Exhibit 99.3

                                    No. W-004 For the Purchase of 250,000 Shares

     This Warrant has not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or
     the laws of any state and may not be transferred in the absence of (a) an
     effective registration statement for this Warrant under the Securities Act
     of 1933 and applicable state laws or (b) an opinion of counsel satisfactory
     to the Company that such registration is not required. This Warrant is
     subject to other limitations on transfer.


     This certifies that for value received, William E. Pritchard, III, or
registered assigns (the "Holder"), is entitled, subject to the terms and
conditions of this Warrant, at anytime or from time to time during the Exercise
Period (as hereinafter defined), to purchase up to 250,000 shares of common
stock, $0.10 par value ("Common Stock"), of VAALCO Energy, Inc. a Delaware
corporation (the "Company") (the shares of Common Stock issuable upon exercise
of this Warrant being referred to herein as the "Warrant Shares"). This Warrant
is issued in conjunction with the Employment Agreement, dated effective
September 1, 1996, between the Holder and the Company.

     1.   Form of Election.

          The form of election to purchase shares of Common Stock (the "Form of
          Election") shall be substantially as set forth in Exhibit A attached
          hereto. The price per Warrant Share and the number of Warrant Shares
          issuable upon exercise of this Warrant are subject to adjustment upon
          the occurrence of certain events, all as hereinafter provided.

     2.   Exercise Period; Exercise of Warrant.

          2.1  Exercise Period. Subject to the terms of this Warrant, the Holder
               shall have the right, which may be exercised at any time or from
               time to time during the Exercise Period, to purchase from the
               Company the number of fully paid and nonassessable Warrant Shares
               this Warrant at the time represents the right to purchase, and,
               in the event that this Warrant is exercised in respect of fewer
               than all of the Warrant Shares purchasable on such exercise, a
               new warrant evidencing the remaining Warrant Shares that may be
               purchased shall be signed, issued and delivered by the Company to
               the Holder pursuant to the provisions of this Section 2. The term
               "Exercise Period" shall mean the period commencing on the
               effective date hereof and terminating at 5:00 p.m., Houston,
               Texas time, on September 1, 2001.

          2.2  Exercise of Warrant. This Warrant may be exercised upon surrender
               to the Company at its principal office of this Warrant, together
               with Form of Election duly completed and signed, and upon payment
               to the Company of the Warrant Price (as defined in and determined
               in accordance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 9 hereof) for
               the number of Warrant Shares in respect of which this Warrant is
               then exercised. Payment of the aggregate Warrant Price with
               respect to the portion of this Warrant being exercised shall be
               made in cash, or by certified or official bank check, payable to
               the order of the Company.

               Subject to Section 6 hereof, upon the surrender of this Warrant
               and payment of the Warrant Price as set forth above, the Company
               shall issue and cause to be delivered to the Holder or, upon the
               written order of the Holder and subject to

               Section 5 hereof, to and in such name or names as the Holder may
               designate, a certificate or certificates for the number of full
               Warrant Shares so purchased upon the exercise of this Warrant
               together with cash in respect of any fractional Warrant Share
               otherwise issuable upon such surrender as provided in Section 10
               hereof. Such certificate or certificates shall be deemed to have
               been issued and any person so designated to be named therein
               shall be deemed to have become a holder of record of such Warrant
               Shares as of the date of the surrender of this Warrant and
               payment of the Warrant Price, as aforesaid.

     3.   Warrant Price.

          The price per share at which Warrant Shares shall be purchasable upon
          exercise of this Warrant initially shall be $2.50 and shall be subject
          to adjustment pursuant to Section 9 hereof (such price as so adjusted
          is referred to herein as the "Warrant Price").

     4.   Exchange of Warrant.

          In connection with a permitted transfer in accordance with Section 5
          hereof, this Warrant may be exchanged at the option of the Holder
          thereof when surrendered at the principal office of the Company for
          another warrant, or other warrants of different denominations, of like
          tenor and representing in the aggregate the right to purchase a like
          number of Warrant Shares as this Warrant then entitles such Holder to
          purchase. Any Holder desiring to exchange this Warrant shall make such
          request in writing delivered to the Company, and shall surrender this
          Warrant. Thereupon the Company shall sign and deliver to the person
          entitled thereto a new warrant or warrants, as the case may be, as so

     5.   No Registration of Warrant; Restriction on Transfer.

          This Warrant may not be transferred to any person other than a person
          who controls or is controlled by or is under common control with the
          Holder, unless the Company consents in writing to such transfer, and
          any such transfer shall be subject to all restrictions contained in
          this Section 5. "Control" and any such transfer means the power to
          direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such
          person whether by voting control, contract or otherwise. Prior to any
          such permitted transfer, the Holder will cause the transferee to
          execute and deliver to the Company an instrument, in form and
          substance satisfactory to the Company, binding such transferee to the
          terms and conditions of this Warrant.

