Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number 811-7138

Name of Fund:  MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.

Fund Address:  P.O. Box 9011
               Princeton, NJ  08543-9011

Name and address of agent for service:  Terry K. Glenn, President,
MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc., 800 Scudders Mill Road,
Plainsboro, NJ,  08536.  Mailing address:  P.O. Box 9011, Princeton,
NJ, 08543-9011

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (609) 282-2800

Date of fiscal year end: 10/31/03

Date of reporting period: 11/01/02 - 10/31/03

Item 1 - Attach shareholder report

Merrill Lynch Investment Managers


MuniYield New Jersey
Insured Fund, Inc.

Annual Report
October 31, 2003

MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc. seeks to provide
shareholders with as high a level of current income exempt from
Federal income tax and New Jersey personal income taxes as is
consistent with its investment policies and prudent investment
management by investing primarily in a portfolio of long-term
municipal obligations the interest on which, in the opinion of bond
counsel to the issuer, is exempt from Federal income tax and New
Jersey personal income taxes.

This report, including the financial information herein, is
transmitted to shareholders of MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund,
Inc. for their information. It is not a prospectus. Past performance
results shown in this report should not be considered a
representation of future performance. The Fund has leveraged its
Common Stock and intends to remain leveraged by issuing Preferred
Stock to provide the Common Stock shareholders with a potentially
higher rate of return. Leverage creates risks for Common Stock
shareholders, including the likelihood of greater volatility of net
asset value and market price of shares of the Common Stock, and the
risk that fluctuations in the short-term dividend rates of the
Preferred Stock may affect the yield to Common Stock shareholders.
Statements and other information herein are as dated and are subject
to change.

MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.
Box 9011
Princeton, NJ

MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.

The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging

MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc. utilizes leveraging to seek
to enhance the yield and net asset value of its Common Stock.
However, these objectives cannot be achieved in all interest rate
environments. To leverage, the Fund issues Preferred Stock, which
pays dividends at prevailing short-term interest rates, and invests
the proceeds in long-term municipal bonds. The interest earned on
these investments, net of dividends to Preferred Stock, is paid to
Common Stock shareholders in the form of dividends, and the value of
these portfolio holdings is reflected in the per share net asset
value of the Fund's Common Stock. However, in order to benefit
Common Stock shareholders, the yield curve must be positively
sloped; that is, short-term interest rates must be lower than
long-term interest rates. At the same time, a period of generally
declining interest rates will benefit Common Stock shareholders. If
either of these conditions change, then the risks of leveraging will
begin to outweigh the benefits.

To illustrate these concepts, assume a fund's Common Stock
capitalization of $100 million and the issuance of Preferred
Stock for an additional $50 million, creating a total value of
$150 million available for investment in long-term municipal bonds.
If prevailing short-term interest rates are approximately 3% and
long-term interest rates are approximately 6%, the yield curve has a
strongly positive slope. The fund pays dividends on the $50 million
of Preferred Stock based on the lower short-term interest rates. At
the same time, the fund's total portfolio of $150 million earns the
income based on long-term interest rates. Of course, increases in
short-term interest rates would reduce (and even eliminate) the
dividends on the Common Stock.

In this case, the dividends paid to Preferred Stock shareholders are
significantly lower than the income earned on the fund's long-term
investments, and therefore the Common Stock shareholders are the
beneficiaries of the incremental yield. However, if short-term
interest rates rise, narrowing the differential between short-term
and long-term interest rates, the incremental yield pickup on the
Common Stock will be reduced or eliminated completely. At the same
time, the market value of the fund's Common Stock (that is, its
price as listed on the New York Stock Exchange) may, as a result,
decline. Furthermore, if long-term interest rates rise, the Common
Stock's net asset value will reflect the full decline in the price
of the portfolio's investments, since the value of the fund's
Preferred Stock does not fluctuate. In addition to the decline in
net asset value, the market value of the fund's Common Stock may
also decline.

As a part of its investment strategy, the Fund may invest in certain
securities whose potential income return is inversely related to
changes in a floating interest rate ("inverse floaters"). In
general, income on inverse floaters will decrease when short-term
interest rates increase and increase when short-term interest rates
decrease. Investments in inverse floaters may be characterized as
derivative securities and may subject the Fund to the risks of
reduced or eliminated interest payments and losses of invested
principal. In addition, inverse floaters have the effect of
providing investment leverage and, as a result, the market value
of such securities will generally be more volatile than that of
fixed-rate, tax-exempt securities. To the extent the Fund invests in
inverse floaters, the market value of the Fund's portfolio and the
net asset value of the Fund's shares may also be more volatile than
if the Fund did not invest in these securities. As of October 31,
2003, the percentage of the Fund's total net assets invested in
inverse floaters was 14.00%.

Swap Agreements

The Fund may also invest in swap agreements, which are over-the-
counter contracts in which one party agrees to make periodic
payments based on the change in market value of a specified bond,
basket of bonds, or index in return for periodic payments based on a
fixed or variable interest rate or the change in market value of a
different bond, basket of bonds or index. Swap agreements may be
used to obtain exposure to a bond or market without owning or taking
physical custody of securities.


A Letter From the President

Dear Shareholder

As 2003 draws to a close, it seems appropriate to reflect on what
has been a meaningful year in many respects. We saw the beginning
and the end of all-out war in Iraq, equity market uncertainty turned
to strength and sub par gross domestic product growth of 1.4% in the
first quarter of 2003 grew to an extraordinary 8.2% in the third
quarter. Amid the good news, fixed income investments, which had
become the asset class of choice during the preceding three-year
equity market decline, faced new challenges.

During 2003, municipal bond yields rose and fell in reaction to
geopolitical events, equity market performance, economic activity
and employment figures. By the end of October, long-term municipal
revenue bond yields were slightly higher than they were one year
earlier, at 5.24% as measured by the Bond Buyer Revenue Bond Index.
With many state deficits at record levels, municipalities issued
nearly $400 billion in new long-term tax-exempt bonds during the
12-month period ended October 31, 2003. The availability of bonds,
together with attractive yield ratios relative to U.S. Treasury
issues, made municipal bonds a popular fixed income investment

Throughout the year, our portfolio managers continued to work
diligently to deliver on our commitment to provide superior
performance within reasonable expectations for risk and return. This
included striving to outperform our peers and the market indexes.
With that said, remember that the advice and guidance of a skilled
financial advisor often can mean the difference between successful
and unsuccessful investing. A financial professional can help you
choose those investments that will best serve you as you plan for
your financial future.

Finally, I am proud to premiere a new look to our shareholder
communications. Our portfolio manager commentaries have been trimmed
and organized in such a way that you can get the information you
need at a glance, in plain language. Today's markets are confusing
enough. We want to help you put it all in perspective. The report's
new size also allows us certain mailing efficiencies. Any cost
savings in production or postage are passed on to the Fund and,
ultimately, to Fund shareholders.

We thank you for trusting Merrill Lynch Investment Managers with
your investment assets, and we look forward to serving you in the
months and years ahead.


(Terry K. Glenn)
Terry K. Glenn
President and Director


A Discussion With Your Fund's Portfolio Manager

With interest rates at historically low levels during the period, we
remained focused on generating yield while limiting the Fund's
sensitivity to future interest rate changes.

Describe the market environment relative to municipal bonds during
the fiscal year.

At the end of October, long-term tax-exempt bond yields were
90% - 95% of comparable U.S. Treasury securities, substantially
exceeding their historical average of 85% - 88%. Considering their
tax-free status, this made long-term municipal bonds an attractive
investment alternative during the past 12 months.

Long-term U.S. Treasury bond yields declined throughout most of the
first seven months of the fiscal year, while bond prices--which move
in the opposite direction of yields--rose in response to weak equity
markets, concerns about a growing conflict in Iraq and continued sub
par U.S. economic growth. The Federal Reserve Board continued to
lower short-term interest rates to stimulate business and consumer
economic activity. Bond yields reversed course in July and August,
rising sharply as economic conditions began to improve and as most
analysts agreed the Federal Reserve Board had finished lowering
interest rates. In mid-August, U.S. Treasury bond yields reached
5.45%, their highest level during the period, before again moving
lower and ending the 12-month period at 5.13%, 15 basis points
(.15%) higher than a year earlier.

Long-term tax-exempt bond yields also rose from year-ago levels,
although to a lesser extent than U.S. Treasury bonds. By the end of
October, long-term municipal revenue bond yields stood at 5.24%, a
small increase compared to the previous year. Yields for long-term
Aaa-rated tax-exempt bonds (the highest rated) declined 10 basis
points during the past year. The decline largely reflected
investors' growing demand for high-quality bonds, which provided
valuable stability in an uncertain market.

How did conditions in the state of New Jersey affect the Fund?

New Jersey remained one of the nation's wealthiest states,
characterized by high levels of personal income and large gains in
housing prices. During the fiscal year, the state maintained credit
ratings of AA from Standard & Poor's (S&P), Aa2 from Moody's and AA
from Fitch. While S&P had a stable outlook on the state's credit
condition, Moody's and Fitch maintained a negative outlook.
Nevertheless, the Fund's negligible exposure to uninsured state-
backed bonds meant that the Fund's performance was virtually
unaffected by the potential for credit-rating downgrades.

The state fiscal year closed on June 30, 2003, leaving New Jersey
with another budget shortfall. Several initiatives helped close the
gap, including the securitization of New Jersey's remaining tobacco
settlement and a restructuring of the state's corporate business tax
(CBT). The changes to the CBT resulted in permanent revenue, which
served to enhance New Jersey's long-term financial stability. State
spending was controlled in 2003, remaining comparable to 2002
levels. Although the fiscal year 2004 budget is not yet in balance,
it is only 1.6% higher than the previous year's.

