The following unaudited pro forma condensed financial information has been
prepared  from  the  historical  financial  statements  of  United  Technologies
Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation  ("United  Technologies"),  and Sundstrand
Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("Sundstrand"), adjusted to reflect the sale
of the UT Automotive  division of United  Technologies ("UT Automotive"),  which
occurred on May 4, 1999,  and the merger (the  "Merger") of Sundstrand  with and
into a wholly owned subsidiary of United  Technologies using the purchase method
of accounting.  The pro forma condensed  balance sheet adjustment to reflect the
sale of UT  Automotive,  as though it had occurred on March 31,  1999,  is based
upon net cash proceeds of approximately $2.1 billion, after payment of taxes and
the  estimated  $600  million  gain on the  sale  after  the  accrual  of  other
transaction-related  expenses.  The pro forma condensed statements of operations
reflect UT Automotive as a discontinued operation and do not reflect the effects
of the gain.

      The  unaudited  pro forma  condensed  balance  sheet has been  prepared to
reflect  the  Merger and the  issuance  of 0.558  shares of United  Technologies
common stock and $35 in cash for each  outstanding  share of  Sundstrand  common
stock,  as if the Merger  occurred on March 31, 1999, and the issuance of United
Technologies  stock options to Sundstrand  stock option  holders in exchange for
Sundstrand  stock options.  Based on the price per share of United  Technologies
common stock of  $62.71875  on February 19, 1999,  the last trading day prior to
entering into the  Agreement and Plan of Merger,  dated as of February 21, 1999,
among United  Technologies,  HSSail Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  and a wholly
owned subsidiary of United  Technologies,  and Sundstrand,  total  consideration
would be $70 per share resulting in an aggregate purchase price of approximately
$3.9 billion including  related  transaction costs of approximately $40 million.
The purchase price of Sundstrand common stock has been  preliminarily  allocated
to tangible and  intangible  assets and  liabilities  of  Sundstrand  based upon
estimates of their  respective  values.  These  allocations will be subsequently
adjusted based upon  appraisals,  valuations  and other  studies,  which will be
conducted over the next several  months.  Final values may differ  substantially
from those  shown  herein.  The  unaudited  pro forma  condensed  statements  of
operations  combine  the  results  of  operations  of  United  Technologies  and
Sundstrand as if the Merger occurred on January 1, 1998.

      The pro forma condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction
with United Technologies' and Sundstrand's historical financial statements.  The
pro forma information presented is for informational purposes only and it is not
necessarily  indicative of future earnings or financial  position or of what the
earnings or financial  position would have been had the Merger been completed on
January 1, 1998 or as of March 31,  1999.  Historical  financial  statements  of
United Technologies can be found in United  Technologies'  Annual Report on Form
10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1998,  as amended to reflect UT
Automotive as a discontinued operation by United Technologies' Current Report on
Form 8-K filed on June 11, 1999, and in United  Technologies'  Form 10-Q for the
quarter  ended  March 31,  1999,  which are  incorporated  herein by  reference.
Sundstrand's  historical  financial statements can be found in its Annual Report
on Form 10-K, filed on March 31, 1999, and Sundstrand's Quarterly Report on Form


filed on May 13, 1999, for the quarter ended March 31, 1999, both of which are
incorporated herein by reference insofar as they relate to the periods ended
December 31, 1998 and March 31, 1999.


                   Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Balance Sheet
                              As of March 31, 1999
                            (In millions of dollars)

                                 Historical        UT          Adjusted                      Merger         United
                                   United       Automotive      United       Historical     Pro Forma    Technologies
                                Technologies    Adjustment   Technologies    Sundstrand    Adjustments    Pro Forma
                                ------------    ----------   ------------    ----------    -----------   ------------

Cash and cash equivalents        $       657  $     2,100    $     2,757    $       17    $    (906) 1   $      1,868
Accounts receivable, net               3,418           -           3,418           376           -              3,794
Inventories and contracts in
  progress                             3,302           -           3,302           409           24  3          3,735
Other current assets                   1,426           -           1,426            68           -              1,494
Net investment in discontinued
  operation                            1,255       (1,255)           -             -             -                -
                                 ------------ -------------  ------------   -----------   ----------     -------------
  Total Current Assets                10,058          845         10,903           870         (882)           10,891

Fixed assets, net                      3,461           -           3,461           525          263  3          4,249
Goodwill                               1,404           -           1,404           327        3,097  5          4,828
Other assets                           2,989           -           2,989            98           -              3,087
                                 ------------ -------------  ------------   -----------   ----------     -------------

