As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 20, 2003.

                                                   Registration No.  333-_____


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-14


 [  ] Pre-Effective Amendment No. ___     [  ] Post-Effective Amendment No. ___
                        (Check appropriate box or boxes)

Exact Name of Registrant as
Specified in Charter:                        Area Code and Telephone Number:

THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.                     (414) 278-6550

Address of Principal Executive Offices (Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code):

                             1100 WEST WELLS STREET
                           MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53233

Name and Address of
Agent for Service:                              With copies to:

Theodore F. Zimmer, Esq.      Charles M. Weber, Esq.     Leonard A. Pierce, Esq.
c/o The Catholic Funds, Inc.  Quarles & Brady LLP        Hale and Dorr LLP
1100 West Wells Street        411 East Wisconsin Avenue  60 State Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin          Milwaukee, Wisconsin       Boston, Massachusetts
53233                         53202                      02109

     Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering:  As soon as practicable after
this Registration Statement becomes effective under the Securities Act of  1933,
as amended.

     It is proposed that  this filing will become  effective on April 19,  2003,
pursuant to Rule 488.

     Title of Securities Being Registered:   Class C and  Class I shares of  the
Catholic Equity Fund, a series of the Registrant.

     The Registrant has previously registered an indefinite number of its shares
pursuant to Section 24(f) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as  amended.
Accordingly, no filing fee is due in reliance on Section 24(f).

                                             April __, 2003

Dear Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity Fund Shareholder:

     I am writing  to you about  a matter of  primary importance to  all of  our
Catholic Values Investment  Trust ("CVIT") Equity  Fund shareholders.   We  have
appreciated the confidence you have  placed in us and  your support of the  CVIT
Equity Fund.  However, we believe that your interests would be better served  if
the CVIT Equity Fund would combine with and become a part of the Catholic Equity
Fund, a series of  The Catholic Funds,  Inc., in a  transaction structured as  a
tax-free reorganization.

     Although there are differences between investment objectives and  principal
strategies of the Catholic Equity  Fund and those of  the CVIT Fund, both  Funds
generally seek capital appreciation and  dividend income by investing  primarily
in stocks  of  well-established  companies in  a  manner  consistent  with  core
Catholic values.   The Catholic Equity  Fund specifically seeks  a total  return
from dividends and capital gains which is equal to the S&P 500, less the  Fund's
operating  expenses,  by  investing  in  a  portfolio  of  common  stocks   that
approximately parallels the  composition of the  Index.   However, the  Catholic
Equity Fund does not invest in  companies that directly participate in  abortion
and engages in advocacy  activities to influence the  practices of companies  so
that they  better reflect  and promote  the  dignity and  primacy of  the  human
person.   The  annual  operating  expenses  of  the  Catholic  Equity  Fund  are
significantly lower than the  expenses of the CVIT  Fund (after fee waivers  and
expense reimbursements).  Based on  total net assets of each Fund as of December
31,  2002,  the  proposed  transaction  would  result  in  a  combined  Fund  of
approximately $21.6 million in assets, allowing it to take  better  advantage of
economies of scale.  The Catholic Equity Fund also offers classes of shares that
are similar to those of the CVIT Fund.  The Catholic Equity Fund is managed  and
distributed by  Catholic Financial  Services Corporation,  which is  owned by  a
Catholic fraternal alliance headed by Catholic Knights.  We believe the Catholic
Equity Fund offers an appealing alternative for CVIT Fund shareholders.

     The attached Proxy Statement/Prospectus  describes and seeks your  approval
of an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Agreement") involving the  CVIT
Equity Fund and  the Catholic  Equity Fund,  and explains  the similarities  and
differences between the two Funds.  As a result of the transactions proposed  in
the Agreement (the "Reorganization"), substantially all of the assets and stated
liabilities of the CVIT Equity Fund would be transferred to the Catholic  Equity
Fund, and you would receive shares of  the Catholic Equity Fund in exchange  for
your CVIT Equity Fund  shares.  Immediately following  the transfer, the  dollar
value of  your account  would be  the  same as  it  was immediately  before  the
transfer and you would  receive Class C or Class I  shares that correspond  with
your holdings of Individual Shares or  Institutional Service Shares of the  CVIT
Fund.  You would not recognize any gain or loss for federal income tax  purposes
on the exchange.   The Board of  Trustees of CVIT  has unanimously approved  the
transaction for the reasons described in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus.

     This package  contains information  about the  proposed Reorganization  and
includes all the material you will need to vote.  The current prospectus for the
Catholic Equity Fund  and its most  recent annual report  are also enclosed  for
your convenience.

     The Trustees  of  CVIT  unanimously  recommend  that  you  vote  "FOR"  the
Agreement.  The Trustees believe that  the Agreement and the Reorganization  are
in your best interests as a shareholder of the  CVIT Equity Fund.  Your vote  is
essential to approve the proposal.

     Please read the enclosed Proxy Statement/Prospectus carefully and cast your
vote by completing and returning the enclosed proxy card or voting by  telephone
as instructed on the proxy card.  To  help avoid additional expense, be sure  to
vote promptly.  If you have any questions, please call us at 1-888-974-4486.  We
will be glad to help you.

     Thank you for your consideration and continued support.


                                   Peter M. Donovan


                                225 STATE STREET
                          BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02109

                                ON MAY 21, 2003

To the Shareholders of the Catholic Values Investment Trust Equity Fund:

     NOTICE IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  a  Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of  the  Catholic Values  Investment  Trust Equity  Fund  (the  "CVIT
Fund"), a mutual fund series of Catholic Values Investment Trust ("CVIT"),  will
be  held  on  Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at  1100 AM Eastern Time, at the  offices
of  Wright  Investors'  Service,  Inc.,   440  Wheelers  Farms  Road,   Milford,
Connecticut.   The purpose  of the  Meeting  is to  consider  and act  upon  the
following proposal:

     1.   To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Agreement")
          providing for the transfer of substantially all of the assets and
          stated liabilities of the CVIT Fund to the Catholic Equity Fund, a
          series of The Catholic Funds, Inc., in exchange solely for shares of
          the Catholic Equity Fund, followed by the pro rata distribution of
          such shares of the Catholic Equity Fund to the CVIT Fund shareholders.

     2.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the
          Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     The Board of Trustees of CVIT has fixed the close of business on  March 13,
2003, as the record date for the determination of shareholders of the CVIT  Fund
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

                                   By Order of the Board of Trustees

                                   _________________________, Secretary

April __, 2003



                                225 STATE STREET
                          BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02109

                              CATHOLIC EQUITY FUND
                     (A SERIES OF THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.)
                             1100 WEST WELLS STREET
                           MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53233

                           PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS
                                 APRIL 18, 2003

     This Proxy Statement/Prospectus is being  furnished in connection with  the
solicitation of proxies by the Board  of Trustees of Catholic Values  Investment
Trust ("CVIT") for  use at  a Special Meeting  of Shareholders  of the  Catholic
Values Investment Trust Equity Fund (the "CVIT  Fund"), a series of CVIT, to  be
held  at  1100 AM  Eastern  Time on Wednesday, May 21,  2003, at the offices  of
Wright Investors' Service, Inc., 440  Wheelers Farms Road, Milford,  Connecticut
(the "Meeting").  Proxy materials are first being mailed to shareholders of  the
CVIT Fund on April __, 2003.

     The primary purpose of the Meeting is to consider and vote on the Agreement
and Plan of  Reorganization (the "Agreement")  involving the CVIT  Fund and  the
Catholic Equity  Fund, a  series  of The  Catholic  Funds, Inc.  ("The  Catholic
Funds").   A copy of the Agreement is attached hereto as Appendix A.

     Pursuant  to  the  Agreement,  the  Catholic  Equity  Fund  would   acquire
substantially all  of  the  assets of  the  CVIT  Fund and  assume  CVIT  Fund's
liabilities that are  reflected in the  computation of its  net asset value  and
other  ordinary  operating  liabilities  of  the   CVIT  Fund,  but  only   such
liabilities.  In exchange, the Catholic Equity Fund would issue to the CVIT Fund
shares of the Catholic Equity Fund having an aggregate net asset value equal  to
the aggregate value  of the CVIT  Fund assets so  acquired, less  the CVIT  Fund
liabilities so assumed.  Shares of the Catholic Equity Fund received by the CVIT
Fund in the transaction  would then be distributed  pro rata to shareholders  of
the CVIT  Fund, and  the CVIT  Fund would  be dissolved  and discontinued  as  a
separate mutual fund series of CVIT.   It is expected  that the dollar value  of
each CVIT Fund  shareholder's account in  the Catholic  Equity Fund  immediately
after these proposed transactions  (the "Reorganization") would  be the same  as
the dollar value  of such  shareholder's account  in the  CVIT Fund  immediately
prior to the Reorganization.  Shareholders of Individual Shares of the CVIT Fund
would receive Class C shares  of the Catholic Equity  Fund, and shareholders  of
Institutional Service Shares of  the CVIT Fund would  receive Class I shares  of
the Catholic Equity Fund.  The Reorganization  is intended to qualify as a  tax-
free reorganization so that shareholders of the CVIT Fund will not recognize any
gain or loss through  the exchange of  shares in the  Reorganization.  No  sales
charge or commission will  be imposed upon the  Catholic Equity Fund shares  is-
sued, or on the CVIT Fund shares surrendered, in the Reorganization.  Holders of
Individual Shares of the CVIT Fund will be credited with the amount of time they
held such  shares for  purposes of  determining  the contingent  deferred  sales
charge applicable to the subsequent redemption of Class C shares of the Catholic
Equity Fund they receive in the Reorganization.

     The Catholic Equity Fund  is a series of  The Catholic Funds, an  open-end,
series management investment company.  The investment objective of the  Catholic
Equity Fund is to obtain a total  return from dividends and capital gains  which
is equal to the  total return of the  S&P 500 Index,  less the Fund's  operating
expenses.  The Catholic Equity Fund  invests primarily in a portfolio of  common
stocks that approximately parallels the composition  of the S&P 500 Index.   The
Catholic Equity  Fund,  however, does  not  invest in  companies  that  directly
participate in  abortion  through  the manufacture  of  their  products  or  the
provision of their services and engages  in advocacy activities with respect  of
companies whose practices are inconsistent with the dignity of the human person.
The investment objective of the CVIT Fund seeks long-term growth of capital  and
reasonable current income from  investments consistent with  the core values  of
the Catholic Church.  The CVIT  Fund invests at least 80%  of its net assets  in
the equity securities of  well-established companies, that  are included on  the
quality oriented Approved Wright  Investment Lists.   (The Catholic Equity  Fund
and the CVIT Fund are collectively referred to herein as the "Funds.")

     The principal  executive office  of The  Catholic  Funds and  the  Catholic
Equity Fund is located  at 1100 West Wells  Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53233,
telephone: 1-877-222-2402.  The principal executive office of CVIT and the  CVIT
Fund is  located  at  440  Wheelers  Farms  Road,  Milford,  Connecticut  06460,
telephone: 1-888-974-4486.

     This Proxy Statement/Prospectus sets  forth concisely the information  that
shareholders of the CVIT Fund should know before voting on the Agreement and the
Reorganization.   It also  constitutes an  offering of  shares of  the  Catholic
Equity Fund.  Please read this  Proxy Statement/Prospectus carefully and  retain
it for future reference.


     A Statement of Additional  Information of the  Catholic Equity Fund,  dated
March __, 2003, relating to this Proxy Statement/Prospectus (the "Reorganization
SAI") has been filed with the  Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"  or
the "Commission") and is incorporated herein by reference.  Copies of the  Reor-
ganization SAI may be obtained without charge by writing to The Catholic  Funds,
1100 West Wells  Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53233, or  by calling  1-877-222-

     In addition, the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of  the
Catholic Equity Fund,  each dated January 31,  2003 (the  "Catholic Equity  Fund
Prospectus" and the "Catholic  Equity Fund SAI,"  respectively), and the  Annual
Report  to  Shareholders  of  the  Catholic  Equity  Fund  for  the  year  ended
September 30, 2002 (the "Catholic  Equity Fund Annual  Report") have been  filed
with the Commission  and are  incorporated by  reference herein.   The  Catholic
Equity Fund Prospectus and the Catholic Equity Fund Annual Report accompany this
Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and  the Catholic Equity  Fund SAI  may be  obtained
without charge by writing to or calling The Catholic Funds at the above  address
or telephone number.

     The Prospectus and Statement  of Additional Information  of the CVIT  Fund,
each dated May 1,  2002 (as supplemented)  (the "CVIT Fund  Prospectus" and  the
"CVIT Fund SAI,"  respectively), and the  Annual Report to  Shareholders of  the
CVIT Fund for the year ended December  31, 2002 (the "CVIT Fund Annual  Report")
have been filed with  the Commission, are incorporated  by reference herein  and
may be obtained without charge by writing to CVIT, c/o Wright Investors' Service
Distributors, Inc., 440 Wheelers Farms Road,  Milford, Connecticut 06460, or  by
calling 1-888-974-4486.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

     The Agreement..........................................................6
     Reasons for the Proposed Reorganization................................7
     Federal Tax Consequences...............................................8
     Comparison of the Funds................................................8

RISK FACTORS...............................................................16
     Market Risk...........................................................16
     Objective Risk........................................................16
     Index Correlation Risk................................................17
     Catholic Values Risk..................................................17

PERFORMANCE OF THE CATHOLIC EQUITY FUND....................................17

FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUNDS........................................17

     Description of the Agreement..........................................17
     Ineligible Securities.................................................19
     Other Terms...........................................................19
     Agreement Between Advisers............................................21
     Background to the Reorganization......................................22
     Reasons for the Proposed Reorganization...............................23
     Federal Tax Considerations............................................24

     Catholic Equity Fund..................................................25
     CVIT Fund.............................................................26


OWNERSHIP OF FUND SHARES...................................................28
     Catholic Equity Fund..................................................28
     CVIT Fund.............................................................28

VOTING INFORMATION.........................................................28

     Interests of Experts and Counsel......................................30
     Other Matters.........................................................30
     Available Information.................................................30


     This Proxy Statement/Prospectus is being  furnished to the shareholders  of
the CVIT Fund in  connection with the  solicitation of proxies  by the Board  of
Trustees of CVIT to  be used at a  Special Meeting of  Shareholders of the  CVIT
Fund  to be  held on Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 11:00 AM  Eastern Time, at  the
offices of Wright Investors'  Service, Inc., 440  Wheelers Farms Road,  Milford,
Connecticut.  The primary purpose of the Meeting is to consider and vote on  the
Agreement and the  Reorganization contemplated  thereby, pursuant  to which  the
Catholic Equity Fund would acquire substantially  all of the assets of the  CVIT
Fund and assume  the liabilities  of the  CVIT Fund  that are  reflected in  the
computation of its net asset value  and other ordinary operating liabilities  of
the CVIT Fund, but only such liabilities.  In exchange, the Catholic Equity Fund
would issue Class C and Class I shares of the Catholic Equity Fund, which shares
would be distributed, pro rata, to  the holders of Individual and  Institutional
Service Shares, respectively, of  the CVIT Fund.   The CVIT  Fund would then  be
liquidated and discontinued as a designated series of CVIT.

     The following is a summary of certain information contained elsewhere in
this Proxy Statement/Prospectus (including the Agreement attached hereto as
Appendix A), as well as the Catholic Equity Fund Prospectus, which accompanies
- ----------
this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and  is incorporated by  reference herein.   The
Catholic Equity Fund Prospectus describes the investment objective and principal
strategies of  the  Catholic Equity  Fund  and provides  information  about  the
shareholder fees  and  operating  expenses of,  management  and  other  services
provided to, and  purchases and redemptions  of shares of,  the Catholic  Equity
Fund.  This  summary is  not intended to  be complete  and is  qualified in  all
respects by reference to  the more detailed  information appearing elsewhere  in
this Proxy  Statement/Prospectus, the  Agreement and  the Catholic  Equity  Fund


     Shareholders of the CVIT Fund will be  asked at the Meeting to approve  the
Agreement and the Reorganization contemplated  thereby and as described  herein.
If approved, the Reorganization is expected to  be completed as of the close  of
business on  or about  April 30, 2003  or such  other date  as the  parties  may
determine (the "Closing  Date"), assuming that  all conditions  to closing  have
been satisfied.

     The Catholic Equity  Fund is a  mutual fund series  of The Catholic  Funds.
The Catholic Funds currently offers shares of the Catholic Money Market Fund  in
addition to the Catholic Equity Fund.  The Catholic Funds was organized in  1998
as  a  Maryland  corporation.    Catholic  Financial  Services  Corporation,  an
affiliate of  Catholic  Knights  ("CFSC"), is  the  investment  advisor  to  the
Catholic Equity Fund and distributor of its shares.

     The CVIT Fund is a mutual fund  series of CVIT, a registered open-end  man-
agement investment company  organized as a  Massachusetts business  trust.   The
CVIT Fund is the only  mutual fund series of  CVIT.  Wright Investors'  Service,
Inc. ("Wright")  is  the  investment  advisor  to  the  CVIT  Fund,  and  Wright
Investors' Services  Distributors,  Inc. ("WISDI")  is  the distributor  of  its


     The Agreement describes the essential terms of the proposed Reorganization
and is set forth in full as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.
Pursuant to the Agreement, the Catholic Equity Fund would acquire substantially
all of the assets of the CVIT Fund and assume the CVIT Fund's liabilities that
are reflected in the computation of its net asset value and other ordinary
operating liabilities of the CVIT Fund, but only such liabilities.  In exchange,
the Catholic Equity Fund would issue to the CVIT Fund Class C and Class I shares
of the Catholic Equity Fund having an aggregate net asset value equal to the
aggregate value of the CVIT Fund assets so acquired, less the CVIT Fund liabili-
ties so assumed. The CVIT Fund would then immediately make a pro rata distribu-
tion of such Catholic Equity Fund shares to the CVIT Fund shareholders.  As a
result of the Reorganization, each CVIT Fund shareholder will receive that
number of full and fractional Catholic Equity Fund shares equal in value to such
shareholder's pro rata interest in the net assets transferred to the Catholic
Equity Fund as of the close of business on the Closing Date.  Accordingly, the
shareholders of the CVIT Fund will become shareholders of the Catholic Equity
Fund.  It is expected that the value of each shareholder's account in the
Catholic Equity Fund immediately after the Reorganization would be the same as
the value of such shareholder's account in the CVIT Fund immediately prior to
the Reorganization.  Holders of Individual Shares of the CVIT Fund would receive
Class C shares of the Catholic Equity Fund, and holders of Institutional Service
Shares of the CVIT Fund would receive Class I shares of the Catholic Equity

     CVIT Fund shareholders will not pay any sales load or sales commissions  on
the Catholic Equity  Fund shares they  receive in the  Reorganization or on  the
CVIT Fund shares they surrender in the Reorganization.  Shareholders of the CVIT
Fund who receive  Class C shares  of the Catholic  Equity Fund  in exchange  for
their Individual Shares of  the CVIT Fund  will be credited  with the period  of
time they held their Individual Shares  for purposes of determining whether  the
1% contingent deferred sales charge will apply to their subsequent redemption of
the Class I shares of the Catholic Equity Fund.  Additionally, it is a condition
precedent to the closing of the Reorganization that CVIT and The Catholic  Funds
receive a legal opinion to the effect that the Reorganization will qualify as  a
tax-free  reorganization  for  federal  income  tax  purposes.    Assuming   the
Reorganization so qualifies, shareholders  of the CVIT  Fund will not  recognize
any income, gain  or loss for  federal income tax  purposes as a  result of  the
exchange in the Reorganization of  their shares in the  CVIT Fund for shares  of
the Catholic Equity Fund.  For further information about the tax consequences of
the Reorganization, see  "Additional Information About  the Agreement -  Federal
Tax Consequences" below.

     Contemporaneously with the  closing and  the distribution  of the  Catholic
Equity Fund shares to the CVIT Fund shareholders, the CVIT Fund will satisfy its
liabilities that are not assumed by the Catholic Equity Fund (if any), liquidate
and be discontinued  as a separate  series of CVIT.   CVIT itself  will also  be

     The Funds will not  bear any of  the fees, costs  and expenses incurred  in
connection with the Reorganization ("Reorganization Costs").  Instead, CFSC  and
Wright will pay all Reorganization Costs in the manner described under "Approval
of the Agreement and Reorganization - Agreement Between Advisors" below.


     Although it has been in operation for  more than five years, the CVIT  Fund
has not experienced satisfactory growth.  At December 31, 2002, the CVIT  Fund's
aggregate net assets were $6,506,417.   Moreover, the CVIT Fund has declined  in
size significantly  after averaging  $29 million in  total net  assets in  2000.
During the existence of  the CVIT Fund,  Wright has waived  fees and paid  other
expenses of the Fund in  an amount of $357,844  and $367,843 respectively in  an
attempt to keep the  Fund's expense ratios  at reasonable levels.   There is  no
assurance that Wright will continue to  subsidize the CVIT Fund.  Management  of
CVIT does not believe that the CVIT Fund  will be able to attract a  significant
volume of new or additional investment in order to reach satisfactory  economies
of scale.

     As a  result, CVIT  management explored  alternatives  for the  CVIT  Fund,
including sales and  marketing initiatives, continuation  of the Fund's  current
operations, liquidation of the  Fund and combinations  with other mutual  funds.
Management and  the  CVIT Board  of  Trustees determined  to  consider  possible
combinations with other  mutual funds  with similar  objectives, strategies  and
commitments to core Catholic values.

     The  Board  of  Trustees  of  CVIT  discussed  and  considered  a  possible
transaction between the CVIT Fund and  Catholic Equity Fund at meetings held  on
September 19  and    December  19,  2002.    The  Board  formally  approved  the
Reorganization and  the  Agreement on  March  13,  2003, subject  to  CVIT  Fund
shareholder approval.

     The CVIT Board believes the Reorganization offers the following benefits to
the CVIT Fund shareholders:

          o    The reputation, substantial experience and commitment of CFSC and
               Catholic Knights in marketing a broad range of financial products
               to American Catholics;

          o    A continuation of  the shareholders'  investment in  a fund  that
               seeks  capital   appreciation   and   dividend   income   through
               investments in stocks of well-established companies;

          o    The ability to  invest in  a fund  that strives  to promote  core
               Catholic values, namely, the  principle that human life  deserves
               protection from the moment of conception and that every person is
               entitled to be treated with dignity and justice;

          o    The annual operating  expenses of  the Catholic  Equity Fund  are
               significantly lower than those of the CVIT Fund after fee waivers
               and expense reimbursements;

          o    Potential lower annual  fund operating  expenses, greater  buying
               power and  other  economies of  scale  associated with  a  larger
               combined fund;

          o    The Catholic Equity Fund offers Class C and Class I shares  which
               are similar  in  their  transaction  fee  and  operating  expense
               structures, and in  addition offers Class A  shares which have  a
               front-end sales load and lower annual operating expenses than the
               Class C shares; and

          o    Alternatives to the Reorganization, such as a taxable liquidation
               of the CVIT Fund or continuation of the CVIT Fund without expense
               subsidization  from   Wright,  are   less  desirable   than   the
               Reorganization,  which  would  be  tax-free  to  the  CVIT   Fund

     For these and other reasons, the  Board of Trustees of CVIT, including  the
trustees who are not "interested  persons" of CVIT (as  that term is defined  in
the 1940 Act), has concluded that the Reorganization is in the best interests of
the shareholders of the CVIT Fund.


     The Board  of Directors  of  The Catholic  Funds  also approved  the  Reor-
ganization.  The Catholic  Funds Board believes  the Reorganization, which  will
increase the  current  size  of  the Catholic  Equity  Fund,  will  present  the
opportunity for economies of scale that in turn may lower annual fund  operating


     A condition to completion of the  Reorganization is the receipt of a  legal
opinion that the Reorganization will constitute a tax-free reorganization within
the meaning of Section 368(a) of the  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as  amended
(the "Code").   Accordingly,  no gain  or loss  will be  recognized for  federal
income tax purposes by the shareholders of the CVIT Fund or by the CVIT Fund  or
the Catholic Equity Fund as a result of the Reorganization.


     Below is  a brief  comparison of  the principal  features of  the  Catholic
Equity Fund and the CVIT Fund.  For more detailed information about the Catholic
Equity  Fund,  please  refer  to  the  Catholic  Equity  Fund  Prospectus  which
accompanies this  Proxy Statement/Prospectus.    For more  detailed  information
about the  CVIT  Fund,  please refer  to  the  CVIT Fund  Prospectus  which  was
previously delivered to you.


     Although the Catholic  Equity Fund and  the CVIT Fund  both generally  seek
capital appreciation  and  dividend  income by  investing  in  stocks  of  well-
established companies in a  manner consistent with  core Catholic values,  there
are some important differences between the two Funds' objectives and strategies.

     Catholic Equity Fund.  The Catholic Equity Fund specifically seeks to
     obtain a total return  from dividends and capital  gains which is equal  to
the total return of the S&P 500 Index, less the Fund's operating expenses.   The
Fund attempts to  achieve its objective  by investing in  a portfolio of  common
stocks that approximately parallels the composition of the S&P 500 Index, except
that the  Fund  will  not  invest in  companies  that  directly  participate  in
abortion.  The Catholic Equity Fund is thus passively managed.

     CVIT Fund.  The CVIT Fund, on the other hand, seeks long-term growth of
     capital and reasonable current income from investments consistent with  the
core values of the Catholic Church.  Reasonable income means the income that can
be achieved from an equity portfolio.   The CVIT Fund normally invests at  least
80% of its net  assets in the equity  securities of well-established  companies,
which are included on the quality-oriented Approved Wright Investment List.   Up
to 30%  of the  Fund's investments  may  be in  foreign securities  or  American
Depository Receipts.   Wright uses bottom-up  fundamental analysis to  determine
which companies in its  Worldscope(R) database meet or  exceed standards of  in-
vestment quality.

     Catholic Values.  Both Funds screen investments in companies to determine
     whether they  engage  in  activities that  are  inconsistent  with  certain
Catholic values, yet there are some differences in how the screens operate.

     The Catholic Equity  Fund strives  to invest its  assets in  a manner  that
promotes two specific core Catholic values  which the Board of Directors of  The
Catholic Funds has selected  from among many core  Catholic values: namely,  the
principles that human life deserves protection from the moment of conception and
that every person  is entitled to  be treated with  dignity and justice  because
every human being is  created in the image  and likeness of  God.  The  Catholic
Equity Fund will avoid investing in  companies that, through the manufacture  of
their products  or the  provision of  their  services, directly  participate  in
abortion.  If the Catholic Equity Fund invests in a company whose employment and
other business practices  are substantially  inconsistent with  the dignity  and
primacy of the human person, CFSC will engage in advocacy activities designed to
influence the company's practices to better  reflect and promote the dignity  of
the human person.  The Catholic Funds' Board of Directors may from time to  time
select different  or  additional  core  Catholic  values  to  implement  in  the
investment  program  of  the  Catholic   Equity  Fund.    Following   guidelines
established by  the Board,  CFSC is  responsible  for screening  investments  in
companies that  directly participate  in abortion  and for  initiating  advocacy
activities with respect to companies  whose business practices are  inconsistent
with the dignity  of the  human person.   CFSC's  decisions are  subject to  the
oversight of a Catholic Screen Committee appointed by the Board.

     The CVIT Fund's investments are reviewed by a Catholic Advisory Board which
is comprised of lay members familiar with the basic tenets and core teaching  of
the Roman Catholic  Church.  The  Catholic Advisory  Board identifies  companies
whose products, services and/or activities are substantially consistent with the
core  Catholic  Church   teachings,  based  on   the  best  publicly   available
information. Those core Catholic  teachings include but are  not limited to  the
sanctity of human  life.   The Catholic Advisory  Board has  sole discretion  in
determining which companies meet the religious criteria.

     For more information on the investment objectives, principal strategies and
securities selection process  of the Funds,  please review  the Catholic  Equity
Fund Prospectus and the CVIT Fund Prospectus.


     The primary  risks of  both the  Catholic  Equity Fund  and the  CVIT  Fund
include market risk, objective  risk and Catholic values  risk.  The  investment
practices of the Catholic Equity Fund described above may result in risks  which
are different from those currently associated  with the investment practices  of
the CVIT Fund.  See "Risk Factors" starting on page 15.


     At December 31, 2002, the Catholic Equity  Fund had an aggregate net  asset
value of $15.1 million, compared to $6.5 million for the CVIT Fund.

     The Catholic Equity  Fund commenced operations  on April 2,  2002 with  the
consideration of three other  equity funds designated a  series of The  Catholic
Funds: Catholic Disciplined Capital Appreciation Fund, Catholic Large-Cap Growth
Fund, and  Catholic  Equity  Income Fund.    The  Catholic  Disciplined  Capital
Appreciation Fund  was  deemed the  surviving  fund for  purposes  of  financial
accounting and historical performance.  The Catholic Equity Fund offers Class A,
Class C and Class I (institutional) shares.

     The CVIT Fund  commenced operations on  May 1, 1997  and offers  Individual
Shares and Institutional Service Shares.


     The following table sets forth  the fees and expenses  that you may pay  if
you buy and hold shares of the Funds, including pro forma fees and expenses  for
the  Catholic  Equity  Fund  estimated  by  management  (giving  effect  to  the
Reorganization), for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002.

