BY AND BETWEEN

                         SEIKO INSTRUMENTS AMERICA, INC.


                                  FOSSIL, INC.

                            DATED AS OF JUNE 1, 1999

                                                                 EXHIBIT 10.1

                             JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT

         This Joint Venture Agreement is entered into as of the 1st day of June,
1999,  by and between  Fossil,  Inc.  ("Fossil"),  a  corporation  organized and
existing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,  U.S.A.,  with its  principal
offices  at 2280  N.  Greenville  Avenue,  Richardson,  Texas  75082  and  Seiko
Instruments  America,  Inc. ("SIA"), a corporation  organized and existing under
the laws of the State of California,  with its principal offices located at 2990
West Lomita Blvd., Torrance, California 91505.


         WHEREAS, Fossil is engaged in the business of manufacturing,  marketing
and  distributing  fashion  watches  and  accessories  in the United  States and
throughout the world; and

         WHEREAS, SIA is the sole shareholder  of SII's U.S.  subsidiary,  which
is engaged in the  business  of  distributing,  in the  United  States,  certain
products manufactured by SII; and

         WHEREAS,  SIA and  Fossil  desire to form SII  International,  Inc.,  a
Delaware  corporation,  with  its  principal  offices  to  be  located  at  1309
Rutherford,  Suite 160, Austin, Texas, which shall be engaged in the business of
manufacturing,   marketing,  distributing,   importing  and  exporting  watches,
including,  but not limited to,  watches under the LORUS Brand and/or the DISNEY
Brand  (subject to the  satisfactory  negotiation of the terms and conditions of
the SC License  Agreement  and the  Disney  License  Agreement  by and among SC,
Disney and SII International),  mass market distribution of watches,  clocks and
toys and such  other  matters as  approved  from time to time by the Board or as
contemplated within the scope of this Agreement; and

         WHEREAS, SIA and Fossil desire to enter into this Agreement in order to
define their respective rights and obligations hereunder.

         NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

For the  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  the  following  terms  shall  have  the
respective meanings indicated below:

       "Affected Stockholder" has a meaning set forth in Section 13.1(f) hereof.


         "Affiliate"  means any person or entity  that  directly  or  indirectly
through one of more  intermediaries  controls,  is controlled by or is under the
common control with such first person or entity.

         "Agreement"  means this Joint Venture  Agreement,  as it may be amended
from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof.

         "Ancillary  Agreements"  means (a) the SC  License  Agreement,  (b) the
Service  Agreement,  (c) the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  (d) the  Manufacturing,
Supply and Purchase Agreement, and (e) the Disney License Agreement.

         "Asset Purchase  Agreement" means the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  to be
dated as of the Closing, by and between TKC and SII International, substantially
in the form attached as Exhibit F hereto.

         "Board" means the Board of Directors of SII International.

         "Business" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1 hereof.

         "Bylaws" means the bylaws of SII  International,  substantially  in the
form attached hereto as Exhibit B.

         "Certificate of  Incorporation"  means the certificate of incorporation
of SII International, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

         "Closing"  means  the  consummation  of  the  transactions set forth in
Section 11.2 of this Agreement.

         "Closing  Date" shall mean August 1, 1999, or such other date as may be
agreed upon by the Parties.

         "Deadlock" has the meaning set forth in Section 12.1 hereof.

         "Defaulting Stockholder"  has the meaning  set forth in Section 13.1(b)

         "Director" means any member of the Board.

         "Disney" means Walt Disney Corporation or its affiliate.

         "DISNEY Brand" means each  trademark  owned by Disney or its Affiliate,
which is licensed by Disney to SII  International  under the terms of the Disney
License Agreement.


         "Disney License Agreement" means the Trademark License Agreement, to be
dated  as of a date  prior  to  the  Closing,  by and  between  Disney  and  SII
International, substantially in the form attached as Exhibit H hereto.

         "Fair Market  Value" means the fair value in the open market as between
a willing seller and a willing buyer as determined by an independent third party
mutually acceptable to the Stockholders.

         "GAAP" means generally  accepted  accounting principles  in  the United
States of America.

         "Government  Approval"  of any action to be taken by a Party under this
Agreement means such approval of, or consent to such action,  together with such
licenses,  authorizations,  or permits as will be  reasonably  required for such
action,  as  the  laws,  statutes,  decrees,  regulations  and  rulings  of  the
appropriate  government  authorities in the United States of America may require
to be obtained in  connection  with such action.  Whenever the term  "Government
Approval" is used herein,  it shall be interpreted  and construed to include the
requirements that such approval be in form and substance  reasonably  acceptable
to the Parties.

         "Initial Capital" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2 hereof.

         "Insolvent Stockholder"  has the  meaning set  forth in Section 13.1(c)

         "LORUS  Brand" means each "Lorus"  brand owned by SC, which is licensed
by SC to SII International under the terms of the SC License Agreement.

         "Manufacturing, Supply and Purchase Agreement" means the Manufacturing,
Supply and Purchase Agreement, to be dated as of the Closing, by and between SII
and SII International, substantially in the form attached as Exhibit G hereto.

         "Merging Stockholder"  has the  meaning set  forth  in  Section 13.1(d)

         "Net Book Value" means net book value in accordance with GAAP as of any
date of determination.

         "Non-Transferring  Stockholder"  has  the  meaning set forth in Section
6.1(b) hereof.

         "Operating Plan" means the plan for the operations of SII International
to be prepared by management  and approved by the Board  pursuant to Section 3.2

         "Party" means either of Fossil or SIA, and collectively, the "Parties".

         "Person" means any natural person,  partnership,  corporation,  limited
liability company, association, trust, estate or any other legal entity.


         "Prevented Stockholder"  has the meaning  set forth in  Section 13.1(e)

         "Products"  means the products  distributed by SII  International  from
time to time,  including,  but not limited to, watches,  clocks and toys bearing
the Lorus Brand and/or the DISNEY Brand.

         "Prospective Purchaser"  has  the meaning  set forth in  Section 6.1(b)

         "Purchase Notice" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(b) hereof.

         "Resolution Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 12.3 hereof.

         "Sale Notice" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(b) hereof.

         "SC" means Seiko Corporation,  a Japanese corporation.

         "SC License  Agreement" means the Trademark  License  Agreement,  to be
dated as of the Closing, by and between SC and SII International,  substantially
in the form attached as Exhibit D hereto.

         "Service  Agreement"  means  the  Service  Agreement, to be dated as of
the Closing, by and between Fossil L.P. and SII International,  substantially in
the form attached as Exhibit E hereto.

         "Shareholding  Percentage," with respect to either  Stockholder,  means
the  percentage  represented  by  dividing  (a)  the  number  of  shares  in SII
International issued to such Stockholder, by (b) the number of all shares in SII
International issued to all of the Stockholders.

         "SH" means Seiko Instruments (H.K.) Ltd., a Hong Kong corporation.

         "SII" means Seiko Instruments Inc., a Japanese corporation.

         "SII  International"  means SII International,  Inc., to be established
under the laws of the State of Delaware and in accordance with this Agreement.

         "Stockholder" means either  of Fossil  or  SIA, and  collectively,  the

         "Stockholder Loans" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.4(c) hereof.

         "Subject Shares" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(b) hereof.

