EXHIBIT 1.6(c)





American General Life Insurance Company (hereinafter sometimes referred to as
the "Company"), a Texas insurer incorporated on April 11, 1960 and formerly
known as American General Life Insurance Company of Delaware, pursuant to the
provisions of Texas Insurance Code Articles 3.02a, 3.04 and 3.05 and Texas
Business Corporation Act Articles 2.12, 2.25, 4.02, 4.04 and 9.10, hereby amends
its Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") as follows:

1.   The name of the corporation is American General Life Insurance Company.

2.   Article IV of the Articles of the corporation is deleted in its entirety
     and inserted in lieu thereof is the following:

                                 "ARTICLE IV

     A.   The aggregate number of shares of capital stock which this corporation
          shall have authority to issue is six hundred eight thousand five
          hundred (608,500) shares, consisting of (i) eight thousand five
          hundred (8,500) shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of One
          Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per share ("Preferred Stock") and (ii) six
          hundred thousand (600,000) shares of Common Stock of the par value of
          ten dollars ($10.00) per share ("Common Stock").

     B.   The amount of capital stock with which this corporation will commence
          business is Five Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
          ($5,500,000.00).  The amount of its surplus is at least Seven Hundred
          Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00).

     C.   Concurrent with the merger of The Franklin United Life Insurance
          Company with and into American General Life Insurance Company of New
          York ("AGNY"), (which is currently estimated to occur on July 31,
          1995, assuming all necessary regulatory approvals have been secured,
          and if not on July 31, 1995 then, alternatively, on August 31, 1995,
          assuming all necessary regulatory approvals have been secured) the
          Board of Directors is expressly vested with the authority to issue to
          The Franklin Life Insurance Company the shares of Preferred Stock
          designated below.

          1.   Designation and Number.  There shall be only one series of
               Preferred Stock, and it is hereby designated the "$80.00
               Cumulative Preferred Stock" (hereinafter referred to as the
               "Cumulative Preferred Stock").  The shares

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               of the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be of par value of
               $100.00 each. The number of shares which shall constitute the
               Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be 8,500.

          2.   Dividends.

               (a)  The Franklin Life Insurance Company or any subsequent holder
                    or holders of shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, in
                    preference to the holders of Common Stock and of any other
                    capital stock of the corporation which ranks junior to the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock in respect of dividends or
                    distributions of assets on liquidation of the corporation
                    (all of which classes are hereinafter embraced in the term
                    "junior stock"), shall be entitled to receive as and when
                    declared by the Board of Directors out of the assets of the
                    corporation which are by law available for the payment of
                    dividends, cumulative cash dividends at, but not exceeding,
                    the rate of $80.00 per share per annum (8%).  Any dividend
                    payment shall be made pro rata among the holders of the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock.

               (b)  Dividends on the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be payable
                    annually on the anniversary of the date of the initial
                    issuance of the Cumulative Preferred Stock to The Franklin
                    Life Insurance Company.  In the event the corporation fails
                    to pay when due any dividends on the Cumulative Preferred
                    Stock, until the payment or declaration and setting apart of
                    all accrued dividends which have not been paid as scheduled,
                    (i) no dividend shall be declared and paid or set apart for
                    payment upon any junior stock and (ii) no other distribution
                    shall be made with respect to any junior stock.   Each share
                    of the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall rank on a parity
                    with each other share of the Cumulative Preferred Stock with
                    respect to preferential dividends.  Accruals of dividends on
                    the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall not bear interest.

          3.   Redemption.

               (a)  On or after five (5) years from the date of the initial
                    issuance of the Cumulative Preferred Stock to The Franklin
                    Life Insurance Company, shares of the Cumulative Preferred
                    Stock shall be redeemable in whole or in part at any time or
                    from time to time, at the option of the Company, at a
                    redemption price per share of $1,000, plus dividends accrued
                    to the date fixed for redemption and remaining unpaid.  If
                    less than all outstanding shares of the Cumulative Preferred
                    Stock are to be redeemed, the shares of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock to be redeemed shall be redeemed pro rata.

