Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of

                             (Amendment No. _____)

Filed by the Registrant                           [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [_]
Check the appropriate box:
[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement            [_]   Confidential, for Use of the
                                                  Commission Only
                                             (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials
[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11c or 240.14a-12

                          DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee is required
[_]  $125.00 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(I)(1), 14a-6(i)(2) or
Item 22(i)(2) of Schedule 14A.
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
       Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:__________
       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:_____________
       Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):_________________________________
          Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:______________________
          Total fee paid:_______________________________________________________
[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.____________________________

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          Amount Previously Paid:_______________________________________________
          Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No:__________________________
          Filing Party:_________________________________________________________
          Date Filed:___________________________________________________________

                           DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                      10304 INTERSTATE 10 EAST, SUITE 369
                              HOUSTON, TEXAS 77029

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Dear Shareholder:

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the
"Meeting") of Dynacq International, Inc., a Nevada corporation (the "Company")
will be held in the conference room of the Company's Professional Building
located at 4301-A Vista, Pasadena, Texas 77504, on August 29, 2000, at 10:00
a.m., Houston time, for the following purposes:

     (1.) The election of four (4) Directors to serve until the Year 2001 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders or until their respective successors are duly elected
and qualified;

     (2.) To approve the Company's Year 2000 Stock Incentive Plan;

     (3.) To ratify the appointment of Kenneth Wood & Associates, P.C. as the
Company's independent auditors to examine the accounts of the Company for the
calendar year ending August 31, 2000; and

     (4.) To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come
before the Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The Board of Directors fixed August 9, 2000 as the record date (the "Record
Date") for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote
at the Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. Holders of record
of the Company's common stock, par value $.001 per share (the "Common Stock") at
the close of business on the Record Date are entitled to vote on all matters
coming before the Meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof. A
complete list of stockholders entitled to vote at the Meeting will be available
for inspection at the Meeting and available in the Company's principal corporate
offices located at 10304 Interstate 10 East, Suite 369, Houston, Texas 77029 for
ten (10) days prior to the Meeting for inspection during normal business hours.

     The Company's Annual Report to Shareholders on Form 10-KSB for the calendar
year ended August 31, 1999 (the "Annual Report") which includes the financial
statements of the Company, was mailed prior to this Proxy Statement and is
included herewith. Other than as specifically incorporated by reference herein,
the Annual Report does not form any part of the material for solicitation of


                              By Order of the Board of Directors

Houston, Texas                Philip Chan, Vice President & CFO
August 9, 2000

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

PROXY STATEMEMT......................................................................................  1
SOLICITATION.........................................................................................  1

VOTING AND REVOCABILITY OF PROXY APPOINTMENTS........................................................  2

     OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT...........................................................................  3

PROPOSAL ONE: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS..................................................................  4
     Nominees........................................................................................  4
     The Board of Directors recommends a vote for all nominees as directors..........................  4
           Chiu Moon Chan............................................................................  4
           Philip Chan...............................................................................  5
           Stephen L. Huber..........................................................................  5
           Earl R. Votaw.............................................................................  5
     Significant Employees...........................................................................  5
           Glenn Rodriguez...........................................................................  5
     Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance.........................................  5
     Meetings of the Board of Directors..............................................................  6
     Committees of the Board of Directors: Audit and Compensation....................................  6
     Audit Committee and Adoption of Audit Committee Charter.........................................  6
     Compensation of Directors.......................................................................  7
     Executive Compensation..........................................................................  8
           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE................................................................  8
           OPTIONS/SAR GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR....................................................  8
                AND FY-END OPTIONS/SAR VALUES........................................................  9
     Summary of Outstanding Options..................................................................  9
     Change-In-Control Arrangements.................................................................. 10

CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS................................................................................. 10

     APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY'S YEAR-2000 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN........................................ 10
     Reasons for Approving........................................................................... 10
     Overview of Awards.............................................................................. 12
     Administration.................................................................................. 12
     Stock Subject to the Plan....................................................................... 12
     Summary of Incentive Options and Non-qualified Options.......................................... 13
     Summary of Stock Appreciation Rights............................................................ 13
     Summary of Dividend Equivalent Rights........................................................... 14
     Summary of Restricted Stock..................................................................... 14
     Summary of Performance Awards................................................................... 14
     Adjustments..................................................................................... 15
     Change-In-Control Provisions.................................................................... 15

      Termination and Amendment of the Plan......................................................     16
      Federal Income Tax Consequences............................................................     16
      Vote Required..............................................................................     17

     FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2000..................................................     18

OTHER BUSINESS...................................................................................     19

SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS............................................................................     19
     Vote Required...............................................................................     19

     AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER.....................................................................    A-1
     I.    Purpose...............................................................................    A-1
     II.   Membership Requirements...............................................................    A-1
     III.  Meetings and Goverance................................................................    A-3
     IV.   Duties, Responsibilities and Activities...............................................    A-3


     YEAR-2000 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN..............................................................    B-1

     1.   Purpose................................................................................    B-1
     2.   Definitions............................................................................    B-1
     3.   Administration.........................................................................    B-7
     4.   Stock Subject to the Plan..............................................................    B-8
     5.   Option Grants for Eligible Individuals.................................................    B-9
     6.   Option Grants for Non-employee Directors...............................................   B-11
     7.   Terms and Conditions Applicable to All Options.........................................   B-12
     8.   Stock Appreciation Rights..............................................................   B-13
     9.   Dividend Equivalent Rights.............................................................   B-15
     10.  Restricted Stock.......................................................................   B-16
     11.  Performance Awards.....................................................................   B-17
     12.  Effect of a Termination of Employment..................................................   B-20
     13.  Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization..............................................   B-21
     14.  Effect of Certain Transactions.........................................................   B-20
     15.  Interpretation.........................................................................   B-21
     16.  Pooling Transactions...................................................................   B-22
     17.  Termination and Amendment of the Plan..................................................   B-23
     18.  Non-Exclusivity of the Plan............................................................   B-23
     19.  Limitation of Liability................................................................   B-23
     20.  Regulations and Other Approvals; Governing Law.........................................   B-23
     21.  Miscellaneous..........................................................................   B-24


                           DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                      10304 INTERSTATE 10 EAST, SUITE 369
                              HOUSTON, TEXAS 77029

                                PROXY STATEMENT

     This Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy card and Notice are
furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of
Directors of the Company for use at the Company's Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be held August 29, 2000, at 10:00 a.m., Houston time in the conference room
of the Company's Professional Building located at 4301-A Vista, Pasadena, Texas
77504, and at any adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Meeting") for the
purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice. This Proxy Statement, the Notice
and the proxy card are being mailed to shareholders on or about August 12, 2000,
to the Company's Shareholders of record as of August 9, 2000 (the "Record

     The Board of Directors does not intend to bring any matter before the
Meeting except as specifically indicated in the Notice and does not know of
anyone else who intends to do so. If any other matters properly come before the
Meeting, however, the persons named in the enclosed proxy, or their duly
appointed substitutes acting at the Meeting, will be authorized to vote or
otherwise act thereon in accordance with their judgment on such matters. If the
enclosed proxy is properly executed and returned prior to voting at the Meeting,
the shares represented thereby will be voted in accordance with the instructions
marked thereon and otherwise in accordance with the judgment of the persons
designated as proxies. In the absence of instructions, the shares will be voted
"FOR" all four (4) nominees to the Board of Directors, "FOR" approval of the
Company's Year-2000 Stock Incentive Plan and "FOR" the ratification of Kenneth
Wood & Associates, P.C. as the Company's independent auditors for the current
fiscal year.


     The Company will bear all the costs of preparing, assembling and mailing
the proxy materials and of reimbursing brokers, nominees, and fiduciaries for
their out-of-pocket and clerical expenses of transmitting copies of the proxy
materials to the beneficial owners of shares held of record. Certain officers
and regular employees of the Company or its subsidiaries, without additional
compensation, may use their personal efforts, by telephone or otherwise, to
obtain proxies in addition to this solicitation by mail. The Company expects to
reimburse brokers, banks, custodians and other nominees for their reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses in handling proxy materials for beneficial owners of the
Common Stock. The Company has not engaged professional proxy solicitors to
assist in the routine solicitation of proxies.


     At the close of business on August 9, 2000, the Record Date fixed for the
determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting,
there were 6,874,722 shares of the Company's Common Stock outstanding each of
which is entitled to one vote per share on all proper business brought before
the Meeting. The presence at the Meeting, in person or by proxy, of the holders
of at least 40% of the Company's outstanding shares of Common Stock will
constitute a quorum. All matters brought before the Meeting at which a quorum is
present will be decided by a majority of the shares represented in person or by
proxy, except that with respect to the election of directors, the four nominees
who receive the greatest number of votes cast for election (a plurality) will be
the duly elected Board of Directors of the Company. Shareholders do not have
cumulative voting rights in the election of directors. If a quorum is not
present or represented by proxy, the shareholders entitled to vote at the
Meeting, present in person or represented by proxy, have the power to adjourn
the Meeting from time to time, without notice other than an announcement at the
Meeting, until a quorum is present or represented. At any such adjourned Meeting
at which a quorum is present or represented, any business may be transacted at
the Meeting as originally called.

     Only votes cast "FOR" a matter constitute affirmative votes. Votes
"withheld" or abstaining from voting and "broker non-votes" (as defined below)
are counted for quorum purposes, but since they are not cast "FOR" a particular
matter, they will have the same effect as negative votes or a vote "AGAINST" a
particular matter, except with respect to the election of directors by a
plurality of votes cast where such votes have no effect. Brokers holding shares
of record for customers are generally not entitled to vote on certain matters
unless they receive instructions from their customers. As used herein
"uninstructed shares" means shares held by a broker who has not received
customer instruction on such matters and the broker has notified the Company on
a proxy form in accordance with industry practice or has otherwise notified the
Company that it lacks voting authority. As used herein "broker non-votes" means
the votes that could have been cast on the matters in question by the brokers
with respect to uninstructed shares if the brokers had received by their
customers' instructions. In deciding all questions, a holder of Common Stock is
entitled to one vote, in person or by proxy, for each share held in his name on
the Record Date. Proxies in the form enclosed will be voted at the Meeting, if
properly signed, returned to the Company prior to the Meeting and not revoked. A
proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted by giving written notice to
the Secretary of the Company prior to the convening of the Meeting, or by
presenting another proxy card with a later date. If you attend the Meeting and
desire to vote in person, you may request that your previously submitted proxy
card not be used. Your vote is important. Accordingly, you are urged to sign,
complete and return the accompanying proxy card whether or not you plan to
attend the meeting. If no specification is made by a shareholder on any or all
of the matters to be voted as set forth in the proxy card which is otherwise
signed and dated and returned to the Company, it will be voted FOR the proposals
set forth therein.


                             OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

     The following table sets forth certain information as of August 7, 2000,
regarding the ownership of the Company's Common Stock by (i) each person known
to the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock of the Company, (ii) each director, (iii) the Company's
executive officers, and (iv) all directors and executive officers of the Company
as a group. The business address of each officer and director listed below is:
c/o Dynacq International, Inc., 10304 Interstate 10 East, Suite 369, Houston,
Texas 77029.

                       NAME AND ADDRESS           NUMBER OF SHARES AND
- -----------------   ----------------------   ------------------------------   -----------------
Common Stock        Chiu Moon Chan                     4,529,044/1/                 65.88%
Common Stock        Ella Chan                          4,529,044/1/                 65.88%
Common Stock        Philip Chan                          190,554/2/                  2.77%
Common Stock        Stephen L. Huber                          0                      0.00%
Common Stock        Earl R. Votaw                             0                      0.00%
Common Stock        Glenn Rodriguez                      111,500/3/                  1.62%
Common Stock        Officers and Directors             4,831,000/4/                 70.27%
                    as a group (5 persons)

- -------------------
/1/  Includes (i) 3,377,696 shares held individually by Chiu Moon Chan, (ii)
     948,564 shares held in the name of Mr. Chan's spouse, and (iii) 202,784
     shares held by two of Mr. Chan's minor children. Mr. Chan disclaims any
     beneficial ownership of the shares held by his spouse and minor children.
     Mrs. Chan disclaims any beneficial ownership of the shares held by her
     spouse and minor children.

/2/  Includes (i) 78,804 shares which may be acquired by Mr. Philip Chan
     pursuant to options granted to him in May 1996 exercisable at $1.875 which
     expire May 14, 2001, (ii) 40,000 shares which may be acquired by Mr. Chan
     pursuant to options granted to him on December 18, 1997, which are
     exercisable at $0.6875 and expire on December 17, 2002, and (iii) 48,000
     shares which may be acquired by Mr. Chan pursuant to options granted to him
     on January 4, 1999, which are exercisable at $1.875 per share and expire on
     January 3, 2004.

/3/  Includes shares acquired pursuant to options to purchase 45,000 shares
     exercised at $0.6875 on October 9, 1999, and 60,000 shares which were
     acquired by Mr. Rodriguez pursuant to options exercised at $1.1875 on
     January 21, 2000.

/4/  All references to the number of shares of Common Stock, the number of
     options and exercise prices thereof in this table and elsewhere in this
     Proxy Statement, have been adjusted to reflect the prior stock splits
     and/or stock dividends effectuated by the Company.




     At the Meeting, the shareholders will elect four directors to hold office
until the Year 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until their respective
successors are duly elected and qualified. Unless contrary instructions are
given, the shares represented by the enclosed proxy will be voted "FOR" the
election of the Board of Directors' nominees listed below.

