Exhibit (g)

                          FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO

Civil Action No.







     Plaintiff,   The  Ravenswood  Investment  Company,  L.P.  ("Ravenswood"  or
"Plaintiff"),  individually,  and on behalf of others similarly situated, by its
attorneys,  Wolf & Slatkin, P.C., for its complaint against Defendants,  alleges
as  follows:  PRELIMINARY  STATEMENT  AND NATURE OF CLAIM  This class  action is
brought  by  Ravenswood  on  behalf  of itself  and the  other  minority  public
stockholders of Defendant  Hallwood Energy Corporation ("HEC" or "the Company"),
for injunctive and other equitable relief enjoining the completion of a two-step
tender offer/merger  transaction that will buy out the minority stockholders for
grossly inadequate consideration, and allow HEC's 81.6 percent stockholder,


Hallwood Group, Inc.  ("Hallwood") to further its own financial interests at the
expense of the minority stockholders,  in breach of its fiduciary duties of good
faith,  fidelity,  candor  and  loyalty  to each of the  minority  stockholders.
Hallwood and its Board of Directors,  by virtue of their  domination and control
of HEC, have wrongfully  misappropriated  proprietary  information for their own
use and  benefit,  and have  timed  the  two-step  tender  offer/merger  to take
advantage  of  not  only  the  Company's  significant  turnaround  in  financial
performance, but also the substantial tax benefits available using the Company's
net  operating  loss  carryforwards  without  paying  just  compensation  to the
minority shareholders.  Hallwood has additionally structured the two-step tender
offer/merger to deprive the minority stockholders of a meaningful opportunity to
investigate the fairness of the tender offer.

                            I. JURISDICTION AND VENUE

     1. This section arises under section 14(e) of the  Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934 (the "1934 Act"), as amended,  15 U.S.C.  Section 78n(e),  and the rules
and   regulations   promulgated   thereunder  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  and the  statutory  and common  law of the state of Texas.  Section
14(e) of the 1934 Act (15 U.S.C. Section 78n(e)) is referred to and incorporated
by this reference as if set forth at length.

     2.  Jurisdiction  is conferred  on this Court under 28 U.S.C.  Section 1331
(federal  question),  28 U.S.C.  Section 1332  (diversity of  citizenship),  and
principles of pendent jurisdiction.

     3. Venue is proper in the  District of  Colorado  pursuant to Section 27 of
the 1934 Act, 15 U.S.C.  Section 78aa and 28 U.S.C.  Section  1391,  since HEC's
principal  operating  office is  located at 4582 South  Ulster  Street,  Denver,
Colorado 80237,  and a substantial  portion of the events or acts giving rise to
the claims asserted herein occurred in the District of Colorado.


     4. The events and acts giving rise to the claim occurred in connection with
a tender offer made by Hallwood by the use of the instrumentalities and means of
interstate commerce, and of the mails.

                                 II. THE PARTIES

     5.  Plaintiff  Ravenswood  is a New  York  limited  partnership,  with  its
principal offices located at 104 Gloucester Road, Massapequa, New York.

     6. Ravenswood is the beneficial  owner of 6,343 shares of HEC.

     7. Defendant HEC is a Texas  corporation with principal  offices located at
4582 South Ulster  Street,  Denver,  Colorado  80237.  There are 777,126  common
shares of HEC stock outstanding.  HEC is engaged in the development,  production
and sale of oil and gas through its ownership of oil and gas  properties and its
investments in entities with oil and gas activities.  HEC is the general partner
of  Hallwood  Energy  Partners,  L.P.,  a publicly  traded  oil and gas  limited
partnership,  which conducts business through two operating partnerships. HEC is
also  the  general  partner  of  HEP  Operating  Partners,   L.P.,  and  an  HEC
wholly-owned  subsidiary is the general partner of EDP Operating,  Inc. HEC does
not engage in any other line of business and has no employees.

     8. Defendant  Hallwood is a Delaware  corporation with its principal office
located at 3710 Rawlins Street, Suite 1500, Dallas, Texas 75219. Hallwood is the
majority  and  controlling  shareholder  of HEC,  owning  81.6%  of the  shares.
Hallwood,  its operating  subsidiaries  and  associated  companies are currently
engaged in commercial and industrial real estate,  energy, textile products, and
the hotel and restaurant businesses.