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               (b)  Notice of any proposed redemption of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock under this Section shall be given by the
                    corporation by providing a copy of such notice at least
                    fifteen (15) and not more than thirty (30) days prior to the
                    date fixed for such redemption to each holder of record of
                    shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock to be redeemed, at
                    its address appearing on the books of the corporation.  If,
                    on or before the redemption date specified in such notice,
                    all funds necessary for such redemption shall have been set
                    aside by the corporation, separate and apart from its other
                    funds, in trust for the pro rata benefit of the holders of
                    the shares so called for redemption, so as to be and
                    continue to be available therefor, then from and after the
                    date of redemption so designated, notwithstanding that any
                    certificate for shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock so
                    called for redemption shall not have been surrendered for
                    cancellation, the shares represented thereby shall no longer
                    be deemed outstanding, the right to receive dividends
                    thereon shall cease to accrue and all rights with respect to
                    such shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock so called for
                    redemption shall forthwith on such redemption date cease and
                    terminate except only the right of the holders thereof to
                    receive the redemption price of such shares so to be
                    redeemed plus accrued and unpaid dividends up to the date
                    fixed for redemption, but without interest thereon.  Any
                    moneys so set aside by the corporation and unclaimed at the
                    end of five (5) years from the date fixed for redemption
                    shall revert to the general funds of the corporation.

          4.   Liquidation.

               (a)  In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
                    of the affairs of the corporation (all of which are
                    hereinafter embraced in the word "liquidation"), then,
                    before any distribution or payment shall be made to the
                    holders of the Common Stock or any other junior stock, the
                    holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be entitled
                    to be paid in full the respective amounts fixed for such
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock, plus in each case a sum equal to
                    accrued and unpaid dividends thereon to the date of payment
                    thereof.  After such payment shall have been made in full to
                    the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, the remaining
                    assets and funds of the corporation shall be distributed
                    among the holders of the junior stock of the corporation
                    according to their respective rights.  In the event that the
                    assets of the corporation are not sufficient to make the
                    payment to the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    herein required to be made in full, such assets shall be
                    distributed to the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    pro rata.

               (b)  The amount per share which the holders of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive in the event of

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                    liquidation shall be (in addition to accrued and unpaid
                    dividends) $1,000.

               (c)  Neither the merger or consolidation of the Company into or
                    with another corporation, nor the merger or consolidation of
                    any other corporation into or with the Company, shall be
                    deemed to be a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                    Company within the meaning of this Section 4, but the sale,
                    lease or conveyance of all or substantially all of the
                    Company's assets shall be deemed to be a liquidation,
                    dissolution or winding up of the Company within the meaning
                    of this Section 4.

          5.   Limitations.

               (a)  So long as any shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock are
                    outstanding, the corporation shall not, without the consent
                    of the holders of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total
                    number of shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock at the
                    time outstanding, given in person or by proxy, by vote at a
                    meeting called for the purpose, increase the authorized
                    amount of preferred stock, or create or authorize any shares
                    of any class of stock ranking prior to, or on a parity with,
                    the Cumulative Preferred Stock in respect of dividends or
                    distributions of assets in the event of any liquidation
                    (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "prior stock" and
                    "parity stock," respectively), or any securities convertible
                    into or exchangeable for any such prior stock or parity

               (b)  Without the consent of the holders of at least two-thirds
                    (2/3) of the total number of shares of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock outstanding, given in person or by proxy, by
                    vote at a meeting called for the purpose, the corporation
                    shall not create or acquire any additional shares of the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock or amend, or repeal any of the
                    rights, preferences or powers of holders of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock so as to affect adversely such rights,
                    preferences or powers.

               (c)  So long as any shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock are
                    outstanding, the corporation shall not at any time purchase,
                    redeem or otherwise acquire for value any shares of
                    preferred stock that may be created in the future or of any
                    other stock ranking junior to or on a parity with the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock in respect of dividends or
                    distribution of assets on liquidation (i) during the
                    continuance of any default in the payment of dividends on
                    the Cumulative Preferred Stock or (ii) if full dividends on
                    the outstanding shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    were not paid or set apart for payment in cash in respect of
                    the dividend payment date immediately preceding such time.

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          6.   Regarding Voting Rights.

               (a)  The holders of shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    shall be entitled to one vote per share, voting together
                    with the holders of Common Stock, on any question presented
                    to the holders of Common Stock of the corporation and to be
                    represented and receive notice of any meeting of the
                    shareholders of the corporation.

