.  In addition to providing
investment advisory services to a Fund, the New Advisory Agreement provides that
HBAM  will  (1)  act  as  investment  adviser  and  direct  the  investment  and
reinvestment of the Fund's assets and in connection therewith will have complete
discretion in purchasing and  selling  securities  and other assets for the Fund
and in voting, exercising consents and exercising all other rights pertaining to
such securities and other assets on behalf of the Fund,  and (2) arrange for the
purchase  and  sale  of  securities  and  other  assets  held in the  investment
portfolio of the Fund, including the selection of entities  through  which  such
transactions  are  to  be  effected.  The New Advisory Agreements permit HBAM to
effect securities transactions on behalf of the Funds through affiliated persons
of HBAM.  The New Advisory Agreements  also  permit  HBAM to compensate, through
higher commissions, brokers and dealers (other than its  affiliates) who provide
investment  research  and analysis to the Funds and to other  advisory  accounts
over which it or its affiliates  exercise  investment  discretion  in accordance
with  Section  28(e)  of  the  Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  (the
"Exchange Act").

      During the fiscal year ended  March  31,  2008,  the Funds did not pay any
commissions to affiliated brokers.

      ADVISORY FEES AND EXPENSES.  Each Fund will pay HBAM an advisory fee based
on its average daily net assets.  The advisory fee will  be  equal  to an annual
rate based on the following fee:

                 Fund                  % of Fund's daily net assets paid to HBAM
RMK Advantage Income Fund, Inc.                           0.65%
RMK High Income Fund, Inc.                                0.65%
RMK Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.                   0.65%
RMK Strategic Income Fund, Inc.                           0.65%

      The  advisory  fees to be paid under the New Advisory Agreements  are  the
same as those paid under  the  Current  Advisory  Agreements.   Please  see  the
discussion below.

      The  following table sets forth the aggregate amount of advisory fees paid
by the Funds  to MAM pursuant to the Current Advisory Agreements during the last
fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, pursuant to the Current Advisory Agreements:


                 Fund            Aggregate Fee Paid During the Last Fiscal Year
RMK Advantage Income Fund, Inc.                        $
RMK High Income Fund, Inc.                             $
RMK Multi-Sector High Income Fund, Inc.                $
RMK Strategic Income Fund, Inc.                        $

      Under the New Advisory Agreement,  each Fund will bear the expenses of its
operation,  except those  specifically  allocated to HBAM under the New Advisory
Agreement or under any separate  agreement between the Fund and HBAM. Subject to
any separate  agreement or  arrangement  between the Fund and HBAM, the expenses
allocated  to a Fund  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:  (i)  organizational
expenses;  (ii)  legal  and  audit  expenses;  (iii)  borrowing  expenses;  (iv)
interest;  (v) taxes; (vi) governmental fees; (vii) fees, voluntary  assessments
and other expenses incurred in connection with membership in investment  company
organizations;  (viii) the cost  (including  brokerage  commissions and issue or
transfer taxes or other charges, if any) of securities  purchased or sold by the
Fund and any losses incurred in connection  therewith;  (ix) fees of custodians,
transfer  agents,  registrars,  proxy  voting  services,  pricing  or  valuation
services or other agents or service  providers;  (x) expenses of preparing share
certificates;  (xi) expenses relating to the redemption or repurchase of shares;
(xii) expenses of registering  and qualifying  shares for sale under  applicable
federal or state law and  maintaining  such  registrations  and  qualifications;
(xiii)  expenses  of  preparing,  setting in print,  printing  and  distributing
prospectuses,  proxy statements, reports, notices and dividends to shareholders;
(xiv) cost of stationery;  (xv) costs of shareholders  and other meetings of the
Fund, including any expenses relating to proxy solicitation and vote tabulation;
(xvi)  compensation  and expenses of the independent  directors of the Fund, and
officers of the Fund who are not officers, directors or employees of HBAM or its
affiliates,  if any;  (xvii)  the Fund's pro rata  portion  of  premiums  of any
fidelity  bond and  other  insurance  covering  the Fund  and its  officers  and
directors;  and (xviii) the fees and other  expenses of listing and  maintaining
the Fund's  shares on the New York Stock  Exchange or any other  national  stock

      SERVICES TO OTHER CLIENTS.  The New Advisory  Agreements  do not limit the
freedom  of  HBAM  or  any of its affiliates to render investment management  or
administrative services  to  other  investment  companies,  to act as investment
adviser or investment counselor to other persons, firms or corporations,  or  to
engage  in  other  business activities.  HBAM acts as investment adviser or sub-
adviser  to  other  registered  investment  companies  with  similar  investment
objectives and policies  as the Funds.  The following table sets forth the name,
asset size and compensation  received  by  HBAM  for  providing advisory or sub-
advisory services to these other funds.

                                                                                      ADVISORY FEE RATE
                                                              NET ASSETS AS OF       (AS A PERCENTAGE OF
              NAME OF SIMILAR FUND                            MARCH 31, 2008       AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS)
              --------------------                            --------------       ------------------------
The Hyperion Brookfield Total Return Fund, Inc.                 $209 million                 0.65%

The Hyperion Brookfield Strategic Mortgage IncomeFund, Inc.     $ 91 million                 0.65%

Hyperion Brookfield Collateralized Securities Fund, Inc.        $328 million                 0.41%

Hyperion Brookfield Income Fund, Inc.                           $145 million                 0.50%


      LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  The New Advisory Agreement provides that neither
HBAM nor any director, officer, employee, agent or controlling  person  of  HBAM
shall  be  liable for any act or omission or for any loss sustained by a Fund in
connection with  matters to which the New Advisory Agreement relates, unless due
to willful misfeasance,  bad  faith,  gross  negligence or reckless disregard of
their duties under the New Advisory Agreement.

      TERM OF AGREEMENT.  If approved by the shareholders  of the Funds, the New
Advisory Agreements will take effect on the closing date of  the Transaction and
will  remain  in effect for an initial term of two years.  Thereafter,  the  New
Advisory Agreement  will  remain  in  effect with respect to a Fund from year to
year if approved annually (i) by the vote  of  the  holders of a majority of the
outstanding voting securities (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund or by the
Fund's Board of Directors, and (ii) by the vote, cast  in  person  at  a meeting
called for such purpose, of a majority of the Independent Directors.

      TERMINATION.   The  New  Advisory  Agreement  may  be  terminated, without
penalty, at any time by either party upon at least 60 days' prior written notice
to  the  other party; provided that in the case of termination by  a  Fund,  the
termination  has  been  authorized  (i) by a majority of the Fund's directors or
(ii) by a vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities (as defined in
the 1940 Act) of the Fund.  Each New Advisory Agreement terminates automatically
in the event of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act).


      The following are the key differences  between the New Advisory Agreements
and the Current Advisory Agreements:

      o  There are four Current Advisory  Agreements,  one between each Fund and
         MAM. These  agreements are  substantially  similar and only differ with
         respect to Fund party and the date of the agreement.

      o  Under the Current Advisory  Agreements,  MAM does not have the specific
         authority  to  delegate  one  or  more  of  its   responsibilities   to
         sub-advisers or administrators.  The New Advisory  Agreements give such
         authority  to  HBAM,  subject  to Board  approval  and,  to the  extent
         required by the 1940 Act, shareholder approval.

      o  The New Advisory  Agreements  provide that HBAM shall not be liable for
         delays  or errors  occurring  by reason  of  circumstances  beyond  its
         control,  including,  but not  limited  to,  acts of civil or  military
         authority,   national   emergencies,   work  stoppages,   fire,  flood,
         catastrophe,  acts of God,  insurrection,  war,  riot,  or  failure  of
         communication  or power  supply.  In the event of equipment  breakdowns
         beyond  its  control,  HBAM is  required  to take  reasonable  steps to
         minimize service  interruptions but will have no liability with respect

      o  The New Advisory  Agreements  will be governed by the laws of the State
         of New York whereas the Current Advisory Agreements are governed by the
         laws of the State of  Maryland,  in each case to the extent  that state
         law has not been  preempted by the  provisions of any law of the United



      NEW  EXPENSE  LIMITATION  AGREEMENTS.   In  the  interest  of limiting the
expenses of the Funds following the transition of advisory services  from MAM to
HBAM,  the  Boards have approved, and upon consummation of the Transaction  HBAM
will enter into,  an expense limitation agreement with respect to each Fund (the
"Expense Limitation  Agreements")  whereby  HBAM  will  agree  to waive its fees
and/or  reimburse certain expenses of the Fund for a period of two  years  after
the New Advisory  Agreements  take  effect  so  that  the total annual operating
expenses (excluding brokerage, interest expenses and taxes,  acquired  fund fees
and expenses) of each Fund does not exceed 1.30% of average annual net assets of
the Fund.