                                       CATHOLIC                                                   PRO FORMA
                                     EQUITY FUND                    CVIT FUND                   COMBINED FUND
                                     -----------                    ---------                   -------------
                                 (For the Fiscal Year          (For the Fiscal Year
                               Ended September 30, 2002)     Ended December 31, 2002)


                                                          INDIVIDUAL      INSTITUTIONAL
                                 CLASS C     CLASS I        SHARES       SERVICE SHARES      CLASS C     CLASS I
                                 -------     -------        ------       --------------      -------     -------
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)        None        None          None             None            None         None
Imposed on Purchases (as a
percentage of offering price)

Maximum Sales Charge (Load)                    None          None             None            None         None
Imposed on Reinvested              None
Dividends/ Distributions

Maximum Deferred Sales Charge     1.00%(1)     None         1.00%(1)          None           1.00%(1)      None
(Load)                                 <F1>                      <F1>                             <F1>

Redemption Fee                    None(2)      None(2)       None             None            None(2)      None(2)
                                      <F2>         <F2>                                           <F2>         <F2>

Exchange Fee                      None(3)      None(3)       None             None            None         None
                                      <F3>         <F3>


                                                          INDIVIDUAL      INSTITUTIONAL
                                 CLASS C     CLASS I        SHARES       SERVICE SHARES      CLASS C     CLASS I
                                 -------     -------        ------       --------------      -------     -------
Management Fees                   0.50%       0.50%          0.75%            0.75%           0.50%       0.50%

Distribution (12b-1) Fees         0.75%        None          0.75%            0.25%           0.75%        None

Other Expenses                    2.46%(4)    2.05%(4)       2.60%            2.10%           1.23%(4)    1.23%(4)
                                       <F4>        <F4>                                            <F4>        <F4>

Total Annual Fund Operating       3.71%       2.55%          4.10%            3.10%           2.48%       1.73%

Less: Fee Waivers and Expense    (2.51)%(5)  (1.85)%(5)     (2.11)%(6)       (1.60)%(6)      (1.28)%(5)  (1.03)%(5)
Reimbursement                           <F5>        <F5>           <F6>             <F6>            <F5>        <F5>
                                  -----       -----          -----            -----           -----       -----

Total Net Annual Fund             1.20%       0.70%          1.99%            1.50%           1.20%       0.70%
Operating Expenses

(1)<F1> The contingent deferral sales charge applicable to redemption of
        Class C shares of the Catholic Equity Fund and Individual Shares of the
        CVIT Fund terminates one year after the shares are purchased.  The
        Catholic Equity Fund will credit holders of Individual Shares of the
        CVIT Fund with the period of time they owned such shares in determining
        the contingent deferral sales charge applicable to the subsequent
        redemption of Class C shares of the Catholic Equity Fund they receive
        in the Reorganization.
(2)<F2> The Catholic Equity Fund charges $15.00 for each wire redemption.
(3)<F3> The Catholic Equity Fund charges $5.00 for each telephonic exchange.
(4)<F4> "Other Expenses" for the Catholic Equity Fund are based on management
        estimates for the current fiscal year ending September 30, 2003.
(5)<F5> CFSC has contractually committed for a period of one year after the
        Reorganization, to reimburse the Catholic Equity Fund to the extent the
        Fund's total annual operating expenses (as a percentage of average
        daily net assets) exceed 1.20% for Class C shares and 0.70% for Class I
(6)<F6> Under a written agreement, Wright waives a portion of its advisory fee
        and assumes operating expenses to the extent necessary to limit the
        CVIT Fund's expense ratios to 1.99% for Individual Shares and 1.50% for
        Institutional Service Shares.


     The following Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing
in the Funds (and investing in  the combined Fund on  a pro forma basis,  giving
effect to the Reorganization) with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

     The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in a Fund for the time  periods
indicated and then redeem all of your shares  at the end of those time  periods.
The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that
the Fund's operating expenses remain the  same (with applicable fee waivers  and
expense reimbursements for the Funds in effect for one year).  Although your ac-
tual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your costs  would

                             1 YEAR      3 YEARS      5 YEARS     10 YEARS
                             ------      -------      -------     --------
Class C                       $222         $902       $1,703       $3,796
Class I                       $ 72         $617       $1,189       $2,746

Individual Shares             $302         $624       $1,073       $2,317
Institutional Service         $153         $474       $  818       $1,791

Class C                       $222         $650       $1,205       $2,719
Class I                       $ 72         $444         $842       $1,955


     Catholic Equity Fund.  The Catholic Equity Fund offers three classes of
shares - Class A, Class C and Class I.  Only Class C and Class I shares will  be
issued in the Reorganization.

     Class A shares,  which  are  available to  retail  investors  only  through
brokers, have a  4% maximum front-end  sales load and  a 0.25% distribution  (or
12b-1 fee).    The minimum  initial  investment amount  is  $1,000 and  $50  for
additional purchases.

     Class C shares,  which  are  available to  retail  investors  who  purchase
directly without the  assistance of  a broker or  who pay  a separate  fee to  a
broker, have a  1% contingent  deferred sales  charge on  redemptions (which  is
eliminated after the shares have been  held for at least  one year) and a  0.75%
12b-1 fee.    The  minimum initial  investment  amount  is $1,000  and  $50  for
additional purchases.  Class C  shares will be issued  in the Reorganization  to
the holders of Individual Shares of the CVIT Fund.

     Class I   shares   available   to   institutional   investors,    including
corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, business  associations,
trusts, endowment  funds, churches,  parishes,  fraternal benefit  societies  or
other religious  or  fraternal organizations  or  associations and  other  legal
entities that are not alter egos of natural persons, provided that the  investor
was not formed  for the  specific purpose of  investing in  the Catholic  Equity
Fund.  Class I shares have no front-end sales charge, contingent deferred  sales
charge or 12b-1 fee.  The minimum initial purchase amount is $10,000 and  $1,000
for additional purchases.  Class I shares  will be issued in the  Reorganization
to the holders of Institutional Service Shares of the CVIT Fund.

     CVIT Fund.  The CVIT Fund offers two classes of shares - Individual Shares
and Institutional  Service  Shares.   Individual  Shares have  a  1%  contingent
deferred sales charge on redemptions (which is eliminated after the shares  have
been held  for at  least one  year) and  a 0.75%  12b-1 fee  and can  charge  an
additional 0.25% service fee.  The  minimum initial investment amount is  $1,000
with no minimum for additional purchases.

     Institutional Service Shares have no  front-end sales charge or  contingent
deferred sales  charge,  but  have a  0.25%  12b-1  fee.   The  minimum  initial
investment amount is $250,000 with no minimum for additional purchases.


     The Catholic Equity Fund distributes net investment income annually and net
realized long- or short-term capital gains at least annually.

     The CVIT Fund distributes net investment income at least semi-annually  and
net realized capital gains annually (normally in December).

     Each Fund automatically receives dividends and distributions in  additional
Fund shares unless shareholders request that they be paid in cash.


     A sale or exchange of  shares of either Fund  generally is a taxable  event
and may result in a capital gain or loss.

     Distributions, whether  received in  cash or  additional Fund  shares,  are
subject to federal income tax.   Income dividends are taxed as ordinary  income.
Capital gains  distributions are  taxable at  different rates  depending on  the
length of time a Fund held the assets that were sold.


Catholic Equity Fund
- --------------------

     The Catholic Equity  Fund is a  mutual fund series  of The Catholic  Funds,
Inc., a Maryland corporation  organized in 1998 and  registered as an  open-end,
management investment company.  The Catholic Equity Fund commenced operations on
April 2, 2002, as a result of the  consolidation of three equity fund series  of
The Catholic  Funds.   The  Catholic Funds  currently  consists of  two  series,
namely, the Catholic Equity Fund and the Catholic Money Market Fund.

     Catholic Financial Services Corporation, 1100 West Wells Street, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin  53233, serves as the  investment adviser to the Catholic Equity  Fund
and distributor of its shares.  CFSC receives an annual advisory fee of 0.50% of
the Fund's average daily net assets.  CFSC is a Wisconsin corporation  organized
in 1994.   The  majority of  its stock  is held  by Catholic  Knights  Financial
Services, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary  of Catholic Knights, a  non-profit
fraternal benefit society.  The balance of the stock of CFSC is owed by Catholic
Order of Foresters, Catholic Knights of America and Catholic Union of Texas, The
KJT.   These four  owners of  CFSC are  referred to  as the  Catholic  Fraternal

     The  Catholic  Fraternal  Alliance   provides  whole  and  universal   life
insurance, term  insurance and  a variety  of fixed-return  annuity products  to
individual Catholics in more than 30 states.  As a group, the Catholic Fraternal
Alliance ranks in the top 15% of life insurers in the United States in terms  of
life insurance in  force and total  assets, with more  than $5  billion of  life
insurance in force and  more than $1 billion  of total assets under  management.
The Catholic Fraternal Alliance has more than 230,000 members who belong to  one
of more than 750 lodges throughout the country.  The Catholic Fraternal Alliance
provides $8.5 million in charitable and  benevolent funding, as well as  related
services to its members, their Catholic parishes and communities.

     Mellon Equity Associates,  LLP ("Mellon"),  500 Grand  Street, Suite  4200,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15258,  serves as sub-adviser  to the Catholic  Equity
Fund.   Mellon  is  an independently  run,  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  Mellon
Financial Corporation.  The firm became a separate legal entity from the  equity
management group of The  Mellon Bank trust department  in 1987.  Mellon  manages
nearly $23 billion in assets for approximately 140 clients.  CFSC pays Mellon  a
sub-advisory fee of 0.12% on the first $50 million of the Catholic Equity Fund's
average daily net assets  and 0.06% of  the Fund's average  daily net assets  in
excess of $50 million.

- ---------

     The CVIT Fund  is a mutual  fund series of  CVIT, a Massachusetts  business
trust organized in  1996 and registered  as an  open-end, management  investment
company.  The  CVIT Fund  commenced operations  on May 1,  1997, CVIT  currently
consists of one series, namely, the CVIT Fund.

     Wright  Investors'  Service,  Inc.,  440  Wheelers  Farms  Road,   Milford,
Connecticut 06460, serves as  the investment adviser to  the CVIT Fund.   Wright
Investors' Service Distributors, Inc. is distributor of shares of the CVIT Fund.
Both Wright and WISDI are owned by The Winthrop Corporation.  Wright receives an
annual advisory  fee of  0.75% of  the  CVIT Fund's  average daily  net  assets.
Wright manages approximately $3 billion of assets in portfolios of all sizes and
styles as well as a family of mutual funds.


Catholic Equity Fund
- --------------------

     The investment portfolio of  Catholic Equity Fund  is managed by  Thomas J.
Durante, an employee of  Mellon.  Mr. Durante specializes  in the management  of
indexed and  enhanced-indexed  equity portfolios  for  Mellon.   Before  joining
Mellon in 2000, Mr. Durante was a controller of funds at Dreyfus Corporation for
over 18 years.   Mr. Durante earned a Bachelor  of Science degree in  accounting
from Fairfield University.

- ---------

     An  investment  committee  of  senior  officers  of  Wright  controls   the
investment selections, policies and procedures of the CVIT Fund.  These officers
are all experienced analysts with different areas of expertise and more than  95
years of combined service with Wright. Recommendations of Wright are reviewed by
an independent Catholic  Advisory Board  who vetoes  recommended companies  that
offer a product  or service  or engage in  a practice  that is  contrary to  the
teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.


Catholic Equity Fund
- --------------------

     U.S. Bancorp  Fund  Services, LLP,  615  East Michigan  Street,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin  53202, serves as transfer agent  for the Catholic Equity Fund.   U.S.
Bank, N.A., 777 East  Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin   53202, serves  as
custodian of  the portfolio  securities  and cash  held  by The  Catholic  Fund.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,  100  East Wisconsin  Avenue,  Milwaukee,  Wisconsin
53202, is the independent auditor for the Catholic Equity Fund.

- ---------

     Forum Shareholder  Services,  LLC,  Two Portland  Square,  Portland,  Maine
04101, is the  transfer agent for  the CVIT Fund.   IBT,  200 Clarendon  Street,
Boston, Massachusetts 02116,  serves as  custodian of  portfolio securities  and
cash held by CVIT Fund.  Eaton Vance is administrator for the Fund.   Deloitte &
Touche LLP, 220  Berkeley Street, Boston,  Massachusetts   02116 is  independent
accountant for the CVIT Fund.

                                  RISK FACTORS

     In evaluating whether to approve the  Agreement and invest in the  Catholic
Equity Fund, shareholders  should carefully  consider the  following summary  of
risk factors relating to  both the Catholic  Equity Fund and  the CVIT Fund,  in
addition to the other information set forth in this Proxy  Statement/Prospectus.
A complete  description of  risk factors  for  each Fund  is  set forth  in  the
prospectuses  of  the  Funds  and  their  respective  statements  of  additional
information.  The risks  associated with investing in  the Catholic Equity  Fund
are similar to the risks associated with investing in the CVIT Fund in that both
Funds primarily  invest  in  stocks  of  well-established  companies  and  avoid
companies whose business activities are inconsistent with core Catholic  values,
although there are  some key differences  in the risks  associated with the  two


     Both the CVIT Fund and the Catholic Equity Fund are subject to market risk,
which is the risk that stocks generally will  rise and fall over short and  even
extended periods.  Equity markets tend  to move in cycles.   A Fund's net  asset
value (and  share price)  will likely  fluctuate with  these price  changes  and
market fluctuation.


     Both Funds  are subject  to objective  risk,  which is  the risk  that  the
individual stocks in  a Fund's portfolio  may not perform  in a  manner that  is
consistent  with  the  stock  markets  generally.    Accordingly,  factors   may
particularly affect the  stocks held by  a Fund and  thus the  Fund's net  asset
value, although the markets may not be so affected.  Both Funds invest in  "blue
chip" and other  well-established companies  and there  may be  times when  such
larger capitalization stocks underperform the overall stock market.

     The CVIT Fund is  subject to management  risk, which is  the risk that  the
strategies and stocks selected for investment  by the CVIT Fund may not  produce
the expected or desired  results.  In other  words, the CVIT  Fund may pick  the
wrong stocks from time to time.   The Catholic Equity Fund is passively  managed
in that it seeks to replicate the composition of  the S&P 500 Index and thus  is
not  subject  to  management  risk,  although  its  performance  will  generally
correlate with that of the S&P 500.


     Because the  Catholic  Equity  Fund  will  not  invest  in  companies  that
participate directly  in  abortion, the  composition  of the  Fund's  investment
portfolio will not precisely replicate that of  the S&P 500 Index at all  times.
Also, unlike the  S&P 500  Index, the  Catholic Equity  Fund incurs  transaction
costs and operating expenses, which will reduce the total return of the Fund  as
compared to that of the S&P 500 Index.


     Both Funds strive to avoid investing in companies that engage in activities
that are inconsistent with core Catholic values.  This religious screen may mean
that a Fund may not own securities of certain companies even though without  the
screen the Fund may  find the investment attractive.   The religious screen  may
also mean that the Catholic Equity  Fund's holdings may not precisely  replicate
the S&P 500 Index.  Moreover, a Fund may be required to dispose of securities in
its portfolio at a disadvantageous time, causing a loss to the Fund or otherwise
adverse tax consequences.


     Information about the  performance of the  Catholic Equity Fund,  including
management's discussion of  its performance,  for the  year ended  September 30,
2002 is contained in  the Catholic Equity Fund  Annual Report which  accompanies
this Proxy Statement/ Prospectus.


     For more information about the Catholic Equity Fund, including  information
on  its  investment  objectives,  principal  strategies  and  risks,   expenses,
management,  purchase,  redemption  and  exchange  procedures,  and  shareholder
services, please read the Catholic Equity Fund Prospectus which is  incorporated
by reference into and accompanies this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.

     For similar information  about the  CVIT Fund,  please read  the CVIT  Pro-
spectus,   which    is   incorporated    by    reference   into    this    Proxy
Statement/Prospectus.  The CVIT Fund Prospectus was previously delivered to  you
and is available upon request without change by calling CVIT at 1-888-974-4486.


     The Board of Trustees of CVIT unanimously recommends that the  shareholders
of the CVIT Fund vote to approve  the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  con-
templated thereby.  The  Board of Trustees approved  the Agreement based on  its
belief that the Agreement is  in the best interests  of the shareholders of  the
CVIT Fund.


     The terms and conditions  of the proposed Reorganization  are set forth  in
the Agreement.  Significant  provisions of the  Agreement are summarized  below;
however, this  summary  is  qualified  in  its  entirety  by  reference  to  the
Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Appendix A to this Proxy

     The Agreement contemplates the transfer of substantially all of the  assets
and ordinary operating liabilities of the CVIT Fund to the Catholic Equity  Fund
in exchange solely  for shares of  the Catholic Equity  Fund, and  the pro  rata
distribution of such shares of the  Catholic Equity Fund to the shareholders  of
the CVIT  Fund.    If  approved  by the  shareholders  of  the  CVIT  Fund,  the
Reorganization would occur as  of the close of  business on April 30, 2003  (the
"Closing Date") or such other date as the parties may determine.

     Under the Agreement, the Catholic  Equity Fund would acquire  substantially
all of  the property,  rights and  assets of  the CVIT  Fund, including  without
limitation all portfolio  securities, cash, cash  equivalents, and dividend  and
interest receivables owned  by the CVIT  Fund.  The  Catholic Equity Fund  would
also assume  the  liabilities  of  the  CVIT Fund  that  are  reflected  in  the
computation of its net asset value  and other ordinary operating liabilities  of
the CVIT Fund, but only  such liabilities, and discharge  them when and as  they
are due or otherwise in  accordance with their terms.   After the Closing  Date,
the CVIT Fund will liquidate and cease to be a designated series of CVIT.

     In  consideration  for  the  assets  and  liabilities  of  the  CVIT   Fund
transferred in the Reorganization, the Catholic  Equity Fund would issue to  the
CVIT Fund  Class C and  Class I shares  of the  Catholic Equity  Fund having  an
aggregate  net  asset  value  equal  to  the  value  of  the  assets,  less  the
liabilities, so transferred by the CVIT Fund.   The assets of the CVIT Fund  and
the per share net asset value of the Catholic Equity Fund shares would be valued
as of the close of trading on the New  York Stock Exchange on the Closing  Date.
All such  valuations would  be conducted  in accordance  with the  policies  and
procedures of the Catholic Equity Fund as described in the accompanying Catholic
Equity Fund Prospectus, or in the Catholic Equity Fund SAI.

     As of  the close  of business  on the  Closing Date,  the CVIT  Fund  would
distribute pro rata  to its shareholders  of record the  shares of the  Catholic
Equity Fund received by the CVIT Fund.  Such distribution would  be accomplished
by opening accounts on  the books of the  Catholic Equity Fund  in the names  of
shareholders of the  CVIT Fund and  by transferring the  shares credited to  the
account of the CVIT Fund on the books of the Catholic Equity Fund.  Each account
opened would represent  the respective  pro rata  number and  class of  Catholic
Equity Fund shares due to each CVIT Fund shareholder.  Fractional shares of  the
Catholic Equity Fund  would be  rounded to the  nearest thousandth  of a  share.
Holders of Individual Shares  of the CVIT Fund  would receive Class C shares  of
the Catholic Equity  Fund, and holders  of Institutional Service  Shares of  the
CVIT Fund  would  receive Class I  shares  of the  Catholic  Equity Fund.    The
class(es) of  shares  of the  Catholic  Equity Fund    to be  received  by  each
shareholder would therefore correspond  to the class(es) of  shares of the  CVIT
Fund held by  such shareholder, such  that each shareholder  would receive,  for
each share of CVIT Fund owned by such  shareholder, the number of shares of  the
corresponding Catholic Equity Fund class that equals the net asset value of  the
shareholder's CVIT Fund shares immediately prior to the Reorganization.

     Accordingly, every shareholder  of the CVIT  Fund would own  shares of  the
Catholic Equity Fund immediately after  the Reorganization that correspond  with
the class(es) of CVIT Fund shares held previously and that have an aggregate net
asset value equal to  the aggregate net asset  value of such shareholder's  CVIT
Fund shares  immediately prior  to the  Reorganization.   Moreover, because  the
Catholic Equity Fund shares would be issued  at net asset value in exchange  for
the net assets of  the CVIT Fund, and  the aggregate net  value of those  assets
would equal the  aggregate value of  the Catholic Equity  Fund shares issued  in
exchange therefor, the  net asset value  per share of  the Catholic Equity  Fund
would not change as  a result of the  Reorganization.  Thus, the  Reorganization
would not result in economic dilution to  any CVIT Fund or Catholic Equity  Fund

     On or prior  to the Closing  Date, the CVIT  Fund would declare  and pay  a
dividend to its shareholders of record so that, for the short taxable year  that
ends on  the  Closing  Date, it  would  have  declared an  aggregate  amount  of
dividends that: (a) is equal to at least  the sum of its respective net  capital
gain and 90% of its investment company taxable income for such year, and  (b) is
sufficient to avoid any excise  tax for the calendar  year in which the  Closing
Date occurs.


     Certain of  the securities  held by  the CVIT  Fund may  be ineligible  for
investment by the Catholic Equity Fund.   Such securities include any stocks  of
companies that are not included in the S&P 500 Index.  Following approval of the
Agreement by the CVIT Fund shareholders  and until the Closing, Wright will  use
its reasonable best efforts to sell such securities.  As promptly as practicable
following the  Closing,  the  Catholic Equity  Fund  will  sell  all  securities
transferred to it by  the CVIT Fund  that the Catholic  Equity Fund cannot  hold
consistent with its investment objective and program.  In addition, the Catholic
Equity Fund promptly will  purchase or sell stocks  of companies on the  S&P 500
Index in order to maintain the Fund's approximate correlation to the Index.


     CVIT (on behalf of the CVIT Fund) and The Catholic Funds (on behalf of  the
Catholic Equity  Fund) have  each made  representations  and warranties  in  the
Agreement that are customary in a transaction such as the Reorganization.   Such
representations and warranties  do not survive  the Closing Date  and CVIT  Fund
shareholders would not be liable for breaches thereof.

     The completion of the Reorganization is  subject to certain conditions  set
forth in the Agreement, including the following:

          (a)  The Reorganization  must  have been  approved  by the  CVIT  Fund

           (b) CVIT and The Catholic  Funds must have  received a legal  opinion
               from Quarles & Brady LLP that the Reorganization will not  result
               in recognition of gain or loss for federal income tax purposes by
               the CVIT Fund shareholders, the CVIT Fund or the Catholic  Equity

          (c)  The Registration Statement on Form N-14 (the "Registration State-
               ment") must have  become effective  under the  Securities Act  of
               1933, no stop  order suspending the  effectiveness thereof  shall
               have been issued with  respect thereto, and  to the knowledge  of
               the parties to the Agreement, no investigation or proceeding  for
               that purpose shall have been instituted or be pending, threatened
               or contemplated under the Securities Act; and

          (d)  The transactions  described  in  the  related  agreement  between
               Wright, as the investment adviser of the CVIT Fund, and CFSC,  as
               the investment  adviser  of the  Catholic  Equity Fund,  must  be
               consummated concurrently  with the  closing of  the  transactions
               described in the Reorganization Agreement.

     One of the provisions of the agreement between CFSC and Wright is that CFSC
may terminate that agreement if cumulative net redemptions of the CVIT Fund from
and after  March 13, 2003  (the date  of  that agreement)  exceed  $2.0 million.
Accordingly, if cumulative  net redemptions should  exceed that threshold,  CFSC
may terminate  its  agreement with  Wright,  which in  turn  would result  in  a
termination of the  Reorganization Agreement  and the  Reorganization would  not

     Notwithstanding   approval   of   the   CVIT   Fund's   shareholders,   the
Reorganization may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing Date:

          (a)  By mutual written consent of the parties;

          (b)  By either  party  if  the closing  shall  not  have  occurred  by
               June 25, 2003;

          (c)  By either party upon a  misrepresentation, breach of warranty  or
               failure to perform any agreement or  covenant by the other  party
               in  any  of  its   representations,  warranties,  agreements   or
               covenants set forth in the Agreement; or

          (d)  By the Board of Directors of  The Catholic Funds or by the  Board
               of Trustees of CVIT if circumstances should develop that, in  the
               good faith  opinion  of  such Board,  make  proceeding  with  the
               consummation of the transactions  described in the Agreement  not
               in the best interests of the shareholders of the Catholic  Equity
               Fund or of the CVIT Fund, respectively.

     Neither the CVIT Fund nor the Catholic Equity Fund will be required to  pay
any costs, fees, and  expenses incurred in connection with the Agreement and the
transactions contemplated thereby ("Reorganization Costs"), such as legal  fees,
accounting   fees   and   costs   of    printing   and   mailing   this    Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and related proxy materials, soliciting the approval of the
CVIT Fund shareholders  and conducting the  Meeting.   The Reorganization  Costs
will be paid by CFSC and Wright.  See "Agreement Between Advisers" below.


     Wright and  CFSC have  entered into  a  purchase agreement  (the  "Purchase
Agreement") under which  Wright will convey  to CFSC the  books and records  and
other assets directly relating to, and  used in connection with, the  investment
advisory services Wright  performs on  behalf of the  CVIT Fund.   In  addition,
Wright will provide to  CFSC assistance and cooperation  in connection with  the
Reorganization, including using  its commercially reasonable  efforts to  obtain
shareholder approval to the Reorganization, and will notify CFSC promptly in the
event that it  becomes reasonably  likely that  the Reorganization  will not  be
approved or otherwise will not proceed.

     The Purchase Agreement contains a covenant whereby Wright agrees that,  for
a period of three years following the completion of the Reorganization, it  will
not, either directly or indirectly, anywhere in the United States:  (a) sponsor,
manage, advise, sub-advise  or distribute  a registered  open-end or  closed-end
investment company that has an investment objective or strategy of investing any
substantial portion of its assets in  securities of companies that are  screened
or reviewed  to determine  whether their  products, services  or activities  are
consistent with certain or all of the core values taught by the Catholic Church;
or  (b) sponsor  or  distribute  a  private  investment  fund  or  other  pooled
investment vehicle  which  is excluded  from  the definition  of  an  investment
company under provisions of the Investment Company  Act of 1940 and has such  an
investment objective or strategy.

     Wright also agrees in the Purchase Agreement to not, for a period of  three
years following the  completion of the  Reorganization, solicit shareholders  of
the CVIT Fund to purchase any investment product that is competitive with shares
of the CVIT Fund.   For this  purpose such an  investment product is  considered
competitive only if it is either:

          o    A registered open-end or closed-end investment company sponsored,
               managed, advised, sub-advised or  distributed by Wright that  has
               an investment objective or strategy of investing any  substantial
               amount of its assets in securities of companies that are screened
               or reviewed  to determine  whether  their products,  services  or
               activities are consistent with certain or all of the core  values
               taught by the Catholic Church; or

          o    A private  investment fund  or  other pooled  investment  vehicle
               sponsored or distributed  by Wright  which is  excluded from  the
               definition of  an  investment  company under  provisions  of  the
               Investment Company  Act  of  1940  and  has  such  an  investment
               objective or strategy.

     These covenants do  not prohibit Wright  or its  affiliates from  providing
investment advisory,  sub-advisory  and management  services  to any  person  or
entity that is a client of Wright or one of its affiliates at the time when  the
Reorganization is completed,  in addition  to being  a shareholder  of the  CVIT
Fund, provided such services are otherwise consistent with Wright's covenant not
to compete, as described in the preceding paragraph.

     In consideration of all of the foregoing, CFSC will pay Wright an amount in
cash equal  to $2,500  times the  number of  months (or  portions thereof)  that
elapse from January 1, 2003 to the  completion of the Reorganization.   However,
if, during that period, Wright discontinues  or modifies its current fee  waiver
and expense reimbursement practices with respect  to the CVIT Fund, then  CFSC's
payment obligation will  be calculated from  January 1, 2003 up  to the date  on
which Wright  ceases  or  modifies its  fee  waiver  and  expense  reimbursement

     CFSC and Wright have agreed to pay all of the Reorganization costs as  well
as the legal fees and other costs associated with the Purchase Agreement between
CFSC and Wright (collectively,  the "Transaction Costs")  as follows: CFSC  will
pay the first $25,000 of aggregate Transaction Costs; CFSC and Wright will  each
pay 50%  of aggregate  Transaction Costs  up to  the next  $65,000 of  aggregate
Transaction Costs; and any aggregate Transaction Costs in excess of $90,000 will
be paid  by CFSC.   For  purposes hereof,  a maximum  of $15,000  in legal  fees
incurred by Wright or CVIT will be considered in the calculation of  Transaction
Costs.  Any such legal fees in excess of $15,000 will be paid by Wright.


     Although it has been in operation for  more than five years, the CVIT  Fund
has not experienced satisfactory growth.  At December 31, 2002, the CVIT  Fund's
aggregate net assets were $6.5 million.  Moreover, the CVIT Fund has declined in
size significantly  after averaging  $29 million in  total net  assets in  2000.
During the existence of the CVIT Fund, Wright has waived fees and/or paid  other
expenses of the Fund in  an amount of $357,844  and $367,843 respectively in  an
attempt to keep the  Fund's expense ratios  at reasonable levels.   There is  no
assurance that Wright will continue to  subsidize the CVIT Fund.  Management  of
CVIT does not believe that the CVIT Fund  will be able to attract a  significant
volume of new or additional investment in order to reach satisfactory  economies
of scale.

     As a  result, CVIT  management explored  alternatives  for the  CVIT  Fund,
including sales and  marketing initiatives, continuation  of the Fund's  current
operations, liquidation of the  Fund and combinations  with other mutual  funds.
Management and  the  CVIT Board  of  Trustees determined  to  consider  possible
combinations with other  mutual funds  with similar  objectives, strategies  and
commitments to core Catholic values.

     The CVIT  Board of  Trustees specifically  discussed the  possibility of  a
transaction between the CVIT Fund and  the Catholic Equity Fund on December  19,
2002,  and  considered   and  unanimously   approved  the   Agreement  and   the
Reorganization on  March  13, 2003.    Prior to  that  meeting, the  CVIT  Board
reviewed materials about The Catholic Funds, CFSC, the Catholic Equity Fund  and
the  Reorganization,  as  well  as  drafts  of  the  Agreement  and  this  Proxy
Statement/Prospectus.  At the meeting, the CVIT Board reviewed and discussed the
information they had received, asked questions of management about the terms  of
the Reorganization and  its benefits to  the CVIT  Fund shareholders,  consulted
with legal counsel, and considered alternatives.