     9. Defendant  Anthony J. Gumbiner  ("Gumbiner") is chairman of the board of
directors of HEC and HEC's chief executive officer. Gumbiner is also chairman of
the board of directors and chief executive officer of Hallwood. Gumbiner is sued
herein in his capacity as a director of HEC and Hallwood.

     10.  Defendant  William L. Guzzetti  ("Guzzetti")  is a director of HEC and
HEC's  president  and chief  operating  officer.  Guzzetti is also an  executive
vice-president  of  Hallwood.  Guzzetti  is sued  herein  in his  capacity  as a
director  of HEC and  Hallwood.

     11.  Defendant Brian M. Troup ("Troup") is a director of HEC. Troup is also
a director and chief operating officer of Hallwood.  Troup is sued herein in his
capacity as a director of HEC and Hallwood.

     12.  Defendant  Hans-Peter  Holinger  ("Holinger")  is a  director  of HEC.
Holinger is sued herein in his capacity as a director of HEC.

     13.  Defendant Rex A. Sebastian  ("Sebastian") is a director of HEC, and is
sued  herein in his  capacity  as a director  of HEC.

     14.  Defendant  Nathan C. Collins  ("Collins") is a director of HEC, and is
sued  herein  in his  capacity  as a  director  of HEC.

     15. By virtue of their executive  positions  and/or  majority  ownership of
HEC, the  individual  director  defendants  (the  "Individual  Defendants")  and
Hallwood owe the minority public  stockholders  the highest  fiduciary duties of
fidelity, candor and trust.

     16. By reason of their positions with HEC, all of the Individual Defendants
conduct and transact business within the District of Colorado.


                          III. CLASS ACTION ALLEGATIONS

     17.  Plaintiff  brings this action as a class action pursuant to Rule 23 of
the Federal  Rules of Civil  Procedure on behalf of itself and all other persons
who owned  shares of HEC as of October  15,  1996.  Excluded  from the class are
Hallwood and its directors and officers,  the Individual  Defendants and members
of their immediate families and the officers of HEC.

     18. The class of  shareholders  for whose benefit this action is brought is
so numerous  that joinder of all class members is  impracticable.  As of October
15,  1996 there were  approximately  667  holders of record of 143,209  minority
shares of HEC.  The  members  of the class are  located  throughout  the  United

     19. There are  questions of law and fact which are common to members of the
class  and  which  predominate  over any  questions  affecting  only  individual
members.  These  common  questions  include:  (1)  Whether the  Defendants  have
violated the Exchange Act. (2) Whether  documents  prepared and  disseminated by
Defendants in  connection  with the tender offer are false and  misleading.  (3)
Whether the  Defendants  have  engaged in plan and scheme  which  constitutes  a
breach of fiduciary duty owed to Plaintiff and members of the class. (4) Whether
the Defendants engaged in conduct  constituting  self-dealing and unfair dealing
to enrich  themselves at the expense of the minority  shareholders.  (5) Whether
the  tender  offer  price is  grossly  inadequate  and  unfair  to the  minority


     20. The claims of the  Plaintiff are typical of the claims of other members
of the class and the Plaintiff has no interests that are antagonistic or adverse
to the  interests of the other members of the class.  Plaintiff  will fairly and
adequately protect the interests of the class.

     21. If the minority shareholders refuse to accede to a tender at the unfair
price, their only alternative is to hold their shares and seek appraisal,  which
may be so costly as to be prohibitive for any one individual shareholder.

     22. The Plaintiff  has sustained and will continue to sustain  damages as a
result of the Defendants'  wrongful actions and is committed to prosecuting this
action and has retained  competent  counsel  experienced  in  litigation of this

     23.  Plaintiff  envisions no  difficulty  in either the  management of this
litigation as a class action or in providing notice to members of the class.

     24. The  likelihood of  individual  class  members  prosecuting  individual
claims  is remote  due to the small  individual  losses to be  suffered  by each
member relative to the loss to be suffered by the class as a whole,  and further
compared to the burden and expense of  prosecuting  an action of this nature and
magnitude on an individual basis.

     25. The  prosecution of separate  actions by the individual  members of the
class would create a risk of inconsistent or varying  adjudications with respect
to individual  class members,  which would establish  incompatible  standards of
conduct for Defendants.

     26. The prosecution of separate  actions by individual  class members would
create a risk of adjudications  with respect to them which would, as a practical
matter,  be dispositive of the interests of other class members not party to the
adjudications,  and/or would substantially  impair or impede such class members'
ability to protect their interests.


