As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 17, 1999
                                                      Registration No. 333-71009

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM N-14


      [X] Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 [ ] Post-Effective Amendment No.___

                    (formerly INVESCO Flexible Funds, Inc.,
                  formerly INVESCO Multiple Asset Funds, Inc.)

               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                              7800 E. Union Avenue
                             Denver, Colorado 80237
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                  P.O. Box 173706, Denver, Colorado 80217-3706
                                (Mailing Address)

                                 (303) 930-6300
                  (Registrant's Area Code and Telephone Number)

                               Glen A. Payne, Esq.
                              7800 E. Union Avenue
                             Denver, Colorado 80237
                     (Name and Address of Agent for Service)

                                   Copies to:
                              Susan M. Casey, Esq.
                             Anil D. Aggarwal, Esq.
                           Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP
                         1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
                                    2nd Floor
                           Washington, D.C. 20036-1800
                            Telephone: (202) 778-9036

      Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: as soon as practicable after
this Registration Statement becomes effective under the Securities Act of 1933.

      Title of securities  being  registered:  Common stock, par value $0.01 per

      No filing fee is  required  because of  reliance  on Section  24(f) of the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.




This Registration Statement contains the following papers and documents:

Cover Sheet

Contents of Registration Statement

Cross Reference Sheets

Letter to Shareholders

Notice of Special Meeting

Part A - Prospectus/Proxy Statement

Part B - Statement of Additional Information

Part C - Other Information

Signature Page



Part A Item No.                               Prospectus/Proxy
And Caption                                   Statement Caption
- -----------                                   -----------------

1.    Beginning of Registration Statement     Cover Page
      and Outside Front Cover Page of

2.    Beginning and Outside Back Cover Page   Table of Contents
      of Prospectus

3.    Synopsis Information and Risk Factors   Synopsis; Comparison  of Principal
                                              Risk Factors

4.    Information About the Transaction       Synopsis; The Proposed Transaction

5.    Information About the Registrant        Synopsis;  Comparison of Principal
                                              Risk      Factors;      Additional
                                              Information About INVESCO Balanced
                                              Fund; Miscellaneous;  See also the
                                              Prospectus  for  INVESCO  Balanced
                                              Fund,   dated  December  1,  1998,
                                              previously    filed   on    EDGAR,
                                              Accession                   Number

6.    Information About the Company Being     Synopsis; Comparison  of Principal
      Acquired                                Risk  Factors;  Miscellaneous; See
                                              also the  Prospectus  for  INVESCO
                                              Multi-Asset Allocation Fund, dated
                                              December 1, 1998, previously filed
                                              on   EDGAR,    Accession    Number

7.    Voting Information                      Voting Information

8.    Interest of Certain Persons and Experts Not Applicable

9.    Additional Information Required for     Not Applicable
      Re-offering by Persons Deemed to be


Part B Item No.                               Statement of Additional
And Caption                                   Information Caption
- -----------                                   -------------------

10.   Cover Page                              Cover Page

11.   Table of Contents                       Not Applicable

12.   Additional Information About the        Statement      of       Additional
      Registrant                              Information of  INVESCO   Balanced
                                              Fund,  dated   December  1,  1998,
                                              previously   filed    on    EDGAR,
                                              Accession                   Number

13.   Additional Information About the        Statement      of       Additional
      Company Being Acquired                  Information of INVESCO Multi-Asset
                                              Allocation Fund, dated December 1,
                                              1998, previously  filed on  EDGAR,
                                              Accession                   Number

14.   Financial Statements                    Annual Report of INVESCO  Balanced
                                              Fund for Fiscal  Year  Ended  July
                                              31,  1998,  previously   filed  on
                                              EDGAR,      Accession       Number
                                              0000913126-98-000017;       Annual
                                              Report   of   INVESCO  Multi-Asset
                                              Allocation  Fund for  Fiscal  Year
                                              Ended  July  31, 1998,  previously
                                              filed on  EDGAR, Accession  Number


      Information  required  to be  included  in Part C is set  forth  under the
appropriate item, so numbered, in Part C of this Registration Statement.


                                     PART A

                                  (A SERIES OF

                                 March 23, 1999

Dear INVESCO Multi-Asset Allocation Fund Shareholder:

      The attached proxy materials describe a proposal that INVESCO  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund  ("Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund") reorganize and become part of
INVESCO  Balanced  Fund  ("Balanced  Fund").  If the  proposal is  approved  and
implemented,  each shareholder of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund will automatically
become a shareholder of Balanced Fund.

      The attached proxy materials also seek your approval of certain changes in
the fundamental  investment  restrictions of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund (if the
reorganization is not approved or cannot be completed for some other reason) and
to elect directors and ratify the appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as
independent accountants of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund.

      YOUR BOARD  RECOMMENDS A VOTE FOR ALL  PROPOSALS.  The board believes that
combining the two Funds will benefit Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's shareholders
by providing  them with a portfolio  that has an  investment  objective  that is
substantially  identical to that of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund, and that has a
similar investment  strategy and that, both before and after taking into account
voluntary  fee  waivers and expense  reimbursements,  will have lower  operating
expenses as a percentage of net assets.  If, however,  the reorganization is not
approved or cannot be completed for some other reason,  you are also being asked
to  approve  certain  changes  to the  fundamental  investment  restrictions  of
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund that will update and streamline the Fund's policies.
The  attached  proxy  materials  provide  more  information  about the  proposed
reorganization  and the  two  Funds  and the  proposed  changes  in  fundamental
investment  restrictions,  as well as the other  matters  you are being asked to
vote upon.

shares early will permit  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund to avoid costly follow-up
mail and telephone solicitation.  After reviewing the attached materials, please
complete,  date and sign  your  proxy  card and mail it in the  enclosed  return
envelope today. As an alternative to using the paper proxy card to vote, you may
vote by telephone, by facsimile, through the Internet, or in person.
                               Very truly yours,

                               Mark H. Williamson
                               INVESCO Multi-Asset Allocation Fund

March 23, 1999



The main reason for the meeting is so that  shareholders of INVESCO  Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund  can  decide  whether  or  not to  reorganize  their  fund.  If
shareholders decide in favor of the proposal,  MULTI-ASSET  ALLOCATION FUND WILL
MERGE with another,  similar mutual fund managed by INVESCO, and you will become
a shareholder of INVESCO BALANCED FUND.

Whether or not shareholders decide they wish to merge the Funds, there are other
matters of  business to be  considered.  So, no matter how you choose to vote on
the proposed  merger,  please do review all of the other  proposals  and vote on
them as well.


There are three key  potential advantages:

Charles P. Mayer and Peter M.  Lovell  (equities)  and Donovan J.  "Jerry"  Paul
(fixed-income  obligations).  The team's highly disciplined investment strategy,
combined with their expertise in stock and bond analysis, may result in stronger
fund  performance  over  the  long-term  (although  of  course  this  cannot  be

o By combining the Funds, SHAREHOLDERS MAY ENJOY LOWER EXPENSE RATIOS over time.
Larger  funds  tend to enjoy  economies  of scale not  available  to funds  with
smaller assets under management.

o These LOWER COSTS MAY LEAD TO STRONGER  PERFORMANCE,  since total  return to a
fund's shareholders is net of fund expenses. The potential benefits and possible
disadvantages are explained in more detail in the enclosed proxy statement.


The  investment  goals of the Funds are basically the same:  They both seek high
total return through capital  appreciation  and current income.  Each invests in
more than one type of asset class. In general,  the Funds are subject to similar
risks and offer similar opportunities for growth and income.  However, there are
significant  differences in investment strategy:  

o  MULTI-ASSET  ALLOCATION  FUND  invests  in a  wider  variety  of  securities,
following a benchmark allocation model that includes foreign securities and Real
Estate Investment Trusts.  This extra level of diversification may temper market
volatility  to an extent,  but may somewhat  limit  opportunities  for long-term

o BALANCED FUND allocates  primarily between common stocks and debt obligations;
its managers enjoy a wide  flexibility in the type of assets they may select for
the fund,  and are not  restricted to specific  percentage  allocations.  Equity
managers focus on a stock's earnings growth potential;  fixed-income  securities
are selected from a value orientation.


A Closing  Date will be set for the  reorganization.  Shareholders  will receive
full and  fractional  shares of  Balanced  Fund  equal in value to the shares of
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund that they owned on the Closing Date. 


The net asset  value  per share of  Balanced  Fund will not be  affected  by the
transaction.  So  the  reorganization  will  not  result  in a  dilution  of any
shareholder's interest.


Unlike a  transaction  where you direct  INVESCO  to sell  shares of one fund in
order to buy shares of another,  the  reorganization  WILL NOT BE  CONSIDERED  A
TAXABLE EVENT.  The Funds themselves will recognize no gains or losses on assets
as a result of a reorganization.  So you will not have reportable  capital gains
or losses due to the  reorganization.  However,  you should consult your own tax
advisor regarding any possible effect a reorganization  might have on you, given
your personal circumstances -- particularly regarding state and local taxes.


The  expenses  of  the  reorganization,   including  legal  expenses,  printing,
packaging and postage, plus the costs of any supplementary solicitation, will be
borne partly by INVESCO and partly by the two Funds.


The  Board  believes  you  should  vote in  favor  of the  reorganization.  More
important,  though, the directors  recommend that you study the issues involved,
call us with any  questions,  and  vote  promptly  to  ensure  that a quorum  of
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  shares are  represented  at this  Fund's  special
shareholders meeting.


o Please visit our Web  site  at   WWW.INVESCO.COM  

o  Or  call  Investor  Services   toll-free  at 1-800-646-8372



At  INVESCO,  we've  built  a  global  reputation  on  professional   investment
management.  Some of the world's  largest  institutions  and more than a million
individuals  rely on our  knowledgeable  investment  specialists  for  effective
management of their  portfolios.  INVESCO  provides  investors  the  perspective
gained from more than 65 years of helping  clients seek their  financial  goals.

The heart of INVESCO's business is to provide strong core mutual fund portfolios
designed  as solid  foundations  for our  clients'  investments.  We draw on the
resources of affiliates worldwide, so we have seasoned experts in the investment
strategies  you want to pursue -- both for your core  investments  as well as to
meet special needs. And we offer  award-winning  service to help you better take
advantage of our investment expertise.  Call us to learn more about your choices


                                  (A SERIES OF

                                    NOTICE OF
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  MAY 20, 1999

To The Shareholders:

      A special meeting of shareholders  of the INVESCO  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund ("Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund"), a series of INVESCO  Combination Stock &
Bond Funds,  Inc.  (formerly  INVESCO  Flexible Funds,  Inc.,  formerly  INVESCO
Multiple Asset Funds, Inc.) ("Combination Stock & Bond Funds"),  will be held on
May 20,  1999,  at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain  Time,  at the office of INVESCO  Funds
Group, Inc., 7800 E. Union Avenue, Denver, Colorado, for the following purposes:

      (1) To approve a Plan of  Reorganization  and Termination  under which the
INVESCO Balanced Fund ("Balanced  Fund"),  another series of Combination Stock &
Bond Funds,  would acquire all of the assets of Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund in
exchange  solely for shares of Balanced Fund and the assumption by Balanced Fund
of  all  of  Multi-Asset   Allocation  Fund's   liabilities,   followed  by  the
distribution of those shares to the shareholders of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund,
all as described in the accompanying Prospectus/Proxy Statement;

      (2) To approve certain changes to the fundamental investment  restrictions
of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund;

      (3) To elect a board of directors of Combination Stock & Bond Funds;

      (4) To ratify the selection of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as independent
accountants of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund; and

      (5) To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      You are entitled to vote at the meeting and any adjournment thereof if you
owned  shares of the  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund at the close of  business on

                                                By order of the Board,

                                                Glen A. Payne

March 23, 1999
Denver, Colorado

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                      NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN
      Please indicate your voting  instructions on the enclosed proxy card, sign
and date the card, and return it in the envelope provided. IF YOU SIGN, DATE AND
"FOR" THE PROPOSALS DESCRIBED ABOVE. In order to avoid the additional expense of
further  solicitation,  we ask your  cooperation  in  mailing  your  proxy  card
promptly.  As an alternative to using the paper proxy card to vote, you may vote
by mail,  telephone,  through the Internet,  by facsimile machine, or in person.
Shares that are registered in your name, as well as shares held in "street name"
through a broker, may be voted via the Internet or by telephone. To vote in this
manner, you will need the 12-digit "control" number(s) that appear on your proxy
card(s). To vote via the Internet, please access HTTP://WWW.PROXYCARD.COM on the
World Wide Web.  In  addition,  shares that are  registered  in your name may be
voted by faxing your  completed  proxy card(s) to  1-800-733-1885.  If we do not
receive your completed proxy cards after several weeks,  you may be contacted by
our proxy solicitor, Shareholder Communications Corporation. Our proxy solicitor
will  remind you to vote your  shares or will record your vote over the phone if
you choose to vote in that manner. You may also call  1-800-690-6903 and vote by

Unless proxy cards submitted by corporations and partnerships are signed by
the  appropriate  persons as indicated in the voting  instructions  on the proxy
card, they will not be voted.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                              INVESCO BALANCED FUND
                                  (A SERIES OF
                             7800 EAST UNION AVENUE
                             DENVER, COLORADO 80237
                           (TOLL FREE) 1-800-646-8372

                           PROSPECTUS/PROXY STATEMENT
                                 MARCH 23, 1999

      This Prospectus/Proxy  Statement ("Proxy Statement") is being furnished to
shareholders of the INVESCO Multi-Asset Allocation Fund ("Multi-Asset Allocation
Fund"),  a series of INVESCO  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  Inc.  (formerly
INVESCO  Flexible Funds,  Inc.,  formerly  INVESCO  Multiple Asset Funds,  Inc.)
("Combination  Stock & Bond Funds"),  in  connection  with the  solicitation  of
proxies  by  its  board  of  directors  for  use  at a  special  meeting  of its
shareholders  to be held on May 20, 1999, at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain  Time, and at
any adjournment of the meeting, if the meeting is adjourned for any reason.

      As more fully described in this Proxy Statement,  one of the main purposes
of the meeting is to vote on a proposed  reorganization.  In the reorganization,
the INVESCO Balanced Fund ("Balanced Fund"), another series of Combination Stock
& Bond Funds, would acquire all of the assets of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund in
exchange  solely for shares of Balanced Fund and the assumption by Balanced Fund
of all of the  liabilities  of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund.  Those  shares of
Balanced  Fund would then be  distributed  to the  shareholders  of  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund, so that each  shareholder of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund would
receive  a number  of full and  fractional  shares of  Balanced  Fund  having an
aggregate value that, on the effective date of the  reorganization,  is equal to
the  aggregate  net  asset  value of the  shareholder's  shares  of  Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund. As soon as practicable  following the  distribution of shares,
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund will be terminated.

      Balanced Fund is a diversified  series of Combination  Stock & Bond Funds,
which is an open-end management  investment company.  Balanced Fund's investment
objective  is to  achieve a high  total  return on  investment  through  capital
appreciation and current income.

      This Proxy Statement,  which should be retained for future reference, sets
forth concisely the information about the  reorganization and Balanced Fund that
a shareholder  should know before voting on the  reorganization.  A Statement of
Additional Information, dated March 23, 1999, relating to the reorganization and
including  historical financial  statements,  has been filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") and is incorporated  herein by reference (that
is, the  Statement  of  Additional  Information  is legally a part of this Proxy
Statement).  A Prospectus and a Statement of Additional Information for Balanced

Fund,  each dated  December  1,  1998,  and  Balanced  Fund's  Annual  Report to
Shareholders  for the fiscal year ended July 31, 1998,  have been filed with the
SEC and are  incorporated  herein by reference.  A Prospectus and a Statement of
Additional  Information for Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund, each dated December 1,
1998,  have been  filed  with the SEC and also are  incorporated  herein by this
reference. A copy of Balanced Fund's Prospectus and Annual Report accompany this
Proxy  Statement.   Copies  of  the  other  referenced  documents,  as  well  as
Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year
ended July 31, 1998, may be obtained without charge,  and further  inquiries may
be made,  by writing to INVESCO  Distributors,  Inc.,  P.O. Box 173706,  Denver,
Colorado 80217-3706, or by calling toll-free 1-800-646-8372.

      The  SEC  maintains  a  website  (  that  contains  the
Statements  of  Additional   Information  and  other  material  incorporated  by
reference,  together with other information  regarding INVESCO Balanced Fund and
INVESCO Multi-Asset Allocation Fund.



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

VOTING INFORMATION...........................................................4

PART I:  THE REORGANIZATION..................................................6

PROPOSAL 1. To approve a Plan of Reorganization and Termination
under which Balanced Fund would acquire all of the assets of
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund in exchange solely for shares of
Balanced Fund and the assumption by Balanced Fund of all of
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's liabilities, followed by the
distribution of those shares to the shareholders of Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund..............................................................6

Comparison of Principal Risk Factors........................................15
The Proposed Transaction....................................................18


PROPOSAL  2. To approve amendments to the fundamental
investment restrictions of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund......................23

   a. Modification of fundamental restriction on issuer diversification.....24
   b. Modification of fundamental restriction on borrowing..................25
   c. Modification of fundamental restriction on industry concentration.....26
   d. Modification of fundamental restriction on real estate investment.....26
   e. Modification of fundamental restriction on investing in commodities...27
   f. Modification of fundamental restriction on loans......................28
   g. Modification of fundamental restriction on underwriting...............28
   h. Modification of fundamental policy on investing in another investment
   company and adoption of non-fundamental policy regarding investing in
   securities issued by other investment companies..........................26
   i. Adoption of fundamental restriction on the issuance of senior

PROPOSAL  3.  To elect the Board of Directors of Combination Stock &
Bond Funds..................................................................30

PROPOSAL  4.  To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
as Independent Accountants of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund...................37

OTHER BUSINESS..............................................................38

AFFILIATED COMPANIES........................................................38



Available Information.......................................................39
Legal Matters...............................................................39

APPENDIX A: PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS ........................................A-1

      AND TERMINATION......................................................B-1


                                  (A SERIES OF

                           PROSPECTUS/PROXY STATEMENT

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  MAY 20, 1999


                               VOTING INFORMATION

      This Prospectus/Proxy  Statement ("Proxy Statement") is being furnished to
shareholders of the INVESCO Multi-Asset Allocation Fund ("Multi-Asset Allocation
Fund"),  a series of INVESCO  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  Inc.  (formerly
INVESCO  Flexible Funds,  Inc.,  formerly  INVESCO  Multiple Asset Funds,  Inc.)
("Combination  Stock & Bond Funds"),  in  connection  with the  solicitation  of
proxies from Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund shareholders by the board of directors
of  Combination  Stock & Bond Funds  ("Board")  for use at a special  meeting of
shareholders to be held on May 20, 1999  ("Meeting"),  and at any adjournment of
the Meeting.  This Proxy  Statement will first be mailed to  shareholders  on or
about March 23, 1999.

