SAVOY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT, INC.

                              1995 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                                    ARTICLE 1


                   The terms used in this Stock Option Plan (the
         "Plan"), which provides for the issuance of non-qualified stock
         options ("Options"), shall, unless the context shall require
         otherwise, have the following meanings:

                   1.1.  "Adjusted Fair Market Value" shall mean, in the
         event of a Change in Control, the greater of (i) the highest
         price per share of Common Stock paid to holders of the Common
         Stock in any transaction (or series of transactions) constitut-
         ing or resulting in a Change in Control or (ii) the highest
         Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock during the ninety
         (90) day period ending an the date of a Change in Control.

                   1.2.  "Agreement" shall mean the written agreement
         between the Company and a Recipient evidencing the grant of an
         option and setting forth the terms and conditions thereof.

                   1.3.  A "Change of Control" shall occur, for purposes
         of this Plan, at such time as any person or group, other than
         stockholders of the Company specified in Annex I hereto and
         their Permitted Transferees (as defined in the Stockholders
         Agreement), acquire beneficially at least 50% of the common
         stock of the Company.

                   1.4.  "Common Stock" shall refer to the Company's
         common stock.

                   1.5.  The "Company" is Savoy Pictures Entertainment,
         Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any successors in interest by
         merger, operation of law, assignment, purchase or otherwise of
         all or substantially all of the property, assets and business
         of the Company.

                   1.6.  The "Compensation Committee" shall mean the
         Compensation Committee designated by the Board of Directors of
         the Company.

                   1.7.  "Disability" shall mean a physical or mental
         infirmity which impairs the Optionee's ability to perform sub-
         stantially all his or her duties for a period of one hundred
         eighty (180) days in any calendar year.

                   1.8.  An "Employee" shall mean any employee of or
         consultant to the Company or any of its subsidiaries designated
         for participation in the Plan by the Compensation committee at

         any time, other than (i) any such person who is an executive
         officer or director of the Company or (ii) any officer of the
         Company other than an officer who at the time of the grant was
         not previously employed by the Company and with respect to whom
         the grant was an inducement essential to the individual's en-
         tering into an employment contract with the Company.

                   1.9.  "Fair Market Value" of the Company's Common
         Stock shall mean the value established by the Board of Direc-
         tors in good faith, after consultation with the Company's
         investment bankers, which shall not be less than book value as
         set forth in the then most current financial statements of the
         Company; provided, however, that, if the Common Stock is pub-
         licly traded in the over-the-counter market or on a recognized
         exchange, Fair market value shall be the average closing price
         of the Shares for the 20 trading days immediately preceding the
         event which required the determination of Fair Market Value.

                   1.10.  A "Recipient" is an Employee whom the Board of
         Directors or Compensation Committee has designated to receive
         an Option pursuant to the terms of the Plan.

                   1.11.  The "Stockholders Agreement" shall mean the
         Stockholders Agreement, dated as of March 2, 1992, between the
         Company and the Stockholders, as amended from time to time.

                   1.12.  "Cause" shall mean (a) conviction of any crime
         which constitutes a felony in the jurisdiction involved, (b)
         gross negligence or willful malfeasance in performing the
         Recipient's obligations to the Company or in following the
         instructions of the Company's Board of Directors, provided that
         the Company has given the Recipient written notice setting
         forth with specificity the nature of the Recipient's alleged
         gross negligence or malfeasance or (c) cause pursuant to the
         terms of any written employment agreement with the Company (or
         any of its subsidiaries) to which the Recipient is a party.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                                PURPOSE AND SCOPE

                   2.1.  Purpose - The Plan is being adopted by the Com-
         pany for the purpose of establishing incentives designed to
         attract and retain personnel with outstanding ability and expe-
         rience to the Company, and to encourage the efforts and perfor-
         mance of the Company's Employees by increasing their propri-
         etary interest in the Company.

                   2.2.  Eligibility - Employees shall be eligible to
         receive options under the Plan.  The Compensation Committee, in
         its sole discretion shall determine which Employees shall
         become Recipients, the number of Options which shall be granted


         to each Recipient, the date of the grant and the terms of exer-
         cise of each Option.