     The Board of Directors currently believes that all nominees are willing to
serve as directors. If a nominee at the time of his election is unable or
unwilling to serve or is otherwise unavailable for election, and as a result
another nominee is designated by the Board of Directors, the persons named in
the enclosed proxy or their substitute(s) will vote for any nominee designated
by the remaining Board of Directors to fill the vacancy. If a quorum is present
and voting, the four nominees receiving the highest number of votes (a plurality
of the votes cast as distinguished from a majority of a quorum) will be elected
to the board of Directors. Shares for which voting authority is withheld and
broker non-votes are not counted for electing directors and have no effect on
the outcome, however, such shares are counted for the purpose of establishing a


     The nominees for election as directors, together with certain information
about them, are as follows:

NAME                 AGE   POSITION

Chiu Moon Chan        47   Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive
                           Officer, President and Secretary (July 1992-Present)
Philip Chan           48   Vice President - Finance, CFO, and Treasurer/Director
                           (July 1992-Present)
Stephen L. Huber      49   Director (July 1992-Present)
Earl R. Votaw         73   Director (July 1992-Present)

      CHIU MOON CHAN has served as a director and as the Company's President,
Secretary and Chief Executive Officer since July 1992. Mr. Chan is a registered
pharmacist and since May 1978 was employed by various health care service
organizations in Houston, Texas prior to his affiliation with the Company.
Mr. Chan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the University of


      PHILIP CHAN has served as a director and as the Company's Vice President
- --Finance, CFO and Treasurer since July 1992. Mr. Chan earned advanced
accounting degrees from the University of Houston and is a CPA in the State of
Texas. Prior to his employment by the Company, Mr. Chan had previous corporate
and outside accounting experience. He is not related to Chiu Moon Chan.

      STEPHEN L. HUBER is a registered pharmacist and earned a Bachelor of
Science degree in Pharmacy from the University of Houston. Since December 1991,
Mr. Huber served as the Deputy Division Head for patient care services at the
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Mr. Huber joined M.D. Anderson
in 1984 as Assistant Director of Operations. In 1999, Mr. Huber joined Cortex
Communications, Inc., a medical education company, as President and Chief
Operating Officer. Mr. Huber continues to serve as a research consultant to M.D.

      EARL R. VOTAW retired in December 1993. He earned a Bachelor of Arts
degree from the University of the Americas in Mexico City and a certificate of
graduation from the Graduate School of Mortgage Banking from Northwestern
University of Chicago. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Votaw served as a director
and as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Capital Bank, a Texas
chartered bank located in Houston, Texas, where he still serves as a director.


      GLENN RODRIGUEZ, age 53, earned a B.B.A. in Accounting from Florida
International University in Miami, Florida, graduating in 1976. Mr. Rodriguez
has served as the CEO of Vista Healthcare, Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of
the Company since March 1997, and prior to that he served as the Chairman and
CEO of Surgical Care Center of Texas, an outpatient surgical facility in
Pasadena, Texas. Mr. Rodriguez is not a director of the Company although he
serves as a director of Vista Healthcare, Inc., the Company's majority owned


     Pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, the Company's directors, executive officers, and shareholders who
beneficially own more than 10% of the Company's Common Stock, are required to
file reports of stock ownership and changes with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and to furnish the Company with copies of all stock reports they
file. Based solely upon the Company's review of Forms 3, 4, and 5 filed by the
Company's officers and directors and persons who beneficially own 10% or more of
the Company's Common Stock and the written representations of such persons, the
Company is not aware that any of such persons failed to timely file the
foregoing forms during the last fiscal year, except for the failure by Messrs.
Philip Chan and Glenn Rodriguez to file a Form 4 or Form 5 in fiscal 1999 as a
result of options issued to them in January 1999. As of the date of this Proxy
Statement, Messrs. Chan and Rodriguez have filed all required reports.



     The Board of Directors met or took action by written consent six times
during fiscal 1999. Each of the directors attended or acted upon all Board of
Director meetings, consents, and Board of Director committee meetings or
consents, as applicable, held or acted upon during fiscal 1999.


     The Board of Directors has two committees, an Audit Committee and a
Compensation Committee, each comprised of two "independent directors" as defined
under the Nasdaq Listing Standards as currently in effect, Stephen L. Huber and
Earl R. Votaw. In the opinion of the Company, The Committee members do not have
any relationship to the Company that may interfere with the exercise of their
independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities as a Director. None of
the Committee members are current officers or employees of the Company or its
affiliates. The Audit Committee recommends the annual appointment of the
Company's auditors, and is charged with reviewing the scope of audit and non-
audit assignments and related fees, accounting principals used by the Company in
financial reporting, internal auditing procedures and the adequacy of the
Company's internal control procedures. The Compensation Committee administers
the Company's stock option plans and makes recommendations to the Board of
Directors regarding compensation for the Company's executive officers. Each
committee met or took action by written consent one time during fiscal year
1999. The Company does not have a nominating committee to select nominees for
election to the Company's Board of Directors. Nominees are chosen by the entire
Board of Directors.


     In June 2000, the Board of Directors approved the Audit Committee Charter
(the "Charter") which sets out the responsibilities, authority and specific
duties of the Audit Committee. The Charter specifies among other things, the
structure and membership requirements of the Audit Committee, its duties and
responsibilities, as well as the relationship of the Audit Committee to the
independent accountants, the internal audit department and management of the
Company. A copy of the Charter is attached to this Proxy Statement as

     Pursuant to the Charter, the Audit Committee is charged with reviewing and
assessing the adequacy of the Charter on an annual basis. As a "small business
issuer," the Company is not required to have three independent directors on the
Audit Committee at this time. The determination as to whether the company is a
small business issuer is made annually and is based on revenues and market
capitalization. Notwithstanding the Nasdaq exception for small business issuers
not being required to have three independent directors on the Audit Committee,
the Company intends to add a third independent member to its Audit Committee
when new members are elected to the Board of Directors if they qualify as
independent directors. The Audit Committee shall also be charged with the review
of all related party transactions on an ongoing basis with the Company where a
possible conflict of interest may exist.



     The Company has four individuals who serve as directors, two of which are
independent. Messrs. Chiu Chan and Philip Chan receive compensation with respect
to their services and in their capacities as executive officers of the Company
and no additional compensation is paid for their services to the Company as
directors. The remaining directors are not employees of the Company and receive
no compensation for their services as directors, however, they are reimbursed
for expenses incurred in attending board meetings. Mr. Huber receives a
consulting fee from the Company of $1,000 per month for his consulting services
regarding patient care. See "Certain Transactions." In addition, pursuant to the
Company's 1995 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan for Consultants and Non-Employee
Directors each independent director is eligible to receive options to purchase
shares of the Company's Common Stock at an exercise price which is not less than
the market price for the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant. The Board
of Directors of the Company is authorized by the foregoing plan to determine the
date of grant, the number of shares subject to, and the exercise price of, any
options granted pursuant thereto. No options have been granted to the
independent directors in fiscal 1999 or any prior fiscal year.

     The Company is considering expanding the Board of Directors in fiscal 2001
to include additional qualified directors and will reconsider compensation
arrangements for outside directors including but not limited to yearly
retainers payable in cash or stock, attendance fees for each meeting attended as
a director (including committees) and "Awards" as defined in the Company's Year-

     If the Company's Year-2000 Stock Incentive Plan is approved by the
Company's shareholders, then the Company intends to maintain the Company's 1995
Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan for Consultants and Non-Employee Directors (the
"Non-Employee Plan") and the Company's 1995 Stock Incentive Plan for Key
Employees (the "Key-Employee Plan") and it is intended that all options
previously granted under the terms of such plans ("the Former Plans") will
remain outstanding; provided, however, the Company does not intend to issue
additional options under the Former Plans. SEE "PROPOSAL TWO: APPROVAL OF THE



     The Summary Compensation Table sets forth in summary form the compensation
received during each of the Company's last three completed fiscal years by the
named executive officers. In addition, the remaining tables show the options
granted to the Company's named executive officers in fiscal 1999 and the value
of exercised and unexercised options, respectively.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                     Annual Compensation                              Long-Term Compensation
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  Awards                  Payouts
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                Other                    Securities
                                                               Annual     Restricted     Underlying                   All other
                                                               Compen-      Stock          Options/         LTIP      Compen-
     Name and                          Salary      Bonus       sation       Award(s)         SARs          Payouts    sation
Principal Position              Year     ($)        ($)         ($)           ($)             (#)            ($)        ($)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chiu Chan, CEO                  1999    80,000    100,000        -0-           -0-             -0-             -0-        -0-
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                1998    80,000        -0-        -0-           -0-             -0-             -0-        -0-
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                1997   100,000        -0-        -0-           -0-             -0-             -0-        -0-
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Glenn Rodriguez, President -    1999    79,000    200,000        -0-           -0-          60,000*            -0-        -0-
 Vista Healthcare, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                1998    60,000        -0-        -0-           -0-          45,000*            -0-        -0-
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                1997    45,000        -0-        -0-           -0-             -0-             -0-        -0-
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                           Number of Securities      Percent of Total Options/
                         Underlying Options/SAR's         SAR's Granted to
         Name                     Granted             Employees in Fiscal Year    Exercise Price    Expiration Date
- ----------------------   -------------------------   --------------------------   ---------------   ---------------
Chiu Chan, CEO            0                           N/A                         N/A               N/A
Glenn D. Rodriguez,       60,000*                     34%                         $1.1875*          1/3/2004
 President - Vista
 Healthcare, Inc.

*Reflects a 100% stock dividend effected as a 2 for 1 stock split effective
January, 2000


                         AND FY-END OPTIONS/SAR VALUES

                                                           Number of
                                                          Unexcercised       Value of
                                                           Securities       Unexercised
                              Shares                       Underlying       In-The-Money
                             Acquired                     Options/SARs      Options/SARs
                                on                         at FY-End (#)     at FY-End ($)
                             Exercise  Value Realized     Exercisable/      Exercisable/
      Name                     (#)         ($)           Unexercisable     Unexercisable
      ----                     ---         ___           --------------    --------------
Chiu Chan, CEO                  0          N/A                N/A              N/A
Glenn D. Rodriguez              0          N/A              105,000          344,062
President - Visa
Healthcare, Inc.

     With the exception of Chiu Chan and Glenn Rodriguez, no other officer,
director or employee of the Company or its subsidiaries received total
compensation in excess of $100,000 during the last three fiscal years. The
Company has no employment agreements with its executives. Mr. Chiu Chan, Philip
Chan, and Glenn Rodriguez devote 100% of their time to the Company.


     Pursuant to the Company's 1995 Incentive Stock Option Plan, options to
purchase 137,764 shares were granted on May 14, 1996, which number includes
78,804 options granted to Mr. Philip Chan. The remaining options were granted to
approximately ten (10) non-executive employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries. These options are exercisable at $1.875 per share and expire May
14, 2001. Options were granted to two (2) consultants during fiscal 1996, with
one option to purchase 25,000 shares exercisable at $3.25 per share expiring on
September 4, 2005; the other option to purchase 62,500 shares is exercisable at
$2.50 per share and expires on September 11, 2005. In addition, in December
1997, the Company granted ten (10) employees options to purchase 212,500 shares
in the aggregate at an exercise price of $0.69 per share which expire December
17, 2002, including options for 40,000 shares issued to Philip Chan and 45,000
to Glenn Rodriguez. In January 1999, the Company granted seven (7) employees
options to purchase 176,000 shares in the aggregate at an exercise price of
$1.875 per share which expire January 3, 2004, including options to purchase
48,000 shares issued to Philip Chan and options to purchase 60,000 shares issued
to Glenn Rodriguez. In February 1998, the Company granted one (1) consultant
options to purchase 25,000 shares at an exercise price of $1.00 per share which
were exercised in November 1999. In September 1999, the Company granted two (2)
consultants options to purchase 50,000 shares each for a total of 100,000 shares
at an exercise price of $4.00 per share which expire January 3, 2004. One (1)
consultant exercised 10,000 shares at $4.00 per share on April 5, 2000, one (1)
consultant exercised 20,000 shares at $4.00 on June 30, 2000. One (1) consultant
exercised non-plan options to purchase 50,000 shares at $1.50 per share on
February 1, 2000 which were granted in fiscal 1999.



     The proposed Year-2000 Stock Incentive Plan contains certain change-in-
control arrangements which may apply in certain circumstances which would have
the effect of accelerating the availability of Awards granted under that Plan.
For a complete description of such change-in-control arrangements reference is

                             CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     Mr. Huber, a director of the Company, receives a consulting fee from the
Company of $1,000.00 per month in exchange for consultation services regarding
patient care for the Company's in-home infusion therapy and other matters. The
Consulting Agreement with Mr. Huber consists of a verbal understanding between
the parties and may be terminated at any time. Mr. Huber received $12,000 in
fiscal 1999.

                                 PROPOSAL TWO:


     As previously discussed under "Compensation of Directors" the Company has
two stock option plans currently outstanding both of which were adopted in 1995,
the Dynacq International, Inc. 1995 Stock Incentive Plan for Key Employees (the
"Key-Employee Plan") and the Dynacq International, Inc. 1995 Non-Qualified Stock
Option Plan for Consultants and Non-Employee Directors (the "Non-Employee
Plan"). Collectively the foregoing plans are referred to as the "Former Plans."
Under the Key-Employee Plan options to purchase 500,000 shares of Common Stock
as adjusted for stock splits and dividends, are available to "Key Employees"
(who are defined as officers, director-employees, supervisory personnel, as well
as other employees of the Company or any subsidiary corporation now existing or
hereafter acquired or formed by the Company). As of the date hereof all of the
shares reserved for issuance under the Employee Plan have been issued upon the
exercise of options or it is expected that such shares will be issued upon the
exercise of the outstanding and/or proposed options previously granted or
considered. The previously issued option shares and the shares expected to be
issued as a result of the anticipated exercise of currently outstanding-and/or
proposed options under the Employee Plan would lead to the issuance of 526,000
shares which exceeds the maximum 500,000 share limit, as adjusted, under the
Employee Plan. The Non-Employee Plan, also adopted in 1995, provides for the
issuance of options to purchase up to 500,000 shares of the Company's Common
Stock, as adjusted, to certain consultants and non-employee directors. Pursuant
to the Non-Employee Plan the Company has 212,500 shares issued or reserved for
issuance upon the exercise of outstanding options.


