Exhibit 99.3



                             [NAME TO BE DETERMINED]

                   The undersigned, _________________ and
         _________________, certify that they are the Vice President and
         Secretary, respectively, of CUC International Inc., a
         corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State
         of Delaware (the "Corporation"), and do hereby further certify
         as follows:

                   FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is CUC
         International Inc.

                   SECOND:  The name under which the Corporation was
         originally incorporated was "Comp-U-Card of America, Inc.," and
         the original Certificate of Incorporation of Comp-U-Card of
         America, Inc. was filed with the Secretary of State of the
         State of Delaware on August 1, 1974.

                   THIRD:  This Restated Certificate of Incorporation
         was duly adopted in accordance with Sections 242 and 245 of the
         General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

                   FOURTH:  The text of the Certificate of Incorporation
         of the Corporation as amended hereby is restated to read in its
         entirety, as follows:

                   1.  The name of the Corporation is [name to be

                   2.  The address of its registered office in the State
         of Delaware is Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, in
         the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle.  The name of its
         registered agent at such address is The Corporation Trust

                   3.  The nature of the business or purposes to be
         conducted or promoted is:

              To engage in any lawful act or activity for which
              corporations may be organized under the General
              Corporation Law of Delaware.

                   4.  The total number of shares of all classes of
         stock which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is
         2,010,000,000 shares, of which 10,000,000 shall be Preferred
         Stock, par value $.01 per share, and 2,000,000,000 shall be
         Common Stock, par value $.01 per share.  No stockholder shall
         have any preemptive right to subscribe to or purchase any
         additional shares of stock of the Corporation or any securities
         convertible into any such shares or representing a right or
         option to purchase any such shares.

                   The Board of Directors is expressly authorized to
         adopt, from time to time, a resolution or resolutions providing
         for the issuance of Preferred Stock in one or more series, to
         fix the number of shares in each such series (subject to the
         aggregate limitations thereon in this Article) and to fix the
         designations and the powers, preferences and relative,
         participating, optional or other special rights, and the
         qualifications, limitations and restrictions, of each such
         series.  The authority of the Board of Directors with respect
         to each such series shall include determination of the
         following (which may vary as between the different series of
         Preferred Stock):

              (a)  The number of shares constituting the shares and the
              distinctive designation of the series;

              (b)  The dividend rate on the shares of the series and the
              extent, if any, to which dividends thereon shall be

              (c)  Whether shares of the series shall be redeemable and,
              if redeemable, the redemption price payable on redemption
              thereof, which price may, but need not, vary according to
              the time or circumstances of such redemption;

              (d)  The amount or amounts payable upon the shares of the
              series in the event of voluntary or involuntary
              liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation
              prior to any payment or distribution of the assets of the
              Corporation to any class or class-

              es of stock of the Corporation ranking junior to the
              Preferred Stock;

              (e)  Whether the shares of the series shall be entitled to
              the benefit of a sinking or retirement fund to be applied
              to the purchase or redemption of shares of the series and,
              if so entitled, the amount of such fund and the manner of
              its application, including the price or prices at which
              the shares may be redeemed or purchased through the
              application of such fund;

              (f)  Whether the shares of the series shall be convertible
              into, or exchangeable for, shares of any other class or
              classes or of any other series of the same or any other
              class or classes of stock of the Corporation, and, if so
              convertible or exchangeable, the conversion price or
              prices, or the rates of exchange, and the adjustments
              thereof, if any, at which such conversion or exchange may
              be made, and any other terms and conditions of such
              conversion or exchange;

              (g)  The extent, if any, to which the holders of shares of
              the series shall be entitled to vote on any question or in
              any proceedings or to be represented at or to receive
              notice of any meeting of stockholders of the Corporation;

              (h)  Whether, and the extent to which, any of the voting
              powers, designations, preferences, rights and
              qualifications, limitations or restrictions of any such
              series may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
              outside of the Certificate of Incorporation or of any
              amendment thereto, or outside the resolution or
              resolutions providing for the issuance of such series
              adopted by the Board of Directors, provided that the
              manner in which such facts shall operate upon the voting
              powers, designations, preferences, rights and
              qualifications, limitations or restrictions of such series
              is clearly and expressly set forth in the resolution or
              resolutions providing for the issuance of such series
              adopted by the Board of Directors; and

              (i)  Any other preferences, privileges and powers and
              relative, participating, optional or other

              special rights, and qualifications, limitations or
              restrictions of such series, as the Board of Directors may
              deem advisable, which shall not affect adversely any other
              class or series of Preferred Stock at the time outstanding
              and which shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of
              this Certificate of Incorporation.

