THE PROPOSED
                         OF FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY
                           c/o The Baupost Group, Inc.
                                44 Brattle Street
                                 P.O. Box 389125
                            Cambridge, MA  02238-9125

                                       January 29, 1996



         Falcon Cable Systems Company
         10900 Wilshire Boulevard
         Los Angeles, California  90024


                   Thank you for meeting with us on December 19, 1995 to
         discuss preliminarily the concerns of certain holders ("Hold-
         ers") of units of limited partnership interest ("Unitholders")
         in Falcon Cable Systems Company (the "Partnership") regarding
         certain transactions between the Partnership and its affiliates
         proposed in connection with the scheduled termination of the
         Partnership on December 31, 1996 (the "Termination).  Following
         our December 19, 1995 meeting and in anticipation of your
         agreement set forth herein, the Holders identified on Annex A
         hereto preliminarily have determined to form an unofficial
         Unitholder oversight committee (the "Committee") in the near

                   The purpose of this letter is to confirm with you
         certain arrangements and matters which we discussed on December
         19, 1995 and January 19, 1996.  Specifically, you have agreed
         as follows:

                   1.   Counsel Fees.  In connection with the Commit-
         tee's proposed retention of Battle Fowler LLP regarding the
         Termination, the Partnership shall pay for fifty percent (50%)
         of the Committee's legal fees and disbursements, up to a maxi-
         mum amount to be paid by the Partnership of $50,000.

                   The Partnership hereby agrees to provide to Battle
         Fowler LLP a retainer of $50,000 (the "Retainer"), which Re-
         tainer (i) shall be deposited and held in an interest bearing
         trust account and (ii) shall be applied, from time to time,

         against one-half of the fees and disbursements incurred by
         Battle Fowler LLP in connection with the contemplated represen-
         tation of the Committee, provided and to the extent such fees
         and disbursements are approved in writing by an authorized rep-
         resentative of the Committee for payment and release, and pro-
         vided that an equal amount has been applied toward the payment
         of such fees and disbursements from the Committee's own funds.
         The Committee shall provide to the Partnership a copy of Battle
         Fowler LLP's monthly statement for services rendered as soon as
         practicable after the same is received and approved by the Com-
         mittee for payment.  Battle Fowler LLP has agreed to utilize
         its established hourly rates generally used by that firm, con-
         sistent with its customary billing practices, without "premium"
         or other add-ons.  The Partnership's obligation to provide
         Battle Fowler LLP the Retainer is expressly conditioned on the
         Committee providing Battle Fowler a retainer in an equal or
         greater amount prior to or simultaneously with the Partnership.

                   The Committee and Battle Fowler LLP agree that no
         portion of the Retainer shall at any time be drawn down or ap-
         plied against services rendered specifically for the purpose of
         commencing litigation or otherwise in connection with actual
         litigation (litigation for purposes of this letter agreement
         being understood to include, without limitation, the exercise
         of any federal or state law rights or remedies that may be or
         be alleged to be available to the Committee or any Unithold-
         ers), against the Partnership or any of its affiliates.  To the
         extent the Committee explicitly threatens or commences litiga-
         tion proceedings against the Partnership or any of its affili-
         ates, or if the members of the Committee and their respective
         affiliates cease to own in the aggregate at least 50% of the
         number of Units set forth on Annex A, the Partnership shall
         have the right to terminate this letter agreement, in which
         event the Committee and Battle Fowler LLP agree to return
         promptly to the Partnership any unused portion of the Retainer
         as of such commencement date.

                   Any unused portion of the Partnership's Retainer af-
         ter Battle Fowler LLP's services on behalf of the Committee are
         concluded will be returned to the Partnership.

                   The parties hereto understand and agree that Battle
         Fowler LLP was selected by the Committee to act on behalf of
         the Committee and its members, and not by the Partnership or
         any other person or entity, and notwithstanding the fact that
         the Partnership is paying a portion of Battle Fowler's fees and
         disbursements in accordance with the provisions of this Section
         1, Battle Fowler LLP is not, is not authorized to be, and is
         not purporting to be, an agent of the Partnership or any other 


         person or entity, including Unitholders of the Partnership that
         are not members of the Committee, for any purpose whatsoever.

