Exhibit 99.1


         The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial
statements give effect to ConAgra Foods, Inc.'s ("ConAgra Foods" or the
"company") sale of a controlling interest in its fresh beef and pork operations
to Swift Foods Company, a venture led by Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated
and Greeley Investments, LLC (an affiliate of George N. Gillett, Jr.), on
September 19, 2002, after giving effect to the pro forma adjustments described
in the accompanying notes.

     The unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements are derived
from the company's historical  consolidated financial statements.  The unaudited
pro forma combined  condensed  statements of earnings give effect to the sale as
if it had  occurred  at  the  beginning  of the  period  presented  and  exclude
non-recurring  direct transaction costs which are expected to be incurred by the
company  of  approximately  $.03 to $.04 per  share.  The  unaudited  pro  forma
combined  condensed balance sheet gives effect to the sale as if it had occurred
on May 26, 2002.

         The unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements are
presented for illustrative purposes only and do not purport to be indicative of
the operating results or financial position that would have actually occurred if
the sale had been in effect on the dates indicated, nor is it necessarily
indicative of future operating results or financial position of the company. The
unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and related notes
included in the company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended May 26,

                               CONAGRA FOODS, INC.
               Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statement of Earnings
                         For the Year-Ended May 26, 2002
                  (Amounts in Millions, Except Per Share Data)

                          ConAgra Foods        Elimination of                      Pro Forma
                          Historical (1)       Businesses Sold (2)      --------------------------------

                                                                       Adjustments(3)    Adjusted(5)
Net sales.................. $27,629.6             ($7,732.9)                  $ --           $19,896.7

Costs and expenses:
  Cost of goods sold.......  23,536.5              (7,432.6)                    --            16,103.9
  Selling, general and
administrative expenses....   2,423.4                (106.7)                  (30.5)           2,286.2
  Interest expense ........     401.5                  (1.8)                  (49.7)             350.0
                            ----------           ------------                  ----              -----
                             26,361.4              (7,541.1)                  (80.2)          18,740.1
                            ----------           ------------                 ------          --------

Income before income taxes..  1,268.2                (191.8)                   80.2            1,156.6
Income taxes................    483.2                 (69.0)                   18.9              433.1
                            ----------           ------------                 ------          --------
Income before cumulative
  effect of change in           785.0                (122.8)                   61.3              723.5

Cumulative effect of change in
accounting                       (2.0)                 --                       --                (2.0)
                                 -----                 --                       --                -----

Net income                    $ 783.0               ($122.8)                 $ 61.3            $ 721.5
                              =======               ========                 ======            =======

Earnings per share - basic:   $  1.48                                                          $  1.36
                              =======                                                          =======

Earnings per share - diluted: $  1.47                                                          $  1.35
                              =======                                                          =======

                           See notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements.

                               CONAGRA FOODS, INC.
                   Pro Forma Combined Condensed Balance Sheet
                                  May 26, 2002
                    (Amounts in Millions, Except Share Data)

                                         ConAgra Foods        Elimination of                         Pro Forma
               ASSETS                    Historical (1)       Businesses Sold (2)        Adjustments(4)    As Adjusted

Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents.......       $    157.9             $  --                     $  602.1         $  760.0
  Receivables, net................          1,393.6              (273.2)                        --          1,120.4
  Inventories.....................          4,304.7              (682.5)                        --          3,622.2
  Other current assets............            577.7               (20.6)                                      557.1
                                        ------------          -----------                       --
    Total current assets..........          6,433.9              (976.3)                     602.1          6,059.7
                                        ------------          -----------                    -----          -------
Property, plant and equipment, net          3,893.9              (553.1)                        --          3,340.8
Brands, trademarks and goodwill, net        4,747.6               (76.2)                        --          4,671.4
Other assets......................            420.8               (13.7)                     766.1          1,173.2
                                        ------------         ------------               ----------        ---------
                                          $15,496.2           $(1,619.3)                 $ 1,368.2     $   15,245.1
                                           =========           ==========                =========     ============
Current liabilities
  Notes payable...................        $    30.9           $     --                   $      --          $  30.9
  Current installments of long-term
     debt.........................            209.0                 --                          --            209.0
  Accounts payable................          2,165.3              (228.8)                        --          1,936.5
  Other accrued liabilities.......          1,908.2               (72.3)                      50.0          1,885.9
                                           --------              -------                 ---------
    Total current liabilities.....          4,313.4              (301.1)                      50.0          4,062.3
                                          -----------           ---------                  -------         ---------

Senior long-term debt, excluding
  current installments............          4,991.6                  --                         --          4,991.6
Other non-current liabilities.....            955.9                  --                         --            955.9
Subordinated debt.................            752.1                  --                         --            752.1
Preferred securities of subsidiary
  company.........................            175.0                  --                         --            175.0

  Total common stockholders' equity         4,308.2            (1,318.2)                  1,318.2           4,308.2
                                         -----------        ------------                  -------           -------
                                          $15,496.2           $(1,619.3)              $   1,368.2        $ 15,245.1
                                               =========           ==========             =======        ==========

                           See notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements.

