Exhibit (10)(e)(ii)

                  SERVICE REQUEST




AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc.

     .  Division 1 - AIM V.I. International Equity
     .  Division 2 - AIM V.I. Value

American General Series Portfolio Company

     .  Division 3 - International Equities
     .  Division 4 - MidCap Index
     .  Division 5 - Money Market
     .  Division 6 - Stock Index

Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund

     .  Division 7 - Quality Bond
     .  Division 8 - Small Cap

MFS Variable Insurance Trust

     .  Division 9 - MFS Emerging Growth

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Universal Funds, Inc.

     .  Division 10 - Equity Growth
     .  Division 11 - High Yield

Putnam Variable Trust

     .  Division 12 - Putnam VT Diversified Income
     .  Division 13 - Putnam VT Growth and Income
     .  Division 14 - Putnam VT International Growth and Income

SAFECO Resource Series Trust

     .  Division 15 - Equity
     .  Division 16 - Growth

Van Kampen Life Investment Trust

     .  Division 17 - Strategic Stock


     .  Division 18 - Declared Fixed Interest Account

                                             AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ("AGL")                       [American General
 Complete and return this request to:       ---------------------------------------------                                       Logo
 Variable Universal Life Operations          A Subsidiary of American General Corporation                              appears here]
  PO Box 4880 Houston, TX 77210-4880        ---------------------------------------------
  (888) 325-9315 or (713) 831-3443                          Houston, Texas
         Fax: (877) 445-3098
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] POLICY               1.| POLICY #:____________________________________      CONTINGENT INSURED:_______________________________
    IDENTIFICATION         |                                                    CONTINGENT INSURED:_______________________________
                           | ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________ New Address (yes)(no)
  FOR ALL REQUESTS.        | Primary Owner (If other than an insured):__________________________________________
                           | Address:________________________________________________________________________ New Address (yes)(no)
                           | Primary Owner's S.S. No. or Tax I.D. No._____________________________ Phone Number: (  )____ - ______
                           | Joint Owner (If applicable):____________________________________________________
                           | Address:________________________________________________________________________ New Address (yes)(no)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] NAME                 2.|
    CHANGE                 | Change Name Of: (Circle One)       Contingent Insured    Owner      Payor     Beneficiary
Complete this section if   | Change Name From: (First, Middle, Last)             Change Name To: (First, Middle, Last)
 the name of one of the    |
 Contingent Insureds,      | _________________________________________           _________________________________________________
Owner, Payor or Beneficiary|
 has changed. (Please note,|
 this does not change the  | Reason for Change: (Circle One)   Marriage   Divorce   Correction   Other (Attach copy of legal proof)
 Contingent Insureds,      |
 Owner, Payor or
Beneficiary designation)   |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] MODE OF PREMIUM      3.|
    PAYMENT/BILLING        | Indicate frequency and premium amount desired: $______ Annual  $______ Semi-Annual  $_______ Quarterly
    METHOD CHANGE          |
                           |                                                $______ Monthly (Bank Draft Only)
Use this section to change |
the billing frequency and/ | Indicate billing method desired:_____ Direct Bill ______ Pre-Authorized Bank Draft (attach a Bank Draft
or method of premium pay-  |                                                          Authorization Form and "Void" Check)
 ment. Note, however, that |
AGL will not bill you on a | Start Date: ______/______/_____
direct monthly basis. Refer|
to your policy and its     |
 related prospectus for    |
further information        |
concerning minimum premiums|
and billing options.       |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] LOST POLICY          4.|
    CERTIFICATE            | I/we hereby certify that the policy of insurance for the listed policy has been ____LOST_____DESTROYED
                           |                                                                                         _____OTHER.
Complete this section if   | Unless I/we have directed cancellation of the policy, I/we request that a:
applying for a Certificate |
 of Insurance or duplicate |            _________ Certificate of Insurance at no charge
policy to replace a lost or|
misplaced policy. If a full|            _________ Full duplicate policy at a charge of $25
 duplicate policy is being |
requested, a check or money|  be issued to me/us. If the original policy is located, I/we will return the Certificate or duplicate
order for $25 payable to   |  policy to AGL for cancellation.
 AGL must be submitted with|
      this request.        |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]  DOLLAR COST         5.| Designate the day of the month for transfers:_________(choose a day from 1-28)
     AVERAGING             |
($5,000 minimum initial    | Frequency of transfers (check one): _______Monthly  _______Quarterly ______Semi-Annually _____Annually
accumulation value) An     |
 amount may be deducted    | I want: $___________($100 minimum) taken from the Money Market Division and transferred to the
periodically from the      | following Divisions:
Money Market Division and  |
placed in one or more of   | AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc.                 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Universal Funds, Inc.
the Divisions listed. The  | $_________(1) AIM V.I. International Equity        $________(10) Equity Growth
 Declared Fixed Interest   | $_________(2) AIM V.I. Value                       $________(11) High Yield
 Account is not available  | American General Series Portfolio Company          Putnam Variable Trust