     The Catholic Funds Board of Directors considered and approved the Agreement
and the Reorganization  at a  meeting held on  January 28, 2003.   The  Catholic
Funds Board determined that the Reorganization was in the best interests of  the
Catholic  Equity  Fund  shareholders.    The  Reorganization  will  present  the
opportunity for  lower  operating expenses  and  other economies  of  scale  and
increase the Catholic Equity Fund's profile among Catholic investors.


     The Board of Trustees of CVIT has unanimously determined that the Reorgani-
zation is  in the  best interests  of the  shareholders of  the CVIT  Fund.   In
reaching such conclusion, the CVIT Board considered the following factors:

          (1)  The fact that both Funds generally seek capital appreciation and
               dividend income by investing in stocks of well-established

          (2)  The reputation, experience and commitment of CFSC and Catholic
               Knights to offer mutual funds that promote Catholic values;

          (3)  The distribution capabilities of CFSC and its anticipated ability
               to increase the size of the Catholic Equity Fund following the
               Reorganization through new sales of shares;

          (4)  The management fees and annual operating expenses of each Fund,
               including the facts that the management fees and the annual
               operating expenses of the Catholic Equity Fund are less than
               those of the CVIT Fund, particularly so after fee waivers and
               expense reimbursements;

          (5)  The commitment of CFSC to waive its fees and/or reimburse fund
               expenses for a period of one year following the Reorganization so
               that the Catholic Equity Fund's annual operating expenses do not
               exceed 1.20% for Class C shares and 0.70% for Class I shares;

          (6)  The terms of the Agreement, including the structure of the
               Reorganization to be tax-free to the CVIT Fund shareholders and
               the fact that no sales charge will be imposed on the Catholic
               Equity Fund shares issued, or the CVIT Fund shares surrendered,
               in the Reorganization;

          (7)  The similarity in sales load and fee structures between Class C
               shares and Class I shares of the Catholic Equity Fund compared to
               the Individual Shares and Institutional Service Shares of the
               CVIT Fund;

          (8)  The Catholic Funds' commitment to credit the CVIT Fund sharehold-
               ers with the period of time in which they held Individual Shares
               of the CVIT Fund for purposes of determining the applicability of
               the contingent deferred sales load on their subsequent redemption
               of the Class C shares of the Catholic Equity Fund they receive in
               the Reorganization;

          (9)  The potential benefits and detriments to the CVIT Fund sharehold-
               ers, and viability, of alternatives to the Reorganization, in-
               cluding liquidation of the CVIT Fund, a sale to another
               comparable mutual fund or continuing to offer the CVIT Fund
               without expense subsidization from Wright.

     The unanimous  decision  by the  CVIT  Board  of Trustees  to  approve  the
Agreement and recommend that the shareholders of the CVIT Fund vote in favor  of
the Reorganization  was made  primarily because  the Reorganization  would be  a
means of combining the CVIT Fund with a fund that, like the CVIT Fund, generally
seeks capital appreciation and dividend income  by investing in stocks of  well-
established companies and   that applies  a screen so  that its investments  are
consistent with core Catholic values.   Also, the Catholic Equity Fund's  annual
operating expenses are considerably lower than  those of the CVIT Fund, and  the
combination of the two Funds offer the potential for lower operating expenses in
the future.  The Board also concluded that the Reorganization is superior to all
other alternatives reasonably available.


     The Reorganization is  conditional upon receipt  by CVIT  and The  Catholic
Funds of the opinion from Quarles & Brady LLP described below.  No rulings  have
been requested from the Internal Revenue  Service with respect to these  matters
and the opinion of Quarles &  Brady LLP is not  binding on the Internal  Revenue
Service or the  courts.  Additionally,  the opinion of  Quarles &  Brady LLP  is
based upon various representations and assumptions described therein.

     The opinion  is based  on  the current  provisions  of the  Code,  existing
regulations thereunder and current  administrative rulings and court  decisions,
all of which are subject to change.  No attempt has been made to comment on  all
federal income tax consequences  of the Reorganization that  may be relevant  to
particular holders, including holders that are  subject to special rule such  as
dealers in  securities, foreign  persons, insurance  companies, and  tax  exempt

     In the opinion  of Quarles &  Brady LLP, the  principal Federal income  tax
consequences  that  will  result   from  the  Reorganization,  under   currently
applicable law,  are  as  follows: (i) the  Reorganization  will  qualify  as  a
"reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code, and the  CVIT
Fund and the Catholic Equity Fund will  each be a "party to" the  Reorganization
within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the  Code; (ii) no gain or loss will  be
recognized by the CVIT Fund upon the transfer of substantially all of its assets
to the Catholic Equity Fund in exchange solely for shares of the Catholic Equity
Fund [and the  assumption by the  Catholic Equity Fund  of certain  of the  CVIT
Fund's liabilities]; (iii) no gain  or loss will be  recognized by the  Catholic
Equity Fund upon its receipt of substantially all of the assets of the CVIT Fund
in exchange  solely  for  shares  of  the Catholic  Equity  Fund  [or  upon  its
assumption of certain of the CVIT Fund's liabilities]; (iv) no gain or loss will
be recognized by the CVIT Fund or  the Catholic Equity Fund on the  distribution
to the CVIT Fund shareholders of the shares of the Catholic Equity Fund received
by the CVIT Fund in the Reorganization;  (v) no gain or loss will be  recognized
by any shareholder of the CVIT  Fund upon the liquidation  of the CVIT Fund  and
the related surrender of their shares of the CVIT Fund in exchange for shares of
the Catholic  Equity Fund;  (vi) the tax  basis of  the shares  of the  Catholic
Equity Fund to be received by a shareholder of the CVIT Fund will be the same as
the tax basis of the shares of the CVIT Fund surrendered in the  Reorganization;
(vii) the holding period of  the shares of  the Catholic Equity  Fund to be  re-
ceived by a shareholder  of the CVIT  Fund will include  the holding period  for
which such shareholder  held the shares  of the CVIT  Fund exchanged  therefore,
provided that such shares of the CVIT Fund are  a capital asset in the hands  of
such shareholder as of the Closing;  (viii) the Catholic Equity Fund's basis  in
the assets acquired from  the CVIT Fund will  be the same as  the basis of  such
assets in the hands  of the CVIT Fund  immediately prior to the  Reorganization;
(ix) the holding period  of the  assets of the  CVIT Fund  in the  hands of  the
Catholic Equity Fund will include the period during which such assets were being
held by the CVIT Fund; and (x) the Catholic Equity Fund will succeed to and take
into account as  of the Closing  Date the items  of the CVIT  Fund described  in
Section 381(c) of the Code, subject to the conditions and limitations  specified
in Sections 381(b)  and (c), 382,  383 and 384  of the Code  and the  applicable
Treasury Regulations thereunder.




     The Catholic  Equity Fund  is a  separate,  non-diversified series  of  The
Catholic Funds, a diversified, open-end management investment company  organized
as a  corporation under  the laws  of the  State of  Maryland.   The  authorized
capital stock of  The Catholic Funds  consists of one  billion shares of  common
stock, par  value $.001  per share,  of  which one  hundred million  shares  are
authorized for issuance  by the Catholic  Equity Fund.   Shares of The  Catholic
Funds are currently  divided into two  mutual fund series  (the Catholic  Equity
Fund and  the  Catholic  Money  Market  Fund),  each  with  distinct  investment
objectives, policies and strategies.  Shares of each series are further  divided
into classes; which differ  by their sales  load and 12b-1  fee structure.   The
Catholic Equity Fund currently has three classes of shares (Class A, Class C and
Class I shares).  The Board of Directors of The Catholic Funds may authorize the
issuance of additional series and, within  each series, individual classes,  and
may increase or decrease the number of shares in each series or class.

     The separate  classes  of shares  within  the  mutual fund  series  of  The
Catholic Funds have identical dividend,  liquidation and other rights.  However,
each class bears its separate distribution and shareholder serving expenses  and
may have its own  sales load structure.   At the discretion  of the Board,  each
class may pay  a different share  of other expenses  (not including advisory  or
custodial fees or other expenses related to the management of the fund's assets)
if the separate  classes incur  those expenses in  different amounts  or if  one
class receives services  of a  different kind  or to  a different  degree   than
another class within each fund.  Each fund allocates all other expenses to  each
class of its shares on the basis of the net  asset value of that class in  rela-
tion to the net asset value of the fund.

     Shares of  the Catholic  Equity Fund  are  redeemable and  exchangeable  as
described in the Catholic Equity Fund Prospectus and SAI.  Shares have no  pref-
erence, pre-emptive, subscription or conversion rights.

     Each share has  one vote  (and each  fractional share  has a  corresponding
fractional vote) on  each matter  presented to  shareholders.   All shares  vote
together on matters that affect all shareholders uniformly, such as the election
of directors.   On  matters affecting  a particular  fund (such  as approval  of
advisory contracts and changes in  fundamental investment policies), a  separate
vote of the shares of that series is required.  On matters that uniquely  affect
a particular class of shares, a separate vote by the shareholders of that  class
of shares is required.

     As a Maryland corporation, The Catholic Funds is not required to hold,  and
in the future does not plan to hold, annual shareholder meetings unless required
by law  or  deemed appropriate  by  the Board  of  Trustees.   However,  special
meetings may be  called for  purposes such  as electing  or removing  directors,
changing fundamental policies or approving an investment advisory contract.


     The CVIT Fund is a separate, non-diversified series of CVIT, a diversified,
open-end management investment company organized as  a business trust under  the
laws of  the Commonwealth  of Massachusetts.   CVIT  is authorized  to issue  an
unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest without par value.  Shares  of
CVIT are currently divided into one series  (i.e., the CVIT Fund), and the  CVIT
Fund currently has two  classes of shares.   The Board of  Trustees of CVIT  may
amend CVIT's Declaration of Trust to authorize the issuance of additional series
and, within each series, separate classes.

     Shares of the CVIT Fund are redeemable and exchangeable as described in the
CVIT  Fund  Prospectus  and  SAI.    Shares  have  no  preference,  pre-emptive,
subscription or conversion rights.

     Each share has  one vote  (and each  fractional share  has a  corresponding
fractional vote) on  each matter  presented to  shareholders.   All shares  vote
together on matters that affect all shareholders uniformly, such as the election
of directors.   On  matters affecting  a particular  fund (such  as approval  of
advisory contracts and changes in  fundamental investment policies), a  separate
vote of the shares of that series is required.

     As a Massachusetts business trust, CVIT is not required to hold, and in the
future does not plan to hold, annual shareholder meetings unless required by law
or deemed appropriate by the Board  of Trustees.  However, special meetings  may
be called for purposes such as  electing or removing directors, changing  funda-
mental policies or approving an investment advisory contract.

     CVIT's Declaration of Trust further provides that the trustees will not  be
liable for errors of judgment  or mistakes of fact  or law; however, nothing  in
the Declaration of Trust  protects a trustee against  any liability to which  he
would otherwise be subject  by reason of willful  misfeasance, bad faith,  gross
negligence, or reckless disregard of the  duties involved in the conduct of  his

     Under Massachusetts law, shareholders  of such a  trust may, under  certain
circumstances, be held personally liable as partners for the obligations of  the
trust.  The Declaration of Trust  contains an express disclaimer of  shareholder
liability in connection with CVIT property  or the acts, obligations or  affairs
of CVIT.  The Declaration of Trust also provides for indemnification out of CVIT
property  of  any  shareholder  held  personally  liable  for  the  claims   and
liabilities to which  a shareholder  may become subject  by reason  of being  or
having been a shareholder.  Thus, the risk of a shareholder incurring  financial
loss on account of  shareholder liability is limited  to circumstances in  which
CVIT itself  would  be  unable  to  meet its  obligations.    The  risk  of  any
shareholder incurring any  liability for the  obligations of  CVIT is  extremely


     The following table shows  the capitalization of  the Catholic Equity  Fund
and the CVIT Fund, respectively, as of September 30, 2002, and the unaudited pro
forma capitalization of the  Class C and Class I  shares of the Catholic  Equity
Fund as of that date giving effect to the Reorganization:

                      Catholic Equity Fund             CVIT Fund              Pro Forma Combined Fund
                      --------------------             ---------              -----------------------
                                               Individual     Institutional
                       Class C    Class I        Shares           Shares       Class C      Class I
                       -------    -------      ----------     -------------    -------      -------
Net Assets              $3,432   $9,831,101    $2,865,112      $3,546,841     $2,868,544   $13,377,942
Net Asset Value Per     $6.48      $6.49         $7.58           $7.78          $6.48         $6.49
Shares Outstanding       530      1,514,717      378,206        456,148        442,677      2,061,316

     The  Catholic  Equity  Fund  also  has  outstanding  Class A  shares.    At
September 30, 2002, the  net assets of the  Class A shares  were $2,865,775, the
net asset value  per Class A  Share was  $6.48, and  the number  of  outstanding
Class A shares was 442,072.

                            OWNERSHIP OF FUND SHARES


     As of March 13, 2003, no person was known to own of record or  beneficially
5% or more  of the outstanding  shares or any  class of shares  of the  Catholic
Equity Fund, other than as set forth below:

                                   NO. AND CLASS             PERCENTAGE OF     PERCENTAGE OF
    HOLDER                         OF SHARES                 CLASS OWNED         FUND OWNED
    ------                         ---------                 -----------         ----------
Catholic Knights                   1,213,512 Class I Shares     67.30%             53.90%
Attn: Russ Kafka
1100 W. Wells St.
Milwaukee WI 53233-2332

Catholic Order of Foresters        229,585 Class I Shares       12.73%             10.20%
Attn: Greg Temple
355 Shuman Blvd.
Naperville IL  60563-8494

Marshall & Ilsley Trust Co.        217,574 Class I Shares       12.07%              9.66%
FBO Catholic Knights Home Office
Employees Pension Plan Trust
1000 N. Water Street, Floor 14
Milwaukee WI  53202-6648

M&I Trust                          116,690 Class I Shares        6.47%              5.18%
FBO Catholic Knights Agent
Pension Plan
P.O. Box 2977
Milwaukee WI  53202-2977

     The Catholic Equity Fund is not  "controlled" (as defined in the 1940  Act)
by any person.

     To the knowledge of The Catholic Funds, the beneficial ownership of  shares
of the Catholic Equity Fund by the officers and directors of The Catholic  Funds
as a group constituted less  than 1% of the  outstanding shares of the  Catholic
Equity Fund.


     As of March 13, 2003, no person was known to own of record or  beneficially
5% or more of the outstanding shares of the  CVIT Fund, other than as set  forth

                                   NO. AND CLASS             PERCENTAGE OF     PERCENTAGE OF
     HOLDER                        OF SHARES                  CLASS OWNED        FUND OWNED
     ------                        ---------                  -----------        ----------
Trustlynx & Co. Company # TM6      104,457 Institutional         23.87%            13.40%
P.O. Box 173736                    Service Shares
Denver CO  80217

FR Gabriel Richard High School     89,428 Institutional          20.38%            11.44%
530 Elizabeth St.                  Service Shares
Ann Arbor MI  48103

Archdiocese Of New York            87,554 Institutional          19.96%            11.20%
c/o Michael Christ                 Service Shares
1011 First Avenue
Room 1940
New York NY  10022

Seraphic Mass Assoc.               50,938 Institutional          11.61%             6.52%
Mission Office                     Service Shares
3600 Butler Street
Pittsburg PA  15201

     The CVIT Fund  is not  "controlled" (as  defined in  the 1940  Act) by  any

     To the knowledge of  CVIT, the beneficial ownership  of shares of the  CVIT
Fund by the officers and directors of CVIT  as a group constituted less than  1%
of the outstanding shares of the CVIT Fund.

                               VOTING INFORMATION

     Solicitation of proxies  will be conducted  principally by  the mailing  of
this Proxy Statement/Prospectus and the accompanying  proxy card.  Proxies  also
may be solicited in  person, or by telephone  or facsimile, or, without  special
compensation, by officers  of CVIT or  by officers and  employees of Wright,  as
well as by officers and employees of The Catholic Funds or CFSC.  Upon  request,
the CVIT Fund  will reimburse brokers,  dealers, banks and  voting trustees,  or
their nominees, for  reasonable expenses incurred  in forwarding  copies of  the
proxy materials to the  beneficial owners of shares  which such persons hold  of

     Any proxy which is properly  executed and returned in  time to be voted  at
the Meeting will be  voted in accordance with  the instructions marked  thereon.
In the absence of such instructions, the  proxy will be voted "FOR" approval  of
the Agreement.  The duly appointed  proxies may, in their discretion, vote  upon
such other matters as may come  before the Meeting or any adjournments  thereof.
A shareholder may revoke his or her proxy at  any time prior to its exercise  by
delivering written notice of revocation to the Secretary of CVIT or by executing
and delivering a later dated proxy to CVIT or by attending the Meeting in person
to vote the shares of the CVIT Fund held by such shareholder.

     The presence  at  the Meeting,  in  person  or by  proxy,  of  shareholders
representing a majority of all CVIT  Fund shares outstanding (Individual  Shares
and Institutional Service Shares combined) and entitled to vote on the  proposal
constitutes a quorum for  the transaction of business.   Abstentions and  broker
non-votes (proxies from  brokers or other  nominee owners  indicating that  such
persons have  not received  instructions from  the  beneficial owners  or  other
persons entitled to vote  the shares as to  a matter with  respect to which  the
brokers or other nominee owners do not have discretionary power to vote) will be
treated as present  for purposes  of determining the  presence or  absence of  a

     Approval of  the  Agreement  and the  Reorganization  contemplated  thereby
requires that a  majority of  all of  the Individual  and Institutional  Service
Classes of shares of the CVIT Fund voted at  the Meeting must be voted in  favor
of the  Agreement and  the Reorganization.    The Individual  and  Institutional
Service Classes of shares will vote and be counted together on this matter.  Ac-
cordingly, abstentions and broker non-votes will  have no effect on the  outcome
of the vote, assuming the required quorum is met without them.

     In the  event  that sufficient  votes  in favor  of  the proposal  are  not
received by the scheduled time of the  Meeting, the persons named as proxies  in
the enclosed proxy may propose and vote in favor of one or more adjournments  of
the Meeting  in order  to permit  further solicitation  of proxies  without  the
necessity of further notice.  Any such adjournment will require the  affirmative
vote of a majority  of the shares present  at the session of  the Meeting to  be

     Shareholders of  record  of the  CVIT  Fund at  the  close of  business  on
March 13, 2003 (the "Record Date") will be entitled to notice of and to vote  at
the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.  Each such shareholder will be  entitled
to one vote for  each share (and  a fractional vote  for each fractional  share)
held by such shareholder  on each matter presented  at the Meeting.   As of  the
Record Date, there  were a total of 791,384 Individual Shares  and Institutional
Service Shares of the CVIT Fund outstanding.

     Under Massachusetts law, shareholders of the CVIT Fund will not be entitled
to any  appraisal  or  similar rights  in  connection  with  the  Reorganization
contemplated by the Agreement.  However, shareholders may redeem their shares of
the CVIT Fund  at net asset  value prior to  the closing of  the proposed  Reor-
ganization in the manner specified in the CVIT Fund Prospectus.



     PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP serves as  independent accountants and  auditors
to the Catholic Equity Fund.   Deloitte and Touche LLP has no direct or indirect
financial interest in The Catholic Funds or the Catholic Equity Fund, except for
the fees  it  receives as  auditors  and  independent public  accountants.    No
representative of  Deloitte and  Touche LLP  is expected  to be  present at  the

     Deloitte and Touche LLP serves as  independent accountants and auditors  to
the CVIT Fund.  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP  has no direct or indirect  financial
interest in  CVIT or  the CVIT  Fund, except  for the  fees it  receives in  its
capacity as auditors and accountants.


     No expert or counsel named herein  has a substantial interest in CVIT,  The
Catholic Funds,  either  Fund,  the Reorganization,  or  any  other  transaction
contemplated by this Proxy Statement/Prospectus.


     The Board of Trustees of CVIT has not  been informed and is not aware  that
any other matter will be brought before the Meeting.  However, unless  expressly
indicated otherwise on  the enclosed form  of proxy, proxies  may be voted  with
discretionary authority with respect  to any other matter  that may properly  be
presented at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.  Shareholders of any mutual
fund series  of  CVIT wishing  to  submit proposals  for  inclusion in  a  proxy
statement and form  of proxy  for any  future shareholder  meetings should  send
their written proposals  to the  Secretary of  CVIT, 225  State Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02109.


     The Catholic Funds has filed with  the Commission a Registration  Statement
with respect to  the shares  of the  Catholic Equity  Fund offered  hereby.   As
permitted by the  rules and  regulations of  the Commission,  this Proxy  State-
ment/Prospectus omits certain information,  exhibits and undertakings  contained
in the Registration Statement.  Such additional information can be inspected  at
the  Public  Reference  Room  of  the  Commission  at  450  Fifth  Street  N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20549.   Copies of the Registration  Statement can be  obtained
from the Commission at prescribed rates by writing to the Commission at any such
address.   For  further  information, reference  is  made  to  the  Registration
Statement and to the exhibits thereto.

     In addition to the above,  the Catholic Equity Fund  and the CVIT Fund  are
subject to  the informational  requirements of  the Securities  Exchange Act  of
1934, as amended, and  the 1940 Act, and  in accordance therewith, file  reports
and other information with the SEC.  Proxy materials, reports and other informa-
tion about the Catholic Equity Fund and the CVIT Fund which are of public record
also can be inspected and copied at Commission's Public Reference Room.   Copies
of these materials can be inspected and copied at the Commission's principal and
regional offices described above  and can be obtained  at prescribed rates  from
the Public Reference  Branch, Office of  Consumer Affairs  and Information  Ser-
vices, SEC, Washington, D.C. 20549.  The Commission also maintains a website  at
http:\\ that will contain certain other publicly available  documents
about The Catholic Funds, the Catholic Equity Fund, CVIT and the CVIT Fund.

     No person  has been  authorized to  give  any information  or to  make  any
representations other than  those contained in  this Proxy  Statement/Prospectus
and, if given  or made, such  other information or  representations must not  be
relied upon as having been authorized by The Catholic Funds or CVIT.  This Proxy
Statement/Prospectus does  not constitute  an offer  to sell  securities in  any
state or other jurisdiction to any person to  whom it would be unlawful to  make
the offer in that state or jurisdiction.


     This Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (this "Agreement") is made as  of
this 13th day of March, 2003, by and between Catholic Values Investment Trust, a
Massachusetts  business  trust  ("CVIT"),  on  behalf  of  the  Catholic  Values
Investment Trust Equity Fund (the "CVIT Fund"), and The Catholic Funds, Inc.,  a
Maryland corporation ("CFI"), acting on behalf of the Catholic Equity Fund  (the
"CFI Fund").

                                R E C I T A L S

     WHEREAS, CVIT is  registered with  the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC") as an  open-end management investment  company under the  Investment
Company Act of  1940, as  amended (the "1940  Act"), currently  consisting of  a
single series or investment portfolio, namely the CVIT Fund;

     WHEREAS,  CFI  is  registered  with  the  SEC  as  an  open-end  management
investment company  under the  1940 Act,  currently consisting  of two  separate
series or investment portfolios, including the CFI Fund;

     WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees  of CVIT and the  Board of Directors of  CFI
have each approved this Agreement and the transactions described herein;

     WHEREAS, the CVIT Fund and the CFI Fund have similar investment  objectives
and principal strategies;

     WHEREAS, the parties desire to provide  for the reorganization of the  CVIT
Fund through the acquisition by CFI on  behalf of the CFI Fund of  substantially
all of the property, assets and goodwill of the CVIT Fund and the assumption  by
CFI on behalf of the CFI Fund of the stated and certain other liabilities of the
CVIT Fund in exchange for Class C and Class I shares of common stock of the  CFI
Fund; the  distribution  of such  shares  of the  CFI  Fund to  the  holders  of
individual shares and institutional shares of  beneficial interests in the  CVIT
Fund according to their respective ownership  interests; and the liquidation  of
the CVIT Fund as soon as practicable thereafter; and

     WHEREAS, this Agreement is  intended to be,  and is adopted  as, a plan  of
reorganization and liquidation within the meaning  of the Internal Revenue  Code
of 1986, as amended.


     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the  premises and of the covenants  and
agreements hereinafter  set forth,  the parties  hereto  covenant and  agree  as

     1.    DEFINITIONS

     For purposes  of  this  Agreement,  the  following  terms  shall  have  the
respective meanings set forth below:

           1.1   "Advisers Act"  means the Investment Advisers  Act of 1940,  as
amended, and all of the rules and regulations adopted thereunder by the SEC.

           1.2   "Agreement" means  this Agreement and  Plan of  Reorganization,
together with all  schedules and exhibits  attached hereto, as  the same may  be
amended from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof.

           1.3   "CFI" means The Catholic Funds, Inc., a Maryland corporation.

           1.4   "CFI Fund" means the Catholic Equity Fund, a designated  series
or investment portfolio of CFI.

           1.5   "CFI Prospectus/SAI" means  the Prospectus and/or Statement  of
Additional Information (as the case may be), each dated January 31, 2003 (as may
be supplemented or amended hereafter), of CFI relating to the CFI Fund.

           1.6   "CFI  Fund Regulatory  Approvals" shall  have the  meaning  set
forth in Section 6.9 of this Agreement.

           1.7   "CFI Fund Shares" means  the Class C shares and Class I  shares
of common  stock, par  value $.001  per share,  of  the CFI  Fund to  be  issued
pursuant to this Agreement, as described in Section 2.1 hereof.

           1.8   "CFSC"  means  Catholic  Financial  Services  Corporation,  the
investment adviser to the CFI Fund.

           1.9   "Closing"  means the  closing  of the  Reorganization  and  the
other transactions contemplated  by this Agreement  as defined  in Section 3  of
this Agreement.

           1.10  "Closing Date"  means May 21, 2003, or  such other date as  the
parties may mutually determine in writing,  provided that all of the  conditions
precedent to Closing have then been satisfied (or waived).

           1.11  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

           1.12  "Custodian" means  U.S. Bank, N.A., acting  in its capacity  as
custodian for the assets of the CFI Fund, including the assets of the CVIT  Fund
being transferred to the CFI Fund.

           1.13  "CVIT" means Catholic Values Investment Trust, a  Massachusetts
business trust.

           1.14  "CVIT Fund" means  the Catholic Values Investment Trust  Equity
Fund, a designated series or investment portfolio of CVIT.

           1.15  "CVIT Fund Assets"  means the portfolio securities, cash,  cash
equivalents, dividend and interest receivables, and other properties, rights and
assets owned by the CVIT Fund as of the close of business on the Closing Date.

           1.16  "CVIT Fund  Liabilities" means all of  the liabilities (and  in
no event unknown liabilities) of the CVIT Fund that either (a) are reflected  in
the calculation of  the net asset  value of  the CVIT Fund  as of  the close  of
business on the Closing Date,  (b) constitute ordinary operating liabilities  of
the  CVIT  Fund  (including  without  limitation  liabilities  associated   with
securities transactions subject to settlement and contractual liabilities)  that
are not required under generally accepted  accounting principles to be  included
in the calculation of the CVIT  Fund's net asset value  or (c) are set forth  on
Schedule 1.16 hereto, and only such liabilities.

           1.17  "CVIT Fund  Regulatory Approvals"  shall have  the meaning  set
forth in Section 5.11 of this Agreement.

           1.18  "CVIT Fund  Shareholders" means the  holders of  record of  the
issued and outstanding  individual class and  institutional class  of shares  of
beneficial interests in the CVIT Fund as of the close of business on the Closing

           1.19  "CVIT  Fund  Shareholder  Meeting"  means  a  meeting  of   the
shareholders of the CVIT Fund to  be convened in accordance with applicable  law
and the Declaration of Trust and  Bylaws of CVIT to  consider and vote upon  the
approval of this Agreement and the Reorganization contemplated hereby.

           1.20  "CVIT Fund Shares" means the issued and outstanding  individual
class and institutional class of shares of beneficial interest of the CVIT Fund.

           1.21  "CVIT Fund Total Closing NAV" shall mean the value of the  CVIT
Fund  Assets  (excluding  the  Excluded  Assets),  calculated  as  provided   in
Section 2.2(b), minus  the value  of the  CVIT Fund  Liabilities, calculated  as
provided in Section 2.2(b).

           1.22  "CVIT Prospectus/SAI" means the Prospectus and/or Statement  of
Additional Information (as the case may be),  each dated May 1, 2002 (as may  be
supplemented or amended hereafter), of CVIT relating to the CVIT Fund.

           1.23  "Effective Time"  means 5:00 p.m. Central  Time on the  Closing

           1.24  "Exchange Act"  means the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
amended, and all of the rules and regulations adopted thereunder by the SEC.

           1.25  "Excluded  Assets"  shall   have  the  meaning  set  forth   in
Section 2.4 of this Agreement.

           1.26  "1940  Act"  means  the Investment  Company  Act  of  1940,  as
amended, and all of the rules and regulations adopted thereunder by the SEC.

           1.27  "Proxy  Materials"  shall   have  the  meaning  set  forth   in
Section 4.1 of this Agreement.

           1.28  "Registration Statement"  shall have the  meaning set forth  in
Section 4.1 of this Agreement.

           1.29  "Reorganization"  means  the  transactions  described  in   and
contemplated by this Agreement, including the  transfer of the CVIT Fund  Assets
(other than the Excluded Assets) and the  CVIT Fund Liabilities to the CFI  Fund
in exchange for, and against delivery to the  CVIT Fund of, CFI Fund Shares  and
the distribution  of  the CFI  Fund  Shares to  the  CVIT Fund  Shareholders  in
liquidation of the CVIT Fund.

