THIS  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT  made and entered into as of the 1st day of
July,  1998, by and among Cinergy  Corp.,  a Delaware  corporation  ("Cinergy"),
Cinergy  Services,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("Cinergy  Services"),  The
Cincinnati Gas & Electric  Company,  an Ohio corporation  ("CG&E"),  PSI Energy,
Inc., an Indiana corporation ("PSI"), and M. Stephen Harkness (the "Executive").
Cinergy,  Cinergy Services,  CG&E, and PSI will sometimes be referred to in this
Agreement collectively as the "Company".

         WHEREAS,  the Company desires to secure the continued employment of the
Executive with the Company in accordance with this Agreement;

         WHEREAS,  the  Executive is willing to continue to remain in the employ
of the Company and any successor thereto,  on the terms and conditions set forth
in this Agreement and thus to forego opportunities elsewhere; and

         WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement as of the date
first set forth above setting forth the terms and  conditions for the employment
relationship of the Executive;

         NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual premises,  covenants and
agreements set forth below, it is hereby agreed as follows:

1.   Employment and Term.

     a.   The Company agrees to employ the Executive,  and the Executive  agrees
          to be employed,  in accordance  with the terms and  provisions of this
          Agreement for the period set forth below (the "Employment Period").

     b.   The  Employment  Period of the  Executive  as provided in Section 1(a)
          will  commence  on July 1,  1998,  (the  "Effective  Date")  and shall
          continue until  December 31, 2001;  provided,  however,  commencing on
          January 1, 2000, and each January 1 thereafter  (the "Renewal  Date"),
          the  Employment  Period  of  this  Agreement  shall  automatically  be
          extended  for one (1)  additional  year if neither the Company not the
          Executive shall have given between December 1 and December 15 prior to
          each applicable Renewal Date written notice to the other of its intent
          to terminate this Agreement.

2.   Duties and Powers of Executive.

     a.   Position.  The Executive  shall serve the Company in such  responsible
          executive  capacity or capacities as the Board of Directors of Cinergy
          or  Cinergy  Services  (the Board of  Directors  of Cinergy or Cinergy
          Services,  as the case may be, may be  referred  to  sometimes  as the
          "Board")  or the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Cinergy  or the Chief
          Operating Officer of Cinergy may from time to time determine and shall
          have such responsibilities, duties and authority as may be assigned to
          him from time to time during the Employment Period by the Board or the
          Chief Executive  Officer of Cinergy or the Chief Operating  Officer of
          Cinergy that are  consistent  with such  responsibilities,  duties and
          authority.  Upon the Effective Date of this  Agreement,  the Executive
          shall  initially serve as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating
          Officer,  Trigen-Cinergy Solutions LLC for the Company, but consistent
          with the foregoing provisions of this Section 2(a), may be assigned to
          any other  position  or  positions  by  either  the Board or the Chief
          Executive Officer of Cinergy or the Chief Operating Officer of Cinergy
          during the Employment Period.

     b.   Place of Performance.  In connection with the Executive's  employment,
          the  Executive  shall be based at the  offices of the  Company at 1000
          East Main  Street,  Plainfield,  Indiana,  and,  except  for  required
          business travel to an extent substantially consistent with the present
          business  travel  obligations  of  executives  of the Company who have
          positions  of  authority  comparable  to  that of the  Executive,  the
          Executive  shall not be required to relocate to a new principal  place
          of  business  which is more than  thirty  (30) miles from  Plainfield,

3.   Compensation.  The Executive shall receive the following  compensation  for
     his services under this Agreement.

     a.   Salary. The Executive's annual base salary (the "Annual Base Salary"),
          payable not less often than semi-monthly,  shall be at the annual rate
          of not less than $192,612.00. The Board may, from time to time, direct
          such upward  adjustments  in the Annual Base Salary as the Board deems
          to be necessary or desirable, including without limitation adjustments
          in order to reflect  increases in the cost of living.  Any increase in
          the Annual  Base  Salary  shall not serve to limit or reduce any other
          obligation of the Company under this Agreement. The Annual Base Salary
          shall  not  be  reduced   after  any  increase   thereof   except  for
          across-the-board  salary reductions similarly affecting all management
          personnel of Cinergy, Cinergy Services, PSI or CG&E.

