By and Among

                              ConAgra Foods, Inc.,

                                S&C Holdco, Inc.


                               HMTF Rawhide, L.P.

                            Dated as of May 20, 2002


         AGREEMENT,  dated as of May 20, 2002, by and among HMTF Rawhide,  L.P.,
 a Delaware  limited  partnership  ("Acquisition  LP"), ConAgra Foods, Inc., a
 Delaware corporation ("ConAgra"), and S&C Holdco, Inc., a Delaware corporation


         (a)      ConAgra and Acquisition LP desire to enter into a transaction
                  to jointly own and operate the Acquired Companies pursuant to
                  the integrated acquisition steps outlined herein below.

         (b)      Acquisition LP's sole general partner is HMTF RW L.L.C. and
                  its limited partners are Greeley Investments, LLC and
                  Affiliates of Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated, each of
                  which respectively have 99.979% and 0.001998% limited partners
                  interests as of the date hereof.

         (c)      ConAgra is the direct owner of all of the issued and
                  outstanding capital stock of Holdco and Holdco will be the
                  direct owner of all of the issued and outstanding capital
                  stock of S&C Holdco 2.

         (d)      S&C Holdco 2 will be the direct owner of all of the issued and
                  outstanding  capital stock of S&C Holdco 3 and Cattle Holdco.

         (e)      S&C Holdco 3 will be the direct owner of all of the issued and
                  outstanding capital stock of U.S. Acquisition Co.

         (f)      U.S.  Acquisition Co. will be the direct owner of all of the
                  issued   and   outstanding   capital   stock  of   Australia
                  Acquisition Co. and Brand Holdco  (collectively with Holdco,
                  S&C  Holdco  2,  S&C  Holdco  3,  Cattle   Holdco  and  U.S.
                  Acquisition Co., the "Acquiring Companies").

         (g)      ConAgra is the owner, directly or indirectly, of all the
                  issued and outstanding capital stock, voting securities and
                  other ownership interests of the companies (other than Better
                  Beef LLC and Colorado Feed LLC, which ownership interests
                  shall be described on Exhibit A) set forth on Exhibit A
                  (collectively, the "Acquired Companies").

         (h)      As provided herein, Acquisition LP shall purchase a majority
                  equity interest in Holdco.

         (i)      As provided herein, Holdco or its Affiliates shall purchase
                  from ConAgra or its Affiliates all the issued and outstanding
                  shares of capital stock, voting securities and other ownership
                  interests of the Acquired Companies (and in the case of Better
                  Beef LLC and Colorado Feed LLC, all such ownership interests
                  therein owned, directly or indirectly, by ConAgra).


         In consideration of the foregoing recitals and in further consideration
of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto
agree, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, as follows:

1.       Definitions.

         1.1. Certain  Defined  Terms.  As  used in  this  Agreement,  the
              following   terms  shall  have  the   following   respective

              "Action" shall mean any claim, action, litigation, suit,
         grievance, arbitration, inquiry, proceeding or investigation by or
         before any Governmental Authority or arbitrator.

              "Affiliate" shall mean, with respect to any specified Person,
         any other Person that directly, or indirectly through one or more
         intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control
         with, such specified Person.

              "Agreement" shall mean this Agreement.

              "Businesses" shall mean the businesses conducted by the
         Acquired Companies.

              "Closing Material Adverse Effect" shall mean the occurrence
         after the date hereof of either (a) a case of bovine spongiform
         encephalopathy in livestock located in any of the following countries:
         the United States or Australia; or (b) a case of bovine hoof (or foot)
         and mouth disease in livestock located in any of the following
         countries: the United States or Australia.

              "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

              "Company Material Adverse Effect" shall mean any result,
         occurrence, fact, change or event (whether or not such result,
         occurrence, fact, change or event has manifested itself in the
         historical financial statements of the Businesses, and whether known or
         unknown as of the date of this Agreement or the Closing Date) that has
         had, or can reasonably be expected to have, a material adverse impact
         on (A) the (1) business, (2) operations, (3) financial condition, (4)
         results of operations or (5) capitalization, in each case, of the
         Businesses taken as a whole, or (B) the ability of ConAgra, any
         Acquired Company or any Acquiring Company to consummate the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement; provided, however, that
         the following shall not be taken into account in determining whether
         there has been a "Company Material Adverse Effect":

              (i) any such effects attributable to general conditions
         affecting the United States or Australian economy nationally or
         regionally (including, without limitation, prevailing interest rate and
         securities market levels);

              (ii) any such effects attributable to conditions (whether
         economic, legal, regulatory, financial, political or otherwise)
         affecting the beef processing, pork processing or cattle feeding
         industry or market generally which do not affect the Businesses
         materially disproportionally relative to other similarly situated
         participants in the beef processing, pork processing or cattle feeding
         industry or market;

              (iii) any such effects relating to or resulting from, directly
         or indirectly, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the
         announcement or pendency thereof;

              (iv) the fees and expenses, severance and other benefit or
         compensation costs paid or to be paid by an Acquiring Company or
         Acquired Company pursuant to this Agreement in connection with the
         transactions contemplated in this Agreement;

              (v)  any action taken by, or inaction of, ConAgra with the prior
         written consent of Acquisition LP; and

              (vi) any failure by the Businesses to meet any internal
         projections, expectations or forecasts or published revenue or earnings
         predictions for any period ending on or after the date of this
         Agreement as a result of any one or more of the events described in
         items (i) - (v) above.

              "Confidentiality Agreement" shall mean collectively the
         Confidentiality Agreement dated October 26, 2001, between Booth Creek
         Management Corporation and ConAgra and the Confidentiality Agreement
         dated February 19, 2002, between ConAgra and Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst

              "Control" (including the terms "Controlled by" and "under
         common Control with"), with respect to the relationship between or
         among two or more Persons, shall mean the possession, directly or
         indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
         affairs or management of a Person, whether through the ownership of
         voting securities, by contract or otherwise, including, without
         limitation, the ownership, directly or indirectly, of securities having
         the power to elect a majority of the board of directors or similar body
         governing the affairs of such Person.

              "Covered Countries" shall mean the United States, Australia,
         Canada, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China and Mexico.

              "DOJ" shall mean the United States Department of Justice.

              "Environmental Site Assessments" shall mean the reports,
         surveys and site assessments listed on Exhibit 1.1(a) attached hereto.

              "FATA" shall mean the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act
         of 1975, as amended.

              "Feed Lot Business" shall mean the cattle feeding and feed lot
         business activities conducted by U.S. Beef Company, its Subsidiaries,
         and Colorado Feed LLC in the United States at the locations set forth
         on Exhibit 1.1(b), including, without limitation, the cattle feeding
         activities conducted for third parties at such locations.

              "Fee Letter" shall mean the fee letter dated May 20, 2002,
         relating to the Senior Bank Commitment Letter and the Bridge Commitment

              "FIRB" shall mean the Foreign Investment Review Board.

              "FTC" shall mean the United States Federal Trade Commission.

              "GAAP" shall mean United States generally accepted accounting
         principles applied in a manner consistent with the accounting
         principles used in the preparation of, and reflected in, the Audited
         Financial Statements.

              "Governmental Authority" shall mean any federal, state, local,
         municipal or foreign government, or other governmental, regulatory or
         administrative authority, agency or commission or any court, tribunal,
         or judicial or arbitral body.

              "HSR Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
         Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.

              "Knowledge" shall mean, when used in reference to ConAgra or
         the Acquired Companies, the actual knowledge of those individuals
         listed on Exhibit 1.1(c) hereto.

              "Law" shall mean any currently existing federal, state, local
         or foreign statute, law, ordinance, regulation, rule, order, code,
         permit, governmental restriction, decree, injunction or other
         requirement of law of any Governmental Authority or any judicial or
         administrative interpretation thereof.

              "Liabilities" shall mean any and all debts, liabilities and
         obligations of any nature, whether known or unknown, contingent or

              "Lien" shall mean any mortgage, pledge, hypothecation,
         security interest, encumbrance, easement, covenant, title defect, title
         retention agreement, voting trust agreement, right-of-first refusal,
         and lien of any nature.

              "Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, firm,
         corporation, limited liability company, association, trust,
         unincorporated organization, other entity or Governmental Authority.

              "Prevailing Rate" shall mean seven percent (7%) per annum.

              "Processing Business" shall mean the business of the Acquired
         Companies other than the Feed Lot Business.

              "Processing Companies" shall mean, collectively, each of the
         Acquiring Companies and Acquired Companies other than Cattle Holdco,
         Cattleco and Colorado Feed LLC.

              "Subsidiary" shall mean, with respect to any Person, another
         Person owned directly or indirectly by such Person by reason of such
         Person owning or controlling an amount of the voting securities, other
         voting ownership or voting partnership interests of another Person
         which is sufficient to elect at least a majority of its Board of
         Directors or other governing body of another Person or, if there are no
         such voting interests, at least a majority of the equity interests of
         another Person.

              1.2. Other Defined Terms.  The following terms shall have the
                   meanings given to such terms in the Sections indicated below.

         Term                                                     Section

         1936 Act..............................................................................  7.9.1(ix)
         Acquired Companies....................................................................  recital (g)
         Acquiring Companies...................................................................  recital (f)
         Acquisition LP........................................................................  preamble
         Acquisition LP Affiliate..............................................................  15.4
         Acquisition LP Funding Amount.........................................................  2.2.1
         Acquisition LP Holdco Stock...........................................................  2.2.2
         Acquisition LP Percentage Interest....................................................  2.2.2
         Acquisition Proposal..................................................................  9.12.1
         Additional Consideration..............................................................  2.2.7
         Adjustment............................................................................  13.5.2
         Aggregate Consideration...............................................................  3.1.1
         Armour Transition License Agreement...................................................  4.1.1(v)
         ASIC..................................................................................  2.1.15
         Audit.................................................................................  5.1.2
         Audited Australian Closing Balance Sheet..............................................  5.1.2
         Audited Cattleco Closing Balance Sheet................................................  5.1.2
         Audited Closing Balance Sheets........................................................  5.1.2
         Audited Financial Statements..........................................................  7.7
         Audited Processing Closing Balance Sheet..............................................  5.1.2
         Australia Acquisition Co..............................................................  2.1.15
         Australia Holdco......................................................................  2.1.21
         Australia Operating Company ..........................................................  2.1.5
         Australia Operating Company Stock.....................................................  2.2.8
         Australian Acquired Company...........................................................  7.17.20
         Australian Company....................................................................  7.9.1(ix)
         Australian Stockholder Net Investment.................................................  5.1.7(iii)
         Authorization Date....................................................................  14.2.1
         Balance Sheet Date....................................................................  7.7
         Better Beef LLC.......................................................................  2.1.11
         BI Claim..............................................................................  9.7.4
         Brand Holdco..........................................................................  2.1.16
         Bridge Commitment Letter..............................................................  8.5
         By-Products Agreement.................................................................  4.1.1(xix)
         Cactus Project........................................................................  14.1.1
         California Kim Litigation.............................................................  9.7.3
         Cash Management Agreement.............................................................  2.2.3
         Cattle Holdco.........................................................................  2.1.3
         Cattle Supply Agreement ..............................................................  4.1.1(x)
         Cattleco..............................................................................  2.1.6
         Cattleco Loan Agreement...............................................................  2.2.3
         Cattleco Loan Amount..................................................................  2.2.3
         Cattleco Note.........................................................................  2.2.7
         Cattleco Revolver.....................................................................  2.2.3
         Cattleco Stock........................................................................  2.2.7
         Cattleco Stock Purchase Price.........................................................  2.2.7
         Cattleco Stockholder Net Investment...................................................  5.1.7(ii)
         Cattlemen Litigation..................................................................  12.3
         CERCLA................................................................................  7.18.9(i)
         CERCLIS...............................................................................  7.18.7
         Charter Documents.....................................................................  7.2
         Closing...............................................................................  4.1
         Closing Date..........................................................................  4.1
         Colorado Feed LLC.....................................................................  2.1.6
         Combined Processing Company Stockholders Net Investment...............................  5.1.7(i)
         Commitment Letters....................................................................  8.5
         Commonly Controlled Entity............................................................  7.17.5
         Company Employees.....................................................................  6.1
         Company Litigation....................................................................  9.7.1
         Company Material Contracts............................................................  7.14
         ConAgra...............................................................................  preamble
         ConAgra 401(k) Plans..................................................................  6.5
         ConAgra Disclosure Schedule...........................................................  7
         ConAgra Group.........................................................................  7.9.1(vii)
         ConAgra Indemnified Costs.............................................................  12.3
         ConAgra Indemnified Parties...........................................................  12.3
         ConAgra Mexican Stock.................................................................  2.2.6
         ConAgra Minority Mexican Stock Interest...............................................  2.2.5
         ConAgra Pension Plans.................................................................  6.4
         ConAgra Red Meat Business.............................................................  7.7
         ConAgra's 125 Plan....................................................................  6.7
         Deed of Cross Guarantee...............................................................  2.1.22
         Deloitte..............................................................................  5.1.1
         Divested Companies....................................................................  2.1.5
         Divestiture...........................................................................  12.1.1(d)
         Dumas Plant...........................................................................  14.1.1(a)
         Effective Time........................................................................  4.1
         Election Notice.......................................................................  14.2.1
         Employee Plan.........................................................................  7.17
         Engagement Letter.....................................................................  8.5
         Environmental Costs or Liability......................................................  7.18.9(iv)
         Environmental Laws....................................................................  7.18.9(i)
         Environmental Permits.................................................................  7.18.3
         ERISA.................................................................................  6.3
         Estimated Australian Closing Balance Sheet............................................  3.1.2
         Estimated Australian Stockholder Net Investment.......................................  3.1.2
         Estimated Combined Processing Company Stockholders Net Investment.....................  3.1.2
         Estimated Processing Company Closing Balance Sheet....................................  3.1.2
         Excess Non-Income Tax Accrual.........................................................  13.3.3
         Factoring Agreements..................................................................  9.11
         Final Australian Closing Balance Sheet................................................  5.1.3(ii)
         Final Cattleco Closing Balance Sheet..................................................  5.1.3(ii)
         Final Processing Closing Balance Sheet................................................  5.1.3(ii)
         Financial Advisory Agreement..........................................................  4.1.1(xii)
         Financial Statements..................................................................  7.7
         Fund V................................................................................  2.2.1
         Fund V Commitment Letter..............................................................  8.5
         Garden City Assets....................................................................  12.7.2
         Garden City Insurance Capital Contribution............................................  9.7.4
         Garden City Insurance Claims..........................................................  9.7.4
         Garden City Value.....................................................................  12.7.2
         Gillco................................................................................  8.5
         Gillco Subscription Agreement.........................................................  8.5
         Guarantees............................................................................  9.2.1
         Hangar License Agreement..............................................................  4.1.1(vii)
         Hazardous Materials...................................................................  7.18.9(ii)
         Holdco................................................................................  preamble
         Holdco Acquisition Note...............................................................  2.2.6(vii)
         Holdco Common Stock...................................................................  2.2.2
         Holdco Indemnified Costs..............................................................  12.1.1
         Holdco Indemnified Parties............................................................  12.1.1
         Holdco's 125 Plan.....................................................................  6.7
         Income Taxes..........................................................................  7.9.3
         Indemnification and Release Agreement.................................................  4.1.1(i)
         Indemnified Costs.....................................................................  12.3
         Indemnified Parties...................................................................  12.3
         Indemnifying Party....................................................................  12.4.1
         Independent Expert....................................................................  5.1.3(ii)
         Initial Australian Stockholder Net Investment.........................................  3.1.1
         Initial Combined Processing Company Stockholders Net Investment.......................  3.1.1
         KK Japan Stock........................................................................  2.2.6
         Korean Kim Litigation.................................................................  9.7.3
         Labor Laws............................................................................  7.16.3
         Leases................................................................................  7.14
         Leuking Litigation....................................................................  12.1.2(a)
         Licenses..............................................................................  7.13.2
         LLC Employees.........................................................................  6.19
         Management............................................................................  9.1.1
         material covenants and material obligations...........................................  9.10
         Montgomery Facilities.................................................................  14.2.1
         Monthly Reports.......................................................................  9.1.3
         Montgomery Owner......................................................................  14.2.1
         Most Recent Balance Sheet.............................................................  7.7
         Most Recent Unaudited Financial Statements............................................  7.7
         Multiemployer Plan....................................................................  6.4
         Non-Income Taxes......................................................................  7.9.3
         Nonqualified Plan.....................................................................  6.11
         Non-Trademark Intellectual Property...................................................  7.10.4
         Notice of Objection...................................................................  5.1.3(i)
         NPL...................................................................................  7.18.7
         Pension Plan..........................................................................  7.17
         Post-Closing Cattlemen Litigation.....................................................  12.3
         Pre-Closing Cattlemen Litigation......................................................  12.1.2(a)
         Pre-Closing Damages...................................................................  12.1.2(b)
         Pre-Closing Period....................................................................  7.9.3
         Pre-Closing Straddle Period Income Tax................................................  13.3.3
         Pre-Closing Straddle Period Non-Income Tax............................................  13.3.3
         Pre-Existing Environmental Matters....................................................  12.1.1(a)
         Preferred Supplier Agreement..........................................................  4.1.1(ii)
         Preliminary Australian Closing Balance Sheet..........................................  5.1.1
         Preliminary Cattleco Closing Balance Sheet............................................  5.1.1
         Preliminary Closing Balance Sheets....................................................  5.1.1
         Preliminary Processing Company Closing Balance Sheet..................................  5.1.1
         Prior Unaudited Financial Statements..................................................  7.7
         Processing Company Stock..............................................................  2.2.8
         Profit Amount.........................................................................  12.7.5
         Promissory Note.......................................................................  2.2.6(ix)
         Proposed Purchase Price...............................................................  14.2.1
         Quarterly Statements..................................................................  9.1.3
         Records...............................................................................  9.9
         Reimbursement Accounts................................................................  6.7
         Release...............................................................................  7.18.9(iii)
         Report................................................................................  5.1.2
         Representation and Warranty Certificate...............................................  9.2.3(c)
         Retained Records......................................................................  9.9
         Rights................................................................................  9.8
         Risk Management Agreement.............................................................  4.1.1(ix)
         S&C Holdco 2..........................................................................  2.1.1
         S&C Holdco 2 Acquisition Note.........................................................  2.2.6(vi)
         S&C Holdco 3..........................................................................  2.1.2
         S&C Holdco 3 Acquisition Note.........................................................  2.2.6(v)
         Securities Act........................................................................  7.5
         Senior Bank Commitment Letter.........................................................  8.5
         Straddle Period Return................................................................  13.3.3
         Stockholders Agreement................................................................  4.1.1(iii)
         Superior Offer........................................................................  9.12.2
         Swift Transition License Agreement....................................................  4.1.1(vi)
         Tax Losses............................................................................  13.5.1
         Tax...................................................................................  7.9.3
         Tax return............................................................................  7.9.3
         Termination Date......................................................................  11.1(b)
         Termination Fee.......................................................................  9.12.1
         third-party action....................................................................  12.4.1
         Trademark Intellectual Property.......................................................  7.10.3
         Transaction Documents.................................................................  7.3
         Transfer..............................................................................  14.2.4
         Transfer Notice.......................................................................  14.2.1
         Transition Services Agreement.........................................................  4.1.1(iv)
         U.S. Acquisition Co...................................................................  2.1.4
         U.S. Beef Company ....................................................................  2.1.5
         U.S. Beef Company Stock...............................................................  2.2.6
         U.S. Pork Company ....................................................................  2.1.8
         U.S. Pork Company Stock...............................................................  2.2.6
         U.S. Processing Company Stock.........................................................  2.2.6
         Unaudited Financial Statements........................................................  7.7
         Voting Debt...........................................................................  7.6
         Welfare Plan..........................................................................  6.6

2.  Formation Covenants.

        2.1.   Certain Pre-Closing Covenants and Actions. ConAgra and Holdco
               hereby covenant and agree to take, or cause to be taken, the
               following actions prior to the Closing Date:

        2.1.1. ConAgra shall cause Holdco to (i)  incorporate S&C Holdco
               2, Inc. ("S&C Holdco 2") by filing with the Secretary of State of
               the State of Delaware a certificate of  incorporation in the form
               attached  hereto as Exhibit  2.1.1(a),  (ii) cause S&C Holdco 2's
               organizational  minutes  to be in the  form  attached  hereto  as
               Exhibit  2.1.1(b),  and  (iii)  cause  S&C  Holdco  2 to take the
               actions set forth in such organizational  minutes,  including the
               adoption  of  by-laws  in the form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit
               2.1.1(c).   After  its   formation,   ConAgra  shall  cause  such
               certificate of incorporation and by-laws not to be amended in any
               respect prior to the Closing.

        2.1.2. ConAgra shall cause S&C Holdco 2 to (i)  incorporate  S&C
               Holdco 3, Inc.  ("S&C Holdco 3") by filing with the  Secretary of
               State of the State of Delaware a certificate of  incorporation in
               the form  attached  hereto as  Exhibit  2.1.2(a),  (ii) cause S&C
               Holdco  3's  organizational  minutes  to be in the form  attached
               hereto as Exhibit 2.1.2(b),  and (iii) cause S&C Holdco 3 to take
               the actions set forth in such organizational  minutes,  including
               the  adoption of by-laws in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
               2.1.2(c).   After  its   formation,   ConAgra  shall  cause  such
               certificate of incorporation and by-laws not to be amended in any
               respect prior to the Closing.

        2.1.3. ConAgra shall cause S&C Holdco 2 to (i) incorporate Swift
               Cattle  Holdco,   Inc.  ("Cattle  Holdco")  by  filing  with  the
               Secretary  of State of the State of  Delaware  a  certificate  of
               incorporation  in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit  2.1.3(a),
               (ii) cause Cattle  Holdco's  organizational  minutes to be in the
               form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.1.3(b),  and (iii) cause Cattle
               Holdco  to take the  actions  set  forth  in such  organizational
               minutes,  including  the adoption of by-laws in the form attached
               hereto as Exhibit  2.1.3(c).  After its formation,  ConAgra shall
               cause such  certificate  of  incorporation  and by-laws not to be
               amended in any respect prior to the Closing.

        2.1.4. ConAgra shall cause S&C Holdco 3 to (i) incorporate Swift
               Meats Holding Company ("U.S. Acquisition Co.") by filing with the
               Secretary  of State of the State of  Delaware  a  certificate  of
               incorporation  in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit  2.1.4(a),
               (ii) cause U.S. Acquisition Co.'s organizational minutes to be in
               the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit  2.1.4(b),  and (iii) cause
               U.S.  Acquisition  Co.  to take  the  actions  set  forth in such
               organizational minutes,  including the adoption of by-laws in the
               form attached  hereto as Exhibit  2.1.4(c).  After its formation,
               ConAgra shall cause such certificate of incorporation and by-laws
               not to be amended in any respect prior to the Closing.

        2.1.5. To the extent necessary,  ConAgra shall cause ConAgra Beef
               Company, a Delaware corporation ("U.S. Beef Company"),  Australia
               Meat Holdings Pty. Limited, an Australian corporation ("Australia
               Operating  Company"),   the  other  Acquired  Companies  and  the
               Acquiring  Companies,  as applicable,  to divest,  and cause each
               Subsidiary  thereof  to  divest,  itself  of all the  issued  and
               outstanding  capital  stock of each of the  companies and all the
               assets set forth on Exhibit 2.1.5 (the "Divested Companies"),  so
               that following such divestiture no Acquiring  Company or Acquired
               Company  shall,  directly or  indirectly,  own,  hold or have any
               interest in any Divested Companies.  The parties acknowledge that
               such  divestiture  may  be  made,  as  applicable,  by  way  of a

       2.1.6.  Subject to Section 9.8 and the transfers  contemplated by
               Section  2.1.23(x),  to the extent that Monfort Finance  Company,
               Inc., a Colorado  corporation  ("Cattleco"),  is not the owner or
               lessee thereof,  and to the extent of all the rights,  titles and
               interests  (including,  without limitation,  leasehold interests)
               owned  by  ConAgra  or  another  Subsidiary  thereof,  including,
               without  limitation,  those rights,  titles and interests held by
               any Divested Company and U.S. Beef Company's interest in Northern
               Colorado  Feed  LLC,  a  Colorado   limited   liability   company
               ("Colorado Feed LLC") (subject to any purchase rights held by the
               other member of Colorado Feed LLC pursuant to Colorado Feed LLC's
               operating  agreement),  ConAgra  shall  cause all of the  rights,
               titles  and  interests  of  ConAgra  or  any  of  its  Affiliates
               (including,  without limitation,  the leasehold interests) to the
               intangible or tangible assets relating to or used or intended for
               use   primarily  in   connection   with  the  Feed  Lot  Business
               (including,  without  limitation,  all the assets  that are to be
               reflected  in the Final  Cattleco  Closing  Balance  Sheet) to be
               transferred and contributed to, and held solely by, Cattleco free
               and clear of all Liens (other than permitted  Liens  described on
               Schedule  7.23.1(a)  and Schedule  7.23.1(b))  and other than (x)
               those assets to be retained by ConAgra or its Affiliates and that
               are used by ConAgra or its  Affiliates  to provide  the  services
               contemplated   by  the  Transition   Services   Agreement,   Risk
               Management  Agreement,  Cash Management Agreement and By-Products
               Agreement  and (y) those assets  described on Schedule  7.15.1 or
               Schedule  7.21.1 or used to provide  the  services  described  on
               Schedule  7.15.1 or Schedule  7.21.1.  Exhibit 2.1.6 sets forth a
               description of the real property,  whether owned or leased,  that
               will be  transferred  to Cattleco  prior to the Closing  Date. As
               part of the foregoing transfer  obligations,  ConAgra shall cause
               to be  recorded  in the real  property  records of each county in
               which a parcel  of owned  real  property  of  Cattleco  (or which
               should or will be owned by Cattleco) is located (a)  certificates
               of   merger   for   properties   held   in  the   names   of  any
               predecessors-in-interest  to Cattleco which have been merged into
               Cattleco,  (b) certificates of name change for properties held in
               Cattleco  under a previous legal name, and (c) warranty deeds and
               other  instruments  of conveyance  for the vesting in Cattleco of
               title to real  properties  held by Persons other than Cattleco or
               predecessors-in-interest  to  Cattleco,  and  shall  cause  to be
               assigned to Cattleco all such  leasehold  interests  held by such
               other  Person.  To the extent that any Licenses or  Environmental
               Permits  relating to the Feed Lot Business are not already issued
               in the name of  Cattleco or a  Subsidiary  of  Cattleco,  ConAgra
               shall  cause  such  Licenses  and  Environmental  Permits  to  be
               transferred to or otherwise reissued in the name of Cattleco.

        2.1.7. ConAgra shall cause all the issued and outstanding capital
               stock of Cattleco to be owned and held directly by ConAgra.

       2.1.8.  ConAgra shall use its reasonable efforts to cause Swift &
               Company, a Delaware corporation ("U.S. Pork Company"),  to change
               its corporate name to "Swift Pork Company" in its jurisdiction of
               incorporation  and  each  other   jurisdiction  in  which  it  is
               qualified to do business as set forth in Schedule 7.1.

       2.1.9.  ConAgra shall use its reasonable  efforts to cause Holdco
               to  change  its  corporate  name  to  "Swift  &  Company"  in its
               jurisdiction  of  incorporation  and each other  jurisdiction  in
               which it is  qualified  to do  business  as set forth on Schedule

      2.1.10.  ConAgra shall use its  reasonable  efforts to cause U.S.
               Beef Company to change its corporate name to "Swift Beef Company"
               in its jurisdiction of incorporation and each other  jurisdiction
               in which it is  qualified to do business as set forth on Schedule

      2.1.11.  Subject to any required  approval of the other member of
               Better Beef LLC, which ConAgra shall use its  reasonable  efforts
               to  obtain,  ConAgra  shall use its  reasonable  efforts to cause
               ConAgra  Better Beef LLC, a Colorado  limited  liability  company
               ("Better  Beef LLC"),  to change its entity name to "Swift Better
               Beef,  LLC" in its  jurisdiction  of  formation  and  each  other
               jurisdiction in which it is qualified to do business as set forth
               on Schedule 7.1.

      2.1.12. [Intentionally Omitted]

      2.1.13.  ConAgra  shall  use  its  reasonable  efforts  to  cause
               Kabushiki Kaisha ConAgra Japan, a Japanese stock corporation,  to
               change its entity name to  "Kabushiki  Kaisha Swift Japan" in its
               jurisdiction of formation and each other jurisdiction in which it
               is qualified to do business as set forth on Schedule 7.1.

       2.1.14. ConAgra shall use its reasonable efforts to cause ConAgra
               Refrigerated  Foods, S.A. de C.V., a corporation  organized under
               the laws of the United Mexican States,  to change its entity name
               to "Swift  Refrigerated  Foods, S.A. de C.V." in its jurisdiction
               of formation and each other jurisdiction in which it is qualified
               to do business as set forth on Schedule 7.1.

     2.1.15.   ConAgra  shall  cause  U.S.   Acquisition  Co.  to  (i)
               incorporate   S&C   Australia   Holdco  Pty.   Ltd.   ("Australia
               Acquisition  Co.") by filing  with the  Australian  Securities  &
               Investments  Commission  ("ASIC")  Form 201 in the form  attached
               hereto as Exhibit  2.1.15(a),  (ii) cause  Australia  Acquisition
               Co.'s  constitution  to be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
               2.1.15(b),  (iii) cause all  necessary  consents of the directors
               and  the  secretary  of  Australia  Acquisition  Co.  to be  duly
               obtained  and held,  and (iv) cause those  directors to adopt the
               minutes in the form attached hereto as Exhibit  2.1.15(c).  After
               the formation of Australia  Acquisition  Co., ConAgra shall cause
               Australia Acquisition Co.'s constitution not to be amended in any
               respect prior to the Closing.

     2.1.16.   ConAgra  shall  cause  U.S.   Acquisition  Co.  to  (i)
               incorporate  Swift Brands Company ("Brand Holdco") by filing with
               the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware a certificate  of
               incorporation  in the form attached hereto as Exhibit  2.1.16(a),
               (ii) cause  Brand  Holdco's  organizational  minutes to be in the
               form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.1.16(b),  and (iii) cause Brand
               Holdco to take the action set forth in such organization minutes,
               including the adoption of by-laws in the form attached  hereto as
               Exhibit 2.1.16(c). After its formation,  ConAgra shall not permit
               such  certificate of  incorporation  and by-laws to be amended in
               any respect prior to the Closing.

      2.1.17.  Subject to Section 9.8 and the transfers contemplated by
               Section 2.1.23(x),  to the extent that an Acquired Company is not
               the owner or lessee  thereof and to the extent of all the rights,
               titles and interests  (including,  without limitation,  leasehold
               interests) owned by ConAgra or an Affiliate thereof, (taking into
               account such assets to be included and excluded,  as the case may
               be, as set forth on Exhibit  2.1.17)  ConAgra  shall cause all of
               the  rights,  titles  and  interests  of  ConAgra  or  any of its
               Affiliates   (including,   without   limitation,   the  leasehold
               interests) to the intangible and tangible  assets  relating to or
               used or  intended  for  use  primarily  in  connection  with  the
               Processing Business  (including,  without limitation,  all of the
               assets that are to be reflected in the Final  Processing  Closing
               Balance Sheet) to be  transferred  and  contributed  to, and held
               solely by, U.S. Beef Company or Australia  Operating Company,  as
               applicable,  free and clear of all Liens  (other  than  permitted
               Liens described on Schedule 7.23.1(a) and Schedule 7.23.1(b)) and
               other  than (x) those  assets to be  retained  by  ConAgra or its
               Affiliates  and that are used by  ConAgra  or its  Affiliates  to
               provide the  services  contemplated  by the  Transition  Services
               Agreement,  Risk Management Agreement,  Cash Management Agreement
               and  By-Products  Agreement  and (y) those  assets  described  on
               Exhibit  2.1.5,  Schedule  7.15.1 or  Schedule  7.21.1 or used to
               provided  the services  described on Schedule  7.15.1 or Schedule
               7.21.1.  Exhibit  2.1.17  sets  forth a  description  of the real
               property,  whether owned or leased,  that will be  transferred to
               U.S.  Beef Company  prior to the Closing  Date.  As a part of the
               foregoing  transfer  obligations,   ConAgra  shall  cause  to  be
               recorded in the real  property  records of each county in which a
               parcel of owned real  property of an  Acquired  Company (or which
               should or will be owned by an  Acquired  Company)  is located (a)
               certificates  of  merger  for  properties  held in the  names  of
               predecessors-in-interest  to any Acquired Company which have been
               merged into an Acquired  Company  (e.g.,  E. A. Miller,  Inc. and
               Mid-West By-Products,  Inc.), (b) certificates of name change for
               properties held in Acquired Companies under a previous legal name
               (e.g.,  Monfort,  Inc.  n/k/a  ConAgra  Beef  Company),  and  (c)
               warranty  deeds  and  other  instruments  of  conveyance  for the
               vesting in Acquired Companies of title to real properties held by
               other Persons that are not Acquired  Companies or predecessors in
               interest to Acquired  Companies  (e.g.,  ConAgra,  Inc.,  ConAgra
               Foods, Inc., ConAgra Poultry Company,  CAG Subsidiary,  Inc., and
               ConAgra  Corporation),  and  shall  cause to be  assigned  to the
               Acquired  Companies  all such  leasehold  interests  held by such
               other Persons.  To the extent that any Licenses or  Environmental
               Permits  relating to the  Processing  Business  (other than those
               relating to Colorado Feed LLC or Better Beef LLC) are not already
               issued in the name of an Acquired  Company,  ConAgra  shall cause
               such  Licenses and  Environmental  Permits to be  transferred  or
               otherwise  reissued  in  the  name  of the  appropriate  Acquired

       2.1.18. Prior to the Closing,  ConAgra shall pay and discharge in
               full or cause the Acquired Companies to pay and discharge in full
               (x) all  indebtedness  for  borrowed  funds  and  purchase  money
               indebtedness  owed to a non-Affiliate  of ConAgra and incurred by
               any  Acquired  Company  or for which  any  Acquired  Company  has
               otherwise  become  liable  or  responsible,   including,  without
               limitation, the indebtedness set forth on Exhibit 2.1.18, and (y)
               all   indebtedness   for  borrowed   funds  and  purchase   money
               indebtedness  owed to a non-Affiliate  of ConAgra and incurred by
               the Acquired Company or for which any Acquired Company has become
               liable or  responsible,  pursuant to  Acquisition  LP's  consent,
               after the date of this Agreement and prior to the Closing.  As of
               Closing,  ConAgra shall settle and treat as equity or cause to be
               settled and treated as equity all  intercompany  investments  and
               accounts of the Acquired Companies, as provided in Exhibit 5.1.1,
               other than loans made pursuant to the Cattleco Loan Agreement. In
               connection  with the above payments and discharges  ConAgra shall
               obtain a release of all Liens  (other than Liens  relating to the
               Cattleco    Revolver),    guarantees,     indemnities,    bonding
               arrangements,  letters of credit,  letters of comfort and similar
               financial  arrangements  under which one or more of the  Acquired
               Companies  is  obligated  relating to  indebtedness  for borrowed
               funds and purchase money  indebtedness.  ConAgra shall release or
               cause  to be  released  (i)  all  Liens  held by  ConAgra  or any
               Subsidiary thereof encumbering the assets of any Acquired Company
               and (ii) any guarantees by any Acquired  Company of  indebtedness
               or other  obligations  of  ConAgra or any  Subsidiary  of ConAgra
               other  than  any  guarantees  arising  under  the  Deed of  Cross
               Guarantee  referred to in Section 2.1.22 below. The terms of this
               Section 2.1.18 shall not apply in respect to Colorado Feed LLC or
               Better Beef LLC.

       2.1.19. As soon as reasonably  practicable and in any event prior
               to the Closing,  Brand  Holdco  shall file in the United  States,
               Korea, Taiwan, China and Mexico, and Australia Meat Holdings Pty.
               Ltd.  shall  file  in  Australia  three  intent-to-use  trademark
               applications for the terms "Swift," "Swift Premium," and "Swift &
               Company" for use with "fresh,  frozen,  ground  and/or  processed
               beef, pork and lamb, meat, meat cuts, and organs."

      2.1.20. [Intentionally Omitted]

      2.1.21.  ConAgra shall cause ConAgra  Holdings  (Australia)  Pty.
               Ltd., an Australian  corporation  ("Australia  Holdco"),  Burcher
               Pty. Limited, an Australian corporation,  and Australia Operating
               Company  to comply in a timely  manner  with all  procedures  set
               forth in Section 260B of the Australian  Corporations Act so that
               any  financial  assistance  contemplated  by Section 2.2.8 can be
               provided at the Closing.

      2.1.22.  ConAgra shall cause each of Australia Operating Company,
               Burcher Pty. Limited and ConAgra Trade Group Pty. Ltd.  (formerly
               DR Johnston Group Pty. Ltd.) to: (i) enter into Revocation  Deeds
               which  revoke the Deed of Cross  Guarantee  dated April 26, 1996,
               among Australia Operating Company,  ConAgra Trade Group Pty. Ltd.
               and Burcher Pty.  Limited (the "Deed of Cross  Guarantee");  (ii)
               lodge copies of such Revocation Deeds with the ASIC in accordance
               with ASIC Class Order CO 98/1418;  and (iii) give notice to their
               creditors of the Revocation Deeds by way of public advertisements
               in accordance with ASIC Class Order CO 98/1418.

      2.1.23.  To the extent that an Acquired  Company is not currently
               the owner  thereof  and  ConAgra or an  Affiliate  thereof is the
               owner,  ConAgra  shall (x) with respect to the United  States and
               Australia,  transfer or cause to be transferred  all of ConAgra's
               and its  Affiliates'  right,  title,  and  interest in and to the
               patents,  trademarks,  service marks, tradenames and domain names
               set forth on Exhibit  2.1.23(a) to Brand Holdco free and clear of
               all Liens using the form  assignment  attached  hereto as Exhibit
               2.1.23(b),  or, with  respect to the domain  names,  the transfer
               form provided by the appropriate domain name registrar,  or, with
               respect to the patents,  the form  assignment  attached hereto as
               Exhibit  2.1.23(c),  and (y) with respect to all other countries,
               execute  and  deliver or cause to be executed  and  delivered  to
               Brand Holdco  assignments in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit
               2.1.23(b) (for the  trademarks,  service marks and tradenames) or
               Exhibit  2.1.23(c)  (for the patents)  that have been executed by
               the owner of the patents,  trademarks,  service marks, tradenames
               and domain names set forth on Exhibit  2.1.23(a)  for the purpose
               of  transferring  all of  ConAgra's  and its  Affiliates'  right,
               title, and interest therein to Brand Holdco free and clear of all
               Liens,  or, for the domain  names,  the transfer form provided by
               the appropriate domain name registrar.

      2.1.24.  ConAgra shall  transfer or cause to be  transferred  the
               title and all  rights  to the Lear 35 Jet  described  on  Exhibit
               2.1.24 to Monfort International Sales Corp. free and clear of all

       2.1.25. To the extent that an Acquired Company is using any trade
               dress in connection with the sale of any fresh meat products,  as
               of the date of this  Agreement,  the Acquired  Company shall have
               the  sole  and  exclusive  right  to  use  such  trade  dress  in
               connection  with the sale of fresh meat  products.  To the extent
               that  ConAgra or any of its  Affiliates  (other  than an Acquired
               Company) are using any trade dress in connection with the sale of
               any processed  meat products,  as of the date of this  Agreement,
               then  ConAgra  and  such  Affiliates  shall  have  the  sole  and
               exclusive  right to use such trade dress in  connection  with the
               sale of the processed meat products.  The parties shall and shall
               cause their Affiliates to execute such assignments or consents as
               may be  reasonably  required  to  effectuate  the  intent of this
               Section  2.1.25,  provided,  however,  that any such  assignments
               shall be made on an "as is" basis. The provisions of this Section
               2.1.25  shall  not  apply to the  Brown `N Serve  Properties  (as
               defined in the Swift  Transition  License  Agreement) which shall
               remain  the  sole  and  exclusive  property  of  ConAgra.  Holdco
               acknowledges  ConAgra's  sole  ownership  of the  Brown  `N Serve
               Properties  and agrees  that Holdco and its  Affiliates  shall be
               bound by the terms and  conditions set forth in Section 10 of the
               Swift Transition License Agreement.

      2.1.26.  Contemporaneously  with  the  assignment  of  trademarks
               contemplated  under  Section  2.1.23,  to the  extent  that  such
               license agreement may be assignable under applicable Law, ConAgra
               shall cause  Swift-Eckrich,  Inc. to assign to Brand Holdco,  and
               Brand Holdco shall  accept,  all rights and  obligations  arising
               under the  trademark  license  agreements  identified  in Exhibit

      2.1.27.  ConAgra  shall cause  Swift-Eckrich,  Inc. to cancel the
               trademark    registrations   for   "Swift's   Jewel   &   Design"
               (registration  number  054402) and  "Swift's La Primera & Design"
               (registration number 2241) in Panama.  Swift-Eckrich,  Inc. shall
               retain all  rights in the  trademarks  "Jewel"  or "La  Primera."
               Swift-Eckrich, Inc. may file new applications to register "Jewel"
               and "La Primera," but shall not file any applications to register
               "Swift's" or any other derivation of "Swift."