New Jersey's budget shortfalls caused the state to issue more
municipal debt to meet its financial needs. While municipal bond
supply was up throughout the country, New Jersey's rate of issuance
was more than double the national rate of issuance this year. With
such ample supply, New Jersey municipal bonds tended to underperform
their national counterparts.

How did the Fund perform during the period in light of the existing
market conditions?

For the year ended October 31, 2003, the Common Stock of MuniYield
New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc., had a net annualized yield of 6.14%,
based on a year-end per share net asset value of $15.25 and $.936
per share income dividends. Over the same period, the total
investment return on the Fund's Common Stock was +7.24%, based on a
change in per share net asset value from $15.14 to $15.25, and
assuming reinvestment of $.936 per share ordinary income dividends.

For the six-month period ended October 31, 2003, the total
investment return on the Fund's Common Stock was +1.21%, based on a
change in per share net asset value from $15.55 to $15.25, and
assuming reinvestment of $.468 per share ordinary income dividends.


For the six-month period ended October 31, 2003, the Fund's Auction
Market Preferred Stock had an average yield of .84%.

For a description of the Fund's total investment return based on a
change in the per share market value of the Fund's Common Stock (as
measured by the trading price of the Fund's shares on the New York
Stock Exchange), and assuming reinvestment of dividends, please
refer to the Financial Highlights section of the Financial
Statements included in this report. As a closed-end fund, the Fund's
shares may trade in the secondary market at a premium or discount to
the Fund's net asset value. As a result, total investment returns
based on changes in the market value of the Fund's Common Stock can
vary significantly from total investment return based on changes in
the Fund's net asset value.

The Fund's performance, based on net asset value, trailed that of
its comparable Lipper category of New Jersey Municipal Debt Funds,
which had an average return of +8.20% for the 12-month period ended
October 31, 2003. The underperformance can be attributed to two
primary factors. First, as an insured product, the Fund has
conservative investment parameters. Unlike many of the other funds
in the Lipper group, the Fund is precluded from investing in the
more speculative-grade bonds, which happened to be the best
performers in the fixed income marketplace during the period.
Second, the Fund did not employ leverage to the same extent as
several of its peers. Leverage--investing borrowed assets to
generate potentially higher returns--generally benefits shareholders
when interest rates are stable or declining, a phenomenon we
witnessed over the past 12 months.

What changes were made to the portfolio during the period?

To take advantage of continued low interest rates, many issuers
redeemed their bonds prior to maturity. We sought to reinvest the
proceeds from the early calls while at the same time adopting a more
defensive stance for the Fund. Because of the tendency for
reinvestments to lengthen the portfolio's overall duration, we
employed measures to achieve a more desirable average life for the
portfolio. Maintaining the longer duration would have left the Fund
vulnerable to future interest rate changes. Thus, we sold several of
the portfolio's longer-dated securities since the distant maturity
dates made these positions most vulnerable to a rise in interest
rates. We reinvested the proceeds from those sales in high-quality
callable bonds with low volatility characteristics. Late in the
year, as another defensive measure, we initiated a modest hedge
designed to insulate the portfolio from the risk associated with a
rise in interest rates.

The Fund's borrowing costs remained between .75% - 1.25% during the
fiscal year. These attractive funding levels, in combination with a
steep tax-exempt yield curve, generated a significant income benefit
to the Fund's Common Stock shareholders. Further declines in the
Fund's borrowing costs would require significant easing of monetary
policy by the Federal Reserve Board. While such action is not
expected, neither is an imminent increase in short-term interest
rates. We expect short-term borrowing costs to remain near current
attractive levels for the coming months. However, should the spread
between short-term and long-term interest rates narrow, the benefits
of leverage will decline, and as a result, reduce the yield on the
Fund's Common Stock. (For a more complete explanation of the
benefits and risks of leveraging, see page 2 of this report to

How would you characterize the portfolio's position at the close of
the period?

The portfolio was positioned for an expected rise in interest rates,
as improving economic news at the close of the period heightened
speculation over whether the Federal Reserve Board would shift its
easing policy. Although the Fund was more defensive than its peers,
we believe this posture should benefit performance if market
sentiment does cause interest rates to rise.

Theodore R. Jaeckel Jr.
Vice President and Portfolio Manager

November 11, 2003


Schedule of Investments                                                                                      (In Thousands)

           S&P        Moody's    Face
           Ratings++  Ratings++  Amount   Municipal Bonds                                                          Value
New Jersey--126.8%

            AAA       Aaa       $ 4,765   Cape May County, New Jersey, Industrial Pollution Control Financing
                                          Authority Revenue Bonds (Atlantic City Electric Company Project),
                                          AMT, Series A, 7.20% due 11/01/2029 (d)                                 $   5,138

            AAA       Aaa         3,010   Carteret, New Jersey, Board of Education, COP, 6.75% due
                                          10/15/2004 (d)(e)                                                           3,233

            A-        A2          1,875   Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission of Pennsylvania and
                                          New Jersey, Bridge Revenue Refunding Bonds, 5% due 7/01/2023                1,901

                                          Delaware River Port Authority of Pennsylvania and New Jersey
                                          Revenue Bonds:
            AAA       Aaa         3,000      5.40% due 1/01/2016 (b)                                                  3,242
            NR*       Aaa         2,500      RIB, Series 396, 10.64% due 1/01/2019 (c)(f)                             3,194

            NR*       Aaa           790   Essex County, New Jersey, Improvement Authority Revenue Bonds,
                                          Series A, 5% due 10/01/2028 (b)                                               800

            AAA       Aaa         6,925   Garden State Preservation Trust, New Jersey, Capital Appreciation
                                          Revenue Bonds, Series B, 5.12% due 11/01/2023 (c)**                         2,442

            AAA       Aaa         3,365   Garden State Preservation Trust, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Series A,
                                          5% due 11/01/2020 (c)                                                       3,519

            BBB       NR*         2,000   Gloucester County, New Jersey, Improvement Authority, Solid Waste
                                          Resource Recovery Revenue Refunding Bonds (Waste Management Inc. Project),
                                          Series A, 6.85% due 12/01/2029                                              2,289

            AAA       Aaa         1,000   Hudson County, New Jersey, COP, Refunding, 6.25% due 12/01/2016 (d)         1,206

            AAA       NR*         8,250   Hudson County, New Jersey, Improvement Authority, Facility Lease
                                          Revenue Refunding Bonds (Hudson County Lease Project), 5.375% due
                                          10/01/2024 (b)                                                              8,681

                                          Jackson Township, New Jersey, School District, GO (b):
            AAA       Aaa         2,880      5% due 4/15/2017                                                         3,047
            AAA       Aaa         5,200      5% due 4/15/2020                                                         5,407

            AAA       Aaa         3,750   Jersey City, New Jersey, Sewer Authority, Sewer Revenue Refunding
                                          Bonds, 6.25% due 1/01/2014 (a)                                              4,473

            AAA       Aaa         2,000   Middlesex County, New Jersey, COP, Refunding, 5% due 8/01/2022 (d)          2,059

                                          Monmouth County, New Jersey, Improvement Authority, Governmental
                                          Loan Revenue Bonds (a):
            AAA       Aaa           735      5.20% due 12/01/2014                                                       804
            AAA       Aaa         2,305      5.25% due 12/01/2015                                                     2,528

                                          Monmouth County, New Jersey, Improvement Authority, Governmental
                                          Loan Revenue Refunding Bonds (a):
            AAA       Aaa         1,695      5% due 12/01/2017                                                        1,794
            AAA       Aaa         1,520      5% due 12/01/2018                                                        1,596
            AAA       Aaa         1,540      5% due 12/01/2019                                                        1,604

            BBB-      NR*         1,000   New Jersey EDA, First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Fellowship Village),
                                          Series C, 5.50% due 1/01/2028                                                 928

            BBB-      NR*         1,700   New Jersey EDA, First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds (Fellowship
                                          Village), Series A, 5.50% due 1/01/2018                                     1,680

            NR*       Aaa         3,000   New Jersey EDA, Natural Gas Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                          (NUI Corporation), RIB, Series 371, 11.32% due 10/01/2022 (a)(f)            3,376

                                          New Jersey EDA, Revenue Bonds:
            AAA       Aaa         3,000      (School Facilities Construction), GO, Series A, 5.25% due
                                             6/15/2019 (a)                                                            3,205
            AAA       Aaa         3,390      (School Facilities Construction), Series F, 5% due 6/15/2024 (b)         3,455
            AAA       Aaa         9,080      (Transportation Project Sublease), Series A, 5.875% due
                                             5/01/2009 (c)(e)                                                        10,544

            NR*       Aaa         2,535   New Jersey EDA, Water Facilities Revenue Bonds, RIB, AMT,
                                          Series 417, 12.39% due 11/01/2034 (b)(f)                                    2,916

Portfolio Abbreviations

To simplify the listings of MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund,
Inc.'s portfolio holdings in the Schedule of Investments, we have
abbreviated the names of many of the securities according to the
list at right.

