Boatmen's Bancshares, Inc.                                                                                                          
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                                                                          
(dollars in thousands)                                      June 30, 1996        June 30, 1995   December 31, 1995                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
Cash and due from banks                                      $  2,139,433         $  2,307,342        $  2,611,765                  
Short-term investments                                             36,843               52,750              83,166                  
  Held to maturity                                              1,018,357            7,014,108             923,130                  
  Available for sale                                           10,705,084            4,492,629          10,347,172                  
  Trading                                                          44,886               28,256              58,361                  
Federal funds sold and securities purchased                                                                                         
  under resale agreements                                         489,410              784,254           1,225,671                  
Loans, net of unearned income                                  24,416,546           24,307,358          24,050,903                  
  Less reserve for loan losses                                    472,006              457,221             452,560                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
  Loans, net                                                   23,944,540           23,850,137          23,598,343                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
Property and equipment                                            787,306              801,398             800,502                  
Other assets                                                    1,516,699            1,562,989           1,475,379                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
  Total assets                                                $40,682,558          $40,893,863         $41,123,489                  
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                                                                                                
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
Demand deposits                                               $ 6,560,696          $ 6,222,491         $ 6,894,649                  
Retail savings deposits and interest-bearing                                                                                        
  transaction accounts                                         13,050,523           12,456,252          13,510,720                  
Time deposits                                                  11,017,751           11,779,801          11,572,768                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
  Total deposits                                               30,628,970           30,458,544          31,978,137                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
Federal funds purchased and securities sold                                                                                         
  under repurchase agreements                                   3,753,895            2,708,270           2,902,973                  
Short-term borrowings                                           1,454,719            3,123,883           1,474,991                  
Capital lease obligations                                          38,352               39,699              39,076                  
Long-term debt                                                    616,538              522,216             615,129                  
Other liabilities                                                 597,456              610,321             512,436                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
  Total liabilities                                            37,089,930           37,462,933          37,522,742                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
Redeemable preferred stock                                            957                1,132                 961                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
Stockholders' Equity:                                                                                                               
Preferred stock                                                    99,091               99,469              99,324                  
Common stock ($1 par value; 250,000,000 shares authorized)        158,400              157,442             158,068                  
Surplus                                                         1,212,482            1,204,437           1,212,838                  
Retained earnings                                               2,274,298            1,995,542           2,137,176                  
Treasury stock, at cost                                           (58,894)             (23,194)            (18,096)                 
Unrealized net appreciation (depreciation),                                                                                         
    available for sale securities                                 (93,706)              (3,898)             10,476                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
  Total stockholders' equity                                    3,591,671            3,429,798           3,599,786                  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
  Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                  $40,682,558          $40,893,863         $41,123,489                  
Held to maturity securities, market value                     $ 1,046,349          $ 6,995,237         $   973,801                  
Available for sale securities, amortized cost                  10,863,440            4,499,111          10,330,233                  
Common stock, shares outstanding                              156,886,657          156,726,993         157,591,239                  
Treasury shares                                                 1,513,699              714,980             476,519                  
Boatmen's Bancshares, Inc.                                                                                                          
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME                                                                                                    
                                                           Second quarter ended June 30     Six months ended June 30                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
(in thousands except share data)                                     1996          1995           1996          1995                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
Interest income                                                                                                                     
  Interest and fees on loans                                     $530,210      $530,404     $1,058,794    $1,029,155                
  Interest on short-term investments                                1,311         1,137          3,224         2,101                
  Interest on Federal funds sold and securities purchased                                                                           
    under resale agreements                                         6,308         9,364         17,939        18,165                
  Interest on held to maturity securities                                                                                           
    Taxable                                                                      96,093                      192,150                
    Tax-exempt                                                     16,723        13,903         32,204        27,868                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Total interest on held to maturity securities                  16,723       109,996         32,204       220,018                
  Interest on available for sale securities                       165,460        72,439        325,648       148,737                
  Interest on trading securities                                      719           361          1,483           796                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Total interest income                                         720,731       723,701      1,439,292     1,418,972                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
Interest expense                                                                                                                    
  Interest on deposits                                            247,650       259,633        504,932       497,757                
  Interest on Federal funds purchased and other                                                                                     
    short-term borrowings                                          61,728        81,880        120,437       162,726                