           1.30  "Required CVIT  Fund Shareholder Vote"  shall have the  meaning
specified in Section 7.4 of this Agreement.

           1.31  "SEC"  means   the  United  States   Securities  and   Exchange

           1.32  "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as  amended,
and all rules and regulations adopted thereunder by the SEC.

           1.33  "US Bancorp Fund Services" shall have the meaning specified  in
Section 2.7 of this Agreement.

           1.34  "Wright Investors" means  Wright Investors' Service, Inc.,  the
investment adviser to the CVIT Fund.


           2.1   Transfer  of CVIT  Fund Assets;  Assumption  of the  CVIT  Fund
Liabilities; Issuance of CFI Fund Shares.  Subject to the terms and conditions
- -----------------------------------------
set forth  herein,  and in  reliance  upon the  representations  and  warranties
contained herein, at the Effective Time, CVIT, on behalf of the CVIT Fund, shall
sell, convey, transfer and  deliver all of the  CVIT Fund Assets (excluding  the
Excluded Assets) to the Custodian on behalf of the CFI Fund in consideration of,
in exchange  for, and  against delivery  to the  CVIT Fund  by US  Bancorp  Fund
Services on  behalf  of  the  CFI  Fund of,  that  number  of  CFI  Fund  Shares
(including, if applicable, fractional shares  rounded to the nearest  thousandth
of one whole share) having an  aggregate net asset value  equal to the value  of
the CVIT Fund Assets (exclusive  of the Excluded Assets),  net of the CVIT  Fund
Liabilities, all computed in accordance with Section 2.2 of this Agreement.   As
of the Effective Time and upon delivery of such assets to the Custodian, the CFI
Fund shall receive good and  marketable title to such  assets free and clear  of
all liens, security  interests, pledges or  encumbrances of any  and every  kind
(other than those arising under applicable securities laws, liens for taxes  not
yet due and payable,  and contractual restrictions on  the transfer of the  CVIT
Fund Assets).  Moreover, at the Effective Time, CVIT on behalf of the CVIT  Fund
shall transfer the CVIT Fund Liabilities to the CFI Fund, and the CFI Fund shall
assume all such liabilities and discharge  them in accordance with their  terms.
The CFI Fund Shares so delivered to the CVIT Fund shall consist of the number of
both Class C and Class I  shares of the CFI  Fund determined in accordance  with
Section 2.2(c) of this Agreement.  Immediately following receipt of the CFI Fund
Shares, the CVIT Fund shall distribute such shares to the CVIT Fund Shareholders
in liquidation  of the  CVIT Fund,  with the  CVIT Fund  Shareholders who  owned
individual shares of the CVIT Fund receiving their pro rata share of the Class C
CFI Fund Shares and the CVIT Fund Shareholders who owned institutional shares of
the CVIT Fund receiving their pro rata share of the Class I CFI Fund Shares.

           2.2   Computation of Net Asset Value.

                 (a)  When Determined.   The  net asset  value of  the CFI  Fund
Shares and the  value of  the CVIT  Fund Assets  and the  CVIT Fund  Liabilities
shall, in each case, be determined as of the  close of business on the New  York
Stock Exchange on the Closing Date.

                 (b)  Valuations.   The net asset value  of the CFI Fund  Shares
shall be computed  in accordance with  the practices and  procedures of the  CFI
Fund described in the  CFI Prospectus/SAI.   The value of  the CVIT Fund  Assets
shall be computed  in accordance with  the practices and  procedures of the  CFI
Fund described  in  the CFI  Prospectus/SAI;  provided, however,  that  if  such
computation is inconsistent with the computation  of the value of the CVIT  Fund
Assets determined in  accordance with  the practices  and policies  of the  CVIT
Fund, the parties  hereto shall  confer and  mutually agree  on such  valuation.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, CVIT Fund Assets for which market quotes are  not
available, if any,  shall be valued  as mutually agreed  by the parties  hereto.
The value of the CVIT Fund Liabilities shall be computed as the aggregate amount
of the liabilities that are to be reflected on a balance sheet for the CVIT Fund
and included in the  computation of the CVIT  Fund's net asset  value as of  the
close of business  on the  Closing Date  in accordance  with generally  accepted
accounting principles ("GAAP") consistently applied with the accounting methods,
treatments, principles,  procedures and  assumptions used  by  the CFI  Fund  in
calculating its net asset value; provided, however, that if such computation  is
inconsistent with the  computation of  the value  of the  CVIT Fund  Liabilities
determined in  accordance with  GAAP consistently  applied with  the  accounting
methods, treatments, principles,  procedures and  assumptions used  by the  CVIT
Fund in calculating  its net asset  value, the parties  hereto shall confer  and
mutually agree upon such valuation.  For purposes of computing the value of  the
CVIT Fund Liabilities, operating liabilities that are not required under GAAP to
be included in the computation of the CVIT Fund's net asset value shall have  no
value.  The stock transfer books of the CVIT Fund shall be permanently closed as
of the close of business on the Closing  Date, and only purchase orders and  re-
quests for the redemption  of shares of  the CVIT Fund  received in proper  form
prior to the  close of regular  trading on the  New York Stock  Exchange on  the
Closing Date shall be accepted by the CVIT Fund. Purchase orders and  redemption
requests received  thereafter shall  be deemed  to  be purchase  and  redemption
requests for the CFI Fund (assuming  that the transactions contemplated by  this
Agreement have been consummated).

                 (c)  CFI  Fund  Shares.     The  number  of  CFI  Fund   Shares
(including fractional shares, if  any) to be  issued to the  CVIT Fund shall  be
determined separately for  each class.   The number of  Class C CFI Fund  Shares
(including fractional  shares, if  any)  to be  issued  shall be  determined  by
dividing that portion  of the CVIT  Fund Total Closing  NAV attributable to  the
individual class CVIT Fund Shares by the net asset value of a single Class C CFI
Fund Share, determined in accordance with Section 2.2(b) hereof.  The number  of
Class I CFI Fund Shares (including fractional shares, if any) to be issued shall
be determined  by dividing  that portion  of  the CVIT  Fund Total  Closing  NAV
attributable to the institutional class CVIT Fund Shares by the net asset  value
of a single Class I CFI Fund Share, determined in accordance with Section 2.2(b)

                 (d)  Computations.      Except   as   otherwise   provided   in
Section 2.2(b), all computations of value shall  be made by CFSC (or such  other
person as  is  responsible  for  regularly  pricing  the  CFI  Fund's  portfolio
securities).  CFI shall cause CFSC (or such  other person) to deliver to CVIT  a
copy of its valuation report at or prior to the Closing.

                 (e)  Shadow Valuation.   Promptly  following the  date of  this
Agreement, CVIT and CFI shall each cause a valuation of the CVIT Fund Assets and
CVIT Fund  Liabilities  to be  conducted  in accordance  with  their  respective
valuation policies  and practices  as of  the close  of business  on a  mutually
acceptable date, which in  any event shall not  be more than  30 days after  the
date of this Agreement.  This shadow pricing procedure shall, at the request  of
either party, be repeated as of the  close of business on a mutually  acceptable
date which is not more than 10 days prior to the Closing Date.

           2.3   List of Assets.

                 (a)  The CVIT  Fund Assets shall  consist of  all property  and
rights, including without limitation all cash, cash equivalents, securities  and
dividend and interest  receivables owned by  the CVIT Fund  as of  the close  of
business on the Closing Date.

                 (b)  Promptly  following the  signing  of this  Agreement,  the
CVIT Fund will provide the CFI Fund and the Custodian with a list of its  assets
as of a date  agreed upon by the  parties.  On the  Closing Date, the CVIT  Fund
will provide the CFI Fund with a list of the CVIT Fund Assets.

           2.4   Excluded Assets.   There shall be  excluded from the assets  of
the CVIT Fund described in Section 2.3  to be transferred to CFI (i) all  causes
of actions, claims and  rights, if any,  of the CVIT Fund against third  parties
in connection with the unknown liabilities, if any, not assumed by CFI on behalf
of the CFI  Fund in accordance  with this Agreement,  (ii) the CVIT Fund's  tail
insurance policy,  and (iii) all  cash, cash  equivalents and  securities in  an
amount estimated by CVIT  to be sufficient  to pay all  liabilities of the  CVIT
Fund that have  accrued but remain  unpaid as of  the close of  business on  the
Closing Date including, without  limitation: (a) amounts owed or  to be owed  to
any CVIT Fund Shareholder, including declared  but unpaid dividends and  capital
gains distributions;  and  (b) accounts payable,  taxes  and other  accrued  and
unpaid expenses, if any, not being assumed by CFI  on behalf of the CFI Fund  or
incurred in connection with this Agreement or estimated to be incurred after the
Closing Date in connection with winding up the affairs of, and liquidating,  the
CVIT Fund (together, the "Excluded Assets").

           2.5   Declaration of Dividends and Capital Gain Distributions by  the
CVIT Fund.   On or  prior to  the Closing  Date, the  CVIT Fund  will declare  a
- ---------
dividend to  shareholders of  record of  the CVIT  Fund as  of or  prior to  the
Closing Date so that, for the short taxable year of the CVIT Fund ending on  the
date on which the CVIT Fund is completely liquidated and discontinued, the  CVIT
Fund will have declared an aggregate amount of dividends which:  (a) is equal to
at  least  the   sum  of   its  net  capital   gain  (within   the  meaning   of
Section 852(b)(3) of the Code), offset by any capital loss carry forward allowed
pursuant to Section 1212 of the Code, and ninety percent (90%) of its investment
company taxable  income (determined  under Section 852(b)(2)  of the  Code,  but
without regard to Section 852(b)(2)(D) of the  Code) for such taxable year;  and
(b) is sufficient to avoid any excise tax on the CVIT Fund under Section 4982 of
the Code for the calendar year in  which the Closing Date occurs, provided  that
the dividends that have  been so declared but  have not been  paid on or  before
such Closing Date are  in fact paid by  the CVIT Fund prior  to the end of  such
calendar year to the  shareholders of the CVIT  Fund as of  the record date  for
determining shareholders entitled to receive payment of such dividend.

           2.6   Liquidation.  In connection with the Closing, the CVIT Fund
shall be liquidated and CVIT shall  pay or make provisions  for all of the  CVIT
Fund's debts, liabilities,  taxes and obligations  of any kind  (other than  the
CVIT Fund Liabilities), directly  attributable to, and equal  in amount to,  the
Excluded Assets as described in Section 2.4 hereof, and distribute all remaining
assets, including the CFI Fund Shares  received by it in the Reorganization  and
the balance,  if  any,  of the  Excluded  Assets,  pro rata  to  the  CVIT  Fund
Shareholders in accordance with their ownership of shares of the CVIT Fund.

           2.7   Issuance of CFI Fund Shares.  On the Closing Date, CVIT shall
instruct US  Bancorp  Fund  Services, LLC  ("US  Bancorp  Fund  Services"),  the
transfer agent of the CFI Fund,  to record on the books  and records of the  CFI
Fund the interest of each of the CVIT Fund Shareholders in the CFI Fund  Shares,
in accordance with their pro rata  interest in the individual and  institutional
classes of CVIT Fund  Shares in the name  of such CVIT  Fund Shareholder.   Upon
liquidation of the CVIT Fund, all  CVIT Fund Shares then issued and  outstanding
shall thereupon be  cancelled on  the books of  CVIT.   CFI or  US Bancorp  Fund
Services shall forward a confirmation to  each of the CVIT Fund Shareholders  of
their ownership of the CFI Fund Shares.  No redemption or repurchase of such CFI
Fund Shares credited to any CVIT Fund Shareholder in respect of his or her  CVIT
Fund Shares which are represented by an unsurrendered stock certificate shall be
permitted until such certificate has been surrendered to CSFC or US Bancorp Fund
Services for cancellation, or if such certificate is lost or misplaced, until  a
lost certificate affidavit has been executed and delivered to CSFC or US Bancorp
Fund Services.

           2.8   Liabilities and  Expenses.   An unaudited  Statement of  Assets
and Liabilities of the CVIT  Fund will be prepared  by the Treasurer of CVIT and
delivered to CFI  on the Closing Date.  The Statement of Assets  and Liabilities
of  the  CVIT  Fund will be  prepared  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting   principles consistently  applied  from  the  prior  audited  period
(except  for  year-end adjustments and the absence of footnotes).   The CFI Fund
shall assume the  CVIT Fund Liabilities and discharge  them when and as they are
due or otherwise in accordance with their terms.

           2.9   Termination, Winding Up.  After the Closing, the CVIT Fund
shall not conduct any business except in  connection with the winding up of  its
affairs and shall  file, or  make provision  for filing  of, all  reports it  is
required by law to file.  After the  Closing, the CVIT Fund shall be  liquidated
and shall cease to be a designated series of CVIT under Massachusetts law.

           2.10  Books and Records.  Copies of all books and records of or
pertaining to the CVIT  Fund, including those  concerning its obligations  under
the 1940  Act,  the Code,  state  blue sky  laws  or otherwise  concerning  this
Agreement, will, at Closing, be delivered  to CFI.  Following the Closing,  CVIT
shall be entitled  to have  access to  such books  and records  as necessary  to
prepare required reports,  tax returns and  other documents and,  to the  extent
required by applicable laws, to retain copies of such books and records.

     3.    CLOSING

           3.1   Closing Date.  The closing of the Reorganization (the
"Closing") shall take place at the Effective Time.  The Closing Date shall  take
place  no  later  than  ten  (10)  calendar  days  following  approval  by  CVIT
shareholders of this Agreement  and the Reorganization  and the satisfaction  of
all conditions precedent  to Closing  (except those  which have  been waived  in
writing or which by their terms can be satisfied only at Closing) or such  other
time as may be agreed to by CFI and CVIT in writing.

           3.2   Portfolio Securities.  Portfolio securities held by the CVIT
Fund and represented by a certificate  or written instrument shall be  presented
by it  or on  its behalf  to the  Custodian for  examination no  later than  one
business day preceding the  Closing Date.   Such portfolio securities  (together
with any cash or  other assets) to be  transferred to the  CFI Fund pursuant  to
Section 2.1 hereof shall be delivered by the  CVIT Fund to the Custodian at  the
Closing in conformity with applicable custody provisions under the 1940 Act  and
duly endorsed in  proper form for  transfer in such  condition as to  constitute
good delivery  thereof in  accordance with  the custom  of brokers.    Portfolio
securities and instruments deposited with securities depositories, as defined in
Rule 17f-4 under the 1940 Act, shall be  delivered at the Closing by book  entry
in accordance with customary practices of  such depositories and the  Custodian.
The cash delivered shall be in the form of a federal funds wire, pursuant to the
instructions provided prior to the Closing Date by CFI or the Custodian.

           3.3   Postponement of Valuation.  In the event that on the Closing
Date it is impracticable for the net assets of the CFI Fund or the CVIT Fund  to
be fairly valued in the judgment of either CFI or CVIT, as the case may be,  the
Closing Date shall be postponed until the first business day after the day  when
it is practicable for  the net assets of  the CFI Fund and  the CVIT Fund to  be
fairly valued in the judgment of both CFI and  CVIT.  The Closing Date shall  be
postponed as necessary to coordinate with  any such postponement of the  Closing

           3.4   The CVIT Fund Shareholders.  CVIT shall deliver (or cause to
be delivered) to CFI (a) at  the Closing, a list,  certified by the CVIT  Fund's
transfer agent, of the names, addresses  and taxpayer identification numbers  of
the CVIT Fund Shareholders of record  and the record number of outstanding  CVIT
Fund Shares of  each class owned  by each shareholder,  all as of  the close  of
business on the Closing  Date (after giving effect  to the payment of  dividends
and any  reinvestment  of  such dividends,  described  in  Section 2.5  of  this
Agreement), and  (b) as  soon  as practicable  after  the  Closing  all  records
(including Internal  Revenue  Service forms,  certificates,  certifications  and
correspondence) relating to the CVIT Fund Shareholders' taxpayer  identification
numbers and their  liability for  or exemption  from back-up  withholding.   CFI
shall cause  US  Bancorp  Fund  Services  to issue  and  deliver  to  CVIT  Fund
Shareholders a  confirmation  evidencing  delivery of  CFI  Fund  Shares  to  be
credited on the Closing Date to the  CVIT Fund Shareholders as provided in  Sec-
tion 2.7 of this Agreement.   At the  Closing, each party  shall deliver to  the
other such bills of sale, assignments, assumption agreements, receipts or  other
documents as such other  party or its counsel  may reasonably request to  effect
the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement.

     4.    COVENANTS

           4.1   Registration Statement.  CFI will, in consultation with CVIT,
prepare and file with the  SEC a registration statement  on Form N-14 under  the
Securities Act, relating to the CFI  Fund Shares to be  issued to the CVIT  Fund
shareholders pursuant  to the  Reorganization ("Registration  Statement").   The
Registration Statement  shall  include a  combined  proxy  statement/prospectus,
notice of meeting, form of proxy and statement of additional information ("Proxy
Materials") that comply in all material respects with the applicable  provisions
of the Exchange  Act, the  1940 Act and  the Securities  Act, including  without
limitation Section 14(a) of the Exchange Act, Section 20(a) of the 1940 Act  and
Section 6 of the Securities Act.  CVIT will be entitled to review and comment on
the Registration Statement and the Proxy Materials included therein.  CVIT  will
further provide CFI with such other information and documents relating to  CVIT,
Wright Investors  and  the  CVIT  Fund  as  are  reasonably  necessary  for  the
preparation of the Registration Statement and the Proxy Materials.

           4.2   Shareholders Meeting.  CVIT will call a meeting of
shareholders of the CVIT Fund to consider  and act upon this Agreement and  such
other matters set  forth in the  Proxy Materials.   CFI will  furnish CVIT  with
sufficient copies  of  the  Proxy  Materials  and  of  the  currently  effective
prospectus and annual  reports for the  CFI Fund for  inclusion in  or with  the
Proxy Materials and with such other information  relating to the CFI Fund as  is
reasonably necessary in connection with the distribution of the Proxy Materials.
Promptly following the effective date of  the Registration Statement, CVIT  will
mail to each shareholder of record of the CVIT Fund entitled to vote at the CVIT
Fund Shareholder  Meeting  the Proxy  Materials  (other than  the  statement  of
additional information).

           4.3   Shareholder Information.  Prior to the Closing Date, CVIT will
provide CFI  with such  information as  CFI reasonably  requests concerning  the
beneficial ownership of the shares of the CVIT Fund.

           4.4   Cooperation.  From and after the date of this Agreement and
until the Closing Date (or such earlier date as this Agreement may be terminated
in accordance  with  Section 11.1), CFI  and  CVIT will  each  use  commercially
reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all action, and do or cause to
be done, all things reasonably necessary, proper or advisable to consummate  and
make effective the Reorganization contemplated by this Agreement.

           4.5   Earnings and Profits.  As promptly as practicable, but in any
case within sixty (60) days after the Closing Date, CVIT shall furnish or  cause
to be furnished to CFI such information as CFI reasonable requests to enable CFI
to determine  the  CVIT Fund's  earnings  and  profits for  federal  income  tax
purposes that will be carried  over to the CFI  Fund pursuant to Section 381  of
the Code.

           4.6   Final Tax Returns.  After the Closing Date, CVIT shall prepare
and file all federal and other tax returns and reports of the CVIT Fund required
by law to  be filed with  respect to all  periods ending through  and after  the
Closing Date but not theretofore filed and  shall deliver copies of the same  to

           4.7   Authorizations to Continue the CFI Fund.  CFI agrees to obtain
the approvals and authorizations  required by the Securities  Act, the 1940  Act
and such of the state Blue Sky and securities laws as it may deem appropriate to
enable it to continue its  operations and the operations  of the CFI Fund  after
the Closing Date.

           4.8   Right to Inspect the Books and Records.  Until the Closing
Date (or such  earlier date as  this Agreement may  be terminated in  accordance
with Section 11.1):

                 (a)  CFI  and its  agents, attorneys,  accountants,  employees,
contractors and other  authorized representatives shall  have the right,  during
normal business  hours  and upon  reasonable  notice,  to the  extent  that  CFI
reasonably deems appropriate, to examine the books and records of the CVIT Fund,
and  to  make  such  tests,   surveys,  appraisals,  investigations  and   other
inspections in such manner as CFI  may reasonably deem necessary, provided  that
such examination,  tests, surveys,  appraisals, investigations  and  inspections
will not interfere with the conduct of the CVIT Fund's business.

                 (b)  CFI  shall make  available  to CVIT,  and  CVIT's  agents,
attorneys,   accountants,   employees,   contractors   and   other    authorized
representatives shall  have the  right, during  normal business  hours and  upon
reasonable notice to the extent CVIT  reasonably deems appropriate, to  examine,
the books  and  records of  the  CFI Fund,  and  to make  such  tests,  surveys,
appraisals, investigations  and other  inspections in  such manner  as CVIT  may
reasonably deem necessary, provided that  such examination, tests, surveys,  ap-
praisals, investigations and inspections shall not interfere with the conduct of
the CFI Fund's business.

           4.9   Tax Free Reorganization.  From and after the date of this
Agreement and until the Closing Date (or such earlier date as this Agreement may
be terminated in accordance  with Section 11.1), each of  the parties shall  use
its commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Reorganization to qualify,  and
will not knowingly take any action, cause any  action to be taken, fail to  take
any action or cause any action  to fail to be taken  which action or failure  to
act could prevent the Reorganization from  qualifying as a reorganization  under
the provisions of Section 368(a) of the Code.

           4.10  Tail Insurance Policy.  Prior to the Closing Date, CVIT shall
acquire an  insurance  policy (the  "Tail  Insurance Policy")  which  meets  the
following requirements: (a) provides insurance  coverage for CVIT, its  officers
and trustees against losses from  lawsuits, regulatory investigations and  other
claims made against them  for their negligent acts,  errors, omissions or  other
wrongful acts committed prior to the Reorganization which relate to the business
and operations  of the  CVIT Fund  prior  to the  Closing Date;  (b) provides  a
maximum  coverage  amount   of  at  least   One  Million   and  00/100   Dollars
($1,000,000.00); (c) constitutes a paid up policy for a period of at least three
years following the  Closing Date; and  (d) names as an  additional insured  CFI
with respect to the CFI Fund.


     CVIT, on  behalf  of the  CVIT  Fund, represents  and  warrants to  CFI  as

           5.1   Capitalization; CVIT Fund Shares.  The capitalization of CVIT
consists of an unlimited  number of shares of  beneficial interest, without  par
value, currently  consisting  of  a  single  series  divided  into  a  class  of
individual shares and  a class  of institutional  shares.   The CVIT  Fund is  a
separate series of  CVIT and has  an unlimited number  of shares authorized  for
issuance.  All issued and outstanding  shares of the CVIT  Fund are, and at  the
Closing Date will be, duly and validly issued, fully paid, non-assessable, fully
transferable and entitled to  full voting rights, and  duly registered with  the
SEC and duly registered or qualified for sale  pursuant to the blue sky laws  of
each state in which offers  and sales have been  made, except where exempt  from
state registration or qualification requirements.  All such shares will, at  the
time of Closing, be held of record by the  persons and in the amounts set  forth
in the list  of shareholders  of record  provided to  the CFI  Fund pursuant  to
Section 3.4 hereof.   The  CVIT  Fund does  not  have outstanding  any  options,
warrants or other rights to subscribe for or purchase any of its shares, nor  is
there outstanding any security convertible into any of its shares.

           5.2   Title.  The CVIT Fund has, and at the Closing Date will have,
good and marketable title to the CVIT Fund Assets, subject to no liens, security
interests, pledges or other encumbrances of  any kind (other than those  arising
under applicable securities laws, liens for  taxes not yet due and payable,  and
contractual restrictions on  the transfer  of the  CVIT Fund  Assets), and  full
right, power  and  authority to  sell,  convey, assign,  deliver  and  otherwise
transfer the CVIT Fund Assets hereunder,  and upon delivery and payment for  the
CVIT Fund Assets, the CFI Fund will  acquire clear title thereto, subject to  no
legal restrictions on the full transfer thereof, other than such restrictions as
might arise under the  Securities Act.  No  financing statement covering all  or
any portion of assets and naming the CVIT Fund, as debtor, has been filed in any
public office,  and the  CVIT Fund  has not  signed any  financing statement  or
security agreement as debtor or borrower  which financing statement or  security
agreement covers all or any portion of the CVIT Fund Assets.

           5.3   No Distribution.  The CVIT Fund is not acquiring the CFI Fund
Shares for  the  purpose  of  making any  distribution  thereof  other  than  in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

           5.4   Authority.

                 (a)  CVIT has the full legal power and authority to enter  into
and perform this  Agreement, and, except  for obtaining the  Required CVIT  Fund
Shareholder Vote, the execution, delivery and  performance of this Agreement  by
CVIT and the consummation of the  Reorganization contemplated by this  Agreement
in accordance with its terms  by CVIT have been  duly and validly authorized  by
CVIT's board of  Trustees and  will not  violate any  provision of  law, or  the
declaration of  trust  or  bylaws  of  CVIT, or  result  in  the  forfeiture  or
cancellation of any  license, permit,  consent, approval,  accreditation or  au-
thorization respecting the CVIT Fund and  required in order for the CVIT Fund to
liquidate and distribute to  the CVIT Fund Shareholders  the CFI Fund Shares  as
contemplated by this  Agreement, or  result, or with  the passage  of time  will
result, in the violation, breach,  termination, cancellation or acceleration  of
any provision of or constitute a default under or result in the creation of  any
lien, claim or encumbrance pursuant to any court order, judgment, decree,  order
or any indenture, license, permit,  authorization, contract or other  instrument
to which CVIT is a party or by which any  of its properties may be bound,  which
violation, forfeiture, cancellation, breach, termination, acceleration,  default
or creation would reasonably  be expected to have  a material adverse effect  on
the CVIT Fund Assets taken as a whole.

                 (b)  The  Board of  Trustees of  CVIT has  taken all  necessary
action to authorize and approve the execution, delivery and performance of  this
Agreement by CVIT  and all  of the  transactions contemplated  hereby and,  when
executed and  delivered  by  CVIT  and  approved  by  the  requisite  number  of
shareholders of the CVIT  Fund as described in  Section 7.4 hereof and  assuming
due authorization, execution and delivery by CFI, this Agreement will constitute
the legal, valid  and binding obligation  of CVIT, enforceable  against CVIT  in
accordance with its terms, except as  the enforceability thereof may be  limited
by bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization, moratorium  or
other similar laws relating  to the enforcement  of creditors' rights  generally
and by general principles of equity,  including those limiting the  availability
of specific  performance, injunctive  relief and  other equitable  remedies  and
those providing for equitable defenses.

           5.5   Organization and Qualification of CVIT and the CVIT Fund.
CVIT is duly organized and validly existing as a business trust in good standing
under the laws of  the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,  has full trust power  and
authority to own  its assets  and to conduct  its business  as it  is now  being
conducted, and is duly  qualified or registered  to do business  and is in  good
standing in each jurisdiction which requires such qualification or  registration
or is subject to no material liability by reason of its failure to be so  quali-
fied.  The  CVIT Fund is  a duly designated  series of  beneficial interests  of

           5.6   Operations.  Since December 31, 2001, the business of the CVIT
Fund has been conducted  in the usual, regular  and ordinary manner in  material
compliance with the requirements of all applicable federal and state laws.

           5.7   Material Agreements. CVIT has delivered or made available to
CFI  complete  and  accurate  copies  of  all  material  contracts,  agreements,
understandings or other commitments of the CVIT Fund, each of which is in effect
and valid and enforceable against the CVIT  Fund and, to the knowledge of  CVIT,
is valid and enforceable against the other party in accordance with its terms  ,
except, in the  case of both  CVIT and the  other party,  as the  enforceability
thereof  may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent  conveyance,
reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws relating to the enforcement  of
creditors' rights generally and by general principles of equity, including those
limiting the availability of specific  performance, injunctive relief and  other
equitable remedies and those providing for equitable defenses.

           5.8   Third Party Consents.  Except for obtaining the Required CVIT
Fund Shareholder Vote, there are no  approvals or consents of any third  parties
necessary or required for CVIT validly and legally to enter into this  Agreement
and to perform  its obligations hereunder,  except where the  failure to  obtain
such consent or  approval would not  reasonably be expected  to have a  material
adverse effect on the CVIT Fund.

           5.9   Absence of Certain Changes.  Since December 31, 2001:
(a) there has  been  no material  adverse  change in  the  financial  condition,
results of operation, business,  assets or liabilities of  the CVIT Fund  (other
than changes occurring  in the ordinary  course of  business, including  without
limitation changes  in  the  value of  the  assets  of the  CVIT  Fund  and  the
redemption of CVIT Fund Shares) or  the status of the  CVIT Fund as a  regulated
investment company under the  Code; and (b)   there has not  been any change  in
accounting methods, principles or practices of  the CVIT Fund having a  material
adverse effect on the financial condition  or results of operations of the  CVIT
Fund, nor any resignation  of the independent  certified public accountants  and
auditors of the CVIT Fund due to  a conflict or disagreement with management  of
the CVIT Fund or otherwise.

           5.10  Litigation.  No litigation, claim, action or proceeding is
pending or, to the knowledge of CVIT, threatened against or relating to CVIT  or
the CVIT Fund before any court  or governmental or regulatory authority  seeking
injunctive relief  or monetary  damages which,  if adversely  determined,  would
reasonably be expected to have material adverse effect on the Reorganization  or
on the operations or  financial position of the  CVIT Fund or  on the CVIT  Fund
Assets taken  as  a  whole.   To  the  knowledge of  CVIT,  CVIT  is  not  under
investigation for violation of any law or regulation related to the business  or
operations of the CVIT Fund.