         "Third Party Loans" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.4(a) hereof.


         "TKC"  means B & G  Arnold,  Inc.,  d/b/a/  The King  Company,  a Texas

         "Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(b) hereof.

         "Transferring Stockholder" has  the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(b)

         "Vendor Financing" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.4(c) hereof.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                   THE COMPANY

Section 2.1  Incorporation.  As soon as reasonably  possible after  execution of
this Agreement, but in no event longer than five (5) days after the date of this
Agreement,  Fossil  and SIA  shall  cause a new  corporation,  to be named  "SII
International,  Inc.", to be formed under the laws of the State of Delaware. The
Certificate of Incorporation of SII International  shall be in the form attached
as Exhibit A hereto. The principal office of SII International  shall be at 1309
Rutherford, Suite 160, Austin, Texas, or at such other location as agreed by the
Parties in accordance with this Agreement.

Section  2.2 Bylaws and First Board  Meeting.  At or prior to the  Closing,  the
Parties  shall cause SII  International  to adopt Bylaws in the form attached as
Exhibit B hereto,  and the  Directors  to hold a first  meeting  of the Board at
which actions shall be adopted  substantially  in the form attached as Exhibit C
hereto.  The  Parties  agree to  execute  such  documents,  and take such  other
actions,  and to cause all  Affiliates  and SII  International  to execute  such
documents  and take such  other  actions,  as may be  necessary  to  effect  the
formation of SII International and to carry out the intent of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE III
                             BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY

Section  3.1  General  Description  of  SII  International.  The  business  (the
"Business") of SII International will be the design,  manufacturing,  marketing,
distribution,  importing and exporting of watches,  clocks and toys,  including,
but not  limited  to,  watches  under the LORUS  Brand  and/or the DISNEY  Brand
(subject to the  satisfactory  negotiation of the terms and conditions of the SC
License Agreement and the Disney License Agreement), mass market distribution of
watches,  clock and toys and such other  matters as may be approved from time to
time by the Board or as may be contemplated within the scope of this Agreement.

Section 3.2 Operating Plan. In order to implement the Business,  at least thirty
(30) days prior to the  beginning  of each  fiscal  year,  the  officers  of SII
International  shall present an Operating  Plan to the Board for approval by the
Board.  The  Operating  Plan  shall set forth the plans  according  to which SII
International  shall be operated  for such fiscal year and shall  include,  at a
minimum, the following:


                  (i)      operating budgets;

                  (ii)     budgets for working capital requirements;

                  (iii)    three-year summary budget projections;

                  (iv)     projected  stock keeping unit ("SKU") count levels by
                           product  category  and  introduction  dates  for  the
                           upcoming year; and

                  (v)      the manner (third party financing, additional capital
                           contribution,   Vendor   Financing   or   Stockholder
                           financing)  by  which to raise  the  working  capital
                           requirements   and  detailed   terms  and  conditions

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  within thirty (30) days after the Closing,  the
officers of SII  International  shall present to the Board an Operating Plan for
the  remainder  of fiscal  year 1999 and fiscal  year 2000 for  approval  by the
Board. Any Operating Plan approved by the Board may be amended from time to time
by the Board.

                                   ARTICLE IV

Section  4.1  Authorized  Financing.  SII  International  shall  have an initial
authorized  capital  consisting of 100,000 shares of common stock with par value
of $0.01 per share.  All of SII  International's  shares shall be the same class
and otherwise alike in all respects and the holders thereof shall be entitled to
identical rights and privileges including,  without limitation of the foregoing,
identical  rights and  privileges  with respect to  dividends,  voting power and
distribution of assets in the event of any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
dissolution or winding-up of SII International.

Section  4.2  Initial  Capital   Contributions.   The  initial  capital  of  SII
International (the "Initial Capital") shall be one thousand five hundred dollars
($1,500).  Within  five (5) days  after  the date of this  Agreement,  SIA shall
subscribe  to eighty  percent  (80%) of the  Initial  Capital  and Fossil  shall
subscribe  to  twenty  percent  (20%) of the  Initial  Capital  by  respectively
contributing one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) and three hundred dollars
($300) in cash to SII International. Upon contribution of the Initial Capital by
the Parties pursuant to the foregoing  sentence,  SII International  shall issue
four  (4)  shares  to SIA  and  one  (1)  share  to  Fossil  and  deliver  share
certificates  representing  such shares in accordance with the laws of the State
of Delaware.

Section 4.3       Subsequent Capital Contributions.

         (a) Capital  Contributions  at Closing.  At Closing,  SIA shall make an
additional capital  contribution in cash in the amount of $15,999,000 and Fossil
shall  make  an  additional  capital  contribution  in  cash  in the  amount  of


$3,999,900.  Upon  contribution  of the capital by the  Parties  pursuant to the
foregoing  sentence,  SII  International  shall issue fifty three thousand three
hundred  thirty  (53,330)  shares to SIA and  thirteen  thousand  three  hundred
thirty-three   (13,333)   shares  to  Fossil  and  deliver  share   certificates
representing such shares in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

         (b) Capital  Contributions after Closing.  Following Closing,  and at a
minimum at the  beginning  of each  fiscal year of SII  International  following
Closing (or  calendar  year,  with respect to calendar  year 2000),  the Parties
shall  make a capital  contribution  in amount  sufficient  to meet the  working
capital  requirements of SII International as contained in the Operating Plan as
approved by the Board for the upcoming fiscal year, provided,  however, that (i)
such additional  capital  contribution  is made in cash;  (ii) each  Stockholder
shall make such additional capital  contribution in an amount equal to the total
amount of such additional capital contribution, multiplied by such Stockholder's
Shareholding  Percentage;  and (iii) such additional capital  contribution shall
otherwise  be  made  in  accordance  with  the  resolution  of the  Board.  Upon
contribution  of the  capital  by the  Parties  pursuant  to this  Section,  SII
International  shall issue additional shares at three hundred dollars ($300) per
share to SIA and to Fossil in proportion to such subsequent capital contribution
and deliver share  certificates  representing such shares in accordance with the
laws of the State of Delaware.  Notwithstanding  any other provisions  hereof to
the contrary, the maximum aggregate capital contributions required to be made by
the Stockholders shall in no event exceed thirty million dollars  ($30,000,000),
unless  otherwise  resolved  unanimously  by the vote of the Board  pursuant  to
Section 4.4(b).

Section 4.4       Additional Capital.

         (a) Third Party Financing.  Any additional working capital requirements
of SII  International  shall  primarily  be  met,  to the  extent  possible,  by
obtaining third party financing (the "Third Party Loan"). In the event the Board
unanimously  determines that all or part of the working capital  requirements of
SII  International  shall be met through  obtaining Third Party Loan, such Third
Party Loan shall be in such  amounts  and subject to such terms as the Board may
determine  (including,  but not limited to, after  discussing  the conditions of
obtaining Third Party Loan,  such as any  requirements by any third party lender
to subordinate the Stockholder  Loan to the Third Party Loan). To the extent one
of the  conditions  of the  extension of the Third Party Loan so approved by the
Board is the  subordination  of any Stockholder  Loans to such Third Party Loan,
then the Stockholders agree to take such action as necessary to subordinate such
Stockholder  Loan. To the extent that the Board  determines that it is necessary
to provide a guaranty of the  Stockholders to obtain such Third Party Loan, then
each of SIA and Fossil  shall  negotiate  in good faith to provide a guaranty in
favor of the lender of such Third  Party Loan so that SIA  guarantees  an amount
equal to seventy  percent (70%) of the guaranteed  amount and Fossil  guarantees
thirty percent (30%) of the guaranteed  amount.  The percentage of the amount so
guaranteed  by each  Stockholder  shall be adjusted in  accordance  with Section
14.13 hereof.