     The terms of the Expense Limitation Agreements are substantially similar to
the terms under the current  contractual  expense  limitation  arrangements with
MAM. MAM has contractually  agreed to waive fees and reimburse  expenses through
October  31,  2008,  so that the  total  annual  operating  expenses  (excluding
brokerage,  interest  expenses  and taxes) of each Fund do not exceed 1.30% of
average  annual  net  assets  of the Fund.  MAM's  current  contractual  expense
limitation   arrangements   with  respect  to  each  Fund  will  terminate  upon
termination of the Current Advisory Agreements.

into an Accounting  and  Administrative  Services  Agreement with Morgan Keegan.
Under the terms of the agreements,  Morgan Keegan provides portfolio  accounting
services and certain  administrative  personnel and services to the Funds for an
annual fee of 0.15% based on a  percentage  of each Fund's  average  daily total
assets  minus the sum of accrued  liabilities  other than debt  entered into for
purposes of  leverage.  It is expected  that  administrative  and certain  other
services will be transitioned to a third party shortly after consummation of the


      Section  15(f)  of  the  1940  Act  permits  an  investment  adviser  of a
registered  investment  company  (or any  affiliated  person  of the  investment
adviser)  to  receive  any  amount  or  benefit  in  connection  with a sale  of
securities of, or any other interest in, the investment  adviser,  provided that
two conditions are satisfied.  First,  an "unfair  burden" may not be imposed on
the investment company as a result of the transaction, or any express or implied
terms,  conditions or  understandings  applicable to the  transaction.  The term
"unfair burden" (as defined in the 1940 Act) includes any arrangement during the
two-year  period  after the  transaction  whereby  the  investment  adviser  (or
predecessor or successor adviser), or any "interested person" (as defined in the
1940  Act)  of  any  such  adviser,  receives  or is  entitled  to  receive  any
compensation,  directly  or  indirectly,  from  the  investment  company  or its
security  holders  (other than fees for bona fide  investment  advisory or other
services),  or from  any  person  in  connection  with the  purchase  or sale of
securities  or other  property to, from or on behalf of the  investment  company
(other  than  ordinary  fees for bona  fide  principal  underwriting  services).
Second, during the three-year period after the transaction,  at least 75% of the
members of the  investment  company's  board of directors  cannot be "interested
persons"  (as  defined  in the  1940  Act)  of  the  investment  adviser  or the
predecessor adviser of such investment company.

      MAM  and  HBAM  believe  that  the  Transaction  will  not  result  in the
imposition of an "unfair burden" on the Funds. In addition, HBAM has agreed that
for two  years  after  the  consummation  of the  Transaction,  it will  use its
commercially reasonable efforts to take (or refrain from taking, as the case may
be) such  actions  as are  necessary  to ensure  that:  (i) at least 75% of each
Fund's  directors are  Independent  Directors,  and (ii) no "unfair  burden" (as
defined in the 1940 Act) is imposed on the Funds as a result of the Transaction.
At the present time, more than 75% of the directors are  Independent  Directors.
If  shareholders  approve the  election  of all of the  Nominees  identified  in
Proposal 2, it is expected that more than 75% of the Funds'  directors after the
Transaction will be Independent Directors.



      Approval  of this Proposal 1 by each Fund requires the affirmative vote of
a majority of the  outstanding voting securities (as defined in the 1940 Act) of
the Fund, which means  the  vote  (i)  of  67% or more of the shares of the Fund
present at the Special Meeting if the holders  of  more  than  50% of the Fund's
outstanding shares are present or represented by proxy, or (ii) of more than 50%
of  the  outstanding shares of the Fund, whichever is the less.  Notwithstanding
approval of  the  New  Advisory Agreements by shareholders of the Funds, the New
Advisory Agreements will  not  take  effect unless the shareholders of each Fund
also  elect  the  Nominees to serve as new  directors  and  the  Transaction  is

                             VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 1.



      Each Board, based  on  the  recommendation  of  its  Independent Directors
Committee,  has  nominated  the five Nominees for election as directors  of  the
Funds.  Shareholders of the Funds  are  being  asked to consider the election of
the Nominees.  The Nominees are Louis P. Salvatore,  Robert  F. Birch, Stuart A.
McFarland,  Rodman L. Drake and Clifford E. Lai.  The Nominees  are  individuals
who were proposed  by  HBAM and currently serve as directors of other registered
investment companies that are advised by HBAM or its affiliates.

      The Boards, based  upon  the  recommendation  of the Independent Directors
Committees,  have also approved a decrease in the number  of  directors  of  the
Funds from six  to  five, with such decrease to take effect upon consummation of
the Transaction.  Currently,  each  Board consists of six members including five
Independent Directors.  The current Independent  Directors are James Stillman R.
McFadden, Albert C. Johnson, W. Randall Pittman, Mary  S.  Stone  and  Archie W.
Willis,  III.   The current director who is an interested person (as defined  in
the 1940 Act) of  the  Funds (the "Interested Director") is J. Kenneth Alderman.
Mr. Alderman also serves as Chairman.

      It  is expected that  the  current  directors  will  no  longer  serve  as
directors following  the  election  of  the Nominees and the consummation of the
Transaction.  However, the decrease in the number of directors of the Company is
contingent upon, and the Nominees if elected  at  the Annual Meeting will not be
qualified as directors until, the consummation of the Transaction.  Accordingly,
if the Transaction is not completed for any reason,  the  current directors will
continue  to  hold  office  until  their respective successors are  elected  and
qualified, or until the earlier of a director's death, resignation or removal.

      The terms of office of the current Class II Directors, Mr. Pittman and Ms.
Stone, expire at the Annual Meeting.   The  terms  of current Class I Directors,
Mr. McFadden and Mr. Alderman, and the current Class  III Directors, Mr. Johnson
and Mr. Willis, expire at the 2009 and 2010 annual meetings,  respectively.  The
current Class I and Class III Directors will resign effective upon  consummation
of the Transaction.

      If  elected  and  qualified,  each  Nominee will hold office as a director
until  his successor is elected and qualified,  or  until  the  earlier  of  the
director's  death,  resignation  or  removal.   Any  director  may be removed by
shareholders, with or without cause, by the affirmative vote of  a  majority  of
all the votes entitled to be cast generally for the election of directors.


      At  its April 21, 2008 meeting, the Boards considered proposals related to
the Transaction  whereby  HBAM  would  become  the new investment adviser to the
Funds.  The Transaction also contemplates that the  New  Boards would be elected
and that the current members of the Boards would no longer  serve  as  directors
following consummation of the Transaction.

      Each  Nominee  was  proposed  to  the  Independent  Directors  by  HBAM as
contemplated  by  the  Adoption  Agreement.   In  selecting  and  nominating the
Nominees,  the  Independent  Directors  Committees  and  the  Boards  took  into
consideration the qualifications, experience and background of each Nominee.  In
addition,  members  of  the Independent Directors Committees met in person  with
each  Nominee  prior  to  the  April  21,  2008  meeting.   In  particular,  the
Independent  Directors Committees  and  the  Boards  considered  each  Nominee's
familiarity with  fixed income funds, including mortgage-backed and asset-backed
securities, as a result of his current service as a director of other comparable
funds, his expertise and his knowledge of the investment company industry.



      Each Nominee  has consented to being named in this Proxy Statement and has
agreed to serve as a  director  of  the  Funds  if  elected; however, should any
Nominee become unable or unwilling to accept nomination or election, the persons
named in the proxies will exercise their voting power  in  favor  of  such other
person   or   persons  as  the  Boards  may  recommend.   There  are  no  family
relationships among the Nominees.

      The following table sets forth information concerning the Nominees:

                        POSITION(S)                             NUMBER OF       OTHER
NAME,                   HELD WITH       PRINCIPAL               PORTFOLIOS IN   DIRECTORSHIP(S)
ADDRESS(1)              FUNDS,          OCCUPATION(S) DURING    FUND            HELD BY
                        AND LENGTH OF                           OVERSEEN BY
                        TIME SERVED                             DIRECTOR(2)
Robert F. Birch         None            President of New        11              Director and/or Trustee of several
Age 72                                  America High Income                     investment companies advised by
                                        Fund (1992-Present).                    HBAM or by its affiliates
                                                                                (1998-Present); Director of New
                                                                                America High Income Fund (1992-
                                                                                Present); Director of Brandywine
                                                                                Funds (3) (2001- Present).
Stuart A. McFarland     None            Managing Partner        11              Director and/or Trustee
Age 60                                  of Federal City                         of several investment companies
                                        Capital Advisors                        advised by HBAM or its
                                        (1997-Present).                         affiliates (2006-Present);
                                                                                Director of Brandywine Funds (2003-
                                                                                Present); Director of New Castle
                                                                                Investment Corp. (2000-Present);
                                                                                Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                of Federal City Bancorp, Inc.
Rodman L. Drake         None            General Partner of      11              Chairman (since 2003) and Director
Age 65                                  Resource Capital II                     of several investment companies
                                        & III CIP L.P. (1998-                   advised by HBAM or by its
                                        2006); Co-founder of                    affiliates (1989-Present);
                                        Baringo Capital LLC                     Director, and/or Lead Director of
                                                                                Crystal River Capital, Inc.
                                                                                (2005-Present); Director of Celgene
                                                                                Corporation (April 2006-Present);
                                                                                Director of Student Loan
                                                                                Corporation (2005-Present);
                                                                                Director of Apex Silver Corp
                                                                                (2007-Present); Director of Jackson