AMT        Alternative Minimum Tax (subject to)
COP        Certificates of Participation
DRIVERS    Derivative Inverse Tax-Exempt Receipts
EDA        Economic Development Authority
GO         General Obligation Bonds
M/F        Multi-Family
RIB        Residual Interest Bonds


Schedule of Investments (continued)                                                                          (In Thousands)

           S&P        Moody's    Face
           Ratings++  Ratings++  Amount   Municipal Bonds                                                          Value
New Jersey (concluded)

            AAA       Aaa       $ 1,050   New Jersey EDA, Water Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                          (American Water), AMT, Series B, 5.125% due 4/01/2022 (a)               $   1,068

                                          New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue Bonds:
            NR*       Baa2        1,125      (Somerset Medical Center), 5.50% due 7/01/2033                           1,088
            NR*       Baa1        4,000      (South Jersey Hospital), 6% due 7/01/2026                                4,092

                                          New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority, Revenue
                                          Refunding Bonds:
            A-        A3            615      (Atlantic City Medical Center), 6.25% due 7/01/2017                        673
            A-        A3          1,315      (Atlantic City Medical Center), 5.75% due 7/01/2025                      1,368
            BBB+      NR*         2,425      (Holy Name Hospital), 6% due 7/01/2025                                   2,469
            AAA       Aaa         2,250      (Meridian Health System Obligation Group), 5.25% due 7/01/2019 (c)       2,394

            AAA       Aaa         2,000   New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, Luxury Tax Revenue
                                          Refunding Bonds (Convention Center), 5% due 9/01/2017 (d)                   2,102

            AAA       Aaa         3,200   New Jersey State Educational Facilities Authority, Higher Education,
                                          Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series A, 5.125% due 9/01/2022 (a)       3,325

                                          New Jersey State Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Refunding
                                          Bonds (William Paterson University), Series E (g):
            AAA       Aaa         1,440      5.375% due 7/01/2017                                                     1,568
            AAA       Aaa         1,725      5% due 7/01/2021                                                         1,777

            AAA       Aaa         7,935   New Jersey State Higher Education Assistance Authority, Student Loan
                                          Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series A, 5.30% due 6/01/2017 (a)                       8,264

            AAA       Aaa         3,150   New Jersey State Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, Home Buyer
                                          Revenue Bonds, AMT, Series CC, 5.80% due 10/01/2020 (d)                     3,302

            AAA       Aaa         2,530   New Jersey State Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, M/F Housing
                                          Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series A, 6.05% due 11/01/2020 (a)                 2,620

            AAA       Aaa         5,350   New Jersey State Transit Corporation, COP, 6.50% due 4/01/2007 (c)(e)       6,209

                                          New Jersey State Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation
                                          System Revenue Bonds:
            AAA       Aaa         1,500      Series A, 5% due 6/15/2018 (c)                                           1,565
            AAA       Aaa         2,750      Series B, 5% due 6/15/2013 (a)                                           2,962

            AAA       Aaa         2,160   New Jersey State Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Transportation
                                          System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series B, 6% due 12/15/2011 (d)(e)          2,571

            AAA       Aaa         2,500   New Jersey State Turnpike Authority, Turnpike Revenue Refunding Bonds,
                                          Series A, 5.75% due 1/01/2019 (d)                                           2,795

                                          Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Consolidated Revenue Bonds:
            AA-       A1          1,000      93rd Series, 6.125% due 6/01/2094                                        1,129
            AAA       Aaa         4,000      AMT, 97th Series, 6.65% due 1/15/2023 (b)                                4,270

            AAA       Aaa         3,500   Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Consolidated Revenue
                                          Refunding Bonds, AMT, 96th Series, 6.60% due 10/01/2023 (b)                 3,709

            AAA       Aaa         4,075   Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Trust
                                          Receipts, AMT, Class R, Series 10, 10.364% due 1/15/2017 (c)(f)             4,942

            AAA       Aaa         3,180   Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Revenue Refunding Bonds,
                                          DRIVERS, Series 153, 9.12% due 9/15/2012 (b)(f)                             3,637

            A         NR*         2,200   South Jersey, New Jersey, Revenue Refunding Bonds (Port Corporation),
                                          5% due 1/01/2023                                                            2,222

                                          Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of New Jersey Revenue Bonds:
            BBB       Baa2        1,870      6.75% due 6/01/2039                                                      1,696
            BBB       Baa2        2,845      7% due 6/01/2041                                                         2,667

                                          Union County, New Jersey, Utilities Authority, Senior Lease Revenue
                                          Refunding Bonds (Ogden Martin System of Union), AMT, Series A (a):
            AAA       Aaa         1,590      5.375% due 6/01/2017                                                     1,649
            AAA       Aaa         1,670      5.375% due 6/01/2018                                                     1,725

                                          University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds,
                                          Series A (a):
            AAA       Aaa           570      5.50% due 12/01/2018                                                       627
            AAA       Aaa         1,145      5.50% due 12/01/2019                                                     1,255
            AAA       Aaa         1,130      5.50% due 12/01/2020                                                     1,235
            AAA       Aaa           865      5.50% due 12/01/2021                                                       942


Schedule of Investments (concluded)                                                                          (In Thousands)

           S&P        Moody's    Face
           Ratings++  Ratings++  Amount   Municipal Bonds                                                          Value

            AAA       Aaa       $ 1,210   A.B. Won Guam International Airport Authority, General Revenue
                                          Refunding Bonds, Series A, 5.25% due 10/01/2022 (d)                     $   1,276

Puerto Rico--6.3%

            NR*       Aa2         2,110   Puerto Rico Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Medical and Environmental
                                          Control Facilities Revenue Bonds (Ascension Health), RIB, Series 377,
                                          10.92% due 11/15/2030 (f)                                                   2,497

            AAA       NR*         5,250   Puerto Rico Public Buildings Authority Revenue Bonds, DRIVERS,
                                          Series 211, 9.17% due 7/01/2021 (d)(f)                                      5,924

                                          Total Municipal Bonds (Cost--$166,475)--134.1%                            178,675

                                 Held     Short-Term Securities
                                  7,103   CMA New Jersey Municipal Money Fund (h)                                     7,103

                                          Total Short-Term Securities (Cost--$7,103)--5.3%                            7,103

            Total Investments (Cost--$173,578)--139.4%                                                              185,778
            Unrealized Depreciation on Forward Interest Rate Swaps***--(0.1%)                                         (132)
            Other Assets Less Liabilities--2.7%                                                                       3,603
            Preferred Stock, at Redemption Value--(42.0%)                                                          (56,009)
            Net Assets Applicable to Common Stock--100.0%                                                         $ 133,240

(a)AMBAC Insured.

(b)FGIC Insured.

(c)FSA Insured.

(d)MBIA Insured.


(f)The interest rate is subject to change periodically and inversely
based upon prevailing market rates. The interest rate shown is the
rate in effect at October 31, 2003.

(g)XL Capital Insured.

(h)Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the
Fund (such companies are defined as "Affiliated Companies" in
Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940) are as

                                                   (in Thousands)

                                           Net          Dividend
Affiliate                                Activity        Income

CMA New Jersey Municipal
Money Fund                                7,103            $9

++Ratings of issues shown are unaudited.

*Not Rated.

**Represents a zero coupon or step bond; the interest rate shown
reflects the effective yield at the time of purchase by the Fund.

***Forward interest rate swaps entered into as of October 31, 2003
were as follows:

                                                   (in Thousands)

                                         Notional     Unrealized
                                          Amount     Depreciation
Receive a variable rate equal to
7-Day Bond Market Association
Municipal Swap Index Rate and
pay a fixed rate equal to 3.831%

Broker, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank
Expires February 2014                    $27,000         $(132)

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Statement of Net Assets

As of October 31, 2003

               Investments, at value (identified cost--$173,578,136)                                        $   185,778,123
               Cash                                                                                                  53,209
                 Interest                                                                 $     3,333,568
                 Securities sold                                                                  473,624
                 Dividends from affiliates                                                             78         3,807,270
               Prepaid expenses                                                                                       4,207
               Total assets                                                                                     189,642,809


               Unrealized depreciation on forward interest rate swaps                                               131,922
                 Dividends to Common Stock shareholders                                           145,268
                 Investment adviser                                                                88,285
                 Other affiliates                                                                   1,344           234,897
               Accrued expenses                                                                                      26,937
               Total liabilities                                                                                    393,756

Preferred Stock

               Preferred Stock, at redemption value, par value $.05 per share
               (2,240 Series A shares of AMPS* issued and outstanding at $25,000
               per share liquidation preference)                                                                 56,008,915

Net Assets Applicable to Common Stock

               Net assets applicable to Common Stock                                                        $   133,240,138

Analysis of Net Assets Applicable to Common Stock

               Common Stock, par value $.10 per share (8,739,703 shares issued
               and outstanding)                                                                             $       873,970
               Paid-in capital in excess of par                                                                 122,601,543
               Undistributed investment income--net                                       $     1,862,709
               Accumulated realized capital losses on investments--net                        (4,166,149)
               Unrealized appreciation on investments--net                                     12,068,065
               Total accumulated earnings--net                                                                    9,764,625
               Total--Equivalent to $15.25 net asset value per share of Common Stock
               (market price--$14.39)                                                                       $   133,240,138

*Auction Market Preferred Stock.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Statement of Operations

For the Year Ended October 31, 2003
Investment Income

               Interest                                                                                     $    10,638,075
               Dividends from affiliates                                                                              8,624
               Total income                                                                                      10,646,699


               Investment advisory fees                                                   $       954,078
               Commission fees                                                                    141,971
               Accounting services                                                                 81,939
               Professional fees                                                                   55,913
               Transfer agent fees                                                                 39,352
               Printing and shareholder reports                                                    27,785
               Directors' fees and expenses                                                        22,585
               Listing fees                                                                        20,955
               Custodian fees                                                                      12,141
               Pricing fees                                                                        11,489
               Other                                                                               30,366
               Total expenses before reimbursement                                              1,398,574
               Reimbursement of expenses                                                          (8,589)
               Total expenses after reimbursement                                                                 1,389,985
               Investment income--net                                                                             9,256,714