  Interest on capital lease obligations                               944           975          1,890         1,953                
  Interest on long-term debt                                       12,168        11,493         24,618        23,622                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Total interest expense                                        322,490       353,981        651,877       686,058                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Net interest income                                           398,241       369,720        787,415       732,914                
Provision for loan losses                                          19,365        10,171         45,582        20,914                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Net interest income after provision for loan losses           378,876       359,549        741,833       712,000                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
Noninterest income                                                                                                                  
  Trust fees                                                       53,835        51,902        106,642        97,572                
  Service charges                                                  63,647        57,832        123,998       113,066                
  Mortgage banking revenues                                        22,241        16,689         43,880        39,937                
  Credit card                                                      10,861        14,404         26,414        29,099                
  Investment banking revenues                                      12,110        10,490         24,579        20,738                
  Securities gains (losses), net                                      871         3,005          1,348       (19,012)               
  Other                                                            44,802        36,434         94,086        74,015                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Total noninterest income                                      208,367       190,756        420,947       355,415                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
Noninterest expense                                                                                                                 
  Staff                                                           190,361       177,915        381,721       357,150                
  Net occupancy                                                    25,089        23,665         50,507        48,792                
  Equipment                                                        30,365        28,520         60,597        57,246                
  FDIC insurance                                                    2,743        16,593          5,478        33,187                
  Intangible amortization                                          10,071        10,756         20,343        21,366                
  Advertising                                                      12,427        11,495         22,321        21,409                
  Merger expense                                                                    711         42,414        25,978                
  Other                                                            87,039        86,405        174,205       165,431                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
    Total noninterest expense                                     358,095       356,060        757,586       730,559                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
  Income before income tax expense                                229,148       194,245        405,194       336,856                
Income tax expense                                                 83,080        66,440        148,002       118,787                
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
  Net income                                                     $146,068      $127,805     $  257,192    $  218,069                
  Net income available to common shareholders                    $144,318      $126,043     $  253,692    $  214,538                
  Net income per share                                               $.92          $.80          $1.61         $1.37                
  Dividends declared per share                                       $.37          $.34          $ .74         $ .68                

Earnings per share amounts are based on weighted average shares outstanding 
after adjusting net income for dividends on preferred stock. For the six
months, average shares outstanding were 157,411,237 in 1996 and 156,541,623 in
1995. Preferred dividends declared totaled $3.5 million in both 1996 and 1995.                                                      

Boatmen's Bancshares, Inc.                                                                                                          
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                           
                                                                                                          Unrealized Net            
                                Preferred Stock   Common Stock                             Treasury Stock   Available               
                                ---------------  ---------------                Retained   ---------------   for Sale               
(in thousands)                  Shares  Amount   Shares   Amount    Surplus     Earnings   Shares   Amount  Securities        Total 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Balance, January 1, 1995          250  $100,000  156,084 $156,084  $1,171,184  $1,886,199    (509)  $(14,516) $(134,521) $3,164,430 
Net income                         --        --       --       --          --     218,069      --         --         --     218,069 
Cash dividends declared:                                                                                                            
  Common ($.68 per share)          --        --       --       --          --     (87,343)     --         --         --     (87,343)
  Redeemable preferred             --        --       --       --          --         (40)     --         --         --         (40)
  By pooled company prior                                                                                                           
  to merger--common                --        --       --       --          --     (17,753)     --         --         --     (17,753)
  By pooled company prior                                                                                                           
  to merger--preferred             --        --       --       --          --      (3,492)                --         --      (3,492)
Acquisition of treasury stock      --        --       --       --          --          --    (800)   (25,827)        --     (25,827)
Common stock issued pursuant                                                                                                        
  to dividend reinvestment                                                                                                          
  and employee plans               --        --      530      530       9,296          --     305      9,141         --      18,967 
Common stock issued upon                                                                                                            
  acquisition of subsidiaries      --        --      947      947      27,543          --     289      8,008         --      36,498 
Adjustment for purchase of                                                                                                          
  treasury stock--pooled                                                                                                            
  companies                        --        --     (125)    (125)     (3,921)         --      --         --         --      (4,046)
Retirement of preferred stock      (1)     (500)      --       --          15         (98)     --         --         --        (583)
Common stock issued upon                                                                                                            
  conversion of preferred                                                                                                           
  stock                            --       (31)       1        1          30          --      --         --         --          -- 
Common stock issued upon                                                                                                            
  conversion of convertible                                                                                                         
  subordinated debentures          --        --        5        5          81          --      --         --         --          86 
Adjustment of available for sale                                                                                                    
  securities to market value       --        --       --       --          --          --      --         --    130,623     130,623 