     27.  Defendants  have acted,  or have refused to act, on grounds  generally
applicable  to the class,  thereby  making  appropriate  final  declaratory  and
injunctive relief with respect to the class as a whole.

     28.  For the  above  reasons,  maintenance  of a class  action  is a method
superior to other available  methods for the fair and efficient  adjudication of
this action.

     29.  Plaintiff  demands  a  trial  by  jury.

                             IV. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS

A. Hallwood's October 15, 1996 Offer to Purchase.

     30. On October 15, 1996, Hallwood disseminated a false and misleading Offer
to Purchase which relates the following  events: a. On June 7, 1996, HEC's board
of directors appointed a special committee (the "Special Committee") composed of
Defendants Sebastian,  Holinger and Collins to assess strategic alternatives for
enhancing  the value of shares not already held by Hallwood.  b. Also on June 7,
1996,  HEC  issued  a news  release  by  which is  announced  that its  board of
directors  authorized its audit committee to evaluate  strategic options for the
enhancement of shareholder value. The news release stated:

          "Denver,  Colorado - Hallwood Energy Corporation  (OTC:HWEC) announced
     today that its board of Directors  has  authorized  its audit  committee to
     evaluate  strategic  options for the enhancement of shareholder  value. The
     Hallwood Group (NYSE:HWG),  which owns approximately 82% of the outstanding
     shares of the Company,  has indicated  that it is not prepared to support a
     sale  of its  shares  of the  Company  to a third  party,  or a sale of the
     Company's assets.

          To assist in its  evaluation,  the audit committee has been authorized
     to engage a  financial  advisor.  No specific  transaction  and no price at
     which any transaction may occur has been proposed at this time and there is
     no assurance that any transaction will take place.


          Hallwood Energy  Corporation is the general partner of Hallwood Energy
     Partners, L.P. (AMEX:HEP),  a master limited partnership engaged in oil and
     gas exploration and exploitation."

c. At a meeting of the  Special  Committee  held on June 21,  1996,  the Special
Committee retained legal counsel and Principal Financial Services ("PFS") as its
financial  advisor.  d. At a meeting of the Special  Committee held on August 8,
1996, PFS presented its preliminary  analyses.  PFS preliminarily  valued HEC at
$15.38 to $17.14 per share. Based upon PFS's presentation, the Special Committee
determined that the most viable strategic  alternatives  were to sell the entire
company  to a third  party  or to seek  an  offer  from  Hallwood.  e.  Holinger
contacted  representatives  of Hallwood on August 10, 1996. In discussions  with
Holinger,  Hallwood indicated it had no desire to participate in the sale of HEC
to a third  party.  f. On August 13,  1996,  Hallwood  proposed  to the  Special
Committee  a merger  whereby  the shares of HEC not owned by  Hallwood  would be
purchased  at $17.50 per share.  g. On August 28,  1996,  the Special  Committee
instructed  PFS to  evaluate  the  proposal.  h.  At a  meeting  of the  Special
Committee  held on August 30, 1996,  PFS presented its  evaluation.  The Special
Committee  noted that PFS  increased  its  previous  valuation,  and the Special
Committee  determined  to seek a price of $19.50  per  share.  i. That same day,
Sebastian communicated the Special Committee's counter-offer of $19.50 per share
to Guzzetti, who accepted the counter-offer on behalf of Hallwood.


j. On September 4, 1996, the HEC's board of directors held a regularly scheduled
meeting  at which the  Special  Committee  recommended  the merger at $19.50 per
share. Based upon this recommendation,  HEC's board approved the transaction. k.
On September 9, 1996, HEC and Hallwood issued a joint news release by which they
announced  a proposed  merger  between HEC and  Hallwood  in which the  minority
shareholders of HEC would be paid $19.50 each per share.  The joint news release
stated:  "Dallas,  Texas,  September 9, 1996.  The Hallwood  Group  Incorporated
(NYSE:HWG) and Hallwood Energy Corporation  (NMS:HWEC)  announced today that the
Board of Directors of Hallwood Energy, upon the recommendation of the previously
appointed special committee of independent directors,  has accepted in principle
the offer of  Hallwood  Group to affect a  combination  of  Hallwood  Energy and
Hallwood  Group in which the  minority  shareholders  of Hallwood  Energy  would
receive cash in the amount of $19.50 per share for each share of Hallwood Energy
they hold as of the record  date.  The  agreement  is subject  to,  among  other
things,  the determination of the structure of the combination and the execution
by both companies of a definitive agreement.