Realized & Unrealized Gain on Investments--Net

               Realized gain on investments--net                                                                    351,871
               Change in unrealized appreciation on investments--net                                                  3,424
               Total realized and unrealized gain on investments--net                                               355,295

Dividends & Distributions to Preferred Stock Shareholders

               Investment income--net                                                                             (510,182)
               Realized gain on investments--net                                                                    (4,122)
               Total dividends and distributions to Preferred Stock shareholders                                  (514,304)
               Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations                                         $     9,097,705

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                                                                                           For the Year Ended October 31,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:                                                              2003               2002

               Investment income--net                                                     $     9,256,714   $     9,182,764
               Realized gain (loss) on investments--net                                           351,871         (454,136)
               Change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments--net                   3,424          (20,038)
               Dividends and distributions to Preferred Stock shareholders                      (514,304)         (750,803)
                                                                                          ---------------   ---------------
               Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                             9,097,705         7,957,787
                                                                                          ---------------   ---------------

Dividends & Distributions to Common Stock Shareholders

               Investment income--net                                                         (8,172,716)       (8,129,950)
               Realized gain on investments--net                                                 (46,866)          (50,541)
                                                                                          ---------------   ---------------
               Net decrease in net assets resulting from dividends and distributions
               to Common Stock shareholders                                                   (8,219,582)       (8,180,491)
                                                                                          ---------------   ---------------

Common Stock Transactions

               Value of shares issued to Common Stock shareholders in reinvestment
               of dividends and distributions                                                     216,321         1,356,105
                                                                                          ---------------   ---------------

Net Assets Applicable to Common Stock

               Total increase in net assets applicable to Common Stock                          1,094,444         1,133,401
               Beginning of year                                                              132,145,694       131,012,293
                                                                                          ---------------   ---------------
               End of year*                                                               $   133,240,138   $   132,145,694
                                                                                          ===============   ===============
                 *Undistributed investment income--net                                    $     1,862,709   $     1,288,896
                                                                                          ===============   ===============

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Financial Highlights

The following per share data and ratios have been derived
from information provided in the financial statements.
                                                                              For the Year Ended October 31,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Asset Value:                        2003         2002       2001++++      2000++++      1999++++
Per Share Operating Performance

               Net asset value, beginning of year            $    15.14   $    15.17   $    13.96   $    13.48   $    15.96
                                                             ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
               Investment income--net                           1.06+++         1.07         1.04         1.03         1.07
               Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on
               investments--net                                     .06        (.06)         1.21          .51       (2.24)
               Dividends and distributions to Preferred
               Stock shareholders:
                 Investment income--net                           (.06)        (.09)        (.20)        (.25)        (.19)
                 Realized gain on investments--net                 --++         --++           --           --           --
                 In excess of realized gain on
                 investments--net                                    --           --           --           --        (.02)
                                                             ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
               Total from investment operations                    1.06          .92         2.05         1.29       (1.38)
                                                             ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
               Less dividends and distributions to
               Common Stock shareholders:
                 Investment income--net                           (.94)        (.94)        (.84)        (.81)        (.88)
                 Realized gain on investments--net                (.01)        (.01)           --           --           --
                 In excess of realized gain on
                 investments--net                                    --           --           --           --        (.22)
                                                             ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
               Total dividends and distributions to
               Common Stock shareholders                          (.95)        (.95)        (.84)        (.81)       (1.10)
                                                             ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
               Net asset value, end of year                  $    15.25   $    15.14   $    15.17   $    13.96   $    13.48
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Market price per share, end of year           $    14.39   $    14.45   $    15.04   $   13.375   $   12.625
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Total Investment Return*

               Based on market price per share                    6.02%        2.30%       19.04%       12.80%     (18.97%)
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Based on net asset value per share.                7.24%        6.27%       15.04%       10.27%      (9.20%)
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Ratios Based on Average Net Assets of Common Stock

               Total expenses, net of reimbursement**             1.03%        1.07%        1.11%        1.11%        1.03%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Total expenses**                                   1.04%        1.07%        1.11%        1.11%        1.03%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Total investment income--net**                     6.89%        7.04%        7.01%        7.56%        7.07%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Amount of dividends to Preferred Stock
               shareholders                                        .38%         .57%        1.33%        1.86%        1.24%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Investment income--net, to Common Stock
               shareholders                                       6.51%        6.47%        5.68%        5.70%        5.83%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Ratios Based on Average Net Assets of Common & Preferred Stock**

               Total expenses, net of reimbursement                .73%         .75%         .77%         .75%         .72%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Total expenses                                      .73%         .75%         .77%         .75%         .72%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Total investment income--net                       4.85%        4.93%        4.86%        5.10%        4.94%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Ratios Based on Average Net Assets of Preferred Stock

               Dividends to Preferred Stock shareholders           .91%        1.32%        3.01%        3.85%        2.87%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========


Financial Highlights (concluded)

The following per share data and ratios have been derived
from information provided in the financial statements.
                                                                              For the Year Ended October 31,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Asset Value:                        2003         2002       2001++++      2000++++      1999++++
Supplemental Data

               Net assets applicable to Common Stock, end
               of year(in thousands)                         $  133,240   $  132,146   $  131,012   $  119,885   $  115,763
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Preferred Stock outstanding, end of year
               (in thousands)                                $   56,000   $   56,000   $   56,000   $   56,000   $   56,000
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
               Portfolio turnover                                24.70%       28.45%       57.25%       50.65%       61.80%
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========


               Asset coverage per $1,000                     $    3,379   $    3,360   $    3,340   $    3,141   $    3,067
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Dividends Per Share on Preferred Stock Outstanding

               Investment income-net                         $      228   $      330   $      753   $      966   $      716
                                                             ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

*Total investment returns based on market value, which can be
significantly greater or lesser than the net asset value, may result
in substantially different returns. Total investment returns exclude
the effects of sales charges.

**Do not reflect the effect of dividends to Preferred Stock

++Amount is less than $(.01) per share.

++++Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform to
current year presentation.

+++Based on average shares outstanding.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Notes to Financial Statements

1. Significant Accounting Policies:
MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc. (the "Fund")is registered
under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a non-
diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund's
financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which
may require the use of management accruals and estimates. The Fund
determines and makes available for publication the net asset value
of its Common Stock on a weekly basis. The Fund's Common Stock is
listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol MJI. The
following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed
by the Fund.

(a) Valuation of investments--Municipal bonds are traded primarily
in the over-the-counter markets and are valued at the last available
bid price in the over-the-counter market or on the basis of yield
equivalents as obtained by the Fund's pricing service from one or
more dealers that make markets in the securities. Financial futures
contracts and options thereon, which are traded on exchanges, are
valued at their closing prices as of the close of such exchanges.
Options written or purchased are valued at the last sale price in
the case of exchange-traded options. In the case of options traded
in the over-the-counter market, valuation is the last asked price
(options written) or the last bid price (options purchased). Swap
agreements are valued by quoted fair values received daily by the
Fund from the counterparty. Short-term investments with a remaining
maturity of sixty days or less are valued at amortized cost, which
approximates market value. Securities and assets for which market
quotations are not readily available are valued at fair value as
determined in good faith by or under the direction of the Board of
Directors of the Fund, including valuations furnished by a pricing
service retained by the Fund, which may utilize a matrix system
for valuations. The procedures of the pricing service and its
valuations are reviewed by the officers of the Fund under the
general supervision of the Board of Directors.

(b) Derivative financial instruments--The Fund may engage in various
portfolio investment strategies both to increase the return of the
Fund and to hedge, or protect, its exposure to interest rate
movements and movements in the securities markets. Losses may arise
due to changes in the value of the contract or if the counterparty
does not perform under the contract.

* Financial futures contracts--The Fund may purchase or sell
financial futures contracts and options on such futures contracts.
Futures contracts are contracts for delayed delivery of securities
at a specific future date and at a specific price or yield. Upon
entering into a contract, the Fund deposits and maintains as
collateral such initial margin as required by the exchange on which
the transaction is effected. Pursuant to the contract, the Fund
agrees to receive from or pay to the broker an amount of cash equal
to the daily fluctuation in value of the contract. Such receipts or
payments are known as variation margin and are recorded by the Fund
as unrealized gains or losses. When the contract is closed, the Fund
records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the
value of the contract at the time it was opened and the value at the
time it was closed.

* Options--The Fund is authorized to write covered call options and
purchase put options. When the Fund writes an option, an amount
equal to the premium received by the Fund is reflected as an asset
and an equivalent liability. The amount of the liability is
subsequently marked to market to reflect the current market value of
the option written. When a security is purchased or sold through an
exercise of an option, the related premium paid (or received) is
added to (or deducted from) the basis of the security acquired or
deducted from (or added to) the proceeds of the security sold. When
an option expires (or the Fund enters into a closing transaction),
the Fund realizes a gain or loss on the option to the extent of the
premiums received or paid (or gain or loss to the extent the cost of
the closing transaction exceeds the premium paid or received).

Written and purchased options are non-income producing investments.

* Forward interest rate swaps--The Fund may enter into forward
interest rate swaps. In a forward interest rate swap, the Fund and
the counterparty agree to make periodic net payments on a specified
notional contract amount, commencing on a specified future effective
date, unless terminated earlier. When the agreement is closed, the
Fund records a realized gain or loss in an amount equal to the value
of the agreement.


