EXHIBIT B to AIRCRAFT GENERAL TERMS AGREEMENT AGTA-AAT between THE BOEING COMPANY and American Trans Air, Inc. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOCUMENT This document contains: Part 1: Maintenance and Flight Training Programs; Operations Engineering Support Part 2: Field Services and Engineering Support Services Part 3: Technical Information and Materials Part 4: Alleviation or Cessation of Performance Part 5: Protection of Proprietary Information and Proprietary Materials CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOCUMENT PART 1: BOEING MAINTENANCE AND FLIGHT TRAINING PROGRAMS; OPERATIONS ENGINEERING SUPPORT 1. Boeing Training Programs. ------------------------ 1.1 Boeing will provide maintenance training and flight training programs to support the introduction of a specific model of aircraft into service. The training programs will consist of general and specialized courses and will be described in a Supplemental Exhibit to the applicable purchase agreement. 1.2 Boeing will conduct all training at Boeing's primary training facility for the model of aircraft purchased unless otherwise agreed. 1.3 All training will be presented in the English language. If translation is required, Customer will provide interpreters. 1.4 Customer will be responsible for all expenses of Customer's personnel. Boeing will transport Customer's personnel between their local lodging and Boeing's training facility. 2. Training Planning Conferences. ----------------------------- Customer and Boeing will conduct planning conferences approximately 12 months before the scheduled delivery month of the first aircraft of a model to define and schedule the maintenance and flight training programs. 3. Operations Engineering Support. ------------------------------ 3.1 As long as an aircraft purchased by Customer from Boeing is operated by Customer in scheduled revenue service, Boeing will provide operations engineering support. Such support will include: 3.1.1 assistance with the analysis and preparation of performance data to be used in establishing operating practices and policies for Customer's operation of aircraft; 3.1.2 assistance with interpretation of the minimum equipment list, the definition of the configuration deviation list and the analysis of individual aircraft performance; 3.1.3 assistance with solving operational problems associated with delivery and route-proving flights; 3.1.4 information regarding significant service items relating to aircraft performance or flight operations; and 3.1.5 if requested by Customer, Boeing will provide operations engineering support during an aircraft ferry flight. 4. Training at a Facility Other Than Boeing's. ------------------------------------------ If requested by Customer, Boeing will conduct the classroom portions of the maintenance and flight training (except for the Performance Engineer training courses) at a mutually acceptable alternate training site, subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Customer will provide acceptable classroom space, simulators (as necessary for flight training) and training equipment required to present the courses; 4.2 Customer will pay Boeing's then-current per diem charge for each Boeing instructor for each day, or fraction thereof, that the instructor is away from their home location , including travel time; 4.3 Customer will reimburse Boeing for the actual costs of round-trip transportation for Boeing's instructors and the shipping costs of training Materials between the primary training facility and the alternate training site; 4.4 Customer will be responsible for all taxes, fees, duties, licenses, permits and similar expenses incurred by Boeing and its employees as a result of Boeing's providing training at the alternate site or incurred as a result of Boeing providing revenue service training; and 4.5 Those portions of training that require the use of training devices not available at the alternate site will be conducted at Boeing's facility or at some other alternate site. 5. General Terms and Conditions. ---------------------------- 5.1 Boeing flight instructor personnel will not be required to work more than 5 days per week, or more than 8 hours in any one 24-hour period, of which not more than 5 hours per 8-hour workday will be spent in actual flying. These foregoing restrictions will not apply to ferry assistance or revenue service training services, which will be governed by FAA rules and regulations. 5.2 Normal Line Maintenance is defined as line maintenance that Boeing might reasonably be expected to furnish for flight crew training at Boeing's facility, and will include ground support and aircraft storage in the open, but will not include provision of spare parts. Boeing will provide Normal Line Maintenance services for any aircraft while the aircraft is used for flight crew training at Boeing's facility in accordance with the Boeing Maintenance Plan (Boeing document D6-82076) and the Repair Station Operation and Inspection Manual (Boeing document D6-25470). Customer will provide such services if flight crew training is conducted elsewhere. Regardless of the location of such training, Customer will be responsible for providing all maintenance items (other than those included in Normal Line Maintenance) required during the training, including, but not limited to, fuel, oil, landing fees and spare parts. 5.3 If the training is based at Boeing's facility, and the aircraft is damaged during such training, Boeing will make all necessary repairs to the aircraft as promptly as possible. Customer will pay Boeing's reasonable charge, including the price of parts and materials, for making the repairs. If Boeing's estimated labor charge for the repair exceeds $25,000, Boeing and Customer will enter into an agreement for additional services before beginning the repair work. 5.4 If the flight training is based at Boeing's facility, several airports in surrounding states may be used, at Boeing's option. Unless otherwise agreed in the flight training planning conference, it will be Customer's responsibility to make arrangements for the use of such airports. 