                        POSITION(S)                             NUMBER OF       OTHER
NAME,                   HELD WITH       PRINCIPAL               PORTFOLIOS IN   DIRECTORSHIP(S)
ADDRESS(1)              FUNDS,          OCCUPATION(S) DURING    FUND            HELD BY
                        AND LENGTH OF                           OVERSEEN BY
                        TIME SERVED                             DIRECTOR(2)
                                                                                Hewitt Tax Services Inc.
                                                                                (2004-Present); Director of Animal
                                                                                Medical Center (2002-Present);
                                                                                Director and/or Lead Director of
                                                                                Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.
                                                                                (1995-2008); Trustee and/or
                                                                                Chairman of Excelsior Funds
                                                                                (1994-2008); Trustee of Columbia
                                                                                Atlantic Funds (2007-Present).
Louis P. Salvatore      None            Employee of Arthur      11              Director of several investment
Age 61                                  Andersen LLP (2002-                     companies advised by HBAM or by its
                                        Present); Partner of                    affiliates (2005-Present); Director
                                        Arthur Andersen LLP                     of Crystal River Capital, Inc.
                                        (1977-2002).                            (2005-Present); Director of Turner
                                                                                Corp. (2003-Present); Director of
                                                                                Jackson Hewitt Tax Services, Inc.
Clifford E. Lai         None            Managing Partner        11
Age 54                                  of Brookfield Asset
                                        Management, Inc.
                                        Chairman (2005-
                                        Present), Chief
                                        Executive Officer
                                        (1998-2006) and
                                        Chief Investment
                                        Officer (1993-2002)
                                        of the Advisor;
                                        President, Chief
                                        Executive Officer
                                        and Director of
                                        Crystal River
                                        Capital, Inc. (2005-
                                        Present); President
                                        and Director of
                                        several investment
                                        companies advised by
                                        the Advisor or by
                                        its affiliates
                                        (1995-Present); and
                                        (2003-2006) and
                                        Board of Managers
                                        (1995-2006) of
                                        Hyperion GMAC
                                        Capital Advisors,
                                        LLC (formerly Lend
                                        Lease Hyperion
                                        Capital, LLC).


(1) The address of each Nominee is Three World Financial Center, 200 Vesey
    Street, 10th Floor, New York, New York 10281-1010.

(2) The number includes the Funds, the Open-End Funds and four registered
    investment companies currently overseen by the Nominees.


      The following  table  sets  forth,  for  each Nominee, the dollar range of
equity  shares  beneficially  owned  in  the  Funds as  of  May  5,  2008.   The
information as to beneficial ownership is based  on  statements furnished to the
Funds  by  each  Nominee.   Beneficial  ownership  means  having   directly   or
indirectly,  through  any  contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or
otherwise, a direct or indirect  pecuniary  interest  in  shares  of a Fund, and
includes  shares  of the Funds held by members of the person's immediate  family
sharing the same household;  provided,  however,  that  the  presumption of such
beneficial  ownership may be rebutted.  Unless otherwise noted,  each  Nominee's
individual beneficial  shareholdings  of  a  Fund constitute less than 1% of the
outstanding shares of the Fund.

                                                       AGGREGATE DOLLAR RANGE OF
                                                       EQUITY SECURITIES IN
                                                       INVESTMENT COMPANIES

 Louis P. Salvatore                None

 Robert F. Birch                   None

 Stuart A. McFarland               None

 Rodman L. Drake                   None

 Clifford E. Lai                   None

*  This column reflects information regarding  ownership  of  equity  securities
issued by funds in the Regions Morgan Keegan fund complex.


      The  Boards  met  17  times during the Funds' fiscal year ended March  31,
2008.  Each director attended  at  least  75% of the total number of meetings of
the Boards and of any committee of which he  or  she  was  a  member during that
year.  Each Board has an Audit Committee, an Independent Directors Committee and
a Qualified Legal Compliance Committee.

      The  Audit  Committees  are composed of all of the Independent  Directors.
The members of the Audit Committees  are  Messrs. Johnson, McFadden, Pittman and
Willis, and Ms. Stone.  The principal functions  of  the  Audit Committee are to
select  independent  accountants  to  conduct  the  annual audits  of  a  Fund's
financial statements, review with the independent accountants the outline, scope
and results of the annual audit, and review the performance and approve all fees
charged  by  the  independent  accountants  for audit, audit-related  and  other
professional  services.   In  addition,  the  Audit  Committee  meets  with  the
independent accountants and representatives of  management  to review accounting
activities and areas of financial reporting and control.  It is anticipated that
the New Boards will appoint new members of the Audit Committees.


      The  Audit  Committees met six times during the Funds' fiscal  year  ended
March 31, 2008.  As  of  the  date  of  this  Proxy Statement, the audits of the
financial statements for the fiscal year ended  March  31,  2008  have  not been
completed  and  the Audit Committees have not yet met to review the Funds'  2008
audited financial  statements.  The Audit Committees are expected to meet in May
2008 to review the Funds'  2008  audited  financial  statements and thereafter a
copy  of  the report of the Audit Committees will be available  to  shareholders
upon request.

      The  Independent   Directors   Committees  are  composed  of  all  of  the
Independent Directors.  The members of  the Independent Directors Committees are
Messrs. Johnson, McFadden, Pittman and Willis,  and  Ms. Stone.  The Independent
Directors Committees must determine at least annually with respect to the Funds'
advisory agreements and periodically with respect to other  arrangements whether
these   arrangements  should  be  approved  for  continuance.   The  Independent
Directors  Committees  also  are responsible for evaluating and recommending the
selection and nomination of candidates  for  election as directors of the Funds,
including Independent Directors, assessing whether  directors should be added or
removed  from  the  Boards  and recommending to the Boards  policies  concerning
Independent Director compensation and retirement, investment in the Funds, Board
and committee governance procedures  and resources for Independent Directors and
periodically  reviewing  compliance  with   any   such  policies  adopted.   The
Independent Directors Committees also nominate candidates  for membership on all
Board committees.  Each Board has adopted a written charter  for its Independent
Directors Committee.

      While there is no formal list of qualifications, the Independent  Director
Committees  consider,  among  other  things,  whether  prospective nominees have
distinguished records in their primary careers, high integrity  and  substantive
knowledge in areas important to the Boards' operations, such as a background  or
education  in  finance, auditing or the workings of the securities markets.  For
candidates to serve  as  Independent Directors, independence from the investment
adviser, its affiliates and other principal service providers is critical, as is
an independent and questioning  mindset.   The  Independent Directors Committees
also consider whether the prospective candidates'  workloads would allow them to
attend the vast majority of Board meetings, be available  for  service  on Board
committees,  and  devote  the  additional  time  and  effort necessary to remain
apprised  of  Board matters and the rapidly changing regulatory  environment  in
which the Funds operate.

      The Independent  Directors Committees will consider candidates recommended
by shareholders on the basis  of the same criteria used to consider and evaluate
candidates  recommended  by  other   sources.    The  Committees  will  consider
candidates  recommended  by  shareholders  if  such  proposed   nominations  are
submitted in writing to the attention of Charles D. Maxwell (addressed  c/o  the
Funds, Fifty North Front Street, 21st Floor, Memphis, Tennessee 38103).

      In  addition,  each  Fund  has a Qualified Legal Compliance Committee (the
"QLCC") composed of all of the Independent Directors.  The QLCCs receive, review
and take appropriate action with respect  to  any  report  made or referred to a
QLCC  by  an  attorney  of  evidence of a material violation of applicable  U.S.
federal or state securities law,  material  breach  of fiduciary duty under U.S.
federal or state law or a similar material violation by a Fund or by an officer,
director, employee or agent of a Fund.  The QLCCs did not meet during the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2008.

      It  is anticipated that the New Boards will appoint  new  members  of  the
Independent Directors Committees and QLCCs.