           5.11  Regulatory Compliance.  CVIT and the CVIT Fund have all
licenses, permits, approvals, authorizations  and registrations required by  any
federal, state and local laws, authorities  and agencies in connection with  the
operation of  the CVIT  Fund's business  as presently  being conducted  and  the
ownership of  its assets,  except where  the lack  thereof would  reasonably  be
expected to  have  a  material adverse  effect  on  the CVIT  Fund  ("CVIT  Fund
Regulatory Approvals").   All such CVIT  Fund Regulatory Approvals  are in  full
force and effect, and to the knowledge of CVIT, no suspension or cancellation of
any of them is threatened or pending.

           5.12  Proxy Materials.  On the effective date of the Registration
Statement,  at  the  time  of  the  CVIT  Fund  Shareholders  Meeting  (and  any
adjournment thereof) and on the Closing  Date, the information provided by  CVIT
in writing for inclusion in the  Proxy Materials shall be accurate and  complete
in all  material  respects, shall  comply  in  all material  respects  with  the
provisions of the Securities Act, the Exchange  Act and the 1940 Act, and  shall
not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a  material
fact required to be stated therein  or necessary to make the statement  therein,
in light of the circumstances under which it was made, not misleading; provided,
however, that no representation or warranty is made with respect to  information
regarding CFSC, CFI or the CFI Fund included in the Proxy Materials.

           5.13  Certain Additional Representations and Warranties as to the
CVIT Fund.
- ---------
                 (a)  The investment advisory agreement and underwriting  agree-
ment to which CVIT  Fund is a party  or is subject are  and will remain in  full
force and effect through the Closing Date, and were duly approved and comply  in
all material respects with the 1940 Act, the Exchange Act, the Advisers Act, and
rules and regulations of  the National Association  of Securities Dealers,  Inc.
(the "NASD").

                 (b)  Wright  Investors; Services  Distributors, Inc.  ("WISDI")
is the principal underwriter   for the  CVIT Fund, and  Wright Investors is  the
investment adviser for the CVIT Fund.   To the knowledge  of CVIT, WISDI is  and
has been duly registered or licensed as broker-dealer under the Exchange Act and
the securities laws of  each state or other  jurisdiction wherein the nature  of
its activities in connection  with the CVIT Fund  requires such registration  or
licensing, a member in good standing of the NASD, and a member in good  standing
in the Securities  Investors Protection  Corporation, with  all assessments  due
thereto having been  paid, or  is not  required to  be such  a member.   To  the
knowledge of CVIT, Wright Investors is duly registered as an investment  adviser
under the Advisers Act.

                 (c)  There are no  judgments, special consent judgments or  SEC
orders, to the knowledge of CVIT, with regard to Wright Investors, WISDI or  its
administrator, transfer agent or custodian currently in effect which have had or
would reasonably be expected to have  a material adverse effect on the  business
or operations of the CVIT Fund as presently conducted.  All orders of  exemption
issued to CVIT or the CVIT Fund by any regulatory agency, including the SEC  and
the Internal  Revenue  Service, which  are  necessary  for the  conduct  of  the
business of CVIT or the CVIT Fund have  been obtained and are currently in  full
force and effect, no proceeding has been commenced to revoke any such order and,
to the  knowledge  of CVIT,  no  such proceeding  is  contemplated by  any  such
regulatory agency.

                 (d)  CVIT is and will  continue through the Closing Date to  be
duly registered with the SEC as an open-end management investment company  under
the 1940 Act and, with respect to the CVIT Fund, is in material compliance  with
the 1940 Act, including the requirements  to file semi-annual or annual  reports
with the SEC.   The prospectuses, statements of  additional information and,  as
applicable, sales materials of CVIT on behalf  of the CVIT Fund have been  filed
with the  SEC,  applicable state  securities  authorities and  the  NASD  (where
required to be so filed).  CVIT, on behalf of the CVIT Fund, has filed with  the
SEC and other applicable federal or  state agencies or authorities such  notices
or reports required under applicable federal or state laws, rules or regulations
for the sale of its shares, the conduct of its business and the ownership of its
assets, except, in  each case,  where the  failure to  file any  such notice  or
report would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the
CVIT Fund.

                 (e)  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]

                 (f)  Shares of  the CVIT Fund have  been duly registered  under
the Securities  Act by  means of  a  registration statement  (or  post-effective
amendment  thereto)  on  Form  N-1A,  said  registration  statement  has  become
effective under the Securities Act, no  stop order suspending the  effectiveness
of such registration statement has been issued, no proceedings for that  purpose
have been instituted or threatened by the SEC.  Such registration statement has,
at all times since  January 1, 2002 complied in  all material respects with  the
requirements of  the Securities  Act and  the 1940  Act, and  such  registration
statement, with respect to  the CVIT Fund,  has not included  at any time  since
January 1, 2002 any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state  any
material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the  statements
therein, in  light  of  the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made,  not
misleading.  All proxy statements, supplements, and other reports, documents  or
other materials relating to the CVIT Fund filed by or on behalf of the CVIT Fund
with the SEC on or after January 1,  2002 (i) were prepared in all material  re-
spects in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Securities Act, the
1940 Act, the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations under each of them,  as
applicable (ii) as  of  their  respective  dates  did  not  contain  any  untrue
statement of a  material fact, and  (iii) as of their  respective dates did  not
omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in light
of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                 (g)  The audited annual  financial statements listed on  Sched-
ule 5.13(g) attached hereto with respect to the CVIT Fund for all periods on  or
after January 1, 2002  present fairly in all  material respects the CVIT  Fund's
financial position as of the relevant dates described therein and results of its
operations and changes in its net assets for the periods described therein.

                 (h)  The independent public accountants for the CVIT Fund  have
been selected and ratified in accordance  with the applicable provisions of  the
1940 Act.

                 (i)  CVIT has,  and up to and  including the Closing Date  will
have, on behalf of the CVIT Fund, properly prepared, executed and timely  filed,
or caused to be timely filed a proper request for extension with respect to, all
federal, state and local tax returns for income, franchise, sales,  withholding,
excise and other taxes required to be filed by it.  All taxes, assessments, fees
and other governmental charges owed by the  CVIT Fund and which have become  due
(whether or not shown  on any returns) have  been paid by it.   All of such  tax
returns are  complete  and accurate  in  all  material respects  and  have  been
prepared in  all  material respects  in  accordance with  all  applicable  legal
requirements.    No  material  tax  liabilities,  disallowances  or  assessments
relating to the business or assets  of the CVIT Fund  have been assessed or,  to
CVIT's knowledge, proposed.  No tax return filed  on behalf of the CVIT Fund  is
currently being audited by the Internal Revenue Service or by any state or local
tax authority.  The reserves and provisions, if  any, for taxes on the books  of
the CVIT Fund are adequate for the payment of all taxes for the purposes and the
periods to which they pertain, including through the Effective Time.  Without in
any way limiting the representations and warranties set forth above or in  other
Sections of this Agreement, the CVIT Fund  qualifies as a "regulated  investment
company" under Section 851  (Subchapter M)  of the  Code, and  has so  qualified
during its entire existence.  The CVIT  Fund will, at the Closing, satisfy,  and
consummation of the Reorganization contemplated by this Agreement will not cause
it to fail to satisfy for any period ending  on or before the Closing Date,  the
requirements of Subchapter M of the Code.


     CFI, on behalf of the CFI Fund, represents and warrants to CVIT as follows:

           6.1   Capitalization; CFI Fund Shares.  The capitalization of CFI
consists of one billion (1,000,000,000) shares of common stock, $.001 par value,
currently divided  into two  different  series and,  with  respect to  one  such
series, subdivided into three different  classes.  The CFI  Fund has a total  of
one hundred million (100,000,000) shares authorized for issuance, consisting  of
Class A, Class C and Class I Common Stock.  The CFI Fund Shares to be issued and
delivered to  the  CVIT Fund  for  the account  of  the CVIT  Fund  Shareholders
pursuant to the terms  of this Agreement  will, at the  Closing Date, have  been
duly authorized and,  when so  issued and delivered,  will be  duly and  validly
issued, fully paid, non-assessable, fully transferable, entitled to full  voting
rights, duly  registered with  the SEC  pursuant  to an  effective  Registration
Statement on Form N-14,  and duly registered or  qualified for sale pursuant  to
the blue sky laws of  each state where a  CVIT Fund Shareholder resides,  except
where exempt from  such state registration  or qualification  requirements.   No
shareholder of the CFI Fund will have any preemptive right or right of subscrip-
tion or purchase in respect of any such CFI Fund Shares.

           6.2   Authority of the CFI Fund.

                 (a)  CFI has the full  legal power and authority to enter  into
and perform this Agreement and the  execution, delivery and performance of  this
Agreement and the consummation the Reorganization  in accordance with its  terms
will not violate any provision of  law, the articles of incorporation or  bylaws
of CFI  or result  in the  forfeiture or  cancellation of  any license,  permit,
consent, approval, accreditation or authorization respecting the CFI Fund or its
business, or  result  in the  violation,  breach, termination,  cancellation  or
acceleration of any provision of or constitute a default under or result in  the
creation of any lien, claim or  encumbrance pursuant to any indenture,  license,
permit,  authorization,  court  order,  judgment,  decree,  contract  or   other
instrument to which the CFI Fund  is a party or by  which any of its  properties
may be  bound which  would reasonably  be expected  to have  a material  adverse
effect on the assets of the CFI Fund or the business  of the CFI Fund or on  the
ability of the parties hereto to consummate the Reorganization.

                 (b)  The  Board of  Directors of  CFI has  taken all  necessary
action to authorize and approve the execution, delivery and performance of  this
Agreement by  CFI and  all of  the transactions  contemplated hereby,  and  when
executed and delivered by  CFI this Agreement will  constitute the legal,  valid
and binding obligation of  CFI, enforceable against CFI  in accordance with  its
terms, except  as  the enforceability  thereof  may be  limited  by  bankruptcy,
insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization,  moratorium or other  similar
laws relating to the enforcement of  creditors' rights generally and by  general
principles of  equity, including  those limiting  the availability  of  specific
performance, injunctive relief and other equitable remedies and those  providing
for equitable defenses.

           6.3   Organization and Qualification of CFI and the CFI Fund.  CFI
is duly organized and validly existing as a corporation in good standing   under
the laws of  Maryland, has full  power and authority  to own its  assets and  to
conduct its business  as it is  now being conducted,  and is  duly qualified  or
registered to do  business and is  in good standing  in each jurisdiction  which
requires such  qualification  or  registration or  is  subject  to  no  material
liability by reason of its failure to be so qualified.   The CFI Fund is a  duly
designated series of shares of capital stock of CFI.

           6.4   Operations. Since April 2, 2002, the business of the CFI Fund
has been  conducted  in the  usual,  regular  and ordinary  manner  in  material
compliance with  the requirements  of all  applicable  federal and  state  laws.
Furthermore, between the  date hereof and  the Effective Time  (or such  earlier
date as this Agreement may be  terminated in accordance with Section 11.1),  CFI
will continue to operate  the business of the  CFI Fund as presently  conducted,
and CFI has no plan or intention to make any significant changes in the business
of the CFI Fund following the Effective Time.

           6.5   Material Agreements.  The CFI Fund has delivered or made
available to  CVIT  complete and  accurate  copies of  all  material  contracts,
agreements, understandings or other commitments of  the CFI Fund, each of  which
is in  effect  and valid  and  enforceable against  the  CFI Fund  and,  to  the
knowledge of CFI is valid and enforceable against the other party in  accordance
with its terms,  except, in the  case of both  CFI and the  other party, as  the
enforceability thereof  may be  limited  by bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent
conveyance, reorganization, moratorium  or other  similar laws  relating to  the
enforcement of creditors' rights generally and by general principles of  equity,
including those limiting  the availability of  specific performance,  injunctive
relief and other equitable remedies and those providing for equitable defenses.

           6.6   Third Party Consents.  Except for the effectiveness of the
Registration Statement, there are no approvals or consents of any third  parties
necessary or required for CFI validly  and legally to enter into this  Agreement
and to perform its obligations hereunder.

           6.7   Absence of Certain Changes.  Since April 2, 2002: (a) there
has been  no material  adverse change  in the  financial condition,  results  of
operations, business, assets or liabilities of the CFI Fund (other than  changes
occurring in  the  ordinary course  of  business, including  without  limitation
changes in the value  of the assets of  the CFI Fund) or  the status of the  CFI
Fund as a  regulated investment company  under the Code;  and (b) there has  not
been any change in accounting methods,  principles or practices of the CFI  Fund
having a  material adverse  effect  on the  financial  condition or  results  of
operations of the  CFI Fund, nor  any resignation of  the independent  certified
public  accountants  and  auditors  of  the  CFI  Fund  due  to  a  conflict  or
disagreement with management of the CFI Fund or otherwise.

           6.8   Litigation.  No litigation, claim, action or proceeding is
pending or, to the knowledge  of CFI, threatened against  or relating to CFI  or
the CFI Fund, before any court  or governmental or regulatory authority  seeking
injunctive relief  or monetary  damages which,  if adversely  determined,  would
reasonably be expected to have material adverse effect on the Reorganization  or
on the operations or financial position  of the CFI Fund.   To the knowledge  of
CFI, CFI  is not  under investigation  for violation  of any  law or  regulation
related to the business or operations of the CFI Fund.

           6.9   Regulatory Compliance.  CFI and the CFI Fund have all permits,
licenses, permits, approvals, authorizations  and registrations required by  any
federal, state and local laws, authorities  and agencies in connection with  the
operation of the CFI Fund's business as presently conducted and the ownership of
its assets ("CFI  Fund Regulatory Approvals"),  except where the  lack of  which
would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the CFI  Fund.
All such CFI Fund Regulatory Approvals are in full force and effect, and to  the
knowledge of CFI, no suspension or cancellation of any of them is threatened.

           6.10  Information in Registration Statement on Form N-14.  The
Registration Statement,  including the  Proxy Materials,  when effective,  shall
comply in all material respects with  the provisions of the Securities Act,  the
Exchange Act, the 1940 Act and the regulations thereunder, and shall not contain
any untrue  statement of  a material  fact  or omit  to  state a  material  fact
required to be  stated therein or  necessary to make  the statement therein,  in
light of the circumstances under which such statement was made, not  misleading;
provided however, that  no representation or  warranty is made  with respect  to
information regarding CVIT or the CVIT Fund provided in writing by or on  behalf
of either of them for inclusion in the Proxy Materials.

           6.11  Certain Additional Representations and Warranties as to the
CFI Fund.
- --------

                 (a)  The    investment   advisory    agreement,    sub-advisory
agreement, underwriting agreement and distribution plan to which the CFI Fund is
a party or is subject are in full force and effect and will remain in full force
and effect through the Closing  Date, and were duly  approved and comply in  all
respects with the 1940 Act,  the Exchange Act, the  Advisers Act, and the  rules
and regulations of the NASD.

                 (b)  CFSC is the  principal underwriter and investment  adviser
for the CFI  Fund.   To the  knowledge of  CFI, CFSC  is and  has been  (i) duly
registered  or  licensed  as  broker-dealer  under  the  Exchange  Act  and  the
securities laws of each  state or other jurisdiction  wherein the nature of  its
activities in  connection  with CFI  requires  such registration  or  licensing,
(ii) a member in good standing of the  NASD, (iii) a member in good standing  in
the Securities  Investors  Protection  Corporation,  with  all  assessments  due
thereto having been paid, or is not required to be such a member; and  (iv) duly
registered as an investment adviser under the Advisers Act.

                 (c)  There are no  judgments, special consent judgments or  SEC
orders on or with  regard to CFI or  the CFI Fund or,  to the knowledge of  CFI,
with regard  to  its  adviser, distributor,  administrator,  transfer  agent  or
custodian, currently in effect which have had or would reasonably be expected to
have a material adverse effect on the business or operations of the CFI Fund  as
presently conducted.  All orders of exemption issued to CFI or the CFI Fund,  by
any regulatory agency, including the SEC and the Internal Revenue Service, which
are necessary for the conduct of the business of  CFI or the CFI Fund have  been
obtained and are  currently in  full force and  effect, no  proceeding has  been
commenced to  revoke any  such order  and,  to the  knowledge  of CFI,  no  such
proceeding is contemplated by any such regulatory agency.

                 (d)  CFI is, and will continue to be through the Closing  Date,
duly registered with the SEC as an open-end management investment company  under
the 1940 Act and, with respect to the  CFI Fund, is in material compliance  with
the 1940  Act, and  the SEC  regulations promulgated  thereunder, including  the
requirements  to  file  semi-annual  or  annual  reports  with  the  SEC.    The
prospectuses, statements  of additional  information and,  as applicable,  sales
materials of CFI on behalf of  the CFI Fund have been  duly filed with the  SEC,
applicable state securities authorities  and the NASD (where  required to be  so
filed).   CFI on  behalf of  the  CFI Fund  has filed  with  the SEC  and  other
applicable federal  or state  agencies or  authorities such  notices or  reports
required under applicable federal  or state laws, rules  or regulations for  the
sale of its shares, the conduct of its business or the ownership of its  assets,
except, in each case, where the failure to file any such notice or report  would
not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the CFI Fund.

                 (e)  [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED.]

                 (f)  Shares of  the CFI Fund  have been  duly registered  under
the Securities  Act by  means of  a  registration statement  (or  post-effective
amendment  thereto)  on  Form  N-1A,  such  registration  statement  has  become
effective under the Securities Act, no  stop order suspending the  effectiveness
of such registration statement has been issued, no proceedings for that  purpose
have been instituted or  threatened by the SEC  and such registration  statement
has remained and  continues to remain  effective.   Such registration  statement
has, at all times  when a  prospectus  with respect to  the securities to  which
such registration statement relates has been required to be delivered,  complied
in all material  respects with the  requirements of the  Securities Act and  the
1940 Act, and such registration statement, with respect to the CFI Fund has  not
included at any time any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state
any material  fact  required to  be  stated therein  or  necessary to  make  the
statements therein, in light  of the circumstances under  which they were  made,
not misleading.  All proxy statements, supplements, and other reports, documents
or other  material relating  to the  CFI Fund  filed with  the SEC  on or  after
January 1, 2002 (i) were prepared in all  materials respects in accordance  with
the applicable requirements of  the Securities Act, the  Exchange Act, the  1940
Act, and the rules and regulations under each of them, as applicable (ii) as  of
their respective dates did not contain any untrue statement of a material  fact,
and (iii) as of their  respective dates did  not omit to  state a material  fact
necessary to make the  statements therein, in light  of the circumstances  under
which they were made, not misleading.

                 (g)  The audited annual  financial statements listed on  Sched-
ule 6.11(g) attached hereto with respect to the  CFI Fund for all periods on  or
after October 1, 2001  present fairly in  all material respects  the CFI  Fund's
financial position as of the relevant dates described therein and results of its
operations and changes in its net assets for the periods described therein.

                 (h)  The independent public  accountants for the CFI Fund  have
been selected and ratified in accordance  with the applicable provisions of  the
1940 Act.

                 (i)  CFI has,  and up to  and including the  Closing Date  will
have, on behalf of the CFI  Fund, properly prepared, executed and timely  filed,
or caused to be timely filed a proper request for extension with respect to, all
federal, state and local tax returns for income, franchise, sales,  withholding,
excise and other taxes applicable to it.  All taxes, assessments, fees and other
governmental charges owed by the CFI Fund (whether or not shown on any  returns)
have been paid.  All of such returns  are complete and accurate in all  material
respects and  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  all  applicable  legal
requirements.    No  material  tax  liabilities,  disallowances  or  assessments
relating to  the business  or assets  of  the CFI  Fund  have been  assessed  or
proposed, and CFI is not aware of any reasonable basis for any such  assessment.
No tax return filed on behalf of the CFI Fund is currently being audited by  the
Internal Revenue Service or by any state or local tax authorities.  The reserves
and provisions, if any, for taxes on the books of the CFI Fund are adequate  for
the payment of all  taxes for the  purposes and periods  to which they  pertain.
Without in any way limiting the  representations and warranties set forth  above
or in other Sections of this Agreement,  the CFI Fund qualifies as a  "regulated
investment company" under  Section 851 (Subchapter M) of  the Code,  and has  so
qualified during its entire existence.

           6.12  Representations Regarding the Reorganization.

                 (a)  CFI  has no  plan or  intention to  reacquire any  of  the
shares of  the CFI  Fund issued  in  the Reorganization,  except to  the  extent
required by the 1940 Act to redeem any of such shares presented for redemption.

                 (b)  The  CFI  Fund  has  no  plan  or  intention  to  sell  or
otherwise dispose  of  any  of the  CVIT  Fund  Assets to  be  acquired  in  the
Reorganization pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof, other than in the ordinary course
of its  business  and to  the  extent necessary  to  maintain its  status  as  a
"regulated investment company" under the Code.

                 (c)  Following  the Reorganization,  the  CFI Fund  intends  to
continue the  "historic  business" of  the  CVIT  Fund (within  the  meaning  of
Section 1.368-1(d) of the Income Tax Regulations under the Code).

           6.13  Undisclosed Liabilities.  The CFI Fund does not have any
liabilities, except for (a) liabilities reflected in the calculation of the  CFI
Fund's net asset  value or (b) ordinary  operating liabilities of  the CFI  Fund
(including   without   limitation   liabilities   associated   with   securities
transactions subject to  settlement and  contractual liabilities)  that are  not
required under generally accepted  accounting principles to  be included in  the
calculation of the CFI Fund's net asset value.

           6.14  Certain Disqualifications.  Neither CFI nor, to CFI's
knowledge, any "affiliated person"  of CFI has been  convicted of any felony  or
misdemeanor, described  in  Section 9(a)(1)  of the  1940  Act,  nor,  to  CFI's
knowledge has any affiliated person of CFI been the subject, or presently is the
subject, of any proceeding or investigation with respect to any disqualification
- -------
that would be a basis for denial, suspension or revocation of registration as an
investment adviser under Section 203(e) of the  Investment Advisers Act or  Rule
206(4)-4(b) thereunder or of  a broker-dealer under  Section 15 of the  Exchange
Act, or  for disqualification  as an  investment adviser,  employee, officer  or
director of an investment company under Section 9 of the 1940 Act.


     The obligations of CVIT  under this Agreement are,  at the option of  CVIT,
subject to the fulfillment (or waiver by CVIT)  at or prior to the Closing  Date
of each of the following conditions:

           7.1   Accuracy of Representations, Warranties and Covenants.  The
representations and warranties  of CFI set  forth in Section 6  hereof shall  be
true and correct in all material respects as of the date when made and as of the
Closing Date, except (i) for changes contemplated or permitted by this Agreement
and (ii) for those representations and warranties  that address matters only  as
of a particular date (which shall be  true and correct in all material  respects
as of such date).  CFI  shall have duly performed  and complied in all  material
respects with all agreements, covenants and  conditions required by this  Agree-
ment to be performed  or complied with by  it prior to or  on the Closing  Date.
CFI shall have delivered to CVIT a certificate of its President dated as of  the
Closing Date to the effect set forth in this Section 7.1.

           7.2   Consummation of Agreement Between Advisers.  The transactions
described in the Purchase  Agreement by and between  CFSC and Wright  Investors,
dated March 13, 2003, shall be consummated  on the Closing Date concurrent  with
the consummation of the transactions described in this Agreement.

           7.3   Approval of Legal Matters by Counsel.  There shall have been
furnished to counsel for the CVIT, certified copies of such corporate records of
CFI relating to the CFI Fund  and copies of such  documents as such counsel  may
reasonably have requested.  All legal matters and proceedings in connection with
this Agreement  and the  transactions contemplated  hereby shall  be  reasonably
satisfactory to counsel for CVIT.

           7.4   Approval by CVIT Fund Shareholders.  All necessary approvals
of the shareholders of  the CVIT Fund with  respect to the Reorganization  under
this Agreement shall  have been  obtained.   The CVIT  Fund Shareholder  Meeting
shall have been duly called  and held in accordance  with the provisions of  the
1940 Act, Massachusetts  law and the  declaration of trust  and bylaws of  CVIT,
including compliance with the notice and quorum requirements thereunder, and  at
such meeting this Agreement and the  Reorganization shall have been approved  by
the requisite  vote  of  the  CVIT Fund  Shareholders  in  accordance  with  the
provisions of the declaration of trust  and by-Laws of CVIT (the "Required  CVIT
Fund Shareholder  Vote").   Notwithstanding  anything  herein to  the  contrary,
neither party hereto may waive the conditions set forth in this Section 7.4.

           7.5   Receipt of Closing Documents.  CVIT shall have received all  of
the closing documents referred to in Section 9.2 hereof.

           7.6   Registration Statement.  The Registration Statement on Form  N-
14 shall  have  become  effective  under the  Securities  Act,  no  stop  orders
suspending  the  effectiveness   thereof  shall   have  been   issued,  and   no
investigation or  proceeding for  that purpose  shall  have been  instituted  or
threatened under the Securities Act.

           7.7   Tax Opinion.  CVIT shall have received an opinion from  Quarles
& Brady LLP (based  on such representations from  CFI in substantially the  form
attached hereto as Exhibit B  and from CVIT in  substantially the form  attached
hereto as Exhibit C),  addressed to CVIT  and CFI, which  opinion may be  relied
upon by CVIT and the CVIT Fund Shareholders, dated as of the Closing Date,  with
respect to the federal income tax  consequences of the Reorganization  described
in Exhibit A.   Notwithstanding anything herein to  the contrary, neither  party
hereto may waive the conditions set forth in this Section 7.7.

           7.8   No Adverse Proceedings.   There shall not have been pending  on
the Closing Date  any action, suit  or other proceeding  seeking to restrain  or
enjoin the Reorganization.   Notwithstanding  anything herein  to the  contrary,
neither party hereto may waive the conditions set forth in this Section 7.8.

     8.    Conditions Precedent to Obligations of CFI

     The obligations of CFI under this Agreement are, at its option, subject  to
the fulfillment (or waiver by CFI)  at or prior to the  Closing Date of each  of
the following conditions:

           8.1   Accuracy  of Representations,  Warranties and  Covenants.   The
representations and warranties of  CVIT set forth in  Section 5 hereof shall  be
true and correct in all material respects as of the date when made and as of the
Closing Date, except (i) for changes contemplated or permitted by this Agreement
and (ii) for those representations and warranties  that address matters only  as
of a particular date (which shall be  true and correct in all material  respects
as of such date).  CVIT shall have  duly performed and complied in all  material
respects with all  agreements and  covenants required  by this  Agreement to  be
performed or complied with by it  prior to or on the  Closing Date.  CVIT  shall
have delivered to CFI on the Closing Date a certificate of its President or Vice
President dated  as  of  the Closing  Date  to  the effect  set  forth  in  this
Section 8.1.

           8.2   Consummation of Agreement  Between Advisers.  The  transactions
described in the Purchase  Agreement by and between  CFSC and Wright  Investors,
dated March 13, 2003, shall be consummated  on the Closing Date concurrent  with
the consummation of the transactions described in this Agreement.

           8.3   Approval of Legal Matters by Counsel.  There shall have been
furnished to counsel  for CFI certified  copies of such  corporate and  business
records of  the CVIT  Fund and  copies of  such documents  as such  counsel  may
reasonably have requested.  All legal matters and proceedings in connection with
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated  hereby and thereby shall  have
been reasonably satisfactory to counsel for CFI.

           8.4   Approval by  CVIT Fund Shareholders.   The  Required CVIT  Fund
Shareholder Vote shall have been obtained.   Notwithstanding anything herein  to
the contrary, neither  party hereto may  waive the condition  set forth in  this
Section 8.4.

           8.5   Receipt of Closing Documents.   CFI shall have received all  of
the closing documents referred to in Section 9.1 hereof.

           8.6   Registration Statement.  The Registration Statement shall  have
become effective  under  the  Securities  Act,  no  stop  order  suspending  the
effectiveness thereof shall have been issued and no investigation or  proceeding
for that purpose shall have been  instituted or threatened under the  Securities

           8.7   Tax  Opinion.    CFI  shall  have  received  an  opinion   from
Quarles & Brady LLP (based on such representations from CFI in substantially the
form attached  hereto as  Exhibit B  and  from CVIT  in substantially  the  form
attached hereto as Exhibit C)  addressed to CFI  and CVIT, and  dated as of  the
Closing Date,  with  respect to  the  federal  income tax  consequences  of  the
Reorganization described in Exhibit A.   Notwithstanding anything herein to  the
contrary, neither  party hereto  may  waive the  conditions  set forth  in  this
Section 8.7.

           8.8   No Adverse Proceedings.   There shall not have been pending  on
the Closing Date  any action, suit  or other proceeding  seeking to restrain  or
enjoin the Reorganization.   Notwithstanding  anything herein  to the  contrary,
neither party hereto may waive the conditions set forth in this Section 8.8.

           8.9   Statement of CVIT Fund  Assets and Liabilities.  The CVIT  Fund
shall have delivered to CFI a  statement of CVIT Fund  Assets and the CVIT  Fund
Liabilities, together with a list of the CVIT Fund's securities and other assets
showing the respective adjusted bases and holding periods thereof for income tax
purposes, as of the Closing Date, certified by the Treasurer of CVIT.

           8.10  Certain CVIT  Fund Assets.   At the  close of  business on  the
Closing Date, the CVIT Fund Assets to be acquired by the CFI Fund shall  include
no assets that the CFI Fund may not legally acquire.

           8.11  Shareholders List.  The  CVIT Fund shall have delivered to  the
CFI Fund  a list  of the  CVIT Fund  Shareholders and  the number  of shares  of
beneficial interest of the CVIT Fund  they held as of  the close of business  on
the Closing Date, certified by the CVIT Fund's transfer agent.