                   Shares of Common Stock and of Preferred Stock may be
         issued from time to time as the Board of Directors shall
         determine and on such terms and for such consideration, not
         less than par value, as shall be fixed by the Board of
         Directors.  No consent by any series of Preferred Stock shall
         be required for the issuance of any other series of Preferred
         Stock unless the Board of Directors in the resolution providing
         for the issuance of any series of Preferred Stock expressly
         provides that such consent shall be required.

                   Subject to the rights, if any, of holders of shares
         of Preferred Stock from time to time outstanding, dividends may
         be paid upon the Common Stock as and when declared by the Board
         of Directors out of any funds legally available therefor.

                   Except as otherwise provided by law or as otherwise
         expressly provided in the resolution or resolutions providing
         for the issuance of shares of any series of the Preferred
         Stock, the holders of shares of the Common Stock shall have the
         exclusive right to vote for the election of directors and for
         all other purposes. Each holder of shares of Common Stock of
         the Corporation entitled at any time to vote shall have one
         vote for each share thereof held.  Except as otherwise provided
         with respect to shares of Preferred Stock authorized from time
         to time by the Board of Directors, the exclusive voting power
         for all purposes shall be vested in the holders of shares of
         Common Stock.

                   5.  The Corporation is to have perpetual existence.

                   6.  In furtherance and not in limitation of the
         powers conferred by statute, the Board of Directors is
         expressly authorized:

                   (a)  To make, alter, or repeal the By-Laws of the

                   (b)  To authorize and cause to be executed mortgages
              and liens upon the real and personal property of the

                   (c)  To set apart out of any of the funds of the
              Corporation available for dividends a reserve or reserves
              for any proper purpose and to abolish any such reserve in
              the manner in which it was created.

                   (d)  Subject to the provisions of the By-Laws, to
              designate one or more committees, each committee to
              consist of one or more of the directors of the
              Corporation.  Subject to the provisions of the By-Laws,
              the Board of Directors may designate one or more directors
              as alternate members of any committee, who shall replace
              any absent or disqualified member at any meeting of the
              committee in the manner specified in such designation.
              Any such committee, to the extent provided in the
              resolution of the Board of Directors adopted in accordance
              with the By-Laws of the Corporation, shall have and may
              exercise all the powers and authority of the Board of
              Directors in the management of the business and affairs of
              the Corporation, and may authorize the seal of the
              Corporation to be affixed to all papers which may require
              it; but no such committee shall have the power or
              authority in reference to amending the Certificate of
              Incorporation, adopting an agreement of merger or
              consolidation, recommending to the stockholders a
              dissolution of the Corporation or a revocation of a
              dissolution, or amending the By-Laws of the Corporation;
              and, unless the resolution or By-Laws expressly so
              provide, no such committee shall have the power or
              authority to declare a dividend or to authorize the
              issuance of stock.

                   (e)  When and as authorized by the stockholders in
              accordance with statute, to sell, lease, or exchange all
              or substantially all of the property and assets of the
              Corporation, including its goodwill and its corporate
              franchises, upon such terms and conditions and for such
              consideration, which may consist in whole or in part of
              money or property, including shares of stock in, and/or
              other securi-

              ties of, any other corporation or corporations, as its
              Board of Directors shall deem expedient and for the best
              interests of the Corporation.

                   7.  Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed
         between this Corporation and its creditors or any class of them
         and/or between this Corporation and its stockholders or any
         class of them, any court of equitable jurisdiction within the
         State of Delaware may, on the application in a summary way of
         this Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder thereof, or
         on the application of any receiver or receivers appointed for
         this Corporation under the provisions of Section 291 of Title 8
         of the Delaware Code or on the application of trustees in
         dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for this
         Corporation under the provisions of Section 279 of Title 8 of
         the Delaware Code, order a meeting of the creditors or class of
         creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders
         of this Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such
         manner as the said court directs.  If a majority in number
         representing three-fourths in value of the creditors or class
         of creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of stock-
         holders of this Corporation, as the case may be, agree to any
         compromise or arrangement to any reorganization of this
         Corporation as consequence of such compromise or arrangement,
         the said compromise or arrangement and the said reorganization
         shall, if sanctioned by the court to which the said application
         has been made, be binding on all the creditors or class of
         creditors, and/or on all the stockholders or class of
         stockholders of this Corporation, as the case may be, and also
         on this Corporation.