                                    ARTICLE 3


                   3.1.  Administration - The Plan shall be administered
         by the Compensation Committee, which shall consist of members
         designated by the Board of Directors of the Company.  Without
         limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Compensation Com-
         mittee shall have authority, in its sole discretion (and its
         determinations shall be final and binding on the Company and
         Recipients of Options):  to interpret conclusively the provi-
         sions of the Plan and decide questions of fact arising in its
         application; to adopt, amend and revoke rules and regulations
         relating to the Plan; to determine the Employees to whom
         options shall be granted, the number of such Options, their
         date of grant and their exercise price; and to make any other
         determination necessary or desirable in the administration of
         the Plan, except for those determinations reserved to the Board
         of Directors of the Company.

                   3.2.  Committee Action - A majority of the Compensa-
         tion Committee shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of a
         quorum may authorize any action.

                   3.3.  Expenses - All costs of administering the Plan
         shall be borne by the Company.

                                    ARTICLE 4

                              SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN

                   4.1.  Maximum Shares - The maximum number of shares
         of Common Stock which may be subject to Options under the Plan
         shall be 250,000, subject to adjustment as provided in Section
         4.2 below.  Either treasury stock or shares which have been
         authorized but not yet issued (or a combination of both) may be
         used to satisfy the Company's obligations under the Plan.  If
         an option is cancelled or expires for any reason (including
         forfeiture) prior to being exercised by its Recipient, all
         shares subject to such Option shall become available for future

                   4.2.  Adjustments - In the event of a stock split,
         stock dividend, merger, combination, reorganization, recapital-
         ization, reclassification, consolidation, spin-off, split-up or
         substantially similar event affecting the number of shares of
         Common Stock outstanding, or the issuance to all holders of
         common Stock of warrants or rights to buy Common Stock, the

         maximum number of shares which may be subject to Options shall
         be appropriately adjusted by the Compensation Committee.

                                    ARTICLE 5

                         TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OPTIONS

                   Each Option shall be evidenced by an agreement (the
         "Agreement") between the Company and the Recipient evidencing
         the grant of an option an herein provided.  Each Agreement
         shall conform to the following terms and conditions:

                   5.1.  Option Price - The purchase price per share
         under each Option granted by the Compensation Committee shall
         be set by the Compensation Committee on the date of grant, and
         shall not be less than the Fair Market Value of the Company's
         Common Stock on that date.

                   5.2.  Duration of Option - The Compensation Committee
         shall determine the duration of each Option which it grants,
         and each Agreement shall specify the maximum period during
         which the Option to which it relates may be exercised.  No
         Option shall be exercisable more than ten years after the date
         it is granted, nor shall any Options be granted under the Plan
         after March 2, 2002.

                   5.3.  Vesting - Each Option shall vest (become exer-
         cisable) in accordance with a determination by the Compensation

                   5.4.  Exercise of Option - Subject to Article VI
         below, a Recipient who is vested with respect to all or part of
         an Option may exercise all or a part of such vested portion by
         delivering to the Company, at its principal executive office,
         written notice specifying the number of shares with respect to
         which the Option is being exercised, together with payment in
         full of the purchase price of the shares.  Such payment shall
         be in cash or check or such other property (including shares of
         Common Stock) as may be acceptable to the Compensation Commit-
         tee.  The Compensation Committee shall prescribe the method of
         delivery of the notice.  Vested options may be exercised in any
         order of grant that the Recipients (or his personal representa-
         tive, if applicable) elects.

                   5.5.  Rights After Issue - Upon the issuance of stock
         certificates evidencing shares purchased under an Option, the
         Recipient shall have all of the rights of a stockholder of the
         Company with respect to the shares of Common Stock represented
         by the certificate including the right to vote the shares and
         to receive all dividends and other distributions with respect
         thereto.  Prior to such issuance, the Recipient shall not be
         entitled to any rights of a stockholder (including the right to
         vote or receive dividends or distributions).  Upon the exercise

         of an Option, the Recipient shall become subject to the duties
         and obligations, and entitled to the rights and benefits, of
         the Stockholders Agreement, and the shares purchased under an
         Option shall he subject to the transfer restrictions and voting
         agreement contained in the Stockholders Agreement.