          This Warrant and the Warrant Shares have not been registered under the
          Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"), or any applicable
          state securities laws. The Holder, by acceptance hereof, agrees that
          this Warrant has been, and upon exercise hereof any Warrant Shares
          will be, acquired for investment and not with a view to distribution
          or resale and, in addition to other restrictions on transfer contained
          herein, may not be transferred without an effective registration
          statement for this Warrant or the Warrant Shares under the Act and
          applicable state securities laws or an opinion of counsel satisfactory
          to the Company that registration is not required thereunder. Unless
          registered, any Warrant Shares shall bear the following legend:

               The securities represented by this certificate have not been
               registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or the laws of any
               state and may not be


               transferred in the absence of (a) an effective registration
               statement for the securities under the Securities Act of 1933 and
               applicable state laws or (b) an opinion of counsel satisfactory
               to the Company that such registration is not required. The
               securities represented by this certificate are also subject to
               certain other restrictions on transfer pursuant to the terms of
               that certain Stock Purchase Warrant to Purchase Shares of Common
               Stock of VAALCO Energy, Inc. (No. W-003), dated effective
               September 1, 1996. Copies of such agreement may be obtained upon
               written request to the Secretary of the Company.

          The Holder has such knowledge and experience in financial and business
          matters that it is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the
          investment involved in the purchase of the Warrant. The Holder has
          been advised by the Company (i) of the applicable limitations upon the
          resale of the Warrant and the Warrant Shares, including the
          restrictions on transfer contained in this Section 5, (ii) that the
          Warrant is not and the Warrant Shares are not registered under the Act
          and must be held indefinitely unless the Warrant or the Warrant
          Shares, as the case may be, are subsequently registered under the Act
          or an exemption from registration is available, (iii) that any routine
          sale of the Warrant or the Warrant Shares made in reliance upon Rule
          144 as promulgated under the Act ("Rule 144") can be made only after
          the Warrant or the Warrant Shares, as the case may be, have been held
          at least two years and only in limited amounts in accordance with the
          terms and conditions of Rule 144 and at times when Rule 144 is
          available, and (iv) that the availability of Rule 144 for sales of the
          Warrant or the Warrant Shares is dependent, among other factors, on
          matters not within the control of the Holder. The Holder represents
          that it is fully familiar with the circumstances under which it is
          required to hold the Warrant and the Warrants Shares and the
          limitations upon the transfer or the disposition thereof. The Holder
          acknowledges that the Company is relying upon the truth and accuracy
          of the foregoing representations and warranties in issuing the Warrant
          to the Holder.

          The Holder understands that the transfer agent for the Common Stock
          will be instructed to place a stop transfer notation in the stock
          records in respect of any certificates issued by the Company
          representing the Warrant Shares, and the Holder consents and agrees to
          the placing of such stop transfer order.

          The Holder represents that it is familiar with the business and
          financial condition of the Company and acknowledges that it has been
          afforded the opportunity to obtain any additional information,
          including the opportunity to ask questions of and receive answers,
          from officers and representatives of the Company. The Holder
          acknowledges that it has requested and received all information
          regarding the Company that the Holder deems relevant to its
          investigation of the Company, including but not limited to certain
          reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange
          Commission, and has made such inspections of the Company and its
          facilities and records, and has consulted with the Company's officers,
          employees, attorneys and agents for the purpose of determining the
          accuracy of the representations and warranties and the compliance with
          the covenants made herein by the Company to the extent it deems

          The Company shall not be required to register this Warrant or the
          Warrant Shares under the Act or under any state laws.