                   8.  Meetings of stockholders may be held within or
         without the State of Delaware, as the By-Laws may provide.  The
         books of the Corporation may be kept (subject to any provision
         contained in the statues) outside the State of Delaware at such
         place or places as may be designated from time to time by the
         Board of Directors or in the By-Laws of the Corporation.  Elec-
         tions of directors need not be by written ballot unless the By-
         Laws of the Corporation shall so provide.

                   9.  For the management of the business and for the
         conduct of the affairs of the Corporation, and in further
         creation, definition, limitation and regulation

         of the power of the Corporation and of its directors and of its
         stockholders, it is further provided:

                   (a)  Election of Directors.  Elections of Directors
              need not be by written ballot unless the By-Laws of the
              Corporation shall so provide.

                   (b)  Number, Election and Terms of Directors. The
              number of Directors of the Corporation shall be fixed from
              time to time by or pursuant to the By-Laws.  The Directors
              shall be classified, with respect to the time for which
              they severally hold office, into three classes, as nearly
              equal in number as possible, as shall be provided in the
              manner specified in the By-Laws, one class to hold office
              initially for a term expiring at the annual meeting of
              stockholders to be held in 1986, another class to hold
              office initially for a term expiring at the annual meeting
              of stockholders to be held in 1987, and another class to
              hold office initially for a term expiring at the annual
              meeting of stockholders to be held in 1988, with the
              members of each class to hold office until their
              successors are elected and qualified.  At each annual
              meeting of the stockholders of the Corporation, the
              successors to the class of Directors whose term expires at
              that meeting shall be elected to the office for a term
              expiring at the annual meeting of stockholders held in the
              third year following the year of their election.

                   (c)  Stockholder Nomination of Director Candidates.
              Advance notice of nominations for the election of
              Directors, other than by the Board of Directors or a
              Committee thereof, shall be given in the manner provided
              in the By-Laws.

                   (d)  Newly Created Directorships and Vacancies. Newly
              created directorships resulting from any increase in the
              number of Directors and any vacancies on the Board of
              Directors resulting from death, resignation,
              disqualification, removal or other cause shall be filled
              solely by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
              remaining Directors then in office, even though less than
              a quorum of the Board of Directors.  Any Director elected
              in accordance with the preceding sentence shall hold
              office for

              the remainder of the full term of the class of Directors
              for which the new directorship was created or the vacancy
              occurred and until such Director's successor shall have
              become elected and qualified. No decrease in the number of
              Directors constituting the Board of Directors shall
              shorten the term of any incumbent Director.

                   (e)  Removal of Directors.  Any Director may be
              removed from office without cause only by the affirmative
              vote of the holders of 80% of the combined voting power of
              the then outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote
              generally in the election of Directors voting together as
              a single class.

                   (f)  Stockholder Action.  Any action required or
              permitted to be taken by the stockholders of the
              Corporation must be effected at a duly called annual or
              special meeting of such holders and may not be effected by
              any consent in writing by such holders. Except as
              otherwise required by law, special meetings of
              stockholders of the Corporation may be called only by the
              Chairman of the Board, the President or the Board of
              Directors pursuant to a resolution approved by a majority
              of the entire Board or Directors.

                   (g)  By-Law Amendments.  The Board of Directors shall
              have power to make, alter, amend and repeal the By-Laws
              (except so far as the By-Laws adopted by the stockholders
              shall otherwise provide).  Any By-Laws made by the
              Directors under the powers conferred hereby may be
              altered, amended or repealed by the Directors or by the
              stockholders.  Notwithstanding the foregoing and anything
              contained in this Certificate of Incorporation to the
              contrary, Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Article II, and Sections
              1, 2 and 3 of Article III of the By-Laws shall not be
              altered, amended or repealed and no provision inconsistent
              therewith shall be adopted without the affirmative vote of
              the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of all the
              shares of the Corporation entitled to vote generally in
              the election of Directors, voting together as a single

                   (h)  Amendment, Repeal.  Notwithstanding anything
              contained in this Certificate of Incorporation

              to the contrary, the affirmative vote of the holders of at
              least 80% of the voting power of all shares of the
              Corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of
              Directors, voting together as a single class, shall be
              required to alter, amend, adopt any provision inconsistent
              with, or repeal, this Article 9 or any provision hereof.