      2.1.28.  ConAgra shall cause Brand Holdco to file a new trademark
               application for the trademark  "Miller's Blue Ribbon Beef" in the
               United States Patent and Trademark Office.

       2.1.29. Holdco agrees that, except as expressly set forth herein,
               ConAgra  and its  Affiliates  shall  retain all right,  title and
               interest in all "Armour"  and  "Eckrich"  derivative  trademarks,
               service  marks,  trade  names,  domain  names and other  business
               designations,  including all associated "E" logos. ConAgra agrees
               that, except as expressly set forth herein, ConAgra shall assign,
               or cause its Affiliates to assign, to Brand Holdco,  all of their
               right, title and interest in all "Swift"  derivative  trademarks,
               service  marks,  trade  names,  domain  names and other  business
               designations.  Nothing  contained  herein  shall be  construed as
               assigning,  conveying or otherwise  transferring to Holdco or its
               Affiliates (or Brand Holdco) any right,  title or interest in the
               "Armour" or "Eckrich" portions of the trademarks,  service marks,
               trade names or  business  designations  "Swift-Eckrich,"  "Armour
               Swift-Eckrich"  or  "Swift-Eckrich,  Inc.,"  nor  shall  anything
               contained  herein be  construed  as  retaining  to ConAgra or its
               Affiliates any right, title or interest in the "Swift" portion of
               the   trademarks,   service   marks,   trade  names  or  business
               designations    "Swift-Eckrich,"    "Armour   Swift-Eckrich"   or
               "Swift-Eckrich, Inc." Swift-Eckrich, Inc. may continue to use the
               business designations "Swift-Eckrich," "Armour Swift-Eckrich" and
               "Swift-Eckrich,  Inc.," and any derivation  thereof,  pursuant to
               the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Swift  Transition   License
               Agreement.  Upon  termination  of the  Swift  Transition  License
               Agreement, ConAgra shall cause Swift-Eckrich, Inc. to discontinue
               all  use  of the  trademarks,  service  marks,  trade  names  and
               business designations "Swift-Eckrich," "Armour Swift-Eckrich" and
               "Swift-Eckrich,  Inc." but may  thereafter use any other "Armour"
               or "Eckrich"  derivative  trademark,  service  mark,  trade name,
               domain name and business  designation  that does not  incorporate
               the word "Swift."

       2.2. Payment of  Consideration.  ConAgra,  Holdco and  Acquisition  LP
            hereby  covenant  and agree to take,  or cause to be  taken,  the
            following  actions at the Closing,  chronologically  in the order
            set forth below:

       2.2.1.  Acquisition LP shall cause equity funding from (i) Hicks,
               Muse,  Tate & Furst Equity Fund V, L.P.  ("Fund V") in the amount
               of  One  Hundred   Forty-Five   Million   United  States  Dollars
               ($145,000,000)  pursuant to the Fund V Commitment Letter and (ii)
               Gillco in the amount of Fifteen  Million  United  States  Dollars
               ($15,000,000)  pursuant  to  the  Gillco  Subscription  Agreement
               (collectively, the "Acquisition LP Funding Amount").

       2.2.2.  Acquisition  LP shall  purchase  from ConAgra and ConAgra
               shall  sell  and   deliver  to   Acquisition   LP,  one   hundred
               seventy-five  million  (175,000,000)  shares (the "Acquisition LP
               Holdco  Stock") of common  stock,  $0.00001 par value,  of Holdco
               (the  "Holdco  Common  Stock"),  free  and  clear  of all  Liens,
               constituting,  as of the Closing Date,  53.846% (the "Acquisition
               LP Percentage  Interest") of the issued and outstanding shares of
               Holdco Common Stock,  for an aggregate cash purchase price of One
               Hundred Sixty Million United States Dollars ($160,000,000).

       2.2.3.  ConAgra  shall  cause  Cattleco to  establish  additional
               reserves and/or asset  writedowns not to exceed Eighteen  Million
               United States Dollars  ($18,000,000).  ConAgra  shall,  and shall
               cause  Cattleco to, enter into a revolving  loan agreement in the
               form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.2.3 ("Cattleco Loan Agreement")
               pursuant to which  ConAgra shall make an initial loan to Cattleco
               and ConAgra shall cause Cattleco to borrow, as of the Closing, up
               to  Two  Hundred  and  Sixty  Million   United   States   Dollars
               ($260,000,000) (the "Cattleco Loan Amount") as an initial advance
               under a revolving line of credit in an aggregate  amount of Three
               Hundred Fifty Million United States Dollars  ($350,000,000)  (the
               "Cattleco  Revolver").  Loans made  pursuant to the Cattleco Loan
               Agreement shall be secured by a first perfected security interest
               in all  Cattleco  assets  and  shall  be for an  initial  term of
               twenty-four (24) months.  ConAgra shall cause Cattleco to execute
               and  deliver to ConAgra the deeds of trust,  security  agreement,
               cash management  agreement (the "Cash Management  Agreement") and
               documents contemplated by the Cattleco Loan Agreement.

       2.2.4.  ConAgra shall cause Cattleco to pay ConAgra, in repayment
               of preexisting intercompany indebtedness,  an amount equal to the
               Cattleco Loan Amount.

       2.2.5.  U.S. Beef Company shall purchase from ConAgra and ConAgra
               shall sell and deliver or cause to be sold and  delivered to U.S.
               Beef   Company  one  (1)  share  of  capital   stock  of  ConAgra
               Refrigerated  Foods,  S.A. de C.V. (the "ConAgra Minority Mexican
               Stock Interest"), free and clear of all Liens.

        2.2.6. The parties shall cause Holdco to purchase from ConAgra or
               its Affiliate (other than an Acquired Company), and ConAgra shall
               sell and deliver or cause its  Affiliate  (other than an Acquired
               Company)  to sell and  deliver  to  Holdco,  all the  issued  and
               outstanding  shares of capital  stock of U.S.  Beef  Company (the
               "U.S.  Beef Company Stock") and U.S. Pork Company (the "U.S. Pork
               Company  Stock") free and clear of all Liens.  The parties  shall
               cause  Holdco to purchase  from ConAgra or its  Affiliate  (other
               than an Acquired Company),  and ConAgra shall sell and deliver or
               cause its Affiliate (other than an Acquired  Company) to sell and
               deliver to  Holdco,  all the  issued  and  outstanding  shares of
               capital  stock of Kabushiki  Kaisha  ConAgra Japan (the "KK Japan
               Stock"),  free and clear of all Liens.  The  parties  shall cause
               Holdco to purchase from ConAgra or its  Affiliate  (other than an
               Acquired  Company),  and ConAgra  shall sell and deliver or cause
               its  Affiliate  (other  than an  Acquired  Company)  to sell  and
               deliver to Holdco,  forty-nine  thousand nine hundred ninety-nine
               (49,999) shares of capital stock of ConAgra  Refrigerated  Foods,
               S.A. de C.V., free and clear of all Liens,  which,  together with
               the ConAgra  Minority Mexican Stock Interest shall constitute all
               the issued  and  outstanding  shares of capital  stock of ConAgra
               Refrigerated  Foods,  S.A. de C.V.  (collectively,  the  "ConAgra
               Mexican Stock").  The U.S. Beef Company Stock,  U.S. Pork Company
               Stock,  KK Japan  Stock and the  ConAgra  Mexican  Stock shall be
               collectively  referred to as the "U.S. Processing Company Stock."
               In  connection  with such  purchases and  issuances,  the parties
               shall cause the following actions to be taken:

               (i)  Acquisition  LP shall  assign to U.S.  Acquisition  Co.  and
                    Australia  Acquisition  Co. its rights under the Senior Bank
                    Commitment   Letter  and  the  related   Fee  Letter,   U.S.
                    Acquisition  Co. and Australia  Acquisition Co. shall assume
                    all  the   obligations  of  Acquisition  LP  thereunder  and
                    Acquisition  LP  shall  be  released  from  all  obligations

               (ii) The parties shall cause U.S.  Acquisition  Co. to enter into
                    and request  funding in the amount of One Hundred  Forty-One
                    Million United States Dollars ($141,000,000) (as such amount
                    may be increased or decreased,  as  appropriate,  to reflect
                    any increase or decrease  (w) in the amount of  indebtedness
                    incurred as  contemplated  by clause (iv) below,  (x) in the
                    amount  of  fees  and  expenses  to be paid  and  reimbursed
                    pursuant to Section 15.3 as compared to Sixty Million United
                    States  Dollars  ($60,000,000),  (y)  in the  amount  of the
                    Estimated  Combined  Processing  Company   Stockholders  Net
                    Investment   (as  reduced  for  the   Estimated   Australian
                    Stockholder  Net  Investment)  as  compared  to the  Initial
                    Combined Processing Company  Stockholders Net Investment (as
                    reduced  for  the   Initial   Australian   Stockholder   Net
                    Investment),  and (z) in the amount of indebtedness incurred
                    as  contemplated  by Section  2.2.8(i)  as  compared  to One
                    Hundred Fifty Million United States Dollars  ($150,000,000))
                    under the loan  agreement  contemplated  by the Senior  Bank
                    Commitment Letter;

               (iii)Acquisition  LP shall  assign to U.S.  Acquisition  Co.  its
                    rights  under  (x)  the  Bridge  Commitment  Letter  and the
                    related Fee Letter,  and (y) the Engagement Letter, and U.S.
                    Acquisition   Co.  shall  assume  all  the   obligations  of
                    Acquisition  LP  thereunder  and  Acquisition  LP  shall  be
                    released from all obligations thereunder;

               (iv) The parties shall cause U.S.  Acquisition  Co. to either (x)
                    consummate the sale of debt securities in the amount of Four
                    Hundred  Million  United States  Dollars  ($400,000,000)  as
                    contemplated by the Engagement Letter (as such amount may be
                    adjusted, as appropriate, as contemplated by the Fee Letter)
                    or (y) to the extent that the debt securities cannot be sold
                    in such  amount,  request  funding in such amount  under the
                    bridge loan facility  contemplated by the Bridge  Commitment

               (v)  The parties shall cause U.S.  Acquisition Co. and S&C Holdco
                    3 to enter  into the  promissory  note in the form  attached
                    hereto as Exhibit  2.2.6(v)  (the "S&C Holdco 3  Acquisition
                    Note") and  pursuant  thereto the  parties  shall cause U.S.
                    Acquisition Co. to loan and S&C Holdco 3 to borrow, from the
                    funds that U.S.  Acquisition Co. received pursuant to clause
                    (ii)  and  (iv)  above,  an  amount  equal  to Four  Hundred
                    Forty-One Million United States Dollars  ($441,000,000)  (as
                    such amount may be increased or decreased,  as  appropriate,
                    to reflect any increase or decrease (x) in the amount of the
                    Estimated  Combined  Processing  Company   Stockholders  Net
                    Investment   (as  reduced  for  the   Estimated   Australian
                    Stockholder  Net  Investment)  as  compared  to the  Initial
                    Combined Processing Company  Stockholders Net Investment (as
                    reduced  for  the   Initial   Australian   Stockholder   Net
                    Investment) and (y) in the amount of fees and expenses to be
                    paid and reimbursed  pursuant to Section 15.3 as compared to
                    Sixty Million United States Dollars ($60,000,000));

               (vi) The  parties  shall  cause S&C  Holdco 3 and S&C Holdco 2 to
                    enter into the promissory  note in the form attached  hereto
                    as Exhibit  2.2.6(vi) (the "S&C Holdco 2 Acquisition  Note")
                    and pursuant thereto the parties shall cause S&C Holdco 3 to
                    loan and S&C  Holdco 2 to borrow the funds that S&C Holdco 3
                    received pursuant to the S&C Holdco 3 Acquisition Note;

               (vii)The  parties  shall  cause S&C  Holdco 2 and Holdco to enter
                    into the  promissory  note in the form  attached  hereto  as
                    Exhibit  2.2.6(vii)  (the  "Holdco  Acquisition  Note")  and
                    pursuant  thereto  the  parties  shall cause S&C Holdco 2 to
                    loan and  Holdco  to  borrow  the  funds  that S&C  Holdco 2
                    received pursuant to the S&C Holdco 2 Acquisition Note;

               (viii) In consideration of the U.S. Processing Company Stock, the
                    parties  shall  cause  Holdco  to  pay  to  ConAgra  or  its
                    designees  Three Hundred  Eighty-One  Million  United States
                    Dollars  ($381,000,000)  (as such amount may be increased or
                    decreased,  as  appropriate,  to  reflect  any  increase  or
                    decrease in the amount of the Estimated Combined  Processing
                    Company  Stockholders  Net  Investment  (as  reduced for the
                    Estimated Australian Stockholder Net Investment) as compared
                    to the Initial Combined Processing Company  Stockholders Net
                    Investment   (as   reduced   for  the   Initial   Australian
                    Stockholder Net Investment)) of the funds received  pursuant
                    to clause (vii) above;

               (ix) In consideration of the U.S.  Processing  Company Stock, the
                    parties shall cause Holdco to execute and deliver to ConAgra
                    a  promissory  note in the  principal  amount of One Hundred
                    Fifty Million  United States Dollars  ($150,000,000)  in the
                    form attached hereto as Exhibit  2.2.6(ix) (the  "Promissory

               (x)  The parties shall cause (A) Holdco to transfer to S&C Holdco
                    2 all of the U.S. Processing Company Stock, (B) S&C Holdco 2
                    to execute and deliver to ConAgra an assumption agreement in
                    the form attached as Exhibit 2.2.6(x) pursuant to which S&C
                    Holdco 2 shall assume all  obligations  and  liabilities  of
                    Holdco  under the  Promissory  Note and (C) S&C  Holdco 2 to
                    accept  such  transfer  in  full  repayment  of  the  Holdco
                    Acquisition  Note,  with such  transfer  being  treated as a
                    contribution  to the  capital  of S&C Holdco 2 to the extent
                    that the value of the U.S.  Processing Company Stock exceeds
                    the outstanding  indebtedness  under the Holdco  Acquisition

               (xi) ConAgra shall execute and deliver to Holdco a release in the
                    form attached hereto as Exhibit  2.2.6(x)  releasing  Holdco
                    from all  obligations  and  liabilities  of Holdco under the
                    Promissory Note;

               (xii)The parties  shall cause (A) S&C Holdco 2 to transfer to S&C
                    Holdco 3 all of the U.S.  Processing  Company  Stock that it
                    received  pursuant to clause (x) above, and (B) S&C Holdco 3
                    to accept such transfer in full  repayment of the S&C Holdco
                    2 Acquisition  Note,  with such transfer  being treated as a
                    contribution  to the  capital  of S&C Holdco 3 to the extent
                    that the value of the U.S.  Processing Company Stock exceeds
                    the  outstanding   indebtedness   under  the  S&C  Holdco  2
                    Acquisition Note; and

               (xiii) The  parties  shall  cause (A) S&C Holdco 3 to transfer to
                    U.S.  Acquisition  Co.  all of the U.S.  Processing  Company
                    Stock that it received  pursuant to clause (xii) above,  and
                    (B) U.S.  Acquisition  Co. to accept  such  transfer in full
                    repayment of the S&C Holdco 3  Acquisition  Note,  with such
                    transfer being treated as a  contribution  to the capital of
                    U.S.  Acquisition  Co. to the  extent  that the value of the
                    U.S.   Processing  Company  Stock  exceeds  the  outstanding
                    indebtedness under the S&C Holdco 3 Acquisition Note.

          2.2.7. The parties shall cause Cattle Holdco to purchase from ConAgra,
               and  ConAgra  shall sell and  deliver to Cattle  Holdco,  all the
               issued and  outstanding  shares of capital stock of Cattleco (the
               "Cattleco  Stock")  free and clear of all  Liens  for an  initial
               purchase   price  of  Thirty   Million   United  States   Dollars
               ($30,000,000)   (the  "Cattleco   Stock  Purchase   Price").   As
               additional  consideration,  if,  and only if,  the HMC  Group (as
               defined in the  Stockholders  Agreement)  exercises  the HMC Call
               Option (as defined in the  Stockholders  Agreement)  prior to the
               complete Divestiture of the Feed Lot Business, Cattleco shall pay
               to ConAgra an amount equal to the "Additional Consideration." The
               Additional  Consideration shall be an amount equal to the product
               of (A) the aggregate  amount of consolidated net income of Cattle
               Holdco and its  subsidiary  as  calculated  from the Closing Date
               through the end of the last calendar month  immediately  prior to
               the date on which  the  closing  of the HMC  Call  Option  occurs
               (minus the value of any cash dividends paid or declared by Cattle
               Holdco  prior  to the  closing  date  of  the  HMC  Call  Option)
               multiplied by (B) the CAGCO  Ownership  Percentage (as defined in
               the  Stockholders  Agreement).  The parties shall cause  Cattleco
               Holdco to pay to ConAgra the  Cattleco  Stock  Purchase  Price by
               delivering to ConAgra a promissory  note in the stated  aggregate
               principal   amount  of  Eighty   Million  United  States  Dollars
               ($80,000,000) in the form attached to the Cattleco Loan Agreement
               (the  "Cattleco  Note") of which  $30,000,000  million  is deemed
               advanced  as  the  initial  purchase  price  as of  the  date  of
               delivery.  If any  Additional  Consideration  is owed such amount
               shall be deemed to be an  additional  advance  under the Cattleco
               Note.  The initial stated  principal  amount of the Cattleco Note
               may  be  increased   as  necessary  to  reflect  the   Additional
               Consideration,  all as otherwise  described in Section 2(b)(1) of
               the Cattleco Loan Agreement.

          2.2.8. The parties shall cause  Australia  Acquisition Co. to purchase
               from Australia  Holdco,  and ConAgra shall cause Australia Holdco
               to sell and deliver to Australia  Acquisition Co., all the issued
               and  outstanding  shares of capital stock of Australia  Operating
               Company (the "Australia Operating Company Stock" and collectively
               with the U.S.  Processing Company Stock, the "Processing  Company
               Stock"),  free and clear of all Liens.  In  connection  with such
               purchase,  the parties  shall cause the  following  actions to be

               (i)  The parties shall cause  Australia  Acquisition Co. to enter
                    into and request  funding in the amount of One Hundred Fifty
                    Million  United  States  Dollars   ($150,000,000)  (or  such
                    greater or lesser amount as may be necessary and that may be
                    available   for   borrowing)   under   the  loan   agreement
                    contemplated by the Senior Bank Commitment Letter,  provided
                    that the amount to be  borrowed  under this clause (i) shall
                    not exceed  seventy-five  percent  (75%) of the amount to be
                    paid pursuant to clause (iii) below.

               (ii) From the proceeds received pursuant to clauses (ii) and (iv)
                    of  Section  2.2.6  above,  the  parties  shall  cause  U.S.
                    Acquisition  Co., (A) to loan to Australia  Acquisition  Co.
                    and the parties  shall cause  Australia  Acquisition  Co. to
                    borrow, pursuant to the promissory note in the form attached
                    hereto as Exhibit 2.2.8, an amount equal to the amount to be
                    paid pursuant to clause (iii) below minus the sum of (x) the
                    amount  borrowed  pursuant  to clause  (i) above and (y) the
                    amount to be  contributed  pursuant  to  clause  (B) of this
                    (ii),  and (B) to  contribute  to the  capital of  Australia
                    Acquisition Co. an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%)
                    of the amount to be paid pursuant to clause (iii) below.

               (iii)In consideration of the Australia  Operating  Company Stock,
                    the parties shall cause Australia  Acquisition Co. to pay to
                    Australia  Holdco Two Hundred  Fifty  Million  United States
                    Dollars  ($250,000,000)  (as such amount may be increased or
                    decreased,  as  appropriate,  to  reflect  any  increase  or
                    decrease   in  the  amount  of  the   Estimated   Australian
                    Stockholder  Net  Investment  as  compared  to  the  Initial
                    Australian  Stockholder  Net  Investment)  from the proceeds
                    received from clauses (i) and (ii) above.

3.       Aggregate Consideration.

          3.1. Processing Company Purchase Price.

          3.1.1. For  purposes  of the  transactions  contemplated  herein,  the
               aggregate  consideration  to be received by ConAgra and Australia
               Holdco  under  Article 2 in  respect  of the  Acquired  Companies
               (other than  Cattleco)  shall be an amount  equal to the Combined
               Processing  Company  Stockholders  Net  Investment (as defined in
               Section  5.1.7)  plus  Eighteen  Million  United  States  Dollars
               ($18,000,000)  (the  "Aggregate  Consideration").  The  Aggregate
               Consideration  shall be payable as  provided  in Articles 2 and 3
               and shall be subject to adjustment as set forth in Article 5. For
               purposes of  determining  payment of the Aggregate  Consideration
               and the other  provisions of this Agreement,  the aggregate value
               of the  common  stock of Holdco  shall be  deemed to equal  Three
               Hundred Twenty-Five Million United States Dollars  ($325,000,000)
               out of which the  post-Closing  ownership  interest of ConAgra in
               the  common  stock of  Holdco  shall  have a deemed  value of One
               Hundred Fifty Million United States Dollars  ($150,000,000).  For
               purposes of this  Agreement  (including  clause  (iii) of Section
               2.2.8),  an  amount  of  the  Aggregate  Consideration  shall  be
               allocated to the Australian  Operating  Common Stock equal to the
               product of (x) the Aggregate Consideration minus Eighteen Million
               United States Dollars  ($18,000,000) times (y) a fraction (1) the
               numerator of which is the Australian  Stockholder  Net Investment
               as set forth in the Final  Australian  Closing  Balance Sheet and
               (2) the denominator of which is the Combined  Processing  Company
               Stockholders  Net Investment as set forth in the Final Processing
               Closing  Balance  Sheet.  As of the date of this  Agreement,  the
               parties  estimate  (x)  that  the  Combined   Processing  Company
               Stockholders   Net   Investment   (which   includes  the  Initial
               Australian  Stockholder  Net  Investment)  is  approximately  One
               Billion    Seventy-Three    Million    United   States    Dollars
               ($1,073,000,000)   (the  "Initial  Combined   Processing  Company
               Stockholders Net Investment") and (y) the Australian  Stockholder
               Net Investment is approximately  Two Hundred Fifty Million United
               States   Dollars    ($250,000,000)   (the   "Initial   Australian
               Stockholder Net Investment").

          3.1.2. On the fourth  business day prior to the Closing Date,  ConAgra
               shall prepare and deliver,  in accordance  with the terms of this
               Section  3.1.2,  an  estimated  combined  balance  sheet  for the
               Acquired   Companies   (excluding   Cattleco)   (the   "Estimated
               Processing  Company  Closing  Balance  Sheet"),  together  with a
               separate estimated combined balance sheet for Australia Operating
               Company (the "Estimated  Australian  Closing Balance Sheet"),  in
               each case  estimated  as of 12:01 a.m.  New York City time on the
               Closing Date.  ConAgra  shall  prepare the  Estimated  Processing
               Company  Closing  Balance  Sheet  and  the  Estimated  Australian
               Closing   Balance   Sheet  in   accordance   with  GAAP  and  the
               methodology,  procedures and manner of presentation  set forth in
               Section  5.1.1  and  Exhibit   5.1.1.   Acquisition  LP  and  its
               representatives  shall have the right to consult  with ConAgra in
               connection  with  the  preparation  of the  Estimated  Processing
               Company  Closing  Balance  Sheet  and such  Estimated  Australian
               Closing  Balance  Sheet,  but shall not have the right to approve
               such  Estimated  Processing  Company  Closing  Balance  Sheet and
               Estimated   Australian   Closing   Balance  Sheet.   The  parties
               acknowledge  and agree  that the  amounts  set forth in  Sections
               2.2.6(ii),   2.2.6(v),   2.2.6(viii),   2.2.8(i),  2.2.8(ii)  and
               2.2.8(iii)  have been  calculated  based on the Initial  Combined
               Processing  Company  Stockholders  Net Investment and the Initial
               Australian Stockholder Net Investment. For purposes of borrowings
               and payments made at the Closing  pursuant to such Sections,  the
               estimated Combined Processing Company Stockholders Net Investment
               as reflected in the Estimated  Processing Company Closing Balance
               Sheet (the "Estimated  Combined  Processing Company  Stockholders
               Net  Investment")  and the estimated  Australian  Stockholder Net
               Investment  as  reflected  in the  Estimated  Australian  Closing
               Balance  Sheet  (the   "Estimated   Australian   Stockholder  Net
               Investment"), shall be used as provided therein.

          3.2. Form of Cash Payments.  All payments  pursuant to Article 2 shall
               be made by wire transfer of  immediately  available  funds to the
               account designated by the receiving party.

          3.3. Purchase  Price  Allocation.  Within  thirty  (30) days after the
               later  of  (i)  the  determination  of  the  Processing   Company
               Settlement  Payment  pursuant  to  Section  5.1.4  and  (ii)  the
               determination  of the  Cattleco  Settlement  Payment  pursuant to
               Section  5.1.5,  Deloitte  shall prepare and provide  ConAgra and
               Holdco with an allocation of the purchase price  (pursuant to the
               principles of Exhibit 3.3) with respect to the Processing Company
               Stock, the Cattleco Stock and the other assets acquired by Holdco
               or its  Subsidiaries  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  The  parties
               hereto  agree  to  use  the   allocation   provided  by  Deloitte
               consistent  with and  pursuant to this  Section 3.3 for their Tax
               reporting  purposes.  The parties hereto agree that the transfers
               of the  Processing  Company Stock and the Cattleco Stock shall be
               reported as taxable  sales or exchanges of such stock (and not of
               such companies'  underlying assets) for Income Tax purposes.  Any
               other assets (other than cash or cash equivalents) transferred to
               Holdco or a  Subsidiary  of Holdco  pursuant to  Sections  2.1.6,
               2.1.17,  2.1.23 or 2.1.24  shall be reported as taxable  sales or
               exchanges of such assets for Income Tax purposes.

4.  Closing.

          4.1. Closing.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  contained in this
               Agreement,  the closing of the transactions  contemplated  hereby
               (the  "Closing")  will occur at the  offices  of Weil,  Gotshal &
               Manges LLP, 767 Fifth Avenue,  New York,  New York 10153,  on the
               earlier of (i) the Termination Date, and (ii) the second business
               day after the  conditions  set forth in  Section  10 (other  than
               those to be fulfilled at the Closing)  have been  satisfied or at
               such other  date and place as the  parties  hereto  may  mutually
               agree  (the  date on which  the  Closing  actually  occurs  being
               referred to herein as the "Closing  Date").  The Closing shall be
               effective  as of the time on the  Closing  Date that all  actions
               contemplated  to occur at the Closing  pursuant to this Agreement
               have been completed (the "Effective Time").

          4.1.1.  Obligations  at  the  Closing.  In  addition  to  the  actions
               contemplated by Article 2, at the Closing the parties shall cause
               the following actions to be taken:

               (i)  Indemnification and Release Agreement.  Holdco shall execute
                    and deliver,  and cause each  Acquired  Company  (other than
                    Colorado Feed LLC and Better Beef LLC) and Acquiring Company
                    to execute and deliver,  to ConAgra the  indemnification and
                    release  agreement,  in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit
                    4.1.1(i)  (the  "Indemnification  and  Release  Agreement"),
                    pursuant to which each of the Acquired Companies (other than
                    Colorado  Feed  LLC  and  Better  Beef  LLC)  and  Acquiring
                    Companies agrees to be bound, jointly and severally, by each
                    of the  covenants  with  respect  to periods  following  the
                    Closing and indemnification  obligations of Holdco set forth
                    in  this  Agreement  and to  release  ConAgra  from  certain
                    environmental claims as set forth therein.

               (ii) Preferred  Supplier  Agreement.  ConAgra  shall  execute and
                    deliver  and Holdco  shall  execute  and deliver a preferred
                    supplier  agreement in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
                    4.1.1(ii) pursuant to which the Processing  Companies (other
                    than  Colorado Feed LLC and Better Beef LLC) agree to supply
                    certain  products  to  ConAgra  and  its  Subsidiaries,  and
                    ConAgra  and its  Subsidiaries  agree  to  purchase  certain
                    products,  at market  prices on a delivered  basis and terms
                    (the "Preferred Supplier Agreement").

               (iii)Stockholders Agreement.  ConAgra,  Acquisition LP and Holdco
                    shall  execute and deliver a  stockholders  agreement in the
                    attached hereto as Exhibit 4.1.1(iii)  pursuant to which the
                    parties agree to certain  governance  provisions  including,
                    without  limitation,  board  representation,  share transfer
                    restrictions,  registration  rights  and  other  stockholder
                    rights  (the  "Stockholders  Agreement").  Pursuant  to  the
                    Stockholders  Agreement,  Acquisition  LP shall have certain
                    rights to acquire ConAgra's equity interests in Holdco,  and
                    ConAgra  shall  have the  right to  participate  in  certain
                    transfers  by  Acquisition  LP of its  equity  interest.  In
                    addition,  ConAgra shall use its  reasonable  efforts for at
                    least  eighteen  (18)  months  following  Closing to solicit
                    purchasers for Cattleco operations.

               (iv) Transition  Services  Agreement.  ConAgra  shall execute and
                    deliver and Holdco shall cause the Acquired Companies (other
                    than  Colorado  Feed LLC and Better Beef LLC) to execute and
                    deliver a transition services agreement in the form attached
                    hereto  as  Exhibit  4.1.1(iv)  (the  "Transition   Services
                    Agreement")  pursuant to which (i) ConAgra agrees to provide
                    certain transition services to the Acquired Companies (other
                    than  Colorado  Feed  LLC and  Better  Beef  LLC)  following
                    Closing,  (ii) U.S. Beef Company  agrees to provide  certain
                    transition  services to ConAgra  following Closing and (iii)
                    ConAgra  agrees to provide  certain  transition  services to
                    Cattleco following the Closing.

               (v)  Armour Transition Trademark License Agreement. ConAgra shall
                    or shall  cause its  appropriate  Affiliates  to execute and
                    deliver  and Holdco  shall  cause the  appropriate  Acquired
                    Companies  to execute  and  deliver a  transition  trademark
                    license  agreement  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
                    4.1.1(v)  (the  "Armour   Transition   License   Agreement")
                    pursuant  to  which  ConAgra  or such  Affiliates  agree  to
                    license to the Acquired  Companies (other than Colorado Feed
                    LLC  and  Better  Beef  LLC)  the  "Armour"  and   "ConAgra"
                    trademarks and business names on a transition basis.

               (vi) Swift Transition  Trademark License Agreement.  Holdco shall
                    cause the appropriate  Acquired Company (other than Colorado
                    Feed LLC and Better  Beef LLC) to execute  and  deliver  and
                    ConAgra  shall  execute and deliver a  transition  trademark
                    license  agreement  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
                    4.1.1(vi)  (the  "Swift   Transition   License   Agreement")
                    pursuant to which such Acquired Company agrees to license to
                    ConAgra  the  "Swift" and "Swift  Premium"  trademarks  on a
                    transition basis.

               (vii)Hangar  License  Agreement.  U.S.  Beef  Company and ConAgra
                    shall execute and deliver a Hangar License  Agreement in the
                    form  attached  hereto as Exhibit  4.1.1(vii)  (the  "Hangar
                    License  Agreement"),  relating  to the joint use of certain
                    hangar space located in Greeley, Colorado.

               (viii) Director Appointment.  The parties acknowledge that Holdco
                    shall have a seven (7) member board of  directors,  five (5)
                    of whom shall be designated by Acquisition LP and two (2) of
                    whom shall be designated by ConAgra. At Closing, ConAgra and
                    Acquisition LP shall take all action  necessary to establish
                    such board, and designate such members.

               (ix) Risk Management Agreement. ConAgra shall execute and deliver
                    and Holdco  shall cause  Cattleco to execute and deliver the
                    Risk  Management  Agreement in the form  attached  hereto as
                    Exhibit 4.1.1(ix) (the "Risk Management Agreement") pursuant
                    to which  ConAgra  shall  provide  certain  risk  management
                    services to Cattleco,  and Cattleco shall undertake  certain
                    risk management activities.

               (x)  Cattle  Supply  Agreement.  Holdco shall cause  Cattleco and
                    U.S.  Beef Company to execute and deliver the Cattle  Supply
                    Agreement in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit  4.1.1(x)
                    (the "Cattle Supply Agreement")  pursuant to which U.S. Beef
                    Company agrees to purchase,  and Cattleco  agrees to supply,
                    live cattle.

               (xi) Monitoring  and  Oversight  Agreement.   Holdco,  the  other
                    Acquiring  Companies and certain  Acquired  Companies  shall
                    execute and deliver to Hicks,  Muse & Co.  Partners,  L.P. a
                    monitoring  and  oversight  agreement  in the form  attached
                    hereto as Exhibit 4.1.1(xi).

               (xii)Financial  Advisory  Agreement.  Holdco, the other Acquiring
                    Companies and certain  Acquired  Companies shall execute and
                    deliver to Hicks,  Muse & Co.  Partners,  L.P.  a  financial
                    advisory  agreement in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit
                    4.1.1(xii)    (the    "Financial    Advisory    Agreement").

               (xiii) Stock Certificates.  ConAgra shall deliver to Holdco stock
                    certificates representing the U.S. Processing Company Stock,
                    in each case, duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by stock
                    powers  duly  endorsed  in  blank  (or  equivalent  transfer
                    documents under the Laws of the applicable country). ConAgra
                    shall   deliver   to  Cattle   Holdco   stock   certificates
                    representing  the Cattleco Stock,  duly endorsed in blank or
                    accompanied by stock powers duly endorsed in blank;  ConAgra
                    shall  cause  Australia   Holdco  to  deliver  to  Australia
                    Acquisition   Co.  share   certificates   representing   the
                    Australia Operating Company Stock and share transfer forms.

               (xiv)Acquisition  LP  Holdco  Stock.  ConAgra  shall  deliver  to
                    Acquisition  LP  a  stock   certificate   representing   the
                    Acquisition  LP  Holdco  Stock  duly  endorsed  in  blank or
                    accompanied by stock powers duly endorsed in blank.

               (xv) Certificate.   ConAgra   shall   execute   and  deliver  the
                    certificates contemplated in Sections 10.2(a) and 10.2(b).

               (xvi)Certificate.  Acquisition  LP shall  execute and deliver the
                    certificates  contemplated in Sections  10.3(a) and 10.3(b).

               (xvii)  Resignations.  ConAgra  shall  deliver to Holdco  written
                    resignations  of the directors (or equivalent  positions) of
                    each  Acquiring  Company and  Acquired  Company  (other than
                    Colorado Feed LLC and Better Beef LLC) (other than directors
                    ConAgra is entitled to designate under Section 4.1.1(viii)),
                    together with the written  resignations  of the officers (or
                    equivalent positions) of each Acquiring Company and Acquired
                    Company  (other than  Colorado Feed LLC and Better Beef LLC)
                    as designated by Acquisition LP at least five (5) days prior
                    to the Closing Date.

               (xviii) Real Property; Title Insurance.  ConAgra shall deliver to
                    Acquisition LP, with respect to the parcels of real property
                    set forth on Schedule 7.23.1(a) and Schedule 7.23.1(b),  (a)
                    original  ALTA  form  owner  policies  of  title   insurance
                    insuring  the  title  of  the  Acquired   Companies  in  the
                    properties  designated on Schedule  7.23.1(a) to be good and
                    marketable,  including access,  contiguity and comprehensive
                    endorsements,  (b) a certificate  of title for each property
                    listed in  Schedule  7.23.1(b)  for which a  certificate  of
                    title has been issued  showing  that an Acquired  Company is
                    the  registered   proprietor   under  the  applicable  state
                    registration  system,  (c)  ALTA/ACSM  Land  Title  Surveys,
                    including  items 2-4, 6, 7(a) and (c) and 8-11 of Table A of
                    the Standards (or land title surveys  prepared in accordance
                    with  equivalent  standards  with  respect to real  property
                    listed on Schedule  7.23.1(b)),  updated  not  earlier  than
                    ninety  (90) days prior to the  Closing,  and (d) such other
                    related  title  documents and  certificates  required by the
                    Senior  Bank  Commitment  Letter and the  Bridge  Commitment
                    Letter,  the cost and expense of which in each case shall be
                    paid by  ConAgra  and shall be  reimbursed  by Holdco at the
                    Closing subject to Section 15.3.

               (xix)By-Products Marketing Agreement. ConAgra shall cause ConAgra
                    Trade  Group,  Inc. to execute and deliver and Holdco  shall
                    cause  U.S.  Acquisition  Co. to  execute  and  deliver  the
                    By-Products  Marketing Agreement in the form attached hereto
                    as  Exhibit   4.1.1(xix)  (the   "By-Products   Agreement"),
                    pursuant  to which  ConAgra  Trade  Group,  Inc.  agrees  to
                    purchase certain products.

               (xx) Transfer  Restriction  Agreement.  ConAgra  shallexecute and
                    deliver an agreement,  in a form attached  hereto as Exhibit
                    4.1.1(xx),  pursuant to which ConAgra shall agree to certain
                    restrictions  as set  forth in the  Senior  Bank  Commitment

               (xxi)License  Agreement.  Holdco  shall  cause  Brand  Holdco  to
                    execute and deliver and ConAgra  shall execute and deliver a
                    patent  license  agreement  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
                    parties,  pursuant  to which  Brand  Holdco  shall  grant to
                    ConAgra  and  its   Affiliates  a   perpetual,   world-wide,
                    royalty-free  license  to use the  technology  described  in
                    Patent No.  6,133,321  only with  respect to  poultry.  This
                    license shall be exclusive with respect to poultry and shall
                    be  non-transferable,   except  upon  the  sale  of  all  or
                    substantially all of ConAgra's poultry assets. Neither party
                    shall be required to make any  representations or warranties
                    of any kind to the other pursuant to such license agreement.

5. Post-Closing Matters.

               5.1. Closing Balance Sheets.

               5.1.1. Preparation.  As soon as reasonably  practicable following
                    the Closing Date (but in any event  within  thirty (30) days
                    after the  Closing),  ConAgra shall  prepare,  in accordance
                    with the terms of this  Article  5, (i) a  combined  balance
                    sheet for the Acquired Companies  (excluding  Cattleco) (the
                    "Preliminary  Processing  Company Closing  Balance  Sheet"),
                    together  with  a  separate   combined   balance  sheet  for
                    Australia  Operating  Company (the  "Preliminary  Australian
                    Closing Balance Sheet"),  in each case estimated as of 12:01
                    a.m.  New  York  City  time on the  Closing  Date and (ii) a
                    balance  sheet for  Cattleco as of 12:01 a.m.  New York City
                    time on the Closing Date (the "Preliminary  Cattleco Closing
                    Balance  Sheet").   Such  balance  sheets  are  collectively
                    referred to as the  "Preliminary  Closing  Balance  Sheets."
                    ConAgra shall prepare the Preliminary Closing Balance Sheets
                    in accordance with GAAP, and the methodology, procedures and
                    manner of  presentation  set forth in Exhibit  5.1.1.  It is
                    expressly  acknowledged  by  the  parties  hereto  that  the
                    inclusion of items 13 and 14 on Schedule  7.8.2 shall not in
                    any manner prejudice or otherwise constitute a waiver of any
                    party's  rights  under  this  Article  5  or  constitute  an
                    admission by a party that such actions are  permitted  under
                    this Article 5 or Exhibit  5.1.1  hereto.  Immediately  upon
                    completion  of  the  Preliminary   Closing  Balance  Sheets,
                    ConAgra shall submit the Preliminary  Closing Balance Sheets
                    to  Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP   ("Deloitte")   for  audit  in
                    accordance with the terms of this Article 5.

