Exhibit 1

                      For the Quarter Ending March 31, 1994
                          For Release:  April 29, 1994
                   COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho -- Hecla Mining Company (HL & 
         HL-B:NYSE) reported a net loss Friday of $5.7 million on 
         revenue of $27.7 million for the first quarter of 1994.  After 
         a $2 million dividend to preferred shareholders, the company's 
         loss for the 1994 quarter amounted to $7.7 million, or 19 cents 
         per common share.  First quarter results were adversely 
         affected by approximately $2.2 million in nonrecurring merger-
         related costs resulting from the acquisition of Equinox 
         Resources Ltd. completed in March 1994 and initial start-up 
         costs totaling $1.7 million at the new La Choya gold mine in 
         Mexico.  The loss compares with $5.5 million, or 15 cents per 
         common share, for the same period in 1993.
                   Hecla's Chairman Arthur Brown said, "With expenses 
         related to the acquisition of Equinox and the start-up of La 
         Choya behind us, we expect improved earnings in the remainder 
         of 1994."  Brown said he's also encouraged by a report that a 
         silver shortage exists which bodes well for future silver 
         prices.  He noted, "New discoveries of silver ore at the Gold 
         Hunter and Greens Creek mines place Hecla in a position to 
         significantly expand its silver production in the future."  
         Brown added, "With production commencing this year at Hecla's 
         new La Choya and Grouse Creek gold operations, the company 
         expects to more than double its gold production."
                   In February, the company officially opened its first 
         operation outside the United States and Canada.  The La Choya 
         gold mine is located approximately 30 miles south of the U.S. 
         border in the state of Sonora, Mexico.  La Choya is an open 
         pit, heap leach mine with a carbon recovery plant.  Exploration 
         activities at La Choya have expanded proven and probable 
         reserves to 6.7 million tons grading .037 ounce of gold per 
         ton, or 244,300 contained ounces.  The new reserves have 
         extended the mine life from approximately 2-1/2 to four years.  
         Production at La Choya is expected to be 50,000 ounces of gold 
         in 1994.  At full production, the mine is expected to produce 
         63,000 ounces of gold annually.

          Contact Bill Booth, Manager -- Investor and Public Affairs
             6500 Mineral Drive . Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814-8788
                        208/769-4100 . FAX 208/769-4159

                   Also in Mexico, Hecla opened a processing plant on 
         March 12 to produce ball clay and kaolin slurries.  Hecla's K-T 
         Clay de Mexico S.A. de C.V. is located near Monterrey in the 
         state of Nuevo Leon.  The facility represents a $6.9 million 
         capital investment for the company.
                   On March 11, 1994, Hecla completed its acquisition of 
         Equinox Resources Ltd.  The key assets acquired are the Rosebud 
         gold project in Pershing County, Nevada, and a 47 percent 
         joint-venture interest in the American Girl gold mine in Impe-
         rial County, California.  As of December 31, 1993, the Rosebud 
         deposit contained 512,000 ounces of proven and probable gold 
         reserves and has significant exploration and development 
         potential.  Hecla intends to develop the Rosebud gold project 
         upon satisfactory completion of a feasibility study which is 
         expected to be finalized by late-1995.  Construction could 
         begin shortly thereafter, with production commencing as early 
         as the fourth quarter of 1996.  The feasibility study will 
         assess the property's potential to produce between 70,000 and 
         80,000 ounces of gold annually.
                   Hecla's share of the 1994 production from the Ameri-
         can Girl mine will be approximately 30,000 ounces of gold.  The 
         mine has sufficient ore reserves to last until mid-1995, when 
         mining is expected to start at the adjacent Oro Cruz gold 
         project.  Both are managed by MK Gold through a joint-venture 
         arrangement.  The Equinox acquisition also brings Hecla nearly 
         30 other exploration projects, most of which are being explored 
         by joint-venture partners in the United States, Canada and 
                   Hecla Mining Company has its headquarters in Coeur 
         d'Alene, Idaho.  During its 103-year history, Hecla has been a 
         leading U.S. producer of silver and lead, and more recently, a 
         significant supplier of gold and industrial minerals.

          Contact Bill Booth, Manager -- Investor and Public Affairs
                                (208) 769-4100

                                RESULTS IN BRIEF
         (dollars in thousands,                    First Quarter        
         except per-share amounts)         _____________________________
                                              1994               1993(1)
                                           __________         __________
         Total revenue                      $ 27,653           $ 23,930
         Net loss                             (5,650)            (5,458)
         Loss applicable to common
           shareholders                       (7,663)            (5,458)
         Loss per common share                 (0.19)             (0.15)
         Sale of products
           Gold operations                     7,858              7,379
           Silver operations                   2,585              4,091
           Industrial minerals                15,165             11,826
           Specialty metals                      732                483
             Total sales                      26,340             23,779
         Gross profit (loss)
           Gold operations                      (136)               317
           Silver operations                  (1,806)            (2,792)
           Industrial minerals                 1,100              1,230
           Specialty metals                     (109)              (101)
             Total gross profit (loss)          (951)            (1,346)
                               AVERAGE METAL PRICES
                                                   First Quarter        
                                              1994               1993   
                                           __________         __________
         Gold (per ounce)                    $ 384.00           $ 329.00
         Silver (per ounce)                      5.29               3.66
         Lead (per pound)                        0.22               0.19
         Zinc (per pound)                        0.44               0.47
         (1) Financial information and production data have been restated to 
             reflect the acquisition of Equinox Resources Ltd. accounted    
             for as a pooling of interests.