5.5 If Boeing agrees to make arrangements on behalf of Customer for the use of airports for flight training, Boeing will pay on Customer's behalf any landing fees charged by any airport used in conjunction with the flight training. At least 30 days before flight training, Customer will provide Boeing an open purchase order against which Boeing will invoice Customer for any landing fees Boeing paid on Customer's behalf. The invoice will be submitted to Customer approximately 60 days after flight training is completed, when all landing fee charges have been received and verified. Customer will pay to Boeing within 30 days of the date of the invoice. 5.6 If requested by Boeing, in order to provide the flight training or ferry flight assistance, Customer will make available to Boeing an aircraft after delivery to familiarize Boeing instructor or ferry flight crew personnel with such aircraft. If flight of the aircraft is required for any Boeing instructor or ferry flight crew member to maintain an FAA license for flight proficiency or landing currency, Boeing will be responsible for the costs of fuel, oil, landing fees and spare parts attributable to that portion of the flight. 5.7 If any part of the training described in paragraph 1.1 of this Exhibit is not used by Customer within 12 months after the delivery of the last aircraft under the relevant purchase agreement, Boeing will not be obligated to provide such training. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOCUMENT PART 2: FIELD AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES 1. Field Service Representation. ---------------------------- Boeing will furnish field service representation to advise Customer with respect to the maintenance and operation of an aircraft (Field Service Representatives). 1.1 Field Service representation will be available at or near Customer's main maintenance or engineering facility beginning before the scheduled delivery month of the first aircraft and ending 12 months after delivery of the last aircraft covered by a specific purchase agreement. 1.2 Customer will provide, at no charge to Boeing, suitable furnished office space and office equipment at the location where Boeing is providing Field Service Representatives. As required, Customer will assist each Field Service Representative with visas, work permits, customs, mail handling, identification passes and formal introduction to local airport authorities. 1.3 Boeing Field Service Representatives are assigned to various airports around the world. Whenever Customer's aircraft are operating through any such airport, the services of Boeing's Field Service Representatives are available to Customer. 2. Engineering Support Services. ---------------------------- Boeing will, if requested by Customer, provide technical advisory assistance for any aircraft and Boeing Product (as defined in Part I of Exhibit C). Technical advisory assistance, provided from the Seattle area or at a base designated by Customer as appropriate, will include: 2.1 Operational Problem Support. If Customer experiences operational problems with an aircraft, Boeing will analyze the information provided by Customer to determine the probable nature and cause of the problem and to suggest possible solutions. 2.2 Schedule Reliability Support. If Customer is not satisfied with the schedule reliability of a specific model of aircraft, Boeing will analyze information provided by Customer to determine the nature and cause of the problem and to suggest possible solutions. 2.3 Maintenance Cost Reduction Support. If Customer is concerned that actual maintenance costs of a specific model of aircraft are excessive, Boeing will analyze information provided by Customer to determine the nature and cause of the problem and to suggest possible solutions. 2.4 Aircraft Structural Repair Support. If Customer is designing structural repairs and desires Boeing's support, Boeing will analyze and comment on Customer's engineering releases relating to structural repairs not covered by Boeing's Structural Repair Manual. 2.5 Aircraft Modification Support. If Customer is designing aircraft modifications and requests Boeing's support, Boeing will analyze and comment on Customer's engineering proposals for changes in, or replacement of, systems, parts, accessories or equipment manufactured to Boeing's detailed design. Boeing will not analyze or comment on any major structural change unless Customer's request for such analysis and comment includes complete detailed drawings, substantiating information (including any information required by applicable government agencies), all stress or other appropriate analyses, and a specific statement from Customer of the substance of the review and the response requested. 2.6 Facilities, Ground Equipment and Maintenance Planning Support. Boeing will, at Customer's request, evaluate Customer's technical facilities, tools and equipment for servicing and maintaining aircraft, to recommend changes where necessary and to assist in the formulation of an initial maintenance plan for the introduction of the aircraft into service. 2.7 Post-Delivery Service Support. Boeing will, at Customer's request, perform work on an aircraft after delivery but prior to the initial departure flight or upon the return of the aircraft to Boeing's facility prior to completion of that flight. In that event the following provisions will apply. 2.7.1 Boeing may rely upon the commitment authority of the Customer's personnel requesting the work. 2.7.2 As title and risk of loss has passed to Customer, the insurance provisions of Article 8.2 of the AGTA apply. 2.7.3 The provisions of the Boeing Warranty in Part 2 of Exhibit C of this AGTA apply. 