    The Former Plans were adopted in 1995 to make shares of Common Stock
available to the two classes of individuals covered thereby pursuant to
options in a number which the Company believed would be sufficient for the
foreseeable future to promote the long-term interests of the Company by
motivating Key-Employees, Consultants and Non-Employee Directors by providing
them the opportunity to obtain a long-term equity interest in the Company, by
furthering the identity of interests of participants in the Former Plans with
those of the shareholders of the Company and by permitting the Company to
attract and retain qualified individuals. Due, in part, to the length of time
the Former Plans have been outstanding and the prior grant of options and the
issuance of shares upon the exercise thereof to Key-Employees, directors and
Consultants resulting in the complete lack of availability of further incentive
stock options for Key-Employees of the Company under the Key-Employee Plan and
the limited availability of shares for issuance to Consultants and Non-Employee
Directors upon the exercise of options under the Non-Employee Plan, combined
with the substantial growth of the Company as far as revenues, profits, assets,
properties, employees, market capitalization and shares outstanding, the Company
proposes to limit the Former Plans to the options and shares previously granted
and issued thereunder consisting of 500,000 and 212,500 shares and/or options
for shares under the Key-Employee Plan and Non-Employee Plan, respectively. The
Company's outstanding options under the Former Plans have exercise prices
ranging from $.69 to $4.00 and expiration dates ranging from May 14, 2001 to
September 11, 2005.

     In addition to the reasons stated above for adopting the Year-2000 Stock
Incentive Plan, the Former Plans only provide for the issuance of incentive
and/or non-qualifying stock options and do not provide for any other incentive
compensatory arrangements often utilized by public companies to compensate
qualified individuals including non-option rights to receive all or some portion
of the increase in value of common stock, the right to receive all or some
portion of cash dividends with respect to common stock, the right to receive
cash and/or common stock contingent upon the attainment of defined performance
goals and shares of restricted common stock which are subject to temporary
restrictions or transfer and/or vesting requirements. The Year-2000 Stock
Incentive Plan provides that the maximum number of shares of Common Stock that
may be the subject of options and awards is 2,500,000.

     On June 14, 2000, the Board adopted the DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC. Year-
2000 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN (the "Plan") for the purpose of providing the Company
an effective means to attract, retain and encourage qualified individuals to
serve the Company with a high degree of commitment. A brief description of the
major provisions of the Plan is set forth below to facilitate an informed
decision by the Shareholders entitled to vote on the approval of the Plan.
However, the summary description is qualified in its entirety by the full text
of the Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto as APPENDIX B.



     The following types of awards may be granted under the Plan: (i) incentive
stock options ("Incentive Options"), (ii) non-qualified stock options ("Non-
qualified Options"), (iii) rights to receive all or some portion of the increase
in value of the Common Stock ("Stock Appreciation Rights"), (iv) the right to
receive all or some portion of cash dividends with respect to the Common Stock
("Dividend Equivalent Rights"), (v) rights to receive cash and/or Common Stock
contingent upon the attainment of defined performance goals ("Performance
Awards"), and (vi) shares of Common Stock subject to temporary restrictions on
transfer ("Restricted Stock") (collectively, "Awards"). Eligible individuals
under the Plan include employees, officers and directors of the Company or a
subsidiary of the Company or consultants or advisors receiving cash compensation
from the Company or a subsidiary of the Company. In addition, the Plan provides
that directors of the Company may receive some or all of their annual director
compensation in the form of shares of Common Stock.


     Except for Awards of Non-qualified Options to non-employee directors
("Director Options"), the Plan will be administered by a committee which shall
consist of at least two directors and may consist of the entire Board (the "Plan
Committee"). The Board will grant Director Options. The Plan Committee will have
broad discretion, subject to the terms of the Plan, to designate the recipients
of Awards, prescribe the terms and conditions of Awards and establish rules and
regulations for administration of the Plan.

     Under the Plan, members of the Plan Committee are not liable for their
actions taken in a good faith attempt to administer the Plan and are entitled to
indemnification from the Company to the extent permitted by law in connection
with claims asserted in regard to administration of the Plan.


     The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be the subject of
Awards under the Plan is 2,500,000. Furthermore, within the period of one year,
no individual may receive with respect to Awards more than 1,000,000 shares or
$5,000,000 in cash or shares with an equivalent fair market value. However, the
ceilings may be adjusted by the Plan Committee upon the occurrence of certain
events affecting the capitalization of the Company. See "Adjustments" below.
Upon the expiration, cancellation or termination of an Award (other than by
reason of exercise), the shares previously subject to such Award may again be
the subject of Awards granted under the Plan.



     The exercise price for Incentive Options and Non-qualified Options will be
determined by the Plan Committee, other than for Director Options, which will be
determined by the Board; provided, however, the exercise price for each
Incentive Option may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the
Common Stock on the date the option is granted (110% in the case of an Incentive
Option granted to an individual owning more than 10% of the voting stock of the
Company or a parent or subsidiary of the Company (a "10% Shareholder"). The
aggregate fair market value (determined at the time an Incentive Stock Option is
granted) of the Common Stock with respect to which Incentive Stock Options are
exercisable for the first time by an employee during any calendar year (under
all stock option plans of the Company) will not exceed $100,000, or such other
amount as may be prescribed under the Code or applicable regulations and rulings
from time to time. Incentive Stock Options may not be granted under the Plan
subsequent to August 29, 2011.

     Each Option granted under the Plan other than Director Options will be
exercisable according to the terms established by the Plan Committee. In the
case of Directors Options, the Board will grant the options and such Director
Options will be exercised according to the terms established by the Board. In no
event, however, will an Option, including a Directors Option, be exercisable
after the expiration of ten years from the date of grant (five years for a 10%

     Options are not transferable except by will or the laws of descent and
distribution or pursuant to a domestic relations order (within the meaning of
Rule 16a-12 under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934), and are exercisable
only by the Optionee or his or her legal guardian or legal representative.

     The purchase price payable upon the exercise of an Option is payable in
cash, by delivery of an equivalent fair market value of Common Stock, by
cashless exercise procedures or by a combination of the foregoing, as determined
by the Plan Committee. No fractional shares will be issuable upon exercise of an
Option, and the number of shares issuable will be rounded to the nearest whole


     A Stock Appreciation Right is the right to receive an amount equal to the
excess of the fair market value of a share of the Company's Common Stock on the
date of exercise over the fair market value of a share of Common Stock on the
date of grant (in the case of Stock Appreciation Rights granted independent of a
Stock Option) or the exercise price of the related Stock Option (in the case of
a Stock Appreciation Right granted in tandem with a Stock Option). Stock
Appreciation Rights may be granted in connection with Stock Options or as a
separate award unrelated to Stock Options. The exercisability of Stock
Appreciation Rights granted in connection with Stock Options will be governed by
the exercisability of the related Options. The amount payable to the holder upon
the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right is based on the difference between
the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the date preceding
exercise and the exercise price of the Option


in connection with which the Stock Appreciation Right was granted (or the fair
market value of Common Stock on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was
granted if it was not granted in connection with an Option). However, the Plan
Committee may establish a maximum amount payable upon the exercise of a Stock
Appreciation Right. The amount payable to a holder upon the exercise of a Stock
Appreciation Right may be paid in the form of Common Stock or cash or a
combination thereof, as determined by the Plan Committee.


     Dividend Equivalent Rights may be granted in conjunction with other Awards
or as a separate Award. The Plan Committee will determine the terms and
conditions of the Dividend Equivalent Rights and, specifically, will determine
whether amounts payable will be paid on a current or deferred basis and whether
they will be settled in cash or stock in single or multiple installments.


     Restricted Stock is the grant of shares of Common Stock or the right to
purchase Common Stock at a price determined by the Plan Committee, which is
nontransferable and subject to substantial risk of forfeiture until specific
conditions are met. Restricted Stock granted under the Plan will be subject to
restrictions on transfer and such other restrictions imposed by the Plan
Committee. No stock certificate representing Restricted Stock may be issued in
the name of the grantee until the grantee executes a written agreement, blank
stock powers and an escrow agreement or other documents required by the Plan
Committee. Restricted Stock may not be delivered to the grantee or sold,
transferred or pledged until the restrictions imposed by the Plan Committee have
lapsed according to the terms established by the Plan Committee. The Plan
Committee will determine whether dividend payments in respect of Restricted
Stock will be made currently or deferred until the lapsing of restrictions. Upon
lapse of the restrictions, the certificates representing the Restricted Stock
will be delivered to the grantee, in addition to any deferred dividends with
interest accrued thereon. All restrictions lapse upon a change in control of the
Company unless the Plan Committee specifies otherwise in the written agreement.


     Awards contingent upon the attainment of certain financial or other
objectives within a designated period of time may be granted by the Plan
Committee in the form of shares of Common Stock ("Performance Shares") or other
Awards ("Performance Units"). The performance objectives to be established in
writing by the Plan Committee may be expressed in terms of earnings per share,
share price, pre-tax profits, net earnings, return on equity or assets,
revenues, EBITDA, market share, or a combination of the foregoing with regard to
the Company or a subsidiary. The Plan Committee may establish a ceiling on the
amount payable under a Performance Award.


     A grantee becomes vested in Performance Awards to the extent that the
established objectives are achieved during the designated measurement period,
and immediately following the end of such period the Company must pay any
amounts due in cash or Common Stock or a combination thereof.

     Issuance of certificates representing Performance Shares may not occur
until the grantee executes a written agreement, blank stock powers and an escrow
agreement or such other documents required by the Plan Committee. Certificates
representing Performance Shares may not be delivered to the grantee or sold,
transferred or pledged prior to the attainment of the designated objectives and
fulfillment of other conditions established by the Plan Committee. The Plan
Committee may determine whether dividends in respect of issued but undelivered
Performance Shares will be paid currently or deferred and paid with interest
upon lapsing of the restrictions.


     Upon the termination or change in status of employment of a grantee,
adjustments to the terms and conditions of Awards held by such grantee will be
made according to the terms established by the Plan Committee in the written
agreement respecting such Award.

     Each Award granted by the Plan Committee must be evidenced by a written
agreement. Although the Plan Committee has the discretion to amend the terms of
an Award subsequent to the date of grant, it may not do so in a way that
adversely affects rights previously granted under the Plan.

     The Plan Committee will also determine the appropriate adjustments to be
made to the terms of the Plan and Awards previously granted thereunder upon the
occurrence of certain events affecting the capitalization of the Company
including, but not limited to, an increase or decrease in the number of issued
and outstanding shares of Common Stock or other changes in capitalization
resulting from a reclassification, recapitalization, merger, consolidation,
stock dividend, stock split or otherwise. Appropriate adjustments may be made to
the maximum number of shares and the class of shares or other securities with
respect to which Awards may be made, the maximum number of shares with respect
to which an individual may be granted Awards, the number and class of shares
subject to outstanding Awards, the exercise price of such outstanding Awards,
and the performance objectives upon which Performance Awards are based.


     Upon a Change of Control (as defined in the Plan), (i) with respect to all
Stock Option Awards and Stock Appreciation Rights Awards, all of such Awards
shall become immediately exercisable, (ii) with respect to Restricted Stock
Awards, all restrictions upon such shares shall lapse, and (iii) with respect to
Performance Awards, such Awards will be treated in the manner determined by the
Plan Committee at the time such Performance Awards were granted.  In addition,
to the extent set forth in the applicable agreement relating to a Stock Option
Award or Stock Appreciation Right


Award, upon a Change of Control, (i) the holder of a Stock Option Award will
have the right to a cash payment within sixty (60) days after such Change of
Control equal to the excess of fair market value of the shares subject to such
Stock Option on the date preceding the date of surrender over the aggregate
purchase price of the shares subject to such Stock Option, and (ii) the holder
of a Stock Appreciation Right Award will be entitled to receive a cash or stock
payment from the Company with a value equal to the fair market value on the date
preceding the date of exercise over the fair market value of the shares subject
to such Stock Appreciation Award.

     Following any liquidation, dissolution, merger or consolidation of the
Company, each holder of an Award is entitled to receive the same consideration
received in such transaction by each holder of Common Stock, subject to the
restrictions and other terms and conditions applicable to the Award.


     The Plan has no automatic termination date. However, Incentive Stock
Options may not be granted under the Plan subsequent to August 29, 2011. In
addition, the Plan Committee may terminate, amend or suspend the Plan at any
time provided that such action does not adversely affect rights previously
granted under the Plan.


     An individual receiving Non-qualified Stock Options or Stock Appreciation
Rights will not recognize taxable income at the time the Non-qualified Stock
Options or Stock Appreciation Rights are granted. At the time the Non-qualified
Stock Options or Stock Appreciation Rights are exercised, the individual will
recognize ordinary taxable income in an amount equal to the difference between
the exercise price (or in the case of Stock Appreciation Rights granted
independent of Stock Options, the fair market value of the Common Stock at the
time of grant) and the fair market value of Common Stock on the date of
exercise. The Company will be entitled to a concurrent deduction equal to the
ordinary income recognized by the individual, provided that the Company
withholds taxes.

     An individual granted an Incentive Stock Option will not recognize taxable
income at the time of grant or, subject to certain conditions, at the time of
exercise. The excess of the fair market value of the Common Stock received over
the exercise price is an item of tax preference income potentially subject to
the alternative minimum tax. If stock acquired upon exercise of an Incentive
Stock Option is held for a minimum of two years from the date of grant and one
year from the date of exercise, the gain or loss (in an amount equal to the
difference between the sales price and the exercise price) upon disposition of
the stock will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss, and the Company
will not be entitled to any deduction.


     If the holding period requirement is not met, the Incentive Stock Option
will be treated as one which does not meet the requirements of the Code for
Incentive Stock Options and the individual will recognize ordinary income in an
amount equal to the lesser of (i) the excess of the fair market value of Common
Stock on the date of exercise over the exercise price or (ii) the amount
realized on the sale of such stock over the exercise price.