  Total Assets                   $    17,912  $       845    $    18,757    $    1,820    $   2,478      $     23,055
                                 ============ =============  ============   ===========   ==========     =============

Long-term debt currently due     $       100  $        -     $      100     $      136    $     -        $        236
Short-term borrowings                    541           -            541            118          -                 659
Accounts payable                       1,648           -          1,648            114          40  1           1,802
Accrued liabilities                    5,092          245         5,337            197          -               5,534
                                 ------------ -------------  ------------   -----------   ----------     -------------
  Total Current Liabilities            7,381          245         7,626            565          40              8,231

Long-term debt                         1,553           -          1,553            215       1,031  1,3         2,799
Other long-term liabilities            4,025           -          4,025            469           6  3,4         4,500

Series A ESOP Convertible
  Preferred Stock                        827           -            827            -            -                 827
  ESOP deferred compensation            (373)          -           (373)           -            -                (373)
                                 ------------ -------------  ------------   -----------   ----------     -------------
                                         454           -            454            -            -                 454

Shareowners' Equity:
  Common Stock                         2,818           -          2,818            204       1,037   1,2        4,059
  Unamortized value restricted
    stock issued                         -             -            -               (6)          6   2            -
  Treasury Stock                      (3,212)          -         (3,212)          (665)      1,396   1,2       (2,481)
  Retained earnings                    5,595          600         6,195          1,054      (1,054)  2          6,195
  Accumulated other non-
    changes in equity                   (702)          -           (702)           (16)         16   2           (702)
                                 ------------ -------------  ------------   -----------   ----------     -------------
                                       4,499          600         5,099            571       1,401              7,071
                                 ------------ -------------  ------------   -----------   ----------     -------------
Total Liabilities and
  Shareowners' Equity            $    17,912  $       845    $   18,757     $    1,820    $  2,478       $     23,055
                                 ============ =============  ============   ===========   ==========     =============

See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements.


                              AS OF MARCH 31, 1999

      The unaudited  pro forma  condensed  balance sheet  includes the pro forma
adjustments  to reflect the sale of UT Automotive and the Merger as if both took
place on March 31, 1999.


      Reflects the sale of UT Automotive for net cash proceeds of  approximately
      $2.1 billion after payment of taxes and the estimated $600 million gain on
      the sale after the accrual of other transaction-related expenses.

Merger Pro Forma Adjustments:

      1.   Adjustment to reflect  the  issuance  of 30  million  shares of
           United  Technologies Common Stock based on an exchange ratio of 0.558
           in  the  Merger,   the  payment  of  $1.906   billion  for  the  cash
           consideration  paid to  Sundstrand  stockholders,  the accrual of the
           cash transaction costs and the issuance of United  Technologies stock
           options to Sundstrand  stock option holders.  The adjustment  assumes
           that  the  cash   consideration   was  funded  by  the   issuance  of
           approximately $1.0 billion of medium-term and long-term debt and $906
           million of cash from the sale of UT Automotive  which occurred on May
           4, 1999.

      2.   Adjustment to eliminate Sundstrand equity pursuant to the Merger.

      3.   Adjustment   to   record   Sundstrand   assets   and  liabilities  at
           their estimated fair market value.

      4.   Adjustment   to   record   the   tax   effects  related  to  the  pro
           forma adjustments.

      5.   Adjustment to reflect the  incremental  goodwill  resulting  from the


                      FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 1999
                     (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                                   HISTORICAL                      MERGER          UNITED
                                                    UNITED        HISTORICAL     PRO FORMA      TECHNOLOGIES
                                                  TECHNOLOGIES    SUNDSTRAND    ADJUSTMENTS      PRO FORMA
                                                  ------------    ----------    -----------     ------------
  Product sales                                 $       3,980   $       504   $        (6) D  $       4,478
  Service sales                                         1,402            -             -              1,402
  Financing revenues and other income, net                 60             3            -                 63
                                                 -------------   -----------   ------------    -------------
                                                        5,442           507            (6)            5,943

Costs and Expenses:
  Cost of products sold                                 3,110           310            14  A,C,D      3,434
  Cost of services sold                                   867            -             -                867
  Research and development                                274            32            -                306
  Selling, general and administrative                     701            71            -                772
  Interest                                                 55             9            16  B             80
                                                 -------------   -----------   ------------    -------------
                                                        5,007           422            30             5,459