                   5.6.  Non-Qualification - An Option granted pursuant
         to the Plan shall not qualify as an "Incentive Stock Option"
         under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code.

                   5.7.  Non-Transferability - An Option granted pursu-
         ant to the Plan may not be transferred in any manner otherwise
         than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution and may
         be exercised during the lifetime of the Recipient only by the
         Recipient or by his guardian or legal representative.  The
         terms of any such Option shall be binding upon the executors,
         administrators, heirs and successors of the Recipient.

                   5.8.  Effect of Change in Control - Notwithstanding
         anything contained in the Plan or an Agreement to the contrary,
         in the event of a change in control, (i) all Options outstand-
         ing on the date of such Change in Control shall become Immedi-
         ately and fully exercisable and (ii) a Recipient will be per-
         mitted to surrender for cancellation, within sixty (60) days
         after such Change in Control, any Option or portion of an Op-
         tion to the extent not yet exercised and the Recipient will be
         entitled to receive a cash payment in an amount equal to the
         excess, if any, of (x) the greater of (1) the Fair Market Val-
         ue, on the date preceding the date of surrender, of the Common
         Stock subject to the Option or portion thereof surrendered or
         (2) the Adjusted Fair Market Value of the Common Stock subject
         to the Option or portion thereof surrendered over (y) the
         aggregate purchase price for such Common Stock under the option
         or portion thereof surrendered; provided, however, that, in the
         case of an Option granted within six (6) months prior to the
         Change in Control to any Recipient who may be subject to lia-
         bility under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act at such time,
         such Recipient shall be entitled to surrender for cancellation
         his or her Option during the sixty (60) day period commencing
         upon the expiration of six (6) months from the date of grant of
         any such Option, unless some other treatment of the Option has
         been agreed to with such Recipient.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                            TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT

                   An Option may be exercised by a Recipient whose
         employment by the Company (or a subsidiary of the Company) has
         terminated only in accordance with the following rules:


                   (a)  In the event of the Recipient's termination for
              Cause, he shall forfeit all vested and non-vested Options
              which have not been exercised at the date of termination.

                   (b)  If the Recipient's employment in terminated by
              reason of his death, permanent disability or retirement,
              then he or his personal representative may exercise any
              vested Option at any time before the earlier of the third
              anniversary of his termination of employment or the stated
              expiration date of such Option.

                   (c)  If the Recipient's employment terminates for any
              reason other than cause, death, disability or retirement,
              he may exercise any vested Option at any time before the
              earlier of the date six months after such termination or
              the stated expiration date of such Option.

                   (d)  If the Recipient dies after his employment has
              terminated (whether by reason of disability of otherwise)
              but before the period in which he may exercise an Option
              has expired, then his personal representative may exercise
              any vested Option only during the period that the Recipi-
              ent, if alive, may have exercised the Option.

                                    ARTICLE 7


                   (a)  Appropriate adjustments shall be made by the
         Compensation Committee to the number of shares covered by an
         Option, and to the purchase price per share, in the event of a
         change in the number of the Company's shares of Common Stock
         outstanding caused by a stock split, reverse stock split, stock
         dividend, merger, combination, reorganization, recapitaliza-
         tion, reclassification, consolidation, spin-off, split-up or
         substantially similar event, or the issuance to all holders of
         Common Stock of warrants or rights to buy Common Stock.

                   (b)  In the event of any conversion of Common Stock
         generally into securities of another corporation, or the con-
         solidation of the Company with, or the merger of the Company
         with or into another corporation, or the sale of all or sub-
         stantially all of the assets of the Company to another corpora-
         tion, such Options not theretofore exercised prior to such
         transaction shall thereafter, upon exercise, represent the
         right to receive upon payment of the Option price in effect
         immediately prior to such transaction, the kind and amount of
         shares, security or property (including cash) which the holder
         of the Option would have been entitled to receive following
         consummation of such transaction had the Option been exercised
         immediately prior to such transaction (subject to subsequent
         adjustments as provided In paragraph (a) of this Article VII
         upon the occurrence of the events herein specified).