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

(c) Income taxes--It is the Fund's policy to comply with the
requirements of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated
investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its
taxable income to its shareholders. Therefore, no Federal income tax
provision is required.

(d) Security transactions and investment income--Security
transactions are recorded on the dates the transactions are entered
into (the trade dates). Realized gains and losses on security
transactions are determined on the identified cost basis. Dividend
income is recorded on the ex-dividend dates. Interest income is
recognized on the accrual basis. The Fund amortizes all premiums and
discounts on debt securities.

(e) Dividends and distributions--Dividends from net investment
income are declared and paid monthly. Distributions of capital gains
are recorded on the ex-dividend dates.

2. Investment Advisory Agreement and Transactions with Affiliates:
The Fund has entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with Fund
Asset Management, L.P. ("FAM"). The general partner of FAM is
Princeton Services, Inc. ("PSI"), an indirect, wholly-owned
subsidiary of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. ("ML & Co."), which is the
limited partner.

FAM is responsible for the management of the Fund's portfolio and
provides the necessary personnel, facilities, equipment and certain
other services necessary to the operations of the Fund. For such
services, the Fund pays a monthly fee at an annual rate of .50% of
the Fund's average weekly net assets, including proceeds from the
issuance of Preferred Stock. For the year ended October 31, 2003,
FAM reimbursed the Fund in the amount of $8,589.

For the year ended October 31, 2003, the Fund reimbursed FAM $4,125
for certain accounting services.

Certain officers and/or directors of the Fund are officers and/or
directors of FAM, PSI, and/or ML & Co.

3. Investments:
Purchases and sales of investments, excluding short-term securities,
for the year ended October 31, 2003 were $45,786,899 and
$46,649,499, respectively.

Net realized gains (losses) for the year ended October 31, 2003 and
net unrealized gains (losses) as of October 31, 2003 were as

                                        Realized         Unrealized
                                  Gains (Losses)     Gains (Losses)

Long-term investments            $       758,186    $    12,199,987
Financial futures contracts            (406,315)                 --
Forward interest rate swaps                   --          (131,922)
                                 ---------------    ---------------
Total                            $       351,871    $    12,068,065
                                 ===============    ===============

As of October 31, 2003, net unrealized appreciation for Federal
income tax purposes aggregated $12,377,294, of which $12,602,334
related to appreciated securities and $225,040 related to
depreciated securities. The aggregate cost of investments at
October 31, 2003 for Federal income tax purposes was $173,400,829.

4. Stock Transactions:
The Fund is authorized to issue 200,000,000 shares of stock,
including Preferred Stock, par value $.10 per share, all of which
were initially classified as Common Stock. The Board of Directors is
authorized, however, to reclassify any unissued shares of stock
without approval of holders of Common Stock.

Common Stock
Shares issued and outstanding during the years ended October 31,
2003 and October 31, 2002 increased by 13,926 and 90,512,
respectively, as a result of dividend reinvestment.

Preferred Stock
Auction Market Preferred Stock (" AMPS" ) are redeemable shares of
Preferred Stock of the Fund, with a par value of $.05 per share and
a liquidation preference of $25,000 per share, plus accrued and
unpaid dividends, that entitle their holders to receive cash
dividends at an annual rate that may vary for the successive
dividend periods. The yield in effect at October 31, 2003 was .83%.

The Fund pays commissions to certain broker-dealers at the end of
each auction at an annual rate ranging from .25% to .375%,
calculated on the proceeds of each auction. For the year ended
October 31, 2003, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith
Incorporated, an affiliate of FAM, earned $86,076 as commissions.


Notes to Financial Statements (concluded)

5. Distributions to Shareholders:
The Fund paid a tax-exempt income dividend to holders of Common
Stock in the amount of $.078000 per share on November 26, 2003 to
shareholders of record on November 14, 2003.

The tax character of distributions paid during the fiscal years
ended October 31, 2003 and October 31, 2002 was as follows:

                                      10/31/2003         10/31/2002

Distributions paid from:
   Tax-exempt income             $     8,682,898    $     8,868,926
   Ordinary income                        50,988             62,368
                                 ---------------    ---------------
Total distributions              $     8,733,886    $     8,931,294
                                 ===============    ===============

As of October 31, 2003, the components of accumulated earnings on a
tax basis were as follows:

Undistributed tax-exempt income--net                $     1,685,402
Undistributed long-term capital gains--net                       --
Total undistributed earnings--net                         1,685,402
Capital loss carryforward                              (1,570,772)*
Unrealized gains--net                                   9,649,995**
Total accumulated earnings--net                     $     9,764,625

*On October 31, 2003, the Fund had a net capital loss carryforward
of $1,570,772, of which $492,522 expires in 2008 and $1,078,250
expires in 2010. This amount will be available to offset like
amounts of any future taxable gains.

**The difference between book-basis and tax-basis net unrealized
gains is attributable primarily to the tax deferral of losses on
straddles and the difference between book and tax amortization
methods for premiums and discounts on fixed income securities.


Independent Auditors' Report

To the Shareholders and Board of Directors
of MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.:

We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets, including
the schedule of investments, of MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund,
Inc. as of October 31, 2003, and the related statement of operations
for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for
each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial
highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended.
These financial statements and financial highlights are the
responsibility of the Fund's management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements and financial
highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements and financial
highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of October 31, 2003, by
correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where replies were
not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures.
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights
referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the
financial position of MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc. as of
October 31, 2003, the results of its operations for the year then
ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in
the period then ended, and its financial highlights for each of the
five years in the period then ended, in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Princeton, New Jersey
December 17, 2003

Important Tax Information (unaudited)

All of the net investment income distributions paid by MuniYield New
Jersey Insured Fund, Inc. during the taxable year ended October 31,
2003 qualify as tax-exempt interest dividends for Federal income tax

Additionally, the following table summarizes the taxable
distributions paid by the Fund during the year:

                                       Payable           Ordinary
                                         Date             Income

Common Stock Shareholders             12/30/2002         $.005371
Preferred Stock Shareholders          12/02/2002         $   1.84

Please retain this information for your records.


Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan

The following description of the Fund's Automatic Dividend
Reinvestment Plan (the "Plan") is sent to you annually as required
by Federal securities laws.

Pursuant to the Fund's Plan, unless a holder of Common Stock
otherwise elects, all dividend and capital gains distributions will
be automatically reinvested by The Bank of New York (the "Plan
Agent"), as agent for shareholders in administering the Plan, in
additional shares of Common Stock of the Fund. Holders of Common
Stock who elect not to participate in the Plan will receive all
distributions in cash paid by check mailed directly to the
shareholder of record (or, if the shares are held in street or
other nominee name then to such nominee) by The Bank of New York,
as dividend paying agent. Such participants may elect not to
participate in the Plan and to receive all distributions of
dividends and capital gains in cash by sending written instructions
to The Bank of New York, as dividend paying agent, at the address
set forth below. Participation in the Plan is completely voluntary
and may be terminated or resumed at any time without penalty by
written notice if received by the Plan Agent not less than ten days
prior to any dividend record date; otherwise such termination will
be effective with respect to any subsequently declared dividend or

Whenever the Fund declares an income dividend or capital gains
distribution (collectively referred to as "dividends") payable
either in shares or in cash, non-participants in the Plan will
receive cash and participants in the Plan will receive the
equivalent in shares of Common Stock. The shares will be acquired by
the Plan Agent for the participant's account, depending upon the
circumstances described below, either (i) through receipt of
additional unissued but authorized shares of Common Stock from the
Fund ("newly issued shares") or (ii) by purchase of outstanding
shares of Common Stock on the open market ("open-market purchases")
on the New York Stock Exchange or elsewhere. If on the payment date
for the dividend, the net asset value per share of the Common Stock
is equal to or less than the market price per share of the Common
Stock plus estimated brokerage commissions (such conditions being
referred to herein as "market premium"), the Plan Agent will invest
the dividend amount in newly issued shares on behalf of the
participant. The number of newly issued shares of Common Stock to be
credited to the participant's account will be determined by dividing
the dollar amount of the dividend by the net asset value per share
on the date the shares are issued, provided that the maximum
discount from the then current market price per share on the date of
issuance may not exceed 5%. If on the dividend payment date the net
asset value per share is greater than the market value (such
condition being referred to herein as "market discount"), the Plan
Agent will invest the dividend amount in shares acquired on behalf
of the participant in open-market purchases.

In the event of a market discount on the dividend payment date, the
Plan Agent will have until the last business day before the next
date on which the shares trade on an "ex-dividend" basis or in no
event more than 30 days after the dividend payment date (the "last
purchase date") to invest the dividend amount in shares acquired in
open-market purchases. It is contemplated that the Fund will pay
monthly income dividends. Therefore, the period during which open-
market purchases can be made will exist only from the payment date
on the dividend through the date before the next "ex-dividend" date,
which typically will be approximately ten days. If, before the Plan
Agent has completed its open-market purchases, the market price of a
share of Common Stock exceeds the net asset value per share, the
average per share purchase price paid by the Plan Agent may exceed
the net asset value of the Fund's shares, resulting in the
acquisitions of fewer shares than if the dividend had been paid in
newly issued shares on the dividend payment date. Because of the
foregoing difficulty with respect to open-market purchases, the Plan
provides that if the Plan Agent is unable to invest the full
dividend amount in open-market purchases during the purchase period
or if the market discount shifts to a market premium during the
purchase period, the Plan Agent will cease making open-market
purchases and will invest the uninvested portion of the dividend
amount in newly issued shares at the close of business on the last
purchase date determined by dividing the uninvested portion of the
dividend by the net asset value per share.