        Hallwood  Group owns  approximately  82% of the  issued and  outstanding
        stock of Hallwood  Energy.  It is anticipated that the completion of the
        transaction  will be  conditioned  on the  approval  of the holders of a
        majority of the shares of Hallwood Energy not currently held by Hallwood
        Group.  It is the intention of the companies to complete the transaction
        before the end of the year." (emphasis added).

     31. On October 4, 1996, Plaintiff  Ravenswood,  by letter from its New York
counsel,  advised Defendant Gumbiner that, in its opinion,  the $19.50 per share
to be paid in the proposed merger was not a fair price.  Plaintiff  requested an
opportunity  to review,  among  other  documents,  the  reports  of the  Special
Committee  and of PFS,  as well as a copy of HEC's  shareholder  list.  Gumbiner
failed to comply with Plaintiff's request to review these documents.


     32. On  October  10,  1996,  HEC and  Hallwood  issued a second  joint news
release by which it was  announced  that they had  reached a  definitive  merger
agreement,  but that the merger would be preceded by Hallwood's  tender offer to
purchase  shares of HEC at $19.50 cash per share.  The second joint news release

          "Dallas,  Texas,  October 10, 1996 - The Hallwood  Group  Incorporated
     (NYSE:HWG) and Hallwood Energy Corporation  (OTC:HWEC) announced today that
     they have entered  into a definitive  Merger  Agreement  providing  for the
     merger of Hallwood Energy Corporation ("Hallwood Energy") into the Hallwood
     Group Incorporated  ("Hallwood Group"). Prior to the merger, Hallwood Group
     has agreed to  commence a tender  offer for all the  outstanding  shares of
     common stock of Hallwood Energy at a price of $19.50 per share,  net to the
     seller in cash,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of the tender  offer

          The  Board  of  Directors,  and  Special  Committee  of the  Board  of
     Directors,  of Hallwood Energy have  unanimously  approved the tender offer
     and the merger and  determined the terms of the tender offer and the merger
     are fair to, and in the best interest of,  stockholders of Hallwood Energy.
     The Board of Directors of Hallwood Energy  recommends that all stockholders
     of  Hallwood  Energy  accept the  tender  offer and  tender  their  shares.
     Principal  Financial  Securities,  Inc.  acted as financial  advisor to the
     Special  Committee of the Board of Directors of Hallwood Energy and advised
     the  Special  Committee  that  the  consideration  to be  received  by  the
     stockholders  of Hallwood  Energy is fair to the  stockholders  (other than
     Hallwood  Group) from a financial pint of view as of the date of the Merger

          Hallwood Group  currently owns  approximately  81.6% of the issued and
     outstanding  shares of the common stock of Hallwood Energy.  The completion
     of the transaction will be conditioned upon, among other things,  the valid
     tender of a majority of the shares of Hallwood Energy not currently held by
     Hallwood Group which,  together with the shares  currently held by Hallwood
     Group, will constitute at least 90% of the issued and outstanding shares of
     the common stock of Hallwood Energy."


     33. On October 15, 1996,  Hallwood  commenced  the tender offer to purchase
all  shares of HEC that it did not  already  own at a price of  $19.50  cash per
share.  The tender offer is due to expire at 12:00 midnight on Friday,  November
22, 1996, unless extended.

     34. The Offer to Purchase states that the tender offer is conditioned  upon
the tender of a majority of the minority  shares.  The Offer to Purchase states:

     35. The board of  directors  of HEC and the Special  Committee  unanimously
recommended that the offer and the merger were fair to and in the best interests
of HEC and the shareholders.  In this regard, the Offer to Purchase states: "THE


                             FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF
                (Violations of Section 14(e) of the Exchange Act)

     36. Plaintiff repeats,  realleges and incorporates herein by this reference
the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 35 above.