         (b) Additional Capital Contribution.  In the event the Board determines
that the working capital  requirements of SII International may not be raised by
obtaining Third Party Loan pursuant to Section 4.4(a),  then the working capital
requirements  of  SII  International  may  be  met  through  additional  capital
contribution by the Stockholders.  In the event the Board determines that all or
part of the  working  capital  requirements  of SII  International  shall be met
through  additional  capital   contributions  of  the  Stockholders,   then  the
Stockholders  shall  provide  such  additional  capital   contributions  to  SII
International,  provided, however, that (i) such additional capital contribution
is made in cash;  (ii)  each  Stockholder  shall  make such  additional  capital
contribution in an amount equal to the total amount of such  additional  capital
contribution,  multiplied by such  Stockholder's  Shareholding  Percentage;  and
(iii) such additional capital contribution shall otherwise be made in accordance
with the resolution of the Board.

         (c)  Stockholder  Loans.  In the event the  Board  determines  that the
working  capital  requirements  of SII  International  should  not be  raised by
obtaining Third Party Loan pursuant to Section 4.4(a),  then the working capital
requirements of SII  International may be met by obtaining  financing  (together
with the Vendor Financing (as hereinafter defined), the "Stockholder Loan") from
the Stockholders. In the event the Board unanimously determines that all or part
of the  working  capital  requirements  of  SII  International  shall  be met by
obtaining Stockholder Loan, then the Stockholders shall provide such Stockholder
Loan to SII International,  provided, however, that (i) such Stockholder Loan is
made and repaid in United States Dollars;  (ii) each  Stockholder  shall provide
such Stockholder Loan in an amount equal to the total amount of such Stockholder
Loan,  multiplied by the applicable  percentage set forth in Section 14.13;  and
(iii) such  Stockholder  Loan shall  otherwise  be made in  accordance  with the
resolution of the Board.  SIA may provide its portion of the Stockholder Loan by
causing  SII or SIH to extend the  payment  date of any  invoice  issued for the
products sold to SII International under the Manufacturing,  Supply and Purchase
Agreement  ("Vendor  Financing").  In such  event,  SIA  shall be deemed to have
extended a  Stockholder  Loan for the term by which the payment was extended and
for the amount of such payment.  Unless  otherwise  determined by the Board, the
interest  rate of such  Stockholder  Loan  shall not exceed  the  interest  rate
available to SII  International  through  Third Party Loans with similar  terms,
conditions and principal amounts as the Stockholder Loan in question,  and shall
be payable only at such times as the principal  amount of such  Stockholder Loan
shall become payable in accordance with Section 5.1 hereof.

                                    ARTICLE V

Section 5.1 Stockholder Loan Repayment Policy. Except as otherwise determined by
the Board,  SII  International  shall  covenant to repay all of the  outstanding
principal  and interest on all  Stockholder  Loans  pursuant to the terms of the
loan agreement  before SII  International  is permitted  under the terms of such
loan agreement to make distributions of any dividends to the Stockholders.


Section 5.2       Dividend  Policy.  Subject to  Section 5.1,  dividends  may be
distributed to the Stockholders from time to time as determined by a majority of
the Board.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                               TRANSFER OF SHARES

Section 6.1       Transfer Restrictions.

         (a) Transfer to Affiliates. With the prior written consent of the other
Stockholder,  which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld, and without the
application of Section 6.1(b) hereof, either Stockholder may transfer all or any
portion of its shares in SII International to any Affiliate of such Stockholder.

         (b)      Transfer to Non-Affiliates.

                   (i) Except as provided  in Section  6.1(a),  Section  12.3 or
Section 13.2, (1) neither  Stockholder shall sell, assign,  transfer,  encumber,
pledge or grant a security  interest  in any of its shares of SII  International
(collectively,  a "Transfer") other than in accordance with this Section 6.1(b),
and (2) notwithstanding this Section 6.1(b),  neither Stockholder shall Transfer
any of its shares of SII  International  for a period  until  December 31, 2002,
without the prior written consent of the other Stockholder.  In the event either
Stockholder (the "Transferring  Stockholder") desires to sell all or part of its
shares  (the  "Subject  Shares")  of SII  International  to a third  party,  the
Transferring  Party shall give written  notice (the "Sale  Notice") to the other
Stockholder (the  "Non-Transferring  Stockholder") which Sale Notice shall state
(1) the identity of the person or entity (the "Prospective  Purchaser") to which
the Transferring  Stockholder  desires to dispose of such Subject Shares,  which
Prospective  Purchaser  shall  not be acting in  concert  with the  Transferring
Stockholder  to  circumvent  the  provisions  of this  Section  or  shall  be in
competition with SII International or the Non-Transferring  Stockholder, (2) the
price to be paid for such  Subject  Shares,  which price must be payable in cash
upon consummation of such disposition, (3) the date on which such disposition is
scheduled to occur (which date shall be no later than ninety (90) days after the
date of the Sale Notice),  and (4) that the offer of the  Prospective  Purchaser
has been accepted by the Transferring Stockholder,  subject to the rights of the
Non-Transferring Stockholder contained herein.

                  (ii) Upon  receipt of the Sale  Notice,  the  Non-Transferring
Stockholder shall have the right to purchase, upon the same terms and conditions
as  contained  in the Sale Notice,  the Subject  Shares,  by providing a written
notice (the "Purchase Notice") to the Transferring Stockholder within sixty (60)
days after  receipt of the Sale  Notice.  The  closing  of the  purchase  of the
Subject Shares pursuant to this Section  6.2(b)(ii)  shall be held within thirty
(30) days after delivery of the Purchase Notice.


                  (iii) In the event the Non-Transferring Stockholder elects not
to  exercise  its  rights  pursuant  to  Section   6.2(b)(ii)  above,  then  the
Transferring  Stockholder  may  transfer the Subject  Shares to the  Prospective
Purchaser  in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  set forth in the Sale
Notice.  If the  Transferring  Stockholder  does  not  complete  the sale of the
Subject Shares to the  Prospective  Purchaser  within ninety (90) days after the
date of the Sale  Notice,  the  provisions  of  Section  6.1(b)  shall  again be

                  (iv)  In  the  event  the   Non-Transferring   Stockholder  is
prevented from  exercising its right to purchase the Subject Shares  pursuant to
Section  6.1(b)(ii) as a result of applicable  rule,  law or  regulation,  then,
notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained herein, within an additional
sixty (60) days, the  Non-Transferring  Stockholder shall elect, in its sole and
absolute discretion and by notifying the Transferring  Stockholder,  whether the
Transferring  Stockholder  shall sell the Subject Shares to (1) the  Prospective
Purchaser, (2) the Non-Transferring Stockholder or (3) a party designated by the
Non-Transferring  Stockholder, in each case on terms and conditions set forth in
the Sale Notice, provided that the Transferring Stockholder shall consummate the
transaction  within thirty (30) days from the end of such sixty (60) day period.
In the  event  the  sale  to  the  Prospective  Purchaser  pursuant  to  Section
6.1(b)(iv)(1) is not consummated  within such thirty (30)-day  period,  then the
provisions of Section 6.1(b) shall again be applicable.

