Exhibit 10.7

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                           TOUCAN GOLD CORPORATION INC

                                8201 PRESTON ROAD
                                   SUITE 6000
                                 TEXAS 75225 USA

CMM Ventures Ltd
10 St James Drive

22 July 1999

Dear Sirs

This letter set out the terms of your  Engagement by ITIS  Technologies  Limited
("the  Company"),  a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Toucan Gold  Corporation  Inc


Your  engagement  as a consultant  will commence on the 22 July 1999 and will be
for an initial period of six months.  Thereafter either party may terminate your
engagement by notice in writing of not less than one month.


You will be responsible for procuring the services of Barry Jones to perform the
marketing  operations  of the  Company,  and to fulfil the position of Marketing
Director Designate.


CMM Ventures will be paid a retainer of 3,000  (British  Pounds) per month,  and
Barry  Jones will be  required to work 10 days per month in order to fulfil your
obligations  under the terms of this letter.  Nothing in this Engagement  letter
shall  preclude  Barry Jones from his activities in setting up a new division of
"CCAT Limited" or from carrying out duties as non-executive director of PAS Ltd,
in respect of both activities of which, the Company is aware and gives consent.

As you are aware, the Company intends to carry out a major fund raising exercise
within  six months of  commencement  of  trading.  When this  exercise  has been
successfully completed it is envisaged that Barry Jones will join the Company as
a full time employee in the position of Marketing Director, whereupon he will be
entitled to a salary of 75,000  (British  Pounds) per annum,  payable monthly in
arrears,  his notice  period will be extended to an initial  period of one year,
followed by a minimum of 6 months notice by either party and he will be required
to enter into a service agreement in a form acceptable to us.

Thereafter  it  is  intended  his  salary  will  be  reviewed  annually  by  the
remuneration committee composed of the non-executive directors of the main board
of Toucan Technologies Inc.


Upon his appointment as a full-time  employee,  the position will carry a number
of additional benefits as follows:

o    Sickness  Benefit whereby the company will pay his full salary for a period
     of up to three  months  in the event  that he is  unable  to work  owing to

o    Permanent  Health  Insurance which will pay up to 75% of your annual salary
     in the event that he is work for a period over 13 weeks.

o    Health Care insurance for himself and his spouse/partner.

o    Life  Insurance  for  himself,  payable  in the  event of his  death  while
     employed by the Company.

o    Pension  contribution  equivalent to 7.5% of his annual salary, paid into a
     private  pension  scheme  of his  choice.  He may,  of  course,  elect  for
     additional contributions to be paid out of his salary into the same scheme.


It is not  proposed  that the  Company  will  provide  a  vehicle  for your use.
However,  the Company will  reimburse  you for any miles driven on its behalf at
the rates set out in the Inland Revenue's Fixed Profit Car Scheme, which payment
can be made tax free to yourself.


Upon his  appointment as a full-time  employee,  Barry Jones will be entitled to
take 20 days paid holiday in each calendar year,  plus statutory  holidays.  All
requests for holidays  should be lodged with the  company's  chief  executive at
least 30 days before the intended commencement date, and unused holidays may not
normally be carried forward from on year to the next.


It is proposed that the Company will introduce a share option scheme which will,
subject to agreed performance  criteria,  enable Barry Jones after he becomes an
employee  of the Company to "earn" the right to  purchase  additional  shares in
Toucan  Technologies Inc at a preferential  price.  Full details of the proposed
scheme  will be made  available  before  the  major  fund  raising  exercise  is


Your normal place of work will be at the Company's offices located in Yorkshire,
UK, but in the course of your duties Barry Jones will be required to travel both
within the UK and  abroad.  The  reasonable  cost of all travel on behalf of the
company  will be  reimbursed  upon  presentation  of  receipts or other proof of


You  acknowledge  that during the course of your  engagement you and Barry Jones
will have access to confidential  information belonging to the Company. You will
not at any time  (except in the course of your  duties or as maybe  required  by

law)  during or after your  engagement  disclose to a third party or make use of
any confidential  information belonging to the Company. Without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing you  acknowledge  that the expression  "confidential
information"  shall  include  the  following  namely;  information  relating  to
existing,   potential,  past  or  pending  business  methods,  corporate  plans,
finances,  business opportunities and development projects of the Company or any
associated Company,  research activities,  trade secrets,  inventions,  creative
briefs, ideas, computer programs, designs and formulae undertaken,  commissioned
or  produced  on behalf  of the  Company,  all  information,  including  without
limitation  customer  lists  relating  to the  marketing  or sales of any  past,
present  or future  product or service of the  Company  and any  information  in
respect of which the Company owes an  obligation of  confidentiality  to a third


You and Barry Jones will promptly  disclose to the Company and keep confidential
all inventions, copyright works, designs or technical know-how conceived or made
by yourself  either alone or with others  during the course of your  engagement.
You will hold all such  intellectual  property in trust for the Company and will
do everything  necessary or desirable (at the expense of the Company) including,
without  limitation   executing  any  appropriate   documentation  to  vest  the
intellectual  property  fully in the  Company  and/or to secure  patent or other
appropriate forms of protection for the intellectual property.

To the extent that such intellectual  property rights do not vest in the Company
by operation of law or under this  Agreement,  you hereby  assign to the Company
with full title  guarantee by way of assignment of present and future  copyright
all the rights,  title and  interest you have or may have in and to all material
written  or devised by your  pertaining  to the  operation  or  business  of the
Company  resulting  from or suggested by any work which you shall so pursuant to
your engagement or has already been done prior to the date of this Agreement and
all rights of action for  infringement  of such  copyright  and any renewals and
extensions of them and after that in perpetuity.  You hereby appoint the Company
as your  attorney  for the purpose of  executing in your name and on your behalf
all such deeds and documents as may be required to give effect to the provisions
of this  paragraph.  Decisions  as to the  protection  and  exploitation  of any
intellectual  property shall be in the absolute  discretion of the Company.  You
agree to waive any moral rights (as defined in the Copyright Designs and Patents
Act 1988) that you may have in relation to such ideas, inventions or works.


Your  engagement  with the Company may be terminated  immediately by the Company
without prior notice if Barry Jones shall at any time:

(a)  commit any act of gross misconduct or gross incompetence (including but not
     limited to breach of confidence or theft);

(b)  after prior written warning,  repeat or continue any material breach of the
     provisions of this Agreement;

(c)  commit any act of  dishonesty or are guilty of any conduct which brings the
     Company into disrepute;

(d)  are  convicted  of any  criminal  offence  (other than a minor road traffic
     offence that cannot lead to a custodial sentence);

(e)  knowingly  infringe  or  misappropriate  any  intellectual  property of the
     Company including trade secrets of any third party.


Please  indicate  your  acceptance of the term set out in this letter by signing
the enclosed copy letter and returning it to me.

Yours sincerely

/s/ R. Jeffcock
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/s/ B. Jones
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22 JULY 1999


/s/ B. Jones
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/s/ K.R. Parmar