           9.1   Documents to be  Delivered to CFI.   CVIT agrees to deliver  to
CFI on the Closing Date the following:

                 (a)  Bills  of  Sale, Assignments  and  Transfers.    Good  and
sufficient bills  of sale,  assignments, instruments  of conveyance,  and  other
instruments of  transfer,  duly  executed  by  CVIT,  in  the  forms  reasonably
satisfactory to  CFI  and  its  counsel,  with  such  reasonable  and  customary
covenants or warranties as shall be necessary to assign and transfer to and vest
in the CFI Fund clear title to all the CVIT  Fund Assets, free and clear of  any
and all liabilities,  liens, claims and  encumbrances except those  specifically
permitted by this Agreement.

                 (b)  Certificate of  Secretary.  Certificate  of the  Secretary
of  CVIT  dated  as  of  the  Closing  Date  certifying  (i) the  accuracy   and
effectiveness of  the  declaration  of trust  of  CVIT,  (ii) the  accuracy  and
effectiveness of bylaws of CVIT, (iii) the adoption, accuracy and  effectiveness
of  board  and  shareholder   resolutions  contemplated  hereby,  and   (iv) the
incumbency of  certain officers  of CVIT  and the  genuineness of  the  specimen
signatures of those officers of CVIT executing documents.

                 (c)  Certificate  of  Good  Standing.    Certificate  of   Good
Standing (or comparable certification) regarding CVIT issued as of a recent date
(within 30 days of the Closing Date) by the Massachusetts Secretary of State.

                 (d)  Certificate  of   Tail  Insurance.     A  certificate   of
insurance certifying that CVIT  has obtained the  Tail Insurance Policy  meeting
the requirements of Section 4.10 of this Agreement.

                 (e)  Other  Documents.    Such  other  customary   certificates
(similar to the  certificate of  good standing of  CVIT in  its jurisdiction  of
incorporation and certificates as to the incumbency of officers and the adoption
of authorizing  resolutions) as  shall reasonably  be required  by CFI  and  its

           9.2   Documents to be  Delivered to CVIT.   CFI agrees to deliver  to
CVIT on the Closing Date the following:

                 (a)  Officer's Certificate.   Certificate of  the President  of
CFI, dated as of the Closing Date, certifying that the conditions precedent  set
forth in Section 7.1 have been fulfilled.

                 (b)  Assumption Agreement.   An assumption agreement duly  exe-
cuted by CFI on behalf of  the CFI Fund in  the form reasonably satisfactory  to
CVIT  and  its  counsel,  with  such  reasonable  and  customary  covenants  and
warranties as shall be necessary for  the CFI Fund to  assume all the CVIT  Fund

                 (c)  Certificate  of Secretary  of  CFI.   Certificate  of  the
Secretary of CFI dated  as of the Closing  Date certifying (i) the accuracy  and
effectiveness of  articles  of  incorporation  of  CFI,  (ii) the  accuracy  and
effectiveness of bylaws of CFI,  (iii) the adoption, accuracy and  effectiveness
of the board resolutions contemplated hereby, and (iv) the incumbency of certain
officers of CFI and genuineness of the specimen signatures of those officers  of
CFI executing documents.

                 (d)  Issuance of  Shares.   The CFI  Fund Shares  to be  issued
pursuant hereto.

                 (e)  Good Standing Certificate.   Certificate of Good  Standing
regarding CFI  issued  as  of  a  recent date  by  the  Maryland  Department  of
Assessments and Taxation.

                 (f)  Other  Documents.    Such  other  customary   certificates
(similar to the  certificate of  good standing of  CVIT in  its jurisdiction  of
incorporation and certificates as to the incumbency of officers and the adoption
of authorizing resolutions)  as shall  reasonably be  required by  CVIT and  its

     10.   Further Agreements

           10.1  Costs and  Expenses.  Each  party will be  responsible for  all
costs, fees, and expenses  it incurs in connection  with this Agreement and  the
transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that the parties understand
that CFSC and Wright  Investors have agreed to  a sharing arrangement for  their
payment of all such expenses pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement  of
even date herewith by and between them.   Each of the parties hereto  represents
and warrants that it has not incurred any obligation or liability, contingent or
otherwise, for  broker's, finder's  or adviser's  fees  in connection  with  the
transactions provided for herein and each agrees to hold the other harmless from
and against all  such liability arising  out of contracts,  express or  implied,
which may be asserted against the non-contracting parties.

           10.2  Recommendation  and  Solicitation of  Shareholder  Vote.    The
Board of Trustees  of CVIT  will recommend that  shareholders of  the CVIT  Fund
approve the  Reorganization and  shall use  reasonable efforts  (which need  not
include the  expenditures of  any  monies) to  solicit  the Required  CVIT  Fund
Shareholder Vote; provided, however,  that the Board of  Trustees of CVIT  shall
have no  obligation to  make any  such recommendation  or to  exercise any  such
solicitation efforts if  circumstances should develop  that, in  the good  faith
opinion of such  Board as reflected  by resolution duly  adopted by such  Board,
make proceeding  with  the Reorganization  not  in  the best  interests  of  the
shareholders of the CVIT Fund.

           10.3  Information  to Be  Furnished.    CFI will  furnish  CVIT  with
copies of all written comments or the substance of oral communications  received
from the staff of  the SEC with  regard to the  Registration Statement, and  the
parties  will  cooperate  with  each  other  in  revising,  if  necessary,   the
Registration Statement to  comply with such  comments.  CFI  shall not file  the
Registration Statement or any amendment without the prior consent of CVIT or its

           10.4  Conduct of Business  of the CVIT Fund and  the CFI Fund.   From
and after the  date of  this Agreement  and through  the Closing  Date (or  such
earlier  date  as  this   Agreement  may  be   terminated  in  accordance   with
Section 11.1), CVIT  shall, with  regard to  the CVIT  Fund:   (a) maintain  its
books, accounts and  records in  accordance with  generally accepted  accounting
principles and practices  consistently applied; (b) materially  comply with  all
laws applicable to the conduct of its business; (c) conduct its business only in
the usual, regular and ordinary course  and in substantially the same manner  as
heretofore conducted, and not  introduce any method of  operation in respect  of
such business, except in  a manner consistent  with prior practice;  (d) without
the written consent of CFI, make no change in its declaration of trust or bylaws
which would materially affect the CVIT Fund; (e) use its commercially reasonable
efforts to  preserve  its business  organization  intact, and  to  preserve  the
goodwill of the CVIT Fund shareholders and others having business relations with
it; (f) not take or fail to take any action which would, or with the passage  of
time could, jeopardize  its qualification  as a  "regulated investment  company"
under Section 851 of the Code; and (g) except as contemplated by this Agreement,
not enter  into any  other transactions  other than  in the  ordinary course  of
business.  Notwithstanding the foregoing or  anything else in this Agreement  to
the contrary, (i) CVIT with respect to the CVIT Fund shall be permitted to  take
all actions or inactions which are required or prohibited by this Agreement  and
(ii) the parties recognize  that the  CVIT Fund  intends to  cease offering  its
shares to the public and not to effect certain registrations otherwise  required
in connection therewith.

           From and after the date of this Agreement and through the Closing
Date (or such earlier date as this Agreement may be terminated in accordance
with Section 11.1), CFI shall with regard to the CFI Fund: (a) maintain its
books, accounts and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles and practices consistently applied; (b) materially comply with all
laws applicable to the conduct of its business; (c) conduct its business only in
the usual, regular and ordinary course and in substantially the same manner as
heretofore conducted, and not introduce any method of operation in respect of
such business, except in a manner consistent with prior practice; (d) without
the written consent of CVIT, make no change in its articles of incorporation or
bylaws that would materially affect the CFI Fund; (e) use its commercially
reasonable efforts to preserve its business organization intact, and to preserve
the goodwill of its investors and others having business relations with it;
(f) not take or fail to take any action which would, or with the passage of time
could, jeopardize its qualification as a "regulated investment company" under
Section 851 of the Code; and (g) except as contemplated by this Agreement, not
enter into any other transactions that may have a material adverse effect on the
CFI Fund or the Reorganization, other than in the ordinary course of business.

           10.5  Nonsurvival  of   Representations,  Warranties  or   Covenants.
Except as set forth in Sections 10.6,  10.7, 10.8 below and except with  respect
to (i) the opinion of Quarles & Brady LLP with respect to the federal income tax
consequences of the Reorganization  and (ii) the assumption agreement  delivered
by CFI to  CVIT, none of  the representations, warranties  or covenants in  this
Agreement or  in  any  certificate or  instrument  delivered  pursuant  to  this
Agreement shall survive the Closing Date and no party shall, therefore, have any
recourse therefor against any  other party in connection  therewith.  This  Sec-
tion shall not limit any covenant or agreement of the parties which by its terms
contemplates performance after the Closing Date.

           10.6  Obligations of Parties.

                 (a)  CFI and  CVIT hereby acknowledge  and agree  that the  CFI
Fund is  a separate  investment portfolio  of CFI,  that CFI  is executing  this
Agreement on behalf  of the  CFI Fund, and  that, subject  to Section 10.1,  any
amounts payable  by CFI  under or  in connection  with this  Agreement shall  be
payable solely from the revenues and assets of the CFI Fund.

                 (b)  CFI and  CVIT hereby acknowledge and  agree that the  CVIT
Fund is a  separate investment portfolio  of CVIT, that  CVIT is executing  this
Agreement on behalf  of the CVIT  Fund, and that,  subject to Section 10.1,  any
amounts payable by  CVIT under  or in connection  with this  Agreement shall  be
payable solely from the revenues and assets of the CVIT Fund.

           10.7  Final Tax Returns and Forms 1099 of the CVIT Fund.

           After the Closing, CVIT shall  prepare, or shall cause its agents  to
prepare, any federal,  state or  local tax  returns, including  any Forms  1099,
required to be filed by CVIT with respect to the CVIT Fund's final taxable  year
and shall further cause such tax  returns and Forms 1099  to be duly filed  with
the appropriate taxing authorities.

           10.8  Cooperation and  Exchange of Information.   CFI  and CVIT  will
provide each other  and their respective  representatives with such  cooperation
and information as either of them reasonably may request of the other in  filing
any tax returns, amended return or claim for refund, determining a liability for
taxes or a  right to a  refund of taxes  or participating in  or conducting  any
audit or other proceeding in respect of taxes.  Such cooperation and information
shall include  providing copies  of relevant  tax returns  or portions  thereof,
together with  accompanying  schedules and  related  work papers  and  documents
relating to rulings or other determinations  by taxing authorities.  Each  party
shall make its employees and officers  available on a mutually convenient  basis
to provide explanations of  any documents or  information provided hereunder  to
the extent, if any, that such party's employees are familiar with such documents
or information.  Each party will retain for a period of six (6) years  following
the Closing all returns, schedules and  work papers and all material records  or
other documents relating to tax matters  of the CVIT Fund  and the CFI Fund  for
its taxable period  first ending  after the Closing  and for  all prior  taxable
periods.   Any  information  obtained under  this  Section 10.8  shall  be  kept
confidential except as may be otherwise necessary in connection with the  filing
of returns or claims for refund.

     11.   TERMINATION

           11.1  General Provisions.   This Agreement may  not be terminated  at
any time prior to the Closing Date by any party, except that this Agreement  may
be terminated:

                 (a)  By mutual written consent of the parties hereto:

                 (b)  By either  CFI, on  the one hand,  or CVIT,  on the  other
hand, by written notice to the other, if the Closing shall not have occurred  on
or before June  25, 2003, or  such later date  to which the  parties shall  have
extended this Agreement by mutual written consent;

                 (c)  By CFI, if  there has been a misrepresentation, breach  of
warranty or failure to perform any agreement or covenant on the part of CVIT  in
any of its  representations, warranties, agreements  or covenants  set forth  in
this Agreement resulting in the failure of any condition in Section 8 hereof;

                 (d)  By CVIT, if there has been a  misrepresentation, breach of
warranty or failure to perform any  agreement or covenant on the part of CFI  in
any  of its representations, warranties,  agreements or  covenants set  forth in
this  Agreement resulting in the failure of any condition in Section 7 hereof;

                 (e)  By  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  CVIT  if
circumstances should develop that, in the good faith opinion of such Board, make
proceeding with this  Agreement not  in the best  interests of  the CVIT  Fund's
shareholders; and

                 (f)  By  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  CFI  if
circumstances should develop that, in the good faith opinion of such Board, make
proceeding with  this Agreement  not in  the best  interests of  the CFI  Fund's

           Any termination  of  this  Agreement pursuant  to  this  Section 11.1
shall be by notice in writing  to the other party,  and shall be effective  upon
the terminating party's delivery of such notice to the breaching party; provided
that, in the event  termination is pursuant to  Clause 11.1(c) or 11.1(d),  then
the termination shall not become effective  unless the breaching party fails  to
cure the  breach  (if  curable)  specified  in  the  notice  to  the  reasonable
satisfaction of  the  terminating  party within  a  reasonable  period  of  time
specified in the notice, which in  any event need not  be more than thirty  (30)

           11.2  Effect of  Termination.   In the  event of  the termination  of
this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.1 hereof or if the Closing does not  occur
by reason  of  any of  the  conditions in  Sections 7  and 8  hereof  not  being
satisfied, then there shall be no other liability  on the part of any party  (or
its trustees, directors, officers, agents or shareholders) to the other (or  its
trustees, directors, officers, agents or shareholders); provided, however,  that
such termination  shall not  preclude liability  attaching to  a party  who  has
caused the  termination hereof  by willful  act  or willful  failure to  act  in
violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

     12.   AMENDMENT

     This Agreement may not be amended except by an instrument in writing signed
on behalf of each of the parties hereto.

     13.   WAIVER

     Any terms or provisions of this Agreement  may be waived in writing at  any
time by the party which is entitled to the benefits thereof, or their respective
counsel.   The  failure  of  either  party at  any  time  or  times  to  require
performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect such party's right
at a later time to enforce the same.  No waiver  by any party of a condition  or
of the  breach  of  any  term, covenant,  representation  or  warranty  of  this
Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise,  in any one or more instances  shall
be deemed to  be or  construed as a  further or  continuing waiver  of any  such
condition or beach or a waiver  of any other condition or  of the breach of  any
other term, covenant, representation or warranty of this Agreement.


           14.1  Headings.  The  Article and Section headings contained in  this
Agreement will have reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way  the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

           14.2  Governing  Law.    This Agreement  shall  be  governed  by  and
construed in accordance with the laws of  the State of Wisconsin, except to  the
extent affected by  the Massachusetts Business  Trust Law  (M.GL.CH182) and  the
1940 Act.

           14.3  Notices.      All  notices,   requests,   demands   and   other
communications hereunder shall be  in writing and shall  be deemed to have  been
duly given: (a) when  delivered personally; (b) upon  receipt of a  transmission
confirmation (with  a confirming  copy sent  by overnight  courier) if  sent  by
facsimile or  like transmission;  (c) on  the next  business  day when  sent  by
Federal  Express,  United  Parcel  Service,  Express  Mail  or  other  reputable
overnight courier; and (d) on the second business day when mailed by  registered
or certified mail (return receipt requested).  All such communications shall  be
addressed to the appropriate party at the  following address or fax number   (or
at such other address or fax  number for a party as  shall be specified by  such
party by like notice):

If to CFI or the CFI Fund at:    The Catholic Funds, Inc.
                                 1100 West Wells Street
                                 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
                                 Attention: President
                                 Fax:  (414) 278-6558

With a copy to:                  Quarles & Brady LLP
                                 411 East Wisconsin Avenue
                                 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
                                 Attention:  Fredrick G. Lautz
                                 Fax:  (414) 978-8900

If to CVIT                       Catholic Values Investment Trust
or the CVIT Fund:                Wright International Financial Center
                                 440 Wheelers Farm Road
                                 Milford, Connecticut  06460
                                 Attention: A.M. Moody III
                                 Fax:  (203) 783-4463

With a copy to:                  Hale and Dorr LLP
                                 60 State Street
                                 Boston, Massachusetts  02109
                                 Attention: Leonard A. Pierce
                                 Fax:  (617) 526-5000

Written notice given  by any other  method shall be  deemed effective only  when
actually received by the party to whom given.  Either party may give any notice,
request, demand, claim, or other communication  hereunder using any other  means
(including personal  delivery,  expedited  courier,  messenger  service,  telex,
ordinary mail, or electronic mail), but  no such notice, request, demand,  claim
or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly given unless and  until
it actually is received by the party for whom it is intended.

           14.4  Further Assurance.   Each of the  parties hereto hereby  agrees
that after the  Closing Date  it will  from time  to time,  upon the  reasonable
request of  another party  hereto, take  such further  action as  the other  may
reasonably request to carry out the transfer and sale of assets contemplated  by
this Agreement, including, without limitation, the execution and delivery of all
further evidences and instruments of transfer and assignment.

           14.5  Execution and Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed  in
any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of
which shall together constitute one agreement.

           14.6  Miscellaneous.    This  Agreement  (a) constitutes  the  entire
agreement and  supersedes  all other  prior  agreements and  undertakings,  both
written and  oral, between  the  parties, with  respect  to the  subject  matter
hereof; (b) is  not intended  to confer  upon  any other  person any  rights  or
remedies hereunder, it  being expressly  agreed that  there are  no third  party
beneficiaries of this  Agreement; (c) shall  be binding  upon and  inure to  the
benefit of  the CFI  Fund and  the  CVIT Fund,  and their  respective  permitted
successors and assigns;  and (d) may not  be assigned by  any party without  the
prior written consent of the other.

           14.7  Publicity.   Neither the parties  to this  Agreement nor  their
respective directors,  trustees,  officers, stockholders,  employees  or  agents
shall issue  any  press release  or  other  announcement with  respect  to  this
Agreement, or  otherwise make  any disclosures  relating  thereto to  the  press
without the  prior consent  of the  other parties,  which consent  shall not  be
unreasonably withheld; provided,  however, that such  consent shall  not be  re-
quired where such release, announcement or disclosure is required by  applicable
law or the rules or regulations of a securities exchange, other  self-regulatory
authority or governmental agency.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have  caused this Agreement to be  executed
as of the date first written above.

                                   CATHOLIC VALUES INVESTMENT TRUST
                                   (ON BEHALF OF THE CATHOLIC VALUES INVESTMENT
                                   TRUST EQUITY FUND)

                                   By:  /s/Peter M. Donovan
                                        Peter M. Donovan, President

                                   THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.
                                   (ON BEHALF OF THE CATHOLIC EQUITY FUND)

                                   By:  /s/Theodore F. Zimmer
                                        Theodore F. Zimmer, President

                              DATED APRIL __, 2003
                             FOR THE REORGANIZATION
                                     OF THE
                              CATHOLIC EQUITY FUND
                     (A SERIES OF THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.)

                            THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.
                             1100 WEST WELLS STREET
                           MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53233

     This Statement of Additional Information is not a prospectus, and should be
read in conjunction  with the Proxy  Statement/Prospectus dated April __,  2003,
relating to the reorganization  of the Catholic  Values Investment Trust  Equity
Fund ("CVIT Fund"),  a mutual fund  series of Catholic  Values Investment  Trust
("CVIT"), into the Catholic  Equity Fund, a mutual  fund series of The  Catholic
Funds, Inc. ("The Catholic Funds").  In connection with the Reorganization,  the
Catholic Equity Fund would acquire substantially  all of the assets of the  CVIT
Fund  and  assume  the  CVIT  Fund's  liabilities  that  are  reflected  in  the
computation of  its  net  asset  value  and  certain  other  ordinary  operating
expenses.  In exchange, the  Catholic Equity Fund would  issue to the CVIT  Fund
Class C and Class I shares of the  Catholic Equity Fund having an aggregate  net
asset value equal to the aggregate value of the assets (net of the  liabilities)
transferred by the CVIT Fund.  The CVIT Fund would distribute the shares of  the
Catholic Equity Fund so received  to its shareholders on  a pro rata basis,  and
the CVIT Fund subsequently  would be liquidated and  discontinued as a  separate
series of CVIT.   As a result  of the Reorganization,  shareholders of the  CVIT
Fund would become shareholders of the Catholic Equity Fund, with the holders  of
Individual Shares of  the CVIT  Fund receiving  Class C shares  of the  Catholic
Equity Fund and the holders of Institutional Service Shares of the CVIT Fund re-
ceiving Class I shares  of the Catholic  Equity Fund.   The aggregate net  asset
value of the shares of the Catholic Equity Fund received by each shareholder  of
the CVIT Fund in  the Reorganization would be  equal, immediately following  the
Reorganization, to the aggregate net asset value of the shares of the CVIT  Fund
held  by  such  shareholder  immediately  prior  to  the  Reorganization.    The
Reorganization is expected to be tax-free to the CVIT Fund shareholders.

     The information otherwise  required to be  set forth in  this Statement  of
Additional  Information  is  included   in:  (i) the  Statement  of   Additional
Information of the Catholic Equity Fund,  dated January 31, 2003 (the  "Catholic
Equity Fund  SAI"); (ii) the  Statement of  Additional Information  of the  CVIT
Fund,  dated  May 1,  2002  (the  "CVIT   SAI");  (iii) the  Annual  Report   to
Shareholders of the Catholic Equity Fund  for the year ended September 30,  2002
(the "Catholic  Equity  Fund Annual  Report");  and (iv) the  Annual  Report  to
Shareholders of the CVIT  Fund for the year  ended December 31, 2002 (the  "CVIT
Fund Annual Report").   The Catholic  Equity Fund SAI,  the CVIT  Fund SAI,  the
Catholic Equity Fund Annual Report and the CVIT Fund Annual Report are  incorpo-
rated by reference herein.

     A copy of the  Proxy Statement/Prospectus, the  Prospectus of the  Catholic
Equity Fund,  dated January 31,  2003,  the Catholic  Equity  Fund SAI  and  the
Catholic Equity  Annual Report  may be  obtained free  of charge  by writing  to
Catholic Financial  Services Corporation,  1100  West Wells  Street,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53233, or by calling 1-877-222-2402.  A copy of the Prospectus of  the
CVIT Fund, dated May 1, 2002 (as supplemented),  the CVIT Fund SAI and the  CVIT
Fund Annual Report may be obtained free of charge by writing to CVIT, c/o Wright
Investors'  Service  Distributors,  Inc.,  440  Wheelers  Farms  Road,  Milford,
Connecticut 06460, or by calling 1-888-074-4486.

                            THE CATHOLIC EQUITY FUND

     For additional information about The Catholic Funds and the Catholic Equity
Fund, please see the Catholic Equity Fund SAI, which is incorporated by
reference herein.

                                 THE CVIT FUND

     For additional information  about CVIT and  the CVIT Fund,  please see  the
CVIT Fund SAI, which is incorporated by reference herein.


     The audited  annual  financial  statements  of  the  Catholic  Equity  Fund
incorporated by reference  into this  Statement of  Additional Information  have
been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, independent public accountants,  as
indicated in their report  with respect thereto, which  also is incorporated  by
reference into this Statement  of Additional Information,  in reliance upon  the
authority of said  firm as  experts in accounting  and auditing  in giving  said

     The audited annual financial  statements of the  CVIT Fund incorporated  by
reference into this  Statement of Additional  Information have  been audited  by
Deloitte & Touche LLP,  independent public  accountants, as  indicated in  their
report with respect thereto, which also  is incorporated by reference into  this
Statement of Additional Information, in reliance upon the authority of said firm
as experts in accounting and auditing in giving said report.



     The following audited historical financial statements and notes thereto  of
the  Catholic  Equity  Fund,  together  with  the  Report  of  the   Independent
Accountants thereon,  are incorporated  herein by  reference from  the  Catholic
Equity Fund Annual Report:

     (1)  Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the Catholic Equity Fund as of
          September 30, 2002;

     (2)  Statement of Operations for the Catholic Equity Fund for the year
          ended September 30, 2002;

     (3)  Statements of Changes in Net Assets for the Catholic Equity Fund for
          the years ended September 30, 2002 and September 30, 2001;

     (4)  Schedule of Investments of the Catholic Equity Fund as of
          September 30, 2002;

     (5)  Financial Highlights for the Catholic Equity Fund; and

     (6)  Notes to Financial Statements.


     The following audited historical financial statements and notes thereto  of
the CVIT Fund, together with the Report of the Independent Accountants  thereon,
are incorporated herein by reference from the CVIT Fund Annual Report:

     (1)  Statement of Assets and Liabilities for the CVIT Fund as of December
          31, 2002;

     (2)  Statement of Operations for the CVIT Fund for the year ended December
          31, 2002;

     (3)  Statements of Changes in Net Assets for the CVIT Fund for the years
          ended December 31, 2002 and December 31, 2001;

     (4)  Schedule of Investments of the CVIT Fund as of December 31, 2002;

     (5)  Financial Highlights for the CVIT Fund; and

     (6)  Notes to Financial Statements.

                         PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     Set forth below are the following unaudited pro forma financial statements:

     (1)  Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Statement of Assets and Liabilities for
          the Catholic Equity Fund as of September 30, 2002 (assuming the
          Reorganization had been consummated on such date);

     (2)  Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Statement of Operations for the Catholic
          Equity Fund for the 12-month period ended September 30, 2002 (assuming
          the Reorganization had been consummated on October 1, 2001);

     (3)  Unaudited Pro Forma Combining Schedule of Investments of the Catholic
          Equity Fund as of September 30, 2002 (assuming the Reorganization had
          been consummated on such date); and

     (4)  Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements (Unaudited).

These unaudited pro forma financial statements should be read in conjunction
with, and are qualified in their entirety by, the historical financial
statements of the Catholic Equity Fund and CVIT Fund incorporated by reference
into this Statement of Additional Information.  These unaudited pro forma
financial statements are intended for information purposes only, and are not
necessarily indicative of the future financial position or future results of the
Catholic Equity Fund.


                                                                           CATHOLIC VALUES                           THE CATHOLIC
                                                                                INVESTMENT                            EQUITY FUND
                                                          THE CATHOLIC        TRUST EQUITY                              PRO FORMA
                                                           EQUITY FUND                FUND         ADJUSTMENTS           COMBINED
                                                          ------------     ---------------         -----------        -----------
- ------
  Investments, at cost                                     $17,348,566          $7,239,689         $         -        $24,588,255
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
  Investments, at value                                    $12,645,658          $6,277,592         $         -        $18,923,250
  Cash                                                           2,990              66,898                   -             69,888
  Income receivable                                             18,663               7,692                   -             26,355
  Receivable for Fund shares sold                                2,135                   -                   -              2,135
  Receivable from adviser                                       43,422              98,725                   -            142,147
  Other assets                                                  33,976                   -                   -             33,976
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
    TOTAL ASSETS                                            12,746,844           6,450,907                   0         19,197,751
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
- -----------
  Payable for investments purchased                              1,911                   -                   -              1,911
  Accrued expenses and other liabilities                        44,625              38,954                   -             83,579
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
    TOTAL LIABILITIES                                           46,536              38,954                   -             85,490
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
NET ASSETS                                                 $12,700,308          $6,411,953                  $0        $19,112,261
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------

- ----------------------
  Paid in capital                                          $19,351,424          $9,965,586                  $-        $29,317,010
  Undistributed net investment income (loss)                    59,541             (17,090)                  -             42,451
  Undistributed net realized loss                           (2,007,749)         (2,574,446)                  -         (4,582,195)
  Net unrealized depreciation on investments                (4,702,908)           (962,097)                  -         (5,665,005)
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
NET ASSETS                                                 $12,700,308          $6,411,953                  $0        $19,112,261
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
                                                           -----------          ----------         -----------        -----------
- --------------
  Net assets                                                $2,865,775                 N/A                   -         $2,865,775
  Shares authorized ($.001 par value)                      100,000,000(1)<F9>                                         100,000,000
  Shares issued and outstanding                                442,072                                       -            442,072
  Net asset value, redemption price and minimum
  offering price per share                                       $6.48                                                      $6.48
  Maximum offering price per share ($6.48/0.96)                  $6.75                                                      $6.75

- --------------
  Net assets                                                    $3,432                 N/A          $2,865,112         $2,868,544
  Shares authorized ($.001 par value)                      100,000,000(1)<F9>                                         100,000,000
  Shares issued and outstanding                                    530                                 442,147            442,677
  Net asset value and offering price per share                   $6.48                                                      $6.48

- --------------
  Net assets                                                $9,831,101                 N/A          $3,546,841        $13,377,942
  Shares authorized ($.001 par value)                      100,000,000(1)<F9>                                         100,000,000
  Shares issued and outstanding                              1,514,717                                 546,599          2,061,316
  Net asset value, redemption price and offering
  price per share                                                $6.49                                                      $6.49

- -----------------
  Net assets                                                       N/A          $2,865,112         ($2,865,112)                 -
  Shares authorized (no par value)                                               unlimited
  Shares issued and outstanding                                                    378,206            (378,206)                 -
  Net asset value, redemption price and offering                                     $7.58                                      -
  price per share

- ----------------------------
  Net assets                                                       N/A          $3,546,841         ($3,546,841)                 -
  Shares authorized (no par value)                                               unlimited
  Shares issued and outstanding                                                    456,148            (456,148)                 -
  Net asset value, redemption price and offering                                     $7.78                                      -
  price per share

(1)<F9>   Represents authorized shares of the Fund.  Authorized shares are not
          allotted to the separate classes.