 for Dollar Cost Averaging.| $_________(3) International Equities               $________(12) Putnam VT Diversified Income
Please refer to the pros-  | $_________(4) MidCap Index                         $________(13) Putnam VT Growth and Income
 pectus for more infor-    | $_________(6) Stock Index                          $________(14) Putnam VT Int'l Growth & Income
 mation on the Dollar Cost | Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund                   SAFECO Resource Series Trust
   Averaging Option.       | $_________(7) Quality Bond                         $________(15) Equity
  Note: Automatic          | $_________(8) Small Cap                            $________(16) Growth
Rebalancing is not         | MFS Variable Insurance Trust                       Van Kampen Life Investment Trust
available if the Dollar    | $_________(9) MFS Emerging Growth                  $________(17) Strategic Stock
Cost Averaging Option is   |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[ ] TELEPHONE            6.| I (/we if Joint Owners) hereby authorize AGL to act on telephone instructions to transfer values among
    PRIVILEGE              | the Variable Divisions and Declared Fixed Interest Account and to change allocations for future
    AUTHORIZATION          | purchase payments and monthly deductions.
 Complete this section if  | Initial the designation you prefer:
  you are applying for or  |
 revoking current telephone| __________Policy Owner(s) only--If Joint Owners, either one acting independently.
       privileges.         | __________Policy Owner(s) and Agent/Registered Representative who is appointed to represent AGL and the
                           |           firm authorized to service my policy.
                           | AGL and any non-owner designated by this authorization will not be responsible for any claim, loss or
                           | expense based upon telephone transfer or allocation instructions received and acted upon in good faith,
                           | including losses due to telephone instruction communication errors. AGL's liability for erroneous
                           | transfers or allocations, unless clearly contrary to instructions received, will be limited to
                           | correction of the allocations on a current basis. If an error, objection or other claim arises due to a
                           | telephone transaction, I will notify AGL in writing within five working days from the receipt of the
                           | confirmation of the transaction from AGL. I understand that this authorization is subject to the terms
                           | and provisions of my variable universal life insurance policy and its related prospectus. This
                           | authorization will remain in effect until my written notice of its revocation is received by AGL at
                           | the address printed on the top of this service request form.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] CORRECT AGE          7.|
                           | Name of Contingent Insured for whom this correction is submitted:___________________________________
Use this section to correct| Correct DOB: ________/________/________
 the age of any person     |
covered under this policy. |
Proof of the correct date  |
 of birth must accompany   |
      this request.        |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] TRANSFER OF          8.|                                    (Division Name or Number)               (Division Name or Number)
                           | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
 Use this section if you   |
want to move money between | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
 divisions. The minimum    |
amount for transfers is    | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
$500.00. Withdrawals       |
 from the Declared Fixed   | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
  Interest Account to a    |
Variable Division may only | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
be made within 60 days     |
after a contract anniver-  | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
sary. See transfer limit-  |
ations outlined in pros-   | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
 pectus. If a transfer     |
 causes the balance in any | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
 division to drop below    |
 $500, AGL reserves the    | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
   right to transfer the   |
remaining balance.         | Transfer $________ or ______%  from_______________________________to__________________________________
Amounts to be transferred  |
  should be indicated in   |
   dollar or percentage    |
   amounts, maintaining    |
  consistency throughout.  |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] CHANGE IN            9.| INVESTMENT DIVISION                      PREM %  DED %    INVESTMENT DIVISION            PREM %   DED %
    ALLOCATION             |
    PERCENTAGES            | AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc.                        Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
                           | (1)   AIM V.I. Int'l Equity             ______  ______    Universal Funds, Inc.
  Use this section to      | (2)   AIM V.I. Value                    ______  ______    (10)  Equity Growth           ______  ______
indicate how premiums or   |                                                           (11)  High Yield              ______  ______
 monthly deductions are to | American General Series Portfolio Co.
   be allocated. Total     | (3)   International Equities            ______  ______    Putnam Variable Trust
    allocation in each     | (4)   MidCap Index                      ______  ______    (12)  Putnam VT Diversified
column must equal 100%;    | (5)   Money Market                      ______  ______           Income                 ______  ______
   whole numbers only      | (6)   Stock Index                       ______  ______    (13)  Putnam VT Growth
                           |                                                                  and Income             ______  ______
                           | Dreyfus Variable Investment Fund                          (14)  Putnam VT Int'l