     6.   Payment of Taxes.

          The Company will pay when due and payable any and all U.S. federal and
          state transfer taxes and charges that may be payable in respect of the
          issuance or delivery to the Holder of this Warrant or of any Warrant
          Shares upon the exercise of this Warrant. The Company shall not,
          however, be required to pay any transfer tax that may be payable in
          respect of any transfer involved in the transfer or delivery of this
          Warrant or the issuance or delivery of certificates for Warrant Shares
          in the name other than that of the Holder or to issue or deliver any
          certificates for Warrant Shares upon the exercise of this Warrant
          until such tax shall have been paid (any such tax being payable by the
          Holder at the time of surrender) or until it has been established to
          the Company's satisfaction that no such tax is due.

     7.   Mutilated or Missing Warrant

          In case this Warrant shall be mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed,
          the Company may, in its discretion, execute, issue and deliver in
          exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of the mutilated
          Warrant, or in lieu of and substitution for the Warrant lost, stolen
          or destroyed, a new warrant of like tenor and representing an
          equivalent right or interest; but only upon receipt of evidence
          satisfactory to the Company of such loss, theft or destruction of this
          Warrant and indemnity, if requested, satisfactory to the Company. The
          Holder requesting such a substitute warrant shall also comply with
          such other reasonable regulations and pay such other reasonable
          charges as the Company may prescribe.

     8.   Reservation of Warrant Shares; Purchase of Warrant by the Company.

          8.1  Reservation of Warrant Shares. The Company shall at all times
               reserve for issuance from its authorized and unissued shares of
               Common Stock (i) the number of shares of Common Stock needed for
               issuance upon the exercise of this Warrant plus (ii) the number
               of shares of Common Stock required to be reserved for all other
               purposes. The Company covenants that all shares of Common Stock
               issuable as herein provided shall, when so issued, be duly and
               validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, and free from all
               taxes, liens and charges with respect thereto.

          8.2  Purchase of Warrant by the Company. The Company shall not be
               prohibited, except as limited by law or any other agreement, from
               offering to purchase, purchasing or otherwise acquiring this
               Warrant from any holder thereof at such times, in such manner and
               for such consideration as the Company and such holder may agree

          8.3  Cancellation of Purchased or Acquired Warrant If the Company
               shall purchase or otherwise acquire this Warrant, the same shall
               thereupon be canceled and retired.


     9.   Adjustment of Warrant Price and Number of Warrant Shares.

          The number and kind of securities purchasable upon the exercise of
          this Warrant and the Warrant Price shall be subject to adjustment from
          time to time upon the happening of certain events, as hereinafter

          9.1  Mechanical Adjustments. The number of Warrant Shares purchasable
          upon the exercise of this Warrant and the Warrant Price shall be
          subject to adjustment as follows:

               (a)  If the Company shall at any time after the date of this
                    Warrant (i) pay a dividend in shares of Common Stock or make
                    a distribution in shares of Common Stock, (ii) subdivide its
                    outstanding shares of Common Stock, (iii) combine its
                    outstanding shares, of Common Stock into a smaller number of
                    shares of Common Stock or (iv) issue by reclassification of
                    its shares of Common Stock other securities of the Company
                    (including any such reclassification in connection with a
                    consolidation or merger in which the Company is the
                    continuing corporation), then the number of Warrant Shares
                    purchasable upon exercise of this Warrant immediately prior
                    thereto shall be adjusted so that the Holder shall be
                    entitled to receive the kind and number of Warrant Shares or
                    other securities of the Company that the Holder would have
                    owned or have been entitled to receive after the happening
                    of any of the events described above, had this Warrant been
                    exercised immediately prior to the happening of such event
                    or any record date with respect thereto. An adjustment made
                    pursuant to this Section 9.1 (a) shall become effective
                    immediately after the effective date of such event
                    retroactive to the record date, if any, for such event.