Section 6.2 Agreement to be Bound.  As a condition to the valid  transfer of any
shares to any party hereunder, the transferor shall be responsible for obtaining
from the transferee prior to such transfer,  written agreement of the transferee
to comply with, be bound by and perform all of the terms and  conditions of this
Agreement. Thereafter, the transferee shall be a party to this Agreement.

Section  6.3  Transfer in  Violation  of Transfer  Restrictions.  Any  purported
Transfer of shares in SII International not expressly authorized by the terms of
this Agreement shall be void and of no force and effect.

Section 6.4  Stock Certificate Legends.  All certificates evidencing shares of
SII International shall bear the following legend:

         "The shares of stock  represented by this certificate are restricted as
         to transfer in accordance with, and are otherwise  subject to the terms
         of,  an  agreement  dated  as of  June  1,  1999,  by and  between  the
         stockholders of SII International, Inc. on that date."

Each certificate  representing  shares of SII International  shall be stamped or
otherwise imprinted with legends substantially in the following form:

         "The  securities   represented  by  this   certificate  have  not  been
         registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The securities
         may not be sold, offered for sale, transferred, pledged or hypothecated


         in the absence of an effective  registration  statement related thereto
         or an opinion of counsel  satisfactory to SII  International  that such
         registration  is not  required  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as

                                   ARTICLE VII
                             ACTIONS OF STOCKHOLDERS

Section 7.1  Meeting. The meetings and  resolutions of the Stockholders shall be
conducted or obtained according to the Bylaws.

Section 7.2 Restricted  Actions.  The Stockholders agree that during the term of
this  Agreement  they will  not,  nor will  they  allow any of their  employees,
representatives or Affiliates to:

         (a)  Commingle  SII  International  funds  with the  funds of any other
Person or use SII International funds for other than SII International  purposes
or as directed by the Board;

         (b)  Take any action  or allow the  Directors or SII  International  to
take any action  that  would  result in any  violation  of this  Agreement,  the
Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the Bylaws or the laws of the United  States of
America,  including, but not limited to, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act;

         (c) Enter  into any  agreement  (other  than the  applicable  Ancillary
Agreements)  or establish  any  relationship  with SII  International  except as
specified  herein,  unless  such  agreement  or  relationship  is on  terms  and
conditions that would be established  between unrelated parties dealing at arm's

Section 7.3 Further  Assurance.  Fossil and SIA additionally  shall execute such
further  documents  and  cooperate  in taking  such  further  actions  as may be
necessary to give effect to this  Agreement,  the Ancillary  Agreements  and the
transactions  contemplated hereby and to obtain any Government Approval or other
government action necessary therefor.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Section  8.1 Power.  The Board  shall  carry out the  resolutions  passed at the
meetings of the  Stockholders and of the Board,  including,  but not limited to,
the  implementation  of the Operating Plan. The Board shall decide by resolution
all other  important  matters  relating to the  policies and  management  of the
business of SII  International,  except those matters which are reserved by this
Agreement,  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the  Bylaws  or by  law to the
decision of the Stockholders.


Section 8.2  Election  of  Directors.  The  Directors  shall be duly  elected at
general  meetings of the  Stockholders  in accordance  with the Bylaws,  and the
Board shall consist of five (5) Directors.  Subject to the provisions of Section
14.13,  four (4) of the Directors shall be nominated by SIA and one (1) Director
shall be nominated by Fossil. The Stockholders  hereby agree to cast their votes
from time to time to elect or re-elect each of such nominees.

Section  8.3   Chairman.   The  Chairman  of  the  Board  shall   represent  SII
International and administer the affairs of SII International in accordance with
the policies and programs  established  by the  Stockholders  and the Board from
time to time. Subject to the provisions of Section 14.13, the Stockholders agree
that SIA may  designate  the  director  that shall serve as the  Chairman of the
Board  from time to time.  SIA shall  designate  Tom  Kartsotis  as the  initial
Chairman of the Board.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any director nominated by
Fossil  but  designated  to  serve as the  Chairman  of the  Board by SIA  shall
nonetheless be deemed to be the nominee of Fossil.

Section 8.4 Vacancy on Board. In case the position of a Director  becomes vacant
for any reason, the Stockholders agree to elect as a replacement any such person
as may be nominated by the  Stockholder who nominated the person whose office is
vacant.  In the event that the Stockholder who nominated the person whose office
is vacant does not  nominate a  replacement  within  thirty (30) days after such
office  becoming  vacant,  then the other  Stockholder  shall  have the right to
nominate such replacement.  The Stockholders  agree to cast their votes to elect
such replacement nominee.

Section 8.5      Meetings. The meetings of the Board shall be held at such times
and with such notice as is specified in the Bylaws.


                                   ARTICLE IX

Section 9.1 Officers.  The officers of SII International shall be elected by the
Board from time to time. The initial  President of SII  International  following
Closing  shall be David  Arnold  who  shall be  responsible  for the  day-to-day
management of SII  International.  The Stockholders  hereby agree to cause their
nominated  Directors  to vote for his  election as the initial  President of SII

Section  9.2  Operating  Plan.  The  Stockholders  hereby  agree to cause  their
nominated  Directors and other  representatives to effectuate the Operating Plan
adopted by the Board,  to implement  such other basic  corporate  and  operating
policies  established by the Stockholders or the Board during the continuance of
this Agreement,  and to act in accordance with the Certificate of Incorporation,
the Bylaws, this Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements.

Section 9.3 Financial Statements.  The financial statements of SII International
shall  be  prepared  in  accordance  with  GAAP,   consistently   applied.   SII
International  will make and keep  books and  records  and  accounts  which,  in
reasonable  detail,  accurately and fairly reflect the business  transactions of
SII International  (including,  but not limited to, any asset disposition),  and
SII  International  shall  devise and  maintain a system of  internal  financial
control  sufficient  to  provide   reasonable   assurances  that  the  financial
statements  of  SII  International  are  maintained  according  to  GAAP  and by
applicable law. In addition, SII International shall have its financials audited
by an independent public accountant at the end of every year.

                                    ARTICLE X

Section 10.1  Fossil's Representations, Warranties and Covenants.  Fossil repre-
sents, warrants and covenants to SIA as follows:

         (a) Fossil is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in
good  standing  under the laws of the State of  Delaware  and has all  requisite
corporate  power  and  authority  to enter  into  this  Agreement,  perform  its
obligations hereunder and consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.


         (b) The execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized
by all  necessary  corporate  action of  Fossil.  This  Agreement  has been duly
executed and delivered by a duly  authorized  officer of Fossil and  constitutes
the legal, valid and binding obligation of Fossil. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will
not  conflict  with  or  result  in  any  violation  of  any  provisions  of the
certificate of  incorporation or bylaws of Fossil or conflict with, or result in
any  violation of or default  under any  provision of any  mortgage,  indenture,

lease, instrument,  agreement, judgment, order, decree, statute, law, ordinance,
rule, regulation, or other governmental  authorization or approval applicable to

         (c) Fossil will cause the Directors  nominated by Fossil to operate SII
International  in strict  compliance  with  this  Agreement  and all  applicable
provisions of the laws of the United States of America.