      One-third of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's shares outstanding on March 12,
1999,  represented in person or by proxy,  shall constitute a quorum and must be
present  for the  transaction  of business  at the  Meeting.  If a quorum is not
present at the  Meeting or a quorum is present but  sufficient  votes to approve
one or more of the proposals are not received,  the persons named as proxies may
propose one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation
of proxies. Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of a majority
of those shares  represented  at the Meeting in person or by proxy.  The persons
named as proxies will vote those  proxies that they are entitled to vote FOR any
proposal in favor of such an adjournment and will vote those proxies required to
be voted AGAINST a proposal against such adjournment.  A shareholder vote may be
taken on one or more of the proposals in this Proxy  Statement prior to any such

adjournment  if  sufficient  votes  have  been  received  and  it  is  otherwise

      Broker  non-votes  are  shares  held in street  name for which the  broker
indicates that instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or
other  persons  entitled  to  vote  and for  which  the  broker  does  not  have
discretionary voting authority. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted
as shares  present for purposes of  determining  whether a quorum is present but
will not be voted for or  against  any  adjournment  or  proposal.  Accordingly,
abstentions and broker non-votes  effectively will be a vote against adjournment
or against any proposal  where the required  vote is a percentage  of the shares
present or outstanding.  Abstentions  and broker  non-votes will not be counted,
however, as votes cast for purposes of determining whether sufficient votes have
been received to approve a proposal.

      The  individuals  named as proxies on the enclosed proxy card will vote in
accordance  with your  directions  as indicated on the proxy card, if your proxy
card is received  properly  executed by you or by your duly  appointed  agent or
attorney-in-fact.  If you sign,  date and  return  the proxy  card,  but give no
voting  instructions,  your shares will be voted in favor of approval of each of
the proposals and the duly appointed proxies may, in their discretion, vote upon
such other matters as may come before the Meeting. The proxy card may be revoked
by giving another proxy or by letter or telegram  revoking the initial proxy. To
be  effective,  revocation  must be received by  Combination  Stock & Bond Funds
prior to the Meeting and must  indicate  your name and  account  number.  If you
attend  the  Meeting  in  person  you may,  if you  wish,  vote by ballot at the
Meeting, thereby canceling any proxy previously given.

      In order to reduce costs,  the notices to a  shareholder  having more than
one account in Multi-Asset Allocation Fund listed under the same Social Security
number at a single address have been  combined.  The proxy cards have been coded
so that a shareholder's votes will be counted for each such account.

      As of March 12, 1999  ("Record  Date"),  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund had
1,656,717.012  shares of common stock outstanding.  The solicitation of proxies,
the cost of which will be borne half by INVESCO Funds Group,  Inc.  ("INVESCO"),
the investment  adviser and transfer agent of Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund, and
half by INVESCO Balanced Fund ("Balanced  Fund"),  another series of Combination
Stock & Bond Funds,  and Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund, will be made primarily by
mail but also may be made by telephone or oral communications by representatives
of INVESCO  and INVESCO  Distributors,  Inc.  ("IDI"),  the  distributor  of the
INVESCO group of investment  companies  ("INVESCO Funds"),  who will not receive
any compensation for these activities from either Multi-Asset Allocation Fund or
Balanced Fund, or by Shareholder Communications Corporation,  professional proxy
solicitors, who will be paid fees and expenses of up to approximately $1,312 for
soliciting   services.   If  votes  are  recorded  by   telephone,   Shareholder
Communications   Corporation  will  use  procedures   designed  to  authenticate
shareholders' identities, to allow shareholders to authorize the voting of their
shares  in  accordance   with  their   instructions,   and  to  confirm  that  a
shareholder's  instructions  have been properly  recorded.  You may also vote by
mail,  by  facsimile  or  through  a  secure  Internet  site.  Proxies  voted by


telephone,  facsimile  or  Internet  may be revoked at any time  before they are
voted in the same manner that proxies voted by mail may be revoked.

      Except as set forth in Appendix A, INVESCO does not know of any person who
owns  beneficially  5% or more of the shares of Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund or
Balanced  Fund (each a "Fund").  Directors and officers of  Combination  Stock &
Bond  Funds  own in the  aggregate  less than 1% of the  shares  of  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund.

      VOTE REQUIRED.  Approval of Proposal 1 requires the affirmative  vote of a
majority of the outstanding  voting  securities of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund.
Approval  of Proposal 2 requires  the  affirmative  vote of a  "majority  of the
outstanding voting securities" of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund, as defined in the
Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as  amended  ("1940  Act").  This  means that
Proposal 2 must be approved by the lesser of (1) 67% of  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund's shares  present at a meeting of  shareholders  if the owners of more than
50% of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's shares then  outstanding  are present in
person  or by proxy  or (2)  more  than  50% of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's
outstanding  shares.  A plurality of the votes cast at the  Meeting,  and at the
concurrent meeting of the shareholders of Balanced Fund, taken in the aggregate,
is  sufficient  to approve  Proposal  3.  Approval  of  Proposal 4 requires  the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes present at the Meeting,  provided a
quorum is present. Each outstanding full share of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund is
entitled to one vote, and each outstanding  fractional share thereof is entitled
to a proportionate fractional share of one vote. If any Proposal is not approved
by the requisite  vote of  shareholders  of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund,  the
persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments of the Meeting to
permit further solicitation of proxies.




      The following is a summary of certain  information  contained elsewhere in
this Proxy Statement,  the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of
Balanced Fund (which are incorporated  herein by reference),  the Prospectus and
Statement of Additional  Information of Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund (which are
incorporated  herein  by  reference),  and the  Reorganization  Plan  (which  is
attached as Appendix B to this Proxy Statement).  As discussed more fully below,
the Board believes that the Reorganization will benefit  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund's  shareholders.  The Funds have the same investment  objective and similar
investment  policies.  To achieve their investment  objective,  the Funds employ
different  investment   strategies.   It  is  anticipated  that,  following  the


Reorganization,  the total operating expenses for the combined Fund, both before
and after taking into account voluntary fee waivers and expense  reimbursements,
will be lower as a percentage of net assets than those of Multi-Asset Allocation


      The Board  considered  and approved the  Reorganization  Plan at a meeting
held on February 3, 1999. The  Reorganization  Plan provides for the acquisition
of all the assets of Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund by Balanced Fund, in exchange
solely  for  shares of  common  stock of  Balanced  Fund and the  assumption  by
Balanced Fund of all the liabilities of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund. Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund then will  distribute  those  shares  of  Balanced  Fund to its
shareholders,  so that each Multi-Asset Allocation Fund shareholder will receive
the number of full and fractional shares that is equal in aggregate value to the
value of the shareholder's holdings in Multi-Asset Allocation Fund as of the day
the Reorganization is completed.  Multi-Asset Allocation Fund will be terminated
as soon as practicable thereafter.

      The  Reorganization  will  occur as of the close of  business  on June 11,
1999,  or  at  a  later  date  when  the  Reorganization  is  approved  and  all
contingencies have been met ("Closing Date").

      For the reasons set forth below under "The Proposed Transaction -- Reasons
for  the  Reorganization,"  the  Board,  including  its  directors  who  are not
"interested  persons,"  as that term is defined in the 1940 Act, of  Combination
Stock & Bond  Funds,  INVESCO,  or INVESCO  Management  Research,  Inc.  ("IMR")
("Independent Directors"), has determined that the Reorganization is in the best
interests of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund, that the terms of the  Reorganization
are fair and reasonable and that the interests of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's
shareholders will not be diluted as a result of the Reorganization. Accordingly,
the Board  recommends  approval  of the  transaction.  In  addition,  the Board,
including its Independent  Directors,  has determined that the Reorganization is
in the best interests of Balanced Fund, that the terms of the Reorganization are
fair and reasonable and that the interests of Balanced Fund's  shareholders will
not be diluted as a result of the Reorganization.


      As shown in the table below a  shareholder  pays no fees to purchase  Fund
shares,  to exchange to another  INVESCO Fund, or to sell shares.  The only Fund
costs a shareholder  pays are Fund annual  operating  expenses that are deducted
from Fund assets.  The current  fees and  expenses  incurred for the fiscal year
ended  July 31,  1998 by each Fund and PRO FORMA  fees for  Balanced  Fund after
giving effect to the Reorganization are shown below.



                                 BALANCED FUND   ALLOCATION FUND  COMBINED FUND
                                 -------------   ---------------  -------------
Sales charge (load) on              None               None           None
purchases of shares
Sales charge (load) on              None               None           None
reinvested dividends
Redemption fee or deferred          None               None           None
sales charge (load)

ANNUAL FUND OPERATING EXPENSES (expenses that are deducted from fund assets) (as
a percentage of average daily net assets)

                                                 MULTI-ASSET     COMBINED FUND
                               BALANCED FUND   ALLOCATION FUND    (PRO FORMA)
                               -------------   ---------------    -----------
Management Fees                    0.60%             0.75%          0.60%
Distribution (12b-1) fees*         0.25%             0.25%          0.25%
Other Expenses                     0.37%(1)(2)       0.92%(1)(2)    0.37%
Total Fund Operating Expenses      1.22%(1)(2 )      1.92%(1)(2)    1.22%
                                   ======            ======         =====

*     Because each Fund pays distribution fees, long-term shareholders could pay
      more than the economic  equivalent of the maximum  front-end  sales charge
      permitted by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.

(1)   Certain  expenses of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund are being  voluntarily
      absorbed by INVESCO and IMR. Accordingly,  the "Other Expenses" and "Total
      Fund Operating  Expenses" paid by Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund were 0.54%
      and  1.54%,  respectively.  INVESCO  and  IMR do not  intend  to  continue
      absorbing  the expenses of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund.  INVESCO  will,
      however,  continue to absorb the expenses of Balanced Fund for a period of
      at least one year, so that Total Fund  Operating  Expenses will not exceed
      1.25%. Thus, if the Reorganization is not approved, Multi-Asset Allocation
      Fund's  Other  Expenses  and Total Fund  Operating  Expenses  will  likely

(2)   Each  Fund's  actual  Total Fund  Operating  Expenses  were lower than the
      figures shown, because custodian fees for Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund and
      custodian  transfer  agency and  distribution  fees for Balanced Fund were
      reduced under expense offset arrangements.  Because of an SEC requirement,
      the figures shown above DO NOT reflect these reductions.


      This  Example is intended to help you  compare  the cost of  investing  in
Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund with the cost of investing in Balanced Fund and the
cost of  investing  in  Balanced  Fund  assuming  the  Reorganization  has  been

      The Example  assumes that you invest $10,000 in the specified Fund for the
time  periods  indicated  and  redeem  all of your  shares  at the end of  those
periods.  The Example  also assumes  that your  investment  has a 5% return each
year,  that all dividends and other  distributions  are  reinvested and that the


Fund's  operating  expenses  remain the same.  Although  your  actual  costs and
returns may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

                         ONE YEAR    THREE YEARS    FIVE YEARS    TEN YEARS
                         --------    -----------    ----------    ---------
Balanced Fund              $124         $387         $  670         $1,477
Multi-Asset Allocation     $195         $603         $1,037         $2,243
Combined Fund              $124         $387         $  671         $1,477
- ---------------------


      Each  Fund is a  separate  series of  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  a
no-load, open-end,  diversified management investment company that was organized
as a Maryland  corporation on August 19, 1993.  Combination  Stock & Bond Funds'
Articles of  Incorporation  authorize the directors to issue up to 1,600,000,000
shares, par value $0.01 per share. Of the authorized shares of Combination Stock
& Bond Funds,  100,000,000  have been allocated to Balanced Fund and 100,000,000
have been allocated to Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund.  Neither Balanced Fund nor
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund is required to (nor do they) hold annual shareholder
meetings.  Neither  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund nor Balanced Fund issues share


      INVESCO is the investment adviser to each Fund. In this capacity,  INVESCO
supervises  all aspects of each Fund's  operations  and makes and implements all
investment  decisions for Balanced Fund.  IMR is the  sub-adviser of Multi-Asset
Allocation   Fund  and  is  primarily   responsible  for  managing  that  Fund's

      INVESCO is currently  paid (1) by  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund a monthly
management fee computed at the annual rate of 0.75% on the first $500 million of
the Fund's  average net assets,  0.65% on the next $500  million of such assets,
and 0.50% on such  assets  over $1 billion  and (2) by  Balanced  Fund a monthly
management fee computed at the annual rate of 0.60% on the first $350 million of
the Fund's  average net assets,  0.55% on the next $350  million of such assets,
and 0.50% on such assets over $700  million.  For the fiscal year ended July 31,
1998,   Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  and  Balanced  Fund  paid  an  investment
management  fee of 0.75%  and  0.60%,  respectively,  of its  average  daily net
assets.  Following  the  Reorganization,  the  initial  management  fee  for the
combined  Fund is expected to be 0.60% of average net assets,  although this fee
will  decrease in accordance  with the fee schedule for Balanced Fund  described
above if the assets of the combined Fund  increase.  With respect to Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund,  INVESCO (not the Fund) pays IMR a monthly fee of one-third of
the  advisory  fee (0.25% on the first $500  million of the Fund's  average  net


assets,  0.2166% on the next $500  million of such  assets,  and 0.1667% on such
assets over $1 billion).

      Following  the  Reorganization,  INVESCO,  in its  capacity as  investment
adviser to Balanced Fund, will have sole  responsibility for managing the Funds'
combined assets.


      The investment  objective,  strategies,  and policies of each Fund are set
forth  below.  Balanced  Fund  and  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  have the same
investment  objective  in that each Fund seeks to achieve a high total return on
investment through capital  appreciation and current income. The Funds also have
substantially similar investment policies. The investment strategies used by the
Funds differ,  however,  in the method of allocation of assets among securities.
There  can  be no  assurance  that  either  Fund  will  achieve  its  investment

      BALANCED  FUND.  The Fund  pursues its  investment  objective  by normally
investing  50% to 70% of its total assets in common  stocks and the remainder in
fixed-income  securities,  including cash  reserves.  At least 25% of the Fund's
assets  will  be  invested  in  fixed-income   securities  issued  by  the  U.S.
government, its agencies and instrumentalities, or in investment grade corporate
bonds. This approach is designed to cushion a shareholder's  investment from the
volatility  typically  associated  with mutual  funds that invest  primarily  in
common stocks. With respect to the equity holdings, the Fund looks for companies
with better-than-average  earnings growth potential, as well as companies within
industries that the Fund has identified as  well-positioned  for the current and
expected economic climate.  The Fund also considers dividend payout records. The
Fund may also take  positions  in  securities  traded  on  regional  or  foreign
exchanges. In addition to common stocks, the Fund also may hold preferred stocks
and securities  convertible into common stock.  With respect to the fixed-income
portion  of the  holdings,  the  Fund  selects  only  obligations  of  the  U.S.
government,  its agencies and  instrumentalities,  or investment grade corporate
bonds.  Obligations issued by U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities  may
include some  supported only by the credit of the issuer rather than by the full
faith and credit of the U.S.  government.  The Fund may hold debt  securities of
any maturity (from less than one year up to 30 years), with the average maturity
varying  depending upon economic and market  conditions.  The Fund may also hold
cash and cash equivalent securities as cash reserves.

      MULTI-ASSET  ALLOCATION FUND. The Fund pursues its investment objective by
allocating  its assets among six asset classes:  stocks of  large-capitalization
companies;   stocks  of  small-capitalization   companies;  equity  real  estate
securities,  primarily  real  estate  investment  trusts;  international  equity
securities;  fixed-income securities; and cash securities. The Fund may allocate
its assets among these six classes within specified ranges.  Current allocations
are based on the Fund's  projections of investment  returns for each class.  The
Fund's  "benchmark  mix" of assets  represents the expected  allocation when the
projected returns for all six classes are normal relative to the others based on
historical  investment returns. If the Fund believes the return for a particular
class will be higher than normal  relative  to the others,  the Fund  invests in
that class more heavily than the  benchmark  suggests.  Conversely,  if the Fund
estimates a  lower-than-normal  return for a  particular  class  relative to the


others,  it is  underweighted  relative to the  benchmark  mix.  The  historical
performance of each class is measured by using a comparative index of securities
for the class.

Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's six asset classes,  investment ranges,  benchmark
mix and comparative indices are set forth below:

                       Percentage of Fund's
Asset Class               Total Assets      Benchmark Mix     Comparative Index
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Large-cap stocks            0-70%                35%               S&P 500

Small-cap stocks            0-30%                10%            Russell 2000

Real estate equity          0-30%                10%            NAREIT Equity
securities                                                       REIT Index

International stocks        0-25%                10%              MSCI-EAFE

Fixed-income                0-50%                25%           Lehman Brothers
                                                               Aggregate Bond

Cash securities             0-30%                10%           90-day T-bills

      INVESCO and IMR regularly  review the Fund's  investment  allocations  and
will vary the amount  invested  in each class  within the ranges set forth above
depending  upon their  assessment of business,  economic and market  conditions.
However, the Fund does not attempt to "time" the various markets or make sudden,
major shifts in weightings. Any allocation adjustments are made gradually and in
accordance with the Fund's  objective of seeking a high total return.  While the
percentage  of the Fund's  assets  invested in each class will vary from time to
time,  the Fund does not  anticipate  altering the benchmark mix. The Fund does,
however,  upon notice to shareholders,  reserve the right to add or delete asset
classes  and to  adjust  the  percentage  of each  class  in the  benchmark  mix

      In managing the equity portions of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's portfolio
(large-cap  stocks,   small-cap  stocks,   equity  real  estate  securities  and
international  stocks),  INVESCO  and IMR apply a  combination  of  quantitative
strategies and traditional stock selection methods to a broad universe of stocks
in order to uncover attractive values. Typically, common stocks and, to a lesser
degree,  preferred stocks and securities convertible into common stocks, will be
examined  quantitatively  for their exposure to certain factors that INVESCO and
IMR  believe  are  helpful in  selecting  equities  that can be expected to show
superior future performance. These factors include earnings-to-price ratio, book
value-to-price  ratio,  earnings  estimate  revision  momentum,  relative market
strength compared to competitors,  inventory/sales trend and financial leverage.
A stock's  expected  return is estimated  based on these  factors and  estimated
trading costs.  Next a computer  optimization  process suggests a portfolio that
seeks to maximize  expected  return at a controlled  level of risk.  Traditional
fundamental analysis is then employed to make the final selection of holdings.