Other, net                         --        --       --       --         209          --      --         --         --         209 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Balance, June 30, 1995            249  $ 99,469  157,442 $157,442  $1,204,437  $1,995,542    (715)  $(23,194)   $(3,898) $3,429,798 
Balance, January 1, 1996          248  $ 99,324  158,068 $158,068  $1,212,838  $2,137,176    (477)  $(18,096)   $10,476  $3,599,786 
Net income                         --        --       --       --          --     257,192      --         --         --     257,192 
Cash dividends declared:                                                                                                            
  Common ($.74 per share)          --        --       --       --          --    (116,516)     --         --         --    (116,516)
  Preferred                        --        --       --       --          --      (3,467)     --         --         --      (3,467)
  Redeemable preferred             --        --       --       --          --         (33)     --         --         --         (33)
Acquisition of treasury stock                --       --       --          --          --  (2,136)   (83,658)        --     (83,658)
Common stock issued pursuant                                                                                                        
  to dividend reinvestment                                                                                                          
  and employee plans               --        --      325      325        (177)         --     866     33,284         --      33,432 
Common stock issued upon                                                                                                            
  acquisition of subsidiaries      --        --       --       --        (839)         --     240      9,739         --       8,900 
Common stock issued upon                                                                                                            
  conversion of preferred                                                                                                           
  stock                            --      (233)       8        8         225          --      --         --         --          -- 
Common stock issued upon                                                                                                            
  conversion of convertible                                                                                                         
  subordinated debentures          --        --       --       --        (110)         --       5        189         --          79 
Adjustment of available for sale                                                                                                    
  securities to market value       --        --       --       --          --          --      --         --   (104,182)   (104,182)
Other, net                         --        --       (1)      (1)        545         (54)    (12)      (352)        --         138 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Balance, June 30, 1996            248  $ 99,091  158,400 $158,400  $1,212,482  $2,274,298  (1,514)  $(58,894)  $(93,706) $3,591,671 

Boatmen's Bancshares, Inc.                                                                                                          
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                                                                                
Six months ended June 30 (in thousands)                                   1996            1995                                      
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     
Net cash provided by operating activities                          $   487,691     $   422,362                                      
Investing Activities:                                                                                                               
  Net decrease in Federal funds sold and securities                                                                                 
     purchased under resale agreements                                 740,786         337,611                                      
  Net increase in loans                                               (363,452)     (1,446,880)                                     
  Proceeds from the sales of foreclosed property                        15,173          13,488                                      
  Proceeds from the maturity of held to maturity securities             87,948         457,630                                      
  Purchases of held to maturity securities                             (66,507)       (279,108)                                     
  Proceeds from the maturity of available for sale securities        1,371,304         537,460                                      
  Proceeds from the sales of available for sale securities             240,759         560,475                                      
  Purchases of available for sale securities                        (2,254,546)       (163,766)                                     
  Net (increase) decrease in short-term investments                     46,323          (7,534)                                     
  Net increase in property and equipment                               (34,041)        (50,422)                                     
  Net cash received from purchase acquisitions                           3,096           1,636                                      
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     
    Net cash provided (used) by investing activities                  (213,157)        (39,410)                                     
Financing Activities:                                                                                                               
  Net increase (decrease) in Federal funds purchased and                                                                            
    securities sold under repurchase agreements                        850,922        (279,045)                                     
  Net decrease in deposits                                          (1,418,063)       (908,458)                                     
  Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings                     (20,272)        736,378                                      
  Payments on long-term debt                                            (1,174)        (77,187)                                     
  Proceeds from the issuance of long-term debt                           2,583                                                      
  Payments on capital lease obligations                                   (724)           (709)                                     
  Cash dividends paid                                                 (109,908)        (97,645)                                     
  Acquisition of treasury stock                                        (83,658)        (25,827)                                     
  Purchase and retirement of preferred stock                                              (583)                                     
  Common stock issued pursuant to dividend                                                                                          
    reinvestment and employee plans                                     33,432          18,967                                      
  Decrease in redeemable preferred stock                                    (4)            (10)                                     
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     
    Net cash used by financing activities                             (746,866)       (634,119)                                     
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     
Decrease in cash and due from banks                                   (472,332)       (251,167)                                     
Cash and due from banks at beginning of year                         2,611,765       2,558,509                                      
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     
Cash and due from banks at June 30                                 $ 2,139,433     $ 2,307,342                                      

For the six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, interest paid totaled $668                                                         
million and $395 million, respectively, and income taxes paid totaled $140                                                          
million and $95 million. Loans transferred to foreclosed property totaled $12                                                       
million in 1996, and $7 million in 1995. Available for sale securities                                                              
transferred to held to maturity totaled $95 million for the six months ended                                                        
June 30, 1996. In 1995, assets and liabilities of purchased subsidiaries at                                                         
dates of acquisition included investment securities of $93 million, loans of                                                        
$168 million, other assets of $37 million, deposits of $258 million and other                                                       
liabilities of $3 million.