               5.1.2. Deloitte  Engagement  and Audit.  Promptly  following  the
                    execution  of this  Agreement,  ConAgra and  Acquisition  LP
                    shall jointly  engage  Deloitte,  pursuant to the engagement
                    letter in substantially  the form attached hereto as Exhibit
                    5.1.2(a),  to (i)  audit  the  Preliminary  Closing  Balance
                    Sheets in  accordance  with GAAP and the  provisions of this
                    Agreement, including, without limitation, Exhibit 5.1.1 (the
                    "Audit"),  and (ii) upon completion of the Audit, deliver to
                    ConAgra  and  Acquisition  LP its  draft  preliminary  audit
                    reports in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 5.1.2(b) (the
                    "Report")  together  with  the  accompanying  draft  audited
                    combined balance sheet for the Acquired Companies (excluding
                    Cattleco) (the "Audited  Processing Closing Balance Sheet"),
                    the  accompanying  draft audited  combined balance sheet for
                    Australia Operating Company (the "Audited Australian Closing
                    Balance Sheet") and the  accompanying  audited balance sheet
                    for Cattleco (the "Audited Cattleco Closing Balance Sheet").
                    The Audited  Processing  Closing Balance Sheet,  the Audited
                    Australian   Closing  Balance  Sheet  and  Audited  Cattleco
                    Closing Balance Sheet are herein collectively referred to as
                    the   "Audited   Closing   Balance   Sheets."   The  parties
                    acknowledge  and  agree  that  Deloitte  shall not issue its
                    final audit report until all Notices of Objection  have been
                    resolved  in   accordance   with  Section   5.1.3  and  such
                    resolution is incorporated  into the Audited Closing Balance

               5.1.3. Objections; Resolution of Disputes. (i) Unless Acquisition
                    LP  notifies  ConAgra in  writing,  within  thirty (30) days
                    after  Deloitte's  delivery of the Audited  Closing  Balance
                    Sheets,  of any  objection  to the  computations  set  forth
                    therein (the  "Notice of  Objection"),  the Audited  Closing
                    Balance  Sheets shall  become  final and  binding.  Any such
                    objection  shall  be  limited  to  matters   concerning  (x)
                    mathematical  errors  or (y)  the  Audited  Closing  Balance
                    Sheets not having been  calculated or prepared in accordance
                    with this Agreement,  including, without limitation, Exhibit
                    5.1.1.  During such  30-day  period  Acquisition  LP and its
                    representatives  shall be  permitted  to review the  working
                    papers of  ConAgra  and  Deloitte  relating  to the  Audited
                    Closing  Balance  Sheets.  Any  Notice  of  Objection  shall
                    specify in  reasonable  detail the basis for the  objections
                    set forth therein.

                    (ii) If  Acquisition  LP provides the Notice of Objection to
                         ConAgra within such 30-day  period,  Acquisition LP and
                         ConAgra  shall,  during  the  30-day  period  following
                         ConAgra's  receipt of the Notice of Objection,  attempt
                         in good faith to resolve  Acquisition  LP's objections.
                         During   such   30-day   period,    ConAgra   and   its
                         representatives   shall  be  permitted  to  review  the
                         working papers  relating to the Notice of Objection and
                         the basis  therefor.  If Acquisition LP and ConAgra are
                         unable  to  resolve  all such  objections  within  such
                         30-day period,  the matters  remaining in dispute shall
                         be submitted to KPMG LLP (or, if such firm  declines to
                         act, to another nationally recognized public accounting
                         firm mutually agreed upon by Acquisition LP and ConAgra
                         and,  if  Acquisition  LP and  ConAgra are unable to so
                         agree within ten (10) days after the end of such 30-day
                         period,  then  Acquisition  LP and  ConAgra  shall each
                         select such a firm and such firms shall jointly  select
                         a  third  nationally  recognized  firm to  resolve  the
                         disputed   matters   (such   selected  firm  being  the
                         "Independent Expert")).  The parties shall instruct the
                         Independent  Expert  to  render  its  reasoned  written
                         decision  as promptly  as  practicable  but in no event
                         later than sixty  (60) days  after its  selection.  The
                         resolution of disputed items by the Independent  Expert
                         shall be final and binding,  and the  determination  of
                         the  Independent  Expert shall  constitute  an arbitral
                         award that is final, binding and nonappealable and upon
                         which a  judgment  may be  entered  by a  court  having
                         jurisdiction  thereover.  The fees and  expenses of the
                         Independent  Expert shall be borne by U.S.  Acquisition
                         Co. Promptly following the respective date that ConAgra
                         and   Acquisition  LP  reach   agreement  upon  or,  if
                         applicable,   the   respective   date   of  the   final
                         determination,  the parties shall cause such resolution
                         to be  incorporated  into the Audited  Closing  Balance
                         Sheets  and  shall  cause  Deloitte  to issue its final
                         audit report.  The Audited  Processing  Company Closing
                         Balance  Sheet,  as  adjusted  (the  "Final  Processing
                         Closing Balance Sheet"), the Audited Australian Closing
                         Balance  Sheet,  as  adjusted  (the  "Final  Australian
                         Closing  Balance  Sheet"),  and  the  Audited  Cattleco
                         Closing Balance Sheet, as adjusted (the "Final Cattleco
                         Closing Balance  Sheet"),  shall be final,  binding and
                         conclusive for all purposes hereunder.

               5.1.4.  Processing  Company  Settlement  Payment.  On the  fourth
                    business  day  following  delivery  of the Final  Processing
                    Closing Balance Sheet pursuant to this Section 5, (i) Holdco
                    shall pay or cause to be paid to ConAgra or its designee the
                    amount,  if any, by which the  Combined  Processing  Company
                    Stockholders   Net   Investment   set  forth  in  the  Final
                    Processing  Closing  Balance  Sheet  exceeds  the  Estimated
                    Processing Company Stockholders Net Investment, (ii) ConAgra
                    or its designee  shall pay to Holdco the amount,  if any, by
                    which the  Estimated  Processing  Company  Stockholders  Net
                    Investment   exceeds   the   Combined   Processing   Company
                    Stockholders   Net   Investment   set  forth  in  the  Final
                    Processing Closing Balance Sheet, and (iii) the party making
                    the  payment  pursuant  to (i) or (ii) above  shall also pay
                    interest on such amount  from the Closing  Date  through the
                    date of payment at the Prevailing Rate.

               5.1.5. Cattleco Settlement Payment. Effective as of the agreement
                    upon or  determination of the Final Cattleco Closing Balance
                    Sheet, to the extent, if any, that the Cattleco  Stockholder
                    Net  Investment  set forth  therein  (after giving effect to
                    Cattleco Loan Amount) is (i) less than Thirty Million United
                    States Dollars ($30,000,000),  then the Cattleco Loan Amount
                    shall be deemed  reduced by the amount of such shortfall and
                    (ii)  more  than  Thirty   Million   United  States  Dollars
                    ($30,000,000), then the Cattleco Loan Amount shall be deemed
                    increased by the amount of such excess.  Any such adjustment
                    to the Cattleco  Loan Amount shall solely be for purposes of
                    determining  the  outstanding  balance  thereof and shall be
                    retroactive  to the  date of the  initial  borrowing  of the
                    Cattleco  Loan Amount and the Cattleco  Loan Amount shall be
                    deemed  to have  been  adjusted  as of such date and for all
                    periods thereafter and for all purposes,  including interest
                    paid or accrued under the Cattleco Loan Agreement.

               5.1.6. Access; Fees. After the Closing, Holdco shall provide, and
                    shall cause the Acquired  Companies  to provide,  to ConAgra
                    and Deloitte such  assistance  and access to books,  records
                    and other  supporting  documents  as is  necessary to timely
                    prepare the Preliminary Closing Balance Sheets,  conduct the
                    Audit and  prepare,  issue and  deliver  the  Report and the
                    Audited Closing Balance Sheets,  including,  but not limited
                    to, access to each Acquired  Company's  employees and books,
                    records  and  other  supporting  documents.   ConAgra  shall
                    provide to  Deloitte  such  assistance  and access to books,
                    records and other  supporting  documents as is necessary for
                    Deloitte to timely conduct the Audit and prepare,  issue and
                    deliver the Report and the Audited  Closing  Balance Sheets.
                    Holdco  shall  pay or  cause  to be paid all of the fees and
                    expenses of Deloitte  in  connection  with the Audit and the

               5.1.7. Certain  Definitions.  (i) For purposes of this Agreement,
                    "Combined  Processing  Company  Stockholders Net Investment"
                    shall mean the  stockholders' net investment and advances as
                    reflected  in a  combined  balance  sheet  for the  Acquired
                    Companies  (excluding  Cattleco)  as of 12:01 a.m.  New York
                    City time on the Closing  Date in  accordance  with  Exhibit

                    (ii) For purposes of this Agreement,  "Cattleco  Stockholder
                         Net  Investment"   shall  mean  the  stockholder's  net
                         investment and advances as reflected in a balance sheet
                         for Cattleco as of 12:01 a.m. New York City time on the
                         Closing Date prepared in accordance with Exhibit 5.1.1.

                    (iii)For   purposes   of   this    Agreement,    "Australian
                         Stockholder    Net    Investment"    shall   mean   the
                         stockholder's  net investment and advances as reflected
                         in a combined  balance  sheet for  Australia  Operating
                         Company as of 12:01 a.m. Australian time on the Closing
                         Date in accordance with Exhibit 5.1.1.

6.       Employee Matters.

               6.1. General.  As  of  the  Effective  Time,  by  virtue  of  the
                    transactions  contemplated  herein,  each  Acquired  Company
                    shall  continue  to employ  each  individual  employed by an
                    Acquired  Company on the Closing Date  (including  employees
                    absent from work due to short-term or long-term  disability,
                    sick leave, military leave or other permitted absences) (the
                    "Company  Employees").  As of the  Effective  Time,  ConAgra
                    shall terminate, or shall cause its Affiliates (that are not
                    Acquired  Companies) to terminate,  those  employees who are
                    not employed by Acquired  Companies  but who are employed at
                    locations  at  which  the  Businesses  are  located  and who
                    perform   substantially   all  of  their  services  for  the
                    Businesses,  including, without limitation, those management
                    employees  listed on Exhibit  6.1,  and Holdco,  an Acquired
                    Company,  or a Subsidiary thereof shall offer such employees
                    employment.  Upon such  employees'  acceptance of employment
                    with Holdco, an Acquired Company,  or a Subsidiary  thereof,
                    these  employees  shall be  included  in the  term  "Company
                    Employees." Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained
                    in  this  Agreement  shall  prohibit  Holdco,  any  Acquired
                    Company  or a  Subsidiary  of  either  from  terminating  or
                    changing  the terms of  employment  of any Company  Employee
                    after the Effective Time.  ConAgra and its Affiliates  (that
                    are not Acquired  Companies) hereby waive any claims against
                    Holdco,  any Acquired  Company and any Subsidiary of either,
                    and  against  any  Company  Employee,  as a  result  of such
                    Company  Employee's  employment  with  Holdco,  any Acquired
                    Company  or a  Subsidiary  of either,  including  any claims
                    under any employment  agreement,  confidentiality  agreement
                    (to the extent such confidential  information relates to the
                    Businesses  and not to other  businesses  of ConAgra and its
                    Affiliates   (that   are   not   Acquired   Companies))   or
                    non-competition agreement.

               6.2. Non-Solicitation.  For a period of  twenty-four  (24) months
                    from the  Closing  Date,  without  the  written  consent  of
                    Holdco,  ConAgra  shall not, and shall cause its  Affiliates
                    (that  are  not  Acquired  Companies)  to not,  solicit  for
                    employment,  hire or retain  in any  capacity,  or  dissuade
                    (prior to the  Closing  or after  the  Closing  during  such
                    twenty-four  (24) month period) from continuing or accepting
                    employment with Holdco or a Subsidiary thereof,  any Company
                    Employee or individual  who (i)  performed  services for the
                    Businesses  prior to the  Effective  Time,  (ii) is  offered
                    employment in accordance with Section 6.1 and (iii) receives
                    stock  options in Holdco on the Closing  Date.  Holdco shall
                    provide  ConAgra with notice of such covered  individuals on
                    the Closing Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any such
                    Company  Employee's  employment  terminates with Holdco or a
                    Subsidiary thereof,  ConAgra may hire such Company Employee;
                    provided,  however,  that such hiring shall be prohibited by
                    this Section 6.2 if ConAgra  solicits  the Company  Employee
                    prior to the Company Employee's termination.

               6.3. COBRA.   Holdco  and  the   Acquired   Companies   shall  be
                    responsible   for   perpetuating   the  group   health  plan
                    continuation  coverage pursuant to Section 4980B of the Code
                    and  Sections  601-609  of the  Employee  Retirement  Income
                    Security  Act of 1974,  as amended  ("ERISA"),  for  Company
                    Employees and their eligible dependents.

               6.4. Pension  Plan.  As of the Closing  Date,  Company  Employees
                    shall cease to actively  participate  in any  Employee  Plan
                    subject  to Title IV of  ERISA  that is not a  multiemployer
                    plan  within  the  meaning  of  Section  3(37)  of  ERISA (a
                    "Multiemployer  Plan") and that is  sponsored  by ConAgra or
                    any  Affiliate  (the  "ConAgra  Pension  Plans"),  and  will
                    receive  no  further  benefit  accruals  under  the  ConAgra
                    Pension Plans.  ConAgra shall cause Company  Employees to be
                    one hundred percent (100%) vested in their accrued  benefits
                    under the ConAgra  Pension Plans effective as of the Closing

               6.5. 401(k)  Plans.  As of the Closing  Date,  Company  Employees
                    shall   cease  to  actively   participate   in  the  ConAgra
                    Retirement  Income  Savings Plan and the ConAgra  Retirement
                    Income  Savings  Plan for Hourly Rate  Production  Employees
                    (the "ConAgra 401(k) Plans"). No contributions shall be made
                    to the  ConAgra  401(k)  Plans for the  benefit  of  Company
                    Employees with respect to compensation earned by the Company
                    Employees  after the Closing  Date.  ConAgra shall cause the
                    interests  of the Company  Employees  in the ConAgra  401(k)
                    Plans to be one  hundred  percent  (100%)  vested  and fully
                    nonforfeitable  as of the Closing Date.  Except as expressly
                    set forth  herein,  no assets of any Employee  Plan shall be
                    transferred  to  Holdco or any of its  Affiliates  or to any
                    plan  of  Holdco  or any  of  its  Affiliates.  As  soon  as
                    practical   following  receipt  by  Holdco  and  ConAgra  of
                    favorable determination letters or Holdco's certification to
                    ConAgra, and ConAgra's  certification to Holdco, in a manner
                    reasonably  acceptable  to both  ConAgra  and  Holdco,  that
                    Holdco's   401(k)  plan  and  ConAgra's   401(k)  Plans  are
                    qualified  under  the  applicable  provisions  of the  Code,
                    ConAgra shall cause the trustee of ConAgra's 401(k) Plans to
                    transfer,  solely in the form of cash or notes  representing
                    outstanding   participant  loans  (provided,   however,   at
                    Holdco's reasonable election, some assets may be transferred
                    in kind),  assets  representing the full account balances of
                    the Company  Employees,  together with the  appropriate  net
                    investment  return  (including  unrealized  appreciation  or
                    depreciation)  thereon,  reduced by any necessary benefit or
                    withdrawal  payments  made in respect  of Company  Employees
                    prior to the  actual  date of  transfer,  to the  trustee of
                    Holdco's  401(k) plan,  and upon such  transfer,  Holdco and
                    Holdco's   401(k)  plan  shall  be  responsible  for  proper
                    administration  of such  account  balances  and the  related
                    liability to the Company Employees.

               6.6. Welfare  Plans.   Except  as  otherwise  set  forth  in  the
                    Transition  Services  Agreement,  as of  the  Closing  Date,
                    Company  Employees shall cease to participate in any plan or
                    program  described in Section 3(1)(A) of ERISA (other than a
                    plan,  fund or program  established  or  maintained  for the
                    purpose of  providing  unemployment,  severance  or worker's
                    compensation benefits),  including foreign plans not subject
                    to ERISA  ("Welfare  Plan"),  sponsored  by  ConAgra  or any
                    Affiliate of ConAgra that is not an Acquired Company. Holdco
                    shall provide  those Welfare Plans to the Company  Employees
                    as Holdco deems appropriate after the Closing Date.  ConAgra
                    shall be responsible for and shall pay, or shall cause to be
                    paid or shall cause its Welfare Plans to be responsible  for
                    and pay (subject to their terms), all claims incurred by the
                    Company  Employees and their  beneficiaries on or before the
                    Closing  Date  (whether  or not  reported  as of the Closing
                    Date)  under any  Welfare  Plan  (whether  those  claims are
                    incurred  under a Welfare  Plan  sponsored  by  ConAgra,  an
                    Acquired  Company,  or a  Subsidiary  of either)  and Holdco
                    shall be responsible  for and shall pay or cause to be paid,
                    or shall cause its Welfare Plans to be  responsible  for and
                    pay  (subject to their  terms),  all claims  incurred by the
                    Company Employees and their  beneficiaries after the Closing
                    Date under  Welfare Plans  sponsored by Holdco,  an Acquired
                    Company  or a  Subsidiary  of  either.  Notwithstanding  the
                    foregoing,  matters with respect to any Welfare Plan that is
                    a plan,  fund or program  established  or maintained for the
                    purpose of  providing  unemployment,  severance  or workers'
                    compensation benefits shall be governed by Sections 6.12 and
                    6.14 to the extent those sections are inconsistent with this
                    Section 6.6.

               6.7. Flexible  Spending   Accounts.   ConAgra  maintains  a  plan
                    qualified  under  Codess.125  ("ConAgra's  125  Plan")  that
                    includes   flexible   spending  accounts  for  medical  care
                    reimbursements    and    dependent    care    reimbursements
                    ("Reimbursement    Accounts").   As   soon   as   reasonably
                    practicable  following the Closing  Date,  cash equal to the
                    aggregate value of the Reimbursement Accounts of the Company
                    Employees  shall  be  transferred  from  ConAgra  to a  plan
                    established by Holdco  intended to qualify under  Codess.125
                    ("Holdco's 125 Plan").  Upon receipt of such amount,  Holdco
                    and  Holdco's  125 Plan  shall  assume all  obligations  and
                    liabilities with respect to the  Reimbursement  Accounts for
                    the Company Employees.  Holdco shall recognize the elections
                    of the  Company  Employees  under  ConAgra's  125  Plan  for
                    purposes of Holdco's 125 Plan for calendar year 2002.

               6.8. Holdco  Plans.  To the extent such periods of service  would
                    have counted under similar  benefit plans of ConAgra and the
                    Acquired Companies covering Company Employees,  Holdco shall
                    cause prior periods of service with ConAgra and the Acquired
                    Companies to count for purposes of  eligibility  and vesting
                    under any benefit plans provided to Company  Employees after
                    Closing.  To the extent such conditions and provisions would
                    be waived  under  similar  benefit  plans of ConAgra and the
                    Acquired Companies covering Company Employees,  Holdco shall
                    cause the Acquired Companies to waive pre-existing condition
                    requirements,  evidence of insurability provisions,  waiting
                    period  requirements  or any  similar  provisions  under any
                    employee benefit plan or compensation  arrangements provided
                    to any  Company  Employees  after the  Closing  Date.  After
                    Closing,  to the  extent  such  amounts  paid or  accrued by
                    Company  Employees  would be applied under  similar  benefit
                    plans of ConAgra or the  Acquired  Companies,  Holdco  shall
                    also  cause  the  Acquired  Companies  to apply  toward  any
                    deductible  requirements  and  out-of-pocket  maximum limits
                    under its employee  welfare  benefit  plans any amounts paid
                    (or accrued) by each Company Employee prior to Closing under
                    welfare benefit plans during the then-current plan year.

               6.9. Defined   Benefit   Pension   Plan  and   Retiree   Benefits
                    Obligations.  From and after  the  Effective  Time,  ConAgra
                    shall continue to be responsible for and pay all obligations
                    under any and all Employee Plans or other plan of ConAgra or
                    any Affiliate that provides  post-retirement medical or life
                    insurance  benefits  (except as required by Section 4980B of
                    the Code and Sections 601-609 of ERISA),  or that is subject
                    to Title IV of ERISA (except for Multiemployer  Plans to the
                    extent   they   cover   Company   Employees),   specifically
                    including, but not limited to, (i) the SIPCO Post-Retirement
                    Medical Plan, and (ii) the Swift Independent Packing Pension
                    Plan for Nonsalaried Employees.

               6.10.Stock   Options.   From  and  after  the   Effective   Time,
                    employment of the Company Employees with an Acquired Company
                    or Affiliate  shall be deemed to be employment  with ConAgra
                    for  eligibility to exercise and vesting  purposes under any
                    stock  option,   restricted  stock,   phantom  stock,  stock
                    appreciation  right or similar  benefit granted to a Company
                    Employee by ConAgra or an Affiliate  prior to the  Effective
                    Time  under  any  ConAgra  stock  option  plan and under the
                    ConAgra Foods,  Inc. Long Term Senior  Management  Incentive
                    Plan;  provided,  however,  these provisions shall not apply
                    with respect to any periods of  employment  during which the
                    entity   employing   the  Company   Employee  is  less  than
                    twenty-five percent (25%) owned, directly or indirectly,  by
                    ConAgra and its Affiliates. ConAgra shall be responsible for
                    all  costs  and  expenses  associated,   including,  without
                    limitation,  benefits payable, with the requirements of this
                    Section 6.10.

               6.11.Deferred  Compensation.  As of  the  Closing  Date,  Company
                    Employees shall cease to actively participate in any plan or
                    program  described  in  Section  3(2) of  ERISA  that is not
                    intended to be qualified  under  Section  401(a) of the Code
                    and that is  sponsored by ConAgra or any  Affiliate  that is
                    not an Acquired Company ("Nonqualified Plan"). ConAgra shall
                    be  responsible  for and shall pay (or cause to be paid) all
                    benefits due under any Nonqualified Plan. From and after the
                    Effective Time,  employment of the Company Employees with an
                    Acquired  Company  or an  Affiliate  shall be  deemed  to be
                    employment   with   ConAgra  for  purposes  of  vesting  and
                    eligibility for earnings or interest under any  Nonqualified
                    Plan; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply
                    with respect to any periods of  employment  during which the
                    entity   employing  the  Company   Employees  is  less  than
                    twenty-five percent (25%) owned, directly or indirectly,  by
                    ConAgra and its Affiliates. ConAgra shall be responsible for
                    all costs and expenses  associated with the  requirements of
                    this Section 6.11. Holdco shall be responsible for and shall
                    pay (or cause to be paid) all  benefits  under  nonqualified
                    plans  sponsored by any Acquired  Company that are listed on
                    Exhibit 6.11.

               6.12.Worker's Compensation.  ConAgra shall be responsible for and
                    shall pay, or shall cause its workers'  compensation  plans,
                    policies (or similar arrangements for compensating employees
                    for  on-the-job  injuries  or  illnesses)  or carriers to be
                    responsible  for  and  pay  (subject  to  the  terms  of the
                    applicable plan, policy or arrangement), all claims asserted
                    by the Company Employees whose place of employment is in the
                    United States (whether such claim is asserted before,  on or
                    after the  Closing  Date)  arising  or  resulting  from,  or
                    relating  to,  incidents  occurring on or before the Closing
                    Date  (whether or not the incident  has been  reported on or
                    before the Closing Date).  Holdco shall be  responsible  for
                    and pay or cause to be paid,  or shall  cause  its  workers'
                    compensation  plans,  policies (or similar  arrangements for
                    compensating employees for on-the-job injuries or illnesses)
                    or carriers to be  responsible  for and pay  (subject to the
                    terms of the applicable plan,  policy or  arrangement),  all
                    claims  asserted  by  the  Company   Employees   arising  or
                    resulting  from, or relating to,  incidents  occurring after
                    the Closing Date.

               6.13.Stay Bonuses.  Holdco shall be responsible for and shall pay
                    any  and all  retention,  change  in  control,  stay-pay  or
                    similar  obligations which result from this Agreement or the
                    consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  herein  as
                    described  and in the amounts set forth on Part I of Exhibit
                    6.13.  ConAgra shall be responsible for and shall pay to the
                    Company Employees any and all retention,  change in control,
                    stay-pay  or  similar  obligations  which  result  from this
                    Agreement   or  the   consummation   of   the   transactions
                    contemplated herein as described and in the amount set forth
                    on Part II of Exhibit 6.13.  ConAgra represents and warrants
                    that, except as disclosed in Parts I and II of Exhibit 6.13,
                    no  amounts  will be payable to any  Company  Employee  as a
                    result of the  transactions  contemplated by the Transaction

               6.14.Severance.  ConAgra shall be  responsible  for and shall pay
                    any  amount  due to any  individual  who  is  terminated  by
                    ConAgra or an Affiliate (that is not an Acquired Company) in
                    accordance   with   Section  6.1  that   results   from  the
                    termination of employment of such individual from ConAgra or
                    an  Affiliate  that is not an Acquired  Company or Acquiring
                    Company.  ConAgra shall be responsible for and shall pay any
                    amount due to the individual  listed on Exhibit 6.14(a) that
                    results  from  the   termination   of   employment  of  such
                    individual  from  ConAgra  or an  Affiliate  or an  Acquired
                    Company or Acquiring  Company,  whether or not in connection
                    with  the  transactions   contemplated  by  the  Transaction
                    Documents. Holdco shall be responsible for and shall pay any
                    amount  due  to  any  Company   Employees  (other  than  the
                    individual  listed on Exhibit 6.14(a)) whose employment with
                    an  Acquiring  Company or  Acquired  Company  is  terminated
                    following the Closing. Holdco shall offer to the individuals
                    listed on Exhibit  6.14(b)  severance  benefits set forth on
                    Exhibit   6.14(b).   In  addition,   Holdco  shall  use  its
                    reasonable  efforts to ensure that any individual  listed on
                    Exhibit  6.14(b)  that accepts  employment  with an Acquired
                    Company  waives  severance  rights  under any  agreement  or
                    arrangement with ConAgra existing prior to the Closing.

               6.15.Employment Agreements.  Subject to ConAgra's obligations set
                    forth in Sections 6.13 and 6.14, Holdco shall be responsible
                    for  any   payments  due  under  the   employment   letters,
                    agreements  and  arrangements  set  forth on  Exhibit  6.15.

               6.16. [Intentionally Omitted]

               6.17.Cooperation.  The parties  shall  cooperate  with each other
                    and exchange any information,  filings or notices (including
                    the  notice   required  by  Section   204(h)  of  ERISA)  as
                    appropriate to implement the provisions of this Article 6.

               6.18.Indemnity.  After the Closing,  Holdco shall  indemnify  and
                    hold each of the ConAgra  Indemnified  Parties harmless from
                    and against any ConAgra Indemnified Costs resulting directly
                    or  indirectly  from any  breach  or  nonfulfillment  of any
                    agreement, representation,  warranty or covenant on the part
                    of Holdco,  the other  Acquiring  Companies  or the Acquired
                    Companies  under this Article 6. After the Closing,  ConAgra
                    shall  indemnify  and hold  each of the  Holdco  Indemnified
                    Parties  harmless  from and against  any Holdco  Indemnified
                    Costs  resulting  directly or indirectly  from any breach or
                    nonfulfillment of any agreement, representation, warranty or
                    covenant on the part of ConAgra  under this  Article 6. With
                    respect to any  third-party  action  (as  defined in Section
                    12.4.1)  relating  to the  indemnification  obligations  set
                    forth in this  Section  6.18,  Section 12.4 shall govern the
                    procedures, rights and obligations with respect thereto.

               6.19.LLC Employees.  Notwithstanding the foregoing  provisions of
                    Article 6, Company Employees who are employed by Better Beef
                    LLC or  Colorado  Feed LLC ("LLC  Employees")  and  employee
                    benefit plans  covering the LLC Employees and the claims and
                    liabilities  associated  with the LLC  Employees  under such
                    employee benefit plans shall be handled as follows:

                    (a)  ConAgra and Holdco intend that the  consummation of the
                         transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement shall not
                         cause a  change  in the  employment  status  of the LLC

                    (b)  To the extent  that the LLC  Employees  are  covered by
                         employee benefit plans that are sponsored by ConAgra or
                         any  Affiliate  of  ConAgra  that  is not  an  Acquired
                         Company,  the LLC Employees  shall cease to participate
                         in  such  plans  as of  the  Closing  Date  (except  as
                         provided in the  Transition  Services  Agreement),  and
                         ConAgra  shall be  responsible  for and shall  pay,  or
                         shall  cause to be paid or  shall  cause  its  employee
                         benefit plans to be responsible for and pay (subject to
                         their  terms),  all claims and  Liabilities  associated
                         with the LLC Employees arising on or before the Closing
                         Date, and neither ConAgra nor any Affiliate that is not
                         an Acquired  Company  shall have any  Liability for any
                         claims  and   Liabilities   associated   with  the  LLC
                         Employees that arise after the Closing Date.

                    (c)  To the extent  that the LLC  Employees  are  covered by
                         employee  benefit  plans  that  are  not  sponsored  by
                         ConAgra  or any  Affiliate  of  ConAgra  that is not an
                         Acquired Company,  ConAgra shall be responsible for and
                         shall pay, or shall cause to be paid,  its share of all
                         claims  and   Liabilities   associated   with  the  LLC
                         Employees under such employee  benefit plans arising on
                         or before  the  Closing  Date in  accordance  with past
                         practices  in effect for such  claims and  Liabilities,
                         and neither  ConAgra nor any  Affiliate  that is not an
                         Acquired  Company  shall  have  any  Liability  for any
                         claims  and   Liabilities   associated   with  the  LLC
                         Employees that arise after the Closing Date.

7. Representations and Warranties of ConAgra. ConAgra hereby represents and
warrants to Acquisition LP as set forth below. Such representations and
warranties are made subject to those matters set forth in the ConAgra Disclosure
Schedule dated as of the date hereof and delivered as a separate document (the
"ConAgra Disclosure Schedule") in the manner provided for in the introductory
paragraph of the ConAgra Disclosure Schedule. After the date of their respective
formation, each of the following representations and warranties pertaining to an
Acquiring Company shall also cover S&C Holdco 2, S&C Holdco 3, Cattleco Holdco,
U.S. Acquisition Co., Brand Holdco and Australia Acquisition Co., as applicable,
as of their respective date of formation through the time period that
Acquisition LP acquires its Acquisition LP Percentage Interest. Except to the
extent that the provisions of a particular representation and warranty expressly
provide that it is made as of a specified date, each of the following
representations and warranties shall be made as of the date of this Agreement
and shall constitute continuing representations and warranties made as of each
date after the date of this Agreement prior to and including the Closing Date.
Each of the representations and warranties set forth in Sections 7.1, 7.6, 7.8,
7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, 7.20, 7.21,
7.22, 7.23, 7.24 and 7.25, insofar as they pertain to Better Beef LLC and
Colorado Feed LLC shall be deemed to have been made to the Knowledge of ConAgra.
For purposes of Article 12, following the Closing, all such representations and
warranties shall be deemed to have been made directly to Holdco and each
Subsidiary thereof.

          7.1. Organization,  Good Standing and Corporate Power.  Each Acquiring
               Company and Acquired Company is duly organized,  validly existing
               and in  good  standing  under  the  laws of its  jurisdiction  of
               formation as set forth on Schedule  7.1. Each  Acquiring  Company
               and Acquired  Company has power and authority to own, operate and
               lease its  properties  and to carry on its  business as now being
               conducted.  Each Acquiring  Company and Acquired  Company is duly
               qualified  and in good  standing to conduct  its  business in all
               jurisdictions   listed  on  Schedule  7.1,  which   jurisdictions
               represent every  jurisdiction in which the nature of its business
               or  the  ownership  or  leasing  of  its  properties  makes  such
               qualification  necessary  except  where the failure to so qualify
               has not had a Company Material Adverse Effect.

          7.2. Articles and By-Laws.  ConAgra has  previously  made available to
               Acquisition LP complete and correct copies of the certificates or
               articles   of   incorporation,    applications,    constitutions,
               certificates of formation,  by-laws and operating  agreements (or
               equivalent  organization  and governing  documents) of Holdco and
               each Acquired Company, as in effect at the date of this Agreement
               (collectively,    and   together   with   the   certificates   of
               incorporation, applications, constitutions and by-laws of each of
               the  Acquiring  Companies  to be formed  prior to the  Closing as
               provided herein, the "Charter Documents"). As of the Closing, the
               Charter   Documents  shall  be  in  the  form  and  substance  as
               previously delivered to Acquisition LP or, as applicable,  in the
               form and  substance  attached  as an Exhibit  to this  Agreement.
               Schedule  7.2  contains  a  complete  and  accurate  list  of all
               officers and directors (or equivalent Persons) of Holdco and each
               Acquired Company. No Acquired Company (other than Better Beef LLC
               and Colorado Feed LLC) and, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,  neither
               Better  Beef LLC nor  Colorado  Feed LLC is in  violation  of any
               provisions of its Charter Documents.

          7.3. Corporate   Authorization;   Binding  Effect.  ConAgra  and  each
               Acquiring  Company and Acquired  Company has all requisite  power
               and  authority  to enter  into  this  Agreement  and  each  other
               agreement,  document  and  instrument  required to be executed in
               accordance herewith,  including,  without limitation, each of the
               documents  the forms of which are  attached  as  Exhibits  hereto
               (collectively with the Agreement,  the "Transaction  Documents"),
               to  which  ConAgra  or any such  Acquiring  Company  or  Acquired
               Company   is  a  party  and  to   consummate   the   transactions
               contemplated hereby or thereby. The execution and delivery of the
               Transaction  Documents by ConAgra and each Acquiring  Company and
               Acquired  Company  and  the  consummation  by  ConAgra  and  such
               Acquiring   Company   and   Acquired   Company  of   transactions
               contemplated  hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all
               necessary  action  on the  part of  ConAgra  and  such  Acquiring
               Company and Acquired Company. This Agreement has been, and at the
               Closing each of the other Transaction  Documents to which ConAgra
               and each Acquiring  Company and Acquired  Company is a party will
               be, duly  executed and  delivered  by ConAgra and such  Acquiring
               Company and Acquired  Company.  This Agreement  constitutes,  and
               upon execution and delivery thereof by ConAgra and each Acquiring
               Company and Acquired Company, the other Transaction  Documents to
               which ConAgra and each Acquiring  Company and Acquired Company is
               a party will  constitute,  the valid and binding  obligations  of
               ConAgra  and  each  Acquiring   Company  and  Acquired   Company,
               enforceable  against it in accordance with its respective  terms,
               subject  to   applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   fraudulent
               conveyance, reorganization, moratorium and similar laws affecting
               creditors'  rights and  remedies  generally  and  subject,  as to
               enforceability, to general principles of equity.

          7.4. Effect of  Agreement.  Except as set forth on Schedule  7.4,  the
               execution,  delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents
               by ConAgra,  the Acquiring  Companies and the Acquired  Companies
               and the consummation by ConAgra,  the Acquiring Companies and the
               Acquired  Companies of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and
               thereby  will not,  with or  without  the giving of notice or the
               lapse  of time or both,  assuming  compliance  with  the  matters
               referred to in Section 7.5, (i) violate, conflict with, or result
               in any breach of any  provision of any of the Charter  Documents,
               or  ConAgra's  certificate  of  incorporation  or  by-laws,  (ii)
               violate, conflict with, or result in a violation or breach of, or
               constitute a default (with or without due notice or lapse of time
               or both)  under,  or  require  the  consent  or  approval  of any
               third-party  under or permit the termination of, or result in the
               acceleration of, or entitle any party to accelerate (whether as a
               result  of a  change  in  control  of any  Acquiring  Company  or
               Acquired  Company or otherwise) any obligation,  or result in the
               loss of any benefit,  or give any Person the right to require any
               security to be  repurchased,  or give rise to the creation of any
               Lien  upon any of the  properties  or assets  of  ConAgra  or any
               Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company under,  any of the terms,
               conditions, or provisions of any loan or credit agreement,  note,
               bond,  mortgage,  indenture  or deed  of  trust,  or any  Company
               Material  Contract  or,  with  respect to ConAgra,  any  material
               contract, to which any of them is a party or by which any of them
               or any of their properties or assets may be bound or subject,  or
               (iii)  violate  any Law  applicable  to ConAgra or any  Acquiring
               Company  or any  Acquired  Company or by which or to which any of
               their respective properties or assets is bound or subject.

          7.5. Government  Authorization.  Except as set forth on Schedule  7.5,
               the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  by  ConAgra  of  the
               Transaction  Documents requires no consent,  approval,  order, or
               authorization of, or registration,  declaration,  or filing with,
               any  Governmental  Authority  other  than  (a)  the  filing  of a
               pre-merger  notification report under the HSR Act; (b) applicable
               requirements,  if any, of the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended
               (the  "Securities  Act"),  and state securities or blue sky laws;
               and (c)  compliance  with any applicable  non-United  States laws
               intended to prohibit,  restrict, limit or regulate actions having
               the purpose or effect of  monopolization or restraint of trade or
               regulating foreign  investment,  including,  without  limitation,

          7.6. Capital  Stock;  Title to  Shares.  Schedule  7.6 sets  forth the
               capitalization of Holdco and each Acquired Company, including the
               number of  authorized  shares  of each  class of  capital  stock,
               voting securities or other ownership  interests and the par value
               thereof,  the number of shares of each  class of  capital  stock,
               voting securities or other ownership  interests held in treasury,
               and the number of issued and outstanding  shares of each class of
               capital stock, voting securities or other ownership interests and
               the names of, and number of securities held by, the record owners
               thereof,  and such  ownership is free and clear of all Liens.  At
               the Closing,  each  Acquiring  Company's  ownership of each other
               Acquiring   Company  as  contemplated   herein  shall  constitute
               ownership of all outstanding  securities of the Acquiring Company
               so owned and such ownership shall be free and clear of all Liens.
               No shares of capital stock,  voting securities or other ownership
               interests of any  Acquiring  Company or any Acquired  Company are
               reserved  for  issuance  for any  purpose.  As to each  Acquiring
               Company and  Acquired  Company,  there are no bonds,  debentures,
               notes or other  indebtedness  issued or  outstanding  having  the
               right to vote ("Voting  Debt") on any matters on which holders of
               capital stock,  voting  securities or other  ownership  interests
               thereof  may vote.  All of the issued and  outstanding  shares of
               capital stock,  voting securities or other ownership interests of
               each Acquiring  Company and Acquired Company are duly authorized,
               validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable  and have not been
               issued in violation of any  preemptive or similar  rights.  There
               are  no  options,   warrants,   calls,  rights,   commitments  or
               agreements  of any  character to which any  Acquiring  Company or
               Acquired Company is a party or by which it is bound obligating it
               to issue,  deliver  or sell,  or cause to be  delivered  or sold,
               additional  shares of capital stock,  voting  securities or other
               ownership  interests or any Voting Debt of such Acquiring Company
               or Acquired  Company,  or obligating  such  Acquiring  Company or
               Acquired Company to grant,  extend or enter into any such option,
               warrant,  call,  right,  commitment  or  agreement.  There are no
               outstanding  contractual  obligations of any Acquiring Company or
               Acquired Company to repurchase,  redeem or otherwise  acquire any
               shares of capital  stock of any  Acquiring  Company  or  Acquired
               Company.  No  Acquired  Company has any  Subsidiaries  other than
               another  Acquired  Company.  Schedule  7.6 sets  forth a  general
               description  of the  business,  assets  and  Liabilities  of each
               Divested  Company.  No Acquiring  Company or Acquired Company has
               any ownership interest, directly or indirectly, in Weld Insurance
               Co., Inc. or ConAgra International (Far East) Limited.

          7.7. Financial   Statements.   ConAgra  has  heretofore  delivered  to
               Acquisition LP copies of (i) the audited  combined balance sheets
               of the  ConAgra  Red Meat  Business  (as defined in footnote 1 to
               such audited financial statements) as of May 27, 2001 and May 28,
               2000, and the combined statements of earnings,  stockholder's net
               investment  and  advances  and cash flows for the years ended May
               27, 2001, May 28, 2000, and May 30, 1999 (the "Audited  Financial
               Statements"),  and (ii) the unaudited  combined  summary  balance
               sheets,  summary statements of earnings and summary cash flows of
               the ConAgra Red Meat  Business  for the years ended May 31, 1998,
               and May 25, 1997,  and the  unaudited  combined  summary  balance
               sheet of the ConAgra Red Meat Business for the year ended May 30,
               1999 (collectively,  the "Prior Unaudited Financial Statements"),
               and (iii) the  unaudited  balance  sheet of the  ConAgra Red Meat
               Business  (the "Most  Recent  Balance  Sheet") as of February 24,
               2002 (the "Balance  Sheet  Date"),  together with (A) the related
               combined statements of earnings, stockholder's net investment and
               advances and cash flows for the nine periods  ended  February 24,
               2002, and (B) the related combined statement of earnings and cash
               flows for the nine periods ended February 25, 2001 (together with
               the  Most  Recent  Balance  Sheet,  the  "Most  Recent  Unaudited
               Financial Statements").  The Prior Unaudited Financial Statements
               and the  Most  Recent  Unaudited  Financial  Statements  shall be
               collectively referred to as the "Unaudited Financial Statements."
               The Audited  Financial  Statements  and the  Unaudited  Financial
               Statements  shall be collectively  referred to as, the "Financial
               Statements."  The  Financial  Statements,  other  than the  Prior
               Unaudited  Financial  Statements  (including the related  notes),
               have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with GAAP  (other  than the
               absence of related notes in the case of the  Unaudited  Financial
               Statements),  present  fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the
               financial position,  results of operations,  stockholder's equity
               and cash flows of the ConAgra Red Meat  Business as of such dates
               and  for  the  periods  then  ended,  except  in the  case of the
               Unaudited  Financial  Statements for normal year end  adjustments
               that are not material in nature. The information presented by the
               Prior Unaudited Financial Statements has been prepared on a basis
               consistent with the accounting principles used in the preparation
               of ConAgra's  consolidated  audited financial statements and in a
               manner as  required  by SEC  Regulation  S-K Item 301 and  fairly
               presents,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial  position,
               results of operations, stockholder's equity and cash flows of the
               ConAgra  Red Meat  Business  as of such dates and for the periods
               then ended.