     b.   Retirement,  Incentive,  Welfare  Benefit  Plans and  Other  Benefits.
          During the Employment  Period and so long as the Executive is employed
          by the Company, the Executive shall be eligible, and the Company shall
          take  such  actions  as may be  necessary  or  required  to cause  the
          Executive to become  eligible,  to  participate  in all short-term and
          long-term incentive, stock option, restricted stock, performance unit,
          savings,  retirement  and  welfare  plans,  practices,   policies  and
          programs  applicable   generally  to  employees  and/or  other  senior
          executives of the Company who are  considered  Tier III executives for
          compensation purposes, including, but not limited to, Cinergy's Annual
          Incentive Plan, Cinergy's 1996 Long-Term Incentive  Compensation Plan,
          Cinergy's  Executive  Supplemental Life Insurance Program,  the Senior
          Executive  Supplement  portion  of  Cinergy's  Supplemental  Executive
          Retirement  Plan  (effective  January 1, 1999),  and Cinergy's  Excess
          Pension Plan, or any  successors  thereto,  except with respect to any
          plan,  practice,  policy or program to which the  Executive has waived
          his rights in writing.

     c.   Fringe Benefits and Perquisites.  During the Employment  Period and so
          long as the Executive is employed by the Company,  the Executive shall
          be   entitled   to   the   following   additional   fringe   benefits:

          (i)  The Company  shall  furnish to the  Executive an  automobile  and
               shall pay all of the related  expenses for  gasoline,  insurance,
               maintenance and repairs;

          (ii) The Company  shall pay the  initiation  fee and the annual  dues,
               assessments  and other  membership  charges of the  Executive for
               membership  charges of the Executive for  membership in a country
               club selected by the Executive;

          (iii)The Company  shall  provide paid  vacation for four (4) weeks per
               year (or longer if permitted by the Company's policy); and

          (iv) The  Company  shall  furnish to the  Executive  annual  financial
               planning and tax preparation services. In addition, the Executive
               shall be  entitled  to receive  such  other  fringe  benefits  in
               accordance  with the plans,  practices,  programs and policies of
               the Company  from time to time in effect,  commensurate  with his
               position  and at  least  comparable  to those  received  by other
               senior executives of the Company.

     d.   Expenses.  The  Company  agrees to  reimburse  the  Executive  for all
          expenses,  including  those for  travel  and  entertainment,  properly
          incurred by him in the  performance of his duties under this Agreement
          in accordance with the policies  established  from time to time by the

4.   Termination of Employment.

     a.   Death. The Executive's  employment shall terminate  automatically upon
          the Executive's death during the Employment Period.

     b.   By the Company for Cause.  The Company may terminate  the  Executive's
          employment  during the  Employment  Period for Cause.  For purposes of
          this Agreement, "Cause" shall mean: 

          (i)  The  willful  and   continued   failure  by  the   Executive   to
               substantially  perform  the  Executive's  duties with the Company
               (other  than  any  such  failure   resulting   from   Executive's
               incapacity due to physical or mental  illness) or any such actual
               or  anticipated  failure  after  the  issuance  of  a  Notice  of
               Termination for Good Reason by the Executive  pursuant to Section
               4(c)  after a  written  demand  for  substantial  performance  is
               delivered   to  the   Executive   by  the  Board,   which  demand
               specifically  identifies  the manner in which the Board  believes
               that  the   Executive   has  not   substantially   performed  the
               Executive's duties, or

               The breach by the Executive of the confidentiality provisions set
               forth in Section 8 of this Agreement, or

          (iii)The  conviction of the Executive for the  commission of a felony,
               including the entry of a guilty or nolo  contendere  plea, or any
               willful or grossly  negligent action or inaction by the Executive
               that  has  a   materially   adverse   effect   on  the   Company.
               For purposes of this definition of "Cause," no act, or failure to
               act, on the  Executive's  part shall be deemed  "willful"  unless
               done,  or omitted to be done,  by the Executive not in good faith
               and  without  reasonable  belief  that the  Executive's  act,  or
               failure  to  act,  was  in the  best  interest  of  the  Company.
               Notwithstanding the above definition of "Cause",  the Company may
               terminate the Executive's employment during the Employment Period
               for a reason other than Cause,  but the  obligations  placed upon
               the Company in Section 5 shall apply.

     c.   By the  Executive  for Good Reason.  The  Executive  may terminate his
          employment during the Employment Period for Good Reason.  For purposes
          of     this      Agreement,      "Good     Reason"     shall     mean:
          (i)  The reduction in the Executive's  Annual Base Salary as specified
               in  Section  3(a) of this  Agreement,  or any  other  benefit  or
               payment  described  in  Section 3 of this  Agreement,  except for
               across-the-board   salary  reductions   similarly  affecting  all
               management personnel of Cinergy, Cinergy Services, CG&E, and PSI,
               and  changes to the  employee  benefits  programs  affecting  all
               management  personnel of those  corporations,  provided that such
               changes (either individually or in the aggregate) will not result
               in a material  adverse  change with respect to the benefits which
               the Executive was entitled to receive as of the Effective Date;

          (ii) The  material  reduction  without his consent of the  Executive's
               title, authority, duties or responsibilities from those in effect
               immediately prior to the reduction;