               (b)  If and whenever cumulative dividends on the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock shall be in arrears in an amount equal to
                    two (2) years payments or more per share, then during the
                    period (hereinafter called the "class voting period")
                    commencing with such time and ending with the time when all
                    arrears in dividends of the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall
                    have been paid and the full dividend on the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock for the current annual dividend period shall
                    have been paid or declared and set apart for payment, at any
                    meeting of the shareholders of the corporation held for the
                    election of directors during the class voting period, the
                    holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock voting together as
                    a class shall be entitled (in addition to exercising such
                    other voting rights as they may have) to elect, by a vote of
                    the majority of the total votes represented by such class,
                    two (2) members of the Board of Directors of the
                    corporation, each share of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    entitling the holder thereof to one (1) vote for such
                    purpose.  Whenever the right to elect directors shall have
                    accrued to the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock,
                    the proper officers of the corporation shall call a meeting
                    for the election of such directors, such meeting to be held
                    not less than forty-five (45) nor more than ninety (90) days
                    after the accrual of such right.

               (c)  Any director who shall have been elected by holders of the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock, or appointed as provided herein,
                    may be removed at any time during a class voting period by,
                    and only by, the affirmative vote of the holders of record
                    of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock to which the right to elect directors shall
                    have accrued (an "Affirmative Shareholder Vote")  at a
                    special meeting of such shareholders; and any vacancy
                    thereby created may be filled by an Affirmative Shareholder
                    Vote.  If  a director shall die, resign, or otherwise cease
                    to be a director of the corporation (other than as a result
                    of removal as provided herein) during a class voting period,
                    such vacancy shall be filled by a person appointed by the
                    remaining director.  If both such directors shall die,
                    resign, or otherwise cease to be directors of the
                    corporation during a class voting period, such vacancies
                    shall be filled by an Affirmative Shareholder Vote at a
                    special meeting of such shareholders.  At the end of the
                    class voting period, the holders of the Cumulative Preferred
                    Stock shall be

                                  Page 5 of 7

                    automatically divested of all special voting power vested in
                    them under Sections 6(b) and (c) hereunder, but subject
                    always to the subsequent vesting hereunder of voting power
                    in the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock in the
                    event of any similar default or defaults thereafter. The
                    term of all directors elected pursuant to the provisions of
                    Sections 6(b) and (c) shall in all events expire at the end
                    of the class voting period.

          7.   Regarding Preemptive Rights.  No holder of shares of the
               Cumulative Preferred Stock shall by reason of his holding shares
               of the Cumulative Preferred Stock have any preemptive or
               preferential right to purchase or subscribe to any securities of
               the corporation, now or hereafter to be authorized."

3.   This Amendment was adopted by unanimous written consent of the board of
     directors of AGL, and by written consent of the sole shareholder of AGL,
     AGC Life Insurance Company, a Missouri-domiciled insurer, on July 13, 1995.

4.   At the time of adoption of this Amendment there were 600,000 shares of
     stock outstanding and entitled to vote.

5.   The number of shares voting for this Amendment was 600,000.  The number of
     shares that voted against this Amendment was 0.

6.   The Amendment does not provide for an exchange, reclassification or
     cancellation of issued shares.

7.   The Amendment does increase the authorized capital of the corporation by
     the addition of 8,500 shares of Preferred Stock to the currently authorized
     600,000 shares of Common Stock.

8.   Upon the issuance of the 8,500 shares of Preferred Stock, the stated
     capital of the corporation will increase from $6,000,000 to $14,500,000.

Dated: July 13, 1995.

                                  AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

                                       By:  /s/ ROBERT S. CAUTHEN, JR.
                                          Robert S. Cauthen, Jr.
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

                                       By:  /s/ STEVEN A. GLOVER
                                          Steven A. Glover
                                          Assistant Secretary

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State of Texas    (S)
County of Harris  (S)

     BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Robert
S. Cauthen, Jr., the President and Chief Executive Officer of American General
Life Insurance Company ("AGL"), known  to me to be the person and officer whose
name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and after being duly sworn upon
his oath, did acknowledge to me that he executed the same as an officer of AGL
and that the statements contained therein are true and correct to the best of
his knowledge and belief.

     SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned authority on this 13th
day of July, 1995 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.

                                  /s/ RHONDA K. HENRY
                                  Notary Public in and for the State of Texas

State of Texas    (S)
County of Harris  (S)

     BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Steven
A. Glover, Assistant Secretary of American General Life Insurance Company
("AGL"), known  to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to
the foregoing instrument, and after being duly sworn upon his oath, did
acknowledge to me that he executed the same as an officer of AGL and that the
statements contained therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge
and belief.

     SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, the undersigned authority on this 13th
day of July, 1995 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.

                                  /s/ RHONDA K. HENRY
                                  Notary Public in and for the State of Texas

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