          7.8. Conduct of Business  Since May 27,  2001.  Since May 27, 2001 and
               except for the transactions contemplated herein:

          7.8.1. As of the date  hereof,  there has not been a Company  Material
               Adverse Effect.

          7.8.2. Except as set forth on Schedule  7.8.2,  as of the date hereof,
               no event has occurred  that would have been  prevented by Section
               9.1.1 if the terms of such  Section  had been in effect as of and
               after May 27, 2001.

          7.8.3.  Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule   7.8.3  and  except  for
               indebtedness  owed  by  an  Acquired  Company  to  ConAgra  or  a
               Subsidiary  thereof,  since the Balance  Sheet Date,  none of the
               Acquiring  Companies  or  Acquired  Companies  have  incurred  or
               assumed any  indebtedness  for borrowed  funds or purchase  money
               indebtedness,  or  assumed,  guaranteed,  endorsed  or  otherwise
               become liable or responsible  (whether directly,  contingently or
               otherwise)  for the  obligations  of any other Person,  except in
               respect to such assumptions,  guarantees or endorsements for such
               amounts that are immaterial  and incurred in the ordinary  course
               of the Acquired Companies.

          7.9. Taxes and Tax Returns.

          7.9.1. General  Tax  Representations.  Except as set forth on Schedule

               (i)  All  material  Tax  returns  required to be filed by or with
                    respect to any  Acquired  Company  have been duly and timely
                    filed; all material items of income,  gain, loss,  deduction
                    and credit or other  items  required  to be included in each
                    such Tax return have been so included and all such items and
                    any other  information  provided  in each such Tax return is
                    true,  correct and  complete in all material  respects;  all
                    material  Taxes owed by any  Acquired  Company  which are or
                    have become due have been  timely paid in full;  no penalty,
                    interest or other  charge is or will become due with respect
                    to the late filing of any such Tax return or late payment of
                    any such Tax;  all  material  Tax  withholding  and material
                    deposit  requirements  imposed  on or  with  respect  to any
                    Acquired  Company have been satisfied in full; and there are
                    no Liens on any of the assets of any  Acquired  Company that
                    arose in connection with any failure (or alleged failure) to
                    pay any material Tax, except as shown on Schedule  7.23.1(a)
                    or Schedule 7.23.1(b);

               (ii) All deficiencies asserted as a result of all federal, state,
                    local and foreign Tax examinations of the Acquired Companies
                    have been paid, fully settled or adequately  provided for as
                    a Liability  in the books and records of either the Acquired
                    Companies or ConAgra;

               (iii)There  are  no  pending   examinations   or  written  claims
                    asserted  for Taxes of any Acquired  Company or  outstanding
                    agreements  or waivers  extending  the  statutory  period of
                    limitation  applicable  to any Tax  return  of any  Acquired
                    Company for any period or any pending Tax  litigation of any
                    Acquired Company;

               (iv) No Acquired Company has filed a consent under Section 341(f)
                    of the Code;

               (v)  Subject to the  requirements  of Exhibit 5.1.1  hereto,  the
                    amounts set up as liabilities for current and deferred Taxes
                    in the Most Recent Balance Sheet will be sufficient to cover
                    the payment of all material  Taxes in accordance  with GAAP,
                    whether or not  assessed  or  disputed,  which  are,  or are
                    hereafter  found  to be,  or to  have  been,  due by or with
                    respect to the  Acquired  Companies  up to and  through  the
                    periods ending on the dates thereof;

               (vi) No Acquired  Company has made any payments,  is obligated to
                    make any payments, or is a party to any agreement that would
                    obligate  it  to  make  any  payments   that  would  not  be
                    deductible by operation of Section 162(m) of the Code;

               (vii)Since  May 27,  1995,  no  Acquired  Company  (a) has been a
                    member of an affiliated group filing a consolidated  federal
                    Income Tax return,  other than the group of which ConAgra is
                    the common  parent  (the  "ConAgra  Group"),  or (b) has any
                    Liability for the Taxes of any Person (y) under Treas.  Reg.
                    ss. 1.1502-6 (or any similar  provision of state,  local, or
                    foreign law) other than for any member of the ConAgra Group,
                    or  (z)  as  a  transferee  or  successor,  by  contract  or
                    otherwise, except for Taxes payable under a contract entered
                    into in the ordinary course of business;

               (viii) The ratio of Australia  Operating Company's land assets to
                    its total assets,  whether  considering  its assets alone or
                    including  any  assets  that it is  deemed  to own under the
                    stamp duty legislation or duty legislation in any Australian
                    State or  Territory,  is such that any  acquisition,  issue,
                    redemption or cancellation of shares in Australia  Operating
                    Company  cannot  give  rise to  stamp  duty  or  duty  being
                    incurred in any Australian  State or Territory at ad valorem
                    conveyance rates,  either in substitution for or in addition
                    to any duty at transfer of share rates; and

               (ix) In relation to  Australia  Operating  Company and any of its
                    Subsidiaries  (each of these companies are referred to as an
                    "Australian Company" in this paragraph): (a) each Australian
                    Company has maintained, in all material respects, reasonably
                    accurate records required under any Law relating to material
                    Taxes; (b) no Australian Company that is an Acquired Company
                    has  claimed  or has been a party to any claim for  rollover
                    relief  under  the  capital  gains  rules;  (c) no  material
                    dividend  has  been  paid  or is  payable  by an  Australian
                    Company  (including a deemed dividend) which would result in
                    the company being liable for material  franking deficits tax
                    or material  deficits  deferral tax (each term as defined in
                    the  Income Tax  Assessment  Act of 1936 of  Australia  (the
                    "1936 Act")); (d) no material debt or other obligation of an
                    Australian  Company  has been or is  proposed to be forgiven
                    within the meaning of Schedule 2C (Division 245) of the 1936
                    Act;  and (e) no  share  capital  account  of an  Australian
                    Company is or has been "tainted"  within the meaning of part
                    IIIAA of the 1936 Act.

          7.9.2. Taxes  Since May 27,  2001.  Since May 27,  2001,  no  Acquired
               Company has incurred any material Tax Liability  other than Taxes
               incurred in the ordinary and regular course of its business.

          7.9.3. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, (i) the term "Tax"
               or "Taxes" shall mean all taxes,  charges,  fees, levies or other
               assessments of any kind, including,  without limitation,  income,
               gross receipts,  excise, property,  sales, use, license, payroll,
               franchise,  stamp,  ad  valorem,  transfer,  profits,  severance,
               withholding,  unemployment compensation,  social security, fringe
               benefits,  duties or  business  occupation  and  other  taxes and
               charges of any nature whatsoever imposed by the United States, or
               any state, local or foreign authority,  government or subdivision
               or agency thereof whether  computed on a  consolidated,  unitary,
               combined or separate  basis;  and such term shall include any and
               all  interest,  penalties  and  additions  to tax, as well as any
               transferee  Liability for taxes; (ii) the term "Tax return" shall
               mean any report,  return,  statement or other  document  filed or
               required by Law to be filed with a taxing authority in connection
               with Taxes;  (iii) the term  "Pre-Closing  Period" shall mean any
               Taxable year that ends on or before the Closing  Date,  and, with
               respect to any Taxable year beginning before and ending after the
               Closing Date,  shall mean the portion of such Taxable year ending
               on the Closing Date;  (iv) the term "Income Taxes" shall mean all
               federal,  state,  local,  foreign  and other  governmental  Taxes
               imposed  on or  measured  by net  income  or  Taxes  that are the
               functional  equivalent  of Taxes  imposed on or  measured  by net
               income that are  imposed on or  measured by capital;  and (v) the
               term  "Non-Income  Taxes"  shall mean any Taxes other than Income

          7.10. Intellectual Property.

          7.10.1. Schedule 7.10.1 lists:

               (i)  Each item of Trademark  Intellectual  Property  owned by any
                    Acquired Company, or by ConAgra or ConAgra's  Affiliates and
                    used primarily in the Businesses, which is registered or for
                    which an application has been filed in a Covered Country;

               (ii) Each item of  Non-Trademark  Intellectual  Property owned by
                    any Acquired  Company and  material to the  operation of the
                    Businesses,  or owned by ConAgra or ConAgra's Affiliates and
                    used primarily in the Businesses, which is registered or for
                    which an application  has been filed in the United States or
                    Australia; and

               (iii)Each   license   or  other   agreement   under   which   the
                    intellectual  property  of a  third-party  is licensed to an
                    Acquired Company,  where the licensed  intellectual property
                    is material to the operation of the  Businesses,  other than
                    normal   and   routine   off-the-shelf    software   license

          True and complete  copies of the  foregoing,  and all related  license
          agreements  or  contracts  have  been  previously  made  available  to
          Acquisition LP.

          7.10.2. Except as set forth in Schedule 7.10.2:

               (i)  Each  Acquired  Company has (or Brand  Holdco will have as a
                    result  of  actions  to  be  taken  as   described  in  this
                    Agreement) good title,  free and clear of all Liens, to each
                    item of Trademark  Intellectual  Property listed in Schedule
                    7.10.1 which exists in a Covered Country, and to other items
                    of   material    Trademark    Intellectual    Property   and
                    Non-Trademark  Intellectual  Property relating to or used or
                    intended for use primarily in connection with the Processing
                    Business  or the Feed Lot  Business  (other  than (x)  those
                    items of  intellectual  property  that are  owned by a third
                    party and  licensed  to an  Acquired  Company  and (y) those
                    items of intellectual  property that are retained by ConAgra
                    and  that  are  used by  ConAgra  to  provide  the  services
                    contemplated  by the Transition  Services  Agreement and the
                    Risk Management Agreement) and, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,
                    each  Acquired  Company  has  the  legal  right  to use  the
                    intellectual  property associated with the licenses or other
                    agreements  listed in Schedule  7.10.1.  To the Knowledge of
                    ConAgra,  each  Acquired  Company has the legal right to use
                    the know-how and trade secrets  currently  being used in the
                    operation of the Businesses;

               (ii) For each  material  United  States  and  Australian  patent,
                    patent  application,  design patent,  industrial design, and
                    design patent  application  listed in Schedule  7.10.1,  all
                    maintenance  fees  required to be paid to avoid  abandonment
                    have been timely paid;

               (iii)For each item of Trademark  Intellectual  Property  existing
                    in  a  Covered  Country  listed  in  Schedule  7.10.1,   all
                    appropriate affidavits and associated fees necessary to show
                    continued  use, and all renewals and associated  fees,  have
                    been timely  filed with the  appropriate  administrative  or
                    governmental office;

               (iv) As listed in Schedule 7.10.1 (x) each material United States
                    and Australian patent application and copyright  application
                    remains  pending  and  has  not  been  abandoned,  (y)  each
                    material  United  States  and  Australian  patent is validly
                    existing and in full force and effect,  and (z) each item of
                    Trademark  Intellectual Property in a Covered Country listed
                    in Schedule 7.10.1 is validly existing and in full force and

               (v)  Each  license  agreement  or  contract  listed  in  Schedule
                    7.10.1,  under  which an Acquired  Company has any  license,
                    right or  interest  in the  material  Intellectual  Property
                    Rights is a valid and  binding  agreement  which  remains in
                    full force and effect;

               (vi) To the  Knowledge  of  ConAgra,  no  product  used,  sold or
                    manufactured by an Acquired Company,  nor the conduct of the
                    Businesses as currently conducted, infringes on or otherwise
                    violates the patent, design patent, trademark, service mark,
                    trade name,  copyright,  industrial design,  trade secret or
                    other intellectual property right of any third-party;

               (vii)There  are  no  unresolved   Actions   pending  or,  to  the
                    Knowledge  of ConAgra,  threatened,  that allege an Acquired
                    Company has infringed or  misappropriated  the  intellectual
                    property of any third-party or that question the validity or
                    ownership  of the  Trademark or  Non-Trademark  Intellectual
                    Property  owned  by the  Acquired  Companies  or used in the
                    Businesses.  To the Knowledge of ConAgra, no third-party has
                    misappropriated  or  infringed  any  material  Trademark  or
                    Non-Trademark  Intellectual  Property  owned by the Acquired
                    Companies or used in the Businesses.

               (viii) No Acquired Company is a party to any agreements, or named
                    in  or  a  party  to  any  judicial   orders  or  settlement
                    agreements which limits or restricts such Acquired Company's
                    use  or  right  to  use  any  of  the   material   Trademark
                    Intellectual   Property,   or   Non-Trademark   Intellectual
                    Property or to any item of Trademark  Intellectual  Property
                    listed in Schedule 7.10.1 which exists in a Covered Country.
                    The  Acquired  Companies  have not granted  any  licenses or
                    other rights to any Trademark  Intellectual  Property listed
                    in Schedule 7.10.1 which exists in a Covered Country,  or to
                    any  other  item  of  the  material  Trademark  Intellectual
                    Property or Non-Trademark Intellectual Property owned by the
                    Acquired Companies or used in the Businesses,  and are under
                    no obligation,  contingent or otherwise,  to do so now or in
                    the future.

          7.10.3.  "Trademark  Intellectual  Property"  shall mean  intellectual
               property of any kind  relating  to  trademarks  and the  goodwill
               attached thereto, including,  without limitation, all trademarks,
               trademark registrations,  trademark applications,  service marks,
               service  mark  registrations,  service mark  applications,  trade
               names,  registered trade names, trade name  applications,  domain
               names,   brands  and  product   configurations,   all  trademarks
               containing  the term "Swift" and any  derivatives,  and any other
               item or thing that tends to indicate  the source of a  particular
               product or service.

          7.10.4.   "Non-Trademark   Intellectual   Property"   shall  mean  all
               intellectual property of any kind, including, without limitation,
               all inventions (whether patented or not), discoveries,  technical
               advances, patents, copyrights, computer software,  documentation,
               confidential and proprietary information (including trade secrets
               and   know-how),   and   registrations   and   applications   for
               registration of the foregoing,  excluding, however, the Trademark
               Intellectual Property.

          7.11.Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities.  As of the date hereof, there
               are no  Liabilities  or  obligations  of any kind material to the
               Business (whether  absolute,  accrued,  fixed,  known or unknown,
               contingent  or  otherwise)  of an Acquired  Company  that are not
               reflected  on or  reserved  against  in the Most  Recent  Balance
               Sheet, other than (i) Liabilities or obligations  incurred in the
               ordinary  course of business  since the Balance Sheet Date, or as
               otherwise  contemplated by this Agreement,  (ii)  Liabilities and
               obligations  arising  pursuant to this Agreement,  (iii) any such
               Liability  or  obligation  which  would  not  be  required  to be
               presented in financial  statements  prepared in  conformity  with
               GAAP, and (iv) the items set forth on Schedule 7.11.

          7.12.Actions and Proceedings. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.12, as
               of the date hereof, and other than collection matters, automobile
               liability claims,  workers'  compensation claims (with respect to
               claims  relating  to  Australia,  this term shall refer to claims
               brought  under  the  Workplace  Injury   Management  and  Workers
               Compensation Act of 1998 (NSW),  Workcover Queensland Act of 1996
               (QLD) or  equivalent  state  legislation)  and other matters that
               individually  and collectively are not material and that arise in
               the  ordinary  course of  business,  there is no  Action  pending
               (including  current  actions)  or, to the  Knowledge  of ConAgra,
               threatened against any Acquired Company or any of its properties,
               assets or  Businesses,  nor to the Knowledge of ConAgra are there
               any investigations or prosecutions of any Acquired Company or any
               of its directors, officers, key employees,  properties, assets or
               Businesses   pending   (including   current   investigations   or
               prosecutions)  or  threatened  by or  before  any  arbitrator  or
               Governmental Authority.  Except as set forth on Schedule 7.12, as
               of the date hereof, and other than collection matters, automobile
               liability claims,  workers' compensation claims and other matters
               that  individually  and  collectively  are not  material and that
               arise in the ordinary  course of business,  there is no judgment,
               decree,  injunction,  order,  determination,  award,  finding  or
               letter of deficiency of any Governmental  Authority or arbitrator
               outstanding   against  any   Acquired   Company  or  any  of  its
               properties, assets or Businesses. Except as set forth on Schedule
               7.12,  as  of  the  date  hereof,  there  is  no  Action  pending
               (including  current  actions)  or, to the  Knowledge  of ConAgra,
               threatened   against  any  Acquired   Company   relating  to  the
               transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement  and  the  other
               Transaction  Documents.  Except as set forth on Schedule 7.12, as
               of the date hereof, there are no material unfunded settlements or
               other  settlements  or  letters  of  commitment  or  conciliation
               agreements  that any  Acquired  Company has entered into with any
               party, including any Governmental Authority.

          7.13. Compliance with Laws.

          7.13.1. Except as set forth on Schedule  7.13.1,  the Businesses  have
               been  conducted  in  compliance  with  all  Laws in all  material
               respects  (other  than  non-compliance  with  Laws  that has been
               corrected  prior to the date  hereof  and for which the  Acquired
               Companies have no further Liability under any Laws).

          7.13.2.  Schedule  7.13.2  lists  all  material   licenses,   permits,
               permissions or authorizations issued to any Acquired Companies by
               any  Governmental  Authority  and  currently  held  by  it.  Such
               licenses,  permits,  permissions  and  authorizations,   and  all
               applications  for  modification,  extension or renewal thereof or
               for new licenses,  permits,  permissions  or  authorizations  are
               collectively  referred  to  herein  as the  "Licenses."  Schedule
               7.13.2 lists the legally  authorized  holder(s) of the  Licenses,
               each of which is in full force and effect.  Each Acquired Company
               has duly obtained all material licenses, permits, permissions and
               authorizations necessary for the conduct of the Businesses in the
               ordinary course,  consistent with past practice. To the Knowledge
               of  ConAgra,   except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  7.13.2,  the
               Businesses  have  been  operated  in  all  material  respects  in
               accordance with the terms of the Licenses. As of the date hereof,
               there are no proceedings pending or, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,
               threatened with respect to any Acquired Company,  that reasonably
               may be expected  to result in the  revocation,  material  adverse
               modification,  non-renewal  or suspension of any of the Licenses,
               the denial of any pending applications for Licenses, the issuance
               against any Acquired  Company of any cease and desist  order,  or
               the imposition of any administrative  actions by any Governmental
               Authority  with respect to the  Licenses.  Except as set forth on
               Schedule   7.13.2,   the   consummation   of   the   transactions
               contemplated by this Agreement will not result in the termination
               of any  License  or require  any  Acquiring  Company or  Acquired
               Company to replace or amend any License.

          7.13.3. The  provisions  of this  Section  7.13 shall not apply to the
               subject matter of Sections 7.16, 7.17 and 7.18.

          7.14.Material  Contracts.  Schedule  7.14  lists  each of the  Company
               Material Contracts required to be transferred pursuant to Section
               9.2.2. Schedule 7.14 lists, with regard to the Acquired Companies
               or  Company  Employees,  each  oral  or  written  (a)  agreement,
               contract,   indenture,   or  other  instrument  relating  to  the
               borrowing  of money or the  guarantee of any  obligation  for the
               borrowing of money,  (b) employment  agreement with an individual
               requiring  payments of  compensation  in excess of  $100,000  per
               year,  (c)  material  distributor,  purchase or supply  agreement
               which is not terminable  after the Closing by an Acquired Company
               without Liability on thirty (30) days (or less) notice, (d) joint
               venture  or  similar  contract  or  agreement,  (e)  contract  or
               agreement  that  limits or  purports  to limit the ability of any
               Acquired  Company to compete  in any line of  business  or in any
               geographic area, (f) any material  contract or agreement  between
               or among any Acquired  Company on the one hand and ConAgra or its
               other  Subsidiaries on the other hand, (g) collective  bargaining
               or labor agreement,  or industrial instrument,  (h) lease of real
               property  pursuant to which any  Acquired  Company is required to
               pay or is  entitled  to receive  (x)  consideration  in excess of
               $50,000 in any calendar  year after  December  31,  2001,  or (y)
               consideration  in excess of  $250,000 in the  aggregate  over the
               remaining term of such lease (collectively, the "Leases"), or (i)
               other material contract,  agreement or arrangement,  entered into
               other than in the  ordinary  course of  business.  The  contracts
               required  to be so  listed  pursuant  to  this  Section  7.14  or
               pursuant to Section 7.17 are  collectively  referred to herein as
               the "Company Material  Contracts." Each Company Material Contract
               is a valid and binding obligation of the Acquired Company that is
               a party thereto or otherwise bound thereby,  and is in full force
               and  effect  without  further  amendment.  Except as set forth on
               Schedule 7.14, the Acquired Company that is bound by each Company
               Material Contract,  and, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,  each other
               party  thereto,  is not  (with  or  without  lapse of time or the
               giving  of  notice,  or  both)  in  material  breach  or  default
               thereunder.  In  respect  to  Company  Material  Contracts  to be
               assigned pursuant to Section 9.2.2, the assignor is bound by each
               such Company Material  Contract and, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,
               each other party  thereto,  is not (with or without lapse of time
               or the giving of notice,  or both) in material  breach or default
               thereunder.  No  Acquired  Company has  received  (i) any notice,
               written or  otherwise,  of default by the Acquired  Company under
               any Company  Material  Contract  or (ii) any  notice,  written or
               otherwise,  that any  other  party to any such  Company  Material
               Contract has terminated or cancelled,  or intends to terminate or
               cancel,  such  contract.  Schedule  7.14  identifies,  as to each
               Company Material Contract listed thereon, whether (A) the consent
               or the  approval of any other party  thereto is required in order
               for such Company Material  Contract to continue in full force and
               effect upon the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
               hereby and by the other Transaction  Documents,  (B) such Company
               Material  Contract can be  cancelled  by the other party  without
               Liability  to such  other  party due to the  consummation  of the
               transactions  contemplated in the Transaction  Documents or (C) a
               right of first refusal, right of first offer, right of redemption
               or similar  right or  obligation  would be  triggered  due to the
               consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and by the
               other  Transaction  Documents.  A copy  of each  written  Company
               Material Contract and a description of each oral Company Material
               Contract has been made available to  Acquisition  LP. No Acquired
               Company  has any  obligation  for  borrowed  funds  other than as
               reflected in the Financial  Statements and except as contemplated
               herein. Each Acquired Company has valid, binding, and enforceable
               leasehold  interests in and to the properties covered under lease
               that is a Company Material Contract, free and clear of all Liens.
               The  Leases  are not  subject  to any  payment  default  or other
               material default.

          7.15. Related Party Transactions.

          7.15.1.  Schedule  7.15.1  sets forth a  description  of all  material
               services provided by ConAgra or its Subsidiaries  (other than the
               Acquired  Companies)  to the  Acquired  Companies,  as  well as a
               description of material sales or purchase  relationships  between
               an  Acquired  Company on the one hand,  and  ConAgra or its other
               Subsidiaries on the other.

          7.15.2. No Acquired  Company nor any  directors,  officers,  partners,
               agents or employees  thereof have (i) used any company  funds for
               unlawful  contributions,  gifts,  entertainment or other unlawful
               expenses relating to political  activity,  (ii) made any unlawful
               payment to foreign or domestic government  officials or employees
               or to foreign or domestic  political  parties or  campaigns  from
               corporate  funds or violated any provision of the Foreign Corrupt
               Practices  Act of  1977,  as  amended,  or (iii)  made any  other
               unlawful payment.

          7.15.3. Except as set forth on Schedule  7.15.3,  to the  Knowledge of
               ConAgra,  none of the directors,  officers,  partners,  agents or
               employees  of  any  Acquired   Company  (i)  owns,   directly  or
               indirectly,  any  significant  interest  in,  or  is a  director,
               officer,  partner,  agent or  employee  of, any Person  that is a
               competitor,  lessor,  lessee or customer of, or supplier of goods
               or services to, the Businesses,  owns directly or indirectly,  in
               whole or in part, any real property, leasehold interests or other
               property,  the use of which is necessary for the  Businesses,  or
               (ii) has sold to, or purchased  from,  any  Acquired  Company any
               assets or property for aggregate  consideration  in excess of Ten
               Thousand United States Dollars ($10,000) since May 27, 2001.

          7.16. Labor Relations.

          7.16.1. Schedule 7.16.1 lists each collective  bargaining agreement or
               other collective labor contract or industrial instrument to which
               any Acquired Company is a party.  All such collective  bargaining
               agreements  or other  collective  labor  contracts or  industrial
               instruments  have  been duly  ratified,  certified  or  approved.
               Except for those  unions  which are parties to one or more of the
               listed collective bargaining agreements or as otherwise listed on
               Schedule 7.16.1,  (i) no Acquired Company has agreed to recognize
               any union or other collective bargaining representative; and (ii)
               as of the date hereof,  no union or other  collective  bargaining
               representative  has been  certified as the  exclusive  bargaining
               representative of any of its employees.  All employees covered by
               such collective  bargaining  agreements or other collective labor
               contracts or industrial  instruments are employees of an Acquired
               Company as of immediately prior to the Closing.

          7.16.2. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.16.2, as of the date hereof,
               there are no  pending  (including  current)  (i)  labor  strikes,
               slowdowns,  lockouts,  representation or certification campaigns,
               work  stoppages or other forms of industrial  action with respect
               to employees of any Acquired  Company or to ConAgra's  Knowledge,
               threatened  against  or  affecting  any  Acquired  Company,  (ii)
               material grievance or arbitration proceedings,  decisions, letter
               agreements  or  settlement  agreements  arising out of collective
               bargaining  agreements to which an Acquired Company is a party or
               otherwise  bound or (iii)  material  unfair  labor  practices  or
               unfair labor practice  charges or complaints  before the National
               Labor Relations Board or other Governmental Authority responsible
               for  regulating  labor  relations  initiated  against an Acquired
               Company or, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,  threatened  against any
               Acquired Company.

          7.16.3. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.16.3,  each Acquired Company
               is and has been since May 27, 2001, in material  compliance  with
               all applicable  Laws  respecting  labor,  employment,  industrial
               relations   and   employment   practices,    including,   without
               limitation,  Laws  (including  Australian  industrial  awards and
               agreements)  regarding terms and conditions of employment,  wages
               and hours,  equal  employment  opportunity,  affirmative  action,
               employee  benefits,  plant closing and mass layoff,  occupational
               safety  and  health,   immigration   and  workers'   compensation
               (collectively,  the "Labor Laws") (other than non-compliance with
               Labor Laws that has been  corrected  prior to the date hereof and
               for which the Acquired  Companies have no further Liability under
               any Labor Laws).

          7.16.4. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.16.4, as of the date hereof,
               to the  Knowledge  of ConAgra,  there are,  with  respect to each
               Acquired Company,  no charges,  complaints or proceedings  before
               the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,  Department of Labor
               or any other  Governmental  Authority  responsible for regulating
               employment practices, initiated, or, to the Knowledge of ConAgra,
               threatened against any Acquired Company.

          7.16.5. Except as set forth on Schedule  7.16.5,  to the  Knowledge of
               ConAgra, all of the Acquired Companies are in material compliance
               with all Laws  relating to the  employment of persons who are not
               citizens of the country in which they are employed,  and all Laws
               relating to the  documentation  and  recordkeeping  of employees'
               work authorization status.

          7.16.6. As of the date hereof,  and since May 27, 2001, there have not
               been any plant  closings,  mass layoffs or other  terminations of
               employees  of the  Acquired  Companies  which  would  create  any
               obligations upon or Liabilities for the Acquired  Companies under
               the Worker Adjustment and Retraining  Notification Act or similar

          7.17.Employee Plans.  For purposes of this Section 7.17 and Article 6,
               the term "Employee  Plan"  includes all pension,  superannuation,
               retirement, disability, medical, dental or other health insurance
               plans,  life  insurance  or other  death  benefit  plans,  profit
               sharing,  deferred  compensation,  stock  option,  bonus or other
               incentive plans, vacation benefit plans or policies, severance or
               redundancy plans or other employee benefit plans or arrangements,
               including,  without  limitation,  any  "pension  plan"  ("Pension
               Plan") as  defined  in Section  3(2) of ERISA,  and any  "welfare
               plan," as defined in Section 3(1) of ERISA, and including foreign
               plans not subject to ERISA,  whether or not any of the  foregoing
               is  funded,  (a) to which any  Acquired  Company is a party or by
               which it is bound; (b) with respect to which any Acquired Company
               has made any payments or contributions; (c) to which any Acquired
               Company may otherwise have any Liability;  or (d) under which any
               Company   Employee  is  eligible  to   participate   or  benefit.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing,  an Australia  Superannuation fund
               that  is not nor  has  ever  been  administered  by an  Australia
               Acquired  Company shall be  considered an "Employee  Plan" solely
               for purposes of Sections 7.17.11,  7.17.12,  7.17.20 and 7.17.21.
               True,  correct and complete  copies of each Employee Plan,  along
               with related trusts, insurance and group annuity contracts,  have
               been made available to Acquisition  LP. The most recent Form 5500
               for each  Employee  Plan for which such  report is required to be
               filed,  and  summary  plan   descriptions  have  also  been  made
               available to  Acquisition  LP. As to each Pension Plan subject to
               Title IV of ERISA, the most recent actuarial report and valuation
               has been provided to Acquisition  LP.  "Employee  Plan" shall not
               include any  government-sponsored  employee benefit arrangements.
               Each  Employee  Plan is set  forth  on  Schedule  7.17(a);  if an
               Employee Plan is oral or has been orally  modified or amended,  a
               summary  of the  material  features  of  such  Employee  Plan  or
               amendment or modification is included on Schedule 7.17(a). Except
               as set forth on Schedule 7.17(b):

          7.17.1. No  Acquired  Company  or  Acquiring  Company is a party to or
               otherwise  bound by or subject to any Liability under any oral or
               written agreement, plan or arrangement with any officer, director
               or management employee of an Acquired Company (i) the benefits of
               which  are  contingent,  or the  terms  of which  are  materially
               altered,  upon, or result from,  the  occurrence of a transaction
               involving  an  Acquired  Company  of  the  nature  of  any of the
               transactions  contemplated  by the  Transaction  Documents,  (ii)
               providing Stay Bonuses,  (iii)  providing  severance  benefits or
               other  benefits  after the  termination  of  employment  or other
               contractual  relationship  regardless  of  the  reason  for  such
               termination and regardless of whether such  termination is before
               or after a change of  control,  (iv)  under  which any person may
               receive payments not deductible under Section 280G of the Code or
               subject to the tax  imposed by Section  4999 of the Code,  or (v)
               any of the benefits of which may be increased,  or the vesting of
               benefits of which may be accelerated, by the occurrence of any of
               the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents or the
               value of any of the  benefits of which may be  calculated  on the
               basis of any of the transactions  contemplated by the Transaction
               Documents,  except as required  by  Sections  6.4 and 6.5 of this

          7.17.2.  The  Acquired   Companies,   each  Employee   Plan,  and  the
               administrator and fiduciaries of each Employee Plan have complied
               in all material  respects with all applicable legal  requirements
               governing each Employee Plan. No lawsuits, actions, claims (other
               than routine  claims for benefits) or  complaints  to, or by, any
               Person, are pending (including current lawsuits,  actions, claims
               or  complaints)  or,  to  ConAgra's  Knowledge,  threatened  with
               respect to any Employee Plan.

          7.17.3. No  Acquired  Company,  Employee  Plan,  or  administrator  or
               fiduciary of any Employee Plan has taken any action, or failed to
               take any action,  that could  subject  it, him,  her or any other
               Person to any  Liability  for any excise tax or for any breach of
               fiduciary duty with respect to or in connection with any Employee

          7.17.4. No Acquired Company, Employee Plan, administrator or fiduciary
               of any Employee  Plan,  or any other Person has any  Liability to
               any plan  participant,  beneficiary  or other  Person  under  any
               provision of ERISA or any other  applicable  Law by reason of any
               payment of benefits or other  amounts or failure to pay  benefits
               or any other  amounts,  or by reason of any  credit or failure to
               give credit for any  benefits or rights (such as, but not limited
               to,  vesting  rights)  with  respect  to  benefits  under  or  in
               connection  with any  Employee  Plan.  No Acquired  Company is in
               arrears  with  respect to any  contributions  under any  Employee

          7.17.5. With respect to any employee benefit plan,  within the meaning
               of  Section  3(3) of ERISA,  which is  sponsored,  maintained  or
               contributed  to,  or which  has  been  sponsored,  maintained  or
               contributed  to within  six years  prior to the  Closing,  by the
               Acquired  Companies or any Person  under common  control with the
               Acquired  Companies within the meaning of Sections 414(b), (c) or
               (m) of the Code or section  4001 of ERISA  ("Commonly  Controlled
               Entity"),  (a) no  withdrawal  Liability,  within the  meaning of
               Section 4201 of ERISA, has been incurred by a Commonly Controlled
               Entity, which withdrawal Liability has not been satisfied; (b) no
               Liability to the Pension  Benefit  Guaranty  Corporation has been
               incurred by any Commonly  Controlled Entity,  which Liability has
               not  been  satisfied;  (c)  no  accumulated  funding  deficiency,
               whether or not waived, within the meaning of Section 302 of ERISA
               or  Section  412 of the  Code  has  been  incurred;  and  (d) all
               contributions  (including  installments) to such plan required by
               Section 302 of ERISA and Section 412 of the Code have been timely

          7.17.6. No Employee Plan is intended to provide,  at any time, retiree
               medical  or  retiree  life  insurance  benefits  to  any  Company
               Employee who has not retired as of the date of this Agreement.

          7.17.7. There is no matter pending  (including current matters) (other
               than routine qualification determination filings) with respect to
               any  Employee  Plan  before the  Internal  Revenue  Service,  the
               Department of Labor or the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

          7.17.8. Except with respect to the acceleration of vesting as required
               by this  Agreement,  the execution and delivery of this Agreement
               and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will
               not  create  or give  rise to any  additional  vested  rights  or
               service  credit under,  require any greater  contribution  to, or
               require payment of any greater benefit from, any Employee Plan.

          7.17.9.  No  Acquired  Company  is  a  participating   employer  in  a
               Multiemployer Plan.

          7.17.10. No events  have  occurred  which could  result in  withdrawal
               Liability under any Multiemployer Plan to which contributions are
               or have been made on behalf  of  Company  Employees,  or to which
               contributions  have been made on behalf of employees  (current or
               former) of Acquired Companies, which withdrawal Liability has not
               been satisfied. No withdrawal Liability would be owed by ConAgra,
               its Affiliates or any Acquired Company to any Multiemployer  Plan
               to which contributions are made on behalf of Company Employees if
               contributions on behalf of Company  Employees ceased  immediately
               before the consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this

          7.17.11. All accrued obligations of each Acquired Company for payments
               by  it  to  trust  or  other  funds  or to  any  governmental  or
               administrative   agency,   with  respect  to  pension   benefits,
               unemployment  compensation  benefits,  social security  benefits,
               superannuation funds, sick leave, long service leave or any other
               benefits for employees of such Acquired Company have been paid or
               adequate  accruals  therefor  have  been  made  in the  Financial
               Statements,  and none of the  foregoing has been rendered not due
               by reason of any extension, whether at the request of an Acquired
               Company or otherwise.

          7.17.12. All  obligations  of each  Acquired  Company  with respect to
               Company  Employees  (whether or not such  Company  Employees  are
               employed by an Acquired  Company  prior to Closing) for salaries,
               superannuation,  vacation  and  holiday  pay,  sick  leave,  long
               service leave,  bonuses and other forms of compensation which are
               or were payable to its  officers,  directors  or other  employees
               have been paid or adequate  accruals  therefor  have been made in
               the Financial Statements.

          7.17.13.  Each  Acquired  Company is in material  compliance  with the
               requirements of Sections 162(k) (to the extent  applicable  prior
               to its amendment by the Technical and  Miscellaneous  Revenue Act
               of 1988) and 4980B of the Code and Section 601 of ERISA.

          7.17.14. Except as required by the  collective  bargaining  agreements
               set  forth  on  the  Disclosure  Schedule,   each  Employee  Plan
               sponsored  by an  Acquired  Company,  or from which the  Acquired
               Company might  reasonably be expected to take a spinoff of assets
               and  Liabilities,  may be unilaterally  amended and terminated in
               its  entirety  without  Liability  except as to benefits  accrued
               thereunder prior to such amendment or termination.

          7.17.15. No Employee Plan provides that payments made pursuant to such
               Employee  Plan may or shall be made in securities of any Acquired
               Company  or  any  Commonly   Controlled   Entity,  and  no  trust
               maintained   pursuant  to  any  Employee   Plan  holds  any  such

          7.17.16. Each Employee Plan that is a Pension Plan is qualified  under
               Section 401(a) of the Code, and the trust or trusts maintained in
               connection  with such  Employee  Plan is or are  exempt  from tax
               under Section  501(a) of the Code. A favorable IRS  determination
               letter as to the  qualification  under the Code has been received
               for each such plan and made available to Acquisition LP.

          7.17.17. No Liability  under  Subtitle C or D of Title IV of ERISA has
               been or is expected to be incurred  with  respect to any Employee
               Plan  which is a Pension  Plan but  which is not a  Multiemployer
               Plan. Other than the Swift  Independent  Packing Pension Plan for
               Nonsalaried  Employees,  on a  termination  basis,  there  is  no
               underfunding with respect to any such Employee Plan.

          7.17.18. None of the Acquired Companies sponsors a Pension Plan.

          7.17.19. None of the Acquired  Companies sponsors or has any Liability
               with respect to any Nonqualified Plan.

          7.17.20.  Other than  amounts  whose  quantum  has been  disclosed  in
               writing to  Acquisition  LP, the only  contributions  or payments
               which any Australian Acquired Company pays or is obligated to pay
               to any  Employee  Plan in respect of any  Company  Employee  (for
               example,  under any trust deed,  industrial award or agreement or
               under any contract of employment) is the minimum amount  required
               to be contributed by the Australian Acquired Company in order for
               it to avoid  being  liable  to pay the  superannuation  guarantee
               charge  (within  the  meaning  of  the  Superannuation  Guarantee
               (Administration)  Act 1992 of the  Commonwealth  of Australia) in
               respect  of  that  Company  Employee.   In  this  and  succeeding
               sub-paragraphs,  "Australian  Acquired Company" means an Acquired
               Company which is  incorporated  under the  Corporations  Act 2001
               (Australia)  or which is  registered  under  that Act to carry on
               business in a State or Territory in that jurisdiction.

          7.17.21. No  Australian  Acquired  Company is now or has ever been the
               trustee of any Employee Plan.

          7.18.Environmental.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  7.18 and except
               as expressly disclosed in any Environmental Site Assessments:

          7.18.1. The real property and facilities owned,  operated,  and leased
               by the  Acquired  Companies  and the  operations  of the Acquired
               Companies  thereon  comply in all  material  respects  with,  and
               (other than  non-compliance with Environmental Laws that has been
               corrected  and for which the Acquired  Companies  have no further
               Liability under Environmental Laws) have at all times complied in
               all material respects with, all Environmental Laws.

          7.18.2. No judicial  proceedings  are pending or, to the  Knowledge of
               ConAgra,  threatened  against any Acquired  Company  alleging the
               violation   of  any   Environmental   Laws,   and  there  are  no
               administrative  proceedings  pending  or,  to  the  Knowledge  of
               ConAgra,  threatened  against any Acquired Company,  alleging the
               violation  of any  Environmental  Laws  and no  notice  from  any
               Governmental  Authority or any private or public  person has been
               received by any Acquired  Company  claiming any  violation of any
               Environmental  Laws in  connection  with  any  real  property  or
               facility owned,  operated or leased by any Acquired  Company,  or
               requiring any remediation, clean-up, modification, repairs, work,
               construction,  alterations or  installations  on or in connection
               with any real property or facility  owned,  operated or leased by
               any Acquired Company under any  Environmental  Laws and that have
               not been complied with or otherwise  resolved to the satisfaction
               of the party giving notice.

          7.18.3. Schedule 7.18.3(a) lists all material permits,  registrations,
               licenses,  authorizations and similar instruments ("Environmental
               Permits")  required  to be  obtained  or filed  by each  Acquired
               Company  under  any  Environmental  Laws in  connection  with its
               operations,   including,  without  limitation,  those  activities
               relating to the generation,  use, storage,  treatment,  disposal,
               release or remediation of Hazardous Materials.  All Environmental
               Permits  have been duly  obtained  or  filed,  and each  Acquired
               Company is in  compliance  and at all times has  complied  in all
               material  respects  with the  terms  and  conditions  of all such
               Environmental  Permits;  and,  except  as set  forth on  Schedule
               7.18.3(b),  the consummation of the transactions  contemplated by
               this  Agreement  will  not  result  in  the  termination  of  any
               Environmental   Permits  or  require  any  Acquiring  Company  or
               Acquired Company to replace or amend any Environmental Permit.