                   POSITION(S) HELD
                   WITH THE FUNDS,
NAME,              TERM OF OFFICE
Brian B. Sullivan   President           Mr. Sullivan has served as President and Chief Investment Officer of Morgan
Age 53              (Since 2006)        Asset Management, Inc. since 2006. From 1999 to 2002 and from 2005 to 2007, Mr.
                                        Sullivan served as President of AmSouth Asset Management, Inc., which merged
                                        into Morgan Asset Management, Inc. in late 2007. From 1996 to 1999 and from 2002
                                        to 2005, Mr. Sullivan served as Vice President of AmSouth Asset Management, Inc.
                                        Since joining AmSouth Bank in 1982 through 1996, Mr. Sullivan served in various
                                        capacities including Equity Research Analyst and Chief Fixed Income Officer and
                                        was responsible for Employee Benefits Portfolio Management and Regional Trust
                                        Investments. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Thomas R. Gamble    Vice-President      Mr. Gamble has been an executive at Regions Financial Corporation since 1981. He
Age 65              (Since 2003)        was a Corporate IRA Manager from 2000 to 2001 and a Senior Vice President and
                                        Manager of Employee Benefits at the Birmingham Trust Department of Regions Bank
                                        from 1981 to 2000.
J. Thompson Weller  Treasurer           Mr. Weller has been a Managing Director and Controller of Morgan Keegan &
Age 43              (Since 2006)        Company, Inc. since 2001. He was Senior Vice President and Controller of Morgan
                    and Assistant       Keegan & Company, Inc. from 1998 to 2001, Controller and First Vice President
                    Secretary           from 1997 to 1998, Controller and Vice President from 1995 to 1997 and Assistant
                    (Since 2003)        Controller from 1992 to 1995. Mr. Weller also served as a Business Systems
                                        Analyst in the Investment Information Division of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
                                        from 1991 to 1992. Mr. Weller was also with Arthur Andersen & Co. in 1988 and
                                        Andersen Consulting from 1989 to 1991.
Charles D. Maxwell  Secretary and       Mr. Maxwell has been Executive Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer,
Age 54              Assistant           Treasurer and Secretary of Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. since 2006. Mr. Maxwell
                    Treasurer           previously served as Managing Director of Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. from 1998
                    (Since 2003)        to 2006 and Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary of Morgan Keegan &
                                        Company, Inc. from 1994 to 2006. Mr. Maxwell has been Secretary and Treasurer of
                                        Morgan Asset Management, Inc. since 1993. He was Senior Vice President of Morgan
                                        Keegan & Company, Inc. from 1995 to 1997. Mr. Maxwell was with the accounting
                                        firm of Ernst & Young LLP from 1976 to 1986 and served as a senior manager from
                                        1984 to 1986.
Michele F. Wood     Chief               Ms. Wood has been the Chief Compliance Officer of Morgan Asset Management, Inc.
Age 38              Compliance          since 2006 and is also a Senior Vice President of Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc. She
                    Officer (Since      was a Senior Attorney and First Vice President of Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
                    2006)               from 2002 to 2006. She was a Staff Attorney with FedEx Corporation from 2001 and
                                        2002 specializing in employment litigation. She was an Associate with Ford &
                                        Harrison LLP from 1997 to 2001.

(1)The address of Messrs. Weller and  Maxwell  and  Ms.  Wood is 50 North Front
   Street,  21st  Floor,  Memphis,  Tennessee  38103.   The address  of  Messrs.
   Sullivan  and  Gamble  is  1901  6th Avenue North, Suite  400,  Birmingham,
   Alabama 35203.



      Directors of the Funds who are  Interested  Directors receive no salary or
fees from the Funds.  Independent Directors receive  from  each  Fund  an annual
retainer  of $4,000 and a fee of $1,000 per quarterly meeting with reimbursement
by the Fund  for  related expenses for each meeting of the Board attended.  Each
chairperson  of  the  Independent  Directors  Committees  and  Audit  Committees
receives annual compensation  of  $500  from each Fund.  An additional $1,500 is
paid to the Independent Directors for attending  special meetings in person, and
an  additional  $500 is paid for attending special meetings  by  telephone.   No
director is entitled to receive pension or retirement benefits from the Funds.

      The table below  sets  forth  the compensation paid to the Nominees by the
Funds for the fiscal year ended March  31,  2008.   For  the calendar year ended
December 31, 2007, the Nominees received the compensation  set forth in the last
column  of  the  table  below  for  serving  as directors/trustees  of  all  the
registered investment companies in the Regions Morgan Keegan fund complex.

                                         PENSION OR                                           TOTAL
                                         RETIREMENT                                           COMPENSATION
                        AGGREGATE        BENEFITS ACCRUED AS    ESTIMATED ANNUAL              FROM THE FUNDS AND
Louis P. Salvatore               $0           N/A                     N/A                              $

Robert F. Birch                  $0           N/A                     N/A                              $

Stuart A. McFarland              $0           N/A                     N/A                              $

Rodman L. Drake                  $0           N/A                     N/A                              $

Clifford E. Lai                  $0           N/A                     N/A                              $


      The Board of each Fund has provided for  a  process  by which shareholders
may  send  communications  to  the  Board.  If a shareholder wishes  to  send  a
communication to a Board, or to a specified  director,  the communication should
be  submitted  in writing to the Secretary of the Fund, who  will  forward  such
communication to  the  director.   See  "Director  Attendance  at  Meetings  and
Shareholder Communications" below.


      In  the election of directors each Nominee must receive a plurality of the
votes cast  at  the  Annual  Meeting.   A  "plurality  of  the  votes" means the
candidate  must  receive  more  votes  than  any  other  candidate for the  same
position,  but not necessarily a majority of the votes cast.   If  elected,  the
Nominees will  only  serve  as  directors  if  qualified upon the closing of the

                       OF THE FUNDS VOTE "FOR" PROPOSAL 2.


                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION


      MAM  serves as  investment  adviser to each of the  Funds.  Morgan  Keegan
serves as administrator  to each of the Funds. The principal  offices of MAM are
located at 1901 6th Avenue North,  4th Floor,  Birmingham,  Alabama  35203.  The
principal  offices of Morgan  Keegan are  located at 50 Front  Street,  Memphis,
Tennessee 38103. MAM and Morgan Keegan are wholly owned subsidiaries of Regions.


      PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  ("PwC") served  as  each  Fund's  independent
registered public accounting firm to  audit  and  certify  the  Funds' financial
statements  for  the  fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and 2008.  PwC  prepared
each Fund's federal and  state income tax returns and provided certain permitted
non-audit  services.  PwC,  in  accordance  with  Independence  Standards  Board
Standard No.  1, has confirmed to the Audit Committees that they are independent
auditors with respect to each Fund.  The Audit Committees considered whether the
provision by PwC  to  the  Funds  of  non-audit  services  to  the  Funds  or of
professional  services  to  the  Funds'  investment  adviser  and  entities that
control,  are  controlled  by  or  are under common control with the adviser  is
compatible  with  maintaining  PwC's  independence   and   has  discussed  PwC's
independence with them.  Representatives of PwC are not expected  to  be present
at the Meetings but have been given the opportunity to make a statement  if they
so  desire  and  will  be  available  should  any  matter  arise requiring their

      AUDIT  FEES.   The aggregate fees billed by PwC for professional  services
rendered for the audit  of  each  Fund's  annual  financial  statements, and the
review   of  the  financial  statements  included  in  the  Funds'  reports   to
shareholders,  for  the fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and 2008 were $[_____]
and $[_____], respectively.

      AUDIT RELATED FEES.   The  aggregate  fees  billed by PwC for professional
services rendered reasonably related to the performance  of  the audit or review
of the Funds' financial statements for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2007 and
2008  were  $[_____]  and  $[_____], respectively.  Audit related  fees  include
amounts for attestation services and review of internal controls.

      TAX FEES.  The aggregate  fees  billed  by  PwC  for professional services
rendered for tax compliance, tax advice and tax planning  for  the  fiscal years
ended  March  31,  2007 and 2008 were $[_____] and $[_____], respectively.   Tax
fees include amounts for tax compliance, tax planning and tax advice.

      ALL OTHER FEES.   The  aggregate  fees  billed  by  PwC  for  professional
services  rendered  for  services  other  than  audit,  audit  related,  and tax
compliance,  tax  advice  and  tax planning for the fiscal years ended March 31,
2007 and 2008 were $[_____] and  $[_____],  respectively.   These  fees  include
amounts for research regarding the booking of certain assets.

    The  aggregate  non-audit  fees  billed  by  PwC  for  professional services
rendered   to  the  Funds,  the  Funds'  investment  adviser,  and  any   entity
controlling,  controlled  by,  or  under common control with the adviser for the
fiscal  years  ended  March  31,  2007 and  2008  were  $[_____]  and  $[_____],
respectively.  All non-audit services  discussed  above were pre-approved by the
Audit Committee, which considered whether these services  were  compatible  with
maintaining PwC's independence.



      Beginning in late 2007,  lawsuits were filed in the United States District
Court for the Western  District of  Tennessee  relating to certain  fixed income
funds managed by MAM, including the Funds. The complaints were filed as putative
class  actions on behalf of  investors  who  purchased  shares of the Funds from
December 2004 through  February  2008.  The  complaints  name as defendants  the
Funds, MAM, Morgan Keegan, Regions, the Funds' independent auditor, PwC, current
directors,  certain  former  directors,  certain  officers  of the Funds and the
Funds'   portfolio   managers.   The  complaints   allege  that  the  defendants
misrepresented  or failed to  disclose  material  facts  relating  to  portfolio
composition, fair valuation,  liquidity and risk in fund registration statements
and other  documents.  The plaintiffs seek  unspecified  damages,  in some cases
damages and reasonable  costs and  attorneys'  fees. No class has been certified
and each of the cases is at a preliminary  stage. No estimate of the effect,  if
any, of these lawsuits on the Funds can be made at this time.

     In addition, on March 12, 2008, a derivative action was filed in the United
States District Court for the Western  District of Tennessee  seeking damages on
behalf of the RMK  Multi-Sector  High Income Fund,  Inc.  The  complaint in this
action alleges that defendants  breached duties of care and mismanaged the Fund,
among other things. The complaint seeks unspecified damages and reasonable costs
and attorneys'  fees. The proceeding is at a preliminary  stage.

     Similar  claims have been made in lawsuits  concerning  the Open-End  Funds
filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Tennessee.
Defendants  are seeking to have the cases  involving  the Funds and the Open-End
Funds consolidated in a single proceeding.