               (b)  If the Company shall issue rights, options or warrants to
                    all holders of its outstanding shares of Common Stock,
                    entitling them (for a period expiring within 45 days after
                    the record date for the determination of stockholders
                    entitled to receive such rights, options or warrants) to
                    subscribe for or purchase shares of Common Stock (or
                    securities exchangeable for or convertible into shares of
                    Common Stock) at a price per share of Common Stock (or
                    having an exchange or conversion price per share of Common
                    Stock, with respect to a security exchangeable for or
                    convertible into shares of Common Stock) that is less than
                    the current Warrant Price on such record date, then the
                    Warrant Price shall be adjusted by multiplying the Warrant
                    Price in effect immediately prior to such record date by a
                    fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of
                    shares of Common Stock outstanding on such record date plus
                    the number of shares of Common Stock that the aggregate
                    offering price of the total number of shares of Common Stock
                    so to be offered (or the aggregate initial exchange or
                    conversion price of the exchangeable or convertible
                    securities so to be offered) would purchase at such current
                    Warrant Price on such record date and the denominator of
                    which shall be the number of shares of Common Stock
                    outstanding on such record date plus the number of
                    additional shares of Common Stock to be offered for
                    subscription or purchase (or into which the exchangeable or
                    convertible securities so to be offered are initially
                    exchangeable or convertible). Such adjustment shall become
                    effective at the close of business on such record date;
                    however, to the extent that shares of Common Stock (or
                    securities exchangeable for or convertible into shares of
                    Common Stock)


                    are not delivered after the expiration of such rights,
                    options or warrants in accordance with their respective
                    terms, the Warrant Price shall be readjusted (but only with
                    regard to that portion of this Warrant exercised after such
                    expiration) to the Warrant Price that would then be in
                    effect had the adjustment made upon the issuance of such
                    rights, options or warrants been made upon the basis of
                    delivery of only the number of shares of Common Stock (or
                    securities exchangeable for or convertible into shares of
                    Common Stock) actually issued. In case any subscription
                    price may be paid in a consideration part or all of which
                    shall be in a form other than cash, the value of such
                    consideration shall be as determined by the Board of
                    Directors of the Company, whose determination shall be
                    conclusive. Shares of Common Stock owned by or held for the
                    account of the Company shall be deemed outstanding of the
                    purpose of any such computation.

               (c)  If the Company shall distribute to all holders of shares of
                    Common Stock (including any such distribution made in
                    connection with a consolidation or merger in which the
                    Company is the surviving corporation) evidences of its
                    indebtedness or assets (other than cash dividends and
                    distributions payable out of consolidated retained earnings
                    and dividends or distributions payable in shares of stock as
                    described in Section 9.1(a) above), or rights, options,
                    warrants or exchangeable or convertible securities
                    containing the right to subscribe for or purchase shares of
                    Common Stock (excluding those expiring within 45 days after
                    the record date mentioned in Section 9.1(b) above), then in
                    each case the Warrant Price shall be adjusted by multiplying
                    the Warrant Price in effect immediately prior to the record
                    date for the determination of stockholders entitled to
                    receive such distribution by a fraction, the numerator of
                    which shall be the current Warrant Price on such record
                    date, less the fair market value (as determined by the Board
                    of Directors of the Company, whose determination shall be
                    conclusive) of the portion of the evidences of indebtedness
                    or assets so to be distributed applicable to one share of
                    Common Stock and the denominator of which shall be such
                    current Warrant Price. Such adjustment shall be made
                    whenever any such distribution is made, and shall become
                    effective on the date of distribution retroactive to the
                    record date for the determination of stockholders entitled
                    to receive such distribution.

               (d)  If the Company shall sell and issue shares of Common Stock,
                    or rights, options, warrants or convertible or exchangeable
                    securities containing the right to subscribe for or purchase
                    shares of Common Stock (excluding (i) shares, rights,
                    options, warrants or convertible or exchangeable securities
                    issued in any of the transactions described in Sections
                    9.1(a), 9.1(b), or 9.1(c) above, (ii) stock options or
                    warrants granted or to be granted to employees or directors
                    of the Company and shares issuable upon exercise of such
                    options or warrants, (iii) the Warrant Shares, (iv) shares
                    issuable upon exercise of rights, options or warrants or
                    conversion or exchange of convertible or exchangeable
                    securities issued or sold under circumstances causing an
                    adjustment pursuant to this Section 9.1 (d), (v) shares
                    issued to stockholders of any corporation that is acquired
                    by, merged into or becomes part of the