          7.18.4. All  Hazardous  Materials  used or  generated  by any Acquired
               Company  or any of its  predecessors  on, in, or under any of the
               owned,  operated or leased real  property or  facilities  are and
               have at all times been generated, stored, used, treated, disposed
               of and released by such persons or on their behalf in such manner
               as  not  to  result  in  any  material   Environmental  Costs  or

          7.18.5. There are not now on, in or under any  property or  facilities
               owned,  leased, or operated by any Acquired Company any Hazardous
               Materials  that are in a condition that  materially  violates any
               Environmental Law or that reasonably could be expected to require
               material  remediation under any Environmental  Laws and there are
               not now, on, in or under property or facilities previously owned,
               leased,  or  operated  by  any  Acquired  Company  any  Hazardous
               Materials  that were  disposed of during the  ownership of, lease
               of,  or  operation  by such  Acquired  Company  and that are in a
               condition that materially  violates any Environmental Law or that
               reasonably  could be  expected  to require  material  remediation
               under any Environmental Law.

          7.18.6.  Acquisition  LP has been given  access to review all reports,
               surveys and site  assessments  of which ConAgra has Knowledge and
               possession   or   access   to  that   relate   to   environmental
               investigations,  surveys,  audits or  assessments  that have been
               conducted  and  relate  to any of the  Businesses  or  properties
               previously or currently  owned  (including,  without  limitation,
               properties  to be  transferred  hereunder) by any of the Acquired

          7.18.7. No Acquired  Company has  received any  notification  from any
               source  advising  such  Acquired   Company  that:  (A)  it  is  a
               potentially   responsible   party  under   CERCLA  or  any  other
               Environmental  Laws; (B) any real property or facility  currently
               or previously owned,  operated,  or leased by it is identified or
               proposed  for  listing  as a  federal  National  Priorities  List
               ("NPL")   (or   state-equivalent)   site   or   a   Comprehensive
               Environmental  Response,  Compensation and Liability  Information
               System ("CERCLIS") list (or  state-equivalent)  site; and (C) any
               facility to which it has every transported or otherwise  arranged
               for  the  disposal  of  Hazardous  Substances  is  identified  or
               proposed  for  listing  as an NPL (or  state-equivalent)  site or
               CERCLIS (or state-equivalent) site.

          7.18.8. Except as set forth on Schedule 7.18.8, to ConAgra's Knowledge
               the average  daily flow of process  wastewater  generated  at any
               real  property  or  facilities  currently  owned  by  any  of the
               Acquired Companies (including those that are to be transferred to
               the Acquired Companies pursuant to Sections 2.1.6 or 2.1.17) does
               not  constitute  more than ten percent (10%) of the average daily
               flow of influent  wastewater  at any  "publicly  owned  treatment
               works"  (as that term is defined in 40 C.F.R.  ss.  403.3(o))  to
               which  such  wastewater  is  delivered.  Except  as set  forth on
               Schedule 7.18.8, to the Knowledge of ConAgra, each publicly owned
               treatment  works  treating  wastewater  generated  from such real
               property or facilities is in compliance in all material  respects
               with such publicly  owned  treatment  work's  current  wastewater
               discharge  permit.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  7.18.8,  in
               connection with the Businesses,  other than authorizations  under
               which  wastewater  generated by an Acquired Company is discharged
               to a  public  owned  treatment  works,  neither  ConAgra  nor any
               Acquired  Company  has agreed or been  requested  to, nor, to the
               Knowledge  of ConAgra,  is any  Acquired  Company  expected to be
               requested to, enter into any enforceable commitment or guarantees
               regarding the use of or financing of any publicly owned treatment

               7.18.9. (i)  "Environmental  Laws"  mean all  currently  existing
                    foreign,  federal,  state and local laws,  statutes,  codes,
                    ordinances,    rules,    regulations,    orders,    decrees,
                    determinations,  common law, judgments or binding agreements
                    issued,   promulgated   or  entered  into  by  or  with  any
                    Governmental   Authority,   relating   to   pollution,   the
                    environment   (including   ambient   air,   surface   water,
                    groundwater,  land surface or  subsurface  strata),  natural
                    resources  and  public  or  employee  health  and  safety or
                    protection of human health as it relates to the environment,
                    including  laws and  regulations  relating  to  Releases  or
                    threatened  Releases of  Hazardous  Materials,  or otherwise
                    relating  to  the   generation,   manufacture,   processing,
                    distribution,  use, treatment,  storage, transport, handling
                    of or exposure to  Hazardous  Materials,  the  Comprehensive
                    Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and Liability Act of
                    1980, as amended  ("CERCLA"),  the Superfund  Amendments and
                    Reauthorization  Act  of  1986,  as  amended,  the  Resource
                    Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, the Clean
                    Air Act, as amended,  the Federal  Water  Pollution  Control
                    Act, as amended,  The Oil Pollution Act of 1990, as amended,
                    the Safe  Drinking  Water Act,  as  amended,  the  Hazardous
                    Material   Transportation   Act,  as   amended,   the  Toxic
                    Substances Control Act, as amended,  the Federal Insecticide
                    Fungicide   and   Rodenticide   Act,  the  New  South  Wales
                    Contaminated  Land  Management  Act of 1997,  the New  South
                    Wales Protection of the Environment  Operations Act of 1997,
                    the New South Wales  Environmental  Planning and  Assessment
                    Act  of  1979,  the  New  South  Wales  State  Environmental
                    Planning  Policy  30-Intensive  Agriculture,  the Queensland
                    Environmental Protection Act of 1994 and other environmental
                    conservation or protection Laws.

               (ii) "Hazardous  Materials"  means (A) any  hazardous  materials,
                    hazardous wastes,  hazardous  substances,  toxic wastes, and
                    toxic substances as those or similar terms are defined under
                    any  Environmental  Laws;  (B) any  asbestos or any material
                    which  contains any  hydrated  mineral  silicate,  including
                    chrysolite,  amosite, crocidolite,  tremolite,  anthophylite
                    and/or actinolite, whether friable or non-friable; (C) PCBs,
                    or  PCB-containing  materials or fluids;  (D) radon; (E) any
                    other hazardous,  radioactive,  toxic or noxious  substance,
                    material,  pollutant,  contaminant,  constituent,  or solid,
                    liquid  or  gaseous  waste;  (F)  any  petroleum,  petroleum
                    hydrocarbons,   petroleum   products,   crude  oil  and  any
                    fractions or derivatives thereof, any oil or gas exploration
                    or production waste, and any natural gas,  synthetic gas and
                    any mixtures thereof; (G) any substance that, whether by its
                    nature  or its use,  is  subject  to  regulation  under  any
                    Environmental   Laws   or  with   respect   to   which   any
                    Environmental   Laws  or  Governmental   Authority  requires
                    environmental investigation,  monitoring or remediation; (H)
                    any  underground  storage tanks,  dikes,  or impoundments as
                    defined under any Environmental Laws; and (I) brine.

               (iii)"Release"  means  any  release,  spill,  emission,  leaking,
                    dumping, injection,  pouring, deposit, disposal,  discharge,
                    dispersal,   leaching  or  migration  into  the  environment
                    (including  ambient air,  surface water,  groundwater,  land
                    surface  or  subsurface  strata)  or  within  any  building,
                    structure, facility or fixture.

               (iv) "Environmental   Costs  or  Liability"   means  any  losses,
                    liabilities,   obligations,   damages,   fines,   penalties,
                    judgments, settlements, actions, claims, costs, expenses and
                    capital   expenditures   (including,   without   limitation,
                    reasonable  fees,   disbursements   and  expenses  of  legal
                    counsel, experts,  engineers and consultants,  and the costs
                    of investigation  or feasibility  studies and performance of
                    remedial or removal actions and cleanup activities) required
                    under any Environmental Laws, under any order existing prior
                    to the Closing,  or under any contract  (which shall include
                    the Dinmore Environment  Management Programs) existing prior
                    to the Closing of the Company or its  Subsidiaries  with any
                    Governmental  Authority  or any  private  or  public  person
                    relating to environmental matters.

          7.19.Brokers and Finders.  Except for Gleacher & Co.,  neither ConAgra
               nor any  Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company has employed any
               investment  banker,  broker or finder or incurred  or  reasonably
               expects  to  incur  any  Liability   for  any   brokerage   fees,
               commissions or finders fees in connection  with the  transactions
               contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

          7.20.Insurance. The Acquired Companies have insurance policies in full
               force and effect for such amounts as are  sufficient for material
               compliance  with  all  requirements  of Law  and  of all  Company
               Material  Contracts.  Set forth on Schedule 7.20 is a list of all
               fire,  liability  and other forms of  insurance  and all fidelity
               bonds held by or  applicable  to the Acquired  Companies,  or the
               Businesses,  setting forth,  in respect of each such policy,  the
               policy name, policy number,  carrier,  term, type of coverage and
               annual premium.  Excluding  insurance  policies that have expired
               and  been  replaced  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business,  no
               insurance policy has been canceled within the last two years and,
               to  ConAgra's  Knowledge,  no threat  has been made to cancel any
               insurance  policy of any  Acquired  Company  during such  period.
               Except as set forth on Schedule  7.20,  all such  insurance  will
               remain in full force and effect  with  respect to periods  before
               the Closing.

          7.21. Sufficiency.

          7.21.1.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  7.21.1  and  except for the
               services  to be  received  pursuant  to the  Transition  Services
               Agreement,  Risk Management Agreement,  Cash Management Agreement
               or By-Products Agreement,  and except for the assets, systems and
               personnel  utilized by ConAgra or its  Affiliates  to provide the
               services  pursuant to the  Transition  Services  Agreement,  Risk
               Management  Agreement,  Cash Management  Agreement or By-Products
               Agreement,  upon consummation of the transactions contemplated in
               the Transaction Documents, Holdco shall have (after giving effect
               to  the  Armour  Transition   License  Agreement  and  the  Swift
               Transition License Agreement) all the material personnel, assets,
               properties  and  services  necessary  and  presently  utilized to
               conduct the  Businesses  as presently  conducted.  Each  Acquired
               Company  will have at the Closing good title to all of its assets
               set forth on the Final  Processing  Closing Balance Sheet and the
               Final  Cattleco  Closing  Balance Sheet (other than the assets in
               Sections   7.10  and  7.23   which   shall  be   subject  to  the
               representations  and warranties set forth in those Sections) free
               and clear of all Liens (other than permitted  Liens  described on
               Schedule 7.23.1(a) and Schedule 7.23.1(b)).

          7.21.2. [Intentionally Omitted]

          7.22.No Activities. Since the date of its incorporation,  no Acquiring
               Company has incurred any Liabilities or otherwise  engaged in any
               activity  or  business  other  than  as   contemplated   by  this

          7.23. Real Property.

          7.23.1. Schedule  7.23.1(a)  sets forth a list and  description of all
               material real property  located in the United States owned in fee
               by each Acquired  Company or, as so designated in such  Schedule,
               will  be  owned  by an  Acquired  Company  on the  Closing  Date.
               Schedule  7.23.1(b)  sets  forth a list  and  description  of all
               material real property located outside the United States owned in
               fee by  each  Acquired  Company  or,  as so  designated  in  such
               Schedule,  will be owned by an  Acquired  Company on the  Closing
               Date.  Each  Acquired  Company  has,  or,  with  respect  to real
               property to be transferred to an Acquired  Company under Sections
               2.1.6 and 2.1.17 prior to the Closing  Date,  will have as of the
               Closing Date,  good and  marketable fee title to each such parcel
               of real  property  described  on Schedule  7.23.1(a)  or Schedule
               7.23.1(b) free and clear of all Liens,  except those Liens listed
               on Schedule  7.23.1(a) or Schedule 7.23.1(b) with respect to such
               parcel.  Schedule 7.14 sets forth a list and  description  of all
               real property  leased by or, with respect to leased real property
               to be transferred  to an Acquired  Company under Section 2.1.6 or
               2.1.17 prior to the Closing Date,  will be leased by any Acquired
               Company pursuant to a Company Material Contract.

          7.23.2. To ConAgra's Knowledge, there are no material encroachments on
               to any of the  parcels of real  property  described  on  Schedule
               7.23.1(b),   other  than  those   encroachments  that  would  not
               materially  affect the value,  use or enjoyment of such  parcels,
               and no improvement, structure or service on those parcels of real
               property  encroaches  on to  any  adjoining  land  in a  material
               manner.  No land has the  benefit  of any  material  unregistered
               right or  interest  in or over or which  burdens  any part of the
               parcels of real  property  described on Schedule  7.23.1(b).  The
               existing  use  of the  parcels  of  real  property  described  on
               Schedule  7.23.1(b)  is in all  material  respects the lawful use
               permitted  under any  applicable  planning  legislation  or other
               similar zoning control vested in a competent authority and is not
               temporary or personal.  All material consents necessary for those
               existing uses have been obtained and are subsisting.  Each of the
               buildings and other  improvements  on each of the parcels of real
               property   described  on  Schedule   7.23.1(b)  is  approved  and
               otherwise complies in all material respects with applicable Laws.
               As used in this Section 7.23.2,  the term "material" shall mean a
               condition  which,  if uncured (or,  when used in the context of a
               benefit, if absent), presents a commercially unreasonable risk of
               materially  adversely affecting the current value of the affected
               property or materially  hindering or  interrupting  operations at
               such property as currently conducted.

          7.24.Product Recalls and Withdrawals. As of the date hereof, except as
               set forth on Schedule 7.24,  since April 1, 2000, there have been
               no recalls or  withdrawals  of  products  produced or sold by any
               Acquired Company.

          7.25.Customers and  Suppliers.  Schedule 7.25 sets forth a list of (i)
               the ten (10) largest  customers of the Businesses  based on sales
               during the period May 28,  2001,  through  February 24, 2002 (and
               through  March 31,  2002,  with  respect to  Australia  Operating
               Company),  showing  the  approximate  total  sales  to each  such
               customer  during  such  periods  and (ii)  the ten  (10)  largest
               suppliers of the Businesses  based on purchases during the period
               May 28, 2001,  through  February 24, 2002 (and through  March 31,
               2002, with respect to Australia Operating  Company),  showing the
               approximate  total  purchases  by the  Businesses  from each such
               supplier during such periods. To the Knowledge of ConAgra,  since
               the Balance Sheet Date,  there has not been any material  adverse
               change in the business  relationship among the Acquired Companies
               with  any   customer   or  supplier   named  on  Schedule   7.25.

8.   Representations  and  Warranties of Acquisition  LP.  Acquisition LP hereby
     represents and warrants to ConAgra as set forth below. Except to the extent
     that the provisions of a particular  representation  and warranty expressly
     provide  that it is  made as of a  specified  date,  each of the  following
     representations  and  warranties  shall  be  made  as of the  date  of this
     Agreement and shall constitute  continuing  representations  and warranties
     made  as of each  date  after  the  date of  this  Agreement  prior  to and
     including the Closing Date.

          8.1. Organization,  Good  Standing  and  Power.  Acquisition  LP  is a
               limited partnership duly organized and validly existing under the
               laws of the State of Delaware  and has the power to own,  operate
               and  lease its  properties  and to carry on its  business  as now
               being   conducted.   Booth  Creek   Management   Corporation  and
               Affiliates of Hicks,  Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated own all the
               outstanding  equity  interests in Acquisition LP.  Acquisition LP
               has  all  requisite   power  and  authority  to  enter  into  the
               Transaction  Documents  to which it is a party and to  consummate
               the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby.  The execution
               and delivery of the  Transaction  Documents by Acquisition LP and
               the   consummation   by  Acquisition   LP  of  the   transactions
               contemplated  hereby and thereby have been duly authorized by all
               necessary  action on the part of  Acquisition  LP. This Agreement
               has  been,  and at the  Closing  each  of the  other  Transaction
               Documents  to  which  Acquisition  LP is a party  will  be,  duly
               executed  and  delivered  by   Acquisition   LP.  This  Agreement
               constitutes and, upon execution and delivery  thereof,  the other
               Transactions  Documents to which  Acquisition  LP is a party will
               constitute,  the valid and binding obligations of Acquisition LP,
               enforceable  against it in accordance with its respective  terms,
               subject  to   applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   fraudulent
               conveyance, reorganization, moratorium and similar laws affecting
               creditors'  rights and  remedies  generally  and  subject,  as to
               enforceability, to general principles of equity.

          8.2. Government Authorization. The execution, delivery and performance
               by Acquisition LP of the  Transaction  Documents to which it is a
               party requires no consent,  approval,  order or authorization of,
               or  registration,  declaration or filing with,  any  Governmental
               Authority  other than (a) the filing of a premerger  notification
               report under the HSR Act, (b) application  requirements,  if any,
               of the Securities Act and state  securities or blue sky laws; and
               (c)  compliance  with  any  applicable   non-United  States  laws
               intended to prohibit,  restrict, limit or regulate actions having
               the purpose or effect of  monopolization or restraint of trade or
               regulation of foreign investment,  including, without limitation,

          8.3. Effect of Agreement.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
               the Transaction  Documents by Acquisition LP and the consummation
               by Acquisition  LP of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and
               thereby  will not,  with or  without  the giving of notice or the
               lapse  of time or both,  assuming  compliance  with  the  matters
               referred to in Section 8.2, (i) violate, conflict with, or result
               in any  breach of any  provision  of its  certificate  of limited
               partnership or any partnership,  voting or similar agreement,  or
               (ii) violate any Law applicable to Acquisition LP.

          8.4. Brokers  and  Finders.  Except in  respect  to Hicks,  Muse & Co.
               Partners,   L.P.   and  Booth   Creek   Management   Corporation,
               Acquisition LP has not employed any investment banker,  broker or
               finder or incurred or  reasonably  expects to incur any Liability
               for any brokerage fees, commissions or finders fees in connection
               with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents.

          8.5. Financing.  Acquisition  LP has  provided  to  ConAgra a true and
               correct  copy  of (i) the  senior  credit  facilities  commitment
               letter,  dated May 20, 2002,  from Citicorp North America,  Inc.,
               Salomon Smith Barney Inc.,  JPMorgan  Chase Bank and J.P.  Morgan
               Securities  Inc.,  a copy of which is attached  hereto as Exhibit
               8.5(a)  (the  portions  thereof  relating  to the  Senior  Credit
               Facilities  (as  defined  therein)  shall be  referred  to as the
               "Senior Bank Commitment Letter" and the portions thereof relating
               to the Senior  Bridge  Facility  (as  defined  therein)  shall be
               referred  to  as  the  "Bridge  Commitment  Letter"),   (ii)  the
               engagement  letter dated May 20, 2002, by and among Salomon Smith
               Barney Inc.,  J.P.  Morgan  Securities Inc. and Acquisition LP, a
               copy  of  which  is  attached   hereto  as  Exhibit  8.5(b)  (the
               "Engagement  Letter"),  (iii) the commitment  letter from Fund V,
               dated May 20, 2002 (the "Fund V  Commitment  Letter"),  a copy of
               which  is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  8.5(c),  and  (iv)  the
               Subscription Agreement from Greeley Investments,  LLC ("Gillco"),
               dated May 20, 2002 (the "Gillco Subscription Agreement"),  a copy
               of which  is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  8.5(d)  (the  Fund V
               Commitment  Letter  and the  Gillco  Subscription  Agreement  are
               herein collectively referred to as the "Commitment Letters").  As
               provided therein, the Senior Bank Commitment Letter is assignable
               by  Acquisition  LP  to  U.S.   Acquisition   Co.  and  Australia
               Acquisition Co. As provided therein, the Bridge Commitment Letter
               is  assignable  by  Acquisition  LP to U.S.  Acquisition  Co. The
               Commitment  Letters  have not been  amended and are in full force
               and effect.

          8.6. Investment Purpose.  Acquisition LP is purchasing the Acquisition
               LP Holdco Stock for investment only and not with a view to resale
               or  other  disposition.  Acquisition  LP  acknowledges  that  the
               Acquisition  LP Holdco  Stock is not being  registered  under the
               securities  laws of the United States or any state thereof or any
               foreign jurisdiction in reliance upon one or more exemptions from
               the registration requirements made available under such laws.

9.   Covenants.

          9.1. Covenants of ConAgra.

          9.1.1. Conduct of Business.  During the period from the date hereof to
               the Closing Date,  unless  Acquisition LP shall otherwise consent
               in writing (which consent will not be  unreasonably  withheld) or
               as contemplated by this Agreement,  ConAgra  covenants and agrees
               that ConAgra  shall cause the  Acquiring  Companies  and Acquired
               Companies  (with  respect to any covenant of ConAgra  relating to
               either of Better  Beef LLC or  Colorado  Feed LLC,  to the extent
               such company is not Controlled by ConAgra,  ConAgra shall use its
               reasonable  efforts to comply with such  covenant) to (a) conduct
               and operate their business in all material  respects in the usual
               and ordinary course consistent with past practice,  (b) use their
               reasonable  commercial  efforts to preserve intact their business
               organizations  and preserve their  relationships  with customers,
               suppliers and others having business  dealings with them, and (c)
               use their  reasonable  commercial  efforts to keep  available the
               services of their  present  officers  and key  employees  and the
               individuals  listed  on  Exhibit  9.1.1  ("Management").  Without
               limiting the generality of the foregoing,  unless  Acquisition LP
               shall  otherwise  consent in writing  (which  consent will not be
               unreasonably  withheld)  or as  otherwise  contemplated  by  this
               Agreement,  during the period from the date hereof to the Closing
               Date,  ConAgra  shall cause each  Acquiring  Company and Acquired
               Company  (with  respect to any  covenant  of ConAgra  relating to
               either  Better Beef LLC or Colorado  Feed LLC, to the extent such
               company  is not  Controlled  by  ConAgra,  ConAgra  shall use its
               reasonable  efforts to comply with such  covenant) not to (except
               as otherwise contemplated herein):

               (a)  adopt or propose any change in its Charter Documents;

               (b)  except  as set  forth on  Exhibit  9.1.1(b),  authorize  for
                    issuance, issue, deliver, sell, pledge, dispose of, encumber
                    or grant any Lien on, or authorize or propose the  issuance,
                    delivery, sale, pledge, disposition of, encumbrance or grant
                    of any Lien on, any shares of its  capital  stock,  or other
                    voting  securities  or any  securities  convertible  into or
                    exercisable  for, or any rights,  warrants,  commitments  or
                    options to acquire, any such securities or voting securities
                    or any other  ownership  interest  (or interest the value of
                    which is derived by reference to any of the foregoing);

               (c)  acquire or agree to  acquire  by  merging  or  consolidating
                    with, or by purchasing a substantial equity interest in or a
                    substantial  portion  of the  assets  of,  or by  any  other
                    manner,  any  business or any Person or division  thereof or
                    otherwise acquire or agree to acquire any assets (other than
                    an  acquisition  which  is not  material  in  nature  to the
                    operation of the Businesses taken as a whole);

               (d)  sell,  abandon or otherwise dispose of, or pledge,  mortgage
                    or otherwise  subject to any Lien any material  assets of an
                    Acquired  Company or the  Businesses  other than the sale or
                    disposition  of its  products or  inventory  in the ordinary
                    course of business consistent with past practice;

               (e)  make any change in any method of  accounting  or  accounting
                    practice,  except as required by applicable Law or to comply
                    with GAAP;

               (f)  split, combine, divide,  distribute or reclassify any shares
                    of  its  capital  stock  (or  other  ownership   interests),
                    declare,  pay or set aside for payment any dividend or other
                    distribution  in  respect  of its  capital  stock  (or other
                    ownership  interests)  (whether in cash,  shares of stock or
                    otherwise),  or directly or indirectly,  redeem, purchase or
                    otherwise  acquire any shares of its capital stock (or other
                    ownership interests) or other securities;

               (g)  incur  or  assume  any   indebtedness   for  borrowed  funds
                    (including   obligations  in  respect  of  capital  leases),
                    assume,  guarantee,  endorse,  or otherwise become liable or
                    responsible (whether directly,  contingently,  or otherwise)
                    for the  obligations  of any other Person or make any loans,
                    advances or capital contributions to, or investments in, any
                    Person (other than (i) advances to employees in the ordinary
                    course of business and consistent  with past  practice,  and
                    (ii)  loans,  advances  or other  indebtedness  extended  by
                    ConAgra or a  Subsidiary  thereof  relating  to the Feed Lot
                    Business and arising in the ordinary course of business);

               (h)  adopt or  amend  any  Employee  Benefit  Plan or  collective
                    bargaining   agreement,   or  increase  in  any  manner  the
                    compensation or fringe benefits of any director,  officer or
                    employee  or pay  any  benefit  other  than  pursuant  to an
                    existing agreement (other than (i) the adoption or amendment
                    of  the  collective  bargaining  agreements  resulting  from
                    current  negotiations  relating to the Louisville,  Kentucky
                    facility,  and (ii) the increase of salaries or compensation
                    in the  ordinary  course of  business,  provided  that there
                    shall be no increase in salary or  compensation  for the key
                    employees    listed    on    Exhibit    9.1.1(h)    hereto);

               (i)  make any material  settlement of or compromise  any material
                    Tax Liability,  change any material Tax election or material
                    Tax  method  of  accounting,  or make any new  material  Tax
                    election or adopt any new material Tax method of  accounting
                    that  would  adversely  affect  the  Tax  Liability  of  the
                    Acquired  Companies  for any period ending after the Closing

               (j)  pay  or  discharge  any  material   claims  or   Liabilities
                    (absolute,  accrued,  asserted or unasserted,  contingent or
                    otherwise),  other than (x) with  respect to the  California
                    Kim  Litigation  or  Korean  Kim  Litigation  or  (y) in the
                    ordinary   course  of  business  and  consistent  with  past
                    practice;  or fail to pay or  otherwise  satisfy  (except if
                    being contested in good faith) any accounts payable,  claims
                    or Liabilities on a basis,  and within the time,  consistent
                    with past practice;

               (k)  fail to  maintain  working  capital in an amount  materially
                    consistent   with   historical    practices    taking   into
                    consideration business and market conditions;

               (l)  change in any material  respect its existing  practices  and
                    procedures  with  respect  to  the  collection  of  accounts

               (m)  except  as set forth on  Exhibit  9.1.1(m),  enter  into any
                    agreement  or  contract  that  would  constitute  a  Company
                    Material  Contract  if such  were in  force  as of the  date
                    hereof or amend or  modify,  in any  material  respect,  any
                    Company Material Contract or obligation thereunder;

               (n)  permit  any  Acquiring  Company  to engage  in any  business
                    activity  or incur any  Liability,  except  as  specifically
                    required by this Agreement;

               (o)  encourage  any  customer  of the  Businesses  to purchase or
                    maintain  an  inventory  of  products  with  respect  to the
                    Businesses at a level in excess of the level of inventory of
                    such products  historically  purchased or maintained by such
                    customer with the  knowledge and intention  that such action
                    would result in decreased  orders by such customer after the
                    Closing as compared to the normal  historical orders of such
                    customer; or

               (p)  agree  or  commit  to do any of the  actions  prohibited  by
                    paragraphs (a) through (o) of this Section 9.1.1.

          9.1.2. Access to  Information.  During the period from the date hereof
               until the Closing Date, ConAgra will, and will cause the Acquired
               Companies (with respect to Better Beef LLC and Colorado Feed LLC,
               to the extent such company is not Controlled by ConAgra,  ConAgra
               shall use its  reasonable  efforts to cause such  companies)  and
               their  respective  employees,  officers,  auditors and agents to,
               give  Acquisition  LP  and  its  counsel,   financial   advisors,
               accountants and other authorized  representatives  (except to the
               extent not permitted under  applicable Law as advised by counsel)
               reasonable  access during normal  business hours to each Acquired
               Company's  (other than Colorado Feed LLC and Better Beef LLC) and
               the  Businesses'  books and  records and  properties,  plants and

          9.1.3.  Interim  Financial  Information.   Within  fifteen  (15)  days
               following the end of each month  beginning  with the month ending
               May 2002,  and prior to the  Closing,  ConAgra  shall  deliver to
               Acquisition LP a copy of ConAgra's unaudited  internally prepared
               management report of each of (x) the Processing Companies and (y)
               the Feed Lot  Business  for the month  then  ended,  specifically
               including the Senior Financial  Officer Letters,  consistent with
               prior  practice  (collectively,  the "Monthly  Reports").  Within
               thirty  (30)  days  following  the  end of  each  fiscal  quarter
               beginning  with the fiscal  quarter ending May 2002, and prior to
               the Closing,  ConAgra shall deliver to  Acquisition  LP a copy of
               ConAgra's  unaudited  internally prepared quarterly balance sheet
               and income statement of each of (x) the Processing  Companies and
               (y)  the  Feed  Lot   Business   for  the   quarter   then  ended
               (collectively,   the  "Quarterly  Statements").   Acquisition  LP
               acknowledges  that the  Monthly  Reports  are not and will not be
               prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Quarterly  Statements shall
               be prepared in accordance with GAAP (except as disclosed  therein
               and  except  that  the  Quarterly   Statements  will  contain  no
               footnotes and will be subject to year end adjustments).

          9.1.4. Cash Management.  During the period from the date hereof to the
               Closing  Date,  U.S.  Beef  Company,  U.S. Pork Company and their
               respective   Subsidiaries   shall   continue  to  participate  in
               ConAgra's  cash  management  program.  During the period from the
               date hereof to the Closing Date,  Australia Operating Company and
               its Subsidiaries  shall continue to participate in ConAgra's cash
               management program.  Subject to Sections 2.1.20 and 9.1.1(k), all
               cash generated by U.S. Beef Company,  U.S. Pork Company and their
               respective Subsidiaries prior to the Effective Time, and all cash
               generated by  Australia  Operating  Company and its  Subsidiaries
               prior to the Closing,  (including all lock box receipts) shall be
               retained by ConAgra,  except to the extent accrued as an asset on
               the Final  Processing  Closing  Balance  Sheet  (and  taken  into
               account in  calculating  the  Aggregate  Consideration)  or Final
               Cattleco  Closing  Balance  Sheet  (and  taken  into  account  in
               determining the Cattleco Stockholder Net Investment).

          9.2. Covenants  of   Acquisition   LP,   Holdco  and/or  the  Acquired

          9.2.1.   Guarantees.   Prior  to  the  Closing,   ConAgra   shall  use
               commercially  reasonable efforts to cause U.S. Acquisition Co. to
               be  substituted  in all respects  for ConAgra and its  Affiliates
               (other than the Acquired  Companies),  and cause  ConAgra and its
               Affiliates  (other than the Acquired  Companies)  to be released,
               effective as of the Closing or as soon as possible thereafter, in
               respect of all  obligations of ConAgra and its Affiliates  (other
               than  the  Acquired  Companies)  under  each  of the  guarantees,
               indemnities, bonding arrangements,  letters of credit and letters
               of comfort  given by ConAgra or its  Affiliates  (other  than the
               Acquired  Companies)  for the benefit of the  Acquired  Companies
               identified on Exhibit 9.2.1 hereto (the "Guarantees").  Except as
               otherwise set forth in this Section 9.2.1, as of the Closing, all
               Guarantees for which the  substitution and release referred to in
               the  immediately  preceding  sentence has not been obtained as of
               the  Closing  shall  be  terminated;   provided,   however,  that
               notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  (i) the parties  recognize that
               each Guarantee  relating to a hedge not settled as of the Closing
               Date shall stay in place  with  respect to such hedge  until such
               hedge is  settled  and shall be  subject  to the  indemnification
               obligations of Holdco set forth below, and (ii) the Deed of Cross
               Guarantee  shall be terminated in accordance with Section 2.1.22.
               If any such release  cannot be obtained as to a Guarantee,  after
               the  Closing,   Holdco  shall  indemnify  and  hold  the  ConAgra
               Indemnified  Parties  harmless  from and  against  any  Liability
               relating  to the  Guarantee  not  released,  and  shall  use  its
               commercially  reasonable  efforts  to insure  that no  additional
               obligations  arise under the  Guarantees  not released  after the
               Effective  Time.  To the extent any  provisions  of this  Section
               9.2.1  conflict with or differ from  provisions of the Transition
               Services  Agreement  with  respect to the subject  matter of this
               Section  9.2.1,   the  provisions  of  the  Transition   Services
               Agreement shall control.

          9.2.2. Contracts.  The parties  acknowledge that contracts relating to
               the  Business  may  have  been  originally  entered  into  or are
               currently  in  the  name  of  ConAgra  or  its  Affiliates.  Such
               contracts  have been or, subject to Section 9.8, will be assigned
               to the  appropriate  Acquired  Company  at or  prior  to  Closing
               pursuant to Sections 2.1.6 and 2.1.17. After the Closing,  Holdco
               shall indemnify and hold the ConAgra Indemnified Parties harmless
               from and against all Liability under all such assigned contracts.

          9.2.3. Debt Financing.

               (a)  Acquisition LP will use its commercially  reasonable efforts
                    (including   preparing  the  necessary  offering  circulars,
                    private  placement  memoranda,  prospectuses,   registration
                    statements   or  other   offering   documents  or  marketing
                    materials  and  negotiating  definitive  loan  documentation
                    providing for funding conditions not materially more onerous
                    than those set forth in the Senior Bank Commitment Letter or
                    the Bridge  Commitment  Letter, as the case may be) in order
                    for  (x)  U.S.   Acquisition   Co.  to   consummate  by  the
                    Termination   Date   (i)  the   senior   secured   financing
                    contemplated by the Senior Bank Commitment Letter,  (ii) the
                    sale of debt securities in an aggregate  principal amount of
                    Four Hundred  Million United States  Dollars  ($400,000,000)
                    (as  such  amount  may  be  adjusted,  as  appropriate,   as
                    contemplated  by the Fee  Letter),  and  (iii) if such  debt
                    securities  are  not  issued  in  such  aggregate  principal
                    amount,  the  bridge  financing  contemplated  by the Bridge
                    Commitment  Letter  and (y)  Australia  Acquisition  Co.  to
                    obtain by the  Termination  Date the  Australian  financings
                    contemplated by the Senior Bank Commitment Letter;  provided
                    that in no event shall  Acquisition  LP have any  obligation
                    hereunder  to proceed to the Closing  under the terms of the
                    bridge loan  contemplated by the Bridge Commitment Letter at
                    any time prior to the  Termination  Date.  In the event that
                    either  the  Senior  Bank  Commitment  Letter or the  Bridge
                    Commitment  Letter  expires or is terminated for any reason,
                    Acquisition  LP shall (A)  promptly  notify  ConAgra of such
                    expiration or termination and the reasons  therefore and (B)
                    use  its   commercially   reasonable   efforts,   until  the
                    Termination  Date,  to obtain  alternate  financing  for the
                    transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement;   provided,
                    however, that Acquisition LP shall not be required to obtain
                    alternate  financing on terms  materially  less favorable to
                    the borrower  thereunder  than those set forth in the Senior
                    Bank Commitment Letter or the Bridge  Commitment  Letter, as
                    the case may be.

               (b)  If  Acquisition  LP  requests,   ConAgra  shall   reasonably
                    cooperate,  shall cause Holdco and each Acquired  Company to
                    reasonably  cooperate,  and shall  instruct its  independent
                    accountants  to reasonably  cooperate,  at any time prior to
                    the Closing, and after the Closing,  with respect to (i) the
                    senior  secured  financing  contemplated  by the Senior Bank
                    Commitment  Letter,   (ii)  the  sale  of  senior  notes  as
                    contemplated  by  the  Engagement  Letter  in  an  aggregate
                    principal  amount  of Four  Hundred  Million  United  States
                    Dollars  ($400,000,000) (as such amount may be adjusted,  as
                    appropriate,  as contemplated  by the Fee Letter),  (iii) if
                    such  debt  securities  are not  issued  in  such  aggregate
                    principal amount,  the bridge financing  contemplated by the
                    Bridge  Commitment  Letter,  (iv) the Australian  financings
                    contemplated  by the Senior Bank Commitment  Letter,  (v) if
                    the bridge financing  contemplated by the Bridge  Commitment
                    Letter is made,  the private  placement of debt  securities,
                    the  proceeds  of  which  are to be used to  refinance  such
                    bridge loan,  (vi) any shelf  registration  statement  filed
                    following   the  Closing   with   respect  to  the  Exchange
                    Securities (as defined in the Senior Bank Commitment  Letter
                    and  the   Bridge   Commitment   Letter),   and   (vii)  any
                    registration  statement filed following the Closing relating
                    to a Registered  Exchange  Offer (as described in the Senior
                    Bank  Commitment  Letter and the Bridge  Commitment  Letter)
                    (including   providing   reasonable    assistance   in   the
                    preparation  of  one or  more  offering  circulars,  private
                    placement memoranda,  prospectuses,  registration statements
                    or other offering documents or marketing  materials relating
                    to a debt  financing  or any other  filings that may be made
                    with  the  U.S.   Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  in
                    connection  therewith).  Such cooperation  shall include (A)
                    using reasonable  commercial  efforts to provide or cause to
                    be  provided  each of the  historical  financial  statements
                    relating to the Businesses, the related "comfort" letters of
                    ConAgra's  accountants  thereon and the other  materials set
                    forth in  Exhibit  9.2.3(b),  in each case on or before  the
                    applicable   date  set  forth  in  Exhibit   9.2.3(b);   (B)
                    furnishing to its  independent  accountants  such  customary
                    management  representation  letters as such  accountants may
                    reasonably   require  of  ConAgra  as  a  condition  to  its
                    execution of any required accountant's consents necessary in
                    connection  with  the  delivery  of  any  "comfort"  letters
                    reasonably  requested by the financing sources in connection
                    with  the  contemplated   financings;   (C)  causing  senior
                    management,   representatives,   advisors  and   appropriate
                    officers and members of the  management  team of ConAgra and
                    the  Acquired  Companies to  participate,  at the request of
                    Acquisition  LP, and at such times and places as Acquisition
                    LP may request, in drafting meetings and other informational
                    meetings with  potential  lenders,  presentations  and other
                    activities  in  connection  with the "road  shows";  and (D)
                    taking such other  actions  within the control of ConAgra or
                    its   Affiliates   reasonably   necessary   to  satisfy  the
                    conditions   precedent  provided  for  in  the  Senior  Bank
                    Commitment  Letter,  the Bridge Commitment  Letter,  and the
                    definitive  documentation with respect to the Facilities (as
                    defined in the Senior Bank Commitment  Letter and the Bridge
                    Commitment Letter), including,  without limitation,  actions
                    relating to obtaining or perfecting Liens,  releasing Liens,
                    providing  access to  properties  and assets for third party
                    appraisals,  furnishing  officers'  certificates,  obtaining
                    consents, establishing new lock-boxes and implementing a new
                    cash management system.

               (c)  The unaudited  interim and/or audited  historical  financial
                    statements,  if any,  relating to the Businesses for periods
                    ending on or after May 27,  2001,  and prior to the  Closing
                    that are  included  in Exhibit  9.2.3(b),  and any pro forma
                    financial  statements that are included in Exhibit  9.2.3(b)
                    and are  required to be provided or caused to be provided by
                    ConAgra in accordance with Section 9.2.3(b)(A) and which are
                    included in the offering  memorandum relating to the initial
                    offering   of  the  debt   securities   or  the   subsequent
                    registration   statement   registering   the   exchange   or
                    refinancing of such debt securities  shall be accompanied by
                    a   certificate    (the    "Representation    and   Warranty
                    Certificate") in the form of Exhibit 9.2.3(c).

          9.2.4. Equity Financing. Acquisition LP shall complete the purchase of
               the equity  interests in Holdco pursuant to the terms of the Fund
               V  Commitment  Letter  and  the  Gillco  Subscription  Agreement.
               Acquisition  LP shall not make any  change  in the terms  thereof
               without  ConAgra's prior written consent,  such consent not to be
               unreasonably withheld.

          9.3. Insurance   Matters.   Holdco   acknowledges  that  the  Acquired
               Companies are covered by certain insurance policies and insurable
               risk  programs  made  available  through  ConAgra as described on
               Exhibit  9.3.  ConAgra  shall  provide  that these  policies  and
               insurable  risk programs shall be continued for a ninety (90) day
               period  following  June 1, 2002.  Holdco shall use its reasonable
               efforts to cause the Acquired  Companies  to implement  their own
               insurance  policies and programs as of the Closing Date.  ConAgra
               shall use its  reasonable  efforts to assist  Holdco in obtaining
               any  refunds  payable  in  respect  of any  ConAgra  policies  or
               programs that are  cancelled as of the Closing  Date.  Subject to
               the  provisions  of  Section  9.7.4,  with  respect  to any loss,
               Liability or damage relating to, resulting from or arising out of
               the conduct of the Businesses on or prior to the Closing Date for
               which ConAgra would be entitled to assert, or cause any Affiliate
               or other Person to assert,  a claim for recovery under any policy
               of insurance  maintained  by or for the benefit of ConAgra or any
               Affiliate thereof in respect of the Businesses, at the request of
               Holdco,  (x) ConAgra shall use its reasonable  efforts to assert,
               or to assist Holdco or its  Subsidiaries  to assert,  one or more
               claims  under such  insurance  covering  such loss,  Liability or
               damage if neither Holdco nor any Subsidiary thereof is not itself
               entitled  to assert  such  claim,  but  ConAgra  or an  Affiliate
               thereof is so entitled and (y) ConAgra shall provide  Holdco with
               access to any applicable insurance policies.