      MAM and Morgan Keegan are named as defendants in one or more actions filed
in the United States District  Courts for the Western  District of Tennessee and
the Northern  District of Alabama under the Employee  Retirement Income Security
Act of 1974 ("ERISA").  Plaintiffs in the ERISA cases seek to represent  classes
of  participants  and  beneficiaries  of savings and retirement  plans ("Plans")
sponsored by Regions. The complaints in these actions allege that the defendants
breached  fiduciary  duties owed to class  members  and seek  recovery of losses
incurred by the Plans by reason of the alleged breaches of duty, restitution and
other equitable  relief, as well as costs and attorneys' fees. No class has been
certified and these proceedings are at a preliminary stage.

                               VOTING INFORMATION

      For  each Meeting the presence, in person or  by  proxy,  of  shareholders
entitled to  cast a majority of all the votes entitled to be cast at the Meeting
will constitute  a quorum at the Meeting.  Each outstanding full share of common
stock of each Fund  is  entitled  to  one  vote, and each outstanding fractional
share thereof is entitled to a proportionate fractional share of one vote.  If a
quorum is not present at a Meeting, the persons named as proxies may propose one
or more adjournments of the Meeting to permit  further  solicitation of proxies.
Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of  a  majority  of those
shares  represented at the Meeting in person or by proxy.  The persons named  as
proxies will  vote  those  proxies  that  they  are  entitled  to vote "FOR" any
proposal in favor of such an adjournment.

      All shares represented by properly executed proxies, unless  such  proxies
previously  have been revoked, will be voted at the Meetings in accordance  with
the directions  indicated  in  the  proxies;  if  no direction is indicated, the
shares will be voted "FOR" the approval of the New  Advisory  Agreements  as set
forth  in Proposal 1 and "FOR" the election of each of the Nominees as set forth
in Proposal 2.


      To pass, Proposal 1 requires with respect to each Fund the vote (1) of 67%
or more  of  the shares of the Fund present at the Special Meeting, if more than
50% of the Fund's  outstanding shares are present or represented by proxy at the
Special Meeting, or  (2) of more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund,
whichever is the less.   In  the  election  of  directors under Proposal 2, each
Nominee must receive a plurality of the votes cast  at  the  Annual  Meeting.  A
"plurality  of  the votes" means the candidate must receive more votes than  any
other candidate for  the  same  position,  but not necessarily a majority of the
votes cast.  The proposals do not require separate voting by class.


      For purposes of determining whether shareholders have approved a proposal,
broker non-votes (i.e., shares held by brokers  who  do  not  have discretionary
authority  to  vote  on a particular matter and for which the brokers  have  not
received voting instructions  from  their  customers)  and  abstentions  will be
counted  as  shares present at the Meetings for quorum purposes but will not  be
voted for or against any adjournment or proposal.  Accordingly, broker non-votes
and abstentions  effectively will be votes "AGAINST" Proposal 1 because Proposal
1 requires the vote  of  a  specified majority of a Fund's shares.  However, the
Funds understand that brokers  may  vote  on  Proposal  2  on  behalf  of  their

      You  may  revoke  your  proxy at any time before the Meetings by providing
another  proxy or by letter or telegram  revoking  the  initial  proxy.   To  be
effective,  your revocation must be received by the Secretary of the Funds prior
to the Meetings  and  must  include your name and account number.  If you attend
the Meetings in person, you may  vote by ballot, thereby canceling any proxy you
provided previously.  Proxies voted  by  alternative forms may be revoked in the
same manner that proxies by mail may be revoked.

      Shareholders  who  plan on attending the  Meetings  will  be  required  to
provide valid identification in order to gain admission.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

      The  cost  of  preparing,  assembling,  printing  and  mailing  the  proxy
materials, and any additional  solicitation expenses, including reimbursement of
brokerage firms and others for their  expenses  of forwarding proxy materials to
the beneficial owners of shares, will not be borne  by the Funds.  The principal
solicitation will be by mail, but proxies also may be  solicited  by  telephone,
facsimile   or   other   electronic   communications   or  personal  contact  by
representatives of Morgan Keegan, the Funds' administrator,  none  of  whom will
receive  any  compensation  from  the  Funds for these activities.  In addition,
[___________] may make solicitations on  behalf  of  the  Boards by telephone or
other  means  at  a  cost of approximately $[_______] plus the  expense  of  any
solicitation. [If votes  are  recorded  by  telephone,  Morgan  Keegan  will use
procedures   designed   to   authenticate  shareholders'  identities,  to  allow
shareholders to authorize the  voting  of  their shares in accordance with their
instructions and to confirm that a shareholder's instructions have been properly


      Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act and  Section  30(h)  of  the 1940 Act as
applied  to  each  Fund  require  the  Fund's  directors, certain of the  Fund's
officers, persons who beneficially own more than 10 percent of the Fund's common
stock  and certain other persons to file reports  of  ownership  of  the  Fund's
common stock  and  change in such ownership on Forms 3, 4 and 5 with the SEC and
the New York Stock Exchange.   Such  persons  are required by SEC regulations to
furnish the Fund with copies of all such filings.  Based solely upon a review of
the copies of such forms furnished during or with  respect  to  the  fiscal year
ended March 31, 2008, each Fund reports that [_________].


      The Funds do not have a policy on director  attendance  at the Special and
Annual Meetings. For each Fund, no directors attended the 2007 annual meeting of
shareholders.  Shareholders  may send written  communications  to the Board of a
Fund or to an individual  director by mailing such  correspondence to the Fund's
Secretary,  Charles D. Maxwell (addressed to 50 North Front Street,  21st Floor,
Memphis, Tennessee 38103). Such communications must be signed by the shareholder
and identify the number of shares held by the  shareholder.  Properly  submitted
shareholder  communications  will,  as  appropriate,  be forwarded to the entire
Board  or  to  the  individual  director.  Any  shareholder  proposal  submitted


pursuant  to  Rule  14a-8  under  the Exchange Act must continue to meet all the
requirements of Rule 14a-8.  See "Shareholder Proposals" below.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      The Funds expect to hold their next annual meeting of shareholders in July
2009.  The bylaws of each Fund require  advance  notice  be given to the Fund in
the event a shareholder desires to nominate directors or make  proposals  to  be
voted  on  at  the  Fund's  annual  meeting  of  shareholders.   Nominations and
proposals  of  shareholders  intended  to  be presented at the meeting  must  be
received by the Fund by January 31, 2009 and must satisfy the other requirements
of the federal securities laws.  Timely submission  does not guarantee that such
nominations or proposals will be included.

      Notice of any such  business  must be in  writing  and sent to  Charles D.
Maxwell,  addressed c/o the applicable Fund, 50 North Front Street,  21st Floor,
Memphis, Tennessee 38103.

                               SHAREHOLDER REPORTS

38103, OR CALL 1-800-564-2188.  AS OF  THE  DATE  OF  THIS  PROXY STATEMENT, THE

      [Shareholders of the Funds may have family members living in the same home
who also  own shares of the Funds.  In order to reduce the amount of duplicative
mail that is  sent  to  homes  with  more than one Fund account, the Funds will,
until notified otherwise, send only one  copy  of  shareholder reports and proxy
statements to each household address.  If you would  like  to  receive  separate
documents  for  each  account  holder,  please call 1-800-[0000] or write to the
Funds at [_______].  If you currently share  a  household with one or more other
shareholders  of  the Funds and are receiving duplicate  copies  of  shareholder
reports or proxy statements  and  would  prefer to receive a single copy of such
documents, please call or write the Funds  at the phone number or address listed

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

      Management knows of no business to be presented at the Meetings other than
the  matters set forth in this Proxy Statement,  but  should  any  other  matter
requiring a vote of shareholders arise, the proxies will vote according to their
best judgment in the interest of the Funds.

May __, 2008
Memphis, Tennessee


                                   APPENDIX A

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

      The  following  table  sets  forth  information  about persons who, to the
knowledge  of  the Funds, own beneficially 5% or more of a  class  of  a  Fund's
outstanding securities as of May 5, 2008.

                              CLASS            BENEFICIALLY OWNED       BENEFICIALLY OWNED



                                   APPENDIX B

                         FORM OF NEW ADVISORY AGREEMENT

      THIS INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") is made this _____ day of
__________ 2008,  by and  between RMK  STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC. (the "FUND"),
a Maryland corporation,  and  HYPERION  BROOKFIELD  ASSET  MANAGEMENT, INC. (the
"ADVISER"), a Delaware corporation.