     37. The tender offer and the Merger are not fair, and the Offer to Purchase
is false and misleading by failing to disclose  material facts which will affect
a minority  shareholder's  decision to tender.  These false and misleading facts
include, but are not limited to, the following:  a. The price of $19.50 cash per
share is grossly inadequate and does not represent the fair value of the shares.
(1) HEC  previously  repurchased  its shares at prices  above  $19.50 per share,
thereby  acknowledging a higher value. For example,  in the third quarter of the
fiscal year ending  December 31, 1995, HEC  repurchased a block of 58,000 shares
at a price of $21.50 per share. (2) HEC's financial  condition has significantly
improved since the repurchase made in 1995.  Indeed, net earnings per share have
increased  since the  purchase  at $21.50 per share in 1995.  For  example,  net
earnings per share were $1.52 for the period  ending June 10, 1996 compared with
a loss of $1.00  per share at year end  1995.  (3) The cash out  price  fails to
account for the dividend projected for 1996, which has been eliminated under the
proposed  transaction.  The Offer to Purchase discloses that no dividend will be
paid for 1996,  or that if one is paid,  it will be deducted  from the  offering
price.  Thus,  the actual price  proposed in the tender  offer is  approximately
$2.33 per share less than the offering price.  (4) The proposed tender offer per
share price was  determined  without any  reference to  comparable  transactions
involving sales of oil and gas companies. (5) The fair market per-share value of
HEC is approximately $55.00 per share.


     b. The Offer to  Purchase  refers to the market  price of HEC's stock as an
indication of the fairness of the offering price, however, the market price is a
misleading measure of the fair value of HEC's shares, for the following reasons:
(1) The trading market for HEC's shares is so thin that the volume does not meet
the  standards of the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers'  Rules of
Conduct, as approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, for a "Bona Fide
Independent  Market." (2) In April,  1995,  Hallwood  evaluated  HEC's shares at
$17.96,  even though the "market"  priced HEC at only $10.50 per share.  38. The
Offer to Purchase  discloses that the Special  Committee placed special reliance
on the report and  conclusion of PFS that the Offer to Purchase was fair,  when,
in fact, the PFS report was deficient.

     39. The Offer to Purchase  discloses  that the offering price is based upon
the high end of PFS's  valuation of comparable  companies,  when,  in fact,  the
companies  used in the valuation  were not at all  comparable.  HEC is different
from the companies used in the study because HEC derives  substantial revenue as
a general partner of the operating oil and gas partnerships.  Thus, HEC does not
have the same degree of risk of capital  investment nor the same  requirement to
invest  capital,  and its  limited  partnership  affiliate  pays the bulk of its
operating expenses.

     40. Even if the alleged comparable  companies were in fact comparable,  PFS
did not  accurately  gauge  their per share  values.  Certain  of the  companies
reviewed by PFS traded at  price/earnings  ratios  greater  than 30 during 1995,
thereby  implying  that HEC's per share value is much  higher than the  offering


     41. The Offer to Purchase fails to disclose any current material  financial
information. Defendants have not disclosed any financials for the fiscal quarter
ending  September 30, 1996, and have timed the tender offer so as not to have to
disclose  any  year-end  financials.  Thus,  there is no  disclosure  of a fair,
complete and accurate  picture  which would allow the minority  shareholders  to
make an informed decision whether to tender their shares.

     42. The Offer to Purchase  contains untrue  statements of material fact and
contains  omissions of material  facts.

     43.  Defendants  knew or have  recklessly  disregarded  the  fact  that the
Proposed  Offer  contains  untrue  statements  of material fact and omissions of
material facts.

     44. As a result of the  aforementioned  misconduct of Defendants,  Hallwood
may obtain sufficient  tenders to acquire 90% of HEC shares which will, in turn,
enable it to effectuate a short-form  merger at a grossly  unfair and inadequate
cash out price.

     45. As a result of the foregoing, Defendants have violated Section 14(e) of
the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     46. The Plaintiff and members of the class have no adequate  remedy at law.

               SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Breach of Fiduciary Duty)

     47.  Plaintiff  repeats,  realleges and  incorporates by this reference the
allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 46 above.

     48.  Hallwood,  as the  controlling  shareholder  of the  Company,  and the
Individual Defendants,  stand in a fiduciary relationship to Plaintiff and other
minority shareholders,  and owe to the Plaintiff and other minority shareholders
the highest obligations of good faith and fair dealing.


     49. Defendants' wrongful actions constitute a breach of fiduciary duty owed
to Plaintiff, as a minority shareholder. As a result of the actions taken and to
be taken by  Defendants,  Plaintiff and other members of the class have been and
will continue to be damaged in that they have been deceived, coerced and are and
will continue to be victims of Defendants' self-dealing and unfair dealing.