                               CONAGRA FOODS, INC.
      Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements
                  (Amounts in Millions, Except Per Share Data)

         On September 19, 2002, ConAgra Foods, Inc. sold a controlling interest
in its fresh beef and pork businesses to Swift Foods Company ("Swift"), a
venture controlled by Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated and Greeley
Investments, LLC (an affiliate of George N. Gillett, Jr.). The aggregate
consideration received by ConAgra Foods at September 19, 2002 was equal to the
adjusted net book value (subject to post-closing adjustments) of the businesses
sold and consisted of approximately $766 million in cash, a $150 million equity
interest in Swift, $180 million in promissory notes from subsidiaries of Swift,
and $262 million in advances to the domestic cattle feeding business under a
$350 million credit line. ConAgra Foods, Inc. also purchased $150 million senior
subordinated notes from a subsidiary of Swift, as part of the transaction. The
unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements are based on the

1.   The historical  consolidated financial statements of ConAgra Foods, Inc. as
     of and for the year ended May 26, 2002.

2.   The  elimination of the assets,  liabilities  and operating  results of the
     businesses sold.

3.   The unaudited pro forma statement of earnings adjustments reflecting:

     a.   The  company's  equity in earnings of $30.5  million for the venture's
          operations based on its 46% ownership interest.

     b.   A  reduction  in net  interest  expense  relating  to (i) the  assumed
          repayment of short-term  borrowing with the cash proceeds  received in
          the transaction at the company's weighted average short-term  interest
          rate  of  3.2%,  (ii)  interest  income  on  the  $180  million  of 8%
          promissory  notes,  (iii)  interest  income on the $150 million  12.5%
          senior  subordinated note and (iv) net interest income on the domestic
          cattle feeding credit line as follows:

              Reduction in interest expense $19.4 Increase in interest income:
                  Promissory notes                                   14.4
                  Senior subordinated notes                           9.4
                  Cattle feeding credit line                          6.5

          The company has the ability to sell or dispose of its  interest in the
          $150 senior  subordinated  notes  after a  six-month  period and, as a
          result,  has only  reflected  interest  income on these notes for that
          period of time.

     c.   The tax effects of the taxable  adjustments at an estimated  effective
          tax rate of 38%.

4.   The unaudited pro forma balance sheet adjustments are as follows:

                  Actual cash received on September 19, 2002  $ 765.7
                  Purchased senior subordinated notes          (150.0)
                  Increase in book value from May 26, 2002
                     to Sept. 19, 2002 (a)                      (13.6)
                  Pro forma net cash received as of
                     May 26, 2002                             $ 602.1
                  Other assets:
                  Equity investment                             150.0
                  Promissory notes receivable                   150.0
                  Senior subordinated notes receivable          150.0
                  Cattle feeding assets sold (b)                316.1     766.1
                                                                ------    (50.0)
                  Cattle feeding liabilities sold (b)                    -------

         Net adjustments                                               $1,318.2

          (a)  Actual cash  received  is based on  estimated  adjusted  net book
               value (subject to  post-closing  adjustments) as of September 19,
               2002. Pro forma cash received is based on a closing balance sheet
               date of May 26, 2002.

          (b)  The company will continue to finance the domestic  cattle feeding
               operations with a secured credit line of up to $350 million and a
               $30 million  promissory note.  Accordingly,  although the company
               has  legally   divested  this   operation,   in  accordance  with
               applicable  accounting  literature  the company will  continue to
               include the assets and liabilities of the cattle feeding business
               within its  consolidated  balance sheet.  The notes receivable to
               ConAgra Foods,  Inc. relating to the cattle feeding financing are
               therefore  reflected  as the net  assets  of the  cattle  feeding
               operations. The cattle feeding assets and liabilities included in
               the  adjustments  table  reflect  the net assets of the  domestic
               cattle feeding operations as of the pro forma acquisition date of
               May 26, 2002.

5.   The unaudited pro forma combined  condensed  financial  statements  exclude
     non-recurring  direct  transaction  costs  expected  to be  incurred by the
     company of approximately $.03 - $.04 per share.

6.   The pro forma ratio of earnings to fixed charges for the year ended May 26,
     2002 is as follows:

         Fixed Charges as Defined:
           Interest expense                                  $   416.1
           Capitalized interest                                    5.7
           Interest in cost of goods sold                         20.6
           Preferred distributions of subsidiary                  25.1
            One third of non-cancelable lease rent                43.1
            Total fixed charges (A)                          $   510.6

          Earnings as Defined:
            Pretax income after elimination of undistributed
              earnings of equity method investees             $1,109.1

            Add fixed charges                                    510.6
            Less capitalized interest                             (5.7)

            Earnings and fixed charges (B)                    $1,614

            Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (B/A)               3.2

7.   The following is certain pro forma  financial  information  for fiscal 2002
     with  respect  to the  impact  of the  transaction  on the  company's  Meat
     Processing reporting segment.

                             Meat Processing        Elimination of                  Pro Forma
                             Historical             Businesses Sold         Adjustments     As Adjusted

Net Sales                    $    10,023.5           $   (7,732.9)          $    --         $    2,290.6

Operating Profit (a)         $       269.3           $     (192.3)          $    30.5       $      107.5

(a) Operating profit is profit before interest, goodwill amortization, general
corporate expense and income taxes.