         (d) Fossil  hereby  agrees to indemnify  and hold SIA harmless from and
against all losses,  damages and costs  resulting  from any breach of any of the
provisions of this Agreement by Fossil.

Section 10.2   SIA's Representations, Warranties and Covenants.  SIA represents,
warrants and covenants to Fossil as follows:

         (a) SIA is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing and in good
standing under the laws of California and has all requisite  corporate power and
authority to enter into this Agreement,  perform its  obligations  hereunder and
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

         (b) The execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated thereby have been duly authorized
by all necessary  corporate action of SIA. This Agreement has been duly executed
and delivered by a duly  authorized  officer of SIA and  constitutes  the legal,
valid and binding  obligation of SIA  enforceable in accordance  with its terms.
The  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement  and the  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  will  not  conflict  with or  result  in any
violation of any provisions of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of SIA or
conflict  with,  or result in any violation of or default under any provision of
any mortgage, indenture, lease, instrument,  agreement, judgment, order, decree,
statute, law, ordinance,  rule, regulation, or other governmental  authorization
or approval applicable to SIA.

         (c) SIA will  cause  the  Directors  nominated  by SIA to  operate  SII
International  in strict  compliance  with  this  Agreement  and all  applicable
provisions of the laws of the United States of America.

         (d) SIA hereby  agrees to indemnify  and hold Fossil  harmless from and
against all losses,  damages and costs  resulting  from any breach of any of the
provisions of this Agreement by SIA.


                                   ARTICLE XI
                         CLOSING AND CONDITIONS THEREOF

Section  11.1  Closing.  The Closing of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement  shall take place on the Closing  Date at the  offices of Fossil.  The
Parties agree that this  Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements may be executed
in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original.

Section 11.2   Events of Closing.  At or prior to the Closing, the Parties shall
take the following actions:

         (a) The  Stockholders  shall cause the sole  incorporator  to elect the
Board of Directors  nominated  by the  Stockholders  and to transact  such other
business as may be necessary or proper to be transacted at said meeting;

         (b) Each Director shall accept his position as director of SII Interna-

         (c) The  Board  shall  hold a  meeting  for the  purposes  of  electing
officers  of SII  International  and to transact  such other  business as may be
necessary or proper to be transacted at said meeting, as provided in the minutes
of the  organizational  meeting of the Board,  in the form attached as Exhibit C

         (d)  David  Arnold  shall  accept  the  position  as  President  of SII
International under terms and conditions reasonably acceptable to the Parties;

         (e) SIA and Fossil shall each make the additional capital  contribution
required by Section 4.3 hereof, and in exchange for such capital  contributions,
SII  International  shall  issue to SIA and Fossil,  respectively,  certificates
evidencing  ownership  by such  Party of the  number  of  shares of stock of SII
International specified in Section 4.3 hereof.

         (f) Each of SII International, SIA and Fossil shall execute and deliver
each of the Ancillary Agreements to which it is a party.

Section 11.3 Closing Date.  Unless  otherwise  agreed by the  Stockholders,  the
Closing  shall  take  place  within  five (5)  days  after  satisfaction  of the
conditions  set forth in  Section  11.4  hereof  but in no event  later than the
Closing Date. If the Closing does not occur on or before the Closing Date,  then
this  Agreement  shall  thereupon  terminate  automatically  and  shall be of no
further force or effect,  without any further  liability or obligation of either
Stockholder to the other Stockholder.

Section 11.4  Conditions to the Closing.  All  obligations  of each  Stockholder
hereunder to take the actions  contemplated by this Agreement and otherwise take
the action  necessary to consummate the Closing,  are subject to the fulfillment
of each of the following conditions:


         (a) The final terms and conditions of each of the Ancillary  Agreements
shall have been agreed upon by each of the parties signatories thereto;

         (b) All  actions,  proceedings,  instruments,  opinions  and  documents
required to carry out this Agreement and the Ancillary  Agreements or incidental
hereto or thereto,  and all other  related  legal  matters,  shall be reasonably
satisfactory to the respective legal counsel of the Parties;

         (c) All other terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement and the
Ancillary Agreements to be complied with and performed by the respective parties
hereto and thereto  prior to or at the Closing shall have been complied with and
performed in all material respects (with the right of such parties in compliance
with such terms,  covenants and  conditions to waive the  non-compliance  by the
other Party);

         (d) No  action,  suit,  proceeding  or  investigation  by or before any
court,  administrative  agency or other  governmental  authority shall have been
instituted  or  threatened  to  restrain,  prohibit  or  invalidate  any  of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement or any Ancillary Agreements;

         (e) All  Governmental  Approvals  required for the  performance by each
Party of this  Agreement,  including the execution and delivery of the Ancillary
Agreements,  the consummation of the transactions herein or therein contemplated
and the fulfillment of and compliance  with the terms and conditions  hereof and
thereof,  by either  Party shall have been  obtained,  and all filings and other
formalities completed; and

         (f) All  consents  and  approvals  of third  parties  required  for the
performance by each Party and the Ancillary Agreements,  the consummation of the
transactions  herein  or  therein   contemplated  and  the  fulfillment  of  and
compliance  with the terms and  conditions  hereof and thereof,  shall have been
obtained or valid waivers or consents obtained.

Neither Party shall  deliberately  cause any condition set forth in this Article
XI not  to be  satisfied,  and  each  Party  shall,  as to  events,  causes  and
circumstances  within  its  control,  take such  action  as shall be  reasonably
necessary to cause such condition to be satisfied and shall keep the other Party
currently  informed as to the status of such  actions.  In the event the Closing
takes place, each Party shall be deemed to have represented and warranted to the
other Party as of the  Closing  Date that all of the  aforementioned  conditions
precedent to such Party's obligations  hereunder shall have been fulfilled prior
to or as of the Closing Date.


                                   ARTICLE XII

Section 12.1  Definition.  As used in this Agreement the term  "Deadlock"  shall
mean  any   circumstance  in  which  the   Stockholders  or  the  Board  of  SII
International  are unable, by reason of lack of a quorum or inability to achieve
the  votes  that  are  required  under  this   Agreement,   the  Certificate  of
Incorporation and/or the applicable law to arrive at a decision on any matter or
issue which,  under this  Agreement,  the  Certificate of  Incorporation  and/or
applicable law requires  action,  provided that an inability of the Stockholders
or the  Board to  arrive  at such a  decision  or take  such  action  shall  not
constitute  a Deadlock  unless the Board or the  Stockholders  shall have failed
within a  forty-five  (45) day period to decide the matter or shall have  failed
within such period to implement such decision.

Section 12.2 Notice of Deadlock.  No Deadlock  shall be deemed to have  occurred
until  either  Stockholder  gives the  other  Stockholder  a  written  notice of
Deadlock.  Such notice of Deadlock shall specify in reasonable detail the nature
of the issue giving rise  thereto.  Within  twenty (20)  business days after the
delivery of the notice of Deadlock, the chief executive officers of both SIA and
Fossil shall meet for the purpose of amicably resolving the Deadlock.