     An individual receiving Restricted Stock will not recognize taxable income
at the time of grant. At the time the restrictions lapse, the individual will
recognize ordinary taxable income equal to the difference between the fair
market value of the Common Stock at the time the restrictions lapse and the
price, if any, paid for such Common Stock. Any dividends received before the
termination of restrictions will be taxed as ordinary income. The Company will
be entitled to a deduction equal to the ordinary income reported by the
individual, provided the Company withholds taxes. Upon the disposition of the
Common Stock, the individual will recognize taxable gain or loss equal to the
difference between the fair market value of the Common Stock at the time the
restrictions lapse and the amount realized upon the disposition of the Common
Stock. The gain or loss will be taxable as a capital asset.

     An individual may elect to report and recognize income at the time of grant
or purchase of Restricted Stock by filing an election under Section 83(b) of the
Code (a "Section 83(b) election"). If the individual makes a Section 83(b)
election, the Company will be entitled to a deduction equal to the ordinary
income reported by the individual in the year of the election, provided the
Company withholds taxes. However, dividends received before the restrictions
lapse will not be deductible by the Company. Upon the disposition of the Common
Stock, the individual will recognize gain or loss equal to the difference
between the amount realized and the sum of the income recognized by the
individual as a result of the Section 83(b) election and any amounts paid by the
individual for the Restricted Stock.

     Special rules may apply with respect to individuals subject to Section
16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Other than in the case of an
Incentive Stock Option held in accordance with the specified holding period
requirements, the amount and timing of the recognition of income by an
individual subject to Section 16(b) (and the concurrent deduction by the
Company) on the exercise of a Stock Option or Stock Appreciation Right generally
will be based on the fair market value of the shares received when the
restrictions of Section 16(b) lapse, unless the individual elects otherwise by
making a Section 83(b) election.


     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares present in
person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the Meeting at which a quorum is
present is required to approve THE PLAN.


     Each of the executive officers and Directors will have an interest and may
benefit from the adoption of the Plan, since they are eligible to receive Awards
under the terms of the Plan. Awards under the Plan are available to all
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries (approximately 120 persons),
executive officers (3 persons) and directors (4 persons) and consultants or
advisors who are receiving cash compensation from the Company or any subsidiary.
No Awards have been approved or considered for any eligible person under the
Plan at this time and will in the future be determined by the Plan Committee or
the entire Board of Directors based on such factors as they shall determine. Had
the Plan been in effect during the Company's last fiscal year, the Company does
not believe that it would have resulted in an increase of Awards or compensation
to employees, officers or directors.




     The Board of Directors has selected the firm of Kenneth Wood & Associates,
P.C.(f/k/a Wood, Harper & Associates, P.C.) as independent auditors and
accountants of the Company to audit the books and records of the Company for its
fiscal year ending August 31, 2000, and is submitting its selection to the
Company's shareholders for their ratification. Kenneth Wood & Associates, P.C.
has served as the Company's independent auditors for the last three fiscal
years. A representative of Kenneth Wood & Associates, P.C. is expected to be
present at the Meeting to answer any appropriate questions from the Company's
shareholders. If the foregoing selection is not ratified, the Board of Directors
will consider the selection of other accountants in fiscal 2000 and thereafter
but will not be required to change accountants. If Kenneth Wood & Associates,
P.C. declines to act or otherwise becomes incapable of performing, or if its
selection is otherwise discontinued, the Board of Directors will appoint other
independent accountants whose selection for any period subsequent to fiscal
year-2000 will again be subject to shareholder ratification.

ENDED AUGUST 31, 2000.


                                OTHER BUSINESS

     Management of the Company is not aware of any matters other than those set
forth in this Proxy Statement which will be presented for action at the Meeting.
If any other matters should properly come before the Meeting, the persons
authorized under the proxies solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company
shall vote and act with respect thereto according to their best judgment.

                            SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Proposals of shareholders intended to be formally presented at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders in fiscal 2001, must be submitted to the Company's
executive offices by October 31, 2000, in order to be considered for inclusion
in the Company's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting
which the Company anticipates will be held in April 2001. Shareholder proposals
should be received by the Company at least 120 days in advance of the expected
mailing date for proxy materials relating to the meeting. When the Company
determines the actual meeting date for the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders,
it will include that information in its Form 10-QSB or otherwise announce the
meeting date. The mailing date will be approximately 30 days prior to the
meeting date.




                                    APPENDIX A
                            AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER


     The primary  function of the Audit  Committee is to assist the Board of
Directors in fulfilling its financial and other oversight responsibilities by:

     (1) Serving as an independent and objective party to monitor the Company's
financial statements, financial reporting process and internal control system.

     (2) Reviewing and  appraising the Company's  outside  auditors and internal
financial management.

     (3) Providing an open avenue of communication  among the Company's outside
auditors, management,  including  internal  financial management and employees
and the Board and the Committee.

     The Audit  Committee  will further carry out its purpose by engaging in
activities enumerated in Section IV of this Charter.


      Members of the Audit Committee shall meet the following qualifications, or
such other qualifications as may be imposed from time to time by the Board,
bylaw or by the listing requirements of any stock exchange or automated
quotation system upon which a security of the Company may be traded or quoted.

      (A)   Independence

      The Audit Committee shall be comprised of two to five directors as
determined by the Board. Except as provided below, the members of the Audit
Committee shall be independent directors. "Independent" director shall mean a
person other than an officer or employee of the Company or its subsidiaries or
any other individual having a relationship which, in the opinion of the Board,
would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the
responsibilities of a director.

      The following persons shall NOT be considered independent:

     (1) A director who is employed by the Company or any of its affiliates for
the current year or any of the past three years.

     (2)  A director who accepts any compensation from the Company or any of its
affiliates in excess of $60,000 during the previous fiscal year, other than
compensation for Board service, benefits under a tax-qualified retirement plan
or non-discretionary compensation.

     (3)  A director who is a spouse, parent, child, sibling, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or
resides in the home of an individual who is, or has been in any of the past
three years, employed by the Company or any of its affiliates as an executive

     (4)  A director who is a partner in, or controlling shareholder or an
executive officer of, any for-profit business organization to which the Company
made, or from which the Company received, payments (other than those arising
solely from investments in the Company's securities) that exceed 5% of the
Company's or the other business organization's consolidated gross revenues for
that year, or $200,000, whichever is more, in any of the past three years.

     (5)  A director who is employed as an executive of another entity where any
of the Company's executives serve on that entity's Compensation Committee.

     Notwithstanding the preceding limitations, one director who is not
otherwise independent and is not a current employee, or an immediate family
member (as defined above) of a current employee, may be appointed to the Audit
Committee if the Board, under exceptional and limited circumstances, determines
that membership on the Audit Committee by the individual is required by the best
interests of the Company and its shareholders.

     (B)   Financial Literacy

       All members of the Audit Committee shall be able to read and understand
fundamental financial statements, including the Company's balance sheet, income
statement, and cash flow statement or will become able to do so within a
reasonable period of time after his or her appointment to the Audit Committee.
At least one member shall have past employment experience in finance or
accounting, requisite professional certification in accounting, or any other
comparable experience or background which results in the individual's financial

     (C)   Election, Removal and Replacement

       The members of the Audit Committee shall be elected by the Board. Unless
a Chairman is elected by the full Board, the members of the Audit Committee may
designate a Chairman.


     In the event a director becomes disqualified from membership on the Audit
Committee, such director shall be removed as soon as practicable from service on
the Audit Committee by the Board. In the event the removal, resignation,
retirement, death or other termination of a director from service on the Audit
Committee results in the Audit Committee comprising less than two members, the
Board shall elect a new qualified director to the Audit Committee as soon as


     The Audit Committee shall meet at least three times annually in
connection with the Company's  annual  audit and mid-year review,  or  more
frequently  as  circumstances  dictate.  In addition,  the Audit  Committee or
its Chairman shall meet to review the  Company's quarterly or other interim
financial statements,  as appropriate.  Such meetings may be held  in or out of
the  presence of the  Company's  management,  outside auditors or both, as
appropriate.  Other governance matters not addressed herein shall be governed by
the Company's articles of incorporation or bylaws.


     To fulfill its purpose, the Audit Committee has the following duties and
responsibilities and shall engage in the following activities:

     (A)  Review of Audit Committee Charter ("Charter")  and Financial
Statements and Reports

     The Audit Committee shall review the Company's financial statements,
reports and other financial information, in conjunction with the Company's
internal financial management and outside auditors, as appropriate. Such review
shall include candid discussions of the quality not merely the acceptability of
the Company's accounting principles as applied in its financial reporting.
Reviews shall occur prior to dissemination of the statement, report or other
document to a third party or the public. Without limitation, the Audit Committee
shall review:

          (1) The annual financial statements and any reports or other financial
          information, including any certification, report, opinion, or review
          rendered by the outside auditors.

          (2) Any quarterly or other interim financial statements and any
          reports or other financial information, including any certification,
          report, opinion, or review rendered by the outside auditors. The
          Chairman of the Audit Committee may represent the entire Audit
          Committee for purposes of this review.

          (3) This Charter on an annual basis, or more frequently as
          circumstances dictate.


          (4) As circumstances dictate and as deemed necessary or advisable from
          time to time, any material internal financial reports to management
          prepared by internal financial management.

     (B)  Relationship With Outside Auditors

          The Audit Committee's and the Board's relationship with the Company's
     outside auditors shall governed by the following principles:

          (1) The Company's outside auditors are ultimately accountable to the
          Audit Committee and the Board.

          (2) The Audit Committee and the Board are ultimately responsible for
          selecting, evaluating and, where appropriate, replacing the Company's
          outside auditors.

          (3) The Audit Committee is responsible for ensuring receipt from the
          outside auditors of a formal written statement delineating all
          relationships between the outside auditors and the Company. The Audit
          Committee is responsible for actively engaging in a dialogue with the
          outside auditors with respect to any disclosed relationships or
          services that may impact the objectivity and independence of the
          outside auditors. The Audit Committee is further responsible for
          taking, or recommending that the Board take, appropriate action to
          oversee the independence of the outside auditors.

     (C)  Relationship With Company and Internal Financial Management

     The Audit Committee's and the Board's relationship with the Company's
     management, including its internal financial management, shall governed by
     the following principles:

          (1) The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing the integrity of
          the Company's financial reporting process, both internal and external.

          (2) The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing the quality and
          appropriateness of the Company's accounting principles as applied in
          its financial reporting.

          (3) The Audit Committee is responsible for considering and approving,
          if appropriate, major changes to the Company's auditing and accounting
          principles and practices as suggested by the outside auditors or
          management, including internal financial management.


     (D)  Audit Committee Report

     The Audit Committee shall prepare an Audit Committee Report annually in
connection with the Company's annual audit. The Report shall address such
matters as deemed appropriate by the Audit Committee, but shall state whether
the Audit Committee:

          (1)  Reviewed and discussed the Company's audited financial statements
          with management.

          (2)  Discussed with the outside auditors such qualitative matters
          concerning the Company's accounting principles as applied in its
          financial reporting as are appropriate, including, but not limited to,
          those matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing
          Standards No. 61.

          (3)  Received from the outside auditors a formal written statement
          delineating all relationships between the outside auditors and the
          Company, including, but not limited to, those required by Independence
          Standards Board Standard No. 1.

          (4)  Recommends to the Board that the Company's audited financial
          statements be included in the Company's public filings or other
          publicly available reports. The names of the members of the Audit
          Committee shall appear at the end of the Report.

     (E)  Miscellaneous Powers and Responsibilities

     In connection with fulfilling its duties and responsibilities referred to
above, the Audit Committee shall have the power and authority to:

          (1)  Retain independent counsel, accountants or others to assist it in
          the conduct of any investigation or to receive a second opinion on any

          (2) Meet with the independent accountants, management and/or employees
          involved in accounting and financial matters in executive session,
          independently or collectively, as often as necessary and encourage and
          receive the full cooperation of the Company's management and employees
          involved in accounting, auditing and financial matters with the stated
          policy that any employee may direct any financial or accounting issues
          directly to the Audit Committee in confidence.

          (3) Meet with and/or receive information from the Company's lawyers as
          to any areas of legal concern and receive the responses of such
          attorneys to management regarding legal matters in connection with the
          annual audits.


                                   APPENDIX B

                           DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                         YEAR-2000 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN


     The purpose of this Plan is to strengthen DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC., a
Nevada corporation (the "Company"), by providing an incentive to its employees,
officers, consultants and directors and thereby encouraging them to devote their
abilities and industry to the success of the Company's business enterprise. It
is intended that this purpose be achieved by extending to employees, officers,
consultants and directors of the Company and its Subsidiaries an added long-term
incentive for high levels of performance and unusual efforts through the grant
of Incentive Stock Options, Non-qualified Stock Options, Stock Appreciation
Rights, Dividend Equivalent Rights, Performance Awards and Restricted Stock (as
each term is herein defined).


     For purposes of the Plan:

2.1  "Adjusted Fair Market Value" means, in the event of a Change in Control,
the greater of (i) the highest price per Share paid to holders of the Shares in
any transaction (or series of transactions) constituting or resulting in a
Change in Control or (ii) the highest Fair Market Value of a Share during the
ninety (90) day period ending on the date of a Change in Control.

2.2  "Affiliate" means any entity, directly or indirectly, controlled by,
controlling or under common control with the Company or any corporation or other
entity acquiring, directly or indirectly, all or substantially all the assets
and business of the Company, whether by operation of law or otherwise.

2.3  "Agreement" means the written agreement between the Company and an Optionee
or Grantee evidencing the grant of an Option or Award and setting forth the
terms and conditions thereof.

2.4  "Award" means a grant of Restricted Stock, a Stock Appreciation Right, a
Performance Award, a Dividend Equivalent Right or any or all of them.

2.5  "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

2.6  "Cause" means (i) intentional failure to perform reasonably assigned
duties, (ii) dishonesty or willful misconduct in the performance of duties,
(iii) involvement in a transaction in connection with the performance of duties
to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries which transaction is adverse to the
interests of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries and which is engaged in for
personal profit or (iv) willful violation of any law, rule or regulation in
connection with the performance of duties (other than traffic violations or
similar offenses).