                                                                                                                       THE CATHOLIC
                                                                         CATHOLIC VALUES                                EQUITY FUND
                                                       THE CATHOLIC      INVESTMENT TRUST                                PRO FORMA
                                                   EQUITY FUND(1)<F10>     EQUITY FUND            ADJUSTMENTS            COMBINED
                                                   -------------------   ----------------         -----------          ------------
- -----------------
  Dividend income                                        $157,561(2)<F11>    $125,401              $      -               $282,962
  Interest income                                             857                  70                     -                    927
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
    TOTAL INCOME                                          158,418             125,471                     -                283,889

  Investment advisory fees                                 59,449              70,003                (4,794)(3)<F12>       124,658
  Administration fee                                            -               6,462                (6,462)(4)<F13>             -
  Advisory Board fees                                           -               3,998                (2,998)(5)<F14>         1,000
  Transfer agent fees and expenses                         51,894              24,143                (9,600)(8)<F17>        66,437
  Portfolio accounting fees                                41,159                 -(6)<F15>           9,208(8)<F17>         50,367
  Federal and state registration fees                      21,897              24,969               (19,269)(5)<F14>        27,597
  Audit fees                                               20,096              23,746               (23,746)(5)<F14>        20,096
  12b-1 fees - Class A                                     17,405                   -                     -                 17,405
  12b-1 fees - Class C                                          5                   -                     -                      5
  12b-1 fees - Individual Shares                                -              26,724                     -                 26,724
  12b-1 fees - Institutional Service Shares                     -              14,171               (14,171)(7)<F16>             -
  Legal fees                                               11,749               6,229                (7,229)(5)<F14>        10,749
  Printing and postage expenses                             9,938               8,676                (3,633)(5)<F14>        14,981
  Custody fees                                              5,672              60,720(6)<F15>       (58,935)(8)<F17>         7,457
  Directors' fees and expenses                              1,935              15,463               (15,463)(5)<F14>         1,935
  Organizational expense                                        -               8,580                (8,580)(5)<F14>             -
  Other                                                     7,312               9,380                (9,380)(5)<F14>         7,312
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
    TOTAL EXPENSES                                        248,511             303,264              (175,052)               376,723
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
  Less waivers and reimbursements by adviser             (141,980)           (149,516)              121,487               (170,009)
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
    NET EXPENSES                                          106,531             153,748               (53,565)               206,714
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
    NET INVESTMENT INCOME (LOSS)                           51,887             (28,277)               53,565                 77,175
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
  Net realized loss on investments                       (957,717)           (513,228)                    -             (1,470,945)
  Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation
    on investments                                     (3,719,227)         (1,523,049)                    -             (5,242,276)
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
  NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED LOSS ON INVESTMENTS      (4,676,944)         (2,036,277)                    -             (6,713,221)
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS        ($4,625,057)        ($2,064,554)              $53,565            ($6,636,046)
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------
                                                      -----------         -----------              --------            -----------

(1)<F10>  Effective at the close of business on April 2, 2002, The Catholic
          Equity Fund acquired, through a non-taxable reorganization,
          substantially all the assets of The Catholic Equity Income, Large-Cap
          Growth and Disciplined Capital Appreciation Funds.  The Catholic
          Disciplined Capital Appreciation Fund was considered the accounting
          survivor of the reorganization.  Therefore, the information contained
          in this statement reflects the operations of The Catholic Disciplined
          Capital Appreciation Fund from October 1, 2001 through April 2, 2002
          and The Catholic Equity Fund from April 3, 2002 through September 30,
(2)<F11>  Net of $590 in foreign withholding taxes.
(3)<F12>  The reduction in the advisory fee reflects the lower fee charged by
          The Catholic Equity Fund's investment adviser, Catholic Financial
          Services Corporation ("CFSC"), pursuant to the Investment Advisory
          Agreement between CFSC and The Catholic Equity Fund.
(4)<F13>  The decrease in administration fees reflects the fact that The
          Catholic Equity Fund does not pay a separate administrative fee.
(5)<F14>  The adjustments to advisory board fees, registration fees, audit fees,
          legal fees, printing and postage expenses, directors' fees,
          organizational expenses and other fees reflect the elimination of
          duplicative costs or economies of scale.
(6)<F15>  Custody fees include portfolio accounting fees.
(7)<F16>  The decrease in 12b-1 fees reflects the fact that The Catholic Equity
          Fund - Class I (into which the Institutional Services Shares are
          merging) does not pay a 12b-1 fee.
(8)<F17>  The adjustments to transfer agent fees, portfolio accounting fees and
          custody fees reflect the elimination of duplicative costs as well as
          the application of the fee arrangements with U.S. Bancorp Fund
          Services, LLC and U.S. Bank, N.A.


             CATHOLIC        THE                                                                CATHOLIC                    THE
              VALUES       CATHOLIC                                                              VALUES                   CATHOLIC
   THE      INVESTMENT      EQUITY                                                   THE       INVESTMENT                  EQUITY
 CATHOLIC      TRUST         FUND                                                 CATHOLIC       TRUST                      FUND
  EQUITY      EQUITY      PRO FORMA                                                EQUITY        EQUITY                  PRO FORMA
   FUND        FUND        COMBINED                                                 FUND          FUND                    COMBINED
  SHARES      SHARES        SHARES      COMMON STOCK - 99.0% (P)                    VALUE        VALUE      ADJUSTMENTS    VALUE
 --------   ----------    ---------     ------------------------                  --------     ----------   -----------  ---------
    700        1,350        2,050       3M Co.                                     $76,979      $148,460                  $225,439
  2,700                     2,700       Abbott Laboratories                        109,080                                 109,080
    500                       500       ACE Limited                                 14,805                                  14,805
  1,300                     1,300       ADC Telecommunications, Inc.*<F18>           1,495                                   1,495
    350                       350       Adobe Systems Inc.                           6,685                                   6,685
    600                       600       Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.* <F18>          3,204                                   3,204
    900                       900       The AES Corp.* <F18>                         2,259                                   2,259
    300                       300       Aetna Inc.                                  10,743                                  10,743
    900        2,325        3,225       AFLAC Inc.                                  27,621        71,354                    98,975
    800                       800       Agilent Technologies, Inc.* <F18>           10,448                                  10,448
    400          750        1,150       Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.            16,804        31,508                    48,312
    100                       100       Alberto-Culver Co. - Class B                 4,903                                   4,903
    700                       700       Albertson's, Inc.                           16,912                                  16,912
  1,500                     1,500       Alcoa Inc.                                  28,950                                  28,950
    200                       200       Allegheny Energy, Inc.                       2,620                                   2,620
    100                       100       Allegheny Technologies, Inc.                   692                                     692
    200        1,175        1,375       Allergan, Inc.                              10,880        63,920                    74,800
    300                       300       Allied Waste Industries, Inc.* <F18>         2,205                                   2,205
  1,200        2,000        3,200       The Allstate Corp.                          42,660        71,100                   113,760
    500        1,200        1,700       ALLTEL Corp.                                20,065        48,156                    68,221
    700                       700       Altera Corp.* <F18>                          6,069                                   6,069
    150                       150       Ambac Financial Group, Inc.                  8,083                                   8,083
    200          550          750       Amerada Hess Corp.                          13,576        37,334                    50,910
    200                       200       Ameren Corp.                                 8,330                                   8,330
    600                       600       American Electric Power Co., Inc.           17,106                                  17,106
  2,300                     2,300       American Express Co.                        71,714                                  71,714
    100                       100       American Greetings Corp. - Class A           1,610                                   1,610
  4,537        2,325        6,862       American International Group, Inc.         248,174       127,178                   375,352
    300                       300       American Power Conversion Corp.* <F18>       2,868                                   2,868
    100                       100       American Standard Companies Inc.* <F18>      6,362                                   6,362
    207                       207       AmerisourceBergen Corp.                     14,784                                  14,784
  2,190                     2,190       Amgen Inc.* <F18>                           91,323                                  91,323
    300                       300       AMR Corp.* <F18>                             1,254                                   1,254
    600                       600       AmSouth BanCorp.                            12,444                                  12,444
    400                       400       Anadarko Petroleum Corp.                    17,816                                  17,816
    600                       600       Analog Devices, Inc.* <F18>                 11,820                                  11,820
    200                       200       Andrew Corp.* <F18>                          1,310                                   1,310
  1,500                     1,500       Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.              75,900                                  75,900
    200                       200       Anthem, Inc.* <F18>                         13,000                                  13,000
  7,700                     7,700       AOL Time Warner Inc.* <F18>                 90,090                                  90,090
    500                       500       Aon Corp.                                   10,245                                  10,245
    240        1,450        1,690       Apache Corp.                                14,268        86,203                   100,471
    300                       300       Apollo Group, Inc. - Class A*<F18>          13,029                                  13,029
    600                       600       Apple Computer, Inc.* <F18>                  8,700                                   8,700
    400                       400       Applera Corp.                                7,320                                   7,320
  2,700                     2,700       Applied Materials, Inc.* <F18>              31,185                                  31,185
    500                       500       Applied Micro Circuits Corp.* <F18>          1,430                                   1,430
  1,100                     1,100       Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.                  13,761                                  13,761
    100                       100       Ashland Inc.                                 2,679                                   2,679
  6,500                     6,500       AT&T Corp.                                  78,065                                  78,065
  4,500                     4,500       AT&T Wireless Services Inc.* <F18>          18,540                                  18,540
    200                       200       Autodesk, Inc.                               2,534                                   2,534
  1,050                     1,050       Automatic Data Processing, Inc.             36,509                                  36,509
    200          550          750       AutoZone, Inc.* <F18>                       15,772        43,373                    59,145
    600                       600       Avaya Inc.* <F18>                              858                                     858
    200          850        1,050       Avery Dennison Corp.                        11,396        48,433                    59,829
    400                       400       Avon Products, Inc.                         18,440                                  18,440
    600                       600       Baker Hughes Inc.                           17,418                                  17,418
    100          650          750       Ball Corp.                                   5,039        32,754                    37,793
  2,600        5,000        7,600       Bank of America Corp.                      165,880       319,000                   484,880
  1,300                     1,300       The Bank of New York Co., Inc.              37,362                                  37,362
  2,000        4,000        6,000       Bank One Corp.                              74,800       149,600                   224,400
    100                       100       C.R. Bard, Inc.                              5,463                                   5,463
    100                       100       Bausch & Lomb Inc.                           3,317                                   3,317
  1,000                     1,000       Baxter International Inc.                   30,550                                  30,550
    800                       800       BB&T Corp.                                  28,032                                  28,032
    200        1,100        1,300       The Bear Stearns Companies Inc.             11,280        62,040                    73,320
    400                       400       Becton, Dickinson and Co.                   11,360                                  11,360
    500        1,425        1,925       Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.* <F18>               16,285        46,412                    62,697
  3,200                     3,200       BellSouth Corp.                             58,752                                  58,752
    100          550          650       Bemis Co., Inc.                              4,940        27,170                    32,110
    550                       550       Best Buy Co., Inc.* <F18>                   12,270                                  12,270
    200                       200       Big Lots, Inc.* <F18>                        3,166                                   3,166
    300                       300       Biogen, Inc.* <F18>                          8,781                                   8,781
    500                       500       Biomet, Inc.                                13,315                                  13,315
    300        1,200        1,500       BJ Services Co.* <F18>                       7,800        31,200                    39,000
    100                       100       The Black & Decker Corp.                     4,193                                   4,193
    400                       400       BMC Software, Inc.* <F18>                    5,228                                   5,228
  1,400                     1,400       The Boeing Co.                              47,782                                  47,782
    100                       100       Boise Cascade Corp.                          2,280                                   2,280
    700        2,950        3,650       Boston Scientific Corp.* <F18>              22,092        93,102                   115,194
  3,300                     3,300       Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.                    78,540                                  78,540
    400                       400       Broadcom Corp. - Class A*<F18>               4,272                                   4,272
    100                       100       Brown-Forman Corp. - Class B                 6,695                                   6,695
    200                       200       Brunswick Corp.                              4,208                                   4,208
    700                       700       Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp.          16,744                                  16,744
    300                       300       Burlington Resources Inc.                   11,508                                  11,508
    600                       600       Calpine Corp.* <F18>                         1,482                                   1,482
    700                       700       Campbell Soup Co.                           15,456                                  15,456
    400                       400       Capital One Financial Corp.                 13,968                                  13,968
    800                       800       Cardinal Health, Inc.                       49,760                                  49,760
  1,000                     1,000       Carnival Corp.                              25,100                                  25,100
    600                       600       Caterpillar Inc.                            22,332                                  22,332
  1,700                     1,700       Cendant Corp.* <F18>                        18,292                                  18,292
    100                       100       Centex Corp.                                 4,435                                   4,435
    200                       200       CenturyTel, Inc.                             4,486                                   4,486
    420        2,263        2,683       Charter One Financial, Inc.                 12,482        67,242                    79,724
  1,786                     1,786       ChevronTexaco Corp.                        123,680                                 123,680
    300                       300       Chiron Corp.* <F18>                         10,482                                  10,482
    300                       300       The Chubb Corp.                             16,449                                  16,449
    700                       700       CIENA Corp.* <F18>                           2,079                                   2,079
    200                       200       CIGNA Corp.                                 14,150                                  14,150
    300                       300       Cincinnati Financial Corp.                  10,674                                  10,674
    300                       300       Cinergy Corp.                                9,429                                   9,429
    300                       300       Cintas Corp.                                12,576                                  12,576
    300                       300       Circuit City Stores - Circuit City Group     4,545                                   4,545
 12,600        7,775       20,375       Cisco Systems, Inc.* <F18>                 132,048        81,482                   213,530
  8,800        4,275       13,075       Citigroup Inc.                             260,920       126,754                   387,674
    500                       500       Citizens Communications Co.* <F18>           3,390                                   3,390
    300                       300       Citrix Systems, Inc.* <F18>                  1,809                                   1,809
  1,050          875        1,925       Clear Channel Communications, Inc.* <F18>   36,487        30,406                    66,893
    350          775        1,125       The Clorox Co.                              14,063        31,140                    45,203
    200                       200       CMS Energy Corp.                             1,612                                   1,612
  4,300        3,375        7,675       The Coca-Cola Co.                          206,228       161,865                   368,093
    800                       800       Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc.                  16,992                                  16,992
    900                       900       Colgate-Palmolive Co.                       48,555                                  48,555
  1,600                     1,600       Comcast Corp. - Class A*<F18>               33,376                                  33,376
    300                       300       Comerica Inc.                               14,466                                  14,466
  1,000                     1,000       Computer Associates International, Inc.      9,600                                   9,600
    300                       300       Computer Sciences Corp.* <F18>               8,337                                   8,337
    600                       600       Compuware Corp.* <F18>                       1,830                                   1,830
    300                       300       Comverse Technology, Inc.* <F18>             2,097                                   2,097
    900        3,050        3,950       ConAgra Foods, Inc.                         22,365        75,793                    98,158
    900                       900       Concord EFS, Inc.* <F18>                    14,292                                  14,292
  1,214                     1,214       ConocoPhillips                              56,135                                  56,135
    400                       400       Consolidated Edison, Inc.                   16,088                                  16,088
    300                       300       Constellation Energy Group, Inc.             7,437                                   7,437
    300                       300       Convergys Corp.* <F18>                       4,509                                   4,509
    100                       100       Adolph Coors Co. - Class B                   5,630                                   5,630
    200                       200       Cooper Industries, Ltd. - Class A            6,070                                   6,070
    100                       100       Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.                     1,614                                   1,614
  1,600                     1,600       Corning Inc.* <F18>                          2,560                                   2,560
    800                       800       Costco Wholesale Corp.* <F18>               25,896                                  25,896
    200                       200       Countrywide Credit Industries, Inc.          9,430                                   9,430
    950                       950       Countrywide Financial Corp.                 44,793                                  44,793
    100                       100       Crane Co.                                    1,976                                   1,976
    400                       400       CSX Corp.                                   10,552                                  10,552
    100                       100       Cummins Inc.                                 2,362                                   2,362
    700                       700       CVS Corp.                                   17,745                                  17,745
    200                       200       Dana Corp.                                   2,616                                   2,616
    300                       300       Danaher Corp.                               17,055                                  17,055
    300                       300       Darden Restaurants, Inc.                     7,272                                   7,272
    400                       400       Deere & Co.                                 18,180                                  18,180
  4,500        5,200        9,700       Dell Computer Corp.* <F18>                 105,795       122,252                   228,047
  1,000                     1,000       Delphi Corp.                                 8,550                                   8,550
    200                       200       Delta Air Lines, Inc.                        1,858                                   1,858
    100                       100       Deluxe Corp.                                 4,506                                   4,506
    300                       300       Devon Energy Corp.                          14,475                                  14,475
    100                       100       Dillard's, Inc. - Class A                    2,018                                   2,018
  3,400                     3,400       The Walt Disney Co.                         51,476                                  51,476
    600                       600       Dollar General Corp.                         8,052                                   8,052
    500                       500       Dominion Resources, Inc.                    25,365                                  25,365
    200                       200       R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.                   4,702                                   4,702
    300                       300       Dover Corp.                                  7,614                                   7,614
  1,600                     1,600       The Dow Chemical Co.                        43,696                                  43,696
    100                       100       Dow Jones & Co., Inc.                        3,841                                   3,841
    300        1,150        1,450       DTE Energy Co.                              12,210        46,805                    59,015
  1,700                     1,700       E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.            61,319                                  61,319
  1,500                     1,500       Duke Energy Corp.                           29,325                                  29,325
    600                       600       Dynegy Inc. - Class A                          696                                     696
    100                       100       Eastman Chemical Co.                         3,817                                   3,817
    500                       500       Eastman Kodak Co.                           13,620                                  13,620
    100                       100       Eaton Corp.                                  6,374                                   6,374
    500          725        1,225       eBay Inc.* <F18>                            26,405        38,287                    64,692
    200                       200       Ecolab Inc.                                  8,346                                   8,346
    500                       500       Edison International*<F18>                   5,000                                   5,000
    945                       945       El Paso Corp.                                7,815                                   7,815
    200                       200       Electronic Arts Inc.* <F18>                 13,192                                  13,192
    800                       800       Electronic Data Systems Corp.               11,184                                  11,184
  3,700                     3,700       EMC Corp.* <F18>                            16,909                                  16,909
    700                       700       Emerson Electric Co.                        30,758                                  30,758
    200                       200       Engelhard Corp.                              4,766                                   4,766
    400                       400       Entergy Corp.                               16,640                                  16,640
    200                       200       EOG Resources, Inc.                          7,192                                   7,192
    200                       200       Equifax Inc.                                 4,348                                   4,348
    721                       721       Equity Office Properties Trust              18,616                                  18,616
    500                       500       Equity Residential                          11,970                                  11,970
    600                       600       Exelon Corp.                                28,500                                  28,500
 11,700        7,238       18,938       Exxon Mobil Corp.                          373,230       230,892                   604,122
    300                       300       Family Dollar Stores, Inc.                   8,064                                   8,064
  1,700                     1,700       Fannie Mae                                 101,218                                 101,218
    300                       300       Federated Department Stores, Inc.* <F18>     8,832                                   8,832
    500                       500       FedEx Corp.                                 25,035                                  25,035
  1,000                     1,000       Fifth Third Bancorp                         61,230                                  61,230
  1,300                     1,300       First Data Corp.                            36,335                                  36,335
    200                       200       First Tennessee National Corp.               6,934                                   6,934
    500                       500       FirstEnergy Corp.                           14,945                                  14,945
    300                       300       Fiserv, Inc.* <F18>                          8,424                                   8,424
  1,800                     1,800       FleetBoston Financial Corp.                 36,594                                  36,594
    100                       100       Fluor Corp.                                  2,444                                   2,444
  3,000                     3,000       Ford Motor Co.                              29,400                                  29,400
    300                       300       Forest Laboratories, Inc.* <F18>            24,603                                  24,603
    300          650          950       Fortune Brands, Inc.                        14,187        30,739                    44,926
    300                       300       FPL Group, Inc.                             16,140                                  16,140
    500                       500       Franklin Resources, Inc.                    15,550                                  15,550
  1,200                     1,200       Freddie Mac                                 67,080                                  67,080
    200                       200       Freeport-McMoRan Copper &
                                          Gold, Inc. - Class B*<F18>                 2,692                                   2,692
    500                       500       Gannett Co., Inc.                           36,090                                  36,090
  1,400                     1,400       The Gap, Inc.                               15,190                                  15,190
    500                       500       Gateway, Inc.* <F18>                         1,485                                   1,485
    300                       300       General Dynamics Corp.                      24,399                                  24,399
 17,100        7,825       24,925       General Electric Co.                       421,515       192,886                   614,401
    600                       600       General Mills, Inc.                         26,652                                  26,652
  1,000        1,425        2,425       General Motors Corp.                        38,900        55,432                    94,332
    300                       300       Genuine Parts Co.                            9,192                                   9,192
    400                       400       Genzyme Corp.* <F18>                         8,244                                   8,244
    400                       400       Georgia-Pacific Corp.                        5,236                                   5,236
  1,800        1,325        3,125       The Gillette Co.                            53,280        39,220                    92,500
    300                       300       Golden West Financial Corp.                 18,654                                  18,654
    800                       800       The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.               52,824                                  52,824
    200                       200       Goodrich Corp.                               3,776                                   3,776
    300                       300       The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.               2,667                                   2,667
    200                       200       W.W. Grainger, Inc.                          8,510                                   8,510
    100          400          500       Great Lakes Chemical Corp.                   2,402         9,608                    12,010
    500                       500       Guidant Corp.* <F18>                        16,155                                  16,155
    300        1,350        1,650       H&R Block, Inc.                             12,603        56,714                    69,317
    600                       600       H.J. Heinz Co.                              20,022                                  20,022
    700                       700       Halliburton Co.                              9,037                                   9,037
    500                       500       Harley-Davidson, Inc.                       23,225                                  23,225
    200                       200       Harrah's Entertainment, Inc.* <F18>          9,642                                   9,642
    400                       400       The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. 16,400                                  16,400
    300                       300       Hasbro, Inc.                                 3,339                                   3,339
    200                       200       Hercules Inc.* <F18>                         1,842                                   1,842
    200                       200       Hershey Foods Corp.                         12,410                                  12,410
  5,207                     5,207       Hewlett-Packard Co.                         60,766                                  60,766
    600                       600       Hilton Hotels Corp.                          6,828                                   6,828
  4,000                     4,000       The Home Depot, Inc.                       104,400                                 104,400
  1,400                     1,400       Honeywell International Inc.                30,324                                  30,324
    800                       800       Household International, Inc.               22,648                                  22,648
    300                       300       Humana Inc.* <F18>                           3,720                                   3,720
    400                       400       Huntington Bancshares Inc.                   7,276                                   7,276
    500          650        1,150       Illinois Tool Works Inc.                    29,165        37,914                    67,079
    500                       500       IMS Health Inc.                              7,485                                   7,485
    300                       300       Ingersoll-Rand Co.                          10,332                                  10,332
 11,500        8,025       19,525       Intel Corp.                                159,735       111,467                   271,202
  2,900        1,475        4,375       International Business Machines Corp.      169,331        86,125                   255,456
    200                       200       International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.      6,370                                   6,370
    200                       200       International Game Technology*<F18>         13,828                                  13,828
    800        1,400        2,200       International Paper Co.                     26,712        46,746                    73,458
    600                       600       The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.     9,510                                   9,510
    400        1,675        2,075       Intuit Inc.* <F18>                          18,212        76,263                    94,475
    200          925        1,125       ITT Industries, Inc.                        12,466        57,655                    70,121
    300        1,775        2,075       Jabil Circuit, Inc.* <F18>                   4,434        26,234                    30,668
  2,200                     2,200       JDS Uniphase Corp.* <F18>                    4,286                                   4,286
    300                       300       Jefferson-Pilot Corp.                       12,030                                  12,030
    500                       500       John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.       13,900                                  13,900
  5,200                     5,200       Johnson & Johnson                          281,216                                 281,216
    200        1,125        1,325       Johnson Controls, Inc.                      15,364        86,422                   101,786
    200                       200       Jones Apparel Group, Inc.* <F18>             6,140                                   6,140
  3,400        2,150        5,550       J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.                     64,566        40,828                   105,394
    100          675          775       KB HOME                                      4,884        32,967                    37,851
    700                       700       Kellogg Co.                                 23,275                                  23,275
    150                       150       Kerr-McGee Corp.                             6,516                                   6,516
    700                       700       KeyCorp                                     17,479                                  17,479
    200                       200       KeySpan Corp.                                6,700                                   6,700
    850                       850       Kimberly-Clark Corp.                        48,144                                  48,144
    200                       200       Kinder Morgan, Inc.                          7,090                                   7,090
    400                       400       King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.* <F18>            7,268                                   7,268
    300                       300       KLA-Tencor Corp.* <F18>                      8,382                                   8,382
    100                       100       Knight-Ridder, Inc.                          5,641                                   5,641
    600        1,225        1,825       Kohl's Corp.* <F18>                         36,486        74,492                   110,978
  1,400                     1,400       The Kroger Co.* <F18>                       19,740                                  19,740
    300          950        1,250       Leggett & Platt, Inc.                        5,937        18,800                    24,737
    400                       400       Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.               19,620                                  19,620
    250                       250       Lexmark International, Inc.* <F18>          11,750                                  11,750
  1,900                     1,900       Eli Lilly and Co.                          105,146                                 105,146
    900                       900       Limited Brands                              12,906                                  12,906
    300                       300       Lincoln National Corp.                       9,165                                   9,165
    500                       500       Linear Technology Corp.                     10,360                                  10,360
    200                       200       Liz Claiborne, Inc.                          4,990                                   4,990
    800                       800       Lockheed Martin Corp.                       51,736                                  51,736
    300                       300       Loews Corp.                                 12,867                                  12,867
    200                       200       Louisiana-Pacific Corp.* <F18>               1,294                                   1,294
  1,300        2,600        3,900       Lowe's Companies, Inc.                      53,820       107,640                   161,460
    700                       700       LSI Logic Corp.* <F18>                       4,445                                   4,445
  6,100                     6,100       Lucent Technologies Inc.* <F18>              4,636                                   4,636
    200                       200       Manor Care, Inc.* <F18>                      4,496                                   4,496
    500                       500       Marathon Oil Corp.                          11,340                                  11,340
    400                       400       Marriott International, Inc. - Class A      11,596                                  11,596
    900        1,100        2,000       Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.            37,476        45,804                    83,280
    400                       400       Marshall & Ilsley Corp.                     11,156                                  11,156
    800                       800       Masco Corp.                                 15,640                                  15,640
    700                       700       Mattel, Inc.                                12,607                                  12,607
    600                       600       Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.* <F18>      14,856                                  14,856
    500                       500       The May Department Stores Co.               11,385                                  11,385
    100                       100       Maytag Corp.                                 2,318                                   2,318
    300                       300       MBIA Inc.                                   11,985                                  11,985
  2,150                     2,150       MBNA Corp.                                  39,517                                  39,517
    100                       100       McDermott International, Inc.* <F18>           613                                     613
  2,200                     2,200       McDonald's Corp.                            38,852                                  38,852
    300                       300       The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.             18,366                                  18,366
    500                       500       McKesson Corp.                              14,165                                  14,165
    300                       300       MeadWestvaco Corp.                           5,763                                   5,763
    400                       400       MedImmune, Inc.* <F18>                       8,368                                   8,368
  2,050        4,750        6,800       Medtronic, Inc.                             86,346       200,070                   286,416
    800                       800       Mellon Financial Corp.                      20,744                                  20,744
  3,850                     3,850       Merck & Co. Inc.                           175,984                                 175,984
    100                       100       Mercury Interactive Corp.* <F18>             1,716                                   1,716
    100                       100       Meredith Corp.                               4,305                                   4,305
  1,500                     1,500       Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.                   49,425                                  49,425
  1,200                     1,200       MetLife, Inc.                               27,312                                  27,312
    200                       200       MGIC Investment Corp.                        8,166                                   8,166
  1,000                     1,000       Micron Technology, Inc.* <F18>              12,370                                  12,370
  9,300        5,675       14,975       Microsoft Corp.* <F18>                     406,782       248,224                   655,006
    100                       100       Millipore Corp.                              3,179                                   3,179
    700                       700       Mirant Corp.* <F18>                          1,547                                   1,547
    300                       300       Molex Inc.                                   7,056                                   7,056
    500                       500       Monsanto Co.                                 7,645                                   7,645
    300        1,350        1,650       Moody's Corp.                               14,550        65,475                    80,025
  1,900                     1,900       Morgan Stanley                              64,372                                  64,372
  3,800        4,200        8,000       Motorola, Inc.                              38,684        42,756                    81,440
    200                       200       Nabors Industries, Ltd.* <F18>               6,550                                   6,550
  1,000                     1,000       National City Corp.                         28,530                                  28,530
    300                       300       National Semiconductor Corp.* <F18>          3,582                                   3,582
    100                       100       Navistar International Corp.* <F18>          2,168                                   2,168
    200                       200       NCR Corp.* <F18>                             3,960                                   3,960
    600                       600       Network Appliance, Inc.* <F18>               4,398                                   4,398
    300                       300       The New York Times Co. - Class A            13,635                                  13,635
    500        1,950        2,450       Newell Rubbermaid Inc.                      15,435        60,196                    75,631
    700                       700       Newmont Mining Corp.                        19,257                                  19,257
  1,500        4,400        5,900       Nextel Communications, Inc. - Class A*<F18> 11,325        33,220                    44,545
    100                       100       Nicor Inc.                                   2,820                                   2,820
    500                       500       NIKE, Inc. - Class B                        21,590                                  21,590
    400                       400       NiSource Inc.                                6,892                                   6,892
    200          950        1,150       Noble Corp.* <F18>                           6,200        29,450                    35,650
    200                       200       Nordstrom, Inc.                              3,588                                   3,588
    700                       700       Norfolk Southern Corp.                      14,133                                  14,133
    300                       300       North Fork BanCorp., Inc.                   11,352                                  11,352
    400                       400       Northern Trust Corp.                        15,088                                  15,088
    200                       200       Northrop Grumman Corp.                      24,808                                  24,808
    600                       600       Novell, Inc.* <F18>                          1,260                                   1,260
    200                       200       Novellus Systems, Inc.* <F18>                4,162                                   4,162
    100                       100       Nucor Corp.                                  3,790                                   3,790
    300                       300       NVIDIA Corp.* <F18>                          2,568                                   2,568
    600        2,550        3,150       Occidental Petroleum Corp.                  17,028        72,369                    89,397
    500                       500       Office Depot, Inc.* <F18>                    6,170                                   6,170
    300                       300       Omnicom Group Inc.                          16,704                                  16,704
  9,400        4,200       13,600       Oracle Corp.* <F18>                         73,884        33,012                   106,896
    150                       150       PACCAR Inc.                                  5,068                                   5,068
    300        2,125        2,425       Pactiv Corp.* <F18>                          4,935        34,956                    39,891
    200                       200       Pall Corp.                                   3,158                                   3,158
    400                       400       Parametric Technology Corp.* <F18>             720                                     720
    200                       200       Parker-Hannifin Corp.                        7,642                                   7,642
    625                       625       Paychex, Inc.                               15,169                                  15,169
    400                       400       J. C. Penney Co., Inc.                       6,368                                   6,368
    100                       100       Peoples Energy Corp.                         3,369                                   3,369
    500                       500       PeopleSoft, Inc.* <F18>                      6,185                                   6,185
    450                       450       The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.              10,530                                  10,530
  3,050                     3,050       PepsiCo, Inc.                              112,698                                 112,698
    200                       200       PerkinElmer, Inc.                            1,090                                   1,090
 10,700                    10,700       Pfizer Inc.                                310,514                                 310,514
    700                       700       PG&E Corp.* <F18>                            7,882                                   7,882
    200                       200       Phelps Dodge Corp.* <F18>                    5,126                                   5,126
  3,700                     3,700       Philip Morris Companies Inc.               143,560                                 143,560
    100                       100       Pinnacle West Capital Corp.                  2,776                                   2,776
    400                       400       Pitney Bowes Inc.                           12,196                                  12,196
    300                       300       Plum Creek Timber Co., Inc.                  6,783                                   6,783
    300                       300       PMC-Sierra, Inc.* <F18>                      1,164                                   1,164
    500                       500       PNC Financial Services Group                21,085                                  21,085
    100                       100       Power-One, Inc.* <F18>                         298                                     298
    300          500          800       PPG Industries, Inc.                        13,410        22,350                    35,760
    300                       300       PPL Corp.                                    9,762                                   9,762
    300                       300       Praxair, Inc.                               15,333                                  15,333
    600                       600       Principal Financial Group, Inc.* <F18>      15,708                                  15,708
  2,200        2,150        4,350       The Procter & Gamble Co.                   196,636       192,167                   388,803
    400        1,500        1,900       Progress Energy, Inc.                       16,348        61,305                    77,653
    400                       400       The Progressive Corp.                       20,252                                  20,252
    500                       500       Providian Financial Corp.* <F18>             2,450                                   2,450
  1,000                     1,000       Prudential Financial, Inc.* <F18>           28,560                                  28,560
    400                       400       Public Service Enterprise Group Inc.        12,200                                  12,200
    100                       100       Pulte Homes, Inc.                            4,263                                   4,263
    200        1,050        1,250       QLogic Corp.* <F18>                          5,208        27,342                    32,550
  1,300                     1,300       QUALCOMM Inc.* <F18>                        35,906                                  35,906
    200                       200       Quintiles Transnational Corp.* <F18>         1,902                                   1,902
  2,800                     2,800       Qwest Communications
                                          International Inc.* <F18>                  6,384                                   6,384
    300                       300       RadioShack Corp.                             6,018                                   6,018
    300                       300       Rational Software Corp.* <F18>               1,296                                   1,296
    700                       700       Raytheon Co.                                20,510                                  20,510
    100                       100       Reebok International Ltd.* <F18>             2,505                                   2,505
    400                       400       Regions Financial Corp.                     13,068                                  13,068
    500                       500       Reliant Energy, Inc.* <F18>                  5,005                                   5,005
    200                       200       R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc.         8,064                                   8,064
    300                       300       Robert Half International Inc.* <F18>        4,761                                   4,761
    300                       300       Rockwell Automation, Inc.                    4,881                                   4,881
    300                       300       Rockwell Collins, Inc.                       6,582                                   6,582
    400                       400       Rohm and Haas Co.                           12,400                                  12,400
    200                       200       Rowan Companies, Inc.                        3,728                                   3,728
    200                       200       T. Rowe Price Group Inc.                     4,992                                   4,992
    100                       100       Ryder System, Inc.                           2,493                                   2,493
    200                       200       Sabre Holdings Corp.                         3,870                                   3,870
    200                       200       SAFECO Corp.                                 6,356                                   6,356
    800                       800       Safeway Inc.* <F18>                         17,840                                  17,840
    900                       900       Sanmina-SCI Corp.* <F18>                     2,493                                   2,493
  1,300                     1,300       Sara Lee Corp.                              23,777                                  23,777
  5,700                     5,700       SBC Communications Inc.                    114,570                                 114,570
  2,250                     2,250       The Charles Schwab Corp.                    19,575                                  19,575
  2,500                     2,500       Schering-Plough Corp.                       53,300                                  53,300
    950                       950       Schlumberger Ltd.                           36,537                                  36,537
    300                       300       Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.                     3,753                                   3,753
    100                       100       Sealed Air Corp.* <F18>                      1,689                                   1,689
    500                       500       Sears, Roebuck and Co.                      19,500                                  19,500
    400                       400       Sempra Energy                                7,860                                   7,860
    300                       300       The Sherwin-Williams Co.                     7,104                                   7,104
    800                       800       Siebel Systems, Inc.* <F18>                  4,600                                   4,600
    150        1,250        1,400       Sigma-Aldrich Corp.                          7,391        61,588                    68,979
    300        1,350        1,650       Simon Property Group, Inc.                  10,719        48,236                    58,955
    300          750        1,050       SLM Corp.                                   27,942        69,855                    97,797
    100                       100       Snap-on Inc.                                 2,298                                   2,298
  1,400                     1,400       Solectron Corp.* <F18>                       2,954                                   2,954
  1,200        2,775        3,975       The Southern Co.                            34,536        79,864                   114,400
    600                       600       SouthTrust Corp.                            14,550                                  14,550
  1,300                     1,300       Southwest Airlines Co.                      16,978                                  16,978
  1,800                     1,800       Sprint Corp. - PCS Group*<F18>               3,528                                   3,528
  1,600                     1,600       Sprint Corp. - FON Group                    14,592                                  14,592
    100                       100       The Stanley Works                            3,267                                   3,267
    800                       800       Staples, Inc.* <F18>                        10,232                                  10,232
    700                       700       Starbucks Corp.* <F18>                      14,448                                  14,448
    300                       300       Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.    6,690                                   6,690
    600                       600       State Street Corp.                          23,184                                  23,184
    400                       400       Stilwell Financial, Inc.                     4,828                                   4,828
    300        2,100        2,400       St. Jude Medical, Inc.* <F18>               10,710        74,970                    85,680
    400                       400       The St. Paul Companies, Inc.                11,488                                  11,488
    300        1,150        1,450       Stryker Corp.                               17,280        66,240                    83,520
  5,600                     5,600       Sun Microsystems, Inc.* <F18>               14,504                                  14,504
    500                       500       SunGard Data Systems Inc.* <F18>             9,725                                   9,725
    100                       100       Sunoco, Inc.                                 3,016                                   3,016
    500                       500       SunTrust Banks, Inc.                        30,740                                  30,740
    200                       200       SUPERVALU INC.                               3,230                                   3,230
    400                       400       Symbol Technologies, Inc.                    3,068                                   3,068
    500                       500       Synovus Financial Corp.                     10,310                                  10,310
  1,100        1,675        2,775       Sysco Corp.                                 31,229        47,553                    78,782
  1,600        1,750        3,350       Target Corp.                                47,232        51,660                    98,892
    300                       300       TECO Energy, Inc.                            4,764                                   4,764
    200                       200       Tektronix, Inc.* <F18>                       3,286                                   3,286
    700                       700       Tellabs, Inc.* <F18>                         2,849                                   2,849
    100                       100       Temple-Inland Inc.                           3,863                                   3,863
    300                       300       Teradyne, Inc.* <F18>                        2,880                                   2,880
  3,000                     3,000       Texas Instruments Inc.                      44,310                                  44,310
    200                       200       Textron, Inc.                                6,820                                   6,820
    300                       300       Thermo Electron Corp.* <F18>                 4,839                                   4,839
    100                       100       Thomas & Betts Corp.* <F18>                  1,409                                   1,409
    300                       300       Tiffany & Co.                                6,429                                   6,429
    900        1,675        2,575       The TJX Companies, Inc.                     15,300        28,475                    43,775
    200                       200       TMP Worldwide Inc.* <F18>                    1,800                                   1,800
    200                       200       Torchmark Corp.                              6,852                                   6,852
    400                       400       Toys "R" Us, Inc.* <F18>                     4,072                                   4,072
    500                       500       Transocean Inc.                             10,400                                  10,400
  1,681                     1,681       Travelers Property Casualty
                                          Corp. - Class B*<F18>                     22,744                                  22,744
    500                       500       Tribune Co.                                 20,905                                  20,905
    200                       200       TRW Inc.                                    11,710                                  11,710
    100                       100       Tupperware Corp.                             1,662                                   1,662
    500          875        1,375       TXU Corp.                                   20,855        36,496                    57,351
  3,300                     3,300       Tyco International Ltd.                     46,530                                  46,530
    400        1,825        2,225       Union Pacific Corp.                         23,148       105,613                   128,761
    300                       300       Union Planters Corp.                         8,238                                   8,238
    600                       600       Unisys Corp.* <F18>                          4,200                                   4,200
  1,900        1,350        3,250       United Parcel Service, Inc. - Class B      118,807        84,416                   203,223
    200                       200       United States Steel Corp.                    2,322                                   2,322
    800                       800       United Technologies Corp.                   45,192                                  45,192
    500                       500       UnitedHealth Group Inc.                     43,610                                  43,610
    400                       400       Univision Communications
                                          Inc. - Class A*<F18>                       9,120                                   9,120
    400                       400       Unocal Corp.                                12,556                                  12,556
    400                       400       UnumProvident Corp.                          8,140                                   8,140
  3,300                     3,300       U.S. Bancorp                                61,314                                  61,314
    300                       300       UST Inc.                                     8,463                                   8,463
    700                       700       VERITAS Software Corp.* <F18>               10,269                                  10,269
  4,637        3,575        8,212       Verizon Communications Inc.                127,239        98,098                   225,337
    200                       200       V. F. Corp.                                  7,196                                   7,196
  3,000                     3,000       Viacom Inc. - Class B*<F18>                121,650                                 121,650
    200                       200       Visteon Corp.                                1,894                                   1,894
    200                       200       Vulcan Materials Co.                         7,232                                   7,232
  2,400                     2,400       Wachovia Corp.                              78,456                                  78,456
  1,800        4,300        6,100       Walgreen Co.                                55,368       132,268                   187,636
  7,600                     7,600       Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                      374,224                                 374,224
  1,695                     1,695       Washington Mutual, Inc.                     53,342                                  53,342
  1,100                     1,100       Waste Management, Inc.                      25,652                                  25,652
    200                       200       Waters Corp.* <F18>                          4,850                                   4,850
    200                       200       Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.* <F18>          4,902                                   4,902
    200                       200       WellPoint Health Networks Inc.* <F18>       14,660                                  14,660
  2,900        2,900        5,800       Wells Fargo & Co.                          139,664       139,664                   279,328
    200                       200       Wendy's International, Inc.                  6,622                                   6,622
    400                       400       Weyerhaeuser Co.                            17,508                                  17,508
    100                       100       Whirlpool Corp.                              4,586                                   4,586
    800                       800       The Williams Companies, Inc.                 1,808                                   1,808
    200                       200       Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.                      2,624                                   2,624
    100        1,050        1,150       Worthington Industries, Inc.                 1,870        19,635                    21,505
    400        1,800        2,200       Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.                         19,796        89,082                   108,878
    700                       700       Xcel Energy, Inc.                            6,517                                   6,517
  1,300                     1,300       Xerox Corp.* <F18>                           6,435                                   6,435
    600                       600       Xilinx, Inc.* <F18>                          9,503                                   9,503
    200                       200       XL Capital Ltd. - Class A                   14,700                                  14,700
  1,000        2,300        3,300       Yahoo! Inc.* <F18>                           9,570        22,011                    31,581
    500                       500       Yum! Brands, Inc.* <F18>                    13,855                                  13,855
    300        1,800        2,100       Zimmer Holdings, Inc.* <F18>                11,502        69,012                    80,514
    200                       200       Zions BanCorp.                               8,706                                   8,706