                                    ARTICLE 8

                            TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT

                   8.1.  Termination or Amendment - The Board of Direc-
         tors of the Company may terminate or amend the Plan at any
         time, except that any Option then outstanding shall not be
         affected thereby without the written consent and acquiescence
         of the Recipient holding such Option.

                   8.2.  Stockholder Approval.  The Board of Directors
         may make such amendments to the Plan as it shall deem advisable
         without the approval of the stockholders of the Company.

                                    ARTICLE 9


                   9.1.  Limitation of Liability - As illustrative of
         the limitations of the Company, but not intended to be exhaus-
         tive thereof, nothing in the Plan shall be construed to:

                   (a)  give any person any right to be granted an
              Option other than at the sole discretion of the Compensa-
              tion Committee;

                   (b)  give any person any rights whatsoever with
              respect to shares of Common Stock except as specifically
              provided in the Plan;

                   (c)  limit in any way the right of the Company to
              terminate the employment of any person at any time; or

                   (d)  be evidence of any agreement or understanding,
              expressed or implied, that the Company will employ any
              person in any particular position at any particular rate
              of compensation or for any particular period of time.

                   9.2.  Non-Exclusivity of Plan - Nothing contained in
         the Plan is intended to amend, modify or rescind any previously
         approved compensation plans or programs entered into by the
         Company.  The Plan shall be construed to be in addition to any
         and all such plans or programs.  The adoption of the Plan shall
         not be construed as creating any limitations on the power or
         authority of the Board of Directors of the Company to adopt
         such other additional incentive or other compensation arrange-
         ments as the Board of Directors may deem necessary or desir-

                   9.3.  Withholding of Taxes - The Company shall have
         the right to deduct from any distribution of cash to any Recip-
         ient an amount equal to the federal, state and local income

         taxes and other amounts as may be required by law to be with-
         held (the "Withholding Taxes") with respect to any option.  If
         a Recipient is entitled to receive Common Stock upon exercise
         of an option, the Recipient shall pay the Withholding Taxes to
         the Company prior to the issuance, or release from escrow, of
         such Common Stock.  In satisfaction of the Withholding Taxes to
         the Company, the Recipient may make a written election (the
         "Tax Election"), which may be accepted or rejected in the dis-
         cretion of the Compensation Committee, to have withheld a por-
         tion of the Common Stock issuable to him or her upon exercise
         of the Option having an aggregate Fair Market Value, on the
         date preceding the date of exercise, equal to the Withholding
         Taxes, provided that in respect of a Recipient who may become
         subject to liability under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act
         either (i) (A) the Recipient makes the Tax Election at least
         six (6) months after the date the Option was granted, (B) the
         Option is exercised during the ten-day period beginning on the
         third business day and ending on the twelfth business day fol-
         lowing the release for publication of the Company's quarterly
         or annual statements of earnings (a "Window Period") and (C)
         the Tax Election is made during the Window Period in which the
         Option is exercised or prior to such Window Period and subse-
         quent to the immediately preceding Window Period or (ii) (A)
         the Tax Election is made at least six months prior to the date
         the Option is exercised and (B) the Tax Election is irrevocable
         with respect to the exercise of all options which are exercised
         prior to the expiration of six months following an election to
         revoke the Tax Election.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
         Compensation Committee may, by the adoption of rules or other-
         wise, (i) modify the provisions in the preceding sentence or
         impose such other restrictions or limitations on Tax Elections
         as may be necessary to ensure that the Tax Elections will be
         exempt transactions under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act,
         and (ii) permit Tax Elections to be made at such other times
         and subject to much other conditions as the Compensation Com-
         mittee determines will constitute exempt transactions under
         Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.

                   9.4.  Interpretation of the Program - (a) The head-
         ings of Articles and Sections in the Plan are for convenience
         only, and are not meant to modify the meaning of the text of
         each such Article and Section.