2.7  "Change in Capitalization" means any increase or reduction in the number of
Shares, or any change (including, but not limited to, a change in value) in the
Shares or exchange of Shares for a different number or kind of shares or other
securities of the Company or another, corporation, by reason of a
reclassification, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, reorganization, spin-
off, split-up, issuance of warrants or rights or debentures, stock dividend,
stock split or reverse stock split, cash dividend, property dividend,
combination or exchange of shares, repurchase of shares, change in corporate
structure or otherwise.

2.8  A "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence during the term of the Plan

     (a)  An acquisition (other than directly from the Company) of any voting
     securities of the Company (the "Voting Securities") by any "Person" (as the
     term person is used for purposes of Section 13(d) or 14(d) of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), excluding
     the previous acquisition by Chiu Chan or any of his affiliates, immediately
     after which such Person has "Beneficial Ownership" (within the meaning of
     Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of thirty percent (30%) or
     more of the then outstanding Shares or the combined voting power of the
     Company's then outstanding Voting Securities; provided, however, in
     determining whether a Change in Control has occurred, Shares or Voting
     Securities which are acquired in a "Non-Control Acquisition" (as
     hereinafter defined) shall not constitute an acquisition which would cause
     a Change in Control. A "Non-Control Acquisition" shall mean an acquisition
     by (i) an employee benefit plan (or a trust forming a part thereof)
     maintained by (A) the Company or (B) any corporation or other Person of
     which a majority of its voting power or its voting equity securities or
     equity interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company (for
     purposes of this definition, a "Subsidiary"), (ii) the Company or its
     Subsidiaries, or (iii) any Person in connection with a "Non-Control
     Transaction" (as hereinafter defined);

     (b)  The individuals who were elected to the Board of Directors in the year
     preceeding the event triggering the application of this Section 2.8 (the
     "Incumbent Board"), cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority
     of the members of the Board; provided, however, that if the election, or
     nomination for election by the Company's common stockholders, of any new
     director was approved by a vote of at least a majority of the Incumbent
     Board, such new director shall, for purposes of this Plan, be considered as
     a member of the Incumbent Board; provided further, however, that no
     individual shall be considered a member of the Incumbent Board if such
     individual initially assumed office as a result of either an actual or
     threatened "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11 promulgated
     under the Exchange


     Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by
     or on behalf of a Person other than the Board (a "Proxy Contest") including
     by reason of any agreement intended to avoid or settle any Election Contest
     or Proxy Contest; or

     (c)  The consummation of:

          (i)    A merger, consolidation or reorganization with or into the
          Company or in which securities of the Company are issued, unless such
          merger, consolidation or reorganization is a "Non-Control
          Transaction." A " Non-Control Transaction" shall mean a merger,
          consolidation or reorganization with or into the Company or in which
          securities of the Company are issued where:

                 (A) the stockholders of the Company, immediately before such
                 merger, consolidation or reorganization, own directly or
                 indirectly immediately following such merger, consolidation or
                 reorganization, at least fifty percent (50%) of the combined
                 voting power of the outstanding voting securities of the
                 corporation resulting from such merger or consolidation or
                 reorganization (the "Surviving Corporation") in substantially
                 the same proportion as their ownership of the Voting Securities
                 immediately before such merger, consolidation or

                 (B) the individuals who were members of the Incumbent Board
                 immediately prior to the execution of the agreement providing
                 for such merger, consolidation or reorganization constitute at
                 least a majority of the members of the board of directors of
                 the Surviving Corporation, or a corporation beneficially
                 directly or indirectly owning a majority of the Voting
                 Securities of the Surviving Corporation, and

                 (C) no Person other than (i) the Company, (ii) any Subsidiary,
                 (iii) any employee benefit plan (or any trust forming a part
                 thereof) that, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation
                 or reorganization, was maintained by the Company or any
                 Subsidiary, or (iv) any Person who, immediately prior to such
                 merger, consolidation or reorganization had Beneficial
                 Ownership of thirty percent (30%) or more of the then
                 outstanding Voting Securities or Shares, has Beneficial
                 Ownership of thirty percent (30%) or more of the combined
                 voting power of the Surviving Corporation's then outstanding
                 voting securities or its common stock.

          (ii)   A complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company; or

          (iii) The sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the
          assets of the Company to any Person (other than a transfer to a
          Subsidiary). Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control shall
          not be deemed to occur solely because any


          Person (the "Subject Person") acquired Beneficial Ownership of more
          than the permitted amount of the then outstanding Shares or Voting
          Securities as a result of the acquisition of Shares or Voting
          Securities by the Company which, by reducing the number of Shares or
          Voting Securities then outstanding, increases the proportional number
          of shares Beneficially Owned by the Subject Persons, provided that if
          a Change in Control would occur (but for the operation of this
          sentence) as a result of the acquisition of Shares or Voting
          Securities by the Company, and after such share acquisition by the
          Company, the Subject Person becomes the Beneficial Owner of any
          additional Shares or Voting Securities which increases the percentage
          of the then outstanding Shares or Voting Securities Beneficially Owned
          by the Subject Person, then a Change in Control shall occur. If an
          Eligible Individual's employment is terminated by the Company without
          Cause prior to the date of a Change in Control but the Eligible
          Individual reasonably demonstrates that the termination (A) was at the
          request of a third party who has indicated or intention or taken steps
          reasonably calculated to effect a change in control or (B) otherwise
          arose in connection with, or in anticipation of, a Change in Control
          which has been threatened or proposed, such termination shall be
          deemed to have occurred after a Change in Control for purposes of this
          Plan provided a Change in Control shall actually have occurred.

2.9  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

2.10 "Committee" means a committee, as described in Section 3.1, appointed by
the Board from time to time to administer the Plan and to perform the functions
set forth herein.

2.11 "Company" means Dynacq International, Inc.

2.12 "Director" means a director of the Company.

2.13 "Director Option" means an Option granted pursuant to Section 6.1.

2.14 "Director Stock" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2.

2.15 "Disability" means:

     (a)  in the case of an Optionee or Grantee whose employment with the
     Company or a Subsidiary is subject to the terms of an employment agreement
     between such Optionee or Grantee and the Company or Subsidiary, which
     employment agreement includes a definition of "Disability", the term
     "Disability" as used in this Plan or any Agreement shall have the meaning
     set forth in such employment agreement during the period that such
     employment agreement remains in effect; and


     (b)  in all other cases, the term "Disability" as used in this Plan or any
     Agreement shall mean a physical or mental infirmity which impairs the
     Optionee's or Grantee's ability to perform substantially his or her duties
     for a period of one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days.

2.16 "Division" means any of the operating units or divisions of the Company
designated as a Division by the Committee.

2.17 "Dividend Equivalent Right" means a right to receive all or some portion of
the cash dividends that are or would be payable with respect to Shares.

2.18 "Eligible Director" means a director of the Company who is not an employee
of the Company or any Affiliate of the Company.

2.19 "Eligible Individual" means any director (other than an Eligible Director),
officer or employee of the Company or a Subsidiary, or any consultant or advisor
who is receiving cash compensation from the Company or a Subsidiary, designated
by the Committee as eligible to receive Options or Awards subject to the
conditions set forth herein.

2.20 "Employee Option" means an Option granted pursuant to Section 5.

2.21 "Exchange Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

2.22 "Fair Market Value" on any date means the closing or last sales prices of
the Shares on such date on the principal national securities exchange or market
on which such Shares are listed or admitted to trading, or, if there have been
no published bid or asked quotations with respect to Shares on such date or
actual sales, the Fair Market Value shall be the value established by the Board
in good faith and, in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, in accordance with
Section 422 of the Code.

2.23 "Grantee" means a person to whom an Award has been granted under the Plan.

2.24 "Incentive Stock Option" means an Option satisfying the requirements of
Section 422 of the Code as it may exist from time to time and designated by the
Committee as an Incentive Stock Option.  Each Incentive Stock Option granted
hereunder shall comply with Section 422 of the Code as it may exist from time to

2.25 "Non-employee Director" means a director of the Company who is a "non-
employee director" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the
Exchange Act.

2.26 "Non-qualified Stock Option" means an Option which is not an Incentive
Stock Option.


2.27  "Option" means a Non-qualified Stock Option, an Incentive Stock Option, a
Director Option, or any or all of them.

2.28  "Optionee" means a person to whom an Option has been granted under the

2.29  "Outside Director" means a director of the Company who is an "outside
director" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code and the regulations
promulgated thereunder.

2.30  "Parent" means any corporation that is a parent corporation (within the
meaning of Section 424(e) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

2.31  "Performance Awards" means Performance Units, Performance Shares or either
or both of them.

2.32  "Performance Cycle" means the time period specified by the Committee at
the time Performance Awards are granted during which the performance of the
Company, a Subsidiary or a Division will be measured.

2.33  "Performance Objectives" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.

2.34  "Performance Shares" means Shares issued or transferred to an Eligible
Individual under Section 11.

2.35  "Performance Units" means Performance Units granted to an Eligible
Individual under Section 11.

2.36 "Plan" means the Dynacq International, Inc. Year-2000 Stock Incentive Plan,
as amended and restated from time to time.

2.37  "Pooling Transaction" means an acquisition of the Company in a transaction
that is intended to be treated as a "pooling of interests" under generally
accepted accounting principles.

2.38  "Restricted Stock" means Shares issued or transferred to an Eligible
Individual pursuant to Section 10.

2.39  "Retained" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2.

2.40  "Shares" means the common stock, par value $0.001 per share, of the

2.41  "Stock Appreciation Right" means a right to receive all or some portion of
the increase in the value of the Shares as provided in Section 8 hereof.


2.42  "Subsidiary" means any corporation that is a subsidiary corporation
(within the meaning of Section 424(f) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

2.43  "Successor Corporation" means a corporation, or a parent or subsidiary
thereof within the meaning of Section 424(a) of the Code, which issues or
assumes a stock option in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the Code

2.44  "Ten-Percent Stockholder" means an Eligible Individual, who, at the time
an Incentive Stock Option is to be granted to him or her, owns (within the
meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code) stock possessing more than ten percent
(10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,
or of a Parent or a Subsidiary.


3.1    Except for a grant of Director Options, the Plan shall be administered by
the Committee, which shall hold meetings at such times as may be necessary for
the proper administration of the Plan. With respect to a grant of Director
Options, such grants shall be determined by the Board. The Committee shall keep
minutes of its meetings. A quorum shall consist of not fewer than two members of
the Committee and a majority of a quorum may authorize any action. Any decision
or determination reduced to writing and signed by a majority of all of the
members of the Committee shall be as fully effective as if made by a majority
vote at a meeting duly called and held. The Committee shall consist of at least
two (2) directors of the Company and may consist of the entire Board; provided,
however, that (A) if the Committee consists of less than the entire Board, each
member shall be a Non-employee Director and (B) to the extent necessary for any
Option or Award intended to qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code to so qualify, each member of the Committee, whether
or not it consists of the entire Board, shall be an Outside Director. No member
of the Committee shall be liable for any action, failure to act, determination
or interpretation made in good faith with respect to this Plan or any
transaction hereunder, except for liability arising from his or her own willful
misfeasance, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his or her duties. The
Company hereby agrees to indemnify each member of the Committee for all costs
and expenses and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any liability
incurred in connection with defending against, responding to, negotiating for
the settlement of or otherwise dealing with any claim, cause of action or
dispute of any kind arising in connection with any actions in administering this
Plan or in authorizing or denying authorization to any transaction hereunder.

3.2    Subject to the express terms and conditions set forth herein, the
Committee shall have the power from time to time to:


     (a) determine those Eligible Individuals to whom Employee Options shall be
     granted under the Plan and the number of such Employee Options to be
     granted and to prescribe the terms and conditions (which need not be
     identical) of each such Employee Option, including the purchase price per
     Share subject to each Employee Option, and make any amendment or
     modification to any Option Agreement consistent with the terms of the Plan;

     (b) select those Eligible Individuals to whom Awards shall be granted under
     the Plan and to determine the number of Stock Appreciation Rights,
     Performance Awards, Shares of Restricted Stock and/or Dividend Equivalent
     Rights to be granted pursuant to each Award, the terms and conditions of
     each Award, including the restrictions or Performance Objectives relating
     to Shares, the maximum value of each Performance Share and make any
     amendment or modification to any Award Agreement consistent with the terms
     of the Plan;

     (c)  to construe and interpret the Plan and the Options and Awards granted
     hereunder and to establish, amend and revoke rules and regulations for the
     administration of the Plan, including, but not limited to, correcting any
     defect or supplying any omission, or reconciling any inconsistency in the
     Plan or in any Agreement, in the manner and to the extent it shall deem
     necessary or advisable so that the Plan complies with applicable law
     including Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act and the Code to the extent
     applicable, and otherwise to make the Plan fully effective.  All decisions
     and determinations by the Committee in the exercise of this power shall be
     final, binding and conclusive upon the Company, its Subsidiaries, the
     Optionees and Grantees, and all other persons having any interest therein;

     (d) to determine the duration and purposes for leaves of absence which may
     be granted to an Optionee or Grantee on an individual basis without
     constituting a termination of employment or service for purposes of the

     (e) to exercise its discretion with respect to the powers and rights
     granted to it as set forth in the Plan; and

     (f) generally, to exercise such powers and to perform such acts as are
     deemed necessary or advisable to promote the best interests of the Company
     with respect to the Plan.


