<ARTICLE>           5
                    The Schedule contains summary financial 
                    information extracted from the financial
                    statements for Prutech Research and 
                    Development Partnership II and is qualified 
                    in its entirety by reference to such 
                    financial statements


<CIK>               0000774560
<NAME>              Prutech Research and Development Partnership II
<MULTIPLIER>        1

<FISCAL-YEAR-END>               Dec-31-1996

<PERIOD-START>                  Jan-1-1996

<PERIOD-END>                    Dec-31-1996

<PERIOD-TYPE>                   12-Mos

<CASH>                          4,718,876

<SECURITIES>                    20,078,870

<RECEIVABLES>                   0

<ALLOWANCES>                    0

<INVENTORY>                     0

<CURRENT-ASSETS>                24,797,746

<PP&E>                          0

<DEPRECIATION>                  0

<TOTAL-ASSETS>                  24,797,746<F1>

<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>           2,195,797<F1>

<BONDS>                         0


<PREFERRED>                     0

<COMMON>                        0

<OTHER-SE>                      22,601,949<F1>


<SALES>                         0

<TOTAL-REVENUES>                25,800,747<F1>

<CGS>                           0

<TOTAL-COSTS>                   0

<OTHER-EXPENSES>                3,936,997<F1>

<LOSS-PROVISION>                0

<INTEREST-EXPENSE>              0

<INCOME-PRETAX>                 0

<INCOME-TAX>                    0

<INCOME-CONTINUING>             0

<DISCONTINUED>                  0

<EXTRAORDINARY>                 0

<CHANGES>                       0

<NET-INCOME>                    21,863,750<F1>

<EPS-PRIMARY>                   196.77

<EPS-DILUTED>                   0

<F1>PruTech Research and Development Partnership II adopted the 
liquidation basis of accounting effective December 31, 1996. See 
Notes A and B to the financial statements for further details.