Income from continuing operations before in-
  come taxes and minority interests                       435            85           (36)              484
  Income taxes                                            136            29            (8) E            157
  Minority interests                                       21            -             -                 21
                                                 -------------   -----------   ------------    -------------

Income from continuing operations               $         278   $        56   $       (28)    $        306

Discontinued Operation:
  Income from operations of discontinued UT
  Automotive subsidiary (net of applicable
  income tax provision of $15 million)                    30             -            -                 30
                                                 -------------   -----------   ------------    -------------

Net Income                                      $        308    $        56   $      (28)    $         336
                                                 =============   ===========   ============    =============

Earnings per share of Common Stock
  Continuing operations:
    Basic                                       $      .60                                   $         .62
    Diluted                                     $      .57                                   $         .58

  Discontinued operation:
   Basic                                        $      .07                                   $         .06
   Diluted                                      $      .06                                   $         .06

  Net earnings per share:
   Basic                                        $      .67                                   $         .68
   Diluted                                      $      .63                                   $         .64

Average number of shares outstanding
   Basic                                               451                           30                481
   Diluted                                             492                           32                524

See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements.


            Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Statement of Operations
               For the Year Ended December 31, 1998
              (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                                   HISTORICAL                       MERGER          UNITED
                                                    UNITED        HISTORICAL      PRO FORMA      TECHNOLOGIES
                                                  TECHNOLOGIES    SUNDSTRAND     ADJUSTMENTS      PRO FORMA
                                                  ------------    ----------     -----------     ------------
  Product sales                                 $       17,348  $      2,005   $     (25)D    $       19,328
  Service sales                                          5,439            -           -                5,439
  Financing revenues and other income, net                  22            10          -                   32
                                                 --------------  ------------   ------------   --------------
                                                        22,809         2,015         (25)             24,799

Costs and Expenses:
  Cost of products sold                                 13,436         1,266          60  A,C,D       14,762
  Cost of services sold                                  3,461            -           -                3,461
  Research and development                               1,168            92          -                1,260
  Selling, general and administrative                    2,737           275          -                3,012
  Interest                                                 197            35          65  B              297
                                                 --------------  ------------   ------------    --------------
                                                        20,999         1,668         125              22,792

Income from continuing operations before in-             1,810           347        (150)              2,007
  come taxes and minority interests
  Income taxes                                             568           121         (32) E              657
  Minority interests                                        85            -           -                   85
                                                 --------------  ------------   ------------    --------------
Income from continuing operations               $        1,157  $        226   $    (118)     $        1,265

Discontinued Operation:
  Income from operations of discontinued UT
  Automotive subsidiary (net of applicable
  income tax provision of $55 million)                      98            -           -                   98
                                                 --------------  ------------   ------------    --------------
Net Income                                      $        1,255  $        226   $    (118)     $         1,363
                                                 ==============  ============   ============    ==============

Earnings Per Share of Common Stock
  Continuing operations:
   Basic                                        $        2.47                                 $          2.54
   Diluted                                      $        2.33                                 $          2.39

  Discontinued operation:
   Basic                                        $         .21                                 $           .20
   Diluted                                      $         .20                                 $           .19

  Net earnings per share:
   Basic                                        $        2.68                                 $          2.74
   Diluted                                      $        2.53                                 $          2.58

Average number of shares outstanding (millions):
   Basic                                                  456                          30                 486
   Diluted                                                495                          32                 527

See accompanying Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements.


          FOR THE PERIODS ENDED MARCH 31, 1999 AND DECEMBER 31, 1998

   The unaudited pro forma  condensed  statements of operations  include the pro
forma adjustments to reflect the Merger as if it took place on January 1, 1998.

A. Adjustment to reflect goodwill  amortization from the Merger over an
   estimated useful life of 40 years.

B. Reflects the interest expense  incurred by United  Technologies in connection
   with the Merger.  Interest  expense was calculated  (360-day  basis) on a pro
   forma basis using an interest rate of 6.5% on medium-term  and long-term debt
   of $1.0 billion.  A 50  basis-point  change in interest rates would have a $5
   million annual impact on interest expense.

C. Adjustment  reflects  the  additional  depreciation  on the write-up of fixed
   assets to fair value over a 10 year useful life.

D. Adjustment to eliminate sales and cost of sales between Sundstrand and United

E. Adjustment to record the tax effects related to the pro forma adjustments.