4.1  The maximum number of Shares that may be made the subject of Options and
Awards granted under the Plan is 2,500,000; provided, however, that in the
aggregate, not more than one-third of the number of allotted Shares may be made
the subject of Restricted Stock Awards under Section 10 of the Plan (other than
shares of Restricted Stock made in settlement of Performance Units pursuant to
Section 11.2(b)).  The maximum number of Shares that an Eligible Individual may
receive in any calendar year period in respect of Options and Awards may not
exceed 1,000,000 Shares.  The maximum dollar amount of cash or the Fair Market
Value of Shares that any Eligible Individual may receive in any calendar year
during the term of the Plan in respect of Performance


Units denominated in dollars may not exceed $5,000,000. Upon a Change in
Capitalization, the maximum number of Shares referred to in the first two
sentences of this Section 4.1 shall be adjusted in number and kind pursuant to
Section 13. The Company shall reserve for the purposes of the Plan, out of its
authorized but unissued Shares or out of Shares held in the Company's treasury,
or partly out of each, such number of Shares as shall be determined by the

4.2  Upon the granting of an Option or an Award, the number of Shares available
under Section 4.1 for the granting of further Options and Awards shall be
reduced as follows:

     (a)  In connection with the granting of an Option or an Award (other than
     the granting of a Performance Unit denominated in dollars), the number of
     Shares shall be reduced by the number of Shares in respect of which the
     Option or Award is granted or denominated.

     (b)  In connection with the granting of a Performance Unit denominated in
     dollars, the number of Shares shall be reduced by an amount equal to the
     quotient of (i) the dollar amount in which the Performance Unit is
     denominated, divided by (ii) the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date
     the Performance Unit is granted.

4.3  Whenever any outstanding Option or Award or portion thereof expires, is
canceled or is otherwise terminated for any reason without having been exercised
or payment having been made in respect of the entire Option or Award, the Shares
allocable to the expired, canceled or otherwise terminated portion of the Option
or Award may again be the subject of Options or Awards granted hereunder.


5.1  Authority of Committee. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the
Committee shall have full and final authority to select those Eligible
Individuals who will receive Employee Options, and the terms and conditions of
the grant to such Eligible Individuals shall be set forth in an Agreement.

5.2  Purchase Price. The purchase price or the manner in which the purchase
price is to be determined for Shares under each Employee Option shall be
determined by the Committee and set forth in the Agreement; provided, however,
that the purchase price per Share under each Incentive Stock Option shall not be
less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date the Employee
Option is granted (110% in the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to a
Ten-Percent Stockholder).


5.3  Maximum Duration. Employee Options granted hereunder shall be for such term
as the Committee shall determine, provided that an Incentive Stock Option shall
not be exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it is
granted (five (5) years in the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to a
Ten-Percent Stockholder) and a Non-qualified Stock Option shall not be
exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it is granted.
The Committee may, subsequent to the granting of any Employee Option, extend the
term thereof, but in no event shall the term as so extended exceed the maximum
term provided for in the preceding sentence.

5.4  Vesting. Subject to Section 7.4, each Employee Option shall become
exercisable in such installments (which need not be equal) and at such times as
may be designated by the Committee and set forth in the Agreement. To the extent
not exercised, installments shall accumulate and be exercisable, in whole or in
part, at any time after becoming exercisable, but not later than the date the
Employee Option expires. The Committee may accelerate the exercisability of any
Employee Option or portion thereof at any time.

5.5  Modification. No modification of an Employee Option shall adversely alter
or impair any rights or obligations under the Employee Option without the
Optionee's consent.

5.6  Limitation on Aggregate Value of Shares that May Become First Exercisable
During any Calendar Year Under an Incentive Stock Option. Except as is otherwise
provided in this Plan, with respect to any Incentive Stock Option granted under
this Plan, the aggregate Fair Market Value of Shares subject to an Incentive
Stock Option and the aggregate Fair market Value of Shares or shares of stock of
any Subsidiary (or a predecessor of the Company or a Subsidiary) subject to any
other incentive stock option (within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code) of
the Company or its Subsidiaries (or a predecessor corporation of any such
corporation) that first become purchasable by a holder in any calendar year may
not (with respect to that holder) exceed $100,000, or such other amount as may
be prescribed under Section 422 of the Code or applicable regulations or rulings
from time to time. As used in the previous sentence, Fair Market Value shall be
determined as of the date the Incentive Stock Option is granted. For purposes of
this Section 5.6 "predecessor corporation" means (a) a corporation that was a
party to a transaction described in Section 424(a) of the Code (or which would
be so described if a substitution or assumption under that Section had been
effected) with the Company, (b) a corporation which, at the time the new
incentive stock option (within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code) is
granted, is a Subsidiary of the Company or a predecessor corporation of any such
corporations, or (c) a predecessor corporation of any such corporations. Failure
to comply with this provision shall not impair the enforceability or
exercisability of any Option, but shall cause the excess amount of Shares to be
reclassified in accordance with the Code.



6.1  Discretionary Awards. From time to time the Board may elect to grant
Director Options to Eligible Directors. In making such grants the Board shall
take into consideration the contribution such Eligible Directors have made or
may make to the success of the Company and such other considerations as the
Board may from time to time specify. The Board shall determine the number of
shares subject to such Director Options, and, subject to provisions of the Plan,
the exercise price, vesting schedule and terms of such Director Options.

6.2  Director Stock.

     (a)  The Company intends to pay each Eligible Director (and at the
     discretion of the Board certain employee directors) an annual retainer in
     the amount set from time to time by the Board (the "Retainer"). Each
     Director shall be entitled to receive his or her Retainer exclusively in
     cash, exclusively in shares of Stock ("Director Stock") or any portion in
     cash and any portion in Director Stock. Each Director shall be given the
     opportunity, during the month the Director first becomes a Director and
     during the last month of each quarter thereafter, to elect among these
     choices for the remainder of the quarter (in the case of the election made
     when the Director first becomes a Director) and for the following quarter
     (in the case of any subsequent election). If the Director chooses to
     receive at least some of his or her Retainer in Director Stock, the
     election shall also indicate the percentage of the Retainer to be paid in
     Director Stock. If a Director makes no election during his or her first
     opportunity to make an election, the Director shall be assumed to have
     elected to receive his or her entire Retainer in cash. If a Director makes
     no election during any succeeding election month, the Director shall be
     assumed to have remade the election then currently in effect for that
     Director. An election by a Director to receive a portion of his or her
     retainer in Director Stock shall either (i) be approved by (A) the
     Committee or (B) the Board or (ii) provide that Director Stock received by
     the Director pursuant to such election shall be held by the Director for a
     period of at least six months.

     (b) The Company shall make the first issuance of shares of Director Stock
     on the first trading of the first full calendar quarter after August 29,
     2000. Subsequent issuances of Director Stock shall be made on the first
     trading day of each subsequent calendar quarter and shall be made to all
     Persons who are Directors on that trading day except any Director whose
     Retainer is to be paid entirely in cash. The number of shares of Stock is
     issuable to those Directors on the relevant trading date indicated above
     shall equal:

     [% multiplied by (R/4)] divided by P


     % = the percentage of the Director's Retainer that the Director elected or
     is deemed to have elected to receive in the form of Director Stock,
     expressed as a decimal;


     R = the Director's Retainer for the year during which the issuance occurs;

     P = the closing price, as quoted on the principal exchange on which Shares
     are traded, on the date of issuance.  Director Stock shall not include any
     fractional shares.  Fractions shall be rounded to the nearest whole share.


7.1  Non-Transferability. Unless set forth in the Agreement evidencing the
Option (other than an Incentive Stock Option) at the time of grant or at any
time thereafter, an Option granted hereunder shall not be transferable by the
Optionee to whom granted except by will or the laws of descent and distribution
or pursuant to a domestic relations order (within the meaning of Rule 16a-12
promulgated under the Exchange Act), and an Option may be exercised during the
lifetime of such Optionee only by the Optionee or his or her guardian or legal
representative. The terms of such Option shall be final, binding and conclusive
upon the beneficiaries, executors, administrators, heirs and successors of the

7.2  Method of Exercise. The exercise of an Option shall be made only by a
written notice delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary of the Company at
the Company's principal executive office, specifying the number of Shares to be
purchased and accompanied by payment therefor and otherwise in accordance with
the Agreement pursuant to which the Option was granted. The purchase price for
any Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of an Option shall be paid, as
determined by the Committee in its discretion, in either of the following forms
(or any combination thereof): (i) cash or (ii) the transfer of Shares to the
Company upon such terms and conditions as determined by the Committee. In
addition, both Employee Options and Director Options may be exercised through a
registered broker-dealer pursuant to such cashless exercise procedures (other
than Share withholding) which are, from time to time, deemed acceptable by the
Committee, and the Committee may authorize that the purchase price payable upon
exercise of an Employee Option may be paid by having Shares withheld that
otherwise would be acquired upon such exercise. Any Shares transferred to the
Company (or withheld upon exercise) as payment of the purchase price under an
Option shall be valued at their Fair Market Value on the day preceding the date
of exercise of such Option. The Optionee shall deliver the Agreement evidencing
the Option to the Secretary of the Company who shall endorse thereon a notation
of such exercise and return such Agreement to the Optionee. No fractional Shares
(or cash in lieu thereof) shall be issued upon exercise of an Option and the
number of Shares that may be purchased upon exercise shall be rounded to the
nearest number of whole Shares.


7.3  Rights of Optionees. Optionee shall not be deemed for any purpose to be the
owner of any Shares subject to any Option unless and until (i) the Option shall
have been exercised pursuant to the terms thereof, (ii) the Company shall have
issued and delivered Shares to the Optionee, and (iii) the Optionee's name shall
have been entered as a stockholder of record on the books of the Company.
Thereupon, the Optionee shall have full voting, dividend and other ownership
rights with respect to such Shares, subject to such terms and conditions as may
be set forth in the applicable Agreement.

7.4  Effect of Change in Control. In the event of a Change in Control, all
Options outstanding on the date of such Change in Control shall become
immediately and fully exercisable. In addition, to the extent set forth in an
Agreement evidencing the grant of an Employee Option, an Optionee will be
permitted to surrender to the Company for cancellation within sixty (60) days
after such Change in Control any Employee Option or portion of an Employee
Option to the extent not yet exercised and the Optionee will be entitled to
receive a cash payment in an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (x)

     (A)  in the case of a Non-qualified Stock Option, the greater of (1) the
Fair Market Value, on the date preceding the date of surrender, of the Shares
subject to the Employee Option or portion thereof surrendered or (2) the
Adjusted Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the Employee Option or
portion thereof surrendered or

     (B) in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, the Fair Market Value, on the
     date preceding the date of surrender, of the Shares subject to the Employee
     Option or portion thereof surrendered, over (y) the aggregate purchase
     price for such Shares under the Employee Option or portion thereof
     surrendered. In the event an Optionee's employment with, or service as a
     Director of, the Company terminates following a Change in Control, each
     Option held by the Optionee that was exercisable as of the date of
     termination of the Optionee's employment or service shall remain
     exercisable for a period ending not before the earlier of (A) the first
     anniversary of the termination of the Optionee's employment or service or
     (B) the expiration of the stated term of the Option.


     The Committee may in its discretion, either alone or in connection with the
grant of an Employee Option, grant Stock Appreciation Rights in accordance with
the Plan, the terms and conditions of which shall be set forth in an Agreement.
If granted in connection with an Option, a Stock Appreciation Right shall cover
the same Shares covered by the Option (or such lesser number of Shares as the
Committee may determine) and shall, except as provided in this Section 8, be
subject to the same terms and conditions as the related Option.

8.1  Time of Grant. A Stock Appreciation Right may be granted (i) at any time if
unrelated to an Option, or (ii) if related to an Option, either at the time of
grant, or at any time thereafter during the term of the Option.


8.2  Stock Appreciation Right Related to an Option. (a) Exercise. A Stock
Appreciation Right granted in connection with an Option shall be exercisable at
such time or times and only to the extent that the related Options are
exercisable, and will not be transferable except to the extent the related
Option may be transferable. A Stock Appreciation Right granted in connection
with an Incentive Stock Option shall be exercisable only if the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the date of exercise exceeds the purchase price specified in
the related Incentive Stock Option Agreement. (b) Amount Payable. Upon the
exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right related to an Option, the Grantee shall
be entitled to receive an amount determined by multiplying (A) the excess of the
Fair Market Value of a Share on the date preceding the date of exercise of such
Stock Appreciation Right over the per Share purchase price under the related
Option, by (B) the number of Shares as to which such Stock Appreciation Right is
being exercised. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may limit in any
manner the amount payable with respect to any Stock Appreciation Right by
including such a limit in the Agreement evidencing the Stock Appreciation Right
at the time it is granted. (c) Treatment of Related Options and Stock
Appreciation Rights Upon Exercise. Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation
Right granted in connection with an Option, the Option shall be canceled to the
extent of the number of Shares as to which the Stock Appreciation Right is
exercised, and upon the exercise of an Option granted in connection with a Stock
Appreciation Right, the Stock Appreciation Right shall be canceled to the extent
of the number of Shares as to which the Option is exercised or surrendered.

8.3  Stock Appreciation Right Unrelated to an Option. The Committee may grant to
Eligible Individuals Stock Appreciation Rights unrelated to Options. Stock
Appreciation Rights unrelated to Options shall contain such terms and conditions
as to exercisability (subject to Section 8.7), vesting and duration as the
Committee shall determine, but in no event shall they have a term of greater
than ten (10) years. Upon exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right unrelated to an
Option, the Grantee shall be entitled to receive an amount determined by
multiplying (A) the excess of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date
preceding the date of exercise of such Stock Appreciation Right over the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was granted, by
(B) number of Shares as to which the Stock Appreciation Right is being
exercised. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may limit in any manner
the amount payable with respect to any Stock Appreciation Right by including
such a limit in the Agreement evidencing the Stock Appreciation Right at the
time it is granted.

8.4  Method of Exercise. Stock Appreciation Rights shall be exercised by a
Grantee only by a written notice delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary
of the Company at the Company's principal executive office, specifying the
number of Shares with respect to which the Stock Appreciation Right is being
exercised. If requested by the Committee, the Grantee shall deliver the
Agreement evidencing the Stock Appreciation Right being exercised and the
Agreement evidencing any related Option to the Secretary of the Company who
shall endorse thereon a notation of such exercise and return such Agreement to
the Grantee.