                   (b)  As used herein, pronouns in the masculine gender
         shall also include the feminine and the singular form of words,
         and may include the plural, unless the context clearly requires
         the contrary.

                   9.5.  Effective Date The Plan shall be effective as
         of May 3, 1995.


                                     ANNEX I


                   1.   GKH Partners, L.P.
                   2.   Allen & Company Incorporated
                   3.   Allen Value Limited
                   4.   Allen Value Partners, L.P.
                   5.   American Home Assurance Company
                   6.   Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
                   7.   Mitsui & Co. (USA), Inc.
                   8.   Toho-Towa Co., Ltd.
                   9.   Valdi Corporation N.V.
                  10.   Weinberg Fund I
                  11.   Weinberg Fund II
                  12.   Victor A. Kaufman
                          and Loretta Kaufman
                  13.   Lewis J. Korman
                          and Sharon Korman
                  14.   Frank Price
                  15.   Chargeurs S.A.
                  16.   Pricel S.A.
                  17.   Allied Filmmakers N.V.
                  18.   HKW Voting Trust
                  19.   Ceechi Gori Europa B.V.
                  20.   Rate Europa B.V.
                  21.   High Speed Video B.V.
                  22.   Home Box Office Division of
                          Time Warner Entertainment L.P.

                        SAVOY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT, INC.

                                     FORM OF

                              STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

                   THIS AGREEMENT, made as of ____________ (the "Grant
         Date"), between Savoy Pictures Entertainment, Inc., a Delaware
         corporation (the "Company"), and ________________ (the
         "Optionee") (the "Agreement").

                   WHEREAS, the Company has adopted the Savoy Pictures
         Entertainment, Inc. 1995 Stock Option Plan, as amended (the
         "Plan") in order to provide additional incentive to certain
         officers and employees of, and consultants to, the Company and
         its subsidiaries; and

                   WHEREAS, the Compensation Committee (as defined in
         the Plan) has determined [as an inducement to Optionee to enter
         into employment with the Company,]1 to grant an option to the
         Optionee as provided herein;

                   NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:  

                   1.   Grant of Option.

                   1.1.  The Company hereby grants to the Optionee the
         right and option (the "Option") to purchase, to the extent the
         Option becomes vented and exercisable, all or any part of an
         aggregate of _____ whole shares of common stock, par value $.01
         per share, of the Company ("Shares") subject to, and in accor-
         dance with, the terms and conditions set forth in this Agree-
         ment and the Plan.  In the event of any conflict between the
         terms of the Plan and this Agreement, the terms of the Plan
         shall control (unless otherwise determined by the Compensation

                   1.2.  The Option is not intended to qualify as an
         Incentive Stock Option within the meaning of Section 422 of the

                   2.  Purchase Price.

                   The price at which the Optionee shall be entitled to
         purchase Shares upon the exercise of the Option shall be $     
         per Share.

         1    To be inserted for options granted to officers only.

                   3.   Duration of Option.

                   The Option shall be exercisable to the extent and in
         the manner provided herein for a period of ten (10) years from
         the Grant Date (the "Exercise Term"); provided, however, that
         the Option may be earlier terminated as provided in Section 6

                   4.   Vesting and Exercisability of Option.

                   The Option shall vest and become exercisable with
         respect to 33-1/3% of the Shares on the first anniversary of
         the Grant Date, and an additional 33-1/3% of the Option shall
         vest on each of the second and third anniversaries of the Grant
         Date if and only it the Optionee has remained employed (as an
         employee or consultant) by the Company until each of such
         dates.  The entire Option shall vest immediately if (i) the
         Optionee dies or becomes permanently disabled while employed by
         the Company, (ii) the Optionee is terminated without Cause (as
         hereinafter defined), (iii) there occurs a Change of Control
         (as hereinafter defined) of the Company or (iv) the Compensa-
         tion Committee of the Company so decides.  The Option shall
         terminate to the extent it is unused.