          (iii)Any  breach  by the  Company  of  any  other  material  provision
               (including  but  not  limited  to the  place  of  performance  as
               specified in Section 2(b);

          (iv) The  Executive's  disability due to physical or mental illness or
               injury which  precludes the Executive from performing any job for
               which  he is  qualified  and  able  to  perform  based  upon  his
               education, training or experience; or

          (v)  Any event which  constitutes  a "Change in Control" as defined in
               Section 4(f) of this Agreement.

     d.   Notice of Termination. Any termination by the Company for Cause, or by
          the  Executive  for Good Reason,  shall be  communicated  by Notice of
          Termination to the other party to this  Agreement  given in accordance
          with Section 10(b) of this Agreement.  For purposes of this Agreement,
          a   "Notice   of   Termination"   means  a   written   notice   which:

          (i)  Indicates the specific  termination  provision in this  Agreement
               relied upon;

          (ii) To the extent  applicable,  sets forth in  reasonable  detail the
               facts  and   circumstances   claimed   to  provide  a  basis  for
               termination of the Executive's  employment under the provision so
               indicated; and

          (iii)If the Date of Termination  (as defined in Section 4(e)) is other
               than  the  date  of  receipt  of  such  notice,   specifies   the
               termination  date  (which date shall be not more than thirty (30)
               days  after  the  giving  of such  notice).  The  failure  by the
               Executive   or  the  Company  to  set  forth  in  the  Notice  of
               Termination  any fact or  circumstances  which  contributes  to a
               showing of Good  Reason or Cause shall not waive any right of the
               Executive  or the Company  under this  Agreement  or preclude the
               Executive   or  the   Company   from   asserting   such  fact  or
               circumstances  in  enforcing  the  Executive's  or the  Company's
               rights under this Agreement.

     e.   Date of Termination. "Date of Termination" means:

          (i)  If the  Executive's  employment  is terminated by the Company for
               Cause,  or by the Executive for Good Reason,  the date of receipt
               of the Notice of Termination or any later date specified therein,
               as the case may be;

          (ii) If the Executive's  employment is terminated by the Company other
               than for  Cause,  the  date on which  the  Company  notifies  the
               Executive of such termination; and

          (iii)If the  Executive's  employment is terminated by reason of death,
               the date of death.

     f.   Change in  Control.  A  "Change  in  Control"  shall be deemed to have
          occurred if any of the  following  events  occur  after the  Effective

          (i)  Any "person" or "group"  (within the meaning of Subsection  13(d)
               and  Paragraph  14(d)(2) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934
               (the "1934 Act") is or becomes the  beneficial  owner (as defined
               in Rule 13d-3  under the 1934 Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of
               securities   of  Cinergy  (not   including   in  the   securities
               beneficially  owned  by  such  Person  any  securities   acquired
               directly  from  Cinergy  or its  affiliates)  representing  fifty
               percent  (50%) or more of the combined  voting power of Cinergy's
               then  outstanding  securities,  excluding  any person who becomes
               such  a  beneficial   owner  in  connection  with  a  transaction
               described in clause (1) of paragraph (ii) below; or

          (ii) There is consummated a merger or  consolidation of Cinergy or any
               direct  or  indirect   subsidiary   of  Cinergy  with  any  other
               corporation, other than (1) a merger or consolidation which would
               result  in  the  voting   securities   of   Cinergy   outstanding
               immediately  prior to such merger or consolidation  continuing to
               represent (either by remaining  outstanding or by being converted
               into  voting  securities  of the  surviving  entity or any parent
               thereof)  at least fifty  percent  (50%) of the  combined  voting
               power of the  securities of Cinergy or such  surviving  entity or
               any parent thereof  outstanding  immediately after such merger or
               consolidation,  or (2) a  merger  or  consolidation  effected  to
               implement a recapitalization of Cinergy (or similar  transaction)
               in which no person is or becomes the beneficial  owner,  directly
               or  indirectly,  of securities  of Cinergy (not  including in the
               securities  beneficially  owned  by such  person  any  securities
               acquired  directly from Cinergy or its  affiliates  other than in
               connection with the acquisition by Cinergy or its affiliates of a
               business)  representing  twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the
               combined voting power of Cinergy's then  outstanding  securities;

          (iii)During any period of two  consecutive  years,  individuals who at
               the  beginning  of that  period  constitute  Cinergy's  Board  of
               Directors  and any new  director  (other  than a  director  whose
               initial  assumption of office is in connection  with an actual or
               threatened  election  contest,  including  but not  limited  to a
               consent  solicitation,  relating to the  election of directors of
               Cinergy) whose appointment or election by Cinergy's  shareholders
               was  approved  or  recommended  by a vote of at least  two-thirds
               (2/3) of the  directors  then  still in office  who  either  were
               directors at the  beginning of that period or whose  appointment,
               election or nomination for election was previously so approved or
               recommended  cease for any reason to  constitute  a  majority  of
               Cinergy's Board of Directors; or