     50. The description in the Offer to Purchase concerning the appointment and
actions of the Special Committee make it appear as though Defendants are dealing
fairly  with the  minority  shareholdes  when the true  purpose  of the Offer to
Purchase is to  facilitate  the  acquisition  by  Hallwood of the entire  equity
interest of HEC at a grossly unfair and inadequate price.

     51. In fact,  the  Special  Committee  and its  advisors  did not engage in
active,  arms-length  negotiations  with  Hallwood to obtain the  highest  price
available for the minority  shareholders.  Rather,  the Special Committee simply
acceded to  Hallwood's  offer,  and  because  Hallwood  prohibited  the  Special
Committee from shopping the Company,  Hallwood did not obtain any competing bids
which it should have done in order to satisfy its fiduciary  duty to the Company
and its shareholders.

     52. Defendants have thus dealt unfairly with the minority stockholders,  in
bad faith, and have failed to provide and follow adequate procedural  safeguards
designed  to assure  arm's-length  bargaining  to  achieve a fair  value for the
outstanding  shares.  In  addition,  Defendants  have  failed to assure that the
interests of the public  stockholders were protected.  Defendants have therefore
breached their fiduciary duties as follows:


     a. Defendants  prohibited the Special  Committee from actively  negotiating
with  potential  third  parties in order to obtain the highest  per-share  price
available to the minority  stockholders.  b. The Special  Committee  relied on a
Fairness Opinion from PFS which was materially defective and incomplete,  as set
forth in  Paragraphs  to,  above.  Furthermore,  although the Special  Committee
determined  that the best way to enhance the value of HEC's shares was through a
sale to a third party, PFS never analyzed any comparable  sales  transactions in
determining  whether the $19.50 per share  offering  price was fair.  Thus,  the
Special  Committee and HEC's board failed to take reasonable  steps necessary to
enable them to reach an informed  judgment  as to the  ultimate  fairness of the
tender  offer.  c. The  Defendant  Directors  and HEC  opined  that the Offer to
Purchase was fair to the minority  stockholders and in their best interest when,
in  fact,  the sale is a  "Squeeze-Out"  designed  to  provide  Hallwood  with a
windfall to the detriment of the Company's  stockholders,  and  particularly  to
Plaintiff,  a minority  stockholder.  d. Defendants,  in developing the proposed
tender offer,  used internal  proprietary  information that was not disclosed to
public  stockholders.  The Offer to Purchase  discloses no fiscal third  quarter
results,  fails to disclose the reasons for the increase in PFS's  valuation and
is timed to occur before minority shareholders receive full fiscal year results.
Thus,  the  Plaintiff  and  other  minority  shareholders  are  forced to make a
decision without the benefit of current material financial  information.  e. The
Squeeze-Out  is timed to enable  Defendants to capitalize on what they knew were
favorable macroeconomic and other conditions for the long-term growth and profit
of HEC.


f.  Defendants  have  failed to provide  for  approval  by the  majority  of the
minority stockholders.  Hallwood, by reason of its controlling position, intends
to accomplish  the merger  whether or not a majority of the minority  shares are
tendered in the tender  offer.  Although  the Offer to Purchase  discloses  that
there exists a "minimum tender condition," this "condition" is a sham:  Hallwood
stated  that it intends  to  conduct  the  merger  without  satisfaction  of the
"minimum  tender  condition" and that Hallwood will seek to pay a lower price in
any appraisal proceeding.

     53. The tender offer is coercive because Hallwood states that it intends to
argue in any  appraisal  proceeding  that the fair value of HEC's shares is less
than the amount  payable in the tender  offer and merger.  Because the market is
not an effective measure of the fair value of HEC's shares, the only way for the
minority  shareholder  to receive  any value for their  shares is to tender into
Hallwood's grossly inadequate offer. If the minority shareholders do not tender,
they may be forced out at even lower values than are being offered in the tender

     54.  Hallwood and the Individual  Defendants  have an inherent  conflict of
interest  between  their  duty to  obtain  the  highest  possible  price for the
shareholders,  and their  interest to acquire HEC at the lowest cost,  which has
been  resolved in favor of Hallwood.  HEC  possesses a tax loss carry forward of
approximately $107 million, which Hallwood requires to shelter the sale of other
assets,  but which Hallwood cannot use unless it is merged with HEC. The Special
Committee  failed to place any special value on this tax loss  carryforward  and
failed to negotiate any premium on the price of the minority  shares which would
compensate the shareholders for this coveted asset.