      WHEREAS, the Fund, a closed-end, diversified management investment company
registered  under  the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended  (the  "1940
ACT"), wishes to retain the Adviser to  provide  investment advisory services to
the Fund; and

      WHEREAS,  the  Adviser is registered as an investment  adviser  under  the
Investment Advisers Act  of 1940, as amended (the "ADVISERS ACT") and is willing
to furnish such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration  of  the  promises  and  mutual covenants
herein contained, it is agreed as follows:

      1.    APPOINTMENT OF THE ADVISER.  The Fund hereby appoints the Adviser as
investment adviser for the Fund for the period, in the manner, and  on the terms
set  forth  in this Agreement.  The Adviser hereby accepts such appointment  and
agrees during  such  period to render the services and to assume the obligations
herein set forth.  The  Adviser shall for all purposes herein be deemed to be an
independent contractor and  shall,  except  as  expressly provided or authorized
(whether herein or otherwise), have no authority  to  act  for  or represent the
Fund  in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Fund.  The  Adviser  may
delegate  any  or  all  of  its  responsibilities to one or more investment sub-
advisers, subject to the approval of (i) the Board of Directors (the "BOARD") of
the Fund, and (ii) the Fund's shareholders, to the extent required by law.  Such
delegation shall not relieve the Adviser  of  its  duties  and  responsibilities

      2.    INVESTMENT  ADVISORY  SERVICES.  Subject to the supervision  of  the
Fund's  Board, the Adviser shall provide  the  Fund  with  investment  research,
advice, management  and  supervision  and  shall furnish a continuous investment
program  for  the  Fund's portfolio of securities  consistent  with  the  Fund's
investment objectives,  policies  and  limitations  as  set  forth in the Fund's
initial registration statement, as amended or supplemented, the  Fund's Articles
of Incorporation and Bylaws, the 1940 Act, the applicable rules and  regulations
of  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and other applicable
federal and state laws, and such other guidelines  as  the  Board may reasonably
establish  or  approve.  Without limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  the
Adviser shall:   (i) obtain and evaluate such information and advice relating to
the economy, securities  markets  and securities as it deems necessary or useful
to  discharge  its  duties  hereunder;   (ii) determine  the  securities  to  be
purchased, retained, sold, loaned or otherwise  disposed  by  the  Fund and what
portion of such assets will be invested or held uninvested as cash;  (iii) place
orders  pursuant  to  its investment determinations for the Fund either directly
with the issuer or with  any  broker or dealer; and (iv) take such other actions


and perform such other functions  of  management and supervision with respect to
the Fund as it deems necessary or appropriate or as may be directed by the Board
of the Fund.

      3.    PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS.  In placing orders with brokers and dealers,
the  Adviser  shall  attempt  to  obtain  the  best  execution  of  the  orders,
considering  all  the  circumstances.  For purposes  of  this  Agreement,  "best
execution" shall be interpreted in accordance with applicable law as it pertains
to the management of registered  investment  companies  by registered investment

            (i)   Subject to the appropriate policies and procedures approved by
                  the  Board,  the  Adviser  may,  to the extent  authorized  by
                  Section 28(e)  of  the Securities Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as
                  amended (the "EXCHANGE  ACT"),  use  brokers  or  dealers  who
                  provide  the  Fund  or  the  Adviser with brokerage, research,
                  analysis, advice and similar services  to execute transactions
                  on  behalf  of  the  Fund, and the Adviser may  pay  to  those
                  brokers  or  dealers in  return  for  brokerage  and  research
                  services a higher  commission  than  may  be  charged by other
                  brokers or dealers, subject to the Adviser determining in good
                  faith  that such commission is reasonable in terms  either  of
                  the particular transaction or of the overall responsibility of
                  the Adviser  to  the  Fund  and its other clients and that the
                  total  commissions paid by the  Fund  will  be  reasonable  in
                  relation  to  the  benefits  to  the  Fund over the long term.
                  Subject  to seeking best execution, the  Board  may  cause  or
                  direct  the  Adviser  to  effect  transactions  in  securities
                  through brokers or dealers in a manner that will help generate
                  resources to pay the cost of certain expenses that the Fund is
                  required  to  pay or for which the Fund is required to arrange

            (ii)  The Adviser may,  to  the  extent permitted by applicable laws
                  and regulations, aggregate securities  to be sold or purchased
                  for the Fund and for its other clients in order to obtain best
                  execution.   In  that  event,  allocation  of  the  securities
                  purchased  or  sold,  as  well  as  expenses incurred  in  the
                  transaction, will be made by the Adviser  in  accordance  with
                  the  1940  Act and SEC or SEC staff guidance thereunder and in
                  the  manner  it   considers  to  be  the  most  equitable  and
                  consistent with its  fiduciary  obligations to the Fund and to
                  its other clients.

            (iii) The Adviser may use brokers or dealers who are affiliated with
                  the Adviser, provided that no such  broker  or  dealer will be
                  utilized  in  any transaction in which such broker  or  dealer
                  acts  as  principal   and   the  commissions,  fees  or  other
                  remuneration received by such brokers or dealers is reasonable
                  and  fair  compared  to  the  commissions,   fees   or   other
                  remuneration  paid  to  other brokers or dealers in connection
                  with  comparable  transactions  involving  similar  securities
                  being purchased or sold during a comparable period of time.

            (iv)  The  Adviser will periodically  review  the  Fund's  portfolio
                  transactions to ensure that such transactions are conducted in
                  accordance  with  this  Section 3.   The Adviser shall provide
                  such reports to the Board of Directors  as  it  may reasonably
                  request  with  respect  to  the  Fund's  total  brokerage  and
                  transaction  activities and the manner in which that  business
                  was allocated.

  The Fund hereby authorizes any entity or person associated with the Adviser
which is a member of a national securities exchange to effect any transaction on
the exchange for the account of the Fund which is permitted by Section 11(a) of
the Exchange Act and Rule 11a2-2(T) thereunder, and the Fund hereby consents to
the retention of compensation by such entity or person for such transaction in
accordance with Rule 11a2-2(T)(a)(2)(iv).

  In the performance of its duties under this Agreement, the Adviser shall at
all times use all reasonable efforts to conform to, and act in accordance with,
any requirements imposed by (i) the provisions of the 1940 Act, the Advisers
Act, and of any rules or regulations of each in force thereunder; (ii) any other
applicable provision of law; (iii) the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of
the Fund, as such documents are amended from time to time; (iv) the investment
objectives, policies and restrictions applicable to the Fund as set forth in the
Fund's initial registration statement on Form N-2, as amended or supplemented,
and (v) any policies and determinations of the Board of the Fund.

      4.    CODE OF ETHICS.  The  Adviser  shall  adopt a written code of ethics
complying  with  the  requirements  of  Rule  17j-1  under   the  1940  Act  and
Section 204A of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and shall  provide  the Fund
with  a  copy  of  the  code  of  ethics  and  evidence of its adoption.  Within
forty-five (45) days of the end of the last calendar  quarter of each year while
this Agreement is in effect, an executive officer of the  Adviser  shall certify
to the Board that the Adviser has complied with the requirements of  Rule  17j-1
and  Section 204A  during the previous year and that there has been no violation
of the Adviser's code  of  ethics  or,  if  such  a violation has occurred, that
appropriate action was taken in response to such violation.   Upon  the  written
request  of  the  Fund, the Adviser shall permit the Fund to examine the reports
required to be made to the Adviser by Rule 17j-1(c)(1).

      5.    BOOKS AND RECORDS.  The Adviser shall oversee the maintenance of all
books and records with  respect  to  the  Fund's securities transactions and the
Fund's books of account in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws
and regulations.  In compliance with the requirements  of  Rule  31a-3 under the
1940 Act, the Adviser hereby agrees that any records which it maintains  for the
Fund  are  the property of the Fund and further agrees to surrender promptly  to
the Fund any  of  such  records  upon  the  Fund's request.  The Adviser further
agrees to arrange for the preservation of the  records required to be maintained
by Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act for the periods  prescribed by Rule 31a-2 under
the   1940   Act.    The  Adviser  will  be  responsible  for   preserving   the
confidentiality  of  information  concerning  the  holdings,  transactions,  and
business activities of  the Fund in conformity with the requirements of the 1940
Act, other applicable laws  and  regulations, and any policies that are approved
by the Board.

      6.    REPORTS.  The Adviser  shall  furnish to or place at the disposal of
the  Fund such information, evaluations, analyses  and  opinions  formulated  or
obtained  by  the  Adviser  in the discharge of its duties as the Fund may, from
time to time, reasonably request.   The Fund shall furnish the Adviser with such
documents and information with regard  to its affairs as the Adviser may, at any
time  or  from  time  to time, reasonably request  in  order  to  discharge  its
obligations under this Agreement.

      7.    FUND PERSONNEL.   The  Adviser  agrees to permit individuals who are
directors, officers or employees of the Adviser  to  serve (if duly appointed or
elected) as directors, officers or employees of the Fund,  without  remuneration
from or other cost to the Fund.

      8.    DISQUALIFICATION.  The Adviser shall immediately notify the Board of
the  occurrence of any event which would disqualify the Adviser from serving  as
an investment adviser of an investment company pursuant to Section 9 of the 1940
Act or any other applicable statute or regulation.

