
Alternative Investment


JUNE 28, 2002



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Dear Interest Holder:
Enclosed is the report for the period from June 1, 2002 to June 28, 2002 for
World Monitor Trust--Series C ('Series C'). The net asset value of an interest
as of June 28, 2002 was $81.63, an increase of 8.41% from the May 31, 2002 value
of $75.30. The calendar year-to-date return for Series C was an increase of
9.32% as of June 28, 2002. Additionally, the return for the quarterly period
from March 30, 2002 to June 28, 2002 was an increase of 2.68%.

Quarterly Market Overview
Despite reports by the Federal Reserve Board (the 'Fed') indicating that overall
economic activity expanded at a moderate pace during the second quarter of 2002,
investor sentiment remained bleak. Most major U.S. equity indices reached new
lows as investor confidence worldwide was battered by reports of corporate
leadership misconduct and accounting irregularities. Continued uncertainty in
the Middle East and weaker than expected second quarter corporate earnings added
to investor uncertainty. The U.S. dollar fell against most major foreign
currencies during the quarter, while the price of interest rate instruments
rose. In the U.S., residential real estate markets generally remained robust,
but weakness persisted in most commercial markets. Retail sales were generally
flat and labor markets remained weak. Consumer spending and manufacturing
activity, which helped boost U.S. economic growth in previous quarters, remained
stagnant at a relatively high level. Additionally, continued softness in the
labor markets helped weaken consumer confidence. European and Asian economic
activity mirrored that of the U.S., but to a lesser extent.

Global equity markets moved sharply lower throughout the quarter as investor
confidence collapsed in response to concerns about accounting transparency at
some firms, heightened tension in the Middle East, and decreased corporate sales
and profits. This resulted in investors re-evaluating their outlook for a
near-term economic recovery. In the U.S., concerns that unannounced accounting
problems will eliminate expected corporate profits continued to keep equity
markets down. At quarter-end, the year-to-date returns for the S&P 500, the
NASDAQ and the London FTSE were -14%, -25% and -10.75%, respectively.

In bond markets, prices rose as interest rates fell in the U.S. on concerns
regarding a weak economic recovery and declines in the equity markets.
Additionally, declining equity markets led investors to switch allocations from
equity markets to fixed income markets, which are perceived as the current safe
haven for wealth. The Fed left interest rates unchanged at 1.75% in its two
meetings this quarter, declaring that its economic outlook for the near future
remained 'uncertain'. Other central banks, including the European Central Bank
and the Bank of Japan, generally followed the lead of the Fed leaving rates
unchanged and foreign bond markets rose as well.

In foreign exchange markets, the U.S. dollar moved sharply lower against most
major currencies throughout the quarter, falling to new lows against some
currencies. Weak U.S. economic growth in relation to other economies and
concerns regarding accounting irregularities in major U.S. corporations drove
the dollar downward. Additionally, the decline in U.S. equity markets and
investor confidence decreased the desire to hold U.S. assets driving the U.S.
dollar lower against the euro, British pound, Swiss franc and Japanese yen.

Gold and other precious metals soared throughout most of the quarter in response
to weaknesses in the U.S. dollar and global equity markets and instability in
the Middle East. Gold prices reversed at quarter-end as a result of profit
taking by traders and sentiment that the U.S. dollar would be supported by U.S.
and Japanese central banks.

Quarterly Performance of Series C

The following is a summary of performance for the major sectors in which Series
C traded:

Currencies (+): Long Japanese yen, British pound, euro and Swiss franc positions
resulted in gains as a weak U.S. economy and falling equity markets caused the
U.S. dollar to fall against these currencies.

Indices (+): Short positions in the euro DAX and Hong Kong Hang Seng resulted in
gains as equity indices fell amid concerns regarding U.S. economic recovery,
accounting irregularities and weaker than expected corporate earnings.

Energies (-): Energy prices declined amid increased U.S. supplies suggesting
ample supply for the summer season and anticipation that Russia would
discontinue output restrictions. Long crude oil and natural gas positions
incurred losses.

Interest rates (-): Global bond markets rose as interest rates declined during
the quarter in response to poor equity market performance. Short positions in
Japanese and European bonds incurred losses.

Softs (-): Cotton rallied as news of excessive rain and unseasonably cold
weather in China led to a reduction of the estimated cotton crop output. Short
cotton positions incurred losses.

The estimated net asset value per interest as of July 31, 2002 was $79.68. Past
performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Should you have any questions, please contact your Prudential Securities
Financial Advisor. For account status inquiries, contact Prudential Securities
Client Services at (212) 778-2443.

          Sincerely yours,

          Eleanor L. Thomas
          President and Director

Please note that the value which appears on your Prudential Securities statement
is an estimated value at calendar month-end. The actual value as of the last
Friday of the month is contained in this report.

- --------------------------------------------------------------
For the period from June 1, 2002 to
 June 28, 2002
Realized gain on commodity transactions...........    $486,940
Change in unrealized commodity positions..........     (25,226)
Interest income...................................       8,810
Commissions.......................................      32,303
Management fee....................................       8,354
Net gain..........................................    $429,867

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
For the period from June 1, 2002 to
 June 28, 2002

                                            Total       Interest
                                          ----------    -------
Net asset value at beginning of period
 (68,320.870 interests).................  $5,144,273    $ 75.30
Net gain................................     429,867
Redemptions.............................     (98,336)
Net asset value at end of period
 (67,076.778 interests).................  $5,475,804      81.63
Change in net asset
 value per interest.................................    $  6.33
Percentage change...................................       8.41%
- -------------------------------------------------------

I hereby affirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information
contained herein relating to World Monitor Trust--Series C is accurate and

                         PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES FUTURES
                                MANAGEMENT INC.

                               by: Steven Weinreb
                            Chief Financial Officer