2.7.4 Customer will pay Boeing for requested work not covered by the Boeing Warranty, if any. 2.7.5 The DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE and EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER DAMAGES provisions in Article 11 of Part 2 of Exhibit C of this AGTA apply. 2.8 Additional Services. Boeing may, at Customer's request, provide additional services for an aircraft after delivery, which may include, but not be limited to, retrofit kit changes (kits and/or information), training, flight services, maintenance and repair of aircraft. Such additional services will be subject to a mutually acceptable price, schedule and scope of work. The DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE and the EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER DAMAGES provisions in Article 11 of Part 2 of Exhibit C of this AGTA and the insurance provisions in Article 8.2 of this AGTA will apply to any such work. Title to and risk of loss of any such aircraft will always remain with Customer. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOCUMENT PART 3: TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND MATERIALS 1. General. ------- Materials are defined as any and all items that are created by Boeing or a third party, which are provided directly or indirectly from Boeing and serve primarily to contain, convey or embody information. Materials may include either tangible embodiments (for example, documents or drawings), or intangible embodiments (for example, software and other electronic forms) of information but excludes Aircraft Software. Aircraft Software is defined as software that is installed on and used in the operation of the aircraft. Boeing will furnish to Customer certain Materials to support the maintenance and operation of the aircraft at no additional charge to Customer, except as otherwise provided herein. Such Materials will, if applicable, be prepared generally in accordance with Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Specification No. 100, entitled "Specification for Manufacturers' Technical Data". Materials will be in English and in the units of measure used by Boeing to manufacture an aircraft. Digitally-produced Materials will, if applicable, be prepared generally in accordance with ATA Specification No. 2100, dated January 1994, "Digital Data Standards for Aircraft Support." 2. Materials Planning Conferences. ------------------------------ Customer and Boeing will conduct planning conferences approximately 12 months before the scheduled delivery month of the first aircraft of a model in order to mutually determine the proper format and quantity of Materials to be furnished to Customer in support of the aircraft. When available, Customer may select one Boeing digital format as the delivery medium. Should a Boeing digital format not be chosen, Customer may select a reasonable quantity of printed and 16mm microfilm formats, with the exception of the Illustrated Parts Catalog, which will be provided in one selected format only. 3. Information and Materials - Incremental Increase. ------------------------------------------------ Until one year after the month of delivery of the last aircraft covered by a specific purchase agreement, Customer may annually request in writing a reasonable increase in the quantity of Materials with the exception of microfilm master copies, digital formats, and others for which a specified number of copies are provided. Boeing will provide the additional quantity at no additional charge beginning with the next normal revision cycle. Customer may request a decrease in revision quantities at any time. 4. Advance Representative Copies. ----------------------------- All advance representative copies of Materials will be selected by Boeing from available sources. Such advance copies will be for advance planning purposes only. 5. Customized Materials. -------------------- All customized Materials will reflect the configuration of each aircraft as delivered. 6. Revisions. --------- 6.1 Revision Service. Boeing will provide revisions free of charge to certain Materials to be identified in the planning conference conducted for a specific model of aircraft, reflecting changes developed by Boeing, as long as Customer operates an aircraft of that model. 6.2 Revisions Based on Boeing Service Bulletin Incorporation. If Boeing receives written notice that Customer intends to incorporate, or has incorporated, any Boeing service bulletin in an aircraft, Boeing will at no charge issue revisions to Materials with revision service reflecting the effects of such incorporation into such aircraft. 7. Supplier Technical Data. ----------------------- 7.1 For supplier-manufactured programmed airborne avionics components and equipment classified as Seller Furnished Equipment (SFE) or Seller Purchased Equipment (SPE) or Buyer Designated Equipment (BDE) which contain computer software designed and developed in accordance with Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics Document No. RTCA/DO-178 dated January 1982, No. RTCA/DO-178A dated March 1985, or later as available, Boeing will request that each supplier of the components and equipment make software documentation available to Customer. 7.2 The provisions of this Article will not be applicable to items of BFE. 7.3 Boeing will furnish to Customer a document identifying the terms and conditions of the product support agreements between Boeing and its suppliers requiring the suppliers to fulfill Customer's requirements for information and services in support of the specific model of aircraft. 8. Buyer Furnished Equipment Data. ------------------------------ Boeing will incorporate BFE information into the customized Materials providing Customer makes the information available to Boeing at least nine months prior to the scheduled delivery month of Customer's first aircraft of a specific model. Customer agrees to furnish the information in Boeing standard digital format if Materials are to be delivered in Boeing standard digital format. 