                           | (7)   Quality Bond                      ______  ______           Growth and Income      ______  ______
                           | (8)   Small Cap                         ______  ______
                           |                                                            SAFECO Resources Series Trust
                           | MFS Variable Insurance Trust                               (15)  Equity                 ______  ______
                           | (9)   MFS Emerging Growth               ______  ______     (16)  Growth                 ______  ______
                           |                                                            Van Kampen Life Investment
                           |                                                            Trust
                           |                                                            (17)  Strategic Stock        ______  ______
                           |                                                            (18)  Declared Fixed         ______  ______
                           |                                                                   Interest Account      ______  ______
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[ ] AUTOMATIC           10.| Indicate frequency: _______ Quarterly ______ Semi-Annually ______ Annually
    REBALANCING            |
                           |                   (Division Name or Number)                       (Division Name or Number)
    ($5,000 minimum        | %_________:________________________________________    %_________:____________________________________
 accumulation value) Use   |
this section to apply for  | %_________:________________________________________    %_________:____________________________________
   or make changes to      |
Automatic Rebalancing of   | %_________:________________________________________    %_________:____________________________________
 the variable divisions.   |
   Please refer to the     | %_________:________________________________________    %_________:____________________________________
   prospectus for more     |
    information on the     | %_________:________________________________________    %_________:____________________________________
  Automatic Rebalancing    |
Option. Note: Dollar Cost  | %_________:________________________________________    %_________:____________________________________
Averaging is not available |
    if the Automatic       |
        chosen.            |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] REQUEST FOR         11.|  _________I request a partial surrender of $_________ or _________% of the net cash surrender value.
    PARTIAL                |
    SURRENDER/             |  _________I request a loan in the amount of $________.
    POLICY LOAN            |
                           |  _________I request the maximum loan amount available from my policy.
 Use this section to apply |
  for a partial surrender  | Unless you direct otherwise below, proceeds are allocated according to the deduction allocation
from or policy loan against| percentages in effect, if available; otherwise they are taken pro-rata from the Declared Fixed Interest
policy values. For detailed| Account and Variable Divisions in use.
  information concerning   |
 these two options please  | ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
 refer to your policy and  |
its related prospectus. If | ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  applying for a partial   |
   surrender, be sure to   | ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  complete the Notice of   |
Withholding section of this| ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Service Request in addition|
     to this section.      |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] NOTICE OF           12.| The taxable portion of the distribution you receive from your variable universal life insurance policy
    WITHHOLDING            | is subject to federal income tax withholding unless you elect not to have withholding apply.
                           | Withholding of state income tax may also be required by your state of residence. You may elect not to
 Complete this section if  | have withholding apply by checking the appropriate box below. If you elect not to have withholding
  you have applied for a   | apply to your distribution or if you do not have enough income tax withheld, you may be responsible for
   partial surrender in    | payment of estimated tax. You may incur penalties under the estimated tax rules, if your withholding
       Section 11.         | and estimated tax are not sufficient.
                           | Check one: _______ I DO want income tax withheld from this distribution.
                           |            _______ I DO NOT want income tax withheld from this distribution.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] AFFIRMATION/        13.| CERTIFICATION: Under penalties of perjury, I certify: (1) that the number shown on this form is my
    SIGNATURE              | correct taxpayer identification number and; (2) that I am not subject to backup withholding under
                           | Section 3406(a)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.
                           | The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent to any provision of this document other
Complete this section for  | than the certification required to avoid backup withholding.
       ALL requests.       |
                           | Dated at __________________________________ this _________ day of ________________________,   ________.
                           |  X_________________________________________________      X_____________________________________________
                           |   SIGNATURE OF OWNER                                      SIGNATURE OF WITNESS
                           |  X_________________________________________________      X_____________________________________________
                           |   SIGNATURE OF JOINT OWNER                                SIGNATURE OF WITNESS
                           |  X_________________________________________________      X_____________________________________________
                           |   SIGNATURE OF ASSIGNEE                                   SIGNATURE OF WITNESS
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