EXHIBIT (8)(ee)(iv)

              Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust
                      Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc.
                     American General Life Insurance Company

The participation agreement, dated as of May 1, 2000, by and among Franklin
Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust, Franklin Templeton Distributors,
Inc. and American General Life Insurance Company (the "Agreement") is hereby
amended as follows:

     Schedules C, D and F of the Agreement are hereby deleted in their entirety
     and replaced with the Schedules C, D and F attached hereto, respectively.

All other terms and provisions of the Agreement not amended herein shall remain
in full force and effect.

Effective Date as of May 14, 2002.

Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust

Name:  Karen L. Skidmore
Title: Assistant Vice President

Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc.

Name:  Philip J. Kearns
Title: Vice President

American General Life Insurance Company


                                   SCHEDULE C


Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust           Investment Adviser
- ----------------------------------------------------           ------------------
Templeton Developing Markets Securities Fund-Class 2           Templeton Asset Management, Ltd.
Templeton Asset Strategy Fund-Class 2                          Templeton Investment Counsel, Inc.
Templeton Foreign Securities Fund-Class 2                      Templeton Investment Counsel, Inc.
Franklin Small Cap Fund-Class 2                                Franklin Advisers, Inc.
Franklin U.S. Government Fund-Class 2                          Franklin Advisers, Inc.
Mutual Shares Securities Fund-Class 2                          Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC


                                   SCHEDULE D

                            CONTRACTS OF THE COMPANY

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                CONTRACT 1                      CONTRACT 2                       CONTRACT 3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONTRACT/PRODUCT NAME       Platinum Investor Variable      Legacy Plus VUL                  AG Legacy Plus VUL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REGISTERED (Y/N)            Yes                             Yes                              Yes
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER     333-70667                       333-53909                        333-89897
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPRESENTATIVE FORM         98020                           98615                            99616
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEPARATE ACCOUNT            American General Life           American General Life            American General Life
NAME/DATE ESTABLISHED       Insurance Company Separate      Insurance Company Separate       Insurance Company Separate
                            Account D - November 19, 1993   Account VL-R - May 6, 1997       Account VL-R - May 6, 1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER     811-02441                       811-08561                        811-08561
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PORTFOLIOS AND CLASSES      Templeton Asset Strategy Fund   Templeton Developing Markets     Templeton International
                            - Class 2                       Securities Fund - Class 2        Securities Fund - Class 2

                            Templeton International         Templeton International          Franklin Small Cap Fund -
                            Securities Fund - Class 2       Securities Fund - Class 2        Class 2

                                                            Franklin Small Cap Fund -
                                                            Class 2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               SCHEDULE D CONT.

                           CONTRACTS OF THE COMPANY

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      CONTRACT 4                      CONTRACT 5                       CONTRACT 6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONTRACT/PRODUCT NAME       The One VUL Solution            Platinum Investor I and II VUL   Platinum Investor III VUL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REGISTERED (Y/N)            Yes                             Yes                              Yes
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER     333-87307                       333-42567                        333-43264
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPRESENTATIVE FORM         99615                           97600                            00600
NUMBERS                                                     97610
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEPARATE ACCOUNT            American General Life           American General Life            American General Life
NAME/DATE ESTABLISHED       Insurance Company Separate      Insurance Company Separate       Insurance Company Separate
                            Account VL-R - May 6, 1997      Account VL-R - May 6, 1997       Account VL-R - May 6, 1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER     811-08561                       811-08561                        811-08561
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PORTFOLIOS AND CLASSES      Templeton Developing Markets    Franklin U.S. Government         Franklin U.S. Government
                            Securities Fund - Class 2       Fund--Class 2                    Fund--Class 2

                            Franklin Small Cap Fund -       Mutual Shares Securities         Mutual Shares Securities
                            Class 2                         Fund--Class 2                    Fund--Class 2

                                                            Templeton International          Templeton International
                                                            Securities Fund--Class 2         Securities Fund--Class 2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               SCHEDULE D CONT.

                           CONTRACTS OF THE COMPANY

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      CONTRACT 7                      CONTRACT 8                       CONTRACT 9
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONTRACT/PRODUCT NAME       Platinum Investor Survivor VUL  Platinum Investor Survivor II    Platinum Investor PLUS VUL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REGISTERED (Y/N)            Yes                             Yes                              Yes
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER     333-90787                       333-65170                        333-82892
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPRESENTATIVE FORM         99206                           01206                            02600
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEPARATE ACCOUNT            American General Life           American General Life            American General Life
NAME/DATE ESTABLISHED       Insurance Company Separate      Insurance Company Separate       Insurance Company Separate
                            Account VL-R - May 6, 1997      Account VL-R - May 6, 1997       Account VL-R - May 6, 1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER     811-08561                       811-08561                        811-08561
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PORTFOLIOS AND CLASSES      Franklin U.S. Government        Franklin U.S. Government         Franklin U.S. Government
                            Fund--Class 2                    Fund--Class 2                   Fund--Class 2

                            Mutual Shares Securities        Mutual Shares Securities         Mutual Shares Securities
                            Fund--Class 2                    Fund--Class 2                   Fund--Class 2

                            Templeton International         Templeton International          Templeton Foreign Securities
                            Securities Fund--Class 2         Securities Fund--Class 2        Fund--Class 2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   SCHEDULE F

                                RULE 12B-1 PLANS


Each Portfolio named below shall pay the following amounts pursuant to the terms
and conditions referenced below under its Class 2 Rule 12b-1 Distribution Plan,
stated as a percentage per year of Class 2's average daily net assets
represented by shares of Class 2.