      9.    EXPENSES.  The Adviser shall be responsible for expenses incurred in
providing  office  space,  equipment  and  personnel  as  may  be  necessary  or
convenient  to  provide  investment  advisory  services  to  the Fund, including
payment  of  all  fees,  expenses  and  salaries  of the directors, officers  or
employees of the Fund who are directors, officers or  employees  of the Adviser.
The  Fund  shall  bear  the expenses of its operation, except those specifically
allocated to the Adviser  under  this  Agreement or under any separate agreement
between  the  Fund  and  the Adviser.  Subject  to  any  separate  agreement  or
arrangement between the Fund  and  the Adviser, the expenses hereby allocated to
the  Fund,  and  not to the Adviser, include,  but  are  not  limited  to:   (i)
organizational  expenses;   (ii)  legal  and  audit  expenses;  (iii)  borrowing
expenses;  (iv)  interest;  (v)  taxes;  (vi)  governmental  fees;  (vii)  fees,
voluntary assessments and other  expenses incurred in connection with membership
in  investment  company organizations;  (viii)  the  cost  (including  brokerage
commissions and issue  or transfer taxes or other charges, if any) of securities
purchased or sold by the  Fund  and any losses incurred in connection therewith;
(ix) fees of custodians, transfer  agents,  registrars,  proxy  voting services,
pricing or valuation services or other agents or service providers; (x) expenses
of  preparing  share  certificates; (xi) expenses relating to the redemption  or
repurchase of shares; (xii)  expenses  of  registering and qualifying shares for
sale under applicable federal or state law and  maintaining  such  registrations
and qualifications; (xiii) expenses of preparing, setting in print, printing and
distributing  prospectuses, proxy statements, reports, notices and dividends  to
stockholders; (xiv)  cost  of  stationery;  (xv) costs of stockholders and other
meetings of the Fund, including any expenses  relating to proxy solicitation and
vote tabulation; (xvi) compensation and expenses of the independent directors of
the Fund, and officers of the Fund who are not  officers, directors or employees
of the Adviser or its affiliates, if any; (xvii)  the Fund's pro rata portion of
premiums  of any fidelity bond and other insurance covering  the  Fund  and  its
officers and  directors;  and (xviii) the fees and other expenses of listing and
maintaining the Fund's shares  on  the  New  York  Stock  Exchange  or any other
national stock exchange.

      10.   COMPENSATION.  As compensation for the services performed hereunder,
the  Adviser shall receive from the Fund an advisory fee at the annual  rate  of
0.65% of the Fund's average daily total assets minus liabilities (other than the
aggregate   indebtedness  entered  into  for  purposes  of  leverage)  ("MANAGED
ASSETS").  This  advisory  fee  shall  be payable monthly as soon as practicable
after the last day of each month based on the average of the daily values placed
on the Managed Assets of the Fund as determined at the close of business on each
day throughout the month.  The Managed Assets  of  the Fund will be valued as of
the  close  of  regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange  (currently  4:00
p.m., Eastern time)  on  each  business day throughout the month or, if the Fund
lawfully determines the value of  its  Managed  Assets  as of some other time on
each business day, as of such time.  The first payment of such fee shall be made
as  promptly as possible at the end of the month next succeeding  the  effective
date  of  this  Agreement.   In  the  event that the Adviser's right to such fee
commences on a date other than the first  day  of  the  month,  the fee for such

month shall be prorated based on the average daily Managed Assets of the Fund in
that period from the date of commencement to the last day of the  month.  In the
event  this Agreement terminates before the end of any month, the fee  for  such
month shall be prorated based on the average daily Managed Assets of the Fund in
that period  from the first day of the month to the date of termination.  If the
Fund determines  the  value of its Managed Assets more than once on any business
day, the last such determination  on  that  day  shall  be deemed to be the sole
determination on that day.  The value of the Managed Assets  shall be determined
pursuant  to the applicable provisions of the Fund's Articles of  Incorporation,
its  By-Laws   and   the  1940  Act.   If,  pursuant  to  such  provisions,  the
determination of the net asset value of the Fund is suspended for any particular
business day, then the value of the Managed Assets of the Fund on that day shall
be deemed to be the value  of  its Managed Assets as determined on the preceding
business day.  If the determination  of the net asset value of the Fund has been
suspended for more than one month, the Adviser's compensation payable at the end
of that month shall be computed on the  basis of the value of the Managed Assets
of the Fund as last determined (whether during or prior to such month).

      11.   NON-EXCLUSIVE SERVICES.  Nothing  in  this  Agreement shall limit or
restrict the right of any director, officer, or employee  of the Adviser who may
also  be a director, officer, or employee of the Fund, to engage  in  any  other
business  or to devote his time and attention in part to the management or other
aspects of  any  other  business,  whether  of  a similar nature or a dissimilar
nature, nor to limit or restrict the right of the Adviser to engage in any other
business or to render services of any kind, including  investment  advisory  and
management  services,  to any other corporation, firm, individual or association
provided that any such other  services and activities do not, during the term of
this Agreement, interfere, in a  material  manner, with the Adviser's ability to
meet all of its obligations to the Fund hereunder.   The  Fund acknowledges that
the  Adviser  or  one  or more of its "affiliated persons" may  have  investment
responsibilities or render  investment  advice  to  or  perform other investment
advisory services for other individuals or entities and that  the  Adviser,  its
"affiliated  persons"  or  any  of  its  or their directors, officers, agents or
employees  may buy, sell or trade in securities  for  its  or  their  respective
accounts ("AFFILIATED  ACCOUNTS").   Subject to the provisions of Section 3, the
Fund agrees that the Adviser or its "affiliated  persons"  may  give  advice  or
exercise  investment  responsibility  and take such other action with respect to
Affiliated Accounts which may differ from  the  advice  given  or  the timing or
nature  of  action with respect to the Fund, provided that the Adviser  acts  in
good faith.   The  Fund  further acknowledges that one or more of the Affiliated
Accounts  may at any time hold,  acquire,  increase,  decrease,  dispose  of  or
otherwise deal  with  positions  in  investments  in  which the Fund may have an
interest.   The Adviser shall have no obligation to recommend  for  the  Fund  a
position in any investment which an Affiliated Account may acquire, and the Fund
shall have no  first  refusal,  co-investment  or other rights in respect of any
such investment, either for the Fund or otherwise.


            12.1  Neither the Adviser nor any director,  officer  or employee of
the Adviser performing services for the Fund at the direction or request  of the
Adviser  in connection with the Adviser's discharge of its obligations hereunder
shall be liable  for  any  error  of  judgment or mistake of law or for any loss
suffered by the Fund in connection with  any  matter  to  which  this  Agreement
relates;  provided  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be construed (i) to
protect  the  Adviser  against any liability to the Fund or its stockholders  to
which the Adviser would  otherwise be subject by reason of the Adviser's willful
misfeasance, bad faith, or  gross negligence in the performance of the Adviser's
duties, or by reason of the Adviser's  reckless disregard of its obligations and
duties  under  this  Agreement ("DISABLING  CONDUCT")  or  (ii) to  protect  any
director, officer or employee of the Adviser who is or was a director or officer
of the Fund against any  liability to the Fund or its stockholders to which such
person would otherwise be  subject  by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith,

gross negligence or reckless disregard  of the duties involved in the conduct of
such person's office with the Fund.

            12.2  The Fund will indemnify  the  Adviser  against,  and  hold  it
harmless  from,  any  and  all  expenses  (including reasonable counsel fees and
expenses)  incurred investigating or defending  against  claims  for  losses  or
liabilities  described  in Section 12.1 not resulting from negligence, disregard
of its obligations and duties  under  this Agreement or disabling conduct by the
Adviser.  Indemnification shall be made only following:  (i) a final decision on
the merits by a court or other body before  whom the proceeding was brought that
the Adviser was not liable by reason of negligence, disregard of its obligations
and duties under this Agreement or disabling  conduct  or (ii) in the absence of
such a decision, a reasonable determination, based upon  a  review of the facts,
that  the  Adviser  was  not  liable by reason of negligence, disregard  of  its
obligations and duties under this Agreement or disabling conduct by (a) the vote
of a majority of a quorum of directors  of  the Fund who are neither "interested
persons"  of  the Fund nor parties to the proceeding  ("DISINTERESTED  NON-PARTY
DIRECTORS") or  (b) an  independent  legal  counsel  in  a written opinion.  The
Adviser  shall  be  entitled  to  advances  from  the  Fund for payment  of  the
reasonable expenses incurred by it in connection with the  matter as to which it
is  seeking  indemnification hereunder in the manner and to the  fullest  extent
permissible under  the  Maryland  General  Corporation  Law.   The Adviser shall
provide  to  the  Fund a written affirmation of its good faith belief  that  the
standard of conduct necessary for indemnification by the Fund has been met and a
written undertaking  to  repay  any  such  advance  if  it  should ultimately be
determined that the standard of conduct has not been met.  In addition, at least
one of the following additional conditions shall be met:  (a) the  Adviser shall
provide  security in form and amount acceptable to the Fund for its undertaking;
(b) the Fund  is  insured  against  losses  arising by reason of the advance; or
(c) a majority of a quorum of the full Board  of  the Fund, the members of which
majority are disinterested non-party directors, or independent legal counsel, in
a written opinion, shall have determined, based on  a  review  of  facts readily
available to the Fund at the time the advance is proposed to be made, that there
is reason to believe that the Adviser will ultimately be found to be entitled to
indemnification hereunder.