     55. There is no valid business  purpose of HEC served by this tender offer.
The only purpose of the tender offer is to eliminate  the minority  shareholders
at the cheapest price possible.

     56. The  consideration  to be paid to the minority  shareholders is grossly
unfair,  inadequate and substantially below the fair value of HEC's business and
assets.  The intrinsic value of HEC is materially greater than the consideration
to be paid to minority  shareholders,  taking into account HEC's expected growth
and income, the strength of its business, its assets and earning power.

     57.  The  Squeeze  Out is  wrongful,  unfair and  harmful  to the  minority
shareholders  and  represents an effort by Hallwood to aggrandize  its financial
positions and interests  and to enrich  itself,  at the expense and detriment of
the  minority  shareholders.  The  transaction  will  deny  Plaintiff  and other
minority  shareholders the right to share  proportionately  in the true value of
the Company's  assets and future growth in profits and earnings,  while usurping
same for the benefit of Defendants at a grossly unfair and inadequate price.

     58.  Defendants  also  may  have  purposely  failed  to  disclose  material
information  that would affect a  shareholder's  decision  whether to tender and
accept  the cash  payment or to seek  appraisal  or other  remedies  in order to
obtain sufficient tenders to attain the 90% ownership of the Company which would
thereby enable Hallwood to affect a short-form merger.

     59. All of the Individual  Defendants have  participated in, and have aided
and abetted the plan and scheme,  to freeze-out the Plaintiff and members of the
Class and to acquire the complete ownership of HEC at the least possible cost.


                       THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF (Injunctive Relief)

     60. Plaintiff repeats,  realleges and incorporates herein by this reference
the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1 through 59 above.

     61. Unless enjoined,  the Defendants will take whatever action is necessary
to achieve their objective of acquiring HEC at the lowest  possible  price,  and
will enrich themselves at the expense of the minority shareholders.

     62. As a result of the actions of  Defendants,  Plaintiff and other members
of the class have been and will be irreparably  harmed in that they have not and
will not  receive  their  fair  proportion  of the  value of  HEC's  assets  and
business, nor a fair price for their investment in the Company.

     63. Unless enjoined by this Court, Defendants will continue to breach their
fiduciary  duties  owed to  Plaintiff  and the other  members of the class.  The
tender offer should therefore be set aside as fraudulent and unlawful.

     64.  Plaintiff  and the class have no  adequate  remedy at law.  WHEREFORE,
Plaintiff,  on its own behalf of the class under Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure, demands judgment against the Defendants, jointly and severally,
as follows: 1. declaring this action proper as a class action and certifying the
Plaintiff as  representative  of the class;  2.  preliminarily  and  permanently
enjoining the Defendants, their agents, employees and any and all persons acting
in concert with them from proceeding with and  consummating  the tender offer to
purchase  the minority  public  shares under the terms  currently  proposed;  3.
rescinding and setting aside any and all tenders made by members of the class;


4.  preliminarily  and  permanently  enjoining  the  Defendants,  their  agents,
employees  and any and all persons  acting in concert with them from  proceeding
with and consummating a Merger of HEC into Hallwood;  5. requiring Defendants to
provide Plaintiff with shareholder lists currently in possession of Defendants';
6. awarding  compensatory  damages in an amount of be  determined  at trial;  7.
awarding  Plaintiff  the costs and  disbursements  of this  action,  including a
reasonable   allowance  for  attorney  fees,   accountants,   and  experts,  and
reimbursement of Plaintiff's  expenses;  and 8. granting Plaintiff and the class
such other and further relief as the Court deems just, proper and equitable.

     Respectfully  submitted  this 15th day of  November, 1996.  WOLF & SLATKIN
Professional Corporation

                                    Raymond P. Micklewright
                                    David J. Naginsky
                                    745 Ptarnigan Place
                                    3773 Cherry Creek North Drive
                                    Denver, Colorado 80209-3827
                                    Telephone: (303) 355-2999

                                   OF COUNSEL:

                                    J. JAMES CARRIERO, ESQ.
                                    29-53 Butler Street
                                    East Elmhurst, New York 11369

                                    Lowey Dannenberg, Benporad & Selinger
                                   The Gateway
                                    One North Lexington Avenue
                                    White Plains, New York 10601

                                    Attorneys for Plaintiff

Address of Plaintiff:

104 Gloucester Road
Massapequa, New York