9. Materials Shipping Charges. -------------------------- Boeing will pay the reasonable transportation costs of the Materials. Customer is responsible for any customs clearance charges, duties, and taxes. 10. Customer's Shipping Address. --------------------------- The Materials furnished to Customer hereunder are to be sent to a single address to be specified. Customer will promptly notify Boeing of any change to the address. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOCUMENT PART 4: ALLEVIATION OR CESSATION OF PERFORMANCE Boeing will not be required to provide any Materials, services, training or other things at a facility designated by Customer if any of the following conditions exist: 1. a labor stoppage or dispute in progress involving Customer; 2. wars or warlike operations, riots or insurrections in the country where the facility is located; 3. any condition at the facility which, in the opinion of Boeing, is detrimental to the general health, welfare or safety of its personnel or their families; 4. the United States Government refuses permission to Boeing personnel or their families to enter into the country where the facility is located, or recommends that Boeing personnel or their families leave the country; or 5. the United States Government refuses permission to Boeing to deliver Materials, services, training or other things to the country where the facility is located. After the location of Boeing personnel at the facility, Boeing further reserves the right, upon the occurrence of any of such events, to immediately and without prior notice to Customer relocate its personnel and their families. CUSTOMER SUPPORT DOCUMENT PART 5: PROTECTION OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND PROPRIETARY MATERIALS 1. General. ------- All Materials provided by Boeing to Customer and not covered by a Boeing CSGTA or other agreement between Boeing and Customer defining Customer's right to use and disclose the Materials and included information will be covered by, and subject to the terms of this AGTA. Title to all Materials containing, conveying or embodying confidential, proprietary or trade secret information (Proprietary Information) belonging to Boeing or a third party (Proprietary Materials), will at all times remain with Boeing or such third party. Customer will treat all Proprietary Materials and all Proprietary Information in confidence and use and disclose the same only as specifically authorized in this AGTA. 2. License Grant. ------------- Boeing grants to Customer a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use and disclose Proprietary Materials in accordance with the terms and conditions of this AGTA. Customer is authorized to make copies of Materials (except for Materials bearing the copyright legend of a third party), and all copies of Proprietary Materials will belong to Boeing and be treated as Proprietary Materials under this AGTA. Customer will preserve all proprietary legends, and all copyright notices on all Materials and insure the inclusion of those legends and notices on all copies. 3. Use of Proprietary Materials and Proprietary Information. -------------------------------------------------------- Customer is authorized to use Proprietary Materials and Proprietary Information for the purpose of: (a) operation, maintenance, repair, or modification of Customer's aircraft for which the Proprietary Materials and Proprietary Information have been specified by Boeing and (b) development and manufacture of training devices and maintenance tools for use by Customer. 4. Providing of Proprietary Materials to Contractors. ------------------------------------------------- Customer is authorized to provide Proprietary Materials to Customer's contractors for the sole purpose of maintenance, repair, or modification of Customer's aircraft for which the Proprietary Materials have been specified by Boeing. In addition, Customer may provide Proprietary Materials to Customer's contractors for the sole purpose of developing and manufacturing training devices and maintenance tools for Customer's use. Before providing Proprietary Materials to its contractor, Customer will first obtain a written agreement from the contractor by which the contractor agrees (a) to use the Proprietary Materials only on behalf of Customer, (b) to be bound by all of the restrictions and limitations of this Part 5, and (c) that Boeing is a third party beneficiary under the written agreement. Customer agrees to provide copies of all such written agreements to Boeing upon request and be liable to Boeing for any breach of those agreements by a contractor. A sample agreement acceptable to Boeing is attached as Appendix VII. 5. Providing of Proprietary Materials and Proprietary Information to Regulatory Agencies. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When and to the extent required by a government regulatory agency having jurisdiction over Customer or an aircraft, Customer is authorized to provide Proprietary Materials and to disclose Proprietary Information to the agency for use in connection with Customer's operation, maintenance, repair, or modification of such aircraft. Customer agrees to take all reasonable steps to prevent the agency from making any distribution, disclosure, or additional use of the Proprietary Materials and Proprietary Information provided or disclosed. Customer further agrees to notify Boeing immediately upon learning of any (a) distribution, disclosure, or additional use by the agency, (b) request to the agency for distribution, disclosure, or additional use, or (c) intention on the part of the agency to distribute, disclose, or make additional use of Proprietary Materials or Proprietary Information.