                    Company or a subsidiary of the Company in an arm's length
                    transaction between the Company and an unaffiliated third
                    party in proportion to their stock holdings of such
                    corporation immediately prior to such merger, upon such
                    merger or (vi) shares issuable upon exercise of rights,
                    options, warrants or conversion or exchange of convertible
                    or exchangeable securities outstanding on the date hereof)
                    at a price per share of Common Stock (determined, in the
                    case of such rights, options, warrants or convertible or
                    exchangeable securities, by dividing (i) the total amount
                    received or receivable by the Company in consideration of
                    the sale and issuance of such rights, options, warrants or
                    convertible or exchangeable securities, plus the total
                    consideration payable to the Company upon exercise or
                    conversion or exchange thereof, by (ii) the total number of
                    shares of Common Stock covered by such rights, warrants or
                    convertible or exchangeable securities, lower than the then
                    current Warrant Price in effect on the date the Company
                    fixes the offering price (or exercise price, option price or
                    conversion price, as the case may be) per share of such
                    Common Stock, then the Warrant Price with respect to this
                    Warrant shall be reduced to a price determined by
                    multiplying the Warrant Price in effect immediately prior
                    thereto by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be an
                    amount equal to the sum of (A) the number of shares of
                    Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to such sale and
                    issuance plus (B) the number of shares of Common Stock that
                    the aggregate consideration received (determined as provided
                    below) for such sale or issuance would purchase at such
                    current Warrant Price per share, and the denominator of
                    which shall be the total number of shares of Common Stock to
                    be outstanding immediately after such sale and issuance.
                    Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever such an
                    issuance is made; however, to the extent that shares of
                    Common Stock are not delivered after the expiration of such
                    rights, options, warrants or convertible or exchangeable
                    securities in accordance with their respective terms, the
                    Warrant Price shall be readjusted (but only with regard to
                    that portion of this Warrant exercised after such
                    expiration) to the Warrant Price that would then be in
                    effect had the adjustment made upon the issuance of such
                    rights, options, warrants or convertible or exchangeable
                    securities been made upon the basis of delivery of only the
                    number of shares of Common Stock actually issued. For the
                    purposes of such adjustments, the shares of Common Stock
                    that the holder of any such rights, options, warrants or
                    convertible or exchangeable securities shall be entitled to
                    subscribe for or purchase shall be deemed to be issued and
                    outstanding as of the date of such sale and issuance and the
                    consideration received by the Company therefor shall be
                    deemed to be the consideration received by the Company for
                    such rights, options, warrants or convertible or
                    exchangeable securities, plus the consideration or premiums
                    stated in such rights, options, warrants or convertible or
                    exchangeable securities to be paid for the shares of Common
                    Stock covered thereby. In case the Company shall sell and
                    issue shares of Common Stock, or rights, options, warrants
                    or convertible or exchangeable securities containing the
                    right to subscribe for or purchase shares of Common Stock,
                    for a consideration consisting, in whole or in part, of
                    property other than cash or its equivalent, then in
                    determining the "price per share of Common Stock" and the


                    "consideration received by the Company" for the purposes of
                    the first sentence of this Section 9.1(d), the Board of
                    Directors shall determine, in its discretion, the fair value
                    of such property, and all such determinations shall be
                    conclusive and binding upon the Holder.

               (e)  No adjustment in the Warrant Price shall be required unless
                    such adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at
                    least one percent or more in the Warrant Price or in the
                    number of Warrant Shares purchasable upon exercise of this
                    Warrant; provided, however, that any adjustments that by
                    reason of this Section 9.1 (e) are not required to be made
                    shall be carried forward and taken into account in any
                    subsequent adjustment. All calculations under this Section
                    9.1 shall be made to the nearest one-tenth of one cent or to
                    the nearest one-hundredth of a share, as the case may be.

               (f)  Upon each adjustment of the Warrant Price as a result of the
                    calculations made in Sections 9.1(b), 9.1(c), or 9.1(d)
                    above, this Warrant shall thereafter evidence the right to
                    purchase, at the adjusted Warrant Price, that number of
                    Warrant Shares (calculated to the nearest hundredth)
                    obtained by (i) multiplying the number of shares of Common
                    Stock purchasable upon exercise of this Warrant prior to
                    adjustment by the Warrant Price in effect prior to
                    adjustment of the Warrant Price and (ii) dividing the
                    product so obtained by the Warrant Price in effect after
                    such adjustment of the Warrant Price.

