
                               THE BOEING COMPANY


                            American Trans Air, Inc.

                   Exhibit A to Purchase Agreement Number 2262

                             AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION

                            Dated ___________________

                                   relating to

                          BOEING MODEL 737-83N AIRCRAFT

             The Detail Specification is Boeing Detail Specification  D019A001-B
dated as of November  11,  1998.  Such Detail  Specification  will be amended to
incorporate the Options listed herein,  including the effects on  Manufacturer's
Empty Weight (MEW) and Operating  Empty Weight (OEW). As soon as practicable but
in no case later than  delivery of the first  Aircraft,  Boeing will  furnish to
Buyer  copies of the  Detail  Specification,  which  copies  will  reflect  such
Options.  The  Aircraft  Basic Price  reflects  and includes all effects of such
Options,  except such Aircraft Basic Price does not include the price effects of
any Buyer Furnished Equipment or Seller Purchased Equipment.