Section  12.3  Rights  in Event of  Deadlock.  In the  event  after  good  faith
discussions  the Deadlock is not resolved  within twenty (20) business days from
the date of the notice of Deadlock is delivered (the  "Resolution  Date"),  then
the following  procedure shall apply:  (a) within thirty (30) days after the end
of such twenty (20)  business  day period,  SIA shall have the option to acquire
all, but not less than all, of the shares in SII  International  owned by Fossil
at a purchase  price equal to the Fair Market  Value  thereof;  (b) in the event
that SIA shall have failed to  exercise  its option to acquire  Fossil's  shares
pursuant  to the  foregoing  (a),  then,  within an  additional  thirty (30) day
period,  Fossil  shall have the option to acquire all, but not less than all, of
the shares owned by SIA in SII  International  at a purchase  price equal to the
Fair Market Value  thereof.  In the event  neither SIA nor Fossil  exercises its
rights  pursuant to the  foregoing  sentence,  then SII  International  shall be
dissolved  and  liquidated  pursuant  to  Section  13.3 and in  accordance  with
applicable  law.  In the event  the  transfer  of  shares  in SII  International
pursuant to this Section 12.3 results in the  imposition of a transfer fee under
the SC License Agreement or the Disney License Agreement, then such transfer fee
shall be paid equally by Fossil and SIA.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the
event that Fossil's  Stockholder  Percentage on the  Resolution  Date is greater
than fifty percent  (50%),  then the first option  described in Section  12.3(a)
shall belong to Fossil, and the second option described in Section 12.3(b) shall
belong to SIA.


                                  ARTICLE XIII

Section  13.1  Events  Permitting  Termination.   This  Agreement  shall  become
effective as of the date of this  Agreement and shall continue for an indefinite
period thereafter, until terminated as follows:

         (a) By mutual consent  of the Stockholders  to terminate this Agreement
in writing;

         (b) By  either  Stockholder  upon  giving  written  notice to the other
Stockholder (the "Defaulting  Stockholder") if the Defaulting  Stockholder is in
default  hereunder or under any of the Ancillary  Agreements and such default is
not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice of such default;

         (c) By  either  Stockholder  upon  giving  written  notice to the other
Stockholder (the "Insolvent  Stockholder")  if (i) the ownership,  management or
control  of  such  Insolvent  Stockholder  or all or  substantially  all of such
Insolvent  Stockholder's assets are transferred to a person or entity other than
the person or entity exercising ownership,  management or control at the date of
this Agreement,  or (ii) a court having jurisdiction in the premises shall enter
a decree or order for  relief in  respect  of the  Insolvent  Stockholder  in an
involuntary  case under any applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other similar
law now or hereinafter in effect, or appoint a receiver,  liquidator,  assignee,
custodian,  trustee,  sequestrator  of  such  Insolvent  Stockholder  or for any
substantial part of its property,  or order the winding up or liquidation of its
affairs,  and such decree or order  shall  remain  unstayed  and in effect for a
period of sixty (60) consecutive days, or (iii) the Insolvent  Stockholder shall
commence a voluntary case under any applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other
similar  law now or  hereafter  in effect,  or shall  consent to the entry of an
order for relief in any involuntary case under any such law, or shall consent to
the  appointment of or taking  possession by a receiver,  liquidator,  assignee,
trustee, custodian, sequestrator of such other Party or for any substantial part
of its  property,  or shall  make any  general  assignment  for the  benefit  of
creditors,  or shall fail generally to pay its debts as they become due or shall
take any action in furtherance of any of the foregoing;

         (d) By  either  Stockholder  upon  giving  written  notice to the other
Stockholder (the "Merging Stockholder") if, without the prior written consent of
the other  Stockholder,  the Merging  Stockholder is merged or consolidated with
another entity;

         (e) By  either  Stockholder  upon  giving  written  notice to the other
Stockholder  (the  "Prevented  Stockholder")  if the  Prevented  Stockholder  is
prevented from performing its obligations  under this Agreement for a continuous
period  of six (6)  months or more as a result  of any  intervention,  direct or
indirect, by any government or governmental authority;

         (f) By  either  Stockholder  upon  giving  written  notice to the other
Stockholder  (the  "Affected   Stockholder")  if  the  Affected  Stockholder  is


prevented from performing its obligations  under this Agreement for a continuous
period of six (6) months or more as a result of an event of Force Majeure.

         (g)  Automatically   upon  the  sale  of  all  of  the  shares  in  SII
International to a third party unrelated to the Stockholders;

         (h)  Automatically  upon the  acquisition of one hundred percent (100%)
of the shares in SII International by one of the Stockholders;

         (i)  Automatically in the event the Closing does not occur on or before
the Closing Date;

         (j) By SIA upon giving written notice to Fossil if SII International is
in default  under the  Manufacturing,  Supply and  Purchase  Agreement  and such
default  is not cured  within  thirty  (30) days  after  written  notice of such
default; or

         (k) By Fossil upon giving written notice to SIA if SII International is
in default  under the Service  Agreement  and such  default is not cured  within
thirty (30) days after written notice of such default.

Section 13.2      Rights Upon Termination.

         (a) Survival.  Termination of this Agreement shall not extinguish debts
and other  obligations  created or arising between the Stockholders by virtue of
this Agreement or by virtue of contracts  entered into hereunder before the date
of termination. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the respective
obligations   of  the  Parties  under  Sections  13.2  and  13.3  shall  survive
termination of this Agreement.

         (b) Rights. Without limiting the generality of Section 13.2(a), if this
Agreement is terminated  pursuant to Section 13.1(b),  Section 13.1(c),  Section
13.1(d),   Section  13.1(e)  or  Section  13.1(f)  hereof,   the  non-Defaulting
Stockholder,  the non-Insolvent  Stockholder,  the non-Merging Stockholder,  the
non-Prevented Stockholder or the non-Affected Stockholder, as applicable,  shall
be entitled to, in addition to any other remedies it may have in law,  equity or
contract: (i) require the other Stockholder to purchase any or all of the shares
in  SII   International  of  the   non-Defaulting   Stockholder,   non-Insolvent
Stockholder, non-Merging Stockholder,  non-Prevented Stockholder or non-Affected
Stockholder, as applicable, at the Fair Market Value, (ii) purchase all, but not
less than all of the shares in SII  International  held by the other Stockholder
at the Net Book Value,  or (iii) require SII  International  to be dissolved and
liquidated   pursuant  to  Section  13.3   hereof,   and  (iv)   terminate   the
Manufacturing,  Supply  and  Purchase  Agreement,  to the  extent it is SIA,  or
terminate the Service  Agreement,  to the extent it is Fossil.  In the event the
transfer of shares in SII International pursuant to this Section 13.2(b) results


in the imposition of a transfer fee under the SC License Agreement or the Disney
License  Agreement,  then  such  transfer  fee  shall be paid by the  Defaulting
Stockholder,  Insolvent Stockholder, Merging Stockholder,  Prevented Stockholder
or the Affected Stockholder, as applicable.