          9.4. Approvals and Consents.

          9.4.1.  Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  herein  provided  and
               applicable legal requirements,  each of the parties hereto agrees
               to use its commercially  reasonable  efforts to take, or cause to
               be taken,  all  action,  and to do,  or cause to be done,  and to
               assist and cooperate with the other parties  hereto in doing,  as
               promptly  as  practicable,   all  things  necessary,   proper  or
               advisable under applicable Laws to ensure that the conditions set
               forth in  Article 10 are  satisfied  and to  consummate  and make
               effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          9.4.2.  ConAgra  and   Acquisition  LP  shall  use  their   respective
               reasonable  best efforts to obtain as promptly as practicable all
               consents,  waivers,  approvals,  authorizations or permits of, or
               registration or filing with or notification  to, any Governmental
               Authority or any other Person  required in connection  with,  and
               waivers  of any  violations,  defaults  or  breaches  that may be
               caused  by,  such  party's   consummation  of  the   transactions
               contemplated by this Agreement.

          9.4.3. Each  party  hereto  shall  promptly  inform  the  other of any
               material  communication  from the FTC, the DOJ, FIRB or any other
               Governmental   Authority   regarding  any  of  the   transactions
               contemplated  by  this  Agreement.  If any  party  hereto  or any
               Affiliate  thereof receives a request for additional  information
               or documentary material from any such Governmental Authority with
               respect to the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement, then
               such party shall use best efforts to cause to be made, as soon as
               reasonably  practicable  and  after  consultation  with the other
               party, an appropriate response in compliance with such request.

          9.4.4. Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  Acquisition
               LP and ConAgra will use their  reasonable  best efforts to obtain
               all authorizations or waivers required under the HSR Act and FATA
               to consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  including,
               without  limitation,   making  all  filings  with  the  Antitrust
               Division  of the DOJ,  the FTC and FIRB  required  in  connection
               therewith  (the  initial  filings to occur no later than five (5)
               business  days  following  the  execution  and  delivery  of this
               Agreement)  and  responding  as  promptly as  practicable  to all
               inquiries  received from the DOJ, the FTC or FIRB for  additional
               information or documentation.  Subject to reimbursement by Holdco
               at the Closing pursuant to Section 15.3,  ConAgra and Acquisition
               LP shall pay in equal amounts all filing fees associated with the
               above  referenced  filings.  Each of  Acquisition  LP and ConAgra
               shall  furnish  to  the  other  such  necessary  information  and
               reasonable assistance as the other may request in connection with
               its  preparation  of any filing or submission  which is necessary
               under the HSR Act or FATA.  Acquisition LP and ConAgra shall keep
               each other apprised of the status of any communications with, and
               any inquiries or requests for  additional  information  from, the
               FTC, the DOJ and FIRB.

          9.4.5. No Solicitation.  Prior to the Closing,  neither Acquisition LP
               nor  its  Affiliates  or   representatives   will,   directly  or
               indirectly,  solicit or initiate  any  inquiries or the making of
               any proposal with respect to any purchase or  acquisition  of, or
               joint  venture or similar  transaction  involving,  any  business
               conducted in the United  States or Australia  that  competes with
               the  Businesses  or  negotiate,  explore or  otherwise  engage in
               discussions   with  any  person   (other  than  ConAgra  and  its
               representatives) with respect to any such transaction.

          9.5. Charter  Documents.  During the six (6) year period following the
               Closing  Date,  Holdco  shall not,  and shall cause the  Acquired
               Companies  not  to,  amend,   alter  or  otherwise  modify  their
               respective  Charter  Documents in any manner that would adversely
               affect or otherwise prejudice the indemnity rights or limitations
               on Liability of any Person who may be entitled to indemnification
               by the Acquired  Companies.  The Persons to whom this Section 9.5
               applies shall be third party  beneficiaries  of this Section 9.5,
               each of whom may enforce the provisions of this Section 9.5.

          9.6. Investigation   and   Agreement   by  the   Parties;   No   Other
               Representations or Warranties.

               (a)  Acquisition  LP, on the one hand, and ConAgra,  on the other
                    hand,  each  acknowledge and agree that they have made their
                    own inquiry and investigation into, and, based thereon, have
                    formed an independent judgment  concerning,  the other party
                    and its  Subsidiaries  and their  businesses and operations,
                    and such party has requested such documents and  information
                    from the other  party as such party  considers  material  in
                    determining  whether  to enter  into this  Agreement  and to
                    consummate the transactions  contemplated in this Agreement.
                    Acquisition  LP, on the one hand, and ConAgra,  on the other
                    hand,   acknowledge   and  agree   that  they  have  had  an
                    opportunity to ask all questions of and receive answers from
                    the other  party  with  respect  to any  matter  such  party
                    considers material in determining whether to enter into this
                    Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated in
                    this   Agreement.    In   connection   with   each   party's
                    investigation  of the other party and its  Subsidiaries  and
                    their   businesses  and  operations,   each  party  and  its
                    representatives  have  received  from the other party or its
                    representatives  certain projections and other forecasts for
                    the other party and its Subsidiaries and certain  estimates,
                    plans and budget  information.  Each party  acknowledges and
                    agrees that there are  uncertainties  inherent in attempting
                    to make such projections,  forecasts,  estimates,  plans and
                    budgets;   that   such   party   is   familiar   with   such
                    uncertainties; that such party is taking full responsibility
                    for making its own  evaluation  of the adequacy and accuracy
                    of all estimates, projections,  forecasts, plans and budgets
                    so  furnished  to it or its  representatives;  and that such
                    party  will  not  (and  will  cause  all of  its  respective
                    Subsidiaries or other  Affiliates or any other Person acting
                    on its  behalf to not)  assert  any claim or cause of action
                    against the other party or any of the other  party's  direct
                    or  indirect  partners,   directors,   officers,  employees,
                    agents,  stockholders,   Affiliates,  consultants,  counsel,
                    accountants,  investment  bankers  or  representatives  with
                    respect  thereto,  or hold any such other Person liable with
                    respect thereto.

               (b)  Each of  Acquisition  LP and  Holdco,  on the one hand,  and
                    ConAgra,  on the other  hand,  agree  that,  except  for the
                    representations  and warranties made by the other party that
                    are  expressly  set  forth in this  Agreement  and the other
                    Transaction  Documents,  the  other  party  has not made and
                    shall not be deemed to have made to such  party or to any of
                    its  representatives  or Affiliates  any  representation  or
                    warranty of any kind. Without limiting the generality of the
                    foregoing,  each party  agrees that  neither the other party
                    nor  any  of  its   Affiliates   makes   or  has   made  any
                    representation  or  warranty  to such party or to any of its
                    representatives or Affiliates with respect to:

                    (i)  any projections, forecasts, estimates, plans or budgets
                         of future revenues,  expenses or  expenditures,  future
                         results  of  operations  (or  any  component  thereof),
                         future cash flows (or any component  thereof) or future
                         financial  condition (or any component  thereof) of the
                         other  party or any of its  Subsidiaries  or the future
                         business,  operations  or affairs of the other party or
                         any  of  its   Subsidiaries   heretofore  or  hereafter
                         delivered  to or made  available  to such  party or its
                         counsel,      accountants,      advisors,      lenders,
                         representatives or Affiliates; and

                    (ii) any   other   information,   statement   or   documents
                         heretofore or hereafter  delivered to or made available
                         to such party or its  counsel,  accountants,  advisors,
                         lenders,  representatives or Affiliates with respect to
                         the  other  party  or any of  its  Subsidiaries  or the
                         business,  operations  or affairs of the other party or
                         any of its  Subsidiaries,  except to the  extent and as
                         expressly covered by a representation and warranty made
                         by the other party and contained in this  Agreement and
                         the other Transaction Documents.

          9.7. Certain Claims.

          9.7.1. Company  Litigation.  Acquisition LP acknowledges  that various
               Actions are now  pending as listed on Exhibit  9.7.1 or may arise
               after Closing and result from  operations of the  Businesses  but
               name both (i) one or more  Acquired  Companies  and (ii)  ConAgra
               (and/or  its   Affiliates)  as  a  party  thereto  (the  "Company
               Litigation");  provided,  however,  that  for  purposes  of  this
               Agreement,  the term "Company  Litigation"  shall not include the
               California Kim Litigation,  the Leuking Action or other Cattlemen
               Litigation.   Except  as  to   matters   subject   to   ConAgra's
               indemnification  obligations  under  Articles 6, 12 and 13, after
               the  Closing   Holdco  shall   indemnify  and  hold  the  ConAgra
               Indemnified  Parties  harmless  from and  against  all  Liability
               relating to the Company Litigation including, without limitation,
               all costs and expenses of defending the Company Litigation.

          9.7.2. Procedure.  ConAgra shall give prompt  written notice to Holdco
               of the  commencement  or  assertion  of any  action,  proceeding,
               demand or claim in respect of any  Company  Litigation  for which
               ConAgra seeks indemnification under Section 9.7.1. Subject to the
               terms and conditions set forth below, Holdco shall have the right
               to assume control of the defense of, settle or otherwise  dispose
               of such Company Litigation on such terms as it deems appropriate.
               Notwithstanding   anything  contained  in  Section  12.4  to  the
               contrary,  Holdco  may  settle  or  compromise  any such  Company
               Litigation (i) with the written consent of ConAgra, which consent
               shall not be unreasonably withheld, or (ii) without such consent,
               so  long  as  such  settlement  or  compromise  includes  (A)  an
               unconditional  release of ConAgra and/or its  Affiliates,  as the
               case may be,  from  all  Liability  in  respect  of such  Company
               Litigation, (B) does not subject ConAgra or its Affiliates to any
               injunctive  relief or other  equitable  remedy,  and (C) does not
               include a statement or omission of fault,  culpability or failure
               to act by or on behalf of ConAgra or its Affiliates.  ConAgra and
               its Affiliates shall have the right,  but not the obligation,  to
               participate  at their own  expense in the  defense of any Company
               Litigation  and  any  such  participation  shall  not in any  way
               diminish  or lessen  the  obligations  of Holdco or the  Acquired
               Companies  hereunder.   ConAgra  shall  ,  and  shall  cause  its
               Affiliates to, reasonably cooperate with Holdco, at Holdco's cost
               and  expense,  in  connection  with the  defense  of any  Company
               Litigation  and,  in  connection  therewith,  shall  furnish on a
               timely  basis  all  such  information,   records,  documents  and
               testimony  and attend such  conferences,  discovery  proceedings,
               hearings,  trials and appeals as may be  reasonably  requested by
               Holdco,   and  provide,   on  a  timely  basis,   access  to  and
               availability  of its employees  for purposes of such  litigation,
               including, without limitation, for purposes of assisting in trial
               preparation and the conduct of any trial.

          9.7.3. Kim Litigation.  Notwithstanding  anything contained in Section
               12.4 to the contrary,  the parties hereto agree that ConAgra,  at
               its cost and  expense,  shall  retain  all  claims  and causes of
               action  relating to, and shall have the sole right to control (a)
               the litigation captioned ConAgra, Inc., et al. vs. Gap Su Kim, et
               al.,  Case No.  99-04791  currently  pending in the United States
               District  Court,  Central  District of California,  including any
               appeals thereof (the  "California Kim  Litigation"),  and (b) the
               Korean  trademark  proceedings  between  ConAgra  and Gap Su Kim,
               James Kim, and companies under their control,  including  Monfort
               Korea Beef,  Inc., a Kim created  entity,  over the ownership and
               use of the  trademark  "Monfort" in Korea as described on Exhibit
               9.7.3 (the "Korean Kim Litigation"). ConAgra shall be entitled to
               receive  and  retain  the  benefits  of any  judgment  awarded or
               settlement  reached pursuant to the California Kim Litigation and
               Holdco  shall be  entitled  to receive  and  retain any  judgment
               awarded  or  settlement   reached  pursuant  to  the  Korean  Kim
               Litigation,  or to have any trademark rights acquired as a result
               of the  Korean Kim  Litigation,  or any other  related  benefits,
               assigned to Holdco.  Holdco  shall,  and shall cause the Acquired
               Companies to,  reasonably  cooperate  with ConAgra,  at ConAgra's
               cost and expense, in respect to the California Kim Litigation and
               Korean Kim Litigation and, in connection therewith shall furnish,
               on a  timely  basis,  all  information,  records,  documents  and
               testimony  and attend such  conferences,  discovery  proceedings,
               hearings,  trials and appeals as may be  reasonably  requested by
               ConAgra  and  provide,   on  a  timely  basis,   access  to,  and
               availability   of,   Company   Employees  for  purposes  of  such
               litigation,   including,  without  limitation,  for  purposes  of
               assisting  in trial  preparation  and the  conduct  of any trial.
               ConAgra may settle or compromise  the  California  Kim Litigation
               (i) with the written  consent of Holdco,  which consent shall not
               be  unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed,  or  (ii)  without  such
               consent, so long as such settlement or compromise includes (A) an
               unconditional  release of Holdco and all Acquired  Companies from
               all Liability in respect of the  California Kim  Litigation,  (B)
               does not subject Holdco or any Acquired Company to any injunctive
               relief  or other  equitable  remedy,  and (C) does not  include a
               statement or omission of fault,  culpability or failure to act by
               or on behalf of Holdco or any Acquired  Company.  ConAgra may not
               settle,  dismiss or compromise the Korean Kim Litigation  without
               the  prior  consent  of  Holdco,   which  consent  shall  not  be
               unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding anything to the
               contrary   contained  herein,  in  the  event  ConAgra  fails  to
               vigorously   pursue  the  claims   relating  to  the  Korean  Kim
               Litigation,  Holdco  shall have the sole and  exclusive  right to
               control such litigation. Holdco shall have the right, but not the
               obligation,  to  participate in the California Kim Litigation and
               the Korean Kim Litigation and any such participation shall not in
               any way diminish or lessen the obligations of ConAgra hereunder.

          9.7.4. Garden City. The parties  acknowledge that ConAgra is the owner
               of certain  insurance  claims  described in Exhibit 9.7.4(a) (the
               "Garden City Insurance Claims") that relate to and arise out of a
               fire at the fed  cattle  processing  plant  located  at  Route 1,
               Farmland Road, Garden City, Kansas. ConAgra shall have the right,
               at its own cost and expense,  to pursue collection of proceeds or
               reach a  settlement  with  respect to the Garden  City  Insurance
               Claims and, except as required in this Section 9.7.4,  retain the
               proceeds  with  respect to such  Garden  City  Insurance  Claims.
               Holdco  shall,  and  shall  cause  the  Acquired   Companies  to,
               reasonably  cooperate  with  ConAgra,  at ConAgra's  expense,  in
               connection  with  the  Garden  City  Insurance   Claims  and,  in
               connection  therewith,  shall  furnish on a timely basis all such
               information,   records,   documents  and   testimony,   including
               testimony   through   affidavits,   depositions  and  court  room
               appearance,  and attend such conferences,  discovery proceedings,
               hearings,  trials and appeals as may be  reasonably  requested by
               ConAgra,   and  provide,   on  a  timely  basis,  access  to  and
               availability  of Company  Employees  for purposes of such action,
               including,  without limitation,  for purposes of assisting in any
               preparation for  proceedings and the conduct of any  proceedings.
               To the extent ConAgra receives any cash proceeds  attributable to
               the Garden City beef business  interruption claim as described on
               Exhibit 9.7.4(b) (the "BI Claim"),  ConAgra shall contribute such
               cash proceeds, after deducting therefrom all out-of-pocket costs,
               reasonable  attorneys' fees (including,  without limitation,  all
               fees  arising  under the  Agreement  for Recovery of Fire Related
               Losses and Fees,  dated as of January 28,  2002,  among  ConAgra,
               ConAgra Beef Company and McGrath,  North,  Mullin & Kratz, P.C.),
               expenses and Taxes  incurred by ConAgra as a direct result of the
               collection and realization of such cash proceeds,  to the capital
               of Holdco (the  "Garden  City  Insurance  Capital  Contribution")
               within five (5) business days following the receipt  thereof.  In
               the event ConAgra makes one or more Garden City Insurance Capital
               Contributions,  the parties  agree that ConAgra shall not receive
               any  additional  shares  of  common  stock  of,  or other  equity
               interest in, Holdco in connection  therewith.  The parties hereto
               agree that the Garden City Insurance  Capital  Contribution is an
               adjustment  to the purchase  price of the U.S. Beef Company Stock
               and shall be reported as such for Income Tax reporting purposes.

          9.8. Unassignable Contracts.  If (i) any third-party's  (including any
               Governmental  Authority's)  consent or approval to the assignment
               or  other  transfer  to  the  applicable  Acquired  Company  of a
               contract to be  transferred  pursuant to Sections 2.1.6 or 2.1.17
               has  not  been  obtained  prior  to the  Closing,  then as to the
               burdens,  obligations,  rights or  benefits  under or pursuant to
               such contracts (collectively, the "Rights") not assignable to the
               applicable  Acquired Company because such consent or approval has
               not been obtained:

               (a)  ConAgra shall, and shall cause its Subsidiaries to, hold the
                    Rights in trust for the applicable Acquired Company, for the
                    account and benefit of the applicable Acquired Company;

               (b)  After  the  Closing,  Holdco  shall,  and  shall  cause  the
                    applicable  Acquired Company to take, and ConAgra shall, and
                    shall cause its  Subsidiaries  to, take all such  reasonable
                    actions  and do all  such  things  as  shall  be  reasonably
                    necessary  or  desirable  in order that (i) the value of the
                    Rights shall be preserved  and shall inure to the benefit of
                    the applicable  Acquired  Company and such that all benefits
                    under the Rights may be received by the applicable  Acquired
                    Company  and  (ii)  the  applicable  Acquired  Company  will
                    perform the burdens and obligations under such Rights; and

               (c)  After  the  Closing,  ConAgra  shall  continue  to  use  its
                    reasonable efforts to obtain such consent or approval.

          9.9. Record  Retention.  Except as set forth below and also subject to
               Article 13 hereof, Holdco will cause all books and records of the
               Acquired  Companies (the  "Records") to be retained for seven (7)
               years after Closing.  Following the Closing, ConAgra shall retain
               the books and  records  set forth on Exhibit  9.9 (the  "Retained
               Records") for seven (7) years. During such term, each party shall
               allow the other party and its  representatives  access to inspect
               or copy the Records and Retained Records, as appropriate,  during
               normal  business  hours.  In the event a party intends to destroy
               any Records or Retained Records in its control at the end of such
               seven-year term, such party shall first notify the other party at
               which  time the other  party  shall  have the right to remove the
               Records at its own cost.  The parties  acknowledge  that,  in the
               past,  ConAgra and the Acquired Companies have routinely disposed
               of certain Records on a periodic basis and have not retained such
               Records  for  seven (7)  years.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
               ConAgra,  Holdco and the Acquired  Companies  may  continue  such
               routine  periodic  record  destruction  so long as, prior to such
               destruction,  the party intending to destroy the records notifies
               the other party of the nature of such destruction and permits the
               other party to remove and retain such Records at its expense.

          9.10.Material Covenants.  The parties acknowledge that for purposes of
               Sections  10.2(b)  and  11.1(d)(B),   "material   covenants"  and
               "material  obligations" shall include,  without  limitation:  (a)
               covenants  and  obligations  involving the mere payment of money,
               (b) covenants and obligations, the breach of which could have the
               effect of  diminishing  the  Borrowing  Base (as  defined  in the
               Senior Bank Commitment  Letter),  (c) covenants and  obligations,
               the breach of which could have the effect of hindering,  delaying
               or frustrating the Closing,  (d) covenants and  obligations,  the
               breach of which could have the effect of  hindering,  delaying or
               frustrating  the  financing  pursuant  to the  Senior  Commitment
               Letter, the Bridge Commitment Letter or the Engagement Letter, or
               (e)  covenants and  obligations  as to which notice of breach has
               been given  pursuant to Section  11.1(d)(B)  and as to which such
               breach is capable of being, but has not been,  cured,  within the
               cure period provided for in Section 11.1(d)(B).

          9.11.Sale of  Receivables.  ConAgra agrees that as of June 1, 2002, it
               will  discontinue  selling  and  factoring  the  receivables  (or
               interests  therein)  of the  Acquired  Companies  pursuant to the
               Receivables  Sale Agreement among ConAgra,  Asset  Securitization
               Cooperative  Corporation and Canadian  Imperial Bank of Commerce,
               or any similar or related arrangement  (collectively,  "Factoring
               Agreements").  ConAgra shall cause all  receivables (or interests
               therein) of the Acquired Companies, on the Closing Date, to be at
               levels at which such  receivables  would have  otherwise been had
               they  not  been  subject  to the  Factoring  Agreements.  ConAgra
               covenants  and  agrees  that,   as  of  the  Closing  Date,   all
               receivables  (and  interests  therein) of the Acquired  Companies
               shall be held by the  Acquired  Companies  free and  clear of all

          9.12. Closing Material Adverse Effect.

          9.12.1. In the event  either  ConAgra or  Acquisition  LP notifies the
               other  party  of an  occurrence  of a  Closing  Material  Adverse
               Effect, then Acquisition LP shall have six (6) business days from
               the  receipt  of such  notice  in  which  to  notify  ConAgra  if
               Acquisition  LP waives  its  rights  under  Section  10.2(d)  and
               Section  11.1(f) with respect to such  Closing  Material  Adverse
               Effect.  If  Acquisition  LP does not elect to make such  waiver,
               then,  if  after  the  date of the  occurrence  of  such  Closing
               Material  Adverse Effect,  ConAgra should receive an unsolicited,
               bona fide inquiry  from an  unrelated  third party to acquire the
               Businesses  ("Acquisition  Proposal")  that  ConAgra's  Board  of
               Directors has in good faith  concluded  (following the receipt of
               the  advice  of its  outside  legal  counsel  and  its  financial
               advisors)  is, or is  reasonably  likely to result in, a Superior
               Offer (as defined in Section  9.12.2),  ConAgra may then take the
               following actions: (i) furnish nonpublic information to the third
               party  making such  Acquisition  Proposal,  provided  that (A)(1)
               concurrently  with  furnishing any such nonpublic  information to
               such  party,  it  gives  Acquisition  LP  written  notice  of its
               intention to furnish  nonpublic  information  and (2) it receives
               from  the  third  party  an  executed  confidentiality  agreement
               containing customary limitations on the use and disclosure of all
               nonpublic  written and oral  information  furnished to such third
               party  on  its  behalf,  the  terms  of  which  are at  least  as
               restrictive  as  the  terms  contained  in  the   Confidentiality
               Agreement,  and (B)  contemporaneously  with  furnishing any such
               nonpublic  information  to such third party,  it  furnishes  such
               nonpublic  information  to  Acquisition  LP (to the  extent  such
               nonpublic information has not been previously so furnished);  and
               (ii) engage in negotiations  with the third party with respect to
               the  Acquisition   Proposal,   provided  that  concurrently  with
               entering  into  negotiations  with  such  third  party,  it gives
               Acquisition  LP  written  notice of its  intention  to enter into
               negotiations  with such third  party.  Thereafter  ConAgra  shall
               provide  Acquisition  LP as  promptly  as  practicable  oral  and
               written  notice   setting  forth  all  such   information  as  is
               reasonably  necessary  to keep  Acquisition  LP  informed  in all
               material respects of the status of any such Acquisition Proposal.
               In the event that the Board of  Directors  of ConAgra  determines
               that such  Acquisition  Proposal  is a Superior  Offer,  it shall
               promptly give  Acquisition  LP notice of such  determination  and
               Acquisition  LP shall have two (2) business days from the receipt
               of such notice in which to waive such  Closing  Material  Adverse
               Effect as a Closing condition  pursuant to Section 10.2(d) and as
               a termination  right  pursuant to Section  11.1(f).  In the event
               Acquisition  LP does not  waive  such  Closing  Material  Adverse
               Effect as a Closing  condition  and  termination  right,  ConAgra
               shall have the right at any time  within four (4)  business  days
               from its notice to  Acquisition  LP to terminate  this  Agreement
               contemporaneously  with entering into  definitive  documents with
               respect  to  such  Superior   Offer  and  tendering   payment  to
               Acquisition LP, in immediately available funds such amount as may
               be required to reimburse  Acquisition  LP and its  Affiliates and
               partners for all out-of-pocket  fees, costs and expenses incurred
               by any of them in connection with their due diligence  efforts or
               the transactions (including,  without limitation, the preparation
               and negotiation of documentation) contemplated in the Transaction
               Documents  or in the  Senior  Bank  Commitment  Letter and Bridge
               Commitment Letter, including, without limitation, (A) fees, costs
               and expenses of accountants,  escrow agents,  counsel,  financial
               advisors  and  other  similar  advisors,  (B)  fees  paid  to any
               Governmental Authority,  and (C) fees, costs and expenses paid or
               payable to third parties under the Senior Bank Commitment  Letter
               and  Bridge   Commitment   Letter  or  in  connection   with  the
               transactions contemplated therein (collectively, the "Termination

          9.12.2.   Certain   Definitions.   "Superior   Offer"  shall  mean  an
               unsolicited, bona fide written offer made after the occurrence of
               Closing  Material  Adverse Effect by an unrelated  third party to
               acquire, directly or indirectly, the Businesses on terms that the
               Board  of  Directors  of  ConAgra  has in  good  faith  concluded
               (following the receipt of advice of its outside legal counsel and
               its financial adviser),  taking into account, among other things,
               all legal,  financial,  regulatory and other aspects of the offer
               and the Person  making the offer,  to be more  favorable,  from a
               financial  point of view,  to  ConAgra's  stockholders  (in their
               capacities as  stockholders)  than the terms of the  transactions
               contemplated by this Agreement.

10.  Conditions Precedent to Obligations.

          10.1.Conditions   to  Each   Party's   Obligations.   The   respective
               obligations  of  each  party  to  consummate   the   transactions
               contemplated  herein  shall be  subject  to the  satisfaction  or
               waiver  on  or  prior  to  the  Closing  Date  of  the  following

               (a)  Governmental   Approvals.   All  authorizations,   consents,
                    orders,  declarations  or approvals  of, or filings with, or
                    terminations  or expirations of waiting  periods imposed by,
                    any  Governmental   Authority,   legally  required  for  the
                    consummation of making any of the transactions  contemplated
                    hereby  shall  have been  obtained,  shall have been made or
                    shall  have  occurred,  as the case may be,  other than such
                    authorizations,  consents, orders, declarations,  approvals,
                    filings, terminations or expirations which the failure to so
                    obtain  would  not  result  in a  Company  Material  Adverse

               (b)  HSR Act.  The  waiting  period (and any  extension  thereof)
                    under the HSR Act shall  have  expired  or been  terminated.

               (c)  FATA. The Treasurer of the  Commonwealth  of Australia shall
                    have  provided  advice  pursuant  to FATA that  there are no
                    objections to the acquisition of Australia Operating Company
                    in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For purposes
                    of this  Agreement,  the  Treasurer  shall be deemed to have
                    provided such advice:

                    (i)  if Australia  Acquisition Co.  receives  written advice
                         from the  Treasurer or on his behalf to the effect that
                         there  are  no  objections  in  terms  of  the  Federal
                         Government's   foreign   investment   policy   to   the
                         acquisition  of  Australia   Operating  Company  either
                         unconditionally  or on terms  reasonably  acceptable to
                         Australia Acquisition Co.; or

                    (ii) if  ten  (10)  days  have  elapsed  from  the  day  the
                         Treasurer  ceased  to be  empowered  to make any  order
                         under Part II of FATA in relation to the acquisition of
                         Australia  Operating  Company because of lapse of time,
                         notice  of  the  acquisition  of  Australia   Operating
                         Company having been given to the Treasurer under FATA.

               (d)  No Injunction. No Governmental Authority having jurisdiction
                    over  ConAgra,  Acquisition  LP or Holdco,  or any  Acquired
                    Company, shall have enacted, issued,  promulgated,  enforced
                    or  entered  any Law,  decree,  injunction  or  other  order
                    (whether temporary,  preliminary or permanent) which is then
                    in effect  and has the  effect of  making  the  transactions
                    contemplated   herein   illegal  or  otherwise   prohibiting
                    consummation of the transactions contemplated herein.

               (e)  Financing.   As   contemplated   by   Article  2,  (x)  U.S.
                    Acquisition  Co. and  Australia  Acquisition  Co. shall have
                    received the proceeds of the financings  contemplated by the
                    Senior Bank Commitment Letter (or other alternate financing,
                    if  any,  obtained  by  Acquisition  LP as  contemplated  by
                    Section 9.2.3(a)),  and (y) U.S.  Acquisition Co. shall have
                    (i) received the proceeds of the bridge loan contemplated by
                    the Bridge Commitment Letter (or other alternate  financing,
                    if  any,  obtained  by  Acquisition  LP as  contemplated  by
                    Section 9.2.3(a)) or (ii) consummated the Rule 144A offering
                    of  the  debt  securities  as  contemplated  by  the  Bridge
                    Commitment  Letter (or other  alternate  financing,  if any,
                    obtained  by  Acquisition  LP  as  contemplated  by  Section

          10.2.Conditions  to Obligation of  Acquisition  LP. The  obligation of
               Acquisition LP to consummate the transactions contemplated herein
               shall be subject to the  satisfaction  on or prior to the Closing
               Date of the  following  additional  conditions,  unless waived in
               writing by Acquisition LP:

               (a)  Representations  and  Warranties.  The  representations  and
                    warranties of ConAgra set forth in this  Agreement  shall be
                    true  and  correct  in all  respects  as of the date of this
                    Agreement and (except to the extent such representations and
                    warranties  speak as of an earlier  date) as of the  Closing
                    Date as though  made on and as of the Closing  Date,  except
                    for  such   inaccuracies   (without  giving  effect  to  any
                    limitations as to materiality or a Company  Material Adverse
                    Effect  set forth in such  representations  and  warranties)
                    that,  individually  and in the  aggregate,  have  not had a
                    Company Material Adverse Effect.  Holdco shall have received
                    a  certificate  signed  on behalf  of  ConAgra  by the Chief
                    Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer or Executive Vice
                    President - Operations Control and Development of ConAgra to
                    such effect.

               (b)  Performance of Obligations.  ConAgra shall have performed in
                    all material  respects all material  covenants  and material
                    obligations  required  to  be  performed  by it  under  this
                    Agreement on or prior to the Closing Date,  and Holdco shall
                    have received a  certificate  signed on behalf of ConAgra by
                    the Chief  Executive  Officer,  Chief  Financial  Officer or
                    Executive   Vice   President   -   Operations   Control  and
                    Development of ConAgra to such effect.

               (c)  [Intentionally Omitted]

               (d)  Closing Material Adverse Effect. No Closing Material Adverse
                    Effect    shall   have   been    incurred    or    suffered.

          10.3.Conditions to Obligation of ConAgra. The obligation of ConAgra to
               consummate the transactions  contemplated herein shall be subject
               to the  satisfaction  on or  prior  to the  Closing  Date  of the
               following  additional  conditions,  unless  waived in  writing by

               (a)  Representations  and  Warranties.  The  representations  and
                    warranties  of  Acquisition  LP set forth in this  Agreement
                    shall be true and correct in all  respects as of the date of
                    this    Agreement   and   (except   to   the   extent   such
                    representations and warranties speaks as of an earlier date)
                    as of the  Closing  Date  as  though  made  on and as of the
                    Closing Date, except for such  inaccuracies  (without giving
                    effect to any  limitations  as to  materiality or a material
                    adverse  effect  set  forth  in  such   representations   or
                    warranties) that, individually and in the aggregate have not
                    had a material adverse effect. ConAgra shall have received a
                    certificate  signed  on  behalf  of  Acquisition  LP to such

               (b)  Performance  of  Obligations.   Acquisition  LP  shall  have
                    performed  in all material  respects all material  covenants
                    and  material  obligations  required to be  performed  by it
                    under this  Agreement on or prior to the Closing  Date,  and
                    ConAgra shall have  received a certificate  signed on behalf
                    of Acquisition LP to such effect.

               (c)  Acquisition  LP  Ownership.  Greeley  Investments,  LLC  and
                    Affiliates of Hicks,  Muse, Tate & Furst  Incorporated shall
                    own as of Closing all of the outstanding equity interests in
                    Acquisition LP.

11. Termination.

          11.1.Termination.   This   Agreement  may  be   terminated,   and  the
               transactions  contemplated  hereby may be abandoned,  at any time
               prior to the Closing Date:

               (a)  by mutual written agreement of ConAgra and Acquisition LP;

               (b)  by either  ConAgra,  on the one hand, or Acquisition  LP, on
                    the other hand, if the Closing shall not have occurred on or
                    before the earlier of (i)  September  30, 2002,  or (ii) the
                    first business day immediately following the sixtieth (60th)
                    day after the initial day that actual  marketing of the debt
                    securities  contemplated  by the  Bridge  Commitment  Letter
                    begins  (which for purposes of this  Agreement  shall be the
                    date  that  the  definitive  offering  memorandum  is  first
                    delivered to potential  purchasers of such debt securities);
                    provided  that, if Acquisition LP has delivered to ConAgra a
                    termination notice as contemplated by Section 11.1(d) and if
                    such termination is ineffective as a result of a timely cure
                    by ConAgra of the asserted breach, then Acquisition LP shall
                    have the  right,  by means of notice to  ConAgra,  to extend
                    such  date  to  a  date  that  is  the  first  business  day
                    immediately  following  the  sixtieth  (60th)  day after the
                    tenth  (10th)  day  of  the  applicable   cure  period  (the
                    "Termination Date"); provided further that the party seeking
                    to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 11.1(b)
                    shall  not  have  breached  in any  material  respect  their
                    obligations  under this  Agreement  in any manner that shall
                    have  proximately  caused  the  failure  to  consummate  the
                    transactions   contemplated   herein   on  or   before   the
                    Termination Date;

               (c)  prior to the Closing by either ConAgra,  on the one hand, or
                    Acquisition   LP,  on  the  other  hand,  if  any  permanent
                    injunction,  order,  decree or  ruling  by any  Governmental
                    Authority   of   competent   jurisdiction   preventing   the
                    consummation of the transactions  contemplated  herein shall
                    have become final and nonappealable; provided, however, that
                    the party seeking to terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to
                    this Section  11.1(c)  shall have used its  reasonable  best
                    efforts to remove such injunction or overturn such action;

               (d)  by Acquisition LP, at any time, if there shall have been any
                    (A) breach of one or more  representations  or warranties of
                    ConAgra  (which has not been  waived),  except for  breaches
                    (without  giving effect to any  limitation as to materiality
                    or  Company  Material  Adverse  Effect  set  forth  in  such
                    representations  and warranties) which,  individually and in
                    the  aggregate,  have  not had a  Company  Material  Adverse
                    Effect and except for  breaches  that  result  from  actions
                    expressly   permitted   under  or  taken  pursuant  to  this
                    Agreement,  or (B) material  breach of one or more  material
                    covenants  or  material   obligations   set  forth  in  this
                    Agreement by ConAgra  (which has not been  waived),  in each
                    case of clause (A) or (B),  which  breach or breaches  shall
                    not have been cured within ten (10) days  following  receipt
                    by ConAgra of written  notice  from  Acquisition  LP of such
                    breach,  and  whether  or not the  breach was (1) within the
                    control of ConAgra or (2) the result of ConAgra's actions or

               (e)  by  ConAgra,  at any time,  if there shall have been any (A)
                    breach  of one or  more  representations  or  warranties  of
                    Acquisition  LP  (which  has not been  waived),  except  for
                    breaches  (without  giving  effect to any  limitation  as to
                    materiality  or  material  adverse  effect set forth in such
                    representations  and warranties) which,  individually and in
                    the  aggregate,  have not had a material  adverse effect and
                    except for  breaches  that  result  from  actions  expressly
                    permitted under or taken pursuant to this Agreement,  or (B)
                    material  breach of one or more  covenants or agreements set
                    forth in this  Agreement  by  Acquisition  LP (which has not
                    been  waived),  in each  case of  clause  (A) or (B),  which
                    breach or breaches shall not have been cured within ten (10)
                    days  following  receipt by Acquisition LP of written notice
                    from ConAgra of such  breach,  and whether or not the breach
                    was (1) within  the  control  of  Acquisition  LP or (2) the
                    result of Acquisition LP's actions or inactions;

               (f)  by Acquisition  LP, if any Closing  Material  Adverse Effect
                    shall have been incurred or suffered; or

               (g)  by ConAgra pursuant to Section 9.12 while  contemporaneously
                    (i) entering  into  definitive  documents  with respect to a
                    Superior Offer and (ii) tendering payment of the Termination
                    Fee pursuant to Section 9.12.1.

          11.2.Effect  of  Termination.  In the  event  of  termination  of this
               Agreement   pursuant  to  this   Section  11,  the   transactions
               contemplated  hereby shall be deemed abandoned and this Agreement
               shall  forthwith  become  void,  except  that the  provisions  of
               Section 15.3,  Section 15.15,  this Section 11.2 and the terms of
               the  Confidentiality  Agreement  shall survive any termination of
               this Agreement; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement
               shall  relieve  any party from  liability  for any breach of this

12. General Indemnity.

          12.1.Indemnification by ConAgra  Indemnified  Parties.  Subject to the
               overall  limitations,   minimum  amounts,  time  limitations  and
               limitations  on  recourse  and  other  limits  set  forth in this
               Article 12:

          12.1.1. ConAgra Indemnity.  ConAgra agrees, from and after the Closing
               Date, to indemnify and hold harmless  Holdco and each  Subsidiary
               of Holdco and each of their  respective  officers,  directors and
               employees  (collectively,  the "Holdco Indemnified Parties") from
               and against any and all  damages,  losses,  claims,  Liabilities,
               demands,  charges,  suits,  proceedings,   penalties,  costs  and
               expenses  (including  court costs and reasonable  attorneys' fees
               and expenses  incurred in  investigating  and  preparing  for any
               litigation or proceeding) (collectively,  the "Holdco Indemnified
               Costs") which any of the Holdco Indemnified  Parties may sustain,
               or to  which  any  of  the  Holdco  Indemnified  Parties  may  be
               subjected, relating to or arising directly or indirectly out of:

               (a)  any Environmental  Costs or Liabilities arising out of or in
                    connection with or as a result of any facts or circumstances
                    existing  on or before  the  Closing  Date  relating  to the
                    operations  of or  property  owned or leased  or  previously
                    owned or leased by the Acquired  Companies at any time on or
                    before the Closing Date  (regardless of whether such matters
                    have been  disclosed in the  Schedules to this  Agreement or
                    otherwise)  (the  "Pre-Existing   Environmental   Matters"),
                    including  any  Holdco  Indemnified  Costs  that any  Holdco
                    Indemnified   Party  may  sustain  in  connection  with  any
                    remediation,   clean-up,   modification,    repairs,   work,
                    construction,  alterations  or  installations  required as a
                    result of the Pre-Existing Environmental Matters (except any
                    increased  costs to the  extent  such  increased  costs  are
                    caused,  contributed to or exacerbated by the actions of any
                    Holdco Indemnified  Party),  including,  without limitation,
                    any  costs  relating  to  capital   improvements,   physical
                    upgrading   or   maintenance   and   repairs   required   by
                    Environmental  Laws  which  for  purposes  of  this  Section
                    12.1.1(a)   shall  be  deemed  Holdco   Indemnified   Costs;
                    provided,  however,  that this  Subsection  (a) shall not be
                    deemed to apply to any entity or property acquired or leased
                    by a Holdco Indemnified Party subsequent to the Closing;

               (b)  any  violation of any Labor Laws by the  Acquired  Companies
                    existing  on or  before  the  Closing  Date  (regardless  of
                    whether such matters have been disclosed in the Schedules to
                    this Agreement or otherwise);

               (c)  except with  respect to  Liabilities  arising in  connection
                    with transactions between ConAgra or a Subsidiary thereof on
                    one hand and a Holdco  Indemnified  Party on the other  hand
                    pursuant to the Cattle  Supply  Agreement,  Risk  Management
                    Agreement,  Cash Management  Agreement,  Transition Services
                    Agreement or By-Products  Agreement,  any third-party action
                    (as  defined in Section  12.4.1)  involving  an  Indemnified
                    Party  relating  to or arising out of the  operation  of the
                    Feed  Lot  Business  or the  ownership  or use of any of the
                    assets  or  property  used or held  for use by the  Feed Lot
                    Business  whether  relating or arising prior to, at or after
                    the  Closing;  provided,  however,  that  Cattle  Holdco and
                    Cattleco  shall  not  be   beneficiaries   of  this  Section

               (d)  a breach or alleged breach by any of the Acquiring Companies
                    or Acquired  Companies  of the terms and  provisions  of any
                    agreement  entered  into  governing  the sale  and  purchase
                    effecting  a  "Divestiture"  (as  such  term  is used in the
                    Stockholders  Agreement)  of all or any  portion of the Feed
                    Lot Business or the assets or property  used or held for use
                    by the Feed Lot Business as contemplated by the Stockholders
                    Agreement;  provided that Cattle  Holdco and Cattleco  shall
                    not be  entitled  to  the  benefits  of the  indemnification
                    provided by this Section 12.1.1(d);

               (e)  any breach or inaccuracy of any  representation  or warranty
                    made  by  ConAgra  and  contained  in this  Agreement,  each
                    Representation and Warranty  Certificate or the certificates
                    delivered pursuant to Article 10;

               (f)  any breach or nonfulfillment or nonperformance by ConAgra of
                    any  agreement  or covenant of ConAgra in this  Agreement or
                    the certificates delivered pursuant to Article 10;

               (g)  the California  Kim  Litigation  and Korean Kim  Litigation,
                    including  any  accrued  but unpaid  Liability  relating  to
                    either preceding, provided, however, that ConAgra shall have
                    no Liability under this Article 12 or otherwise in the event
                    the Korea Kim Litigation results in the Businesses, Acquired
                    Companies or Acquiring  Companies  not having  rights to the
                    Monfort mark in Korea;

               (h)  except with  respect to  Liabilities  arising in  connection
                    with transactions between ConAgra or a Subsidiary thereof on
                    one hand and a Holdco  Indemnified  Party on the other  hand
                    pursuant to the  Transition  Services  Agreement,  Preferred
                    Supplier  Agreement,  Armour Transition  License  Agreement,
                    Swift   Transition   License   Agreement,   Hangar   License
                    Agreement,   Risk   Management   Agreement,   Cattle  Supply
                    Agreement or By-Products  Agreement,  any third-party action
                    (as  defined in Section  12.4.1)  involving  an  Indemnified
                    Party  relating  to or arising out of the failure by ConAgra
                    or its  Affiliates  (other than the Acquiring  Companies and
                    the Acquired  Companies) to pay, perform or discharge any of
                    their respective  Liabilities relating to (x) the conduct of
                    any business  (other than the Businesses) by ConAgra and its
                    Subsidiaries  (other than the  Acquiring  Companies  and the
                    Acquired Companies),  prior to, at or after the Closing, (y)
                    the  ownership  and  operation of any assets or property not
                    owned by any Acquired Company as of the Closing,  or (z) the
                    Divested Companies; or

               (i)  any  third-party  action (as defined in Section 12.4.1) that
                    any  Holdco  Indemnified  Party  is made a party to and that
                    results  from   ConAgra's   assertion  of  the  Garden  City
                    Insurance Claims.