                   2.   Access to Information and Confidentiality.  The
         Partnership has agreed to provide to the Committee, from time
         to time as requested by the Committee, reasonable access to
         such documents and information as the Partnership deems appro-
         private (including copies thereof), including, but not limited
         to documents and other information provided to the appraisers
         in the appraisal process ("Partnership Information").  In that
         regard, the Committee, upon its formation, intends to provide
         the Partnership with a preliminary document and information
         request.  The Partnership hereby agrees and acknowledges that
         nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver or compromise of any
         rights or privileges that may hereafter be asserted by the
         Holders in their respective capacities as Unitholders or other-
         wise, including, but not limited to, rights to the inspection
         of the books and records of the Partnership, and the receipt of
         a list of the Unitholders of the Partnership.

                   In consideration of, and as a condition to, furnish-
         ing the Committee with Partnership Information, the Committee

                   A.   That any Partnership Information which is fur-
                        nished to the Committee, its members or their
                        respective employees, agents, advisors or repre-
                        sentatives (collectively, "Permitted Persons")
                        by or on behalf of the Partnership (collectively
                        referred to as the "Confidential Material"),
                        shall be treated by the Committee and the Per-
                        mitted Persons confidentially and in accordance
                        with the provisions of this letter agreement and
                        shall not be shown to or discussed with any
                        other person or entity.  Each Permitted Person
                        to whom Confidential Information is disclosed by
                        the Committee will be advised of its confiden-
                        tial nature and the terms of this letter agree-

                   B.   The term "Confidential Material" does not in-
                        clude any portion of the Partnership Information
                        which (i) was or becomes generally available to
                        the public other than as a result of a disclo-
                        sure by the Committee or a Permitted Person,
                        (ii) was or becomes available to the Committee
                        or a Permitted Person on a non-confidential ba-
                        sis from a source other than the Partnership or
                        its advisors, provided that such source is not
                        bound by a confidentiality agreement with or


                        other obligation of secrecy to the Partnership
                        or another party, or (iii) was or becomes avail-
                        able to the Committee or a Permitted Person on a
                        non-confidential basis from the Partnership,
                        including pursuant to rights afforded to
                        Unitholders under the Partnership Agreement and/
                        or California law.

                   C.   If (1) the Committee explicitly threatens or
                        commences any litigation proceedings against the
                        Partnership or any of its affiliates, (2) the
                        Partnership or its assets are liquidated or
                        sold, (3) the Committee disbands or otherwise
                        ceases to exist, or (4) this letter agreement is
                        terminated pursuant to its terms or the written
                        agreement of the Partnership and the Committee,
                        the Committee and the Permitted Persons (i)
                        shall promptly redeliver to the Partnership (or,
                        if the Partnership shall have been terminated or
                        otherwise cease to exist, its general partner)
                        all copies of all Confidential Material, (ii)
                        will not retain any copies of such material, and
                        (iii) agree to keep confidential the Confiden-
                        tial Material.

                   D.   In the event that the Committee, any Committee
                        member, or any Permitted Person is requested or
                        required (by oral questions, interrogatories,
                        requests for information or documents, subpoena,
                        civil investigative demand or similar process)
                        to disclose any Confidential Material, the Com-
                        mittee will promptly notify the Partnership of
                        such request or requirement so that the Partner-
                        ship may seek an appropriate protective order or
                        waive compliance with the provisions of this
                        agreement, and/or take any other mutually agreed
                        action.  If, in the absence of a protective or-
                        der or the receipt of a waiver hereunder, the
                        Committee or any Permitted Person is, in the
                        reasonable written opinion of such person's
                        counsel, compelled to disclose information or
                        else stand liable for contempt or suffer other
                        censure or significant penalty, such person may
                        disclose that portion of the requested informa-
                        tion which such person's counsel advises such
                        person in writing that such person is compelled
                        to disclose.