The Plan Agent maintains all shareholders' accounts in the Plan and
furnishes written confirmation of all transactions in the account,
including information needed by shareholders for tax records. Shares
in the account of each Plan participant will be held by the Plan
Agent in non-certificated form in the name of the participant, and
each shareholder's proxy will include those shares purchased or
received pursuant to the Plan. The Plan Agent will forward all proxy
solicitation materials to participants and vote proxies for shares
held pursuant to the Plan in accordance with the instructions of the


Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan (concluded)

In the case of shareholders such as banks, brokers or nominees
which hold shares of others who are the beneficial owners, the Plan
Agent will administer the Plan on the basis of the number of
shares certified from time to time by the record shareholders as
representing the total amount registered in the record shareholder's
name and held for the account of beneficial owners who are to
participate in the Plan.

There will be no brokerage charges with respect to shares issued
directly by the Fund as a result of dividends or capital gains
distributions payable either in shares or in cash. However, each
participant will pay a pro rata share of brokerage commissions
incurred with respect to the Plan Agent's open-market purchases in
connection with the reinvestment of dividends.

The automatic reinvestment of dividends and distributions will not
relieve participants of any Federal, state or local income tax that
may be payable (or required to be withheld) on such dividends.

Shareholders participating in the Plan may receive benefits not
available to shareholders not participating in the Plan. If the
market price plus commissions of the Fund's shares is above the net
asset value, participants in the Plan will receive shares of the
Fund at less than they could otherwise purchase them and will have
shares with a cash value greater than the value of any cash
distribution they would have received on their shares. If the market
price plus commissions is below the net asset value, participants
will receive distributions in shares with a net asset value greater
than the value of any cash distribution they would have received on
their shares. However, there may be insufficient shares available in
the market to make distributions in shares at prices below the net
asset value. Also, since the Fund does not redeem shares, the price
on resale may be more or less than the net asset value.

The value of shares acquired pursuant to the Plan will generally be
excluded from gross income to the extent that the cash amount
reinvested would be excluded from gross income. If, when the Fund's
shares are trading at a premium over net asset value, the Fund
issues shares pursuant to the Plan that have a greater fair market
value than the amount of cash reinvested, it is possible that all or
a portion of such discount (which may not exceed 5% of the fair
market value of the Fund's shares) could be viewed as a taxable
distribution. If the discount is viewed as a taxable distribution,
it is also possible that the taxable character of this discount
would be allocable to all the shareholders, including shareholders
who do not participate in the Plan. Thus, shareholders who do not
participate in the Plan might be required to report as ordinary
income a portion of their distributions equal to their allocable
share of the discount.

Experience under the Plan may indicate that changes are desirable.
Accordingly, the Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the
Plan. There is no direct service charge to participants in the Plan;
however, the Fund reserves the right to amend the Plan to include a
service charge payable by the participants.

All correspondence concerning the Plan should be directed to the
Plan Agent at The Bank of New York, Church Street Station, P.O. Box
11258, New York , NY 10286-1258, Telephone: 800-432-8224.


Officers and Directors (unaudited)

                                                                                            Number of
                                                                                            Portfolios in  Other Public
                        Position(s)  Length                                                 Fund Complex   Directorships
                        Held         Of Time                                                Overseen by    Held by
Name, Address & Age     with Fund    Served   Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years   Director       Director
Interested Director

Terry K. Glenn*         President    1999 to  President and Chairman of Merrill Lynch       124 Funds      None
P.O. Box 9011           and          present  Investment Managers, L.P. ("MLIM")/Fund       163 Portfolios
Princeton,              Director     and      Asset Management, L.P. ("FAM")--Advised
NJ 08543-9011                        1993 to  Funds since 1999; Chairman (Americas
Age: 63                              present  Region) of MLIM from 2000 to 2002;
                                              Executive Vice President of MLIM and
                                              FAM (which terms as used herein include
                                              their corporate predecessors) from 1983
                                              to 2002; President of FAM Distributors,
                                              Inc. ("FAMD") from 1986 to 2002 and
                                              Director thereof from 1991 to 2002;
                                              Executive Vice President and Director of
                                              Princeton Services, Inc. ("Princeton
                                              Services") from 1993 to 2002; President
                                              of Princeton Administrators, L.P. from
                                              1989 to 2002; Director of Financial Data
                                              Services, Inc. since 1985.

* Mr. Glenn is a director, trustee or member of an advisory board of
certain other investment companies for which MLIM or FAM acts as
investment adviser. Mr. Glenn is an "interested person," as
described in the Investment Company Act, of the Fund based on his
former positions with MLIM, FAM, FAMD, Princeton Services and
Princeton Administrators, L.P. The Director's term is unlimited.
Directors serve until their resignation, removal or death, or until
December 31 of the year in which they turn 72. As Fund President,
Mr. Glenn serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.


Officers and Directors (unaudited)(continued)

                                                                                            Number of
                                                                                            Portfolios in  Other Public
                        Position(s)  Length                                                 Fund Complex   Directorships
                        Held         Of Time                                                Overseen by    Held by
Name, Address & Age     with Fund    Served   Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years   Director       Director
Independent Directors*

Donald W. Burton        Director     2002 to  Manager of The Burton Partnership,            23 Funds       ITC DeltaCom,
P.O. Box 9095                        present  Limited Partnership since 1979; Managing      37 Portfolios  Inc.; ITC Holding
Princeton,                                    General Partner of the South Atlantic                        Company, Inc.;
NJ 08543-9095                                 Venture Funds, Limited Partnerships and                      Knology, Inc.;
Age: 59                                       Chairman of South Atlantic Private Equity                    MainBancorp
                                              Fund IV, Limited Partnership since 1983;                     N.A.; PriCare,
                                              Member of the Investment Advisory Council                    Inc.; Symbion,
                                              of the Florida State Board of                                Inc.
                                              Administration since 2001.

M. Colyer Crum          Director     1992 to  James R. Williston Professor of Investment    24 Funds       Cambridge
P.O. Box 9095                        present  Management Emeritus, Harvard Business         38 Portfolios  Bancorp
Princeton,                                    School since 1996; Chairman and Director,
NJ 08543-9095                                 Phaeton International, Ltd. since 1985;
Age: 71                                       Director, Cambridge Bancorp since 1969.

Laurie Simon Hodrick    Director     1999 to  Professor of Finance and Economics,           23 Funds       None
P.O. Box 9095                        present  Graduate School of Business, Columbia         37 Portfolios
Princeton,                                    University since 1998; Associate
NJ 08543-9095                                 Professor of Finance and Economics,
Age: 41                                       Graduate School of Business, Columbia
                                              University from 1996 to 1998.

Fred G. Weiss           Director     1998 to  Managing Director of FGW Associates since     23 Funds       Watson
P.O. Box 9095                        present  1997; Vice President, Planning, Investment    37 Portfolios  Pharmaceuticals,
Princeton,                                    and Development of Warner Lambert Co.                        Inc.
NJ 08543-9095                                 from 1979 to 1997; Director, BTG Inter-
Age: 62                                       national, PLC since 2001; Director, Watson
                                              Pharmaceuticals, Inc. since 2000.

David H. Walsh          Director     2003 to  Consultant with Putnam Investments since      23 Funds       None
P.O. Box 9095                        present  1993 and employed in various capacities       37 Portfolios
Princeton,                                    therewith from 1971 to 1992; Director,
NJ 08543-9095                                 the National Audubon Society since 1980;
Age: 62                                       Director, the American Museum of Fly
                                              Fishing since 1998.

*The Director's term is unlimited. Directors serve until their
resignation, removal or death, or until December 31 of the year in
which they turn 72.


Officers and Directors (unaudited)(concluded)

                        Position(s)  Length
                        Held         Of Time
Name, Address & Age     with Fund    Served*  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years
Fund Officers

Donald C. Burke         Vice         1993 to  First Vice President of MLIM and FAM since 1997 and Treasurer thereof since
P.O. Box 9011           President    present  1999; Senior Vice President and Treasurer of Princeton Services since 1999;
Princeton,              and          and      Vice President of FAMD since 1999; Director of MLIM Taxation since 1990.
NJ 08543-9011           Treasurer    1999 to
Age: 43                              present

Kenneth A. Jacob        Senior       2002 to  Managing Director of MLIM since 2000; Director (Municipal Tax-Exempt Fund
P.O. Box 9011           Vice         present  Management) of MLIM from 1997 to 2000.
Princeton,              President
NJ 08543-9011
Age: 52

John M. Loffredo        Senior       2002 to  Managing Director of MLIM since 2000; Director (Municipal Tax-Exempt Fund
P.O. Box 9011           Vice         present  Management) of MLIM from 1998 to 2000.
Princeton,              President
NJ 08543-9011
Age: 39

Theodore R. Jaeckel Jr. Vice         1997 to  Director (Municipal Tax-Exempt Fund Management) of MLIM since 2000;
P.O. Box 9011           President    present  Vice President of MLIM from 1994 to 2000.
NJ 08543-9011
Age: 44

Brian D. Stewart        Secretary    2002 to  Vice President (Legal Advisory) of MLIM since 2002; Attorney with Reed Smith
P.O. Box 9011                        present  from 2001 to 2002; Attorney with Saul Ewing from 1999 to 2001.
NJ 08543-9011
Age: 34

*Officers of the Fund serve at the pleasure of the Board of

The Bank of New York
100 Church Street
New York, NY 10286

Transfer Agents

Common Stock:
The Bank of New York
101 Barclay Street
New York, NY 10286

Preferred Stock:
The Bank of New York
100 Church Street
New York, NY 10286

NYSE Symbol

Dividend Policy

The Fund's dividend policy is to distribute all or a portion of its
net investment income to its shareholders on a monthly basis. In
order to provide shareholders with a more stable level of dividend
distributions, the Fund may at times pay out less than the entire
amount of net investment income earned in any particular month and
may at times in any particular month pay out such accumulated but
undistributed income in addition to net investment income earned in
that month. As a result, the dividends paid by the Fund for any
particular month may be more or less than the amount of net
investment income earned by the Fund during such month. The Fund's
current accumulated but undistributed net investment income, if any,
is disclosed in the Statement of Net Assets, which comprises part of
the financial information included in this report.