Section 13.3  Liquidation.  Upon the occurrence of a dissolution event set forth
in Section 12.3, the termination of the Agreement pursuant to Section 13.1(i) or
in the event either  Stockholder elects to require to dissolve SII International
pursuant to Section 13.2(b)(iii), then in no event later than one hundred twenty
(120) days after the occurrence of such dissolution  event or such election,  as
applicable,  the  Stockholders  shall vote for and otherwise  take all requisite
actions to cause the dissolution and liquidation of assets of SII  International
as follows:

         (a) All assets of SII International (including, but not limited to, all
Products remaining at SII  International)  shall be sold within such one hundred
twenty (120) day period at the best price offered by any party therefor;

         (b) The proceeds of such sale shall be used as follows:  (i) first,  to
pay in full all third  party  creditors  (including,  but not  limited  to,  any
amounts  outstanding  under the  Third  Party  Loan);  (ii)  second,  to pay any
outstanding  accounts receivable owed by Fossil under the Manufacturing,  Supply
and Purchase  Agreement  and the Service  Agreement,  pro rata  according to the
respective  amounts due to each such party;  (iii) third, to pay any outstanding
loan liability of SII International (including,  but not limited to, any amounts
outstanding  under the Stockholders  Loans and any amount paid by SIA and Fossil
in  guaranteeing  Third Party Loan) to SIA and Fossil pro rata  according to the
respective  amounts of loans and/or liabilities due to each such Party; and (iv)
fourth, any remaining proceeds shall be distributed to the Stockholders pro rata
in accordance with their respective Shareholding Percentages.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

Section 14.1 Force Majeure.  Any delay or failure by either Party to perform any
of its  obligations  hereunder  shall be excused if and to the extent  caused by
occurrences beyond such Party's reasonable control,  including,  but not limited
to, acts of God, strikes or other labor  disturbances,  war, whether declared or
not,  sabotage,   civil   insurrections  or  commotion,   acts  by  governmental
authorities and any other cause or causes whether similar of dissimilar to those
herein specified which cannot reasonably be controlled by such Party.

Section 14.2 Governing Law. The validity,  performance,  construction and effect
of this  Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of Delaware  without regard to
principles of conflict of laws.

Section 14.3 Assignment.  Except in accordance with the transfer  provisions set
forth in Article VI, this  Agreement  and the rights and  obligations  hereunder
shall not be assigned by either  Party  hereto,  by contract or by  operation of
law, without the prior written consent of the other Party.


Section 14.4 Expenses and  Enforcement  Costs.  Each Party agrees to pay its own
costs and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation,  negotiation and
execution of this Agreement and in obtaining the necessary  Government Approvals
and other governmental action  contemplated  herein. Each Party hereto agrees to
pay and discharge all reasonable costs,  attorney fees and expenses  (including,
but not limited to the costs of arbitration and litigation) that are incurred by
the other Party in enforcing the terms of this Agreement or in defending  itself
in an action to enforce  the terms of this  Agreement  provided  that such other
Party shall  substantially  prevail in such  proceedings  as  determined  by the
arbitrator(s) or judges, as applicable.

Section 14.5  Severability;  Waiver.  If any  provision of this  Agreement is or
becomes illegal,  invalid or unenforceable  under applicable law, such provision
shall be fully  severable,  and the  remaining  provisions  hereof  shall not be
affected  thereby and shall  remain in full force and effect.  Failure of either
Party at any time to require  performance  by the other of any provision of this
Agreement shall not affect its rights to require full performance thereof at any
time thereafter, and a waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision shall
not constitute a waiver of rights arising from any subsequent  breach or nullify
the effectiveness of such provision.

Section 14.6 Notices.  Unless otherwise agreed in writing,  all notices required
hereunder  shall be in writing and in English.  Such notices  shall be delivered
personally,  or sent by telex,  telegram,  registered  airmail,  return  receipt
requested,  or by facsimile  with a  confirmation  copy to be sent by registered
mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

         If to SIA:        Seiko Instruments America, Inc.
                           c/o Seiko Instruments U.S.A., Inc.
                           1130 Ringwood Court
                           San Jose, CA 95131-1726
                           Attention: Mr. Katsuhiko Morita, President and Chief
                                      Executive Officer
                           Facsimile: 408-922-5840

         If to Fossil:     Fossil, Inc.
                           2280 N. Greenville
                           Richardson, Texas 75082
                           Attention: T.R. Tunnell, Chief Legal Officer
                           Facsimile: 214-498-9639

Said  notice  shall be deemed to have been  received on the first  business  day
following the date the telex,  telegram or facsimile is dispatched.  Notice sent
by registered airmail, return receipt requested,  properly addressed and posted,
shall be deemed to have been  received  not later than seven (7)  business  days
after posting.  Nothing contained herein shall justify or excuse failure to give
oral notice for the  purposes of informing  the other Party  thereof when prompt
notification is  appropriate,  but such notice shall not satisfy the requirement
of written notice.


Section 14.7 Language.  This Agreement may be translated  into other  languages,
but the English language version shall be the official version and shall control
the construction and interpretation hereof.

Section 14.8  Amendment.  This  Agreement  may  be  amended  only  by  a written
document signed by the Parties.

Section 14.9  Headings.  Headings or Articles  in this Agreement are for conven-
ience only and do not substantively affect the terms of this Agreement.

Section 14.10 Inconsistencies.  In case of any inconsistency or conflict between
this Agreement,  on the one hand, and the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws
of SII  International,  on the other hand, this Agreement shall govern,  and the
Parties  agree  to  take  all  necessary  steps  to  amend  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation or Bylaws,  as applicable,  to conform to this Agreement  promptly
upon the discovery of any such inconsistency or conflict.

Section  14.11  Ownership  of  Intellectual  Property;  Non-Compete;   Corporate
Opportunity.  Except as  otherwise  provided  in the  Ancillary  Documents,  the
proprietary designs,  trademarks,  tradenames,  processes and systems created by
SII International  shall remain the property of SII  International.  The Parties
agree that  during the term of this  Agreement,  they  shall  not,  directly  or
indirectly,  knowingly manufacture,  market or sell products confusingly similar
to the products manufactured,  marketed and distributed by SII International and
shall refer and cause to be referred all business  prospects  pertaining to mass
market  distribution  of  watches,  clocks and toys in the United  States to SII
International.  In the event SII  International  elects not to proceed with such
business  prospect,  then the  referring  Party may proceed  with such  business
prospect  itself.  Mass  market  distribution  includes,  but is not limited to,
distribution  to  retailers  comparable  to  Wal-Mart,  K-Mart,  drug stores and
grocery stores. It is agreed and understood by the Parties that products sold or
offered for sale by the Parties or their respective  Affiliates  (other than SII
International)  as of Closing,  shall not be deemed to be "products  confusingly
similar to the products" for purposes of this paragraph.

