HOME SHOPPING NETWORK, INC.


         I.    Purpose

               It is the belief of the management of Home Shopping Net-
         work, Inc. (the "Corporation") that the Corporate Directors
         will effect decisions and render guidance to the Corporation
         which will materially enhance the stability and economic growth
         of the Corporation.  Accordingly, subject to shareholder ap-
         proval, Directors not also serving as employees of the Corpora-
         tion should be afforded the opportunity to acquire shares of
         authorized common stock on a permissible exercise date.  By
         providing this opportunity through the adoption of a Stock Op-
         tion Plan for Outside Directors (the "Plan"), it is the inten-
         tion of the Corporation to give appropriate recognition to a
         group who will have continuing responsibility for the
         Corporation's growth and profitability.

         II.   Eligibility

               The only persons eligible to receive Options under the
         Plan shall include each of the Corporation's existing and fu-
         ture Directors who are not also employees of the Corporation.

         III.  Shares Subject to the Plan

               The shares which shall be issued and delivered upon exer-
         cise of Options granted under the Plan shall be shares of the
         Corporation's common stock.  The maximum number of shares which
         may be issued upon exercise of Options granted under the Plan
         shall not exceed 105,000 shares.  If any Option expires or ter-
         minates prior to being fully exercised, any shares allocable to
         the unexercised portion of such Option may again be made
         subject to the terms of the Plan.

               Appropriate adjustments in the number of shares available
         under the Plan and in the Option price per share shall give
         effect to adjustments made in the number of shares as a result
         of a merger, consolidation, recapitalization, reclassification,
         combination, stock dividend, stock split or other relevant
         change in the capital structure of the Corporation.

         IV.   Terms and Conditions

               (a)  Grant of Options
                    Subject to the provisions of the Plan, Directors of
                    the Corporation shall be granted Nonqualified Stock
                    Options for the purchase of shares of common stock
                    of the Corporation.

               (b)  Option Agreement
                    Each Option shall be evidenced by a written agree-
                    ment between the Corporation and the Director speci-
                    fying the number of shares of common stock that may
                    be exercised by its purchase.

               (c)  Date of Grant
                    The date on which an option is granted shall be ei-
                    ther:  (1) The date that the Plan has been adopted
                    by the Board of Directors; or (2) The first day upon
                    which a Director who is not also an employee is
                    first elected to the Board of Directors.

               (d)  Option Price
                    Each Option Agreement shall state the purchase price
                    of each share of common stock which may be acquired
                    upon exercising the Option, which price shall be the
                    fair market value of each shares as of the Date of
                    Grant.  Fair Market Value shall be deemed to be the
                    closing price of the shares on the applicable Date
                    of Grant, as published by the national securities
                    exchange on which the shares are traded.  If such
                    price is not published for the Date of Grant, such
                    value shall be deemed to be the closing price on the
                    trading date occurring the nearest to and before the
                    valuation date.

               (e)  Number of Shares Granted
                    Each Director shall receive a Nonqualified Stock
                    Option to purchase 15,000 shares of Common Stock of
                    the Corporation on the date of grant.  This grant
                    shall occur automatically on either:  (1) The date
                    that the Plan has been adopted by the Board of Di-
                    rectors; or (2) The first day upon which a Director
                    who is not also an employee is first elected to the
                    Board of Directors.

               (f)  Option Period and Restrictions of Exercise
                    The 15,000 Option shares shall be exercisable in the
                    following manner for the periods specified:


                    -   5,000 Option shares shall first become exercis-
                        able on the date of grant and must be fully ex-
                        ercised within two years from the date granted.
                        The failure to exercise the 5,000 Option shares
                        during this two-year period shall mean that such
                        Options shall be forfeited.

                    -   5,000 Option shares shall become exercisable one
                        year from the date such Option shares were
                        granted and must be exercised within two years
                        from the date such Option shares become first
                        exercisable.  The failure to exercise the 5,000
                        Option shares during this two-year period shall
                        mean that such Options shall be forfeited.

                    -   5,000 Option shares shall become exercisable two
                        years from the date such Option shares were
                        granted and must be exercised within two years
                        from the date such Option shares become first
                        exercisable.  The failure to exercise the 5,000
                        Option shares during this two-year period shall
                        mean that such Options shall be forfeited.

               (g)  Manner of Exercise
                    Subject to the conditions and restrictions contained
                    in paragraph IV(h) below, the Option shall be exer-
                    cised by delivering written notice of exercise to
                    the Corporate Secretary of Home Shopping Network,
                    Inc.  Such notice is irrevocable and must be ac-
                    companied by payment in cash and a signed Option
                    exercise form.  If prior authorization has been ob-
                    tained, payment for the shares may be made by deliv-
                    ery of common stock.

               (h)  Transferability and Termination of Option
                    Each Option granted hereunder may be exercised only
                    by the individual to whom it is issued and only dur-
                    ing the period in which he or she is serving as an
                    outside Director of the Corporation or within the
                    thirty (30) day period following his or her resigna-
                    tion or other termination of such service for any
                    reason other than death.  If such holder dies before
                    fully exercising any portion of an option then exer-
                    cisable, such Option may be exercised by such
                    holder's legal representative(s), heir(s) or
                    devisee(s) at any time within the six (6) month pe-
                    riod following his or her death.

                    In the event that an outside Director becomes a
                    full-time employee of the Corporation, the outside


                    Director shall not have to forfeit the 15,000 Option
                    shares granted pursuant to this Plan.  However, the
                    outside Director shall have to satisfy all other
                    terms and provisions of this Plan with respect to
                    the Options granted hereunder.

