THIS  AGREEMENT  is entered  into on this 23 th day of August  2002  between and
among the following parties:

1.   B.V.  Holding  Maatschappij  "De Hondsrug",  a private company with limited
     liability, duly incorporated,  organised and existing under the laws of the
     Netherlands,  with  registered  seat and holding  office at Amsterdam,  the
     Netherlands,  duly  represented  for the purpose of this  agreement  by Mr.
     O.J.A. van der Nap and Mr. D.H.J. Terpstra on behalf of "B.V.  Maatschappij
     voor Executele en Trustzaken",

     hereinafter referred to as the "Seller",


2.   INVU International  Holdings Limited,  a foreign legal entity  incorporated
     under English law, with  corporate seat at Blisworth  (United  Kingdom) and
     holding office at at The Beren, Blisworth Hill Farm, Stoke Road, Blisworth,
     Northamptonshire NN7 3DB (United Kingdom), duly represented for the purpose
     of this Agreement by Mr. D. Morgan, an English citizen, living at 6 Andrews
     Close, Leire, Leicestershire LE17 5ER (United Kingdom),

     hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser";


3.   Corsham  Holding  B.V. , a private  company with  limited  liability,  duly
     incorporated, organised and existingunder the laws of the Netherlands, with
     corporate seat at Amsterdam ( the  Netherlands) and holding office at Rokin
     55, 1012 KK Amsterdam (the Netherlands) duly represented for the purpose of
     this Agreement by Mr. O.J.A. van der Nap and Mr. D.H.J.  Terpstra on behalf
     of "B.V. Maatschappij voor Executele en Trustzaken",

     Hereinafter referred to as the "Company";


     The Seller has sold to the Purchaser,  as per today, 6,625,000 (six million
     six hundred and twenty five thousand) ordinary shares, numbered 1 up to and
     including  6,625,000,  each share with a nominal value of one Dutch Guilder
     (NLG 1,00), or the equivalent of forty five eurocent (EUR 0.45) pursuant to
     article  2:178c of the Dutch  Civil Code,  in the share  capital of Corsham
     Holding B.V., a private company with limited liability,  duly incorporated,
     organised and existing  under the laws of the  Netherlands,  with corporate
     seat at Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and holding office at Rokin 55, 1012 KK
     Amsterdam (the Netherlands),  registered at the trade register of Amsterdam
     (the  Netherlands)  by number  33137753,  (hereinafter  referred  to as the
     "Company"), representing all the issued capital of the Company;


Article 1

The Purchaser warrants the Seller that:

     a.   the  Purchaser  shall  within  two  weeks  after the  transfer  of the
          aforementioned  Shares change the  effective  seat of the Company from
          the Netherlands to the United Kingdom;

     b.   the  Purchaser  shall  within  two  weeks  after the  transfer  of the
          aforementioned  Shares and after the effective seat of the Company has
          been changed from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom, license on an
          exclusive  basis  intellectual  property  rights  and  know how to the
          Company  for an  expected  minimum  purchase  price of British  pounds

Article 2

The Company  will not  initiate  any  payments  before the events  mentioned  in
article 1 sub a and b have taken place.

Article 3

This  agreement  shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance  with
the laws of the  Netherlands.  Any disputes  arising under this agreement or any
other agreement  resulting thereof shall be brought in first instance before the
competent court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Signed in threefold on this 23 rd day of August 2002

B.V. Maatschappij voor Executele
  en Trustzaken                              INVU International Holdings Limited
on behalf B.V. Holding Maatschappij
 "De Hondsrug"

P. de Langen / D.H.J. Terpstra               D. Morgan

B.V. Maatschappij voor Executele en Trustzaken
On behalf  Corsham Holding B.V.

P. de Langen / D.H.J. Terpstra