               (g)  In case of any capital reorganization of the Company or of
                    any reclassification or change of the shares of Common Stock
                    (other than a reclassification or change of the shares of
                    Common Stock referred to in Section 9.1 (a) above and other
                    than a change in par value, or from par value to no par
                    value, or from no par value to par value,) or in case of the
                    consolidation of the Company with, or the merger of the
                    Company with, or merger of the Company into, any other
                    corporation (other than a reclassification of the shares of
                    Common Stock referred to in Section 9.1(a) above or a
                    consolidation or merger that does not result in any
                    reclassification or change of the outstanding shares of
                    Common Stock) or of the sale of the properties and assets of
                    the Company as, or substantially as, an entirety to any
                    other corporation or entity, this Warrant shall after such
                    capital reorganization, reclassification of shares of Common
                    Stock, consolidation, merger or sale be exercisable, upon
                    the terms and conditions specified in this Warrant, for the
                    number of shares or other securities, assets or cash to
                    which a holder of the number of shares of Common Stock
                    purchasable (at the time of such capital reorganization,
                    reclassification of shares of Common Stock, consolidation,
                    merger or sale) upon exercise of this Warrant would have
                    been entitled upon such capital reorganization,
                    reclassification of shares of Common Stock, consolidation,
                    merger or sale; and in any such case, if necessary, the
                    provisions set forth in this Section 9.1 with respect to the
                    right and interests thereafter of the Holder shall be
                    appropriately adjusted so as to be applicable, as nearly as
                    may reasonably be possible, to any shares or other
                    securities, assets or cash thereafter deliverable on the
                    exercise of this Warrant. The subdivision or combination of
                    shares of


                    Common Stock at any time outstanding into a greater or
                    lesser number of shares shall not be deemed to be a
                    reclassification of the shares of Common Stock for the
                    purposes of this Section 9.1(g). The Company shall not
                    effect any such consolidation, merger or sale unless prior
                    to or simultaneously with the consummation thereof, the
                    successor corporation or entity (if other than the Company)
                    resulting from such consolidation or merger, or the
                    corporation or entity purchasing such assets, or other
                    appropriate corporation or entity shall execute and deliver
                    to the Holder a supplemental agreement to this Warrant, in
                    form reasonable acceptable to the Holder, in which such
                    other entity shall assume the obligation to deliver to the
                    Holder such shares, securities, assets or cash as, in
                    accordance with the foregoing provisions, the Holder may be
                    entitled to purchase and all other obligations under this
                    Warrant, including, but not limited to, similar application
                    of the provisions of this Section 9.1 to any successive
                    reclassifications, changes, consolidations, mergers, sales
                    or transfers.

               (h)  If at any time, as a result of an adjustment made pursuant
                    to this Section 9.1, the Holder shall become entitled to
                    purchase any shares or securities of the Company other than
                    the shares of Common Stock, thereafter the number of such
                    other shares or securities so purchasable upon exercise of
                    this Warrant and the Warrant Price for such shares or
                    securities shall be subject to adjustment from time to time
                    in a manner and on terms as nearly equivalent as practicable
                    to the provisions with respect to the shares of Common Stock
                    contained in Sections 9.1 (a) through 9.1(g), inclusive,
                    above and the provisions of Sections 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 10
                    hereof with respect to the shares of Common Stock shall
                    apply on like terms to any such other shares.

               (i)  In any case in which this Section 9.1 shall require that an
                    adjustment in the Warrant Price be made effective as of a
                    record date for a specified event, the Company may elect to
                    defer, until the occurrence of such event, issuing to the
                    Holder of any portion of this Warrant exercised after such
                    record date the shares of Common Stock, if any, issuable
                    upon such exercise over and above the shares of Common
                    Stock, if any, issuable upon such exercise on the basis of
                    the Warrant Price in effect prior to such adjustment;
                    provided, however, that the Company shall deliver as soon as
                    practicable to the Holder a due bill or other appropriate
                    instrument, in form acceptable to the Holder, evidencing the
                    Holder's right to receive such additional shares of Common
                    Stock upon the occurrence of the event requiring such

          9.2  Voluntary Adjustment by the Company. The Company may at its
               option, at any time during the term of this Warrant, reduce the
               then current Warrant Price to any amount deemed appropriate by
               the Board of Directors of the Company.