                   5.   Manner of Exercise and Payment.

                   5.1.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this
         Agreement, the Option may be exercised by delivery of written
         notice to the Company, at its principal executive office.  Such
         notice shall state that the Optionee is electing to exercise
         the Option and the number of Shares in respect of which the
         Option is being exercised.

                   5.2.  The notice of exercise described in Section 5.1
         shall be accompanied by the full purchase price for the Shares
         in respect of which the Option is being exercised, in cash or
         check or such other property as may be acceptable to the Board
         of Directors of the Company.

                   5.3.  Upon receipt of notice of exercise and full
         payment for the Shares in respect of which the option is being
         exercised, the company shall take such action as may be neces-
         sary to affect the transfer to the Optionee of the number of
         Shares as to which such exercise was effective.

                   5.4.  The Optionee shall not be deemed to be the
         holder of, or to have any of the rights of a holder with
         respect to any Shares subject to the Option until (i) the
         Option shall have been exercised pursuant to the terms of this
         Agreement and the Optionee shall have paid the full purchase
         price for the number of Shares in respect of which the Option
         was exercised, (ii) the Company shall have issued and delivered
         the Shares to the Optionee, and (iii) the Optionee's name shall
         have been entered as a stockholder of record on the books of

         the Company, whereupon the Optionee shall have full voting and
         other ownership rights with respect to such Shares.

                   6.  Death, Disability, Retirement or Other Termina-
         tion of Employment or Consultancy.

                   If the employment or consultancy of the Optionee is
         terminated, the Option shall be exercisable as set forth in
         Article 6 of the Plan.

                   7.  Nontransferability.

                   The Option shall not be transferable other than by
         will or by the laws of descent and distribution.  During the
         lifetime of the Optionee, the Option shall be exercisable only
         by the Optionee.

                   8.  No Right to Continued Employment or Consultancy.

                   Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or
         construed to confer upon the Optionee any right with respect to
         continuance of employment or consultancy by the Company, nor
         shall this Agreement interfere in any way with the right of the
         Company to terminate the Optionee's employment or consultancy
         at any time.

                   9.  Adjustments.

                   In the event of a Change in Capitalization (as here-
         inafter defined), appropriate adjustments shall be made (as
         determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Com-
         pany) regarding the number and class of Shares or other stock
         or securities subject to the Option and the purchase price for
         such Shares or other stock or securities.

                   10.  Terminating Events.

                   In the event of (i) the liquidation or dissolution of
         the Company or (ii) a merger or consolidation of the company (a
         "Transaction"), the Option shall continue in effect in accor-
         dance with its terms for 90 days from the date of such transac-
         tion and the Optionee shall only be entitled to receive in
         respect of all Shares subject to the Option, upon exercise of
         the Option within such ninety (90) day period, the same number
         and kind of stock, securities, cash, property or other consid-
         eration that each holder of Shares was entitled to receive in
         the Transaction.

                   11.   Withholding of Taxes.

                   Upon exercise of the Option, the Optionee shall pay
         the Withholding Taxes (as defined in Section 9.3 of the Plan)
         to the Company as provided in Section 9.3 of the Plan.

                   12.  Definitions.

                   Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms
         used in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
         in the Plan.

                   13.  Modification of Agreement.

                   This Agreement may be modified, amended, suspended or
         terminated, and any terms or conditions may be waived, but only
         by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto.

                   14.  Severability.

                   Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a
         court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid
         for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement
         shall not be affected by such holding and shall continue in
         full force in accordance with their terms.

                   15.  Governing Law.

                   The validity, interpretation, construction and per-
         formance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
         State of Now York without giving effect to the conflicts of
         laws principles thereof.

                   16.  Successors in Interest.

                   This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be
         binding upon any successor to the Company.  This Agreement
         shall inure to the benefit of the Optionee's legal representa-
         tives.  All obligations imposed upon the Optionee and all
         rights granted to the Company under this Agreement shall be
         final, binding and conclusive upon the Optionee's heirs, execu-
         tors, administrators and successors.

                                  SAVOY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT, INC.

         Attest:                  By:  ____________________________
                                       Lewis J. Korman
                                       President and Chief
         ______________________        Operating Officer


