March 8, 1996

         Mr. Michael K. Menerey
         Chief Financial Officer
         Falcon Holding Group, L.P.
         474 So. Raymond Avenue
         Suite 200
         Pasadena, CA  91105

         Dear Mr. Menerey:

                               PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL

                   Malarkey-Taylor Associates, Inc., ("MTA-EMCI") was
         retained by the Advisory Committee of Falcon Cable Systems,
         L.P. ("Falcon") to (1) prepare a separate fair market appraisal
         of each of the eight regions of cable systems (the "Systems")
         now owned by Falcon and an overall fair market valuation as of
         December 31, 1995, (2) prepare appraisals of Proposed Exchange
         Systems, if and when identified, (3) prepare an overall
         appraisal of the Systems remaining, absent the Exchange
         Systems, and (4) render a fairness opinion on certain aspects
         of the Exchange and Section 3.14 Sale, as described in Falcon's
         Limited Partnership Agreement.  The results of the appraisals
         in Item 1, above, are presented below and will be used by
         Falcon as an independent determination of the fair market value
         of the Systems in each region and an overall value, with the
         resulting values to be utilized in the selection and valuation
         of the Proposed Exchange Systems.  The deliverables for Items
         2, 3 and 4, above, will be provided at later dates.

                                FAIR MARKET VALUE

                   Fair market value is the cash price a willing buyer
         would give a willing seller in an arm's length transaction in
         order to complete the sale.  It is assumed that both buyer and
         seller have been informed of all relevant facts and neither is
         under any compulsion to conclude the transaction.

         Mr. Michael K. Menerey
         March 8, 1996
         Page 2

                          FAIR MARKET VALUE METHODOLOGY

                   MTA-EMCI used five generally accepted cable televi-
         sion valuation methods in establishing the range of total fair
         market values of the Systems as going concerns.  The first
         method used a multiple of the past year's operating income
         derived from comparable asset values of privately-held and
         publicly-traded companies.  The second method used a lower mul-
         tiple of the annualized current month's operating income.  The
         third method applied a slightly lower multiple of next year's
         projected operating income.  The fourth method was a discounted
         net cash flow analysis to achieve a target after-tax return on
         equity, given particular operating and financing assumptions
         unique to the Systems' assets.  The fifth method was a dis-
         counted cash flow method that measured the net present value of
         the projected pre-tax operating cash flows (less capital expen-
         ditures, plus the residual value of the Systems) that represent
         the return on the total investment.


                   Our conclusions as to the fair market values of the
         Systems are based upon the following, which to the best of our
         knowledge, are reliable and sound:

         1.   MTA-EMCI's onsite inspection of a representative portion
              of the Systems and communities served.

         2.   Unaudited financial statements for the 12-month period
              ending December 31, 1995, and audited financial statements
              for the 12-month periods ending December 31, 1994 and
              December 31, 1993.

         4.   Homes passed and subscriber data as of December 31, 1995,
              provided by Falcon.

         5.   Miscellaneous management data as to the current subscriber
              rates, construction schedules, etc., as of the appraisal

         Mr. Michael K. Menerey
         March 8, 1996
         Page 3

                                STATEMENT OF VALUE

                   MTA-EMCI certifies that, to the best of our knowl-
         edge, the statements contained in this appraisal are correct
         and that the opinions stated are based on a consideration of
         the relevant factors.  Furthermore, neither MTA-EMCI nor any of
         its representatives have any current interest or contemplated
         future interest in the assets appraised.

                   Based on the various analyses, computations, and con-
         siderations discussed in this letter, it is our professional
         judgment, subject to the assumptions and limitations stated
         herein, that the fair market values of the Systems as of Decem-
         ber 31, 1995, free and clear of any encumbrances, are as fol-
                   Region                    Value
                   Tulare                $ 31,972,000

                   San Luis Obispo         29,585,000

                   Hesperia                38,846,000

                   Gilroy                  76,000,000

                   Florence                10,696,000

                   Dallas                  35,334,000

                   Coos Bay                34,501,000

                   Central (Oregon)        26,294,000

                   Combined Systems      $283,228,000


                                            /s/ Robert M. Jones

                                            Robert M. Jones