Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the

                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                 August 24, 2000
                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)

                                  ConAgra, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

    Delaware                         1-7275                     47-0248710
(State or other                    (Commission                 (IRS Employer
jurisdiction of                    File Number)              Identification No.)

       One ConAgra Drive, Omaha, Nebraska                        68102-5001
       (Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

               Registrant's telephone number, including area code
                                 (402) 595-4000

Item 2.   Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

         On August 24, 2000, ConAgra, Inc., a Delaware corporation  ("ConAgra"),
and International Home Foods, Inc., a Delaware corporation  ("International Home
Foods"),  consummated a merger whereby  International Home Foods merged with and
into a wholly owned  subsidiary of ConAgra  pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of
Merger  (the  "Merger  Agreement")  dated  as of June  22,  2000.  A copy of the
Certificate  of Merger  filed with the  Delaware  Secretary of State is attached
hereto as Exhibit 3.1.

         In the merger, each share of International Home Foods common stock, par
value $0.01 per share, was converted into the right to receive .54692 of a share
of ConAgra  common stock and $11.00 in cash.  ConAgra  will issue  approximately
41 million  shares  of  ConAgra  common  stock  in  exchange  for the  shares of
International  Home Foods common stock.  ConAgra  funded the cash portion of the
consideration  received by International  Home Foods  stockholders  with working

         ConAgra  issued a press  release  announcing  the  consummation  of the
merger on August 24, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

     (a) Financial  statements of business  acquired attached hereto as Exhibits
         99.2, 99.3 and 99.4.

     (b) Pro forma financial information.

         The unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements,  which
give effect to the acquisition of International  Home Foods by ConAgra under the
purchase method of accounting, are attached hereto as Exhibit 99.5.

     (c) Exhibits.

         2.1      Agreement  and   Plan  of  Merger  among  ConAgra,  Inc.,  CAG
                  Acquisition  Sub,  Inc.,  and  International Home Foods, Inc.,
                  dated  as  of  June  22,  2000,  incorporated  by reference to
                  ConAgra's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 22, 2000.

         3.1      Certificate of Merger.

         23.1     Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

         99.1     Press   Release   dated   August   24,   2000  announcing  the
                  consummation of the Merger.

         99.2     The audited consolidated  financial statements  comprising the
                  International  Home  Foods   consolidated   balance  sheet  at
                  December  31,   1999,   and  the   International   Home  Foods
                  consolidated  statements of income,  stockholders' equity, and
                  cash flows and notes to consolidated  financial statements for
                  the year ended December 31, 1999.

         99.3     The  International Home Foods unaudited consolidated financial
                  statements    comprising   the    International   Home   Foods
                  consolidated   balance   sheet  at  March  31,  1999  and  the
                  International  Home  Foods  consolidated  statements of income
                  and  cash flows and notes to consolidated financial statements
                  for the three months ended March 31, 1999 and 2000 (previously
                  included  in  pages 3 through 13 of International Home  Foods'
                  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31,

         99.4     The International Home Foods unaudited  consolidated financial
                  statements    comprising   the   International    Home   Foods
                  consolidated   balance   sheet  at  June  30,   2000  and  the
                  International Home Foods consolidated statements of income and
                  cash flows and notes to consolidated  financial statements for
                  the six  months  ended  June 30,  1999  and  2000  (previously
                  included  in pages 2 through 13 of  International  Home Foods'
                  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended June 30,

         99.5     The  unaudited   pro  forma   combined   condensed   financial
                  statements,   which  give   effect  to  the   acquisition   of
                  International  Home Foods by ConAgra under the purchase method
                  of accounting.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                          CONAGRA, INC.

August 24, 2000
                                          By:    /s/  James P. O'Donnell
                                          Name:   James P. O'Donnell
                                          Title:  Executive Vice President,
                                                  Chief Financial Officer
                                                  and Corporate Secretary

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

   Exhibit                               Description

     2.1      Agreement  and Plan of Merger among ConAgra, Inc., CAG Acquisition
              Sub,  Inc.,  and  International Home Foods, Inc., dated as of June
              22, 2000, incorporated by reference to ConAgra's Current Report on
              Form 8-K dated June 22, 2000.

     3.1      Certificate of Merger.

     23.1     Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

     99.1     Press Release dated August 24, 2000 announcing the consummation of
              the Merger.

     99.2     The  audited  consolidated  financial  statements  comprising  the
              International  Home  Foods  consolidated balance sheet at December
              31, 1999, and the International Home Foods consolidated statements
              of  income,  stockholders'  equity,  and  cash  flows and notes to
              consolidated  financial statements for the year ended December 31,

     99.3     The  International  Home  Foods  unaudited  consolidated financial
              statements  comprising  the  International Home Foods consolidated
              balance  sheet  at March 31, 1999 and the International Home Foods
              consolidated  statements  of  income  and  cash flows and notes to
              consolidated financial statements for the three months ended March
              31,  1999  and  2000 (previously included in pages 3 through 13 of
              International  Home  Foods'  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
              quarter ended March 31, 2000).

     99.4     The  International  Home  Foods  unaudited  consolidated financial
              statements  comprising  the  International Home Foods consolidated
              balance  sheet  at  June 30, 2000 and the International Home Foods
              consolidated  statements  of  income  and  cash flows and notes to
              consolidated  financial  statements  for the six months ended June
              30,  1999  and  2000 (previously included in pages 3 through 13 of
              International  Home  Foods'  Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
              quarter ended June 30, 2000).

     99.5     The  unaudited  pro forma combined condensed financial statements,
              which  give  effect to the acquisition of International Home Foods
              by ConAgra under the purchase method of accounting.