         V.    Effective Date and Term of Plan

               Subject to the prospective approval of the Plan by an
         affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
         represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting of
         Shareholders to be conducted on August 14, 1986, the effective
         date of the Plan shall be August 1, 1986, and it shall remain
         in existence for a period of ten years thereafter.  In the
         event of shareholder rejection of the Plan, any Option granted
         hereunder shall be void and of no legal effect.  No Option may
         be granted subsequent to the expiration date of the Plan, but
         Options then outstanding shall be exercisable in accordance
         with the terms hereof.

         VI.   Amendment

               The Board of Directors may at any time suspend or discon-
         tinue the Plan, but no amendment shall be authorized without
         shareholder approval.

                                                             Exh. 10-13

                                 October 31, 1991

         Extension of Exercise Period of Outstanding Director Options

               WHEREAS, the terms of the 1986 Stock Option Plan for Out-
         side Directors, as amended (the ("Plan") of the Company permit
         the members of the Board of Directors who are not eligible to
         participate in the Plan to modify existing options;

               WHEREAS, management deems it to be in the best interest
         of the Company to extend the exercise period of all Options
         held by persons who are outside directors on the date hereof;

               NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the exercise period
         of Options held by persons who are outside directors on the
         date hereto shall be extended so that the exercise period for
         each portion of Options if five (5) years.
                                                             Exh. 10-13

               This is the Fourth Amendment to the 1986 Stock Option
         Plan for Outside Directors (the ("Plan") of Home Shopping Net-
         work, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"), with
         its principal offices in St. Petersburg, Florida.

               1.      The number of shares subject to the Plan as
         specified in Article III, Shares Subject to the Plan, of the
         Plan shall be increased to, and shall not exceed 1,630,000.

               2.      Paragraph (e) of Article IV, Terms and Condi-
         tions, of the Plan is hereby deleted in its entirety, and the
         following is substituted in lieu thereof:

               (e)(1)  Each Director shall receive a Nonqualified Stock
                       Option to purchase 90,000 shares of Common Stock
                       of the Corporation automatically on the date
                       specified in paragraph (c) of this Article IV,
                       exercisable in accordance with the provisions of
                       paragraph (f)(1) of this Article IV.

               (e)(2)  Each Director who is commencing his sixth year of
                       service as a director shall receive a Nonquali-
                       fied Stock Option to purchase an additional
                       90,000 shares of Common Stock of the Corporation
                       automatically on the later of (A) the date this
                       Fourth Amendment is adopted by the Corporation's
                       Board of Directors, subject to the proviso con-
                       tained in paragraph 4 of this Fourth Amendment,
                       or (B) the first day upon which a Director who is
                       not also an employee is first elected to the
                       Board of Directors, exercisable in accordance
                       with the provisions of paragraph (f)(2) of this
                       Article IV.

               (e)(3)  Under no circumstances shall a Director pursuant
                       to paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this Article
                       IV ever receive a Nonqualified Stock Option or
                       Options for greater than 180,000 shares of the
                       Common Stock of the Corporation.

               (e)(4)  No amendment to this Article IV of the Plan may
                       be made more than once every six months, other
                       than to comport with changes in the Internal Rev-
                       enue Code, the Employee Retirement Income Secu-
                       rity Act, or the rules thereunder.

               3.      Paragraph (f) of Article IV, Terms and Condi-
         tions, of the Plan is hereby renumbered as paragraph (f)(1),
         and a new paragraph (f)(2) of Article IV of the Plan is hereby
         added as follows:

               (f)(2)  Option Period and Restrictions of Exercise

                       The 90,000 Option shares shall be exercisable in
                       the following manner for the periods specified:

                       18,000 Option shares shall first become exercis-
                       able on the date of grant and must be fully exer-
                       cised within five years from the date granted.
                       The failure to exercise the 18,000 Option shares
                       during this five-year period shall mean that such
                       Options shall be forfeited.

                       18,000 Option shares shall become exercisable one
                       year from the date such Option shares were
                       granted and must be exercised within five years
                       from the date such Option shares become first
                       exercisable.  The failure to exercise the 18,000
                       Option shares during this five-year period shall
                       mean that such Options shall be forfeited.

                       18,000 Option shares shall become exercisable two
                       years from the date such Option shares were
                       granted and must be exercised within five years
                       from the date such Option shares become first
                       exercisable.  The failure to exercise the 18,000
                       Option shares during this five-year period shall
                       mean that such Options shall be forfeited.

                       18,000 Option shares shall become exercisable
                       three years from the date such Option shares were
                       granted and must be exercised within five years
                       from the date such Option shares become first
                       exercisable.  The failure to exercise the 18,000
                       Option shares during this five-year period shall
                       mean that such Options shall be forfeited.

                       18,000 Option shares shall become exercisable
                       four years from the date such Option shares were
                       granted and must be exercised within five years
                       from the date such Option shares become first
                       exercisable.  The failure to exercise the 18,000
                       Option shares during this five-year period shall
                       mean that such Options shall be forfeited.


               4.      The effective date of this Fourth Amendment to
         the Plan shall be the date on which this Fourth Amendment is
         approved by the stockholders of the Corporation; provided, how-
         ever, that options (and any shares issued pursuant thereto)
         shall be granted conditionally pursuant to this Fourth Amend-
         ment immediately upon its adoption by the Board of Directors of
         the Corporation so long as stockholder approval is received at
         the next annual meeting of the stockholders.

               DATE adopted by the Board of Directors:  ________________

               DATE approved by the stockholders:       ________________