      13.   TERM OF AGREEMENT.  The term of this Agreement shall begin  [on  the
date first above written] and, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided,
this Agreement shall remain in effect for two years.  Thereafter, this Agreement
shall  continue  in  effect  from  year  to  year,  subject  to  the termination
provisions and all other terms and conditions hereof, provided such  continuance
is  approved  at  least  annually  by  vote of the holders of a majority of  the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund  or by the directors, provided that in
either event such continuance is also approved  annually  by  the  vote, cast in
person  at  a  meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval,  of  a
majority of the  directors  who  are not parties to this Agreement or interested
persons of either party hereto ("INDEPENDENT  DIRECTORS");  and provided further
that the Adviser shall not have notified the Fund in writing at least sixty (60)
days prior to the first expiration date hereof or at least sixty (60) days prior
to  any expiration date hereof of any year thereafter that it  does  not  desire
such  continuation.   The  Adviser  shall furnish to the Fund, promptly upon its
request, such information as may reasonably  be  necessary to evaluate the terms
of this Agreement or any extension, renewal or amendment thereof.

      14.   AMENDMENT OR ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT.  This Agreement may be amended
at any time, but only by written agreement between  the  Adviser  and  the Fund,
which amendment has been authorized by the Board, including the vote or  written
consent  of  a majority of the Independent Directors and, where required by  the
1940 Act, the  shareholders  of  the Fund in the manner required by the 1940 Act
and  the rules thereunder.  This Agreement  shall  terminate  automatically  and
immediately  in  the event of its assignment.  The Adviser shall notify the Fund
in writing in advance  of any proposed change of "control" to enable the Fund to
take the steps necessary to enter into a new advisory agreement, if necessary.

      15.   TERMINATION  OF  AGREEMENT.  This Agreement may be terminated at any
time by either party hereto, without the payment of any penalty, upon sixty (60)
days' prior written notice to  the  other  party;  provided  that in the case of
termination  by  the  Fund,  such  action  shall  have  been  authorized  (i) by
resolution of the directors, including the vote or written consent of a majority
of  the  Independent Directors or (ii) by vote of a majority of the  outstanding
voting securities of the Fund.

      16.   INTERPRETATION   AND   DEFINITION   OF   TERMS.    Any  question  of
interpretation of any term or provision of this Agreement having  a  counterpart
in  or  otherwise  derived  from  a  term or provision of the 1940 Act shall  be
resolved  by  reference  to such term or  provision  of  the  1940  Act  and  to
interpretation thereof, if  any,  by the United States courts or, in the absence
of any controlling decision of any court, by rules, regulations or orders of the
SEC validly issued pursuant to the  1940 Act.  Where the effect of a requirement
of the 1940 Act reflected in any provision  of  this  Agreement  is altered by a
rule, regulation or order of the SEC, whether of special or general application,
such  provision  shall  be  deemed  to  incorporate  the  effect  of  such rule,
regulation or order.  Specifically, the terms "AFFILIATED PERSON," "ASSIGNMENT,"
SECURITIES" shall have the meanings  given  to  them by Section 2(a) of the 1940
Act, subject to such exemptions as may be granted by the Securities and Exchange
Commission by any rule, regulation or order.

      17.   GOVERNING LAW.  Except insofar as the 1940 Act or other federal laws
and regulations may be controlling, this Agreement  shall  be  governed  by, and
construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.

      18.   NOTICE.   Any  notice under this Agreement shall be given in writing
addressed and delivered or mailed postage prepaid to the other party to the Fund
(attn:  [Secretary]) or the  Adviser  (attn:  [___________]) at their respective
principal places of business (or to such other addresses or contacts as shall be
designated by the Fund or the Adviser in a written notice to the other party).

      19.   CAPTIONS.   The  captions  in   this   Agreement  are  included  for
convenience  of  reference only and in no way define or  delineate  any  of  the
provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect.

      20.   SEVERABILITY  AND  SUCCESSORS.   If  any provision of this Agreement
shall be held or made invalid by a court decision,  statute,  rule or otherwise,
the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

      21.   FORCE MAJEURE.  The Adviser shall not be liable for delays or errors
occurring  by  reason  of circumstances beyond its control, including,  but  not
limited to, acts of civil  or  military  authority,  national  emergencies, work
stoppages, fire, flood, catastrophe, acts of God, insurrection,  war,  riot,  or
failure  of communication or power supply.  In the event of equipment breakdowns
beyond its  control, the Adviser shall take reasonable steps to minimize service
interruptions but shall have no liability with respect thereto.

      22.   ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and
understanding between  the  parties  hereto, and supersedes all prior amendments
and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof.

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this instrument to be signed on
their behalf by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized all as of
the date first written above.

                                     RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.


                                     HYPERION BROOKFIELD ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.



                         RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  JULY 11, 2008

      This proxy is being solicited on  behalf  of the Board of Directors of RMK
Strategic  Income  Fund,  Inc.  and  relates to the proposal  described  in  the
accompanying Proxy Statement.  The undersigned  hereby  appoints  as  proxies J.
Thompson  Weller  and  Charles  D.  Maxwell,  and  each  of  them (with power of
substitution),  to vote for the undersigned all shares of common  stock  of  the
undersigned in the  Company at the Special Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
July 11, 2008 at 11:00  a.m.,  Central  Time,  at  7130  Goodlett Farms Parkway,
Cordova, Tennessee 38016, and any adjournment thereof, with  all  the  power the
undersigned  would  have if personally present.  The shares represented by  this
proxy will be voted as instructed.  Unless indicated to the contrary, this proxy
shall be deemed to grant  authority  to  vote  FOR  the  new investment advisory
agreement.   To  vote by telephone, please call 1-800-[000-0000].   To  vote  by
facsimile, fax your  completed  proxy card to 1-800-[000-0000].  To vote through
the Internet, visit our website at http://www.morgankeegan.com/vote.

      YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT.  Please  date and sign this proxy below and return
it promptly in the enclosed envelope.


                                              KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS
                                             DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION ONLY




1. Approval of a new investment advisory        [ ]           [ ]          [ ]
agreement  between  Hyperion  Brookfield
Asset Management, Inc. and RMK Strategic
Income Fund, Inc.

Please sign within the box.  If shares are held jointly,  each Shareholder named
should sign.  If only one signs, his or her signature will  be  binding.  If the
Shareholder is a corporation, the President or a Vice President should  sign  in
his  or  her  own  name indicating this.  If the Shareholder is a partnership, a
partner should sign  in  his  or  her  own  name, indicating that he or she is a

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------
Signature                                           Date

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------
Signature (Joint Owners)                            Date


                         RMK STRATEGIC INCOME FUND, INC.

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  JULY 11, 2008

      This proxy is being solicited on behalf  of  the Board of Directors of RMK
Strategic  Income  Fund,  Inc.  and  relates to the proposal  described  in  the
accompanying Proxy Statement.  The undersigned  hereby  appoints  as  proxies J.
Thompson  Weller  and  Charles  D.  Maxwell,  and  each  of  them (with power of
substitution),  to vote for the undersigned all shares of common  stock  of  the
undersigned in the  Company  at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
July 11, 2008 at 11:00 a.m., Central  Time,  at  7130  Goodlett  Farms  Parkway,
Cordova,  Tennessee  38016, and any adjournment thereof, with all the power  the
undersigned would have  if  personally  present.  The shares represented by this
proxy will be voted as instructed.  Unless indicated to the contrary, this proxy
shall  be  deemed to grant authority to vote  FOR  each  nominee.   To  vote  by
telephone, please  call  1-800-[000-0000].   To  vote  by  facsimile,  fax  your
completed  proxy  card to 1-800-[000-0000].  To vote through the Internet, visit
our website at http://www.morgankeegan.com/vote.

      YOUR VOTE IS  IMPORTANT.  Please date and sign this proxy below and return
it promptly in the enclosed envelope.


                                              KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS
                                             DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION ONLY




1.  Election   of   two   Class   I       [ ]       [ ]           [ ]         To withhold  authority
    Directors  to serve  until  the                                           to   vote    for   any
    2009    annual    meeting    of                                           individual nominee(s),
    shareholders   or  until  their                                           mark "For All  Except"
    respective  successors are duly                                           and      write     the
    elected and qualified:                                                    corresponding  nominee
                                                                              number(s)  on the line
      01) Robert F. Birch                                                     below.
      02) Stuart A. MacFarland


2.  Election   of  one   Class   II       [ ]       [ ]           [ ]         To withhold  authority
    Director to serve a  three-year                                           to   vote    for   any
    term or until his  successor is                                           individual nominee(s),
    duly elected and qualified:                                               mark "For All  Except"
                                                                              and      write     the
      01) Rodman L. Drake                                                     corresponding  nominee
                                                                              number(s)  on the line


3.  Election   of  two   Class  III       [ ]       [ ]           [ ]         To withhold  authority
    Directors  to serve  until  the                                           to   vote    for   any
    2010    annual    meeting    of                                           individual nominee(s),
    shareholders   or  until  their                                           mark "For All  Except"
    respective  successors are duly                                           and      write     the
    elected   and   qualified:                                                corresponding  nominee
                                                                              number(s)  on the line
      01) Louis P. Salvatore                                                  below.
      02) Clifford E. Lai

Please sign within  the box.  If shares are held jointly, each Shareholder named
should sign.  If only  one  signs, his or her signature will be binding.  If the
Shareholder is a corporation,  the  President or a Vice President should sign in
his or her own name indicating this.   If  the  Shareholder  is a partnership, a
partner  should  sign in his or her own name, indicating that he  or  she  is  a

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------
Signature                                           Date

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------

---------------------------------------             ----------------------------
Signature (Joint Owners)                            Date