Analyst Contact: Catherine James Media Contact: Sitrick And Company Executive Vice President Sandra Sternberg Chief Financial Officer Ann Julsen 203-532-4320 310-788-2850 FINE HOST APPOINTS PRICE WATERHOUSE AS NEW INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Greenwich, Conn. -- February 11, 1998 -- Fine Host Corporation (NASDAQ: FINE) announced today that it has engaged Price Waterhouse LLP as its independent auditors for the fiscal year ended December 26, 1997. Price Waterhouse replaces Deloitte & Touche LLP, which served as the Company's independent auditors since 1985. Fine Host Corporation provides food and beverage concession and catering services to more than 900 facilities, primarily through multi-year contracts in the following markets: the recreation and leisure market (arenas, stadiums, amphitheatres, civic centers and other recreational facilities); the convention center market; the education market (colleges, universities and elementary and secondary school nutrition programs); the business dining market (corporate cafeterias, office complexes and manufacturing plants); the health care market (long-term care facilities and hospitals); and the corrections market (prisons and jails). # # #