                                        TOTAL COMMON STOCK
                                        (cost $24,588,255)                      12,645,658     6,277,592           -    18,923,250
                                                                               -----------    ----------   ---------   -----------

                                        TOTAL INVESTMENTS  -  99.0% (p)<F19>
                                        (cost $24,588,255)                      12,645,658     6,277,592           -    18,923,250
                                                                               -----------    ----------   ---------   -----------

                                        OTHER ASSETS, LESS
                                        LIABILITIES  -  1.0% (p)<F19>               54,650       134,361           -       189,011
                                                                               -----------    ----------   ---------   -----------

                                        TOTAL NET ASSETS  -  100.00% (p)<F19>  $12,700,308    $6,411,953           -   $19,112,261
                                                                               -----------    ----------   ---------   -----------
                                                                               -----------    ----------   ---------   -----------

  *<F18>   Non-income producing security.

(p)<F19>   This percentage represents a percentage of the pro forma combined
           net assets of the surviving fund.

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2002


     The Catholic Equity Fund (the "Equity Fund") is a separate, diversified
series of The Catholic Funds, Inc. (the "Company") and The Catholic Values
Investment Trust Equity Fund (the "CVIT Fund") is a separate, diversified series
of the Catholic Values Investment Trust (the "Trust"), which are registered as
open-end management investment companies under the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended.  The Equity Fund was created at the close of business on April
2, 2002 when the three original Catholic Equity Funds reor-ganized to form the
single equity fund.  The Catholic Disciplined Capital Appreciation Fund was
deemed to be the accounting survivor of the reorganization and its accounting
history is therefore included in the pro forma combined Statement of Operations
for the period October 1, 2001 through April 2, 2002.

     The unaudited pro forma combined Statement of Assets and Liabilities,
Statement of Operations, and Schedule of Investments reflect the accounts of the
Equity Fund and the CVIT Fund as if the proposed reorganization occurred as of
and for the year ended September 30, 2002.  These statements have been derived
from books and records utilized in calculating daily net asset value at
September 30, 2002.  The Equity Fund will be the ac-counting survivor of the

     The reorganization involves the transfer of substantially all of the assets
and stated liabilities of the CVIT Fund to the Equity Fund in exchange for
shares of common stock of the Equity Fund, and the pro rata distribution of such
shares of the Equity Fund to the shareholders of the CVIT Fund, as provided in
the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization.  Shareholders of the Individual Shares
of the CVIT Fund would receive Class C Shares of the Equity Fund and
shareholders of Institutional Service Shares of the CVIT Fund would re-ceive
Class I Shares of the Equity Fund.  The reorganization is intended to qualify as
a tax-free reorganization so that shareholders of the CVIT Fund will not
recognize any gain or loss through the exchange of shares in the reorganization.


     The following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently
followed by the Funds in preparation of their financial statements.  These
policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America (i.e., GAAP).


         Securities traded over-the-counter or on a national securities exchange
are val-ued on the basis of market value in their principal and most
representative market.  Se-curities where the principal and most representative
market is a national securities ex-change are valued at the latest reported sale
price on such exchange that day.  Exchange-traded securities for which there
were no transactions that day are valued at the latest bid prices.  Securities
traded on only over-the-counter markets are valued at the latest bid prices.
Debt securities (other than short-term obligations) are valued at prices
furnished by a pricing service, subject to review by the Funds' Adviser.  Short-
term obligations (maturing within 60 days) are valued on an amortized cost
basis, which approximates market value.  Securities for which quotations are not
readily available and other assets are valued at fair value as determined in
good faith by the Adviser under the supervision of the board of di-rectors.


         The Funds intend to comply with the requirements of Subchapter M of the
In-ternal Revenue Code necessary to qualify as regulated investment companies
and to make the requisite distributions of income and capital gains to their
shareholders sufficient to relieve it from all or substantially all federal
income tax.  Therefore, no federal income tax provision has been recorded.

     C)  OTHER

         Investment transactions are accounted for on the trade date.  Dividend
in-come and distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.
However, if the ex-dividend date has passed, certain dividends from foreign
securities are recorded as the Fund is informed of the ex-dividend date.  Income
and realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments are allocated to each
class of shares based on its relative net assets.  All discounts and premiums
are amortized on the effective interest method for tax and fi-nancial reporting

         The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabili-ties at the date of the financial
statements, and the reported amounts of increases and de-creases in net assets
from operations during the reporting period.  Actual results could dif-fer from
those estimates.


     Catholic Financial Services Corporation (the "Adviser") will continue to
serve as the Equity Fund's investment adviser after the reorganization.  Mellon
Equity Associates, LLP (the "Sub-Adviser") will continue to serve as the Equity
Fund's sub-adviser after the reor-ganization.  U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC
(the "Administrator") will continue to serve as the administrator, transfer
agent and fund accountant to the Equity Fund after the reorgani-zation.  U.S.
Bank, N.A. will continue to serve as the custodian to the Equity Fund after the
reorganization.  Catholic Financial Services Corporation will continue to act as
the distribu-tor to the Equity Fund after the reorganization.


     Each of the Funds has entered into an agreement with its investment
adviser, with whom certain officers and directors of the Funds are affiliated,
to furnish investment advi-sory services to the Funds.  The terms of these
agreements are as follows:

     The Equity Fund pays the Adviser a monthly fee at the annual rate of 0.50%
of the Fund's average daily net assets.  Pursuant to an expense cap agreement,
the Adviser agreed to waive its management fee and/or reimburse the Fund's
operating expenses (exclusive of brokerage, interest, taxes and extraordinary
expenses) to ensure that the Fund's operating expenses do not exceed 0.95%,
1.20% and 0.70% of the average daily net assets of the Equity Fund - Class A,
Class C and Class I shares, respectively.  The Equity Fund - Class A's operating
expense for the year ended September 30, 2002 is a blended rate due to the ac-
counting history of the Disciplined Capital Appreciation Fund carrying over to
the Equity Fund.  For the period October 1, 2001 to April 2, 2002, the
Disciplined Capital Appreciation Fund had an expense cap of 1.75% of the Fund's
average daily net assets.  The expense cap agreement terminates on September 30,

     Under the terms of the CVIT Fund's investment advisory agreement with
Wright Investors' Service, Inc. ("Wright"), the CVIT Fund pays Wright based upon
a percentage of average daily net assets which rate is adjusted as average daily
net assets exceed certain levels.  For the twelve months ended September 30,
2002, the effective annual rate was 0.75%.  To reduce the net loss of the CVIT
Fund, $113,928 of expenses were allocated to the investment adviser and Wright
waived $263 of its fee.  In addition $35,325 of distribu-tion fees were waived
by the CVIT Fund.

     The Funds have adopted Distribution Plans (the "Plans") pursuant to Rule
12b-1 un-der the Investment Company Act of 1940.  The Plans authorize the
Company and the Trust to use annually 0.25% and 0.75% of the net assets for the
Equity Fund - Class A Shares and Class C Shares, respectively, and 0.25% and
0.75% of the net assets for the CVIT Fund - Individual Shares and Institutional
Service Shares, respectively, to finance certain activities relating to the
distribution of shares to investors.


     The share reconciliation includes an increase in the combined shares
outstanding due to the fact that, at September 30, 2002, the net asset value per
share of the Equity Fund - Class C ($6.48) was lower than the CVIT Fund -
Individual Shares ($7.58), and the net asset value per share of the Equity Fund
- - Class I ($6.49) was lower than the CVIT Fund - Institutional Service Shares
($7.78).  The pro forma number of shares outstanding consists of the following:

                                         Shares Outstanding       Additional Shares
                                                 At                     issued            Pro Forma Shares at
                                         September 30, 2002     in the Reorganization      September 30, 2002
                                         ------------------     ---------------------      ------------------
The Catholic Equity Fund - Class C                 530                 442,147                   442,677
The Catholic Equity Fund - Class I           1,514,717                 546,599                 2,061,316

6.   Merger Costs

     Each Fund will bear its own expenses incurred in connection with the
reorganiza-tion, including any legal and accounting and financial advisers'
fees.  However, the Funds' advisers have agreed to pay the costs, fees and
expenses of filing the Registration State-ment, printing and mailing the Proxy
Statement/Prospectus and related proxy materials, so-liciting the approval of
the CVIT Fund shareholders and conducting the meeting, and to pay the legal and
accounting fees incurred by the Company and the Trust in connection with the

                            THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.
                              CATHOLIC EQUITY FUND

Part C.  Other Information

Item 15. Indemnification

         Article  IX of the Registrant's  Bylaws provide indemnification  rights
         of its directors and officers, as set forth below:

         Section  9.1.  Indemnification  of Officers,  Directors, Employees  and
         ------------   --------------------------------------------------------
         Agents.  The Corporation shall indemnify each person who was or is a
         party  or is threatened to be made  a party to any threatened,  pending
         or  completed  action, suit  or  proceeding, whether  civil,  criminal,
         administrative  or investigative ("Proceeding"), by reason of the  fact
         that  he  is or  was a  Director,  officer, employee  or agent  of  the
         Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation  as
         a  Director,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of  another   corporation,
         partnership,  joint venture,  trust or  other enterprise,  against  all
         expenses  (including  attorneys' fees),  judgments, fines  and  amounts
         paid  in  settlement  actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by  him   in
         connection  with such  Proceeding to  the fullest  extent permitted  by
         law; provided that:

          (a)  Whether or  not there  is an  adjudication of  liability in  such
               Proceeding, the Corporation  shall not indemnify  any person  for
               any  liability  arising  by  reason  of  such  person's   willful
               misfeasance, bad faith, gross  negligence, or reckless  disregard
               of the duties involved in the conduct of his office or under  any
               contract or agreement with the Corporation ("disabling conduct");

          (b)  The Corporation shall not indemnify any person unless:

               (1)  The court  or other  body before  which the  Proceeding  was
                    brought (i) dismisses  the Proceeding  for insufficiency  of
                    evidence of any disabling  conduct, or (ii) reaches a  final
                    decision on the merits  that such person  was not liable  by
                    reason of disabling conduct; or

               (2)  Absent such a decision, a reasonable determination is  made,
                    based upon  a review  of the  facts, by  (i) the vote  of  a
                    majority of a quorum of the Directors of the Corporation who
                    are neither interested persons of the Corporation as defined
                    in the Investment  Company Act of  1940 nor  parties to  the
                    Proceeding, or  (ii) if such  quorum is  not obtainable,  or
                    even if obtainable, if a majority  of a quorum of  Directors
                    described  in  paragraph  (b)(2)(i)  above  so  directs,  by
                    independent legal counsel  in a written  opinion, that  such
                    person was not liable by reason of disabling conduct.

               Expenses (including  attorneys'  fees) incurred  in  defending  a
               Proceeding will  be paid  by the  Corporation in  advance of  the
               final disposition thereof upon an  undertaking by such person  to
               repay such expenses (unless it  is ultimately determined that  he
               is entitled to indemnification), if:

               (1) Such person  shall provide  adequate security for his  under-

               (2) The Corporation shall be  insured  against losses arising  by
                   reason of such advance; or

               (3) A  majority of a quorum of  the Directors of the  Corporation
                   who are neither interested persons of the Corporation as  de-
                   fined  in the Investment Company Act  of 1940 nor parties  to
                   the  Proceeding, or independent  legal counsel  in a  written
                   opinion,  shall  determine,  based on  a  review  of  readily
                   available  facts, that there is  reason to believe that  such
                   person will be found to be entitled to indemnification.

         Section 9.2. Insurance of Officers, Directors, Employees and Agents.
         -----------  ------------------------------------------------------
         The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any
         person who is or was a Director, officer, employee or agent of the
         Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as
         a Director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
         partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any
         liability asserted against him and incurred by him in or arising out
         of his position.  However, in no event will the Corporation purchase
         insurance to indemnify any such person for any act for which the
         Corporation itself is not permitted to indemnify him.

         Insofar as indemnification for liability arising under the Securities
         Act of 1933 may be permitted to directors, officers and controlling
         persons of the Registrant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or
         otherwise, the Registrant has been advised that in the opinion of the
         Securities and Exchange Commission such indemnification is against
         public policy as expressed in the Act and is, therefore,
         unenforceable.  In the event that a claim for indemnification against
         such liabilities (other than the payment by the Registrant of expenses
         incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person of the
         Registrant in the successful defense of any action, suit or
         proceeding) is asserted by such director, officer or controlling
         person in connection with the securities being registered, the
         Registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel, the matter has
         been settled by controlling precedent, submit to a court of appropri-
         ate jurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is
         against public policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by
         the final adjudication of such issue.

Item 16.  Exhibits

     See Exhibit Index following the Signature Page of this Registration
Statement, which Exhibit Index is incorporated herein by this reference.

Item 17.  Undertakings

     (1)  The Registrant agrees that prior to any public reoffering of the
          securities registered through the use of a prospectus which is a part
          of this registration statement by any person or party who is deemed to
          be an underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities
          Act, the reoffering prospectus will contain the information called for
          by the applicable registration form for reofferings by persons who may
          be deemed underwriters, in addition to the information called for by
          the other items of the applicable form.

     (2)  The Registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed under
          paragraph (1) above will be filed as a part of an amendment to the
          registrant statement and will not be used until the amendment is
          effective, and that, in determining any liability under the Securities
          Act, each post-effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new
          registration statement for the securities offered therein, and the
          offering of the securities at that time shall be deemed to be the
          initial bona fide offering of them.

     Registrant undertakes that it will file, by post-effective amendment, an
opinion of counsel supporting the tax consequences of the Reorganization within
a reasonable time after receipt of such opinion.


     As required by the Securities Act  of 1933, this Registration Statement  on
Form N-14 has been signed on behalf of the Registrant, in the City of Milwaukee,
and State of Wisconsin, on the 20th day of March, 2003.

                                   THE CATHOLIC FUNDS, INC.

                                  By:   /s/ Theodore F. Zimmer
                                        Theodore F. Zimmer, President and CEO

     As required by the Securities Act  of 1933, this Registration Statement  on
Form N-14 has  been signed  on this 20th  day of  March, 2003  by the  following
persons in the capacities indicated.

Signature                          Title
- ---------                          -----

/s/ Daniel J. Steininger           Chairman of the Board and Director
- ------------------------------
Daniel J. Steininger

/s/ Allan G. Lorge                 President and Chief Executive Officer
- ------------------------------     (Principal Executive and Financial Officer)
Allan G. Lorge

/s/ Mark K. Forbord                Controller (Principal Accounting Officer)
- ------------------------------
Mark K. Forbord

/s/ Thomas A. Bausch               Director
- ------------------------------
Thomas A. Bausch

/s/ J. Michael Borden              Director
- ------------------------------
J. Michael Borden

/s/ Daniel R. Doucette             Director
- ------------------------------
Daniel R. Doucette

/s/  Thomas J. Munninghoff         Director
- ------------------------------
Thomas J. Munninghoff

/s/  Conrad L. Sobczak             Director
- ------------------------------
Conrad L. Sobczak

                          CATHOLIC EQUITY FUNDS, INC.

                                 EXHIBIT INDEX
                      REGISTRATION STATEMENT ON FORM N-14

- ------      -----------
(1)(a)      Articles of Incorporation*<F7>

(1)(b)      Articles of Amendment*<F7>

(1)(c)      Articles Supplementary*<F7>

(2)         By-Laws*<F7>

(3)         None

(4)         Agreement  and Plan of Reorganization  (included as Appendix  A to
            the   Proxy   Statement/Prospectus,   which   is  part   of   this
            Registration Statement on Form N-14)

(5)         None

(6)(a)      Investment  Advisory Agreement  with  Catholic Financial  Services

(6)(b)      Sub-Advisory Agreement with  Mellon Equity Associates, LLP for the
            Catholic Equity Fund*<F7>

(7)(a)      Distribution Agreement*<F7>

(7)(c)      Form of Selected Dealer Letter Agreement*<F7>

(8)         None

(9)         Custodian Servicing Agreement *<F7>

(10)(a)     Distribution Plan*<F7>

(10)(b)     Rule 18f-3 Operating Plan*<F7>

(11)        Opinion  of Counsel  regarding  the legality  of securities  being
            registered, and Consent of Counsel

(12)        Opinion of Counsel  regarding certain tax matters and consequences
            to  shareholders,   and  Consent  of  Counsel**<F8>     (Draft  is

(13)(a)     Transfer Agency Servicing Agreement*<F7>

(13)(b)     Fund Accounting Servicing Agreement*<F7>

(13)(c)     Fulfillment Servicing Agreement*<F7>

(13)(d)     Accounting/Pricing Agreement*<F7>

(14)(a)     Consent of  Independent Public Accountants (PricewaterhouseCoopers

(14)(b)     Consent of Independent Public Accountants (Deloitte & Touche LLP)

(15)        None

(16)        Power of Attorney

(17)        Form of Proxy

*<F7>   Previously filed as  part of the Registrant's Registration Statement  on
        Form N-1A  (Reg. No. 333-69803 and 1940 Act  File No. 811-09177), or  an
        amendment thereto, and incorporated herein by reference.
**<F8>  Final  opinion  to   be  filed  by  post-effective  amendment  to   this
        Registration Statement on Form N-14.