                   10.  (a)  Vote Required for Certain Business

                   A.  Higher Vote for Certain Business Combinations.
              In addition to any affirmative vote required by law or
              this Certificate of Incorporation, and except as otherwise
              expressly provided herein:

                        (i)  any merger or consolidation of the
                   Corporation or any Subsidiary (as hereinafter
                   defined) with (a) any Interested Stockholder (as
                   hereinafter defined) or (b) any other corporation
                   (whether or not itself an Interested Stockholder)
                   which is, or after such merger or consolidation would
                   be, an Affiliate (as hereinafter defined) of an
                   Interested Stockholder; or

                        (ii)  any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage,
                   pledge, transfer or other disposition (in one
                   transaction or a series of transactions) to or with
                   any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate of any
                   Interested Stockholder of any assets of the
                   Corporation or any Subsidiary having an aggregate
                   Fair Market Value of $10 million or more; or

                        (iii)  the issuance or transfer by the Cor-
                   poration or any Subsidiary (in one transaction or
                   series of transactions) of any securities of the
                   Corporation or any subsidiary to any Interested
                   Stockholder or to any Affiliate of any Interested
                   Stockholder in exchange for cash, securities or other
                   property (or a combination thereof) having an
                   aggregate Fair Market Value of $10 million or more;

                        (iv)  the adoption of any plan or proposal for
                   the liquidation or dissolution of the Cor-

                   poration proposed by or on behalf of any Interested
                   Stockholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
                   Stockholder; or

                        (v)  any reclassification of securities
                   (including any reverse stock split), or recapi-
                   talization of the Corporation, or any merger or
                   consolidation of the Corporation with any of its
                   Subsidiaries or any other transaction (whether or not
                   with or into or otherwise involving an Interested
                   Stockholder) which has the effect, directly or
                   indirectly, of increasing the proportionate share of
                   the outstanding shares of any class of Equity
                   Security (as hereinafter defined) of the Corporation
                   or any Subsidiary which is directly or indirectly
                   owned by any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate
                   of any Interested Stockholder;

                   shall require the affirmative vote of the holders of
                   at least 80% of the voting power of the then
                   outstanding shares of capital stock of the
                   Corporation entitled to vote generally in the
                   election of directors (the "Voting Stock"), voting
                   together as a single class (it being understood that
                   for the purposes of Article 10, each share of the
                   Voting Stock shall have one vote).  Such affirmative
                   vote shall be required notwithstanding the fact that
                   no vote may be required, or that a lesser percentage
                   may be specified, by law or in any agreement with any
                   national securities exchange or otherwise.

                   B.  Definition of "Business Combination".  The term
              "Business Combination" used in this Article 10 shall mean
              any transaction which is referred to in any one or more of
              clauses (i) through (v) of Paragraph A hereof.

                   (b)  When Higher Vote is Not Required.  The
              provisions of Article 10(a) shall not be applicable to any
              particular Business Combination, and such Business
              Combination shall require only such affirmative vote as is
              required by law and any other provision of this
              Certificate of Incorporation, if all of the conditions
              specified in either of the following Paragraphs A and B
              are met:

                   A.  Approval by Disinterested Directors.  The
              Business Combination shall have been approved by majority
              of the Disinterested Directors (as hereinafter defined).

                   B.  Price and Procedure Requirements.  All of the
              following conditions shall have been met:

                             (i)  The aggregate amount of the cash and
                   the Fair Market Value (as hereinafter defined) as of
                   the date of the consummation of the Business
                   Combination of consideration other than cash to be
                   received per share by holders of Common Stock in such
                   Business Combination shall be at least equal to the
                   higher of the following:

                        (a)  (if applicable) the highest per share price
                   (including any brokerage commissions, transfer taxes
                   and soliciting dealers' fees) paid by the Interested
                   Stockholder for any shares of Common Stock acquired
                   by it (1) within the two-year period immediately
                   prior to the first public announcement of the terms
                   of the proposed Business Combination (the "An-
                   nouncement Date") or (2) in the transaction in which
                   it became an Interested Stockholder, whichever is
                   higher; and

                        (b)  the Fair Market Value per share of Common
                   Stock on the Announcement Date or on the date on
                   which the Interested Stockholder became an Interested
                   Stockholder (such latter date is referred to in this
                   Paragraph 10 as the "Determination Date"), whichever
                   is higher.