Electronic Delivery

The Fund is now offering electronic delivery of communications to
its shareholders. In order to receive this service, you must
register your account and provide us with e-mail information.
To sign up for this service, simply access this website
http://www.icsdelivery.com/live and follow the instructions.
When you visit this site, you will obtain a personal identification
number (PIN). You will need this PIN should you wish to update your
e-mail address, choose to discontinue this service and/or make any
other changes to the service. This service is not available for
certain retirement accounts at this time.

Quality Profile (unaudited)

The quality ratings of securities in the Fund as of October 31, 2003
were as follows:

                                        Percent of
S&P Rating/Moody's Rating              Investments

AAA/Aaa                                    81.8%
AA/Aa                                       2.0
A/A                                         3.3
BBB/Baa                                     9.1
NR (Not Rated)                              3.8


Item 2 - Did registrant adopt a code of ethics, as of the end of the
period covered by this report, that applies to the registrant's
principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal
accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar
functions, regardless of whether these individuals are employed by
the registrant or a third party?  If not, why not?  Briefly describe
any amendments or waivers that occurred during the period.  State
here if code of ethics/amendments/waivers are on website and give
website address-.  State here if fund will send code of ethics to
shareholders without charge upon request--

The registrant has adopted a code of ethics, as of the end of the
period covered by this report, that applies to the registrant's
principal executive officer, principal financial officer and
principal accounting officer, or persons performing similar
functions.  A copy of the code of ethics is available without charge
upon request by calling toll-free 1-800-MER-FUND (1-800-637-3863).

Item 3 - Did the registrant's board of directors determine that the
registrant either: (i) has at least one audit committee financial
expert serving on its audit committee; or (ii) does not have an
audit committee financial expert serving on its audit committee?  If
yes, disclose name of financial expert and whether he/she is
"independent," (fund may, but is not required, to disclose name/
independence of more than one financial expert)  If no, explain why
not. -

The registrant's board of directors has determined that (i) the
registrant has the following audit committee financial experts
serving on its audit committee and (ii) each audit committee
financial expert is independent: (1) Donald W. Burton, (2) M. Colyer
Crum, (3) Laurie Simon Hodrick, (4) David H. Walsh and (5) Fred G.

The registrant's board of directors has determined that Laurie Simon
Hodrick and M. Colyer Crum qualify as financial experts pursuant to
Item 3(c)(4) of Form N-CSR.

Ms. Hodrick has a thorough understanding of generally accepted
accounting principals, financial statements, and internal controls
and procedures for financial reporting. Ms. Hodrick earned a Ph.D.
in economics and has taught courses in finance for over 15 years.
Her M.B.A.-level course centers around the evaluation and analysis
of firms' corporate financial statements. She has also taught in
financial analysts' training programs. Ms. Hodrick has also worked
with several prominent corporations in connection with the analysis
of financial forecasts and projections and analysis of the financial
statements of those companies, serving on the Financial Advisory
Council of one of these major corporations. She has also served as
the Treasurer and Finance Chair of a 501(c)(3) organization. Ms.
Hodrick has published a number of articles in leading economic and
financial journals and is the associate editor of two leading
finance journals.

M. Colyer Crum also possesses a thorough understanding of generally
accepted accounting principals, financial statements, and internal
controls and procedures for financial reporting through a
combination of education and experience.  Professor Crum was a
professor of investment management at the Harvard Business School
for 25 years.  The courses taught by Professor Crum place a heavy
emphasis on the analysis of underlying company financial statements
with respect to stock selection and the analysis of credit risk in
making loans.  Professor Crum has also served on a number of boards
of directors and has served on the audit committees, and in some
cases chaired the audit committee, for several major corporations
and financial institutions.  For two such organizations, Professor
Crum has performed extensive investment analysis of financial
statements in connection with investment management decisions.  From
these experiences, he has gained significant experience with the
establishment of reserves and accounting policies, differences
between U.S. GAAP and Canadian GAAP and executive compensation

Item 4 - Disclose annually only (not answered until December 15,

(a) Audit Fees - Disclose aggregate fees billed for each of the last
two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal
accountant for the audit of the registrant's annual financial
statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant
in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements
for those fiscal years. N/A.

(b) Audit-Related Fees - Disclose aggregate fees billed in each of
the last two fiscal years for assurance and related services by the
principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance
of the audit of the registrant's financial statements and are not
reported under paragraph (a) of this Item.  Registrants shall
describe the nature of the services comprising the fees disclosed
under this category.  N/A.

(c) Tax Fees - Disclose aggregate fees billed in each of the last
two fiscal years for professional services rendered by the principal
accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning.
Registrants shall describe the nature of the services comprising the
fees disclosed under this category.  N/A.

(d) All Other Fees - Disclose aggregate fees billed in each of the
last two fiscal years for products and services provided by the
principal accountant, other than the services reported in paragraphs
(a) through (c) of this Item.  Registrants shall describe the nature
of the services comprising the fees disclosed under this category.

(e)(1) Disclose the audit committee's pre-approval policies and
procedures described in paragraph (c)(7) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation
S-X.  N/A.

(e)(2) Disclose the percentage of services described in each of
paragraphs (b) through (d) of this Item that were approved by the
audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of
Regulation S-X.  N/A.

(f) If greater than 50%, disclose the percentage of hours expended
on the principal accountant's engagement to audit the registrant's
financial statements for the most recent fiscal year that were
attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal
accountant's full-time, permanent employees.  N/A.

(g) Disclose the aggregate non-audit fees billed by the registrant's
accountant for services rendered to the registrant, and rendered to
the registrant's investment adviser (not including any sub-adviser
whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted
with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the adviser
that provides ongoing services to the registrant for each of the
last two fiscal years of the registrant.  N/A.

(h) Disclose whether the registrant's audit committee has considered
whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to
the registrant's investment adviser (not including any subadviser
whose role is primarily portfolio management and is subcontracted
with or overseen by another investment adviser), and any entity
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the
investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the registrant
that were not pre-approved pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of Rule
2-01 of Regulation S-X is compatible with maintaining the principal
accountant's independence.  N/A.

Item 5 - If the registrant is a listed issuer as defined in Rule
10A-3 under the Exchange Act, state whether or not the registrant
has a separately-designated standing audit committee established in
accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Exchange Act.  If the
registrant has such a committee, however designated, identify each
committee member.  If the entire board of directors is acting as the
registrant's audit committee in Section 3(a)(58)(B) of the Exchange
Act, so state.

If applicable, provide the disclosure required by Rule 10A-3(d)
under the Exchange Act regarding an exemption from the listing
standards for audit committees. N/A

(Listed issuers must be in compliance with the new listing rules by
the earlier of their first annual shareholders meeting after January
2004, or October 31, 2004 (annual requirement))

Item 6 - Reserved

Item 7 - For closed-end funds that contain voting securities in
their portfolio, describe the policies and procedures that it uses
to determine how to vote proxies relating to those portfolio

Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

Each Fund's Board of Directors/Trustees has delegated to Merrill
Lynch Investment Managers, L.P. and/or Fund Asset Management, L.P.
(the "Investment Adviser") authority to vote all proxies relating to
the Fund's portfolio securities.  The Investment Adviser has adopted
policies and procedures ("Proxy Voting Procedures") with respect to
the voting of proxies related to the portfolio securities held in
the account of one or more of its clients, including a Fund.
Pursuant to these Proxy Voting Procedures, the Investment Adviser's
primary objective when voting proxies is to make proxy voting
decisions solely in the best interests of each Fund and its
shareholders, and to act in a manner that the Investment Adviser
believes is most likely to enhance the economic value of the
securities held by the Fund.  The Proxy Voting Procedures are
designed to ensure that that the Investment Adviser considers the
interests of its clients, including the Funds, and not the interests
of the Investment Adviser, when voting proxies and that real (or
perceived) material conflicts that may arise between the Investment
Adviser's interest and those of the Investment Adviser's clients are
properly addressed and resolved.

In order to implement the Proxy Voting Procedures, the Investment
Adviser has formed a Proxy Voting Committee (the "Committee").  The
Committee is comprised of the Investment Adviser's Chief Investment
Officer (the "CIO"), one or more other senior investment
professionals appointed by the CIO, portfolio managers and
investment analysts appointed by the CIO and any other personnel the
CIO deems appropriate.  The Committee will also include two non-
voting representatives from the Investment Adviser's Legal
department appointed by the Investment Adviser's General Counsel.
The Committee's membership shall be limited to full-time employees
of the Investment Adviser.  No person with any investment banking,
trading, retail brokerage or research responsibilities for the
Investment Adviser's affiliates may serve as a member of the
Committee or participate in its decision making (except to the
extent such person is asked by the Committee to present information
to the Committee, on the same basis as other interested
knowledgeable parties not affiliated with the Investment Adviser
might be asked to do so).  The Committee determines how to vote the
proxies of all clients, including a Fund, that have delegated proxy
voting authority to the Investment Adviser and seeks to ensure that
all votes are consistent with the best interests of those clients
and are free from unwarranted and inappropriate influences.  The
Committee establishes general proxy voting policies for the
Investment Adviser and is responsible for determining how those
policies are applied to specific proxy votes, in light of each
issuer's unique structure, management, strategic options and, in
certain circumstances, probable economic and other anticipated
consequences of alternate actions.  In so doing, the Committee may
determine to vote a particular proxy in a manner contrary to its
generally stated policies.  In addition, the Committee will be
responsible for ensuring that all reporting and recordkeeping
requirements related to proxy voting are fulfilled.