               12.1.2. Pre-Closing  Cattlemen  Litigation.  ConAgra agrees, from
                    and after the Closing  Date,  to indemnify and hold harmless
                    the  Holdco   Indemnified   Parties  from  and  against  (i)
                    judgments   for   monetary   damages   including,    without
                    limitation,  any  award  of  fees  and  expenses,  and  (ii)
                    monetary  settlements,  in either  case,  to the extent that

                    (a)  arises  out of (x)  the  litigation  styled  Robert  M.
                         Leuking and Gordon M. Reisinger v. ConAgra Foods,  Inc.
                         and ConAgra Beef Company  pending in the United  States
                         District Court for the District of Nebraska as Case No.
                         4:CV02-3124  (the  "Leuking  Litigation")  or  (y)  any
                         future   litigation   filed  against   ConAgra  or  any
                         Acquiring Company or Acquired Company after the date of
                         this   Agreement   that  is  based   primarily  on  the
                         substantive  facts  alleged in the  Leuking  Litigation
                         and, in either case,  to the extent such seeks  damages
                         resulting  from  activities  of ConAgra or the Acquired
                         Companies  occurring  prior to the  Closing  Date  (the
                         "Pre-Closing Cattlemen Litigation"); and

                    (b)  only to the  extent to which such  monetary  damages or
                         monetary  settlements result from activities of ConAgra
                         or  the  Acquired  Companies  occurring  prior  to  the
                         Closing Date (the "Pre-Closing  Damages").  In no event
                         shall  ConAgra  be  responsible  or liable  under  this
                         Section  12.1.2  for (x)  any  litigation,  damages  or
                         settlements associated with operations of the Acquiring
                         Companies or Acquired  Companies after the Closing Date
                         including,   without   limitation,   any   damages   or
                         settlements  associated with the Pre-Closing  Cattlemen
                         Litigation that do not constitute  Pre-Closing Damages,
                         (y) any  equitable  relief  granted in any  Pre-Closing
                         Cattlemen   Litigation,    or   any   costs,   damages,
                         liabilities or other consequences of any such equitable
                         relief, or (z) any costs, damages, liabilities or other
                         consequences  of the Pre-Closing  Cattlemen  Litigation
                         that do not constitute Pre-Closing Damages.

               12.2.Cattleco  Indemnity.  Cattleco  agrees,  from and  after the
                    Closing  Date,  to indemnify  and hold  harmless each of the
                    other Holdco Indemnified  Parties (other than Cattle Holdco)
                    from all  Holdco  Indemnified  Costs  which any of the other
                    Holdco  Indemnified  Parties  (other than Cattle Holdco) may
                    sustain,  or to which  any of the other  Holdco  Indemnified
                    Parties may be subjected, relating to or arising directly or
                    indirectly  out of any  third-party  action  (as  defined in
                    Section  12.4.1)  that has been  asserted  against  a Holdco
                    Indemnified  Party  (other than Cattle  Holdco) that results
                    from the operation of the Feed Lot Business or the ownership
                    or use of any of the assets or property used or held for use
                    by the Feed Lot Business  whether  relating or arising prior
                    to, at or after the Closing,  other than those arising under
                    the terms of the Cattle Supply Agreement.

               12.3.Indemnification of the ConAgra Indemnified  Parties.  Holdco
                    agrees from and after the Closing Date to indemnify and hold
                    harmless  ConAgra  and each  Subsidiary  thereof and each of
                    their   respective   officers,   directors  and   employees,
                    (collectively,   the  "ConAgra   Indemnified   Parties"  and
                    collectively  with  the  Holdco  Indemnified   Parties,  the
                    "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all damages,
                    losses,  claims,   Liabilities,   demands,  charges,  suits,
                    proceedings,  penalties, costs and expenses (including court
                    costs and reasonable  attorneys' fees and expenses  incurred
                    in  investigating   and  preparing  for  any  litigation  or
                    proceeding)  (collectively,  the "ConAgra Indemnified Costs"
                    and  collectively   with  Holdco   Indemnified   Costs,  the
                    "Indemnified  Costs")  which any of the ConAgra  Indemnified
                    Parties  may  sustain,  or  to  which  any  of  the  ConAgra
                    Indemnified Parties may be subjected, relating to or arising
                    directly   or   indirectly   out  of  (w)  any   breach   or
                    nonfulfillment  or  nonperformance  by  Holdco,   the  other
                    Acquiring   Companies  or  the  Acquired  Companies  of  any
                    covenant  or  obligation  of  Holdco,  the  other  Acquiring
                    Companies or the Acquired  Companies in this  Agreement that
                    is  to be  performed  on  or  after  the  Closing,  (x)  any
                    third-party  action (as defined in Section 12.4.1)  relating
                    to or arising out of the  failure by Holdco or the  Acquired
                    Companies  to  pay,   perform  or   discharge   any  of  the
                    Liabilities of the Acquired  Companies  arising prior to, at
                    or after the Closing, in each case, other than those (a) for
                    which ConAgra has agreed to indemnify the Holdco Indemnified
                    Parties  pursuant  to  this  Agreement  including,   without
                    limitation, Pre-Closing Cattlemen Litigation or (b) that are
                    not primarily related to the conduct of the Businesses,  (y)
                    the  Leuking  Litigation  or  any  future  litigation  filed
                    against ConAgra or any Acquiring Company or Acquired Company
                    after the date of this Agreement that is based  primarily on
                    the substantive facts alleged in the Leuking Litigation and,
                    in  either  case,  to the  extent  that such  arises  out of
                    activities of the Acquiring Companies after the Closing Date
                    (the  "Post-Closing  Cattlemen  Litigation" and collectively
                    with the Pre-Closing  Cattlemen  Litigation,  the "Cattlemen
                    Litigation")  or (z) except as provided  in Sections  12.1.2
                    and 12.4.3(c), any ConAgra Indemnified Cost arising from the
                    Pre-Closing  Cattlemen  Litigation or any settlement thereof
                    to the  extent  that a ConAgra  Indemnified  Party is liable
                    therefore.  In no event shall the  indemnification  provided
                    for in this  Section  12.3  include any ConAgra  Indemnified
                    Costs that a ConAgra Indemnified Party may suffer or sustain
                    as a  result  of (1) any  loss in the  value  of any debt or
                    equity security (including,  without limitation,  the common
                    stock of Holdco,  the Cattleco Note, the Promissory  Note or
                    the Cattleco  Revolver) of an Acquiring  Company or Acquired
                    Company  that may be now or  hereafter  owned  by a  ConAgra
                    Indemnified Party or (2) the impairment of the ability of an
                    Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company to perform under any
                    such  debt  or  equity  security  or any  other  contractual
                    obligation  existing between a ConAgra Indemnified Party and
                    an Acquiring Company or Acquired Company.

               12.4.Defense of Third-Party Claims.

               12.4.1. Notice of Third-Party  Claims. An Indemnified Party shall
                    give prompt written notice to any Person who is obligated to
                    provide indemnification  hereunder (an "Indemnifying Party")
                    of the commencement or assertion of any action,  proceeding,
                    demand   or  claim  by  a   third-party   (collectively,   a
                    "third-party  action") in respect of which such  Indemnified
                    Party shall seek  indemnification  hereunder;  provided that
                    for purposes of this Section 12.4, the Indemnified  Party in
                    respect of an indemnification by Cattleco under Section 12.2
                    shall be deemed  to  exclude  Cattleco.  Any  failure  so to
                    notify  an   Indemnifying   Party  shall  not  relieve  such
                    Indemnifying  Party from any  Liability  that it may have to
                    such  Indemnified  Party under this Article 12 unless and to
                    the  extent  such  failure  to give  notice  materially  and
                    adversely prejudices such Indemnifying Party.

               12.4.2. Non-Cattlemen Litigation. Except in the case of Cattlemen
                    Litigation,  the Indemnifying  Party shall have the right to
                    assume  control  of the  defense  of,  settle  or  otherwise
                    dispose of such third-party action on such terms as it deems
                    appropriate; provided, however, that:

                    (a)  The  Indemnified  Party shall be  entitled,  at its own
                         expense,   to   participate  in  the  defense  of  such
                         third-party  action  (provided,  that the  Indemnifying
                         Party shall pay the attorneys'  fees of the Indemnified
                         Party if (i) the  employment of separate  counsel shall
                         have   been   authorized   in   writing   by  any  such
                         Indemnifying  Party in  connection  with the defense of
                         such third-party  action,  (ii) the Indemnifying  Party
                         shall not have employed counsel reasonably satisfactory
                         to  the  Indemnified  Party  to  have  charge  of  such
                         third-party  action,  or (iii) the Indemnified  Party's
                         counsel  shall have  advised the  Indemnified  Party in
                         writing,  with a copy to the Indemnifying  Party,  that
                         there is a  conflict  of  interest  that  could make it
                         inappropriate    under    applicable    standards    of
                         professional conduct to have common counsel).

                    (b)  The  Indemnifying  Party shall obtain the prior written
                         approval of the Indemnified Party, which approval shall
                         not be unreasonably  withheld,  before entering into or
                         making  any   settlement,   compromise,   admission  or
                         acknowledgment  of the  validity  of  such  third-party
                         action or any Liability in respect thereof if, pursuant
                         to or  as a  result  of  such  settlement,  compromise,
                         admission,  or  acknowledgment,   injunctive  or  other
                         equitable   relief   would  be  imposed   against   the
                         Indemnified Party.

                    (c)  No Indemnifying Party shall consent to the entry of any
                         judgment  or enter  into any  settlement  that does not
                         include as an unconditional  term thereof the giving by
                         each claimant or plaintiff to each Indemnified Party of
                         a  release  from  all  Liability  in  respect  of  such
                         third-party action.

                    (d)  The Indemnifying Party shall not be entitled to control
                         (but  shall  be  entitled  to  participate  at its  own
                         expense in the defense of), and the  Indemnified  Party
                         shall  be  entitled  to have  sole  control  over,  the
                         defense  or  settlement,   compromise,   admission,  or
                         acknowledgment  of  any  third-party  action  (i) as to
                         which  the  Indemnifying  Party  fails  to  assume  the
                         defense within ten (10) business days after notice of a
                         claim for  indemnification  or (ii) to the  extent  the
                         third-party action seeks an order,  injunction or other
                         equitable  relief against the Indemnified  Party which,
                         if successful,  would  materially  adversely affect the
                         business,  operations, assets or financial condition of
                         the Indemnified Party;  provided,  that the Indemnified
                         Party shall make no settlement,  compromise,  admission
                         or acknowledgment  that would give rise to Liability on
                         the part of any  Indemnifying  Party  without the prior
                         written consent of such Indemnifying Party.

                    (e)  The parties hereto shall extend reasonable  cooperation
                         in  connection  with  the  defense  of any  third-party
                         action  pursuant to this Article 12 and, in  connection
                         therewith, shall furnish such records,  information and
                         testimony  and  attend  such   conferences,   discovery
                         proceedings,  hearings,  trials  and  appeals as may be
                         reasonably requested.

                    (f)  To the extent an Indemnified Holdco Cost is exclusively
                         incurred or suffered by Cattleco or Cattle  Holdco that
                         claim shall be made by  Cattleco  or Cattle  Holdco and
                         any  payment in respect  thereof  shall be  received by
                         Cattleco or Cattle Holdco.

               12.4.3.   Cattlemen   Litigation.   In  the  case  of   Cattlemen
                    Litigation,  the following  provisions  shall be applicable:

                    (a)  ConAgra  shall  be  entitled,  through  its  designated
                         counsel,  to  control  the  defense  of  any  Cattlemen
                         Litigation,  including  any  settlement  or  compromise
                         thereof;  provided, that ConAgra shall obtain the prior
                         written approval of Holdco, which approval shall not be
                         unreasonably  withheld,  before entering into or making
                         any   settlement   or   compromise   of  any  Cattlemen
                         Litigation  or  any  judicial   admission  or  judicial
                         acknowledgement  of the validity of any claim  asserted
                         in any Cattlemen Litigation.

                    (b)  The  Holdco  Indemnified  Parties  shall  be  entitled,
                         through  counsel that shall appear jointly with counsel
                         designated by ConAgra  pursuant to clause (a) above, to
                         participate in the defense of any Cattlemen Litigation.
                         The parties hereto shall extend reasonable  cooperation
                         in  connection   with  the  defense  of  any  Cattlemen
                         Litigation  pursuant  to this  Section  12.4.3  and, in
                         connection  therewith,   shall  furnish  such  records,
                         information and testimony and attend such  conferences,
                         discovery proceedings,  hearings, trials and appeals as
                         may be reasonably requested.

                    (c)  Notwithstanding  any other  provision  to the  contrary
                         contained herein,  (i) ConAgra and Holdco shall each be
                         responsible  for its own  attorneys'  fees and expenses
                         incurred under this Section  12.4.3 in connection  with
                         any  Cattlemen  Litigation  and (ii) ConAgra and Holdco
                         shall  each bear  one-half  (1/2) of all  court  costs,
                         witness   and   expert   costs   and   other    similar
                         out-of-pocket  costs  incurred in  connection  with any
                         Cattlemen Litigation.

               12.5.Limitation on Environmental Indemnification. With respect to
                    any  claims  for  Holdco  Indemnified  Costs  under  Section
                    12.1.1(a),  Holdco  shall have  exclusive  control  over the
                    selection and performance of any remediation  method or goal
                    or  other  corrective  action  implemented  at or  otherwise
                    affecting  the  subject  property.  ConAgra  shall  have the
                    right,  but not the  obligation,  (i) to  participate in any
                    meetings   between  the  Holdco   Indemnified   Parties  and
                    Governmental  Authorities;  (ii) to  receive  copies  of any
                    remediation  or  corrective  action  proposals  before  such
                    proposals are  submitted to  Governmental  Authorities;  and
                    (iii)   to   provide   comments   to  such   proposals   for
                    consideration  by Holdco.  ConAgra  shall have  twenty  (20)
                    business  days  following  receipt  to provide  comments  to
                    Holdco  concerning  any  remediation  or  corrective  action
                    proposals,  unless  Holdco  believes  that fewer than twenty
                    (20)  business  days are  available  for  review  because of
                    pending or threatened  enforcement  action,  claims by third
                    parties, or applicable  governmental or other deadlines,  in
                    which case Holdco will notify  ConAgra and the parties  will
                    make reasonable arrangements to achieve an expedited review.
                    Holdco shall  consider all comments by ConAgra before making
                    a final  determination  concerning proposed work, but Holdco
                    shall  have  no  obligation  to  adopt  any  suggestions  by
                    ConAgra.  Notwithstanding  the  exclusive  control by Holdco
                    over the selection and performance of any remediation method
                    or goal or other corrective action pursuant to this section,
                    ConAgra shall have no obligation under Section  12.1.1(a) to
                    indemnify  the Holdco  Indemnified  Parties  for any cost in
                    excess of the lowest available cost reasonably  necessary to
                    achieve the minimum legal requirements to resolve or correct
                    the indemnity claim while  maintaining but not  unreasonably
                    interfering with the historical use of the subject property.
                    Holdco  shall  provide to ConAgra  reasonable  access to all
                    information,   documentation,   employees,  consultants  and
                    properties relating to any claim under Section 12.1.1(a)

               12.6.Direct  Claims.  In any case in which an  Indemnified  Party
                    seeks  indemnification  hereunder  which is not  subject  to
                    Section 12.4 because no third-party action is involved,  the
                    Indemnified  Party shall  promptly  notify the  Indemnifying
                    Party  in  writing  of  any  Indemnified  Costs  which  such
                    Indemnified  Party  claims are  subject  to  indemnification
                    under the terms hereof. The failure of the Indemnified Party
                    to exercise promptness in such notification shall not amount
                    to a waiver of such claim  unless,  and to the  extent,  the
                    resulting delay  prejudices the position of the Indemnifying
                    Party with respect to such claim.

               12.7.Limitation on Indemnification.

               12.7.1.  Except as  otherwise  provided  in this  Agreement,  the
                    covenants,  representations and warranties contained in this
                    Agreement and in all  certificates  and documents  delivered
                    pursuant to or  contemplated by this Agreement shall survive
                    the  Closing   and  shall   continue   for  the   applicable
                    limitations  period  notwithstanding  such  Closing  or  any
                    investigation  made by or on behalf of the party entitled to
                    the  benefit   thereof  or  any  knowledge  of  such  party;
                    provided, however, that

                    (i)  The representations and warranties contained in Section
                         7.9 (Taxes) (other than Sections 7.9.1(vi), 7.9.1(viii)
                         and  7.9.1(ix)(b)),  Section  7.16  (Labor) and Section
                         7.18 (Environmental) shall not survive the Closing;

                    (ii) ConAgra  shall  not  be  responsible   for  any  Holdco
                         Indemnified   Costs   pursuant  to  Section   12.1.1(e)
                         suffered by a Holdco Indemnified Party arising out of a
                         breach of any  representations or warranties of ConAgra
                         contained  in  Section  7 unless a claim  therefore  is
                         asserted  in writing  within the  following  periods of
                         time: (A) the representations and warranties  contained
                         in Section 7.1  (Organization),  Section 7.2  (Articles
                         and By-Laws),  Section 7.3  (Corporate  Authorization),
                         subpart (i) of Section  7.4 (Effect of the  Agreement),
                         Section  7.6   (Capitalization),   Section   7.9.1(vi),
                         Section  7.9.1(viii) and Section  7.9.1(ix)(b)  (Taxes)
                         and  Section   7.17.1(iv)  (ERISA)  shall  survive  the
                         Closing  Date until the tenth day after the  expiration
                         of all applicable  statutes of limitation  with respect
                         to such  representations  and warranties  (after taking
                         into account all extensions and  suspensions  thereof);
                         (B) the  representations  and  warranties  contained in
                         Section  7.17 (other than Section  7.17.1(iv))  (ERISA)
                         shall  survive  the  Closing  Date for  five (5)  years
                         following   the  Closing   Date;   and  (C)  all  other
                         representations and warranties shall survive for twelve
                         (12) months following the Closing Date;

                    (iii)ConAgra  shall  not  be  responsible   for  any  Holdco
                         Indemnified Costs pursuant to Sections  12.1.1(a),  (b)
                         and (e) or Non-Income Taxes  indemnifiable  pursuant to
                         Section 13.5.1 suffered by a Holdco  Indemnified  Party
                         unless the  aggregate of all Holdco  Indemnified  Costs
                         and  such  Non-Income  Taxes  suffered  by  the  Holdco
                         Indemnified  Parties exceed,  on a cumulative basis, an
                         amount equal to Seven  Million  Five  Hundred  Thousand
                         United States Dollars ($7,500,000);

                    (iv) the aggregate Liability of ConAgra hereunder,  pursuant
                         to   Sections   12.1.1(a),   (b)  and  (e)  for  Holdco
                         Indemnified  Costs and Section 13.5.1 for indemnifiable
                         Non-Income Taxes suffered by a Holdco Indemnified Party
                         shall in no event  exceed  One  Hundred  Fifty  Million
                         United States Dollars ($150,000,000); and

                    (v)  ConAgra  shall  not  be  responsible   for  any  Holdco
                         Indemnified Costs pursuant to Sections 12.1.1(a),  (b),
                         (c),  (e),  (f) and (h) to the extent  that such Holdco
                         Indemnified Costs are reflected as a reserve or expense
                         accrual  in (i) the Final  Processing  Closing  Balance
                         Sheet (and are taken into  account in  calculating  the
                         Aggregate  Consideration)  if such  Holdco  Indemnified
                         Costs are asserted on behalf of any  Acquiring  Company
                         (other than Cattle Holdco) or any Processing Company or
                         (ii) the Final Cattleco  Closing Balance Sheet (and are
                         taken  into   account  in   determining   the  Cattleco
                         Stockholder Net Investment) if such Holdco  Indemnified
                         Costs  are  asserted  on  behalf  of  Cattle  Holdco or

               12.7.2. Offsets -  Representation  and Warranty  Indemnification.
                    The  amount  of  any  Holdco  Indemnified  Costs  for  which
                    indemnification is provided under Sections  12.1.1(a),  (b),
                    (e) and (f) shall be subject  to a net  offset  equal to the
                    sum of (i) the amount of cash proceeds  actually received by
                    any Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company from the sale or
                    other divestiture, or use, of any of the assets described on
                    Exhibit 12.7.2 (the "Garden City Assets"),  after  deducting
                    from the amount of such cash proceeds (A) all  out-of-pocket
                    costs,  expenses and Taxes incurred by any Acquiring Company
                    or Acquired Company as a direct result of the collection and
                    realization of such cash proceeds, and (B) the book value of
                    the Garden  City  Assets  set forth on the Final  Processing
                    Closing  Balance Sheet and after  increasing  such offset by
                    all reductions in Taxes  actually  realized by Holdco or any
                    Acquiring Company or Acquired Company from the sale or other
                    divestiture  of the Garden  City Assets  (collectively,  the
                    "Garden  City  Value"),  plus (ii) the  amount of any Garden
                    City  Insurance  Capital  Contribution  previously  made  to
                    Holdco or any Acquired Company or Acquiring Company.  In the
                    event Holdco,  any Acquiring Company or any Acquired Company
                    receives  Garden  City  Value or any Garden  City  Insurance
                    Capital  Contributions  subsequent to receipt of any payment
                    from  ConAgra  for  Holdco  Indemnified  Costs as  described
                    above, then Holdco shall pay to ConAgra the amount of Garden
                    City Value and Garden City Insurance  Capital  Contributions
                    received  to the extent of such prior  indemnity  payment(s)
                    paid by ConAgra.

          12.7.3. [Intentionally Omitted]

          12.7.4.  Survival.  ConAgra  shall not be  responsible  for any Holdco
               Indemnified  Costs  pursuant to Section  12.1.1(a)  or  12.1.1(b)
               unless a claim with respect thereto is asserted in writing within
               five (5) years following the Closing Date.

          12.7.5.  Offsets - Sections  12.1.1(c)  and (d)  Indemnification.  The
               amount of Holdco  Indemnified Costs for which  indemnification is
               provided under Section  12.1.1(c) or Section  12.1.1(d)  shall be
               subject to a net offset equal to (a) the amount of cash  proceeds
               received  under the  indemnification  provided under Section 12.2
               after deducting therefrom all out-of-pocket  costs,  expenses and
               Taxes  incurred  by any  Acquiring  Company or  Acquired  Company
               (other than Cattle Holdco and  Cattleco) in  connection  with the
               collection  and  realization  of such  cash  proceeds  and  after
               increasing  such offset for all reductions in Taxes realized from
               the collection and  realization of such cash proceeds and (b) the
               amount  (the  "Profit  Amount") by which (x) the  aggregate  cash
               proceeds  received by any Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company
               (other than Cattle Holdco and Cattleco)  from the  Divestiture of
               the  Feed   Lot   Business   (after   deducting   therefrom   all
               out-of-pocket costs, expenses and Taxes incurred by any Acquiring
               Company or Acquired Company in connection with the Divestiture of
               the  Feed  Lot  Business  and the  repayment  of all  obligations
               outstanding under the Cattleco Loan Agreement,  the Cattleco Note
               and all other indebtedness  incurred by the Feed Lot Business and
               also after  increasing  such offset for all  reductions  in Taxes
               realized from the  Divestiture of Feed Lot Business)  exceeds (y)
               Eighteen Million United States Dollars  ($18,000,000);  provided,
               however,  in the event that the HMC Call  Option (as such term is
               defined  in  the  Stockholders  Agreement)  has  been  previously
               exercised as contemplated in the Stockholders  Agreement then, to
               the extent that all or any portion of the Profit  Amount has been
               taken into account in calculating  the Option  Purchase Price (as
               such term is defined in the  Stockholders  Agreement)  payable in
               connection with such exercise,  such portion of the Profit Amount
               shall not be  available  for use as an offset  under  clause  (b)

          12.7.6.  Calculation of Indemnity  Payments.  The amount of any Holdco
               Indemnified  Costs  and  ConAgra   Indemnified  Costs  for  which
               indemnification is provided under this Article 12 shall be net of
               any amounts  recovered by the applicable  Indemnified  Party from
               any contribution or counterclaims or under any insurance policies
               (in each case, after deducting therefrom all out-of-pocket costs,
               expenses and Taxes incurred in connection with the collection and
               realization   of  such  amounts)  with  respect  to  such  Holdco
               Indemnified  Costs or ConAgra  Indemnified  Costs, as applicable,
               and shall be increased to take account of any net Income Tax cost
               actually  incurred by the  applicable  Indemnified  Party arising
               from the receipt of indemnity payments hereunder  attributable to
               fines and penalties incurred by Holdco or its Affiliates that are
               not  deductible  for Income Tax  purposes  (grossed up for Income
               Taxes imposed on such  increase).  In computing the amount of any
               such Tax cost, the applicable  Indemnified  Party shall be deemed
               to recognize all other items of income,  gain, loss, deduction or
               credit  before  recognizing  any item arising from the receipt of
               any indemnity  payment  hereunder or the incurrence or payment of
               any indemnified  amount. The applicable  Indemnified Party agrees
               to use  reasonable  best  efforts  to pursue  and  collect on any
               recovery available to it and to net any such recovery against any
               claim for  indemnification  hereunder  or, if an  indemnification
               claim has already been  resolved,  against the amount paid by the
               Indemnifying Party pursuant to such resolution. After it has been
               determined  that there has been a breach of a  representation  or
               warranty,  the  amount of Holdco  Indemnified  Costs  recoverable
               under Section 12.1.1(e) shall be determined without regard to any
               materiality  qualification contained therein or to whether or not
               any such  breach  results  or may  result in a  Company  Material
               Adverse Effect.

          12.7.7. Tax Treatment of  Indemnification.  For all Tax purposes,  the
               parties agree to treat (and shall cause each of their  respective
               Affiliates to treat) any indemnity  payment under this  Agreement
               (including, without limitation, any payments by any party hereto,
               or its designee, to another party hereto, or its designee,  under
               Article  13  hereof,  whether  or  not by  way  of  indemnity  or
               otherwise) as an adjustment to the purchase  price unless a final
               and  unappealable  determination  by an appropriate  Governmental
               Authority  (which  shall  include  the  execution  of an IRS Form
               870-AD or successor form) provides  otherwise;  provided that the
               Indemnifying  Party's  prior written  consent  (which will not be
               unreasonably  withheld,  conditioned or delayed) will be obtained
               by the Indemnified Party who seeks to accept, via a settlement or
               compromise with any such Governmental  Authority, a position that
               is contrary to treatment  of an indemnity  payment (or such other
               payment) as an adjustment to the purchase price.

          12.8.General   Liability   Casualty  Policy,   Product  Liability  and
               Automobile  Claim  Indemnification.  ConAgra  agrees  to  (i)  be
               responsible for and pay, or cause its applicable plans,  policies
               (or similar  arrangements)  or carriers to be responsible for and
               pay  (subject  to the  terms of the  applicable  plan,  policy or
               arrangement) and (ii) from and after the Closing Date,  indemnify
               and hold harmless each of the Holdco Indemnified Parties from and
               against all Holdco Indemnified Costs which any Holdco Indemnified
               Party may sustain,  or to which any Holdco  Indemnified Party may
               be subjected,  relating to or arising  directly or indirectly out
               of the  occurrence on or prior to the Closing Date (whether known
               or  unknown as of the  Closing  Date) of an event that would have
               been covered under ConAgra's general  liability  casualty policy,
               product   liability   or   automobile   self-insurance   program,
               including,  without limitation,  any item that would otherwise be
               subject to  ConAgra's  self-insurance  program and whether or not
               such Holdco Indemnified Costs are in excess of any self-insurance

          12.9.Deed of Cross Guarantee Indemnity.

          12.9.1. ConAgra Indemnity.  ConAgra agrees, from and after the Closing
               Date,   to  indemnify  and  hold  harmless  each  of  the  Holdco
               Indemnified Parties from and against all Holdco Indemnified Costs
               which any Holdco  Indemnified Party may sustain,  or to which any
               Holdco  Indemnified  Party may be  subjected,  as a result of any
               Debt (as  defined  in the Deed of Cross  Guarantee)  incurred  by
               ConAgra Trade Group Pty. Ltd.

          12.9.2. Holdco  Indemnity.  Holdco agrees,  from and after the Closing
               Date,  to  indemnify  and  hold  harmless  each  of  the  ConAgra
               Indemnified  Parties  from and against  all  ConAgra  Indemnified
               Costs  which any ConAgra  Indemnified  Party may  sustain,  or to
               which any ConAgra Indemnified Party may be subjected, as a result
               of any Debt (as defined in the Deed of Cross Guarantee)  incurred
               by Australia Operating Company and/or Burcher Pty. Limited.

          12.10. Remedies.  After the Closing the  provisions of this  Agreement
               shall be the exclusive basis for the assertion of claims against,
               or the  imposition  of Liability  on, any party by another  party
               hereto in respect of any breach of this Agreement.

          12.11. No  Contribution.  After the  Closing,  except as  provided  in
               Section 12.2, no Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company shall be
               liable for any Holdco  Indemnified  Costs sustained by any Holdco
               Indemnified Party; accordingly,  ConAgra shall not be entitled to
               seek contribution or any other payments from an Acquiring Company
               or Acquired Company for any Holdco Indemnified Costs that ConAgra
               is obligated to pay pursuant to this Agreement.

          12.12. Assignment. The rights and obligations of Holdco and the Holdco
               Indemnified Parties under this Article 12 shall not be assignable
               in  all  or in  part;  provided,  however,  that  to  the  extent
               requested  by a lender under the Senior Bank  Commitment  Letter,
               the parties  shall  execute and deliver such  documents as may be
               necessary to effect a collateral assignment of the rights arising
               under  this  Agreement  to the  lenders  under  the  Senior  Bank
               Commitment Letter.

          12.13. Mitigation.  ConAgra,  Holdco, the Acquiring  Companies and the
               Acquired  Companies will use commercially  reasonable  efforts to
               mitigate the Indemnified Costs.

          12.14. Limitation of Damages.  ConAgra,  Cattleco, and Holdco shall be
               responsible  only  for  direct  damages,  and in no  event  shall
               ConAgra, Cattleco, or Holdco be liable for punitive or exemplary,
               indirect, special consequential or similar damages.

          12.15. Other Indemnities. The indemnification obligations set forth in
               Article 6 and Article 13 are in  addition to the  indemnification
               obligations  set forth in this Article 12 and,  unless  expressly
               stated otherwise in Article 6, this Article 12 or Article 13, the
               indemnification  obligations  in Article 6 and Article 13 are not
               subject  to  the  overall  limitations,   minimum  amounts,  time
               limitations,  limitations on recourse and other  limitations  set
               forth in this Article 12.

          12.16. Exclusive  Indemnification.  The indemnification obligation set
               forth in Section  12.1.2 shall be the  exclusive  indemnification
               obligations  of  ConAgra  in  respect  of  Pre-Closing  Cattlemen
               Litigation  and the  provisions  of Section  12.1.1  shall not be
               applicable to Pre-Closing Cattlemen Litigation.

13.  Tax Matters.

          13.1.Transfer Taxes. Holdco shall be responsible for and shall pay all
               Non-Income  Taxes  imposed on or in  connection  with the sale or
               transfer of securities hereunder,  the sale or transfer of assets
               to the  Acquiring  Companies or Acquired  Companies and any other
               transactions  effected pursuant to this Agreement (other than the
               transactions  described in Section 2.1.5) and shall indemnify and
               hold   harmless  the  ConAgra   Indemnified   Parties  from  such
               Non-Income Taxes.  ConAgra shall be responsible for and shall pay
               all  Non-Income  Taxes  imposed  on or  in  connection  with  the
               transactions  described in Section 2.1.5 and shall  indemnify and
               hold harmless the Holdco Indemnified Parties from such Non-Income

          13.2.Tax  Sharing  Agreements.  Any tax  sharing  or other  allocation
               agreement with respect to Taxes to which any Acquiring Company or
               Acquired  Company is a party with ConAgra or any other  Affiliate
               thereof is hereby  terminated  as of the  Closing  Date and shall
               have no further  effect for any taxable  period.  This Article 13
               and  Section  7.9  above  shall   control  all  of  the  parties'
               respective   obligations   for  Taxes   affecting  the  Acquiring
               Companies and Acquired  Companies and supersede any and all prior
               agreements,  contracts or  understandings  between ConAgra or its
               Affiliates  and  any  Acquiring   Company  or  Acquired   Company
               regarding any Acquiring Company or Acquired Company's Taxes.

          13.3. Tax Returns.

          13.3.1. Tax Returns. After the Closing, Holdco shall cause each of the
               Acquired Companies to consent to join, for all Tax periods of the
               Acquired Companies ending on or before the Closing Date for which
               the Acquired Companies are eligible to do so, in any consolidated
               or  combined  federal,  state or local Tax  returns  of  ConAgra.
               ConAgra  shall cause to be prepared  and timely filed any and all
               consolidated or combined  federal,  state or local Tax returns as
               well as any separate federal, state, local or foreign Tax returns
               for the  Acquired  Companies  for all Tax  periods  ending  on or
               before the Closing Date and shall be  responsible  for the timely
               payment  of all Taxes  shown due  except  (i) if such Taxes are a
               liability of any Processing  Company,  to the extent accrued as a
               Liability  on the Final  Processing  Closing  Balance  Sheet (and
               taken into account in calculating the Aggregate Consideration) or
               (ii) if such Taxes are a  Liability  of  Cattleco,  to the extent
               accrued as a  Liability  on the Final  Cattleco  Closing  Balance
               Sheet  (and  taken  into  account  in  determining  the  Cattleco
               Stockholder  Net  Investment),  as the case may be.  Holdco shall
               prepare or cause to be prepared  and timely filed any and all Tax
               returns of (i) the  Acquiring  Companies  for all Tax Periods and
               (ii) the Acquired  Companies for Tax periods  beginning after the
               Closing Date. Holdco shall provide ConAgra  informational  drafts
               of the  Income  Tax  Returns  for the  Acquiring  Companies  that
               include the Closing Date or any portion of the Pre-Closing Period
               at least  thirty (30) days before any such  return's due date for
               filing with the appropriate  Governmental Authority.  The parties
               agree that for federal (and applicable state) Income Tax purposes
               the  transactions  described in Sections  2.2.3  through 2.2.8 of
               this  Agreement  will be treated as occurring at the beginning of
               the day following the Closing Date as provided in Treas. Reg. ss.
               1.1502-76(b)(2)(ii)(B)  and  analogous  state law.  Holdco agrees
               that it and its  Affiliates  shall  report,  and take all actions
               consistent with the Tax reporting of, the Acquiring  Companies as
               never having been members of ConAgra's Group for any Tax purposes
               (or any  unitary,  combined or  consolidated  group of  ConAgra),
               provided that ConAgra and its Subsidiaries shall be in compliance
               with their obligations under Section 9.1.1(n).  The parties agree
               to cooperate  with each other and each other's  Affiliates in the
               preparation of Tax returns pertaining to the Acquiring  Companies
               and the  Acquired  Companies.  The  parties  shall be entitled to
               utilize the  services of the other  party's  personnel  who would
               have been  responsible  for preparing such returns as they relate
               to the Acquiring  Companies and the Acquired  Companies,  without
               charge to the  extent  reasonably  necessary  in  preparing  said
               returns on a timely  basis.  The parties  shall also provide each
               other with full  access to  applicable  and  reasonably  relevant
               records  to enable  the  timely  preparation  and  filing of said
               returns. ConAgra shall pay on a timely basis all Taxes in respect
               to the  Pre-Closing  Period  shown  as due on the  returns  it is
               responsible  to prepare  under this Section  13.3.1 except (i) if
               such Taxes are a  Liability  of any  Processing  Company,  to the
               extent  accrued as a Liability  on the Final  Processing  Closing
               Balance  Sheet  (and  taken  into  account  in  calculating   the
               Aggregate Consideration) or (ii) if such Taxes are a Liability of
               Cattleco,  to the  extent  accrued  as a  Liability  on the Final
               Cattleco  Closing  Balance  Sheet  (and  taken  into  account  in
               determining the Cattleco Stockholder Net Investment), as the case
               may be.  Holdco  shall pay or cause to be paid on a timely  basis
               all  Taxes  shown  as due on the  returns  it is  responsible  to
               prepare  under  this  Section  13.3.1.  The  parties  shall  make
               available to each other without charge, copies of the portions of
               such returns relating to the Acquiring Companies and the Acquired
               Companies  for  Taxable  years  ending  before or  including  the
               Closing Date.  The parties'  obligations  to pay Taxes under this
               Section  13.3.1 shall not affect their rights to  indemnification
               for Taxes under other  provisions  of this  Article 13; it is the
               intention  of the  parties  hereto that in no event shall a party
               pay more than once under  different  provisions of this Agreement
               for the same Tax Liability.

          13.3.2.  Allocations.  ConAgra shall include the income and deductions
               of  the  Acquired   Companies   (including  any  deferred  income
               triggered  into income by Treas.  Reg. ss.  1.1502-13  and Treas.
               Reg. ss.  1.1502-19,  or equivalent  provisions of state or local
               law) on  ConAgra's  consolidated  or combined  federal,  state or
               local Income Tax returns for the Pre-Closing Period and shall pay
               any Income Taxes attributable  thereto. In any case where any Tax
               return covers a Tax period  beginning before and ending after the
               Closing Date, the amount of Taxes  allocable  between  ConAgra on
               one hand, and the Acquired  Companies on the other hand, shall be
               determined  by closing the books of the Acquired  Companies as of
               and including  the Closing Date. If the  allocation of an item of
               income,  gain,  loss,  deduction or credit cannot be specifically
               allocated based on such closing of the books,  such item shall be
               allocated on a daily basis.