      Large-cap  stock  holdings are selected  from the 1,000  largest  publicly
traded  U.S.  companies.  Size  is  determined  by  measuring  a  firm's  market
capitalization - the market value of all of a company's equity securities. These
securities are traded  principally on U.S. national stock exchanges but also may
be  traded  on  regional  stock  exchanges  or in the  over-the-counter  market.
Large-cap  stocks may offer  higher  dividends  than the  stocks of  smaller-cap
firms.  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund seeks its small-cap holdings from companies
having market  capitalizations  smaller than the 1,000 largest  publicly  traded
U.S.  companies.  These  small-cap  stocks  typically  pay  no or  only  minimal
dividends  and may  involve  greater  risks  than  securities  of  larger,  more
established companies.  However, because of their long-term prospects,  they may
offer the potential for greater price appreciation.  Multi-Asset Allocation Fund
focuses its real estate  investments  on equity  real estate  investment  trusts
(REITs) but may also invest in real estate development and real estate operating
companies,  as well as other real  estate-related  businesses.  Equity REITs are
trusts that sell shares to investors and invest the proceeds in real estate.

      For the fixed-income portion of the holdings,  Multi-Asset Allocation Fund
selects   only   obligations   of  the  U.S.   government,   its   agencies  and
instrumentalities, or investment grade corporate bonds. These securities tend to
offer lower income than bonds of lower quality but are more shielded from credit
risk. Obligations issued by government agencies or instrumentalities may include
some  supported  only by the credit of the issuer rather than backed by the full
faith and credit of the U.S. government.

      OTHER POLICIES OF BOTH FUNDS. The Funds have similar investment  policies.
Each Fund may invest up to 25% of its total assets directly in foreign equity or
corporate debt  securities.  Up to 15% of each Fund's net assets may be invested
in illiquid  securities,  including  securities  with  restrictions on resale or
securities that are not readily marketable.  Each Fund may also commit up to 10%
of its total assets to the purchase and sale of securities  on a when-issued  or
delayed  delivery basis - that is, with  settlement  taking place in the future.
Each Fund may invest money,  for as short a time as overnight,  using repurchase
agreements  entered  into  with  member  banks of the  Federal  Reserve  System,
registered broker-dealers and registered U.S. government securities dealers that
are deemed  creditworthy under standards  established by the Board.  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund may invest in stripped mortgage or asset-backed  securities,  in
which the principal and interest  payments on the  underlying  pool of loans are
separated or "stripped" to create two classes of securities.

      Each Fund may seek to earn  additional  income by  lending  securities  to
qualified brokers,  dealers, banks or other financial  institutions,  on a fully
collateralized  basis.  In order to hedge its portfolio,  each Fund may purchase
and write options on securities  (including index options and options on foreign
securities)  and may invest in futures  contracts  for the  purchase  or sale of
foreign currencies,  fixed-income  securities and instruments based on financial
indices, options on such futures contracts and forward contracts.

      When  business,  market,  or economic  conditions  warrant,  each Fund may
assume a defensive position by temporarily investing up to 100% of its assets in
U.S. government and agency securities,  investment grade corporate bonds or cash


securities,  such as domestic  certificates of deposit and bankers' acceptances,
commercial paper and repurchase  agreements,  in an attempt to protect principal
value until conditions stabilize.


      As indicated  above,  the Funds have the same  investment  objective  and,
although they have different investment  strategies,  the investment policies of
the two Funds are  similar.  Although  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  intends to
invest within asset classes at certain benchmark levels,  Balanced Fund does not
have any such  prescribed  guidelines  for  investment  within its allocation of
total assets  between  common stocks and  fixed-income  securities.  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund also invests a greater  proportion of its assets in fixed income
and cash securities  based upon its current  benchmarks.  Based on its review of
the investment portfolios of each Fund, INVESCO believes that most of the assets
held by  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund will be  consistent  with the  investment
policies of Balanced  Fund and thus can be  transferred  to and held by Balanced
Fund if the Reorganization is approved. If, however, Multi-Asset Allocation Fund
has any assets that may not be held by Balanced  Fund those  assets will be sold
prior  to the  Reorganization.  The  proceeds  of  such  sales  will  be held in
temporary  investments  or  reinvested  in  assets  that  qualify  to be held by
Balanced Fund. The possible need for  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund to dispose of
assets  prior to the  Reorganization  could  result in selling  securities  at a
disadvantageous time and could result in Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's realizing
losses that would not otherwise have been realized.  Alternatively,  these sales
could result in Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  realizing  gains that would not
otherwise have been  realized,  the net proceeds of which would be included in a
distribution to its shareholders prior to the Reorganization.

      Currently,  INVESCO  serves as  investment  adviser  to both Funds and IMR
serves as sub-adviser to Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund. After the Reorganization,
INVESCO,  in its capacity as investment adviser to Balanced Fund, will have sole
responsibility  for  managing  the Funds'  combined  assets.  In  addition,  the
directors  and officers of Balanced  Fund,  its  distributor  and other  outside
agents will continue to serve Balanced Fund in their current capacities.


      PURCHASES.  Shares of each Fund may be purchased by wire, telephone,  mail
or direct  payroll  purchase.  The shares of each Fund are sold on a  continuous
basis at the net asset value ("NAV") per share next calculated  after receipt of
a  purchase  order in good  form.  The NAV per share  for each Fund is  computed
separately  and is determined  once each day that the New York Stock Exchange is
open  ("Business  Day"),  as of the close of  regular  trading,  but may also be
computed at other times. For a more complete discussion of share purchases,  see
"How to Buy Shares" in either the Balanced Fund  Prospectus  or the  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund Prospectus.

      REDEMPTIONS. Shares of each Fund may be redeemed by telephone, by mail, by
exchange,  by periodic  withdrawal  plan,  or by payment to a third party.  Such
redemptions  are made at the NAV per share  next  determined  after a request in
proper form is received at the Fund's  office.  Normally,  payment of redemption
proceeds  will be mailed  within  seven days  following  receipt of the required
documents.  For a more complete discussion of share redemption  procedures,  see
"How to Sell Shares" in either Fund's Prospectus.


      Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  shares  will no  longer  be  available  for
purchase  beginning on the Business Day following the Closing Date.  Redemptions
of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  shares may be effected  through the Closing


      Shares of each Fund are exchangeable for shares of another INVESCO Fund on
the basis of their respective NAVs per share at the time of the exchange.  After
the Reorganization, shares of Balanced Fund will continue to be exchangeable for
shares of another  INVESCO Fund.  For a more  complete  discussion of the Funds'
exchange policies, see "How to Sell Shares" in either Fund's Prospectus.


      Each Fund earns investment income in the form of dividends and interest on
investments.  Dividends  paid by each  Fund are based  solely on its  investment
income. Each Fund's policy is to distribute  substantially all of its investment
income,  less expenses,  to shareholders on a quarterly basis, at the discretion
of the Board.  Dividends are automatically  reinvested in additional shares of a
Fund at the NAV on the ex-dividend date unless otherwise requested.

      Each Fund also realizes  capital gains and losses when it sells securities
or  derivatives  for more or less than it paid.  If total  gains on these  sales
exceed total losses  (including  losses carried forward from previous  years), a
Fund has capital gain net income.  Net realized capital gains, if any,  together
with gains realized on foreign currency transactions, if any, are distributed to
shareholders at least annually, usually in December. Capital gains distributions
are automatically  reinvested in shares of the respective Fund at the NAV on the
ex-distribution   date  unless   otherwise   requested.   Dividends   and  other
distributions  are paid to holders of shares on the record date of  distribution
regardless of how long a Fund's shares have been held by the shareholder.

      On or before the Closing Date, Multi-Asset Allocation Fund will declare as
a distribution  substantially  all of its net investment income and realized net
capital gain, if any, and distribute  that amount plus any  previously  declared
but unpaid  dividends,  in order to  continue  to  maintain  its tax status as a
regulated investment company.


      Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds will  receive an opinion of its  counsel,
Kirkpatrick  &  Lockhart  LLP,  to  the  effect  that  the  Reorganization  will
constitute a tax-free  reorganization within the meaning of section 368(a)(1)(C)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"). Accordingly,  neither
Fund will recognize any gain or loss as a result of the Reorganization. See "The
Proposed  Transaction  - Federal  Income  Tax  Considerations,"  page 18. To the
extent  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund sells securities prior to the Closing Date,
there may be net  recognized  gains or losses  to the Fund.  Any net  recognized
gains would  increase the amount of any  distribution  made to  shareholders  of
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund prior to the Closing Date.



      An investment  in Balanced Fund is subject to specific  risks arising from
the types of securities in which the Fund invests and general risks arising from
investing in any mutual fund.  The  principal  specific  risks  associated  with
investing in Balanced Fund include:

      DEBT SECURITIES.  Balanced Fund's investments in debt securities generally
are  subject to both  credit risk and market  risk.  Credit risk  relates to the
ability of the issuer to meet interest or principal  payments,  or both, as they
come due.  Market  risk  relates to the fact that the market  values of the debt
securities generally will be affected by changes in the level of interest rates.
An  increase  in  interest  rates  will  tend to  reduce  the  market  values of
outstanding  debt  securities,  whereas a decline in interest rates will tend to
increase  their values.  The lower a bond's  quality,  the more it is subject to
credit  risk and  market  risk.  Balanced  Fund seeks to reduce  these  risks by
investing  only in investment  grade debt  securities.  While the  management of
Balanced  Fund  monitors all of the debt  securities  in its  portfolio  for the
issuer's  ability to make required  payments and other quality  factors,  it may
retain a bond whose rating is changed to one below the minimum  rating  required
for purchase of the  security.  The Fund's  investment  in debt  securities  may
include investments in zero-coupon bonds and step-up bonds. Due to the timing of
the payment of interest on these bonds, they are extremely responsive to changes
in interest rates and are,  therefore,  more volatile than other bonds. The Fund
may invest in mortgage- or asset-backed  securities.  The loans underlying these
securities are subject to prepayments that may shorten the securities'  weighted
average lives and may lower their returns.

      FOREIGN  SECURITIES.  Balanced  Fund may invest up to 25% of its assets in
foreign securities. Investments in foreign securities are influenced not only by
the  returns  on the  foreign  investments  themselves,  but  also  by  currency
fluctuations.   In  addition,   there  is  generally  less  publicly   available
information,  reports and ratings  about  foreign  companies  and other  foreign
issuers than that which is available  about  companies and issuers in the United
States.  Foreign issuers are also generally subject to fewer uniform accounting,
auditing and  financial  reporting  standards,  practices  and  requirements  as
compared  to those  applicable  to U.S.  issuers.  The Fund's  adviser  normally
purchases  foreign  securities  in   over-the-counter   markets  or  on  foreign
exchanges,  which are  generally  not as  developed or efficient as those in the
United States and are subject to less  government  supervision  and  regulation.
Moreover, with respect to certain foreign countries, there is the possibility of
adverse changes in investment or exchange control regulations,  expropriation or
confiscatory taxation,  limitations on the removal of funds or other assets of a
fund,  political or social  instability,  or diplomatic  developments that could
affect U.S. investments in those countries. The fund may also invest in American
Depository  Receipts  ("ADRs").  ADRs are  subject  to some of the same risks as
direct  investments  in foreign  securities,  including  the risk that  material
information  about the issuer may not be disclosed in the United  States and the
risk that currency fluctuations may adversely affect the value of the ADR.

      ILLIQUID AND RULE 144A  SECURITIES.  Balanced  Fund may invest in illiquid
securities,  including restricted  securities and other investments that are not
readily  marketable.  Restricted  securities are securities  that are subject to


restrictions  on their resale  because they have not been  registered  under the
Securities  Act of 1933, as amended ("1933 Act"),  or because,  based upon their
nature or the market for such securities, they are not readily marketable. These
limitations  on resale and  marketability  may have the effect of preventing the
Fund from  disposing  of such a security at the time  desired or at a reasonable
price.  In addition,  in order to resell a restricted  security,  the Fund might
have to bear the expense and incur the delays  associated  with  registering the
security.  The Fund may also invest in restricted  securities that can be resold
to  institutional  investors  in  accordance  with Rule 144A  under the 1933 Act
("Rule  144A  securities").   However,   an  insufficient  number  of  qualified
institutional  buyers  interested in purchasing a Rule 144A security held by the
Fund could adversely  affect the  marketability  of such security,  and the Fund
might be unable to dispose of the security promptly or at a reasonable price.

      DELAYED  DELIVERY OR WHEN-ISSUED  SECURITIES.  Balanced Fund may invest in
when-issued or delayed  delivery  securities,  that is, with  settlement  taking
place in the future.  The payment  obligation  and the interest rate received on
the  securities  generally  are  fixed  at the time  the  Fund  enters  into the
commitment.  Between the date of purchase and the  settlement  date,  the market
value of the  securities  may vary, and no interest is payable to the Fund prior
to settlement.  Thus, the purchase of securities on a when-issued basis involves
the risk  that the  value of the  securities  purchased  will  decline  prior to

      REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS. Balanced Fund may invest money, for as short a time
as overnight, using repurchase agreements. With a repurchase agreement, the Fund
buys a debt  instrument,  agreeing  simultaneously  to sell it back to the prior
owner at an agreed-upon  price.  The Fund could incur costs or delays in seeking
to sell the instrument if the prior owner defaults on its repurchase obligation.
To reduce  such risk,  the  securities  that are the  subject of the  repurchase
agreement  will be  maintained  with the Fund's  custodian in an amount at least
equal to the repurchase price under the agreement (including accrued interest).

      SECURITIES  LENDING.  Balanced  Fund may lend its  securities to qualified
brokers,  dealers,  banks or other financial  institutions.  Lending  securities
involves  certain  risks,  the most  significant  of  which  is the risk  that a
borrower may fail to return a portfolio  security.  Fund management monitors the
creditworthiness of borrowers in order to minimize such risks.

into  futures  contracts,  and  purchase and sell options to buy or sell futures
contracts and other  securities  which are included in the types of  instruments
sometimes  referred to as  "derivatives,"  because  their value  depends upon or
derives from the value of an  underlying  asset.  Where futures are purchased to
hedge against a possible  increase in the price of a security before the Fund is
able in an orderly  fashion to invest in the  security,  it is possible that the
market may decline instead. If the Fund, as a result,  concluded not to make the
planned investment at that time because of concern as to possible further market
decline  or for other  reasons,  the Fund  would  realize a loss on the  futures
contract that is not offset by a reduction in the price of securities purchased.

      In addition to the possibility that there may be an imperfect  correlation
or no  correlation  at all between  movements  in the futures  contract  and the


portion of the portfolio  being  hedged,  the price of futures may not correlate
perfectly with movements in the prices due to certain  market  distortions.  All
participants in the futures market are subject to margin deposit and maintenance
requirements.  Rather  than  meeting  additional  margin  deposit  requirements,
investors may close futures  contracts  through  offsetting  transactions  which
could distort the normal relationship between the underlying  securities and the
value of the futures contract. Moreover, the deposit requirements in the futures
market are less onerous than margin  requirements  in the securities  market and
may  therefore  cause  increased  participation  by  speculators  in the futures
market. Such increased participation may also cause temporary price distortions.
Due to the possibility of price  distortion in the futures market and because of
the  imperfect  correlation  between  movements  in the value of the  underlying
securities  and  movements  in the  prices of  futures  contracts,  the value of
futures contracts as a hedging device may be reduced.

      In addition, if the Fund has insufficient  available cash, it may at times
have to sell securities to meet variation  margin  requirements.  Such sales may
have to be effected at a time when it may be disadvantageous to do so.

      TURNOVER RATE.  Balanced Fund's  investment  portfolio is actively traded.
There are no limitations  regarding  portfolio turnover for either the equity or
fixed-income  portions of the Fund's  portfolio;  securities may be sold without
regard to the time they have been held when  investment  considerations  warrant
such action.  The Fund's portfolio turnover rate may be higher than that of many
other  mutual  funds,  sometimes  exceeding  100%.  This  turnover may result in
greater  brokerage  commissions  and  acceleration  of capital gains,  which are
taxable when distributed to shareholders.

      YEAR 2000. Many computer systems in use today may not be able to recognize
any date after  December 31, 1999.  If these systems are not fixed by that date,
it  is  possible  that  they  could  generate  erroneous   information  or  fail
altogether.  INVESCO has  committed  substantial  resources in an effort to make
sure that its own major computer  systems will continue to function on and after
January 1, 2000. In addition,  the markets for, or value of, securities in which
the Funds invest may possibly be hurt by computer failures  affecting  portfolio
investments  or trading of securities  beginning  January 1, 2000.  For example,
improperly  functioning  systems  could result in  securities  trade  settlement
problems and liquidity issues,  production  issues for individual  companies and
overall economic uncertainties.  Individual issuers may incur increased costs in
making  their  own  systems  Year  2000  compliant.  The  combination  of market
uncertainty and increased costs means that there is a possibility that Year 2000
computer issues may adversely affect the Fund's investments.


      Because  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's investment  objective and policies
are similar to those of Balanced Fund, an investment in  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund is subject to many of the same specific  risks as an investment in Balanced

      Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund invests up to 30% of its total assets, with a
benchmark  investment of 10% of its total assets,  and Balanced Fund may invest,


in small-capitalization  companies.  These companies (particularly those trading
"over the  counter")  may be in the early  stages of  development;  have limited
product lines,  markets or financial  resources;  and/or lack management  depth.
These factors may expose these companies to more intense competitive  pressures,
greater  volatility  in earnings,  and  relative  illiquidity  or erratic  price
movements for the companies'  securities,  compared to larger,  more established
companies or the market averages in general.

      Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund also invests up to 30% of its total  assets,
with a benchmark  investment of 10% of its total  assets,  and Balanced Fund may
invest, in real estate securities.  These securities have many of the same risks
as the direct  ownership  of real estate,  including  the risk that the property
will  decline  in value,  and  risks  related  to  general  and  local  economic
conditions,  overbuilding,  property tax and  operating  expense  increases  and
fluctuating  rental  income.  Real estate  investment  trusts are subject to the
additional  risks  associated  with  management  skill,  potentially  inadequate
diversification, and favorable financing.

      Multi-Asset   Allocation   Fund  may  invest  in  stripped   mortgage-  or
asset-backed  securities.  The market prices of these  securities  generally are
more  sensitive to changes in interest  and  prepayment  rates than  traditional
mortgage- and asset-backed securities and may be extremely volatile.

                            THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION


      The terms and  conditions  under which the  proposed  transaction  will be
consummated are set forth in the Reorganization Plan.  Significant provisions of
the Reorganization Plan are summarized below; however, this summary is qualified
in its entirety by reference to the  Reorganization  Plan,  which is attached as
Appendix B to this Proxy Statement.

      The Reorganization  Plan provides for (a) the acquisition by Balanced Fund
on the Closing Date of all the assets of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund in exchange
solely for Balanced  Fund shares and the  assumption  by Balanced Fund of all of
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  liabilities,  and (b) the distribution of those
Balanced Fund shares to the shareholders of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund.

      The assets of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund to be acquired by Balanced Fund
include all cash, cash equivalents,  securities,  receivables, claims and rights
of action, rights to register shares under applicable securities laws, books and
records, deferred and prepaid expenses shown as assets on Multi-Asset Allocation
Fund's  books and all  other  property  owned by  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund.
Balanced  Fund will assume from  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund all  liabilities,
debts, obligations and duties of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund of whatever kind or
nature;  provided,  however, that Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund will use its best
efforts to discharge all of its known debts, liabilities, obligations and duties
before the Closing Date.  Balanced  Fund will deliver its shares to  Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund,  which will  distribute the shares to  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund's shareholders.


      The value of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's net assets to be acquired by
Balanced  Fund and the NAV per share of the Balanced Fund shares to be exchanged
for those assets will be  determined  as of the close of regular  trading on the
New York Stock  Exchange  on the  Closing  Date  ("Valuation  Time"),  using the
valuation  procedures  described  in each  Fund's  then-current  Prospectus  and
Statement of Additional  Information.  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's net value
shall be the value of its  assets to be  acquired  by  Balanced  Fund,  less the
amount of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's liabilities, as of the Valuation Time.

      On,  or as  soon as  practicable  after,  the  Closing  Date,  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund will distribute the Balanced Fund shares it receives PRO RATA to
its  shareholders of record as of the effective time of the  Reorganization,  so
that each Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund shareholder will receive a number of full
and   fractional   Balanced  Fund  shares  equal  in  aggregate   value  to  the
shareholder's  holdings in Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund.  Multi-Asset Allocation
Fund will be terminated as soon as practicable after the share distribution. The
shares will be distributed by opening  accounts on the books of Balanced Fund in
the names of Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  shareholders  and by transferring to
those  accounts  the shares  previously  credited to the account of  Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund on those  books.  Fractional  shares in  Balanced  Fund will be
rounded to the third decimal place.

      Because Balanced Fund shares will be issued at NAV in exchange for the net
assets of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund,  the aggregate  value of Balanced Fund
shares  issued  to  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  shareholders  will  equal the
aggregate  value of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund shares.  The NAV per share of
Balanced Fund will be unchanged by the  transaction.  Thus,  the  Reorganization
will not result in a dilution of any shareholder's interest.

      Any transfer taxes payable upon issuance of Balanced Fund shares in a name
other than that of the registered  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund shareholder will
be paid by the person to whom those  shares are to be issued as a  condition  of
such transfer. Any reporting  responsibility of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund to a
public authority will continue to be its responsibility until it is dissolved.

      Half of the cost of the  Reorganization,  including  professional fees and
the cost of  soliciting  proxies  for the  Meeting,  consisting  principally  of
printing  and  mailing  expenses,  together  with the cost of any  supplementary
solicitation, will be borne by INVESCO, the investment adviser to each Fund, and
half by Balanced Fund and Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund. The Board considered the
fact  that   INVESCO  will  pay  half  of  these   expenses  in  approving   the
Reorganization  and finding that the  Reorganization is in the best interests of
the Funds.

      The  consummation  of  the  Reorganization  is  subject  to  a  number  of
conditions set forth in the Reorganization  Plan, some of which may be waived by
either Fund. In addition, the Reorganization Plan may be amended in any mutually
agreeable manner, except that no amendment may be made subsequent to the Meeting
that has a material adverse effect on Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund shareholders'



      The  Board,  including  a  majority  of  its  Independent  Directors,  has
determined that the  Reorganization  is in the best interests of each Fund, that
the terms of the  Reorganization  are fair and reasonable and that the interests
of  each  Fund's   shareholders   will  not  be  diluted  as  a  result  of  the

      In approving the  Reorganization,  the Board,  including a majority of its
Independent  Directors,  on behalf of each Fund, considered a number of factors,
including the following:

(1)   the  compatibility  of the  Funds'  investment  objectives,  policies  and

(2)   the  effect  of the  Reorganization  on  the  Funds'  expected  investment

(3)   the  effect  of the  Reorganization  on the  expense  ratio  of each  Fund
      relative to its current expense ratio;

(4)   the costs to be incurred by each Fund as a result of the Reorganization;

(5)   the tax consequences of the Reorganization;

(6)   possible alternatives to the Reorganization, including whether Multi-Asset
      Allocation Fund could continue to operate on a stand-alone basis or should
      be liquidated; and

(7)   the  potential  benefits  of the  Reorganization  to INVESCO  and to other

      The  Reorganization was recommended to the Board on behalf of each Fund by
INVESCO at a meeting of the Board held on February 3, 1999. In recommending  the
Reorganization,  INVESCO  advised  the Board that the  investment  advisory  and
administration  fee schedule  applicable  to Balanced  Fund would be equal to or
lower than that currently in effect for Multi-Asset Allocation Fund and, because
Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund has been  unsuccessful in attracting  assets, it is
unlikely  INVESCO would continue to absorb  expenses of  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund. The Board considered the fact that Balanced Fund has a better  performance
record  and  that  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  has  had  more  difficulty  in
attracting  assets than Balanced Fund. The Board also  considered the similarity
in  investment  objective  and  portfolio  composition  between  the two  Funds.
Further,  the Board was  advised  by INVESCO  that,  because  Balanced  Fund has
greater net assets than  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund,  combining the two Funds
could reduce the expenses borne by Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund as a percentage
of net assets. In addition,  INVESCO advised the Board that any reduction in the
expense  ratios  of the Funds as a result of the  Reorganization  could  benefit
INVESCO by reducing any  reimbursements  or waivers of expenses  resulting  from
INVESCO's  obligation to limit the expenses of Balanced Fund to 1.25%. The Board
was also  advised  that  following  the  Reorganization,  the expense  ratio for
Balanced Fund may decrease  because the investment  advisory and  administration
fee paid by that Fund decreases as its size increases.



      Combination  Stock & Bond Funds is registered  with the SEC as an open-end
management  investment  company.  It has an  authorized  capitalization  of $1.6
billion  shares of common stock (par value $0.01 per share).  Shares of Balanced
Fund entitle their holders to one vote per full share and  fractional  votes for
fractional shares held.

      Balanced  Fund  does not  hold  annual  meetings  of  shareholders.  There
normally  will be no  meetings  of  shareholders  for the  purpose  of  electing
directors unless fewer than a majority of the directors holding office have been
elected by shareholders,  at which time the directors then in office will call a
shareholders'  meeting for the election of directors.  The  directors  will call
annual or special meetings of shareholders for action by shareholder vote as may
be  required  by the 1940 Act or  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds'  Articles of
Incorporation, or at their discretion.

      Both Funds are series of Combination Stock & Bond Funds.  Thus, the rights
of shareholders of each Fund with respect to shareholder meetings, inspection of
shareholder lists, and distributions on liquidation of a Fund are identical.


      Certain  fundamental  investment  restrictions  of Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund,  which  prohibit  it from  acquiring  more  than a  stated  percentage  of
ownership of another  company,  might be construed as restricting its ability to
carry out the Reorganization.  By approving the Reorganization Plan, Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund's  shareholders will be agreeing to waive, only for the purpose
of the  Reorganization,  those  fundamental  investment  restrictions that could
prohibit or otherwise impede the transaction.


      The exchange of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  assets for Balanced Fund
shares  and  Balanced  Fund's   assumption  of  Multi-Asset   Allocation  Fund's
liabilities is intended to qualify for federal income tax purposes as a tax-free
reorganization under Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Code.  Combination Stock & Bond
Funds  will  receive  an opinion of its  counsel,  Kirkpatrick  & Lockhart  LLP,
substantially to the effect that:

(1)       Balanced Fund's acquisition of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's assets in
          exchange   solely  for  Balanced  Fund  shares  and  Balanced   Fund's
          assumption of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's liabilities,  followed by
          Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's distribution of those shares PRO RATA to
          its  shareholders  constructively  in exchange  for their  Multi-Asset
          Allocation Fund shares, will constitute a "reorganization"  within the
          meaning of section  368(a)(1)(C) of the Code, and each Fund will be "a
          party to a reorganization" within the meaning of section 368(b) of the

(2)       Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  will  recognize  no gain or loss on the
          transfer  to  Balanced  Fund of its  assets  in  exchange  solely  for
          Balanced Fund shares and Balanced  Fund's  assumption  of  Multi-Asset
          Allocation Fund's liabilities  or on the  subsequent  distribution  of


          those  shares  to  Multi-Asset  Allocation   Fund's  shareholders   in
          constructive  exchange   for their Multi-Asset Allocation Fund shares;

(3)       Balanced  Fund will  recognize  no gain or loss on its  receipt of the
          transferred assets in exchange solely for Balanced Fund shares and its
          assumption of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's liabilities;

(4)       Balanced Fund's basis for the  transferred  assets will be the same as
          the basis thereof in Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's hands immediately
          before the  Reorganization,  and Balanced  Fund's  holding  period for
          those assets will include Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's holding period

(5)       A Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund  shareholder  will recognize no gain or
          loss on the  constructive  exchange of all its Multi-Asset  Allocation
          Fund  shares  solely  for  Balanced   Fund  shares   pursuant  to  the
          Reorganization; and

(6)       A Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund  shareholder's  aggregate basis for the
          Balanced Fund shares to be received by it in the  Reorganization  will
          be the same as the aggregate basis for its Multi-Asset Allocation Fund
          shares to be constructively surrendered in exchange for those Balanced
          Fund shares,  and its holding  period for those  Balanced  Fund shares
          will include its holding period for those Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund
          shares, provided they are held as capital assets by the shareholder on
          the Closing Date.

      The tax opinion may state that no opinion is expressed as to the effect of
the  Reorganization on the Funds or any shareholder with respect to any asset as
to which any  unrealized  gain or loss is required to be recognized  for federal
income  tax  purposes  at the end of a taxable  year (or on the  termination  or
transfer thereof) under a mark-to-market system of accounting.

      Shareholders  of  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund should  consult  their tax
advisers  regarding the effect, if any, of the  Reorganization in light of their
individual  circumstances.  Because the  foregoing  discussion  only  relates to
federal income tax consequences of the  Reorganization,  those shareholders also
should  consult their tax advisers  about state and local tax  consequences,  if
any, of the Reorganization.


      The following table shows the  capitalization  of each Fund as of July 31,
1998, and on a pro forma  combined basis  (unaudited) as of July 31, 1998 giving
effect to the Reorganization:

                                 BALANCED FUND    MULTI-ASSET     COMBINED FUND
                                 -------------    -----------     -------------
                                                 ALLOCATION FUND   (PRO FORMA)
                                                 ---------------   -----------

Net Assets                        216,623,518      20,945,196      237,568,714

Net Asset Value Per Share            15.71            12.97           15.71


Shares Outstanding                 13,786,868       1,615,367      15,120,108

      REQUIRED  VOTE.   Approval  of  the   Reorganization   Plan  requires  the
affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  the  outstanding  voting  securities  of
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund.



      These  proposals  make  certain  routine  changes  to  modernize  some  of
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  fundamental  investment  restrictions  and seek
shareholder  approval of certain routine corporate  governance  matters.  If the
Reorganization  described  in  Proposal 1 is  approved  by  shareholders  at the
Meeting, the proposed  fundamental  restriction changes will not be implemented,
because  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund shareholders  will become  shareholders of
Balanced Fund.  Whether or not shareholders  vote to approve the  Reorganization
described  in Proposal 1, the Board  recommends  that  shareholders  approve the
proposals set forth below.


      As  required  by the 1940 Act,  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund has  adopted
certain fundamental investment restrictions ("fundamental restrictions"),  which
are  set  forth  in  the  Fund's  Statement  of  Additional  Information.  These
fundamental   restrictions  may  be  changed  only  with  shareholder  approval.
Restrictions  and  policies  that the Fund has not  specifically  designated  as
fundamental  are  considered to be  "non-fundamental"  and may be changed by the
Board without shareholder approval.

      Some of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's  fundamental  restrictions  reflect
past regulatory, business or industry conditions, practices or requirements that
are no longer in effect. Also, as other INVESCO Funds have been created over the
years, they have adopted  substantially  similar  fundamental  restrictions that
often have been  phrased in  slightly  different  ways,  resulting  in minor but
unintended  differences  in  effect or  potentially  giving  rise to  unintended
differences in interpretation.  Accordingly, the Board has approved revisions to
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  fundamental  restrictions in order to simplify,
modernize and make the Fund's  fundamental  restrictions more uniform with those
of the other INVESCO Funds.

      The Board  believes that  eliminating  the  disparities  among the INVESCO
Funds' fundamental  restrictions will enhance management's ability to manage the
Fund's assets efficiently and effectively in changing  regulatory and investment
environments and permit directors to review and monitor investment policies more
easily. In addition,  standardizing the fundamental  restrictions of the INVESCO


Funds will assist the INVESCO Funds in making required  regulatory  filings in a
more  efficient  and  cost-effective  way.  Although  the  proposed  changes  in
fundamental  restrictions  will allow the  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund greater
investment flexibility to respond to future investment opportunities,  the Board
does not anticipate  that the changes,  individually  or in the aggregate,  will
result  at this  time in a  material  change  in the  level of  investment  risk
associated with an investment in the Fund.

      The text and a summary  description of each proposed change to Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund's  fundamental  restrictions are set forth below,  together with
the text of each current corresponding  fundamental restriction.  The text below
also  describes any  non-fundamental  restrictions  that would be adopted by the
Board in conjunction  with the revision of certain of fundamental  restrictions.
Any  non-fundamental  restriction  may be modified or eliminated by the Board at
any future date without further shareholder approval.

      If approved by Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's shareholders at the Meeting,
the proposed changes in Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's fundamental  restrictions
will be  adopted  by the Fund  only if the  Reorganization  is NOT  approved  by
Multi-Asset   Allocation  Fund's  shareholders.   In  that  event,   Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund's Statement of Additional Information will be revised to reflect
those  changes  as  soon  as   practicable   following   the  Meeting.   If  the
Reorganization  is  approved,  the  proposed  changes in the Fund's  fundamental
restrictions  will not be  implemented.  Instead,  as  described  in Proposal 1,
Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund shareholders  will become  shareholders of Balanced
Fund,  whose  shareholders  are being  asked to  approve  substantially  similar
changes in Balanced Fund's fundamental restrictions,  and Multi-Asset Allocation
Fund will be terminated.


      Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's current  fundamental  restriction on issuer
diversification is as follows:

      The Fund may not, with respect to seventy-five  percent (75%) of its total
      assets,  purchase the  securities of any one issuer (except cash items and
      "Government  securities"  as defined  under the 1940 Act), if the purchase
      would cause the Fund to have more than 5% of the value of its total assets
      invested in the  securities  of such issuer or to own more than 10% of the
      outstanding voting securities of such issuer.

      The Board  recommends that this restriction be replaced with the following
fundamental restriction:

      The Fund may not, with respect to 75% of the Fund's total assets, purchase
      the securities of any issuer (other than  securities  issued or guaranteed
      by the U.S.  Government  or any of its agencies or  instrumentalities,  or
      securities of other investment  companies) if, as a result,  (i) more than
      5% of the Fund's total assets would be invested in the  securities of that
      issuer,  or (ii) the Fund  would  hold  more  than 10% of the  outstanding
      voting securities of that issuer.


      The primary  purpose of the  revision is to revise the Fund's  fundamental
restriction  on issuer  diversification  to  conform  to a  restriction  that is
expected to become standard for all INVESCO Funds.  If the proposed  revision is
approved,  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  could  invest  without  limit in other
investment  companies  to the extent  permitted  by the 1940 Act.  The  proposed
change would standardize the language of the Fund's  fundamental  restriction on
issuer  diversification  and provide the Fund's managers with greater investment


      Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's current fundamental restriction on borrowing
is as follows:

      The Fund may not borrow  money,  except that the Fund may borrow money for
      temporary or emergency purposes (not for leveraging or investment) and may
      enter  into  reverse  repurchase  agreements  in an  aggregate  amount not
      exceeding  331/3% of the value of its total assets  (including  the amount
      borrowed) less liabilities  (other than  borrowings).  Any borrowings that
      come to exceed 331/3% of the value of the Fund's total assets by reason of
      a decline in net assets will be reduced  within three business days to the
      extent  necessary to comply with the 331/3%  limitation.  This restriction
      shall not prohibit deposits of assets to margin or guarantee  positions in
      futures, options, swaps or forward contracts, or the segregation of assets
      in connection with such contracts.

      The Board  recommends that  shareholders  vote to replace this restriction
with the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund may not borrow money, except that the Fund may borrow money in an
      amount not  exceeding  331/3% of its total  assets  (including  the amount
      borrowed) less liabilities (other than borrowings).