          (iv) The   shareholders   of  Cinergy   approve  a  plan  of  complete
               liquidation  or dissolution of Cinergy or there is consummated an
               agreement  for  the  sale or  disposition  by  Cinergy  of all or
               substantially  all of  Cinergy's  assets,  other  than a sale  or
               disposition by Cinergy of all or  substantially  all of Cinergy's
               assets to an entity, at least sixty percent (60%) of the combined
               voting  power of the  voting  securities  of which  are  owned by
               shareholders of Cinergy in substantially  the same proportions as
               their ownership of Cinergy immediately prior to such sale.

     g.   Person.  "Person"  shall have the meaning given in Section  3(a)(9) of
          the 1934  Act,  as  modified  and used in  Sections  13(d)  and  14(d)
          thereof; however, a Person shall not include: 

          (i)  The Company or any of its subsidiaries;

          (ii) A trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under an employee
               benefit plan of Cinergy or any of its subsidiaries;

          (iii)An  underwriter  temporarily  holding  securities  pursuant to an
               offering of such securities; or

          (iv) A corporation owned, directly or indirectly,  by the stockholders
               of  Cinergy  in  substantially  the  same  proportions  as  their
               ownership of stock of the Company.

5.   Obligations of the Company Upon Termination.

     a.   Certain  Terminations.  During the Employment  Period,  if the Company
          shall terminate the Executive's  employment (other than in the case of
          a termination for Cause), the Executive shall terminate his employment
          for Good  Reason or the  Executive's  employment  shall  terminate  by
          reason  of  death  (termination  in  any  such  case  referred  to  as

          (i)  The Company  shall pay to the  Executive  a lump sum  amount,  in
               cash, equal to the sum of:

               (1)  the  Executive's  Annual  Base  Salary  through  the Date of
                    Termination to the extent most previously paid;

               (2)  an amount equal to the Cinergy Annual  Incentive Plan target
                    percentage  benefit  for the fiscal year that  includes  the
                    Date of  Termination  multiplied by a fraction the numerator
                    of which shall be the number of days from the  beginning  of
                    such fiscal year to and  including  the Date of  Termination
                    and the  denominator  of which  shall be three  hundred  and
                    sixty-five (365);

               (3)  any  compensation   previously  deferred  by  the  Executive
                    (together with any accrued interest or earnings thereon) and
                    any  accrued  vacation  pay,  in each case to the extent not
                    previously paid.

                    (The amounts specified in clauses (1), (2), and (3) shall be
                    referred to in this Agreement as the "Accrued Obligations".)
                    The amounts  specified in this Section 5(a)(i) shall be paid
                    within thirty (30) days after the Date of  Termination.  The
                    Accrued Obligations described in this Section are payable to
                    the Executive  regardless of whether a Change in Control has

               (ii) Prior to the  occurrence of a Change in Control,  and in the
                    event of Termination other than by reason of the Executive's
                    death, then:

                    (1)  the  Company  shall  pay to the  Executive  a lump  sum
                         amount,  in cash, equal to the present value discounted
                         using  an  interest   rate  equal  to  the  prime  rate
                         promulgated  by CitiBank,  N.A. and in effect as of the
                         Date of  Termination  (the "Prime  Rate") of the Annual
                         Base  Salary,  and the Cinergy  Annual  Incentive  Plan
                         target  percentage  payable  through  the  end  of  the
                         Employment Period, each at the rate, and using the same
                         goals and  factors,  in  effect  at the time  Notice of
                         Termination is given,  and paid within thirty (30) days
                         of the Date of Termination;

                    (2)  the  Company  shall pay to the  Executive  the  present
                         value  (discounted at the Prime Rate) of all amounts to
                         which the  Executive  would have been  entitled  had he
                         remained in  employment  with the Company until the end
                         of the  Employment  Period under the Cinergy  Executive
                         Supplemental Life Insurance Program;

                    (3)  the Company shall pay to the Executive the value of all
                         deferred  compensation  amounts  whether  or  not  then
                         payable; and