                             (ii)  The aggregate amount of the cash and
                   the Fair Market Value as of the date of the
                   consummation of the Business Combination of
                   consideration other than cash to be received per
                   share by holders of shares of any other class of
                   outstanding Voting Stock shall be at least equal to
                   the higher of the following:

                        (a)  (if applicable) the highest per share price
                   (including any brokerage commissions, transfer taxes
                   and soliciting dealers' fees)

                   paid by the Interested Stockholder for any shares of
                   Common Stock acquired by it (1) within the two-year
                   period immediately prior to the Announcement Date or
                   (2) in the transaction in which it became an
                   Interested Stockholder, whichever is higher; and

                        (b)  the Fair Market Value per share of such
                   class of Voting Stock on the Announcement Date or on
                   the Determination Date, whichever is higher.

                             (iii)  The consideration to be received by
                   holders of Voting Stock shall be in cash or in the
                   same form as the Interested Stockholder has
                   previously paid for shares of such class of Voting
                   Stock.  If the Interested Stockholder has paid for
                   any Voting Stock with varying forms of consideration,
                   the form of consideration for such Voting Stock shall
                   be either cash or the form used to acquire the
                   largest number of shares of such Voting Stock
                   previously acquired by it.  The price determined in
                   accordance with paragraphs B(i) and B(ii) of this
                   Article 10(b) shall be subject to appropriate
                   adjustment in the event of any stock dividend, stock
                   split, combination of shares or similar event.

                             (iv)  After such Interested Stockholder has
                   become an Interested Stockholder and prior to the
                   consummation of such Business Combinations:  (a)
                   there shall have been (1) no reduction in the annual
                   rate of dividends paid on the Common Stock (except as
                   necessary to reflect any subdivision of the Common
                   Stock), except as approved by a majority of the
                   Disinterested Directors, and (2) an increase in such
                   annual rate of dividends as necessary to reflect any
                   reclassification (including any reverse stock split),
                   recapitalization, reorganization or any similar
                   transaction which has the effect of reducing the
                   number of outstanding shares of the Common Stock,
                   unless the failure so to increase such annual rate is
                   approved by a majority of the Disinterested
                   Directors; and (b) such Interested Stockholder shall
                   have not

                   become the beneficial owner of any additional shares
                   of Voting Stock except as part of the transaction
                   which results in such Interested Stockholder becoming
                   an Interested Stockholder.

                        (c)  Certain Definitions.  For the purpose of
              this Article 10:

                   A.  A "person" shall mean any individual, firm,
              corporation or other entity.

                   B.  "Interested Stockholder" shall mean any person
              (other than the Corporation or any Subsidiary) who or

                             (i)  is the beneficial owner, directly or
                   indirectly, of 5% or more of the voting power of the
                   outstanding Voting Stock; or

                             (ii)  is an Affiliate of the Corporation
                   and at any time within the two-year period
                   immediately prior to the date in question was the
                   beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 5% or
                   more of the voting power of the then outstanding
                   Voting Stock; or

                             (iii)  is an assignee of or has otherwise
                   succeeded to any shares of Voting Stock which were at
                   any time within the two-year period immediately prior
                   to the date in question beneficially owned by any
                   Interested Stockholder, if such assignment or
                   succession shall have occurred in the course of a
                   transaction or series of transactions not involving a
                   public offering within the meaning of the Securities
                   Act of 1933.

                   C.  A person shall be a "beneficial owner" of any
              Voting Stock:

                             (i)  which such person or any of its
                   Affiliates or Associates (as hereinafter defined)
                   beneficially owns directly or indirectly; or

                        (ii)  which such person or any of its Affiliates
                   or Associates has (a) the right to

                   acquire (whether such right is exercisable
                   immediately or only after the passage of time),
                   pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or un
                   derstanding or upon the exercise of conversion
                   rights, exchange rights, warrants or options, or
                   otherwise, or (b) the right to vote pursuant to any
                   agreement, arrangement or understanding; or

                        (iii)  which are beneficially owned, directly or
                   indirectly, by any other person with which such
                   person or any of its Affiliates or Associates has any
                   agreement, arrangement or understanding for the
                   purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of
                   any shares of Voting Stock.

                   D.  For the purpose of determining whether a person
              is an Interested Stockholder pursuant to paragraph B of
              this Article 10(c), the number of shares of Voting Stock
              deemed to be outstanding shall include shares deemed owned
              through application of paragraph C of the Article 10(c)
              but shall not include any other shares of Voting Stock
              which may be issuable pursuant to any agreement, arrange-
              ment or understanding, or upon exercise of conversion
              rights, warrants or options, or otherwise.