      The primary purpose of the proposal is to eliminate  minor  differences in
the wording of the INVESCO Funds' current  restrictions on borrowing for greater
uniformity and to conform to the 1940 Act requirements for borrowing. Currently,
the Fund's  fundamental  restriction  is  significantly  more  limiting than the
restrictions  imposed by the 1940 Act in that it limits the  purposes  for which
the  Fund  may  borrow  money.   The  proposed   revision  would  eliminate  the
restrictions  on the  purposes  for  which  the Fund may  borrow  money  and the
explicit  requirement  that any  borrowings  that come to  exceed  331/3% of the
Fund's net assets by reason of a decline in net assets be reduced  within  three
business days.

      If the proposal is approved, the Board will adopt a non-fundamental policy
with respect to borrowing as follows:

      The Fund may borrow money only from a bank or from an open-end  management
      investment company managed by INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. or an affiliate or
      a  successor  thereof  for  temporary  or  emergency   purposes  (not  for
      leveraging or investing) or by engaging in reverse  repurchase  agreements


      with  any  party  (reverse  repurchase   agreements  will  be  treated  as
      borrowings for purposes of fundamental limitation (_) (above).

      The  non-fundamental  limitation  reflects the Fund's  current policy that
borrowing by the Fund may only be done for temporary or emergency  purposes.  In
addition to borrowing from banks, as permitted in the Fund's current policy, the
non-fundamental  policy  would  permit the Fund to borrow  from  open-end  funds
managed by INVESCO or an affiliate or successor  thereof.  The Fund would not be
able to do so,  however,  unless it obtains  permission for such borrowings from
the SEC. The  non-fundamental  policy also  clarifies  that  reverse  repurchase
agreements will be treated as borrowings.

      The Board  believes  that this  approach,  making the  Fund's  fundamental
restriction  on borrowing no more limiting than is required  under the 1940 Act,
while  incorporating  more  strict  limits  on  borrowing  in a  non-fundamental
restriction, will maximize the Fund's flexibility for future contingencies.


      Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's current fundamental  restriction on industry
concentration is as follows:

      The Fund may not invest more than 25% of the value of its total  assets in
      any particular industry (other than Government securities).

      The Board  recommends that  shareholders  vote to replace this restriction
with the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund  may not  purchase  the  securities  of any  issuer  (other  than
      securities  issued  or  guaranteed  by the U.S.  Government  or any of its
      agencies or  instrumentalities  or municipal  securities) if, as a result,
      more  than  25% of the  Fund's  total  assets  would  be  invested  in the
      securities of companies  whose  principal  business  activities are in the
      same industry.

      If the  proposed  revision  is  approved,  the Board  would also adopt the
following non-fundamental policy:

      With respect to fundamental  limitation (_),  domestic and foreign banking
      will be considered to be different industries.

      The purpose of the  modification is to eliminate minor  differences in the
wording of the INVESCO Funds' current  restrictions on concentration for greater
uniformity  and  to  avoid  unintended  limitations.  The  proposed  changes  to
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's fundamental  concentration policy clarify that the
concentration  limitation  does not apply to securities  issued or guaranteed by
the  U.S.  government,  its  agencies  or  instrumentalities,  or  to  municipal
securities.  The  exclusion  from the current  concentration  limitation  refers
simply to "Government  Securities." A failure to except all such securities from


the  concentration  policy  could  hinder the Fund's  ability to  purchase  such
securities in conjunction with taking temporary defensive positions.


      Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  current  fundamental  restriction on real
estate investment is as follows:

      The Fund may not  invest  directly  in real  estate or  interests  in real
      estate;  however,  the Fund may own debt or  equity  securities  issued by
      companies engaged in those businesses.

      The Board  recommends that  shareholders  vote to replace this restriction
with the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund will not purchase or sell real estate unless acquired as a result
      of  ownership  of  securities  or other  instruments  (but this  shall not
      prevent the Fund from investing in securities or other instruments  backed
      by real  estate or  securities  of  companies  engaged in the real  estate

      In  addition  to  conforming  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  fundamental
restriction  to that of the other INVESCO Funds,  the proposed  amendment of the
Fund's  fundamental   restriction  on  investment  in  real  estate  would  more
completely describe the types of real estate-related securities investments that
are  permissible for the Fund. The Board believes that this  clarification  will
make it easier for decisions to be made  concerning  the Fund's  investments  in
real estate-related securities.


      Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  current  fundamental  restriction  on the
purchase of commodities is as follows:

      The Fund may not purchase or sell physical  commodities other than foreign
      currencies  unless  acquired as a result of ownership of  securities  (but
      this  shall not  prevent  the Fund from  purchasing  or  selling  options,
      futures,  swaps and forward  contracts or from  investing in securities or
      other instruments backed by physical commodities).

      The Board  recommends that  shareholders  vote to replace this restriction
with the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund may not  purchase or sell  physical  commodities;  however,  this
      policy  shall not prevent  the Fund from  purchasing  and selling  foreign
      currency,  futures contracts,  options,  forward  contracts,  swaps, caps,
      floors, collars and other financial instruments.


      The  proposed  changes to this  investment  restriction  are  intended  to
conform  the  restriction  to those of the other  INVESCO  Funds and ensure that
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund will have the  maximum  flexibility  to enter into
hedging or other  transactions  utilizing  financial  instruments and derivative
products when doing so is permitted by operating  policies  established  for the
Fund by the Board.  Due to the rapid and  continuing  development  of derivative
products and the  possibility  of changes in the  definition  of  "commodities,"
particularly  in the  context of the  jurisdiction  of the  Commodities  Futures
Trading Commission,  it is important for the Fund's policy to be flexible enough
to allow it to enter into hedging and other  transactions  using these  products
when  doing so is deemed  appropriate  by INVESCO  and is within the  investment
parameters  established by the Board.  To maximize that  flexibility,  the Board
recommends that the Fund's fundamental restriction on commodities investments be
clear  in  permitting  the  use of  derivative  products,  even  if the  current
non-fundamental  investment  policies of the Fund would not permit investment in
one or more of the permitted transactions.


      Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's current fundamental  restriction concerning
lending is as follows:

      The Fund may not lend any security or make any other loan if, as a result,
      more than 331/3% of its total assets  would be lent to other  parties (but
      this  limitation  does not apply to purchases of  commercial  paper,  debt
      securities or to repurchase agreements.)

      The Board  recommends  that the  shareholders  of the Fund vote to replace
this restriction with the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund may not lend any security or make any loan if, as a result,  more
      than 331/3 % of its total assets would be lent to other parties,  but this
      limitation  does  not  apply  to the  purchase  of debt  securities  or to
      repurchase agreements.

      The primary purpose of the proposal is to eliminate  minor  differences in
the  wording of the INVESCO  Funds'  current  restrictions  on loans for greater
uniformity.  The proposed changes to this fundamental restriction are relatively
minor and would have no  substantive  effect on  Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's
lending activities or other investments.


      Multi-Asset   Allocation   Fund's  current   fundamental   restriction  on
underwriting is as follows:

      The Fund may not act as an  underwriter  of  securities  issued by others,
      except to the extent that it may be deemed an  underwriter  in  connection
      with the disposition of portfolio securities of the Fund.


      The Board  recommends that  shareholders  vote to replace this restriction
with the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund may not underwrite securities of other issuers, except insofar as
      it may be deemed to be an underwriter under the Securities Act of 1933, as
      amended,  in  connection  with the  disposition  of the  Fund's  portfolio

      The primary purpose of the proposal is to eliminate  minor  differences in
the wording of the Fund's current  fundamental  restriction on underwriting  for
greater uniformity with the fundamental restrictions of the other INVESCO Funds.


      Multi-Asset   Allocation  Fund's  current   fundamental  policy  regarding
investment in another investment company is as follows:

      The Fund may,  notwithstanding  any other investment  policy or limitation
      (whether or not  fundamental),  invest all of its assets in the securities
      of a single open-end management  investment company with substantially the
      same fundamental  investment  objectives,  policies and limitations as the

      The Board  recommends that  shareholders  vote to replace this policy with
the following fundamental policy:

      The Fund may,  notwithstanding any other fundamental  investment policy or
      limitation,  invest  all  of its  assets  in the  securities  of a  single
      open-end  management  investment  company  managed by INVESCO Funds Group,
      Inc. or an affiliate or a successor  thereof,  with substantially the same
      fundamental investment objective, policies and limitations as the Fund.

      The proposed revision to Multi-Asset Allocation Fund's current fundamental
policy would ensure that the INVESCO Funds have uniform policies permitting each
Fund to adopt a  "master/feeder"  structure whereby one or more Funds invest all
of their assets in another Fund. The master/feeder  structure has the potential,
under certain circumstances,  to minimize  administration costs and maximize the
possibility of gaining a broader investor base.  Currently,  none of the INVESCO
Funds  intend  to  establish  a  master/feeder  structure;  however,  the  Board
recommends that  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund  shareholders  adopt a policy that
would permit this structure in the event that the Board  determines to recommend
the adoption of a  master/feeder  structure by the Fund. The proposed  revision,
unlike the current  policy,  would  require  that any fund in which the Fund may
invest under a master/feeder structure be advised by INVESCO or an affiliate.

      If  the   proposed   revision  is   approved,   the  Board  will  adopt  a
non-fundamental policy as follows:


      The Fund may invest in securities issued by other investment  companies to
      the extent that such investments are consistent with the Fund's investment
      objective and policies and permissible under the 1940 Act.

      The primary  purpose of this  non-fundamental  policy is to conform to the
other  INVESCO  Funds and to the 1940 Act  requirements  for  investing in other
investment companies. Currently, the Fund's fundamental restriction is much more
limiting  than  the  restriction  imposed  by the  1940  Act.  Adoption  of this
non-fundamental  policy will enable the Fund to purchase the securities of other
investment  companies to the extent  permitted under the 1940 Act or pursuant to
an  exemption  granted by the SEC.  If a Fund did  purchase  the  securities  of
another investment company, shareholders might incur additional expenses because
the Fund  would  have to pay its  ratable  share of the  expenses  of the  other
investment company.


      Currently,  Multi-Asset Allocation Fund has no fundamental  restriction on
the issuance of senior  securities.  The Board recommends that shareholders vote
to adopt the following fundamental restriction:

      The Fund may not issue senior  securities,  except as permitted  under the
      Investment Company Act of 1940.

      The primary purpose of the proposal is to adopt a fundamental  restriction
indicating  the extent to which the Fund may issue "senior  securities,"  a term
that is generally defined to refer to fund obligations that have a priority over
the fund's shares with respect to the distribution of fund assets or the payment
of dividends.  The Board believes that the adoption of the proposed  fundamental
restriction, which does not specify the manner in which senior securities may be
issued  and is no more  limiting  than is  required  under the 1940  Act,  would
maximize the Fund's  borrowing  flexibility for future  contingencies  and would
conform  to the  fundamental  restrictions  of the  other  INVESCO  Funds on the
issuance of senior securities.

      REQUIRED VOTE.  Approval of Proposal 2 requires the affirmative  vote of a
"majority of the outstanding voting securities" of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund,
which for this purpose  means the  affirmative  vote of the lesser of (1) 67% or
more of the shares of the Fund present at the Meeting or represented by proxy if
more  than  50%  of the  outstanding  shares  of the  Fund  are  so  present  or
represented,  or (2)  more  than  50% of the  outstanding  shares  of the  Fund.

                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 2


            STOCK & BOND FUNDS

      The Board of Combination  Stock & Bond Funds has nominated the individuals
identified below for election to the Board at the Meeting.  Combination  Stock &
Bond Funds  currently  has ten  directors.  Vacancies on the Board are generally
filled by appointment by the remaining directors. However, the 1940 Act provides
that  vacancies  may not be  filled  by  directors  unless  thereafter  at least
two-thirds of the directors shall have been elected by  shareholders.  To ensure
continued  compliance  with this rule without  incurring  the expense of calling
additional shareholder meetings, shareholders are being asked at this meeting to
elect the current ten directors.  Consistent  with the provisions of Combination
Stock & Bond Funds' by-laws, and as permitted by Maryland law, Combination Stock
& Bond Funds does not anticipate holding annual shareholder meetings.  Thus, the
directors  will be elected  for  indefinite  terms,  subject to  termination  or
resignation.  Each nominee has indicated a willingness  to serve if elected.  If
any of the nominees  should not be available for election,  the persons named as
proxies (or their  substitutes) may vote for other persons in their  discretion.
Management  has no reason to believe  that any nominee will be  unavailable  for

      All of the  Independent  Directors  now being  proposed for election  were
nominated,  and  selected  by  Independent  Directors.  Eight of the ten current
directors are Independent Directors.

      The persons named as  attorneys-in-fact in the enclosed proxy have advised
Combination  Stock & Bond Funds that unless a proxy  instructs  them to withhold
authority to vote for all listed  nominees or for any individual  nominee,  they
will vote all validly  executed  proxies for the election of the nominees  named

      The nominees for director,  their ages, a description  of their  principal
occupations, the number of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund shares owned by each, and
their respective memberships on Board committees are listed in the table below.


Name, Position with       Principal Occupation and Business      Director or     Number of            Member of
- -------------------       ---------------------------------      -----------     ---------            ---------
Combination Stock &       Experience (during the past five       Executive       Multi-Asset          Committee
- -------------------       --------------------------------       ---------       -----------          ---------
Bond Funds, and Age       years)                                 Officer of      Allocation Fund
- -------------------       ------                                 ----------      ---------------
                                                                 Combination     Shares
                                                                 -----------     ------
                                                                 Stock & Bond    Beneficially Owned
                                                                 ------------    ------------------
                                                                 Funds Since     Directly or
                                                                 -----------     -----------
                                                                                 Indirectly on Dec.
                                                                                 31, 1998 (1)
CHARLES W. BRADY,         Chief Executive Officer and Director   1993            0                    (3), (5), (6)
Chairman of the Board,    of AMVESCAP PLC, London, England,
Age 63*                   and of various subsidiaries
                          thereof.  Chairman of the Board of
                          INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund.

FRED A. DEERING,          Trustee of INVESCO Global Health       1993            8.642                (2), (3), (5)
Vice Chairman of the      Sciences Fund.  Formerly, Chairman
Board,                    of the Executive Committee and
Age 71                    Chairman of the Board of Security
                          Life of Denver Insurance Company,
                          Denver, Colorado; Director of ING
                          American Holdings Company, and First
                          ING Life Insurance Company of New


Name, Position with       Principal Occupation and Business      Director or     Number of            Member of
- -------------------       ---------------------------------      -----------     ---------            ---------
Combination Stock &       Experience (during the past five       Executive       Multi-Asset          Committee
- -------------------       --------------------------------       ---------       -----------          ---------
Bond Funds, and Age       years)                                 Officer of      Allocation Fund
- -------------------       ------                                 ----------      ---------------
                                                                 Combination     Shares
                                                                 -----------     ------
                                                                 Stock & Bond    Beneficially Owned
                                                                 ------------    ------------------
                                                                 Funds Since     Directly or
                                                                 -----------     -----------
                                                                                 Indirectly on Dec.
                                                                                 31, 1998 (1)

MARK H. WILLIAMSON,       President, Chief Executive Officer,    1998            0                    (3), (5)
President, Chief          and Director, INVESCO Distributors
Executive Officer, and    Inc.; President, Chief Executive
Director, Age 47*         Officer, and Director, INVESCO;
                          President, Chief Operating Officer,
                          and Trustee, INVESCO Global Health
                          Sciences Fund.  Formerly, Chairman
                          of the Board and Chief Executive
                          Officer, NationsBanc Advisors, Inc.
                          (1995-1997); Chairman of the Board,
                          NationsBanc Investments, Inc.

DR. VICTOR L. ANDREWS,    Professor Emeritus, Chairman           1993            8.642                (4), (6), (8)
Director, Age 68          Emeritus and Chairman of the CFO
                          Roundtable of the Department of
                          Finance of Georgia State University,
                          Atlanta, Georgia and President,
                          Andrews Financial Associates, Inc.
                          (consulting firm).  Formerly, member
                          of the faculties of the Harvard
                          Business School and the Sloan School
                          of Management of MIT. Dr. Andrews is
                          also a director of the Sheffield
                          Funds, Inc.

BOB R. BAKER,             President and Chief Executive          1993            8.642                (3), (4), (5)
Director,                 Officer of AMC Cancer Research
Age 62                    Center, Denver, Colorado, since
                          January 1989; until December 1988,
                          Vice Chairman of the Board, First
                          Columbia Financial Corporation,
                          Englewood, Colorado.  Formerly,
                          Chairman of the Board and Chief
                          Executive Officer of First Columbia
                          Financial Corporation.

LAWRENCE H. BUDNER,       Trust Consultant.  Prior to June       1993            8.642                (2), (6), (7)
Director, Age 68          1987, Senior Vice President and
                          Senior Trust Officer, InterFirst
                          Bank, Dallas, Texas.

DR. WENDY LEE GRAMM,      Self-employed (since 1993).            1997            8.642                (4), (8)
Director, Age 54          Professor of Economics and Public
                          Administration, University of Texas
                          at Arlington.  Formerly, Chairman,
                          Commodities Futures Trading
                          Commission (1988-1993);
                          Administrator for Information and
                          Regulatory Affairs, Office of
                          Management and Budget (1985-1988);
                          Executive Director, Presidential
                          Task Force on Regulatory Relief;
                          Director, Federal Trade Commission's
                          Bureau of Economics; Director of
                          the Chicago Mercantile Exchange;
                          Enron Corporation; IBP, Inc.; State
                          Farm Insurance Company; Independent
                          Women's Forum; International
                          Republic Institute; and the
                          Republican Women's Federal Forum.