          13.3.3.  Straddle  Period  Returns  of  the  Acquired  Companies.  For
               purposes of this Section 13.3.3, "Straddle Period Return" means a
               Tax return of the Acquiring  Companies or Acquired Companies that
               covers a Taxable year or period beginning before and ending after
               the  Closing  Date.  Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the
               due date of a Straddle  Period  Return,  Holdco shall prepare and
               deliver a copy of such  Straddle  Period Return return to ConAgra
               together  with  (i)  in the  case  of an  Income  Tax  return,  a
               statement  of the  amount  of  Income  Taxes  shown  due on  such
               Straddle  Period  Return that are  attributable  to Income  Taxes
               accrued on or before the Closing Date by the Acquiring  Companies
               (but, in the case of an Acquiring Company, only such Income Taxes
               that are the direct result of a breach by ConAgra or a Subsidiary
               thereof  of Section  9.1.1(n)  and then only to the extent of the
               increase  in Income  Taxes  caused by such breach over the Income
               Taxes that  would be  payable  absent  such  breach) or  Acquired
               Companies (a  "Pre-Closing  Straddle Period Income Tax") and (ii)
               in the  case of a  Non-Income  Tax  return,  a  statement  of the
               excess,  if any, of (x) the amount of Non-Income  Taxes shown due
               on such  Straddle  Period  Return  that are  attributable  to the
               Pre-Closing  Period (but,  in the case of an  Acquiring  Company,
               only such Non-Income Taxes that are the direct result of a breach
               by ConAgra or a Subsidiary  thereof of Section  9.1.1(n) and then
               only to the extent of the increase in Non-Income  Taxes caused by
               such  breach  over the Taxes that would be  payable  absent  such
               breach)  over  (y) the  amount  set up as a  Liability  for  such
               Non-Income  Taxes on the Final  Processing  Closing Balance Sheet
               (and   taken   into   account  in   calculating   the   Aggregate
               Consideration)  or the Final Cattleco  Closing Balance Sheet (and
               taken into account in determining  the Cattleco  Stockholder  Net
               Investment)  (the sum of (x) minus (y) (a  "Pre-Closing  Straddle
               Period  Non-Income  Tax"))  (or,  in the  event  that the  amount
               described  in (y) is  greater  than the amount  described  in (x)
               (such amount, an "Excess Non-Income Tax Accrual"), a statement of
               such Excess  Non-Income Tax Accrual amount).  Not later than five
               (5) days prior to the due date of such  Straddle  Period  Return,
               (i)  ConAgra  shall pay or cause to be paid to Holdco  the amount
               attributable to a Processing Company of any Pre-Closing  Straddle
               Period Income Tax and any Pre-Closing  Straddle Period Non-Income
               Tax, and (ii)  ConAgra  shall pay or cause to be paid to Cattleco
               the amount  attributable to Cattleco of any Pre-Closing  Straddle
               Period Income Tax and any Pre-Closing  Straddle Period Non-Income
               Tax. In the event of an Excess Non-Income Tax Accrual, (a) Holdco
               shall pay to ConAgra or its  designee  the amount of such  Excess
               Non-Income  Tax  Accrual  that is  attributable  to a  Processing
               Company and (b) Cattleco shall pay to ConAgra or its designee the
               amount of such Excess Non-Income Tax Accrual that is attributable
               to Cattleco.  Any payment  obligations  under this Section 13.3.3
               shall not be subject to the limitations of Section 12.7.1(iii) or
               Section 12.7.1(iv).

          13.4.Section 338(g)  Election.  Holdco shall not make nor allow any of
               its Affiliates to make an election under Code Section 338(g) with
               respect to the acquisition of Australia Operating Company without
               the prior written consent of ConAgra.

          13.5. Tax Indemnity.

          13.5.1. Tax  Indemnity.  Subject  to  Section  13.11 and except to the
               extent  of (x) a  Non-Income  Tax  attributable  to a  Processing
               Company  that is a  Non-Income  Tax accrued as a Liability on the
               Final Processing Closing Balance Sheet (and taken into account in
               calculating the Aggregate  Consideration) or (y) a Non-Income Tax
               attributable  to Cattleco  that is a Non-Income  Tax accrued as a
               Liability on the Final Cattleco  Closing Balance Sheet (and taken
               into  account  in  determining   the  Cattleco   Stockholder  Net
               Investment),  from and after the Closing  Date,  ConAgra shall be
               solely liable for, shall pay and shall protect, defend, indemnify
               and hold harmless the Holdco Indemnified Parties from any and all
               Taxes   (including,   without   limitation,   any  obligation  to
               contribute   to  the  payment  of  any  Taxes   determined  on  a
               consolidated,  combined or unitary  basis with respect to a group
               of  corporations  that  includes or included any of the Acquiring
               Companies or Acquired Companies), and any costs, expenses, losses
               or damages,  including  reasonable  expenses of investigation and
               reasonable   attorneys'  and  accountants'   fees  and  expenses,
               directly arising out of the protest, determination, assessment or
               collection  of such  Taxes  (collectively,  "Tax  Losses")  which
               result  from (i) any  Liability  for Taxes  imposed on any of the
               Acquiring  Companies  (but, in the case of an Acquiring  Company,
               only if ConAgra or its Subsidiaries breached Section 9.1.1(n) and
               then only to the extent of the  increase in Taxes  caused by such
               breach over the Taxes that would be payable absent such breach or
               an Income Tax Liability under clause (iii) in this Section below)
               or Acquired  Companies for any taxable period or portion  thereof
               ending on or prior to the Closing  Date,  including  any Acquired
               Company  ceasing to be a member of the  ConAgra  Group,  (ii) the
               Liability  of  ConAgra,  any member of the  ConAgra  Group or any
               Affiliate of ConAgra (other than an Acquiring Company or Acquired
               Company)  for any  Taxes  for any  taxable  period  or (iii)  the
               Liability of any of the Acquiring Companies or Acquired Companies
               pursuant to Treas. or any analogous state, local
               or foreign  law or  regulation  or by reason of its having been a
               member of any consolidated, combined or unitary group on or prior
               to the Closing Date.

          13.5.2. Certain  Definition.  "Adjustment" means any change in an item
               of income,  gain, loss, deduction or credit,  including,  but not
               limited  to,  changes  attributable  to any  amended  Income  Tax
               returns,   deficiencies   asserted   by  any  Taxing   authority,
               overpayments, claims for refund, audit, examination,  proceedings
               or litigation resulting from any of the foregoing events.

          13.5.3. Timing Adjustments:  Holdco's Income Tax Decrease. If there is
               an  Adjustment to any item reported on an Income Tax return filed
               with respect to ConAgra or any of its  Affiliates  (including any
               Acquiring Company or Acquired  Company) for a Pre-Closing  Period
               that  results in an  increase  in the Income Tax  liabilities  of
               ConAgra or any of its Affiliates (including any Acquiring Company
               or  Acquired  Company  to the  extent  ConAgra is liable for such
               Income Tax liabilities  under this Agreement) and such Adjustment
               results in a  corresponding  Adjustment  to items  reported on an
               Income  Tax  return  filed  by or with  respect  to  Holdco,  any
               Acquiring  Company,  any Acquired  Company or any Affiliate for a
               period (or a portion  of a period)  occurring  after the  Closing
               Date,  with the result that the Income Tax liabilities of Holdco,
               any Acquiring  Company,  any Acquired Company,  or such Affiliate
               with  respect to any such period are  reduced,  then Holdco shall
               pay to ConAgra an amount  equal to such  increase in Income Taxes
               of ConAgra or its  Affiliates,  such payment being limited to the
               decrease  in  the  Income  Tax  liabilities  of  Holdco  and  its

          13.5.4. Timing Adjustments:  Holdco's Income Tax Increase. If there is
               an  Adjustment to any item reported on an Income Tax return filed
               with respect to ConAgra or any of its  Affiliates  (including any
               Acquiring  Company or any  Acquired  Company)  for a  Pre-Closing
               Period that  results in a decrease in the Income Tax  liabilities
               of  ConAgra or any of its  Affiliates  (including  any  Acquiring
               Company or any Acquired  Company to the extent  ConAgra is liable
               for such Income Tax  liabilities  under this  Agreement) and such
               Adjustment  results  in  a  corresponding   Adjustment  to  items
               reported  on an Income  Tax  Return  filed by or with  respect to
               Holdco,  any  Acquiring  Company or any  Acquired  Company or any
               Affiliate for a period (or portion of a period)  occurring  after
               the Closing Date, with the result that the Income Tax liabilities
               of Holdco, any Acquiring Company or Acquired Company, or any such
               Affiliate with respect to such period are increased, then ConAgra
               shall pay to Holdco an amount  equal to such  increase  in Income
               Taxes of Holdco or Holdco's Affiliate, such payment being limited
               to the decrease in the Income Tax  liabilities of ConAgra and its

          13.5.5.  Payments.  Any  payment by a party  under  Section  13.5.3 or
               Section  13.5.4  shall be due within  thirty  (30) days after the
               realization  of the  applicable  Income  Tax  decrease.  Any such
               payment shall bear interest computed at the underpayment rate and
               in the manner  provided by Section  6621(a)(2)  of the Code for a
               period   commencing   on  the  thirtieth  day  after  the  actual
               realization of the applicable Income Tax decrease, and shall bear
               such interest until paid by the reimbursing party.

          13.6.Refunds.  Any  Taxes of the  Acquiring  Companies,  the  Acquired
               Companies  or their  Subsidiaries  that are paid in  respect of a
               Pre-Closing  Period and that are refunded to Holdco or any of its
               Affiliates  shall be paid to ConAgra or its  designee,  except as
               otherwise  provided in this  Section  13.6.  The term  "refunds,"
               "refunded" or derivatives of such terms  generally shall include,
               but are not limited to, refunds of Taxes,  overpayments of Taxes,
               and  reductions  in Taxes or estimated  Taxes  (whether by way of
               credit,  reduction,  offset or otherwise).  Holdco shall or shall
               cause its  Affiliates  to pay to ConAgra or its designee any such
               refunds within ten (10) days of the receipt thereof and shall pay
               to ConAgra,  or its designee,  the amount of any refunds utilized
               (i) as a  deposit  for  or  payment  of  estimated  Taxes  of any
               Acquiring Company, Acquired Company or their Subsidiaries or (ii)
               to  reduce  the  liability  for Taxes of any  Acquiring  Company,
               Acquired Company or their Subsidiaries, whether by way of credit,
               reduction, offset or otherwise for any taxable period (other than
               a  Pre-Closing  Period  with  respect  to  uncollected  Taxes not
               accrued as a liability on the Final  Processing  Closing  Balance
               Sheet  in the  case of  refunds  attributable  to any  Processing
               Company or on the Final  Cattleco  Closing  Balance  Sheet in the
               case of refunds attributable to Cattleco) within ten (10) days of
               the  utilization  thereof,  except  (a) in the case of refunds of
               Taxes  attributable  to any  Processing  Company,  to the  extent
               accrued as an asset on the Final Processing Closing Balance Sheet
               (and   taken   into   account  in   calculating   the   Aggregate
               Consideration),  (b) in the case of refunds of Taxes attributable
               to  Cattleco,  to the  extent  accrued  as an asset on the  Final
               Cattleco  Closing  Balance  Sheet  (and  taken  into  account  in
               determining  the Cattleco  Stockholder  Net Investment) or (c) in
               the case of refunds of  Non-Income  Tax not covered by clause (a)
               or (b), any such refund  payable to ConAgra or its designee  will
               be limited to the  cumulative  amount of  indemnity  payments  of
               Non-Income  Taxes made by ConAgra or its designee  hereunder.  If
               any portion of any Non-Income Tax refund is retained by Holdco or
               any  Subsidiary  thereof  pursuant to clause (c) of the preceding
               sentence,  such  portion  shall  increase  the  basket  amount of
               Section  12.7.1(iii) on a cumulative basis.  Notwithstanding  the
               foregoing,  (x) any  refunds of Taxes  utilized  or  received  by
               Cattle Holdco or Cattleco  attributable to the Pre-Closing Period
               shall be paid by such recipient to ConAgra or its designee within
               ten (10) days of the utilization or receipt thereof and shall not
               increase the basket  amount of Section  12.7.1(iii),  and (y) any
               payment by Holdco or its  Subsidiaries to ConAgra or its designee
               pursuant  to this  Section  13.6  shall be  reduced  to take into
               account any net Income Tax cost to Holdco or its  Subsidiaries on
               the receipt of such refund. Any such refund payable to ConAgra or
               its designee shall bear interest at the underpayment  rate and in
               the manner provided by Section  6621(a)(2) of the Code commencing
               on the tenth day after the  utilization  or  receipt  of any such
               refund by Holdco or any of its  Affiliates  until paid in full to
               ConAgra or its designee.

          13.7.Cooperation.  After the Closing  Date,  ConAgra and Holdco  shall
               make available to the other, free of charge,  cost or expense and
               as reasonably  requested,  all information,  records or documents
               reasonably  relevant to the  determination  of Tax Liabilities or
               potential Tax  Liabilities  of any Acquiring  Company or Acquired
               Company  or  predecessor  thereof  for all  periods  prior  to or
               including the Closing Date (or any matter,  transaction  or event
               occurring  on or before the  Closing  Date that may affect such a
               Tax  Liability)  and each such  Person  shall  preserve  all such
               available information, records and documents until the expiration
               of any applicable  statute of limitations or extensions  thereof.
               Each such Person shall provide,  free of charge, cost or expense,
               the other(s) and the pertinent  Governmental  Authority  with all
               available  information and documentation  reasonably necessary to
               comply with all Tax audit information  requests or inquiries made
               of any such periods relevant to such Tax Liabilities or potential
               Tax Liabilities (or any matter, transaction or event occurring on
               or before the Closing Date that  reasonably may affect such a Tax
               Liability).  Any  information  obtained  pursuant to this Section
               13.7 shall be held in strict  confidence and shall be used solely
               in  connection  with the  reason for which it was  requested.  In
               addition, Holdco shall make available to ConAgra, free of charge,
               cost or expense, all returns, refund claims, information, records
               or documents  reasonably relevant to the determination of refunds
               governed by Section 13.6 hereof (or any matter,  transaction,  or
               event that may affect any such  refund).  Holdco  shall and shall
               cause its  Affiliates  to preserve  all such  available  returns,
               refund  claims,  information,  records  or  documents  until  the
               expiration of any applicable statute of limitations or extensions
               thereof.  Holdco shall promptly  notify ConAgra in writing of the
               receipt or utilization of any such refund by Holdco or any of its
               Affiliates.  Such notice  shall  include a statement  including a
               reasonable  description and estimate of the  anticipated  refund,
               the type of Tax that is the subject of such refund, the period(s)
               that such refund relates to, and such other information as may be
               reasonably relevant to inform ConAgra of the circumstances of any
               such refund.

          13.8. Tax Audits.

          13.8.1. Notice.  Holdco shall promptly  notify ConAgra in writing upon
               receipt by Holdco or any  Affiliate of Holdco,  and ConAgra shall
               promptly  notify Holdco in writing upon receipt by ConAgra or any
               Affiliate  of  ConAgra,  of notice of any  pending or  threatened
               federal,  state,  local or foreign  Tax audits,  examinations  or
               assessments of any Acquiring  Company or Acquired  Company (other
               than consolidated or combined Income Tax audits,  examinations or
               assessments),   so  long  as  Taxable  years  which  include  the
               Pre-Closing Period remain open.

          13.8.2. Certain Income Taxes. ConAgra shall have the sole right (a) to
               represent  the  Acquiring  Companies  and Acquired  Companies and
               their  predecessors in any Income Tax audit or  administrative or
               court  proceeding  relating  to Income  Taxes of  ConAgra  or any
               Acquiring  Company  or  Acquired  Company   attributable  to  the
               Pre-Closing  Period that are reported on Income Tax returns filed
               by  ConAgra,  (b) to  negotiate,  compromise  and settle any such
               audit or  proceeding  and (c) to employ  counsel of its choice at
               its  expense.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  with  respect to
               Income  Taxes,  ConAgra  shall not be entitled to settle,  either
               administratively  or after the  commencement  of litigation,  any
               claim for such Income  Taxes which would  adversely  and directly
               affect the Liability for Income Taxes of any Acquiring Company or
               any Acquired Company for any period after the Closing Date to any
               extent  (including,  but not limited to, the imposition of Income
               Tax deficiencies,  or the adjustment of any Tax attribute such as
               the reduction of asset bases or cost adjustments, the lengthening
               of any  amortization  or  depreciation  periods,  the  denial  of
               amortization or depreciation deductions, or the reduction of loss
               or credit  carryforwards)  without the prior  written  consent of
               Holdco,  which  consent  shall  not  be  unreasonably   withheld,
               conditioned or delayed, provided that where consent to settlement
               of an  Income  Tax  claim is so  withheld  by  Holdco,  ConAgra's
               indemnification   Liability   hereunder   shall  not  exceed  the
               Liability  that  would  have  resulted  from  ConAgra's  proposed
               settlement of such Income Taxes.

          13.8.3. Non-Income  Taxes.  Provided that the basket amount of Section
               12.7.1(iii)  has not been exhausted by Holdco  Indemnified  Costs
               and Non-Income Taxes (on a cumulative  basis),  Holdco shall have
               the sole right (a) to represent Holdco,  the Acquiring  Companies
               and  the  Acquired  Companies  in any  Non-Income  Tax  audit  or
               administrative  or court  proceeding for Non-Income  Taxes of any
               Acquiring  Company  or  Acquired  Company   attributable  to  the
               Pre-Closing  Period, (b) to negotiate,  compromise and settle any
               such audit or proceeding  and (c) to employ counsel of its choice
               at its expense.  Otherwise, at ConAgra's election,  ConAgra shall
               have the sole right to (x) so  represent  such  companies  in any
               such Non-Income Tax matter, (y) negotiate,  compromise and settle
               any such  audit or  proceeding,  and (z)  employ  counsel  of its
               choice at its expense. Notwithstanding the foregoing:

               (i)  With   respect   to  audits  or   administrative   or  court
                    proceedings  controlled  by  Holdco,  Holdco  shall  not  be
                    entitled  to settle,  either  administratively  or after the
                    commencement  of litigation,  any claim for such  Non-Income
                    Taxes  which  would   adversely  and  directly   affect  the
                    Liability for Non-Income  Taxes of ConAgra or its Affiliates
                    to any extent (including, but not limited to, the imposition
                    of Non-Income Tax  deficiencies or the payment by ConAgra of
                    any  portion  of  the   Non-Income   Taxes  proposed  to  be
                    compromised or settled) without the prior written consent of
                    ConAgra,  which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld,
                    conditioned or delayed.

               (ii) With   respect   to  audits  or   administrative   or  court
                    proceedings  controlled  by  ConAgra,  ConAgra  shall not be
                    entitled  to settle,  either  administratively  or after the
                    commencement  of litigation,  any claim for such  Non-Income
                    Taxes  which  would   adversely  and  directly   affect  the
                    liability for  Non-Income  Taxes of Holdco or its Affiliates
                    to any extent (including, but not limited to, the imposition
                    of Non-Income Tax  deficiencies  or the payment by Holdco of
                    any  portion  of  the   Non-Income   Taxes  proposed  to  be
                    compromised or settled) without the prior written consent of
                    Holdco,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,
                    conditioned or delayed.

          13.9.Holdco Indemnities.  Holdco shall pay and shall protect,  defend,
               indemnify and hold ConAgra and ConAgra's Affiliates harmless from
               and against any Liability  resulting  directly from any breach or
               nonfulfillment of any agreement or covenant under this Article 13
               that is a direct  result of actions  taken after the Closing Date
               by any Acquiring Company or Acquired Company.

          13.10. Survival.  The obligations of the parties under this Article 13
               shall survive the Closing until the tenth day after expiration of
               the   applicable  or  underlying   tax  statute  of   limitations
               (including any extensions).

          13.11.  Miscellaneous.  The provisions of this Article 13 shall be the
               Holdco Indemnified  Parties' sole and exclusive remedy in respect
               of Tax  claims  except  as  specifically  otherwise  provided  in
               Article 12, and the provisions of Article 13 shall not be subject
               to the provisions or limitations  set forth in Section 12.7 other
               than Section  12.7.1(iii),  Section  12.7.1(iv),  Section 12.7.7,
               Section 12.10,  Section 12.12 and Section 12.14.  Notwithstanding
               the foregoing,  the limitations set forth in Section  12.7.1(iii)
               and Section  12.7.1(iv)  shall not apply to (a) a Non-Income  Tax
               imposed on or in connection  with the  transactions  described in
               Section 2.1.5 for which ConAgra is liable under Section 13.1, and
               (b) a Pre-Closing  Straddle  Period  Non-Income Tax payable under
               Section 13.3.3, and (c) Income Taxes. Any payments of Taxes under
               this  Article  13, or any  payments of Holdco  Indemnified  Costs
               under  Article  12,  whether  or  not  by  way  of  indemnity  or
               otherwise,  each in respect of Australia Operating Company or its
               Subsidiaries,  made by ConAgra or its designee,  shall be made to
               Australia  Acquisition  Co.,  and any refunds of Taxes under this
               Article 13, or any  payments of ConAgra  Indemnified  Costs under
               Article 12, whether or not by way of indemnity or otherwise, each
               in respect of Australia  Operating  Company or its  Subsidiaries,
               that are  payable to ConAgra  or its  designee,  shall be made by
               Australia Acquisition Co.

14.  Additional Agreements.

          14.1.1. Dumas Plant. The parties  acknowledge that the City of Cactus,
               Texas is in the process of evaluating  possible  alternatives  to
               improve  its  wastewater   disposal   facilities  to  bring  such
               facilities into compliance  with applicable  Environmental  Laws.
               The parties hereby agree that with respect to any such wastewater
               disposal facility improvements to be implemented by Cactus, Texas
               necessary  to  cause  such  facility  to be able to  treat  on an
               ongoing  basis,  at those  levels  in  effect at the time of this
               Agreement,  the  influent  waste  water  from the Dumas  Plant in
               compliance  with  applicable  Environmental  Laws as described on
               Exhibit 14.1 (the "Cactus Project"):

               (a)  Holdco shall make,  and shall cause the Acquiring  Companies
                    and  Acquired   Companies  to  make,  all   representations,
                    agreements and commitments with respect to (x) the continued
                    ownership and operation of the plant located in Dumas, Texas
                    as  such is  described  on  Exhibit  14.1.1(a)  (the  "Dumas
                    Plant"),  (y)  payment  of fees  for  use of the  wastewater
                    facility and (z) continued use of the  wastewater  facility,
                    consistent with past practices and quantities,  as necessary
                    to facilitate the financing of the Cactus Project.

               (b)  As may be necessary in order to ensure  adequate  wastewater
                    disposal  from the Dumas Plant in order to  continue  normal
                    operations  of the Dumas Plant at those  levels in effect at
                    the  time of  this  Agreement,  ConAgra  shall  provide  all
                    guarantees,  indemnities,  bonding arrangements,  letters of
                    credit and other  similar  financial  support  necessary  to
                    complete the financing of the Cactus Project.

               (c)  ConAgra shall pay, or shall reimburse the Holdco Indemnified
                    Parties  for,  all  capital  expenditures  in  excess of Ten
                    Million United States Dollars ($10,000,000) in the aggregate
                    paid, or required to be paid, by Holdco Indemnified  Parties
                    in order (x) for Holdco  Indemnified  Parties or the City of
                    Cactus,   Texas  to  comply  with  any  requirement  of  any
                    Governmental  Authority  imposed or required  in  connection
                    with the Cactus  Project or (y) to facilitate the wastewater
                    disposal  facility  of the  City of  Cactus,  Texas to be in
                    compliance with applicable  Environmental Laws, in each case
                    of clause (x) and (y) as may be required for the Dumas Plant
                    to continue its normal  operations at those levels in effect
                    at  the  time  of  the   Agreement,   whether  such  capital
                    expenditures  are  incurred  on-site or off-site the current
                    premises of the Dumas Plant.  The  obligations  set forth in
                    this Section 14.1 shall not be subject to the  provisions of
                    Section 12.7.1(iii) or Section 12.7.1(iv).

               (d)  Subject to Subsection (f) hereof,  ConAgra and Holdco shall,
                    and Holdco shall cause the Acquiring  Companies and Acquired
                    Companies to, use all  reasonable  efforts (i) to induce the
                    appropriate  Governmental  Authorities not to require any of
                    the foregoing  support or capital  expenditures  by ConAgra;
                    (ii) if any of the foregoing support or capital expenditures
                    are   required,   to   minimize   the   support  or  capital
                    expenditures required; and (iii) to minimize the cost of the
                    Cactus Project  consistent  with allowing the Dumas Plant to
                    operate  at  those  levels  in  effect  at the  time of this

               (e)  Holdco shall,  and shall cause the  Acquiring  Companies and
                    Acquired Companies to, (x) keep ConAgra apprised,  and shall
                    provide  a  copy  where   available,   of  all  discussions,
                    correspondence,  agreements and other communications between
                    Holdco or its  Affiliates  and the City of Cactus,  Texas or
                    any other  Governmental  Authorities  relating to the Cactus
                    Project or wastewater  disposal at the Dumas Plant,  and (y)
                    allow ConAgra the  opportunity  to  participate  in any such
                    discussions.   In  no  event  shall  Holdco,  the  Acquiring
                    Companies or the Acquired Companies enter into, or otherwise
                    make, any agreement or commitment  that will require ConAgra
                    to provide  support  pursuant to Section  14.1.1(b)  without
                    ConAgra's   prior  consent,   which  consent  shall  not  be
                    unreasonably withheld.

               (f)  Except as provided in Subsection  (a) above,  neither Holdco
                    nor any  Acquiring  Company  or  Acquired  Company  shall be
                    obligated to provide any  guarantees,  indemnities,  bonding
                    arrangements,  letters of credit or other similar  financial
                    support to facilitate the financing of the Cactus Project.

          14.2. Right of First Offer.

          14.2.1. Right of First Offer.  For a period of one year  following the
               Closing  Date,  prior to any  Transfer or  attempted  Transfer by
               ConAgra or any Affiliate thereof  ("Montgomery  Owner") of all or
               any part of the Montgomery  Owner's right,  title and interest in
               the  facility  or  operations  located  in  Montgomery,   Alabama
               described  on  Exhibit  14.2.1  (collectively,   the  "Montgomery
               Facilities"),   Montgomery  Owner  shall  (i)  give  notice  (the
               "Transfer  Notice")  to  Holdco  of its  intention  to  effect  a
               Transfer,  and provide Holdco with a proposed cash purchase price
               (the "Proposed  Purchase Price") for which it desires to Transfer
               the Montgomery Facilities.  After receipt of the Transfer Notice,
               Holdco (or, if applicable, any Subsidiary thereof) shall have the
               option for thirty (30) days to elect to purchase  the  Montgomery
               Facilities  for  the  Proposed  Purchase  Price  (subject  to the
               negotiation,   execution  and  delivery  of  mutually  acceptable
               definitive  agreements)  by  delivering  a  written  notice  (the
               "Election  Notice") of such election to  Montgomery  Owner within
               such 30-day period.  Montgomery  Owner shall not consummate  such
               Transfer  until the  earlier  to occur of the lapse of the 30-day
               period  or the date on  which  Holdco  (or,  if  applicable,  any
               Subsidiary  thereof) notifies Montgomery Owner in writing that it
               will not  exercise  its rights  under this  Section  14.2.1  (the
               "Authorization   Date").  If  Holdco  (or,  if  applicable,   any
               Subsidiary  thereof)  does not elect to purchase  the  Montgomery
               Facilities or fails to make a timely  election,  Montgomery Owner
               may Transfer  the  Montgomery  Facilities  to a third Person at a
               cash price no lower than the Proposed Purchase Price,  during the
               one hundred  eighty (180) day period  immediately  following  the
               Authorization  Date.  If the  Montgomery  Facilities  are  not so
               transferred  within  such  180-day  period,  then the  Montgomery
               Facilities  must be  reoffered to Holdco in  accordance  with the
               provisions  of this  Section  14.2.1 if  Montgomery  Owner  still
               desires to Transfer the Montgomery Facilities.

          14.2.2. Closing. If Holdco (or, if applicable, any Subsidiary thereof)
               exercises  the right to purchase  the  Montgomery  Facilities  by
               timely delivery of the Election  Notice,  unless otherwise agreed
               by Montgomery Owner and Holdco (or, if applicable, its assignee),
               the  closing  will take place at the  offices of  Holdco's  legal
               counsel  on  the  later  of the  sixtieth  (60th)  business  day,
               assuming execution and delivery of mutually acceptable definitive
               agreements,  after  the  date  of the  Election  Notice,  or,  if
               applicable,  the fifth (5th) business day after the date that all
               approvals  and  consents of  Governmental  Authorities  have been
               obtained. At the closing, Holdco shall cause the purchaser to pay
               to Montgomery  Owner the Proposed  Purchase Price, and Montgomery
               Owner will transfer and deliver the Montgomery  Facilities,  free
               and  clear of all  Liens  (other  than as  permitted  under  such
               definitive  agreement).  Montgomery  Owner shall and Holdco shall
               cause the purchaser to promptly perform,  whether before or after
               any  such  closing,  such  additional  acts  (including,  without
               limitation,  the making of all  filings  necessary  to obtain all
               required consents and approvals of Governmental Authorities,  and
               executing and delivering  additional documents) as are reasonably
               required  by  either  such  party  to  effect  the   transactions
               contemplated by this Section 14.2.2.

          14.2.3.  Assignment.  The rights of Holdco under this Section 14.2 may
               be assigned or  transferred in whole or in part to any Subsidiary
               of Holdco  without any consent or action on the part of any other
               party hereto.

          14.2.4.  Certain  Definition.  For  purposes  of  this  Section  14.2,
               "Transfer"  shall mean any  direct or  indirect  sale,  transfer,
               assignment,   gift,   conveyance  or  other  disposition  of  the
               Montgomery  Facilities or any interest therein  (including by way
               of  liquidation,  merger,  consolidation  or sale or  exchange of
               assets  or  securities)  to any  Person  who is not a  direct  or
               indirect wholly-owned Subsidiary of ConAgra.

          14.2.5. Further Assurances.  After the Closing,  each party shall take
               such further actions and execute such further documents as may be
               necessary or reasonably  requested by the other party in order to
               effectuate the intent of this Agreement and to provide such other
               party with the intended benefits of this Agreement.

15.  Miscellaneous.  The following miscellaneous  provisions shall apply to this

          15.1.Notices.  All  notices  or  other   communications   required  or
               permitted to be given,  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement,
               shall be in  writing  and shall be deemed to be duly  given  when
               received if delivered in person or by facsimile  and confirmed by
               mail, or mailed by registered or certified  mail (return  receipt
               requested) or overnight  courier,  express mail, postage prepaid,
               as follows:

                  If to ConAgra:          ConAgra Foods, Inc.
                                          One ConAgra  Drive
                                          Omaha, Nebraska 68102
                                          Attention:  Corporate Controller
                                          Facsimile:  (402) 595-4611

                  With a copy to:         McGrath, North, Mullin and Kratz, P.C.
                                          Suite 1400, 222 South 15th Street
                                          Omaha, NE  68102
                                          Attention:  Roger Wells
                                          Facsimile:  (402) 341-0216

                  If to Acquisition LP:   Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated
                                          200 Crescent Court, Suite 1600
                                          Dallas, Texas  75201
                                          Attention:  Edward Herring
                                          Facsimile:  (214) 720-7888

                  With a copy to:         Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
                                          2001 Ross Avenue
                                          3700 Trammell Crow Center
                                          Dallas, Texas  75201-2975
                                          Attention:  Michael D. Wortley
                                          Facsimile:  (214) 999-7732


                                          Winston & Strawn
                                          35 W. Wacker Drive
                                          Chicago, Illinois  60601
                                          Attention:  Bruce A. Toth
                                          Facsimile:  (312) 558-5700

or at such other address as the party to whom notice is to be given furnishes in
writing to the other party in the manner set forth above.

          15.2.Amendments  and Waivers.  This  Agreement  may not be modified or
               amended,  except by instrument or instruments in writing,  signed
               by the party against whom enforcement of any such modification or
               amendment  is  sought.  Either  ConAgra,  on  the  one  hand,  or
               Acquisition  LP, on the other  hand,  may,  by an  instrument  in
               writing,  waive  compliance  by the other  party with any term or
               provision of this Agreement on the part of such other party to be
               performed  or complied  with.  No action  taken  pursuant to this
               Agreement,  including  any  investigation  by or on behalf of any
               party, shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by the party taking
               such action of compliance  with any  representation,  warranty or
               agreement  contained herein.  The waiver by any party hereto of a
               breach of any term or  provision of this  Agreement  shall not be
               construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach.

          15.3.Expenses.  ConAgra and Acquisition LP have listed on Exhibit 15.3
               the fees payable to each of them, or their respective  Affiliates
               or partners,  other than expense  reimbursements,  in  connection
               with the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this
               Agreement.  ConAgra and  Acquisition  LP have received the Senior
               Bank Commitment  Letter and the Bridge  Commitment Letter setting
               forth the fees payable thereunder.  At the Closing,  Holdco shall
               pay or reimburse all of the costs and expenses of the parties and
               their respective partners, Affiliates,  representatives,  counsel
               and  other  advisors  in  connection  with  the  preparation  and
               execution  of  this  Agreement  and  the   consummation   of  the
               transactions contemplated herein, including,  without limitation,
               those  listed on  Exhibit  15.3 and those set forth in the Senior
               Bank  Commitment  Letter  and  the  Bridge   Commitment   Letter.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary,  ConAgra shall not
               be entitled to receive payment or  reimbursement  for, and Holdco
               shall not be required to pay or  reimburse  ConAgra for, any fees
               or related  costs and  expenses  payable to  Gleacher & Co.,  and
               ConAgra  shall pay all such amounts when due and payable.  Except
               as otherwise  provided herein, in the event that the transactions
               contemplated by this Agreement shall not be consummated,  ConAgra
               and  Acquisition LP shall each pay their own expenses,  and those
               of  their   respective   Affiliates,   in  connection   with  the
               preparation and execution of this Agreement and the  consummation
               of  the  transactions   contemplated   herein  and  any  expenses
               specifically payable by them pursuant to this Agreement.

          15.4.Affiliate Liability.  Each of the following is herein referred to
               as an  "Acquisition  LP  Affiliate":  (a) any direct or  indirect
               holder of any equity  interests or securities in  Acquisition  LP
               (whether limited or general  partners,  members,  stockholders or
               otherwise)  or (b) any  director,  officer,  limited  or  general
               partner, employee, representative or agent of (i) Acquisition LP,
               (ii) any Affiliate of  Acquisition LP or (iii) any such holder of
               equity  interests or securities  referred to in clause (a) above.
               Except to the  extent  that an  Acquisition  LP  Affiliate  is an
               express  signatory  party hereto or thereto,  no  Acquisition  LP
               Affiliate  shall have any  Liability or  obligation of any nature
               whatsoever in connection with or under this Agreement, any of the
               other  Transaction  Documents  or the  transactions  contemplated
               hereby or thereby,  and ConAgra  hereby  waives and  releases all
               claims of any such Liability and obligation.

          15.5.Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement (which term shall be deemed to
               include  the  Exhibits  and   Schedules   hereto  and  the  other
               certificates,  documents and instruments delivered hereunder) and
               the  Confidentiality  Agreement  constitute the entire  agreement
               among the  parties  hereto  with  respect to the  subject  matter
               hereof and supersede  all prior  agreements  and  understandings,
               oral and  written,  among the parties  hereto with respect to the
               subject matter hereof.

          15.6.Terms of Sale.  The parties agree and  acknowledge,  on behalf of
               themselves  and  their  Affiliates,   that  EXCEPT  AS  OTHERWISE

          15.7.Applicable  Law. This Agreement and the legal relations among the
               parties  hereto shall be governed by and  construed in accordance
               with the laws of the State of Delaware  applicable  to  contracts
               made and performed in Delaware.

          15.8.Binding  Effect;  Benefits.  This  Agreement  shall  inure to the
               benefit  of and be  binding  upon the  parties  hereto  and their
               respective successors and assigns. Except as set forth in Section
               6.1,  Section  9.5 and  Article  12,  nothing in this  Agreement,
               express or implied,  is  intended  to confer on any Person  other
               than the  parties  hereto  or  their  respective  successors  and
               assigns, any rights,  remedies,  obligations or liabilities under
               or by reason of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding  anything to the
               contrary contained herein, from and after the Closing all rights,
               benefits and  obligations  in favor of Holdco shall also inure to
               the benefit of each of the other Acquiring Companies and Acquired
               Companies  and  thereafter  be  enforceable  by each of the other
               Acquiring  Companies  and  Acquired  Companies to the same extent
               such rights,  benefits and obligations are enforceable by Holdco;
               provided that in no event may Acquisition  LP, Holdco,  the other
               Acquiring   Companies  and/or  the  Acquired   Companies  recover
               duplicate Holdco Indemnified Costs or other recoveries hereunder.

          15.9.Assignability.  Neither  this  Agreement  nor any of the parties'
               rights  hereunder shall be assignable by any party hereto without
               the prior written  consent of the other party  hereto;  provided,
               however, that to the extent requested by a lender pursuant to the
               Senior Bank  Commitment  Letter,  the parties  shall  execute and
               deliver such documents as may be necessary to effect a collateral
               assignment  of the rights  arising  under this  Agreement  to the
               lenders under the Senior Bank Commitment Letter.

          15.10. Interpretation; Effect of Headings. The headings of the various
               sections and  subsections  herein are inserted merely as a matter
               of convenience and for reference and shall not be construed as in
               any manner defining,  limiting, or describing the scope or intent
               of the particular  sections to which they refer,  or as affecting
               the meaning or  construction  of the language in the body of such
               sections.   The  words  "this  Agreement,"   "herein,"  "hereby,"
               "hereunder," and "hereof," and words of similar import,  refer to
               this Agreement as a whole and not to any  particular  subdivision
               unless  expressly  so limited.  The words "this  Article,"  "this
               Section" and "this subsection" and words of similar import, refer
               only to the  Articles,  Sections or  subsections  hereof in which
               such words occur.  The word "or" is not  exclusive,  and the word
               "including"  (in its  various  forms)  means  "including  without
               limitation."  Pronouns in masculine,  feminine or neuter  genders
               shall be  construed  to state and  include  any other  gender and
               words,  terms and titles  (including terms defined herein) in the
               singular  form shall be  construed to include the plural and vice
               versa, unless the context otherwise  expressly  requires.  Unless
               the  context  otherwise  requires,  all defined  terms  contained
               herein shall include the singular and plural and the  conjunctive
               and  disjunctive  forms  of such  defined  terms.  The  table  of
               contents  and  headings  contained  in  this  Agreement  are  for
               reference  purposes  only and  shall  not  affect  in any way the
               meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

          15.11. Exhibits;  Schedules. All Exhibits and Schedules referred to in
               this Agreement are attached hereto and are incorporated herein by
               reference as if fully set forth  herein.  The  disclosure  of any
               matter in any  Schedule  shall not be  deemed  to  constitute  an
               admission by any party or to otherwise imply that any such matter
               is material  or may have a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect for
               purposes of this Agreement.

          15.12. Severability.  Any term or provision of this Agreement which is
               invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall be ineffective
               to the  extent of such  invalidity  or  unenforceability  without
               rendering  invalid  or  unenforceable  the  remaining  terms  and
               provisions  of  this  Agreement  or  affecting  the  validity  or
               enforceability  of any of the terms or other  provisions  of this
               Agreement in any other jurisdiction.

          15.13. Construction. The language in all parts of this Agreement shall
               in all  cases  be  construed  as a whole  according  to its  fair
               meaning,  strictly neither for nor against any party hereto,  and
               without  implying a  presumption  that the terms thereof shall be
               more strictly  construed  against one party by reason of the rule
               of construction  that a document is to be construed more strictly
               against the person who himself  drafted same. It is hereby agreed
               that  representatives  of both parties have  participated  in the
               preparation hereof.

          15.14.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed and  delivered
               (including   by   facsimile   transmission),   in  one  or   more
               counterparts,  each of which shall be regarded as an original and
               all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

          15.15.  Publicity.  Except  as may be  necessary  in  connection  with
               seeking the financings contemplated by the Senior Bank Commitment
               Letter and the Bridge Commitment Letter or in connection with the
               Financing and except as mutually agreed in writing by ConAgra and
               Acquisition  LP, none of the parties hereto shall issue any press
               release or make any public statement or disclosure  pertaining to
               the  terms of this  Agreement  or the  transactions  contemplated
               hereby (except as required by Law).

          15.16. Consent to Jurisdiction.  THE PARTIES HERETO HEREBY IRREVOCABLY

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on
the date first above written.

CONAGRA:                              ACQUISITION LP:

ConAgra Foods, Inc.,                  HMTF Rawhide, L.P.
a Delaware corporation
                                      By:  HMTF RW, L.L.C., its General Partner

By:   /s/ Dwight J. Goslee            By:  Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Equity
   ------------------------------          Fund V, L.P., its sole member
      Dwight J. Goslee,
      Executive Vice President, Operations
      Control and Development

                                      By:  HM5/GP LLC, its General Partner

                                           By:  /s/ Edward Herring
                                                Edward Herring,
                                                Vice President


                                      S&C Holdco, Inc.,
                                      a Delaware corporation

                                      By:  /s/ Dwight J. Goslee
                                          Dwight J. Goslee, President