          9.3  No Adjustment for Dividends. Except as provided in Section 9.1
               hereof, no adjustment in respect of any dividends shall be made
               during the term of this Warrant or upon the exercise of this


          9.4  Statement on Warrant. Irrespective of any adjustment in the
               Warrant Price with respect to this Warrant or the number or kind
               of shares purchasable upon the exercise of this Warrant, warrants
               theretofore or thereafter issued may continue to express the same
               price and number and kind of shares as are stated in this

     10.  Fractional Interest.

          The Company shall not be required to issue fractional Warrant Shares
          on the exercise of this Warrant. If any fraction of a Warrant Share
          would, except for the provisions of this Section 10, be issuable on
          the exercise of this Warrant (or specified portion thereof), the
          Company shall pay an amount in cash equal to the Warrant Price
          multiplied by such fraction.

     11.  No Rights as Stockholders; Notice to Holder.

          Nothing contained in this Warrant shall be construed as conferring
          upon the Holder the right to vote or to receive dividends or to
          consent to or receive notice as a stockholder in respect of any
          meeting of stockholders for the election of directors of the Company
          or any other matter, or any rights whatsoever as a stockholder of the
          Company. If, however, at any time during the Exercise Period:

          (a)  the Company shall declare any dividend payable in any securities
               upon shares of Common Stock or make any distribution (other than
               a cash dividend or a dividend payable in additional shares of
               Common Stock) to the holder of shares of Common Stock;

          (b)  the Company shall offer to the holder of shares of Common Stock
               any additional shares of Common Stock or securities convertible
               into shares of Common Stock or any right to subscribe to shares
               of Common Stock or securities convertible or exchangeable into
               shares of Common Stock; or

          (c)  a dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Company (other
               than in connection with a consolidation, merger or sale of all or
               substantially all of its property, assets and business as an
               entirety) shall be proposed;

          then in any one or more of such events, the Company shall give notice
          in writing of such event to the Holder as provided in Section 12
          hereof at least 10 days prior to the date fixed as a record date or
          the date of closing the transfer books for the determination of the
          stockholders entitled to such dividend, distribution or subscription
          rights, or for the determination of stockholders entitled to vote on
          such proposed dissolution, liquidation or winding up. Such notice
          shall specify such record date or date of the closing of the transfer
          books, as the case may be. Failure to mail such notice or any defect
          therein or in the mailing thereof shall not affect the validity of any
          action taken in connection with such dividend, distribution or
          subscription rights, or proposed dissolution, liquidation or winding


     12.  Notices.

          All notices, requests, consents and other communication hereunder
          shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been made when
          delivered or mailed first class, postage prepaid, or delivered to the
          telegraph office:

          (i)  if to the Holder at:

          William E. Pritchard, III
          6465 Overton Street
          Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808

          (ii) if to the Company at:

          4600 Post Oak Place, Suite 309
          Houston, Texas 77027
          Attention: Corporate Secretary

          or to such other address or addresses as the Holder or the Company may
          designate from time to time for itself by a notice pursuant hereto.

     13.  Successors

          All the covenants and provisions of this Warrant by or for the benefit
          of the Company or the Holder shall bind and inure to the benefit of
          their respective successors and assigns hereunder.

     14.  Applicable Law

          This Warrant shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
          laws of the State of Texas.

     15.  Benefits of Warrant.

          Nothing in this Warrant shall give or be construed to give any person
          or corporation other than the Company and the Holder any legal or
          equitable right, remedy or claim under this Warrant. This Warrant
          shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Company and the

     16.  Captions

          The captions of the sections of this Warrant have been inserted for
          convenience only and shall have no substantive effect.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Warrant to be duly executed as
of this ________ day of ________________, but effective as of September 1, 1996.

                                               VAALCO Energy, Inc.

                                               By: _____________________________
                                                   CHARLES W. ALCORN, JR.
                                                   CHAIRMAN AND CEO


SECRETARY                                      AGREED AND ACCEPTED

                                               WILLIAM E. PRITCHARD, III


                                                                       Exhibit A

                                  ELECTION FORM

                     To be Executed by the Registered Holder
                              To Exercise Warrant

                               VAALCO ENERGY, INC.

     The undersigned registered holder hereby exercises the right to purchase
________________ shares of common stock covered by this Warrant according to the
conditions thereof and herewith makes payment of the Warrant Price of such
shares in full. By the execution and delivery hereof, the undersigned represents
and warrants that the common stock being acquired hereby is being acquired by
the undersigned for its own account and not with a view to, or for resale in
connection with, any distribution thereof.

                                         WILLIAM E. PRITCHARD, III