                   E.  "Affiliate" or "Associate" shall have the
              respective meanings ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2
              of the General Rules and Regulations under the Securities
              Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on January 1, 1985.

                   F.  "Subsidiary" means any corporation of which a
              majority of any class of Equity Security is owned,
              directly or indirectly, by the Corporation, provided,
              however, that for the purposes of the definition of
              Interested Stockholder set forth in paragraph B of this
              Article 10(c), the term "Subsidiary" shall mean only a
              corporation of which a majority of each class of Equity
              Security is owned, directly or indirectly, by the

                   G.  "Disinterested Director" means any member of the
              Board of Directors who is unaffiliated with the Interested
              Stockholder and was a member of the

              Board of Directors prior to the time that the Interested
              Stockholder became an Interested Stockholder, and any
              successor of a Disinterested Director who is unaffiliated
              with the Interested Stockholder and is recommended to
              succeed a Disinterested Director by a majority of
              Disinterested Directors then on the Board of Directors.

                   H.  "Fair Market Value" means:  (i) in the case of
              stock, the highest closing bid quotation with respect to a
              share of such stock during the 30-day period preceding the
              date in question on the National Association of Securities
              Dealers, Inc. Automated Quotation System or any system
              then in use, or, if such stock is then listed on an ex-
              change, the highest closing sale price during the 30-day
              period immediately preceding the date in question of a
              share of such stock on the Composition Tape for New York
              Stock Exchange -- Listed Stocks, or, if such stock is not
              quoted on the Composite Tape, on the New York Stock
              Exchange, or, if such stock is not listed on such
              Exchange, on the principal United States securities
              exchange registered under the Securities Exchange Act of
              1934 on which such stock is listed, or, if such stock is
              not listed on any such exchange or quoted as aforesaid,
              the fair market value on the date in question of a share
              of such stock as determined by the Board of Directors in
              good faith; and (ii) in the case of property other than
              cash or stock, the fair market value of such property on
              the date in question as determined by the Board of
              Directors, in good faith.

                   I.  In the event of any Business Combination in which
              the Corporation survives, the phrase "consideration other
              than cash to be received" as used in paragraphs B(i) and
              (ii) of Article 10(b) shall include the shares of Common
              Stock retained by the holders of such shares.

                   J.  "Equity Security" shall have the meaning ascribed
              to such term in Section 3(a)(11) of the Securities
              Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on January 1, 1985.

                        (d)  Powers of the Board of Directors.  A
              majority of the Directors shall have the power and

              duty to determine for the purposes of this Article 10 on
              the basis of information known to them after reasonable
              inquiry, (A) whether a person is an Interested
              Stockholder, (B) the number of shares of Common Stock
              beneficially owned by any person, (C) whether a person is
              an Affiliate or Associate of another (D) whether the
              assets which are the subject of any Business Combination
              have, or the consideration to be received for an issuance
              of transfer of securities by the Corporation or any
              Subsidiary in any Business Combination has, or an issuance
              or transfer of securities by the Corporation or any
              Subsidiary in any Business Combination has, an aggregate
              Fair Market Value of $10 million or more. A majority of
              the Directors shall have the further power to interpret
              all of the terms and provisions of this Article 10.

                        (e)  No Effect on Fiduciary Obligations of
              Interested Shareholders.  Nothing contained in this
              Article 10 shall be construed to relieve any Interested
              Stockholder from any fiduciary obligation imposed by law.

                        (f)  Amendment, Repeal, etc.  Notwithstanding
              any other provisions of this Certificate of Incorporation
              or the By-Laws (and notwithstanding the fact that a lesser
              percentage may be specified by law, this Certificate of
              Incorporation or the By-Laws) the affirmative vote of the
              holders of 80% or more of the outstanding Voting Stock,
              voting together as a single class, shall be required to
              amend or repeal, or adopt any provisions inconsistent with
              this Article 10.

                   11.  No director of the Corporation shall be
         personally liable to the Corporation or its stockholders for
         monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty by such director
         as a director; provided, however, that this Article 11 shall
         not eliminate or limit the liability of a director to the
         extent provided by applicable law (i) for any breach of the
         director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its
         stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or
         which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of
         law, (iii) under section 174 of the General Corporation Law of
         the State of Delaware, or (iv) for any transaction from which

         director derived an improper personal benefit.  No amendment to
         or repeal of this Article 11 shall apply to or have any effect
         on the liability or alleged liability of any director of the
         Corporation for or with respect to any acts or omissions of
         such director occurring prior to such amendment or repeal.