PORTFOLIO NAME                                       MAXIMUM ANNUAL PAYMENT RATE
- --------------                                       ---------------------------

Franklin Small Cap Fund                                       0.25%
Templeton Asset Strategy Fund                                 0.25%
Templeton Developing Markets Securities Fund                  0.25%
Templeton Foreign Securities Fund                             0.25%
Franklin U.S. Government Fund                                 0.25%
Mutual Shares Securities Fund                                 0.25%
Templeton International Securities Fund                       0.25%


     If the Company, on behalf of any Account, purchases Trust Portfolio shares
("Eligible Shares") which are subject to a Rule 12b-1 plan adopted under the
1940 Act (the "Plan"), the Company may participate in the Plan.

     To the extent the Company or its affiliates, agents or designees
(collectively "you") provide any activity or service which is primarily intended
to assist in the promotion, distribution or account servicing of Eligible Shares
("Rule 12b-1 Services") or variable contracts offering Eligible Shares, the
Underwriter, the Trust or their affiliates (collectively, "we") may pay you a
Rule 12b-1 fee. "Rule 12b-1 Services" may include, but are not limited to,
printing of prospectuses and reports used for sales purposes, preparing and
distributing sales literature and related expenses, advertisements, education of
dealers and their representatives, and similar distribution-related expenses,
furnishing personal services to owners of Contracts which may invest in Eligible
Shares ("Contract Owners"), education of Contract Owners, answering routine
inquiries regarding a Portfolio, coordinating responses to Contract Owner
inquiries regarding the Portfolios, maintaining such accounts or providing such
other enhanced services as a Trust Portfolio or Contract may require, or
providing other services eligible for service fees as defined under NASD rules.
Your acceptance of such compensation is your acknowledgment that eligible
services have been rendered. All Rule 12b-1 fees, shall be based on the value of
Eligible Shares owned by the Company on behalf of its Accounts, and shall be
calculated on the basis and at the rates set forth in the Compensation Schedule
stated above. The aggregate annual fees paid pursuant to each Plan shall not
exceed the amounts stated as the "annual maximums" in the Portfolio's
prospectus, unless an increase is approved by shareholders as provided in the
Plan. These maximums shall be a specified percent of the value of a Portfolio's
net assets attributable to Eligible Shares owned by the Company on behalf of its
Accounts (determined in the same manner as the Portfolio uses to compute its net
assets as set forth in its effective Prospectus).


The Rule 12b-1 fee will be paid to you within thirty (30) days after the end of
the three-month periods ending in January, April, July and October.

     You shall furnish us with such information as shall reasonably be requested
by the Trust's Boards of Trustees ("Trustees") with respect to the Rule 12b-1
fees paid to you pursuant to the Plans. We shall furnish to the Trustees, for
their review on a quarterly basis, a written report of the amounts expended
under the Plans and the purposes for which such expenditures were made.

     The Plans and provisions of any agreement relating to such Plans must be
approved annually by a vote of the Trustees, including the Trustees who are not
interested persons of the Trust and who have no financial interest in the Plans
or any related agreement ("Disinterested Trustees"). Each Plan may be terminated
at any time by the vote of a majority of the Disinterested Trustees, or by a
vote of a majority of the outstanding shares as provided in the Plan, on sixty
(60) days' written notice, without payment of any penalty. The Plans may also be
terminated by any act that terminates the Underwriting Agreement between the
Underwriter and the Trust, and/or the management or administration agreement
between Franklin Advisers, Inc. and its affiliates and the Trust. Continuation
of the Plans is also conditioned on Disinterested Trustees being ultimately
responsible for selecting and nominating any new Disinterested Trustees. Under
Rule 12b-1, the Trustees have a duty to request and evaluate, and persons who
are party to any agreement related to a Plan have a duty to furnish, such
information as may reasonably be necessary to an informed determination of
whether the Plan or any agreement should be implemented or continued. Under Rule
12b-1, the Trust is permitted to implement or continue Plans or the provisions
of any agreement relating to such Plans from year-to-year only if, based on
certain legal considerations, the Trustees are able to conclude that the Plans
will benefit each affected Trust Portfolio and class. Absent such yearly
determination, the Plans must be terminated as set forth above. In the event of
the termination of the Plans for any reason, the provisions of this Schedule F
relating to the Plans will also terminate. You agree that your selling
agreements with persons or entities through whom you intend to distribute
Contracts will provide that compensation paid to such persons or entities may be
reduced if a Portfolio's Plan is no longer effective or is no longer applicable
to such Portfolio or class of shares available under the Contracts.

Any obligation assumed by the Trust pursuant to this Agreement shall be limited
in all cases to the assets of the Trust and no person shall seek satisfaction
thereof from shareholders of the Trust. You agree to waive payment of any
amounts payable to you by Underwriter under a Plan until such time as the
Underwriter has received such fee from the Trust.

The provisions of the Plans shall control over the provisions of the
Participation Agreement, including this Schedule F, in the event of any

You agree to provide complete disclosure as required by all applicable statutes,
rules and regulations of all rule 12b-1 fees received from us in the prospectus
of the Contracts.