Section  14.12  Arbitration  of  Disputes.  In the  event  that any  dispute  or
controversy  arising  out  of,  in  relation  to,  or in  connection  with  this
Agreement,  such  dispute  or  controversy  shall be finally  settled  under the
Commercial  Arbitration Rules of the American  Arbitration  Association by three
(3) arbitrators appointed as set forth below. The arbitration venue shall be New
York, New York.  Arbitration shall be conducted by a panel of three (3) members,
one member  selected by SIA, one member  selected by Fossil and the third member
selected by agreement  between the other two members.  Such arbitration shall be
conducted  in the English  language,  but either Party shall be free to make any
submission in English or Japanese without providing a translation  thereof.  The
Parties'  obligations under this Section shall survive termination or expiration
of this Agreement.  The provisions  herein shall not be construed as prohibiting
any Party to this Agreement from applying to any court of competent jurisdiction
for such injunctive or other  provisional  relief as may be necessary to protect
that Party from irreparable harm or injury or to preserve the status quo pending


resolution of a dispute or controversy.  As part of the arbitration  award,  the
prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and expenses
(including attorney's fees) incurred in connection with the arbitration.

Section 14.13 Change of Shareholding Percentage.  In the event that either Party
acquires  some,  but not all,  of the  other  Party's  equity  ownership  in SII
International  pursuant  to  this  Agreement,  including,  but not  limited  to,
pursuant to Article VI, then the following shall apply:

         (a) The following changes shall be made in the number of Directors each
Party  may  nominate  on the  Board  pursuant  to  Section  8.2  based  upon the
respective   Shareholding   Percentages   of  SIA  and  Fossil   following  such

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fossil Shareholding Percentage        SIA Shareholding Percentage           No. of Fossil          No. of SIA
                                                                              Directors             Directors
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           Less than 10%                         90% or more                       0                     5
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   10% or more but less than 40%        60% or more but less than 90%              1                     4
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   40% or more but less than 50%        50% or more but less than 60%              2                     3
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   50% or more but less than 80%        20% or more but less than 50%              3                     2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   80% or more but less than 90%        10% or more but less than 20%              4                     1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            90% or more                         Less than 10%                      5                     0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         (b) In the event the  Shareholding  Percentage  of Fossil  becomes more
than fifty percent (50%),  Fossil shall be entitled to designate the Chairman of
the Board pursuant to Section 8.2.

         (c) The  following  changes  shall  be made  in the  percentage  of the
guaranteed  amount each Party shall guarantee  pursuant to Section 4.4(a) and in
the percentage of the Stockholder  Loan each Party shall be obligated to provide
pursuant to Section 4.4(c) based upon the respective Shareholding Percentages of
SIA and Fossil following such acquisition:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fossil Shareholding Percentage       SIA Shareholding            Fossil Guarantee/            SIA Guarantee/
                                        Percentage               Stockholder Loan            Stockholder Loan
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Less than 10%                  90% or more                     10%                         90%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 10% or more but less than 90%                                 Fossil's Shareholding        100% minus Fossil's
                                                                Percentage plus 10%       Shareholding Percentage
                                                                                                 minus 10%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          90% or more                  Less than 10%                   100%                         0%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  from and after the termination or expiration of
the Service  Agreement,  the percentage of the amount to be guaranteed by Fossil


pursuant to Section  4.4(a) and the  percentage  of the  Stockholder  Loan to be
provided  by Fossil  pursuant  to Section  4.4(c)  shall be in  accordance  with
Fossil's Shareholding Percentage at such time.

Section 14.14  Confidentiality.

         (a) Definition.  As used in this Section 14.14, the term  "Confidential
Information"  shall  mean any  information  disclosed  by one Party to the other
pursuant to this Agreement  which is in written,  graphic,  machine  readable or
other tangible form and is marked "Confidential," "Proprietary" or in some other
manner  to  indicate  its  confidential  nature,  or is  otherwise  known by the
recipient to be information of a type generally  maintained in confidence by the
disclosing  Party.  Confidential  Information may also include oral  information
disclosed by one Party to the other  pursuant to this  Agreement,  provided that
such  information  is  either  (a)  directly  related  to  written  Confidential
Information,  or (b)  designated as  confidential  at the time of disclosure and
reduced to a written summary by the disclosing  Party,  within a reasonable time
(not to exceed sixty (60) days) after its oral disclosure,  which is marked in a
manner to indicate its confidential nature and delivered to the receiving Party.

         (b) Confidentiality Obligations. Each Party shall treat as confidential
all Confidential Information of the other Party, shall not use such Confidential
Information except as set forth herein, shall implement reasonable procedures to
prohibit the  disclosure,  duplication,  misuse or removal of the other  Party's
Confidential Information and shall not disclose such Confidential Information to
any  non-Affiliate  third party.  Without  limiting the  foregoing,  each of the
Parties shall use at least the same  procedures and degree of care which it uses
to prevent the disclosure of its own confidential information of like importance
to prevent the  disclosure of  Confidential  Information  disclosed to it by the
other Party under this  Agreement,  but in no event less than the care exercised
by the disclosing Party with respect to its own Confidential  Information.  Each
Party shall use its best efforts to enforce  compliance  with the  provisions of
this Section 14.14 by its directors,  officers,  employees, agents and any third
party having access to the other Party's Confidential Information.

         (c)  Non-Confidential  Information.  Notwithstanding the above, neither
Party  shall  have  liability  to the  other  with  regard  to any  Confidential
Information of the other which:

                  (i) was generally  known and available in the public domain at
the time it was disclosed, or which becomes generally known and available in the
public domain through no fault of the receiver;

                  (ii)  was known to the  receiver at the time of  disclosure as
shown by the files of the receiver in existence at the time of disclosure;

                  (iii) is  disclosed  with the prior  written  approval  of the
initial disclosing Party;

                  (iv) was  independently  developed by the receiver without any
use of the disclosing Party's Confidential  Information or by employees or other
agents of (or independent  contractors  hired by) the receiver who have not been
exposed to the disclosing Party's Confidential Information;


                  (v) becomes known to the receiver from a source other than the
disclosing  Party without breach of this Agreement by the receiver and otherwise
not in violation of the disclosing Party's rights; or

                  (vi) is disclosed  pursuant to the order or  requirement  of a
court,  administrative  agency, or other governmental body;  provided,  that the
receiver shall provide  prompt,  advance notice thereof to enable the disclosing
Party to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent such disclosure.

In addition,  neither Party shall be restricted in any way by this  Agreement as
to that Party's use of any  Confidential  Information of the other  described in
subsections (a), (b), (d) and (e) above.

         (d) Equitable and Other Relief.  Each Party acknowledges that the other
Party's  Confidential  Information is an extremely  valuable business asset, the
misuse or  improper  disclosure  of which would  cause  irreparable  harm to the
business interests of such Party.  Accordingly,  if either Party breaches any of
its  obligations  with  respect  to  confidentiality  and  unauthorized  use  of
Confidential  Information  hereunder,  the  other  Party  shall be  entitled  to
equitable relief to protect its interest therein, including, but not limited to,
injunctive relief, as well as money damages.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed  by  their  duly  authorized  representatives  as of the  date  of this

FOSSIL, INC.                                SEIKO INSTRUMENTS AMERICA, INC.

By:    _____________________                By:    _____________________
Name:  _____________________                Name:  _____________________
Title: _____________________                Title: _____________________


                                    EXHIBIT A
                          Certificate of Incorporation

                                    EXHIBIT B

                                    EXHIBIT C
               Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the Board

                                    EXHIBIT D
                              SC License Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT E
                                Service Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT F
                            Asset Purchase Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT G
                  Manufacturing, Supply and Purchase Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT H
                            Disney License Agreement