KENNETH T. KING,          Presently retired.  Formerly,          1993            8.642                (2), (3),
Director, Age 73          Chairman of the Board,  The Capitol                                         (5), (6), (7)
                          Life Insurance Company, Providence
                          Washington Insurance Company, and
                          Director of numerous U.S.
                          subsidiaries thereof.  Formerly,
                          Chairman of the Board, The


Name, Position with       Principal Occupation and Business      Director or     Number of            Member of
- -------------------       ---------------------------------      -----------     ---------            ---------
Combination Stock &       Experience (during the past five       Executive       Multi-Asset          Committee
- -------------------       --------------------------------       ---------       -----------          ---------
Bond Funds, and Age       years)                                 Officer of      Allocation Fund
- -------------------       ------                                 ----------      ---------------
                                                                 Combination     Shares
                                                                 -----------     ------
                                                                 Stock & Bond    Beneficially Owned
                                                                 ------------    ------------------
                                                                 Funds Since     Directly or
                                                                 -----------     -----------
                                                                                 Indirectly on Dec.
                                                                                 31, 1998 (1)

                          Providence Capitol Companies in the
                          United Kingdom and Guernsey.  Until
                          1987, Chairman of the Board, Symbion

JOHN W. MCINTYRE,         Presently retired.  Formerly, Vice     1995            8.642                (2), (3),
Director, Age 68          Chairman of the Board, The Citizens                                         (5), (7)
                          and Southern Corporation; Chairman
                          of the Board and Chief Executive
                          Officer of The Citizens and Southern
                          Georgia Corporation; Chairman of the
                          Board and Chief Executive Officer,
                          The Citizens and Southern National
                          Bank.  Trustee of INVESCO Global
                          Health Sciences Fund, Gables
                          Residential Trust, Employee's
                          Retirement System of Georgia, Emory
                          University, and J.M Tull Charitable
                          Foundation; Director of Kaiser
                          Foundation Health Plans of Georgia,

DR. LARRY SOLL,           Presently retired.  Chairman of the    1997            8.642                (4), (8)
Director, Age 56          Board (1987-1994), Chief Executive
                          Officer (1982-1989 and 1993-1994)
                          and President (1982-1989) of
                          Synergen Inc.  Director of Synergen
                          Inc. since incorporation in 1982.
                          Director of Isis Pharmaceuticals,
                          Inc.  Trustee of INVESCO Global
                          Health Sciences Fund.


*Because of his affiliation  with INVESCO,  with Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's
sub-adviser,  or with  companies  affiliated  with INVESCO,  this  individual is
deemed to be an "interested  person" of  Combination  Stock & Bond Funds as that
term is defined in the 1940 Act.
(1) = As  interpreted by the SEC, a security is
beneficially  owned by a person if that  person  has or shares  voting  power or
investment power with respect to that security.  The persons listed have partial
or complete  voting and investment  power with respect to their  respective Fund
(2) = Member of the Audit Committee
(3) = Member of the Executive Committee
(4) = Member of the Management Liaison Committee
(5) = Member of the Valuation Committee
(6) = Member of the Compensation Committee
(7) = Member of the Soft Dollar Brokerage Committee
(8) = Member of the Derivatives Committee

      The Board has  audit,  management  liaison,  soft  dollar  brokerage,  and
derivatives committees,  consisting of Independent Directors,  and compensation,
executive, and valuation committees consisting of both Independent Directors and
non-independent  directors.  The Board does not have a nominating committee. The
audit committee,  consisting of four Independent Directors, meets quarterly with
Combination Stock & Bond Funds'  independent  accountants and executive officers
of  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds.  This  committee  reviews  the  accounting
principles  being  applied  by  Combination  Stock  & Bond  Funds  in  financial
reporting, the scope and adequacy of internal controls, the responsibilities and
fees  of  the   independent   accountants,   and  other  matters.   All  of  the
recommendations  of the audit  committee are reported to the full Board.  During
the intervals  between the meetings of the Board,  the  executive  committee may
exercise all powers and authority of the Board in the  management of Combination
Stock & Bond Funds' business,  except for certain powers which, under applicable


law and/or Combination Stock & Bond Funds' by-laws, may only be exercised by the
full Board.  All decisions are  subsequently  submitted for  ratification by the
Board. The management  liaison committee meets quarterly with various management
personnel of INVESCO in order to facilitate  better  understanding of management
and  operations  of  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  and to review  legal and
operational  matters that have been assigned to the  committee by the Board,  in
furtherance  of the  Board's  overall  duty  of  supervision.  The  soft  dollar
brokerage  committee meets  periodically  to review soft dollar  transactions by
Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  and to  review  policies  and  procedures  of
Combination  Stock & Bond Funds'  adviser with respect to soft dollar  brokerage
transactions.  The  committee  then reports on these  matters to the Board.  The
derivatives committee meets periodically to review derivatives  investments made
by Combination Stock & Bond Funds. The committee  monitors  derivatives usage by
Combination Stock & Bond Funds and the procedures  utilized by Combination Stock
& Bond  Funds'  adviser to ensure that the use of such  instruments  follows the
policies on such instruments adopted by the Board. The committee then reports on
these matters to the Board.

      Each Independent Director receives an annual retainer of $56,000 for their
service to the INVESCO Funds.  Additionally,  each Independent Director receives
$3,000 for  in-person  attendance at each board meeting and $1,000 for in-person
attendance at each committee  meeting.  The chairmen of the audit and management
liaison committees receive an annual fee of $4,000 for serving in such capacity.

      During the past fiscal year, the Board met four times, the audit committee
met three times,  the  compensation  committee met once, the management  liaison
committee met three times, the soft dollar brokerage committee met once, and the
derivatives  committee met twice. The executive  committee did not meet.  During
Combination  Stock & Bond Funds' last fiscal year, each director attended 75% or
more of the Board  meetings and meeting of the  committees of the Board on which
he or she served.

      The  Independent  Directors  nominate  individuals to serve as Independent
Directors,  without any specific nominating committee. The Board ordinarily will
not consider unsolicited director nominations recommended by Combination Stock &
Bond Funds' shareholders.   The  Board,  including  its  Independent  Directors,
unanimously  approved  the  nomination  of the  foregoing  persons  to  serve as
directors  and  directed  that the  election of these  nominees be  submitted to
Combination Stock & Bond Funds' shareholders.

      The following table sets forth  information  relating to the  compensation
paid to directors during the last fiscal year:


                                         COMPENSATION TABLE
                                 AMOUNTS PAID DURING THE MOST RECENT

NAME OF PERSON,          AGGREGATE          PENSION OR           ESTIMATED            TOTAL
                           FROM              BENEFITS          BENEFITS UPON           FROM
                        COMBINATION         ACCRUED AS          RETIREMENT(3)      COMBINATION
                          STOCK &            PART OF                              STOCK & BOND
                        BOND FUNDS(1)      COMBINATION                            FUNDS AND THE
                                           STOCK & BOND                              OTHER 14
                                          FUNDS EXPENSES(2)                       INVESCO FUNDS
                                                                                     PAID TO

FRED A. DEERING,         $2,458               $439                $281             $103,700
Vice Chairman of
the Board and
DR. VICTOR L.            $2,434               $414                $326             $ 80,350
ANDREWS, Director
BOB R. BAKER,            $2,475               $370                $437             $ 84,000
LAWRENCE H.              $2,409               $414                $326             $ 79,350
BUNDER, Director
DANIEL D.                $2,437               $448                $243             $ 70,000
CHABRIS(4), Director
KENNETH T. KING,         $2,374               $455                $255             $ 77,050
JOHN W. MCINTYRE,        $2,384                 $0                  $0             $ 98,500
DR. WENDY L.             $2,363                 $0                  $0             $ 79,000
GRAMM, Director
DR. LARRY SOLL,          $2,384                 $0                  $0             $ 96,000
                        ------------     ----------------     ---------------     ----------------------
TOTAL                   $21,718             $2,540              $1,868             $767,950
- -----
OF NET ASSETS          0.0091%(5)          0.0011%(5)                              0.0046%(6)

(1) The Vice  Chairman  of the Board,  the  chairmen  of the  audit,  management
liaison,  derivatives,  soft dollar brokerage and compensation  committees,  and
Independent Director members of the committees of each Fund receive compensation
for  serving in such  capacities  in addition  to the  compensation  paid to all
Independent  Directors.
(2) Represents  benefits  accrued with respect to the Defined  Benefit  Deferred
Compensation Plan discussed below, and not compensation deferred at the election
of the directors.
(3) These figures  represent the Fund's share of the estimated  annual  benefits
payable by the INVESCO  Complex  (excluding  INVESCO Global Health Sciences Fund
which  does  not  participate  in this  retirement  plan)  upon  the  directors'
retirement,   calculated  using  the  current  method  of  allocating   director
compensation among the INVESCO Funds. These estimated benefits assume retirement
at age 72 and that the basic retainer  payable to the directors will be adjusted
periodically for inflation,  for increases in the number of funds in the INVESCO
Complex,  and for other reasons during the period in which  retirement  benefits
are  accrued  on behalf  of the  respective  directors.  This  results  in lower
estimated  benefits  for  directors  who are  closer to  retirement  and  higher
estimated  benefits  for  directors  who are farther from  retirement.  With the
exception of Drs. Soll and Gramm, each of these directors has served as director
of one or more of the INVESCO Funds for the minimum five-year period required to
be eligible to participate in the Defined Benefit  Deferred  Compensation  Plan.
Although Mr.  McIntyre  became  eligible to participate  in the Defined  Benefit
Deferred  Compensation  Plan as of November 1, 1998,  he will not be included in
the calculation of retirement benefits until November 1, 1999.
(4) Mr. Chabris retired as a director effective September 30, 1998.
(5) Total as a percentage of the Fund's net assets as of July 31, 1998
(6)  Total as a  percentage  of the net  assets of the 15  INVESCO  Funds in the
INVESCO complex as of December 31, 1998.

      Combination Stock & Bond Funds pays its Independent Directors,  Board vice
chairman,   and  committee  chairmen  and  members  the  fees  described  above.
Combination  Stock & Bond Funds also  reimburses its  Independent  Directors for
travel expenses incurred in attending  meetings.  Charles W. Brady,  Chairman of
the  Board, and  Mark  H.  Williamson,  President,  Chief Executive Officer, and


Director, as "interested persons" of Combination Stock & Bond Funds and of other
INVESCO Funds,  receive  compensation  and are  reimbursed  for travel  expenses
incurred  in  attending  meetings as  officers  or  employees  of INVESCO or its
affiliated  companies,   but  do  not  receive  any  director's  fees  or  other
compensation  from  Combination  Stock & Bond Funds or other  INVESCO  Funds for
their services as directors.

      The overall direction and supervision of Combination Stock & Bond Funds is
the  responsibility  of the Board,  which has the primary duty of ensuring  that
Combination  Stock & Bond Funds'  general  investment  policies and programs are
adhered to and that Combination Stock & Bond Funds is properly administered. The
officers  of  Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  all of whom  are  officers  and
employees  of  and  paid  by  INVESCO,   are   responsible  for  the  day-to-day
administration  of Combination  Stock & Bond Funds.  The investment  adviser for
Combination  Stock  & Bond  Funds  has the  primary  responsibility  for  making
investment  decisions  on  behalf  of  Combination  Stock  & Bond  Funds.  These
investment decisions are reviewed by the investment committee of INVESCO.

      All of the officers and directors of  Combination  Stock & Bond Funds hold
comparable positions with the following INVESCO Funds: INVESCO Bonds Funds, Inc.
(formerly, INVESCO Income Funds, Inc.), INVESCO Diversified Funds, Inc., INVESCO
Emerging  Opportunity  Funds, Inc., INVESCO Growth Funds, Inc. (formerly INVESCO
Growth Fund, Inc.), INVESCO Industrial Income Fund, Inc., INVESCO  International
Funds,  Inc.,  INVESCO  Money Market Funds,  Inc.,  INVESCO  Sector Funds,  Inc.
(formerly,  INVESCO Strategic Portfolios,  Inc.), INVESCO Specialty Funds, Inc.,
INVESCO Stock Funds,  Inc.  (formerly,  INVESCO  Equity Funds,  Inc. and INVESCO
Capital  Appreciation  Funds,  Inc.),  INVESCO Tax-Free Income Funds,  Inc., and
INVESCO  Variable  Investment  Funds,  Inc.,  INVESCO  Value  Trust and  INVESCO
Treasurer's Series Trust.

      The Boards of the funds managed by INVESCO have adopted a Defined  Benefit
Deferred  Compensation  Plan (the "Plan") for the  non-interested  directors and
trustees of the Funds.  Under the Plan,  each  director or trustee who is not an
interested  person of the Funds (as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the 1940 Act)
and who has served for at least five years (a "Qualified  Director") is entitled
to receive,  upon termination of service as director (normally at retirement age
72 or the retirement age of 73 or 74, if the retirement  date is extended by the
Boards for one or two years, but less than three years)  continuation of payment
for one year (the "First Year Retirement  Benefit") of the annual basic retainer
and annualized board meeting fees payable by the funds to the Qualified Director
at the time of his or her retirement (the "Basic Benefit").  Commencing with any
such director's second year of retirement, and commencing with the first year of
retirement of any director  whose  retirement has been extended by the Board for
three years, a Qualified  Director shall receive quarterly payments at an annual
rate equal to 50% of the Basic  Benefit.  These  payments  will continue for the
remainder of the  Qualified  Director's  life or ten years,  whichever is longer
(the  "Reduced  Benefit  Payments").  If a  Qualified  Director  dies or becomes
disabled after age 72 and before age 74 while still a director of the funds, the
First Year Retirement  Benefit and Reduced Benefit  Payments will be made to him
or her or to his or her beneficiary or estate.  If a Qualified  Director becomes
disabled  or dies  either  prior to age 72 or during  his or her 74th year while
still a director of the funds,  the director will not be entitled to receive the


First Year Retirement  Benefit;  however,  the Reduced Benefit  Payments will be
made  to his or her  beneficiary  or  estate.  The  Plan  is  administered  by a
committee  of  three  directors  who are also  participants  in the Plan and one
director who is not a Plan  participant.  The cost of the Plan will be allocated
among the INVESCO Funds, in a manner  determined to be fair and equitable by the
committee.  The Fund began making  payments to Mr. Chabris as of October 1, 1998
under the Plan.  The Fund has no stock  options or other  pension or  retirement
plans for management or other  personnel and pays no salary or  compensation  to
any of its officers.

      The  Independent  Directors have  contributed  to a deferred  compensation
plan,  pursuant  to  which  they  have  deferred  receipt  of a  portion  of the
compensation  which they would  otherwise have been paid as directors of certain
of the INVESCO  Funds.  The  deferred  amounts  have been  invested in shares of
certain of the INVESCO  Funds.  Each  Independent  Director may,  therefore,  be
deemed to have an indirect interest in shares of such INVESCO Funds, in addition
to any Fund shares they may own directly or beneficially.

REQUIRED  VOTE.  Election of each nominee as a director of  Combination  Stock &
Bond Funds  requires  the vote of a plurality of all the  outstanding  shares of
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund  present at the  Meeting,  and of the  outstanding
shares of Balanced Fund present at a concurrent  meeting of the  shareholders of
Balanced Fund, in person or by proxy, taken in the aggregate.



      The  Board,  including  all of its  Independent  Directors,  has  selected
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP to continue to serve as  independent  accountants of
Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund, subject to ratification by Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund's shareholders. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has no direct financial interest
or  material  indirect  financial  interest  in  Multi-Asset   Allocation  Fund.
Representatives  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP are not  expected to attend the
Meeting,  but have been given the  opportunity  to make a  statement  if they so
desire, and will be available should any matter arise requiring their presence.

      The  independent  accountants  examine  annual  financial  statements  for
Multi-Asset Allocation Fund and provide other audit and tax-related services. In
recommending the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the directors reviewed
the  nature  and  scope of the  services  to be  provided  (including  non-audit
services)  and  whether  the  performance  of such  services  would  affect  the
accountants' independence.

REQUIRED  VOTE.  Approval  of  Proposal 4  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a
majority of the votes present at the Meeting, provided a quorum is present.


                                "FOR" PROPOSAL 4

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

      The Board knows of no other business to be brought before the Meeting. If,
however, any other matters properly come before the Meeting, it is the intention
that proxies that do not contain  specific  instructions to the contrary will be
voted on such matters in accordance with the judgment of the persons  designated
in the proxies.

                              AFFILIATED COMPANIES
      INVESCO, a Delaware corporation,  serves as Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's
investment adviser,  and provides other services to Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund
and Combination Stock & Bond Funds.  IDI, a Delaware  corporation that serves as
Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund's  distributor,  is a wholly owned  subsidiary  of
INVESCO.  IMR, a  Massachusetts  corporation,  serves as Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund's  sub-adviser.  INVESCO is a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  INVESCO  North
American Holdings, Inc. ("INAH"). INAH is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of
AMVESCAP  PLC.1 The  corporate  headquarters  of AMVESCAP  PLC are located at 11
Devonshire  Square,  London,  EC2M 4YR,  England.  INVESCO's,  INAH's  and IDI's
offices are located at 7800 East Union Avenue,  Denver,  Colorado  80237.  IMR's
offices are located at 101 Federal Street, Boston,  Massachusetts 02110. INVESCO
currently  serves as  investment  adviser of 14  open-end  investment  companies
having  approximate  aggregate  net  assets  in excess  of $21.1  billion  as of
December 31, 1998.

      The  principal  executive  officers  and  directors  of INVESCO  and their
principal occupations are:

      Mark H.  Williamson,  Chairman of the Board,  President,  Chief  Executive
Officer  and  Director,  also,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of IDI;
Charles P.  Mayer,  Director  and  Senior  Vice  President,  also,  Senior  Vice
President and Director of IDI; Ronald L. Grooms, Director, Senior Vice President
and  Treasurer,  also,  Director,  Senior Vice  President  and Treasurer of IDI;
Richard W.  Healey,  Director  and Senior  Vice  President,  also,  Senior  Vice
President  and  Director of IDI;  Timothy J.  Miller,  Director  and Senior Vice
President,  also,  Senior Vice President and Director of IDI; and Glen A. Payne,
Senior  Vice  President,  Secretary  and  General  Counsel,  also,  Senior  Vice
President, Secretary and General Counsel of IDI.

      The address of each of the  foregoing  officers and directors is 7800 East
Union Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80237.

- ----------------
1 The  intermediary  companies  between  INAH and  AMVESCAP  PLC are as follows:
INVESCO,  Inc.,  AMVESCAP  Group  Services,  Inc.,  AVZ,  Inc. and INVESCO North
American Group, Ltd., each of which is wholly owned by its immediate parent.


      IMR serves as the  sub-adviser  to Multi-Asset  Allocation  Fund. IMR is a
wholly owned subsidiary of INAH. INVESCO, as investment adviser,  has contracted
with IMR for providing  portfolio  investment  advisory  services to Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund. IMR also acts as sub-adviser to the INVESCO Small Company Value
Fund of INVESCO Diversified Funds, Inc.