                    (4)  the  Company  shall  continue,  until  the  end  of the
                         Employment Period,  medical and welfare benefits to the
                         Executive and/or the Executive's  family at least equal
                         to  those  which  would  have  been   provided  if  the
                         Executive's   employment   had  not   been   terminated
                         (excluding  benefits to which the  Executive has waived
                         his  rights  in  writing),   such  benefits  to  be  in
                         accordance with the most favorable  medical and welfare
                         benefit  plans,  practices,  programs or policies  (the
                         "M&W Plans") of the Company as in effect and applicable
                         generally to other senior executives of the Company and
                         their  families  during  the  ninety  (90)  day  period
                         immediately   preceding   the   Date  of   Termination;
                         provided,   however,  that  if  the  Executive  becomes
                         employed  with  another  employer  and is  eligible  to
                         receive medical or other welfare benefits under another
                         employer-provided  plan,  the  benefits  under  the M&W
                         Plans shall be secondary to those  provided  under such
                         other   plan   during   such   applicable   period   of

               (iii)From and after the  occurrence of a Change in Control and in
                    the  event  of  Termination  other  than  by  reason  of the
                    Executive's  death,  then  in  lieu  of any  further  salary
                    payments to the Executive for periods subsequent to the Date
                    of  Termination  and in lieu of any other  benefits  payable
                    pursuant to Section 5(a)(ii) of this Agreement:

                    (1)  The  Company  shall  pay to the  Executive  a lump  sum
                         severance payment, in cash, equal to the greater of:

                    (A)  the  present  value of all amounts  and  benefits  that
                         would  have been due under  Sections  5(a)(ii)  of this
                         Agreement, excluding Section 5(a)(ii)(4), and

                    (B)  three  (3)  times  the  sum of (x)  the  higher  of the
                         Executive's  Annual Base  Salary in effect  immediately
                         prior to the  occurrence  of the event or  circumstance
                         upon  which the  Notice of  Termination  is based or in
                         effect immediately prior to the Change in Control,  and
                         (y) the  higher  of the  amount  paid to the  Executive
                         pursuant to all incentive  compensation  or bonus plans
                         or  programs  maintained  by the  Company,  in the year
                         preceding that in which the Date of Termination  occurs
                         or in the year  preceding  that in which the  Change in
                         Control occurs; and

                    (2)  For a  thirty-six  (36) month  period after the Date of
                         Termination,  the Company  shall arrange to provide the
                         Executive  with life,  disability,  accident and health
                         insurance benefits substantially similar to those which
                         the  Executive  is receiving  immediately  prior to the
                         Notice of  Termination  (without  giving  effect to any
                         reduction in such  benefits  subsequent  to a Change in
                         Control  which  reduction   constitutes  Good  Reason),
                         except  for  any  benefits  that  were  waived  by  the
                         Executive in writing.  Benefits otherwise receivable by
                         the  Executive  pursuant to this  Section  5(a)(iii)(2)
                         shall be reduced to the extent comparable  benefits are
                         actually received by or made available to the Executive
                         without  cost during the  thirty-six  (36) month period
                         following  the  Executive's  termination  of employment
                         (and  any  such  benefits   actually  received  by  the
                         Executive  shall  be  reported  to the  Company  by the

                    The  Executive's  employment  shall be  deemed  to have been
                    terminated  following a Change in Control of Cinergy without
                    Cause or by the Executive for Good Reason if, in addition to
                    all   other   applicable   Terminations,   the   Executive's
                    employment  is  terminated  prior  to a  Change  in  Control
                    without  Cause at the  direction of a Person who has entered
                    into an agreement with Cinergy or any of its subsidiaries or
                    affiliates,  the  consummation  of which will  constitute  a
                    Change  in  Control  or  if  the  Executive  terminates  his
                    employment  for Good Reason  prior to a Change in Control if
                    the  circumstances  or event which  constitutes  Good Reason
                    occurs at the direction of such Person.

     b.   Termination  by the Company for Cause or by the  Executive  Other Than
          for Good  Reason.  Subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  7 of this
          Agreement, if the Executive's employment shall be terminated for Cause
          during  the  Employment   Period,  or  if  the  Executive   terminates
          employment  during the Employment  Period other than a termination for
          Good  Reason,  the Company  shall have no further  obligations  to the
          Executive under this Agreement other than the obligation to pay to the
          Executive the Accrued  Obligations  and the amounts  determined  under
          Section 5(c), plus any other earned but unpaid  compensation,  in each
          case to the extent not previously paid.

     c.   Retirement Benefits on Termination. In addition to retirement benefits
          under  Cinergy's  Non-Union  Employees'  Pension Plan,  and its Excess
          Pension  Plan,  or any  successor  thereto,  the  Executive  shall  be
          eligible to participate in the Senior Executive  Supplement portion of
          Cinergy's  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan effective January 1,

     d.   Survival of Section 5(c). The provisions of Section 5(c) shall survive
          the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason.

