Exhibit 99.2

                           FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE TIME


              At and from the Effective Time, the total number of
         persons serving on the Board of Directors of CUC shall be 30
         (unless otherwise agreed in writing between CUC and HFS prior
         to the Effective Time), half of whom shall be CUC Directors and
         half of whom shall be HFS Directors (as such terms are defined
         in the Amended and Restated By-Laws attached as Exhibit A-2 to
         the Merger Agreement (the "Restated By-Laws")).  The Board of
         Directors of CUC will adopt a resolution, effective as of the
         Effective Time, fixing the size of the CUC Board at 30.

              The persons to serve initially on the Board of Directors
         of CUC at the Effective Time who are HFS Directors shall be
         selected solely by and at the absolute discretion of the Board
         of Directors of HFS prior to the Effective Time; and the
         persons to serve on the Board of Directors of CUC at the
         Effective Time who are CUC Directors shall be selected solely
         by and at the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of
         CUC prior to the Effective Time.  Initially, five HFS Directors
         and five CUC Directors designated prior to the Effective Time
         by the HFS Board of Directors and the CUC Board of Directors,
         respectively, shall be assigned to each of the three classes of
         the Board of Directors of CUC from and after the Effective
         Time.  In the event that, prior to the Effective Time, any
         person so selected to serve on the Board of Directors of CUC
         after the Effective Time is unable or unwilling to serve in
         such position, the Board of Directors which is entitled to
         select such person shall designate another person to serve in
         such person's stead in accordance with the provisions of the
         immediately preceding two sentences.  Until the third
         anniversary of the Effective Time, the Executive Committee of
         the Board of CUC shall have the exclusive power and authority
         to nominate directors for election to the Board at the next
         stockholders' meeting at which Directors are to be elected, to
         elect directors to fill vacancies on the Board in between
         stockholders' meetings and to fill

         vacancies on any committee of the Board to the extent an
         alternate member has not been previously designated by the
         Board of Directors of CUC and shall promptly nominate Directors
         for election to the Board at the next stockholders' meeting at
         which Directors are to be elected to the Board, elect Directors
         to fill vacancies on the Board in between stockholders'
         meetings or elect Directors to fill vacancies on any committee
         of the Board (to the extent an alternate member has not
         previously been designated by the Board), as the case may be,
         by resolution adopted in accordance with the Restated By-Laws
         and as provided in the next sentence.  Nominations of Directors
         for election to the Board at any annual or special meeting of
         stockholders, the election of Directors to fill vacancies on
         the Board in between stockholders' meetings or the election of
         Directors to fill vacancies on any committee of the Board (to
         the extent an alternate member has not been previously
         designated by the Board) shall be undertaken by the Executive
         Committee such that (1) the number of HFS Directors and CUC
         Directors on the Board or any committee of the Board shall be
         equal and (2) the remaining HFS Directors (if the number of HFS
         Directors is less than the number of CUC Directors) or the
         remaining CUC Directors (if the number of CUC Directors is less
         than the number of HFS Directors) shall designate the person to
         be nominated or elected.

              From and after the Effective Time, as provided in the
         Restated By-Laws, the Board of Directors of CUC shall have
         three committees:

              (i)  The Executive Committee (which will also act as the
         nominating committee) will consist of four CUC Directors
         (including the Chairman of the Board of CUC) and four HFS
         Directors (including the Chief Executive Officer of HFS).  The
         Board of Directors of CUC will adopt a resolution, effective as
         of the Effective Time, establishing the Executive Committee in
         accordance with the Restated By-Laws, delegating to the
         Executive Committee those powers and authorities as provided in
         the Restated By-Laws, appointing its members and naming
         specific alternate members (who shall be HFS Directors) for
         members of the Executive Committee who are HFS Directors and
         naming specific alternate members (who shall be CUC Directors)
         for the members of the Executive Committee who are CUC
         Directors.  The Chairman of the Board will also serve as
         Chairman of the Executive Committee.  The Execu-


         tive Committee will include three CUC Directors and three of
         the HFS Directors who, to the extent practicable, are officers
         of CUC at and after the Effective Time and the remaining
         directors will be independent directors.

              (ii)  The Compensation Committee will consist of two CUC
         Directors and two HFS Directors.  The Chairman of the
         Compensation Committee will be designated by the HFS Directors.
         The Board of Directors of CUC will adopt a resolution,
         effective as of the Effective Time, establishing the
         Compensation Committee in accordance with the Restated By-Laws,
         delegating to the Compensation Committee those powers and
         authorities as provided in the Restated By-Laws, appointing its
         members and naming specific alternate members (who shall be HFS
         Directors) for members of the Compensation Committee who are
         HFS Directors and naming specific alternate members (who shall
         be CUC Directors) for members of the Compensation Committee who
         are CUC Directors.

              (iii)  The Audit Committee will consist of two CUC
         Directors and two HFS Directors.  The Chairman of the Audit
         Committee will be designated by the CUC Directors. The Board of
         Directors of CUC will adopt a resolution, effective as of the
         Effective Time, establishing the Audit Committee in accordance
         with the Restated By-Laws, delegating to the Audit Committee
         those powers and authorities as provided in the Restated By-
         Laws, appointing its members and naming specific alternate
         members (who shall be HFS Directors) for members of the Audit
         Committee who are HFS Directors and naming specific alternate
         members (who shall be CUC Directors) for members of the Audit
         Committee who are CUC Directors.

              At and after the Effective Time and until January 1, 2002,
         the removal of Mr. Forbes or Mr. Silverman from their executive
         positions or any breach of their respective employment
         agreements shall require the approval of at least 80% of the
         entire Board of Directors of CUC. Until the third anniversary
         of the Effective Time, any change in the size of the Board of
         Directors of CUC, any change in the composition or power and
         authority of the Committees of the CUC Board or the
         chairmanship of such Committees or any change or amendment to
         the Restated By-Laws implementing any of the foregoing shall
         require the approval by at least 80% of the entire Board of
         Directors of CUC.


              Each of the resolutions of the CUC Board adopted in order
         to effect the provisions of this Exhibit B shall state that,
         until the third anniversary of the Effective Time, such
         resolution may be amended or superseded only by a new
         resolution of the CUC Board which is adopted by 80% of the
         entire Board (as defined in the Restated By-Laws).


              From and after the Effective Time, the Executive Officers
         of CUC shall be the following:

         NAME                               TITLE

         Walter A. Forbes...............    Chairman of the Board
         Henry R. Silverman.............    President and Chief Exec-
                                            utive Officer 
         Michael P. Monaco..............    Chief Financial Officer 
         James E. Buckman ..............    General Counsel

         From and after January 1, 2000, Mr. Silverman shall be the
         Chairman of the Board and Mr. Forbes shall be the President and
         Chief Executive Officer.  If, for any reason Mr. Silverman
         ceases to serve as President and Chief Executive Officer prior
         to January 1, 2000 and at such time Mr. Forbes is Chairman of
         the Board, Mr. Forbes shall become President and Chief
         Executive Officer.  If, for any reason Mr. Forbes ceases to
         serve as Chairman of the Board prior to January 1, 2000 and at
         such time Mr. Silverman is President and Chief Executive
         Officer, Mr. Silverman shall become Chairman of the Board. 

              Reporting responsibilities of CUC officers will be as set
         forth on the attachment hereto.

              Each of HFS and CUC shall take such action as shall
         reasonably be deemed by either thereof to be advisable to give
         effect to the provisions set forth in this Exhibit B.