      The principal  executive officers and directors of IMR and their principal
occupations are:

      Frank J. Keeler,  President and Chief Executive Officer;  also,  Corporate
Secretary of INAH; Frank A. Bisogano,  Vice President,  Treasurer,  and Director
and  Director of IT Group;  Kathleen A.  Greenberg,  Secretary;  A. D.  Frazier,
Director;  also,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of INVESCO,  Inc. and
Director of INVESCO Capital Management,  Inc., INVESCO Realty Advisors, Inc. and
PRIMCO Capital  Management,  Inc.;  William M. McCarthy,  Senior Vice President,
Director  of Fixed  Income and  Director;  and Robert S.  Slotpole,  Senior Vice
President, Director of Equities and Director.

      The address of each of the foregoing officers and directors is 101 Federal
Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.

      Pursuant to an Administrative Services Agreement between Combination Stock
&  Bond  Funds  and  INVESCO,   INVESCO  provides   administrative  services  to
Combination  Stock & Bond  Funds,  including  sub-accounting  and  recordkeeping
services and functions.  During the fiscal year ended July 31, 1998, Combination
Stock & Bond Funds paid INVESCO,  which also serves as Combination  Stock & Bond
Funds'  registrar,   transfer  agent  and  dividend   disbursing  agent,   total
compensation of $562,869 for such services.



      Each Fund is subject to the  information  requirements  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 and the 1940 Act and in accordance with those  requirements
files reports, proxy material and other information with the SEC. These reports,
proxy material and other  information  can be inspected and copied at the Public
Reference Room maintained by the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
20549, the Midwest Regional office of the SEC, Northwest Atrium Center, 500 West
Madison Street,  Suite 400, Chicago,  Illinois 60611, and the Northeast Regional
Office of the SEC,  Seven World Trade  Center,  Suite 1300,  New York,  New York
10048.  Copies of such material can also be obtained  from the Public  Reference
Branch,  Office of Consumer  Affairs and  Information  Services,  Securities and
Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C. 20459 at prescribed rates.


      Certain  legal  matters in  connection  with the issuance of Balanced Fund
shares as part of the  Reorganization  will be passed  upon by  Balanced  Fund's
counsel, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP.



      The  audited  financial   statements  of  Balanced  Fund  and  Multi-Asset
Allocation Fund,  incorporated herein by reference and incorporated by reference
or included in their Statement of Additional  Information,  have been audited by
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent accountants for the Funds, whose reports
thereon are included in the Funds' Annual Reports to Shareholders for the fiscal
year   ended   July   31,   1998.   The   financial    statements   audited   by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP  have  been  incorporated  herein  by  reference  in
reliance on their  reports  given on their  authority as experts in auditing and
accounting matters.


                                   APPENDIX A
                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

      The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of each Fund's
outstanding equity securities as of March 12, 1999 by each beneficial owner of
5% or more of a Fund's outstanding equity securities.

                                              Amount and
                                               Nature of        Percentage
Name and Address                               Ownership        ----------
- ----------------                               ---------        

Balanced Fund
- -------------

Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.                   5,341,995.2170        30.64%
Special Custody Account for the                 Record
Exclusive Benefit of Customers
Attn:  Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA   94104-4122

Saxon & Co. Trust                           1,209,970.5180        6.94%
91 Vested Interest Omnibus Asset                Record
A/C #20-01-302-9912426
P.O. Box 7780-1888
Philadelphia, PA  19182-0001

Multi-asset Allocation Fund
- ---------------------------

Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.                   249,007.4940         15.04%
Special Custody Account for the                 Record
Exclusive Benefit of Customers
Attn:  Mutual Funds
101 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA   94104-4122

INVESCO Trust Co.                            241,714.1840         14.60%
Eagle Hardware and Garden                       Record
Retirement Savings Plan
981 Powell Ave., SW
Renton, WA  98055-2908

Jefferson-Pilot Financial                     91,051.6850         5.50%
Separate Account B                              Record
Attn:  Alicia Dubois
One Granite Place
Concord, NH  03301-3258

Donaldson Lufkin Jenrette                     86,558.0780         5.23%
Securities Corporation Inc.                     Record
P.O. Box 2052
Jersey City, NJ  07303-2052



                                   APPENDIX B


Combination Stock & Bond Funds, Inc., a Maryland corporation ("Corporation"), on
behalf of INVESCO  Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund ("Target") and INVESCO  Balanced
Fund  ("Acquiring  Fund"),  and is  effective  as of the date of its adoption by
Corporation's  board of  directors.  (Acquiring  Fund and Target  are  sometimes
referred to herein  individually  as a "Fund" and  collectively as the "Funds.")
Corporation  is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good
standing under the laws of the State of Maryland;  and a copy of its Articles of
Incorporation is on file with the Secretary of State of Maryland. Each Fund is a
duly  established and designated  segregated  portfolio of assets  ("series") of

      This Plan is intended to be, and is adopted as, a plan of a reorganization
described  in section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended ("Code"). The reorganization will involve the transfer to Acquiring Fund
of  Target's  assets in  exchange  solely for voting  shares of common  stock in
Acquiring  Fund, par value $0.01 per share  ("Acquiring  Fund Shares"),  and the
assumption  by  Acquiring  Fund  of  Target's   liabilities,   followed  by  the
constructive  distribution  of the Acquiring Fund Shares PRO RATA to the holders
of shares of common stock in Target ("Target Shares") in exchange therefor,  all
on the terms and conditions  set forth herein.  The foregoing  transactions  are
referred to herein collectively as the "Reorganization."

      Each Fund issues a single class of shares, which are substantially similar
to each other. Each Fund's shares (1) are offered at net asset value ("NAV") and
(2) are  subject to a service  fee at the annual rate of 0.25% of its net assets
imposed pursuant to a plan of distribution adopted in accordance with Rule 12b-1
promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended ("1940 Act").


      1.1. Target shall assign, sell, convey,  transfer,  and deliver all of its
assets  described in paragraph  1.2  ("Assets")  to Acquiring  Fund. In exchange
therefor, Acquiring Fund shall --

            (a) issue and  deliver to Target  the number of full and  fractional
                (rounded to the third  decimal  place)  Acquiring  Fund  Shares,
                determined by dividing the net value of Target  (computed as set
                forth in paragraph  2.1) by the NAV of an  Acquiring  Fund Share
                (computed as set forth in paragraph 2.2), and

            (b) assume all of Target's  liabilities  described in paragraph  1.3

Such transactions shall take place at the Closing (as defined in paragraph 3.1).


      1.2.  The  Assets  shall  include,  without  limitation,  all  cash,  cash
equivalents,   securities,   receivables   (including   interest  and  dividends
receivable),  claims and  rights of  action,  rights to  register  shares  under
applicable  securities  laws,  books and records,  deferred and prepaid expenses
shown as assets on Target's  books,  and other  property  owned by Target at the
Effective Time (as defined in paragraph 3.1).

      1.3. The Liabilities  shall include (except as otherwise  provided herein)
all of Target's liabilities,  debts, obligations, and duties of whatever kind or
nature,  whether absolute,  accrued,  contingent,  or otherwise,  whether or not
arising in the ordinary course of business,  whether or not  determinable at the
Effective  Time,  and  whether  or not  specifically  referred  to in this Plan.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Target shall use its best efforts to discharge
all its known Liabilities before the Effective Time.

      1.4. At or immediately before the Effective Time, Target shall declare and
pay to its shareholders a dividend and/or other  distribution in an amount large
enough so that it will have distributed  substantially all (and in any event not
less than 90%) of its investment company taxable income (computed without regard
to any deduction for dividends paid) and  substantially  all of its realized net
capital gain, if any, for the current taxable year through the Effective Time.

      1.5.  At the  Effective  Time  (or as  soon  thereafter  as is  reasonably
practicable),  Target shall  distribute the Acquiring Fund Shares received by it
pursuant to paragraph 1.1 to Target's  shareholders of record,  determined as of
the Effective Time (each a "Shareholder"  and collectively  "Shareholders"),  in
constructive  exchange  for their  Target  Shares.  Such  distribution  shall be
accomplished by Acquiring  Fund's transfer agent's opening accounts on Acquiring
Fund's share transfer books in the  Shareholders'  names and  transferring  such
Acquiring Fund Shares thereto. Each Shareholder's account shall be credited with
the  respective  PRO RATA  number of full and  fractional  (rounded to the third
decimal  place)  Acquiring  Fund Shares due that  Shareholder.  All  outstanding
Target Shares,  including any represented by certificates,  shall simultaneously
be canceled on Target's  share  transfer  books.  Acquiring Fund shall not issue
certificates  representing  the Acquiring Fund Shares issued in connection  with
the Reorganization.

      1.6. As soon as reasonably practicable after distribution of the Acquiring
Fund Shares  pursuant to paragraph  1.5, but in all events  within twelve months
after the Effective  Time,  Target shall be terminated  and any further  actions
shall be taken in connection therewith as required by applicable law.

      1.7. Any reporting  responsibility  of Target to a public authority is and
shall  remain its  responsibility  up to and  including  the date on which it is

      1.8. Any transfer  taxes payable upon issuance of Acquiring Fund Shares in
a name other than that of the registered  holder on Target's books of the Target
Shares  constructively  exchanged  therefor  shall be paid by the person to whom
such Acquiring Fund Shares are to be issued, as a condition of such transfer.



      2.1. For purposes of paragraph 1.1(a), Target's net value shall be (a) the
value of the Assets  computed as of the close of regular trading on the New York
Stock Exchange ("NYSE") on the date of the Closing ("Valuation Time"), using the
valuation procedures set forth in Target's then-current prospectus and statement
of  additional  information  less (b) the  amount of the  Liabilities  as of the
Valuation Time.

      2.2. For purposes of paragraph 1.1(a),  the NAV of an Acquiring Fund Share
shall be computed as of the Valuation Time,  using the valuation  procedures set
forth in Acquiring  Fund's  then-current  prospectus and statement of additional

      2.3. All computations  pursuant to paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall be made by
or under the direction of INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. ("INVESCO").


      3.1.  The   Reorganization,   together  with  related  acts  necessary  to
consummate the same ("Closing"),  shall occur at Corporation's  principal office
on June 11,  1999,  or at such other place and/or on such other date as to which
the parties may agree.  All acts taking place at the Closing  shall be deemed to
take place  simultaneously as of the close of business on the date thereof or at
such  other  time as to which the  parties  may agree  ("Effective  Time").  If,
immediately  before  the  Valuation  Time,  (a) the NYSE is closed to trading or
trading  thereon is restricted or (b) trading or the reporting of trading on the
NYSE or elsewhere is disrupted,  so that accurate  appraisal of the net value of
Target and the NAV of an Acquiring  Fund Share is  impracticable,  the Effective
Time shall be  postponed  until the first  business  day after the day when such
trading  shall  have been  fully  resumed  and such  reporting  shall  have been

      3.2.  Corporation's fund accounting and pricing agent shall deliver at the
Closing a certificate of an authorized  officer  verifying that the  information
(including  adjusted basis and holding  period,  by lot)  concerning the Assets,
including all portfolio securities,  transferred by Target to Acquiring Fund, as
reflected on Acquiring Fund's books immediately  following the Closing,  does or
will  conform to such  information  on  Target's  books  immediately  before the
Closing.  Corporation's  custodian shall deliver at the Closing a certificate of
an authorized  officer stating that (a) the Assets held by the custodian will be
transferred to Acquiring Fund at the Effective Time and (b) all necessary  taxes
in conjunction with the delivery of the Assets, including all applicable federal
and state stock transfer stamps, if any, have been paid or provision for payment
has been made.

      3.3.   Corporation's  transfer  agent  shall  deliver  at  the  Closing  a
certificate  as to the  opening on  Acquiring  Fund's  share  transfer  books of
accounts in the Shareholders' names.



      Each Fund's  obligations  hereunder  are subject to  satisfaction  of each
condition  indicated in this section 4 as being  applicable  to it either at the
time stated  therein or, if no time is so stated,  at or before (and  continuing
through) the Effective Time:


            4.1.1. This Plan and the transactions contemplated hereby shall have
      been approved by Target's shareholders in accordance with applicable law;

            4.1.2. The aggregate fair market value of the Acquiring Fund Shares,
      when  received by the  Shareholders,  will be  approximately  equal to the
      aggregate  fair  market  value  of  their  Target  Shares   constructively
      surrendered in exchange therefor;

            4.1.3.  Corporation's  management  (a) is  unaware  of any  plan  or
      intention of Shareholders to redeem or otherwise dispose of any portion of
      the Acquiring Fund Shares to be received by them in the Reorganization and
      (b) does not anticipate dispositions of those Acquiring Fund Shares at the
      time of or soon  after the  Reorganization  to exceed  the usual  rate and
      frequency of  dispositions  of shares of Target as a series of an open-end
      investment company.  Consequently,  Corporation's  management expects that
      the percentage of Shareholder interests,  if any, that will be disposed of
      as a result of or at the time of the  Reorganization  will be DE  MINIMIS.
      Nor  does   Corporation's   management   anticipate  that  there  will  be
      extraordinary  redemptions of Acquiring Fund Shares immediately  following
      the Reorganization;

            4.1.4.  The  Shareholders  will  pay  their  own  expenses,  if any,
      incurred in connection with the Reorganization;

            4.1.5.  Immediately  following  consummation of the  Reorganization,
      Acquiring Fund will hold  substantially  the same assets and be subject to
      substantially  the same  liabilities  that  Target  held or was subject to
      immediately  prior  thereto  (in  addition  to the assets and  liabilities
      Acquiring  Fund then held or was subject  to),  plus any  liabilities  and
      expenses of the parties incurred in connection with the Reorganization;

            4.1.6.  The fair market value of the Assets on a going concern basis
      will equal or exceed the  Liabilities  to be assumed by Acquiring Fund and
      those to which the Assets are subject;

            4.1.7. There is no intercompany  indebtedness between the Funds that
      was issued or acquired, or will be settled, at a discount;

            4.1.8.  Pursuant  to the  Reorganization,  Target  will  transfer to
      Acquiring Fund, and Acquiring Fund will acquire,  at least 90% of the fair
      market value of the net assets, and at least 70% of the fair market value


      of the gross assets, held by Target immediately before the Reorganization.
      For the purposes of this representation, any amounts used by Target to pay
      its  Reorganization  expenses and to make  redemptions  and  distributions
      immediately before the Reorganization  (except (a) redemptions not made as
      part of the  Reorganization  and (b) distributions  made to conform to its
      policy of distributing all or substantially all of its income and gains to
      avoid the obligation to pay federal income tax and/or the excise tax under
      section  4982 of the  Code)  will  be  included  as  assets  thereof  held
      immediately before the Reorganization;

            4.1.9.  None of the compensation  received by any Shareholder who is
      an   employee   of  or  service   provider  to  Target  will  be  separate
      consideration  for, or allocable to, any of the Target Shares held by such
      Shareholder;  none of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  received  by any  such
      Shareholder  will be  separate  consideration  for, or  allocable  to, any
      employment  agreement,  investment  advisory  agreement,  or other service
      agreement;  and the consideration paid to any such Shareholder will be for
      services  actually  rendered and will be commensurate with amounts paid to
      third parties bargaining at arm's-length for similar services;

            4.1.10. Immediately after the Reorganization,  the Shareholders will
      not own shares constituting "control" of Acquiring Fund within the meaning
      of section 304(c) of the Code;

            4.1.11. Neither Fund will be reimbursed for any expenses incurred by
      it or on its behalf in  connection  with the  Reorganization  unless those
      expenses are solely and directly related to the Reorganization (determined
      in accordance  with the  guidelines set forth in Rev. Rul.  73-54,  1973-1
      C.B. 187) ("Reorganization Expenses"); and

            4.1.12.  Corporation shall have received an opinion of Kirkpatrick &
      Lockhart  LLP  ("Counsel"),   addressed  to  and  in  form  and  substance
      satisfactory  to it, as to the federal income tax  consequences  mentioned
      below ("Tax  Opinion").  In rendering the Tax Opinion,  Counsel may assume
      satisfaction  of all the conditions set forth in this section 4 (and treat
      them as  representations by Corporation to Counsel) and may rely as to any
      factual matters, exclusively and without independent verification, on such
      representations  and  any  other   representations   made  to  Counsel  by
      responsible   officers  of   Corporation.   The  Tax   Opinion   shall  be
      substantially  to the  effect  that,  based on the facts  and  assumptions
      stated therein, for federal income tax purposes:

            Acquiring  Fund's  acquisition  of the  Assets in
        exchange   solely  for  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  and  Acquiring   Fund's
        assumption  of the  Liabilities,  followed by Target's  distribution  of
        those shares PRO RATA to the Shareholders constructively in exchange for
        the Shareholders' Target Shares, will constitute a reorganization within
        the meaning of section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the Code, and each Fund will be
        "a party to a  reorganization"  within the meaning of section  368(b) of
        the Code;

            Target  will recognize  no  gain  or  loss on the
        transfer  to  Acquiring  Fund  of the  Assets  in  exchange  solely  for


        Acquiring Fund Shares and Acquiring Fund's assumption of the Liabilities
        or on the subsequent distribution of those shares to the Shareholders in
        constructive exchange for their Target Shares;

             Acquiring Fund will recognize no gain or loss on
        its receipt of the Assets in exchange  solely for Acquiring  Fund Shares
        and its assumption of the Liabilities;

            Acquiring Fund's basis for the Assets will be the
        same as the basis  thereof  in  Target's  hands  immediately  before the
        Reorganization,  and Acquiring Fund's holding period for the Assets will
        include Target's holding period therefor;

             A Shareholder  will recognize no gain or loss on
        the constructive  exchange of all its Target Shares solely for Acquiring
        Fund Shares pursuant to the Reorganization; and

            A Shareholder's aggregate basis for the Acquiring
        Fund Shares to be received by it in the Reorganization  will be the same
        as the  aggregate  basis  for its  Target  Shares  to be  constructively
        surrendered in exchange for those Acquiring Fund Shares, and its holding
        period for those  Acquiring  Fund Shares will include its holding period
        for those Target Shares, provided they are held as capital assets by the
        Shareholder at the Effective Time.