     e.   Certain  Tax  Consequences.  In the event that the  Executive  becomes
          entitled to the payments and benefits described in this Section 5 (the
          "Severance  Benefits"),  if any  of the  Severance  Benefits  will  be
          subject to any excise tax (the "Excise  Tax")  imposed  under  Section
          4999 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code"),
          the  Company  shall pay to the  Executive  an  additional  amount (the
          "Gross-Up   Payment")  such  that  the  net  amount  retained  by  the
          Executive,  after deduction of an Excise Tax on the Severance Benefits
          and any federal,  state and local income and employment tax and Excise
          Tax upon the payment provided for by this Section 5, shall be equal to
          the Severance Benefits. For purposes of determining whether any of the
          Severance Benefits will be subject to the Excise Tax and the amount of
          such Excise Tax,

          (i)  any other payments or benefits  received or to be received by the
               Executive  in  connection   with  a  Change  in  Control  or  the
               Executive's  termination of employment  (whether  pursuant to the
               terms  of  this  Agreement  or any  other  plan,  arrangement  or
               agreement with the Company,  any Person whose actions result in a
               Change in Control or any Person  affiliated  with the  Company or
               such Person) shall be treated as "parachute  payments" within the
               meaning  of  Section  280G(b)(2)  of the  Code,  and all  "excess
               parachute  payments" within the meaning of Section  280G(b)(1) of
               the Code shall be treated as subject to the Excise Tax, unless in
               the opinion of tax counsel selected by the Company's  independent
               auditors and  reasonably  acceptable to the Executive  such other
               payments  or  benefits  (in  whole or in part) do not  constitute
               parachute payments,  including by reason of Section 280G(b)(4)(A)
               of the Code,  or such excess  parachute  payments (in whole or in
               part) represent  reasonable  compensation  for services  actually
               rendered,  within the  meaning of  Section  280G(b)(4)(B)  of the
               Code,  in  excess  of the  Base  Amount  as  defined  in  Section
               280G(b)(3) of the Code allocable to such reasonable compensation,
               or are otherwise not subject to the Excise Tax,

          (ii) the  amount of the  Severance  Benefits  that shall be treated as
               subject to the Excise Tax shall be equal to the lesser of

               (1)  the total amount of the Severance Benefits, or

               (2)  the amount of excess  parachute  payments within the meaning
                    of Section  280G(b)(1)  of the Code (after  applying  clause
                    (i), above), and

          (iii)the value of any  non-cash  benefits or any  deferred  payment or
               benefit shall be determined by the Company's independent auditors
               in accordance  with the principles of Section  280G(d)(3) and (4)
               of the  Code.  For  purposes  of  determining  the  amount of the
               Gross-Up  Payment,  the Executive  shall be deemed to pay federal
               income  taxes at the  highest  marginal  rate of  federal  income
               taxation in the calendar year in which the Gross-Up Payment is to
               be made and state and local income taxes at the highest  marginal
               rate of  taxation in the state and  locality  of the  Executive's
               residence  on  the  Date  of  Termination,  net  of  the  maximum
               reduction in federal  income  taxes which would be obtained  from
               deduction  of such state and local  taxes.  In the event that the
               Excise Tax is subsequently  determined to be less than the amount
               taken into account  hereunder at the time of  termination  of the
               Executive's employment, the Executive shall repay to the Company,
               at the time that the  amount of such  reduction  in Excise Tax is
               finally   determined,   the  portion  of  the  Gross-Up   Payment
               attributable to such reduction (plus that portion of the Gross-Up
               Payment  attributable  to the Excise Tax and  federal,  state and
               local income and employment  tax imposed on the Gross-Up  Payment
               being repaid by the  Executive to the extent that such  repayment
               results in a reduction  in Excise Tax and/or a federal,  state or
               local income or employment  tax  deduction)  plus interest on the
               amount  of  such  repayment  at  the  rate  provided  in  Section
               1274(b)(2)(B)  of the Code.  In the event  that the Excise Tax is
               determined  to exceed the amount taken into account  hereunder at
               the  time  of  the  termination  of  the  Executive's  employment
               (including  by reason of any payment the  existence  or amount of
               which cannot be determined at the time of the Gross-Up  Payment),
               the Company shall make an additional  Gross-Up Payment in respect
               of such excess (plus any interest, penalties or additions payable
               by the  Executive  with  respect to such excess) at the time that
               the amount of such excess is finally  determined.  The  Executive
               and the Company shall each reasonably cooperate with the other in
               connection  with  any  administrative  or  judicial   proceedings
               concerning  the  existence or amount of liability  for Excise Tax
               with respect to the Severance Benefits.

     f.   Value Creation Plan and Stock Options.  Upon termination of employment
          for any reason,  the Executive's  entitlement to restricted shares and
          performance  shares under the Value  Creation Plan of the Cinergy 1996
          Long-Term  Incentive  Compensation  Plan and any stock options granted
          under the Cinergy  Stock  Option Plan or the  Cinergy  1996  Long-Term
          Incentive  Compensation  Plan shall be  determined in reference to the
          terms  of  the   appropriate   plan,  any  applicable   administrative
          guidelines  and written  agreements  (all such  plans,  administrative
          guidelines  and  written  agreements  referred  to in  this  Agreement
          collectively as the "Stock-Related Documents").