8.5  Form of Payment. Payment of the amount determined under Sections 8.2(b) or
8.3 may be made in the discretion of the Committee solely in whole Shares in a
number determined at their Fair Market Value on the date preceding the date of
exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right, or solely in cash, or in a combination
of cash and Shares. If the Committee decides to make full payment in Shares and
the amount payable results in a fractional Share, payment for the fractional
Share will be made in cash.

8.6  Modification or Substitution. Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify outstanding Awards of Stock Appreciation Rights or accept
the surrender of outstanding Awards of Stock Appreciation Rights (to the extent
not exercised) and grant new Awards in substitution for them. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, no modification of an Award shall adversely alter or impair any
rights or obligations under the Agreement without the Grantee's consent.

8.7  Effect of Change in Control. In the event of a Change in Control, all Stock
Appreciation Rights shall become immediately and fully exercisable. In addition,
to the extent set forth in an Agreement evidencing the grant of a Stock
Appreciation Right unrelated to an Option, a Grantee will be entitled to receive
a payment from the Company in cash or stock, in either case, with a value equal
to the excess, if any, of (A) the greater of (x) the Fair Market Value, on the
date preceding the date of exercise, of the underlying Shares subject to the
Stock Appreciation Right or portion thereof exercised and (y) the Adjusted Fair
Market Value, on the date preceding the date of exercise, of the Shares over (B)
the aggregate Fair Market Value, on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was
granted, of the Shares subject to the Stock Appreciation Right or portion
thereof exercised. In the event a Grantee's employment with the Company
terminates following a Change in Control, each Stock Appreciation Right held by
the Grantee that was exercisable as of the date of termination of the Grantee's
employment shall remain exercisable for a period ending not before the earlier
of the first anniversary of (A) the termination of the Grantee's employment or
(B) the expiration of the stated term of the Stock Appreciation Right.


     Dividend Equivalent Rights may be granted to Eligible Individuals and
Eligible Directors in tandem with an Option or Award or as a separate award. The
terms and conditions applicable to each Dividend Equivalent Right shall be
specified in the Agreement under which the Dividend Equivalent Right is granted.
Amounts payable in respect of Dividend Equivalent Rights may be payable
currently or deferred until the lapsing of restrictions on such Dividend
Equivalent Rights or until the vesting, exercise, payment, settlement or other
lapse of restrictions on the Option or Award to which the Dividend Equivalent
Rights relate. In the event that the amount payable in respect of Dividend
Equivalent Rights are to be deferred, the Committee shall determine whether such
amounts are to be held in cash or reinvested in Shares or deemed (notionally) to
be reinvested in Shares. If amounts payable in respect of Dividend Equivalent
Rights are to be held in cash, there may be credited at the end of each year (or
portion thereof) interest on the amount of the account at the beginning of the
year at a rate per annum as the Committee, in its discretion, may determine.
Dividend Equivalent Rights may be settled in cash or Shares or a combination
thereof, in a single installment or multiple installments.



10.1   Grant. The Committee may grant Awards to Eligible Individuals of
Restricted Stock, which shall be evidenced by an Agreement between the Company
and the Grantee. Each Agreement shall contain such restrictions, terms and
conditions as the Committee may, in its discretion, determine and (without
limiting the generality of the foregoing) such Agreements may require that an
appropriate legend be placed on Share certificates. Awards of Restricted Stock
shall be subject to the terms and provisions set forth below in this Section 10.

10.2   Rights of Grantee. Shares of Restricted Stock granted pursuant to an
Award hereunder shall be issued in the name of the Grantee as soon as reasonably
practicable after the Award is granted provided that the Grantee has executed an
Agreement evidencing the Award, the appropriate blank stock powers and, in the
discretion of the Committee, an escrow agreement and any other documents which
the Committee may require as a condition to the issuance of such Shares. If a
Grantee shall fail to execute the Agreement evidencing a Restricted Stock Award,
the appropriate blank stock powers and, in the discretion of the Committee, an
escrow agreement and any other documents which the Committee may require within
the time period prescribed by the Committee at the time the Award is granted,
the Award shall be null and void. At the discretion of the Committee, Shares
issued in connection with a Restricted Stock Award shall be deposited together
with the stock powers with an escrow agent (which may be the Company) designated
by the Committee. Unless the Committee determines otherwise and as set forth in
the Agreement, upon delivery of the Shares to the escrow agent, the Grantee
shall have all of the rights of a stockholder with respect to such Shares,
including the right to vote the Shares and to receive all dividends or other
distributions paid or made with respect to the Shares.

10.3   Non-transferability. Until all restrictions upon the Shares of Restricted
Stock awarded to a Grantee shall have lapsed in the manner set forth in Section
10.4, such Shares shall not be sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of and
shall not be pledged or otherwise hypothecated, nor shall they be delivered to
the Grantee.

10.4  Lapse of Restrictions.

      (a)  Generally. Restrictions upon Shares of Restricted Stock awarded
      hereunder shall lapse at such time or times and on such terms and
      conditions as the Committee may determine. The Agreement evidencing the
      Award shall set forth any such restrictions.

      (b)   Effect of Change in Control. Unless the Committee shall determine
      otherwise at the time of the grant of an Award of Restricted Stock, the
      restrictions upon Shares of Restricted Stock shall lapse upon a Change in
      Control. The Agreement evidencing the Award shall set forth any such


10.5   Modification or Substitution. Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify outstanding Awards of Restricted Stock or accept the
surrender of outstanding Shares of Restricted Stock (to the extent the
restrictions on such Shares have not yet lapsed) and grant new Awards in
substitution for them. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no modification of an
Award shall adversely alter or impair any rights or obligations under the
Agreement without the Grantee's consent.

10.6   Treatment of Dividends. At the time an Award of Shares of Restricted
Stock is granted, the Committee may, in its discretion, determine that the
payment to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion thereof, declared or
paid on such Shares by the Company shall be (i) deferred until the lapsing of
the restrictions imposed upon such Shares and (ii) held by the Company for the
account of the Grantee until such time. In the event that dividends are to be
deferred, the Committee shall determine whether such dividends are to be
reinvested in shares of Stock (which shall be held as additional Shares of
Restricted Stock) or held in cash. If deferred dividends are to be held in cash,
there may be credited at the end of each year (or portion thereof) interest on
the amount of the account at the beginning of the year at a rate per annum as
the Committee, in its discretion, may determine. Payment of deferred dividends
in respect of Shares of Restricted Stock (whether held in cash or as additional
Shares of Restricted Stock), together with interest accrued thereon, if any,
shall be made upon the lapsing of restrictions imposed on the Shares in respect
of which the deferred dividends were paid, and any dividends deferred (together
with any interest accrued thereon) in respect of any Shares of Restricted Stock
shall be forfeited upon the forfeiture of such Shares.

10.7   Delivery of Shares. Upon the lapse of the restrictions on Shares of
Restricted Stock, the Committee shall cause a stock certificate to be delivered
to the Grantee with respect to such Shares, free of all restrictions hereunder.


11.1(a)   Performance Objectives. Performance Objectives for Performance Awards
may be expressed in terms of (i) earnings per Share, (ii) Share price, (iii)
pre-tax profits, (iv) net earnings, (v) return on equity or assets, (vi)
revenues, (vii) EBITDA, (viii) market share or market penetration or (ix) any
combination of the foregoing. Performance Objectives may be in respect of the
performance of the Company and its Subsidiaries (which may be on a consolidated
basis), a Subsidiary or a Division. Performance Objectives may be absolute or
relative and may be expressed in terms of a progression within a specified
range. The Performance Objectives with respect to a Performance Cycle shall be
established in writing by the Committee by the earlier of (i) the date on which
a quarter of the Performance Cycle has elapsed or (ii) the date which is ninety
(90) days after the commencement of the Performance Cycle, and in any event
while the performance relating to the Performance Objectives remain
substantially uncertain. At the time of the granting of a Performance Award and
to the extent permitted under Section 162(m) of the Code and the regulations
thereunder, the Committee may provide for the manner in which the Performance
Objectives will be measured to reflect the impact of specified corporate
transactions, extraordinary events, accounting changes and other similar events.


     (b)  Determination of Performance. Prior to the vesting, payment,
     settlement or lapsing of any restrictions with respect to any Performance
     Award made to a Grantee who is subject to Section 162(m) of the Code, the
     Committee shall certify in writing that the applicable Performance
     Objectives have been satisfied.

11.2      Performance Units. The Committee, in its discretion, may grant Awards
of Performance Units to Eligible Individuals, the terms and conditions of which
shall be set forth in an Agreement between the Company and the Grantee.
Performance Units may be denominated in Shares or a specified dollar amount and,
contingent upon the attainment of specified Performance Objectives within the
Performance Cycle, represent the right to receive payment as provided in Section
11.2(b) of (i) in the case of Share-denominated Performance Units, the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date the Performance Unit was granted, the date
the Performance Unit became vested or any other date specified by the Committee,
(ii) in the case of dollar-denominated Performance Units, the specified dollar
amount or (iii) a percentage (which may be more than 100%) of the amount
described in clause (i) or (ii) depending on the level of Performance Objective
attainment; provided, however, that, the Committee may at the time a Performance
Unit is granted specify a maximum amount payable in respect of a vested
Performance Unit. Each Agreement shall specify the number of Performance Units
to which it relates, the Performance Objectives which must be satisfied in order
for the Performance Units to vest and the Performance Cycle within which such
Performance Objectives must be satisfied.

     (a)  Vesting and Forfeiture. Subject to Sections 11.1(b) and 11.4, a
     Grantee shall become vested with respect to the Performance Units to the
     extent that the Performance Objectives set forth in the Agreement are
     satisfied for the Performance Cycle.

     (b)  Payment of Awards. Subject to Section 11.1(b), payment to Grantees in
     respect of vested Performance Units shall be made as soon as practicable
     after the last day of the Performance Cycle to which such Award relates
     unless the Agreement evidencing the Award provides for the deferral of
     payment, in which event the terms and conditions of the deferral shall be
     set forth in the Agreement. Subject to Section 11.4, such payments may be
     made entirely in Shares valued at their Fair Market Value as of the day
     preceding the date of payment or such other date specified by the
     Committee, entirely in cash, or in such combination of Shares and cash as
     the Committee in its discretion shall determine at any time prior to such
     payment; provided, however, that if the Committee in its discretion
     determines to make such payment entirely or partially in Shares of
     Restricted Stock, the Committee must determine the extent to which such
     payment will be in Shares of Restricted Stock and the terms of such
     Restricted Stock at the time the Award is granted.

11.3 Performance Shares. The Committee, in its discretion, may grant Awards of
Performance Shares to Eligible Individuals, the terms and conditions of which
shall be set forth in an Agreement between the Company and the Grantee. Each
Agreement may require that an appropriate legend be placed on Share
certificates. Awards of Performance Shares shall be subject to the following
terms and provisions:


     (a)  Rights of Grantee. The Committee shall provide at the time an Award of
     Performance Shares is made the time or times at which the actual Shares
     represented by such Award shall be issued in the name of the Grantee;
     provided, however, that no Performance Shares shall be issued until the
     Grantee has executed an Agreement evidencing the Award, the appropriate
     blank stock powers and, in the discretion of the Committee, an escrow
     agreement and any other documents which the Committee may require as a
     condition to the issuance of such Performance Shares. If a Grantee shall
     fail to execute the Agreement evidencing an Award of Performance Shares,
     the appropriate blank stock powers and, in the discretion of the Committee,
     an escrow agreement and any other documents that the Committee may require
     within the time period prescribed by the Committee at the time the Award is
     granted, the Award shall be null and void. At the discretion of the
     Committee, Shares issued in connection with an Award of Performance Shares
     shall be deposited together with the stock powers with an escrow agent
     (which may be the Company) designated by the Committee. Except as
     restricted by the terms of the Agreement, upon delivery of the Shares to
     the escrow agent, the Grantee shall have, in the discretion of the
     Committee, all of the rights of a stock-holder with respect to such Shares,
     including the right to vote the Shares and to receive all dividends or
     other distributions paid or made with respect to the Shares.

     (b)  Non-transferability. Until any restrictions upon the Performance
     Shares awarded to a Grantee shall have lapsed in the manner set forth in
     Sections 11.3(c) or 11.4, such Performance Shares shall not be sold,
     transferred or otherwise disposed of and shall not be pledged or otherwise
     hypothecated, nor shall they be delivered to the Grantee. The Committee may
     also impose such other restrictions and conditions on the Performance
     Shares, if any, as it deems appropriate.

     (c)  Lapse of Restrictions. Subject to Sections 11.1(b) and 11.4,
     restrictions upon Performance Shares awarded hereunder shall lapse and such
     Performance Shares shall become vested at such time or times and on such
     terms, conditions and satisfaction of Performance Objectives as the
     Committee may, in its discretion, determine at the time an Award is

     (d)  Treatment of Dividends. At the time the Award of Performance Shares is
     granted, the Committee may, in its discretion, determine that the payment
     to the Grantee of dividends, or a specified portion thereof, declared or
     paid on actual Shares represented by such Award which have been issued by
     the Company to the Grantee shall be (i) deferred until the lapsing of the
     restrictions imposed upon such Performance Shares and (ii) held by the
     Company for the account of the Grantee until such time. In the event that
     dividends are to be deferred, the Committee shall determine whether such
     dividends are to be reinvested in shares of Stock (which shall be held as
     additional Performance Shares) or held in cash. If deferred dividends are
     to be held in cash, there may be credited at the end of each year (or
     portion thereof) interest on the amount of the account at the beginning of
     the year at a rate per annum as the Committee, in its discretion, may
     determine. Payment of deferred dividends in respect of


       Performance Shares (whether held in cash or in additional Performance
       Shares), together with interest accrued thereon, if any, shall be made
       upon the lapsing of restrictions imposed on the Performance Shares in
       respect of which the deferred dividends were paid, and any dividends
       deferred (together with any interest accrued thereon)in respect of any
       Performance Shares shall be forfeited upon the forfeiture of such
       Performance Shares.

       (e) Delivery of Shares. Upon the lapse of the restrictions on Performance
       Shares awarded hereunder, the Committee shall cause a stock certificate
       to be delivered to the Grantee with respect to such Shares, free of all
       restrictions hereunder.