The Committee may determine that the subject matter of a recurring
proxy issue is not suitable for general voting policies and requires
a case-by-case determination.  In such cases, the Committee may
elect not to adopt a specific voting policy applicable to that
issue.  The Investment Adviser believes that certain proxy voting
issues require investment analysis - such as approval of mergers and
other significant corporate transactions - akin to investment
decisions, and are, therefore, not suitable for general guidelines.
The Committee may elect to adopt a common position for the
Investment Adviser on certain proxy votes that are akin to
investment decisions, or determine to permit the portfolio manager
to make individual decisions on how best to maximize economic value
for a Fund (similar to normal buy/sell investment decisions made by
such portfolio managers).  While it is expected that the Investment
Adviser will generally seek to vote proxies over which the
Investment Adviser exercises voting authority in a uniform manner
for all the Investment Adviser's clients, the Committee, in
conjunction with a Fund's portfolio manager, may determine that the
Fund's specific circumstances require that its proxies be voted

To assist the Investment Adviser in voting proxies, the Committee
has retained Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS").  ISS is an
independent adviser that specializes in providing a variety of
fiduciary-level proxy-related services to institutional investment
managers, plan sponsors, custodians, consultants, and other
institutional investors.  The services provided to the Investment
Adviser by ISS include in-depth research, voting recommendations
(although the Investment Adviser is not obligated to follow such
recommendations), vote execution, and recordkeeping.  ISS will also
assist the Fund in fulfilling its reporting and recordkeeping
obligations under the Investment Company Act.

The Investment Adviser's Proxy Voting Procedures also address
special circumstances that can arise in connection with proxy
voting.  For instance, under the Proxy Voting Procedures, the
Investment Adviser generally will not seek to vote proxies related
to portfolio securities that are on loan, although it may do so
under certain circumstances.  In addition, the Investment Adviser
will vote proxies related to securities of foreign issuers only on a
best efforts basis and may elect not to vote at all in certain
countries where the Committee determines that the costs associated
with voting generally outweigh the benefits.  The Committee may at
any time override these general policies if it determines that such
action is in the best interests of a Fund.

From time to time, the Investment Adviser may be required to vote
proxies in respect of an issuer where an affiliate of the Investment
Adviser (each, an "Affiliate"), or a money management or other
client of the Investment Adviser (each, a "Client") is involved.
The Proxy Voting Procedures and the Investment Adviser's adherence
to those procedures are designed to address such conflicts of
interest.  The Committee intends to strictly adhere to the Proxy
Voting Procedures in all proxy matters, including matters involving
Affiliates and Clients.  If, however, an issue representing a non-
routine matter that is material to an Affiliate or a widely known
Client is involved such that the Committee does not reasonably
believe it is able to follow its guidelines (or if the particular
proxy matter is not addressed by the guidelines) and vote
impartially, the Committee may, in its discretion for the purposes
of ensuring that an independent determination is reached, retain an
independent fiduciary to advise the Committee on how to vote or to
cast votes on behalf of the Investment Adviser's clients.

In the event that the Committee determines not to retain an
independent fiduciary, or it does not follow the advice of such an
independent fiduciary, the powers of the Committee shall pass to a
subcommittee, appointed by the CIO (with advice from the Secretary
of the Committee), consisting solely of Committee members selected
by the CIO.  The CIO shall appoint to the subcommittee, where
appropriate, only persons whose job responsibilities do not include
contact with the Client and whose job evaluations would not be
affected by the Investment Adviser's relationship with the Client
(or failure to retain such relationship).  The subcommittee shall
determine whether and how to vote all proxies on behalf of the
Investment Adviser's clients or, if the proxy matter is, in their
judgment, akin to an investment decision, to defer to the applicable
portfolio managers, provided that, if the subcommittee determines to
alter the Investment Adviser's normal voting guidelines or, on
matters where the Investment Adviser's policy is case-by-case, does
not follow the voting recommendation of any proxy voting service or
other independent fiduciary that may be retained to provide research
or advice to the Investment Adviser on that matter, no proxies
relating to the Client may be voted unless the Secretary, or in the
Secretary's absence, the Assistant Secretary of the Committee
concurs that the subcommittee's determination is consistent with the
Investment Adviser's fiduciary duties

In addition to the general principles outlined above, the Investment
Adviser has adopted voting guidelines with respect to certain
recurring proxy issues that are not expected to involve unusual
circumstances.  These policies are guidelines only, and the
Investment Adviser may elect to vote differently from the
recommendation set forth in a voting guideline if the Committee
determines that it is in a Fund's best interest to do so.  In
addition, the guidelines may be reviewed at any time upon the
request of a Committee member and may be amended or deleted upon the
vote of a majority of Committee members present at a Committee
meeting at which there is a quorum.

The Investment Adviser has adopted specific voting guidelines with
respect to the following proxy issues:

* Proposals related to the composition of the Board of Directors of
issuers other than investment companies.  As a general matter, the
Committee believes that a company's Board of Directors (rather than
shareholders) is most likely to have access to important, nonpublic
information regarding a company's business and prospects, and is
therefore best-positioned to set corporate policy and oversee
management.  The Committee, therefore, believes that the foundation
of good corporate governance is the election of qualified,
independent corporate directors who are likely to diligently
represent the interests of shareholders and oversee management of
the corporation in a manner that will seek to maximize shareholder
value over time.  In individual cases, the Committee may look at a
nominee's history of representing shareholder interests as a
director of other companies or other factors, to the extent the
Committee deems relevant.

* Proposals related to the selection of an issuer's independent
auditors.  As a general matter, the Committee believes that
corporate auditors have a responsibility to represent the interests
of shareholders and provide an independent view on the propriety of
financial reporting decisions of corporate management.  While the
Committee will generally defer to a corporation's choice of auditor,
in individual cases, the Committee may look at an auditors' history
of representing shareholder interests as auditor of other companies,
to the extent the Committee deems relevant.

* Proposals related to management compensation and employee
benefits.  As a general matter, the Committee favors disclosure of
an issuer's compensation and benefit policies and opposes excessive
compensation, but believes that compensation matters are normally
best determined by an issuer's board of directors, rather than
shareholders.  Proposals to "micro-manage" an issuer's compensation
practices or to set arbitrary restrictions on compensation or
benefits will, therefore, generally not be supported.

* Proposals related to requests, principally from management, for
approval of amendments that would alter an issuer's capital
structure.  As a general matter, the Committee will support requests
that enhance the rights of common shareholders and oppose requests
that appear to be unreasonably dilutive.

* Proposals related to requests for approval of amendments to an
issuer's charter or by-laws.  As a general matter, the Committee
opposes poison pill provisions.

* Routine proposals related to requests regarding the formalities of
corporate meetings.

* Proposals related to proxy issues associated solely with holdings
of investment company shares.  As with other types of companies, the
Committee believes that a fund's Board of Directors (rather than its
shareholders) is best-positioned to set fund policy and oversee
management.  However, the Committee opposes granting Boards of
Directors authority over certain matters, such as changes to a
fund's investment objective, that the Investment Company Act
envisions will be approved directly by shareholders.

* Proposals related to limiting corporate conduct in some manner
that relates to the shareholder's environmental or social concerns.
The Committee generally believes that annual shareholder meetings
are inappropriate forums for discussion of larger social issues, and
opposes shareholder resolutions "micromanaging" corporate conduct or
requesting release of information that would not help a shareholder
evaluate an investment in the corporation as an economic matter.
While the Committee is generally supportive of proposals to require
corporate disclosure of matters that seem relevant and material to
the economic interests of shareholders, the Committee is generally
not supportive of proposals to require disclosure of corporate
matters for other purposes.

Item 8--Reserved

Item 9(a) - The registrant's certifying officers have reasonably
designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure material
information relating to the registrant is made known to us by others
particularly during the period in which this report is being
prepared.  The registrant's certifying officers have determined that
the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures are effective
based on our evaluation of these controls and procedures as of a
date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report.

Item 9(b)--There were no significant changes in the registrant's
internal controls or in other factors that could significantly
affect these controls subsequent to the date of their evaluation,
including any corrective actions with regard to significant
deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 10 - Exhibits

10(a) - Attach code of ethics or amendments/waivers, unless code of
ethics or amendments/waivers is on website or offered to
shareholders upon request without charge.  N/A.

10(b) - Attach certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act.  Attached hereto.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.

By:    _/s/ Terry K. Glenn_______
       Terry K. Glenn,
       President of
       MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.

Date: December 22, 2003

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed
below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in
the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By:    _/s/ Terry K. Glenn________
       Terry K. Glenn,
       President of
       MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.

Date: December 22, 2003

By:    _/s/ Donald C. Burke________
       Donald C. Burke,
       Chief Financial Officer of
       MuniYield New Jersey Insured Fund, Inc.

Date: December 22, 2003

Attached hereto as a furnished exhibit are the certifications
pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.