     g.   Other Fees and  Expenses.  The Company also shall pay to the Executive
          all legal fees and expenses incurred by the Executive as a result of a
          termination  which  entitles the Executive to the  Severance  Benefits
          (including all such fees and expenses,  if any,  incurred in disputing
          any such  termination or in seeking in good faith to obtain or enforce
          any benefit or right provided by this Agreement).  Such payments shall
          be  made  within  five  (5)  business  days  after   delivery  of  the
          Executive's   written  requests  for  payment  accompanied  with  such
          evidence of fees and expenses  incurred as the Company  reasonably may

6.   Non-exclusivity of Rights. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent or limit
     the Executive's  continuing or future  participation in any benefit,  plan,
     program,  policy or  practice  provided  by the  Company  and for which the
     Executive  may  qualify  (except  with  respect to any benefit to which the
     Executive  has waived his rights in  writing),  nor shall  anything  herein
     limit or otherwise  affect such rights as the  Executive may have under any
     other  contract or  agreement  entered  into after the date hereof with the
     Company.  Amounts  which are  vested  benefits  or which the  Executive  is
     otherwise entitled to receive under any benefit,  plan, program,  policy or
     practice  of, or any  contract  or  agreement  entered  into after the date
     hereof with, the Company at or subsequent to the Date of Termination, shall
     be  payable in  accordance  with such  benefit,  plan,  program,  policy or
     practice,  or contract or agreement,  except as explicitly modified by this

7.   Full Settlement: Mitigation. Except as provided in Sections 5(a)(ii)(4) and
     5(a)(iii)(2)  of this  Agreement,  the  Company's  obligation  to make  the
     payments  provided  for in this  Agreement  and  otherwise  to perform  its
     obligations  under this  Agreement  shall not be affected  by any  set-off,
     counterclaim, recoupment, defense or other claim, right or action which the
     Company may have  against the  Executive  or others.  In no event shall the
     Executive be obligated to seek other employment or take any other action by
     way of mitigation of the amounts (including amounts for damages for breach)
     payable to the Executive  under any of the provisions of this Agreement and
     such  amounts  shall not be reduced  whether or not the  Executive  obtains
     other  employment.  If the Executive  finally  prevails with respect to any
     dispute   between  the  Company,   the   Executive  or  others  as  to  the
     interpretation, terms, validity or enforceability of (including any dispute
     about the amount of any payment  pursuant to) this  Agreement,  the Company
     agrees  to pay  all  legal  fees  and  expenses  which  the  Executive  may
     reasonably incur as a result of any such dispute.

8.   Arbitration.  The parties  agree that any dispute,  claim,  or  controversy
     based on common law,  equity,  or any  federal,  state,  or local  statute,
     ordinance,  or regulation (other than workers' compensation claims) arising
     out of or relating  in any way to the  Executive's  employment,  the terms,
     benefits, and conditions of employment, or concerning this Agreement or its
     termination and any resulting termination of employment,  including whether
     such dispute is arbitrable, shall be settled by arbitration. This agreement
     to  arbitrate  includes  but is not  limited  to all claims for any form of
     illegal discrimination,  improper or unfair treatment or dismissal, and all
     tort  claims.   The   Executive   shall  still  have  a  right  to  file  a
     discrimination  charge  with a  federal  or  state  agency,  but the  final
     resolution of any  discrimination  claim shall be submitted to  arbitration
     instead of a court or jury. The arbitration  proceeding  shall be conducted
     under the employment dispute  resolution  arbitration rules of the American
     Arbitration  Association  in  effect at the time a demand  for  arbitration
     under the  rules is made.  The  decision  of the  arbitrator(s),  including
     determination  of the amount of any damages  suffered,  shall be exclusive,
     final, and binding on all parties, their heirs, executors,  administrators,
     successors  and  assigns.  Each party  shall bear its own  expenses  in the
     arbitration for  arbitrators'  fees and attorneys' fees, for its witnesses,
     and for other expenses of presenting  its case.  Other  arbitration  costs,
     including administrative fees and fees for records or transcripts, shall be
     borne equally by the parties.