Notwithstanding  subparagraphs and, the Tax Opinion may state
that no opinion is expressed as to the effect of the Reorganization on the Funds
or any Shareholder  with respect to any asset as to which any unrealized gain or
loss is required to be recognized  for federal income tax purposes at the end of
a  taxable  year  (or  on  the   termination   or  transfer   thereof)  under  a
mark-to-market system of accounting.


            4.2.1. At the Closing, Target will have good and marketable title to
      the Assets and full right, power, and authority to sell, assign, transfer,
      and deliver the Assets free of any liens or other  encumbrances;  and upon
      delivery and payment for the Assets,  Acquiring Fund will acquire good and
      marketable title thereto;

            4.2.2.  The  Liabilities  were  incurred  by Target in the  ordinary
      course of its business;

            4.2.3.  Target is a "fund" as defined in  section  851(g)(2)  of the
      Code; it qualified for treatment as a regulated  investment  company under
      Subchapter  M of the Code  ("RIC")  for each past  taxable  year  since it
      commenced  operations and will continue to meet all the  requirements  for
      such  qualification  for its current  taxable year; and it has no earnings
      and profits  accumulated  in any taxable year in which the  provisions  of
      Subchapter  M did not apply to it. The  Assets  shall be  invested  at all
      times through the Effective Time in a manner that ensures  compliance with
      the foregoing;


            4.2.4.  Target  is  not  under  the  jurisdiction  of a  court  in a
      proceeding under Title 11 of the United States Code or similar case within
      the meaning of section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code;

            4.2.5.  Not more  than 25% of the  value of  Target's  total  assets
      (excluding cash, cash items, and U.S.  government  securities) is invested
      in the stock and  securities  of any one issuer,  and not more than 50% of
      the value of such assets is invested in the stock and  securities  of five
      or fewer issuers; and

            4.2.6.  Target will be terminated as soon as reasonably  practicable
      after  the  Effective  Time,  but  in  all  events  within  twelve  months


            4.3.1.  No  consideration  other than  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  (and
      Acquiring Fund's assumption of the Liabilities) will be issued in exchange
      for the Assets in the Reorganization;

            4.3.2.  The  Acquiring  Fund  Shares to be issued and  delivered  to
      Target  hereunder  will, at the Effective  Time, have been duly authorized
      and,  when  issued and  delivered  as  provided  herein,  will be duly and
      validly issued and outstanding  shares of Acquiring  Fund,  fully paid and

            4.3.3. Acquiring Fund is a "fund" as defined in section 851(g)(2) of
      the Code;  it qualified  for treatment as a RIC for each past taxable year
      since  it  commenced   operations  and  will  continue  to  meet  all  the
      requirements  for  such   qualification  for  its  current  taxable  year;
      Acquiring Fund intends to continue to meet all such  requirements  for the
      next taxable year;  and it has no earnings and profits  accumulated in any
      taxable year in which the  provisions  of Subchapter M of the Code did not
      apply to it;

            4.3.4.  Acquiring Fund has no plan or intention to issue  additional
      Acquiring  Fund  Shares  following  the  Reorganization  except for shares
      issued in the  ordinary  course of its business as a series of an open-end
      investment company;  nor does Acquiring Fund have any plan or intention to
      redeem or otherwise  reacquire  any  Acquiring  Fund Shares  issued to the
      Shareholders  pursuant to the  Reorganization,  except to the extent it is
      required  by the  1940  Act to  redeem  any of its  shares  presented  for
      redemption at net asset value in the ordinary course of that business;

            4.3.5.  Following  the  Reorganization,   Acquiring  Fund  (a)  will
      continue  Target's  "historic  business"  (within  the  meaning of section
      1.368-1(d)(2)  of the Income Tax  Regulations  under the Code),  (b) use a
      significant  portion of  Target's  historic  business  assets  (within the
      meaning of section  1.368-1(d)(3) of the Income Tax Regulations  under the
      Code) in a business,  (c) has no plan or  intention  to sell or  otherwise
      dispose of any of the Assets, except for dispositions made in the ordinary
      course of that business and dispositions necessary to maintain its  status


      as a RIC,  and (d) expects to retain  substantially  all the Assets in the
      same form as it  receives  them in the  Reorganization,  unless  and until
      subsequent investment  circumstances suggest the desirability of change or
      it becomes necessary to make dispositions thereof to maintain such status;

             4.3.6.  There  is no plan or  intention  for  Acquiring  Fund to be
      dissolved or merged into another  corporation  or a business  trust or any
      "fund"  thereof  (within  the  meaning of section  851(g)(2)  of the Code)
      following the Reorganization;

             4.3.7. Immediately after the Reorganization,  (a) not more than 25%
      of the value of Acquiring Fund's total assets (excluding cash, cash items,
      and  U.S.  government  securities)  will  be  invested  in the  stock  and
      securities  of any one  issuer  and (b) not more  than 50% of the value of
      such assets will be invested in the stock and  securities of five or fewer
      issuers; and

             4.3.8.  Acquiring Fund does not directly or indirectly  own, nor at
      the Effective  Time will it directly or indirectly  own, nor has it at any
      time during the past five years directly or indirectly  owned,  any shares
      of Target.


      Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  50% of the  total  Reorganization
Expenses  will be borne by INVESCO and the remaining 50% will be borne partly by
each Fund.


      Corporation's  board of directors may terminate  this Plan and abandon the
Reorganization  at any time prior to the Closing if circumstances  develop that,
in its judgment, make proceeding with the Reorganization  inadvisable for either


      This Plan  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in  accordance  with the
internal  laws of the  State  of  Maryland;  provided  that,  in the case of any
conflict  between such laws and the federal  securities  laws,  the latter shall



                              INVESCO BALANCED FUND
                                  FUNDS, INC.))

                              7800 E. UNION AVENUE
                             DENVER, COLORADO 80237


      This  Statement of  Additional  Information  relates  specifically  to the
proposed  Reorganization  whereby INVESCO Balanced Fund ("Balanced  Fund") would
acquire  the  assets  of  INVESCO  Multi-Asset   Allocation  Fund  ("Multi-Asset
Allocation  Fund")  in  exchange  solely  for  shares of  Balanced  Fund and the
assumption by Balanced Fund of Multi-Asset  Allocation Fund's liabilities.  This
Statement  of  Additional  Information  consists  of  this  cover  page  and the
following  described  documents,  each of which  is  incorporated  by  reference

      (1)   The  Statement of Additional  Information  of Balanced  Fund,  dated
December 1, 1998.

      (2)   The Statement of Additional  Information of  Multi-Asset  Allocation
Fund, dated December 1, 1998.

      (3)   The Annual  Report to  Shareholders  of Balanced Fund for the fiscal
year ended July 31, 1998.

      (4)   The Annual Report to Shareholders of Multi-Asset Allocation Fund for
            the fiscal year ended July 31, 1998.

      This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus and should be
read only in conjunction  with the  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  dated March 23,
1999 relating to the  above-referenced  matter.  A copy of the  Prospectus/Proxy
Statement may be obtained by calling toll-free 1-800-646-8372. This Statement of
Additional Information is dated March 23, 1999.

                                     PART C

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Item 15.  Indemnification.

      Indemnification  provisions  for officers and directors of Registrant  are
set forth in Article VII,  Section 2 of the Articles of  Incorporation,  and are
hereby  incorporated by reference.  See Item 16 (1) below. Under these Articles,
officers and directors will be  indemnified  to the fullest extent  permitted to
directors  by the  Maryland  General  Corporation  Law,  subject  only  to  such
limitations  as may be  required  by the  Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  as
amended,  and the rules  thereunder.  Under the Investment  Company Act of 1940,
Fund directors and officers cannot be protected against liability to the Company
or  its  shareholders  to  which  they  would  be  subject  because  of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties of
their office. The Company also maintains  liability  insurance policies covering
its directors and officers.

Item 16.  Exhibits

   -------     -----------

    (1)        (a)   Articles of Incorporation (Charter).(1)

               (b)   Articles of  Amendment of Articles of  Incorporation  dated
                     September 8, 1998.(3)

               (c)   Articles of  Amendment of Articles of  Incorporation  dated
                     October 28, 1998(4).

    (2)         Bylaws dated August 19, 1993.(1)

    (3)         Not applicable.

    (4)         A  copy  of  the  form  of  the  Plan  of   Reorganization   and
                Termination  is included in  the  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement as
                Appendix B thereto,  and is incorporated  by reference  herein.

    (5)         Provisions  of  instruments  defining  the  rights of holders of
                Registrant's  securities  are contained in  Articles III, IV, VI
                and VIII of the Articles of  Incorporation  and  Articles I, II,
                V, VI, VII,  VIII, IX and X of the By-laws.  

    (6)         (a)  Investment   Advisory   Agreement  between  Registrant  and
                     INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

                (b)  Sub-Advisory  Agreement between  INVESCO Funds Group,  Inc.
                     and  INVESCO    Management   &   Research,    Inc.    dated
                     February 28, 1997.(2)

    (7)        (a)  General  Distribution  Agreement  between  Registrant  and
                    INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

               (b)  General   Distribution   Agreement  between  Registrant  and
                    INVESCO Distributors, Inc. dated September 30, 1997.(2)

    (8)        (a)  Defined   Benefit   Deferred    Compensation   Plan   for
                    Non-Interested Directors and Trustees.(3)

               (b)  Form   of   Amended    Defined    Compensation    Plan   for
                    Non-Interested Directors and Trustees.(3)

    (9)        (a)  Custody Agreement between  Registrant and State Street Bank
                    and Trust Company dated October 20, 1993.(1)

               (b)  Amendment to Custody Agreement dated October 25, 1995.(1)

               (c)  Data Access  Services  Addendum dated May 19, 1997.(2)
    (10)       (a)  Plan and Agreement of  Distribution  pursuant to Rule 12b-1
                    under the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940 dated  October
                    20, 1993.(1)

               (b)  Amendment of Plan and Agreement of Distribution  pursuant to
                    12b-1  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 dated July
                    19, 1995.(2)

               (c)  Amended Plan and Agreement of Distribution  adopted pursuant
                    to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 dated
                    January 1, 1997.(2)

               (d)  Amended Plan and Agreement of Distribution  adopted pursuant
                    to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 dated
                    September 30, 1997.(2)

    (11)       Opinion and  Consent of  Kirkpatrick  & Lockhart  LLP as to the
               legality of the securities being registered.(4)

    (12)       (a)  Opinion and Consent of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP regarding
                    certain  tax matters in  connection  with  INVESCO  Multi-
                    Asset Allocation Fund (to be filed).

               (b)  Opinion and Consent of  Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP regarding
                    certain tax matters in connection with INVESCO Balanced Fund
                    (to be filed).

    (13)       (a)  Administrative  Services  Agreement between Registrant and
                    INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

   -------     -----------

               (b)  Transfer  Agency  Agreement  between  Registrant and INVESCO
                    Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

    (14)       Consent of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP (filed herewith).  

    (15)       Financial Statements omitted from Part B - None.

    (16)       Powers of Attorney -  incorporated  by  reference  to Powers of
               Attorney filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
               October 4, 1993,  November 24, 1993,  September 20, 1995,
               November 27,1996 and  November  24,  1997.

    (17)       Additional Exhibits.  Form of Amended  Proxy  (filed  herewith).

(1)Incorporated  herein  by reference to Post-Effective Amendment No. 4 filed on
   November 27, 1996. 
(2)Incorporated  herein by reference to Post-Effective Amendment  No. 5 filed on
   November 24, 1997.
(3)Incorporated  herein by reference to Post-Effective  Amendment No. 6 filed on
   September 29, 1998. 
(4)Incorporated  herein by reference to the Registration Statement  on Form N-14
   filed on January 22, 1999.

Item 17.  Undertakings.

      (1) The undersigned  registrant agrees that prior to any public reoffering
of the securities  registered  through the use of a prospectus  which is part of
this  registration  statement  by any  person  or party  who is  deemed to be an
underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act of 1933, the
reoffering  prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable
registration form for reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters,  in
addition  to the  information  called for by the other  items of the  applicable

      (2) The undersigned  registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed
under  paragraph  (1)  above  will be  filed  as a part of an  amendment  to the
registration  statement  and will not be used until the  amendment is effective,
and that, in determining  any liability  under the Securities Act of 1933,  each
post-effective  amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration statement for
the securities offered therein,  and the offering of the securities at that time
shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering of them.


      As required by the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  this Pre-Effective
Amendment No. 1 to this  Registration  Statement on Form N-14 has been signed on
behalf of the  Registrant,  in the City of Denver and the State of Colorado,  on
this 17th day of March 1999.

Attest:                             INVESCO Combination Stock & Bond Funds, Inc.
                                    (formerly INVESCO Flexible Funds, Inc.,
                                    formerly INVESCO Multiple Asset Funds,

/s/ Glen A. Payne                   By: /s/ Mark H. Williamson
- ----------------                        ----------------------
Glen A. Payne                           Mark H. Williamson
Secretary                               President

      Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
this Pre-Effective  Amendment No. 1 to this Registration  Statement on Form N-14
has been signed  below by the  following  persons in the  capacities  and on the
dates indicated:

SIGNATURE                           TITLE                      DATE
- ---------                           -----                      ----

/s/ Mark H. Williamson              President, Director        March 17, 1999
- ------------------------            and Chief Executive
Mark H. Williamson                  Officer
/s/ Ronald L. Grooms                Treasurer and Chief        March 17, 1999
- ------------------------            Financial and Accounting
Ronald L. Grooms                    Officer

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Victor L. Andrews

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Bob R. Baker

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Charles W. Brady

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Wendy L. Gramm

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Lawrence H. Budner

SIGNATURE                           TITLE                      DATE
- ---------                           -----                      ----

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Fred A. Deering

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Larry Soll

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
Kenneth T. King

*                                   Director                   March 17, 1999
- ------------------------
John W. McIntyre

By  *                       
         Edward F. O'Keefe
         Attorney in Fact

By  */s/ Glen A. Payne                                         March 17, 1999
         Glen A. Payne
         Attorney in Fact

* Original Powers of Attorney  authorizing  Edward F. O'Keefe and Glen A. Payne,
and each of them,  to execute  this  Registration  Statement on Form N-14 of the
Registrant on behalf of the above-named directors and officers of the Registrant
(with the  exception of Drs Soll and Gramm) have been filed with the  Securities
and Exchange  Commission  on October 4, 1993,  November 24, 1993,  September 20,
1995, November 27, 1996 and November 24, 1997, respectively.

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

   -------     -----------

     (1)       (a)   Articles of Incorporation (Charter).(1)

               (b)   Articles of  Amendment of Articles of  Incorporation  dated
                     September 8, 1998.(3)

               (c)   Articles of  Amendment of Articles of  Incorporation  dated
                     October 28, 1998(4).

     (2)       Bylaws dated August 19, 1993.(1)
     (3)       Not applicable.

     (4)       A copy of the form of the Plan of Reorganization  and Termination
               is  included  in the  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  as  Appendix B
               thereto, and is incorporated by reference herein.
     (5)       Provisions  of  instruments  defining  the  rights of  holders of
               Registrant's  securities  are  contained in Articles  III, IV, VI
               and VIII of the Articles of Incorporation  and Articles I, II, V,
               VI, VII, VIII, IX and X of the By-laws.

     (6)       (a)  Investment   Advisory   Agreement  between   Registrant  and
                    INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

               (b)  Sub-Advisory  Agreement  between  INVESCO Funds Group,  Inc.
                    and   INVESCO    Management   &   Research,    Inc.    dated
                    February 28, 1997.(2)

     (7)       (a)  General   Distribution   Agreement  between  Registrant  and
                    INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

               (b)  General   Distribution   Agreement  between  Registrant  and
                    INVESCO Distributors, Inc. dated September 30, 1997.(2)

     (8)       (a)  Defined    Benefit    Deferred    Compensation    Plan   for
                    Non-Interested Directors and Trustees.(3)

               (b)  Form   of   Amended    Defined    Compensation    Plan   for
                    Non-Interested Directors and Trustees.(3)

     (9)       (a)  Custody Agreement  between  Registrant and State Street Bank
                    and Trust Company dated October 20, 1993.(1)

               (b)  Amendment to Custody Agreement dated October 25, 1995.(1)

               (c)  Data Access Services Addendum dated May 19, 1997.(2)

      (10)     (a)  Plan and Agreement of Distribution pursuant to Rule 12b-1
                    under the Investment Company Act of 1940 dted October 20,

               (b)  Amendment of Plan and Agreement of Distribution  pursuant to
                    12b-1  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 dated July
                    19, 1995.(2)

               (c)  Amended Plan and Agreement of Distribution  adopted pursuant
                    to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 dated
                    January 1, 1997.(2)

               (d)  Amended Plan and Agreement of Distribution  adopted pursuant
                    to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 dated
                    September 30, 1997.(2)

      (11)     Opinion  and  Consent of  Kirkpatrick  &  Lockhart  LLP as to the
               legality of the securities being registered.(4)

      (12)     (a)  Opinion and Consent of  Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP regarding
                    certain tax matters in connection  with INVESCO  Multi-Asset
                    Allocation Fund (to be filed).

               (b)  Opinion and consent of  Kirkpatrick & Lockhart LLP regarding
                    certain tax matters in connection with INVESCO Balanced Fund
                    (to be filed).

      (13)     (a)  Administrative  Services  Agreement  between  Registrant and
                    INVESCO Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

               (b)  Transfer  Agency  Agreement  between  Registrant and INVESCO
                    Funds Group, Inc. dated February 28, 1997.(2)

      (14)      Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (filed herewith).

      (15)      Financial Statements omitted from Part B - None.

      (16)      Powers of Attorney  -  incorporated  by  reference  to Powers of
                Attorney filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on
                October 4, 1993, November 24, 1993, September 20, 1995, November
                27,1996 and November 24, 1997.

      (17)      Additional Exhibits.  Form of Amended Proxy (filed herewith).

(1) Incorporated  herein by reference to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 4 filed
    on November 27, 1996.
(2) Incorporated  herein by reference to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 5 filed
    on November 24, 1997.
(3) Incorporated  herein by reference to  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 6 filed
    on September 29, 1998.
(4) Incorporated  herein by  reference  to the  Registration  Statement on Form
    N-14 filed on January 22, 1999.