                   3.   Securities Laws.  The Committee acknowledges
         that it and its members are subject to applicable federal law


         regarding the purchase and sale of securities when in posses-
         sion of non-public material inside information with respect to
         the issuer of such securities; that some or all of the Confi-
         dential Information may constitute non-public material inside
         information with respect to the Partnership; and that the Com-
         mittee and its members shall be solely responsible for deter-
         mining if such information is or is not non-public material
         inside information with respect to the Partnership and for any
         violation of law by it or them resulting from any transactions
         effected by it or them then while in possession of such Confi-
         dential Information.

                   4.   Permitted Disclosure.  The Committee and the
         Partnership acknowledge that it may be necessary or desirable
         for either the Committee and its affiliates, on the one hand,
         or the Partnership and its affiliates, on the other hand, to
         make public disclosure of the existence of this letter agree-
         ment and its terms, and agree that (i) the existence of this
         letter agreement and its terms shall not be deemed "Confiden-
         tial Material" hereunder, and (ii) neither the Partnership nor
         the Committee is obligated to keep the existence of this letter
         agreement or its terms confidential, and may make public dis-
         closure with respect thereto without the consent, approval or
         review of the other party.

                   The agreements set forth in paragraph 2 and the ac-
         knowledgments set forth in paragraph 3 of this letter agreement
         shall survive the termination of this letter agreement, as will
         Battle Fowler LLP's obligation to apply the Retainer only in
         accordance with the terms hereof and to return any unused por-
         tion of the Retainer.

                   5.   Multiple Counterparts.  This letter agreement
         may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which
         shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall
         constitute one and the same instrument.

                   In closing, the Committee advises the Partnership
         that it shall be an ad hoc committee whose constituents shall
         include Committee members only.  The Committee does not and
         shall not, nor shall it be deemed or construed to, act for or
         on behalf of any other person or entity, including Unitholders
         of the Partnership that are not members of the Committee, for
         any purpose whatsoever.


                   If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understand-
         ing, please sign and return to us the enclosed copy of this
         letter and promptly forward the Partnership's $50,000 retainer
         to Battle Fowler LLP, 75 East 55th Street, New York, New York
         10022, attention:  Charles H. Baker, Esq.


                                  UNOFFICIAL UNITHOLDER OVERSIGHT COM-
                                  MITTEE OF FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

                                  By:  The Baupost Group, Inc., 
                                        Committee Chair

                                        By: /s/ Abner B. Kurtin       
                                            Name:  Abner B. Kurtin
                                            Title: Investment Analyst

         as of January 29, 1996:


         By:  Falcon Cable Investors Group
                Managing General Partner

              By:  Falcon Holding Group, L.P.
                     General Partner

                   By:  Falcon Holding Group, Inc.
                          General Partner

                        By: /s/  Stanley S. Itskowitch
                            Name:  Stanley S. Itskowitch
                            Title:  Executive Vice President

         respect to the second, third and
         fourth paragraphs of Section 1 above:


         By: /s/ C.H. Baker        
             Charles H. Baker


                                                                 Annex A

                       Proposed Holders/Committee Members*

                                         No. of Units of the Partnership
         Name                            Owned as of January 29, 1996** 

         The Baupost Group, Inc.                    500,200

         Cumberland Associates                      378,900

         Harvest Capital, L.P.                      170,000

         Tweedy, Browne Company L.P.                290,040

         *    Nothing in this Annex A shall be deemed a representation
              or warranty whatsoever as to the number of Units owned, of
              record or beneficially, by any Committee member.  The num-
              ber of Units reflects determinations of beneficial owner-
              ship which may change from time to time, depending on the
              circumstances.  The number of Units owned are as of the
              date specified, and the Committee does not undertake, and
              shall not be obligated, to update Unit ownership data at
              any time hereafter.

         **   Unit amounts may include Units beneficially owned by af-
              filiates or certain related persons.