9.   Confidential Information.  The Executive shall hold in a fiduciary capacity
     for the benefit of Cinergy, all of its subsidiary companies and affiliates,
     as well as all  successors and assigns  thereof (the "Cinergy  Companies"),
     all secret,  confidential  information,  knowledge or data  relating to the
     Cinergy Companies,  and their respective  businesses,  that shall have been
     obtained by the Executive during the Executive's  employment by the Company
     and that  shall not have been or now or  subsequently  have  become  public
     knowledge  (other than by acts by the Executive or  representatives  of the
     Executive in violation of this Agreement). During the Employment Period and
     thereafter,  the Executive shall not,  without the prior written consent of
     the  Company  or as may  otherwise  by  required  by law or legal  process,
     communicate  or divulge any such  information,  knowledge or data to anyone
     other  than  the  Company  and  those   designated  by  it.  The  Executive
     understands that during the Employment Period, the Cinergy Companies may be
     required  from  time to time to make  public  disclosure  of the  terms  or
     existence of the  Executive's  employment  relationship  in order to comply
     with various laws and legal requirements. In addition to all other remedies
     available  to the Company in law and equity,  this  Agreement is subject to
     termination  by the Company for Cause under  Section  4(b) in the event the
     Executive violates any provision of this Section 8.

10.  Successors.

     a.   This  Agreement is personal to the  Executive  and,  without the prior
          written  consent  of  the  Company,  shall  not be  assignable  by the
          Executive   otherwise  than  by  will  or  the  laws  of  descent  and
          distribution.  This  Agreement  shall  inure to the  benefit of and be
          enforceable by the Executive's legal representatives.

     b.   This  Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
          Company, and its successors and assigns.

     c.   The Company shall require any successor  (whether  direct or indirect,
          by  purchase,   merger,   consolidation   or   otherwise)  to  all  or
          substantially  all of the  business  and/or  assets of the  Company to
          assume  expressly  and agree to  perform  this  Agreement  in the same
          manner and to the same extent  that the  Company  would be required to
          perform it if no such succession had taken place.

11.  Miscellaneous.

     a.   This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with
          the laws of the State of Ohio,  without  reference  to  principles  of
          conflict of laws.  The captions of this  Agreement are not part of the
          provisions  hereof and shall have no force or effect.  This  Agreement
          may not be amended, modified, repealed, waived, extended or discharged
          except by an  agreement  in writing  signed by the party  against whom
          enforcement of such amendment, modification, repeal, waiver, extension
          or discharge is sought. No person, other than pursuant to a resolution
          of the Board or a committee thereof, shall have authority on behalf of
          the  Company  to agree to  amend,  modify,  repeal,  waive,  extend or
          discharge  any  provision  of this  Agreement or anything in reference

     b.   All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and
          shall be given by hand delivery to the other party or by registered or
          certified mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid,  addressed
          as follows:

                  If to the Executive:
                  M. Stephen Harkness
                  Cinergy Corp./PSI Energy, Inc.
                  1000 East Main Street
                  Plainfield, Indiana  46168

                  If to the Company:
                  Cinergy Corp.
                  221 East Fourth Street
                  P. O. Box 960
                  Cincinnati, Ohio 45201-0960
                  Attn:  Chief Executive Officer

          or to such other  address as either party shall have  furnished to the
          other in writing in accordance  with this  Agreement.  All notices and
          communications  shall  be  effective  when  actually  received  by the

     c.   The invalidity or  unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement
          shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision
          of this Agreement.

     d.   The Company may withhold from any amounts payable under this Agreement
          such federal, state or local taxes as shall be required to be withheld
          pursuant to any applicable law or regulation.

     e.   The  Executive's  or the  Company's  failure  to  insist  upon  strict
          compliance  with any  provision  of this  Agreement  or the failure to
          assert  any right the  Executive  or the  Company  may have under this
          Agreement,  including without limitation the right of the Executive to
          terminate  employment for Good Reason pursuant to Section 4(c) of this
          Agreement,  or the right of the Company to terminate  the  Executive's
          employment for Cause pursuant to Section 4(b) of this Agreement, shall
          not be deemed to be a waiver of such  provision  or right or any other
          provision or right of this Agreement.

     f.   This instrument contains the entire agreement of the Executive and the
          Company with respect to the subject matter hereof;  and subject to any
          agreements   evidencing   stock  option  or  restricted  stock  grants
          described in Section 3(b) and the Stock-Related Documents described in
          Section   5(f)   hereof,    and   all    promises,    representations,
          understandings, arrangements and prior agreements are merged into this
          Agreement and accordingly superseded.

     g.   This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be
          deemed to be an original but all of which together will constitute one
          and the same instrument.

     h.   The Company and the  Executive  agree that Cinergy shall be authorized
          to act for the Company with respect to all aspects  pertaining  to the
          administration and interpretation of this Agreement.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Executive  and the Company  have caused this
Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written.


By:  __/s/ James E. Rogers_____
        James E. Rogers
        Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


___/s/ M. Stephen Harkness___
M. Stephen Harkness