11.4   Effect of Change in Control.  In the event of a Change in Control:

       (a) With respect to Performance Units, the Grantee shall (i) become
       vested in a percentage of Performance Units as determined by the
       Committee at the time of the Award of such Performance Units and as set
       forth in the Agreement and (ii) be entitled to receive in respect of all
       Performance Units, which become vested as a result of a Change in Control
       a cash payment within ten (10) days after such Change in Control in an
       amount as determined by the Committee at the time of the Award of such
       Performance Unit and as set forth in the Agreement.

       (b) With respect to Performance Shares, restrictions shall lapse
       immediately on all or a portion of the Performance Shares as determined
       by the Committee at the time of the Award of such Performance Shares and
       as set forth in the Agreement.

       (c) The Agreements evidencing Performance Shares and Performance Units
       shall provide for the treatment of such Awards (or portions thereof)
       which do not become vested as the result of a Change in Control,
       including, but not limited to, provisions for the adjustment of
       applicable Performance Objectives.

11.5   Modification or Substitution. Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee may modify outstanding Performance Awards or accept the surrender of
outstanding Performance Awards and grant new Performance Awards in substitution
for them. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no modification of a Performance Award
shall adversely alter or impair any rights or obligations under the Agreement
without the Grantee's consent.


       The Agreement evidencing the grant of each Option and each Award shall
set forth the terms and conditions applicable to such Option or Award upon a
termination or change in the status of the employment of the Optionee or Grantee
by the Company, a Subsidiary or a Division (including a termination or change by
reason of the sale of a Subsidiary or a Division), which, except for Director
Options, shall be as the Committee may, in its discretion, determine at the time
the Option or Award is granted or thereafter.



      (a)  In the event of a Change in Capitalization, the Committee shall
conclusively determine the appropriate adjustments, if any, to (i) the maximum
number and class of Shares or other stock or securities with respect to which
Options or Awards may be granted under the Plan, (ii) the maximum number and
class of Shares or other stock or securities with respect to which Options or
Awards may be granted to any Eligible Individual during the term of the Plan,
(iii) the number and class of Shares or other stock or securities which are
subject to outstanding Options or Awards granted under the Plan and the purchase
price therefor, if applicable, (iv) the number and class of Shares or other
securities in respect of which Director Options are to be granted under Section
6 and (v) the Performance Objectives.

     (b)   Any such adjustment in the Shares or other stock or securities
     subject to outstanding Incentive Stock Options (including any adjustments
     in the purchase price) shall be made in such manner as not to constitute a
     modification as defined by Section 424(h)(3) of the Code and only to the
     extent otherwise permitted by Sections 422 and 424 of the Code.

     (c)   If, by reason of a Change in Capitalization, a Grantee of an Award
     shall be entitled to, or an Optionee shall be entitled to exercise an
     Option with respect to, new, additional or different shares of stock or
     securities, such new, additional or different shares shall thereupon be
     subject to all of the conditions, restrictions and performance criteria
     that were applicable to the Shares subject to the Award or Option, as the
     case may be, prior to such Change in Capitalization.


     Subject to Sections 7.4, 8.7, 10.4(b) and 11.4 or as otherwise provided in
an Agreement, in the event of (i) the liquidation or dissolution of the Company
or (ii) a merger or consolidation of the Company (a "Transaction"), the Plan and
the Options and Awards issued hereunder shall continue in effect in accordance
with their respective terms, except that following a Transaction each Optionee
and Grantee shall be entitled to receive in respect of each Share subject to any
outstanding Options or Awards, as the case may be, upon exercise of any Option
or payment or transfer in respect of any Award, the same number and kind of
stock, securities, cash, property or other consideration that each holder of a
Share was entitled to receive in the Transaction in respect of a Share;
provided, however, that such stock, securities, cash, property, or other
consideration shall remain subject to all of the conditions, restrictions and
performance criteria that were applicable to the Options and Awards prior to
such Transaction.


     Following the required registration of any equity security of the Company
pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act:


     (a)  The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the
     Exchange Act and the Committee shall interpret and administer the
     provisions of the Plan or any Agreement in a manner consistent therewith.
     Any provisions inconsistent with such Rule shall be inoperative and shall
     not affect the validity of the Plan.

     (b) Unless otherwise expressly stated in the relevant Agreement, each
     Option, Stock Appreciation Right and Performance Award granted under the
     Plan is intended to be performance-based compensation within the meaning of
     Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code. The Committee shall not be entitled to
     exercise any discretion otherwise authorized hereunder with respect to such
     Options or Awards if the ability to exercise such discretion or the
     exercise of such discretion itself would cause the compensation
     attributable to such Options or Awards to fail to qualify as performance-
     based compensation.


     Notwithstanding anything contained in the Plan or any Agreement to the
contrary, in the event of a Change in Control which is also intended to
constitute a Pooling Transaction, the Committee may take such actions, if any,
as are specifically recommended by an independent accounting firm retained by
the Company to the extent reasonably necessary in order to assure that the
Pooling Transaction will qualify as such, including but not limited to (i)
deferring the vesting, exercise, payment, settlement or lapsing of restrictions
with respect to any Option or Award, (ii) providing that the payment or
settlement in respect of any Option or Award be made in the form of cash, Shares
or securities of a successor or acquirer of the Company, or a combination of the
foregoing, and (iii) providing for the extension of the term of any Option or
Award to the extent necessary to accommodate the foregoing, but not beyond the
maximum term permitted for any Option or Award.


     The Plan does not have a fixed termination date, provided that no Incentive
Stock Option shall be granted hereunder subsequent to August 29, 2011. The Board
may terminate the Plan and the Board may at any time and from time to time
amend, modify or suspend the Plan; provided, however, that:

     (a)  no such amendment, modification, suspension or termination shall
     impair or adversely alter any Options or Awards theretofore granted under
     the Plan, except with the consent of the Optionee or Grantee, nor shall any
     amendment, modification, suspension or termination deprive any Optionee or
     Grantee of any Shares which he or he may have acquired through or as a
     result of the Plan; and

     (b)  to the extent necessary under applicable law, no amendment shall be
     effective unless approved by the stockholders of the Company in accordance
     with applicable law.



          The adoption of the Plan by the Board shall not be construed as
      amending, modifying or rescinding any previously approved incentive
      arrangement or as creating any limitations on the power of the Board to
      adopt such other incentive arrangements as it may deem desirable,
      including, without limitation, the granting of stock options otherwise
      than under the Plan, and such arrangements may be either applicable
      generally or only in specific cases.


      As illustrative of the limitations of liability of the Company, but not
intended to be exhaustive thereof, nothing in the Plan shall be construed to:

      (i)   give any person any right to be granted an Option or Award other
      than at the sole discretion of the Committee;

      (ii)  give any person any rights whatsoever with respect to Shares except
      as specifically provided in the Plan;

      (iii) limit in any way the right of the Company or any Subsidiary to
      terminate the employment of any person at any time; or

      (iv)  be evidence of any agreement or understanding, expressed or implied,
      that the Company will employ any person at any particular rate of
      compensation or for any particular period of time.


20.1  Except as to matters of federal law, the Plan and the rights of all
persons claiming here-under shall be construed and determined in accordance with
the laws of the State of Texas without giving effect to conflicts of laws
principles thereof.

20.2  The obligation of the Company to sell or deliver Shares with respect to
Options and Awards granted under the Plan shall be subject to all applicable
laws, rules and regulations, including all applicable federal and state
securities laws, and the obtaining of all such approvals by governmental
agencies as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee.

20.3  The Board may make such changes as may be necessary or appropriate to
comply with the rules and regulations of any government authority, or to obtain
for Eligible Individuals granted Incentive Stock Options the tax benefits under
the applicable provisions of the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder.


20.4   Each Option and Award is subject to the requirement that, if at any time
the Committee determines, in its discretion, that the listing, registration or
qualification of Shares issuable pursuant to the Plan is required by any
securities exchange or under any state or federal law, or the consent or
approval of any governmental regulatory body is necessary or desirable as a
condition of, or in connection with, the grant of an Option or Award or the
issuance of Shares, no Options or Awards shall be granted or payment made or
Shares issued, in whole or in part, unless listing, registration, qualification,
consent or approval has been effected or obtained free of any conditions as
acceptable to the Committee.

20.5   Notwithstanding anything contained in the Plan or any Agreement to the
contrary, in the event that the disposition of Shares acquired pursuant to the
Plan is not covered by a then current registration statement under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and is not otherwise
exempt from such registration, such Shares shall be restricted against transfer
to the extent required by the Securities Act and Rule 144 or other regulations
thereunder. The Committee may require any individual receiving Shares pursuant
to an Option or Award granted under the Plan, as a condition precedent to
receipt of such Shares, to represent and warrant to the Company in writing that
the Shares acquired by such individual are acquired without a view to any
distribution thereof and will not be sold or transferred other than pursuant to
an effective registration thereof under said Act or pursuant to an exemption
applicable under the Securities Act or the rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder. The certificates evidencing any of such Shares shall be
appropriately amended to reflect their status as restricted securities as


21.1   Multiple Agreements. The terms of each Option or Award may differ from
other Options or Awards granted under the Plan at the same time, or at some
other time. The Committee may also grant more than one Option or Award to a
given Eligible Individual during the term of the Plan, either in addition to, or
in substitution for, one or more Options or Awards previously granted to that
Eligible Individual.

21.2   Withholding of Taxes.

       (a) At such times as an Optionee or Grantee recognizes taxable income in
       connection with the receipt of Shares or cash hereunder (a "Taxable
       Event"), the Optionee or Grantee shall pay to the Company an amount equal
       to the federal, state and local income taxes and other amounts as may be
       required by law to be withheld by the Company in connection with the
       Taxable Event (the "With- holding Taxes") prior to the issuance, or
       release from escrow, of such Shares or the payment of such cash. The
       Company shall have the right to deduct from any payment of cash to an
       Optionee or Grantee an amount equal to the Withholding Taxes in
       satisfaction of the obligation to pay Withholding Taxes. In satisfaction
       of the obligation to pay Withholding Taxes to the Company, the Optionee
       or Grantee may make a written election (the "Tax Election"), which may be
       accepted or rejected in the discretion of the Committee, to have withheld
       a portion of the Shares then issuable to him or her having


       an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to the Withholding Taxes.

       (b) If an Optionee makes a disposition, within the meaning of Section
       424(c) of the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder, of any Share
       or Shares issued to such Optionee pursuant to the exercise of an
       Incentive Stock Option within the two-year period commencing on the day
       after the date of the grant or within the one-year period commencing on
       the day after the date of transfer of such Share or Shares to the
       Optionee pursuant to such exercise, the Optionee shall, within ten (10)
       days of such disposition, notify the Company thereof, by delivery of
       written notice to the Company at its principal executive office.

21.3   Effective Date. The effective date of this Plan shall be as determined by
the Board, subject only to the approval by the affirmative vote of the holders
of a majority of the securities of the Company present, or represented, and
entitled to vote at a meeting of stockholders duly held in accordance with the
applicable laws of the State of Nevada within twelve (12) months of the adoption
of the Plan by the Board.

21.4   Former Plans. The Company is adopting this Plan for the purposes set
forth herein and to supplement its two existing stock incentive plans consisting
of a plan for key-employees and a plan for non-employee directors and
consultants (the "Former Plans") pursuant to which the Company has outstanding
options with varying exercise prices and expiration dates. Subject to all
applicable regulations including but not limited to tax, accounting, financial
and SEC reporting and the absence of adverse consequences of prohibitions
thereunder, the Committee may consider the conversion of, or the cancellation
and replacement of, options outstanding under the Former Plans to options under
this Plan for the same number of shares and with the same expiration date and
exercise prices as provided for in the Former Plans or any prior option


                                REVOCABLE PROXY
                          DYNACQ INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                      10304 INTERSTATE 10 EAST, SUITE 369
                             HOUSTON, TEXAS 77029


     The undersigned hereby appoints Chiu Moon Chan and Philip S. Chan, or
either of them, with full power of substitution, attorneys and proxies of the
undersigned, with all the powers that the undersigned would possess if
personally present to cast all votes that the undersigned would be entitled to
vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Dynacq International, Inc. (the
"Company") to be held on August 29, 2000, in the conference room of the
Company's Professional Building located at 4301-A Vista, Pasadena, Texas 77504,
at 10:00 a.m., Houston time, and any and all adjournments or postponements
thereof and directs them to vote as follows:

(1)  The election of the nominees listed below to serve on the Board of
     Directors until the Year 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until their
     respective successors are duly elected and qualified:

     [_]  FOR the nominees listed below          [_] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote
          (Except as indicated to                    for all nominees
           the contrary below)

Chiu Chan, Philip S. Chan, Stephen L. Huber and Earl R. Votaw

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write
the nominee's name on the

(2)  Approval of the Dynacq International, Inc. Year-2000 Stock Incentive Plan.

     [_]    FOR       [_]    AGAINST         [_]     ABSTAIN

(3)  Ratification of the selection of Kenneth Wood  & Associates, P.C. as
     independent auditors of the Company for the fiscal year ending August 31,

     [_]    FOR       [_]    AGAINST         [_]     ABSTAIN

(4)  With discretionary authority on any other matter which may properly come
     before the meeting.

     You are encouraged to specify your choices by making the appropriate boxes
above, but you need not mark any boxes if you wish to vote in accordance with
the Board of Directors' recommendations. This Proxy will be voted as specified.


                             PLEASE DATE AND SIGN

           DATED: AUGUST __________________________________________  , 2000

- ------------------------------------    --------------------------------------
(Print Full Name of Shareholder)        (Signature of Shareholder)

- ------------------------------------    --------------------------------------
(Insert title of above signatory if     (Signature of Shareholder if Stock is
shareholder is not an individual)       Jointly Held)

No postage required if returned in the enclosed envelope and mailed in the
United States. Shareholders who are present at the meeting may withdraw their
Proxy and vote in person if they so desire.