          Contact Bill Booth, Manager -- Investor and Public Affairs
                                (208) 769-4100

                               HECLA MINING COMPANY
                          SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                     (in thousands, except per-share amounts)
                                                  Three Months Ended      
         Income Statement Data:            March 31, 1994   March 31, 1993(1)
                                           ______________   ______________
             Sales of products                $ 26,340         $ 23,779
             Gross profit (loss)                  (951)          (1,346)
             General & administrative            4,559            1,754
             Exploration & research              2,108            1,174
             Depreciation & amortization           182              126
             Provision for closed opera-
               tions & environmental
               matters                             240              187
               Loss from operations             (8,040)          (4,587)
           Other income (expense):
             Interest and other income           1,314              151
             Gain (loss) on sale of
               investments                       1,328              (69)
             Miscellaneous income (expense)         --               (5)
             Interest expense:
               Total interest cost              (1,149)          (1,543)
               Less amount capitalized             965              665
           Loss before income taxes             (5,582)          (5,388)
           Income tax provision                    (68)             (70)
           Net loss                             (5,650)          (5,458)
           Dividends on preferred stock         (2,013)              --
           Loss applicable to common
             shareholders                       (7,663)          (5,458)
           Loss per common share                 (0.19)           (0.15)
           Weighted average number of
             common shares outstanding          40,341           36,264
           Common shares outstanding at
             end of period                      40,525           36,274
         Cash Flow Data:
           Cash flow to operations             (12,901)          (2,302)
           Cash, cash equivalents and
             short-term investments at
             end of period                      55,826            4,736

          Contact Bill Booth, Manager -- Investor and Public Affairs
                                (208) 769-4100

         Selected Balance Sheet Data:      March 31, 1994   Dec. 31, 1993(1)
                                           ______________   ______________
           Total current assets              $  98,435        $ 103,531
           Properties, plants and
             equipment, net                    226,311          229,055
           Total assets                        337,636          346,153
           Working capital                      77,474           81,223
           Total current liabilities            20,961           22,308
           Long-term debt                       51,008           50,009
           Total shareholders' equity          237,992          244,672

          Contact Bill Booth, Manager -- Investor and Public Affairs
                                (208) 769-4100

                                   PRODUCTION DATA
                                                  Three Months Ended      
                                           March 31, 1994   March 31, 1993(1)
                                           ______________   ______________
         Republic Unit
           Gold (oz.)                            9,352           11,359
           Silver (oz.)                         64,881           58,373
           Cash cost per oz. of gold           $   265          $   225
           Full cost per oz. of gold           $   329          $   284
         American Girl Unit
           Gold (oz.)                            7,343            9,369
           Silver (oz.)                          3,794            4,348
           Cash cost per oz. of gold           $   327          $   275
           Full cost per oz. of gold           $   355          $   364
         Lucky Friday Unit
           Silver (oz.)                        459,187          663,559
           Gold (oz.)                              234              254
           Lead (tons)                           4,967            6,145
           Zinc (tons)                             777            1,447
           Cash cost per oz. of silver         $  6.52          $  4.30
           Full cost per oz. of silver         $  7.79          $  5.42
         Greens Creek Unit
           Silver (oz.)                             --          429,860
           Gold (oz.)                               --            2,499
           Lead (tons)                              --            1,192
           Zinc (tons)                              --            3,171
           Cash cost per oz. of silver              --          $  4.92
           Full cost per oz. of silver              --          $  6.77
         Other Units (Cactus and La Choya)
           Gold (oz.)                            2,884            1,421
           Silver (oz.)                          4,693            6,693
         Total production and average costs
           Silver (oz.)                        532,555        1,162,833
           Gold (oz.)                           19,813           24,902
           Lead (tons)                           4,967            7,337
           Zinc (tons)                             777            4,618
           Average cash cost per oz. of gold   $   373          $   250
           Average full cost per oz. of gold   $   422          $   322
           Average cash cost per oz. of silver $  6.52          $  4.54
           Average full cost per oz. of silver $  7.79          $  5.95

          Contact Bill Booth, Manager -- Investor and Public Affairs
                                (208) 769-4100